HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-02-24, Page 5
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F)IR-Irl-TAIty 22.T4j, 188.z. i
g"imae, k � ttosa .�.1111
- � . I wbe ... �*A
y hellied him in A'"a aisys of va� ,.
y. guch Lea speak for thebi. I -.
9. 11
'18tawin, these notes * sh4t* , -
W-1 C-6 m-eAlus Baer, % weU-)M01M -
�,U114�" - -
Mt of coo townshi-ft of R114114
- , . * __
at his residence after a brifif in. �
AD impression having gei� .-
" ' Atd
noi�, that his death'i Wag Owing to
rm"Movor"Oulpolaor negliggnt -
twl, a pet""ition WO preeenw to,
I .
. .
o I , .
Danty Attorney, abd in 00inpli, - I
I .
with* request tliersin,Dr.xo� ,- -
i -,a i�qnest ,
heU a ooromor . I on Ron. .
isL The jury retutned a vordiet
I �
ith from "strangnWed hernia, smi 1.11
�herwise- '12 1 �
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waie, mr. a x , i sanamv
� An , - rs.1 * Qu. --
I ' -
�wick, wem retur ng from gila, -
q tr%in,ork Set= before l%sk : - �
met with an acoide;anw.hich, ue&r. '..
- T
�. -
M, them their lives * , Whflecwai , __
, " tiW.1
� 0
- , -in, th , 1. ..
16 StratilloTd, stati a, tho - ou in :
i th __ were Itting- as �_
� oy M - i , run into by. �..
... ,
ght engine, and in - momext,t wj�. � '...
7-d aLd filled ,i * eaft - : .,
i 71 � the ���
� . 11�
�8=. Bye, strenu s, . I
� their way cub of tl�e c - Wit out - �� ...
� .
- ; � .
� . '-red,-Ithouiffith ' clothing �
,", n., ,
iginjured- althoughth -
&nolied-by the escaping fs I ,�� - - - - - -
6a car bsAly wrecked. *
, ' . �
ifr� Robert Robinson, earriage..1116- I ...
I if - Winchelsea, in the bownswip of -
r-ne, has teams engagea-at pregent
resent -
Ifng, stone and other materiall for&
Axop wld4h, heintends erecting, k -
mag. The building will be sftu.
I , '
Du the south-west corner, and we . i
� 11 greatly add to, the SD,PeW�
Of this little, town. I Mr. V"v,m ' -
iugham, blacksmith,i of the same
- . � I I �
,� IV. en I
bry bu y eng ed 1XX ironing -
. havin taken the
act irem Mr. "'house, of ...
- �Oa. . .
� f .t. uguat, three �
I)nthia 5,1th of last __
� men, named W. an J -Bone ancl; , .
lea Johnston, of We anosh, t .
I . �� - . took a " '
,lve, belonging to; JaAaes HeuM s
Put of the same-, town4hip, and, 0 . ar- `
1 to the woods, wher�, otter many -
� I �
endeavors to, smoke ".d burn the - _.
out t4ey succeeded, and appropri. I ,
tlae honey. L On learning that they A.
Suspected they left fcr the Stsoes,
I . t ,
. a the first two are yet.. RutJ61uu. �
I retumea, and was brought before � �.
. am- Robert Armstrong,,, R. Q,1;1� ' -1
a- and Scqtk in Brussels, on Mon. --
, on the charge of larceny. He Yam- -
pear ft v trial ab Goderiah, being -
tted to baR to, the' amount 4 ---
. t I &�
U the last meeting - tho FA*_ - �
r "
Anotib, towmsbip- coun - 1, the ques- �
� � -1 �, __
b of building. a bridge � acrom the .1
.[and river on the Oth �ad 9th oon- A
*� line, was 4gain 1�oughk up. _ ' �A
�,ocnsidarable0icuniop over the -,
ar, ky the co6ncil au.4 other in- 1,
bed Parties. present, it Was moveil - ''
X. YLAng. seconded by Mr. Remy Y'
. f �
the- coancil apply at once to SOM `
*tent perst,n to- draft the. plan of. a � '
P, to be erecte4l. acrosat the s&U
. Mr�=a , 0 L A
, and get. an ( M to f the cost of .-
ing the same, &e. It. was moved ; i
iendmentlq Mr. Gibbons,awondeil � i
� r. Currie, that the council t*ke, no ... 1
or steps tbwards, the building d �
- . � �"
anteniplated bag fr - _x Mon" -� L I *-
sa - -
motion was carriedby t�e casting I )Iul
6.1, the 1"ve. � . �,�
� -
I -
; Perth Iteins. L. - .
. I
.a 15ennedy's, give � a, farawel]l ` I I
art in Stratford, on March 17th.L -
11r. - R. H. Myers, recently, of `_
,lord, ha&,, opened a banking enj L
�state &Sea in Brandon, lffanitohL -
gr..Sames Silla,.of Mitche%bas -.,- .
at.the old hom 11
r I _este%d, ReUevfflei -11 I
rathig his Uther's eighty-geventh - _._ .
day.- . I
7he Motherwell Literary Society -
Racuse at. their next meeting the -
at. -Raselved that women should - __ �
a right to voto.711 - . -
Tr. John MoNevens, for several
7 ler or
. - dd ait, Dub-
. � - L
I leaving shortly for th6- North-
. .
. .
- -
olesisrs. 1 Rallantyna and Brileyhave - I
I -
I eDgagyed as cheeastnak�era respec- �: T �
5 at: ilArd line, Wainaw and Cedar - fw -
a, factories,. I L � - . :
MOMUllea " _1,
� man named Daniel ___
� :L I
U# ,
� through the ice, on the mill po I .
. -
ratford the other day and _0_ L
� narraw.. �
mped drowning,. , %� .:..-
6. Horace Fawcett, an old rest- --L-.
a Falurton, leave& this week for - L_ .
� -
psom, -where he has purchased a.. _- ,
arm close to the town of Minden. I- . - .
�:. -
rho & of a tea. meeting* ',-
in TNI:7 'Church, Mitchell I&A. . 4A �
� � I . , .
� ted to the, handsome sum I �- I �
=ed dollars after paying all -
� - I
� .
wes- ; . � i� .
,�ho Alitcholl Recorder haSL been I
I d in form to- an eightpago pape4 . I
�r� *
ed and improved. Mr. Race, the � , .
prising Proprietor, is worthy of en- .
. .
,wment. . .
__ . � . .
- -
Ir. Datnia Hogan has purchased � � .
, �
I -
- CIA haff (yt' lot 6, in the, lath con- - �
. I . __
� �
n of Logan, from Mr. Donalid . - r
� F
- .
,1'04, of North Easthope for . .
A � .
0 ; �i :,
LL - !
��e Listowel Banner has pasod : - - 5
ler mile atone, and last year an*- �
� ;
�. the seventeenth yearof its, exis- .
�% ,1
,, The Banner is a � good lo*
, and de.%ervea ta prosper. � , . �
&r. Joseph Coppia, who retm*ad
ated from the Northwest, has
Y opened a, tailoring shop in Dub- �
�hera. he is busy at Work, and I . Inds �
�ihlrin,rj, business. better there thO ��
orthwest. :
if 7.1 Jerry Robinson, formerly . of -_
X01,1, now of Winnipeg, h" in
th another gentleman, theL ' .
"" W I
%ci fori furnishing the now hotel I ,
. � I
aerson, shortly to be occupied by
�. D&vidsun, of Sea,forth. �L
%e Donegal cheese factory w#A
A to the ground the other mora- -
-The less to the proprietor E. G- :
. L I.
P?, is &,o,)ut, #2.8W- The. amount ,
lk r
tored by insurance in the, Royal of ;; I
�nd to the extent of U"Oft leaving
�r loss of $4,800;.
'�M'l Young 1 , adies exercising on the
a,nk pond skate �
; d into- a hole where
1-d been taken from. Th4ay WOrS ,
Ntly resoned by Messrs. W"hittou
lolbourne, who. managed to grasp 1]
� a8L they were just gohig down for
�.ird ti).�e._ - � _.,
�r_ Seth- Ds-vidson st&rtied, with a -�
Ud of horaes, fram Mitchell for
Ma on T uesdsy last week. 110 -
OompaL -ed by Mr. Mc.00unellf Of - 1.1- .
wt, who, took with him soervl .- .
r harness. purchased from Mossro . 9 � .
, ,
�rick snd King, of Dublizi. ...
I , L
I 11 .
-'rom I�Aatowol the Exodus goa� 0 - - L'
�F-Hd,L�f'_, -ast week the Msy6r, Mr- -. .1
r� .
, ,
— arted off on his, swou&
' - ------ �_ - a. -
� Meaa�o Xa ""' 1
�,�Ohn 7;Vy r, and ie,
�out off I + -
.wo Of
I- V - 11
. .
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a , I i FnRUARY 24�, 1881 1 . � .* .
I _11"11 �, I - _- I .!rHE HURON � � � J�A I
__ . __� � �� ---. , - juposiorOR. . . f
- I �. ��� 000ft __
__ - -
� __ - - ____ � __ _ 8 If.
__ .,
- W,
&orm. aud buggies, with the -intention Davidson' is an experienced hotel Live Stocir L _. I
I ,. Markets. : -1
of disposing of their stock at a Profit keeper, and will, no doubt, succeed ad: I . GO 7*0 wi k .
1�0. the Menitobans,,I,and take a "hand". kONTRE,&L, February 21, — Thii or. L JAM LOGAN'S W L
in the t0wn lot s lation. H418M. mir&blY in this fins, new building. rival of -cattle by rail at Point St. . ITH E GREAT GOLDEN WEE; T_., �
George Adam and reteur LlWco left on I � _!!��� Charles from the West, duting the past E
the following Monday. - Lomt, bpi ' Hensall. L two Or three days and nights, were I . . ___________� f
i tening and a rim.—The-snow fall of this twe ty-four car loads. About 270 of I -1 h� I
—A funeral, a ebris n - _�, .
- , i
golden wedding were events occurring weekhaegiven ns a the �-� . I
`1 I
_ -
little sleighing in were offered for sale on the Viger FOR CHEAPFOOT GIEAR OF ALL KINDS. � ' -
onthe samaday, Sabbath,12th inst. We hope for more. The Manitob'9' Market this morning- with little proo- � I
, - i
at'SebrWgYWe. The remains of iji' fever is very strong, or high, here. Pact of,their being Bold, owing to the . �111i I
- ,
,aacob S"6Ah ;r�re consigned to their Numbers are leaving every , near approach of the Imuten season. q .
. week for � 4_L �
lut resting place. Thb golden weddinR there, and many more speak of going as The prices at which some were sold L . . 11-1 I
,Df- soon as the spring opeus. . . I
,Mr. and Iffra. Schultz was eelebrated. Among those was from 4jo. to 5o. per lb., the latter . 11L, I
! L
—At.& special 'inesting of the Strat. who lately left this station to see that being the highest and for the best cat- __�� - AND THE, 7__ 1
1 � i
ford -Town Council last week a mot,on far famed country we notice the follo , fle on the market. Bnyera are r the Al'
. w- _ fo I I . I 11
Was panDa to grant free sites - and ex- ing, who reside in or near the village: mostpart holding b,Ack, and it is more . I , I
. �-,
from taxation to manufa P - L
emption L otur- Wm. Elder, Thomas Tapp, and John thau robable the majority of the oat. 1� I
K ,
. .
. I
erg lWatin lin the town. A grant of Urquhart.—Grafi%, wood and logo, with fle that are inthe city now and on the MENS-' STRON9 BOOTS, JUST' * THIN FOR SPRINO WEM. THE RICH' MAN'S RIELD FOR OPERATiON I tv,
- j, . .
#100 __ olaced at the disposal of the the-' return 4 slsighing,- %are being way down, will 'be shipped for the . �, I
___ � ! . - 1. I
. committee for advertising forthe silme . brought to mark English ma;rke as his one is - over. � . . !-�,,
st in large qu t, t . I -
entities. ; - .
�, `
` - '
in Canadian and English journals. --rSome of our wise ones predict several stocked. Two car loads arrived from ' ! 41." I
. . I . , .
� - �
—Mr. Joseph Garner, of St. Marys, weeks good oleigbing�. Hope their pre- the Eastern TownshiDs also, bit none ._4 �
. - I � :
I I .
started on a trip to Russia a few days dictions M&F COWe true. I of the poorer class, �sually brought in LADIESY FINE �ANI) COARSE BOQT& 1;.il I
. :
_'�, � - .
- � _; " %
ago. It is said he has gone to� prospect , IMPRovzxFNTE--We notice that our by the habieanm, were'on the market ;_.�, I
. - . .g,, .
I n-
for thesinking of oil. wells and entering r4sPect8d t4bwnsman Mr. John Scott, to -day. A few calves were offered, ` V .
I . �r, i I
with a company largely into the pro. has lately been adding greatly to the varying in price from 63 to 118, and no . . MANITOBAy REWATIN AND THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY wi!
. . .
ee , I . I i .
! I
duction and-riefining of petroleum in appearance 1 -and comfort of his I Ob P- � 'LADIES'SHOES FOR HOUSE SLIPPERS IN KID, LEATNER, FELT Have 'a world. � . ! - I
, brick residOnee., Conspicuous amonk � . I 0 wide reputation. Thoasands of people are pouring into the land, t � ,
the neighborhood of the Black Sea., in arge . . R.
the South of Russia. the improve' LxvzRpo _4' I— AN A I and in the near futur� they will- control the destinies of this- Gr,Wat D021INION � !. L
. Inents. recently made, that OL, Feb. 21 Sprmg wheat . . I . I .
. I I L
—About fnine o'clock bn I 10s 10d to 00s. I 11
Saturday meet the eyd, is the erection of a large 10a 6d ; red winter, I 'OF CANADA. Handred& of Thousands of Dollars have skeady been made, , p
I ,.
evening the large saw mill and furni and neatly-4hished glen porch leading 00d; white,,10 '05%club., 10a 09d, 0 1 . I I and MILLIONS are in the -near f ature. I ; :
I - , .% i
. . .
_� �
ture factory of Messrs. Flagg & Vro. to the entience Of the L Oats, 69 04d; barley, B 2d; peas, 6a � .
' main part of :
I 7 I
,man, of Mitebell, was totally consumed the.buildingi; a good verandah running 11d; pork, 77a 6d; cheese, 65a ad. I : A Large Lot of fnfant8l and r ' � I
1, - I (11hiMren)8 Shoss at Coigt Pril-116. I - I I
L . . � .
by fire. Lon W000; insured in the along -the j�ngbh of the*kitohens . _4_1 I . . . � - i .
nd A " � . I
Pho8nix-Mutual Insurance Company wood -shed, and the addition of nice TORONTO, Feb.23. —Fall wheat, 81 � . I I I �
'L .22 .- . -
. t I
for 12,000. The cause of the fire is un. green venetiin -shutters to the windows 1.23; spring, $1.25 to 81.28; oats, 4 'c J- M. MCGREGOR & d0'-.- . �
. � � . � t � I
known. of both kitchen and- main part of the kl*peas, 78c to 82c; barley, 78o to . � � �
- I I
—Mrs. Bell,, relict of the i-+. -P� building anti +hin- ; .4 850 ! hay or #,-f%" eQ an &- ,1 r I . . - - k 1-i �
V. I WF10 Aug One Out- I r f -W 9 UU; I -
Win. Bell, of 2 North Easthope, and ward Rrallce of the building. Mr. butter, 20c to 26o ; potatoes per bag - ULIT-Le and Se are a Bargain, � - Would respectfully announce W -their old fr1eids and the people of Huron, that
as McPher- op 01-10 to $1.15; eggs,per doz., 23o to 26c.; . they have opened t4eir. . I
sister of Mrs.. (Rev.),Thom' Scott b:also had an eye to the inside, . I � ,
son, of Stratford, died very *uddenly at which he has had nicely painted, grain. dressed hogs, -per 100 lbs., $8.50 to $8-.76; i I � - -
her residence in Stratford on Snnd&v, ed,� and'varnished, -Riving it a very a�ples, per barrel. 62.06 to 82.75. . ; REAL ESTATE OFFICE IN THE OITY OF WINMPEG,
12th fnst., from the bursting of a blo(M tasty appearance. Viewid, on the . � - t - * � -
vessel. Her remains were int,grred whole, the residonce, erected as it is ' I WILLIAM LO .
I on Local Notices. , i . GAN. . And have every facility for mekiD9 CHOICE XUV WiTMENTS.
. -,
. alongside of het late husband's on Tueo- a good stone, foundation, with eyeellett THF, CELEBRITED' MANHATTA.W FEFm f' ' .
4Y in that Township. cellar, presents the appearance of � forhorsesand6attlefstobehad- at L&MLAW & 11 � -
' —The Thomson & WiUiains Mann. stability" neatness, and comfort, and we Fmnwr%. 741 � T H E FARMERS, ;FAVORITE .
facturing Company, Stratford; have trnat Mr. Scott may be long spared to I I I . .NO PAPER TOWNS HANME0 BY U'S.
, I
� . 101,ovpm AwD TmOTH,y Si=. — A I I ' .
secured the contract for supplying the enjoy the comforts it affords. choice lot of reei"iied Clpver and Timothy . " . . No Village, Town or City Lots two, three or Tbar miles distant VQ be off6re'd-
Ive - . .
whole of the machinery of an extena* � SItOOTINa MATcH.—Au interesting Seed for i1ale at,our storebo,1' . LAmiaw & FmR-. , and called VILLAGE TOWN OR OM 1?iEtOPERTIE& EV6xvthivg wffl
will to be erected at the mouth of Red and closely contested shoot-ffig match$ m. 741, I k, 11 � I i - * .by -its proper I name, and nothing but SQRARME,'SOLIED' INTVEST-
Lr ,be called
River,. where , it empties ,into Lake for a stake of $100, took place here on WHiTE Ri 8 LT . — A limited . . . il
Winnipeg. The, engine is to be of 60 Thursday, the 16th inat., in which the - of the Whito Russfan Oate, elean anef � . i. - . ine years' residenee in the Northwest en-
, . out tour following skilled mark A=d, for sale at L . AIDL V &FAtRLxY's,Se&_ I . ables us to speak advisedly, � and mapy throughoub Ontario can teEtify to our
horse power, The price is ab amen en- f orbh. 741 1 - . - goed judgment In selecting INTESTIVENTS. .
$6,000, and the work has to be ready in gaged, viz.: J. B. Pike, of Chatham:, FARmnts ATTzxTION.- -As I did not 004" T 0 C K - FE'E 1) E R . �
. ;
i ( . I .
9x weeks. . S. Fairbairn,'of Hensall; yV Stroud, get shemingatthelastmee g . 8 aforth, I . ! I
. —The teachers of Knox Church of Hamilton; and John, ivans., of wiph to ask those tblu. g of I i � I
. migmtion to bo at . ,� i
Sabbath Seh 01 in Stratford have made WiAgharn. The first- two gentlemen C&rdn0sliall,mi atirday, arch 11, at 2 o'clock . I
. i I r �
Arran . for a., * P. ]Pa. I have 3many stiong I ucements to offer i . - .
gement l .series qf lectures to competeaRgainat the last two mention- hiten ding settlers. I'vi si beattbeTewper� . I : . 'r SfAFORT19K,*-
be delivered - � the interebt of the Seb. ed, and defeated them by two 'birds. 911ce Hall, Rinburn, on Mondity Mu,eh 18, at 2 Has- proveir itself to be superior to any I 'eeder in the market. It im , . .
bath School. 1 The gentlemen engaged Th6 I contest - throughont -wall &,close *',',,I P. ra. 'Yours Respectlay, B. D. WlLoox, proves the .
me are Rev. R. j. and exciting one, and was characterized ' way. 741-2 , I i ontains no minerals or any substance which would . Will. attend to our Ontario business, - INTENDING; INVESTORS can make
toffil the pr6gram - Emigration Agent of �he No Oern Psoma Ban- '
� . 00138titUtiOn ; it 0
Laidlaw, of Hamilton; Rev. Dr. Cooh. !by excellent shooting on -the p�rt 0 I � - � en"mgei their deposits with Mr. McLean, who win furnish all possible information fiE to
I - - i .
rane, of Br"tford -, Rev. D. D. Mo- � ' of all four. In fact " I 1 16 how the business is done. . Z
; , so evenly match-. Bi he. I ' a beast to take cold; consequently, there is no danger of constitutional, c IMMIGRANTS on their arrival in Wi niM, an&
. Leod, of Paris, and Rev. John Thomp. 'ed were the contedants, and 00 - 11LINIKHAMMIRR-_1 Seaf)rth, on the 17th I � - range- calling on us, will receive our beat advice FABE OF OOST.
. I I
son, of Ayr. ! closely did the scores tally that it was ". inet., thewifeof . Mi(bael Klinkh mmer ment, but,.on the cont , it TONES up the wh . .
I .
�The LondonAdvertiser says: Big- hard, if not impossible, to deter of a daughter. I rary ole system to a healthy action, I �
mine i . I . . I :
nor Lauranda the young man who , until the very close of the match Which BAUMBIARK-In S orth, en the 12th � Inat., t I THE GREAT WOM MLL SOON- STRIKE US.-
' the vi e of Xr. T. sy st irk of a son. � . hue preventing waste of food and impro-v ing the animal's condition and appear, - . .1 . � ., . �
elevates all the. surroundings with ins side was winning or likely to wis. How- W1 LLIAM- ON -In Proton; re county, on the � - . .
, -
I . you require is a rve, a little, Backbone, and -a little XoDey placed in.
ever, as we have already stated, Mes 19th Inst., the of Mr 0 W son of an our bandwfor investment, and all will1go. well. L
teeth, bails from Dublin, on the Grand M. - L' Wife . . ce, O�uffing them to fatten quicker on t [ie same amount of food and bring, a All little We' .
Timn k Railway, where his people re- Pike and Fairbairn were declared the 33 a daughter. I . I -
oide. His father and mother Are Irish, -victors by 2 birds. The score in the REAIVELI-In Hensall, on tfie 22nd inst , the � I
. wife of Mr. A. Brewer of a son. � higher price ini the market. - ,
b�t he is Italian., Last Saturday in the aggregate of each shooter and side, is as .0 i . ; . I DON'T DLE:LAY UNI'lL IT Irb Too LATE.
market he lifted a coal oil barrel full Of follows: F*e., killed 20 birds out of 25 ; .:I L I Marriages. - I � . . . . . . . I . .
water, weighing �550 pounds, with his Faarbaarn, I out of 25;-89 in all: 11 � . - I
teeth. The barr I P. XcXICHAE1,DI0X80X--0 the 16th, inst., at . . . I NOW FS THE TIME TO MAKE YO
el wa's fastened with a; Stroud, killod 19 out of 25 ; Evans, 1S fte residence bf the bride'd father, by Rev. P. . UR ARRANGEMENTS.
leather strap, land whilat it , was being out of 25,-87 in all, Mas%&-, E. HICKS)ON & CO.,, . .
- . . M ;Oft. Gilbot MaNiebad il Hanett, - , . �
raised, Messrs'. Thomas Walkerson and —_ to lie S. Dickson, 6f Tcd 4
a , op. . $. t -
Stevens , two 'Z11-ki2own advoirdupois . I : 31131lett. . VMLSH-RANDS-At Goderi6h, on the 15th . . � I I .
citizens, straddled the same. � inst., -by Ven. Archdeacon Elwood, amsbted _' . - J - M*.MacGregor & Co. , ,
When . S1'NG'ULAR-L--,Dnring the past winter a by Rev. R. Hicke, Mr,,W. T. Webb, to Lizzle, - ;
tivay got down Messrs. Parish and black bird 4as taken up its- abode on ter of the ate lHenzy Hands, of. * I I Sole Manufacturers. , _. r
Stevens went Woft. The total weight Zllyda . -
. I G U=911 I 4 . I , . OFFICE Two Doors North of Post OZce (Old Free ]Pms Branch Offiee)4,�
the ' farm of XrX. McIntosh, 6th con- s.&uNDF,R8_0]R] SSMAN - ' ' i
-At the resideice ob I . . . i .
-- cession, eating with the chicke io, and the bride's father, on the 15th inst bj� Rm . . Main. Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba. r. 0. Drawer 9. �
in the one case, barrel, water, and rate Z
. . .
payers, were 986 pounds, and in the appearing quite at home, It is� usual . Dr. Ure, Mi. Alexander Sexanders, *to Geral- i&- FOR - SALE IN - ANY QUANTI TY. � I . I - �
diae, oldest daughter of Mr� M. Cressman,of - - . — . � . . .
other 1,000 pounds. -1auranda's jaws for these birds to go south before the GodeAch . 7- - - . . -
. 't &**- - '41gw4w-,V4�,�" ii -.,V, !; n,X.4Y*g0*W - I . �
are a curiosity ;,the museles on the winter 'sets in,i but this e appears to MatITTIE-MORRISON-0a the 22jad inst by . �4mqsmr � I
cheeks and jawbones stand out hike have begome seclimati 0 Rev. W. -Baugh, at the residenoe of the .IMPORTANT NOTICES. REAL . .
� ZeT I . Wz�lelo ,ESTATE FOR SALE. . � . . I
steel -knuckles, : I FAum SoLd.�-Mr: Johli Gorr�ll hag Iller, Mr. Elighs MoviitO, of Hullett to — - ____ - __ .
- __ . * . Whts-M&rix Morrison, second eaughter of.'Mr. R OGRES & PECK, Barristerm, Solicitors, &a. '?ARM FOIR SALE. -For Sale or viii be ex� - - � � I
sold7his farm on the balas'line, contain- .Matthew Mori iaon, of 0 1 . -
MalAt6b . . rey,. Offims, Brussels, ard Wirgbam. Money to changed for a farm either in McKWop, Tucker. . .
a: Notes. ing 255 acres I aboutr six 'Miles from - . - - I - .loan sh 6 per cent.. BDwAxD ARxoui& PECK, Brus- 1 inith, Stanley or HnUett, Lot No. 86, conceffdon : . &P RiNG1 .-
There are 25 rpal estate offices in ,Chnton, to Zi. W. Ball,'of the same DeathsT. - sels.. Fmomox- Roazu, Winghsm,'. 742 2, Tt)rnbeny. eoiDtaiming 60 acres good timber � .
Fortage )a Prairie, -and 20 of these an . &nd. For FariberpiLriloulug spp�y toA. IqT,aoN
located, on o line, for th6 sum of $19,000. 2he MdDB1RMID-Tn Ser-dortb on the 19th inst., -, ]EtOOMS TO RENT.-_T__ore_nt____ Land Agent, Seaterth. 788 Go -
, cheap, a number . -
ne street property is a good one, and ;Worth the Janet MeDei =id, aged i8 yeus. I of rooms In Scott's Block, Seaforth. Bwomg - -_ I . �
-The theatre bus ness is "booming" money. He dould have sold five min. 19ct'ELLAND-In Hibbert, 6 the- 196h inst., altaost, any size or abspe desired can be bad. '?OR SALE IN SEAPORMH -.For sale, theLt * .
in Winnipeg just I Ow. The various utes after the )sale was com. ' , Helexi HeTAIland , danght APP1Y to 19oCaulzbey & Hohmested, or to the - - emdortable rep idezft on Goderich Streek I
pleted to a WeLeDand, apd Ir of Mr. Andrew . - -
$ -
troupes axe greeted v ith. crowded houses party from Markham. I ii years. . proprietor. ROBEW SCOTT. 742 x ear the Mamsion Hote1v oontaining e9rm7. oon. I
every might. _ L . - IEBNNEDY-At . Gunbbwer L Teland, Australia, �. lenteneeforhmayuse. Hard-and9oftwateron w %, .
BUTTER FA6TORY MEETING. - The J'aknet Domean, aged Olxtj�four Years, SEED OATS.-Tbe underbigned has on hand the premiseu ; also a drIvin house With good I
-It is said that Biangough, the olever meeting held in Londesboro on Thurs. - 'Wife of Mr. xwmes Kennedy, Crown and fdr sale, at his fam, lot 21, Huron "d, 9 �
__ I a ttbling, wooc'[shed and cellar. WiU be sold cheap
I Liinds BrMiff and daughter of the late Tuckeramith, a quaw ity of" Black Tartarian or If or part icnial a lipply to 60,o� Lxzi one amd A Ls -
. cartoonist of Grip, NAII shortly deliver a day evening of last week, pursuant to Grzorge Duncan, Rmygown, Scotland. The ' 1 188.2a -
. . Austrian oats," fit for Bfed. These oats yielded miles east of -town, or by letter to Tom LB11.1 -
Beries of lectures at Idiffereni towns in , advertisement,1 to hear the report of J. ', deoe as, d kdy'waa a sister of Mr. David Dan- over 80 bur,hels per -acre in IM. - � . f . -
Manitoba. � �, . . E apid City, Maxitoba. .
� McMillan, Esq., of what information . can, of Egmondvjlle. I . 7 42x4 . . J. B. HENDERSON. - ! . . -7424
-]Business lots in Brandon, now be had obtained respecting butter : fac- YOUNG -In Bleyiheim township, on ihe 17th I ; __ __� I I - �
. Inst., JsniesYoung, brotber of Mr.Andrew � LLOP INBUR"CE COMPANY- A.0 kQP,LEND1D0HANCE-08Uera1 store and atock -_
range in price from $60 to $200 per -foot tOri6s, -was fairly attended. Mr. Me. . Young-, of Sesfoi th, 4ged 46 years. I' M OK, 5 for sale in the thriving viliage of inrich. it . i
m erabers- of this Company who bAve not is one of the �est buainess etauh in the vWage, i
fr�ntage, and are rapidly going up in : Millen gave an elaborate verbal state- MCCOBFI-Ta Bayfield, on the i 5th inst., Helen yet raid their'last aud previous anessmento, me . .
price. - - - GramTma, inf,int daughter of Rev. Robext 1 equested to do Mo d obig a business ef about $15,OW per gnnum. . �
t be .
. ment of what he had learnediand McOosh, agpd I year. I . - at enee as the books mus 0 ause for adling-propi ietors going to ManitoblL L I
squarud up. TIds is the last waming. J" or P
xvim, FreaidenA F 9'rt'CUlUS aPPIY tO C_ R. WAdNB& & Co., For the Spring ,Trade I have the fullest confidenee in -
_X_r. Alexander Begg, of Winnipeg, especially, of the workin- g of the Hirkton MCCOMB-At Newbridge, on the 11th inat,, Wes- SHANNON, Seoret&ry. Jan. . 742-4 ',
has been appointed Land and Emi- factory,which he had visited,whioh ley,youngesbaonof Mr. Ephraim McComb, � Elinch. . 742 "� . �
gration Commissioner of the Canada Was highly satisfactory and encouraging. - . . aged 10 months. " - �__ . — � ISO 7 1� ding my Spring Stock to you this semu. � I
. GURME-In Sianley, on the 80th ult., the be- ENDERS WANTED.-Towwbip of Eseb Ws- I I OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ZJJEA.p. --- r oinmo3 �
Pacific Railway Company in England. Mr. Browning, who was manager T wonesh-Tendem for Bridge Wanted -Sealed -Por . �, � . .
I -last loved wift of Mr. W. Curry, aged 64 Yean. riale a comfortable frame dwelling house and
' -
-The Brandon Sun says: - The summer of the Kirkton factory, also WALKER -In Effibert, on the 19th ipsj% r- tenders wD1 be received up tW noqu ou Monday, a good Idt on GodeAch str*et went, withinfIva It will be MUCH THE LARGEST Stock ever im-
train from the east was several hours gave a good deal of practical informa. . n Shoebottom, wife of Mr. swald 6th day of Mo roh next, for the eredtion of abridge = inutefil vft& of the business part of the tow1l. . . .
-A tion. 'PeWD . � acrova the Tiver Maitland on the 8th and 9th 60n- T a house is pearly new, and contains five roonm ported by me, A:nd was bought under exceptionally
A meeting of the shareholders . � cession Line of the Township W East Wawanosh. W th a kitcben'and sellar, also a. good well. The .
late o4 Tuesday evening. pause I P,
crow&df real estate agents on the track was appointed to be held at Bell's hotel, ' I . Plans and speoffications of spid bridge can be 10i is W(111,plemted with fruit tiees. This .� . . �
about five miles from the Portage Lofidesboro, on this ' seen at the office of the undenigned, on and after pro- - I
. - Friday, February Auction Sales. ' PertYvDl be sold cheap for emah. Apply to the favorable circumstances. Oui buyer, MR. PETIT,
13ta- Thunday, the 28rd inst. Bathfactory security proprietor on the preraises. .
tion. - 24th, at two O'�Iock, p. m., for .the pur. On Tuesday-, February 28tb, at one required from the oontmetor for the due fulffl- 742-4 1 �
-Fifty dollars worth of three -cent Pose of getting moorporated.-New Era, o'clock sharp, on lot 31, concession 13 imeut of the contraat. The Connefl do not bind THOMAS WARD. being permanent hD the British and Foreign Markets,
—_ . I themselves to accept the lowest terder nn1eas
stamps were sold in the Portage le, I McKillop, Farm Stock and Implements' otherwise satiahotory. P. PORTMWIBLD, Town% HOUSE STORE AND. LOT FOR f3ALB- watching the rise and fall. . of the different goods, has
Frairie Post office one day last week. . I Belgrave. George -McKay, proprie;;;;; r; George 6 hip Clerk, Marnoch P'. 0. EastWawano"h Feb. In Vs;na-For Pale that corafortable dwel- . .
This is the largest amount of stamps l �A Tip 4WEDIDING. -7 A tin wedding- Barrows, auctioneer. .14,1882. 712-2 ling situated in the Village pf Varna, ovmed by . ' -
ever sold in one day since the oirloo was " a held kt Mr On Tuesday, Februa y 28, at one _ . - �'_ ___1__--_ Thomas Armstrong, and " present occupied ,py been successful in securing 3many lines before the
wa . Win. C99sar's on Fri- UCTION SALE by W. R. Davis, Auctioneer. R. B axby. Also a neat stoft. with dwelling rooms I
first opened there. day evening, February - 10th, when a 9'clock p. in.. sharp, on lot 29, conces- AW. R. DaAs bas been instructed by Xr. W. above, hulf an aere of good land, ' I . .
. Ijood stable in .m late advan L
-Mrs. Taylor, proprietress of a city grand table was provided by t sion 8, Ribbert, Farm !Stock. Wm. Aberba the rear of lot. The lot is plan with first- � . . .
. he bride I . rt,Lot, 29, 8th ecneession, Hlbbert, to . _t ees, THE BENEFIT OF WHICH I pur- *
bagnio, in Winnipeg, has died,1eaving of the night, at which about ' forty sat Eberhaxa se]] by Pub110 AUCtiOn on Tuesday, February class fruit trees. Good cistern': and wen nuder # i
. t' L proprietor; 7. R. Davis, cover, Apply to THo . 0 � .
accumulated property and riches to auctioneer. _.� � . 28th, 18P2, the follinving valuable farm stock, s. AmsTRONG, GrantsviUe pose giving my customers.
E6 ' down and partook of a hearty repast. viz.: I driving marej I colt two years old, sired Nissouri, U. S., or to Robt. Huxby, HenaaH, ont:
well-known citizen. Not a very envi- the Ravi Mr. Wilkins and lady being On Tuesday, March 7 af,oue o'clock by "Wellington;" I colt 1 7ear old sired by 741-4 - . . I I
- I . . .. " - �
able IeRacy. � present, the reverend gentleman W p. m. abarp, on Lot 14', concession 14 ,Sorrel Cloud;" 1 coh, 1 year old, 9 cows sup
� ' as - f �
-Knox Church and site,in Winni. called UP611 to re -marry the bride McKillop, Farm Stock : "and Irnple- posed to be with oalf, 2 f=ow ows, I steer two FARM FOR SALF-Korth half of lot 28, 0011ces. . .
peg. sold by auction, last Friday, and yeaft old, I belfer two yean old, 5 Wvee, 7 ewca BiOn 2, East Wawanosh, contaiDing no acres, I As my expenses are ligbt, and I intend selling on
. night, bridegroom o f the night. Mrs. Wm. ments. Alex. Dolga#y, proprietor; � in IWb, I ram, I thorougbbred Berkshire boar 80 acles ele4red and in a good state of cultivation.
for $126,000, half cash and the balance Duncan acting as bridesmaid and Mr. George Kirkby, auctioneer� and 14 fall pigs The whole will be so,ld without There are 14,acres of summerfaUow reryforcrop. .
on mortgage,. i,r small profits, I thus feel confident that no house in
reserve. Sale to commence -at 1 o'clock p. m., There is a large frame bam vath stab ing under -
Rental. U7,500 per an- Win. Walsh as groomsman. The core- On Thursday, March 2,,at 12 o'clock h rp. Term. -All sums of $5 and undqr, �ash; neatb, a log dwelling and a smail orchard. It is -
num for five years. John and Andrew wony being performed, the bride was sharp, on lot 29, concession 9, flibbert,. ro'v'e'r i hat amount 10 months'eredit wJ11 be given one and a quarter miles from the'vfflage of man- Canada . will be in 's better position -to serve their
Nortbwo�d were , e purchasers. I next presented by the c, * any with a Fa*rm Stock and Implements. Wm. on furnial-ing approved joint notes. A discount $heater. Soil is good clay loam. Thisisachoice .
. sive and handsome gold ring and fm -w NorriI3, proprietor; James Okej auc- of 6 per cent will be allowed for caqh on credit farm, and wW be sol& cheap. if no
-James Gordo� L, an exten qRP are to .the t sold before customers than I Bh&U be to serve taine. . . -
well-known merclant, of Stratford, has' value of about fifteen dollars. She' tioneer. � i amounts. Wx. ABnRnAnT, Proprietor. W. R. the 10th of March it -will be rented. C. HAmm- I .
Dayis, Auctioneer. 742 WN, Blyth. 1 741
-bought out Purv-, a & Co.'s business at expressed her .hearty - thanks for. the On Wednesday, March 11, at 12 o'clock — --- - - _ - --- - -- --- � _�__.____ . ; . . .
Portage la Prairiel: and will take pos- amount of tinware bestowed on her by noon, on lot 33, concession 2, H. R. S., - I I - . . _ , _ _ ! I � These 4
. * '
session about the ist prox. Mr. Rurvis her' old schoolmates and. associates. Tackeramith, Farm Stock and Im F0 R SALE----Vroperty In Harparhey for sale- Goods havii3g been purchased so early, some
Ple- UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE iror liale obeap, a comfortable dwelUng housa
willl go into the gr4in trade business ex- . The room was tbeh cleared, and the m%nts. James Twitchell and N. Cos- and about an acre of land� situated in Harpav- .
tensively, and will4erect warebduses in dompany OF A hey and at Preaqi3t occupied by the * lines are now to band, and others
enjoyed themselves by tri L , executors; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. L undersigned. _ expected daily.
� P- N . I - The houee eo4tsina a Parl0r, dhAng-xoDm, -
that town, Hizh"61uff, and at Brandon. ping the I 'light fantastic toe" till the 'On Wednesda'y, March I I 'at I o'clock kitchen and I btldr.)om, besideg Pantries and, AR our De
-The WinnipeT;ree Press remarks: , "wee sma'hours in the morniDg,k, and p. m., on lot 34, concesislon 14, Mo- VALUABLE FARM, elopets, downstairs, and 4 bedrooms up stairs. I I pArtments well assorted. A first-class stock
-Dr. Fatte)son,,mavor of Almonte, all parted expressing their desire that Hihop,Farm Stock, ImplemeDts and. I I There i.q B190 asugmmer kitchen, wood shed &ud ' '
. . spleL did oe)lar,' also 'plenty - of bard and'soft, I of Boots and Shoes to select from. Groceriiee, and
Ont.,L has resign Mr . . Parm Stock' Furniture &c. . - .
L 11 ' t his civio position, and I&s.e Ciesar might live not only Household Furniture. ,Edward Ryan, ) Y water. T'he lot'la wen pl a*nted nith the best kinds I -
. . . I
and Will CoMo to .. I nulpeg to practise to see their''ailver, -but also their gold PrOPrletor,; Alexander Dalgetty, sue- � , , of fruit trees aud bushes- It would make a moat 7 .
his Drofessionn. . I I tors, will soon be- weddi]39.-ONE WHO WAs THzRE. tioneer. . . comfortable and.eligible place for a retired far- . .. Liquors, I cannow give you first-class.
. . . ]THE undersigned wul sell by Public Auction on mer. Also abott 6 acres ot land in, the rear 0i . .
Come as plenti - I real estate men in _,._,._____ NNIMN Tuesday, February 28, 1882, on Lot -A- Lot 39, Concesaon 4, GoderlchTownship,on tho ehurch yard These properties will � be sold I - . -
— ____ 17, Babylon - ne, Stanley
the citv. , I - . - Li * -
I THID MAkKF,T1j. t - Farm Mday, March 8, 1882, the fonowing wticles, together er separatel , &nd m reasonsble terrag.
, . I � Y
. -it seems to bei -a pretty bard thing " . ; 11 Stock and Implements. 'Sale to com. . via: 1 mare "I years old, I mare 4 years old iu Apply on the .
. . pre�nlses to DAVID MCCULWca,. 742
.. - f foal, I horse 11 years old, 3 cows In calf, 1 heifer � I . THOMAS KIDD. . I
to get up apolitical llboon�ll "in Winni- I SEAFORTH, Feb. 281 1882 ` mence at 1 o'clock p. m. Charles Shaw, laoming� three lu calf, I heifer two years old, 3 .
g just. now. . ' ago 941L . . . 1 2060 oalves 127 sheep, I lumber wagon, I bob-sleigb, I I *R tJP-RAH FOR THE GREAT NORTH-WEST. I I .
pe A �qw evenings AllWhest .................. ... 1 24 . �Proprietor, Wm. Harris, Auctioneer.
- I
grand Con.servativ�� rally" was called, SpringWhest, perbushel....: ... 1 28 to I 8a ' On Monday, March 6, at one o'clock long afeign, I pair light iron bobbsi I cutter, I � - Auction sale q irarm stoel, and Iniple- 0 . . I
Osto per bushel..'. i ....... 0 ...... I ..087 to 088 p. m., sharp, on lot 30 cpncession 10, roller, 1 iron plow, i wooden handled plow, 2 inents-Mr. George Kirkby has been instnteted I
and when the ,Itra'llying time came Peasper-bushel ................... 0 70 61 0 75 ' scuffiers, 1 set iron harrowA, I turnip cutter, i bYMr. Alexander Dalgetty to Be P . . I �
there were justeighteen persons -pre Barleyper bushel ................ McKillop, Farm Stock an dlImplements. U. by ublie �
B_ 0 70 to o 80 vh,elbarrow, I corn sheuer, I bay rack, 1 wood Auction on Lot 14, Conemion 14, McKulop, on � -
eat'. The Wiftinipag people are , vasti Bnaer,No. ],Loose.... , .......... o IV to , 0 ,a; Robert and Hugh Burns,l proprietors: rack, I oarpentees bench, 2 ladders, I dog power, Tueaday, March 7,1882, comm -
.in . y Butter, Tub ...................... 0 17 to 0 17 Alex. Dalgetty- auctioneen, , 7 1 cromout sawiI saraper, 40 aedar posts, 15 pedar aharp, the following encing at I O'dook
ore interested jin "dirt." just nowi liggs .... I I property: . one span of ' "
than in politics. Flour,per 100 MO . 0 16 to (.16 __ - poles for feneing, I bipuge, . 1 table,, I desk, bed- matehed horseq 4 Yean old, I working 1wrse,1 TEAS I TEAS I TEA,.5 I
t� .............. 8 00 to 8 25: * I steads, chairs, 1 parlor. stove, pipes and stand,and rgare 9 years old, 1 span of beavy dmuqht colts
-John Lee, of -Winnipeg, has sold to Roy, now .......... '......... ....' 9 00 to 12 00 MORTG.&GE SALF,Under the power of We numerous otber .leg Sale to commence atIO com two, I generai purpose Riiy comin two, I .
Utdoo, per 100 1b.. illrIff
R. Hunter, df the Canada Pacific Rail- ::.*., * * ....... I 00 to 7 50 - oontained in a iertain Indenture of Mort- a. m Abarp Lunch served at I o'�Iock - I year in
tg colt, 7 well-bred cows in calf I litegr -
' Sheep ikins as& ... .......... 0 5o to 15o tage, whieb wUl b4i produced at t�e - tkne of We W41 also be soLl at the same Urne and place ' coming ree, 4 steers co two, I heifer oom- * I
. ,
way, twenty acres adjoining De Winton Salt(retall)per barrel ........... 0 80 there wW be off -red for sale by, Public Auetio� the farm, consisting of L6t .'*" Concession 4, Ing two, 2 yearlinp, 14 'I'M red Leceister ewes, .
. I well '
for $400 per acre. Twenty-five thou- Salt(wholexale)pe�rbarrel...... &. . 0 70 .at the CommorcialMotel ip the Town of Searorth, Goderich Township, being 80 acres, �� aU cleared 1 lumber wagon, I demoorat wagon wAh pole and. 0,A.:E,T--, _.4.6rr rr 1-1: : 2
Band dollars was offered byThomas Potatoeff, �, er bushoi ............ 0 5abo o 50 on Saturday, the 18th day of Maicb, 1882, at 1 oxce t 10 acreo, which is good hardwood bush. 3hafts, I Pait bob-alefghs, 1 single cutter 2 get
Perris, of Portage Is Prairie, for ,320 Apples, per bag ................. � . I 00 to I 00 o'dook p. m., by Mr Joseph P. Brine, Auctioneer, The = is. in a splendid state of cultivation, and double harnew, I set short tug harnew. J single .
. Wood per Oord .................. 2 75 to 8 66, the following valuable property, viz.: The North hu 4 g(>od frame house, barn, stable, sheds and re&L�er nearly new, 1 sulky hay rake, i fanm*ng
acres adjoinipg De Winton town plot, Dreseed Hogs, per 100 Is ...... 8 00 to 8 25:! balf of Lot No. 9, in the 14th Coneession of the � g6ad orchard thereon ; is well watered, there mill nearly itew, 1 tbiatie cutter plow, I gang T
. -
'but the amount wait apparently not big I . I P . Township of MeKill6p, in the County of Haron, being a �plendid creek running tnrongh the farm Plow, I set Ir6n harrows, 1 land roller, I hors,-
enough. . OWXTOX, Feb. 98, 1982. ' eontaining 80 acres 6f land,j more or less. in addition to weRs on the p1we. Situated" 3 Power and stiaw cutter, I R"Uffler, I tumip I - .
Terms of Sale - The purchaser at the ,timb of mUea from Bayfield, 8 from'Clinton, and 41. from sower, 1 wheelbukrow I , Iddo .
Godeiich. Sale without reserve, as ihe proprietor rack, 1 grain cmdk, au"d a lot of mijill &=
-The Emerson paper saiys:-Hi. rallWh xt,per 6ushal,i_....... 1 20(o 1 22 sale wiU be required to pay 9. deposit of 10 per ne i
Davidson,,.of Seafortb, has, we under- SpriagMest, perbushel ......... 1 20 @ 1 2a eent. of his purchaw money to the Vendor or his. Is leaving for Monitobs. togetber with a lot of hay in the barn and at '
stand,. leasea Mayor Carney's jnew Osts,per bushel ....... .......... 085 (4 0 88 solicitors, and shall pay the bLalance 'without Tmus--Forthe farm 10 per Cent On dayof We; in the stack. T -be whole wfll positi-vely bp hr,alwd AS THEY HAVE BEEN REDUOED 15 TO 20 PER OENTs,
,itbin one montWthereafter. Uponpay- andbeJancela30 days without interest. For without rag 3rve, as the proprjetctr has rented Us .
B:rjeyper bushel ................ 0 75 @ 0 8s interest v _
hotel, and Messrs. Jerry -Robinson' and ; P se,per bushel .................. 0759 080 meut of the purobase money the �archaser iha ' Sto&, &c. -AN sums of 85 and under, cash; ever farm. Tz AH
,M -
Hope,. of Winnipeg,: are engaged in tak- I Butter ............................ 0 17 @ 0 18 be entitled to a conveyance and be let into pos- that muount 9 monWV credit wiU- - ba,'�V,Iven on over that t 8=: Of 45 and =der, cub ; - L I 1,
. . I
, . ths arodit will be givm
'M A discount at I&e - - . -
IngL measurements for the furniture. Eggs............... ..........'.'...'. 0 15 @ 0 16 seadon. Further psxdculm and conditions of furnishing approved joint notes. A dii;ount oU'i on furnishfug $PPrOved notes. AUL-T & MCCLEAN, .
RAY'Perton ..................... 1800 91 1400 We ay be obtained on applicatton to the _
Mi. Carney, we unOeriptand, puts in the L under- 8 out for cash on amdit amounts. i rate of 7 per cent. per anlaum wulbc Z110weA jor -
� . r
Potatoes, per buahel .............. 0 55 0 0 60 *nod. .McCAvomr & HOLNI�GTIRD . or Ci;r prieWr. J. HowK=,Aw�kqnw. I cash On credit amounts. .A . IDALORM. ]?to . .
furniture at a Cost Of $1.1,000. Mr. Dressed Hop . @ 8 40 . boliditors, February %�ad, IM,: 7424 lbaw, -1 1 74*1 PrietQr. 000. Rtrkby, -Audipmew. w- - Main. Street- Seafortk L
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