HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-05-05, Page 7MAX5, 1.882: imimiimmennimminiimuumiesit. _ (ING BEAFORTH, the premien former_ pied by the Rani. f Co and under the Comm Idart Street. ND KIS DISCOUNTM and Foroign Exchango rchased and SoIci. ERSISALE rtiorEet !kissed at Reasonable Rates. ent on Collateral Seettritiew ailed, payable at par at all a of the Bank of Comineroe. :ST Atiktaved Oilisepossta. aey to Loan on Mortgages. -ACY ger andiiLProprietor. L, SEAFORTH. st day of February, 1882, we ea= sale cf manufacturiug flour at our See_ lo the GRINDING AND GRADING SYSTEM. ; all, ctistemers buying our farally ea can depend upon getting a first -clue leas been TESTED e our tewn ladies and pronounced DELLENT" BY ALL. will like our exchange work. We Fel generally Wanted, good Treadmill hail 'Wheat, for width good prime Wilt W., OGILVIB & CO. T. O. KEMP, Manages ! THE SEAFORTH WE AND .I.AND, AGENCY. - N ZO STUONG for several Firet-Class Stoek, Jim inertrence Companiee, and is prepers risks on the moet favorable terms, tit fox several of the best- Loan Sos lit for the Sale ar.d Purchase of Fan* s Property. wzber of .nrst-Class proved .Farms for Sate. Loan at Six per cent Isetreat. h e sale of Ocean Steanaship Tickets, --- Over L. alorrieon's fitore,2141 forth. E RED MILL .• • !in the Town of Seaforth known as will be sold cheap and on east. ‘lia proprietor has got the Manitebie. ere is in connectioxj with the Mill' a sterehouse. The mill has recently ,ughl.y overhauled and repeirednandite t -class working order, and capable ef•- ge and profitable gristing and flouring .tApply to the praltietor, 'Wee Screersaa iteesso, Seaforth 744. MEDICAL. Ma H. DUNCAN, Physician,, Su eon, accoucheur. • Office, Dr. Camp • South, near Gonad Trunk Railway 11 calls, night or day promptly' attend. 724 OTT, Ed. .D. Ate, Physlcian,Surgeon aril ourtheur, Sereferth, Ont. Office androids lir aide of Goderieh Street, second deer sibyterian Church. 842 ERCOE, M.D., C. M.. Physician, Sure eetei.,Coroner for the County of Hurons Residence, on Jarvis street north/ sposite Seaforth Pixbho School. MOVER, M.D., 0. Me, Graduate Of University, Physician, Bargeman* at, fiesferth,Ont. Office and Residenete Goderieh Street, first Brick 110uslis blethodiat Chu.rch. 428. .TCHTNSON, Graduate et McGill Cote 1 -,Montreal, Licentiate of the Royal COP - Ilayeleianse Edinburgh, and lite if °nag f Craiglockhart Hoapital, Ed1flbuTt evale, Ont. 088. MrErCikaMi GEON DENTIST. TF cd the Royal College of Dental , Canadaoffice in the rooms upied by -H. Derhyshire, Whitnefa tions carefully performed and mat! ranteed Charges Moderate. . Teeth extent Led writheutaafn et etattreee e le- . DERBYSHIRE, Dentist, purchased the basinesa 0 r. McCulloch, and removed tat witzer's Block, Mitchell, where aYa be found teeth extracted with chloroform, ether and nitrons oxide Allings a specialty. Parties frogest -ill be allowed their train expensee. ELTTIS'TIVY-- FATSON, DENTIST, -Gold Medalist and College :sold Medalist R. C. D. S. (1 mans- yearsexperience he ie ablate re all operations in Dentistry suitable iig.Preeerving- teeth a SpeetaitY' m, Ether or Nitrous Oxide Gas given' Charges 1/Oder-ate. 964 Meyerfre Mock, Main Street, Sealorlksi: RTWR1GHT1 L. 11 St, STRATFORD, LI, be at hie office, CAE _ oP site the Commercial Hotel, WEDNESDAY and THUBSD" of each week. Nitrate Oxide Olt red in the extraction of teethirils admithstered by Dr. Cartwraeht perfect sue lea, he having been one o introduce it into this provinca. ri ne- teeth extracted mav inhale th , eight or ten teeth extraCted in a elate /dilute and a half, without disagreea= Pardee deeiring new teeth plells" tallicedae a. Pax tic ular attention 'illation of children's teeth. Teetb ble in (me to a full set. - 730-52 or cold contracted in the month , if not speedily arrested, is liable to le axing the whole summer. 'iiimonary Ceugh Drops, speedilY olde. Bronehities pain and opprese1011 , and all Throat, ()hest and Lung sffere large bottle% at 50 cents. Ja '91 S, Agent fur Steforth. 760-62. Ality 5, 1882. - irinomismal"""Ismir News Items. 1151-Pli Waldo Emerson is dead. -Vidor Hugo has had fit ight stroke of apoplexy. --S6rne 9,000 coolies are °erected to 1TL*ve at Victoria, B. C., from China a)d_oreThAeug118• Queet assailant, McLean, will be detained in custody during her yaiesty's pleasure. -The heaviest snow storm of the own prevailed in the peninsula of wehi u on the 19th of April. _Thetariff between G-ermany and ilia united States by the new cable will be equalizedwith that of Great )3sitain and Frame. --The Bible on which all the United States Senators have been sworn for .53 years has been stolen by some dis- ho-neAst steamer u.. -A ht fire on the St. ;DM). River, Florida, on Friday 21st ult., end was totally destroyed. Nine lives trete lest. The 13th National Saengerfest, commenced on the 29th ult., at -Phila- delphia. Sixty societies representing every State will send. twelve hundred singers.- -Two tigers belonging to a circus on the way from Camden to Mount Holly, New Jersey, escaped from their cages 22nd. inst., and. had Eitoa_takailoietr enlinngn d. Atro,1liliois, 27 cases of small pox were developed in three days. The residents were panic stricken, and the churches and schools were closed. -At Leadville the Henrietta Mine, owned by Messrs. Taylor, Blaine, Chaffey, Moffat, Wilson and Kessler, has been sold to English and French capitallets for $1,500,000. -Miss jeau Arnaour Burns, great - grand daughter of the Scotch poet, is 16 or 17 years old and liears a striking re - 'semblance to her great ancestor. She and her mother earn a scanty living by dusting the pews of a Dumfries church. -The Provost of Glasgow has -receiv- ed a letter in which a threat is made to blow up the municipal buildings there because the constabulary arrested Crofters, of the Isle of Skye, a "no ntaevgi.Ra agitator. _Bh Fothergill of the Prim - re'' itive Church, in Fall River, Mass., died last Friday night of small pox. Four of his children are sick • with the disease. He would not allow himself orlamily to be vaccinated. -Tbe project for the conversion of the Desert of Sahara into an inland sea willnat be taken under the auspices, or the assistance of the French Govern• ment, which will confine itself to invit- ing private capitalists to subscribe the necessary funds. -The wind. on Saturday night last week blew the freight cars from the eiding to the main track at Eighty- seventb. street, Chicago. A train on the Baltimore and Ohio ran into them. he engineer and fireman were severe. ly ininred. One man killed. -Gladstone's illness is slightly more serious than has been publicly stated. He is suffering from irritation in the throat and cough, and has relinquished all his engagement for two days. En- quiry on Saturday afternoon showed him to be much better. -Ertglishmen contrast with justifi- able complacency the swiftness and decoeum of the proceedings of the trial -of MacLean with the conduct of Gait - eau's trial. Otherwise little interest was manifested, as it was known before hand that the Crown adraitted. the prisoner's insanity. -An explosion tte other night at the Court Theatre caused great alarm. A panic was averted by the coolness of the Prince of Wales, who ordee4,d his awn party to sit still and signal4ed to the rest of the house to preserve order. It was soon discovered there was no danger. -At 2 p. m. Saturday morning, 22nd inst., a fire broke out in Lake City, Minnesota. A strong wind. prevailing, the fire spread and rapidly destroyed five solid squares of business buildings, leaving only three rows of buildings standing. All the business portion of the town was destroyed.. The loss is roughly estimated at $400,000. No lives were lost. -The late Jewish outrages at Balta, Russia, were most horrible. Two thou- sand families were ruined, and whole streets of houaes wrecked. The plun- dering lasted two days. The riots al - Most asan.rced the character of a strug- gle for annihilation, the Jews' assail- ants being peasants from the neighbor- hood of the town. Ilopolo, near Odes- sa, was also surprised by peasants, pre- suraably under the leadership of Nihi- lists. Jewish houses were sacked, and the town partially burned. -At the Hudson's Bay sale of Ed. - mouton town lots in Winnipeg recently there was a fearful crush of eager specu- lators. In about two hours 416 lots in various parts of the town were sold for a total sum of $168,680. The lowest price realized wee $215, and the highest $570; the average being $405. Since then a private firm sold over 800 lots in three days, at -prices ranging from $400 to $600 per lot, and prices are still going ep with each successive turn over. Epps's Cocoa. Grateful and Comforting. -"By thorough' knowledge of the natural 1 .W8 which govern the operations of diges- tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us manyheavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicioue use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong euough to resist every tendency to disease. Handreda of sub- • tle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there IS a weak point. We may escape naany a fatal shaft by keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." -Civil Ser- . vice Gazette. Made simply with boil- ing Water or milk. Sold only in packets and. tins (a pound and pound,) labelled -"James Epps & Co., homceo- , patilic Chemists, London, ng."-Als-o- taakers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for karnoon use., 482-52 Mothers 1 Mothers! Mothers Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suff- ering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's : Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the Peor little sufferer immediately -de - Pend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother, On earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child, oper- ating like magic. It is perfectly safe to ase in all oases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest sad best female physicians , and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52. Rest and Comfort to the Suffering. Brown's Household Panacea has no equal for relieving pain, both internal and external. It cures pain in the aide, back or bowels, sore throat, rheuma- tism, t thache, lumbago and any kind of pain or ache. It will most surely quioked the blood and heal, as its act- ing-- power is wonderful. Brown's Household Panacea, being acknow- ledged as the great pain reliever, and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world, should be in every family handy for use when wanted, as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach, and pains and aches of all kinds, and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle.. 692-52 For Severe Coughs and. Hoarseness. Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1876. Messrs Seth W. Fowls & Sons: Gentlemen. -- Miss S. Burns, of Seventeenth and Coates streets:has long been a sufferer from a severe cough and hoarseness, which I considered chronic, She was treated. by some of our most eminent physicians, but they were only able to afford her temporary relief. I prescrib- ed Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry the use of four bottles of which entirely cured her, as it is now four months since she took the last of it, during Which time she has had no return of the complaint. For the good of suffer- ing humanity, Miss Burns has request- ed me to lay the case before the public. Yours truly, T. D. McGrath, Druggist and Chemist, S. E. corner Seventh and Wharton Streets. 50 cents and $1 a., bottle. .Sold by all druggists. 710 • The Elements of Bone, Brain, and Muscle, Are derived from the blood, which is the grand natural source of vital energy and the motor of the bodily organs. When the circulation becomes impover- ished in consequence of weak digestion and imperfect aasimulation of the food, which should enrich it, every bodily function flags, and the system grows feeble and disordered. When the blood becomes impure, either from the de- velopment of inherited seedsnf disease, its c.ontamination by blle or other causes, serious maladies surely •follow. A highly accredited remedy for these evils is Northrop & Lynian'a Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic cure, which eradicates impurities of the blood and fertilizes it by promoting digestion and assimilation. Moreover, this fine alter- ative , and stomachic exerts a specific .action upon the liver,healthfully stim.u- Iating that organ to a performance of its secretive duty when inactive,and expel- ling bile from the blood. It likewise possesses diuretic and depurent proper- ties of a high order, rendering the kid- neys active and healthy, and ea xpellin from the system the arid elements which produce rheumatic pain. Price $1. Sample bottle, ten cents. Ask for Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable Dis- covery' and Dyspeptic Cure. The wrap- per bears a fac-similie of their signature. Sold by all mediciue dealers. 750-52-b A Vexed. Clergym.an. Even the patience of Job would be- corae exhausted were he a preacher and endeavoring to -interest his audi- ence while they were keeping up an in- cessant coughing, making it impossible for him to be heard. Yet, how very easy can all this be avoided by simply using Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Trial bottles given away at Ei Hickson & Co.'s Drug Store. • 714.52b Woman's True Friend. A friend in need is a frieud indeed. ;This none can deny, especially when assistance is rendered when one is sorely afflicted with disease, more par- ticularly those complaints and weak- nesses so common to our female popu- lation. 'Every woman ahould know that Electric Bitters are woman's true friend, and will positively restore her to health, even when n11 other remedies fail. A single trial always proves our assertion. They are pleasant to the taste, and. only cost 50 cents a bottle. Sold by E. Hickson & Co. 714.52-2 Unspeakable Tortures Are experienced by the neuralgic, and these beset them upon the slightest oc- casion, particularly when they catch a trifling cold.- Until the attack passes off they are racked with pain and ren- dered sleepless and miserable. Their sufferings are, however, altogether un- necessary, for that pain soothing speci- fic, Thomas' Eclectric Oil subdues the inflammation and tranquilizes the tor- tured nerves in an .inconceivably short apace of time. This inexpensive, econ- omic and effective preparation, which, unlike other oils, loses nothing by evap- oration when applied outwardly, is also taken inwardly as a medicine. Used in both ways, it is a superlatively fine remedy for rheurnatisna, lameness, kid- ney troubles, piles, coughs, colds, bruises, Miens, scalds, corns and other phyeical ailnaents. Elderly people who snffer from sore or weak backs, should by all means use it. Sold by all medi- cine dealers. Prepared only by Nor. throp & Lyman, Toronto, Ont. 710 751 Holloway's Pills. Weak Stomach. -The wisest cannot enumerate one quarter of the distresing symptoms arising from imperfect or disordered digestion, all of which can be relieved by these admirable Pills.. They remove cankery taste from the naouth, flatulency and constipation -Holloway's Pills rouse the stomach, liver, a.nd every other organ, thereby bringing digestion to that healthy tone which fully enables it to convert all we eat end drink to the nourishment of our bodies. Hence these Pills are the surest strengtheners 'and the safest res- toratives in nervousness, wasting, and chronic debility. Holloway's Pills are infallible remedies for impaired appe- tite, eructations, and a multitude of other disagreeable symptoms which render the lives of thousands miserable indeed. THEJIVRON EXPOSITOR, _ These Pills are approved by all classes. 710 a In. Irritability, Restlessness, want of sleep, invalids will profit by contrasting the physiolo- gical nutritive method of furnishing 00 nervous system elements of repair as in_Dr. Wheel° 's Elixir of Phoshhatee and Calisaya, ith the practise of ex- hibiting stirnililants and anodynes _to spur up the ti ed nerves. The nutri= tive method is restorative and. perman- ent, while st mnlants and anodynes are temporar in effect, contribute nothing to build up, and. are mischiev4 oils in inducing a train of habits that may wreck the general health. 747-26 • Mack's M plebe Medicine The great braii and nerve food-wilf restore lost n tare to young, middlej aged and old. ' Life is too short to, waste away. ead the advertisement in another column, and if you are af., flicted make nb delay in procuring the cheapest and b6st medicine ever sold. 738 "What Eve • y One ays Must; e True. And every one who has tested its mer- its speak warmly in praise of Hagyard'S Pectoral Balsam as a positive cure for all throat and lung complaints, coughs and colds, sore throat, bronchitis, and incipient consumption. 739 • A Real Necessity. No house ahold be without a bottle of Hagyard's Y llow Oil, in case of acci dent. There is no preparation offered to suffering hunlabity that has made so - many permanent cures, or relieved so much pain and misery. It is called by, some the Good i Samaritan, by others, the Care -all, and by the afflicted an Angel of Mercy. 739 Bucklen' The best sale- Bruiaes, Sores, Fever Sores, T Chilblains, Cor tions, and positi guaranteed to g or money refun box. ror sale pany. 714-52 Arnica Salve. in the world for Cuts,' Ulcers, Salt Rheum, tter, Chapped Hands,: s, and all Skin Erup-s ely cures Piles. It is ve perfect satisfaction ! ed. Price 25 cents per y E. Hickson & Coin- Ecl ctric Oil. "It iS a Gr at Public Benefils."- These significant words were used in relation to Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil by a gentlema • who had thoroughly tested its merits in his own case -hav- ing been cured by it of lameness of the knee of three or four years' standing. It never fails to removesoreneas as well as lameness. 61-52 Ecl ctric Oil. Joseph Ra.san, Percy, writes -"I Was induced) to try Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil fax lemma fel which troubled me for three orfou years, and I found it the best article 1 ever tried. It has been a great ble sing to me." 691-52 aberry. Mary -Who had that little lamb Had Teeth as ,white as snow; She always brushed them twice a day With "Teaberry" you know. 751 THE GREA.T FEMALE BENE( .Y. -Job Moses -as Periodical Pills -This invaluable medicinele unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous diseattes o which the female constitu- tion is subject. It noderate8 all excess ano re- moves all obstructi ris, and a speedy cure may be relied bn. To ma -lied Wise it is peculiarly suited. It will, i a short time, bring on the montlhy period with regularity. These pills should not be taken by females daring the first three months of Pregrancy; as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Af- fections, Pains in the back and limbs, fatigueon slight exeition, palpitation of the heart, hys- terics and whits°, these pills will effect a cure when all otber means have failed; and, although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, .antimony or anything bartful to the constitution. Full dirt -dims in the pamphlet around each package, wkich should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, New York,Sole Proprietor. 51 and 12i cents fir postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over 60 pills by return m9.11. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts and Lumsden & Wilson. 644-5e MONEY. _ ONEY TO LOAN -I ani prepared to lend money at 6 percent. interest, payable year-. rly. Principal at the end of term, Private Fund. JAS. 11. BENSON. 726 MONEY -A. G.McDOUGALL is authorized to lend money at 6 per cent. on mortgage, for any amount, and for any number of 7cars; inter- est charged or ly On the unpaid principal. No commission oberged. Apply at the Store of A. G. McDougall & Co. 678 1100 00U 00 TO LOAN on eirarity of • Beal Estate for any term of years not exceeding twenty, at 6 per cent. per annum ; No Commissions; The whole of the principal money may be repaid at any time on giving six months' notice, or any sum not exceed- ing one-fourth may -be paid at the close of each year withcut notice, interest ceasing from the time of payment; Loans effected promptly. OFFICE - Vistoria Square Seaforth. WM. HIT 700 AUCTIONEERS. JP. BRINE, Licenced A.notioneer for the • County of Huron. Sales attended in all. parts of the County. All orders left at the Ex. POSITOR Office will be promptlyattended to. CR. COOPER, Brussels, County Auctioneer. N -J• Sales of all descriptions promptly at- tended in any part of the county on reasonable terms. Orders left at the office of the HURON Exaosrroe, or addressed to Brussels, will receive prompt attention. IMPORTANT NOTICES. pEAS PEAS !--Seed and Feed, Peas, Barley, Corn, etc., at No. 6, Storehouse. Prices Moderate. JAS. BEATTIE. 740 FEED FOR SALE ---The undersigned quantity of lIa.y, Oats and Turnips, he can dispose of for feed. Apply to CA ENOCH A N Teckersnrith. has e which JAMES VOR SALE. -A number of horses ranging in• • price from $40 and upwards, also one cutter - with pole and shafts and 1 deniocrat wagon nearly new. Will be sold cheap. WADE BRos. 786 T.? OOM S TO RENT. -To rent, cheap, a number -L'`' of rooms in Scott's Block, Seaforth. Rooms almost any size or shape desired can be had. Apply to McCaughey & Holmested, or to the proprietor. ROBERT SCOTT. ' 742 EYE, EAR AND. THROAT 1 Eye Toron- r In • to the for Clini- Hospi- Ear ) CLI 708 I , . . I 1 i E 1 1 1 E 1 1 3 '4 _ . DR. GEORGE S. RYERSON, L. R. O. P., L. R. C. S. E., Lecturer on the Ear skid Throat, Trinity Medical College, to, area surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ea firmary, Consulting Oculist! and Attrist Institutions for the Blind. :Brantford, and the Deaf and Durnb. Belleville, Ont. Late cal Assistant Repel London Ophthalmic tal, Moorfields, and Central Throat and Hospital. i 317 CHURCH STREET, 'TORONTO. • May be consulted at the ALBION HOTEL, 8TRATFORD On the cant SATITRIDAY in RA ITIONTIE. Sri -III -a -a ...A.1 -1.A.33 .. of re- state their in a the at on re- article - • ! BRUSSELS LIME WORKS. - . TOWN &,---ONS. THE subscribers take this: opportunity turning thanks to the iiAabitants of Brussels and vicinity for past patronage, and beg to that having made eevcral improv( ments in kiln .and mode of burnirg, they ale now better position than ever before, to supply public with first-class Nine at 13 cents, cash the kiln; 15 cents delivered.; This being the eighth season of our business dealings in 13russels, and having given unqualifi- ed satisfaction so far, the public can rely ceiving good treatment and , a first-class from us. First-class limo at I5 cents. Remember the spot -Brussels Lime Wotke. 650-24 TOWN & SONS. , , • i: '-' . .. ..,....,• , . v.„.k A.' k 1:1.‘ti1• .+.4‘ , 1.1 ..- ' - V ''' ii, l. \ l' ,- I, A ' •• . -. • 1, ' • q' i Is -- ' - \\ '4: ' ' • ' --r•' ' .! v, • -:, , 7';".1,4 tr. ,i `rAVN' . Ilk,- • ‘,.i'is..,4, '.,. "'4\..$.• e---A`ire: '-'" '.Sc. „ sl•,, h Vc-•• .-k .2. • , ••• • y -ostf! a\s ' es, a' v es 7 ..:FIZ".,,40:sy--;7. -' day at homworth e. Samples wor i-te. Address STINSON & Co., 748x52 STARR 1";"; Ct,..., .':'4 - 44.- Ci''' . ., • q ; A S-5 K I D N EY ,J • • Ol'1: TOftONTO. for Diseases, Bladder or attendant testimonials can . Prices -Child's Regular diseasee: al i'eeswater ; M. D., & Hamilton, ; S A. Hodge, Son,' Dublin; r II. :At. Jackson, Brucefield: St. Marys, and ...z.4 ' •1 k:- 4.0 • t. ,111., - Dis- and com- be Pad, Sold W. T. Luck- The Robt. J. 737 . ,MANUFACTURED 11‘ A Permanent, sure care orders and Ailments of the Iiitlneys, Urinary -secretive System, plaints. Pamphlets and obtained from druggists' free! Pad, $1.60, (cures; bed-wettilige) 82. Special Pad for chronic b3 J. S. tioberim,SeafortheWm.M.Robertsqn, Wroxeter ; R N. Thurtell, Bray, Allingham •r John S. Tellnant, now; Watts &Co ,Clinton; LaWrason Blyth ; G. H. Hewson, Bayfield Mitchell; ,Josheph Kidd & Central Drug Store, Exeter Hensall ; Mrs. John McIntosh, Mellis, Kippen ; S. Fraleigh, A. Gailick, Brussels. TN the month of April almost -L. a good and reliable Blood know of none so safe,and effectual Stomach and Constipation Bitters. directly on all the secretions, action carrying off all impurities system, they invigorate the Liver purify the Stomach, cleanse give strength and tone to ti Try a eourse of this valuable, vegetable preparation, Dr. Ca Constipation Bitters. In Little Cents. J. S„ ROBERTS, Agent everyone requires Purifier We as Dr. Carson's They act their purgative from the and Kidneys, the Bowels and e whole system. safe end reliable on's Stomach and e Bottles at 60 or Seaforth.750-52 ee ��.'.jj}�K . 1.. {(LLe11IRTa%��r JIr: r1:Y` ,BAR`:: FOUND o I tiv'Fii e k igC C. f"h 1 . • R. N. BR SEAF10RT111 Wholesale and Retail Dealer 1i SHOE FINDINGS of Everi None but the Very Best St noderate. A Trial Solieited. rr otherwise promptly ti.l.led. 491 TT, LEATITER and Description. ck kept. Term/ 11 order? by MAP . 1 , ii),. Z '• 1.1 i c, 0 j D ;"4.--•,,,:.3 gp 4 .,__ P! 0 r 17. 0 X C'a al Go 0-4 ce P.. Et as, 0 a) -e OD CZ. t4. C... 04/ Q l'' • (••'' Z-14'. v.... ..-i. e.,. eq. „,_•*•••A Z. `,. r - I • • . 0 • ". ., ...1 1 4 i g' 1:•••--4 CI' ,,.-r.-.....; - ,.., - Z....% (%b i ii ' P. V4 Zilt."-° 1 k:',7 0 • • Z 1 . 0 se. r , I ti X co CIJ 0 0 `*-4, CD ,..,,, -k-4 Qd C ....., t•-,' 0 C...) !....4 ,.., ...., ttf ...., t -o - c% *---...-.... ta. <-...„ 2 R ,'•-• ''ts' 1-- ,-., ,-...... `---. tzi ,... ..Y.,), '''' `' t o , P. tj .40 RO t , -.1 az1 o. 4 ,. • I'l 3 D....) ,... c. A CO ' ta,, Cc:. 1 0 et) CO g emi VARM. HAND WANTED- Wanted immedia-: ▪ tely, a first-clagennan to take the manage- tas in cur of a farm. A single man preferred. The-: heghest wages paid. Apple. to L. MEYER., . Sea- .0) forth. 741 CD THE following is the common sense treatment for a horse out of condition (in fact all horses requirelike treatment this time of year,) a good Purging Ball followed by a course of strong tonic powder. These are both to be had in Zock.'s Tonic Compeund and Blood Mixture, as each package contains a thoroughly good purging- ball and over a pound of strong Tonic Powder. Ask your druggist about it,. J. Si. ROBERTS, Agent for Seaforth. 760-52.. t -e 141 - 0 t4, . ••••4. cm. , rwZ s•••• c•-• 0. ••••• It cure Splints, Bones an KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE 1 Spavins, rba, Ring all simi- lar blemishes, and removes Lae- bunch without b „ 'steering. KENDALIS SPAVIN CURE For man it is now known to be One of the best, if not the best, linircient ever discovered. We feel positive:that every man ca have perfect success in every ciese if he will only Use good common sense in aelplying -KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE, and. persevere in bad cases of long standing. Read below the experience of others: FROM COL. L., T. FOSTER. YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio, May 10, 1880. Dr. B. J. Kendall Lt Co. -Gents: I had a very valuable Hambletonian colt which I prized very highly; he had a large bone. spavin on one joint, and a smaller o11 e on the other, which made him very lame; 1 had him under the reading th advertisement of Kendall's Spavin Cure, in the Chicago Express. 1 thought I would give it a thorough charge of wo veterinary- surgeons, whieh failed to cure him. I was ene day e determined at once to try it, and got our druggists here to send. for it ; they or- dered threbottles ; I took them all, an trial; I used it according to directions, and by the fourth day the colt ceased to be lame, and the lumps had entirely disappeared. I used but one bottle, and the colt's limbs are as free from lumps and as smooth as any horse in the State. He is entirely mired. The cure was so remarkable that I let two of my neighbors have the remaining two bottles, who are DOW using it. Very respectfully, L. T. FOSTER, KENDALL'S SiDAVIN CURE I ONEONTA, New York, Jan. 6th, 1881. Early la t summer M(43rs. B. J. Kendall & Co., of Euosburg Falls, Vermont, made a co tract with the publishers of the Press for a half Column advertise- - ment fors ne year setting, forth the merits of Kendall's Spavin Cure. At the same time we secured froth the firm a quantity of books, entitled Dr. Kendall's Treatise o the Horse and his Diseases, Which we are giving to advance paying suliscriber to the Tress as a premium. About t e time the advertisement first appeared in this paper Mr. P. Gt Scher- merhorn, ho resides near Colliers had spavined horse. Reread the advertise- ent and oncluded to test the efficacy of the remedy, although hislfriends laughed at hia credulity. He bought a battle of Kendall's Spavin Cure and com- menced us ng it on the horse in accordance with the directions, and he in ormed Us this we k that it effected such a com lete cure that an expert horseman, who examined he animal recentlY could find io trace of the spavin or the plac where t had bee located. Mr. Scbermerhor has- since secured a copy of K ndall's Treatise or4 the Horse and his Diseases,Which he prizes very highly and w uld. be oth to pari with it at any price, provided he could not obtain another copy. So much for advertising reliable articles. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE I Kenciall'a Spavin Cure is sure in its effects, mild in its actions as it does not lister, yet it is penetrating and powerful to reach any deep seated pain o to re- ove any bony growth or any other enlargement if used fax several days, each as pavins, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, sWellings, any lamenesis and all enlarge- ents of the jeints or limbs, or rheumatism in man and for any purpose for hich a lihiment is used for man or beat. It is now known to -be the best lini- ent for man ever used, acting mild and yet certain in its effects. It is Inied full trength with perfect safety at all season's of the year. Send ad irtues. N or beast a Price $1 ou, or it 48752 ress for Illustrated Circular o reinedy has ever met with s well as man. er bottle, or six bottles for $o ill be sent to any address on teceipt of price by the proprietors DR. B. J. KEND4LL & CO., Enosburg Falls, Vermont. hich we think gives positive proof of its ch unqualified Success to our knowledge, . All Druggists have it or can g t it for BLIENS. 0 0 jlizLxzauxtzilia',-r.Verr•A 15-4 m:sou=101 •Pc.) 6-1 3:4 0 E.% ••• • ma 11.1 92 P.4 made Zvit11 • ?..{ • 0 TO HAND BY S. S. ETHEOPIAN 11 CASES, S. CIRCASSIAN 20 CASES, Or OLD COUNTRY GOODS. tr_A_MISCol\T, .A_ 'Pi° IR, a: i _ 1MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED At A THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE, Dr. King's Specific. SURE CURE FOR DYSPEPSIA; NOT FOR ANY OTHER DISEASE. SEAPORTS, ONTARIO. A large number have already tried. it d. in no case has it been known to f All those afflicted with this ais- NO YVITINESSES REQUIRED. t ming disease would do well to give it aBtAEriaoln.lor sale by HUGH ROBB, en -'-'21 MAW 8.2 cc PIM L44 taw, Z < Coz0 •G. ammo STOCK OR SERVICE, TMPROVE YOUR STOCK. -The undersigned -1- will keep on his farm, 2nd Concession, II. R. S., Tuckersmith, neml Egmondville'a thorough- bred bull, half Ayrsh. e and half Durham from the well known her of M. MoTaggare,_ Esq., Clinton. Terms -51.60 per cow, with the privi- lege of returning if nepessary. JOHN MOIMI/AND.. N. B. -There are still a few who, have not yet paid for last years service.- -These would oblige by d.oipg so at once and savhxg further trouble. 748 "MAGICIAN." DAVIDSON'S eel:Za-led, Trotting Stainer), "Magician," will stand for the service of mares for the season o 1892 at the Com menial Hotel, Seaforth. Yatiies from a distance sending their mares will be fuxjnished with good pasturage and water at reaso nablo rates. Pedigree furnish- ed on application. A. DAVID SON. 743 Composed 1argejydfpowderod3rieaorjsIn- glass, is the BEST a de HEAPESTlubrica- tor, in the workl-the BEST because it -does inot gum, but fOrMS a h Ighly polished aur - face over the axle,reduelna friction .0.111 ghtening the drafit ; the CHEAPEST be- icause ft coats NO IMORE than Fr:feria brands, and one bOx will do the wOrk of !two of ally other Hake. Answers Lei wer. for Harvesters, Min ,;earing. Threshing Ma- chines, Corn-Planteis, Carriages. Bugglioo as for Wagons i CUAR A NTEED to cont.ailluli nitianed lOPetfrroeele.drn .1 . Sold hy alldealers. 717- Our load Cycl4pedia. of Minim Wv,--zi R,nou MICA MANUFACTURING CO* 228 litidson 8'a,, New York. Cleveland, 0. and Chicago, M. SAMUEL. ROCERS & CO. Toronto,Ont, Sol.' Agents fo • the Dominion. 2;000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE; Suitable for. Board', Wire, or Straight Bail Fences. One mile and a quarter west of Winthrop. ALSO RAIL - TIMBER By the Acre or by the Thousand. GOUINLOCZ. (FR New Co to tl Livet, rel a Zo every h genii?! I Oosti f.eness, Distre-ss on the in the S.de TVal Fota Liver, the whole this oat and get bottle The affinity and the ing juices, the dreadful Indigestion:, ER, Makes sity iit, It acts iattpzess, Headache, Wind Pains Appetite, SpLrits, ates the bile, regulates one to Gut Druggist a large !dour neighbor 31 DRAM.) nPound, its wonderfu Digestive Apparatu: increasing the dissolv- eying almost instantlz results of Dyspepsia d the TORPID LIV, esa alb every day neces, 248-6. _and speedily in- Bils Headache, SicA after Eating. Stomach, Heartburn, and Back, Want ej t of Energy, Lou tomach. It invigor- carries off all surplm the Bowels, and give system,. and take it to youi a 10 cen1 Sample, ot for 7,5 cents, and tali zbout it. SEAFORTH HORSE i-(.ORNER of Jarvis vs/ door to the Peesbyterian Ont. All diseases of of the domesticated at the infirmary or notice. Charges inoderate. Veterinary Surgeon. Veterinary 3fedichies INFIRMARY. and Coderich Streets, next Church, Beafortla Horses, cattle, sheep, or any animals, successfully treated elsewhere on the shortest Je.s. W. ELDER, P. S. -A large Aock al kept censtantly on hand. $5 to per -1-' a' eg Portland, Maine. day at homworth e. Samples wor i-te. Address STINSON & Co., 748x52 4t /9 A WEEK. eall2 til' ° 4.) Costly outfit Ang Lista, Mane. a day at home easily made. free. Address Tata: ,:t Co., 748x52 egg a week in yoer 'VI.'" outfit free. Portland, Maine. own town. Terms and .S5 Address H. HALLETT As:. Go., . 748x52 - WM. TOWN CLERK and -1- east corner of 31 2:30 till 7 p. ni., ELLIOTT, Treasurer. Office -North- irket House. Office home - 747 ee ��.'.jj}�K . 1.. {(LLe11IRTa%��r JIr: r1:Y` ,BAR`:: FOUND o I tiv'Fii e k igC C. f"h 1 hiessvih 4:', „„; le .4: t`e'.41e1 '" " 1 a F -1 u 5 ' ........,.. .,_ 1-- •-- I.) - ; co a .:I" ..1.":12, 00 comma u. 1- i < , - < r-fil i a- l' en -'-'21 MAW 8.2 cc PIM L44 taw, Z < Coz0 •G. ammo STOCK OR SERVICE, TMPROVE YOUR STOCK. -The undersigned -1- will keep on his farm, 2nd Concession, II. R. S., Tuckersmith, neml Egmondville'a thorough- bred bull, half Ayrsh. e and half Durham from the well known her of M. MoTaggare,_ Esq., Clinton. Terms -51.60 per cow, with the privi- lege of returning if nepessary. JOHN MOIMI/AND.. N. B. -There are still a few who, have not yet paid for last years service.- -These would oblige by d.oipg so at once and savhxg further trouble. 748 "MAGICIAN." DAVIDSON'S eel:Za-led, Trotting Stainer), "Magician," will stand for the service of mares for the season o 1892 at the Com menial Hotel, Seaforth. Yatiies from a distance sending their mares will be fuxjnished with good pasturage and water at reaso nablo rates. Pedigree furnish- ed on application. A. DAVID SON. 743 Composed 1argejydfpowderod3rieaorjsIn- glass, is the BEST a de HEAPESTlubrica- tor, in the workl-the BEST because it -does inot gum, but fOrMS a h Ighly polished aur - face over the axle,reduelna friction .0.111 ghtening the drafit ; the CHEAPEST be- icause ft coats NO IMORE than Fr:feria brands, and one bOx will do the wOrk of !two of ally other Hake. Answers Lei wer. for Harvesters, Min ,;earing. Threshing Ma- chines, Corn-Planteis, Carriages. Bugglioo as for Wagons i CUAR A NTEED to cont.ailluli nitianed lOPetfrroeele.drn .1 . Sold hy alldealers. 717- Our load Cycl4pedia. of Minim Wv,--zi R,nou MICA MANUFACTURING CO* 228 litidson 8'a,, New York. Cleveland, 0. and Chicago, M. SAMUEL. ROCERS & CO. Toronto,Ont, Sol.' Agents fo • the Dominion. 2;000 CEDAR POSTS FOR SALE; Suitable for. Board', Wire, or Straight Bail Fences. One mile and a quarter west of Winthrop. ALSO RAIL - TIMBER By the Acre or by the Thousand. GOUINLOCZ.