HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-03-10, Page 71-1 __ --- - --- r , _ ---- - ---- , - --.-.- , - ­,_�_.__­1­-- _­ . �­ ___ ��­­71,1-7—­­­ '­-��­­ -- ­­ - . ­ . ­_ r-_- _­ - ­­- - - --- � - _ ___ - _ ___1 ___�___ _ - 7 __ �,­ ��__ ­­­ ___ - r __ 1 ��--".M,T'­_ �; . I -11 I , . - t I I I I I 1. . I .�- I . . . I . I . � ( � � � - . 0 1 - . - I I . ,- . .- � . � - - - . - , . P � � . . . . � � � - . I � , . . I � - - . I . I . � - . . . . I � I . . I . . . . -, N - . . . . - . - . . . .. I I I - - I . , � I _ , I . I I � - - _ I . . . � �r , . - '. , . � - -_ 11�, .&�_z': -, - , ­ I � I . I- . I . � . � - I -,. n I i . I .� . I . . I � . � .. 11 -am I . I " I . 11 , . . __ - % M � I . - � . L . AR_j � .. ", � I I . . L. I I . : _1� � - .. - ---- � . I I ­. � - , I I , I _.� - , - - - I - . .. -_ � . 1, � , - m - , �. , � - - . . - I t . - no&- - � i �0 I - ,_ 1, .. - - i I . -1 � I- I � - ._1 - - � , . . .. - - . . - . � I ., � . . — . I . ­ I . I I . I . . � '. . .'� � . I . I I : . - . I I I . I I � . . i 11, __,"W, I � I . . - . . I . . I I i - . : � I 11 . � - I I .- I . . � I 1. . i I � . . I � . . I � � 11111 iilllllllliiiiiillillillillill� '11 i- I � :��.El� - , _W_ � . 9. I M . 1, I- - I .1 I- . . I � - il!il!l�l�ii�ii----------------------------- - — _47.--'7P — -- ,��: - -3% � i M I I - � � . . I . . I - - _ _. . . : � � - . . - I 11 - . .. T'�-, . � I - I _ . I _ I I - I MARCH 10 ' I I __. � . - .4 I 8ftt - - !. _____ �� __ � _______1M4M0Wft 11� - I-. . __ & I I � I I I � � . � .--- I .... 'ley , - J, . ' I f ; ! ,,� � . WKINCIF, H()�,'. �_­ , i - I-,- ­ I - � . � , ­ I . SEAFORTm, � . ___ Z�l - . .- � . _1 ­ _� ­.. . FICE—In t4a. premises formow. __ 1. - V omu*d by Me Ban,� of P..%&., - VWW- -7 1 , I ��. � - t" mw, and umler the 0 - �_ ' , - '. "Wwr�44 � I -_�� S. ; -i.� 4 I - Z�T, .Naiu Street. - , � � + . -, I I - US AND BILLS I DISCOUNTM - - I - . I - r. =d Foralffn P,xoh,,. - P*dl%r_0haS0r_1 and Soici. I , . . � ... - I LRMERSY811ALE NOTE4 I : I.' Pa"hased at Reasonable p4tw I I - - wey L eat eat vanaterva igeourlaft � , I ; .. __ ­ I � � . ft- Isaaad, payable, at p., , .. � handhes 01 the Bank of . ar at &U . , Cdmmera�* . : _. - �� . IrERE-ST ,&114wvred on ]De . TH"124 ;, - - � Z, 4 - . � � � Money to Loan on Mortgages. . - . I . I . . 11 . � . - . . - . 1. :P-- ME -&--Y- :M 8 -1 � ik - . . : , � - ' � I . , Z-anager, a7d Prciprid-&r. " . � i I - . - -� �' I � . . ____�_______� . I I I . I � : THE SEAr0_RTH . - . - .1 � � PRAXICE AND LAND AGENCY. I"-----, . .- - I I __ � : � . � k �- - _­_.. ­ . IIAONZO ST-RONia - -.-.I- GENT for sevem.1 1%st-elasa stook... 2u, 11116 Insurance CiOmPauleg, and is. prepax. -�ha -:-j � - � �, - � tAk6risks On most favorable ternn __ q Agent for atvertl of tho.besb_LoaR*8,. * � I -11 11 .4L �� _-�- � 0� � * A -gout for the 849 atd Purchase of .yam TillageTroperty- - I � I . - . -� -�_;; I ---- . le_ I . I � . - . ATUMber of First- � . . Chu I - -_ ?. ,, - '�7 :�� � . � I . . ;7nWffl06d Fanns for Salle. I . � _..-1 � , , -- 7�1 - - i �MDU t* 1,04t1k ut 81-x per ceat . r Interest. r, �� - i -I :.ii il, I �t!OrtlxOsaloof Ocean fteamshi'v!I!i�, - , _� �_ � I ­ I - . 7ICE ----�.'Over R. Norrigoula atord,3ta* t. Begorth. - W " '� f, �, - i C ., - �` - .,:, . . ­'. �!­ I - - � . I- . ­ � . - - - - - ­_ 7___� - . _ , - - ,- . -1 . — - , , %-' , 1, t - - . I I . . : . . ; :S1(aT_3:r_r �1- . 44' e- 1 -� � _� - _� __ . I i � � . . IUSAND DOLLARS ftlfflik I . I � . I . I . . . . � - -A ­ � Z I J .. � :_ � � -;t � I _ I � 9 I I I � I � � I - - . ­ . ; � � I - � . . - 7 j; I : Z - � ; - . . . . ; � - I 'ishing tG raise the above in as I - . short I - � � I � A I - ,� A i j : � � I � , . I , . - - ne, as -vosaffile, I have determinea : � '_7 � . � . fer the wholelof my v&luabl . . e stock � � - I 7 � . � I- . 1. : . � . - . � . . � I - � I- - . �TGHESr 8EVVELRY,. SIL_ I - - I . - - . I I r I ' - . I . .VER-PLKTED WARE, . � � . I I � - I I � . ­ - - I � M -001K61 &G., . � - . . � � - . I I . - I . i � . . t .1e PUblic at a greatly redaabd . � - - - I - , , for the next month. "a . � . -1 � --,- . W . . irties wishing anything in the above - � , . ,- ., I I 4 WOUld do weR to give me &` "a � . � 9 . � � re tho FIRST OF FEBRUARY, � . ' - � ' . - I le the barg6baa are going. � - ),I m � 11� �- I . � . Aft. R. COUNTER. 1i J, . ' I f � � � - __ I ___ kLT I SALT- I I : - - - � , i - I-,- ­ I - � . � I � f - � I - - - BRUSSELS Z�l - . .- � . _1 ­ - SA-.T,T WORKS � - i - - i - . �L, -7 1 , I ��. � - t" P-1 now ill full OPeration. Farniers and Ner- � �hant-,i can be supplied with either Land or � I -_�� S. ; -i.� 4 I - 1, L, �Salt at market prices. � + . -, r ! Ak I , WiU be taken in exchangel for � � . . � Salt. :: - .. -_ i - I - � F- 0- ROGERSg I � 11 . I . lit. �, , . . SOLF, 1>.P.O+P-RIET0IL - T:. . r� RED MILL, SEAFORTH. ! - 7 ., - � '11 . ;, - - � Z, LATER� & DOLIP14M. ­ � �! - - 'i ,W I - I got the Red Will in full worldng order __�� ..� � 4. . and.are now prepared to do _. -A, . I I - � 1. . ­ tNG AND OHOPPING. I , _. I . ,., I . �4 �__, . . _; 11 shortest notiw,, and they guarantee & good I ` - I . - � � I - . _ �` -1 , __ , ,_ I - J V . j , - I I I I Parfica if thev desire can receive I . - . . I . . I � �. � - . �r in Exchai�,(16 for their Wheat . I ; . - �_ .1 � ' do not want t0'wRit to get their own whatt * I �! N I __ ,. . Flour and Feed atways eat , tor sale. � �, __'_ . � . - _', - . � GWE US A TRIAL . - � 11 .. JJ "Z. � - - -�W 0 Will Satisfy You in every respect.� ' 0 11 - � - 2 � �; SCLATER & DOLPHO. : , � _�� I . i __ . -4 I � � �___ 2 I � � � , SEAFORT11, RESTAURA11T. � :_ , 1 :1 �-J .1 � � I - I �� H. DE.AGON, -- . - I � t . .� ­ 11� �''l - , f; SEAFORT11 RESTAU_RA1qT, . _4 I = I � ' I - hy's L'Iocli, MEdu Street, is now . . , �. I �k I Ying nice, Fresh Oysters, direct ` 4 � Baltimorel both in caiia and bulki :1 - -] �i he is prepared to sell -very cheap.- '*-; !- J. � ten sy of thpW 0 ' -1 _' rs -r�gulF-AY during the season, _ -ill be in i 11 � �� ' i i a position to � uppky as , 11 ­ te families) hotels or social parw ;, , �' I I . Very reasoilable terms. He h": � 11 � �E' supply Of fine Peaches direat '- J I A . I Grhmsb,y, which are the, b � eat in, I . -_ arket, He also keeps on hand Z . I A er kind" of MUMS in SW � � ­esh and goo.a., Call at the Sw . . I ; _Restav�raut. you can,t da betiter I I � � 1 � 4 - . H. D-E-A-GONN . . I I � . . I - . - . : I � , .-I I , . . ,. + I ­. . - � . i �_, 1i - , I I I :1 . 11 z � . . , I , I ,� . I - I , .�­h­_­ _­ . . . . I I 1. .. - . _� I � �t�& �_r . - , , . I I . - . I I I � - I I . - , � , - _ : . I - � � - � 1�� ; - � - I ffia . �r i - _ 4� ; - I � . - �. - . I � .- - _ -----.---..4.w�l-.#-"�-wv-�7-t�,�'-- -41 . . ­'!­ 1 M. - 0____-.__-__ ", ____ �_ ­­ � � ­_ � - - I ", - � ____-_---,__�. _,_��_�-�-_�� —,----- -,- __ , , -&— . .� __ ­ __ -, ­ __ ­ --- -- .- "---- .1, - 11 I � I . . 11 I . � . . 1.� . . � . - . . - . I . . I I � : i � . I � . I I . . I k I 4 : . . .1. - . I 1 . I : - I I I I . � � I � . I � - I . i I i . 1; i . f. . . . I � - ! . . I -i I . . : �� � 4 — � I . � � . . . 11 � .� I 1. � - I a � ; . . : . � . 1. 1. I I . . � L I . � . .. .. I � I . .­ 1. - . '. � . , .- . - L 1. -­ . � . I . . � . I II&RM �: I . I � lot 1882. - I � . 7, I - - - I 11 It . .... .. —_ 1 7 � I . b�� - __ =���, _�. .. i - i _____ � . . . I . 0 � L . Nows Itemse When ey i ed there, howeier, the a severe lung, difficult as I * L . . I I Bight dollars a cord for, wood at two le . were for some reason re- quite U, wmoh w MARRIAGE LICENSES GO TO WILLIAM LOGAN'S . , alarming. I severe night V-Innipe and s18,56 a ton for ow. I * kased" ey fondly imagined . that sweats, and all the premonitory symp- ' 18SURD AT � � . I —Mr. Wheriff ,Txrvislof Toronto, has their little a nture would never be- tome of consumption, After having THE 11111011 - EXPOSITOR OFFICE, . .., , . L � r : , bWa 20,000 ,acres of laud near come public, t the funniest part of Wed several remedies and the skin of . . - I . L . I . * . L theitZry re sins to be told. The lady ' hysicians without benefit, I wam in. SIMA.FORTH, ONT,ABIO. - ; � ..... . peg-- who- kept the house was not so lucky an cad ' _­ ­ I . -The, president has signed a reso' lu- ru to use Wistax'A Balsam of Wild I FOR CHEAP FOOT GEAR OF.ALL KINDS. - .1 . - . �Ppro,Dri%tiDg 5100,000 for the ,gs� her oistolner i, and she -was the next Cherry, the firat bottle of which afford- NO WITNESSES REQUIRED. - . . jAi Rood sufferers. . morning ftei $20 and costs. She had ed immediate relief, "a a contiiiiianiob . . . I . � ; - . - � :: not the neoe;sary cash with her, but f its use'soon restored me to ' usual :PT3JR2ST1rrT_T_R1:8_ . - ... , . - The latest rumor is that unless the 0 MY toudition-OfRnssis improves the Czar put up as security a gold watch and healtli. For twenty-five ) ears past it ; �. " . - - L� * . - ,%-,. — .. 1. __ L . . r coronation. chain. Attached to the chain was a has never failed to afford entire .satis- . . f".""', '$ i ,will abdicate - . � , ;. I ... . . .. Ilow's 75th birthday was handsome loket with the eastern M. faction in all cases of colds, or any . .. 11 ;. . . . Lough - - . . ; .. .... .... I i .celebrated in various I places in New F.'s monoggra on the outside and his throat or lung diMoulties. I know of J. S. PORTER SEAFORTH., L . F I photograph i side. ' - ,Mgl,sn,I,Du Monday 27th ult. no medicine ita. equal." 50 cents and - � - - - - __�Tbe the ometer. registered 62 0 -The wifei and family of a wealthy 81 a bottle. Sold by dealers generally. ' . . . � MENS' STRONG BOOTS, JUST -THE THING FOR [SPRING WEAR. I , ednesday, 22nd Febru farmer in thelcounty of Waterloo were 710 i L - I . 04ow zero on - . . I 1. . . I I , " STY, at EdIn .,,ton. Wonder if they greatly startled the other day by the � � J I. I am detemined to Clear OOC my 11 . . I appearance 9 . a woman and her son SignJmg a I)eath Wairrant. . I t , � I .1, . L L h . 'felt it t Entire Stock of .Fumiture r�:gard , �11 V� . -A GOMP=Y, with $6,000,000 capital a young woi.�an twenty years of age, Many people sign their ow'ndeath less of Cost.' . is jl�a, ,Zed at St. Paul to build who had y arrived from Russia and warrants by a foDlish and continued I ; o g - i LADIES'FINE AND OOARSE BOOTS. � has , =,a - who- claimed the farmer as husband s HOSE IN WANT, it 'will pay them/to asoor. . I . * , ce to Grand Forks, Da - ther disregard of the preliminary ymptoms T tain prices before purchasing elsewhere. I I I %r,s. W 7 I and fa 'pectively. The woman's of disease. Beilog in other respects in I k0ta. I halt lie give a large discount to those paying cash, eo- - : r,The Widow of Daniel Webster !tory is t deserted her and their average health, th�y look upon their . . - I Rochelle, on Sunday infant son Riga, Russia, about 20 particular , pedally W nevly married couples. � died at New : ' complai.nt at the outset as of I am still s elling six highly finished eb.airs for Z 0 P .R 8 A'. might, 26.th ui�. She was Web5ter's Y89" ago- .. S 0 never heard of him little import, flattering themselves that $2. I also kel Knowlton's Spring Bed, the .(FRO)l BIZALZIL.) , I ey LADIES' SHOES FOR HOUSE WEAR. SLIPPERS IN XID, LFATHER, FELT - . ' until three y( are ago, -when a man who it will get well of itself. That thi's is beet and cheapest in the market; warranted L AND CARPET. The Yew Compound, its wonderf*1 � awod -w.ife. il perfectly noiseles& I i - . V��­_ I -Th4o discovery of a rich gold bear- had returned to Russia informed her in many instances a fatal delusion? is Warerooms dheetly opposite M. R. Counter's I I . ing belt above the 60th parallel of lati. that her huab ind waa living under an. c piouously shown in cases of lung Mammoth Jewelry. Store, gain Street, Seaforth. . - affinity to the Digestive Apparattu liately back of the Alas- assumed name in Wiiterloa county, On- doi an 8 East Side. and the Liver, increasing the dis8olv- tudesaa ininia ' ease. Beginniig with a mere irrita- 2 _., JOHN S. I?OJRTER, . . . I . t- inj juices, relieving alinost instantly ka lille, isrepox ted from Victoria, Brit- tario. As so n as she could procure tion in the throat,� this malady too fre- ' 6 5 - - . 'o8t Pr ce. I ful results of Dy . __ money for t. iey � e a�d her son quently terminai6, through neglect - - the dread igh Colninbia. . journ -h i A Large Lot of bzfant8' and Children'S ShM8 at C i -spep"s . . Wes ' . I . Indigestion, and the TQBPID LIV- -The PreasNorthwest Colonization started on eir ary aearqh, and at apd bad treatment, in f�tal tuber,on- ' "I 0 last succee in tracing him to his I � EB , ,38 Zo cow, any as B an .00ated by Idgis or brone iti . Remedy the evil � ; '1__1 -,ve8a an every day n6ca- the .. ernmen. i in the Saskatchewan. 'very door. he farmer sh6wed great while there ii y W ) - , sity in every house. I The Comparlyis tohavea capital of PnOtion and uneasiness at the eight of Thoinas'Eclectri& Oil, which, applied Cn . . ' It acts g'eontly and, 8,veedily in Bit- $2001000--- - . -them, but denied all'knowledge of them outwardly and taken inwardly, pro- - I V . , . Come and Secure a Bargain. iou8ne88, Costiveness, Hsada,che, Sick - I -The, steaME r Titania, which , sailed or of ever liv;6g in Russia. He is very duces the most '� beneficent effects. I . .: . I � � for England fro New York on Janu_ wealthy, and las a large family of sons'l Physicians classify it among� the most ' . V : - Headache, Distress after Eating, I i 0 - Wind on the Stomach, HeartbWM., ary24tb,iBsup)osea to be lost'.. The and daughte �, to whom the news has salutary of known medicines, and in )11 Pains in the Side and Back, Waant oJ . I's � . r,13 1113 Y ad � I . � - crew numbered W The cargo is in- been a sqvere, shook. Mrs. T Is I k dition to evidence as. to its virtues as 0 .- I A ant of Energy, Low ; .ppetite, W timed for $100,0 )0. states that she will appeal to the law a pubnonic, experience has shown it to - � I � . � -The Couna. I of Cardinals at Rome for hei rights', and' there WILLIAM LOG&N. 81irit8, FOUZ S&MaCh. It inVi�- - . i rests for the V . tesent. the matter be a reliable curative of rheumatism, C_ . ko - , . - - ate8 the Liv6r, carries off all 8urpl= - have decided that the Catholics of Italy I neuralgia, piles, kidney complaints, - ,,,T._ bile, regui and Siva with religious � I soreness and tumors. Sold by medi- — rT 13- IM — C3- 0,1-j _1D IRI IT _T_J T (D ate8 the Bowas, .cannot, Compatible Eli 0 - 4 - - . . - I tone to the whole system. . duty, ta,ke part in the political elec- ,PS'13 0000a. cine dealers. * Prepared by Northrop & X " . -1 ...... �� I tio4s. i � ! I Lyman, Toronto, Ont. 710 744 z ' �, 0 0 0 1 , , M Cut this out and take.it to your -There seems to be a new era in Grateful a�d Comforting. -"'By i1% I M Z � )� Druggist and get a 10 cent Sample, ar Chioago� Gambling houses arebei ' thorough knowledge of the natural I .wrs Buckl . CD e,4, � 0 C � - � - � � X a large bott16 for 75 ceitt8, and MU ng which govern' the operations of Pges- I en-% Arnica Salve." 0 . Your neighbo.- about it. ' Pat down, and there. is a movement, utrkion and by -a caref l a'. I 0 --i I R I . a + tion. and n The best salve in the world for Cuts, I - towards closing the theatres on. Sunday, P )-.i � 0 )O __ - � - and stopping . indecent performances. plication of 4e �ne properties of well Brnises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheumv Z I �_� LO . . � -The Lenten pastoral of Bishop - selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, - 0--d � Z - 4( .. �� 2 . important Notice. . - . our breakfast itables with a delicately Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup- IM 0 - 0 , - - ��7- - `:_ ityan, of Buffaloi denounces marriages I � � ; -_ between Catholics and Protestants as flavored beverage, which may save us tions, and positively cures Piles. It is M r+ I > T� M �' ; � �._---____-_--------- . . 0) I � many heavy doctors' bills. Itiaby the guaranteed to give �perfect satisfaction . .. I -, null, and voia in the eyes of the Church, .1 � r � j udicious use :of such articles of diet that' or money refunded' Price 25 cents per CD Py 7 Cn THIS WEEK WE INVITE ATTENTION TO OUR STOCK OF : and entailing the Penalty Of 6x:cOmmun- A conatitutioo may be gradually built box. For sale by E. Hickson & Com- --i �11 �_l I -_ i � leation. - I 1. , - upuntil stroig enoug very pany.- 714-52 . I ." V - � :E)S:l I -itis stated that 2000 Hebrews I _. Z . � I I tendei3o3 11sease. Hundredsof su-b- - . Cl) . I . I � havelle& from Russia. into Austria, M � . , - - . where they are now starving. Ten fle maladies!are floating around us Eclectric OR. .�_. 4 (J) Which is once more com! plete, and we now sbow,& full range of CLOUDS in I have the sole and exclusive Agency � M �14. - thousand pounds will be sent to the M' ready - to 4ttack wberever there � Jos6ph Rusan, Percy, writes -III was CD CD . mo Nav�, Cardinal, Grey, Brown and F ancy; SQUARES in Cardinal, Black, Grey, � on Monday out of the Lord 'Mayor's . is a weak point. - We may escape induced to try Dr. Thomaa'Eoleotric I - I 0 > Navy and Fancy: Wool Jackets, Mittens, Cuffs, &b.; Ladies' Underwear, for the Celebratecl - many a fatid �baft by keeping. curselves Oil for a lameness which troubled me P Gloves, Kid Mitts and Gloves; Nice Goods in Silk Squares and Ties, Real and fund. ,� I , pu . � *42 �_� - .� I well fortifi d t , re blood and a for three or four years, and I found it K CD .it4 � Imitation Laces, FrWing% &a.; Men's Overcoate, Shirts and Drawers, CaXaffigau -information has been received by el[i - it . . 0 I - properly nou�87he frame." -Civil Ser- the best article I 'ever tried. It has 0 W M Jackets, Ties, Braces, Wool Cuffe, Linen -Cuffs, and a fire range of Tweeds, rior that vice Gazette. : ade simply with boil- been a great blessing to me." 691-52 > 0 the Department of the Into. (312 i . ).". CD Worsted Coatings, &c. Extra good value in Mink Muffs, Boas and Caps, WHITE SEWING MACHINE, three' large captures have , been ing water or 0 3hade at Fort McLeod by the �-officer , milk. Sold oply - in � - � . �.4. Astrachan Muffs, Baltic'Seal Muffs, Men's Caps in Beaver, Coney, Plush, Cloth, I packets and tihs (J pound and pound,) �, 1 Eclectric Oil. I Z 0 N &a. � � � I ; I commanding the Mounted POlice,a't labelled-I'Janies Ep a& Co., hom000- I M CD tha't post. The seizures were of contra- ; p � "It is a Great Public Benefit.'�,- A CALL SOLICITED. I i pathic Chemists, London, Eng. �1 > I . bsnd liquors and goods. i "-Also These significant words were used in 0) �.J. I makers of Epps'sChocolate Essencefor For this part of the County o! Huron -The seventh annual convention of relation to Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil -i 0 Z 1: I. . JT A., M :E'M S (D I -q 1. S :B ,A, IP 0 I:;;.- ri I-3: - afternoon use. , 482-52 ; U) : . I * the New England Free Love League by a gentleman who had thoroughly M C_+ C-+- - 0 . ___ ____ and will not be responsible for any - Metat Boston on Sunday last and Motheral Motherst Mothers I tested Its merits in his own oase-hav- M 0, (D . . I I I 7 � nwmw.. M. V '04 1 d P-4 - . White Machine unless sold by me or at adopted resolutions declaring that the . ing been�cured by it of lameness of the M (D I 11 if 1.0 110 (D = 4� .11 perfect solution.of the family question Are you disturbed at night and knee of tbxee ot. four years, stan I �_J . . ,Z to P't 4 = �i I - 1. � ding. 0 t k = - ! , Id ;. - - broken of your rest by asick child snff- It never fails to rb,'* --i 1, "I CD elmv�. 14 , I my office bere. . lies in the natural liberty of the sexes. , . I emove soreness as well " a) Q = 0 0 ;Z =.-d 0 1 �) -At a meetiia of Knox Church ering and �rying vhth the excruciating as lameness. 691-,52 1 5 , 2[ V-&�� ',,j JQ 4 A � : �, - . 0 .0 I . . � 4 I . Im A .,.4 4 . = 11. . . W � of pain of cutting tbeth? If so, go at � I -1 0 W CD F --r-71 ,Q 0 11. 11, Q I congr6gation, at Winuipeg,,the grant a get a bottle of Mrs. Window's - I 0) �_3 0 pm�34 5 'I o ta - - :. I . Id §10,000 to St. Andrews' Church was in-� once an - - T aberry. � 0 ." I � I I M rl=n- . l Q . I rs Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the 0;1 < HMMMaW ID ,0 Z � creased to $25,000,65,000 was voted to Kiss me.-T,p berry, the new and ex- 0- _ 0 0 .. ! I "� c; I JAMES WATSON' ., 0) I , -1 I anse mediately -de- La=._ i --I 0 -4 Q 0 1 0 . poor quisite little ,ge > (D (D M . 1 0 'd O.K. �� ,ge ,ge ,ge 0* I - ,ge for the teeth and -n C+ 0 )--4 - ph t 4 . I - 0 .1 4 14 1� ." d -; there is no m's ake breath, has a beautifully plated metal r 9 X - . scheme, and $2,000- to 'Rev. Jose pend upon it Id .�, 0 0 ' � about it. There is not a mother �on � �;On GD 0 1 � W .. Robertson, in recognition of his services () I I CS Q 9 .." 4J A I . 9 A -5-0 -DEALERIN- earth who has ever used it, who will screw top. Try L 5 cent sample. 730 :� I - 0) r-,.-- � i . . . - '. while pastor of the congregation. . I M ).-i. a I h:___9r__1 � .. t, ( - U . - -Terriffe storms attended with tor- not tell you at once that -it will regulate , -i - � ��� I - . el )11 . - - - P 0 � rents.of rain impede operations on a the bowels, and give rest to the mother THE GREAT FEN &LE REMEDY.-J,b Moses ,',*D �__ . I I I % large scale against the insurgent Crivo- and relief and health to the child, iDper- Periodical Pi1116 This invaluable medicineis X :Vaftw�.d I I ; 4�� 0 CF;-�' Sewing -MaGAifte8, -Knitt* A0, ' unfailing in the oui 3 of all those painful and ' - tz��� I . 11111 .. 1 'A 6 ! T scians in Herzegovina, Austria. The ating like magic. It is perfectly safe to dalogerouBdisesees owhieb the female constitu. � . ).". . 'Si I ­ +., 0 ,ow 1 . .1 � , I . Hungarian Government objected to the use in all cases, and pleasant to the tion is subject. It: aoderates all excess and re- I (n - � � - 'I I 0 0 -0 ;4 chi�tes, Attachmmu, . t moves all obsbructi( as, and a speedy care may ), -_ - I ;�. , 1W delivery of 100,000 rifles ordered by aBte, and is the prescription of one of I f=. I � to '!= . ,. I : ! ,1Z ,W , Q be relied on To me -tied ladies it is peculiarly , . - I . the o hysicians . ' I � . Q 9 C 4 -Servia, because it apprehends a change Idest and best female p suited. It will, ir a short time, bring on the I En I �.-:1�� ,'If A Cd Ili I I nurseB in the United States. Sold � inontlhy period 'With regularity. These pills � 0 ; ,-- A I F .. - ­ Q ;�.- .j _� in the oovernment of Servia would anc 'I 1. 11� r. - bring in 0 everywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 692�52. shduldnotbe taken by females during the first I 1 ,t-; , OL_N2290 I .. , NEEDLES, 01L3v &G. . to power a party sympathizing . . - I I Id , Q � : 1; 1. . 0 :4 � f4l three months of PregraBoy, as they are sure to i _J k 4 Z " 7ith the Bosnian insurgents. � ! (' +4 0) 0 rn .time they (D .,q .,* � 1i ,� . . � bring onMiscarria ,butstanyotlierl � . , '- , ;, 0 'n; S4 �. 0 E " -Several of the farmers in Glengarry Rest and Comfort to the aresafe. In all cams of Nervous and Spinal Af- I �11 i � g;4 ;1 ." � ii I I 1, . �e MAIN STREET, SRAYORTH. . . - I I I J 1, ;0 *I axe selling out and moving to the Suffering. - f ections, Pains in il e back and limbs, fatigueon - � )-a. (1) 0 i �� (L) q G,: i�7 slioht exertion, pal pitation of the heart, hys- i I � Z 4) � 1 4 - ­­ ­ - _____ I ,I. . Northwest. Archibald McNab,.Es � i I 0 0 ca P,. � Md . I V 11 , W *i_ ,0 . l q*1 Brown's Household Panacea has no ter'les and whitss, tl'ese pills will effect a cure )"I I I - V . (d �! � !� I 0 56.1 0 �; � i I ,�� I I., 0 .: _ formerly K P. for that county, has sold b n all other imeans bave failed; and, although . I PQ ct ro I , ­ W � . Li - I equal for relieving pain, both internal ' ' wc-i f ul remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, � ct,� I �111 4' REMOVEr"k I I ii� I i il; > :;� !� -�, his farm of 200 acres in the 6th co ' . �1. ?d ci I � t14 I 11. I 0 11 mony or anything hurtful to the constitution. J ,:, v4 :4. 0 i. t � :!� �, 1. 1;i 1 ( at - , C A and ext6rnal. It cupea -pain in the side, a n"t'l' London' Huron and Bruce - , ) A Q cession of Loolliet, for the sum, of back, or b:)wels, sore throat, rheuma- 'Full directions in the,pampblet around each s. I , --L-'-Z�qd es - 0. ,�. M $:4 0 - 11 � ;. GOING NORTH- Express.- Mail. Expres t Cl -4 r�, pk , 9 IV F, - . $7,000. Mr. MoNab has left for Win- package, which should be carefully preserved. . )11 4 4, 1;11 I , i , _;�q W A� M. P. M. P. M. e. ,4 I 0 1 - � tism, tootbaclie, lumbago and any kind - 111'� . It,! , q;q , t, - F" r cw Sn f I - nipeg, where he intends to reside. Mr. Job Mo8ea, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 and I I , -==4 5PA-4 Jill 11 Q CS .� r_1 . of pain or adhe. London, depart ...... 7 40 2 20 6 25 . It will most surely 12J cents for ,postage enclosed to Northrop & Qd r --t W4 I 1,i�"!;! � I 1 4 to - '-"' John Fraser, of the 2nd - concession of Centralia ............. 8 40 8 25 728 r___%41=1W, V* k IF 4),- M ri, quicken the blood and heal, as its act- Lyman) Toronto, Ont., general agents for the Exeter .... ; 8 52 3 38 7 40 P _� k 0 am � a ;� , . �ii�' I V 010 2 . ver �K I ­ � 11�110 - cpd I 9 0 f?4 Loohiel, has sold his f arm of 150 acrus Dominion, will insure a bottle containing o , img power ia' wonderful. Brown's Hensall .. .* *:,* * * * * *., 9 05 8 52 758 I '1�i,!�'l 1 � - . F- Q 03 *a 1 1 foe $6,000. - 60 pills'by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by. - tr IF -1 104 t : i. 4) L- , �c _� ­ I 0 1, �_J . . Household Panacea, beimg acknow- Kippen ....... I Q � &� q., W ill i 1i I Im 0 �m 1='_AL]PS:rT12 qj� % �J - , -Why do not Canadian female ser- E. lickson & Co., J. S. Roberts and Lumaden Brucefield.. . 1,-_ %Z 0 "d -J , , Q ledged as the great pain reliever - and & W on. . - 644-52 . IN Tri 4 � I ,:) Q U �*4 \ vants emigratQ to Ireland T They will Clinton ............... 9 89 423 8 25 En P, �� r. g VO "t I . I M , W ' 4 41 8 46 i, , - of double the strength of a;ny other oro .......... 9 68 0 '", - ,-, - I., z 0) I I&I I' 1.4 ;A . ne-�er receive such an inducement as . Londeab , � :� .,,., 5� . " 1,22 4,1 ..4 Blyth ................ 10 06 4 50 852 , .- Cd � , -W A - - 4-i W ! elixir or liniment in the world,,should MONEY. ,�=" - io p Z C) I .1 ed � - THE JEWELLER, the following advertisement holds out, __ - 0 k ,� 0 t .,4 F: -8 . - be in every family handy for us� . _ ___ _ - � _ __ �.__ Bolgrave ............ 10 24 5 06 909 , ." I to " 1 f�z f4 n ,� -,�� - ,1� j , - nither in Ontario nor Manitoba. This whe MONEYTO LOAN -I am prepared to lend Wingham, arrive .... 10 45 5 25 925 ,= 0 0� I � I , I � ,� ." ,.0 , * I I X 1, 4.2 IJ �4_ - wanted, as it really is the best remedy in _4 ;Z, 09 11 ., ,� money at 6 per cent. interest, payable year- GOING ROUTH- Mail. Express. Express , ?, 1.4 .., .1-i . - , .1 I N* I* � :2; advertisement a,ppears in the Dublin , C-11 Q g�, ,., . 1�!;Ai! � Freeman's Journal of the 1.1'th Febru- the world for cramps in the stomach, ]Y. Principal at the end of torm. Private Funds. A. M. P. M P. M. I *V1 �; VH M el U) : I � "I I 1 i -HAS- '.. 111, . 11 � and pains and aches of - all kinds and Is JAB. H. BENSONz 726 - � �- - . 2- J Wingham, depart .... 700 2 56 6 45 1 ,�, al 4 .5 aEry. for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a � Belgrave ............ I 18 8 15 7 03 - - - W ANTED. -Strong, humble girl to bottle. 692-52 . WANTED -The Bara of $1,000 for three years. Blyth.. � ............. �7 35 3 28 8 20 1 1 1 1 � W - Interest, six per cent. per annum, payable 44. 8 88 7 29 " STOCK FOR SERVICE. I T I, assist in minding children and go - I -a Londesboro ... 71 I - - REMOVED TO HIS on messageB; age 15 ; 8s per quarter. __ �� yearly. First class seou ity. For particulai , ::::::: 8 02 3 54 7 49 1 -.-.-.. - � Worthy of Pradse. apply to W. P. RAYLS, Sealorth, or to Me- Brucefleld. ...* ........ 8 20 4 07 b UU � I I . Apply at 50 Harcourt street, 11 , Oclock CAUGHEY & HOLMESTED. 112-tf � Kippen ............ - 8 80 415 8 20 s� to -2-, Monday. � As a rule we do not recommend pa- Hensall .............. 886 420 8 27, ' . For.ninding the children and run- tent medicines, but when we know of MONEY -A. G. McDOUGALL is authorized to Exeter. .. _........ �. 8 62 432 8 46 1 1'111_T:E_V�T SrT01::>.:2J . iiing on errands the "strong and hum- onethatreallyis a public benefactor, . lend money at Q Rer ceut. on mortgage, for Centralia .... 1 9 02 442 9 02 i . .., ". . . any amount, and for any numberof years; intar- . I - ble" girl, will receive 68 a year or 67 and does positively cure, then we I London, arri�;::::.,10 Q5 6 85 10 30 , .,�X I con est charged or IV on the unpaid principal. No- � I . - I �.O..*U , � TA . sider it our duty to impart the infor- commission ebarged. Apply �t the Store of A. . - —4 1 , " ­ . I � cents a month. Happy land I . . G. McDougall & Co. 678 - Grand Trunk Rail,waYi . � . . I I . � . TWO ODORS NORTH Of OLD STAND, . -Quite a little flutter was caused iu mation.to all. - Electric Bitters are I I � ... � I � I the town of Ficton on Tuesday, 28th truly a most valuable medicine, and . . Trainsleave Seaforth and Clinton Station s as � . -'% . . I 0oo. 00 TO LOAN on Sc i . E -, �%_ �.. -, I will Burely cure BilliouBriess' follows: � I -19 DIRECTLY OPPOSITE , Fever and $100 . � �i. ult, by the marriage of Miss Lizzie .1 Beal Estate for any term . �� I np-,�� � . .,IV. - _. �,. --- - - Browne, second daughter of -Mr. John Ague, Stomach, Liver,' and Kidney of years not exceeding twenty, at 6 per cent. per GOING WEST- SEAFORTH. CLINTON. i B ERKSHIPLE BOAR -A Thoroughbred Berk- � -i- , .. * . 4 1 f ' M. � - 1_,1 � annum; No Commissions; The whole of the Express .......... 2:16Y. M. 2:40 P. shire Boar will be kept for service ion Lot . 'il � - Browne, of that place, and herself a Complaints, even wher-6 all, other reme- . I I No. 7, Concession 8, H. *R. S_ Tuckersmith. . - �p ­�11 ." M. ROBERTSON18 k principal money may be repaid at any time. on .. 8.65 P. M. 9:15 P. M. I I I teacher in the public school, to Hon., dies fail. We know whereof we spea , ,-tiying six mouthB'n ti not exceed- Mixed Train......9:15 A. M. 10-00 A.M. � Terms-si, with the privilege of returnin.g. if -5, - 1 7 - I , .11 Z �� , 1, , John Calvin. jaember of the state legis- and can freely recommend them to all. in g one4ourth may 0 'co' or an2eu.mlo's, of each Mixed Train....... 5:60 P.M. 6:30.P. M. � necessary. W. S. MUN-DELL. 3412 I '. . be paid at . _­ - '. �, lature of Iowa. There is a little bit, of -Exch. Sold at 50 Cents a bottle by year Nolthcut notice, intereSt ceasing from the GOING EAST— SHAFORTH. CLINTON. I __ - -.- . . ­ - - I , .. .. , � . I . FURNITURE STORE. � . .'s I time 6f payment; Loans effected promptly. Exprees .......... 8:20A- M. 8:00 A.M. , 1 , . T,� PIG BREEDERS -The undersigned %vill '.".. Ah.. , � romance about. the matter, Mr. Calvin E. Hickson & Company. - 714.52.6 OFFWE - Vi,itoria Square Seaforth. WM. Express Traini....1:03 P. M. 12:45 P * M I keel) at his hotel in Varna during this sea- . 0-.1 , IN-. IDNE ' 4:10 P. M: I son, a thormighbred BcrRsbire Boar, and will re. - . * . not havina seen MiBs Browne for neaily � HIT T 1 700 Mixed Train ...... 4:45 P. M. I . , - I 0 - . �, "... 06 L.- PAPST. -way. 1. . I - Mixed Train- .10:45 A.] --$I, I , Given' A A. 10:00 A. M. ecive a limited number of sows. Tenns.- I -1, twenty years, during which time he had . - N payuble at the time of servica, with the privilege - -----''- , ___ -_ ----,-- neverforgotten her,and nowcame to We cam not help noticing the liberal ' AUCTIONEERS. . - i of returning if necessary. W. CooK. 732 - - . Toronto, Grey and Bruce. - � INIANUFACTURFI) 111ST TORONTO. I - I% 0i _14- claiin her as� his bride. He is an ex- offer made to all invalids and sufferers . .__ . - . . - 0� (;�n -, .., , - P. BRINE, Licenced ,knotioncer for the GOING EAST— A, M. P. M. -1 - - L) " Z tonsive and successful farmer and stock by Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- : - I ERKSHIRE PIG -The undersignedwill-keep A I't).inanwit, &ure cure for Disemes, Dis- I= 11 ­ . I . 1��_,) : - - . 7 J9 County of Huron. Sales attended in all ............... 5 16 8 00 I Bat his saw mill, near Kinburn, during the % __1. 8 = �.�. f, V -�, .n� raiser in Iowa, and his brother is pro- sumption. You are requested to call- - �arts of the County. All orders left at the Ex- Wroxoter .................... �.. 6 42 3 80 i ordcr-, and Affillerts of the Kidneys, Bla(lder and 1, - - -; a :: �; ­- - � coming scasou forthe improvement of stock, a __", % (--.-a , fessor of geology in the state university. at E. Hickson & Co.'s Drug Store, and POSITOR Office will be promptlyattendedto. Gorrie ........................ 5 49 3 89 1 Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar Pig. This pit, took Urimir�N- sueretive System, or attendant com- . r, 0 n .J � The good wishes of all f riends follow Mrs. get a trial bottle free of cost, if you are — ............. 6 69 3 E_rl`�_ � . :0, ;,::-,- , 60 1. 5 � 50 I the fint prize in hl.,j clainat the show inSe'lforth plair.ts�, Pampblets and testinionials can 1),o a�_,yjtj LL , �s =Z&� '-* I- < < I . R. COOPER, Brussels, County Auctioneer. Harriston ..... t ........... ...... 619 416 � last fall, also the prize for being the best pig , N . N <� tu f- - -i - 5 1 = - . ,- :: -J, " ", Calvin to aer far westen home." suffering with Consumption, Severe C. Orangeville ...... .. .. ........ 8 36 6 4 obtaffit'A from (1ruggists free Price-i-Child'i U� cc - . . Sales of all descriptions promptly at- of any age or breed on the ground. Tenns I?r- < r =. 0 Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Toronto ................ .... .. 11 15 9 60 i ---$I , - j t- . ;� U �.! - �_ L_T� I -A Mrs. Wilson came into Toront tended in any part of the countv on reasonable per,;ow, payal)lo at tile time ofservice, with the P ad, -,'I .50, (cures bed-wetting.) Regular ilad, 4��,_ - - , I - - 0 Hay Fever, Loss of Voice, Hoarseness, ' GOING WEST— A. M. P. M. I , 0 �%:!q-3 - D 0. � g G I , - 14- .,/ � f: =_Z I b .�2. Special 11ad ftir ebrwile diseases, .,:,.�-3 13 i _4 � �! terms. Orders left at the offlee of the HURON : privilege of retUrIlill if necessary. Jorw THONIP- .,_� by a late train one night last week from _ f old ,� � X cc a I.: . I , .4 " C� - < * , U_ .,- p 1 SON - - r-_.) r- < iz,tj I I a ;E X Belleville. She had several children or any affection of the Throat or Lungs. EXPOSITOR, gr addressed to Brus e1g, Will receive 4 10 ! - - 733 Tki J - S. nobert,-,Scaforon Nvin. ii. ltolxrtson, .��_,�; =- 1 - with her, oue of them a baby in arms It will positivplv cure you. 714.52f prompt attention. ; ............. 9 55 7 12 - — - __ ___ — . _____ _ __ - - ______ gc�. � 0 Z :E 2.0 0 . . _ ____ - � - - -_ 1_ W ­ ! I ­ . _ _. - I _ _­ I - - - ­­_ Harridon ...................... 12 40 9 28 1 __ ___ ____ - -'-- 7 1 Wruxeter ; It N. Thurtell, Tect-water; W. T. M060�6m- ca a-- . < ,---= < i- 0. � I RE AL ESTATE FOR SA -I ="a M -�Z �_ 0 W < 3: ' which was finngly wrapped up in a huge censed Auction- Fordwich ...................... 1 05. 9 48 � k , Bray, Wi nghani ; Jolin S. Tennant, IL D , Luek- i P�n co .= P Z V 1'. Z 4R t5 U shawl. Another lady arrived from HoIloway's PUls. . per,meRillop. Special attention given to Gorrie ......................... 1 17 9 68 ! now; Watts &Co,Clinton; Lawmson &Hjunilton, OIL", . : sales of'Landed Property, Farm Stock and i N%roxeter ................ .. ­ 1 24 10 05 SALE INSEAFORTH -For sale, that . � 22 q-.# J () ,(- a: Folt 00 CD 13 LL . I" ;�, � some 1)oint west, and was also the The greatest wo 131YU, ;0- Ir. Ifewl,01), Ba. , 0 Imm Co .,Z -. -e- - (� 100 E 1� &Z - o nder of modern Implementa. All orders left With the under- '; Teeswater ..................... 2 00 10 35 � comfortable rt-�idence on Goderich Stre(-t,, 3 Vfivld; 8 A Hodge, .1 A� - . � . ' , Qft) , owner of a baby. The ladies placed signed at Walton P. O., or' Lot 14, .71 � nvar the Mansion Hotel, containing every con- -11; Ji),heph Ridd & Son, Dublin- I Fa N P4 C) W 0 - S , . . times. This incomparable medicine co - , I . Mitch, The z I , - I -.- -- - ___ 11 0 C.') 2 0 _1 . . their respective ,babies in the waitiD, I nM,will be promptly attended to. M, ; �� venience for himily -age. Hard and soft water on Central Drug SWre, . - .. 4Z = Z Z rf U1 n n: Z .0 increases the appetite., strengthen e i bills,noteB and stamps furnisbad if required. � , MISCELLANEOUS. the prcmisev ; also a driNing house vith good Exetep; 11. it. Jack-,oll, � C= w z < IL t__ V_ - I roOlu whilt, they went to look up their stomach, cleanses the liver, corrects � ALEX.DELGETTY, Walton. ' ' - �tabling, ,vco&bcd an(l censr. will be sold cheap. lien%ali ; 11r.4. John Mehitomli, 11rucoicla: it,lbt. . ".. - , � � i 639 1 : , I I � Co X !i CZ �t �: t: r, - I . � ___ _ ­­­ � . .- � � 1-11 - , . - -T ­ I- � 0 0 - t, cy'. � CO - _- : 1`01' varliculais apply to G(;o. Ll -.F, one and a half Mellis, Kippell ; S Fraleigh, St. 11ary" and J. � �a Z baggage. When they returned they biliousness, prevents flatalen ' puri- I ____:___-_____­________ ____ WS FOR SALE.-For.We- two good milch , miles esst of town, or by letter to Tim- LUE, - 1) , �J , L&. ii . . - 1 '37 Z Z ce - I I took one, alaotbers baby, and the lady fies the system, invigo�ates the iierveB, I I cows, one to calve on the 18th .of February, � Ra0d City-, 'Manitoba. 742-4 A 0ailiek, Bru-i-;els. !t . � < - M 2 a a and the other farrow and giving milk. Apply to I ___ ___ — .­... .--. w from Belleville t1rove to Parkdale, and and establisbes round he lth. The I BIG MILL, the underAgrued. near Ilarpurhey. DAVID Dolt- , . '11) I the l&(1v from the west fo 'Lbe north enoitmouB demand for these pills ' UCTIO-N 8,ALE OF FA101 NTOC]i AN eud of toDge street. One of the ebil- . I _� RENCH. 141-4 , S, PLENDID CIIANCE-General store and stock �A l�II'liElIP,NT.S.-'.Nlr.A.'I)al;,,,uttvlias b' * FOR SALE.-PrGperty in Ifarpurbey for sale - throughout the globo astonishes every- � , I � . . for I'Ble in the tbriNing villafze of Zurich. It i instructe(i by )Jr Janit-s campbeli *to ,,(, I e'n � For vol,, ebt-t, comft-rtable dwelling house � Ily ard abcut an aert and, situated in Harpur- dreu ,.vas it boy and the other a little boly, and a single trial"will convince j 0 N tb a 21 st day of February, 1882, we �chauged ; - the befA business f-tands ir. the village, ' . PV1) . ARMS HAND WANTED- Wanted huniedia- i 1 1% c"!L' of 1111blic Atif-dwi,in Lot 15), Cone(-h,itai I �, i n -ine,AIcHillop,on saturtlay, Man*)) nui, The hruse cotiains a parlor, diriing-room, i , our mode (f maunfacturing flour at our Sea- I -class m ,Lke the mana-e- i ,d oirg a business ef abr-nt .S15,000 V( -r aunum. , daq 1 )"1111- , bey and at prcp(,r t occupicd by the undPrsjpnc-tL I- a rl. aild were put to bed hurriedly the most sceptical that no medicine f, 'th Mills tothe � I I tely, a first an to L I I 0 , F C ause for sclliiig--I)rc?liiii-t(,if4.anipg to Manitoba. ' . U�heu humo wa�j reached. The sur * I i nient (if a farm. Asingle man preferred. The - particulars apply to 0. F. WA(;.VV;t & Co. . � I � PrIse equals HolloWay's Pills in its ability to I ' � F ca IW2, at 1 �,'rlwk p- in, Oic fitilwAiii-, propert�, kitellen mid I b-d'r om, b(sitifs yantrif-e and ' of the inotlivrs may be iinagined HIGH GRINDING AND GRADING ' highe.stv,-ages paid. Apply to L. Mm-Rit, 8 - 7.12 ' I�Z.: 110-1'110) IIMIM-i -I�QM-Slold, 1 �14alj ��J coh, el,�e1s,domnF;tviri4,ard 4 Twaroonm up aaira, . the remove all coraplaiuts incidental to the : forth. � 7 �_ I" Zu"c"' 'I j * next morninc, wheu apparently a single human race. They are a blessing to I t. I SYSTEM. � . - I - ­ _,_____________.__ _� __ - _..-,- � __ ri,111�,, two.. .-,ed ware.5 cow.-, i)) ciilf, I beifer - Tbeic is a)Fo si�umwe; kiteb(n, wood shed suil - Z, I � - - ­ ----------.. ____ ­ _. .- ,- . '. lwt),t�c-,t-,1-1(1.4-t(-esri,�iii�rt%%o,21jeif(,-rt:,,il%e-,�, spit-radid cellar, als-) Plenty of bardal3dHoft I nigllt had made such a transformation . 11cneeforth all eustcwos buying our famadly or 1 CAUTION -1 hereby caution the public ill I tbe ahlicted, and a boon to all that , � 2,000 CEDAR PO,'--'.,T-S�l(INI.t:].Ijtt�f]vN�i-,,21)i-,,-j(l-.�)%v.,,Irt-,-zl�i:r�ill�ll'-i'I watcr. '11-c- let ir -%ellilm ted witb tbebestki.dx inthtirbabies. It,wasa couple of days labor ulider internal or exte' parby flour con dvVerd upon'getting a first-class I 11 plow, 3 '--allg' pifiNN., I o: buit trc*fs at d 1�ui-ijf-s It -would inake a moBt rual disease. , . I "Oil, lenernJ not to sell on credit anythb)g to my patem p1,, -,N-, I o4i�ilv cuttin- before the taucylo could be ularavelled. Purification of the bloQd, removal of .,article, Ithas been " . Joini Gable, on my acconnt, as I am ii(;t FOR SALE, �.i ,(,,t iron Imirim-i, i land,ol,le , Im-tiff-14-r,1 11,,r -e � coiriorf obli anti (liggib), pl&el, for a y(t)red far- " : , I � will q, to pay any of such dcbts contracted by � lal�e, 1 'LXa-_,o711 -ilitAe bllg��V, I mft bfJb--1(.j.,13" " I . X -The Torouto News sa-vs.-Ou Fri- all restraint ftoin the secj�etive organs, ,, TESTED hini'a"gailast Mo. SAMmi, GAmE. Dxshwood, - I nier. PFr 91 out ('Bert,., of'wia Z in ibe T,ear of . . S it ble for Board, Wire, or Straiglit jw,�_, ,1, �;_,h, I rutt(,-r, i it):-, racli,,_) �o Imone-, �� thed,well3ald 71(Ft irlifl-08 vill be. siold � 2. . 74LN4 k III a t� int,iiiii�-n;ill,l;-)',L;11('r.t�'!(L', I .�N­ar kett'e I ti , t i ),(i (r f.(yorhto3, , na ( r, 7t P L18 -y evelliDu last a house if ill-fanie ia and gentle aperitive action, are ,t1ae I by saveral � f our t�,wn ladies and pronounced ; Febrnar I y . io, iW . - - _____ ____ ' -olh�, I 'et m lliffle- : . .,orai.ie termtz rl�v, -- _ RailFences. One mile and a grind stont,, 1 neek'yoke, I ox � - App')y or, the prenlisfs to DAviii 3Jc,C1,LL-ocll. 74 Ottawa_woas raided, and among the sources of the extensive curative &We "EXCELLENT" BY ALL. WANTED TO SEL -Fa -Splendid Chance -' A - quarter west of Winthrop. trees. ti,:,,tt1wr x%-*tli u Jut of otlier ait-rict., 1,,,) . . Victiflas -were two M. P.s-one from ah i of Hollowa 's Pills. 71 � . . 1, I I y 0 � . f good ealinct factory, rtock and good -will, , I innncriju4 Ito ineiffloii The N% hole will be sold " 011tario constituency, and one from one Fpimers will like our elchange wo also A.aFe of the building, is offered for sale in the . 1 without reserve, wi the proprietor bns sold hi�i 0_ATt__D. rk. We � .11age of Henslfli. Undertaldng also in wimec- � - I farm T(-nns-,-All sums of ��5 and under, ea�,h; � Of tl10 inost easterly constituencies in I Restored to His Usual Hea,lth. a o I icit a trial generally. Wanted, good TreadwQll � " . The only one in ' :ALSO RAILTIMBERIL I ov, r tinit aiijoulit 9 ll),)I)tll,,' e edit will be ,,I% -el) . the lo I . I . - � I I o r Silver Chaff Wheat, for which good prices will I tion with the Cabinet businees . � L -, S. CAMPRELL, Proviv,dial Land surtayce wer provinces. They were both From JamosMitchall, a well known I - i the place. Must be sold within one mouth, as ' , " I on furni-Iiii)gr approved juint nutf s A di�,�Ilunt D * v ato a Dt, el - �bvue � ; Ir 11 � 14 w� 0 1�111 .1 I - , - R__ 1, I ,,, -ber with manufacturer at Sprihgfield, Vermont. 1 A. W. OGILVIE & CO. i the proprietor is going to leave for the North -we i ate 6f s 1 er c, nt peraninjurn %% ill be al- ly eatbenAed to. arresteci and toget the fair , be paid. st. i By the A�rp or by .tbe Tbousand. t ,t tl,e ,' - and Civil Hnglneer.Ordero by mail prompt I cyrians were taken to the police station. I I Several yeats ago 1 w%s attacked with ' . . I Apply to J. H. IBA HER, on the premises, Hen- : I lowed for ea4h oil C"Lldit aB101111ts JAS. CANTITFLL, � � I - - 1743-25 T. 0. KEMP, ManiLger. I sail. . 741x-4 I W.C.GOUINLOCK. noprictor. A.Dal-tty,Auctioneer. -743 1 1 D. F. CAMPLELT, 31it.;rt.t . ,, . . . ne . � . � , � �� � I . . . I . � I � . - , . . . I I � I � � . i � - I I - - . I . - - A . I . . - . . � - . I . . . � . . I