HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-02-10, Page 7EBRU
Y 102 188.2.
e—In the prenuses former..
„Tied by the Rank of Cora -
and lender the COMMervial
„Main. Street.
and 2'Orstigsa Exohanera
rehased and Sold.
awed a Reasonable Ratea.
eat on Valtateral Seentialeaa
sued, payable at par at all
is of the Bank of Commerce.
Am' alansered oat .Depeolisa
DeY o Loan on atortgages.
ager and Proprietor.
at several First -Cam Stook Itre
furanee Companies, and is prepiir.
ite on thee most favorable tonna.
toreteveral of the heat 140att go-
ifor the Sale and aurohaaae am
6ff of Ft -C7,
.oved Fame fol. Sate.
is Loan at Six per cells
ale a Ocean Steamed:tip Tiotata,
:Over M. UorrieozeteStore, Main
tee 84a
Ua atao?,,n 4710
' aonoli ,F,1 99 77
eff Mill in full worldo8 order
know prepaied ta do
, and they guarantee a good
f they desire d an receive
'change for their FP -Ace -4
t te wait to get th,eirown wheat
and ateea atarays on
4isfy you in every respeot-
In Main Street, is now
Fresh Oysters, direct
, both in cane and bulk,
pared to sell very cheap-
neg a supply of theae
y during the season.,
a positioa to :sapply
hotels or social par-
-sortable ternas. He haa
.of fine Peachea direct
which are the best in
e also keepa Ore hand
tf FRUITS in &m-
ood. Can at the Sea-
t. You caa't do better
FEBRUARY 1G1 1882.
Bast Wawanosh.
TN MutrOza.—On Thursday, Janu-
skry 2ath, a tea meeting was held at
Donnybrook, under the auspices of the
'Methodist congregation in that district,
and although the heavy rain in the
_evening hindered a large number of the
:parents and young people from putting
an appearance, stil, noiwitlatitanding
the bad roads and the unfavorable
sweather the °hutch was well fillea with
people, Tea was served from -five to
seven o'clock in the old church, which
stands only a very few feet from the
new orea. The spats were all out, and
r it wee elegantly fitted up with tables,
these again were furnished in fine style
with eatables whioh were highly ap-
preciated by those present, and which
•reflects great credit on the ladies of the
congregation for the great interest they
showed and the care they shared in
providing for the occasion. After tea
was over and ample justice had been
done to the good things which were
,served by the ladies,and all comfortably
seated in the new church the literary
'part of the programme was opened by the
Rev. Mr. Birks, from Blyth, leading in
prayer, after which a select piece of
music was given by the Westfield choir,
under the leadership of Mr. G. Tindale,
Who kindly furnished their services for
the occasioa. Ala Wm. -Harrison then
moved that Mr. W. Anderson be elected
to 11 the position of chairman for the
evening. Mr. Ed. Robinson seconded
the motion. Mr. W. Anderson then
moved, an amendment that Mr. Robert
Lockhart be elected chairman to which
Mr. Lockhart objeotect. Rev. Mr.
Birks then seconded the amendment,
and inferred as Mr. Lockhart made
Such a good objection he was well oal-
(iodated to fig th o position of chairman,
and also that Mr. Anderson's name be
entered on the programme for an ad-
dress. The Rev. Mr. Smith, present
minister of the congregation, then put
the motion to the meeting and Mr.
Lockhart was elected unanimously.
The chairman gave a short brit touching
address in which he referred to the
good feeling which was slowly but sure-
ly growing up between the different
bodies of the Christian church especi-
all between the Methodists and Presby-
terians, and which was openly shown
on this occasion by the election of a
Presbyterian chairman; Mr. Wm.
Andersor. was called on to give a speech,
and although he Was taken unexpected-
ly, he gave a very instructive:address.
The next speaker, the Rev. Mr. Har-
rison, of Bervie, gave a very able
address, in whioh he reviewed •the
great advantages the youth of the
present day have with regard to obtain-
ing education, and fitting theniselves to
live honorable lives, he also earnestly
exhorted the young people present to
make diligent use of their leisure hours,
not only to fit themselves to pass
• through the present life, but of • far
greater importance, to be prepared for
that eternal life hereafter. The Rev.
• Mr. Birks next addressed the meeting.
He spoke for a length of time ou the
unity of the 'different bodies of the
Presbyterian church and also those of
the Methodist, and also how these two
great churches were being blended to-
• gether in a kindliet feeling than they
had hitherto been; He also gave a
few strong and impressive remarks on
the subject of patriotism or love of
oomatry, which subject is neglected to a
great extent both in the schools and
churches of the present day in our
Dominion. After the Rev. Mr. Birks
had concluded his able, patriotic, in-
structive, entertaining, and amusing
address votes of thanks were tendered
to the choir, chairman and others for
the kind services they had rendered on
this occasion, after which the meeting
was closed by eingiag the "Doxology,"
and all dispersed to their several homes
feelieg that they had enjoyed a pleasant
,• _
met by her husband at the Sinstioe
street depot, who, it may be judged,
was not a little astonished at being
presented with an • heir. The happy
pair drove home in a cab, with the
new comer safely wrapped in "papa's
• —tarday afternoon in Toronto
a man, apparently sixty years of age,
entered a Front street saloon in a semi -
intoxicated condition. With a ehaky
voice and a hestitating manner he asked
the barkeeper for a glass of whisky,
stating that he had no money: He was
refused, the bartender telling him that
he had enough as it was. He then
produced a prayer -book and offered it
in exchange for a glass, but apparently
such change would not pass current be-
hind the bar, as his persistent attempts
to get a stimulator failed utterly.
Quite a sad commentary on the ulti-
mate result of a love of liquor.
—The death is announced of Sir
DanierMacnee, President of the Reyal
Scottish Academy, and a well known
portrait painter, aged 74. Sir Daniel
Matinee was the son of Mr. Robert
Macnee, merchant, and was born at
ntry, Sterlingshire, in 1805. He
studied at the Trustees' Academy un-
der Sir W. Allan, President of Ithe
Royal Scottish Academy. He beo me
a favorite portrait painter in Scotlalnd,
and his portrait of Rev. Dr. Ward aw
received one of the gold medals at the
. •
International Exhibition at Parisi in
1855. He painted many prominent
public men, including Lord Brough m.
Ile was nearly as well known in Eng.:
land as in Scotland, and his works al-
ways commanded excellent places in
the Royal Academy in London. He
was elected President of the Ro al
Scottish Academy in 1876, and sh rt-
ly afterWards received the honor of
—A Montreal paper says :—" he
Grand Trunk Railway is going to m e
a bid for the carrying trade of he
Northwest, andis about to make a s r-
vey in order to connect with St. P ul
and Duluth and with Ontonagon. • he
connection east of the latter point ill
be obtained over roads already in op r-
• ation, and only about forty miles will
be required to connect Ontonagon with
the Sault line. It is also understood in
railway circles that the Grand Truhk
Railway Company undertakes t
South Shore line by an agreement wi
the Northern Pacific, which will ma,
the latter perfectly independent
Chicago connections, and give it a sh
ter route to the sea by 300 miles. T
next step of the Grand Truuk w
probably he to obtain an entry in
—A gentleman in Toronto relat
that he had occasion recently .to call
an Italian, residing in the Ward, w
would not speak a word of English.
the following day the same gentlem
returned with a companion who coul
_converse in Italian, and was greatl
surprised to • hear the man from the
Sunny South talking apart to the i
terpreter in English. He was tellin
the latter that a gentleman was Wit
him on the previous day, but he di
not want him to know that he cord
speak English, "for," said he, "abou
two years ago a man came and asked
lot of questions and , I answered then
all, and a little while afterwards I ha
to pay two donate of taxes.", After hi
experience on that occasion he wa
determined he would not talk Enghs
any tnore.
—Notwithstanding that so man
persons have been awindled by sharp
ers on the cars, and that the news-
papers have repeatedly warned th
public to beware of these wolves, still
every now and then some one is caught.
Thursday morning last week another
victim was caught, a miner from Col-
orado on his way borne. Near Strat-
ford a 'confidence mail made the re-
mark Witt he would like to get a large
bill changed, which the man from Col-
oradoaoffered to do. • When $125 had
been counted out to him the sharper ran
and jumped off the train. This experience
will doubtless teach the young miner to
be more careful. One would sup-
pose a Western miner would not have
been soleasily duped. It is probable,
however, that be was off his guard,
fancying himself in a civilized eand
Christian country.
—Cousiderable evcitement was cused
in Bobcaygeon and Kinmount a, few
days ago, by the suicide of Charlotte
Ritchie, who lives three miles smith of
Kintnount. Miss Ritchie was a comely
young woman, of about twenty, and bad
been in Bobcaygeon during the day,
where she obtained some arsenic from
a druggist, stating that her mother
wanted it to poison rats. She walked
home and there had supper with the
other members of the family. It is
supposedthat she took the arsenic in
her tea, as she was shortly after seized
witli all the symptoms of poisoning.
A doctor was sent for but before be ar-
rived the poor girl was dead. Sin‘
called, out in her paroxysm "not to
blame Willie." Her relatives are
plunged in the deepest grief by the ter-
rible affair. An inquest was held and
a verdict returned na accordance with
the circumstances. There was appar-
ently no cause for the rash deed.
News Itennta
Arkell's brewery-, in London was
• completely destroyed by fire on the
morning of •the 26th ult. Loa,
$12.000. •
—The Syndicate have decided to en-
large the town site of Brandon by the
addition of two quarter sections, 320
—The retiring Mayor of Winnipeg,
Mr. Conklieg, was presented -with a
silver service valued at $200 and a pub-
lic banquet by the corporation of the
• town.
—Sixty Harvard studente appeared
at Mr. Wilde's lecture in Boston the
other uight, attired in dress coats, knee
breeches and silk stoekings, with faint
lilies in their buttou boles.
—Mr. and Mrs, Spurgeon devoted.
the 830,000 presented to them at the
recent aeniversary of their wedding to
the endownieut of rqu orphanage for
girls. They had •already esta,blished
• one for boys. •
—A Dew coal drift has been opened
at Edmonton, cn the south bank of the
Saskatoliewan Ever. The seam is
• identical with one worked last winter,
and alout thirty-three inches thick. It
is in the face cd the 'bank of the river,
80 or 100 feet below tbe surface.
- ztt a missionary meeting held in
KTIOX Church, Winnipeg, the other
evening. the Rev. • James Robertson
stated that he had obtained aubsezip-
tions to the amount of $25,400 in Win-
nipeg in aid of a fuud for church build-
ing purposes in the Northwest. It is
proposed to assist straggling congre-
gations in erecting saitable places of
—Lawrence alias John C. White. 45
years old, was arrested at St. John,
New Brunswick, the lother night, for
bigamy. He has a wife and seven
children at Fox Creek, Westmoreland
county, New Brunswick, and a wife
and three, children at Salmon River,
Nova Scotia. He deserted his wife
and her seten cbildren seven years
--Earl Rosoberv's Scettish tenants
to the number of 120 one night lately
celebrated the birth of his sOn and heir
at dinner in Edinburgh. Lord Rose -
rote, cordially acknowledli
bery w
this expression of friendship, and hop-
ing that the boy hereafter will follow
in the footsteps of his great-grand-
father, who laid the foundation of the
existing good feeling between landlord
and tenants.
—A little strauger Was added to the
number of passengers on a train bound
north from New York the other day.
The mother lives in Brockton, near
Toronto, and had beeu visiting some
relations in New York. At Hamilton,
while the passengers were taking ad-
vantage of a half hour's delay to get
luncheon, a doctor was called in. On
arriving at Toronto the young wife was
—A laughable occurretice took place ,
in the Methodist Church at Fenelon
Falls one Sabbath evening lately.When
the cougregation was coming out a
number of young rogues commenced to
have what they considered "fun" by ob-
structiug the doorway and ancerernona
oosly elbowing all who were forced into
contact with them Oue of th b'
tle maladies are floating around us
ready to •attack wherever there
is a weak point. We may escape
many a fatal shaft by keeping eurselves
well fortified with pure blood and a
properly nourished frame." --Civil Ser-
vice Gazette. Sold only in packets
labelled—"James Epps & Co., liomceo-
pathic Chemists, London, Eng."—Also
makers of Epps's Chocolate. Essence for
afternoon use. 482-52
Mothers! Mothers! Mothers 1
Are you disturbed at night and
broken of your rest by a sick child suff-
ering and crying with the excruciating
pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at
onoe and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the
poor little snfferer immediately—de-
pend upon it; there is no mistake
about it. There is not a mother on
earth who has ever used it, who will
not tell you at once that it will regulate
the bowels, and give rest to the mother
and relief and health to the child, oper-
ating like magic. It is perfectly safe to
use in all cases, and pleasant to the
taste, and is the prescription of one of
the oldest and best female physicians
and nurses in the United States. Sold
everywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52.
• Rest and Comfort to the
Brown's Household. Panacea a
equal for relieving pain, both in
rad external. It cures pain in th
back, or bowels, sore throat, rh
tism, toothache, lumbago and an
of pain or ache. It will most
quicken the blood and heal, as i
ing power is wonderful. B
Household Panacea, being ac
ledged as the 'great pain relieve
of double the strength of any
elixir er liniment in the world, should
be in every family 'handy for use when
• wanted, as it really is the best remedy in
the world for cramps in the stomach,
and pains and aches of all kinds, and is
for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a
bottle. 692-52
as no
O side,
y kind
ts act-
r, and
Mack's Magnetic Medicine.
Maok's Magnetic Medicine is an un-
failing food for the brain and nerves,
and by its rejuvenating effect on these
organs never fails to cure nervous ex-
haustion and all weaknesses of the
generative organs. See advertisement
in another column. 738
A Vexed Clergyman
Even the patience of Job would be-
come exhausted were he a preacher
and endeavoring to interest his audi-
ence while they were keeping up an in-
cessant coughing, making it impossible
for him to be heard. Yet, how very
easy can all this be avoided by simply
using Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Trial
bottles given away at E. Hickson dc
Co.'s Drug Store. 714.52b
Woman's True Friend.
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
This none can cleny, especially when
assistance int rendered when one is
sorely afflicted With disease, more par-
ticularly those complaints and weak-
nesses so common to our female popu-
lation. Every woman should know
that ElectriaBitters are woman's true
friend, and will positively restore her to
health, even when all other remedies
fail. A single trial always proves our
assertion. They are pleasant to the
taste, and only cost 50 cents a bottle.
Sold by E. Hickson & Co. 714.52-2
When Doctors -Disagree Who
Shall Decide P
Nothing is more variable than the
.different opinions of medical men; but
• when they fail to agree, or to perform a
cure in a chronic disease, the patients
often decide' for themselves, and take
Bardook Blood Bitters, and speedily
• recover. It is • the grand •key to
health that unlocks all the secretions,
and liberates the slave from the cap-
tivity of disease. 739
, •
Eclectric 011.
Care for your live stock would seem
an almost superfluous piece of advice to
farmers, cattle raisers, horsemen and
otheas, whose capital is largely invest-
ed in quadrupeds. Yet how often are
the diseases.and sanitary requirements
of horses arid cattle disregarded; how
often are they left to the care of the
ignorant and brutal, and irrationally
treated when unwell? No stock yard,
farm ce stable can be said to be proper-
ly equipped where an efficient remedial
agent is not provided. The best and
most highly approved by veterinarians
is Thomas' Eclectric Oil, which besides
being a thorough remedy for lung com-
plaints, bronchitis, rheumatism, neu-
ralagia, scares and hurts of the human
race, remedies with certainty G -alis,
e;ontraction or Cracking of the Hoof
Distemper, Scours, Curb, Cake,
scratc-hee, sore teats and other disorders
and trouble.s of horses and cattle. Sold
by all medicine dealers. Prepared
nly by Northrop & Lyman, Toronto,
Ont. 710b
rom Severe Cough and L-Drig
From A. J. Merritt, of Canton, Pa.
`Gentlemen,—About ten years ago,
fter having bad a severe attack of the
neasles, I was troubled with a severe
ough and was troubled with consump-
ion. • My father having died at the -age
ty-one with consumption_ of the
and my aunt having been car -
with the same complaint, it
to be hereditary in Our family.
time alluded to, I Was induced
a bottle of Wistar's Balsam of
herry, and can Bay conscientious-
elieve it saved my life. I was
mithing at the time, and often
ns in my chest said lungs, which
sera relieved. I cheerfully give
atement, and hope you may have
with so beneficia.1 a preparation."
ts. 710
s ancl.$1._a bottle. Sold by all
way's Ointment and Pills'
f flair
of the lads, h.owever, had his et7es sud:
eg I • lungs,
ied off
denly and violently opened to the im-
propriety of . his proceedings, for a tall
• and powerfel country women, against • t the
! ts ihiciuyc
whona he had rudely collided, seized .
him by the nape of the neck, forced him I .
1 , I b
down upon his knees, bobbed his nose I ',leas
two or three times against the platform, i felt pad
and than, after giving him a few hearty
te Bal
kicks and a little kindly admonition, ; t is st
allowed him to arise and depart,
; s ccess
amidst the derisive laughter of the :
numerous spectators of his humiliation, 1 e5 ecgesnist
and with feelings more 8asily imagined i
than described. •ollo
Iipps?ts Cocoa.
Grateful and Comforting.—"By a al °mad
thorough knowledge of the ua.tural 1 •ws rcost sa
which. govern the operations of diges- r bbing
tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- t ice a
plication of the tine properties of well of the
selected: cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided trt tes th
our breakfast tab/es with a delicately, a d heti
flavored beverage, which may save us is siiffi
many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the sejrious
judicious use of such articles of diet that ti ns, p
a constitution may be gradually built taken at
up until strong euough' to resist every- lowing g
tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub- relied on
enza, sore throat, qninsey,
,arid similar complaints always
in unsettled weather, and are
fely and effectually subdued,by
Holloway's Ointment at least
day upon the chest and glands
throat. The ointment pene-
e skin, reduces inflammation,
le ulcerations. This treatment
cent for curing the most
and complicated throat affec-
rovided Holloway's Pills be
the same time. When swal-
ives pain, the ointment may be
till improving symptoms ad-
mit of painless deglutition. In asthma,
bronchitis, pneumonia pleurisy,whoop-
ing coisgh, incipient consumption,
scarlet fever and measles, Holloway's
medicines are not less valuable in
mitigating the most trouhlesome fea-
tures than they are certain in ulti-
mately curing. 712
What Everyon6 Say Must be
A,nd every one who h
Merits speaks warmly in p
yard's Pectoral Balsam as
cure for all throat and lung
coughs and colds, sore t
°IAMB, and incipient coma
Bucklen's Arnica
The hest salve in the wor
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, S
Fever Sores, Tatter, Chap
Chilblains, Corns, and all
tions, and positively cures
guaranteed to give perfect
or money refunded. Price
box. Fiat sale by E. Hick
pany. 714-52
Eclectric Oil.
Joseph Rusan; Percy, wri
induced to try Dr. Thom
Oil for a lameness which t
for three or four years, and
the best article I ever tri
been a great blessing to me.
• Eclectric Oil.
"It is a Great Public
These significant words wer
relation to Dr. Thomas' E
by a gentleman who had
tended its merits in his own
hag' been cured by it of lame
knee of three or four year
tested its
aise of Hag -
a positive
roat, bron-
d for Cuts,
It Rheum,
d Hands,
kin Erup-
iles. It is
5 cents per
n & Com -
s' Eclectric
onbled me
I found it
d. It has
' 691-52
o used in
lectric Oil
ess of the
' standing.
It never fails to remove soreness as well
as lameness. 691-52
They all Do It _
Everybody usee Teaber for the
teeth and breath, the newesti brightest,
cosiest libtle toilet gem -extant, Try a 5
cent sample. 720.3m
d- Periodical Pille—Thie =value le medicine is
unfaihvg in the cure of all thoe painful and
dement:ma dibeetaes to which the fe ale constitu-
tion is FuLject. It moderateall e con and re-
moves all obstrnetione, and a epee y cure may
be relied on. To married ladies it is peculiarly
suited. It will, in a abort time, bring on the
re ontlby poinct with regularity.l These pills
should nab° taken by females during the first
three morths of Pregrancy, as they are eure to
bring on Miscarriage, but et any ot er time they
are safe. In ell cases of Nervous mei Spinal Af-
• 1 eetions, Pains in the back and limbs, fatigtteon
slightexertion, palpitation of the heart, hys-
terics and whites, thete pills will effect a ewe
when another inters have failed; Ond, although
a power Jul remedy, do Lot contain i un, calomel,
el ntrnaony or anything hurtful to the onstitntion.
Full dire ctions in the pampblet round each
package, whish should be carefulli4 preserved.
Job Mosul, New York, Sole Proprie or. $1 and
12i cuts f, r poetage enclosed to Northrop &
Lymen, Toronto, '• Ont., general ag nta for the
D °minion, will insure a bottle containing over
60 pills by retrain mail. Sold in Seaforth by
E. Hiekton te Co., 3. S. Roberts and Lumsden
& Wilson. - 644-52
MONEY TO LOAN—I am prepa
knoney at 6 percent. intereet, p
ly. Principal at the end of term.' Pri
ed to lend
yable year -
ate Funde.
WANTED—The Bum of $1,000 for hree years.
Interest, six per cent. per ann , payable
yearly. First class seentity. For particulars
apply to M. P. HAYES, eaforth, or to Mo.
NEY—A. G. McDOGALL is an horizedto
lend money at 6i per cent. on m rtgage, for
any amount, and for any number of ye 8; inter-
est charged or ly on the unpaid p. oval. No
commiesion Charged. Apply at the Store of A.
G. McDougall & Co. 678
'FOR SA LE:—A number of horses ranging in
price from 840 and upwards, also one cutter
with pole and shafts and I democrat wagon• v
new. be sold cheap. WADE Bos. 736 -
BOARD D.—A few young men can
be accommodated with comfortable rooms
a nd 4-ood board. Apply az the ExPOSITOE Or -
38 -3
.zTAVE 13,DLTS WANTED --The highest price
I'd Niel for any quantity of oakand white A811
qtavbs, stave bolts or logs, to be delivered at the
stavb factory near the market, Seaforth.
SANtl al, TROTT. 7px-5
_ _
A PM-manent, sure care for Diseases, Dis-
ordeN, and Ailmenth of the Kidneys, Bladder and
Urinate* Secretive System or attendant coin-
plai ate—causing pain in small of back, sides, etc.,
gravel), Catarrli of the bladder and passag,es ;
Brightls disease, diabetes dropsy, piles, nervous
e ility, etc. Pamphlets and testimonials can be
obtained from druggists free. Prices—Child's
Pad, 31.50, (cures bed-wetting.) Regular. Pad,
82. S eeial Pad for chronic diseases .9,3 Sold
1)3 J. Roberts, Seaforth; Wm. M. Robertson,
Wroxeter ; R. N. Thurtell, Teeswater. ; W. J.
Brae, fiVingham ; John S. Tennant, M. D, Luck -
now ; Watts & (Jo, Clinton; Lawrence Hamilton,
Blyth G. H. Hewson, Bayfield ; S. A. Hodge, 1
Mitchp ; Josheph Kidd & Son, Dublin ; The 1
Fiensail ; Mrs. John Mein -Well, 13rucefield: Robt.
Z 0 P Iii IS A.
The New Compound, its wonderful
affinity to the Digestive Apparatus
and the Liver, increasing the dissolv-
ing juices, relieving almost. instantly
the dreadful results Ilf Dyspepsia,
; Indigestion, and the TOBPID LITT-
! EB, akes Zopesa an every day n eces-
1 eity in every house.
I It acts gently and speedily in Bil
iiousness, Costiveness, Headache, Sick
Headache, Distress after Eating
Wind on the Stomach, Heartburn,
Pains in t7te Side and Back, Want 01
Appetite, Want of Rnergy, Low
Spirits, Foul Stomach. It invigor-
ates the Liver, carries ojf all surplus
1 bile, regulates the Bowels, and givestone to the whole system.i
Cut this out and take it to your
Druggist and get a 10 cent Sample, or
a large bottle for 75 cents, and tell
Vour neig hbor about it. 1
Oentr Drug • Store, Exeter; H. R. Jackson,
S CAMPBELL, Proviresial Len.1 Reid -ea -ex
ly atte ded to.
-P--d • a d Civil Engineer. Order's by -mei' prompt
D. S. CA ten-ins:co eor-reo
netflIslISH EXCHANGE HOTEL, Goderich, I
J--'. Oet. WM. COX, Preaprietor. This is ono of
the Quietest, Most Comfortable and Best (Jon -
ducted: Hotels in the Province. The Booing are 1
comm4dious and the Table and Bar liberally
stipplield. Good stabling in connection. 63549.
TO LOAN on ecnrity of 0
Beal Estate for any term CO
of years not exceeding twenty, at 6 pe cent. per
annum ; No Commissions; The w ole of the CC
principal money may be repaid at a y time on 0
giving six months' notice, or any sum aotexeed. Lid
ing'one-fourth rutty be paid at .the clo e of each
sear withent notice, interest ceasiii from the
time of payment; Loans effected promptly.
OFFICE — Viatoria. Square Seaforth.
T P. BRINE, Lieenced Anctionee for the
LP • County of Huron. Sales attended ina11
parts of the County. All orders left at the Ex.
PosiToR Office will be promptlyattend d to.
R. COOPER, Mussels, County AitoIioneer.
de'• Sales of all desaciptione pro ptly at-
tended in anv pelt of the county on r asonable
t erms. Oraera left at the oftice of the Hinton
E xeosidon, or addressed to lernssels, w I receive
prompt attention.
-Li- eer, MaKillop. Special attention g:ven to
sales of Landed Property, Farm St oh and
Implements:. Al] orders loft with th under-
signed at „Walton P. 0., or Lot 4, con-
cession 14, will be promptly attended o. Sale
bills, notes and stamps furnished if equired.
ALEX. DELGETTY, Walton. 639
yR. IV. E. Davis, Auctioneer, has een
.btructed to sell by Public Auction at the
Belle ay Hotel in Dublin, on Thursday, 9th Feb-
ruary, V-82 at 2 p,rn , lots 110 and 111 n Don -
kin's survey of Carron brook, now Dublin. Upon
the property is erected a large two stor , frame
ui dint. occupied as a tax ern, and knol as the
Railway Hotel- Also a large frame barn. Terms.
--One tenth of pureletee money, to be ) lid on
day of sale, ami balance in one month th reafter
without interest. Further particula s and
comlitions of sale made known on day ofle, and
in the meantime can le obtained from th under-
signed MC( AUGIDIY & HOLNIV:ITED, "vendor's
Settfol th, J4nuary 18, 1882. 737-3
ARE now in full operation. Farmers and Merl
Chants ean he supplied with either Land or
Dairy Salt at market prices. .
*mil win be taken in exchange for ,1
• Salt.
I am deterinived• to Clear Out my
.13ntire Stock of Furniture regard;
less of Cost.
THOSE IN WANT, it will pay them to aticer,
tain prices before purchasing elsewhere. 1
give a large discount to those paying cash, BA.
peolally to newly married couples.
I am still selling Fix highly finished chairs Or
$2. I also keep Knowlton's Spring Bed, the
best and cheapest in the market; warranted
perfectly noiseless.
Warerooma directly opposite M R C t '
Mammoth Jewelry Store, Main Street, Seaforth,
East Bide.
4v1e* 0 0 UGH
For Croup, Colds, Coughs,
Whooping Cough, &c.
• We lame jufet, Made up fresh
. lots of ‘43
HORSES, &c., &e.
The following preparations fat the Hair cannoa
be beat,
grZABBOW -&-PROUDFOOT, Barrietera, Sella -
d -d tore, eke., Goderich, Ontario. --.41-. T. Garrow.
Wm. Prondfoot.
det„AltlElt0.1e, HOLT te CA Berrien:vs,
--/ Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderieh, Ont.
M. C. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam-
C . 1411/.11R, Barr:am and Attorney et
* Len , &elicitor in Chancery. Cezendesioner
for taking cilidavits in the Provirece of leanitoba.
Solicitor for •the Bank Of Efemilton, Wingham.
Private frnader to loan at Ill toepercent. 633
STDICKINSO—Iv, Earriete—rs—, &e. Ke
, n
Block, Winghrun. Solicitore for the Bank
of Hamilton. Commissioners for taking affida-
vits in Manitoba Private funds to loan at 6 per
cent. Lucknow office every Wednesday. H. W.
C. Menne. E. L. DICKINSON% 738
LAW' Charm, ry and -Conveyneeing. Money to
Leen at loaest rates of hr.ei.vst, and charges
low. larins for Sale. Money inveeted tor private
individuals upou Me -opiate -1 ne riga, e eecurity
evithout charge te 11 em Office, Se aferin, Ont.
'Will be bt lienrall, 1.1(Xt iesr' to Reynele'a
every Wednesday.
Scott's Block, Main Szreet, 6eaf-o'rtle.
k. OLICITORS her the Cemeolielated Bank -of
Canada tied tIte CaLndian Rant -of Cornmerte
in Staforth.
Farm aim Teen) and Village: Property bought
and sold.
Maxey (3 rivet E 11;17,(1)())0LT.(41 0)1 rpOrraftRe ge.
cmitits, ietudeniLle rates. cd interest. neargee
Money invested for private pereeee epee the
best mertgage eeeurities, without, ere.- expenee to
the lender.
S. G. MeCAUGIIlly. ALA. F. 1101,2A Li -.TED
THIS Great Honeehold Medicine ranks amongst
the leading neceFsariee of life. These fa-'
merle Pills purify the 331ood, and act meet power-
fully, 3 et se-oil:tingly, on the Liver, Stomaelz,
Kidneys ard Poweht, giving tene, energy and
vigor to theee greet nein eyainga of life. They
are coefdei ti' econ enrod aa a never-fail/leg
remedy in el) et FfS het e the conelittetion, from
what ever co nee, has become imnaired weaken-
-ea 1 hey ere -woneerfully efficacious in all ail -
meets inefee nib te Fen Ides of all ages; and es
a General Fannie Medicine, are unsurpasteed.
Its searchn g ued healing properties are /mown
thr might nt the world. For the cure of had legit,
bad bresete, old wounds, eents and ulcera, it ie
an infallible remedy. If effectually i (Abed on
the neck and cheat, as ffilt: ini0 meat., it cures
Sol -e 7 broat, Ilil.htberia,lironclitis,Congbs,Colds,
and even Asthma. For GIsndular ewellings, Ab.PeeFses, Pile a Fistulas, Gont, libeematiste, and
every lind of s).in dieettse, it has never been
known to fen. The I -ilk and Ointment aremann-
, f a enured only at (43,0a:ford Street,Loralon update
1 I Fold by Fll VP1 dors of Medicines throughent the
Civilize d Worla ; with dnectiene for uee in el-
„ me+ , mit every ianguage. 'F‘erellaseret shonid
:AL. look tothe ]al el on the pot a and boxes. If the
Ci 1 addrese is not 638, Oxford Streit t, 0) London they
1.52. , at e 'merlons. 71
w I
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81111111m.... 441 ta)
•••I 4 IX/ ri gt
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'V k fal 4:e
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eA. ' : 'ke,i 'ne ..^!
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Before Taking
T -HE EFAT ENGLISH itii.diEDY for Ver-
-e Ivrea I•t :dirty a eteall 1 CI -V4:118 freet1012#1, in.
elne'irg Spermatcribete, Sernintit Weal re. a, Get..
2.( RD)! Fa of 8c11-abtise,• indiscretion, &c.. 10.
Gr. A I'S PPICIFIC 1‘11.D1C1NE. This 1- the
only ren eft), whichhae eve r been known to per-
med: el 111-3 et )4 I 11;3 riPtIt f? 1:Er sfeactions
01 1) 11( 0) , Cer )1 rtio, in ite eerlier stages,
It el.) )) I ( Idee d 10 11 ee n o, AVIL41 in the
ston. n, I aid of Yen are, Want ti
er.e) PC»! 14074 101 141in:41e, :Edifi.
firti tn bo)4 1 4.:4 r I (4 In t oi (.4 13 V. sq.-.
vt Unl-
r-I Lie seat e, 3 1 ix in 11 I 1 Lel•, direness a
173f.3 j., /11 / MI tie et <et. rarticulars
in (Ri Imp , /i 1.a( eend bEcurily eealed
C8 « 1 (11 11)(1- e(-1 t 'Abe- Specific
it. 1 t v ten 1 -1 3. ta at $1 per peelage,
1(; te v 1 0 rent free by ir'-rli 01
receipt of Money, by addreeling 689
Nack's Magnetic Medicine
C4- 0 1_1 3D
.Which is °bee more complete, and We now el ow a full rturt-1 of CLOUDS in ,
Navy, Cardinal, Grey. Brown alai Fancy; SQUARES in Cardinal, Black, Grey,
Navy and ;Fancy. Wool Jacket, alitteae.1 Cuffs, caca Ladies' Underwear,
Gloves, Kid Mitts and Gloves; Nice (a. aka, ia Siik Squat es and Ties, Real and
Imitation Laces, Frilling, &c.; Men's 0v --cat,, Shit ts and Drawers, Cardigan -
Jachets, Ties. Braces, Wool Cuffs, Linen CIA's. brd a the range of Tweeds,
Worsted Cnatings, &c. Extra good value in Mink Muffs, Boas and Caps,
AstrachanlAluffs, Baltic Seal Muffs, Men's Caps in Beaver, Coney, Phish, Cloth,
&c. •
JMI:ESO 1\3, '
0 P.. a LI -1
le a sure. prompt and effectual romtiv for Ner-
vousness' in pel its stages, Weak Memory, Loss of
Brain Power, Sexual Prestration, Night Sweats,
l•!uermatorrhowa,Seminal Weakness, and Genera!
1 obs of Power. It repairs nervous waste., Rein-
ven crates tie Jaded intellect, S rengthens theen-
feebled brain, and rest ns eurprisiog tone and
vigor to the exhausted , enerative 'Organ:4. The
experience of thousiands proves it an invaluable
remedy. 'The medicine is pleasant to the taste,
and in no case al d under no eireunistancea eel) it
do harm. Each box contaimi buttieient for two
week's medication, thus being Irina Omeletr than
any other medicine .old—and while it is the
cheapest it is much better. Full particulars in
, tmr amphlets, which we desire to mail free to
eny address. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sold
by Druggists at 50 ca- ts per box, or 12 boxes for
d5, or will be mailed free of postage on receipt of
money by .addrel,sing MACK'S MAGNETIC
MEDICINE , Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth
by J. S. ROBERTS, and ell druggists elsewhere.
• •--
"IRESubscriber hereby thaelne his nureernaid
ettst<Taera (merchants and otherei fcr thela
liberal patronage durirer the peel, 7 5Tarb.
h ores y at ric t iniverity and (Pau Gttentte!t.tt.
hnsineas tonrerit their te nederee feel tretielit
t 1c fntnre.. .naving greali enlarged hie pry
ie- during the winter, he iti now pi epered to ft!
For any quantity of Geed En oda Egg,:,, cla levered
at the Egg Emporiere,
Waitted by the :le aeon iber, rcrz Of gt 41
elban wly;at atra.A.
D. D. WIL.Sk
; pROPEWIY FOR SALE—For Sale, on easy
terms, that deeirable residence en James
Street own( d by Mr. George Dant. Eneuire of
J. S. Puill ER, Seaforth. a.181