HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-04-14, Page 8- # � I nSa UPS Only 00nSUMOd A large portion Fultou expooltor of the sleeve of that garment, but. had I - also -burned its way through his outer � - I . . I I I 'I .. . , rendered. After a c mic selection by 'a rather severe accident on Monday 'ohauio was offered 925 for twel�e days :, but would not take �t.—Mr. Mr. .Harris, the en;t tainment closed ' last. He was getti 3g 'P, load of saw- in harvest, , by the entire 0 -!n � joining in FSiDg- -dust atMr. Govenl)ok.'s mill in Win. Wm. Smith, Daniel McKenzieo Joseph I I - - . q ing 11 Goa S , 11_. Queen'. I IDERS thrpp,when his hoit e,B became frightened Whitely ana.BawaraAmes left for the 11 Downey resided ' I d it is - .at the sounding of' the steam whistle, . Northwest last week.—MessrB.. Robert p I 0, a piano, an , needless to se h performed her part :and starting eqddeWy 'threw Mr. and Edwa Crawford on Mon ay had ,g a a . proficiently. Whib 11 the, local ama. ,'Lapslie from the vvagon. �- He was con- I a runaway with & herse an buggy- , tours did remarkal l 7ell, we are Sure �, siderably stunned and bruised, but iii vi ! The liueB br9ke and they tho ' u ht best ' ; . I n0aQ will tAke it i . ISO if we make , short time was suff ciently recovered to to jump an I leave the horse to � is fate. ' . spe6lal fflerLb,()n of I I iss Reidy and Mr. return home.—Dr. Rossvalley, the con- They were a little hurt, but the buggy Drunigole. The fol , 'er has improved �`verted Jew, will pr 3ach in the Egmond- was badly recked.—There,,are �,tWO Car much in voice an u tivation since her ':'mondville Presb�berian Church on loads Of st ' k and implemeuts .. 0 leave . . Al' a ohn last visit here. , h ug no . owerful, � Sundai forenoon u, 3xt,aud in tha Sea- here for Br ndon, accompanied J , I . . . , her voice is so a tifully clear and 'forth Preabyteria Church on the same Smith, FiJdlay McKenzie, Win. Shob- ' I.' . . . sweet, and she see][48 to have it under -;evening.�The fall wheat in this vicinity brook, T. . and H. Jackson aid Wm. such perfect contr 1, that irrespective ,:has never looked 1 more promising at Jackson, w.th the Lintention oii ta,kin I ; 9 of We words or In' ui dc, it is a real pleas. this season than it does this year.— up land as near Brandon as �onible. . I ure to listen to it, I i it, when we add to .-Miss Sarah Smith, of � Seaforth, is re. One car load is for F. A. Tamblynand this bar excellent jelections and dis- '!covering from a severe Illness caused by George Ro a, in charge of Find�ay Mo - I I 'inflammation of the I DgS. She was Kenzie.—Mr. R. Adams has returned tinot articulation, 1 4e charm of her : UL � - 8 ,Mar ,,, n singing can scarcely I ,ad. She taken ill the beginning of December - from the IS o,rthwest with not ve , glow - is, in the fullest seii ie of the term, an -last, and is now�: JU4 able to 'walk ing Accoun;s of the country.. There is accomplished - mud: ,ill opular musiciani. :around, with hopes f4 her final re - - very rough weather up there and a Mr. Drumgole, I C, has a Strong, :.covery.—Mr. Jacola Webber, of the great dpptl � of snow. Thou Ph he has B41 � . g MbUnt 'L powerful, but c eatl voice, and, while �Egmondville PO E Yt 8 Ipped a car- taken Up land in the Turtle &in ' I 11 . his selections are thp best, his artioula- 1oad of pottery to A an ,toba. It was all district, w( do not think h,6 will ever 111 . . tion is such that 11111 audience can' un- � sold before'Bhipmein t. IThis gpdaks well return, on ; Mount of the severe weath- L : derstand and get fal Denefit of what lie ',for Mr. Webber's )uBluess reputation, er. The p, Lrty that;was to leave4hurs- L I I It -and likewise for the goods he 31nanufac- I day have postponed their ttiip for . sings. As vocalists aoth Miss R ' eidy L ' . and Mr. Drumgole a i hardto surpass, tares.—We have on hand a number of I a while. Mr. Adams states that the - and, indeed, are rar 3'y equalled. 'The 'school reports which w� ill appear next farms in the Londe ailement ohoirof St. James' C aurch are certain. .week.—GoodFridaF E�ssed oververy are worth about $3,000 eacli.—Mr. � . 11 a pleL Haso has sent to the old bountry ly entitled to the th L AS of the people 'quietly. The , da -y w asant, and John _P for the real musical i i eat they provided, .:.most people amus. - ' themselves walk. for another entire horse, and expects to , and we hope our cid sons will in frAtire :'ing, around the Stibi 6, land baskina, in have it out by the 106h of May. i I . . 0 . more fully show th4h- ion of :the beautiful adri�hght.— The annual L - I apprecia ; their efforts by tura�ug out in larger 'meeting of the members of the Seaforth Brusaels. i I numbers. i Cricket Club will be hold at the Corn. THE SHcw.—The annual Spri i g Fair _ . ' 'I I raercial,flotel on next Monday evening, was held on Wednesday last. T�e Show L ANNrvF.RsARY SE�RyiioEs.—The anni. �at half -past eight o'i 31oc�k. —Prof. Fetzer of 's -tock waB'good. A full report 118 given versary tea meeting, in connection 'with Imil Mr. Robt. Cormicbaer left this elsewhere. Theattendauceof �Specta- ' the Canada Methodi .t Sabbath School, �:Ivveek for Dakota, wlieri6 they intend to I torB wag very large. The ever dbliging . - -took place in the � basement of the ,discourse sweet mu ic lor the delecta- implement agents were in fall blast. oharch on Friday Evening last. The �tion of the habila-W8 of the plains. . MARKETS.—Fall wheat,31.23 to: 01.26, little . folks were lar ely represented, I ,9 I —.— and enjoyed themsel 8 youth � uly . � Hen , I spring, $1.2 to 01.27, peas, 65c 'to 75c, ., �es a � . I sall. " oats 35c to 7o, barley 75c to 806, pota- can on Such oboa; I ?us. There vas,! ; I L . LOCALITIES.— Goc d Friday was ob- toes 65c to 70c, butter 18c, eggs 13c, salt also, a fair attendan a of the par -nts i , I . and others interest d in the School.' Served as a holida3. Divine service I clean coarse, $3.50 per ton, land', $2.75, ,-After tea was partiI6 of the scholars .; was i3onducted in St ,Paul's Church by per ton; per barrel, wholesale, 80c,retail were thoroughly exa��ined in the Iles- the Rev. E. J. Roh pson, pastor�.—We , $1. For p st wbok large quantities :of sons studied in th � Sabbath School. , are pleased to notice that Mr. T.-. Mur- land salt have been taken away. t� t I I 'dock, who was couf ned to the house To HAND.—We have on hand � corn - and under the questi�'ining of the Super- ior several days through illness, is on municatIon from _Mr. Ronald,: of the intbrident, showed &I proficiency sur. our streets once more. — Among those Brussels Foundry, giving his ve�siouof prising for ones . so 1,,oung. They also , I " who left for the North-west this week the recent awsuits in which he has sang several selectio, s, under the lead. I we learned of the fallowing : Mr. and I been, engaged as well as of his dealings erBhip of Mr. J. Brd nall, very ui6ely. Mrs. John Blackwe f, of this place; generolly w�th the corporationi On . I Mr. Brownell takes i'� warm and hi 'bly ' a,. I 9 ThomaS Blackwell, (of Hay, and Thins. ac6ount of t4is letterbeing insuffic'iently commendable intere . I in the children - , Ford, of Tdckersmith.---�Mr. John Ur- Stamped it qid not reach us in time fcr " of -the school,-andl ' a most efficient I quhart, brother of Mr. D. Urquhart of I this issue, b b will appear next week — manner in which � an the y'onngest. th.� Hensall Mills, lias lately returned I ED. Exp. �� * acquit themselves, n only does credit I from a trip to the , North-west. Mr. RETURNED.—Mr. Robert Laidl I w re- � � .to his training, but ust also amply . %, I - Urquhart says t t ' although the turned last w,eek from Mainitoba. He repay him for the g ,J t pains he takes - 0 3'r country is undoubte( ly a fine one, it is Saw Mr. Le�kie and other Brag�selites I , with them. Save eadings and reci- ; ME not all that is olaimE d for it. In refer- in WinDipeg, whOL were waiting', there tations were also van, which were � Until L ' dr go c164 well rendered and i ppreciated by all .once to the climate 2e says the cold the roa , would t red of an storms there me. with are- Some- snow so th 1�iv could go further west. present. The amnnive a'ry sermons wore thing very severe, and that it requires Mr. Lecki "intends strWug for th a 11 preached on the follb lug Sunday by the very heaviest and warmest of cloth- Q'Appellela istrict. Mr. Laidlaw in- . P W. Rev. Mr. Clement, of Stratford. In Ing to stand the Same; and even thou L the af tern , . tends seI14 out in Brussels at once con he deli'lVered a specialad- if long exposed to the stormB much Oaf- and will return to Manitoba with his dres'O to the childre�, which was ad. for rig is experienced and in not a few i f amily. He thinks of locating in mirably adapted f6i the occasion. to, I paSas death his been the result.—Mr. Emerson. : I There are not man h hve the -w I I 1! . i � .. T T . Carleton, of � Woodstock, was in THE ExoDt�rs.—Tbe following parties faculty Of addressinj i children so aa'.to th Village on Tuesday.—Mr. William left Brussels on Wednesday last for the ifite�est and instrue them at th Same - ��, I Airne, but those who ; listened to Mr. McMillan, formerly (if this place, PdSS � Great Lone Land: For Grand Forks, — I I � this . ad through here on onday. Consider. Dakiata,—Jaines Cusic, Grey; 1 John Clement say he possesses gift Lin , � � the f allest degree, iLlld that wh'Ie he abl 0 1grain is now #r ding its ,way to Douglas, Brussels, and Robert Me- . I market. The follow no are the market Naughton, McKillop. For Brandon, Succeeds in keeping the undivided 0 - I qu bations : Fall Wt eat $1.20 to $1.28 ; Manitob &,—An draw Lee and son'� Mor-: attentionof bisyoung suditors,hl'Sre-L Bapley'13c to 80c.; Oats 37c to38c; ris; James, Thomas and Wm. Hidiap, marks are Such that Whey not only re- pota�toes, 65c to 75o ; dry wood, $2.65 JohuDark, Wm.. Warner, andbavid t&in them,but rea . p instruction there- to 3.—Mr. James White, of Hay, ship- Knigbt, Grey, also two sons Of Mr. ftom. His sermon , �both in the fore- - I - L I noon and evening, 0 1 i io were listened to pe � car load of fiA horses to Boston. Thomas Town, Brussels. Alargd nUm_ I LL . IRTURN.—The p4ri y who took a piece bar assembled at the station to see � � with interest and eyiJent profit by large of I orn colored mari lo f a certain them off and wish them bon Vi9yage. congregations. � . I . rom �1_ - � to P and forgot all about pAyiug for it., -Several of them ha-ve only gone 't6 "see I ,is ot unknown, and 's kindly requested - the country," but Some of them� will, 0 1 LOCAL BRIEFS.—M. Archibald Scott, to etarn the Same ad Save any un- L doubtless, take up land and remaji. � to of the firm of Scott Bros., returned necessary expense, unpleasantness, &C., BRiErs.—Word was received onluesi ; . � ! home on Tuesday las;'after a Sojourn - in t f ecovering it.—MERCHANT. da � last from Mrs. J. W. Shields' now of three�months in 1Y anitoba and the 1; 1, I � y . E I � __ L . I in Geneva, Switzerland, that her � little Northwest. We ate lad to learn that . 1:1 ' I � ; : he was very successful in business � Leacibury. girl died in March last.—Dr. Ros�,vally, t'� . 'P' tiarT.—Mr. CharloB Davis and his the converted Jew, wi H. deliver his leo- era I no in the Prairi) Province.—Sat. L - urda.� last was anoth r unusually L bnsy family left here on Tuesday last for ture entitled,"The Jew," in Brassols,on day in town. The, ;,'treets presented Manitoba. Mr. Davila intends locating Thursday tbe-20th inst.—At the Easter Ithe appearance of a I ir day, and our on land during the Summer, but wiU vestry meating of St. John's chur,6h, on . t la merqbants must havel! pridbably return in tha fall. He Still re- Monday last, the folldwinj officer � lurned over a lot . 9 a were , tains possession of li�s residence here elected: Jae. Knox and C. R. -Cooper, I 11 of goods. Seaforth still continues to but has leased the farm and hotel to' wardens; T. Maxwell, audJaa. Drowe, I . lead!the van in the m4tter of bnsiness. I Mr. Smith, thb present landlord, fof a sidesmen; E. E. Wade, delegate to The':magnificent stool�a and the close price's which our period of fiveyears, fpr the sum of 3500 Synod'; James Drowe 'and T. Kelly, mar hants offer as in- � per annum. t ducomentig to trad , ; auditors.—C. R. Cooper, on Monday a bring customers L � from all quarters, houlae the crowds.— L i . last, received applications from p�rties We had the tail anal of a Northwest - � Crom rty. at Emerson for lands in the Te . _Tper- I , blizzard during the e4rly part of this - APROFITABLE SITE,P.—WM. Speare, anqe Colonization Society's reperve.' ,_ week, but the weitber has moderated Esq'., sheep breeder o this plica has a UNFAIR CRITICISM. — MR. Em�oR, ' � down and is now pleasant .again.—There awe which he will vopturei to say has ,- DF,�R Sin,—The reporting Editor 6f the was no meeting of the. town council on equal in Ontario. This 0 Post in commenting o sheep is of the . n the perfoirnincr " Monday evenin . Black Nose breed, of the several members of the 'band 9 owing to the lack of a and is now tea � "L Of Dar local "'Jehus" years old, and in eight years has reared others, very ung,,,raciously made ' quorum.—Sever and are just now employing their leisure 20 lambs, which have all done well. At Special notice of six out of eight, 1p,avi4g Moments in breaking, in 'Clear Grit the age of two she gave birth to a pair tw8 out in the cold, who had neatly, if colts, and thus far n notl altogether, the most difficult �pArta , alt�hough there bave . of twins, and followed that up for four been some narrow : a capes, there has consemative years; t le following four, to perform in the drams, of the ,'Char- � not been a- single : � n away, and ,not ipoluding the present sbe had triplets, coal Burner." It has be c tl evenL one of them � I as got his neck m4liing a total of 20 . lambs. On so. by all who had the nleasure of hearing . brokon.—Mr.JobnX310 has r6turned count of these being of a superior breed the� entertainment, Chat for amiteurs home from blanitob t. He took up a those that Mr. Spe4re saw., fit to dispose all performed their parts well, s()' that car load of hones, %ne says be disposed of were sold for large figures, and by there was no oull for of ecial notice of . of them to good adya�Ltage —Mr. W.i J. �eeping 1% few his flock has been large some by the reporter in question, and ' - ly he should at least hav'e had sufficieut Dickloon left town L to_lay,� with a Oar increased. The trio of the pre. 'Idadilof very good �O.fles for Dakota. vious year -he sold last May, for � reg�rd for the principles of co�rtosy Djr. Dickson has la e'eu very -successful 04.% each, and then in November he to, , prevent him from ,casti, ig a , in Is business, and h %s disposed of a 801d another pair at 05 each, be'! shir on the kindn young lot . horses in Dakotsi during the past Sides the wool, Nybich was valued at 'lady who lent her best efforts tolssist . two years, and nearl all of them wore 37-20, tasking 11 I in the laudable object of promotir g the � yJ . . a.gran total of 635.4.5, taken from this count ,.—The depo AS and this foll in4rests of th6 band. L si owed lop for eight years . Yours, &C., , o in the Seaforth P� t Office Savings amoun bs to S 283.60, b 3ing the prora to of Jos I E,PH FLETCHER. — � - — Bank for the three ontbs ending ,on thel� old sheep — independent of the - 1� I . � I March 31st, amo to the snug sum , young. But her off-EDring being as rro- 4 Vaxn , I Unted TF � of $33,661, and the: w tbdrawal checks lific as herself throws"the same amo Ppit'L : . . Unt tRiEr. s.—Mr. Tippit, - y of - paid ,during the Same eri amounted Of money Yearly in.M.% Speare's pocket, fiel4', has removed to this place, Zayre � : to 63'9,508. The Sea,orth post office which will just amblui t to $5,672 each he 'intends carrying on the ha�ness i I . L I I does A 'I'arge busineas.4-The Easter sar. year. if this -is followed up for a, few making businesS.—Mr. J. Ward sowed vioeB� in St. james Calholic Church, on years Mr. Spears, no loubt,will become twelve acres of grain in four hours � last Sunday last, were 16 ; the wealthiest M: I - I , particularlv an in the county. Sa'turday.—Mr. D. Robinson and �ohn grand obaracter. Th�dec.rationswli� * Young man, dream not of the boundle's Oo' t 0 . 8 pp have left for Maniboba. I tastef uUy arranged, a I reflected- rr&iria, but call on Mr." Speare—take a PRESENTATION AND ADDRx8s. I on , credi I t on those wh � -ad the . - . � mana.g. sheep—and your fortune is made.— MOday 'evening, the 1()th inst.' ., the ment, of the undertiki " g. In the eve�- Cox. Members and friends of St. Jbhn's . I I - - I . . �. . _. L - ing the church was la r4 Iliantly iUnmih. - � . church, Varna, repaired to theiresi . I - - �verythhig off to I � . - ated,lwhich'showe . � Lond"t),oro., dance of Mr. Jacob Diehl, of Stanl�yjo advautage. The Eill,','�Ilg, too, was of' -a: THE NEW CREAIW�ERY.—The Directors give that gentleman's family a sur�'rise, I , - high 6rder, and showed that great . ca�e of the Londesboro Bri bter Factory have but imagine the consternation of the 4 had lbeen exercisEd - I the Ei�('Plectionlls, obtained 'their Act of Incorp�ratiou party when they arrived at the r;ver's I more, especially the a., los, which wore from the Ontario; Government, and edge to find that the . : I foot bridgg had well reudered. bai ge congregatio 'no have let the building of their factory been carried away by the recent frethet. I were in attendancel f i both morning to. Mr. Wm. , of Lon,losboro, After a considerable amount of h0oo. . ., . Whitafey � and ' vening serviceE —Mr A Hally., and have contracted with Mr. Ge6rg ino e Part of the visito ' ;I A. * 7 -,Doo- Browning, of Clifford, to Supply all the form( rly of the firm P rs� Mr. ; . Oi. I G / M He,hry Diehl came across the rive2` in a . gall .(� Co., inten ', leaving for the plant equipment for said facto '. They small canoe to c6nvey the party t� the I 1 0 will go ry . . 4 the partyin Nortl -west shortb� to expect to have the factory running by' opposite shore. Some 0 , Qa'A )pelle.—We n4ice the following in the 1st of Mav next 01.- very soon after. their anxiety to get to their destination-. a rec�nt issue of the' Emerson Inter. They have also agreed with the said crowded in and overloaded the 1frail . 11 I n e national .. "Mr. J.,�R'110ffmau, of SO- Mr*. Bro*ning to collect cream and bark, and no Soo er had it I forth,'; came to E mers;n two weeks ago. I A the � I , make butterofor, this season, so that bank than it capsized and precipitated He liked the town an( wanted to open' patrons will know a actly what. their the occupants into the angry str1bara. I . . � in th6 mercantile blAn�sS here, but butter will cost the _ I I m elf poun a in mak- The consequences might'liave been - couldri't secure a Store in town.' He did ing. Mr. Browning littelids to put on very serious had it not been foi the the next best thing an I I went to Portage 'the road four or five Bingle wag;ns to presence of mind and heroic brave�y of , la Prairie, where he bought out the collect cream., This, Vill cover a large one of the gentlemen, who immedi�tely business of a meroban' ,t there." Mr. area of country, and N Pill, afford farmers pi�ang into the -water and rescued the , Hoff rnan is a shrewd, lintelligant buai- hereand inthe adjoiidrig townships a lad�eB from their perilous an un- �4 � ness man, a first class citizen and �a good chance to send t iei:,r cream.—Fall Pleasant pos ion. When they arrived ! genial!, good fellow, and although all Wheat looks really ex, -ellent. it 1 at Mr. Diehl's residence they were well- ' I . woul4l greatly regret should this venture' LOCILITIES. — The NOW Era says ! coed for, and your correapondent is ', 4 necessitate his permanent removal from Ever house in the villige is occu Seaforth,.there are no I y pied ha , PY to inform you that barring the 1( heartily join t ' ) who would not now.—Fall wheat in this neighborhood co bath no serious consequene I . in wishin� him % Prosper- looks excellent, Farmers are.very busy r6s Ited. as have �i ona busineag­ career . After all haA got settled, , in the second plowing for spring crops.—Wages are Mi s Fauny Logan, on behalf greatest city of the gr4t prairie pro. high here of the It now, and �- prospects of being Party, presented Miss . Maggie Diehl .;I vinde.—Mr. Thomas I��]?Blie met with very high' -in harvest, I , r I � time, for one me- witg an addresi� agoompauied b I � � i I : � . y a 'I 2 1 1 i I i J � i . I I I I ; I I � I I � . I . I � ; i ; i . : I - I I � I I i : I . . . 4 ! ; 1� I X � i I � � , i I I i I I i � : I I It � . � � I i - . I — i � .. ; ! . - . I � . I I . � I i I . : . . � i i . - i I � I I i � . � , I � i i I I : a . I - : : . . . . . - . i . " i - � � I � I , i :� : ; I � I I . i I I � I I ! I - ; I ! I . . � � ! . . . I . I � . ; : . . . . I . . .1 I i i � . i I J I I I - . ­ " ; . . . I : I I I � � � � . . i , i I . � � 4 � � i I ; I I ­ -. ��.,- . . � I � I � - - I ­ -11 I., : � I - � - � - � I - � 1. ­ __ -,-,-'' �� , . ­ ­ - - L- ___ ,. - ,­ -A , � — - - I - . . 1- - , i__ � ------- --1_11 ____-____­_.____­ - - i_1,_-______--_ __L________; _=___J�_ - well filled purse in re,copition of her shirt, and even mide. an unsightly hole .- DISTRICT MATTERS. in his overcoat, so that' an entire suit Diehl made a verY suitable reply. from the person outward was de9troyed, . I at least so far as the covering for that . A LAnaz, quantity of Good Seed Peas i arm was ,concerned. By vigorous rub- - -to be bad at the Hensall mms. ,Oatmeal am- I bing the fire was extinguished, and the changed far oats ; coim, corn -chop and other mill lead constantly on hand at the Ifensall Mills. . victim directea his steps homevraras, - Gristing and Chopping done and attended to in but he did'nt go to church that - inorn. the shortest time posoible; owing to our superior ing. He says the -next time he takes a facilities we guarsittee satisfaction, at the -EMNSALL Sunday morning stroll he will either MILL& 7419- smoke his cigar before he dons his Sun- TauTH AND RrGHT WILL PREVArL.— — A ay clothes, or get a rig that is abso- quality and square dealing will tell. Hence the �, h, . . larp trade done by Wide Brothers, Seafort _ M lutel fire proof, as he never wants, to y pianos organs and sewing machines. Any make have So narrow an escape from def,truc. of Instrument or machine Pupplied cheaper thin tion by fire again. I I 1. can be bought from any other dealer. WAD41 L BRos. 749-1 NF.w DRESS GooD,3, now cretonnes, - . NORTHWEST MissioNs.—The Rev. Mr. � I � Robertson, Superintendent of Missions new table linens, new Hollauds, new towellinge, I new gloves, new embroideries, new frillings, new - in the Canadian Northwest, delivered a I I sunehades,aud new paraBolsjust'arrived at the yery interesting address in the Presby- reoples'Cash Store. CAMPBtLL & SMITH. 749-1 terian church in this town on Sunday _BO7!r WANTED.—Wanted, immediately, morning last. Mr. Robertson has been a good boi, about 16 or 17 years of age, tD do a resident, of Manito4a since 1874, generalw6rk. Apply to XmLoum & RYAN, Sea- About a year ago he resitned his charge forth. 749 � . LADiEs.—We ha,ve just opened out a in Winnipeg and was appointed to his nice assortment of Ladies' lace collamand Fancy a LL & Smiku. 749-1, - present .position by the General Assam - bly. Immediately after his appoint- . - ment he� visited the various mission 'i±EmpERANcE SocIAL.—Hurou Lodge posts throughout the settled portions of No. 308, Independent Order of Good the territory and interviewed the people Templars gave a social in, their lodge as be went along, in order the more room on the evening of Good Fridiy fally to understand the' nature and, re- . . which was very successfnl. There was quirements of the work he had under. . a good -attendance, the hall being corn-- taken. Prior to that he had no con- fortably filled. The eatables i were pro-' ceptionof the vast resources and fer. - 7ided by the ladies belonging to the tility .of the country; but, notwith- Lodge, and as for quality were hard to standing these natural advantages,tbe beat, and as - for quantity. there was couptry has yet to be developed and it enough and to spare. The chair was will require time and labor to accom. ably filled. by Mr. James Beattie, Deputy plish this. In a few years the people Reeve of the town, and those who there will not only be able to provide know.1-im best in that position will, thf.mselves with gospel oi4inances, but appreciate him most. ' - The singing wpLs will also be -in a position to assist other of the very best, both in selection and and newer sections, but in the mean. performance, that by Mrs. James time they need and -must have aid. Beattie, Mrs. Forbes, Miss Turnbull ] Owing to the great extent of country and Mr ' John McLeod being- worthy of covered by settlement, and the rapid special mention; also, the instrument. influx,of emigratiou the Home Mission al soloa by Misses Brett and Woodly. Committee of the church find it diffi. The speeches were short and to the oult to supply the Settlers with gospel point, aDd well calculated to Stir -up ordinances, and be Strongly urged in. ' any who might be inclined to lag by Greased liberality on the part of the � the way. On the whole it was a very older Provinces of the Dominion So that pleasant and profitable entertadriment, the proper kind'of man can be sent to and those who ware,not there missed a labor among our friends and neighbors . treat.—Com. . who have gone thither to make homes English. . for themselves and their familibs. MILLINERY OPENING8.—Tbe Millinery Tbus far, the Presbyterians much out - department of the Messrs. Duncan & number any other denomination in Dancan's large dry goods establishment that country. Many of the settlers are . - was thrown open for inspection by the �., poor and are unable to contribute much, public on Thursday and Saturday of and at best the country, though widely . last week. Laxge numbers of ladies is but sparsely settled, this making the �_ availed themselves of the opportunity field more difficult to manage. Many given of examining and admiring the 0 also,are yonng men, who had been immense Stock of goods displayed in brought up -under religious influences, . this department, bonnets and 1hats in but who if left to themselves are liable - all the leading Styles, trimmed and un- to drift into carelessness and indiffer- trimmed, feathers, flowers and oma- ence, whereas, if they had a pastor ments, of every description, and in such , amongst them the training of their quantity and variety as cannot fail to youth would not be forgotten and the suit the most fastidious taste, as well foundation of settlement in that country as the most economical housewife. would be firmly and Surely fixed upon - —Messrs. Hoffman Brothers' dis- the grand principles of .religion and. play of this season fully sustained morality.. He said it was a rare thing . their old time reputation as -a to see a gray head in, a congregation' in fl,rat-otgos millinery establishment. Last , I that country. He also gave several in- Saturday being their opening day stances which had come under his own for this season, the place was observation where the, lack of -gospel arow,ded with ladies, all express. ordinances was even now being severely ing delight at the beautiful and felt, and w .- as having an. injurious and elegant combi * nations of straw, lace, demoralizing influence upon the people. ribbons, feathers, flowers, &c. Bonnets I The people of the Province themselves in chaste colors and becoming shs,pes were doing all they could in - this dtree- were handed from one to another with tion but they required aid; they could expressions of admiration and delight. not, and would not, accomplish all that The hats, too, in their different styles was required of themselvea. He 0 and shades, can -not fail to give an added . . thought.the ma -*n missionary efforts' of S beauty and grace to the fair wearers. the church should, for a few years at I 0 - least, be directed towards this great 1 AMALGAx_kTio_,4. — A meeting of the field in the Northwest, because if it . Shareholders of the Seaforth and West were not taken possession of now the people would drift into other channels, End Cheese Manufacturing Companies . was held at Weir's Hotel on Tuesd ay and the future loss to the chuTch would afternoon last, for the purpose of amal- be inestimable. While he fully appre- gamating the two factories. After con- ciated the im ortance of p foreign mis- sultation a basis of union was agreed sions and the greatand good work the . upon, which was satisfactory to the church had done and is still d6ing in China, India - I and other foreign coup - shareholders of both cornparies, and a resolution was unanimopsly adopted by tries, yet he considered the Canadian i the shareholders tOL amalgamate the Northwest by far the most important compainies, and continue the Manage- at the present time. What would be the gain to the church he asked if it re ment for the present year under a 1. board of Directors composed of both the - claimed one in India or China and -lost old boards. The basis of union is as two in the Northwest. Mr. Robertson is visiting the* several churches and con. follows : that the pedd up stock of -the Seaforth Conipamy be taken at $4,500, ' gregaliom, in this Province and is and that of the- West End Compliny - at placing his case before all as he Zlid U,800, and that the amal-gamated stock here. He� is admirably adapted for. be reduced to $5,000, and new shares be the work for which hp has been chosen,:. and there is no doubt but his labors issued for that amount. The intention is to do awa,y with the West End Fac- will result in greatly increased aid for the . tory, and secure for the amalgamation. 'as- maintenance and. spread of gospel or- dinances in the newly� -settled districts � factory as much of that patronage - . of the new country. possible. This axrangement will, un-, - I doubted-ly prove advantageous to the- shareholdeis of both concerns while it - I A GOOD CONCERT . .—The concert given . ' will not make any difference to the on Monday evening last, under the auspices of St. James' Church ' h ir, 081x_ pa,trons, of either. There are So many cheese factories, and the supply of milk was fully up to the 'most sanguir; having �een largely reduced by the pectations. The audieneg was not very large, not nearly so la as the merits rg desire on the part of the'farmers to raise-- , of the entertainment doserved. Thi 8, I stock, that it has been found impossible to make two, factoriqs so close together however, may be accounted for by � the pay. The combined interest can now fact that the evening was very cold and unpleasant. The entertainment � be worked ascheaply as either jaingly and 0 1 was opened by a well executed instrumental th'as prove more profitable to both par' � - duet by the Misses'- Hilloran, followed � ties. There is a strono feeling among ' .0 both shareholders and patrons that it by a beautiful quartette by Misses would be advisable next year to 6ou. Walsh and Jobr.son, and Meissrsi. Cline , and Roberts, entitled `Dancing o I or vert this factory into a creamery, and it the Waves." Mr. Drumgole, of Lou. is not improbable. that this will be done. - .—I— don, next followed with 11 There 7 a . ' A NARROW ERC.A.pr. —On Sunday .a Dear Spot in Ireland," which was well rendered,,and elicited an enthusiastic- - morning last a young man in town was taking a stroll before church time, and ' encore. Miss Reidy, on appearing on the platform, was warmlv greeted, and wab enjoying a wall flavored Havanah, While thus engaged, and meditatina gave a solo, in which She displayed . , On 1 . things not worldly, of couxse, his reve. rare powers and cultivation of. Voice. " My Queen," by Mr. Joalin, was well I rie Was disturbed by a prich,iDcr sensa. - e tion on the arm. He looked 0 at the . sung, 'and was encored, in response to which he gave a oomic disturbed member, and seeing uothing . 0 sel6ction, which 1, brought down -the bo' PP use. Miss wrong he continued bis walk- and re- su�med his musiugs. Re had not I Reidy again appeared, and gave " Kath- loan Mavourneen " gone far until tb.e peculiar sensation became in a manner which - must be heard to be appreciated'. The more troublesome, and ,he exatuined. first part of the programme was Closed � the disturbed member and its surround - by "For Goodness Sa,ke Don't Say I . iugainore closely. This time ,he ob- Told You," by Mr. Harris, in which he - served a dark Spot OR the cuff of his introduced many good local hits, which. -u,nd6r shirt, and he puUed it down, brushed it off, and, after replacing it pleased the audience, especially the " i The . again resumed his walk and his pleas- junior portion. second part was opened by a qua-rtette, entitled 64 Come ant meditations. He bad only gone a Where the Lillies Bloom," by Misses few paces, however, until this pecaliar Johnson and Killoran, and Messrs. 88118atiQla became acutely painf-ul, when Cline and Roberts. This was a very he agaij ' a Stopped to reconoitre. After turning up the. cuff of his overcoat So as .*Drumgole -minutely nice plece, and was well Sung. Mr. then ga,vO " Mary of Argyle," to examine .more into the followed by Miss Walsh in a well-ron- cause of the disturbance, imagine his -and dared solo entitled, " Once A'ain.'P 9 surprise const ernatiou when a -.thick, denge -volume After a solo from Mr. Joslin , which was of smoke issued from beneath his coat Sleeve and Smote anciored, Miss Reidy sang that beautiful and pathetic -.Selection, ',Darby him on the face, IdMO13t stifling him for the and Joan," and gave as an e4core. 64 Doon time being. The rapidity with -'which he disr3bed himself may be the Burn, Davey Lad." Mr. Drum -ole then 11 The White m6ie easily imagined than ,described. He gave SqUall,", to which he did ample justice, and in re - I wasi not long in discovering the cause of his sponse to an encore sang I I Dear Cin - annoyance. A Spark from his cigar , had dropped into hii'sloeve and ignited ada.?' This, of the many fine selections he draing .his undershirt, and when discovered I - gave the evening, Was his best, and could not have �ean better . � - I . . I I I 'I .. . , rendered. After a c mic selection by 'a rather severe accident on Monday 'ohauio was offered 925 for twel�e days :, but would not take �t.—Mr. Mr. .Harris, the en;t tainment closed ' last. He was getti 3g 'P, load of saw- in harvest, , by the entire 0 -!n � joining in FSiDg- -dust atMr. Govenl)ok.'s mill in Win. Wm. Smith, Daniel McKenzieo Joseph I I - - . q ing 11 Goa S , 11_. Queen'. I IDERS thrpp,when his hoit e,B became frightened Whitely ana.BawaraAmes left for the 11 Downey resided ' I d it is - .at the sounding of' the steam whistle, . Northwest last week.—MessrB.. Robert p I 0, a piano, an , needless to se h performed her part :and starting eqddeWy 'threw Mr. and Edwa Crawford on Mon ay had ,g a a . proficiently. Whib 11 the, local ama. ,'Lapslie from the vvagon. �- He was con- I a runaway with & herse an buggy- , tours did remarkal l 7ell, we are Sure �, siderably stunned and bruised, but iii vi ! The liueB br9ke and they tho ' u ht best ' ; . I n0aQ will tAke it i . ISO if we make , short time was suff ciently recovered to to jump an I leave the horse to � is fate. ' . spe6lal fflerLb,()n of I I iss Reidy and Mr. return home.—Dr. Rossvalley, the con- They were a little hurt, but the buggy Drunigole. The fol , 'er has improved �`verted Jew, will pr 3ach in the Egmond- was badly recked.—There,,are �,tWO Car much in voice an u tivation since her ':'mondville Presb�berian Church on loads Of st ' k and implemeuts .. 0 leave . . Al' a ohn last visit here. , h ug no . owerful, � Sundai forenoon u, 3xt,aud in tha Sea- here for Br ndon, accompanied J , I . . . , her voice is so a tifully clear and 'forth Preabyteria Church on the same Smith, FiJdlay McKenzie, Win. Shob- ' I.' . . . sweet, and she see][48 to have it under -;evening.�The fall wheat in this vicinity brook, T. . and H. Jackson aid Wm. such perfect contr 1, that irrespective ,:has never looked 1 more promising at Jackson, w.th the Lintention oii ta,kin I ; 9 of We words or In' ui dc, it is a real pleas. this season than it does this year.— up land as near Brandon as �onible. . I ure to listen to it, I i it, when we add to .-Miss Sarah Smith, of � Seaforth, is re. One car load is for F. A. Tamblynand this bar excellent jelections and dis- '!covering from a severe Illness caused by George Ro a, in charge of Find�ay Mo - I I 'inflammation of the I DgS. She was Kenzie.—Mr. R. Adams has returned tinot articulation, 1 4e charm of her : UL � - 8 ,Mar ,,, n singing can scarcely I ,ad. She taken ill the beginning of December - from the IS o,rthwest with not ve , glow - is, in the fullest seii ie of the term, an -last, and is now�: JU4 able to 'walk ing Accoun;s of the country.. There is accomplished - mud: ,ill opular musiciani. :around, with hopes f4 her final re - - very rough weather up there and a Mr. Drumgole, I C, has a Strong, :.covery.—Mr. Jacola Webber, of the great dpptl � of snow. Thou Ph he has B41 � . g MbUnt 'L powerful, but c eatl voice, and, while �Egmondville PO E Yt 8 Ipped a car- taken Up land in the Turtle &in ' I 11 . his selections are thp best, his artioula- 1oad of pottery to A an ,toba. It was all district, w( do not think h,6 will ever 111 . . tion is such that 11111 audience can' un- � sold before'Bhipmein t. IThis gpdaks well return, on ; Mount of the severe weath- L : derstand and get fal Denefit of what lie ',for Mr. Webber's )uBluess reputation, er. The p, Lrty that;was to leave4hurs- L I I It -and likewise for the goods he 31nanufac- I day have postponed their ttiip for . sings. As vocalists aoth Miss R ' eidy L ' . and Mr. Drumgole a i hardto surpass, tares.—We have on hand a number of I a while. Mr. Adams states that the - and, indeed, are rar 3'y equalled. 'The 'school reports which w� ill appear next farms in the Londe ailement ohoirof St. James' C aurch are certain. .week.—GoodFridaF E�ssed oververy are worth about $3,000 eacli.—Mr. � . 11 a pleL Haso has sent to the old bountry ly entitled to the th L AS of the people 'quietly. The , da -y w asant, and John _P for the real musical i i eat they provided, .:.most people amus. - ' themselves walk. for another entire horse, and expects to , and we hope our cid sons will in frAtire :'ing, around the Stibi 6, land baskina, in have it out by the 106h of May. i I . . 0 . more fully show th4h- ion of :the beautiful adri�hght.— The annual L - I apprecia ; their efforts by tura�ug out in larger 'meeting of the members of the Seaforth Brusaels. i I numbers. i Cricket Club will be hold at the Corn. THE SHcw.—The annual Spri i g Fair _ . ' 'I I raercial,flotel on next Monday evening, was held on Wednesday last. T�e Show L ANNrvF.RsARY SE�RyiioEs.—The anni. �at half -past eight o'i 31oc�k. —Prof. Fetzer of 's -tock waB'good. A full report 118 given versary tea meeting, in connection 'with Imil Mr. Robt. Cormicbaer left this elsewhere. Theattendauceof �Specta- ' the Canada Methodi .t Sabbath School, �:Ivveek for Dakota, wlieri6 they intend to I torB wag very large. The ever dbliging . - -took place in the � basement of the ,discourse sweet mu ic lor the delecta- implement agents were in fall blast. oharch on Friday Evening last. The �tion of the habila-W8 of the plains. . MARKETS.—Fall wheat,31.23 to: 01.26, little . folks were lar ely represented, I ,9 I —.— and enjoyed themsel 8 youth � uly . � Hen , I spring, $1.2 to 01.27, peas, 65c 'to 75c, ., �es a � . I sall. " oats 35c to 7o, barley 75c to 806, pota- can on Such oboa; I ?us. There vas,! ; I L . LOCALITIES.— Goc d Friday was ob- toes 65c to 70c, butter 18c, eggs 13c, salt also, a fair attendan a of the par -nts i , I . and others interest d in the School.' Served as a holida3. Divine service I clean coarse, $3.50 per ton, land', $2.75, ,-After tea was partiI6 of the scholars .; was i3onducted in St ,Paul's Church by per ton; per barrel, wholesale, 80c,retail were thoroughly exa��ined in the Iles- the Rev. E. J. Roh pson, pastor�.—We , $1. For p st wbok large quantities :of sons studied in th � Sabbath School. , are pleased to notice that Mr. T.-. Mur- land salt have been taken away. t� t I I 'dock, who was couf ned to the house To HAND.—We have on hand � corn - and under the questi�'ining of the Super- ior several days through illness, is on municatIon from _Mr. Ronald,: of the intbrident, showed &I proficiency sur. our streets once more. — Among those Brussels Foundry, giving his ve�siouof prising for ones . so 1,,oung. They also , I " who left for the North-west this week the recent awsuits in which he has sang several selectio, s, under the lead. I we learned of the fallowing : Mr. and I been, engaged as well as of his dealings erBhip of Mr. J. Brd nall, very ui6ely. Mrs. John Blackwe f, of this place; generolly w�th the corporationi On . I Mr. Brownell takes i'� warm and hi 'bly ' a,. I 9 ThomaS Blackwell, (of Hay, and Thins. ac6ount of t4is letterbeing insuffic'iently commendable intere . I in the children - , Ford, of Tdckersmith.---�Mr. John Ur- Stamped it qid not reach us in time fcr " of -the school,-andl ' a most efficient I quhart, brother of Mr. D. Urquhart of I this issue, b b will appear next week — manner in which � an the y'onngest. th.� Hensall Mills, lias lately returned I ED. Exp. �� * acquit themselves, n only does credit I from a trip to the , North-west. Mr. RETURNED.—Mr. Robert Laidl I w re- � � .to his training, but ust also amply . %, I - Urquhart says t t ' although the turned last w,eek from Mainitoba. He repay him for the g ,J t pains he takes - 0 3'r country is undoubte( ly a fine one, it is Saw Mr. Le�kie and other Brag�selites I , with them. Save eadings and reci- ; ME not all that is olaimE d for it. In refer- in WinDipeg, whOL were waiting', there tations were also van, which were � Until L ' dr go c164 well rendered and i ppreciated by all .once to the climate 2e says the cold the roa , would t red of an storms there me. with are- Some- snow so th 1�iv could go further west. present. The amnnive a'ry sermons wore thing very severe, and that it requires Mr. Lecki "intends strWug for th a 11 preached on the follb lug Sunday by the very heaviest and warmest of cloth- Q'Appellela istrict. Mr. Laidlaw in- . P W. Rev. Mr. Clement, of Stratford. In Ing to stand the Same; and even thou L the af tern , . tends seI14 out in Brussels at once con he deli'lVered a specialad- if long exposed to the stormB much Oaf- and will return to Manitoba with his dres'O to the childre�, which was ad. for rig is experienced and in not a few i f amily. He thinks of locating in mirably adapted f6i the occasion. to, I paSas death his been the result.—Mr. Emerson. : I There are not man h hve the -w I I 1! . i � .. T T . Carleton, of � Woodstock, was in THE ExoDt�rs.—Tbe following parties faculty Of addressinj i children so aa'.to th Village on Tuesday.—Mr. William left Brussels on Wednesday last for the ifite�est and instrue them at th Same - ��, I Airne, but those who ; listened to Mr. McMillan, formerly (if this place, PdSS � Great Lone Land: For Grand Forks, — I I � this . ad through here on onday. Consider. Dakiata,—Jaines Cusic, Grey; 1 John Clement say he possesses gift Lin , � � the f allest degree, iLlld that wh'Ie he abl 0 1grain is now #r ding its ,way to Douglas, Brussels, and Robert Me- . I market. The follow no are the market Naughton, McKillop. For Brandon, Succeeds in keeping the undivided 0 - I qu bations : Fall Wt eat $1.20 to $1.28 ; Manitob &,—An draw Lee and son'� Mor-: attentionof bisyoung suditors,hl'Sre-L Bapley'13c to 80c.; Oats 37c to38c; ris; James, Thomas and Wm. Hidiap, marks are Such that Whey not only re- pota�toes, 65c to 75o ; dry wood, $2.65 JohuDark, Wm.. Warner, andbavid t&in them,but rea . p instruction there- to 3.—Mr. James White, of Hay, ship- Knigbt, Grey, also two sons Of Mr. ftom. His sermon , �both in the fore- - I - L I noon and evening, 0 1 i io were listened to pe � car load of fiA horses to Boston. Thomas Town, Brussels. Alargd nUm_ I LL . IRTURN.—The p4ri y who took a piece bar assembled at the station to see � � with interest and eyiJent profit by large of I orn colored mari lo f a certain them off and wish them bon Vi9yage. congregations. � . I . rom �1_ - � to P and forgot all about pAyiug for it., -Several of them ha-ve only gone 't6 "see I ,is ot unknown, and 's kindly requested - the country," but Some of them� will, 0 1 LOCAL BRIEFS.—M. Archibald Scott, to etarn the Same ad Save any un- L doubtless, take up land and remaji. � to of the firm of Scott Bros., returned necessary expense, unpleasantness, &C., BRiErs.—Word was received onluesi ; . � ! home on Tuesday las;'after a Sojourn - in t f ecovering it.—MERCHANT. da � last from Mrs. J. W. Shields' now of three�months in 1Y anitoba and the 1; 1, I � y . E I � __ L . I in Geneva, Switzerland, that her � little Northwest. We ate lad to learn that . 1:1 ' I � ; : he was very successful in business � Leacibury. girl died in March last.—Dr. Ros�,vally, t'� . 'P' tiarT.—Mr. CharloB Davis and his the converted Jew, wi H. deliver his leo- era I no in the Prairi) Province.—Sat. L - urda.� last was anoth r unusually L bnsy family left here on Tuesday last for ture entitled,"The Jew," in Brassols,on day in town. The, ;,'treets presented Manitoba. Mr. Davila intends locating Thursday tbe-20th inst.—At the Easter Ithe appearance of a I ir day, and our on land during the Summer, but wiU vestry meating of St. John's chur,6h, on . t la merqbants must havel! pridbably return in tha fall. He Still re- Monday last, the folldwinj officer � lurned over a lot . 9 a were , tains possession of li�s residence here elected: Jae. Knox and C. R. -Cooper, I 11 of goods. Seaforth still continues to but has leased the farm and hotel to' wardens; T. Maxwell, audJaa. Drowe, I . lead!the van in the m4tter of bnsiness. I Mr. Smith, thb present landlord, fof a sidesmen; E. E. Wade, delegate to The':magnificent stool�a and the close price's which our period of fiveyears, fpr the sum of 3500 Synod'; James Drowe 'and T. Kelly, mar hants offer as in- � per annum. t ducomentig to trad , ; auditors.—C. R. Cooper, on Monday a bring customers L � from all quarters, houlae the crowds.— L i . last, received applications from p�rties We had the tail anal of a Northwest - � Crom rty. at Emerson for lands in the Te . _Tper- I , blizzard during the e4rly part of this - APROFITABLE SITE,P.—WM. Speare, anqe Colonization Society's reperve.' ,_ week, but the weitber has moderated Esq'., sheep breeder o this plica has a UNFAIR CRITICISM. — MR. Em�oR, ' � down and is now pleasant .again.—There awe which he will vopturei to say has ,- DF,�R Sin,—The reporting Editor 6f the was no meeting of the. town council on equal in Ontario. This 0 Post in commenting o sheep is of the . n the perfoirnincr " Monday evenin . Black Nose breed, of the several members of the 'band 9 owing to the lack of a and is now tea � "L Of Dar local "'Jehus" years old, and in eight years has reared others, very ung,,,raciously made ' quorum.—Sever and are just now employing their leisure 20 lambs, which have all done well. At Special notice of six out of eight, 1p,avi4g Moments in breaking, in 'Clear Grit the age of two she gave birth to a pair tw8 out in the cold, who had neatly, if colts, and thus far n notl altogether, the most difficult �pArta , alt�hough there bave . of twins, and followed that up for four been some narrow : a capes, there has consemative years; t le following four, to perform in the drams, of the ,'Char- � not been a- single : � n away, and ,not ipoluding the present sbe had triplets, coal Burner." It has be c tl evenL one of them � I as got his neck m4liing a total of 20 . lambs. On so. by all who had the nleasure of hearing . brokon.—Mr.JobnX310 has r6turned count of these being of a superior breed the� entertainment, Chat for amiteurs home from blanitob t. He took up a those that Mr. Spe4re saw., fit to dispose all performed their parts well, s()' that car load of hones, %ne says be disposed of were sold for large figures, and by there was no oull for of ecial notice of . of them to good adya�Ltage —Mr. W.i J. �eeping 1% few his flock has been large some by the reporter in question, and ' - ly he should at least hav'e had sufficieut Dickloon left town L to_lay,� with a Oar increased. The trio of the pre. 'Idadilof very good �O.fles for Dakota. vious year -he sold last May, for � reg�rd for the principles of co�rtosy Djr. Dickson has la e'eu very -successful 04.% each, and then in November he to, , prevent him from ,casti, ig a , in Is business, and h %s disposed of a 801d another pair at 05 each, be'! shir on the kindn young lot . horses in Dakotsi during the past Sides the wool, Nybich was valued at 'lady who lent her best efforts tolssist . two years, and nearl all of them wore 37-20, tasking 11 I in the laudable object of promotir g the � yJ . . a.gran total of 635.4.5, taken from this count ,.—The depo AS and this foll in4rests of th6 band. L si owed lop for eight years . Yours, &C., , o in the Seaforth P� t Office Savings amoun bs to S 283.60, b 3ing the prora to of Jos I E,PH FLETCHER. — � - — Bank for the three ontbs ending ,on thel� old sheep — independent of the - 1� I . � I March 31st, amo to the snug sum , young. But her off-EDring being as rro- 4 Vaxn , I Unted TF � of $33,661, and the: w tbdrawal checks lific as herself throws"the same amo Ppit'L : . . Unt tRiEr. s.—Mr. Tippit, - y of - paid ,during the Same eri amounted Of money Yearly in.M.% Speare's pocket, fiel4', has removed to this place, Zayre � : to 63'9,508. The Sea,orth post office which will just amblui t to $5,672 each he 'intends carrying on the ha�ness i I . L I I does A 'I'arge busineas.4-The Easter sar. year. if this -is followed up for a, few making businesS.—Mr. J. Ward sowed vioeB� in St. james Calholic Church, on years Mr. Spears, no loubt,will become twelve acres of grain in four hours � last Sunday last, were 16 ; the wealthiest M: I - I , particularlv an in the county. Sa'turday.—Mr. D. Robinson and �ohn grand obaracter. Th�dec.rationswli� * Young man, dream not of the boundle's Oo' t 0 . 8 pp have left for Maniboba. I tastef uUy arranged, a I reflected- rr&iria, but call on Mr." Speare—take a PRESENTATION AND ADDRx8s. I on , credi I t on those wh � -ad the . - . � mana.g. sheep—and your fortune is made.— MOday 'evening, the 1()th inst.' ., the ment, of the undertiki " g. In the eve�- Cox. Members and friends of St. Jbhn's . I I - - I . . �. . _. L - ing the church was la r4 Iliantly iUnmih. - � . church, Varna, repaired to theiresi . I - - �verythhig off to I � . - ated,lwhich'showe . � Lond"t),oro., dance of Mr. Jacob Diehl, of Stanl�yjo advautage. The Eill,','�Ilg, too, was of' -a: THE NEW CREAIW�ERY.—The Directors give that gentleman's family a sur�'rise, I , - high 6rder, and showed that great . ca�e of the Londesboro Bri bter Factory have but imagine the consternation of the 4 had lbeen exercisEd - I the Ei�('Plectionlls, obtained 'their Act of Incorp�ratiou party when they arrived at the r;ver's I more, especially the a., los, which wore from the Ontario; Government, and edge to find that the . : I foot bridgg had well reudered. bai ge congregatio 'no have let the building of their factory been carried away by the recent frethet. I were in attendancel f i both morning to. Mr. Wm. , of Lon,losboro, After a considerable amount of h0oo. . ., . Whitafey � and ' vening serviceE —Mr A Hally., and have contracted with Mr. Ge6rg ino e Part of the visito ' ;I A. * 7 -,Doo- Browning, of Clifford, to Supply all the form( rly of the firm P rs� Mr. ; . Oi. I G / M He,hry Diehl came across the rive2` in a . gall .(� Co., inten ', leaving for the plant equipment for said facto '. They small canoe to c6nvey the party t� the I 1 0 will go ry . . 4 the partyin Nortl -west shortb� to expect to have the factory running by' opposite shore. Some 0 , Qa'A )pelle.—We n4ice the following in the 1st of Mav next 01.- very soon after. their anxiety to get to their destination-. a rec�nt issue of the' Emerson Inter. They have also agreed with the said crowded in and overloaded the 1frail . 11 I n e national .. "Mr. J.,�R'110ffmau, of SO- Mr*. Bro*ning to collect cream and bark, and no Soo er had it I forth,'; came to E mers;n two weeks ago. I A the � I , make butterofor, this season, so that bank than it capsized and precipitated He liked the town an( wanted to open' patrons will know a actly what. their the occupants into the angry str1bara. I . . � in th6 mercantile blAn�sS here, but butter will cost the _ I I m elf poun a in mak- The consequences might'liave been - couldri't secure a Store in town.' He did ing. Mr. Browning littelids to put on very serious had it not been foi the the next best thing an I I went to Portage 'the road four or five Bingle wag;ns to presence of mind and heroic brave�y of , la Prairie, where he bought out the collect cream., This, Vill cover a large one of the gentlemen, who immedi�tely business of a meroban' ,t there." Mr. area of country, and N Pill, afford farmers pi�ang into the -water and rescued the , Hoff rnan is a shrewd, lintelligant buai- hereand inthe adjoiidrig townships a lad�eB from their perilous an un- �4 � ness man, a first class citizen and �a good chance to send t iei:,r cream.—Fall Pleasant pos ion. When they arrived ! genial!, good fellow, and although all Wheat looks really ex, -ellent. it 1 at Mr. Diehl's residence they were well- ' I . woul4l greatly regret should this venture' LOCILITIES. — The NOW Era says ! coed for, and your correapondent is ', 4 necessitate his permanent removal from Ever house in the villige is occu Seaforth,.there are no I y pied ha , PY to inform you that barring the 1( heartily join t ' ) who would not now.—Fall wheat in this neighborhood co bath no serious consequene I . in wishin� him % Prosper- looks excellent, Farmers are.very busy r6s Ited. as have �i ona busineag­ career . After all haA got settled, , in the second plowing for spring crops.—Wages are Mi s Fauny Logan, on behalf greatest city of the gr4t prairie pro. high here of the It now, and �- prospects of being Party, presented Miss . Maggie Diehl .;I vinde.—Mr. Thomas I��]?Blie met with very high' -in harvest, I , r I � time, for one me- witg an addresi� agoompauied b I � � i I : � . y a 'I 2 1 1 i I i J � i . I I I I ; I I � I I � . I . I � ; i ; i . : I - I I � I I i : I . . . 4 ! ; 1� I X � i I � � , i I I i I I i � : I I It � . � � I i - . I — i � .. ; ! . - . I � . I I . � I i I . : . . � i i . - i I � I I i � . � , I � i i I I : a . I - : : . . . . . - . i . " i - � � I � I , i :� : ; I � I I . i I I � I I ! I - ; I ! I . . � � ! . . . I . I � . ; : . . . . I . . .1 I i i � . i I J I I I - . ­ " ; . . . I : I I I � � � � . . i , i I . � � 4 � � i I ; I I ­ -. ��.,- . . � I � I � - - I ­ -11 I., : � I - � - � - � I - � 1. ­ __ -,-,-'' �� , . ­ ­ - - L- ___ ,. - ,­ -A , � — - - I - . . 1- - , i__ � ------- --1_11 ____-____­_.____­ - - i_1,_-______--_ __L________; _=___J�_ - well filled purse in re,copition of her I Duncan - � & I) _; 'Uneak, services aa church organist. Mids- � � Diehl made a verY suitable reply. - This ceremony ever, the ladies . - I I took possession of the kitchen and - --- 1---- � � k prepared a bounteous repast, and ample - justice having been done to the spread -1 � - _� provided, the party repaired to the pur- - GRAND � � I lor where -a few hours were spent very I 1�1 I . agreeably in pla,y and vocal and instru- � �' _. ruental music. At a reasonable hour homes, , Q How Re OPEi. %f 0M INC all repaired to their respective I' well pletk5ed with the evening's enter. 1 1 — tainment., cou. I - - 11 —ON— Tuckeramith. GooD HoRsi FLESH.—Mr. McCloy, of . � the 10th co � neession of Tuchersmith, fr6m Mr. Colqu- Thursday & Saturday recently purchased � houn, of Hibbert, a three year old filly . "I which he paid the sum -of 0300, and it is said that he has Since beeri..offered APRIL. 6TH AND 8TH. and refused 0400. He now bas.,a team . of three year olds ,which 4600-; would . - not. buy. The mate of this one was recently purchased from Mr. Hackney, ! . .., , j)f Usborne, at a big.fignre:. I � French, English and Americ.9,11%p-i&L ' terns in Bonnets and Hata. � I Also, W1 East Wawanosh. - the now Noire, Satin, Crape and I" PnizE AmmAL.—Mr. Thom&s Agnew, Material for Bonnets in the 1�.ew . ' of East Wawanosh, 10th concession, Spining Shadings. carried off 1st prize at Wingham fair for his heavy draught stallion. This AS this Spring pr - . OmIses to be sa animal was imported by Mr. Maeon in i unusually special season for FLOWERS. -_ the makers have ,eclipsed the mouth of August, and is -certainly a very superior animal. . all thek previousefforts- in producing the laolt .- AcCIDZNT. — Mr. Thomas Taylor, lovely goodB, especially in . Reeve of East Wawauosb, met with a very painful and serious accident on Tuesday morning while, on his way to FRENCH ROSES & BUDS, ' Wingharn which may cause the loss of , - one of his limbs. Mr. ! Taylor was driving quietly along the gravel whi, are surpas I singly beautifuL, . h . �otm road, two miles from town, when his. importation- of Ostrich and P&Uoy horse took alfright at some object on Feathers, Laces, .Ribbions, Jet Trini. the road side, upset the rig, giving its occupant several hicks on the leg and miligs, Bonnet Ornaments, &c., is v%T comprehensive. � I breaking it below the knee joint. It is . � thought that the fracture will necessi- . . � I tate amputation. . - . Our Stock is now com.pletel ocruprio. Winthrop. ' ing General Dry Goods., Dress GoWk Cashmeres,, Muslins, Prints, CretonteL GOOD EwouGir.—Gooa Friday was , ,ommemorated at Winthrop by Moses Hollauft, Shirtings, Ducks 1) - _7 - enim1h Cottdns, &C. Special Elanuah fining John Morrison for walk- attentio'n is Owl ed to Our large stock. of Lisle, L� [rig across his land to see him about .. Taffeta and Kid Gloves; Ladies, alia making fences. Moses is a meek man, . Misses' Hosiery—French, German "a T.—A young man English. . Ired a revolver at another young man, . I � Dut missed him, in a sugar bush be- I 5ween the 9th and 10th concessions, on � 3aturday evening last. It is dangerous . I !or boys and fools to carry revolvers. ARRIVED TO -DAY - DOG POISONING.—Dogs are being )oisoned in the neighborhood of the 8th Lad 9th concessions. 'Some parties were . . I iotified through their children at No. 6 ichool to keep their (logs out of the way, � WORSTED COATINGS )-at others were not so fortunate. . PERso_N_,-,L.—The many friends of Mr. ­ . ­ ' knd Mrs. John Govenlock will be, pleas - )d to learn that they have safely arriv- SCOTCH AND E.NCLISH TWEEDS, )d at Lynchburg, Virginia, and are the I . � \ ,ruests of Mr. and Mrs. John Hickson, I . . )f that place, former residents of this Direct ImportatiOris. �ouuty. Mr. Govenlock was forced to . ieek a milder climate, on account of mpaired health, and itis gratifying to . inow that the,change has already had a I I I I nost ben'eficial effect upon him, � THE CHEESE FACTORY.— Winthrop Our Tailoring Depart,M,6nt is ,r,M , ,heese factory is going to be run by a Compl-ete, a?zd Entire Satig . .fac. �ornpaiiy this season. They have re- , t1on Guaranteed. �eived their charter tbrougli Mr. Thos. � - libson, M. P. P., and James Keir, �'inlay Ross, and Francis Morrison are he directors - I WJ_% DUNn- A N & DU NUNN for the present year. Any )atron wishing a Share can get one, but io sharos will be Sold to those not -send- I rig milk. They have employed Mr. W. DIRECT SM -PORTERS. �. Cook as cheese maker. He comes I vell recommended. ,I, .� - _* - This is. particularly ,aistressing j4 Usborne'. , pr8sent,'as his father is in Daknta,to I PRESENTAXION AND ADDRESS. —Miss 'da Allin,- music teacher,Tbames Road, which place he recently went in order ; to procure land for himself and family. . � vas very agreeably surprised last F i rl- He was a particularly smart, intellige at : . I boy with a high sense the . importma. lay evening by a visit from her pupils n the vicinity of Woodham and Zion. of � � of doing that which is right, which, to. Phe object of the vieit was to acknow- getLer with his generous disposition, : won for him the favor of his I edge to Miss Alho their appreciation of schod' . mates as well as the esteem of all thou ier services as teacher, which they did who knew him. . � : n a pleasing manner by presenting her . . . vith a very handsome silver cake bas. --.*.-- : . Zttrich. L :at accompanied by an address, expreg- iDg their respect - and esteem. Miss . . I WHRAT AND FLAX.—Fall whe&t.1001M Lilin, though � much affected, made a well around here. - Tdr. Happel has r#.- - uitable reply. Solved not to sow flax this,year " Balm . � — - . . for the past year have been somewhat � I Kippen. Slow. This' will be a great 1,oss to tbs. I � A GHANGE.—Mr. Blair, having re- village, m the flax business employe1a ired from the management of B'Dell's great number of hauds both in the I : winter and Summer. - -� - - ; fill, the mill has been leap.ed to Mr. � ohn McNeviu for a term of years, who I HoLwAy.­ Good Fiiday passed of ; vill bereaf ter carry on - the business. Ir. MoNeviti Z. quietly and pleasantly, Services be* I I he �� Id in all the churches. A May 'Z is a thoroughly practical aan and understands every depart. good of our sports took to the woods anden-, ' aeut (if the business. For sevem' 'ears Joyed themxelves without doing mu* � , I damage to tbain4abitants thereof. . he has ' had charge of the Dublin - nd Hibbert mills, aud will no doubt ,�Srltrn(, Wo.sx.—The fine weatherA � I . � ,a known vto many of the patrons of the past few days has tempted the fa. Wl's Mill. There is no'establishment n the country that has a bet.terrepti- mers to commence work and a good tAt � of plowing and some sowing has belm,. � , atiOn for- good work and square deal. -;z astoppd 4, done, but the cold weather ha, . - ag than this one,,and from what we operations, and the ground is once mom : iave heard of t6_new __ proprietor it will not Buffer anything in his hands. . � clad in white. _ I I A NOVEL XliITOR. —A- somewhat=.' 14 � : U81141 sight was witnessed by the village ; : ".J. I MCKMOP. - I People on Good Friday. ' A. large due passed northward within a few roas d -: OBITUARY.—Many of our reader's will 'of the woollen mills, af ter crossingthi- � egret to learn the death of Mrs. Zurich road, �aud­ playing arouri I d for . .oseph Evans, wife of our old friend some time, it took - a north-easterly di � . � oseph Evans, Esq., of,X,cKillop. She rection for the swamp. v Z I 7as 57 years of ace. She had been in 1:) I ___t �. .1 health foT over two years, but the im. . I �M,6rris,. 4 / iediate cause of death.was a severe &t- : NoTEs.—Thb farmers have laid asib ick of bronchitis. She was al most stimable and kind �bearted lady, and,1 J their agricultural implement,q and ro. .. sumed once more their winter pursait& : iany of her neighbo's, and more ,03- r -* ecially the early settlers, will long ancF� Considerable anxiety is felt gmoog them for the safety of the fall wh4at,_ ffectionately cherish her memory on ccount of the many acts of kindness Mr. T. Farrow, M. P., is ereating 0 large dwelling house on his farm, 1* rid. generosity so unostentatiously 11own. them. All will' deeply 1,Ympa- line, Morris. Rumor Says that Mr. Farrow will retUrn from Ottawa abott dize with the bereaved husband and Imily on account of their Sad and ir- - the Ist of May, -but not alone.—Ayoung . lady of Morris, 3parable losg. �Mrs. Peter Ross, of the 9th Con- Who is- by the . majority of ,her acquaintances, considereitl r& ,sponsible assion of McKillop, has also passed to for her actions, Seems to hSTS acquired quite a proficiency in 66 er long home at the early age of thirty ��� favorite trick of thb common father,d ears. Mrs. Ross succumbed to an at- bar class, and, like his satanic majestli -� Lek of inflammation of thelungs. She ,ill be deeply regretted, not ouly for glories in her accomplishment.—Al I item, er virtues and Social qualities, which Published in the Advertiser 4f last week, stated that John JAW40. naeared her to all whom she kniaw,but and Thompson, formerly Of I Turnberrn sa, [so from the fact that she leaves be- John Deacon, of East Waw&n0sh, -were- - ind her it family of four small children, ho will, as they advance in frozen in Manitoba in the iwelit Years, inch miss the loving care and kind irection blizzard. This statement is entirt1l, groundless, the OnI .. y apparent reuOlt' of a fo ­ nd mother. SUDDEN D-uATH.—We have this * for its circulation being that the father * week ) record the death of John Sparling, of the two former bad written to & brother-in-law after the 21Y son of Mr. Richard SParliDg, �i ie 4th concegsion, at the early age of storm subsid04-- saying that these young men left housW8 two Fteen years and four months. His hours before the blizzard began, but be had no fears for their $Sfety, #A- 3ath on Monday morning last was lite sudden and unexpected. Al- that Part was thickly populated. HO 0,180 Stated that he would at ov,00., iougfi he had been ill for nearly a from an attack of pleur'Sy'notbiug write if 0,11 was not as he expected. No letW- . has eek rious was anticipated until a very since been received, and it mAY bft safely concluded that this is one of the Lort time before his death, when he uk a sudden change and sauk rapidly. raany false reports of similar osso- frola the Prairi,e 1->,ovi.,�e. J.'a Stock 1 Embossed 21 � - Colored Sateel cottous, Grey �� T.illed Sheeti - " cruuib Cloths. McFat ------ — Denims, Du ades, Tickingsi _ Bl&& Cazhru . i ,Black -Silks, C1c Colored Satini Fancy Dress G, McFa-c. Fringes, Lap, I I bons, Collareti . . � � lowers, Wrei, . . Inents3lBu-16 I 0 1 � Lace Caps, Hal ol WE STUDI . � - OF OUR As Well. I * - I � I E. AUF Successor to 'Measi What physicianA Eli Treatment by-, . tima beeil r6eG . to be the MOB I inewas of touw curatives, but it � and complaints - cessful trestmei possible until tj Starr Xidney F� 8, single per-scripi ably more decisi Any quAntity 6 � dosing. Worn, A seat of disease�, � become absorb64 enfeebled orgat ,directly, as reql I turn their hWil vigor. It !a com� and pleasant '* when nothing 1, 1�i4uey Pad , eisme results.- 1� covery as - a triii D"'SeaSeB L Wag � Ga -;eat. - The following � have been raciJi licitation. .. L I . People of good sl will gladly be . 00r,respondence 1i many hundrads Select, -and On L . I ien, + T,oronto, Do ,� ' tlem,en—At the 11 , , 1�6f' ), 1E was on , ;�� 0 ; _ at G,ermaut . z � 'I", 11 I got cold, wh- ifd1b iny back from in neys. For th,e tak`-11 innumera' found Inuch reliA Kidney Pad. I,, it oil it gradually day,,af-t,er weatb happyto state t tured. PleageLr,u of those N' "'PAS- Yours res careof F. W. Co� 'T. & Roberts,I)i - — Rad PRI torouto, octol lueni--I have be for over 4 years,' special Pads ibr Perfectly cured. ]BROTHERSO �Tra& ]R - For by -1J, BWOrth.sale I , . � � - . 1:- , I � I I . I I - = _� L I LL�