HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-05-12, Page 7MAY 12, 1882. RatEMM:Zo& N40 HOUSE. AFORTH. n the premises former. by the Bank of Com. under the Commeref4 in Street. BILIS DISCOUNTED, • icmign Exchange .ased and Sold. tS'SALE NOTES d at Reasonable Rates,: art Collateral Secieriteleee 1, payable at par at all the Bank of Commerce. Allowed tela Depoldter a Loan an Mortgages. M Sit and Proprietor. SEAF63111a y of Februstry 1882, we ebangea f manufacturing flour at our Seat- MING- AND GRADING - - SYSTEM. rtstemers buying our family or -depend upon getting a first -cilia& eau TESTED r town ladies and pronouncel 1-1,ENT" BY ALL . like our exchange work. Wet nerally. Wanted, good Treadwell Wheat, for which good prices will OGILVIE & Ca. T. O. KEMP, Manager. SEAFCsRTH AND LAND AdENCY. zo S Tit 0 N several Virst-Clasa Stook, Tim [nice Companies, and is prepaT• the most 'exorable terms. ...several of the hest Loan Sow the Sale azd Purchase of Fara er of .Firsi-Clast 'ed Farm for Sale. Lean at Six per cent interekt. ars of Ocean 2 teamehin 'Xieketal ver L MOrrieOn's 64i RED WILL he Town of Seaforth known as J • 1I be sold cheap and on. easy Iropriestor has got the Manitoba in conuection with the Mill a thou. The mill has recently r overhauled and repairTd, audit es working orderand c pable ot d profitable gristing an flouring - y to the proerietor,w ScLATxx; Seaforth. 744 MRDICATa DUNCAN, Physician, Surgeon, icheur. Office, Dr. Campbell'at uth, near Grand Trunk, Railway ae night or day promptly attend. - 724 M. D. &a, Phytician,Surgeon ant BU.r, Seaforth, Ont. Oftlee android= of GOderich Street, second donT whin Church. 342 D.., C. M.. Physieran, Sur.. ,Coroner for the County of Huron1. idence, on Jarvis Street norths: 4:113eaforth Public Schohl. rER, M.D., C. 31., Griaduate Of rniversity, Physician, Burgeon ana, eforth,Ont. Office a d "Wedowee derioh Street, first Bri�k Hortair ,thodist Chnrch. 496 INSON, Graduate all McGill Cole. tree', Licentiate of tae 'Royal Colo ians, Edinburgh, wed late Ifotteel aiglockhart Hospital, Edinbueglu e, Ont. , • EVC3-0-07X.INT; F. ON DE1tIS1.' O the Rayal Co1Ige o Derital - Canada. Office he the rooms by 11. Derbyshire, Whitnefte a carefully performed and sags* ed.. Charges Moderate. ire extracted withoutptaist t DERBYSHIRE, Dentist, Itesie purchased the business eV .. McCulloch, and removed tO witzer's Block, Michell,, where et.found. Teeth e traeted with: forma ether and 4itroua Oxide _ge a specialty. Pa ie3, froni. a allowed their train xpenses. Sal SON, DENTIST, ld Medalist and College Medal* R. C. D. S. y years' experience he is able to . operations. in Dentistty suitable _ r Preserving teeth ' a Speeialtio ther or Nitrous Oxide given. r,-trgeg Moderate. 901 :-er's Bieck, Main Street Seaforth. WRIGHT, L. D. Sag ifTRATFORD, WILL be at his offie , CADEra • BLOCK, SEAS) TH, oppre• [ site the Commercial 1 Hotel, on WEDNESDAY and T URSDAT 9f each week. Nitta n the extraction of teet ktietered by Dr. Cartw .e.t success; he having e. en one of ineduce it into this 'ermine°. Pa- eeth extracted may inhale the gal or ten teeth extracted in a and a half, without clisagreeaula reales desiring new tieeth plean kdaYs. Particular attention pall% on of eldIdren's teeth. Teeth in-' e to a full set. 730-52 GE POTATOES. Oxide' Gla This VA ht since- , .ber has. a.Ihnited quantity of tha :sale, and having grown them for ear.;- can rec:oremend them for.. ng7 grown IS bushels from 1 peelee effected by the bug than an kinet ir They sell in Rochester N. -Y.4 qr. W. Murray, of Harpurhey, tbO • arowee, having grown- min* most men,. pronounced then -1_41r rop Price $1 per bushel. Am" Conatanee PU. 7504' • ' 12, 1882. News Items. Eleven hundred owners of teams lista the other day in Chicago for fixe D.M sarday'ary Walker has 'b —een yea a position in the Pension Office at ashington• --Hanlan. defeated Trickett on Mon- aay over the Thames champion emirs° by four or five lergths. The event eD"oiuteginlaesns,t° inaplicated in he Jennie Cramer murder, has receiv- ed an offer of 85,000 to travel with a, .airous. She is otherwise engaged. —A Chicago jury has awarded $3,200 to a tenant Whose family was made ill by sewer gasthe landlord having repro - ted that the plumbing was perfect. —Miss Montague, the alleged hand - gement woman in America, is suing Forepaugh for the 810,000 prize he ad- vertised Ulm he paid her, but which she -says she never got. —At New York, Gertrude Lile,an habiteal opium eater, about to be dis- ehargedfrom the hoepital, jumped from the balcony on the fourth story to the pavement, and was killed. —A cyclone visited Lawrence Creek, Nentuoky, the other evening, tearing off the roof of the Methodist Church and blowing down the houses and barns of twelve farmers. None of the in- mates Were seriously hurt. --A whole family at Clyde, Kansas, has been poisoned from eating diseased pork. The son, aged twelve, died, -and the rest of the family are dying except the mother who may recover. The idichinte in the pork could be observed with the naked eye. —The Goderich Star of last week says :e -A letter to Messrs. Scott & Bell, ef Winghard, from their Winnipeg part- ners, has been handed to His Worship Mayor Horton. It states that owing to the Impossibility of securing suitable build-. ings in that city for a branch store at &less rental than $5,000 per annum, it willbe as well to allow the matter ,of the proposed extension of their fund- tnrefactory to remain in abeyance. This will dispose of the ;bonus question for the present at least. -e-The nuptials of Prince Leopold Puke of Albany) to the Princess Hel- ena of Waldeck were celebrated. with imposing ceremonies at St. George's Chapel, Windsor, on the 26th ult., by His Grace the Archbishop of Canter- bury in the presence of many royal personages ancl a large gathering of nobility. The bride was given away by her father. The Queen, who was present, kissed the royal couple after the ceremony, and her example was followed by the father and mother of the bride. —When the inaneigrant special arriv- -ed front the east at Toronto last Friday Morning, a weak woman, with a care- worn expression on her face, alighted. She had. in her arms a small casket covered with black cloth. On being interrogated she stated tlaat it contain- ' ed the remains of her infant child, who died on the train near Quebec. Her name is Mrs. Macpherson, and she is an immigrant from Glasgow. When on the water the child became very sick. Notwithstanding all the medical atten- dance it received on board ship, and at Halifax, it gradually grew worse,and. -expired in her arms on the train. —An English stearn-plough has been taken out to one of the "bonanza farms" in Dakota. These ploughs consist of - four or six shares abreast on each -end of the plo-ugh frame. The one set is tilted up in the air, while the other set is dragged across the field by a wire cable revolving round a drum driven by two stationery engines, one at each erd of the piece of land. There is no ques- tion about the success of this method of plowing on land that is moderately even. The question to be decided is whether fuel and water can be provided on the spot at a coat not prohibitory. The experiment of steam -ploughing prairie land will be watched. with some in- terest. —Robert Donaldson, of Tain, Scot- land, said that he would bet any sum from $250 to 1,000 that he could jump from the Brooklyn Bridge into the East River, and alight safely. An arrange- ment was made underwhiclaDonaldson is to attempt the feat on May 14s1s, Foster wagering $250 that Donaldson annot make the jump, and Richard. K. Fox wagering the same amount that he will accomplish it. Donaldson has lumped from the parapet over the cen- tral arch of High Bridge, New York, which is 116 feet above high water. The height of the Brooklyn Bridge above high water, midway between the tower, is 135 feet. —The wedding dress of the Princess Helena Was given by her sister, the Queen of Holland. It was made in Paris. The petticoat is of the richeat white satin, with several small openings near the bottonashowing a thick wreath of orange blossonas and myrtle under- neath it. It is trimmed with two rob- ings of the costlieet point d'Alencon lace coming down on either side, turned with Sqrtare corners toward a white satin train, in the draperies of whieh it disappears. The train is of immense length, and is literally SOWII with flakes of silver, while large bouquets as/ear-de- lis in relief are embroidered in silver all down the centre of it. It is edged with Shell-like fluting of satire intermingled with point d'Arericons The dress has Short sleeves trimmed to match with vieille point d'Alencon and wreaths of myrtle and orange blossoms. —The Superintendent of Knox Chrtrela Sunday School, Goderich, is introducing a novel feature into the proceedings of his charge. He has purch.ased a considerable quantity of flower seeds, consisting of the most popular flowering annuals, and will dis- tribute them among the scholars of the Sabbath School who will, agree td sow them and grow flowers. In Au- gust or September a concert an flower show will be held, wheii prizes , will be awarded to the children growing the best flc were. froth the seed given them. It is thus hoped that a taste for flowers will be created and. fostered amongst the chil- dren, and as the competition will be -open to boys and girls, young and old, the interest in the matter will be general. —Mr. W. H. Hacking, postmaster at Listowel, was married to Margaret Tracy, at Newmarket, County of York, Oatazio, on the 21st of April, 1832-50 years ago. The fiftieth anniversary was appropriately celebrated on Friday evening, 21st ult., when their nine sons and daughters, with wives and hus- bands, and numerous family connec- tions were nearly all present, besides a few intimate friends. After soroe coin- plimerttaryremarks by D. D. Hay,Esq., M. P. P., the aged couple were present- ed with valuable souvenirs of the rare occasion, consisting of a gold.headed cane, a gold ring, and fifty golden dol- lars. Mr. Hacking, during the evening, gave a brief synopsis of his life during the past fifty years, and related many interesting reminiscences, espeoially of the early history of Listowel—he being one of its first settlers. Mr. Hacking is now over 71 years of age, and Mrs. Hacking about 65. Both are hale, ac- tive, and intelligent, and are amongst the most highly esteemed citizens of Listowel. —Early on Monday morning, at Thornhill, north of Toronto, a pile of wood containing 500 cords, the property of the Northern Railway Cpmpany, caught fire. The fire had attained such proportions before it was observed that all efforts to check it were futile. The wood was dry, and the flames spread rapidly over the entire pile. The heat Was so intense that it was impossible for some time to approach the pile. When the wind changed a gang of men were set to work and the wood was divided. Meanwhile the 7:50 express came along, and, as the burning wood was adjacent to the track it was im- possible to pass. A telegram was sent to one of the stations farther north, and a train was despatched to the scene. The baggage was then transferred from. the first train, and, together with the passengers—who were obliged to make a circuit around the fire—sent on by the other train. A delay of two hours was caused. By twelve o'clock the en- tire pile was consumed, and the fta,mes had almost died out. It is suprosed that a spark from a passing engine caus- ed the fire. ElppS'S Cocoa. Grateful and Comforting.,—"By thorough knowledge of the natural 1 .we 'which govern the operations of diges- i tion and nutrition, and by a careful .ap- plication of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which lenay save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the 'judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong euough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Made simply With boil- ing water or milk. Sold only in packets and tins ( pound. and -pound,) labelled—"James Epps & Co., Itomceo- pathie Chemists, London, Eng."—Also makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon use. 736-52 • A Prolific Source of Disease. A trifling indiscretion in diet may lay the foundation of confirmed dyspepsia, and there is no fact in medieal seience more positively ascertained or more au- thoritatively asserted than that dyspep- sia is the parent of a host of bodily ills, not the least of which is contamination of the blood and the maladies of which that is the direct consequence. Their original cause is, however, thoroughly eradicated from the system by Northrop & Lyinan's Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure, a medicine which only requires regularity and persistence in its use to cure dyspepsia and the many ills that arise from it. No deleterious mineral ingredient is contained in it, and though its action is thorough in cases of costiveness, it never produces griping pains in the abdominal region, or weakens.the bowels like a violent pur- gative. It invigorates the system through the medium Of the incteased digestive and assimilative activity which it promotes, and is also a most efflcient remedy for kidney complaints, scrofulous and all diseases of the blood, female weakness, &c., &o. Price, $1. Sample Bottle, 10 cents. Ask for Nor- throp & Lyman's Vegetable Discovety and Dyspeptic Cure. The wrapper bears a fac-simile of their signature. Sold by Lumsden & Wilson, Seaforth. 750-52-c Hagyard's Yellow Oil Will be found invaluable for all pur- poses of a family medicine. Immediate relief will follow its use. It relieves pain, cures chilblains, frost bites, scalds, burns, corns, rheumatism, neuralgia, &c. For internal use it is none the less wonderful. One or two doses frequently cure sore throat. It will cure croup in a few minutes. A few bottles has often cured asthma. Colic has been cured by a teaspoonful dose. It cures with the utmost rapidity, it is really a wonderful medicine. 739 Medicines Taken into the Stomach in concentrat- ed form, such as Pills and Powders, are most injurious. The great substitute for these nauseous little Calomel pills is Dr: Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters. They cleanse the bowels, stimulate the Liver and Kidneys, and our all stomach disorders, such as Dy- spepsia and indigestion. In large bottles at 50 cents. J. S. Roberts, agent, Seaforth. 750-52 Holloway's Ointments and Pills. Whenever the weather is variable, and the temperature is constantly changing, the weak and. delicate must be very careful to neglect no symptom of disordered action or ill -health. Weak -chested. and strumous subjects will find in these noble remedies the means of casting out the bad humors which originate and. prolong their suf- ferings. The Ointment should be well rnbbed twice a day over the chest and the Pills'taken in alternative doses. It will penetrate and act most whole- somely and. energetically on the die - eased structure. These remedies mani- fest a- wriderful power in removing all taints from the blood, and consequently in curing a, multitude of chronic ail- ments, which seemed to be almost -irre- mediable. 710 A Positive Cure for Dyspepsia. From Abram Mead, of Littleton, Mass.: "I have for several years suf- fered severely with Dyspepsia, accom- panied by weakness and nervous irrita- bility, which made life a burden to me. Nothing but the simplest nutri- ment could remain in the stomach without pain, sourness and windy eva- cuations, uncomfortable feelings in the heal., bad taste in the mouth, catarrhal _ IIIIIIIMememeemeneemaleemeaa. •-• 111-tE HURON EXPOSIT° nervouEl state of extreme susceptibilifY made up a diseased condition rebellious to : ordinary . medical treatment. By ad- vice of ass eminent physician of Boston, I commenced taking -Peruvian Syrup; at once I began to experience benefit. After taking three bottles all thee bad feelings have left, my health is ,restor- ed, and I enjoy life as well as ever.. Most cheerfully do I recommend Per- uvian Syrup." Sold- b y dealers gener- ally. 710 Free of Charge. All persons suffering from Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Loss of Voice, or any affeotion of the throat and lungs, are requested to call: at E. Hickson -& Co.'s Drugstore and • get a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, free of charge, which will convince them of its wonderful merits and show what a regular dollar size bottle will do. Cali early. 714-52c Do Not be Deceived. In these times of quack medicine ad- vertisements everywhere, it is ti uly gratifying to find one remedy that is worthy of praise, and which really does as recommended. Electric Bittersa we can Venal for as being a true and I re- liable remedy, ancl one that will do as recommended. They havariablyeure Stomach and Liver Complainte,Ibis- eases of the Kidneys and TJrinary Iiffi- culties. We know whereof We speak, and can readily say, give them a trial. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by E. gick- son & Co. 714.52.3 , Emaciated, Haggard Victinas Of a cough recover health, spirts! land fleas, if theY are but sensible enough to adopt a remedy which the popular voice, backed by professional opinion, pronounces reliable. Tranquility tp in- flamed and'harassed lungs, vigor' te de- pleted and emaciated frames, quietnde and strength to an unrestful and'. debil- itatedenervons syatem, are among the physical benefits conferred by that su- preme pulmonic invigorant, Northrop & Lyman's Emulsion of Cod Diver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Scda, a chemical combination of the finest lung specific known to the phartha- eopoeia with tonics and. blood. depur- ents of the first order. Phosphorus, lime and soda co-operate With and ren- der the Cod Liver Oil of this prepara- tion trebly effective. Sold by all: dug. gists. Prepared only by Northroi & Lyman, Toronto. 710 75 The Rev. Dr. Ripley, Of Buffalo Christian Advocate, says: We wish to call the attention of ,all persons suffering from throat and lting diseases[to a medicine which we, have personally tried to our satisfaction, and greatly to the benefit of our health. Having suffered for some tine alast from Bronchitis, and ,more or, less trouble with the lungs, we comme ced taking Dr. Wheeler's Compound E ixir of Phosphates and Calisaya in 1,'earu- ary last, and steadily improved through the spring, the worst season of the year for such diseases. 747-26 In the Spring Of the year almost every one reepai es a good Blood Purifier, more espeoiall in the month of May. We would ear est- ly advise our readers to try Dr. Cars n's Stomach and Constipation Bitters. A few doses will soon convince you th t it is the best remedy known for affect ons of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver nd Kidneys. In large oottles at 50 cents, J. S. Roberts, agent. Seaforth. '50-5* To Prevent Fevers, Bilious Colds and Ague; to tone up the system and purify the blood try a courselof Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters. , In u1arge bottles at 50 cents. J. S. Roberts, agent, Seaforth. 750-52 "Kaiser" Machine Oil is the stand rd for quality; warranted net to clog or gum. Ask yonr dealer for it. Maiau- factured by Clarke & Huggart, Wood- stock, Ont. 753-52 A trial of "Kaiser" Machine Oil will convince you that it is the best oil in the market. Sold by dealers. Manu- factured by Clarke & Huggart, Wood- stock, Ont. 753-52 A Reliable Fact. It is an established fact that Hag - yard's Pectoral Balsam is the best cure for coughs, colds, sore throat, asthma, croup, bronchitis, and all troubles aris- ing from neglected colds. Price. 25 cents. 739 Eclectric Oil. "It is a Great Public Benefi ."— These significant words were used in relation to Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil by a gentleman who had thoroughly tested its merits in his own case—hav- ing been cured by it of lameness of the knee of three or four years' standing. It never fails to remove soreness as well as lameness. 691-52 1 Eclectric Oil, Joseph Rusan, Percy, writes—"I was induced to try Dr. Then:las' Eclectric Oil for a lameness which 'troubled me for three or four years, and I found it the best article I ever tried. It has been a great blessing to me." 691-52 Teaberry. Mary—Who had that little lamb Had Teeth as white as snow; She always brushed them twice a day With "Tea,berry" you know. 751 THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY.—Job Moses -s- Periodical Pills—This invaluable medicineis unfailing in the care of all those painful and dangerous diseases to which the female constitu- tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re- moves all obstructions, and a epeedy cure may be relied on. To tearried ladies it is peculiarly suited. It in a short time, bring on the montlhy period with regularity. These pine should not be taken by females during the first three months of Pregrancy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all eases of Nervous and Spinal Af- fections, Pains in the back and limbs, fatigueon slight exertion, palpitation .01 the heart, hys- terics and whitss, these pills will effect a cure when another means have failed; and, although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony or anything hurtful to the coneti talon. Full directione in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. Si and 121 cents for postege enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., j. S. Roberts and Lumsden & Wilson. 644-52 WANTED: —Wanted namediately to go to m symptos, inactivity of the liver and, London, a good servant girl. Wages lib - bowels, piles, general debility • and tv eral. apply at EXPoSITOR Ofliee. 751 MONEY. MONEY TO LOAN—I am prepared to lend money at 6 per cent. interest, payableyear- ly. Principal at the end of term. Private Funds. JAS. H. BENSON. 726 MONEY—A. G. MoDOUGALL is authorized to lend money at 6i per cent. on mortgage, for any amount, and for any number of years ; inter- est charged or 1 y on the unpaid principal. No commission charged. Apply at the Store of A. G. McDougall &Co. 678 $100 00000 TO LOAN on Security of 3 • Real Estate for any term of years not exceeding twenty, at 6 per cent. per annum; No Commissions; The whole of the principal money maybe repaid at any time on giving six menthe' notice,or any sum not exoeed- ing one-fourth may be paid at the dose of each year withcut notice, intereet ceasing from the time of payment ; Loans effected promptly. OFFICE — Vitoria Square Seaforth. WM. MIL 700 AUCTIONEERS. ------- --- _T P. BRINE, " • County of parts of the County. PosiTort Office will — , ------ for the in all at the Ex- Liceneed Anctioneer' Huron. Sales attended All orders left be prohaptlyattendedto., rt. R. COOPER, ‘-' • Sales of tended in any p terms. Orders EXPOSITOR, or addressed prompt attention. Brussel, County Auctioneer. 211 describtions promptly at- it of the dounty on reasonable eft at the office of the HURON to Brussels, will receive IMPORTANT NOTICES. , TIOEAS ! PEAS l—Seed and Feed, Peas, Barley, Coin, etc., at No. 6, Storehouse. Prices Moderate. . JAS. BEATTIE. 740 , FOR SALE.—A number of horses ranging in price from $40 and upwards, also one cutter with pole and shafts and 1 democrat wagon nearly new. Will be sold cheap. WADE )3n0s. 736 R00MS TO RENT.—To of rooms in almost any size Apply to McCaughey proprietor. R013E rent, cheap, a number Scott's Bleck, Seaforth. Rooms or shapel desired can be had. & Hohnested, or to the HT SCOTT. 742 "FARM HAND WANTED— Wanted immedia- -1-- tely, a first-class man tio take the manage- ment of a farm. A single than preferred. The highest wages paid. Applr to L. Mavea, Sea - forth. 741 . . EYE, EAR DR. CEORCE L. R. C. P., L. R. Ear and Throat, to, and Surgeon to firmary, Consulting institutions for the Deaf and Dumb, cal Assistant Royal tal, Moorfields, Hoepital. 317 CHURCH , May ALBION HOTEL, On the Last MONTH. ANI THROAT! 1.m......•11 on tho Eye Toron- and Ear In- to the d, and for Late Clini- Hospi- and Ear • EA CII 708 1 S. RYERSON, b. S. E., Lecturer, Trinit y iuedical College, the Meieer Eye Oe u1i4 and Aurist the Bli nd, Brantfoi Boll eville, Ont. Lond on Ophthalmic and Co ntral Throat . STREET, TORONTO. be consulted at the STRATFORD) . SATURDAY in SFIIIIJI.J BRUSSELS TOWN IHE subscribers 'turning thanks and vicinity for that having made kiln and mode of better position than public with first-class .AL. r) _ of re - of Brussels beg to state in their now in a supply the cash at .A- :El LIME -WORKS. & SONS. — take this opportunity to theinhabitants past patronage, and sevcral improv znents burning, they are ever bpfore, to lime at 13 cents, the kiln; 15 cents delivered. This being the eighth season of our business dealiugs in Brussels, and having given unqualifi- ed satisfaction so far, the public can- rely on re- ceiving good treatment and a first-class article from us. First-class lime at 15 cents. Remember the spot—Brussels Lime Works. 650-24 . TOWN & SONS. R. N. BRETT, SEAFORTH, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. None bat the Very Best Stook kept. Terme moderate. A Trial Solicited. All orders by:mall Dr otherwl re promptly natl. us R. N. BRETT •-• • ;,;,q, - Z 0/0014111* .' lill 10 ji ://// ' > CI 3 r —I 0 1,/ 0 ... 0 -Pc c".. ....,.. g ...„-. (., ce, tcc,-,; , 03 1 tc....' ot, z• -1 ,..) eA• ce to c%. El" eA• • ,, a. co ....,., -- - zi, Z.; . 5F ". e' g ,..., ,0 ? t•-•1 •Z 7., t'i c c., . tQ C...4 C•••., i,... `..'• (- sa, he - r--4 0, (lb 0 0 ''''.4.. ‚-3. o .,1 o I . ,„ td Q cb.1 ,.. 1-3 Q m Go 0(1' t.: -.t cu tri V pV 111C4 )-••• Co r..: .i (0 Cn 0 `i et c-.. I-5 CD CDa.. R a.. ...1 • , .,-, ` . * Pli CA 1 t. 1 1 Cb ::2 C:b ='"e est. 8•' Z C.g. . t, `7+ "t es • i C:•" -^i. (••.. . I' CO f••. ,..,(-t' 1 ' ''..i' I\ (kb i I , ,-, , g?.,,, t--4 c.Q. .-..'c' ' C ;II 2 3 0 M — . _ .). •- C.i. -........ i de:53. . '-.-:: c-1. ce -- te - I C/) CD 0 0-1 G-4 o .. 6uwop9.119am, rad SEWS 1 SEEDS FIELD AND CARDEN SEEDS OF ALL Atsksi.s.seae • „,EEDS I KINDS AND VARIETIES, AT THE:NEW SEED STORE, JUST OPENED, 01JT BY 0 O W 11414 s 0Fl\T 7 IN HIS STORE NEXT DOOR TO HIS IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM. All the New Varieties of Seed Grain, including the "White Russian" and White Russian" Spring Wheat. over and Timothy, and all kinds Seed, and everything belonging nd. FEED, including Oil Cake, t and. Artificial Manures. Al usual at the Agricultural Im- " Black ,Austrian" Oats, "Lost Nation" and " Good Seed Peas and Barley..' Best quality of C of Garden Seeds. Turnip, Mangold and Carro to the business. Also, a fullcstock of FLOUR Ground and Unground Land Plaster, Bone Du kinds of Implements and Sewing Machines as plement Emporium, Main Street, Seaforth. 0. C. WILLSON. D. - D. ROSE, OROCER, NEXT DOOR TO THE POST (FFICE, SEAFORTH, In returning thanks to his numerous custome ii for tho very liberal share of patronage bestowed. upon him daring the past, tnd being determined to keep up the realtation he has acquired for fair dealing La giving the best value, would say that l he has received another supply of those fine Teas at 50c, 60c and 65c per pound, which gave such good satisfaction, both in quality and price, and •• A tAN4Ati would invite all those who have not alreadYbought any of tiose Teas to give me a trial, and compare them with teas bought at any other houseiat from 5c to 10c per pound more. My stock of Teas in Blacks, Greens and Japans, Coffees, Segars, Syrups, Rice, Tapioca, Sago, Pure Spices, Canned Goods Tobaccoes, &c., ia at all times complete, and my extensive business, together ivith light expenses, enables me to place my priceslat a much lower figure than the same goods are sold at by thers. NO BOCUS DISCOUNTS. COODS DELIVERED FREE. D. D. ROSE. SOMETHING NEW AT t61..were 01-11N MeINTYRE'S OLD ESTABLISHED SHOE STORE, SEAFORTH. JUST TO HAND THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' AND GENTS' FINE SHOES, Suitable for Spring and Summer Wear,.@ver shown in Seaforth. 11 of the Newest Styles 'and from the most Fashionable _Makers. There are some beauties. Be sure you &alma see them., JOHN McINTYRE, Main Street, Seaforth. G ODDT TO HAND BY 2 0 S. S. ETHEOPIAN 11 CASES) S. S. CIRCASSIAN 20 CASES, OF OLD COUNTRY GOODS. ' • rPe: • .A • I A., • f(Y•rj14 /if 4'1.."' • 44( A '07 Z 0 P (mom BRAZIL) The New Compound, its wonderful ajinity to the Digestive Apparatus and the LiveP, increa,sing the dissolv- ing juices, relieving almost instantly the dreadful results of _Dyspepsia indigestion. and the TORPID LIV- ER, makes Zopesa an every day neces- sity in every house. It acts gently and speedily iit Bil- iousness, Costiveness, Headache, Sidi Headache, Distress after Rating, Wind on the Stomach, Heartburn, Pains in the Side and Bach, Want of Appetite, Want of _Energy, Low Spirits, FouZ Stomach. It invigor- ates the Liver, carries off all eur_plus bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the whole system,. Cut this out and take it to your Druggist and get a 10 cent Sample, or a large bottle for 75 cents, and tell VOUT neighbor about it. SEAFORTH HORSE INFIRMARY. OORNER of Jatvis and .Goderieh Streets, next door to the Presbyterian Church, Seem -tin Ont. All diseases of Horses, cattle, sheep, or any of the domesticated animals., successfully .treated at the infirmary or elsewhere on the shortest notice. Chargee moderate. JAS. W. ELDER, Veterinary Surgeon. P. S.—A large stock of Veterinary Medicines kept constantly on han-(L 5 to $ ?c -n-1 per day at home. Samples worth L'y $5 free. Address STINSON & CO., - Portland, Maine. 743x52 / 9 A WEEK. 5s12 a day at home easily made. til/ Costly outftt frde. Address Tert ts Co., Augusta, Maine. 748x52 $66 a"week in your own town. Terms and .1,1,5 outfit free. Addrees H. HALLETT & Portland, Maine. 748x52 • WM. ELLIOTT, TOWN CLERK and Treasurer. Office—North- east corner of Market House. Office hours - 2:30 till 7 p. m. 747 VOCCTICI imam CA Estal MT: LZ..3444,9 s=r ' LI ' 0 p- zz- .0 0 c.; x 0 < 0 14 1.4 • ir < ra --c 10 e"..7 ••••• STOCK FOR SERVICE. TMPROVE YOUR STOCK.—The iandersigned -1-- will keep on his farm, 2nd Concession, 11. R. Tuckersmith, near Egmondville, a thorough- bred bull, half Ayrshire and half Durham, from the well known herd of M. MoTaggart, Esq -0 Terms—$1.50 per cow, with the privi- lege of returning if necessary. Jonx MODELAND. N.- I3.—There are still a few who have not yet paid for last years service.—These wouldoblige by doing so at once and saving further trouble, 748 "MAGICIAN." AVIDS ON'S Celebrated Trotting Stallion, "Magician," will stand for the service of mares for the season of 1882 at the Com Inertial Ho tel, Seaforth. Parties from a distance sending. their maree will be furnished with good pasturage - and water at reasonable rates. Pedigree furnish- ed on application. A: DAVID SON. 743 NORMAN'S ELECTRIC CURATIVE APPLIANCES ESTABLISHED 1874. RELIEVES AND cuRts Spinal Complaints, General and Nei vous Debility, Rheumatism' Gout, Nervousness, Liver, Kidney, Lung, snThroat, and Chest Complaints Neuralgia, Bronchitis, Incipient Paralsis, Alt-time'Sciatica, Sprains, Consumptio n, Sleeplessness, Colds, Indigestion. Ask for Norman's Electric Belts, and you will be safe against imposition, for they will do their work well an d are cheap at any price. A. N ORMAN, 4 Queen St East, Tcronto. E. HICKSO N & Co , Agents, Seaforth. 753-52 , composed largely of powdend MiCaOr Isin- 1 glees, Is the BEST and CH E A P ESTillbrina- ; iter, iu the world—the BEST because It does /net gum, but forms a highly polished sur - .A.. IVE 1 P S 0 INT S P A.71 CD Tt. rr JET _ I 3 face over the axle, reducing frietion and i I lightening the draft; the CHEAPEST be -1 1 ARRIAGE LICENSES1 A SURE ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. . -cause it costs NO MORE than inferior Dr. King's Spedific. CURE F011 DYSPEPSIA; NOT FOR ANY • OTHEB DISEASE. A large number have already tried it and. in no case has it been known to fail. All those afflicted with this dis- , ssin NO WITNESSES REQUIRED. , a trial. For sale by HUGH ROBB, strEelEoitg:sease would do ell to give it w • brands:, and on box will do the work of itwo of ariy other make. Answers as well for Harvesters, Min Gearing, Threshing Ma- chines, Corn-PlintPrs, Carriages, Buggies, etc., as for Wagons. CUARANTEED to contain NO Petroleum. Sold by all deo WS. Our Pocket Cyclopedia of ThingN Worth. Knowing maned free. MICA MANUFACTURING CO 228 Hudson St., New York. Cleveland, 0. and Chicago, Ill. SAMUEL ROCERS & CO. Torontp,0 t. - sold Agents for the Dominion. •