HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-05-05, Page 3I avvirt nuu*t Tff�qk g - - �:, - I - � � -4 4 : . i I . 1 1 1 1 1 : ; � - - __1 , . I � I I I - - . � ­ � i I I . i I � I I I � . ; � � � . i . ! .- I . . : �- ,.. . . . I ; . I ; � I -,.-. � MAY 5,� 1882. . � I THE, HURON EXPOSITOR, .: I � i � I � I I . I,- ; . � � I � . . I - . 1. . � I � ., � . . : 0�� —_ - � I I . . . _ . I I . I 4 _. . � I - � I . I * 1; . - . .1 I . I . -_ - I - . . . - . I , � By USIXG T.RZ., T ­ �, . I � em ... I . � . aieties. served, criticising mental'y the, dress. - whei; to stoD 8 her and withdiaw, TO THE . I . %.7 - . � - - I � I � .11 � , looks, sto.0 of -hose iround- -buew a - A . SEEDS I S � L �, - I n P40BO while and let the ,EDS i SEEDS I : 1-1 ,, -_ 1. 1 IL IL A F-ronch waite.r recently charged manners . - . ! : . - � 1. n travellers*$1.50 for half you. Make up your mi d that Your-' other y� a OR That isi a good ' . . i . I : - .. ;.j,; two America companions are, on the Ole. a pretty talker st 41 - . FARM ETRS,OF HURON ' -� ! . 11 LL �� a dozent boiJed eggs, not. because egges . I I ays e a good lliste . � � . L ! &to L —if they are 'not, you " . L . 1� 'gerer so e e met 6f le The tongue, ,,,, rrows per . � I . � . i ! Z J4E _ ,, � L I L � L *_ I I WLENGE , but because .Americans 1110 POOP snassive 1; : -_ - . I .ATIElt , I . bad no business to come among them—, from the ear.� You remember Sy ey —AND— . I . ; � , i�- I L . . i�t were. I ,t you ladies tell me what you that there is something to respect and Smith's condical commendatiod a L . ! : � � - . � , - L 1. L - ---,Ivvon ) 0 . . . U I � i - � . t?,, paid a fop. ,,I,m like in each of them. I etermine to voluble gentl ur an a coasional. "flag OS - ; � . . � ­ . 1, etalking &boa - SU � i � - . q ax . RRO NO INC COUNTIES, . I �_,, �. O." FEW p ople like to be over- . I I _ IF one of them looked at hie have a nice time anyhow; then do your - of sileno L I : L -_ 7 1 an ears. i : - AND VARIETIES, I iv arttomakeitso. Begenial, cordial, ridden and tr an ipled on in a Bo6ial 4�016 FIELD AND CARDEN SEEDS ;OF ALL ' KINDS HICKOR Y .� m-.1 � �� sharply, and said, -So you are; you P L � � I ..� .. J . ,, ur hair out." , ftank. If you ean play an a sing ordin. or at a dinner t�,bleany more'thani in . ; � . i� ­ ever get yo - . - � � . 11 �­� 01 t I i . I a�� � .. 121it 33 11 I well do not refuse to take your the street. Of � all the trivial foibles Having purchased the Huron Foun- . . . � . I � i � ': ItAlwaYs Pay as you got said an arily i 1, . ­� : - share in entertaining your companions of the polite 01 dry, in the Town of. Seaforth, and re- ; �, _�,� , � d man to his nephew. -But, uncle, ass�B, I think that of . L �- . . . - . A. i � � L �:! 01 in that way. You canno be expected breaking in on he ther side of the' fitted the same in first-class style, I will i . ; e I have nothing to pay with ?" J I - AT THE NEW SEED STORE, JU$T OPENED OUT BY � 6 suppoll to sina like a- Nilsson or Kellogg. - If dialogue, and inter pting ur friEnd have on hand a large and varied stock . I ... M r I . L - - I � - ­ , siThen don't go." I YO IR - z , Many a man u � 'r , � I after maxiiage wishes you cannot play or sing say so frankly, before he has done, s abo t as common I of PLOWS for sprind trade, - I I � I I '1AN1 ROME STOV . I i ; , � . I . m . � . , - — and do not feel humiliatec- You Pro- and rude as an: I� r th ree . i . i . 14 . I I, I Est 'I'll had one teuth of the money he had . . Y. ilinow two o � . . 11 I he bably excel in some othei accomplish- very fine charaoters,' � Both Chille4 and Steel Mouldboard . I 11 . I . - � other girls, to buy a I not egotistical or � I I - I L away Oil I . . fooled went. Even if you do Plow8, gang Plows, Grain - - I , . � carijage With. I . aot, you ,can vain, who lose digni y and respect by I __ ------ � � - baby asess that one grand aco:)mplishment not lett . . 11 C> ... 0 - W I 1i T� S OUT, I ! T11 be a man, u sh half Cru8he�s, Stratv Cutters— - 2 1 L , _,#�Vhen I grow up, . I Ing yo your a )n- I I �: I L . r i to which all others are ac ssories, that tences. Make1ong peeches if you will L IN won't I?,, asked a little Austin boy of It Hand, & Horse -Power. i i � of being ­ a lady ; . i -_ . � I � I - .. u I . � . I j his Inother. ,,Yes, my son ; - but if yo I . —a �Irue woman, —that is bad onolgh; tun collocuy _. - . I - � I if you date . i .. ' ,v have the best kno,ml, i LL i Want to be a mau, You must be indus- gentle and gracious,- : nodest and into harangue od,r serpaon 1 to 4 1 and 6 .0orse. , S � � - _L a at school and learn how to be- lovable. . � think _ afforq it; but at least , Pow&8. IN HIS STORE NEXT DOOR;TO HI IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM. I - I I I - r I triou ' ! I . � I i i . --- 4 in"I"r- . -1 I i bave yourself." ,,Why, mamma, do Dea-fenbaug . � allow your guest, your equal, yes and � i I I � fo saving fuel and lab � . h's Idea. � . � xatoves, in this market or Of I . I Also,. & very iarge as�vrtment of Plow I � I � . . I I. turn out to be women - even your inforior',to havean equal I � _. the lWboys - � I I I . ?11 Mr. Beecher, in his book on "Fruit, chance. Points, made' from the very best brands ! I .... . �; . when they grow up . ' Noble8se ob0g;d. When the ot4er I � ;� . � , I � ' � . I'll, - ; Flowers, and Farming,," tells a good begin of iron. Special attention will be given :— � - I —,,I say, Sambo, does ye know what 8, stop short P,nd listen.-B1870P I __� I . I ------- � � .... - . . story of an old German fai -mer out in Hunt � I to repairing I all kinds of machinery. I i i . . J - . :, ow so fast when vou' Indiana, who was a, I inglon. 1 - � ea a& corn gr I i i � . .� mak - I ways E uccessful. A - � . I Castings of Jall kinds made on [short I L I I . I � ;;;;;; I .- p t. da manure on it?" "No, I don't . I . � I - -in. i .1 I I - . ; u neighbor had great trout loin raising _1D ar w notide and atireasonable rates. Haviug . I I � � .. � � . bardly.7) k'Now, I'll jist tell ye When I All the New Varieties of Seed Grain, inclhding the 11 White Russian" and good corn on his land ; the soil -was Goticeruing t1he late Professor D4r. upwards of 30 years, experience in the I L � .. '&e trade, we feel! assured that we can gi I 'ALL AND SEE TH-B19 AIX ; ., L � very wet, and water persis;ed in gather- win the Montr' Whi,t- 11 Black Austrian " Oatsi 11 Lost Nation " and ,"White Russian " Spring Wheat. , corn begins to smell de manure it ve ' � , eat itness says: 7 t like de Ifumery, so it huriiea out �� . _. 1� , Jou in in the furrows. On Good Seed Peas and Barley. Best quality of Clover and Timoth , and all kinds : I ob de ground and sits up, as high 9 e day he saw ,ever the value of hiq message to -in ti. good satiBfa�tiou. Our motto is to y � ll,, - kind, the nam�el ?I please. Your trade respectfully solici�- of Garden Seeds. Turnip, Mangold 7 . ve as his Gbrman friend plowing, and the fol and Carrot Seed, and everything belonging � ot to brea ,of Qharles R. Darw u, :. - I : Possible, iso as n do bad lowing conversation ensued - . I to the business. Also, 4 fall stock of FLOUR and FEED, including Oil Cahe I who has just pgased� from earth, is 0 �e , ed. i I - L It . . I , . I % , air. � "Deaft.nbaugh, how is i -, that you' al- of the grbateSt 4f out century. It i i � . Ground and Unground Laud Plaster; Bone Dust and Artificial Manures. Al ST IN KtDD'S, MAIN .1, . -.A .n ugly looking tramp with a club e r, ' is 11 THOMAS HENDRY, s usual at the Agricultural Im- L . - I ways have good com wh 12 no one else association with, hisnume, as the fathdi � I . kinds of Implements and Sewing M�chiueB a' . � � � in. his hand called at the back -door of a . . , I I ; 1. gets half a crop ?" . . of a now philos6phy� that to Englan � is : Senforth. plement Emporium, Main Street,, Sea�orth. : - . I r rban residence a day or two ago IPJOL f ! . I . subil . . I I well", said he,41when it is wet W now accor urope the -N. B. --Wood Wanted. ____ I . ,,'� E A FO R TH. ,. L . I JUBt after the alleged head of the family I til,11it is dry, and when it is dry I plow first place in the world of thought. I i . , � � I i . had gone out, and asked if the gentle-. till it is ' . . .t . 0. C. WILLSON. - .11, wet.,, I is upon his hea re Impor ant Notice. L L nign of the house was home. Before . 4 thq�t the startled li. - I I L - 1 . ' Mr. Beecher, in commer ting on the gious world has - he'a Od its contempt � I i I I � L the. frightened lady could reply, a big I p I I � . - )3 EA FOR -TH " -,. � .� story, says: -"Now, the priDoiple is and scoru. The fadA that he has been - I - . n . � I .k corner and . I � - . .. I.. 1! bull dog arose from a dar good. Our Dutch friend v rould not, we assailed with;ahaftsl from Soriptara is, � . � I - LLL ro&chin,y the visitor, gravely shook I I . ' . : 0 . I L I .. � . app suppose, low a stiff clay in a .wet con. however, not of �'itself a proof -that his - . I . � . I I . — I � I his bead. The question seemed to be dition, unless, possibly. to E trike a oban - system oontra4 I k . p D. D. ROSE GROCER "URANCE AG, L �, � I ) I � ENO ly answered for the tramp � � _y - . sgtisfactdri icts� revelation. This L � . ..... .1 - � nel through the middle betweenthe was done with ther consent of all Chris- , � ; � ... � sud&er.IY left. L I Z . rows. But the giat of the story lies in tendom, against the discoveries of i I I I � . - - .. I :_ -A professor of sh(ging in Dublin I - � i I . I WWI-. X. W -AT ONL � I I I this -constant cultivation. Stir, stir, Copernicus and� Gal4eo, and ye� no one I have the I pole and excluBive Agency I : � . , . - . I S J � went to stay with the Bighop of Lim stir the ground.,' now seas any " I .. I . I ' k, himself celebrated for his de- force in the charges. Cor. i - � � I oric I To all of -which we say amen. .tain passages bad, however, to be read for the Celebkated , ST OFFICE SEAFORTH � : L ral PTire, Afa7ine L � � I � mlering of Moore's melodies. . figuratively indead ',of literally. ' Yet, . ­ i 5 : 3 � a��,J-,,­, sor a i � Life 'Vpf'," r.' � � � , T o ofe ang his very hest, The Row the Stifeets axo Cleamed on the other hand, t1he fact that. Coper- � k1tt lrlsuwancer _A.:yftt, COM,, . I J L Pei., tW�; L ' Biehop was pleased, and his servant, in Paxiq. . us and Galileo h' I . . . - . . i Appraiser, ,Etc.., -who bad known and entertained a high nic . ave been universally ! . . - � . . I . e� -1 The streets of Pa ' obably accepted a's real discoverers does not ' to his numerous customers for the very liberali share of . rekl,pect and admiration for the profes MIS re pr WHITE SEWING MACHINE, . In'returning thanks, � � L, L I I cleaner than those of shy other city of . prove that Mr. Dar -Win's doctrine will � I : . I 1, I I . I � i I . '14 " '. sor, whorn be had not seen for some its size in the world. Tc keep them stand the test, of time. Certain it is t - I - %T'L I I I "" ,SEAFGRT,K - ' time, was at least equally enchanted. patronage bestowed upon him during the past, and being determined t6 keep 'up ; clean, a staff of 2200 m�D, 950 women that his w, �: . � I - as a laborJioug. life of closest- L . n . I in the course of the even'no' this aP- and 30 bo a are employed. In addition observatio d stricteSt investigation, . I I I 11 - . , L Y - III . I - : . : preciative atteadan�t took occasion to the reputation he has acquired for fair dealing aud giving the best value, would w _. - . to these there ake 190 inechanical of deepest Btu�ly, or, most painstaking For this part of the County of Huron . . L . L . s . BUItS, Of e 5 11 � congratulato the professor. With every sweepers, each doing the work of ten setting forth � of to clearest - . - I I i . . �� faith in the siucerity of his compli men. The roadway, swep 5 and cleanb- hoiieset' . I o fi-ne Teas at 5oc, 6do and 65c 1 ,� y, and, as a: matter of course, and will not be responsible for any say tba� he has received another supply of ' thos * i . :)-NLY FIRST -GLASS' ment. he whisp(ired. when he got the ed by six or seven o'clock in the mor � F - %J01 a . where -such a life haa heen lived of i�m ; . L '. ction, both in quality and � rice, and . : chanoo: -­:�Ihuru, your HoLior, th, White Maohihe unless Bold by me or at per poul p ,t m-In.c,e companies represent -d. All kin&: at ing, amountsto nearly 13,0)0,000 square portant resultp.' Df4rwiii inherited his I ; - . , CUrren -H be li � ..I d: which gave such good satisfa i :i effectod at lowest . song wtt mntifa I thou - , t rates on id L - Lght His rods. The amount appmpriated for talents from ' his � graudfather, the iny-office here. . � i v� property. Special attention devoW '' - Lordi�hip liad a prand voice. but there's street cleaniag is about 33 5 000, which fandous Doctor Erasmus Darwin.whose I . would invite all those who have not already bought any of those Teas � I 0 give me L ,4- L I I I InsuranM Insurance.% effected on flini.- nGton,-hinvy,,u at all, at all. Begorra, ., .. I I I ,,�iv in the does not include the di 3infecting of fame has not be'en 0 lipsed by t , ; "Gore Imstrict " of Gait,"tab%, - : your Houar's g�)t a voice ne a don- I . hat of I . a, trial, and compare them with teas bought at any other house at from- 0c to luc j years, at fro -in .6-4 to `1 per cent a*, L - � markets, urinals, etc., whi h cost over his successor t 'h' 11ame. Darwiu re- . I L � I Cheaper than, any rautuai t ... * I key I" . 4'ia her i 3h . A I �ee yeara OW � - $4,000, including chemicals and plant. sembled his gr. , d ,4 a very mui . per pound more. - In existence. The followin� comp4nk . I The sweepers employed are similar Both had the �ieate.Bt powersof obser. JAMESI WATSON I . - I mted, viz.: London & Lancashire, En �-w � A Prosperaus Faxiner's Moa- to those in use in this vation of nmtu 'e, . i L� En A , _ _ _ I -city, consisting r aiRd the faculty of I . . rn, glaud; Scottish imperW) 86U14d,�. ims. ing analogie . . . . � : - I L . I I America, Toronto ; Royal 0anadian " of a frame -work upon two wheels, with BOO 8, the�ein, which has led I I Gore District, Galt; danadian i,W;,* . �. 1. Keep up with improvements. a Beat for the driver, and t the back is, both to build up theprieB in which there -bEALER IN- My stock of Teas in Blacks, Greens and Jap&ns, Coffees, Sugars, Syrups, . �, Hamilton; Alljanc� Hamil . . - . . - , _1�v - . L - ' 7�ra- ton; Toroito - 2. Think small. tbings important. am inclined circular bass broom, actuat. are confessedly' missing links. . Thi's . I I I Life), Toronto, v�llers Life and Acd- I 1 3. Tak(d pleasure in your work. ed by gearing driven from one of the power and hisoriginality of thought and i . . Rice, Tapiocao Sago, Pure Spices, Ca-nnecl Goods, Tobaccoes, &c., is at all times , Uartford, Conn. A,g,entlfor tb(a QMW& � I I I ,Rent 4. Don't ruin stock by low fencing, 'wheels. Each machine costs $200, and b utiful simr1li'aity,of style . . oan and -'4avings company, Toront&' - - � ea in writing Sewi,ng .M,ic es, Knitting .&a- i ., loaned at 6 per cent. on real estate. . eeding. -ver first work � I ; hin 11, � � nor bad f will sweep 6578 square ro 'a per hour. were manifested in his -y r :, _ comple � e, and my extensive business, together with light expenses, e ables me , , I State Line 1-teamship com - - -� , I i .1 i 5. Don't let gates sag and fall down. Two of these machines are usually the Voyage of ,a J Naturalist, the story of I . � "? i ___ :M -New York pany = - 0 gL . chinle8, Attachment8, I L . J - and Glasgow. i�wl ftb.k- � ' � G. Make allL the manure possible. - driven down the street, c no followin his voyage arou I d tte world in H. M.S. I to placo my price s at a much lower figure than the same goods are Bold at by $,75; Second Cabin $40L; S n teerap WOO&- .. [ I J . . . f, tickets tssued good forp 1 7. Don't let fowls roost in trees. ­ closely after the other. The first "Beagle," an,d� of �is observations in i I . � - nionths V.1 . I � : ­ I )�N-,Xaiii Sureet, Seaforth. office reft'%__Mes_�, : 8. Have your stock well sheltered. sweeps the middle of the adway i the South Americc�6. T4is book proved v I : others.1 I i3lock, ,,kppo,c:,ite, the Alansion Hotel' . ery . . I . I . 9. Don't leave waggoris, tools, and second takes the winrow o: ' dirt formed popular and wasofollowed by twomore NEEDLES,, OIL% &09 I I . � — — . , faxm implements exposed to the wea- by the first, and carries it �jo the side of works of ,a move ocientific character I . - l ther. the road, . �perhaps into th( gutter. A giving the results of 1: the same voyage. , . TS. GOODS DELIVERED F 11 - I � . � i . __ . . � I& -4 . I 10. Don't hang harness in the dust, strong current of water fr(m tho'near- It was, however, the publication in MAM I AFORTIE1. . q 11 . - . i . - !VANITORA I - - i. . . i I � . - � nor forget 6 oil axles. eSt hydrant hurries it on i to the Bowe , 1859 of his work', - 110a the- Origin of' I I � .- I � D. D. RO d � � . .11. Never go to town without 'busi- women with long brooms helping it Speci6s,byMeausof!Natura Selection, I I I . I �_ I � .1 I . �. . ness. I along. The water is allowed to flo or the PreBerv%tion of Favorei Racesin REMOVED I ; I . W for I ; � I - - � . . I - � 12. Don't be stingy w3d. pen-arious, some time, being dam the Strug I f ! - I . 6 in d here and g a o * Life;" which made him I . � ; ; . - - -but practise old-fashioned, hon'e-st, and there by the attezidatts, who change famous, and -Which 4aB since been re- . I i rtiea,wishiu- to invest money' honorable economy. the direction of the I I I LOCnAN'S EMPORIUM I C. i I& ; J � ourrept, until the garded as an epoch i in the history of I I , . . � I I : � � . 0 . last bit of filth is washed away. In philosophy. i ; ; . � � � � : . I I . . � : : . � I - I ! - , A Terrible Child. some parts of the city the qweeping� are by others , ma,1v be said to have : I �. .v,aR s i work was followed . . I : i - . I . i -1 RELIABLE TD�N OR FA10'. I It was in the cars. T& ladies were c(,Uected in carts, of which 500 are em- the same'object,'� 11 fhe Descent of Man I I ­ i � i �� � ' . I I . I . � - sitting together, busily etigaged in con- ployed ; but Paris mud no loniger 1?09. and Selection of Spe,bies in Relation to :P_&3E:'Sr2, ! , 4 � i i , ' anc ; i � - PROPERTY IK MANITORAt ; venation. On the seat facing them sat semes the.ma,nurial streDgth of former Sex, 1, " Oil tbo'Expression of the I I . s � Animals." The ! i I I - I a, little five-year-old bby. He h9d been times, and the receipts Jerived from Emotions in Mea and . I IS �HE PLACE YOU WANT TO. F� IND. . I � . nott, desiring to incur t I looking out of the window, apparently this source have greatly diminished. number of those wh6 have read these T HE 1J EWE LL E Rx . . I he, trodblo . . � I ! I I . I absorbed in the moving panorafna, of The scavenging plant i 3 kept in a works is pro�a,bly comparatively small,, � I I expense of visiting the Pr4t*� � . I . I � I I � . -- � 1�1 the outai a .central depot, where mate ials of every but the nuffiber � wh6 fancy that they i . i Mace, should call �� upon or COME- �_ 'r I do world. Suddenly he turne . i . � I -_ . I � ­� f from the window ; he'began searching description are stored a d classified, are acquainted ' ith,�the theories illu8- I HAd- - I Icatewith th - w` � - � ! a undersigned, who*, I trated and sought to!be established by . . i . . ­ : about the car, exclaiming in a, high, pip- for 'ordinary and, extraorch ary service. i I � for the well and f a vorably knomof : � i I � . ing voice: Here are found supplies o chloride of them, includeB:0111iliost every person i . . � Of - � � � �. � ! I � I I I . I . �__ f , I 4 'Mamma, which haan is it that looks so lime, sulphate of zinc, sul h'ate Of iron Possessed of any iu�ellig6nce however ' 1.11 I . � "I . I . - 6 I : , funny?" � and carbolic a6id as disin ectants, and mean. In the oontioveray which has REMOVED TO HIS I , . I .. . .. . ' . � b � � Corn, e . ere and You W__ ill Get the, Very - "Sh!" cautioned his mother. But hy4rochloric acid and fnitio-benzble as arisen, the author's 6 ject in getting at I . I I � . Z :. I i I I I M- . MAC.- GRE00-R & Ck ; the boy was not to be .hushed. cleansing agents. Chloride of lime is the truth has been I st sight of by theo- I . I I , � �. I . o i I ; I � I n I . . . 64 � ; ­ . I don't; see the man with the bald used of a strength of 100 degrees to 105 logians, scientists an others, as differ- i , - % ' I%--TJB-Vr S,r01=:t:P,1 I d Shoes. - . . . � . I ]Best Wear -in Boots an ; d . ; � . WINNIPEG. _� bead and funny red'nose." degrees, sulph4te of zinc M, a strength ent interests seeme to be imperille : . � _., I . . I I i I I , The "aW, was repeated. of 18; oarbolicacid is used at a strength by its establishment; Perhaps the least � " 7 1 v . By this I . �� � �. _� , time the car was in a titter, save and of 1 to 40, and down to or e per cent., vehement, the most itemperate writingi . � . � - : ; -, . — I �. � I � I —_ I 6 - �� excepting one elderly gentleman with a and even less, For watering streets on the subject are those of the author of TWO DOORS NORTH OF OLD STANDI L' I . . lis firm have a bhorough ku . $ '% the'works assailed. The tone of his writ- i � I I I , - . - I - I 11 very bald head and 4 very red nose. and gutters it is used as one part of I I I [..e country. and the beat anl� � -0-1. - 11 His eyes were rivited upon his paper ILcid to 1,000 Of water. ydrochloric ings is deferenti&I and appealing rather . -_ . ' I f right. acid aP -a IRECTLY OPPOSITE M 113 -:'Men's Calf Boots, 's sH Boots, - table investments- and- onfly' � , , � - , ite . is a d slaugliter. tha commanding i or dogmatic, and D k'130 S t 0 Kip Boots � with a fixedness -that was qu Plied to urinals & CS Boots, Men - Men H ( prolLerty will be 7ecommeudqk.. I iiis power. He has � Men's Shoes,i Women's Coum ' d Balmoral . - I- ful. Agflin the boy: bouses at a strength of .6 to .1.10. therein lies much of I � . try Boots, Women's Pebble r throtigh their age�cy, inveat, A �0 "Oh ! now I Bee him! Ho! what a N I Boots, omen Is Pebbled Buttonedl Boots, Women's Polished Ca3f Boots, . - - I L itro-bouzole is employed ritten other valuable works, such i Tyv : I � be more ,safely made by. and , � � _� .- bright nose I What makes it so red, strength, but producee a disagreeable as 11 The Monog'ap4 of .the Family of pa Women s Glove Kid Boots, Women's Fine Shoes. ChildreWs Shoes, Coam ­ 11 -1 - 17, bh ,nxr AVon' - - . � M , ROBERTSON - - wio, � an wei& they oven'to I Fine, cheap. Ladies', Gent's 0d Children's Rubbers. Women"s Felt � ' - marnma?" - smell of bitter almonds. Cirripedia,'I-w4iqh-h�s been described as I I country themzselves. All * I I Shoes V�i _. - ­� 11 Georgie I" shouted big mother, in a The watering of the stro6ts is mostly 11 one of themost rem&�kable works on a d Slippers, for housewear. 1 - .. ­ I I � . I � � k made to, the un-dersigned 0 I - I stage whisper ; but George was not to done by hose, or a systo 'of jointed " zoology," and � a paper, 11 On Earth I I . I � � �,ptly attended to. Ch � I - . . I FURNITURE STORE.� . ' I - sr,dlews 7 � t be stopped; pipes mounted on small wheels; but Worms and their W4rk," and the,, The � I.— I I 1 - � - I- 7 � _ - ..., 11 "Mamma," he continued, ,,what 3.22 watering carts are used. The an- Fertilization of .Orch�ds." . i , I ! � . ir Dealing t M8 How& 1. . - - . I ina.de you Bay he had a light -house on Ilual cost is 890,000. The streets are . . �i .� 01 - ; � ;a and Quick R� urps the Motto of -t . r M. Y. .RcLEAX, Seafollk ".11 11 : . ; .. � � I t 1: .. -his face? I don't Bee any light -house.." watered in winter as well as in sum. Papoing�.Rooms. . 0. L.'PAPST. I _ . __� - . x .----- � Again, "Georgie!" and thiB time with met, unless it is very cold.-B68ton "Days of tri�nlatioln" are at liand, in ___-, �� ------- - . i I I � ' : � , I s " Iii w ;k I e er I ' 681 e] 0 .2 1 68 Of 40 0 I t fini I � r 3 � _ 8 fel, 4 a 4 , ( - f , - ­ � light shake. Journal of Chemistry., . I I which the spring cleaning comes to the i - I : MYSTAL & 13LA09�� I Once more' the piping voice, the bald- . - front,. -to the discom#ture of the houBe. � ; I � , 1- ' FOR1388' LIVERY k WM. LOGAN, Seaforth. . � PRACTICAL � 1mr, - I headedpassenger gazing at his paper Good Talldng as a .Fine Art- keeper. Thoso who �havo rooms to re- I I I -� I i I I �� I I I . � 1-1 1. more fiercely than ever, and growing Some persons amobg our acquaintan- paper sho-41d al ' 'insist upon having I � i � red ' � I I - I ­ �� the old pap4 % . before put- I —AND - 1 . i IrIq ' der every moment: I ces, without any effort or even con- all 3r ,'rye oved - — , I , . I . T � - . �I LER M" AKZ-&R*-, I I "Mamma, I don't think his head sciousness on their part, diaw ris out ting on the no ,7 A Or all has been - � I - : 'Pi. 0 ri Tff 'LOA. : _J :F .A-.. 0 rZ S - . - I ' I I � - ., - �­ I t$ looks like the State House dome. It's and others lock no up. YDU sit down torn off that is loose, dampen the wall@ . I - -1 . _. ahiny like it, b t it 1'813,t 00 yaller." to talk with one gentleman or lad , and with warm water and the rest may be I % .: , I y . � Subscriberg have bought the TO" W r went around again, in spite of all you can do you are olum sy; removed quite easily. Then flil any SA LE, S TAB�L E S, � �oiler Business lately earried on bY " - . George'kmoth r whispered rapidly to the sentences'come out wrong end first; cracks there may: be in �the walls with I . I - il, L Foundry a-nd Manufacturing COM # I I � ; e boy, ind Jave her young hopeful a you are under a numb pa -lay or a night- plaster of Paris. .� Only a little- of this : ig b ad an experience of over eight :� box on th 1�� ea,t h' h seemed' to par. mare. There is no explahation of it. should be mixed at once, as it sets very - - �hop, are now prepared to oarry OR 016 - - , , , 10, I ­ 1,9 MAIN-S'T., SEAFORTH. L ita bl'anches. I tially d:ive ii�q attention from the The person is one you Bpec ally want to quickly. To such as hang their own I ,T� �work entrusted to ug will recel" pros*, bald-headed passenger, but not entirely. please : bu ,, . . � . tion. First-class work guaranteed. t a fatal impott nee pinches paper let me say that the paste is best . . Ainda .&W Re cried once more through his the Whole interview, & id you are made by wetting the flour -first with � at Boilers made and repah-A-4-1 I - Le Stacks and Rheet Iron Wo -i &0"L J�W_ tears: I ashamed of yotirself. Ap(ther comes, cold water and then pouring in boiling � TL P . �. RTHUR FOIR BES, the old estAblished Lty- , �. I e 1,61te s � I "You said his nose Was red as a beet, and all your powers are set free ; the , water, stirring constantly until it thick� Aeryman, keepi i the beet and moot styhah rigs 7 afrolo.- IkDd the beet A ' orses in the basiness. if Salt Pans made and old ones rer . : 'mamma ; I diJn't say nothin ." ideas come out readily a d lucidly ; yo eas. The paste does not need -to boil d I 4 h - lortest notice, and at prioes that (10W**�� - - Stran 9 � u I 'Nest and Nobb Cutters, handEiome and com- on. __ ge to say the bald-headed pas- are kindled and liberated; the sky is and should be '- 7 . . quite thin when it is fortable Robes, &,,d�faat and sat horses always - CHRYSTAT-t & Bt,.&M senger didn't take part in the suppress- luminous; the right words are not doue. Abalf(?:tl-uoebf boraxadded to ou hand. . - I A T handgo4e fainilyaleigh foroneortwo - Many - ry t Box Ioa, G0d*r%tk* ed laugb.ter that followed, but put on wanting; you find more ia you than avery quart of Oa,�te improves it. ho . e i I . roes. I I - - ____L��� his hat and hid his nose in the paper, you suspected. What can this Mean recommend 9, paste made of the cheap Day and night � Us promptly attended to. �. "I It oull over which he glared it the boy as if but that there is a starch which is, gold in bulk, as being Good driving. horses bought and gold. .e Ftoyal 1-1 � RF M BE Tl HE PLACE - Opposite 0. 0 - . . 1. - - z- he waaw-ed to eat him. And yet where pathy, and that we succeed in all ways better than t4e� ordinary - flout. A Willgonts Agricultu - ral Warerooms,,Seaforth. - I (LATE CARMICHAEL13) : 'w&B,the boy -to blamo-Buston Trans- I in whatever degree we have in us -that whitewash brugh'is 'the best to apply 6w . . -8. - I I ARTHUE� FORBE � �_ rript. hihi ommontoourkind? the paste to the paper with. It should ! - - W ic -18 c — �. �H� cyNTAI"lls- . A bright woman wrote tJ Walpole of be applied qui I SEA -FORT ' AF011T � . - ckly and with aa little H PLANING. MILL, - 9 . I . Don't, Girls. the excellent and lea rubbing as poBsib;e and the paper I � . I 5 . Me statesman, I I . -i . . : � .. Don't think it necessary for your I Necker: -'"He has intellect and good- should be allow%T, to shrink before a o . - . � SASHl DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY 1� ES WEIR � : �iappinef3g that every afternoon be spent ; hess, capacity .without r resumption, being hung, as this prevents cracking. I JAIM . I . I I 11 - I'd the trAvtl--- Ill makinf, calls or on the street shop- generosity without oBt43ntati on, prudence . 4KS to inform his old friends 41 . ,_ ^ — ,i,: 01k, Ping. Home is not a mere hotel where- without dissimulation ; but he- lacks A Populax Remedy. �--�l�ui)iiettiatii-,tvin!.rpurche-sedtW -- . I I to __ I,- ' 0 fk^_ * . miatiodi(nis h(Ael buil4m.gy--ho hag,th W% �' Irl to eat and sleep -too dreary to be one quality which renders talkers most Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam is one of rfUE subscriberbegs leave to thank hisniumeron ]� top to L �atrxfl-;bcd and re -fitted it from - - elidured without company from abroad; I agreeable -a certain facility which the most deservedly popular remedies 6ustomers for the 11beralpatronage exWnded 0 1 - _ � , Wfortlaw -LIA it i.4 naly one of the most eo �A � . � t -k. L - .. 1101ne work is not mere drudgery, but I elicits thoughts from those with whom for the care of coughs, colds,sore throat, himsiRce 00--Oncing Iffivellient, lloteL,i in tho 01111tY. IV - busimeas in, Seaforw,and - era he - I .... z 'useful ministration to those We love. !one converses; he does not aid in the astlitati, whooping cough, croup, b' UngU hat he may be favored witb :4 boatinuam tion to the Avant, of Ilig custom � I 0 -be - ron- ofthename. . � - I � rit ashare of pubue patronagO. I - Don't mista,ke gia ing for cheerful. I develdpment of one's ideas; and one is chitis, and all pulmonary complaints. Pardesintendingto build wan1d dowell to give � -7 ­ ID91 1, I it ell f ariAshed - T'bo , and well heated- ness, slan., pbrases for wit, boisterous 11 more stupid wit when alone I For sale b all dealers. 739 him was%as he will continue to -keep on hand a , and so 7 h him than r , (C kept supplied Ivith tbe, best, -...- . rudeness Ror frank glaiety. impertinent - or with y - lLrge stoek of allkinds el I u - ' others." The leaBou comes! . tiVe -a-rid trust worthy Qtier,�vlll alvl*ys �, - � I �_ - � 9 ror - pridance. Good sample room i 8Peeches for repa�toes. On the other ; back from every side -the t2o' we live i . sia, I A 11 re Dyspep Dry Pim .Lumber, Sashm, 8 Yavellei". . � II&I'd, don't. be prim, formal, stiff, nor 11 in the larger life of humanity, and the ' Blinds and Mouldings; - 18 ntruber the','Rt,y&,l Hotel,#, corner of .- - that' 9.11 prevalent disease of oivfflzed 4 I , 7 . . VA - Usume a ,-country face" eloquent of I less we live In the contraotA d pen of our life, is always ationded with a disoroer- . I . �odcm:h Streets, Seaforth. � � 1 41 ' . Lad, &c. � . Pr1knes, potatoes, prisms," nor sit bolt' own interests and schemes, the sInpler. ad sympathetic system and b . - . . I I ,ad i HdeelwonAftst of glivinglosUdoetiontothm � amr- - , I I JAHES WEIMRIZ: A upright in a comer, hands, feet, eyes ! harvest we shall gather to and when tions, and no remedy is better who nayfavovir* hthoir ; I adap'ted , m wit. � 0.61nal : i � r � I- . � - Mid Jips carefully posed for effect. An 1 the sun goes down. . . 0 . . z *, . to its a tb I$ dock Blood Bitters I . - ure t1ap . ur � - pfiftlewar Att"tion paid to bwton Phaft � _ _ - ; __ I - '3ffe* will be produced, but not the one ; -One of the highest meriti of a talk'er taken acco ng to special - directions . - . r . I - . I I . 7 1 3`111 -'sh. Nor yet sit scornfully re- ! is to know when not to talk; not only found on ev � JOHN H. 13ROADFOOT. � � � � I 1� r . - ery bottle. . 739 1 1 201 I . ! I I I I I � � � I � I .. � I � ­ � I . I i � I I I I � . � I I . , I : I � � i. I ' I I � `� . I THE. CHEAPEST AND B ST PLACE TO BUY YOUR 1� - � - ­ . I ­ - - ,� . � I � I I . ! I � I � I . GRO ERIES, FLOUR$ FEED, I 0 r% - I SEEDS, 1nSH11.,(X%.#,*J - - . . i . I : . . I � � I . ! I � . IJIS A T M. MORRISON'S. . I I I � . . I ! I . i - I � � I I . i I . I I — . L . I i . . I � . , - I I . . I To . ig business, I have leased 9i2d fitted up To ake room for my ate i gro �. �h' - the adjo shop for a Flour� Feed "d Seed Store, and intend keeping pon 9 VI�TL � . stantly n hand BRAN, SHORTS, 0,11 8, PEAS, CROP, SEED, GRAINS of in 1', � - I r , I alll kinch; HAMS and BACON. - ! � Opeiing out this week a large stock of ORPOKE RY AND GLASS- , WAR of all kinds, which was bought for cub, and will guarantee to give you as good Ys4ue in this de anti as i-aiy other house in -the We. we - o n�� teu for f now sell ng. be�t ston 38tio,of 44'-piisoes,for #2.50; best=i #I.-10 PO - dozeli 15 - Alma All other ; Ltoom- Sets, nine Oieces, for W . - . A042t and Glawwm equ&Uy obasp. Also ou had a 'haV stwk Cd TE " = Ax BoUing at reduced priceo, CAR and, see um'Jod you MM n1WW � . . 1 money b it. . , - - I � � RN ' I I i . M.. MOR, ISONI - I . , I � - - I - sunih side main Isunt, 86dorib. I � � - I . . � . I I I � . . . I I . i . I i . i � # � * t � i .. . I I L : - i i � : � . . I � ­ � I - - I � I � . .11 . I - I L I I ­ . I � I ; I . I I I I . . . � . .1 ­ � .. . I - � I : . . . . ­ - . � I - -7 ,. I . . . � I , - I. - � . I . 1. I - - � i _� I i - . - . I I I - I ­ I - - ­ ­ - 4 — I- . I -, � __. I � � I � �1_ I-- 1. . -, _­ - � T R_ E, � . � CANADIAN BANX OF COMMERCE. I - A . EAD OFYlCE, TORONTO, 'aid up Capital, . . $6,00.0,000. test, - - . - - . 1,400,000. 1 I President, ffon. Wk. ffeMutm I I I t SEAFORTH BRANCH. - The Befiforth Branch of this Bank continneg to . I ,ceive deposits, onwhichinter.est B&I10i7adon le most favorable termg. Draf ts on all the Principal towns and ,dtles In %nada, on Great Britain, ana on tne United �ates, benght and sold. ,0,ffioe--First dooz South of the Commerdal otel. . W A. H. IRELAND, Xausffer.� I _________________� 'HE ZURICH CARRIAGE FACTORY, . � HESS & HABERER .JAT�, always on hand, and make to Order, W gono, *Ietghs, klairt-lage.",Bag. , titters, and every other article in their ,tell, C ne. They pervonally aDperi*ntendotheir own bust- ess, tnd can guarantee a good article both as ) material. and workmanship. For Style an4 Finiah their work cannot be urpassed by th� large city e8tabitshments. Repat'ring promptly attended to. Give up * rial and be conviiaced that we can satisfyyou an 3 quality and pria(, Mr. Hess is,well known tr. the public, II&YIng een in lyraziness 'In Zurich for over 12 yearfi. B6 HESS& RABE R. --,---- ___ - __ __ — - - - � VOTICETOTHEPUBLIC - I UPSHALL H008f, KINBJJR-N. �7 1 i i JOH14 UPSHALL, V. 8.9 . 'JAVING pureba-tA the Hinburn ffbtel wl&es . to say to the farme)-s and traxelling pnblia ener&Uy, that he hae refiti,ed the hon -e thorough - r &,nd supplied the har v ith the beist brands -Of . gars and hqrors Th ivin., hira a call will t osil 4 a treated courte ausly ALEX. aANKIN,Xallaget. . To Horse Owners. I . r,oHx U"PSHALL, Veterinary Surgeon, Kin - bum, snliaitfl the patronageof his old friends ad the public generAlly. A 'all Stock at Veter- A may MedicineR vonst-intly on hand. Having =red the mervioes of Mr J. A Wilson us my eterluaxy B1%r_kgm1:h, I hope to give oraira Ltidaction in nllAjisesses of the feet. Callsand 4egmph messages promptly attended to. .1 , � JOM( UPSHALL, V. S4 _.- . . _. IV . iVATCH, CLOCK ,�� I -AND- � I . - - . JEWELRY - BUSINESS FOR SALE. . I One of the befit Btands West of . I Toronto; doing agood business. Stodk - . - about 010,000; can be reduceu tt, suit purchaser; building for Bale. or to lease . on favorable terms.' Reason for selling � -going to the Northwest. Apply to . M. R. COUNTER, Seafortb. . I I "I In accordance with the above, I now A6. affer by private Bale my entire stock of Watches, Clocks, Silver,P14ted Ware __ - - �'Nawffii_�,_ , T * � .and Jewelry, irrespective of cost.. This - is a genuine sale. Come early and get 4 0- � bargains, as the vhole must be cleared ' out at once. - . M. R. COUNTER. � - _1��__�t____________-_-___ SOMETHIN NEW IN ZURICH. HENRY ROESi Begs to state to ae peopleof Zuriah and vicinity that he liss purchWd the waan and carriage bminess formerly mrried on by the Meosrs. Schnell, The busineag will'be earrW on as formerly In. . the shop opp,Wte PieeberVs bladmaIlth shop, bir. Roew. is a thoroughly practical workman, and beffig known to Woet of the people in t -he L section, he bopez to merit and receive a liberal - share of public patronage. � All kinds of vah1cles kept on hand or made to order, and repairIng of eyery decription neatly I and promptly executed At the lowest possible living prices. A trial is respectfully sollcited. He will also be prepared to do all kinds of cross -cut s -.,w g=ndin and Ming. Ar.y kind of teeth cau be put iu ON saws witb the latest !in- provenieuts. Satistietton guaranteed and prices low. Also for sale the . . ­PBERLESS*SA1V,11 - the fastest saw in the woods. Remember the a place and the name. � R -WRY ROESE, ZurICIL � ___ ----------- --.-- MRS. 0. M. DUNLOP. - . . - . TEACHEROF MUSiG. _ - - PiANO OR ORGAN. �, ADVANCED.pZila fitted for graduating at less than one h the expense of. foreign teach- ing. Espetialcare given to new beginners. A Limited Number of pupils from I sbrooA 0 -an reWive Board. I instrument for pup0a use at -very modemte terms. Beddente on George Streeb, Firn door evA of main Street, Seaforth. 730 . ED W.- AR D CASH, . . 4i .0e . MX"J%0___--! ­ . I` ­­_ . GMIN A-11 cuss am# � � . I . V� � � � . low . A FIM La Of A" A- I Mff�W-4-1" 1 Tfi0�_86"QkhAM�d.0M*._, - 1. . _. . I I - I �­ � - -1 - . 11 - ­- -1-1- 1. ­­;_ ­ - -1- � ,-,* I I - - acemibk at" , - sumofnm* 1 17 . I - _ - � - - _�: . � . - . - - - * __ - - --- I � . . � - - - - Z . - . . . � � . . - . �_ �_­ - I 11 . .1 -, . - I - I I � , � � =_ i", -:_ I . - - ., I I _. - � . ­� - .- � - _ - - 1. . , - - F . I � I.. - --i - - �. _�, ­ -F I � , � . . .­ - . � ZZ v i - ­_ � I I . I I ___ I I I - . - .. ­ _ 1 �__.` 11 ' . � I- - - I .., . , � . �* - L �- I 1 7 ­, ­:,_­ _- -_ . - - . . " _ . . I 0 - _��_, � .- - , I'� ,� -''. .- .�- � �_ : . _ �,_. I - � �6 - M,_ -4-�_, - �Z&