The Huron Expositor, 1882-03-31, Page 7-ate
th prenti8es forrmir,
the Bank of cont.
mkt. the Commercial
craign Exchange
aed and Sold.
Reasonable Rates.
Collateral Securities
payable lit, par at all
e Bank of Coixtraerce.
Mowed au Deposits
.0111x on Mortgages.
and Propri'etor.
>ten of Ss afortb knosan as
ill be sold cheap and on easy
rietor has got the bianisoba
xenteetion nith the Mill a
The nen has teeently
Tbauled and epaired, and
rking ortler. and canaille of
ofita,blegri.stieg and flouring
;be pro, deem-, Wat. ScoAraas -
forth 744
February, 1889., we changed
mufactui leg Hour at our Teen
jeers buying our family oe
hod upon getting a first-clase
wn ladiee and prononneed
our exchange work. We
fly Wanted, good Treadwall
tt er which, good prices will
Lvir, sc Co.
T. O. KEMP, Manager.
e undersigned bag now on
Seaforth, a quantity
ustrian and White Rus -
r seed There is not a very
hem', so the first
a. A quantity of spring
ed will purchased. Wa.
r year or by the month tO
sfortabie and coraromitous
h two fires, on Main Street,
tuated for doing a good
'nese Rept moderate. A-
tely opts sitec --eat be rented
is shop. Apply to JAMES
DIR &T -For
No. 6, COUC(R+Si011 let, }Wi-
res, 22 •t which is under
ohne& wood. There is a
h a stone cellar and founde-
d and three wells. Also
t stable:. hia land ie ali
cest varieties of fruit trees
t green house 16x45- feet.
Lied lie a. market garden for
a large and profitable busi-
anually For further par -
proprietor on the premises
ALLAN Hoesoei. 744
Physician, wgeoa,
s Office, Dr. CainpbeW9.
ear Grand Trunk Railwa y
at or day prompt/et attend -
s &e,PhyiticiareSurgeon ant/
--stortile Ont. Office cud reai-
oderich Street,senond door
lhareh. 842
D., O. M.. Physician, Sur-
er for the County of Huron.
1, on Jarvis street north}
airth Publia School.
• 31.. Graduate Of
Pnt. Office. and Resirlene el
Street, fleet Brick Howse
Church. 428
, Graduatetof McGill Col.
-centiate of the Royal Coi-
. dinbrirgle, end Iitte Howe
art Hotipital, Edinburgh;
D E P4 T I ST;
Royal College of Dental
Office in the rooms
Derbyshire,. Whitney's
Uy perfoemed and setts-
haree Moderate.
trot. lino unithoast pain
ERRYSIIIRE, Dentist, has
eurchased the business of
and removed to
ti Block, Mitchell, where
• eeth extracted. with
1,etlier find nitroue oxide
ipecialty. Parties from a
[.1 their train expenses. 732
redalist and College
ist R. C. D. S. -
expenenee he is able to
ons in Dentistry suitable
It • teeth a Specialty.
itrous Oxide Gas given.
Moderate. 'rtiAl
Main Street, Seaforth.
GFITI, L. D. S.,
- be at hie office, CADEY'S-
CK, SEA FORTH, oppo-
e Commercial frotel, on.
SDAY and TrIt:ftPitY
week. Nitrate Oxide Gag
raction of teeth_ This gas
by Dr Cartwright since
e, he having been one of
to this province. Pa.-
eted may inhale the gas
eth extrected in a min -
without disagreeable
den-1ring new teeth please
'articular attention paid
ingen's teeth. Teeth ine
set. 730-52
MAE= 31 1882,
News Items.
The coronation of the Czar has
been finally fixed for August.
-Strikes are on the increase in the
united States, and have become very
serious in some places, more especially
at Lavvrence, Massachusetts.
-The Prince and Princess of Wales
recently gave a small juvenile party at
Mariberongh House to ce`ehrate the
fifteenth birthday of their eldest daugh-
ter, Princess Louise. The children
haited Oarile at five o'clock in the after-
noon and left at eight o'clock.
--Mrs. Maokay, the wife of the Cali-
fornia money -king, has recently bought
for $20,000 the dress that ,the munici-
pil authorities of Paris ordered to
present to the Empress Eugenie. It
cost to make it fourteen years of assid-
uous -Work of the best lace rnakere of
-Luey kends, a young lady of
Reading, Pennsylvania, has been lying
in a trance for two weeks, having been
carried home in this ptate from a
ligions meeting. re.
All the efforts ofous
physicians to restore her to consci-
ness were unavailing, with the excep-
tion of one evening. when she opened
her eyes a few moments and asserted
that the was not sick. She then re-
lapsed into a coniatose condition.
-Somebody who has taken pains th
ascertain, says :-Vaaiderbilt's wealth is
estimated at from $200,000,000 to $300,-
000,000. Jay Gould is put down t
1100,000.000. C. .P. Huntingdon t
$20,000,000. Russel Sage at $15,000,-
000; J. R. Keene at $15,000,000. S. J.
Tilden at $15, .;`00.000. Samuel Bie
at $10 000,000. Cs rus Ws Field at $10,-
-000,000. Hugh J. Jewett at $10,000,-
000. Sydney Dillon at $5 000,000, and
J. W. Garrett at 65.600,000.
e -invitations have been issued to the
descendants of Mrs. Sarah Wiles Banta
th attend the celebration of her one
himdreth birthday, on Friday,
Brooklyn, N. Y. She has five children
living, the eldest being 73 years old and
the youngest 61 years. There are
grandchildren. 25 great-grandchildren,
and four great great gra.ndchildre
Her faculties are very little impaire
She says she remembers wheu lots
were sold in Broadway for $50 and
the Boeery for $15.
-The bills presented by members of
the House alone to the committee on
expenses of the Garfield funei al amount
to $7,000. Many of them are scandal-
ous in the extreme. It is understood
that the bilis have been presented by
the Members, whether officially of the
funeral cortege or not. It is stated one
item consists of $1,700 paid for chem.
pague, brandy. whisky,cigars and lunch.
The hundred dollars are charged for
"cdck tails." There are said to be
other bills nearly 'as bad as this, though
lessin amount.
-The characteristic u neOnvention ality
of a weitteruer in Michigan got him into a
pretty fix recently. Ele walked into a
physician's office and pickine up what
he supposed to be a tooth pick from the
table began to ply it vigorously. Pre-
sently he-plicked his tongue, the doc-
tors attention was attracted by his
exclamation of pain, and the supposed
tooth pick was dieceverecl to be a vac-
cine -point. Notwithstanding evert, pre-
cautiou to prevent it, the accidental
vacoination etoolt," and it will now be
a long time before the unconventionsA
Westerner will use stray toothpicks
-The lot of the London policeman
ought not to be au unhappy one. He
lives at the station houses and has com-
rciodions apartments. The kitchen is
well supplied, and there are bath and
reading rooms and libraries. He has
chess and checker boards and billiard
tables. There is a police futiel, which
maintains two orphan schools. one for
beyasaid one for girls, the children of
deceased members of the force,. .
-The widow of Daniel Webste
whose death lute been recently a
nod/iced by the papers. was the gre
statesinan's second wife. She was
Miss Le Roy before her marriage, fift
three years ago, in Grace Church, an
meted in the moat fashionable Rode
of New Yore. A fund of $100.000 give
her by the citizens of Boston made h
free from the trials of poverty, and sh
lived quietly in a suburb ot the cit
She was eighty four years of age whe
she died. .
-I remarkable discovery has bee
made accidentally in Dakota. It is
new fuel; an oil saturated rock as in
ft:unreal:4e as the best cannel coa
Thediscovery was 'made in Mix count
and heppened in this wise': -Som
men were. blasting a ledge, when
pied() of rock fell into the fire near b
and was quickly in a blaze. A pile o
three bushels of rock was set on fire an
burned freely. This petroleum rock i
soon to be tested on the Milwauke
Railroad, as fuei for loo, motives. A
piece of rock about the size of a bicker
nut was rectenly tried iu a ret at by
Yankee scieutist, and found to conts,i
three drops of petroleum. The inflam
triable property of the shale comes from
this oil. It is said that the same ma
&trial abciunds along the Missour
-An Engliah justice sentenced
-couple to ' matrimony 'leder °frown
stances which seem legally just, al-
though curious. A youug 'man and a
young woman were coutesting the pos-
session of a. piece of property, the one
Claiming wader an old leasethe other un-
der an old will. -It juet strikesme,"said
the justice 'that there is a pleasant
and easy way to terminate the old law-
suit. The plaintiff appears to be a re-
spectable young man, and this ia a
very nice young woman. They can
both get rnerried and liv beppily on
the farm. If they go on v
f ith law pro-
ceeddngs, it will be all frittered away
between the lawyers, svho, I am sure,
are not ungallant enough to wish the mar-
riage not to corne off." The lad) blushed,
and the voting man stammered they
"liked each other a little bit," so a ver-
dict was entered for the plaintiff on
condition of his promise to marry the
deferidaut within two months. A lovely
way of setthng a lewsuit.
Both Poor and Rich.
In my eaely life it was given me to be
very poor asad obscure. Iknew before
many of you were born what it was to
ride through the west as a mis-
sionary, preaching in log cabins. finding
Ly path by the blaze on trees through
the woods to places where now eta.nd
populous cities. I knew some sickuess
and the want of very many things that
are now deemed necessaries of life. But
I know that all the days of my life I
have never known joy such as I felt in
those days. I was living, not for my-
self, but for my kind and for my God.
I have since had prosperity; I have
since also had &great deal of benevolent
adversity; bat I have never known a
day like that when God gave me graoe
to rise above the temptations of the
flesh and feel him my oivn in every pore
-to defeat them.; to rise not to am-
bition or selfishness, but to the welfare
of my fellowmen and to his honor and
glory who loved and redeemed me. I
found in this experience a joy which
man cannot give, and which rnan,thaek
God, cannot take away. I know that
the pleasures.of the higher nature are
transcendently greater than those of the
under nature.
Self denial doesn't
pain upon yourself,
ment does not lsay, "
inean inflicting
6 New Testa -
ab yourself with
a pin, because pain is good." It isn't
refusing to take things that are perfect-
ly right to take. When a man thinks,
"I'm a Christian and -ought to deny my-
self I'm very fond of honey; I 'don't
think I'll eat any today. I'll deny my-
self." What sort of self-denial is that?
Suppose the morning's events don't
quite snit you, and you feel as short and
snappish as an unfed dog, but say to
yourself, "I'll be patient load self deny-
ing and. good natured for the sake of
others." That will count a good deal,
both to you and all around you. Self-
denial consists in simply growing the
higher at the expense of the lower
qualities. That the New Testament
teaches. -.Henry Ward Beecher.
7 •
Epps's Cocoa.
a Grateful and Coeiforting.-"By s
thorough knowledge of the natural 1 .ws
which govern the operations of diges-
tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap-
plication of the fine properties of well
selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided
our breakfast tables with a delicately
flevored beverage, which may save us
many heavy doctors' bills. -It is by the
judicious use of such articles of diet that
a constitution may be gradually built
up until strong enough to resist every
tendeecy to disease. Hundreds of sub-
tle maladies are floating around as
ready to attack wherever there
is a weak point. We may escape
many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves
well fortified with pure blood and a
properly notuished frame." Civil Ser-
vice teazette. Made simply with boil-
ing water or milk. Sold only in
packete and tins ( pound a,nd pound,)
labelled -"James Epps & Co., 1toinceo-
pathio Chemists, London, Eng." -Also
makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for
afternoon use. 482-52
Mothers! Mothers! Mothers I
Are you disturbed at night and
broken of your rest by a sick child suff-
ering and crying with the excruciating
pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at
once and get a bottle of Mrs, Winslow'
Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the
poor little sufferer immediately -de-
pend upon it; there is no mistake
about it. There is not a tnother on
earth who has ever used it, who will
t tell you at once that it will regulate
the bowels, and give rest to the mother
and relief and health to the child, oper-
ating like magic, It is perfeetly safe to -
U80 in all cases, and pleasant to the
taste, and is the prescription of one of
the oldest and best female physicians
and nurses in the United States. Sold
everywhere at 25 cents a bailie. 692-52.
Rest and Comfort to the
' Brown's Household Panacea has no
equal for relieving pain, bo h internal
and external. It cures pain i the side,
back, or bowels, sore throat rheuma-
tism, toothache, lumbago and any kind
of pain or ache. It will m at surely
quicken the blood and heal, as its act-
ing power is wonderful. Brown's_
Household ,Panacea, being acknow-
ledged as the great pain rel ever, and
of double the strength of any other
elixir or liniment -in the word, should
be in every family handy for lute when
wanted, as it reallyis the best rernedy in
the world for cramps in the stomach,
and pains and aches of all kinbis, and is
for sale by all druggists at 2,5 cents fi
bottle. 692-52
Free of Charge.
All persons suffering fron Coughs,
Colds, Asthma, Brcinchitis, Lose of
Voice, or any affection of th throat
and lungs, are requested to c 11 at E.
Hickson & Co.'s Drugstore a d get a
trial bottle of Dr. King's Newipiscovery
for Consumption, free of charge, which
will convince them of its Wonderful
merits and show what a regular: dollar
size bottle will do. Call early. 714-52c
Do Not be Deceived.
In these times of quack medicine ad-
vertisements everywhere, it is t?. uly
gratifying to find one remedy that is
worthy of praise, and which really does
as recommended. Electric Bitters, we
can vouch for as being a true and re-
liable remedy, and one that will do -
as recommended. They invariably cure
Stomach and Liver Complaints, Dis-
eases of the Kidneys and Urinary Diffi-
culties. We know whereof we speak,
and can readily say, give them a trial.
Sold at fifty cents a bottle by E. Hick-
son & Co. 714.52.3
The Superiority of PhosPhates
to Ilypophosphites can be demonstrated
easily by the invalid taking alternately
any standard preparation of each for one
or two months. Dr. Wheeler'Com-
pound Elixir of Phosphates and Cali -
saya will radically benefit seve ty per
cent. of consumptive and sc ofalons
cases, while only thirty per cent. will
tolerate any form of Hypophoephites,
owing to their deranging the stomach.
The Phosphates in our food are derived
from the phosphatic deposits in the
earth, now so extensively used as fer-
tilizers. their function in both the ani-
mal aud vegetable kingdoms being to
determine growth and development.
Gatherings in the Head.
From Rev. Nathan Hubbell, Methce
dist preacher at Harvard, Delaware
Co., N. Y. "Although an entire stran-
ger to you, I have received so much
benefit from the Peruvian Syrup that I
cannot withhold nay testimony in its
favor. At different periods in my life I
have been afflicted with gatherings in
my head, which discharged daily, either
from one or both ears. Beside the dis-
gusting character of the complaint, it
was at times attended with excraeiating
pain. I had recourse to both the Allo-
pathic and Hotacepatbio treatment, but
in vain. The last attack had troubled
me nearly a yeti., when at the session of
our Annual Comference, held at New.
burgh in April .Ast, I WV a certificate
from some one ivho had been. cured 'of a
similar complaint by the use of the Pe-
ruvian Syrup. To be brief, I purchased
a bottle at the nearest drug store, and'
before it was lialf gone my trouble had
entirely cease, and, at this writing,
nearly two m utile later, has not re-
turned." Bold y all druggists. 710
Holloway'6 Ointment .and
Pills. •
Diseases of advanced years. -The
grand climaeteric being pasised, man-
kind paeses to old age. Then the di-
gestion becomes impaired, the nervous
system•groive feeble, and the physical
powers become enervated. Now arise
congestion of the liver, lunge, or head,
followed by dropsy, asthma, or apoplexy,
which frequently afflict and often de-
stroy the aged. - As the live e usually
becomes torpid, its actislity may
speedily be revived .by rubbing Hollo-
way's Ointment thoroughly over the pit
of the stomach and right side, at least
twice a day, and taking the Pills at the
same time. This treatment also dis-
perses all other congestions by varying
the parts rubbed according to the situ-
ations of the mischief. 710
Hagyard's Yellow Oil
Will be found invaluable for all pur-
poses of a family medicine. Immediate
relief will follow its use. It relieves
pain, cures chilblains, frost bites, scalds,
burns, corns, rheumatism, neuralgia,
&c. For interual use it is none the
less wonderful. One or two doss
frequently cure sore throat. It Will
cure croup in a few tninntes. A few
bottles has often cured asthma. Colic
has been cured b3 a teaspoonful dose.
It cures with the ntniost rapidity, it is
really a wonderful medicine. 739
Emulsion of Cod Liver OiL
What the Coosunaptive needs is a
medicine which not only relieves irri-
tation of the lungs, but makes up those
losses of strength always entailed. by
lung disease. Recovery can never be
hoped for so long as the vital current
remains watery and impoverished, the
nervous system weak and unquiet. It
is the unison of invigorating elements
with a pulmonic of acknowledged pb-
tency that gives Northrop & Lyman's
Emulsion of Cud Liver Oil and HY-
pophosphites of Lime and Soda such ae
decided pre eminence over the gener-
ality of preparations designed to over-
come lung, throat and bronchial affee-
tions. The hypophosphites furnish the
system with the most important coil-
stituents of blood, muscle and nervods
Mamie, and the highly prepared oil de-
rived from the cod's liver acts as a sub-
jugator of throat and lung irritation.
Sold by all druggists. Prepared only by
Northrop & Lyman, Toronto.
710 744
Hagyard's Yellow Oil
Is at the head of the list for all pur-
poses of a family medicine. It is used
with tinprecedented success, both in-
ternally and externally. It cures sore
throat, burns, scalds, frost bites; re-
lieves, and. often cures asthma. 739
Sure Cure for a Cough.
The most reliable iemedy for a cough
or cold, asthma, shortness of breath,
sore throat, weak lungs and all
bronchial troubles, is Hagyakd's Pec-
toral Balsam, Price 25 cents. 739
What to Study.
Pope, the poetical philosopher said,
"The proper study of mankind is man,"
and yet, how little is the real science a
roan studied. If people understood and
heeded the laws of health, and if when
out of scats would resort to a common
sense dike Burdock Blood 4Bistere,
-many of the "ills that flesh is heir to"
might he effectually remedied. It in-
vigorates and regalatee all the secre-
tions to a healthy action. 739
rucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sures, Ulcers, Salt *Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup-
tions, and positively cures Piles. It is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
cr money refunded. Prioe 25 cents per
box. For sale by E. Hickson dc Com-
pany. 714-52
Eclectric Oil.
Joseph Rusa.n, Percy, writes -"I was
induced to try Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil for a lameuess which troubled me
for three or fger years, and I found it
the best article I ever tried. It has
been a great blessing to me." 691-52
Eclectric Oil.
‘‘It is a Great Public Benefit" -
These siguificant words were used in
relation to .Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil
by a gentleman who had thoroughly
tested its merits in his own case -hav-
ing been cared by it of lameness of the
knee of three or four years' standing.
It never fails to remove soreness as well
as lameness. 691-52
Kiss me.-Teaberry, the new and ex-
quisite little gem for the teeth and
breath, has a beautifully plated metal
sciew top. Try a 5 cent sample. 730
A. Periodical Pillt-This invaluable medicine is
unfailing in the cure of all those painful and
dangerous U iseases to whicI the female constitu-
tion is subject. It moderatea all excess an re-
moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may
be relied on. To married ladies it is peculiarly
suited. It will, in a abort time, bring on the
montlhy peiiod with regularity. These Pills
should not be taken by females during the first
three no ths of Pregraecy, as they are sure to
bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they
are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Af-
fections, Pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on
slight exertion , palpitation of the heart, hys-
terics and whitss, thete pills will effect a cure.,
when another means have failed; and, although
a powei ful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel,
antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full dirt ctions in the pamphlet around each
packege, which abould be carefully pre4erved.
Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 and
121 cents fur postage enclosed to Northrop &
Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general agents fer the
Domieion, will inure a bottle containing over
60 pills by return -mail. Sold in Seaforth by
E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts and Lumsden
& Wilson. 644-52
se -
ONEY TO IJOAN-I am prePared to lend
money at 6 per cent. interest, payable year-
ly. Principal at the end of term. Private Funds.
WANTED -The sum of $1,000 for three years.
v Interests six -per cent. per anntun, payable
yearly. First class secroity. For particalare
apply to M. P. B'AYES, Seafor h, or to Mis.
MONEY -A. G. MoDOUGALL is authorised tO
'LIL lend money at si per cent. on ortgage, for
any amount, and for any number of years; inter-
est oharged or ly on the unpaid principal. No
commission charged. Apply at th Store of A.
G. McDougall & 0o. 678
$1005000 '00 TO LOAN o Security of
.i Real Estate for any term
of years not exoesding twenty, at 6 er cent. per
annum; No 0 mmissions; The Whole of the
principal money nay be repaid at any time on
giving six mont11s' notioe, or any sum not exceed-
ing one-fourth mey be paid at the °lose of each
year .withcut notice, interest ceasing from the
time of payment; Loane effected promptly.
OFFICE - Via ria Square Seaforth. - WM.
HIT T. 700
- - -
IP. BRINE, 'Licenced Auctioneer for the
• Clounty of Buren. Sales attended in all
parts of the Conisty. 411 orders lefat the Ex-
POSIToe Office win be eromptleette deo te
CR. COOPER, 'Brussels, County
`--"• Sales of all descriptions pr
tended in any part of the county on
terms. Orders left at the offloe of
ExPOsIToR, or addressed to Brussels,
prompt attention
Ame ioneer.
mptly at -
he litHioN
ill receive
• - _
11 OU SF TO BEN -To rent in • ills Green
a comfortable honse containing t ec rooms
and kitchen. Apply to Jone Dunne, Hills-
-green. 744x4
ONEY FOUND Found on or about the 1st
1 of March, in, the blacksmith shop of Mr.
John Dorsey, a sum of money. The owner can
have the same by iroving property and paying
charges. Jouti Down seaforila 741
VARA' HAND WANTED- Wanted in-media-
tly, a first-class man to take the manage -
men' of a fann Al single man preferred. The
highest wages paid. Apply to L. METER, Sea -
forth 741
se PLENDID CHAN E -General store aid stock
Lj for se le in the thrivine village of Zerieh. It
is one of the best business .tands ir the village,
doing a business ef about $15 000 per aunum.
Called for s'ling-proplietore going to illanitoba.
For particulars apply to C. F. WAGNER. & CO.,
Zurich. 742
-pEAS ! PEAS !-Seed and Feed, Pea, Barley,
A- Corn, etc , at, No 6, Storehouse. Prices
Moderate. JAS. BEATTIE. 740
pIGS FoR SALE -For e de, a, numbeo of pure
bred Berkshire pigs, male and female. Ap-
ply to R GON,'ENLOCK McKillop, Seaforth P. O.
pOR SALE. -A number of horses ranging in
price from $40 and upwards, also one cutter
with pole and shafts and 1 democrat wagOn nearly
new. Will be sold cheap. 'W.ADEBROS. 736
p 00.MS TO RENT -To rent, cheap, a
of rooms in Scot's Block, Soeforta.
almeet slit size or [shape ddsired oan
Apply to McCangheY & Holrnested, or
proprieOir. ROBE SCOTT.
be had.
to the
N OTICE TO C .NTRACTORS-Sealed tenders
fo the opal in of Croma ty Church, will
be received by the undersig-ned up to 2 p m., on
Tuesday, the 13th Of! A pril Plans and specific tions can be seen at the Manse The tenders will
be opened in the Chifrcti on the ab ve dolt° '1 he
lowest or any tended not necessarily accepted.
B. Hooteseeir, hairmau. R H. Beate Secre-
tary, Cromsrty. 740-3
' I
" meeting of the Sharsholders of the Walton
Cheese Factory will be held in W. Beirn 's Hall,
Walton, on tpril 1st at 1 o'clock, for the purpose
of (1) Determinmg means of dealing n ith the
debt an the factory ; (2) Electing Di 'ect ;
(3) T ansactinge any other usiness the meeting
may consider proper to introduce. W BLATO/1-
FORD, Secretary. 746-2
CORNER of Jarvis ad Goderich Street, next
door to the Presb terian Churcb, e aforth,
Ont. All diseases of Horses, cattle, sheep or any
of the domesticated a imals, successfully treated
at the infirmary .r eIiewhere on the hortest
notice Charges moderate Js. W ELDER,
Veterinary Surgeon IP S. --A large s ock of
Veterin ,ry Medicines kept constantly on land.
Everything for the
Flower Garden
None but fresh,
Send, for Price Liat.
Address -
farm, vo gotta le and
kept in atock.
genuine, re iable
Corretiponden e
I sited.
Pearce, Wfld & C
One of the -best stand e Wes of
Toronto; doing a gobd business. 5 ook
about $10,000; cae o rectucea te suit
purchaser; building for sale or to 1 ase
in favorable terms. Reason for se ling
--!---going to the •Northwest. Applyi to
M. R. COUNTER, Seaforth.
In accordance witl the above, I ijiow
offer by private sale tny entire sto4 of
Watches, Clocks, S. ver Plated Wjare
and Jewelry, irrespee iveof cost. T sis
is a genuine sale. Cpme early and •et
bargains, as the whole must be clea ed
out at once.
M. R. 9
TA &YIDS ON'S Celebrated Trotting Stalli
le' "Magician," will stand for the service
:mares for the season of 1884 at the Com mer
Hotel, Seaforth. Parties' frpm a distance send
their mares wid be furnishea with good pastu
and water at reaso nable rates. Pedigzee fnrni
ed en application. A. DAV
SON. 74
THIS new Company, feria d for the purpenie of
-I- investing Fretch Capi al in Canada, is n w
propel e d to advance money on the moat/Avon le
terms on good landed seentlities. M P. HAYES,
Agent for County of Huronl Seaforth. 699
1 am determined to Clear Out my
Entire Stock of Furniture regard -
1688 of Cost.
THOSE IN WANT, it. will pay them to ager.
tein prices before purchasing elsewhere. I
give a large discount to those paying cash, es-
pecially to newly married couples.
I am still selling six highly finished °heirs for
$2. I also keep Knowlton's Spring Bed, the
best and cheapest in the market ; warranted
roy onmoir dteeliess.
tly opposite M. R. Counter's
lkfammothJewelry Store, Main Street, Soaforth,
Bast Side.
)1001 Odd
'8 NbIlei�IH9�'
London, HUron and Bruce.
GbING NORTH— Expre Mail. Express.
i AW P.M. P. M.
London, depart 40 2 20 6 25
Centtalta 40 8 26 7 28
Exeter . • • 52 888 740
Hansen .. .. 1fl05
ICippen 9 11 8 57 7 59
Bracelield .. 9 21 4 07 808
Clinton 989 423 825
!Lon tesboro.. 9 68 441 8 45
itlyth 10 06 4 50 8 62
B slgrave ' 10 24 5 06 9 09
Wingham, arrive .; -10 45 5 25 9 26
Trade Mark 1?egistered.
Bcasnalobservati In, we find land specula-
tors have. a clsar head, and watch the ups ahd
downs of property, thus makinglarge fortunes. !
But the whole peeret is, they keen the system in a
a healthy conditinn by the use 5f THE PRIDE
say that hun,dre s ceme to us fort the great lung
and blood purifier before going West. Read the
following statement. We could . give thousands
of the same kind it it were necessary. "I certify
that I was troubl d with catarrh in the head,
gathering of phlegm In the throat, choking and
coughing at night for year, so I ;could not sleep ;
Often troubled with dull, lifeless feelings, pains in
the chest and back. After givticg hnndreds of
dollars to doctors, and giving up en hopes, I tried
the PRIDE OP THE VALLEY, and ein now able to
do my work after seven year's sickness." Mrs.
James McNeil, 202 Sienese Street, Londoto Ont.
The above statement of my wife's is correct.
James McNeil. For sale by all druggisrs in
Seaforth. 745-2
L. R. O. P., L. R. C. S. E., Lecturer on the Eye
Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toron-
to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear In-
firmary, Consulting Octilist and Aurist to the
Institutions for the Blind Brantfoid, and for
the Deaf and Dumb. Belleville, Ont. Late Clini-
cal Assistant Royal London Ophthalmic Hospi-
tal, Moorfields, and Central Throat and Ear
May be consulted at the
MONTI". 703
852 768 CICI 02
n 0
GOING SOUTH— ' Mail. Expreee. Express
A. M. P.M P.M.
Winghara, depart.... 7 00 * 2 66 6 45
13elgrave 7 18 8 157 03
13lyth 785 828 320
Londesboro 7 44 3 88 7 29
Clinton 8 02 3 54 7 49 P
Brucefield. . 8 20 4 07 8 00 Ill
Kippen 880 415 820
Hensel 886 420 827
Exeter. 8 62 4 82 8 46 '
Centralia 902 442 902
London, arrive 10 05 5 85 10 30
Grand Trurac Railway
TrainaleaveSeaforth and Clinton Stetions as
Express 2.16 P. M.
Express 8 55 P. M.
Mixed Train......9:15 A. M.
lensed Train....5-50 P. M.
Express ..........8:20A U.
Express Train.....1:08 P. M.
Mixed Train......4:45 P. M. ,
Mixed Train... .10:45 A. M -n"
2:40 P. M.
9:16 P. M.
10:00 A. M.
6:30 P. M.
8:00 &.M.
12:45 et ea
4:10 P. M.
10:00 A. M.
Toronto. Grey and Bruce.
Fordwich ;
Orangeville ..
Gorse& Ws -
A, td. PM.
515 1 0
542 380
549 839
59 360
6 ") 9 415
835 645
_11 5 950
A. M. P.M.
Toronto 7 15 4 10
Orangeville . 9 55 '7 12
Harriston . • . . ... 12 40 9 28
Fordwich 1 t5 9 48
Goriie 1 17 9 68
\\ roxeter 1 24 10 05
Teeewater 2 (1) 10 35
Suitable for Board, Wire, or Straight
Rail Fences. One mile and a
quarter west of Winthrop.
By the Acre or by the Thousand.
GOOD Clean land for growing flax, for which
the undersigned will pay $10 per acre; or
we wlll furnish seed at 31 cents per pound, and
will pay $12 per ton for good flaxa delivered at
our mill in Seafprth. Apply at once to BrA-Vidr
1.3.1URPITY. 746-3
GNI/ iNVHci3131 SNIM413
1$ AGENT for several First -Class Stock, Fire
and Life Iliatirance Companies, and is pram --
d to take risks on the moot favorable forms.
Also Agent for several of the best Loan So-
Also Agent for the Sale and Purchase of Paret
and Village Property.
A Number of First -Class
linvroved Farms for Bale.
1,30,000 to Loon at 14ix per eests
1 ntereet.
Agent for the sale of Ocean 2teamehip naafi,
OFFICE -Over W. morrisoies Store, Mein
Street, Seaforth. 646
A Permanent, sure cure for Diseases, Dis-
ord rs and ilmex ts of the Kidneys, Bladder and
Urinary Secretive System, or attendant con -
pleb ts. Pamphlets and testimonials can be
obtained from druggists free. Prices -Child's
Pad, $1 50, (cures bed-wetting.) Regular Pad,
e2 Special Pad for chronic diseases, an. Sold
b,s J. PI 1{Gber ,S e a forth ; Was. M.Robertson,
Wn xeten N Thurtell, Tee -water ; W. T.
Bray, Wing,ham ; John S. 7 e:nnant, M D ,
now; Watts &Co , Clinton; Lawrason. & Hamilton,
1 Blyth ; G IL Hewson, Bayfield ; 8 A. Hodge,
Mitchell; Joshepli Kidd & Son, Dublin; The
Central Drug Store, Exeter; H. R. Jackson,
Hensel] ; Mre. John McIntosh, Brucefield: Rebt.
Mellie, Kippen ; 8 Fraleigh, St. Marys, and J.
A Gailick, Brussels. 737
For Diseases of the
Throat and Lungs
such as Cough tie
Colds, Whooping
Co ugh, Bronchitde
Asthma, and Con-
sumption. The few
compositions whie.b
have wog the eon%
- dence of mankind
a.nd become house-
hold words, among
not only one but
many t
,nations must
bave extraordinary
viitu 8. ICIl.lLjSln, one aver seem ed BO wide a
reputation, or maintained it so long, as ArEres
, CHERRY I ECToBAL. It has been known to the
1 pibiio abont forty years, by a lorg eondnued
series of marvelons mires, that have won for it a.
a confidence in its virtues, never equalled by any
other medicine. It still makes the most el
)",•• fectual tures of Coughs, Colds, Consuraption,
tthat ean belnalae by medical tnill. Indeed, the
CHERRY PECTORAL Ise Teeny robbed these
dangerous dieteees of their teircrs to a _great
extent, and given a feeling of immunity from
1_3 their lainfnl effects, that is welt founded, lithe
remed3 be tal en iu season. Every family should
have it in their closet for the ready ehd promp#
relief of its members Sickness, suffering, and
0 even lile is saved by this timely protection- The
prudent ebould not neglect it, and the wise will
not. Keep it by you for the protection. it affords
ten by its early use in sudden attacks. Prepared hy
DK. J. C. A .1"16:11 :ix CO., Lowell Mese.
Pratescal and Analytical Chemists. Sold by en
Druggists eud Dealers in Medicine. -660-524
•3 !YMC8 -H
minims -11i0i
> rr
CO t1 1-7%7--
n st,
n. es -ct
U) a -a
0 0 Z)
1,2 1- 5et
,12 -f 41
= sc 5 iti 5 -
ca - - 1-
i•-,. b..... < et= 1:: It ci is- p_
= 0
Cle tai... - cif=4 -cr fif 0 1... "
‹ -
0 ........ /hi u 0 0 ,,...
O rc et
ai CD tuii 2 CC d81 I
m .0r•mo 0 0 CM ..1 : • 2..1 ft
te is et e....a. tr te
9 ±-- cz ....c, s
4 Z =I
r. Ring's SpecifiC.
A large number have already tried it
It and in no case has it been known to
tej fail. All those afflicted with this die-
tressing disease would do well to give it
a trial. For sale by HUGH ROBE,
liFF0 LK BOAR -The undersigned will keep
at his place in Eg-mondville during the
present season for the improvement of stock, a
Thoroughbred Shiro k Boar Terms -$1 pe» sow,
with the privilege of returning if necessary.
Ilexes- It 11011). 7464
Begs to state to the people of Zurich and vicinity
that he has perches d the wagon andcarriage
btedness formerly carried on by the Messrs.
Selina. -
The business will be carried on a.s forinerly in
the shop opposite Diechert's blacksmith shop.
Mr. Roese is a thoroughly praetical workman,
and being known to most of the people in the
section, he hopes to merit and receive a, 1,beral
share of public patronage.
All kinds of vehicles kept on hand r made
to order, and repairing of every decripti n neatly I
and promptly executed at the lowest itossible
living prices. A. trial is respectfully sell ited.
He will also be repared to do all kinds of I
cross -cut s tw summing and filing Any !kind of I
teeth can be put in old saws with the lat, im-
provements. Satisfaction guaranteed and prices 1
low. Also for sale the
the fastest saw in the woods. Remember the
place and the name.
The NewelommmporguitI
Compound, its wond.erfu?
affinity to the Dige8ii'Ve A pparratui
and the Liver, increasing the dissolv-
ing juices, relieving almost instantiy
the dreadful results of Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, and the TORPID LIV-
E]?, makes Zopesa an every day neC68-
house. veedily in Bit.
ioi eat ache, Distress after Eating,u8ness Costive22ess, Headache, Sid
Wind OM the Stomadi, Heartburn,
Pains In the Side and Back, Want of
illumine, Want of Energy, Low
Spirits, Foul Stomach. It invigor-
ates the Liver, carries off all 84rpZ2s
bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives
tone to the whole system.
Cut this out and take it to your
Druggist and get a ID oenk_Bample, or
a large bottle for 75 cents, and tell
%lour neighbor about it.