HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-05-05, Page 5MAY 5 188
the Rodolieu quarter
tenantless. nal:a:btu.
a calling uple the Jews to
sew Rhssie- - Aulea
eots the tatng of extra()
mires for pte lic satety
Eta of Nita°loitafr and the citr
ol. A.nothet dynamite mite
discovereat, on the atosoew
also one under the itripeetet
of the Moscow exhibition
Eighteen arrests. have been
connection with the disec,v
bee under the Imperial pevifl,
wire was found rartning to e
the suburbs. Koboseff Bog.
,ch recently submitted to the
es a plan for the illernination
7erniin, with the ereotric lightt
*ere instituted arid it
let that the intention. was
the whole Kremlin during the
in of the Czar.At the maul'
a number of peasants' cape
ad, the crowns of whioh. -were.
h explosive xnateriaa. it -
the caps were intertdea to be
ato the air in greeting the
I on falling to the ground tile
would explode. Bogdartowitsth
hundred Nihilists arrested.
ITuron. Assizes..
neat Spring Sitting of the wgh
justice was held at Goderieb
Mr. Justice Barton presiding
H. P. O'Connor, of Walked*,
r the Crown. The folletwin
-e composed the Grand Jury:
-iresswell, Tuckersmith, tore,
m. Brewnlee, Ushorre ; James
taborne ; Alexander Davidson
Edwia Gaunt, West Wow*.
iarles E. Hovey, Clinton; Jas.
etom, East Wiewanosla ; Geo.
East Waiwenosh ; John Irvi
E; Wm. Moffat, Stanley, John,
Stenley ; John B. MoKeuziei
James MoWliitiney, A.slitfieide
[citrordie, Hay ; Alex. Nichol,
Henry Otway, Port Albert ; W.
., Colborne; Jonathan Pickard, -
James Stephens, Colboree;
italady, Hellett ; James War-
rick ; Arthur Woodman, Loin
tt1ge in his address te the
iry, said that the cellandero
a long one, contained but two
Nis cases. One of these,forgery,
4 was formerly punished with
iicitv the only peculiarity of
8 was, that though the person
ante had been forged was Et
it witness, he must be supportrobore.tive evidence. Here the
.ad. the taw bearing on this
he other offence particularly
as a charge of shooting with
kin. Though the offenee was
ieted, the Grand Jury were to
this as & question of fact,
the shooting had been done
nt to kill or do bodily harra.
„the other cases were simple
vith one of fatae pretences.
r crime was now made a Mie-
r, and the justice explained
Eeilse representation could not
witb regard to anything pad
. but must have been, such a
:Mien of some existing fact as
s person to part with his prop-,
examining such witnesses as
t before tiaZne, it was not nem-
EaEciine, more than two or three
io determine the oharacter of a
these witnesses must ell be
!.- of the crown. The Grand.'
a then taken in charge by Con -
MIL and the court proceeded
. alenditr, Thefollowing cases
a tried:
'PrII vs. Colles. -Ari action on
account. Verdict for plaintiff' I
it, subject to the award of Di
d, Esq., for $300.
wn vs. Thorapson.-Action for
tccount. 'Verdict for plaintiff
it for 0150, with one-half of
vs. Jacksens- An aetion for
Sated, This was a jury case,
.tardship dispensed with jury,
iitdant being called am/ not
e a verdict was rendered for
Cr $468, with costs.
vie Ran -Actin on prom-
*. Vercliot by consent for -
aa against GRyan for
lh costa, and. in favor of dew
E. .
1john Ryan, with, coats.
w McConnell.- Action for
This action was dismissed
poiht the Grand Jvy. came
with two true bills in the
een VEL Thome.s Carter, for
I:awful weapons with intent,
•ootiee with intent.
a. Plat.- Action on proM-
e and, account. Verdict for
or 81161.5S -
Jury presented tree bile
homes L. Wilson, for forgery,
Johnston, for larceny.
Thomas Cexter.-Prisoner
ned fir shooting with intent,
ea net guilty, but with the
the Crown he withdrew his •
Pleade&. guilty of common
Sentence deferred. On the
havieg a pistol on his eerson
t he pleaded guilty.
& John E. Barnes . -Prisoner
ed cte two charges of forgerti
which he rileacced not gailty•
verdict in each case of not
s. Chas. Johnston. -Charged
etrceny of a beehive. The
reel & verdict of not guilty.
Ktern.--Aoticen for malioions
. This case arose as follows:
eed to sell a, horse to Kerr
in August last for $46, and
it at the latter'a residence in
hip of 'Jai -nett. On coming
-na to receive payment, he de -
e more, which Kerr refesed
t offered & pair of boots ih
the price first agreed on
(led to accept it, and OH the
August 21th took the horse
Kerr's premises, when the
him arrested for stealing.
ed before Judge Toms and
and now brought suit for
prosecution,. The ittris trfl
case went, returned a verdict
if,for•52.-.0. The case will pro-
vs. Chas. Wesley Graham
. --
es of embezzlement, on Wit
Le GrandJuryreturned
VL Schofield. Action of
His Lordship returned &
plaintiff Wright for all the
xcept the house, and for the
William Schofield, for the
mese ; costs of the suit ti).
MAY 5, 1882.
plaintiff against him, and as the wife
was not a necessary party she was
awarded costs and the action dismissed
tO her.
True bills were presented in the
Queen vs. litrary Ann Flynn, • assault,
and William Bone and -James Bone, for
Molutosh vs. McGonigle. Action for
ejectment. His Lordship rendered a
veldict for plaintiff with costs.
Queen vs. Thomas Low Wilson.
prisoner arraigned. for forgery. Prisoner
pleaded not guilty, but afterwards with-
Arew and pleaded guilty.
Moron Notate.
Aaron Panabaker has entered into
partnership with H. McAllister in his
general store in the village of Ethel.
-Mr; Wm. McLean, of Goderich, the
well known drover, has over 1,500head
of fat cattle purchased for shipment to
the old country.
—Mrs. Wm. Alcock, of Grey, who
was so seriously and dangerously ill, is
very roach better and will soon be her -
-A few days sham, Mr. H. Westcott,
of the 2nd concession of Usborne, was
offered for a brood mare the sum of
$250, which he refused.
--Mr. Thompson Chappell, who went
frail Winghara last March to Emerson,
Manitoba, died in that town last week
after a few days illness.
--- -Mr, Joseph Whitehead intends
shortly returning to Clinton to reside,
and will most likely spend the remain-
der of his days in that town.
-Mrs. John Sellars, of Morris, whO
as seriously ill, is now recoverhag. A
oung lad, six years of age, son of Mr.
rge Johnston, also of Morris, broke
his leg last week.
-An old residenter`of the feline race
belonging to Samuel Ames, lot 17, 4th
conceesion, Grey, died last Friday
night, at the ripe age of twenty years.
31r. Ames had raised her from a. kitten.
-Mr. John Drummond, of Blyth,
had two broods of goslings hatched
out on the 16th inst., numbering
twenty. They have smart geese in
-James Brandon, Esq., of East Wa-
wanosh, is slowly recovering froin the
inithies received by his fall, sOnate weeks
ago. It is still a question vehethen
he -will ever have the use of his limbs
again. t
-Mr. F. Little, of the 12th conces-
sion oy f Hullett, hes a ewe which gave
birth to fogr lanabi and all are still
living. Mr. John Willis, of the same
township, lost a valuable mare last week
valued at POO.
-Captain Wm: Cox, Captain Aloe.
Mangy McGregor, Engineer John Mc-
Collum, Goderich, are gazetted as asses -
ems in the Maritime Court, under the
Act of 1877.
-Rev. Mr. Motley, of Rodgerville,
has accepted the call teaclered him
from the Presbyterian ocingregations of
Ladies and Bluevale, and will assume
the duties in his new field about the
middle of May.
-Mr. James McGuire has been ap-
pointed clerk of the Wingham Division
Court. Mr. Neilans was appointed, but
on hearing that his appointment was
not satisfactory to many people, he re-
eigaed, and. Mr. McGuire takes his
-The site for the new railway station
at Gerrie has been selected; the ground
west of the storehouses having just been
surveyed and staked oat. The switch
is to be extendedseleral rods to the
West. Work will probably be commenc-
ed at once.
-liev. Dr. and Mrs. Ure left Goderich
last week for Ottawa to attend the mar-
riage ceremony of J. Carroll Macdonald,
eon ()tithe late Sheriff Macdonald, and.
Miss Dinalevie, of the same city, which
event took place on Wednesday of last
-The residence of Thomas McLel-
lan, 4th concession, Grey, was entirely
destroyed by fire on Thursday night of
last week. • The fire is supposed to have
started at the stove. All the furniture
and goods down stairs were saved, but
the articles up -stairs fell a prey to the
destroying element.
-The North American Chemical
Company of Goderich hive completed
the erection of a new store house to hold
7,000 sacks of salt. This will enable
the works to run night and day, the
year round, except in case of necessary
repair. The demand for their salt is
now up to the fallest limit of the
-Mr. E. Holmes, of the Clinton New
Era, returned home from the North -
wed last week. He intended making a
longer stay, but although he is a cold
Water man, he found that even too
much of a good thing is not pleasant at
times, and so, sooner than get drowned,
after a. narrow escape from freezing, he
made tracks for Ontario where his life
is safe except from natural causes.
-Mr. John Penhale, of the North
Boundary, Stephen, has a cow that
gave birth to three calves, some two
weeks ago. They are in a good healthy
condition and are doing well. The
popular opinion that twins or triplets
are always alike, is certainly knocked
on the head this time, one of there,
being purely red, another white, and
the third aout half white and half red.
-Mr. C. Simpson, who has held the
poeition of toiler in Molsons bank in
Exeter during the past two years, has
been rinnoved. to Ingersell, where he i
Still engaged in a branch of the abofe
bank. Mr. Sircipsort, during his sojottrn
in Exeter had. formed p. large circle of
acquaintances, all of whom deeply re-
gret hie departure. Iris place in the
Exeter branch is filled by Mr. Wm.
Mem:111°6h late bill clerk of the Molsons
Bank in London.
-On Wednesday of last week, about
three o'clock p. m., the inhebitants of
Ethel were alarmed by the cry of fire.
Upon making an examination it was
found that the roof of John Hunter's
house was on tire. A few pailsful of
'water soon put it out. Had it not been
for the recent rain which darapened
the roof it mould not have been got
under control so easily. The cause of
the fire was a defective stove pipe.
-Collector Cavan succeeded in cap-
turing a eonple of illicit whisky stills m
this comity last week. One of these
was located in the township of Howick
and the other near Wiughana. The
eames of the ,proprietors are not given.
In both cases the appliances were de-
stroyed and the "stuff" on hand spilled
°lit so that the denizens of that section
will now have to come down to the de •
lieions beverage commonly known as
'trot. gut."
-The Blyth magistrates put it to
roughs strong. A few days ago John
Thompson, Jr., beeetne very noisy on
the streets, when he was captured and -
placed in the cooler. On the following
day he was brought before th.e magis-
trate, when he was fined $ 4.95, or 40'
days in gaol, 20 days for being drunk
and disorderly and 20 for nsi g insulting
language towards one Hugh O'Neil.
The money was paid.
-A new Orange Hall is itt course of
erection on the corner of Mr. Walton's
lot, a mile and. a quarter north of Bel -
grave. The work is being d die by Mr.
Hainey, of the 3rd concessiort of Morris.
The building will be of a goo size and
a neat structure when comp] ted. We
think, however, it is a mistal. e to have
-so many small lodges as th re are in
this section of country. fewer and. large*
ones would serve the purpose, Orange-
-aA. man named Hugh • Neil was
last week committed by a bench of i
Blyth magistrates to stand hi trial for
stealing a watch from Mr. Al K. Orr, of
Blyth. It appears that 0' eill, who
was staying at Orr's, arose uring the
night, and appropriating t e -watch,
started south on foot. 0 missing
the article, Orr startd after
the thief and overtook him ear Clin-
ton, when the watch was fo nd ore his
person. He was taken back to Blyth,
tried and sent to Goderich ga 1.
--1.0n Friday evening las ,Mr. G.
Mace and Mr. L. Hardy, le t Exeter
station for Manitoba. A fe» minutes
before the train arrived the embers of
the band proceeded to the st tion and
played a number of selectio 8, which
were highly appreciated by t depart-
ing friends. Messrs. Hardy d Mace
took to the Prairie Province car load
of valuable horses, Which the purpose.
selling. These gentlemen int nd look-
ing around the country before etnrning.
--At the examination of he candi-
dates and probationers of t e London
Conference of the Methodist 1 hurch of
Canada, held in Paris last w ek, eight
candidates and thirty-two pr bationers
presented themselves for exa ination.
We are glad to notice that ev. W. S.
Jamieson, of Brussels; J seph S.
Cook, of Bayfield, and E. If rrison of
Bervie, were'awarded certifi ates,
Cook taking a high standing. Mr. Wm.
13. Cuyler, of Bervie, succeed d in his
preliminary examination as a andidate
for the ministry.
-Hotel and shop licenses
granted itt the district of Ea
as follows: Howick, johnsto
Haskett, Giles, Buishart,
'Foster, McIntosh, Campbell
ter, Gofton, Johnston, Karma
/berry; Passmore, Patters°
ave been
t Huron
, Tarriff,
en stock,
; Wroxe-
; Turn-
, (Ross
House); Morris, Oliver, can d rett,
Sage ; Grey, McEwen, Cath rs,- Rob-
ertson, King, Gill, Tack, Dames,
Biernes ; Brussels, Campb 11, Roe,
Frey, Fletcher, Hall; shop . Tat;
MaKillop, Smith, Coughlay, Crawford ;
Hullett, Brownlee, Upshall.
-The Wingham Advance of last
week says: During the last month
numerous reports were in circulation
there to the effect that sever parties
who left this neighborhood f r Mani-
toba had been frozen to • eath.
couple of -weeks ago it was aid -that
Mr. E. Rockhey was amongst the un-
fortunate ones, and his remain were to _
arrive in Whighare, on the 24t ult. for
burial. On that evening a la go num-
ber of people assembled et the railway
station to meet the corpse, but it came
not, and is not likely to co '0. Mr.
Rockhey is still enjoying good lealth, is
as busy as ever, and doing ell. We
hope to see "my dear" again n Wing -
ham before he throws off thi mortal
--Mr. John Nott, Veterinary Surgeon,
Brussels, writes to the Post as follows:
This may be truly called. th age of
humbugs. The village of Bru sels and
locality have been bothered wi h hum-
bugs of all kinds, patent ri stt men,
lightning rod men, book ag nta and
patent medicine men, and. the farmers
are not satisfied. yet but are no patron-
izing . a man at the •Centr Hotel,
Brussels, by the name of G H. M.
Stoddard, who claims to m ke ring
bones and. spavins disappear i • a short
time, is both a humbug and fraud.
Such men should be dealt sha •ly With,
because these bone enlargements oannot
be removed unless taken off wi h a saw,
chisel or some other in trnment.
Fools are not all dead yea -how ver, and
the more people are ciecei ed the
more readily they patronize su h mem
NOT T. -In Hullett, on the 6th ult. he wife of
Mr, Thomas Nett, of a son.
AIKENHEAD.-In Stanley, on the 24 h ult., the
evil° of Mr. Tames Aikennead, Jr., 1 a son:
WADE. -In Brussels, on the aOth ul ., the wife
of Mr. E. E. Wade, barrister, of a s n.
REVILLE.-In Crediton, on the 2 st ult., the
wife of Mr. Joseph Reville, of a da ightor.
. .
MACH ONALD-DUNLEITIE.-On th 27th ult.,
at the residence of the bride's br. her, Otta-
wa, John Carroll Macdonald, of e oderich, to
Grace Louisa, second daughter of aptain G.
Dunlevie, late of H. M. 72th Regim nt.
WORSELL-SMITH.--In Clinton, o the 20th
ult., by the Rev. W. Craig, at th residence
of the bride's mother, Dan J. 8. orsell, to
,..Jessie, third daughter of Mrs. S •th, all of
Harris, on the 19th ult., at the r
the bride's father, Mr. Joseph Glen
Drayton, to Miss Maggie McKee, o
Proem, on the, 3rd tilt., by Rev.
. Sanies
sidence of
enning, of
rtage la
r. J. Hew-
itt, Mr. Edward B. Newmarch, rraerly oil
11 of Port-
a Prairie,
ewitt, Mr.
, to Miss
d inst., at
linton, by
Rev. A.
, Esq., of
ughter of
Clinton, to Miss DiruT R. Haggard,
ago la Prairie.
on the 3rd ult., by Rev. W. J.
Latta SIdnner, foimerly of Clint)
Hannah Ohesley, of Portage in Pra
the residence of Samos Scott, Esq,
Rev. A. D. McDonald, assisted b
Stewait, M. A., James Chapma
North Oxford, to Agnes, eldest d
George Thompson, now of Clint°
of Bounybridge, Scotland.'
BLL -In Clinton on the 80th ult., A drew Bay,
P. L. S., late county surveyor, aged 71 years.
REID.-In Hullett, on the 17th alt, Ir. Robert
Reid, aged 84 years and 11 mont s. A na-
tive of Lanarkshire, Scotland..
RYAN. -In Seaforth, on the -3el iu t., Sarah
Ryan, daughter of Mr. Martin R an, of Mc-
Killop, aged 21 years.
LOVE. --In Seaforth, on the and inst., Mr. Alex.
Love, Sr., aged 66 years.
WELSH.-InBrussels, on the 23rd ult. Mr. Miles
Welsh, aged 36 years.
MCLEAN.-In Grey, on the 23rd ult., Neil, only
son of the late Neil McLean, aged 8 years.
Live Stock Market
MONTREAL, May 2. -Mr. Han
Ottawa, had a car load of very
tie, and sold six head (shippers
per pound. He also sold five v
steers at 6c per pound; these
5,740 pounds. The balance of
were sold at from 5ic to 6c per
J. Be Roy sold a superior am
steer, weighing 1,030 pounds, a
pound, and a number of good c
various purchasers at about
ue cat -
at 6fc
ry fine
he, load
11 sized
60 per
WC to
rg:ci per
pieund. Rough Keene and good bulls
sold at from 41c to 5f per pound. Milk-
men's strippers and half -fatted stock
sold at from 3ic to 4o per pound.
There were s.bout 100 veal critters on
the market to -day, there being an ac-
tive enquiry for the best animals at
from $5 to $10 each. The smaller ones
brought from $1.75 to $4 each. Abo.ut
30 sheep and as many more spring
lambs were offered for sale, with an ac-
tive demend for pretty high pries for
good aniMars in bath classes. Sheep
that were shorn Hold at from $4 to $8
each, and the unshorn ones at from $6
to $12 each. Mr. J. Richards bought
three spring lambs at $4.50 each, four
calves for $25,ancl three sheep for which
he paid $12; $9, and $8. G. Bridgeman
bought four lambs for $17. Live hogs
may be quoted at about 88.25 per 100
Local Notices.
AGENTS WANTED. -Highest salary or
Cominission paid to good responsible men to sell
.Pianoa or Organa. SCOTT BROS. 760
Immediately, a stout -boy, who wants to learn
the blacksmithing and plow making business.
Apply to MUNRO & HociAN, 8a1orth. 751
MANITOBA WHEAT at the Seaforth
Seed Store. This wheat for spring sowing is
going off very fast, but I have still a few bags left,
end those who -want it should call at once. 0. 0.
Wentnoer. 748
SEE SCOTT BROTHERS before purchas-
ing a Piano or an Organ elsewhere as lb is tog
late after having bought, to find 'but that you
have been victimized, and. could have done a
great deal better, 750-8
FOlt Seem -One reaper, Massie har-
vester, 1Share's hay rake and 1 nutter. The
above implements are all nearly new, and will be
eold on time to suit purchaser. Fcir particulate
apply to T. E. Deenern, Enron Road, McKillop.
Seidman P. 0. 750
TEAS.-Retieived this week at M.
Monnison's, 27 baAf chests of Tea in Yeang lays
son -s, Ping 'Sneeys, Sapans, Gunpowders and
Blacks. Bought since the duty wan taken off, and
-will be able to sell Teas from 100 to 15c per pound
,cheaper than lever sold before. 748
SEEDS. -M. Morrison has on hand a
large aupply of Fresh Field and Garden Seeds of
all kinds, in •brek by the paper, bought from'
the old establish °. . arise of John A. Brune. & Co.
By buying from• rritson you can rely on getting
good, fresh and r abbe seeds. 748
TEAS! have received in stock
eine° the duty was taken off, a large choice variety
of teas, and woulel say to housekeepers in want ad
a choke tea, or a low priced one, to call and see
my steck. Our/nicks Were low before but I ant
now giving bettee value than ever. D. D. Boas.
01711 Morro. - Small Profits and
quick returns. -The following parties purchase
Organs from us laet week: Win. Bissett, Goler-
kb Sohn Plaultett, Went Wawanosh ; Gregor
McGottetn, East Ws,wanosh ; John Hillier,
Goderich; E. Je iII, Goderich, Township, and
George Biownlee„ Hullett. Wenn 13n0e. 751,
SEED POTATOES. -White, Star -new',
Beauty of Hebron, Early Ohio, Snow Flake, Bur-
bank Seedling and Early Rose. The above -vi.
tidies are to be had at the Central Grocery and
Seecteeatore. LA.iDLAW & Fartmea, Seaforth.
SEAFORTH, May 4, 1882.
Fall Wheat per bashel,
Spring Wheat por bushel
Oats per bushel
Pees per bushel
Barley per bushel
Butter, No. 1, 1 ose
Butter, tab.
Flour, per 100 11 s.
Hay, new
-Iides, per 100 Ibs .
Sheepskins each
Salt (retail) per brel
Salt (wholesale) er barrel
Potatoes, par bu hel ,, 0 60 to
Apples, per bag
4 2755 to
Clover Seed per bushel
Timothy Seed per bushel 2 00 to
• • • • .....
$128 to 1 82
1 30 to 11 3-
0 41 to 0 42
0 73 to 078
0 78 to 085
0 16 to 017
0 16 to 0 17
0 38 to 0 la
3 00 to 300
10 00 to 12 00
6 00 to 600
0 75 to 150
0 st)
0 70
0 65
1 00
4 60
3 50
- • Cannon, May 4, 1882.:
Fall Wheat per blashel - $ 1 30 to 1 32
Spring Wheat per bushel .1 80 to 1 33
Oats, per' bushel 0 40 to 0 41.
Barley per bushel , 0 75 to • 0 ee
Peas per bushel 0 70 to 0 76
Butter.... 6 0 16 to. 0 19
!Eggs .. 0 13 to 0 14
'- Hay per ton 13 00 to 13 00
Potatoes? per'bu el 0 60 to 0 65
. Sheettsluns each.; . ' a . o75 to 100
Hides, per 100 lbel • 5 00 to 5 50
LIVICRPOOL, , May 3. -Spring wheat
10s 00d; red, winter, 10s 5d to , 00s,
00d; white, l.Os 03d ; club, 108 06di
oats, 6s 06d; barley, 5s 2d; peas, 70
03d; pork, 828 6d; cheese, 63s Od.
TORONTO, Mlay 4. --Fall wheat, 81.30
to $1.32; sprini;$1,34 to $1.38; oats, 48o
to 50o; peas, &c to 85c ; barley, 88o to
93o; hay, per ton, $9 00 to $13 00;
butter, 18c -tie 25a; potatoes per bag
$1.20 to $1.35; eggs,per doz., 15c to 160.;
-dressedli�,ppr 100 lbs. , $9.50 to $9.75;
apples, per baiwel. $2.50 to $4.00.
S AlP 0 1R• rr
Grand Celebration
Races, Athleti Sports, Firemen's Pro-.
' cession aktd Lacrosse Match.
'At 9 o'clock a. al. there will be a Waterworks
display on Main street, after which a grand
parade will be formed, when the Fire Brigade, in
full uniform and with their hose and implemEnts,
and headed by a boos band will march through
the principal streets to the
Where a most in ereating Lacrosse Match will
take place between ,pieked teams of the Beavers of
Seaforth, and the !Exeter Lacrosse Club, which
will commence at a0:30 sharp. '
At -1 on'ock, sheep, the Athletic Sports will
take place on Fairview Park, when the following
prizes will be competed for.: Half mile Race.-lst
$5; 2d $2e 3d $1. Two hundred yard Race. -
1st $8; 2d $2. Fat men's race -Competitor e to
weigh over 200 pounds.--lst $3e 2d $2. Boys'
race -Open to boys under 16 years of age.- 200
yards. ---1&t $2; 24d $1. Wheelbarrow race,
blindfolded -200 y teas -1st 88; 2d an. Bicycle
race -Half mile.s--1s6 $8; 2nd 85; 3rd $2. En-
trance to Bicycle rece, $1; to other races 25
coots' Four to Enter and three to start for each,
or no race.
Inuneclia.tely fo owing the Athletic Sports the
Horn Races will eommence as follows: First
Race -Puree $60, rotting.e-Open to 8 year old
colts that never 4taited in a rare. Half mile
heate, best e in 5 ' harness ; First horse $80;
2d $20; 3rd $10. econd Race. - - Purse 340 -
Farmers' Trot, opeja to horses owned within 16,
miles of Seafortb 14r at least 8 months previous,
to the date of this ill, and used exclesiveiy for
farm purposes; Fiest horse 820; 2d 815; 3d $5.
Third Race. Purse; $70-Trottings- Open to 4
year old colts, mill heats, best 3 in 5 in harness e
First horse 340; ad. 320; 8id $10. Fourth Race. -
Parse 3120 Open trot, mile heats, best 3 in 5, in
harness; First horbe $75; 2d 830; 35315.
Admission to Park 25c.. Carriages 25c.
The Grand Trunle Railway will carry passen-
gers to and from Boafotth on the 2.1bh at Half
In the evening there will t be a Grand Torch-
light Procession.
aes_aaanA Band will bi3 in attendance during the day.
A. STRONG, iiSayor, Chairman. of Cora.
ROBERT IseIDLIAW, Seoretaiw.
WTWANTED.- Wanted immediately to go to
._ London, a good servant girli Wages lib -
oral. Apply at ExaoseiTon Offioe. 751
TAILOR ESS WANiTE .-Wanted a first-class
pant and vest Mak immedialely. Apply
to GEO. TAYLOR, 9311E4 nee P. 0. 751
berly, a first
acres of laud; goo
ice h cuse, &c. A
STEEL E, Proprietoa, A
In the vil age of Am -
country 1 tel, and la
hard and bullings,shecls,
or particula to JAMES
berly;P. 0., Ont. 751-4
10aULL FOR SAL he undersi led has for
sale on his pre use Lot 22, Con 'ession 9,Me-
Killop, two *ore libied Balls, on , two years
cad and the other One. apply to S MUEL &Art -
earn aVinthlop P. •.. 750
'pk-u,LL FOR SERV1C - Robert McMichael
will keep for th impi-oveme t of stock
durinevethe present seas la onjeot 3, Concession
3, Burgett, a Thoroteshb ed D • rham l3ull. Only a
limited number of cows will be taken,. Terms. -
$1, payable at the time service, with the pri-
vilege of rettpuing ifeces are'. Itoemrr Mc-
MielIaBL. -
• -
Q EED OATS - The undersigned hits now on
hand at the Red Mill, Seaforth, a quautity
of the celebrated Black A ustriom and White Rus-
sian Oats suitable for seed. There isnot -a very
large supply on band,' so the first
come the first served. A qtantity of spring
wheat suitable for 500d viIl be, purchased. WM.
REHILL, Seedsman. 744 •
flAUTION-The p iblle are hereby
aea against giving na Wmy name,
Wife credit in
withont my written order and cone
has left my bed and heard without,an juslit' as site
t came
or provocation, and 'froit this date I will not be
responsible for any , Clehts she may contract.
DANIEL, WINEGARDEN,. Hay T(*nship, Alan 11,
SHOPS TO RENT. -In rent 'on easy, temsx, the
blacksmith ar enoodwoking shops, and
private residence oe upiad by Mr. Wm. Grassie.
The residence is conifortable iid- commodious
and the shops are situated in Market street, it
the town of a ettfortn. hey are well locatedfor
business, and a good pu -hieg nan can do a airge
trade in them. PoO;furt her peoticulate apply to
'Watson,WM. N. Sea oit
aOOD BULL -John Terranca, Lot 6,conces-
sion 13, Hunan will keen for tb.e improve-
ment of stock during th present seas n,a, young
Thoroughbred Durham Bali. Only a limited
number of cows will he served. This bull was
bred by Mr. Appleton li loan of Tuelsersthith,
trud has taken prizes w4rever shown, Be is a
first-class animal. . Terms $2 per cow, with the
privilege of returning if necessary. onet TOR-
RANCE, Proprietor. 750
VARal FOR SAT,1.-Lot No. 40, cone essimi 17.
-a: Township of Grey, , containing 100 acres;
25 cleared, a good frappe dwelling house 18x28,and
la story high, with a good stone cellar, and frame
stable. Thera is some !valuable timber in the
bneh. This is the makinr of a good farm, and
a It. is
iles from
For full
lyth, Ont.
will be sold cheap on re sonable ter
situated one mile ficun i echo], 6
Moncton, and 16 metes from Mitchell.
particulars apply to C. HA.MLGTON,
For sale, five MUMS ol firstailassa lasd, situat-
Ud on the Mill Road, nee; Brucefield. Tbere is
on the premises a co inforlable new fra ne house
containing 7 rooms ; also a. barn ar d driving
house with stone stablingundetneuth. There is
an orchard of bearing fruit tree, and he whole
place is well fenced. . Th re are in tonnection
with the premises geed 1 'ells tind all nee seary
outbuildings and conveni tees. ! It wo tld be an
admirable place for a retiring farmer r market
gardener, and will be soki cheap and on easy
terms. Apply to PETER, McGREO0R, rncefield.
Thum FOR SALE -Lot No. 37, ,Con ession 3,
-la L R. S., Tucketaimi h, Ccitmty if Huron,
containing 100 acres,65 .61 arof stamps, 0 acres of
good bush, 22 acres seede dowia, and acres of
good thriving orchard, be ring. The foam is well
watered -by a never failing well good log barn
45x30; frame stable 0x30; co tforta le- house.
It is situated 3 mil rom Brucelield tation 6
miles from Seaforth, iid milet from Clinton;
goodgravel roads to e th of thdse pla es ; con-
venient to church and elh ols. Possesson will be
given at any time. FoO f trther parti ulars ap-
ply to NOBLE Wnioeen, P •prieter, on he premi-
ses, or to Brumfield P« 0. 749
cheep, the -Blake 4risting and Flouring
Mills. The mill contains wo Inn of. tones, a
good steam power and ere: ythingin con plete and
first-class running order. 1 here is` a arge and
profitable gristing and thou ng ttade do le at this
mill, as it is situated it th centi!e of ollie of the
best and most presperoudistaiets h Canada.
it connection with the mil there is abo t an acre
and a half of land. A180 a good dwefliiig house
with a large stable and a c uarter of aa acre of
land. The twoproperties vill, be sold together
or separately, and cheap, a the proprie or wants
to go to the North-west. pply on the premises
or to Blake P. 0. ADAM S. tITII.' 449
-1- sale, Lot 11, concessio 8, Woke ith, con-
taining 100 acres, 90 of whi h are (neared, under -
drained, well fenced and h a goqd stat of culti-
vation. There is a large a id coinforta, be stone
house, first-class barnsand outbnilding ,a large
orchard and three never fa ling wells. Also the
north half of Lot 6, onl the 8th concess'on, con-
taining 60 acres, all well tatbered. Ti a above
farms will be sold together or separately They
are sitnated within five miles of Seafott , on the
beGreat Western ItailWa.y. These farmsill
Grand Trunk Railway,land 3a. from Kaen, on
be sold on reasonable and easy tetnes. Apply to
the proprietor on the premises, or addnees. Eg-
mondville P. 0. DAM Mown; Proprieler. 749 '
Thompson, has instructed Mi. J. P.,BRINE,
to sell' by Public Auctionather reside= ,Goder-
ich street, Seaforth, on Saturday, June 3 5, 1882,
at 1 o'clock P. M., the following valuabl house-
hold effects, viz.: One rbsewood piano, one half
dozen hair cloth theirs, oile nab.- cloth ofa, one
hair cloth arm chair, balf • do zen can seated
chairs, one cane seated rocking ellen., o e what-
not, two lounges, carpets, mirrors ar d c ockery ; .
'four double bedsteads two single bedst ads, five
washstands, five dressing tables, one dini g room
. table, one kitchen table, half dozen kitchen
chairs, rustic settee, tables, bracket, flow r stand,
&c.; two stoves and pipes, and a host f other
articles too numerous to mention Th whole
will positively be sold without reserve.
All sums sums of $10 and 'under, cash ; o er that
'amount six months' credit will be give on fur-
nishing approved endoreed netts. J. P. BRiNE,
•AsiORTGAGE SALE - Mortgaee sa of. -5 a
'45-A" valuable Farm in the Township. of rey in
, the County of Huron.- Under and by - tue of a
power of sale contained; in two moiegag,eia, which
will be produced at the time of Snee, Made by
James Johoston, there will be sold by PublicAuetion by C. R. Cooper, Auctioneer, at the
Tecumseh Hotel in the village of . Brass Is, on
Friday, the 26th day of May, 1882, at 2 o'c, ock in
the afternoon, the following property, via.: Lot
No. 6, in the llth concession of the Townahip of
Grey, containing by ad -measurement 100 acres of
land, be the same more or less; save and except
ono -half acre on the son th-west corner of weld
lot. This property is situated about two miles
beim the village of Meissen', a station on the
Weaington, Grey & Bruce Railway, ftuedehing
an excellent market for theaale of farm produce.
The soil is a clay loam. About 80 acres are clear-
ed and in a good state of cultivation, the balance
is well woodea -with good • hardwood timber.
There are erected on the premises a log house
and a large frame barn with stone etables ander-
neath, both of which are in I good repair. The
property is watered by a treek!which flows through
the premises. The feoces, which are partly
board, are in a fair state o repair. Theie is
also or tbo peemises a liege o chard. The farm
is conneniently eituated as to churches, schools,
and is in all respects a very desirable -property.
Title Perfect. TERMS OF S LE -Ten per cent.
down at the time of sale, and the belance to be
paid within one month ; ,and upon such payment
the'purchaser shall be otitittei to a coevee elks
and to be let into possession. The nurchtner at
the time of sale to sigh an agreement for the
completion of the purchase. The property -will
be pat up subject to a reserv d bid. The other
conditions will be made knee n on any of sale, or
on application to the Vend r's aolici torn For
further particulars apply to . E. Wade, Esq.
Banister, Bruesels, to the A etioneer, Brussels,
or to GARROW & PROI3Dant OT, Yendorat Soli-
citors. Goderich, Apria14, 1 82. 750.3
rrHE subscriber hat;a limi ed quantity of the
-I- above for sale, and hav ng grown them for
the last two yews eat ret oreniend them for
quantity, having gross -n.13 whets front 1 peck.
T hey are less affected by th bug than any kind
I have grown. They sell in 5 oche.ster N. Y at $1
a peek now. Mr. W. Mina', of Harpurhey, the
veteran potato grower, hi ring grown more
varieties than most men, p °bounced them A 1,
and good for crop. Price an per bushel. JOHN
THOMPSON, Constance P. 750-3
JU E 29 AND 30, f882'.
Intendm candidates must notify one af the
undersigne previous to Saturday, May 20th,
B. A. 731-3
A Grandso
stand for ti
stable in Se
fnrther par
of Old Clean Grit, and from the
lamer stock Os the Dam's. side, will
improvement of stock at his own
forth during the present seasot. For
•culars apply to Sorra WARD, PTO -
JJNDER a id by virtue of Powersnef Sale. con-
tained in two certain indentures of Mort-
gage; which will be produced at the time of sale,
there will b sold by public auction on Tueeday,
the 23rd dee of May, A. D., 1882, at half -past 1
o'clak in he afternoon, by D. A. McLeod,
Auctioneer, t the Commercial Hotel in the town
of Seaforth in the County of Huron, the South
half of Lot 17, in the 2nd Concession of the town-
ship of McIf Ilop in the County of Huron, con-
taining 50 a res more or less. This property is
situated also t three miles from the Town of Sea -
forth. Ter ss -Ten per cent. at Ile time of sale,
and the bale ice within 6 weeke thereafter with
interest at 8 per cent. per annum until paid.
Conditions ill be made known at the time of
sale. For f rther particulars apply. to JAMES J.
FOY, Vendor ,s Solicitor, 74 Church Street, Tor-
onto. Date( at Toronto, the 19th day of Apia,
1882. 751-4
-I: will bee
Monday,. Jul
the High Bei
3rd, at a p.1
The profe
certificates v,
T Lane .xam
"B" well beg
fet,siottal exa
It is indi
notify- the Se
June, of thei
for examinat
flute of cha
Forins of n
date previou.
to the Secret
High School
the ontional
SS, Grade "C" Non-professional
n at the Normal School, 'for -onto,
10th at 2 p. Intermediate at
ools cif the Connty, Monday, July
atonal examination for first-class
ill begin at the conclueion of the
nal ex:titillation.
iation for first-class grades "A" and
n after the conclusion of of the pro -
Mations .
pen sable that candidates sh °Ind
'retary not later than the 3st of
in tention to present themselves
on, and furnish the necessary certi-
der and service,
lige to be given by each email-
ly, can be obtained on application
esiring to pass the Intermediate
m tun be particular to state the
at which they desire to write, and
subject which they intend to
Secretary, Goderich, P. 0.
Wishes to nform the people of the vil-
lage of rucefield and surrounding
country, t at he has opened a first -
°lase .Gene al Grocery, ext door to the
harness sh p. Givethe a call.
BuMr aid Eggs Taken in X-
change for Goods.
Tho followin
prevenient of
the pleas belo
Monate-, Ma
Lot 8, 0oncessi
Bluevale to Jo.
Queen's' Hotel,
—Proceed oto
Winghina ho
water, for noo
FRIDAY -1- Proc
for toot ; then
at 5 o'clock t
DAY—At the Q
, SO
Moaner, Ap
stable, and co
south along the
Kippen, for noo
ear, to the
and a Outer
for noon; the
Corners for no
Stallions will stand aor the lm -
took during the present season, at
E dz Co., Proprietors.
leave his own stable,
n 9, Turnberry, and proceed by
estown for, noon, thence to the
russele, for the night. TUESDAY
elgrave for noon, thence through
e. WEDNESDAY -Home all day.
coed to Theobald's Hotel, Tees-
; thence tbxough Helmer° home.
ed to McIntosh's Hotel, Gerrie,
e to the Royal Hotel, Wroxeter,
en ce Lome for the night. SATUR-
en's Hotel, Winghatn, all day.
CLAUGHLM, Proprietors.
1. 24, 1682, will leave his own
cession of Stanley, and proceed
London Road to Shaffer's Hotel,
; thence to Central Hotel, Ex -
ht. TUESDAY—Will proceed one
iks south; thence to Elimville
co to Woodham for the night.
ill proceed. to Sohn .McIntyre'
n; thence to Bt. Marys, at the
Garnet House, for the night. THneseAa-Will
leave St. Mary at 8 o'elock A. M., thence up
Risser Road to art's Hotel, Fullerton Corners,
for noon; thenc along the gravel to the Hick's
House, Mitthel , fer the nipht. FemAy-Will
proceed along t e Huron Road to Pendergast's
Hotel Dhblia, f r noon: thence to Weir's Royal
Hotel, Seaferth, for the night. SATURDAY—Will
proceed along t e Gravel Road to Rattenbury's
Hotel, Clinton, for noon; ' thence to his own
stable, where he will remain until the following
Monday mornin
Tuckersni th, at
Hayfield Road to
night. TUESDA
Parr Line two m
McNair's for noo
second cancessio
then horhe to
Weinee steer -Wi
sion of Tuckers
thenee down ta
Milian's, fcrr th
over to the 12th
east two miles a
lot, 25, concessi
back to the 8th
Joseph Atkinson 8
proceed to Andr
of Tuckersmith,f
the Mill Road to
main until the fo
R. B
cTavisn, Proprieter.
leeve his own stable, Mill Road,
oon, and will proceed along the
Varna, at Cook's Hotel, for the
-Will proceed south along the
les and a quarter, then to Geo.
; then he will tress over to the
, L. R. S., Tnckersmith, and
s own stable for the night.
proceed down the 4th concee-
ith to tho Red Taver'
n for noon;
10th concession tc Hugh Me -
night. TIll'ItSDAV—Will cross
oncession of Tuckersmith, then
d a half to Henry Modsoiare
n 12, Hibbert, for /300/1• then
concension of Tuckersmith, to
,for the night. FRIDAY- -Will
w Ross', on the 3rd concession.
r noon; thence home by way of
is own stable, where he will re -
owing Monday at noon.
Moxiinv. -
Road, Tuckersmi
Bayfield Road to
thence south to I
noon; thence to'
-Will proceed b
Ruby's, Hay, f or
night. \VERNE/3D
of the 14th Conte
Line of McGillive
Corners fee noon
west to Richard
north to Edward
the 21st Concesei
noon ; thence by
bol'a for one hon
for tbe night.
along the Sauble
noon; thence oo
to Brownson, th
for two hours,
Drysdale, for
tieue north on
Hotel, Bayfield
theBTeamayfieinl d uta
ffl leave his own stable Mill
h, and proceell by way Of the
he ath Concession of Stanley,
avid Clark's, Hills Green, for
arich for the night. TrEhDAY.
way of Browntion Line to I.
oon ; thence to Dashwood for
Y. -Will proceed south by way
siou of Stepben, to the Town
y, thence west to MeCorbett's
thence south to Moray, thence
Iark's foe two hours, thence .
McPherson's, town line, for the I
-.- Will proceed north by way of
n of Stephen to for
way of B. Lino to Wm. Gam-
, therce to J, Bret:morn hotel
RIDAY. -- Will proceed north
Line to Resin O'Brytuits for
tinne north 3 miles, thence east I
nee north to Wm. Baker's hotel It
enee west to John Bressonas,
ight. SATURDAY. - Will eoli-
ths Bauble Line to MoCann's
•rnoon ; thence honae asy way of ;
Ito his own stable, where he !
the following Monday morning. I
I have greah pleasure in announcing to the people of both town and coontry,
that my stock is now complete. In DRESS GOODS will be found all the lead-
ing novelties of the -season at the very lowest prices. I draw particular attention
to my Nun's Veiling in Cream, Sky, Pink, Fawns, Greyc and Black; Silk and
Wool Brocade in Black -elegant for polonaises or combinieg with any black
goods -40o a yard. A line of French all -wool Serge Suiting, with colored Span-
ish lace goods to trim. French Beiges itt all shades --extra value. The popular
Cashmere still retains a firm hold on the public taste for a fashionable and ser-
viceable material. I show some in Navy, Seal, Myrtle, Grenat, Grey, etc., at 25c,
503 and 70c. Examine them close -splendid width and quality. For low-priced
goods, Colored Lustros is one of the leading materials this season. In these
goods the nosiest shades at different prices, with lace patterns to combine. In
very low-priced goods I show special lines. Fine Russel Cord at Sc a• yard. A
line of snowflakes, very serviceable, 10c a yard. Something nice in Striped Mo-
hair at 121c a yard..
. All Wool Bunting, It unti Veilings, Merinoes, Empress Crape Clothe, Cash-
meres, Serges etc., at much less than regular prices. Black Granadiens, Iron
,Frame Grenediens, and Black Scotch Grenadian& Point Auld's Celebrated
Crapes and Rain Proof Crapes at different prices. SILK AND SATIN DE-
PARTKENT.-Remarkable and interesting inducements. Black Satins at 750,
85c, $1, $1.25, $1.35, WO per yard. In these. goods I defy competition. Black
pace, Striped Satin Brocade -a lovely material. 13Ia0k Moire and Brocade
Stripes. COLORED DRESS SILKS.- -I show the choicest prodnets of the
French markets. One leading line at $1.13 per yard; for width, color and purity
of quality it has no equal. Rich Black Silks, Rich Black Grosgrains, Rich Satin
DeLyolas. Any lady requiring trimmings of any kind, either for Mantles, Dresses
or Millinery Trimmings, would do well to call on us, for a more complete assort-
ment of these goods was never shown by any house. In LACES, I have every-
thing -in Rich Spanish, Black and Cream, different -widths. Extra, value in
Russian Edelweis, Maltese, ; etc. Something altogether new for dress Baia
mantle triinming, Lace and i Chenille combined. t'Very Rich Black Beaded
Passarnenteries. IN FRINGES -The novelty of the season, in Rich Chinelle
and Grass combined. Colored Silks, Colored Satins and Moires in the different
ebades. I carry this season, las usual, the largest assortment of mantle orna-
ments and frogs of every hind. Parasols -A monster stock, both plain and
fancy -Special value. PRINTS -500 pieces of the most choice patterns from
the leading European manufacturers, at five per cent. less than cash house
1 in
, I have no need. to advertisile, is my opening this season established its suc-
cess, as we then showed. theost choice French and American patterns at much
LESS THAN HALF THE P ICES of other houses. We have the workers,
we have the styles, we have t e stock, and we take pleasure in trimming nice .
fashionable articles from the , very lowest figures, to snit both town and country
oustomers. Satisfaction guaranteed. Everything in Sunshades- and Sailors-
eome very choice.
horoughly Assorted. Hats end Caps, all styles and/prices. A very large stock
Of English and French Worated and Canadian Tweeds; choice patterns and
qualities at the right pikes. Any one requiring these goods it will paythem
to give us a call. 3 ;
Our Boot and Shoe Department is well assorted. Groceries -On hand ;will
be found everything required ha a first-class grocery. Our usual lines in Teas,
secured duty free. Wines and, Liquors -Fresh and puee, at lowest prices. Akia
and-Porters.our own bottling, ond all imported goods constantly kept. My sys-
tem. of doing business -Only oee price,,five per cent discount for . cash strictly
adhered to.
THOMAS KIDD, Seaford'.
16in0orner of Main and Market &visite.
Have purchased the entire stock of the late firm of SMITH & WEST, cone
sisting of
y Goods, Gents' Furnishin,gs,1?eady-niade Clothing, Wats awl Caps,
Boots ancl. Shoes,
•Alid have bought-hn addition a large stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,
- ;
w ich will fully sort up and make it one of the most attractive stocks in Sea -
fo h, and complete in every branch.
This dock was secured at a great reduction below wet, and enables us to
ell customers goods for less than other merchants buy them, and make a profit.
A special effort will be made to clear out all the' Ready-made Clothing, as
we intend t� give up that braneh of the business, and will offer $2,000 worth at
much less than the original coat.
The business will be condected on a strictly CASH basis, and only one
price, giving to each customer full value for their money, as we will not be com-
pelled to add. to the price to make up losses incurred by the credit system
This is a very important matter for purchasers to consider.
The business will be carried on at the old etand, No. 3, CampbelPs Block,
under the management of the junior partner, Mr. J. A. Smith, who will be.
pleased to see all the old custmeers and as many HOW ones as will favor us with
their patronag,e, saa'd will not consider it any trouble to shote goods or' quote