HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-03-17, Page 4- , N :_ � � i. i . t � � V _� " L = 17_�_ , , �,� � ,�� i- - - ­ I = .vq14 R �, - , .: ; � N1 �i . , ., � .,#- f- , - . U I i -, i, - i�i , �j -6, ,_-, 1� .4- - g � "'M � I - - f�jl- $1 �i �, I - I -1 . � A. , , , w � -, w - � � V , �. rg, 6 ., f - _t , -1 1' ", t ", R . 'I r � ! i , k , . � I I I 1. 1� - . - 4; - � , , ,I I � . - . 4� � r 'r, 4 , 1. � I �. - � i , . i ,I - 'i � 1� I ,; �� 4 : : j i V I - �'. , 1, � �- 0 : , .4 � _". � �, - f—I ii I , . I � 1� a - I : , ", q 17 1 . , It t . ii - , .y � i -I.' I V I � : _� �, .- r�, , ',� '! - ;� � � , � I - - - I . � . " , �: d . � . " �.- � -- 1, . - - � i i �,. I L , "I _� � �,.,. , I t ; - -r-c' -1 R - � , il- i . i !,a I 4. , ;4 - . L. � . � �_- 4. .. - I I I ;, �.'.' . � :. � , t, "! . ; , - �_, . - 2 z , - III I .1 , � 74 I � . 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X7 � . . . I I . I I , � 1. I . . I . I . - - . I . It . . - � . . . , � I . . - MARCK 1:7, 18ft 39M . - 4 � Z - . THE HURON EXPOSITORN - . . I- win — - - . . �_�7 . � . � � -_ - — - I --- ,I", 1�,_ . ____ ______ � - � . . - I � - � . 1. . I . . � . - I. � . - . offsim, will be a I - lively fight Large there would, no doubt, be a large ex- Peter McTavish, - and James For- Finance Minister that the p - . the aisain NEW ADVIMRTISIMMENTS. Fees; the extell sion and improvement lege of'managing our own local prett i . of 1he country h9A been e T—R.W*- . 1 char . � have �een for. penditure for extra#, whioh,would bring myths. ahainoK 4, May . numbers of p itiOng . James Davidson, John- floits turned into surpluses,ud * - I of the Mechanics' Lien Act -, an Act to a privilege we should be" pre0ared even - the total cost much beyond the sum MoKillop — � 4 Jealously warded from b h parties tci the dis 4 . '� � , . - New Arrivals—R. Jamieson. enable muni0i . p lities to establish free to light forif necessary to retain it. I � - . . the House. However Rollins, John Malone, J'ohn Aitche- credit of the country raim,9d by 0 . . I I I . pate. �_ I - appropriated by. _ 4 ind , Wall Paperl—Lumaden & Wilson. . . pointed to politic the course of the Government son, Wm. Aitcheson, Wm. Cash, James policy of the present Government . . Barb Wire—Wm. Robertson & Co. Libraries, and others. Theme several Theselect committee, ap , 16 the '16 1 . I � I THz,Dominion Senate seem to have enquire into and ieport upon the bill may be in view of the not'far off elec- McDowell, Wm. Aitchemon, David Me- specting the prosperity he showed Q - - I tares, Ani . Now Goods—E. McFaul. measures have been alludedto and ex- ' a o Alex. Gardiner, Wm. Mo- that was due to causes entirel _- _ ALdAment . I � - ��t. fairly caught the spirit of their master; prepared by Mr. Cameron, of South tions, it is a matter of regret that � new N ught n, y W1010i . A . Old Country Goods—Duncan & Duncan. plAined from k to week. as they came arding buildings are riot to be erected. The Gavin, James Coates, Wm. Pollard, the influence or control of any govft 76aermi . . I - and are ppshing on the work. of legisla- Huron, to amend the, law reg rr,Robert Gov- meat. The rablanbers of the � . .the st�.n . � Farm for Sale—A. R. Robertson. - up, by our Toronto correspondent, and offenceft against ,'the person by making present ones,as I have before remarked, 'Alex. Murchie, Alex. Re I P - I Auction. Sale—Jas. Carnochan. tion at a rate that would do credit to " the purposes for enlock, Andrew Goventock. George Me- , overnment persisted In corq . -ad Sodom oyer. ill no incest a felony, raet on Monday morn- are totally unfit for g - - � - wi w be understood by our readors, . Tolin McElroy, Angus McLeod, I these years of commerc ial I ft, , � � 4GOVeMm- - House to Rent—John TIr . Sir John' himself.. Only think of it. ing. Mr. M6usseau, on behalf of the which they are being used, mud are as Intosh,, Iros-41111 � . I I . I Notice --T. E. Hays. � so that it is not necessary for us to make - ?" . eir . i - - . They actually managed -on Friday to Government, Bto,ted that Sir Alexander incommodious and unhealthy as 'could John McDowell, John Horan, Thomas with the years of depression d urw Ah, , - -PO Money Found—Jobn Dohwy- i further reference to them, than to say . . well be imagined. The expenditure of Murray, Matthew Purcell, and Mr. which the Mackenzie Government cro"111114 Mellville's Mills—A. M&arrall. ! put one question, and learn in reply Campbell was now examining the crimi . , 11 . I I � � . the misfortune of gov W � ; that they are all �f general importance . - nil code with � view to amending it a large sum of money in their repair Wingell. � erning the cou , I -mow 4ele, I'll - � Teacher Wanted—Alex. !Kerr. that very little progress was beilag made * . - try. If they wiEhed to ba hon �� .. showed ] I I - and utility, and are calculated to; and .; � and supplying � any deficiencies that will undoubtedly be necessary, and the Grey ---J. McMann, F. S. Scott, John eat 1. . -, t arm Of _1 I i in executing an order of the House for might be found io exist. He suggested amount required will be so great that it Shaw, jr., James Mann, A. McKay, E. would compare ye dopressioR4 - - �ctually ! � Vt will, no i'l'oubt, have the effect of in- %in return; and then, exhausted I that- under th may well be doubted whether inuch ,.Crich, J. Johnston, John Stewart, Alex. der one regime with similar years Vt. 1housancil creasing I .the prosperity of the Prov. a cert . - Ose circumstances the - ' ac 4 . . matter might be deferred until next , will be saved to the Province b� the -Stewart, John McDonald, D. Robertson, der -the other. Sir John X a04 ­ 1norder t Turn Ift -00140c by the effore. discharged the two pirders - art, and T. 'was at the helm of affairs d - I that 1 , . �' I I ince. . I - sesaionin order' to see whetherthe non -erection of new buildings. As Mr. John Shaw, or., D.. MoTagg d his deficits I I -,Said . ... - . of the day and retired to seek repose ted out, wbile discussing the Straclamn. pressed periods,,an ur"119-4 Acts -of ti . I Besides the acts above, specified, an measure would not include Ross poiu . Vft !- Z � I for their ,exhausted brains. And for what Mr. Cameron wanti�c ity estimates, the- re -con- Brussels—E. E. Wade, John Camp much greater in IhorougN - I. 'Mr. Cam- supplementa . I comparison to his W , SEAFORTHXRIEDAY� March 17,1882. amendment to the - School Act was 'eron said he tho'ght there was immed- struction of the Assembly Chamber, bell, D. Scott, Robert Laidlaw. sources than were the deficits under � :by.s comi — . . all this the people have to pay only the IR . r' 8� sh t1a the I — pasded, which a in the right direction, iste necessity for some such measure am which is badly lighted and hardly ven- Colbo ne—J. Stephenson,R. B. Scott, Mackenzie Government, t -hu � OIN praw i � - . but which mi lit have been extend. trifle of 32,250. What a luxniy it is .to his, for several Most revolting cases of tilated at all,is imperatively demanded, Win. Young, J. Va-coe, D. McKinnon, 'it was not the benign influence �t had Often ' Centre 11-u ron. - ' Z, be'well governea I And so cheap I SO incest had come! to his knowledge, but aud1he Chamber is by no meani the A. Sands, Thomas Campbell, James good management of that gentlem* . ,=to for It - I ed with benefic ,al repultsi It � has long . I . � _ -thought � The* lilleal and unanimity displayed by � I says, -the Globe. . I I the offenders could not be punished for worst-partof thebuildings. Mr.]Ross Symington,John Morris,Gordon Young, that has wiped out the deficits. Vrli . the Reformers of Centre.Huron at their been felt as a ' g -ievance that third-class � want ,of ,legislation in the matter. It stated, what can be easily. believed, , Rober� Dobbie, John Linklater, J. 0. th,b tariff in vogue daring the reip 'd . should. w convention I certificate teach ors, at the end of three , was then decided to report the bill to that his health had suffered gioatly Stewart, Wm. Green, D. Cummings, the Mackenzie Government the revft% jma freed on. Saturday last must. have - . � - DOINGS AT OTTAWA. -use with some trifling I years, must eithet take a higher grade - . the Ho amend- dnring-the past two or three sesgions, Joseph Habkirk. would have more than balaucedthe ft vition pro � , ­ . . been as pleasing and - inspiriting to . . ut of the defects in ve�ntila- I Hallett—John Petrie, Robert Me- penditure during the past tw * � 70n &A�01& . I themselves as discourag I of certificate or retiio'from .tbe . ptofes- The Budget debate is still i ents. on accou owing to the increased v 0 yekrk� . -vincial X�, ingto their op- � On Monday Sir John Mwdonald laid tion, &c., of the Chamber. The school Michael, Angus MoDermid, Joseph Olume Of iri. . Onents. Even under the most favor- sion altogether. In.very many instau- and every person is getting Bick tired on the'table a return of 1,200 or 1,500 bill was read a. third time and Dissed, Irwin, J. McGregor, Thomas -Neilans, ports; as for the -credit of the coun ,W maumq . I p ' 1 41 ces a third class teacher is all that is of it.� There have been a few,good pages of foolseap manuscript showing an amendment moved by Mr. B6ulter John Warwick, John Watt, Robert .notwithstanding the great dep . -concludec . I . I able circurn6tances the Centre Riding required, or that the section can afford speeches made, but many of them were the total number of applications for to the effect thatthird-class certificates Scott, J. Cartwright, A. Woodman, during the time of. Mr- Mackelazi,esJoh -thanking, � I � of Huron is not a very encouraging or � ' ded by County Idapee- Thompua Moore. J. Morgan, J. -Sprung, they succeeded in raising our four , � - - � to pay. These teachers, after three dull and dreary beyond description, leases of pasturage lands in the North. might be exten I pa � Riding 1b, hopeful preserve for our Conservative � west Territories, and the total number term without reference to the Minister ,.T. � Govier, G. Sprung, James Snell # ' J. cent. bonds, not higher than they in � , , -time as tt years experience of actual work, are, and it is .Deedless to say I that these ' Stephenson, R. Sprung, now, but- -higher than on thi . friends, although they have. the conso- of acrps applied for, together with the of Education, being voted down. Mr. I1,nv'_aon, George they . ,14' - I mpetent than before latter were delivered to empty benches. Dumber of acres granted, or agreed to Mowat then moved his resolutions rela- . R ar � lation. that it is of their 0 1 .� 1, oWrt Spr .:dg- . ever. -been before. After refor"f4 I Japeech a I wn making, they attained - bhis ,expeiieifee. But, How a: man of moderate sensibilities be g ranted, etc., etc. There are in all tive to the removing of Provincial Rail- Goderioli—Dr. McLean, S. Malcom- the enormous and rapid increase inn J6 � was . tend L With dissatisfaotion and indifference in under the law as it formerly stood, at can stand up and talk hour after hour 78 applications, for 4,215,371 acres of ways from the control of the Local son, E. Martin, X. J. iCameron, D. Me- public debt, he touched upon the ,No, present _A0 - IF the Reform ranks, the� might, L with a � - land. Of theme 24 applications for Legislature, to which I referred in MY Gilff6addy, Lof Lus E. Dancey, F. J. ,tionaf Policy. While admitting,that A jention A . iihg, Robert Walker, Horace Hur- h ad aided a few man - - popular can di date, steal a victor b t the end of that time, they must step to an audience of only those who are l 619,571 acres were received,'previous last 16tter. The resolutions Were large- Gism since he' . ' Y, lu , down and out, no matter how forced to remain and listen to him, and - ly endorsed by the Opposition and ton, Wm. Horton., D. McKay, Cfiarles itbad a tendency to centralize UON -The meal under existing circumstances they have � . . to 25th'May, 1881. Twelve applick. I I . -1 efficient they may have been, or how who would fain choke him if they could, tions, for 560,800 acres were received passed with slight amendment. 1 The Humber, J. T. Garrow, A. MeD. Allen, man-afactories in the large centres' -s* . three ch� about as much chance of electilag their well satisfied tb me who'employed them is bomething common peoplemosa not under the regulations of 25th May, 1881, case which, no doubt, prompted the John Scobie. as Toronto and Montreal. Whatem 'DorniniOl I ! - i , Locid L -o man at the next election as they have and 42 applications for 2,03'5'060 were Government in bringing forward those Nominations being called for, several impetns had been.given to manufaetuL�,. may have been, unless they were then comprehend. But. an M:1 P. with I I . 0 - � , . of making him Governor-General of receivedunder theregulationsof 23rd resolutions was that of the Toronto,'Grey gentlemen were nominated, b ut each in - ing had been in these centres, and 1I I � Canada. In fact, so hopeless is their able to take a certificate of a higher meagre ability and � abundance Of con- December, 1881 . -Of the whole number - & Bruce Railway Co., which is mak- his turn, after brie s oked in vain for any improvement it - . is ' ' . case that it would be . sdom on their grade. The result of this was, that, in ceit is capable of . almost anything, and of applications. it appears that only ing application to the Dominion! Par- convention, withdrew in favor of Sir had wrought in the rural towns, -Wh& THE C I . Dine cases out of ten, these experienced we have many such here. Aside from eight have been - granted, and theme liament to have its line declared tj be a Richard Cartwright. It seemed to be the largest and most important claw . I p4t to lot the Riding go by default - i I ere under the regulations previous to work for the general advantage of ,Can- the universal opinion both among tbe agriculturists, were not benefitw- . streing 11 * teachers retired, and inex�erienced ones the leaders of the party, it is not the w among al By so doing they would save a deal of ' I 25bh May, 1881. The applications ads. 'The effect of granting this would those nominated'as well as among the one iota, but rather injured, by the )(, . w7w, 1 - . labor and turmoil and . probably bad had to be taken On in their stead, much members who speak longest and. most granted. are all for 21 years, and at a be to bake the railway from under, the members of the convention, that the P. They had to pay a tax upon&-$ � lath mo I blood on both sides; while the mo'st to the detriment of t I he schools, and to frequ6ntly who command the most in. rate of $10 per 1,000 acres per annum, - control of the Local Legislature I and present is a most important crisis in articles they consumed, while any tul - by raiusa, . . . they- can hope to attain 1by a contest is the annoyance of the trustees. This fluence in the House or who make the as follows: -1. Cochrane Ranche Com- Place it under that Of the HOdse Of the b story of the Reform party and the that could be leviedwould not eah" Moxch. has occurred repeatedly in our most useful members. These "blather- pany, 100,000 acres; 2. Ford Jones, M. Commons. A number of bills were count y, and that the leaders ._,of'�that the value of tbeir products one jotL DMD 'i 1. f u - This he considered unfair a d - 1 to leep tho Reform c6didate from P., 100,000 - 3. Allan Patrick, 34,171 ; read a third time, and th4 remainAer 0 party! require all the aid and eaco'rag n un USL - . J -L doing service in other 1constituenciem. school in thi tOWD,7 and in many skites" are always measurea at'their 4. F. S, St'imson & Co., 100,000; 5. the estimates were passed in Committee merit �thein friends can give them, and If the Government wished to deal jaW, F. Mont, others. By the new amendment, how- proper worth, and are treat6d accord- Captain T. D. Milburne, 100,000; 6. J. of Supply. - I Sir Richard's worth and ability as a with the farmers and place them z . Legation �,Of course this would beisome gain to ' aay� � i ever, a slight imp : E. Chipman & Co., 100,OOQ; 7. Gibbs On Thursday Mr. Wigle's b' re- leader in the Reform ranks being fallk an equality with some k ' the fav -o* I � rovement has been ingly. It is.the men frequently who . ' -,SOLD 1; them, as his ability and effectiveness on . - & Morgan, 100,000; S. i. P.: Wiser, M. specting the majority necessary to 6rry gnized it was deemed necessary that manufacturers, they sbould do w1k -1 ' made in this respect. These third class axe soldomest heard in the House, but .J.O.'i ... 0 ing 1,983 the �Vlatform, as well as �# the House,is P., . 100,000. Total, 734,171 acres. a bonus by-law came up for a all personal and local considerations them the same as- they now.propow certificates can he extended, with the who make their opinions and influence Judge Henry, of the -Supreme-Court of reading, and an amendment " as n4oved should, for the present, at least, be laid do ��ie doo ' well1known. and generall� recognised. . . = w ing with the fishermen of No," I r - consent of the Minister of Education. felt upon committees who carry iuflu. Canada, haB.applied for 50,000 acres of by Mr- Ross and carried, whi*cb provid- aside, and that the man -who could ren- Scotia. In the estimates of the present for Mon -p ' I Ao� will be seen by the report of the Although this is a step in � the right di- I ence with their fellow members, and grazing land'aloing the Kootaine. River. ed that a majority .of two-fifths' the der the most valuable service to the year the Finance Minister bad pia* $18. 47. a � convention, which we . publish else- . I who really make the most useful repre- There is every . prospect that the big number of voters in a munioi6ality party should be chosen. The nomina- the au -M. of $150AW to be given us - FARVY �, . 5 , rection it is not yet what i,t -shonld be. er, this is a digres- farm Bystem which has been introduced should suffice, instead " - _ from. Nf whe e, Sir Richard C rtwrikht was sentatives. Howev' of one�half as tion of ,12%ir Richard was then made bounty to the fishermen to make up for . agaiii unalair 4nated.,, Sir There is no good reason Why third claBBIBion. The Government have given into Minnesota and Dakota will be heretofore. The supplementary I esti- unanimous by a standing vote, which the tax they are compelled to pay. on - ThursaN, I certificates shou. d not be made perma- ! notice that hereafter Tbursdays will carried out even on..a larger scale in the 'mates were presented and passed, the was, taken amidst cheers the -greatost what the consume. He did not knOW Hudson i Riollard was not soleote4 because of a I . . . 9 I �y usual. I I nently valid, or, at least,, that teachers I be required for Government business, Canadian Northwest. As An indication principal items being $10,000 " a possible enthuaiasm'prevailing. but that the fishermen were justl.v ea, , - S�Now � ' laak! of local men capable of fining the . . - and this gives rise to the hope that the of this probability, Major W. R. Bell, gratuity to,the widow of the late Dr. Sir Richard was called to - the plat- titled to this, although it did loo� 1. i � should be permitted, upo - I . T%T_ - posAion creditably. U, der ,,.other oir. . n' passing an i Budget debate will be finished this of Brockville, has made arrangements Ryerson—whigh was strongly obj oted form. He was visibly affecWd by the much like anelectiou bribe, to diatril� was a, h ' ' oumotances it might ha been desir- examination, to renew.them. 1 week. Thus far there has been very for a great wheat farm of 64,000 acres to by Mr. Ros6-68,000 for expens s of warm and enthusiastic reception lie re- ute this sum just on the eve,of a geneml I . Texas P1 t The now - celebrated Rivers and I little business done. Only one Govern. in the Qu'Appelle district; one half of the newly -created burea u- of indusbries, ceived, and it was several minutes be- election. But if it is just . to give ft, . last weell L, able! to give the nomina�ion to a local P. deep it ,A , I � . Streams Bill has passed through all ; ment measure has' been intrbduced so the territory has been purchased from and several sums for the constrdetion fore he could control himself isufficieni-, bounty to the fishermen, why not . '" k � . man'� But it was univetsally felt by ter ' hi' it to the farmers and to every 0 1 1 . � right. It was feared by some that the 1 far, and that one of little importance, the C ado, Pacific syndicate and the of works within the disputed r1tory. ly to speak. He said be had faced A . FALI I the itiembers.of the con4ention, and it . 1 so t orn the Govi3rament. The com- The Attorney -General then im d opponents ka their fury,—the strongest class upon whom the National Pbliq falling -off I I . - - I i of . the GQwernment-that has made the pany nueeted with this great enter v:th: and the best of thern,—on the floor of inflictfi los3 and no gain. But if thq, . tbe Pem �is so viewed by Reform�'eq, generally, Lie utemant-Governor, at the instance .�&t in reality it is the unreadynems other If - series of res�lations setting foroth . ' 11 I la 11 11th, -wil of his friends at Ottawa, would . refuse i session s� barren thus far' It is likely, prime Wmade up of several large cap- yiews and position of the Govern ent Parliament, and on the public plat- did this their surplus gained by the - ., L ­ that.the present is a n0st important wavy �, loss of t - I I however, that the present 'calm Will italists', all Canadians. The stock in regard to the Bo u*tidary Award �ues- 1 form, without feeling a tremor, but the '� of this un tax i *04*9 , . . i - I I his assent to the r6 -enactment of .this . 'The into . I I ! just and unequal c epoch in the his ory 0 the Reform 11 1 very soon be followed by a big storm. amounts to $600,000. ess shown him by the Reformers ' soon disappear, and none would be bet. A G party and of the cou: measure. But, fortunately, theme fears ntion of tion, protesting in the strongest in uner I kindu � - -- genste, try, alad that, ; The single Government mea,Bure that I the company is to break 5,000 acres of against the course of the Dominion ter oft thanif a revenue tariff w1h1ick I , � ' � i of Centre Huron, he was not ashamed a I . J I 11� have pro�en groundless. His Honor I has been introduced, is that providing land next spring and summer, and to authorities, and declaring it, to be I 'the I to confess,'had well nigh overcom him. would bear equally and fairly upon a Jected a. eve possible strength and encourage- ' . I I 1 6 ' . . . � meni should be given tol the leaders of has taken, the w Fier course, and by giv- i for Civil Service Reform, and requiring . devote their entire territory to wheat duty of the Province to assume,without - Ife felt that be had no personal claim classes were adopted. j He thought the masters 1 - I ing it him asseut 9 has thrown the full i'that hereafter appointments to and - - growing. A. railway,station and town further delay, the full government and I upon them, andwhen he saw men who farmers of Canada, at least, were be&. waras G� 0". . the '� Reform party by those whose ! promotions in the Civil Service be will be e8tablished at about the ce6tre ownership of the territory, without had a right to aspire to represent them niD to see the falla�3y of this patent JU-15H A� ; . � I . - rights they are striving . to conserve and responsibility of disallowing it for the , made upon, merit ascertained 'by a strict of their land. All the stock, imple- reference to the claims of the making way for him as they had done nostrum which was to make every M - days -of I _ - - " and ma;cliinery required am far Federal Government." Mr. Mere-' this day, he felt more than rewarded son prosperous and happy, simply by . . ooe interests they are laboring to examination. It is generall , thought, "nt� 4;000,00( 1 second time upon. the Dominion au- I wh . I y . - re n- Oswego,i . thorities. Whether they will do so or I. however, that the measu ' will . be, as possible will be take out from On- clith moved in amendment a coun- for the Abuse and Calumny which had act of Parliament. He next refeired 10 I . promote. It- was thought, therefore, : ruthlessly slaughtered before the close fario. It is ex ected that the company ter series of resolutions, giving the Op- been' heaped upon him almost the Northwest land regalittions, - _r wel - I I . ., . I p unceas- a W1W Aftc � , not, remains to be seen. In !'View of I tario. - by ibe convention, th in no way f the session, as the French Canadians j will require at least .800 horses, -and POBition view of the case, and a spirited ingly for the past ten years by his po- of which he quoted from., showi tl;,. . I ' c ! Ug . -1, the probable near approach of a general - I could this be better done than by re- , are strongly opposed to any change, and I that even at the beginning they will' debate took place, the principal speak- litioal opponents. He had no personal immense and dangerous powers the � X -R., C . I . election it is most likely' they will find ers being Messrs. 'Howat and Fraser on nd or ambitions to serve in Becari Government took 'to themselves in, � . .the Imp turning Sir Richard to tb a hext Parlia. - J Sir Hector Langevin has cba,rge of the ' employ several hundred hoads. Major e 8 Mg a . i some excuse � '0+4vur . I i merit as the representa for goingl back on them. I measure. This at any ratp does not' Bell has had much experience in large the one side, and Messrs. Meredith and seat in,Parliam,ent. If he consulfbd his scheme No. 1, when all parties locatingi, � Friday V .. . Hur&a. The value of tilve of Centre selves, and will permit it. to pass this I promise mu --h for it. farms of this character.- Morris on the other. MT. Fraser, own interests and comfort he would re- upon the lands _ propositi . . . must perform the Autie4i - - quire th� . is services. to time. It is to be hoped they will, as I The: geneyal impression is that the I The ancient ladies of the Senate are eBpeci&Uv distinguished himself in- an ex- I tire into private life. He felt like do- of set -dement and other conditions to , the .p;arty is universally rtcognizod, and present -quiet is not a Bafe index of the ' in a dreadful way ' cellent 'and trenchant speech—one of .. DieCEAl I ; i , because their speech. I ing so when his own constituency turn- the satisfaction of the Go-vernorB I such action, although it would take out I . . ' whether the Reformer" Cupy a posi- , character of the part of the session yet ; es are not reported by the Press. Since the best delivered this session. Mr. ' -ed against him four years ago, and, no Council., thus making the Governmenk - a promix I . tion to - the right or left of the of the mouths of their opponents an ex- to come. There will be a fight over the 'tbe . commencerlient of the present Meredith's amendment was lost by a doubt, -be would have done so had the or, in other words, Sir John Macam- : , - eonnee6 I ___ 4ec . cellent election cry, would save future Redistribution of Seats Bill, propor. session the ordin'Ary routine has beer, two to one majority of 50 to 25, and the good pe-pple of Centre Huron not called old sole arbiter of the destinies of thow to Inanul 8 peaker in the next Parliament, those � tioned in length and bitterness to the - to meet, say prayers and adjourn. Gove n A on� I him forth once more.- -He had only to people. He considered this,, a moot -- - I � . r ment resolutions were carri, oflargel ' I .- serviiaeswill be equally equired. e complibations,uin pleasa,utneBB, and prob- number of ch inges, proposed to be made This, with the customary formalities, the Same vote. I say in conolus-ibla. that so long as the dangerous power for any Governmenk ...", died on : I - � - . . had Do other . in view, and able trouble. - � . in the const-ituencies. For obvious occupies about one hour each day and On Friday the Lieutenant -Governor 1 leaders of the Reform party 'desired to take to themselves. He would IIA Tim I 414 � I I 1. � I . . nothing could be more fit ing than that The firm. and decided sta,nd taken by I partisan purposes several want of con costs the country over $2,500, thus attended the House in state, and after his assistance, his beat abilities find so much fault, however, with -this - . as it fina a I � . fidence motions will be made on going showing that even the prayers of h s,3inting to the acts passed during the and energies would bel devoted to their scheme if itw�re honestly a-nd h318W " Legislat-16 he should again 'be chosen by those the Government, and endorsed -by the I into Committee of Supply, and most, if worthy and valu WPW- much th I able Clay as Senators Session, declared the House to be pro. service, and he asked for no better re- tially 13�1111 , - administered. But the e6ul I who bame to his aid in i878. For the LeWlature, on the. Boundar -,-Award. not all of these, will 'provoke debat�. can be purchased too dearly. On rogued. "And this House," am Mr. 8 a ed, as Ong � 3' . . wara than a con9ciousness of having colonizationscheme, o c 11 w - . 1 expende, - consideration then shown him, he has question, and th air evident determin- i From present appearances the session Tuesday the ordinary routine was Hardy remarked in his capacity as done right and the approval of those of the most mopstrous that could 1* � ferers by I � . sbundkntly ma � e interests a will be both long and stirring. The somewhat varied and the Bitting pro- Provincial Secretary, "is'prorogued ac- whom it 'would ever be his pleasure to devise4,. By'it an individual or coM, I . I a e. Tu,B� ' ' nifested hi i appreciation, atiou to protect d rights ' impression that the general election was longed by a lively'debate caused by the cordingly." G. serve. He again thanked the . Con- pany, -if they had only money enougk - " and has proven most attentive to the of the Province �ro'm ,�, I affedted � ___ _=313315fit by '-to come off this summer has been grow- fact that the papers do not consider the TORONTO, March 10th, 1882. vention for the honor they had done coull become posses - 161�0111111 'dollarls I . . . � sed of large t � Meg. I � wants of his constituent . In fact, no the higher authc rity, show them to be ! ing weaker. Whether there is any proceedings and debates when there are 3 . him, and he heartily thanked those who of land, which they could procure for ho � � TTTTTTT!T L . matter bow able a local an might be of the right kind of stuff. Th , acti ' s ! good reason for this is another matter. any, of this august bod of sufficieat im- had waived their claims,—claims, very $2.50 per acre, and the t . NITRa 1. I eir on . - y . y - Le term ' � ver portance to Did In I I will be almost �unani- . I Id tak his place- in theme mat I If the dovernment ne " intended to ieport them at any length. i much stronger than his,—that he i ght leave it lyi g until it wa' enhanced in, nitro gly there are none who con Centre Huxon Reform I - 8 , I I � hold an "election this Year they ha4e 1 Senator Alexander moved for a return : again in.the next Parliament have an value by improvements around them, Pacific I I I : i of a . I . I 'am . at the present time, and Contre -Huron mously adopted by the People! of the , acted jxij a singular manner in variods - R the newspapers to whom the Convention. 1 opportunity of devoting himself to the when they could sell or rent it and mab I - bia. may, well cou,grat@ate ijBelf upon the Province. Provincial indepen en -e is ways during the session; if thev do h1i- daily issue of the. Senate Hansard is The' I - erests of the Reform party. -He co4- enormous profits on their investmenu killed f Id - � . convention of Centre Huron Re- - Ilat a . I prbspeat of having in th� next Parlia- worth preserving at any Cost.\ The en.!, : tend it, then their object would nat4_ i forwarded. He complained. that al- formers held in Seaforth on Satuiday i cluded his remarks amidst cheers. The 'The whole arrangement was one l%1V fatally. I ,. � ally be to throw - their opponents off though he had made several" capital last was, in every respect, one of the - following resolutions were, then unani- monopoly manufacturing scheme, de� -to the Wf I I . ment, as in this, so talented- and prom. tire people, alincat irrespective of . po- ' their guard. This they cannot now do, speeches during this session he h d not most BuccebBful political gatherings of � mously adopted: � I signed for the purpose of strengthening No RA I I .. - a ", � ( I ­_ seen them published in the press, not. the kind ever held in this county. Ow- : Moved by Thomas Strachan, Esq,, the Government and assisting them to POW& in, inent a representative. �tisimpossihle litical lines, are latermined upon this � and as the Opposition have the boun . I that all our laading me can secure point. It is somewhat strange that the � dary question to discuss they would withstanding that newspaper reporters ing to the unusually bad Btate of the ; Reeve of Gray, seconded by George retain Power, as every individual ana � ton W W , election in their own l3cal. constittien- leader of the Opposition in . just about as soon go to the country on were present every day. Several other roads it"was feared by many that the ' Walker, Esq., of Tuckeramith: That company which received tho' - the Dt-tr . J. ' the Local that this year as wait till next. Tlie Benators who we, &a a Convention, hereby endorse and privileg from me beneffla 1. Rooid � fV . . ; -took part in this very im- I attendance would not be -very large, but es the Government . I Pies.' If such a rule weie adhered to, Legislature, and his small following - I . � I . , ; great majority- of Government ouppoA- portant debate had common sense I all were agreeably disappointed in this 1 the course pursued by the Hon. Oliver would feel in duty bound tr, aid and A+ - i mackinh our ablest men would no havo seats in Bhould be so blinded to thi's fact, as to , 6ra fro -m all the provinces are opposed enough to nee the true reason that the -, respect. Every municipality irk the ,I Mowat and his colleagues in the Local 0 W-11) tit; . I I sist those who had tbua; -favored them, - - - � I Parliament. Both the p sent political permit themselves to go before the � to an immediate dissolution,'as many seuate was not reported, and stated Riding was represented by its full quota Parliament, and we further pledge our- to retain power. As an instance of the . A WR . � leaders ha the House of C mm Ono have cbuntry in their, present discreditable : of. them are sure to lose their sea6, that it was simply owing to ihe fact of delegates, and many others, true'and ' selves to support them in every legiti- loose manner in which the affairs of . wrigla. . � . � mate mann .- 'C_�*-( �s ., to represent foreign colas itaencieB, and attitui de. Did they court political ex- while others have too uncertain a ten- that what went on there was not worth well tried friends of the cause, who' er ih the coming election. that great country are administered by . � - MW , 11 i ure of them to be at ail comfortable as reponing. They might also lave ad- were not del(?gates, were also present. � Moved by. Win. Young, Esq., Reeve the pr,osent head of the department ,d' - has 4t I in order to secure their B, rvices to the tinction at the next election, they could � to their prospects. ded with equal truth, that no person At the appointed hour the meeting was the interior he iustanced sn occurrenoo I j - . I I I I of Colborne, anaseconded by Thomas died � n ) . day pigll � - country almost any const�ituenc in the not have adoptei I a more fitting policy � Dr. Orton, one of the fathers of Ag- outside of the senate, cares one straw . organized by the President, Humphrey . . place in the House # . . y . i Moon, Esq,, Hallett: That this` con- which took �� . � I . ricultural Protection, has had a select - wha.t they do so long as they�, do no Snell, Esq., of Hullett, tak I vention desires to record its h - drullk 1)� I Porninion would :be tb own open for to bring about thai not to be desired - in the - earty I � . � 9 I few days ago. A summary of the m I * 1. uch result. Bytheir own words and rego, committee appointed to enquire and mischief for which they unfortunately chair. The first duty was election I symp�thy with an appreciation of the 0,&NADI I . that s ' - ! ascertain what benefits the N. P. has have 15he power, and of which they have of officers for the Association, and -the - them'. It is only . - the port of the Department of the Interior horsets I I _., . - labors of the Opposition in the IfOuse bad appeared in the Toronto Mail b�e- - . � should be the case, Ong as these lutions they arewilling to sacrifice our 'conferred upon the farmers. He had a sometimes shown themselveB capable. local chairman or President for each I of "Commons, and todeclare its hea,rty fore . the report was submitted to Parlix-' . - falo Diu,] I their great doaxe8t rights, at the instance and -bid- list of questions prepared to send out to The announcement of the re-nomin- I municipality. The following gentle- 1 approval of the course pursnecl by the' -merit. A member bad directed the ate Deput� men are willing to I � , . N, � e good of �heir country, ding of the Dominion leading agxlculturistm��,' throughout the ation of Sir Richard Cartwright for ' men were elected officers for the Riding 1 Hon. Edward Blake and the leade'ri's abilities for th authorities, and " Of tention, of Sir John Macdonald,the had I . wert. bi 14 . , i�. � country, with a viewi to asbertaining Centre Huron, although expected, was Association, .1 . entert-d ew I on is po . D - received by his friends here with th Hullett, Presid t; G rge W I I They Xk as they vi it, it is asl little as the thuB-plaoe this fine Provine-e under the their views th' t. These,ques I viz.: Humphrey Snell, � the Reform party in that House. of this Department, to this violation at . I I 8 44D 60 alker, ,' After passing a vote of thanks to the Parliamentary rules, when Sir John re - people can do to provide them with con- heel of ,,Lower 0'anada despotism," as tions should have b en submitted to' greate Tnp: i I - Bt satisfaction, and in again Tuckersmith, Vice -President; arid M. � President for him able and impartial plied that he had never read the M . i . -� stituencies for which theWan be eleeb. it used to be ver , fittingly called in old- the Committee for t ir approval, but, choosing him am 0, candidate the �Ie- Y. McLean, Seaforth, Secretary. iThe! conduct in th6 chair, the" Convention port, and: did not know whether 66 the Qn, - , ' I en times. , Thei admit that the AWard doctor p eparedhis quem- formers of �:onr Ridinq have done them- 1 following gentlemen were elected local 1 dissolved. .r t. ' the valliant I 04 , , labor or . r T,ed fA I � I I � I i extracts in the Mail were from the rMw ' I . anxiety. of the Boundary arbitrators is right and tions, had them printed and despatch- , selves credit and the Reform party ! Presidents: Seaforth, Win. M. Gray ; ; THE PUBLIC MEETING. I port or not, or, in other words,that be He reser I � i ediin advance, and trusted to receiving showpd, . I -, generally a great �ervice. Tucker8mith, George Walker; McRil- i � -In accordance with previous an-- did not know the content's of his ,0" I � , ; just ;-that Ontaio is entitled to every the approval of the - Committee after- I . ___ . . lop, Richard Pollard; Hallett, Geo,rlge! nouncement, a public meeting wast � con- reports. When this was the , case, bo I elevated: . I I . J 'The Ontario Iie ,slature. foot of tprritory it gives her, and that wards. This little proceeding will give OUR TORONTO: �'LETTRR_. I Watt and Johu'Morgan; Grey, An- I vened in the hall at three o'clock. At � said, it was not surprising ihat, at tl* I hax,e sti - Le some idea of what value the labors and i . I thony Raymond; Brussels, E. - ipe& in Exont. The Ontario re closed a the Dominion Pi xhament should ratify researches of this Committee will be. I E. I the appointed hour the hall was filled land office in the city of Winm . . q . I , credi 1 Wade; Colborne, John Morris God- ' with a most attentive and apprecis � ted � , short but busy session on Friday last. that award, and Ill. they uphold that The whole thing is likely to pr (Fro?� Our Own Corre�pondent.) I . - the month of February,,the obiaa 1. -1 , .1 I 'Ovea one ", I erich, E. Martin. It will be uty tive audience, composed principally thaT, be I � . I Parliament and overnment in keeping Bided farce. The Session was brought to a close on i of those local Presidents to attend to 1 -of farmers *and their eons. It bein formation of the change in the land ­ � him, be] His : Honor the Lieutei iant -Governor I there had not received E�jy official in- - i The Department of the Interior. has 19 . 1. thori : . - Saturday, and consequently a busy day regulations, which had been made the - I - ty gave, his assent to SOME) eighty.nine from us what they admit is our rights. . Friday last, a guard of honor from the 1 the organization in their respective 1� . � � I receive I .1 . Pewers �J d information from the North- I municipalities; to call localpeetings, - in town, but few of the merchants and previous December, or that in the prw, angry � L� public and �rivate bills, n iany of which A more humiliating and debasing poai- i west stating that everything 1 is quiet, Tenth Royal Grenadiers being on hand ' and to Bee that the assessma t rolls are I other 'business men were able to attend, ent mouth of Mar 101611 . - - 11 ,' ch, wh(,n such a 11OW - I . . we of a very. import&nt character. The tion c�uld not bt , occupied by a free I &ad no trouble is anticipated I with the to give the ceremonies the necessary I properly scrutinized and revised . I ` ise there would not have. of emigration was expected into 0WO rather'� only 'oneB of particulal: locial interest to people. In fac in 8111o. I I otherw I � t if Be L Z cc � . - A Cni � __j_ i . we followed the cour ' lat. The last few days were devoted The credentials of the delegates were 1 been even standing r In left in thi - cou t , there was not a map now to b8 L I I . L I— . - � Zolas ar. It then handed in and subjected to the large and commodious hall, capable of had in the Department It OUSW14 for. h, this bounty is one r(*P ting the old h[r.'Meredith 'and his friends say we it is stated that the Government has I mainly to the disposal of unfinished I ,00 is u ry th crisis I 1 determined to despatch a re�enue cut- I scrutiny of a committee appointed for accommodating over a thousand people. love or money, and that he, Sir Riot- �' , 10� I ,round in e ;_ f Wing- should follo-, the peopleof Ontario ter to Hudoon's Bay for the, purpose of 11 business, a number of measures ' .� . � 't )burying :6 _ 0 w - . , rd, had had, � - merit of; R . . . being , the purpose. After examining the sev- I Mr. SneW, was appointed chairman, a for months, hundreds Of the elos� L . 1. hamj and one to amend he Acts r'e-- would not be free; the would occupy suppressing smuggling, whic� 4.8 said to withdrawn or otherwise got rid of. I eral lists the delegates for the rem ctive 1 and in a fAv appropriate rem ,U laps 511a ^ , � - y - arks tro- applications on 'band for ix --- -- - � I tely wor and more be goin on by that channel. At the Mr. Fraser &nnouneed on Wednesday i municipalities were called aur took duped Sir Richard Cartwright. other information, and yet he had 010 a specting. the St. Lit Valley, an infini degraded, ti, i eL I I me 1, � . t"it. rt-( . and � Huron Railway Company. The position than tlAt which now chafe same t id Probable th arrange- i theirplaces as follows: day of 4 . � a (8th) that the Government had deft- I Mr. Cartwright, on coming forward, been able to procure twelve copies - ' P E I ments will be made to send out survey-� . . Seaforth—Wm. M. Gray, M. Y. Me- .. amid he had hoped to bring one or two the maps last issued, suci nearly eve- � . �ever paf., * � mostr important public or Government and galls the people of Ireland at the ors to ascertain -whether the bay is nav- flitblT 01116 to the conclusion not to 90 ' Lean, James A. Cline, Robert Lums- of his fellow memb&s with him to ad- other member of the House is in the : I I V C 'ry ,I 'bills passed am the 1iivera and Streams present day. It is well, therefore, that agable during the winter months, and on with the erection of new Parliament , den, D. D.;Wilson. S. G. McCaughey, dress them, but unfortunately their par- same unplessan —.&t � ! . k Biu,r� formerly disallowed the best location for a summer port. t predicament. He 1*1 . i . � I by the Do- we have at the head of affairs in on. buildings at the present. time. They Thomas Coventry, Wm- Ballantyne, , liamentary engagemen would not per- ferr in seat t ' . vaorn in , g It is expected that about 120 members to ed hing ermis to the-.Jiftcll� -,11 � � ion Government, an #ot anthoriz- toxic, men of independen -found �hat i Andrew Young, Charles Lowrie, which 7-. ce, Men Who will attend the excursion to Kingston had the buildings could not W. X. mit of their leaving Ottawa at that, nopoly that had been granted to ple, - t.) r � - . ho erected for the sum which . Watson, and . stwy th r ing the establishment of a Provincial are not afraid to stand up for her rights, on 8starday next for L the .purpose of John Beattie. time. He said that as he had spoken � syndicate. and the evil results thst - � I t . the Legis- Tuckerarn . I � Board of Health ;'an Act for the estab- no inatter who t! ie invaileis - . ith—George Walker, Wm. very freely in Parliament recently on' must flow from it, and -to the **- - t )Pay bef"d visiting the Military College. � lature, had voted for -this . . The tre: . - - � �4 6t � # I 1_�P__ I I , 6 1 V" f I I I I I I I r Ip ke � - - �e u to"Iry T pro�er , and at I devole I �e r _____f:__: , g , ,� I I I � ; SL in Connection Witfi purpose, viz.: I Sproat, Andrew Archibald, David Man- financial aad fiscal questions and 'his croachments of Dominion authority 11 siftet" a i lishment of a Bureau of I idustry; the go long as we are thus governed LWe , The -two bill 1500,000r, the tenders which had recent- 1 son, John Doig, Samuel 6 v - � Will � I millie, Wm. remarim had.b*eep retty widely oirou-; upon Provincial - pre a *a in - t i alneddillnent of the Agocaltural and sontinue Presbyterian Temporalities fund will been received -,A-- . ­ rogatives a a , to p " we h . . --e—S from 15a,000, on I Mcifilfin, David Walker, John Sproat, lated tbrough the I 9 avO done come before the Private Bills Commit. th Widing he would ouly� imstanoed by the conduct of tbs 4lowness L I. Arts Act; an Act respe§ting Market ever since we were accorded the , e cheapest plibn, to, SH5,000 on the I Wm. XcHurray, Wra. Ireland, John I touch ligbtly updu these questions now. Government in the Boundary Awmil t4wk, tj I . - - privi'- tee on Wednesday. It in expeotod there dearest. Besides the contract prioe 1 Hannah, James. Broadfoot, X. Cosens, I He referred to the boast Of the present and Streama-Bill matters, #A wO SK . and coal . - � . � . � I . I I I I I - I - . � � I �! ; I : I � . I : . I - I - � . 4 1