HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-02-17, Page 7foIRT.TARY 1718n. 0111.11111110111101Mmi 3saratresiass .A.RINICErataS2 IKING HOUSE. SEAFORTH. E— in the premises fornidr., rapied by he Bank of Cm_ r anet Under as Covantiat 1: Main Street.. MID BILLS DISCOUNTEg. la and FOreefign Exchange harchased and Sold. VIERS'SALE NOTES arebased at Reasonable Rateas Least saw Collateral Securities. Issued, payable at par at ail hes of the Bank of Corctruerce. MST Allawed eix itopealia ifoney to Loan on Mortgagee- lartger arsd Proprietor. THE SEAFORTH !INCE MD LAND AGENCY. INIZO STuONG T for serverai Fir:at-Claes Stook, Etta :Insurance Compeoles, and Ls prepare aisks on the moat favorable ternjt. rut foramina of the best Leaa do- nt for the Sele lad Pare -hese of Nina floProPastl- toriberof First-Ckat pootTod .Fr.row for Sale. •t� 1.asetta at Six per etas* Interest. :the saIes of Geeic32 Steams/tip Tieketa ••••1•11.•1101=•.••.. • rr -.Over M. dards-one! Store, Mein *forth. sas Ommr. NVICIVNVO p [cam 7,918n01073 99 ?M. Cl 0 of Extra E,enried SILVER STEEL CHOPPING AXES -GOOD ASSORTMENT. LB Mill,. MILLI SEAFORTIL ATER & DOLPHIN the- Red Mill in. fall working order and are now prepared to do rING AND CHOPPING anteot notiee, and they guarantee *essoot arties if they deaire can receive Exchange /or their Whet ot want to wait to get thearowa wheat *lour and ni eed always as r stele. ' GIVE US A TRIAL satisfy you in every respect. SLATER Del,P11111. EARIfiril RESTAURANT. DEAGOM `eleAFORTII RESTAURANT, e Block, Main Street, is now • nice, Fresh Oysters, direct itimore, both in cans and bulk, e is prepared to sell very cheap- eis keeping a supply of these regularly during the season, he in a position to :supply '41ilies, hotels or social par- rv terms. He has apply of fine Pettehes direct Meshy, which are the beet in ket. He also keeps on hand kinds of FRUITS in sea - 1 and good. Call at the Sea- itaurant. You can't do hotter • H. DEAGON. FICRRUITY 179 1882. 11111111•1111.111M1111111.11101.11.1111111 ,TAte6t Notes. While Coasting an Blount Adam Cincinnati, last Saturday morning sled ran into a pond and two boys we drowned. One is aeon of J. L. Wayn a prominent hardware dealer, and th other a son of Marcus D. Hunt. -There was a great sensation in th Christian Church, at Louisville, lie tacky, last Sunday night. , Conve being called for, Gera Abe Buford wa among the first to step up and be bap tized. He announced that he will re tire permanently, from the turf. Gen Buford is one of the most prominen horsemen in the United States, and brother of Col. Tom Buford, the mur derer of Appellate Judge -Elliott. THE 'HURON EXPOSITOR. the stakes, which he refused to do. 8, After haltan hour's- play John had won a a hundred dollars, but -hegood" natrroth re ly handed the losef back 'hismoney, e, remarking that "as a Christian aud e member of the Young Men' s Christian the al. and the an Mr. _ Gibbs to play, they finally jumped up and stalked ont of the oar, reenar ing t that "there was no game in that ar- I ter." The conductor of the train as 'notified by Mr. Gibbs, and the eh rp-' era were compelled to leave the trai Association he could' not keep e money." The !ether man 'then c • lenged Mr. Gibbs to play a game, ree John preseedlairn hard to accept 8 challenge. After spending' half . hour vainly endeavoring to induce -The Grand deity have finished the investigation in the collision at Spuy ton-Dnyvel, in New York State. It I understood that the indictments are fo /pan. sieughter in the fotteth 'degree against the brakeman, Milne, and th conductor, Hanford. It is also rumor ed that a presentment is to be handed in censuring the management of the New York Central and Hudson Rive Bath., -AmfdeW days ago Mr. Nelson Decker gaited across Crooked Lake, Michigan pushing an old cutter before him, con- tairtiag his wife and little boy, two years old. When near the middle of the lake, in camping a hole recently frozen over, the ice broke, precipitating all three into the water. Some boys skating near by succeeded in rescuing Mr. Decker, but he was so badly frozen that his wife and child in their strug- gles, slipped from his grasp and -were drowned. —Last Friday Joseph NI alham, of Cleveland, moved into .13, new house. The same evening finding a handsome powder -horn hanging on the knob of the•door he playfully hang it around his neck. A three year-old boy, with a boy aged six, went to an adjoining room. Soon an explosion occurred, and both boys were horribly and perhaps fatally mutilated. The eyesight of both was destroyed. '-It- is suspected that the horn was an infernal machine hung on the knob by an enemy. The Inward, or the Outwaj 8 I have been so helped by the C r_ tian Union advice to over anxious over Weought young mothers that I e tempted to send a chapter from My _ perience. I was determined to be a thdro housekeeper, and entered upou ✓ work with ardent 'zeal. I allowed speck of dirt, no vagrant fly. Met order wed perfect cleanliness were , hobbies. I took pride in my well -k house. I As family cares increased, there must need S be more burly • and worry. I would make no cOncessiolasto irt aud disorder. I triumphed, in that home was oelled a model, In butw appearance, peirhaps. it was; but w'th sorrow I confess that I_ soon began to perceive that it was only in outward appearance.t • I was sacrificing the beauty of the in- ward life fat the perfection of the o t- warde Ineeneitily habits of worrying and fretting were formed. I was start- led to find myself changing MO a eros, disagreeable, sharp-fened woman. One day I heard my little.girl speak in a tone so like my own that I was humiliated. I recognized myself, Riad, I sat down and analyzed my tenden- cies. rsaw clearly that I must ,give up • my eternal fight for my highest outward ideal if I would have my highest a- ward life realized. I must give up t ie conflict. I must feed my Soul on pasta°, love and joy. I said, "the inward I shall take yond. It matters little a hunder years hence if my home is not alwa spotlessly clean ; hut it Matters vast what my spirit moods are day by da It is evident that we who have a hi ideal of both outward and inward l and can keep but oee servant,, or no e at all, must give up siomething. Wle t shall it be ; inward oil outward Oh, when 1 think of the lose whi h attended my gain, anI of 'the years 't willtake to balance the aceeount, de y heart goes out with I. pitiful yearn' ag toward all young metaers, and I long impress upon thkna this thought: o not sacrifice tbe.‘nward for the on - ward. • Ikl.- U. D. -John Shearer, -the Westminster farmer who was so seriously injured by a runaway accident on Saturday, died on Monday night from paralysis of the brain, leaving a wife and three chil- dren. Deceased was a general favor- ite, not only in London aud West- minster, where almost every one knew him, but throughout nearly the whole county of Middlesex. He was about fifty-five years of age, a native of Scot- land, and has been in this countrysince his boyhood. He and his family were in excellent circumstances, Mr. Shearer being the owner of a, splendid farm on the fifth line of Westminster. He be- came popular throughout the West as a celebrated sheep breeder, he having been the very first man to introduee Southdowns into Western Ontario. Mr. Shearer took a great interest in agricultural meetings and agricultural .societies. In short, he was foremost in every good word and work: De- ceased was a steady adherent of th Presbyterian Churoh, never missing Sunday. —A most lamentable accident ha petted near Sheffield, Beverly, I on Sa urday afternoon, 28th January. It ap pears that a man named Willia Peterman was engaged id chopping i the hush, and as evening approach° his wife sent their two little girls int the bush to tell him to come to supper The little girls went Where they hear the sound of the axe, and unfortunate ly arrived near their father just as th tree he was chopping at commenced t fall. The father saw the children an realized the danger, and springing to wards them seized one and threw he out of the way, then turned to sa.v the other, but too late. Just as h grasped it the tree fell, killing the chil instantly, and striking Peterman knocking him back and injuring him seriously, but not dangerousfy. Th little saved girl ran and told he mother that both father etad siste were killed, and the poor woman ran off to get aseistanee. Meeting a Mr Lucas on the road,- she got him to go with ,her at once, when, as they were going through the woods in the -dire° tion of the accident, they met poor Peterman walking towards his home with the dead body of his child in his arm.. Although confined to his bed since by his injuries, Mr. Peterman is recovering. a d P ris- 'red am ex- gh my ‚no od, pt rd e - la • 1- Epps's I COooa. Grateful and Corn: fortin .-"By a thorough knowledge of the natural 1 s which oven) the operations of dige tion and nutrition, and by a careful au. plication of the tine properties well P- selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provide t- our breakfast table a with a clelieatel flavored beverage, Which may !aye n ni ninny heavy dot:toes' !eine. It is by th u judicious use of eucli articles of diet tha a constitution may be gradually buil o up Until strong enough to realist ever tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub d tie maladies are floating around u ready to attack wherever ther 6 is a weak point. We may °scalp O many a fatal shaft by keeping ttirselvd d well fortified with pure blood and properly nouriehed frame."-aCivil Ser ✓ vice tiazette. Sold only in packet e labelled -".Tames Epps & Co., Ii °ince° e pathic Chemists, London, Eng."-Als d makers of Epps's Chhcolate Essence fo , afternoon use. 482-52 e Mothers! Mothers! Mothers Are you disturbed at night an broken of your' rest by a sick child stiff ering and prying wit the excruciatin pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at on and get a. bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. It I will relieve the - poor little sufferer immediately—de- pend upon its there) is no mistake about it There is not a mother on earth who has ever peed it, who will not !tell yoirnat once that it will regulate the boaelsi and kive rest to the mother and relief and health eo the child, oper- ating like magic. It is perfectly Rafe to use in all cases, and pleasant- to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere at 25 cente a bottle. 692-52. —Dr. Griffiths, of Ottawa, has been arrested and ie now confined in gaol, awaiting trial on a charge of bigamy; the following particulars regarding his life have been gleaned. He went to Fergus from the village of Salem, about four miles distant, where he had been engaged in the practice of his profession for a number of years with rather indifferent success; After go- ing to Fergus he remained there fear years before going to Ottawa. He was married to his first wife many years before he arrived in Fergus, and had by her seven children, the eldest of whom is a son, about tw-nty or twenty-one Years of age. His first wife is spoken of by those who know her as a highly respectable lady, and by no Means the sort of person that one would be led to infer from the state- ment made by Dr. Griffiths to a re- porter. It is said, however, that he frequently complained that she kept him down in the world, alleging that she was extravagant. Dr. Griffiths is a member of the Church of England, and while living in Fergus professed to take a great interest in churoh affairs, hav- ing been appointed a lay reader, and , frequently conducting 'services in places ' where there were no regular ministers. —Some American sharpers tried in , vain to victimize Mr. Malcelne Gibbs, a Toronto man, a few days ago, while travelling eastward from Ailsa Craig. A short time after the train left Ailsa Craig he was approached by a high Yankee, who sat down familiarly by his side and entered into conversation. He stated that he was a commercial ' traveller. Presently another Yankee entered the car, and stepping up to the ' two men sat down on the opposite seat. He drew out of his pocket about $3,000, and exclaimed, "I've just lost 6200 playing three oard naonte." The first mentioned, stranger, who for couveni- ence sake will be called John, asked him how it happened, and he proceed- ed with a. pack of cards to illustrate the process). John gave Mr. Gibbs the wink and whispered, "I will teach this man a lesson," after, which he dexter- ously marked a card and proceeded to , play. The two men i then bet $50 on the result and asked, Mr. Gibbs to hold ' Rest and Comfort to the Suffering. Brown's Household Panacea has no equal for relieving pain, both- internal aud external. It curet; pain in the aide, back, or bowels; sore throat, rheuma- •tisni, tooehache, lumbago and any kind of pain or ache It will most surely qaicke.re the blood and heal, as its act- ing power is winiderful. Brown's Householdnacett, being acknow- ledged as the great pain reliever, and of double the strength of any other ! elixir or linithe t in the world, should ' be in every family handy for use when wan Led, aa it rea ly is the best remedy in the world for c -amps in the stomach, ' and pains and a hes of all kinds, and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52 A Tonic INI-ithott Alcohol. Dyspeptics an those suffering from chronic diseases hould read the follow- ing from Rev. ijohn Gregory, pastor of the Wesleyanetho ist Church, at 1 Pittston, Pa.: " y De3. r Sir, -Having at various :times ersonelly, and in my own and etherl families, tested the great value of th medicine called Peru. vian Syrup or rotect d Solution of Protoxide of Inlai, I i ost cheerfully recominend it, especiallr to those who ner- vous disorders. As a relia.ble and pow - 1:r are suffering fro dys optic and ner- erful alterative, it is, I think, unsur- passed; and as m tonic, free from all the objectionable features of alchoholic remedies, it is a innst cipcient auxiliary to the temperanc cans. One of the greatest hbadran es to the temperance reform at present is, as I think, the medical use of !alcoholic. stimulants. Whatever may be argued as to their no. • in certain cases, we have, in the Peruvian Syrup, a safe and efficient substitute for thOse dangerous reme- dies This testiMony is given ,unso- licited, with the hope that some .eveleo are not yet maple nted with the Vila able properties of the medicine may be THE GREAT FEMALE eiEtegere.-Joe Mosses indeced to give it a trial, Sold by all eei helical Pills -This invaluable medicinele dinggists. 710 we:ailing in She care of all .those painful apd d 'memos rtieeeseti to *blob the female °mann • t ion is sabject. It moderates all excess and re. MaCk% Magnetic Medicine. « meteal all obstructions, and a' epeedy ewe rosy relied on. To married ladies it' is peculiarly Mack's Magnetic Medicine is an un- I suited. It will, in a short Lime, bring on the failing food Jo* the brain and nerves anontlity poled with regularity. Theme pills and by its rejuvenating effect on theee organs never fails to cure nervous ex- haustion and all -weaknesses of Aga generative organs.- See advertisement should uot be taken by females during the first three moetbs.of Pregratcy, au they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are sea fe. In all cc see of Nervous and Spinal Af- fections Paths in the book and limbs, fatigueon slight exertioa, paipitalion of the heart, bye - Di another column. 738 •teries aud whites, theee pill will effect a care . whn'nflot..ermcns Lave fatted; Ana, although Sure Cure for a Cough. a powoiul reedy, do not contain iron, calomel, a ritirenny 'or anything hurtful to the constitution. The most reliable remedy for a cough_ Full doe etioue in the pamphlet around each or cold, asthma'shortness of breath, package,' which aboard be carefully preservedweak lungs and all bron- Job Mostes, New York, Sole Proprietor. Si and sore throat, wee I 32i cents for postage entdosed to Northrop & chial troubles, is -Hagyardes Pectoral I Lyman, Toronto, oat., general agents for the Balsam. Price 25 cents: -739 Dominicia will insure a bottle ;containing over FO pills by ret urn mail. Sold in Seaforth by E. What is Study Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts and Lumeden . P. Wileon. 644-52 Pope, the celebrated philosopher, id "Th said `,• e proper study of mankind is man," and yet how little is the real science of man studied. If people un- derstood and heeded the laws of health, and if when out of sorts would resort to a common -iense like Burdock Blood Bitters, many of the eine that flesh is heir to might be effectually remedied. It invigorates and rgulates all the se- cretions to a healthy action. 789 , „Free of Chargai All persons suffering from Cough • Aethma, Bronchitis, Loss o , Voice, or any affection .of the throat and lungs, are requested to call at E. Etioltsou de Coes Drugstore and get a, trial bottle of Dr. King's NewDiscovery for Consumption, free of charge,, which will convince Ilein of its wonderful, merits and show what a regular dollar size bottle will do. Call early. 714-52ce MONEY. MONEY TO LOAN -I am prepared to lend money at 6 per cent -interest, payable year- ly. Principal at the end of term. Private Funds. JAB. H. BENSON. _ _ 726 'UT ANTED -11 he sum of $3,014.fer threeyes. " Int et est, six per cent, per ennunr, Payable yearly. rst118.8 seen .For particulars a)lf I'd. P. or rle• CReBiY iHOLMEST. 12i MONEY-A. G. MoDOI1GALL is authorized to leral money at 6i per cent, on mortgige, for any amount, end for may number.ofyears ; intaSe eat ehareed Or I y on the unpaid principal. No l commission cterged. Apply at the Store' of A. f G. McDottgall & Co. • 678 $100,000 0 TO LOAN on Senof :6Peal Estate for any term erity of years not exceeding twenty, at 6 per cent. per. annum ; o Commiesions a The whele of OA p) eipti I money neaibe repaid at ani time on giving six in outh sio otice, or any sum not exceed- ing one-fourth maybepaid at the eltsee of each 3 ear with( ut notiee, intereet ceasing from, the time of payment; Loans effected promptly. 0 FFIVB - Viatoria Square Seaforth. WM. HIT 7700 Do Not Not be Deceived. • In thee times of quack medicine ad vertisemente - everywhere, it is tvuly gratifying to find one remedy that is worthy of praise, and which really does as recommended. ,Electric Bitters, we can vouch for as being aetrue and re- liable remedy, and one cthat will do as recommended. They invariably cure Stomach and, Liver Complaints, Dis- eases of the Kidneys and Urinary Diffi- cnItiee. We know whereof we speak, and can readily say, give them a trial. Sold at fifty centaa bottle by E. Hick - Ben & Co. 7;4.52.3 • Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil. Counteracting a tendency to con- sumption. -It is well understood by medical pathologists. that a tendency to consumption may be transmitted frem parent to child. To overcome this tendency is, a task to which' the ordinary resources of medical science too frequently prove inadequate. There is, however, a means of counter- acting it, to the -reliability of which physicianthemselves have repeatedly borne testimony. Not only has it been demonstrated by results there is no disputing, that Northrop & Lyman's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hy- pophosphites of Lime and Soda is a prompt and thorough means of 'relief when the lungs are already affected, but the prpofs are equally positive that it imparts a degree of vigor to the breathing organs, which is the best guarantee against their becomitig dis: eased. The constituents; phoePhorus, lime and Boda, are important elements in the physical structure, and these it supplies in a harmonious and easily assimilated form. A speedy gain in strength and flesh follows its use in all cases where the lungs are not hope- lessly diseased. Sold by all druggists at 50 cents and- per bottle. Pre- pared only !by Northrop & Lythkn, To- ronto. 710 736 Holloway's Pills. Any dyspeptic euffereti, aware of the purifying, reaulating and gently aperient powers of these Pills,shotild permit no one to cloud his judgment or to warp his course. With a box of Holloway's Pills, and attention to its accompanying "Diredtions," he may feel thoroughly satisfied that he can safely and effectu- ally release himself from his miseries without impairing his appetite or weak- ening his digestion. This most excel- lent medicine acts as a nervine and bodily tonic by aiding nutrition, and banishes a thousand' annoying form's of nervous- complaints. An occasional re- sort to Holloway's remedy will prove highly saltitary to all persons, whether well or ill, whose digestion is slow or imperfect, a condition usually evi- denced by weariness, languor, -listless- ness, and despondency. 712 AUCTIONEERS. JT P. BRINE, nieeesed Auctioneer for the • County of Huron. Sales ;attended in ell parts of the Oontaty - All orders: left at the Ea. POSITOP Office will be promptlyattended to IN R. COOPER, 13ruesels, empty Anctioneer. '-J., Sales of all desceiptione promptly at- tended in any putt ofthee county on reasonable terms, Orders left at the aloe of the HURON EXPOSITOR, or 41c:10:eased to Brussels, will receive prompt attention. _ _ ALEXANDER DELOET'PY, Licensed Auction- eer,MeRillop. Special attetation given to sales of Landed Property, Farm Stock and Implements. All orders loft with the under- signed at Walton P. 0. or Lot 14, con- cession 14, will be promptly attended to. Sale bills, notes and etamps furnished if required. ALEX. DELGETTY, Walton, 689 P -C31 -t J. S. PORTER SEAFORTH I ant determined to Clear Out. my Entire Stock of Furnitureregard - less of Cost. ' THOSE IN WANT, it will pay them to some tam u prices before purchasing elsewhere. I give large disseount to those paying cash, es- pecially to newly married couples. I ala still selling six highly finished claire for $2. I also keep Knowlton' s Spring Bed, the best and cheapest- in the market; Warranted perfectly uoieelese. , Wareroorna diz wally opposite M. R. Counter's Mammoth Jewelry Store, Main Street, Seaforth, East Side. 625 JOHN S. PORTER. London, Huron and Bruce. GOING NORTH— : Express. Mail. Express. i A.M. P.M. P.M. London, delimit; 7 40 2 20 6 26 eCentsalia 8 40 8 25 7 28 Exeter 858 288 741) Heneall 9 05 8 62 7 58 Knmatu 911 857 759 Brucefield .. ...... 9 21 4 07 ' 8 08 Clinton 9 89 4 23 8 25 Lonoeeboro. 9 58 4 41 8 45 Blyth 10 06 4 50 8 52 B algrave • 10 24 5 06 9 09 Wingham, arrive 10 45 5 25 9 25 Goma SOUTH— Mail, Express. Exprese , Winghare, depart 13elgrave , Myth Lon desboro Clinton 8 02 3 54 7 e 9 Bence -fide 8 20 4 07 8 00 Rippen 800 415 820 Heneall 8 86 4 20 8 27 Excite'. 8 52 4 82 8 46 Oeutrelia : 902 442 902 London, al neve 10 05 5 35 30 30 Grand Trunk Railway. yrc--eggirmipm111100111111•111111111.11141.01141111.1111111MIND ta"eee, IMPORTANTINOTICEgd WARD 'IRS WAN rED.-A yoling 'men sem be aecammodated with connortable rooms and good board. Apply at the Exeoerroa FICE. 738-3 Q TAVE BOLTS WANTED•—The highest. price kJ pioneer any quantity of oak ahd white ash etavee, stave bolt or logs, to be delivered at the stave factory near the market, Seaforth. SAM "EL TEOTT. _738x5 14'OR SALE OR Ti) RENT in the Village of Rodgerville, four acres of Brst-elass land, well fenced, also young orchard commencing to bear. Good buildings in good repair. Apply to T. Swex, Rouoitavitax. 735,4:8 A SPLENDID OHANCE — That commodious Hotel in the the thriving village of Hensel], known as the Centennial House, will he sold cheap or exchangedlttr property in the village of Hensall. It is situated_immediately opposite the Railway Station, and is =Ole of the best hotel properties In the County. For further particulars apply to the undersigned proprietor, Hensall P. 0. JAMES COXIVORTIL 737-4 N'OTICE --The adjourned meeting of the Share- holders and Patrons of the Bluevale Cheese a,nd Butter Factory, will be held in Patterson's Halle Br:Royale, on -Monday, February 6, 1882 at 1 o'clock p wheu the season's make .of whey will be offered sale. The drawing of the milk on the different routes will be let, also the amending and confirming -of certain by-laws of the Cempany,aad anseother business done that may be brought before the meeting. JOHN' BUR- GESS, Seeretm.. 737-3 STOCK FOR SERVICE. • .• Ta'ERKSB BOAR -i Thoroughbred Berk- shire Rosuaaill be kept for service on Lot No. 7, Coticession 8, H. R.. S„ Tueltersmith. Terme-leo, with the privilege of returning if necessary. W. S. MUNDELL. ' 734-12 i I (FROM Rmini4.) The New Compound; it8 wonderful nity to 'the Digeativ'ei A pparatui and the Liver, in -creasing the dissolv- ing jaiCe8, relieving almost in,stanqy the dreadful results of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and fhe -TORPID L1V- Eli; makes Zopesa a.n every day neces. sity in every house. It acts *gently and speedily in Bit iowness, Costiven,888, Headdae, Sick - Headache, Distress after Eating; WintVon the Stomach, 'Helaribufn, Pains -in the Side ring Back, f;Vant of Appetite,. Want of EneryY, Low Spirits, "Foul StomaCh. linvigdr- iates‘the Liver, carries off all s'urplus ;bile, regulates the Bowels, d gives tone lo .he whole system. Cat- this. out and take it to your Druggist and get a 10 cent Sample, or a large bottle for 7,5 cents, 4nd tell Vow neighbor about it. 9 0 PIG BREEDERS- --The undersigned will l -I keep at his hotel in Varna. during this sea- son, a titer nghbred Berkshire Boar, and will re' ceive te•Iiinited number of sows. Terms —$1, payable at the time of service, With the privilege of returning if neceary. W. COOL - 4 732 I Te ERE SHIRE PIG -The !undersigned will keep at his saw nfill;near Milburn, during the, coming season for the improvement of stock, a • Thorouelibred Berkshire Boa? Pig. This, pig took THOUSAND DOLIAR-S WANTED the first prize in his class at the show -in Seaforth last fall, also the prize for being the best pig of -any age or breed on the ground. Terme-81 per sow, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. 30,IN THOMP- SON. 733 MANUFACTURED IN TORONTO A Permanent, sure cure for Diseities, Dis- ord ers and Ailments of the Kidneys, Bladder and Uri nary Secretive System, or attendant' com- plain tee -causing pain in, email of back, sides, etc., gravel, Catarrh of the bladder and pasaages ; Brigh t's disease, diabetes, dropsy, piles, nervous debility etc. Pamphlets and testimonials can be obtained from druggists free. Prices -Child's Pad, 81 50, (cures bed-wetting.) Regular Pad, $2. Special Pad for chronic diseases, $3. Sold b3 S Roberts, Seafortb ; Wrn, M. Robertson, , Wri xeter ; 11" Thurtell, Teeewater ; W. J. Bray, Wingliani ; John S. Tennant, M. D., -Luck - flow; Watts & Ce, Clinton; Lawrence Hamilton, Blyth; G H. Hewson, Bayfield; S A. Hodge, Mitchell ;- Josheph Kidd dc Son, Dublin: The Central Drug Store, Exeter;. H. R. Jackson, Hensall ;- Mrs. John 3Iebitosli, Brumfield: Rola. • Mell is, Kippen. 737 1-1 C.A VIPPELL, Provineial laud Snr?.svcc • and Civil rlaginver. Oi dere by mail prompt ly attenild in. S. CA Wishing to raise,the above in as short a time as possible, I have determined to offer the whole of my -valuabIe stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, SIL- VER-PLATED WARE, CLOCKS, &C., to the Public at a greatly reduced figure, for the next month. I mportant Notice, I have the sole and exclusive Agency for the Celebrated VOTE SEWING MACHINE; For this part ef the County of Huron aud not be responsible for any White Machine- unless sold by me or at my office here. JAMES WATSON, -DEALER IN— Sewvny Machines, finitting chl2268, Attachments, NEEDLES, OlLS, &C. MAIN STREET, SEAFORT/I. REMOVED 4 E JEWELLER —HAS— REMOVED TO HIS 1\41-"77- spoiR TWO DOORS NORTH OF 01.13 STAND, DIRECTLY OPPOSITE M. ROBERTSON FURNITURE STORE. O. L. PAPST. Parties wishing anything in the above Gyreat Auction Sale ines, would do well to give me a call before the FIRST OF FEBRUARY, while the bargains are going. M. R. COUNTER. LE CREDIT FONCIER. T111S new Company, /mined for the purpose o/ investing Fret eh Capital in Canada, is now preptued4o advance money on the most favorable terms on good laneed eecrititiee. M P. BAYS, Agent for County of Boron, Seaforth, 699 Trains leave Seatorth and Clinton StAti01114 as follows: W GOING WEST— SEAFORTH. CLINTON. CO Express 2'16 P. M. 2:40 P.M. ,:p Expref.a 8 56 P. M. 9:16 P.M. Mixed Train......9:15 A, Si. 10:00 A. M. CO Mixed Train. ..... .5:50 PM. 6:30 P. M. 0 GOING FAST-- SEAVORTH. CLINTON. Express ... ...... . 8.23A IL 8:00 A. M. Express Train.....1:e8 P. M. . 12:45 P. M. Mixed Train-- . 4:45 P. M. 4:10 P. M. Mixed Train... .10:45 I. M. 10:00 A. M. Toronto, Grey and Bruce. Gorsto EAST— Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Toeswater , The best salve in the world for Cuts,' w, router Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, (i+0°,r-driweien Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Harriston Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Ernp- ()ranrville Toronto titans, and positively cures Piles. It is GOrNG Wase - guaranteed to give perfect satisfactien cr money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by E. Hickson & Com- pany. 714-52 Eclectric • Joseph Rusan, Percy, writes—"I was induced to try Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil for a lameness which troubled me for- three or four years, and I found it the best article I ever tried. It has been a great blessing to me." 691-52 Eclectric Oil. ell is a Great Public Benefit."— These significant words were used in relation to Dr. Thomas' Eulectrie Oil by a gentleman who had thoroughly tested its merits in his own case—hav- ing been cured by it of lameness of the knee of three or four years' standing. It never fails to remove soreness as well aslameness. 691-52 • Teaberry. "Must say it's the nicest thing I ever I used for the teeth and breath," says I every one having tried '‘Teaberry," the new toilet gem. Get a 5 oent sample. 730.3ths ILECCEISCW=IEINEIMMICIMMINWIRMIUM2timmailll SALT A, M. P.M. IS 16 800 542 330 549 889 hi) 350 6 l 9 415 885 645 .31 l 5 950 A. M. P.51. Toronto 7 15 Orangevilie 9 55 Harri,tm 12 40 Fordwich 1 05 Oar, ie 1 17 1 24 2 00 roxeter Teeawat er 4 10 7 12 9 28 9 48 9 58 10 06 10 35 Lu et tf7 < "4 "3 tal 0 c/42 ea gLui 0 Lt. Lu MARRIAGE LICENSES, 0 ISSUED AT THE HURON fEXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIRED. West End Cheese Factory. ea, A MEETING of the Shareholders of the West End Cheese Manufacturing Com,pany, will W be held at Weir's Royal Hotel, on ednesday, Feb 15, 1882, at 2, p an. Busintss--Election of Officerand other iniportint matters: A full at- teudanee is requested. A meeting of the patrons wid be held the same day at 4 o'clock. By order R, LANDESsolt0i1Oli, President. 740 SALT I 2,000 CEDAR PIOTS , FOR SALE, The BRUSSELS SALT T.rORKS Suitable for Board, Wire, or Straight Rail Fences. One mile and a A RE Dow in full operation. .Farmers and Met- ,qearter west of Winthrop. -'71- chants can be supplied with either Land or Dairy Salt at market prima. Wood will be taken in - Salt. 734 exchange for ALSO RAIL TIMBER' F. C. ROGERS, By the Acre or by the Thousand. SOLE PROPRIETOR:. W. C. GOTTINLOCX. 0 WINTER FLUID. e TRY OUR OWN 41). COUGH "ASYRUP For Croup, Colds, Coughs , eat Whooping Cough, &c. We haae just made up fresh lots of HEAVE, COUGH AND EPIZOO- TIC. POWDER; FAVORITE CATTLE 1. 12. FEEDER, CONDITION POWDER FOR 0 HORSES, &c., &c. The following preparations for the Hair cannot be beat, viz.: PANTHARIDIgE HAIR WASH, OASTORINE HAIR RENEWER, AND OUR HAIR CREAM, E. ITICKSON & CO., DRUGGISTS. NEW FURNITURE —AT THE— WROXETER FURNITURE FACTORY, ON SATURDAY, FEB. 18, 1882, EVERYTBING in the Feenienre line from els arm ehair to a sofa. All parties iettheing to bey anything in my line -will do will °Wend the sale, hr cu ate sere to rat bat tains. ''Sale to certaranc,e at 1 ancleckp m. $30 aril 11 da r, ct'sii. ON er that ann tint S months' cre4i4 will1 e Oven on furrishine asp -op d joint notes. A darotut 61 8 er -cent, per at Lem will be al- lowed for cash on sums over$10. 73S Seed Show.9-2pring W. WATTS, Proprietor. 0 THE A r nual Seed Eshowe,' ender' the auspices of the Tuckersnalth Branch Av ienitural Soeiety, CO willbe held Intl a Agricult IlalL in tbe Town O oi Stalorth, on Erica y Fa bruary the 171h, 1882, 'se le when the follawieg prizes will be offeted for Grain, Seeds and Roots, Viz: te fla Best four bushets filming wheat, a filmLost Nation, - Ii r at $4, facoed $8, 0 hie $2. Beet four bushels • ej sp xi] g waeat, as y oiler teriet3, first $4, second xeluded,) Th (-1ley, Che ):) wer-I Thr. S2, second $1.50, ' $8, third 82. Best four 'bushels two-rowa d Bat' - 0 'r'eal third SI. Befit Jour bushels Barley, any -other ' se z variety. first $2., salier d $1 50, third -$l. Best 0 rs2 > four bushels eommon Mbite Oats, fixst $2, Z eta. first $11, second $1.50, third $1. Best four ). bushels small Peas first .$2, seetne 81 .50, this -4 $1. Best four bushels huge peat,. first $2, sewed tyl 0 $ I to, third 81. Best two niediels Timothy seed, first $2, srec.nd $1. Best two hp-hels Clover >sued, fist n2, second $1. Best bushel and 41, half 1:s)13- Potato: s. first 82, seeenel $1. Best 'bushel -0 and a halt Late potatoes, first $2, secono $1. Rides and egulations -1. All articles shown m /rust he tae gi 09 th of 1881, and eradueed on the °Inim of the exhitai r. 2.—No pelsou shall be -en- I land to more than one prize for grain, seede or ; rot ts of the same a.—No pexxon I be „a I allowed to show seed or Fed on the grounds with- )" I out lint becoming a member of the society, 4-- z I No exhibitor allewtel to exp( Sc his name OD the O bags. 5s- All eet.elee nor exhibition to be on the Cl) ' or toots to he remeved front the building before 4 glonmis by 10 o'eloel4 A. M. 6.—No grain, seed C c''zI(3ek RROBT. Mei/UCH/LEE, Preatdent, CO GORDON MeADANI, Secretary. gS( COD 50, d 13estIour bushels black' ref CI GLYCERINE AND ROSE WATER., - — 0 H 1\T :1..J 10 1\1" ‘, tit c 4 < { } THIS WEEK WE INVITE ATTENTION TO OUR STOCK OF WOODT__.‘ 1\T GOOD S, Which is once more eoniplete, and we now show a full range of CLOUDS in Navy, Carinal, Grey. Brown and Fancy; SQUARES in Cardinal, Black, Grey, Navy and- Fancy. 'Weal Jackets, Mittens, Cuffs, &c.; Ladies' Underwear, Gloves, Rid Mitts and Gloves; Nice Goods in Silk Squares and Ties, Real and Imitation Laces, Frilling% &c.; Men's Ovemoate, Shirts and Drawers, Cardigan Jackets, Ties, Braces, Wool Cuffs, Linen Cuffs, and a fine range of Tweeds, Worsted Qoatings. &c. Extra good value in Mink Muffs, Boss and Caps, Astrachan Muffs, Baltic Seal Muffs, Men's Cape in Beaver, Coney, Plush, Cloth, &c. A CALL SOLICITED'. MORTGAGE SALE OF Valuable Real Estate IN TOWNSHIP OF GREY, IN THE :COUNTY OF HURON. Tinder power of Salo contained in a certain , Registered Is ortgage from one John 13. hedges, there will be sold by Public Auction, ba Alexander Hunter:, Auctioneer, at the QUEEN'S HOTEL, THE-- VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, ON WEDNESDAY, pee. 22, 18,82, At 1:50 p in, the following Freehold Propert3 Lot No 30, in the 11th Concession of the said Towuship of Grey, c ntainieg 100 mate, - more or less, of which about 80 acres are cheered. Soil is a good sandy loam. There is a frame house on the premises, a frame stable, log tarn and other outbuildings. This valuable properta is distant from Brussels about 8 utiles. Terme ard -conditions will be made known at the time of sale, ormay be aseertained'eon application to HARRIS, 11ifeGEEZz CO. Vendor's Sol:Atone London, Out. I ALEX. HUNTER, A.MI:ESC..)I\T S'..A..T'CDIR. 1-1 Auctioneer, Brussels, Ont.