HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-04-21, Page 7•••
21, 1882.
_Ir. 21, 1882.
In the premiee.s Amer -
d ley the Bani. of Com.
d under the Comaieraat
art Stmt.
rut Foreign Exedvanalt
based and SeInt.
at Reasonable Eateec
ion cesiseraerni Seeraritaaa
:id, payable at par at all
if the Bank. of Commerce.
ir Allowed On Deposita
to Loan OIk Mortgages.
M Si,
s-er and Proprietor.
kav etreareary, 1882t we changed *
af manufacturing now at one gait
e-ristonterts buying our family ar
depenta -upon getting aft:nit-elm
er town althea, ana pronthaneed
like our exchange work. We
taw rally Wanted, good Treadwsli
-wheat, for whieh good_ takes nill
T.0. IC-FltiP, Manager,
the Town of Seafortb, known se
ill will be sold cheap and on easy
proprietor has got the Manitoba,
iarn cenneetion with the Mill, a,
"•ehouse. The mill has recently
ty overhauled and repaired, and it
iss working orderand capable oia
nd profitable gristing arad flouring
ly to the proarietor, Ws, Susan;
Seaforth 744
fL DUNCAN, Physician, Surgeon,
uctieur. Office, Dr., Campbelitia
Attie nearGrand Trunk Railway
la night or day promptly attende
hi. D.&e,Playsielan,Snrgeon and
sear, Seaford's., Out Office and ride
ie of Goderlch Street, second box
;eria,n Church. set
C. Din Phnsician, Sure
.,,,,Coronet for the Conntyof Hurcer.
sidencee on arvie street notibt.
its &Worth, Publics School.
VER,M.D.,C. M.. Gradriate at
Etaitversity„ Phystelan, Surgeon ant
tafortinOnt. Mice and Reeltienii*---e-
elerieh Eitreest, first. Briok House
ahead church. 49(1
tiesSON , Graduate ef ateGill Col;
Antal, Licentiate of the -Royal C01.
clans Edinburgh, and late Honai-
raigiockhart Hoepital, Edinburghe
let Ont. 686-52
a the -Royal College of Dental
Canada. OffIce in the rooms
cl:by R Derbyshire, Whitney's
is carefully performed and sage -
teed Charges Moderate.
ia entrant:WO Iwithetatonais
tr:••=st, 1.0^"."
DERBYSHIRE, Dentist, haa
AL purchased the business of
MeCulloch, and remoned te'
5witzer Blocks Mitchell, Where"
und 'teeth extracted with
sroform, ether anti nitroue oxide
[Aga a- specialty. Partite Irony%
anowea their train expensea.
brsoht, DENTISTI
old Medalist and College
I Medalist R. C. D. S.
any years' experience he is ablate
1 operations in Dentistry suitable Preserving. teeth a Specialty.
fther or Nitrous Oxide Gas given.
"large& Moderate. `SI
Ter's Block, Main Street, Seaforth.
ILL be at hia office, CADEVS
BLOsa, SF.; aFORTIft oppoe.
eaa site the Commercial Rotel, ott
; of each week. Nitrate 0..de Gas
an the extraction of teeth. This go&
iaistered by Dr Cartavrtght sir' stet
feet sucsess he having- been olio WI
ttroduce it into this province. Pa- ,
'teetlx extracted may inhale theas.
it or ten teeth extracted in a Ea*
Irte and a hate, without disagreeable:.
E. Parties desiring new teeth pleassa-
esdays. Pattieula, attention _
tion of ehildrenss teeth. Teetla ine
hW to a ten set. 730-ag
aisasTroata. - eta I tion Sale
ratnie, ttertforth, having taken the•
ger, et bund te be ea as soon as be
q his PrOVeLit tuck iii Seaforth_ Witaldt
t iew he wilt offer fersa.le Intrablio`
shove market Street, SeatorthOlt
22, 1882, commencing- at 1 a`olea
liestieg property.: Tan sing e cover single open buggies 2 Democrat
av lumber wagons, several second
k, I set of light wagon wheols,1 plates'
belloue, 2 anvils, 1 set of rollers tors
s. 1 Nice. 1 wood s iee, 1 tire re.atter,.
d for whea1 large drilling machines
aud dicta, 2 large heating stove:s,n.
Sind carriage spriugs, together with
thintetr(.es and devices, 1 paint mitt'
ehines and a, lot of other tools and,
'ivelany found around a bla,cksne,itit
o1dFurnitnre - One organ, a nu5
tab, furniture, also a Jot of otber
;maitre. The whole -will positively- --
tut reserve, and somebody will geO,
re.rms. All sums of $10, and undersS
bat amounte months credit will be.
bishing- approved Joint notes. air.
he rate of 7 per cent per annul -awns
for cash on credit amounts.
Propritcr J P. Brine, auction -
.1 The dwelling house, aiaelein2ithall&
kg elsops, occupied by the undeiniatlad
,k-ased on reasonable terms. TheY
One of the best buainess street
d upood niaa ean do a iarge business
M. UsaSete. 750
tlouscin Dorzaes.—At the Is.st meet -
keg of Morris Council the plans and
eraifications for rebuilding Forbes'
image were presented by Mr. Ainsley:
it was resolved that • said plan be
saepeed, and that the Reeve and
i)erty Reeve be instructed to let the
caged of rebuilding the same forth-
with, the work to be under the superin-
tendenowof Mr. Wray. Moved by II.
&man, seconded by H. Mooneyeth at
the tender of Mr. Ainsley for rebuilding
-Bittan's bridge be accepted, payments
to:be Dia& as fa11en/80AZ. : $200 when
the timber is all on the ground and the
Woo when the work is completed.
lif.r. Miller to inspeet the same. --Car-
es& A bond for the completion of the
work was then deposited with the Clerk.
.eiter passing a number of accounts the
following fenceviewers, poundkeepers,
and pathmasters were duly appointed,
Irenoeviewers.—Division No. 1—
Junes PollOok, Jelin S. Laidlaw, and
Jam Richmond. Division No 2—Jas.
Newly, George J9.01010n, • and George
Kay. Division No. 3—John Mooney;
George Cardiff, and Wm. Michie.
Division No. 4—John E-ston, David
Geddes, and. Wm. Ishister. - Division
No. 5 --James Messer, Robert Solenston,
Ana Thomas Bone. Poundkeepers.—
braes Logan,
James Newcombe, Chas.
Sage, George Kelly, James Sharp, Jas.
Watson, Robert Bloomfield, Sohn Ged-
des, Allan Ramsay, and Quinton Ander-
so, Pathraasters—C. Henderson, P.
Fowler, John McCracken, George Case-
raere, Wm. Patton, S. Thompson, Jas.
Messer, A. Miller, Wm. Martin, C.
Maguire, Laughlin Fraser, H. Robb, J.
Smillie, S. Eaket, Wm. Fin dieter, Thos.
Scat, Thomas Tewitt, F. Bell, George
Turvey, Thomas Currie, John Forrest,
Wm. Wilson, A. Nicholson, George
Proctor, Thomas Forbes, Ir. Embury.
Thomas Bone, R. Armstrong. John A,
MaEwen, Win. Hopper, G-. Nicholson,
Wm. McCrea, H. Brandon, A. Haslam,
J. Wheeler, Wm. Little. Wm. Aiken,
Wm, McCracken, S. Barr, D. Carrie,
John Bell, J. Cloakey, F. Baines, R.
Crittenden, A. Clark, H. Clark, D:
Hogg, C. G. Moore, James Sharp, A.
Robertson. Sohn Mooney, James Har-
rison, E. Armstrong, Thomas Hill, P.
Cantelon, D- McQuarrie, H. Forsyth,
John Robb, Thomas Goan:Ian, M. Kelly',
, George Pierce, Robert Hughes, James
••1;; McCarter, James Clennan, James
i' Evans, F. Ashton, J. P. Rourke H.
Richmond, A. Smith, Wm. Marshall,.
Wm. CIark, George Jaekson, George
Kelly, George Smith, John _McMillan,
John S. Laidlaw, Robert Traquair Jute
Wilford, M. Smeltzer, P. McArthur,
„ k
h Arnett. McDonald, D. McQuai, a aand
Wra. McNeal. The council -the ad-
journed to meet again. on the 24th day
0! April.
School Reports.
_ —The following is a correct sta g
of the pupils of Winthrop sch for
the month ending March 31 :' 'Fifth•
clasa—lst Daniel McFe.dzean, 2d Wm.
Reinhart. Fourth class—lst Matilda
Russel, 2,1 Bernice Payne, 3d Maggie
Cash. Third class--lst Robt. Hanna,
a 2d Delamark .Hearif, 3d. Jeininaa Bul-
lard. Senior secondaalst Adeline Col -
dough, 2d Andrew Calder. 3d Mary
Coombs. Junior second -1g Samuel
Cartier, 2d Wm. Russell, 3d Bella Rus-
sell.Second part first class -1st Thos.
Craig, 24 James Hannah, 3d John
Craig. Firat class—lat Richard Bey
wick, 2d Sarah Bullard, 3d Sarah Mc-
—The following report, based on gen-
eral proficiency, good conduct, regular
attendance and punctuality, shows the
correct standing of the pupils of school
section No. 10, Morris, for the month of
march. The marks obtained by each
pupil are • also given • Fourth class --
Robert T,:rrest and Robert :Moffat 301,
Isabel, a thieves 275, John Messer 266,
Nellie &ales 256. Senior third—David
: Raman).- 296, Benjamin King 276, Chas.
- Fraser 269. habella Moffat 263. Junior
a third—Joseph Smillie 301, Robt. Allan
' Johnston 284, Walter Forret 254, John
Forrest 244. Second class—Samuel
Rameay 160, Elizabeth Forrest 148,
Sarah E. Whiteford 139, Agnes Forrest
97. Senior first—lst Noble Johnston,
2d Annie Breckenridge, 3d Sarah Robb.
Junior first—lst Alex. Forrest, 2d
Robert S mil lie and Silas Johnston, 3
Annie Eaket. The following is the
a standing of the pupils of, the same
• schwa for the quarter ending March
- 31 .: Fourth Class—Robert Moffat 874,
Atober t Forrest 349, Henry Calabria
848, John Messer 692. Senior third—
Beiljamin Kinlag 814, George Caldbick
1. 657, David Ramsay 636, Isabella Moffat
r 597. Juniar third—Robert Allan Johns-
ton 634, Joseph Snaillie and Walter
, Forrest 631, Lizzie Itamsay 614, Wra.
James Johnston 576. Second class—
Samuel Ramsay 497, Elizabeth Forrest
452, Sarah Whiteford 413, Martha
. Messer 353.
—The fallowing report, based on gen-
eral proficiency, regular attendance and
good con,duet, shows the correct stand-
, ing of the pupils in Union school No. 1,
Turnberry and llowick, for the month
: of March: Fifth class—Maggie Stew-
art. Fourth class—lst Harry Palmer,
a 2d Efaunith Palmer, 3d Robert Moffat,
; 4th Charles Pope. Senior third &ass—
; ist Aggie Miller, 2d Alex. Moffat, 3d
f Alex. Hislop, 4th Isabella MeEwen.
t Junior third class—lst Jahn Miller'2d
Annie Hislop, 3d Sebastian Hupfer, 4th
' e James Robertson., Third &ass, No 1—
e let John Douglas, 2d Maggie Knox, 3d
E. Hislop, 4th Adam Knox. Second.
.; elP• s—lst Bella Wright, 2d John Gil -
. fie, 3d Robert G. Rae. Senior first
- t at John McGlina, 2c1 M. E. Me-
t Glints, 3d W. Miller, 4th Wm. Wright.
During the month there were 50 pupils
on the roll, and the average attendance
was 40.
—The following is the report of the
: standing of pupils in gehool Section
No. 4, Hallett, for the month ending
larch 31st, based on profieiency and
good conduct :" Fourth class — lst
Ernest Farnlaam, 2c1 Geo; Medd, 3d
Jane Fairservice, 4th Jane Hamilton.
s Senior Class—lst Gertrude Farnham,
i: 2d Matilda, Hesselwood,3d James Moon,
4th James McKerrall, junior Third
' elaas—lst John Medd, 2d Thomas
Graaby, 3d James _Hesselwood, 4th
Martha Cartwright. Senior Secoud
Class—lst Annie Hamilton, 2d Agnes
Hughes, 3d. John Mann, 4th Sarah
. Cole. Junior Seeond Class—lst John
Hunter, 2d. Flora Fisher, 3d Louisa
AadiRon. Senicr First Cllass—lst Texas
Livermore, 2o1 Fred Livermore, 3d.
;4 Eliza, Hesk. Junior First Class—lst
s Richard Young, 2d Anna Young, 3d
Joseph Mann. The average attendance
for themonth was 44.
—The following is a statement of the
. monthly examination held in -school
section No. 3, Tnektirsmith, for tbe
month of March. The Renior classes
wrote on those papers suitable for "en-
txance," taken from the Eis.miner, and
the third wrote on promotion papers
taken from, the School Journal; Fifth
Class — marks obtainable, 600 — let
Sarah Sinclair 385, 2nd Wm, A. Cam-
eron 359, 3rd John Broadfoot 319, 4th
Mary A. Monroe 284. Fourth Class—
Robert McCartney, 278, Benjamin
Sulillie 259, Annie Campbell 252, Kate
McDougall 248. Senior Third Class—
marks obtainable 330—Ina B. scat
281, Wm. McLeod 259, Lizzie Payne
245, jemima Munro 242. Junior Third
—marks °blamable, 360—Jo5eph Mor-
ton 295, Alexander McLeod 290, George
McCartney 259, Kezzia Rouat 251.
Second Class—marks obtainable, 400 --
Harry Dart 295, Arthur Mason 250,
Emma Nevins 230, Florence Living-
stone and James McTavish 205, First
:Class —1st Maude Mary Plutnsteel, 2nd
Fred. Cooper, '3rd Ruby Mason, 4th
Maggie McTavish.
—The following report, based on pro-
ficiency, punctuality and good conduct,
shows the correct standing of the pupils
in the Roxboro school MoKillofe for the
month of March: Fifth. Class--lst J.
MTH', 2nd Jane McMichael, 3rd So-
phia Campbell, 4th G. Brown. Fourth
—1st J. Douai:we, 2nd J. McClure, 3rd
Addie Dorrance, 4th Blanche McClure.
Senior Third Class—lst A. Dodds, 2nd
R. N. Hays, .3rd G. Dickson, 4th j.
Rankin.junior Third Class—lst W.
Black, 2nd Sarah Dorrance, 3rd Bell
Dickson, 4th J. G. Walker. Senior
Second Class—lst Addie Sparring, 2nd
A. S. Brown, 3rd W. W. Aitcheson, 4th
Tilly Story. Junior Second Clais—lat
A. Sperling, 2nd W. McClure, 3rd
Mary McMichael, 4th Robert Dorrinee.
Senior First Class—lst Ellie Roberton,
2nd G. Dickson, 3rd J. Brown, 4th
Aggie Grieve. junior First Class--lst
G. R. McClure, 2nd B. Dorrance, 3rd.
R. Aitcheson. A written examination
took place in the sdhoo. at the end of
the month, resulting asfollows: Fifth
Class — marks obtainable, 600 — G.
.Brown 459, J. Hugiil 412, T. Dodds -390,
Jane McMichael 379, Eliza Hays 375,
Sophia Campbell 344, Ann Dodds 328.
Fourth Class—marks obtainable, 504—
James Scott 302,Nellie Hays 292, Mary
Dorrance 274, James Scott 260, J. Dor-
ranee 255, J. McClure 248, Maggie
'lays 246, Annie- Dodds 242, Addie
Dorrance 241, Blanche McClure 170.
Senior Third Class—marks obtainable,
580—G. Dickson 309, Willena MoChire
282, T. Dickson 267, A. N. Bays 254,
W. Grieve- 251, J. 'Rankin 234, A.
Somers 229, J. Hays 196. Junior Third
Class—marks obtainable, 254 — Bell
Dickson 234, W. Black, 204, J. G.
...Walker 198, Sarah Dorrance 189, T.
Dodds 172, J. Dorrance 165, J. L.
Brown 150, F. Borrett 145. Senior
Second Class—marks obtainable, 254—
A. 5.• Brown 150, W. W. Aitcheson 148,
Adeline Spading 146, Lizzie Neilans
113, Mary McClure 112, it. Roberton
104, Tilly Story 90. Junior Second
class—marka obtainable, 200—W. Mc-
Clure 170, A. Snarling 144, Marion
Black 129, Mary McMichael 104, J.
Neilans 101, Bella McClure 95, C.
Dodds.88, R. Dorrance 78.1.
Epps's Cocoa.
Grateful and Oornforting.—"Bfr
thorough knowledge of the natural 1 il,Vb
which govern the operations of diges-
tion and nutrition,. and lax a careful ap-
plication of the fine properties of well
selected cocoa, Mr. Epps, has provided
our breakfast tables with a, delicately
flavored beverage, which may save us
many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the
judicious use of such articles of diet that
a constitution may be gradually built
up until strong euough to resist every
tendency to disease. .Hundreda of sub-
tle maladies are floating around us
ready to attack wherever there
is a weak point. We may escape
many a fatal shaft by keeping curaelves
well foAified with pure blood. and a
properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser-
vice Gazette. . Made simply with boil-
ing water or milk. Sold only in
paekets and tins ( pound and pound,)
labelled—"James Epps & Co. 1-1 omceo-
pathio Chemists, London, ing."--Also
makers of Epps's Chocolate Esserta` for
afternoon use. 482-52
Mothers! lothers 1 Mothers 1
Are you disturbed at night and -
broken of your rest by a sick child suff-
ering and crying with the excruciating
pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at
once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the
poor little sufferer immediately—de-
pend upon it; there is no mistake
about it. There is not a mother on
earth who has ever used it, who will
not tell you at once that it will regulate
the bowel, and give rest to the mother
and relief and health to the child, oper-
ating like magic. It is perfectly safe to
use in all cases, and pleasant to the
taste, and is the prescription of one of
the oldest and best female physicians
and nurses in the United States. Sold
everywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52.
Brown's Household Panacea has no
equal for relieving pain, both internal
and external. It -cures pain in the side,
back, or bowels, sore throat, rheuma-
tism, toothache, lumbago and any kind
of pain or ache. It will Most surely
quicken the blood and heal, as its act-
ing power is wonderful. Brown's
Household Panacea, being acknow-
ledged as the great pain reliever, and
of double the strength of any other
elixir or liniment in the worla, should
be in every family handy for use when
wanted, as it really is the beat remedy in
the world for cramps in the stornach,
and pains and aches of all kinds, and is
for sale by all druggi‘ s at 25 cents a
bottle. 692-52
Rest and Comfort to the
Signing a Death Warrant.
Many people sign their own death
warrants by a foolish and continued
disregard of the preliminary symptoms
of disease. Being in other. respects in
average health, they look upon their
particular complaint at the outset as of
littleimport, flattering themselves that
it will get well of itself. T -hat this is
in many instances a fatal delusion is
conspicisouslY shown in cases of lung
disease. Beghaning with a mere irrita-
tion in the throat, this malady too fre-
quently terminates, through neglect
and bad treatment, in 'fatal tubercu-
losis or bronchitis. Remedy the evil
while there is yet time with Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric Oil, which, applied
outwardly and taken inwardly, pro-
&toes the root beneficent e cote.
Physicians c amity it among the most
salutary of known medicines aid in
additiOn to evidence as to its vilttes as
a pulmonio, experience has shownaiit to
be a reliable nrative of rheum
neuralgia,piles, '.kidney complaints,
eine dealers. Prepared by NorthtP
sore ess and tumors. Sold by 1-
Ly an, Toronto, Ont. 710 744
Worthy of Praise.
As a rule we do not recommend pa-
tent mediciri s, but when we know of
one that really is a public benel4otor,
and Loes positively cure; then we con -
side: it our c tity to impart the infor-
mat on to..,a L. Electric, Bitters are
trul a most .valuable medicine,• and
will urely c re Billionsness, Fover and
Agn , Ston ach, Liver, • and Kiduey
Com laints, even where all other erne -
dies fail. We know whereof we speak, •
and an freelyirecemmend them to all.
—E ch. Sold at 50 cents a bottle by
E. ickson df ompany. 714.52.6'
Given Away.
Wi) can not help noticing the liberal
offer made to all invalids and sufferers
r. King's New Discovery for Con..
pion. You are requested td
Hickson & Co.'s Drug Store
trial bottle free of cost, if yo
h Consumption, S
Asthma, Bronp itia,
s of Voice, Hoarsenesia
of the Throat or Limp.
secure you. 714.51
at E
get a
suffering wi
Hay Fever,
or any affecti
It w'll positi
No hing pr
as th, se alter
weather, or
are hiritable.
the sltomaoh,
thor ughly p
are t e most fficient for warding offd-
rangi ments of tie stomach, fever, t1iar-
rhcea dysenteify,and other male ids,
and 1 iving tone, and'energy to enerv WEI
valet dinariaris All who have the
natu able desire of Main
bag t id their family's be
,casati rthan trust to II
and c
oway's Pills.
servee the health so
tive Pills in chang
hen our nervous sys
They aot admirabl
liver, and kidneys, a
rify the blood that
Elm El
al and len
eir darn a
t do bet
Pills, Which cool, regulate and
then. These purifying. Pills are
le for 011 ages, season, clim tes,
nstitutibris, when all. other m aria
nd are he female'beet friend
Arnica Salve.,
Th best save in the world for Cuts,
Bruii es, Sorei, Ulcers, Salt , Rheum,
Feve Sores, Tatter, Chapped Hands,
ObilI lains, C rns, and all Skin Erup-
tions, and positively cures Piles. It is
guar nteed to give perfect satisfaction
nded. Price 25 cents per
by E. Hickeon & Com-
or mi ney refu
box. For sal
pany, 7 4-62
What hysi
a cure fo hea
Nonej! ut
their p rifyi
prope tie , aff
case. T e he
this rem zdy a
lar prep: atio
Are pro
painful d
m alio Re
For exte
25 cents.
for HeadaOhe.
ion has ever discovered
ache ? Echo answers,
urdock Blood Bitters, by
g, invigorating, nervine
rd a cure in nearly &very
1.lth-giving principles ef
.e unequalled by any sirrii-
in the world. 739
ur 18 and Scalds.
ptly cured, as well as all flea&
pres s, bruises, callous lumps,
pain, inflammation, and all
seas :s, by the great Rheu
ed , Hagyard's Yellow Oil.
nal and internal use. Price,
C1 se, than War.
-- "Th.1e t roa has destroyed more lives
than the wor ," by imprudence in eat•
ing and i tem erance in drinking ; but
when the heal h becomes impaired the
miSerabl dys eptio may find prompt le -
lief in Bulrdoo t Blood Bitters. It regu-
lates the ) owels, acts upon the liver and 1
kidneys purifies the blood, and stinan- '
lates alf the s oretions to a healthy ac-
tion. 739
Vrom J. Li Racine, Esq., Lia
Min eve, Montreal.
"Having ex erienced the most grati-
fying -results from the use of Dr. \Via -
tar's Balsam olf Wild Cherry, I am in-
duced to express the great confidence
which I have in itssefficacy. For nine
months I was moat • cruelly afflicted
with a severe and obstinate cough, ac-
companied with acute pain in the side,
which did not leave me. summer ca.
winter. The symptoms -increased
alarmingly, and so reduced was I that
I could walk but a few steps without
resting to recover from the pain and fa-
tigue which so slight an exertion occa-
sioned, At this juncture I commenced
taking the Balsam, from which I found
immediate relief; and atter having tak-
en four bottles I was completely rester- '
ed to health. I have also used the Ba4-
sam in ray family, and administered it
to my chiidren, with the happiest re-
sults: I am su e that such Canadians
as use the Bala m can but speak in its
favor. It is a reparation which has
only to be tried to be acknowledged fig
the remedy par excellence. 50 cents and
ally. 750
Calisaya, I The Peruvian
or Jesnits' Bark is the best hitter tonic.
we have in all fehrile conditions, !anA
$1 per bottle. Sold • by dealers genet -
in neuralgic and
week idigestion
as porebined in
Phospbates and,
manent strength
used -up conditi
the various cau
prostration. T
by a process ,pee
and there is no
its work. 750
rheumatic pains, froth
n 1 assimilation, an,
re Wheeler's Elixir ('pf
alisa,ya, forms a pere'
ening nutritive in all
zis of the system frona
s which lead to net*,
s eombination is rna4e
liar to the invento° ,
abstitute that will d
the bowels thereafter to'become regular.
High profeasional sanction has been
accorded to it;. and its olaims to public
confidence are jiistified by ample evi-,
deuce. Price, $1.00. *Sample bottle,
10 cents. Ask for Northrop (54 Lyman's
Vegetable Discovery Bala Dyspeptic
Cure. The wrapper bears a fac simile
of their signature. Sold in Seaforth
by Lumsden Wilson. 750-52a
E electric Oil.
_ joseph Rusan, Percy, writes—"I was
induced to try Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil for a lameness whieh troubled me
for three or four years, and I found it
the best article I ever tried. It has
beeia a great blessing to me." 691-52
Ecleptric Oil.
"It is a Great Public Benefit."—
These significant words were used in
relation to Dr. Thomas' Bolts:Aria Oil
by a gentleman who had thoroughly
tested its merits n his own oase—hav-
ing been cured 14 it of lameness of the
knee of three or four years' standing. -
It never hale to ifernove soreness ite well
as lameness. 691-52
Te ab my.' •
Kiss me.--Teaberry, the new and ex-
quisite little gen i for the teeth and
breath, las a beautifully plated metal
screw top. Try 5 cent sample. 730 -
-2--- Periodical Pillse-This intralueble medicine is
unfailing in the cure of all those painful and
dangerou a diseases to which the female conatitn-
tion is subteen It rioderate, all excess ano re
moves all obstruct! s, and a speedy cure may
be relied on. To ma Tied ladles it is peculiarly
suited.. It will, in a short time, bring on the
montlhy period with regularity. These pills
should not be taken by females daring the first
three months' of Pre awry, as they are Aura to
bring on Miscarriag , but at any other time they
are safe. In all cos 8 ofNervous and Spinal Af-
fections, Pains in the baek and limbs, _fatigue on
slight exertion, pal itation of the heart, \hys-
terics and whitss, tbeee pills will effect a burs
when allother mean have failed; and, althougb
• a p werful remedy, io not contain iron, calomel,
antimony or anythi g hurtful to the conatitution.
Pu1 directickis in the Pamphlet around each
pac -age, which shotild be 'carefully preserved.
job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 and
12alcents for poatage enclosed. to Northrop &
Lytton, Toronto, Oat., , general agents far the
Donainion, will inane a bottle containing over
50 pills by return meth Sold in Seaforth. by
E. Palakson & Co., J S. Roberts and Lumsden
& Wilson. - ' 644-641.
TONEY TO LOAN—I am prepared to lend
'1-‘4' money at 6 per cent. interest, payable year-
ly. Principal at the end of term. Privet° Funds.
JAS. H. BENSON. t 726
WANTED—The snin of $1,0)0 for three years.
TV Intereat, six per cent. per annum, payable
yearly. First class seen, ity, For particulars
appb, .0 M. P. HAYES, Seaforth, or to Mc-
LONEY—A.. G. McDOUGALL is authorized to
lend money sit 6t per cent. on mortgage;for
any amount, and for any number of years; inter-
est aharged or ly on the unpaid principal. No
cortimission cherged; Apply at the Store of A.
G. MeDongalP& Co. 678
$1d00 000. 00 TO LOAN on Security of
Real Estate for any term
of liars not exeeeding twenty, at 6 per cent. per
ann. m ; No Commissions; Tee whble of the
principal money may be repaid. at any time on
giving six months' notice or anysum not exceed-
ing one-fourth may be paid at the close of each
year witheut notice, interest ceasing from the
time of payment; Loans effected promptly.
OFFICE — Vitoria Square Seaforth. WM.
HIT T. 700
IP. BRINE, Licensed Arictioneer for the
' County of Huton. Sales attended in all
partonf the County. All ordere left at the Ex•
eosnoa Office will be promptlyattended to.
CR. COOPER, Brussels, County Auctioneet.
• Sales of all deseriptioes promptly at-
tended in any part of the ectunty on reasonable
terms. Ordei left at the office. of the Hunots
EXPOSITOR, o ddressed to Brussels, will receive
prompt attenti n.
, - •
co as
a, CO
03 Cr+
co te
• ta
tt se-
• •
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C-4. 'sat
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ss. c• t-ti
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P4.1 CC,
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„ f
YelIowsa Quinea.
The 'complexion, in a case of Ina
checked litter cOmplaint; culminating, 1st -I
in jaundice, is literally " as yellow as Pa Ca)
guinea." It has, this appearance: sew
cause the bile, " which enables the g"
bowels !to act, is drected from its prO4 51 a;
per cornse int& the blood. In conn.ed-
tion with this symptom there is nansea,
coating 'Of the t egue, sick headaahe, w
impurity of the b ath, pains through a --e
the rightBide and shoulder blade, dye-
pepsia and eonsCpation. TheSe 'and ee
other cbncomitatit4 of liver complaint ‘7"
are co pletely -roinoved by the use -of ss.,
Northrop &- Ly an's VegetableDis-
covery and Dyspeptic Cur, Which is
also an eradicant o scrofula, erysipelaS,
salt rheum, ulcers cancers, hurriourss
female weakness, j undice and lumba- ca,"
go. It tones the stomach, rouses the • °
liver, and after relieving them, causes
a • tesentatatd
tnett -ant:
The.1sTew Compound, its wondei 14.1
affinity to the Digestive Apparr
and the Lii r, increasing the dills ly-
ing juices, elieving almost -ifl8ta1 tly
the dreadf a results of Dyspep ia,
Indigestion and the TORPID L
makeslr.opesa an every day ne es.
sity in everj house.
It acts g4ntly and speedily in Ica-
itruniess, C 8 iveness, Headache, S'ch
Headache, Vistress after Eati4ig,
Wind on the Stomach, Heartbu n,
Pains in, the Side and Back, Want of
Appetite, ant of Energy, L w
Spirits, FojuZ Stomach. It invig r-
ates the Liter, carries off all surp us
bile, regulates the Bowels, and gi es
tone to the Iphole' system.
Cut this ,out and take it to your
Druggist mid get a 10 cent Sample, or
a, large bot le for 75 cents, and iell
Your neighb r about it.
CORNER of t ands and Goderieh Streets; i•ext
door to th Presbyterian Church: Seafottli,
Ont. All dise , es of Horses, cattle, sheep, or nny
• of Ube' domestic tcd animals, successfully tre ted
at the infirmary or elsewhere on the sho est.
notice Charges moderate JAS. W. EL ER,
Veterinary Sutgeon P. S.—A large stocl of
Veterineryafed eines kept constantly on ham
.$5. to $2
Portland, Main
per day at home. Samples w
$5 free. Address Santsos &
4179 A WEEtta el2 a day at home eatily rn
tit' • -d Costly dutfitafree.. Address Tette &
Augestat Mahit. , 748x
6 a week in your own town. Terms an
outfit free. Address H. areeere
Portland, Main. 748x.
"L east corns
2:30 till 7 p. m.
- and .Treasurer. Mice—Notate-
of Market House. Otlice hou s-
47 • 7
It cures Spavins,
Splints, Curbs, Ring
Bones and all simi-
lar blemishes, and
removes the bunch
without blistering.
For man it is now
known to be one of
the hest, if not the
best, liniment ever
dist overed.
We feel positive that everyiman can nave perfeet success in every case if he
will only use good common seise in applying K 1411-DALL'S SPAVIN CURE,
and persevere in bad cases ofl long standing. Read below the experience of
others ;
Yana:6 TOWN, Ohio, May 10, 1880.
Dr. B.1. Kendall & Co.—Geits: I had a very !valuable Harabletoniau colt
which I,iprized very highly ; h had a large bone -spavin on one joint, and a
smallerione on the other; which made him very lanae; I had him under the
charge df two . veterinary surge ns, which failed to cure him. I 'was one -day
reading the advertisement of K ndalPs Spavin Cure in the Chicago Exprees. I
determined at once to try it, and got our druggists here to send for it; they or-
dered three bottles, I took them all, and thought I -would give it a thorough
trial, I used it according to dirliections, and by the fourth day the colt ceased to
be lame, and the lumps had enttrely disappeared. I usedbut one bottle, and the
colt's limbs are aftfree from hunps and as smooth as any horse in the State. He
is entirely cured. The care was so remarkable that I let two of my neighbors
have the remaining two bottles, who are now using it. Very respectfully, L. T.
ONEONTA, New York, Jan. 6th, 1881.
Early last summer Messrs. Be J. Kendall & Co, of Euosburg Falls, Vern:touts
made a contract with the priblithers of the Press for a half columnadvertise-
ment for one year setting fort the merits of Kendall's Spavin Cure. At the
same time we secured from the firm a quantity of books, entitled Dr. Kendall's
.Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases, whieh we are giving to advanee paying
subscribers to the Press as a premium.
About the time the advertisernent first appeared in this paper Mr. P. G. Scher-
merborn, who resides near Colliers had a spavined horse. Reread the advertise-
ment and concluded to-siest the efficacy of the remedy, although his friends
laughed at his ored.ality. He bcught a bottle of Kendall's Spavin Cure and com-
menced using it on the horse in accordince with the directions, and he informed
us this week that it effected Buell a complete cure that an expert horseman, who
examined the animal reeently could find no trace of the spavin or the place where
it had been located. Mr. Schermerhorn has since secured a copy of Kendall's
Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases,which he prizes very highly and wonld be
loth to part with it at any price, provided he could not obtain another copy,. So
mu& for advertising reliable articles.
Kendall's Spavin Cure is sure iin its effects, mild in its actions as it does not
blister, yet it is penetrating and 'powerful to reach any deep seated pain. or to re-
move any bony growth or any other enlargement if used for several days, sucb as
spavins, splints, curbs, callous, sprains, swelliugs, any lameness and all enlargements of the joints or limbs, or f rheumatism in man and. for any purpose for
which a liniment is used for man or beast. It is now known to be the hest lini-
ment for man ever used, acting mild. and yet certain in its effects. It is used full
strength with perfect safety at all seasons of the year.
Send address for Illustrated Circular which we think gives positive proof of Xi
virtues. No remedy has ever met with such unqualified succe.ss to our knowledge,
for beast- as well as man.
Price $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $.5. All Druggists have it or tall get it far
you, or it will be sent to any address on receipt of price by the proprietors.
748 52 DR. B. 3. KENDALL & CO., Enosburg Falls, Vermont.
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,QUFFOLK BOAR—The undersigned will keep
hda at his place in Egmondville during the
present season for the improvement of stock, a
• Thorougbbredi Suffolk. Boar Terms—t1 per sow,
with the prit liege of returning if necessary.
HENRY R Henna 746-4
TMPROVE YOUR STOCK.—The undersipiee
A' will keep on his fann, 2nd Concession, Halt
S., Tuekersmith, near Egmoudville, a thorough-
bred bull, half Ayrshire and half Durham, from
the well known herd of .11 MoTsggart, Esq ,
Clinton. Tenes--eat 50 per. cow, with the privi-
lege of returning if necessary .Joux M0DET.A1),
N. B.—There are still a few who have not yet
paid for last years eervict —These would oblige by
doing so at once and saving further trouble. 748
DANIDSON'S Celebrated Trotting Stalli n,
"Magician," will stane for the service of
mares forthe season of 188a at the Com mere sa
Hotel, Seiforth. Parties from a distsnee sendi g
their mares xvid be furnished with good paetnrale
eadndonwaatpepr4actatricoansonable rates. Peden° fernith-
onaposed largelynt powdered Mica or Lein-,
glass, is theBEsT and CHEAPESTlubricor
tor, in the world—the BEST because it cioeb
not gum, but, forms a fflghy polished sur
ace over the axle, reducing friction an
lighteningthe draft ; the CHEAPEST13
cause it coats NO MORE than Infante
rands, and; one box will do the work cf
wo of any Other make. Answers as we4b
for Haryeaters, Mill Gearing, hreshing afe-
chines, •Corn4Plalaters, Carriages. Bug-gie.
etc., as for Wagons. CUARANTEED t
etrocieum. Sold by alldealei
g r Our l'oe Colotxcila. of Thing4 Hart r.
228 Hudson St.-, New YO:14•
Cleveland, 0. and Chicar,r,o,,
SAMUEL. ROGERS et. CO. Toronto,Ont
kgents for the Dominion.
THIS new COrepany, formed for thepurpose of
inveeting French Capital in Canada, is n w
prepared to aeyance tnoney on the most fayora le
terms on good landed securities. M P.1111 S,
Agent Mr Coenty of Huron, Seaforth. 69
.4.4.,;a• -r=4
a -
P'• 4./
O ;.4
d A
O P4 0
• Pa
nit as
• bi)
a' a 0
13a? 1•7•1
O rC
O fs
.44.J 4
8 ca.
A COUGH or cold contracted in the month of
”" April, if not speedily arrested, is liable to
stick to one during the whole summer. Dr.
Carson's Pulmonary Cough Drops speedily cure
Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, pain and oppressionot
the Chest, and all Throat, Chest and Lung effee-
tions. In large bottles at 50 cents. J S.
ROBERTS, Agent for Seaforth. 750.52
A Permanent, sure cure for Diseases, Dia-
ordtrs and Ailments of the Kidneys, Bladder and
Urinary Secretive System„ or attendant cone
Plaices. I - Pamphlets and testimonial -a can be
obtained from dreggiats free Pricet—Child's
Pad, $150, (cures bed-wetting.) Regular Pad,
Cati. Special Pad for chronic diseases, *3 Sold
1*. J. N. Reberts,Seeforth; Wm. M -Robertson,
Wrexeter ; R N. Thurtell, Teetwater ; W. T.
Bray, Wingham ; John S. Tennant, M. D, Luk -
now; Watts &Co , Clinton; Lawrason & Tramilton,
Blyth; 0 H. Ilewson, Bayileld ; Sd A. Hodge,
Mitchell; Josheph Kidd & Son, Dublin Th
Central Drug Store, Exeter;7IL R.. Jackson,
Hensall ; Mrs: John McIntoeh, Brucelield: Rohn
Mellis, Eippen ; S. Fralcigh, St. Mary, and
A Gailiek, Brussels. - 737.
IN the mouth of April almost everyone requires
I -3- a good and, reliable Blood Purifier Nt e
I know of none so safe and effectual as Dr. Carson's
Stomach and Constipatioa Bitters. They net
, directly on all the secretions, their purgative
1 action carrying off_ all impurities from the
syst em, they invigorate the Liver and Kidneys,
i purify the Stomach, cleanse the newels, and
give strenetth and tone to, the whole, Epstein.
Try a course of this valuable, safe and reliable
vegetable preparation, Dr. Carson's Stomach and
Constipation Bitters. In Large Bottles at 50
Cent-. J. S. ROBERTS, Agent for Seafotth.750-52
Trade lfeurk Registered.
y retinal obseryallen, we find all land vocals -
tors have it elasa head, and watch the ups ah&
dowas of property, thus making large forturtee.
But the whole tecret is, they keep the system in a
a healthy condition by the use of THE l'IIIDD
say that inintrer•s come to ns for the great lung
and blood pur fier before going West. Read the
following statement, We could give Oatmeal&
of the staxao tin& if iewere naccstary. I certify
that I was troublt d with cidarrh in the head,
gathering a phlegm in the throat, choking and
cougbing at night ler years, so I could not sleep ;
often tronbled with dull, lifeless teelings. pains in
the chest and back. After giving hundeeds of
dollars to doctors, and giving up all hopes, I tried
the PRIDE or THE VALLEY, and &In now able to
do my work after es yen. year's sickness." Mtn.
James t eNell, 202 Simeee Street, London, Ont.
The above reetranstrit of my wif,' ia C017( -.OL.
Tamtq54eNti1, For soda by all druggiats in
Seaforth. 745-12
THE foliewing is the remrnon settee tteatmeut
Ir :t horse out of condition (In fact ail horsee
require like treatment this tune of t can) a good
Purging Ball adlotved by a comae of swift,- -tonal
pettier. These are both to ha had in Zeck'a
ToniseCompetnill and Blood Mixture, as each
Package contains a thonneahly good -purging hall
a,nrdsco.a-feoir- nd ••4 trona; Tonie Powder. 4,1,
Your druggist about it. .3.8. ROBERTS, Agee
? t
UO -52
.jjrer(1.nd SE TO Basal - To rent Hills Gresu.
eomfor table honee contenan
ds:a three roc
ankitchen. Apply to dons Trenatit,
Lrig 4:0_14,11.pt 1 iNsle,e1LIfill
iply to It 0ovexeoce, McKillop, Seaforth in as,
-/- Core, etc , at, No 0, Storehouse,. —Priees.
-3131tHilt:rSat;0113'81sAIBEuATI•j*IoLr :Ale, a siumbes of pan .
fporEthA. s
wit ) pule -a id ;hafts and 1 democrt, t wagon nearly
n:Ant of a farni A Filmic man preferred. Th.,
highest wages paid. Apply to I,. AIEYEB., Su.-
-1- tJ ly, a 11r4-clas3Inan to tale, tile Inanag.:.
-1- bred Iterksh ire pigs, male aeddetnale. Aps
PEAS! PEAS !—Seed and Ikted, Peas, Early:. ,
WANTED— adatine, inneedt.
41) and sapwardst, also one en ttt."
number of bo .
r_____—_—es raw411:, I:
li'Will: be sold cheap. WADY.BeDs, 73t
t:;1C)0 el S TO RENT —To rent, eheap, a number
"it of rooms in ticott's Bloelc, Seafortn. Booms
alre04 sn % size or shape desired eau be bad.
Apply to McCanehey & Tfolmestel, or to the
prcpretor. ROBERT SCOTT. 74.4.1