HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-02-10, Page 1BRUARY
ale, "Tbi1S tht people
tlaankfill for» while
Londesboro, based hie
eared different subjects of
he prooeeda of the tea meet -
d to $85.
aim' evening the children
ith'School were entertained
,na time. They were, ad..
Messrs. Musgrave, Grieve,
Ahern while the musiti WM
the children, assisted by
who presided at the organ.
efueknkne Sufferers.
tve. MANffE,KilYfinl, Jan: 26, islet
tosisoe,— Another anonye
in Stanley has kindly sent
riapanying modest note,wita
eestage and registration, and
dollar.s for the relief of the
banks are hereby tendered
revolent friends, who, With -
their left hand know What
4nd doeth, are libera* con -
poor. May "the bleissinn
ie ready to perish come
L" As you have kindly
aitm te the teafferings of our
rethren, and thereby eon -
P email degree, to the
hst has been awakened. in
r in thie section, may ask
permits, to insert this and.
panying note in Tern Ea-
3incerely yours,
H. Ceensuon.
Wing is the note referred be BiERYTHING RE -MARKED
STANIar, /an. ituel,881-,
euelose a tri fl i n 0 , sant
tffering poor of Mtt;itoka.
y are you tlaink best, and
it nb a Notes.
St Bible Christian chum& ia
-i11" be opened at Alexaudria,
February 14.
at Winnipeg for $13.50
wood is $6.50 per cord.
er than last year, but wood
as high.
rage settlement along its
[anitobs, Southweetern IRail-
erry free the material for the
eases to be built in each of
• as soon as their lociation
:O. McLagan and Mr. Eobsrt
eth old and experieuced On -
lies, are in Winnipeg gath-
uation relative to the city,
tiled in Prof. ;1:lanolin's forth -
"The Nerthwest."
eLonville Mountaiueer says:
peg market ia being stocked
re pork mid beef from On -
ties who went into the city
of these commodities from
ard work to find purchasers.
irise party het week present -
he Scott, of Emerson with
• Scott with a haadsome
The gift was a recognition.
es every oue will admit who
nevereed gentleman arid his
ent form of diphtheeia, is
north et Rock Lake i and
ildrea have died frona the
there is no clootor neaxer
enville, and the want of a
ntleman is severely felt in
end cost of carrying On the
tabus in the rxmnicipelity of
mounted to an 30. This in -
e fees for returuing officers,
oiling places, den Settlers in
,untry learn to work: won-
atarday Right, lath ult., the
Mr. McMillan, north of Rock
burned. -The rod toOk fire
ttovepipe, end in a short time
e was destroyed. Mr. Me-
t a quantity of granatwhich
a in the house; as well as
fa household geode. I
ther day at a family gather-
Eigh Bluff. Manitoba, there
ELt a newly arrived baby, fin
L mother, two grandfathers,
lmothers, two great grand -
d two great.grandenntltere.
ratious. It is not ofteu that
nal tree is, so well preseived.
Ienauder actevieh, erfl East
known as a secceseful breed -
attic, weighed at the Shakes -
an tire 17th December, two
Ion the 23rd inst., weighed
h. The net gain was 166
rer twu pounds a (lay per
above the average, and
larger, increase thaa any of
merits at the Model ffarm.
ds were sold the saute day
Tice for the Montreal max-
rge canning factory near St.
tieing to Mr. John Ot-
urnel to the grouuct a few
Mr. Otwen and his son
ooth away from home , came
'of the wires to flue]. that the
ich had been bailt up by the
ustry and energy of yeaxs
:es. They found that !every -
burned. Stock. cane, tin,
meohinery (with the ex -
=a. smell engine), in faotIesery-
td• in the wor lona of tens
everething aterecr in it were
ruitied. The loss Wit be
V; tl, e insarauce amonints to
at this wilt not hy any means
joss-. Mr. Ottwell hate al-
eguir proparations him the
'f a stone factory and as yeses
eace have taught Wein Just
required in a buildieg for
oreaniug purposes, there is
bhat the new etructure Will be
perior to the old..
reepenteet of the MitcheR
writing from Kaosaa Bays:—
ra ago I was a resident of
/Jiving la the woods near
'Marys now stands. There
loe tavern and two other log
F in tht! pNeet theta trat
imbed, I think, was in 1844 -
am way to Gotterich, taking
'at taxes, £50, collectfed in
1. I had an interesting ad-
gettiug from St. Meryste
- The ground was cbvered
and there wee no treat
the river I struck fair tbe
site the piece of my friend,
o had gone to St. Marts and
tape on my side of the Iriver,
e was to be denet I did not
le 'term's and then travel all
clothes, sa I took the' boat
for the other side, and! went
'e rejoicing, leaving MrIoore
t. as beat he could. at he
a warm before I sa* him,
quite good natured over the
114ABla FOR SALE.—For Sale or will be ex-
-I: chaoged fora farm eitherin Tncker-
ssaltit, Stanley or Hallett, Lot No 35, cotioassio n
Veirnbec o iataiaing 60 mores good tam be r
Iliad. for F110 harp-IctiuttlarS dpply to A. 3 Za ONG ,
Laud Agent, Beaforth. 738
A Story With a Xoral.
To the Editor of the Huron Repositor.
SIR :—Most of your readers have
doubtless heard ot Pattie C. the bicker -
maker of Birgim. It is needless to say
that Pattie was a cooper by trade who
made a speciality of making bickers.
These dishes are generally made from
six to nine inched in diameter and
abouthhe same in depth. In-Scatlend,
where the working class all use por-
ridge twice every day, it is of the
greatest importance that each member
of a family ehould have a bicker that
exactly suited the _capacity of their
stomachs. There is no country in the
world where the diet is so uniform
both in quality and quantity, which in
a great measure accounts for the heal
thy condition of the Scotch; but I am
off my story. Pattie was a very small
young man, but this did not prevent
him from courting the lassies. Like
moistly all small men, he picked on a big
lass that he thought was a perfect
angel, ard concluded to equalize mat-
ters by marrying her. Unlike most big
women, Pattie soon found out to hie
sorrow th it she was a perfect "sautau."
As time wore on, as is generally the
ease with married people who don't
-agree, they nevertheless ancoeeded,,
some way or another, in having a very
large family. As the tt children increas•
ed iu years and numbers, they natural-
ly followed the example of their mother
and had uo knowledge whatever of the
one-half of tbe fifth commandrneut, BO
that Pattie had not the life of a dog
a.mongist them. The poor man had tu
work both early and late to make both
ends meet, and the children were eru-
Ployed as spies by their mother to see
that their father did not put off his time
and in. watching the sales and carrying
the money to •the house. If he failed
in doing work enough or in making
sales to satiefy his wife, he got fearfully
fleolded aud was often sent to bed with-
out hie supper. It would fill the Ex.
POSITOR to recount the many indignities
that poor Pattie was subjeoted to, but
he bore his troubles with Christian
resignatiou, as men generally do. He
had, indeed, a horrid nlife. In order to
maintain his large family he had to
attend -all the fairs within a radius of
thirty miles for the purpose of selling
his bickers, which the carried on bis
back. The size and number were all
counted, aud he was held to a strict
account for every copper of his money.
If he failed in selling or reduced the
price in order to sell, he was sure of a
warm reception from his wife and
bairns wheu he got home. It happen-
ed that in attending the Kelso fair that
he struck a good market, and ma.naged
to sell all at good prices, and, as good
luck' would have it, he providenti-
ally met a friend called Johnnie K.,
that he had not 'seen since the two
were cow herders together. Pattie was
delighted to meet his friend, anti even
took the risk of incurring his wife's dis-
pleasure by aeking Johnnie to bane a
gill. Unlike most money epent in
drink this proved. a most profitable in-
vestment. Although I am a temper-
ance man I must confess that nothiug
goes BO directly to the heart a drop
of good whisky. In Scotchmen it stirs
up the sympathies and religious feel-
ings; in Irishmen, their humorous and
fighting qualities, and in Englishmen
their muscular and annoroes propen-
sities. Such being the case, it would
be well for society if Scotchrnen were
allowed to do all the drinkino There
FOR SALE OR TO RENT—Two acres of Ian d,
with serf efortable house, barn and stab 1,,
Ilhorean. There is +aiso an or lhard containing a
tea saleotioa of trait trees. Within one a ad. a
bait wiles of,Se tforth, being p Lrt of Got 2 4, co n
semilart 2, MoKillop. Will be sold or rented che tvP
M tile proprieror is g )ing on to his farm. Apply
to i`OHN TRILL, Seatorth, P. 0. 7894
VARM FOR SALE.—Valuable farm for sale in
I: the Township of Grey, beincr the north haif
et tile North half of Lot 102,in the 6th concession,
his wife's authority naturally Praduced
a perfect storm. He was called all the
good-for-nothings the family could
think of, as well as a drunken little
spendthrift and was sent to bed sup-
-perless. But Pattie had the proud
satisfaction of having withstood the
first combined attack of the whole
family, and had retained the Money, so
that if the worst came' to the worst he
knew if they refused to give him his 1
breakfast he bad the money .o buy it.
This was the first spark of real inde-
pendence he had experienced in his
bosom since he had been married, and
be continued to keep the purse until he
brought the family to the very point of
!starvation, when, like a goo& husband
and father, he replenished all ' the meal
pokes. The wife, like a sensible wo-
man and good judge of human nature,,
when she saw that Pattie had fairly
got his back up and put his foot down, ,
she concluded, small as he was he was
like other men—far more 'easily led
than driven, and at once adopted a
change of policy towards him by becom-
ing a loving and affectionate wife.
If she wanted anythingit was
my dear Pattie can I have this, I experienced in the
that and the other thing. Pattie, like I —It is thought
_all other men, could not refuse the ad- feet of square timb
vanes of a loving wife. The change Kiugston on the
that took place in the mother was at broke Railway, for
once reflected in the family, find in less river.
than no time Pattie beam:lee the hon. —John O'Donog ne, M. P., ' had his
ored and much respected head of the pocket picked on the way to the Union
house. Pattie fairly longed 'fur Kelso Station, Ottawa, on Friday bight.
fear, so as to meet his friend and berm. His wallet contained $50 aud, a railway
—There was a boom in the barley
market last week in Galt, between
2 000 a.nd 3 000 bushels having been
delivered daily. The prioe paid was
from 80c. to We per bushel.
—The Turoeto telegraph office on
Saturday night 'worked direct with
Winnipeg, and a coutiiderable amonut
of business was exchanged both ways
on the direct circuit.
—A very interesting game of curling
1 .
wifely/oppression, a
try from railway
Yours, deo., A C
d the whole eoun.
imposition, I ; am,
Oan. da..
The investigatio of the Sage mur-
der case at Brantfo d has been further
--The Belleville !Chief of Police in
his a.nnual reporti recommends' the
ers, So do vine
lerk of Stationery
mom, has had his
$1,000 to $1s100.
flogging of wife ea
—Dlr. Romaine,
in the House of Gori
salary increased fro
—Mr. .Mathesoh, Reeve of West
Zorra, recently purchased 50 acres of
land from Mr. Tait for the sum of
—Rev. Mr. Torrance, an aged Pres-
byterian minister, as resigned the pas-
toral charge of 113 congregation in
—Mr. Thos. Per y, a hotel -keeper of
Lucknow, died of typhoid fever last
week. Elie son die of the same fever
on Christmas day.
—One hubcired nd fifty tons of ice
are ant per day at Toronto. Such an
extensive ice hem( st was eiever before
that fully 1,000,000
r will be brought to
ingeton and Pem-
raftiug down the
tee acres, moatly all cleared There are 15 acres
are even some Sootohmen whose heart
et ha wheat sown, and 28 acres of fall plowing
dome. There is a frame barn 64x64 f et with are not in the right plaoe who s&aalcl.
41babl1ag underneath and a root cellar capab e of
inglfrag 2,000 bushels • roots. There is also a
Immo barn 3 /x50, with stabling underneath also
a Met log house and -tram kitchen, two wells
assi a splendid bearing orchard This farm will
be mild cheap --also Lot 8 in the 4th Concession
et Grey, 99 acres, 80 wares cleared. There is a
side& log house and frama kitchen. and a frame
hank 40x60. A good bearing orchard and a well
pump. It is also watered by a spring cree k
reastag across the farm. - This would mak e
*splendid stock farm and will be sold cheap as
the proprietor is going to Minitoba. For par -
*isolate apply to the proprietor on Lot I. conems-
visa 4, or to Bruseels P. 0. Tnos. MOLAU 08-
‚1 39
Immense Attractions
The Public are particularly- invited
look at
This Stock Before Buying Elsewher
These are all warranted to give tatis-
faction, and they are sold at close
The Stook is, as usued, well assorted
in. all the Fanoy Suitings for nobby
suits. A large stock of FUR CAPS,
the newest thing out, -in
Gloves of all kinds and Winter Flan-
uels in endless variety.
not drink, as it stirs up all the bad
qualities of both the English and the
Irish, but to return to my story. John,
nie was naturally anxious to know if
Pattie was married,what kind of a wife
be had got, how many children be had
and how be was getting along in the
world. Pattie, like an honest man, had
to confess that he was married, and
badly married; that the, wife of his
choice that he imagined was a perfect
angel when a, lass, bed turned out a,
perfect devil, aud that the 11 bairns had
all taken after the mother, and as for
himself, he was knooked round amonget
them like a pair of "amid shoes ;" that
he never had a copper that he could
call ain, and hinted what a warm
reception be would get for having spent
six penoe in treating a friend. Johnnie
was still a, bachelor, which Pattie
thought was the greatest bleesing any
man could enjoy, but like all old bach-
elors, Johnnie deolared the woman was
not born, if be had her for a wife, he
couid not subdue. Although deeply
sympathising with his friend, he told
Pattie be had nobody but himself to
blame for his hard lot; that he had
been too indulgent idgiving his_wife all
her own way, and as a natural conse-
quence she was sure to rule him with a
rod of iron. Johnnie called on another
gill, and told Pattie he could give him
eaee for all his troubles if he only had
the courage to apply it. 'Pattie declar-
ed he bad the courage to do it or die,
rather than submit to the treatment he
had reoeived any longer. After such
assuranoe of manly valor, Johnnie
told him all he had to do was to bring
his wife and family to a proper sense of
their dependence upon him by "simply
stopping the supplies" and. keeping the
purse himself, but if be attempted and
failed bis latter end would be Worse
than the first. Pattie declared' he
would put the cure to the test that
very night, and it was agreed between
them that they would meet at the same
place at the next fair so that Johnnie
would know the result of his cure, apd,
that he warranted it never to fail if
properly applied. Pattie started at
once for home, whistling all the way
to keep his courage up. When he ar-
rived the wife and family were ready
to receive him and take the money, but
Pattie, having more spirits in him than
usual, deolared he had made up his
tnind from this time hence forward and
forever to keep li4:1 own purse. Stich
s. clear oese of o n rebellion against
factor. When the day ate ived the two
friends met as agreed. Pattie could
now stand treet without any fear of the
home going. It is needless to say that
he was neither stingy in treating nor in
thankiug Johnnie for his "perfect cure."
Johuuie was indeed delighted to hear
that the wife had beoome the original
angel Pattie took her for, and that the
family had all become so like them
mother, aud that :Pattie was now a
happy and contented man, living
wholly iu the affectious of his family.
So great was the change that Johnnie
fairly euvied Pattie his lot. If auy of
your readers are afflicted with wives
who wear the breekees, wink is just as
good as a nod. Johnnie's cure is war-
ranted. But my object in irelatingahe
story is not 80 much for the purpose of
saving iudividuals who are under pet-
ticoat government as it is to save the
whole country from railway usurpation.
If Pattie, poor man, was able to sub-
due a very devil of a wife by merely
exercisiug judiciously his own power,
how muub mos e easily could the people
cputrol audgoyeru the railways of the
country and make them subeervient to
their will by merely using the law
making power they possess. Ever
siuce the days of John the Baptist
until now it is wonderful how many
reforrat have been effected both in
church aud state by -Johnnies." As
my name is dulinele, I will give you my
cure for making the railways more at -
tive to your want, beeidesneompel-
ling them to do so at about vile half
the preeeut rates, notwithetending all
the schemes and amalgamations they
can form. There is no country in the
world that pan BO easily legislate an ad-
ditioual five or tAi. per cent. into their
pockets yearly from tbe produce of the
farm ae the farmers of Ontario, if they
will only stand up for their rights. It
istrue the people have been far too in;
dulgent and too liberal with railways,
hence the reason they are trying to
take the advantage of the people's sim-
plicity. Few individuals seem to know
that tbe rights of the people are meet
jealously guarded in all railway ohar-
tors. The ls,w does not allow them to
overcharge iu rates nor to give any ad-
vantages to either individuals or places
for the same service rendered. This is
done for the purposenof preventing
monopolies in the country. Such being
the case, it seems strange that the law
allows railways to carry American pro-
duce double the distance for one half
the rates they will (tarry the produce of
_this country. Canadian lays% are not
like the la.ws of the Medesl and Per-
sians, which cannot be cha.nged. Why,
we have men making, mending, patch.
ing and reneedyingthe laws rill the time.
It is tnerely for the farmers of Ontario
to say that railways "shall not be al-
lowed to carry American produce
through their oountry at lower rates
than they are prepared to •Icarry the
produce of the country," and that the
local rates shall bear a oertaiu propor-
tion to the through rates. If this
clause was enacted into law', it would
fell two dogs with one stone. (1) It
would teach railways how dependent
they are—that they live and. move. by
and with the consent of the people;
that all their efforts to impnse on the
country are vain and. futile. (2) It
wouldnive the people all the accommo-
dation they require, besides! enhancing.
the value of the products of I the coun-
try five and ten per cent. It is funny
it my friend, Mr. MoMillani neglected
his duty in Goderi41 and allowed his
township to be overtaxed $3 per 100
acres more than Tuckergmith for
county purposes, h 'would at the very
'first election be ele ed to stay at home
and mind Las own usiness,1 so jealous
are the people in small things; but
strange to say, tho
liamentary repres
eupposed to be wat
National matters,
waysto rob the far,
to $250 each annual
amount of produce
a single protest eve
from the represent
people against thi
tion in rates of frei
duce of the Country. As this letter is Mr. Wm. Lee
quite long enough, I will perhaps send that gentleman
you another, and point out dome of the watch, and ente
evil effects of such polidy. In the plimentary din
meantime I say, '-stop the through tired from publi
traffic," unless on the conditions I have —Last Mond
suggested, which are both just and took place betw
right. Trusting this letter istay be the
means of saving a few poor souls from
was played at Ayr on the 3rd. Goldie
dt McCullough's foundry, Galt, againet
the Ayr foundry, two Hillis a side; Ayr
winning by SX shots.
—There was a case of smallpox on
board the- steamship Peruvian, which
arrived at Helifax last -Sunday morn-
ing, The victim was one of the steer-
age passengers.
—The projected railway tunnel nn -
der the St. Lawrence will be nearly
15,000 feet long. 26 feet wide and 23
feet high. It will be lined: with brick,
the arch being 20 to 30 inches thick.
—David Moore, Esq., Mayor of
Walkerton, has purchased a large tract
of timber limits in Muskoka, on which
he has now shanty men bueily °Imaged
in cutting down pine treee and prepar-
ing them for market.
—Bible names are well patronized in
a family residing near Mount Forest.
They have sons : Abraham, Itta.ao, be easily reached by railroad.
Jacob, Joseph, Samuel, Beojamin.John —Mr. Mellaughlan, of Arnprior, was building, 6500; conteuts, nothing. members of the Conven
McLEAN BROS., Publishers.
$1.50 a Year, in Advance.
G-. B. Hoskins, a well built, well pro-
portioned young man from Strathroy
made the five Miles in exactly 20 min.
uontel,parnizde.gained two laps on the sem
—The people of Walkerton are about
to do' tardy justice to the founder of
that town. M. Walker died in indi-
gent circumstances in Manitoulin, and
was buried there. The body is to be
brought to Walkerton and buried be-
side his wife, a lot in the cemetery
bpeore.granted, by the Council for
—A medical 'student in Toronto re-
cently took part,of a huntan akin to
s, furrier to be tanned and sent to a
trunk maker's, to be made into a. valiise,
stating that it was a pig skin. The
furrier found out the deception before
it was delivere , and it is not expected
to be called fo now.
—A human ear done np in a small
• white box andladdressed to a physician
of Wyoming, nt., was stopped in the
Detroit poet office the other day, and
sent to the de d letter office fur' the
want of suffici nt postage. A scrap of
paper on whic was written in pencil,
"A Binner's earg G. W.," accompanied —The Welland Council has author- surance of $7,000. No hves were lost.
ized. a committee to have the necessary The building was 250 feet long by 60 in
the ghastlysotaSenin
width, aud five storeys high, and had
fifty los ms, some of which contained
large libraries and mechanical and
chemical instruments of great value..
The building was well furnished. III
about two hours the college was in
enhance the 'value of tbe land from -------------- ould be done to stop e e
moat nothing to $8 or $10 an acre. lire.
—The Bosanquee Township Council, —Some time since an unfortunate
at ins last sittiug, paid out $113.32 for young Getman, who had been reduced
sheep destroyed by dogs. At its next to want through illness, wait ta.keneare
sittiug it will likely be called upon to of by Col. Skinner, M. P., and assisted
. .
he has labored warmly for the upbuild-
ing of Mechanics' Institutes in On-
tario. Mr. Young made an able reply,
and subsequently invited the deputa-
tion to dine with hun at the Bonin.
—The murder of the old man Smith
in the township of Amaranth,
and the trial of the young lad, his
nephew, John Smith, Jr., caused in. and frightened Carr a. Carr entered
tense excitement in the village and suit against Dean. The magistrates
convicted Dean and accepted bail.
—During the night of the let bast. a
little child died at the house of a fam-
ily named Burns, residing in Hamilton.
The next morning it was discovered.
that rats had been having a feast off
the body. The face, arms and hands
were bitten, the bare bones in some
places being visible. The infant,
which was in a sickly condition, had
scuffle for the child,. Dean eventually
laid Carr hors de combat with his fist.
Carr got a dub and struck Dean on the
head, cutting him over the eye. Mean-
while the child had suffered so that
blood was fowing freely from the
wounds received. Dean, seeing this,
pulled a revolver, fired several times
neighborhood of Shelburne. Accordmg
to'the evidence brought out at the trial,
the jury gave a verdict of guilty against
the boy John Smith, and he was com-
mitted to the county gaol at Orange-
ville to await trial on a charge �f mur-
dering his uncle.
—A year ago last September, Mr.
Simon Smith, a farmer in South Dum-
fries, near St. George, had his barns de-
stroyed by fire; They were insured in been left alone to sleep down stairs by
a Hamilton company for ttl,600. When the stove, while all the others slept up
the usual 90 days grace came around,
when the account should have been
paid, they gave Mr. Smith $1,000. and ,magistrate.
their note at any date for 6600. Since —About two o'clock on Saturday
then the note has been utilised, but morning a fire broke out in St. Francis
now the company have gone nuder, and College, in Richmond, Quebec. The
so Mr. Smith has to bear the loss. , estimated loss is $12,000, with an an -
stairs. The unfeeling mother was cen-
sured for her carelessness by the police
—Bruce is remarkably clean coml. surveys made to drain the marsh ]ands
ty morally. here was °ply one prig- of Crowland, Humberstone, and Wain-
oner committed to gaol from the 1st fleet, and to proceed with the construe -
December to the 1st February. This tion of the drains. The county own
prisoner was then pronounced innocent 6.000 acres of these marsh lauds, and
and released. Considering that Bruce hold mortgages Oil a large area so . -
has a populat on of about 70,000, this is estimated that perfect drainage will ruins. Richmond has no fire engine,
is an houorab enecord.
--The village of Perietanguishene
seeks incorporation as a town, certain
adjacent portioas of the tuwnships of
Tiny and Ta yl to be included. It is
recommended that when granting the
cheater. to abbreviate the polysyllabic pay as much more, as since then Mr. to return to lam home in Austria.
name under which this growing corn. R. Stutt. 14th cencession, has got few dans ago the Colonel was returned
triunity has so long struggled to the twelve killed, and a number of °there the amount of money generously given
popular "en an" on the same 0011CeB8i011 have got more to the young man, and along with it a
—Mr. Henry Harris, lot 5, eth con. or less destroyed by dogs. That Coun- magnificent meerschautn pipe, the bowl
cession, London townehip, was robbed cil should buy ep all the curs and have i being an admirably executed cast of the
the other day of a watch and the a general s'aughter. They would there -1 Colonel's face, tbe grateful friend hav-
greater part efihie wardrobe. He was by save money. I ing taken the preoaution to get his
in the city in the forenoon with a load —Mr. John Sanpillar of Lindsay, is I photograph when leaving here. The
of woad, and his wife was visiting at a the latest man who has had money , sonvenir is a valuable one, and. is very
neighbor's and it was while the house thrust upon him without his leave. By I highly prized by Col. Skinner.
WO.B tht18 unoccupied that the theft was the death of one of his relatives a. . •—Mr. Charles Law, of St. Gather -
corn m it ted . I fortune has been left to • him lines, is the proprietor of a fine quarry
—On Wednesday morning of last which may come to hand any day. The of superior sandstone. The stone is of
better quality than has yet been intro-
duced into this part of the country,
and is far superior to any foreign stone.
It can be got out in blocks of from
three inches to four .feet thick, and is
good for flagging, for kerbing, or for
general street purposes. The block
and took the fatal plauge. • Carty, In Ingersoll, Wati learned a on stone can be used to great advantage
week Mrs. Ellen Holcomb, of Crow- lucky man . has been working at Mr.
le.nd, an elderly woman, committed Matthews' packing house, but will
'suicide by jumping into a well. She probably look no more on the render -
had been laboring under the delusion ing put when- it boileth bright nor take
for some time that she would. die be- a hand at the crank filliog up sausages.
fore a certain date, and, although It is better to be born lucky than rich.
watched by her iriends, evaded them —The livery stable of A. G. Mo-
t kl tS nate moruing The for public buildings and street fronts.
—A discovery of marble has been
made in the district of Thunder Bay.
It is pure white, rather soft and takes a
good polish. The exact location has
not been stated, but it is on the Mat-
tawan River, a abort distance only
from Prince Arthur's Landing and can
building contained thirteen horses,sorue It is also said to be of the right quality
being very valuable, twelve single for griudatones, which have hitherto
buggies, two double carriages, and all been imported from Ohio.
the cutters, sleighs, harness and fit- —The annual meeting of the West-
tiugs, twO cows and a large quantity of ern Ontario Dairy Associatiou was held
hay and oats were totally destroyed. at Woodetock last week. On Wedues-
Loss, $5,000 to $6,000 insurance on day evening a banquet was given to the
aud Aaron, Tend daughters, Mary, recently stab ed by a Boy named Low. —Mr. John Morton, one of the pin- cers for 1882 'arm; President, Thomas
Martha aud Sarah. DIt appears that as be was passing down peers in the township of McGillivray, Ballantyne, M. P. P., Stratford; let i
_Principal Cavan, of Kurtz College, the street be was struck by a snowball. died at his residence near lease Craig vice 11, Parker, Woodstock; 2i_i'd vice,
visited Alma College, St. .Thomas. on He attempted to phastise Low, who he on Monday of last week, after a brief F. lialoolm. Directors—John Steiner, '
Moudan morning, and was highly the ball. Low not being illness, at the age of '71 years. De- New Hamburg; John McMillan, Sea -
pleased with the Imilding and furnish ceased was a native of Ayrshiye, Scot- forth; David Morton, Bathe; Wm.!
ings, and surprised at the rapid pro- land. He came to Canada when a Thompson, Azkona ; Adam Speer's, 1
gross of the school. young matt, and carved out of the Castorville ; C. P. Perkin, Barrie; R.
—The other night in Toronto a young woods with his own hands the home Cleland, Listowel.
lady in a sta.te of eomuambuliern was which he has occupied on the bank of —Hon. Mr. Woodward, of Lockport,
found in night dress and slippers in the Sauble for the last forty-seven New York, who grows grapevines on a
Queen's Park awn miles away from home. years. very large scale at that place, had an
She was taken to a clergyman' e house —Mr. Richard Gibson, the London interview with the Minieter of Cus-
and from there sent home. township cattle importer; was last torus at Ottawa a few days ago, for the
—The North Wentworth Conserve- week allowed to remove his cattle from purpose of asking that the duty be
tives have mimed Mr. McKechrde and the Quebec quarantine yards. They reduced by one-half on a new variety
Mayor Wardell, of Dundee, as the can- have been there three mouths, in ac- of vine which he intends sending kite
Commons and! Local cordat co with the vexations law now the Dominion next spring,on the ground
in force. During tEeir stay in quaran- that they will improve the grape grow -
tine Mr. Gibson had to pay upwards of ing iiidustry, and that any interest re -
$600 for their maintenance. This tamed in grapes sold by him, being a
amount, together with the high prices resident of the 'United States, could
paid for the cattle iu England, makes not be taxed. The Minister could not
them a very costly shipment. comply with the request.
—A newly married pair, on their —Another pioneer of Western On -
wedding tour, stopped at the Royal tario has departed this life, in the per -
Hotel, Hamilton, the other day, and son of Mr. Alex. Sutherland, of Zorra.
being given a room, were escorted to Deceased was a native of Dornoeh,
the elevator. After viewing the ire Sntherlandshire. He emigrated to
terior of the Mae room in the elevator, Canada in 1836 and settled in Zola's,
the groom stepped out Bud asked the where he has resided. up to the time a
clerk if be took him for a greenhorn. his death, which occurred. oxi January
The clerk replied in the negative. 17th in the 82nd year of his age. llfee.
"Then give me a room witha bed iu it," Sutherland was of a cheerful and amt. -
replied the unsophisticated youog man. able disposition, charitable to the poor,
Matters were explained, and the eleva- and a -noble example of the Christian
-profession. Be had always taken a,
tor shot upward to the third story.
—A workman in a Loudon manufam lively interest ill matters pertaining to
tory captured a cat the other day, and the welfare and prosperity of church
put it into a bag for safe keeping until aud state, having done good service in
his return home in the evening. A the rebellion of 1837. He was an elder
fellow emPloyee took out the cat :and in the Harrington Congregation, with
substituted a brick therefor. Em- which he was connected for many
ployee No. 1 carefully carried that bag years.
home under his arm, and cautiously —On Friday afternoon a sad and ter.
informed his wife that he had a magui- Tibia accident occurred a short distance
ficent surprise for ber, and turned out from London. It appears that Patrick
the brick with an air of a professional Sullivan and his wife, who have until
ehowman. His surprise and disgust lately lived in the Burwell Settlement;
in the township of 'Cieradoe, were en -
may be imagined.
—From the neighborhood of Port gaged in moving a short distance away
Bowan sixteen families will leave in to a new homestead. They were riding
the spring. Fourteen of those are aloug in a wagon, in the bottom of
farmers, one doctor, one merchant and which was a quantity of straw. The
speculator. The two lattergo to Win- husband was smoking; a coal fell
uipeg, but the others will go to differ- among the inflammable material, and,
ent parts of the States, mostly Dakota fanned by the wind, Buddenly buret
and Michigan. Of the above, eight are into a fiame. Mrs. Sullivan had
Conservatives, and three are ex Reeves smelled the smoke a moment before,
of the township of, Walsingbam. The and her next sensations were that ehe
fourteen farmers land. their families was afire. She became hysterical with
who are going to the States will prob- fear and screamed so loudly that the
adbialynsb.e in a position to know how well horses were frightened. beyond the cone
Canada has been kept for the Cana- trol of the husband. She sprang out
and ran along the roadside, enveloped
—A fight took place a few days ago in flames, and not until nearly all -her
at the village of Alton, over a baby. On clothing bad been burned off andeher
Monday of last week a man named husband had been able to return was
Dean, from Orangeville, came to Alton the fire extinguislaed, She was at once
in search of his runaway wife. He taken into a neighboring house, and -Dr.
found her at the Dixie House with his Fraeois, of Delaware, summoned. 'He
child a baby. She refused hint the found that the flesh on her body hid
been literally roasted, and her injuries
of so serious a character that he eater.
tains no hope of her recovery. Her
, sufferings were most agonizing. She
: had $65 in bank bills in her pocket,
and they were burned to ashes. She
and her family have the sympathies of
the entire community.
thought thre
the guilty p
Eltabbed hicL
abdomen, in
—Wm. L.
drover, wbo
eight miles &em Elora, has levanted.
A fevaparties who had business deal-
ings with Gordon will lose about 52,000
each, while numerous farmers who
sold him cattle or sheep and did not
get paid in fall will lose from $10 to
$40 each.
—The fin ncial manager (Mr. Cant)
of.Caut, Go rlay at Company, Galt,
has severed his connectiou ,with that
firm, and e employees, wishing - to
teatify thei regard for the retiring
sented him with a beauti-
cher and goblet, &mom -
a, nicely worded address.
ends starting business on
. Wilson, of Hamilton,
d in obtaining the allow.
ts in the United States
and Canada for his dynamo electric
machine for the production of the elec-
tric light. Mr. Wilson is a young man
not over tweuty-two years of age, and
t credit for the way he has
xperiments to a successful
oKay and his wife were
er at Braemar on Monday
.F Mr. McKay was 90 Years
rty drew a penknife aud
anghlan on the arm aud
close proximity to a vital
Gordon, a farmer and
ived in Woolwich, about
didates of the
Legislature resp
—Real estate in the village of St.
George is on the rise. Mrs. ` Brook -
bank bought a house and lot on High
street a few days since for $600, which member, pr
Mr. M. B. Lawrason had got but a lit- ful water pi
tle while previonely for $500. 1 panied with
—By the breaking of a switch crank Mr. Cant in
on the Northern' and NorthWestern his own am
Railway at Collingwood, on Saturday —Mr. T.
night, six or eight freight cars were has succeed
smashed, and e brakesman last his ance of pate
—M. Donald Campbell, son 'of M.
Mr. Campbell, postmaster at Lueltuovt,
left a few days to try his fortune in that
land -of promise, Manitoba. Previous
to leaving Lucknow Mr. Campbell was
entertained at a complimentary supper
by his friends..
—A boy baby has been born in To-
ronto minue both arms. The rigbt leg
consists of ankle and foot only, joined
to the thigh, and on the left leg the
fruit joins the knee. The &end is in
every respect healthy and is expected
to live.
—A despatch
Fifty-eight farni
lieved by Sb. Ge
is but a sroall prloportion of thoae really
in want. The Majority of those suffer-
ing from want aee those who have come
down in the worel,as they are ashamed
to ask for help.
—It is expeoted that at the ap-
proaching session the Government will
introduce a mea nre to provide for the
inspection of lin le of vessels other than
steamers and fo the appointment of a
separate board of inspectors for that
unty has six Par- purpose. # .
ntativesI who are —Hon. Alexander Mackence com-
ing Prdvincial and menced his trip 'through East, york on
ho allo* the rail- Monday. At each of the various stop -
era out from $25 ping places on s way he was Met by a
Ly, according to the deputation and enthusiastic admirers
they raiSe, without of himself and t e Liberal cause. He
being heard either was presented ith several addresses.
tives or from the —The ratepa ers of Pusliaoh, who
unjust ,discrimina- have been for t irty-eight yeans repre-
ht against the pro- sented in the nnicipal Conacils by
ie, recently presented
with a handsOme gold.
tained him at a com-
er. Mr. Leslie has re -
life. [
y night a fivemile race
en the Strathroy and
otively at the next
from Toronte says:
iee in the city were re-
rge's Society, and this
deserves gre
prished his
issue. t
buried toget
of last wee
of age, and hie companion in life and
death was 80, They had been married
55 years, 50 of which they had spent in
the neighborhood of Braemar, and they
aently well known through -
hip. They died of old.
riday, the other on San -
were copse
out the tow
age, one on
—A. Con
the Canada
and Ottawa
quoia to 00
union of th
resolution f
and a num
the conside
to -police m
ing, charge
wife in Fra
from her fo
the 2nd of October, 1878. Recently
the secon.d1 Wife appeared upon the
scene, and Wray lived with her. The
magistrate Itentenced him to six months
in the Cent al Prison.
—Mr. J Ines Young, M. P. P. for
North Bra t, was vtaited upon in To-
rento on th ,lst inst. by a deputation child, when he returned to Orange-
repreeenting the Association of Me- ; ville, but the same evening he returned,
chanioa' Institutes of Ontario, and pre- and while his wife went into another
sented. with a handsome silver epergne I room, took up the baby and carried it
and water pitcher, accompanied with off. Mrs. Dean followed, crying for
an address For the space of eleven
London skaters} After a moat excit- years Mr! Young has occupied the
ing contest throy came in ahead. preaidentialnhair, during which time
ention of Delegates from
Methodist and Methodist
lurches in the Brockville
districts was held at Iro-
nsider the question of a
two churches named. A
voring union was adopted,
er of points submitted for
ation of the respective con -
ray was before the Toron-
gistrate on Tuesday morn -
with bigamy. He left a
on and then not hearing
seven years, he married
evviss, a Toronto girl, on
help, which was answered by Thomas
Carr, of that place, who with herself
overtook Dean, and then commenced a