HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-02-03, Page 8I
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! 8 1 1 1 THE HURON EXPOSU ,
I . . . I �
ness, suavery modestly ask bim andl
the Council who paid for the Court of;
Revision a few years ago, when it was�
held -in thb,., Temperance
His Honor Judge Toms? When these,,
questions are properly: answered, if I:
have time and opportunity, I may be�
tempted to ask a few more. Hoping 11
have uot trespassed too Much on your,
space. I am, yours, &c., RuBTIOUS. I
I- �
� i;
q -
I I � Tuckersmith. .
SURPRISE PARTY. -On Tuesday even-,
ing of last week a large number . of the
young folks of the 2nd Ooncessionform-
ed an expedition and stormed the resiI
dence ol Mrs. A; _kule of the 10th Con"'
defision. Notwithstanding the goo.1
lady's surprise at this unexpected � visit,
she received her guests most hospitablY,,
and made all quite welcome. Dancing
' was kept up until an early hour, and aU
enjoyed themselves immensely. - �
Meeting of the patrons of the West ,End,�
Cheese Factory, was held .at the Fac�'
tory on Wednesday last. Mr. A. Mci,
Dermid was appointed chairman, and
Mi. John Hannah, Secretary. ' It was
unanimously agreed to support the Fac-
,. tory, provided the company would
manufacture the cheese on as faVorable
terms as the surrounding factories.
This was agreed to. It was further ra-
solved to have a meeting of the patrons '
on the 15th February, and to urge the
necessity of all the patrons being in at-
tendanoe, as business of importance will
be brought before the meeting.
of the Conservatives of Tackersraith,
was held at Egmondville on Wednesday.
last for the purpose of appointing'dele-!
gates to'attend the convention to be,
hold at Clinton on the 90i inst. The:,
object of this convention is to select
candidates for the next election. Tha
followinggentlemen. were elected delet
gates: Ward No. 1,—J. B. Webrer, Jas.�
Ryan and Henry Colbert. No. 2.—� I
I Robert Barber, Charles Mason. and .
John Rattenbury. No. 3.—James' Blair,
Peter Dayman and R. Marks. No. 4.—.,
Peter Kelly, W. S. Mundell, Win. Elgie 1
Jas. Pritchard and George Plewes. The
Vice-Presidentf; are delegated by virtue,
of Former appointment. i I
. AcKNOWLEDGMENT. - Mr. Win. Mc- I
Connell recently received the followingi
acknowledgment from Mr. Allardt,� I
Secretary of the Executive Committee I
for Relief of the Michigan Sufferers: I
"We beg to acknowledge the receipt of
your favor of the 260a . ult., and return
to you sincere thanks for the handsome
enclosure of a draft for $100 for the
Michigan sufferers. , Please convey to I
the generous donors of the township of
Tuckersmith this acknowledgment of
their timely gift." Mr. McConnell also f
Bent, in behalf of the people of Tucker- r
smith, the sum of $245 for tile relief of
the Muskoka sufferers, thus making the r
very creditable donation of $345, sub-
scribed by the people of this township _
for the relief and assistance of their un-
fortunate fellows ' in Michigan and t
Muskoka. We have not heard Of any a
other Single Municipality that has a
nearly approached this m. a
I OBITUARY. -WO inadvertently omit- I
ted any-opecial noticb� ol the death. of
Mr. James Martin, of this township, .
which took place at big r sidenoe on the J
26d concession on ' Wednesday of last
week. Mr. Martin bac ' been in ill t
health for a considerable time and had f
been incapacitated for work for about a a
year. A few , years a o he was a a
. strong, healthy, robust looking Man, a
but disease will soon reduce the p
stro4gest and break the most powerful j
oonstitation. It was so in his case.
For several weeks he ha been so weak
as to be incapable of leaving the house.
He was a quiet, unassuming man, but c
was well liked by every person who 13
knew him. He was in 'the prime of
life, beiw just 47 yearE of sad. He c
leavalia widow and la-ge fawily to o
mourn big sad loss.' The funeral took (
place on Friday, and the large number
of people who attended fully exompli.
fied th16 esteem in which the doo-eased h
was held in the neighbor .1 ood. 1
. - " c
. HiLbbert, . . I
CONCERT. — The coudeft under the b
auspil�es of the Hibbert Ploughing As-
[ ,
Bociation, given in the h 11 at Staffa on I
Wedn] esday evening, las w
successful affair. The ' all was wett d
afilled' and the v,udience earned to en. a
joy t�e entertainment im a ensely. The e
cb&ir was occupied by Mr. Thomas ILI
� ' �
King,i of �,Dublin, and the Scottish D
element predominated, both in the
audience and in the prog aname. This B
is the first time on record that an Irish $
King ruled over and guided the deStin-
ies Of the Scottish clang with perfect
success and gatisfaction. The pro-
gramme was opened by B riong from Mr.
Alexander Brown, of Downie, who ap. b
peared some six or seven tirnes daring o
the evening�. Mr. PortE r, -of Kirkton, -v
gr. -e an excellent addres i on the early
history of the ploughmaii, tracing him
from his serfdom down to his present f
independent and imporl,ant condition. s
Dr. Irving, of Kirl-ton, ,gave two read- q
ings, "The Yorkshire Farmer," 'and h
the "Irish Census Take ," in splendid a
style. Mr. Gillespie, of taffa, gave a u
recitation in fine styl), and Mr. J. I
Morgan, an original Sco;ch song. , A
brother of Mr. Alexanda r Brown, a Mr� c
Kydd, of Exeter, and on or two other I
gentlemen Sang som ' good Scotch d
songs that were loudly applauded, and
Borne gentleman from Dublin sang an r
Irish SODg:aud a negro melody. Mr. e
Trow being present w s called and I
.spoke- in a humorous Strain for a few
minutes, and the,'gathering dispersed at
bout tea o'clock, highly pleased with I
thr a success of t'3
he entertainment
throughout. . If
- -2 A 11
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futon 00itor -
"o , im on all ocossions, but more
on that by
I'll, 1.
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I 1� 1�
I 1�
, . #
particularly I I evening, so
manyfavoring him with thpir unex-
ACCIDENT. — A young son of Mr.
I � , � �
. I
. - ..., . - -
pected presence, which was only an-
Richard McKee, of the 12th oonoes-
sionof McKillop, had, the 'misfortune
I xi
�, �
S -
� I
otherproof of that friendship,ihich he
had always tried to oultivate,among all
to get one of his legs broken a few days
T -
, �
?, I
. �,
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- _.
i -
I � L; �
- i -1 Cowmny_— An
Swx LxrE Assumxclg
classes, and which, in spit4 qf every-
tbing, occasionally found,vent in prao-
ago. It appears the lad had
been h i ,
anging on to a sleigh loaded
:� d
� � -
Z!, 1
I &n0yi0f this c0rnp.=_y h is r�o 1-ntly hoan. e8tab-
tt)Wa 0. K PAWLEY
tical Sociability. He was glad of that,
, wood, and in attempting to get off
he sliprd under one of the runners,
, �
V i
� A
'd none With )1r. as
I agent, and we atidernand thekt, very. g.)od- pro-
as, in the thorny path of life, nothing
tends to cheer the viayfarer mi ore than
with t above result. .
� )I
- : ..
:! witi being made. & large bu4ue4s has been
� T'"n, in; the Hurou District,and we h& -re no doubt
the knowledge that, however humbly he
Rne6vZRING.-We are glad ko learn
- �,
Ta I
t that good success will be attaiued in f3eaforth and
binity� The Snu is one of our leading Canadian
has tried to do his duty, big efforts have
that Mr. Hartley, of whom we made
menfjion last week, it; getting on nicely
�� 4
. I ,
i = ofaces. ft is 4n the control of , gooi men; ig
a4ablhihad and and has the prospect
been approci'ated, thus encouraging him
to continue, in his journey through life,
and is now able to sit up. We were in'
�; :14
I of the beat sneoess in the futam. A feature to
� it is Its
to still further meeit their approbation.
error list wreak in stating that the oper-
ation was performed by Dr. Stewart.
,�. I
� 0
. I-
*awanevd strongly that policies an entim-
� , �
1 Ay fm from restrictions, being. all unconditionaL
The party then adjourned to continue
their amusementa, which Were keP6 UP
It, was performed by Dr. Scott, of Be&-
. 1, - -
� � I
We insuranoe contracts should not be burdened
I with sevem ooaditions 789
till the "wee sma hours ayont the
forth-, who is the attending physician.
: 1, A
I _P I
, '.
! � i
I O" HAL�l SEAFORTH. - Our First
- twal'," when all departed, after- again-
- Themistake was made inadvertently,
____ - ---'
and we make this correction in justice
. � I ..
I �.'
I GmaignmentofO'd-Country (loods is received,
thanking the reverend gentleman .for
I ' .
to that gentleman
z I -
I � ,
; �
"InpAsi.-g a very choloe selection of Scotch
%4wods,sui4ble for the early spring t rade, es-
i for to the North-weat.
his hospitality and the Splendid even-
ing,"s enjo�ment furnished for all.
� Dr,])ATE.- - -The debate whipch was n' 4d
' a
- �1:
; I
I M_' -,
! . 1,
; #
_V"any parties going great
: A- (*, MoDouGALL & Co., Oakiiall. 739
] .
-The new tpa=bial residenbe Of,
School. house No. 9 on: Tuesday even -
ing last was a decided success. A very
� " : �
l :1
J FExsBYTL?RiANs. - The- new Hymn
Irishtown is a opl d structure. It h,
large crowd of spectators was in atten-
; �
� .
; �
! . lgmtwillbe asedin the Saxforth Church next
i Mlanday,ande%plesembehad kiir 16 cents
heated thtoughout with steam, and
dance,. and the speakers handled their
! __�
I .,;
1 1
�. I
I at
11 LvuADxN & WmsoNs, 789 1
nothiDgis.wauting'tO make it a com-
plete mansion, and with few exceptions
subject well. The subject wag, "Re-
-solved that 0
has b th cause of
� i
�_ , t,
1. t.
.1 71�
WANTzD.-.A general servan
I t, Good
- irages. and a steady plAce. Apply at the Exposi-
its like if; not to be found in the cities
war eon
more misery to mankind throughout
%. 1.
I =R oface, 739
for internal arrangements, combined
the viorld than intemperance." Mr.
. - t
� . -
with practical utility and general SP-
- I
R. Brobherston acted as chairman, and
- �
, �
t � ��
n � ;,
. VoTz or THANxs.-At a meeting of
pearauce. Dean Murphy has every
after a keen discussion by both sides,
I �
� I 1
d . "
the Directoi% of the Tuckersmith
reason to feel proud .of it, as it is &like
* '
gave his decision in favor- of the nega-
, . �;.
I ,��
I ; ;
Branch Agricultural Society, held here
creditable to his ow u taste, the goner-
tive. The society will meet again next
. 1. 11;
- 't
I J 11
an Wednesday last, the following reso-
osity of. his cou regation, and the skill
Tuesday evening, when readings, reci-
� . �.
.- q
lution was unanimously passed: Moved
of the artisa: planned and execut-
tations, dialo�ues, music, etc., will 'be
� 2�
6, Mr D. Hogan, and seconded by Mr.
7 4 -
ed the work. -Com. ,. .
given. A good time may be expected.
1 �
James McDowell, that the thanks of
0 :
. . : . -
I , 11
1, �!
this Board be, tendered to Mr. Win.
11rehill, of Seaforth, for the conspicuous.
' : i
Loc&L BRrErs.-Mr. Wm. Logs
I . � n left
I '- - .
� Zuxich.
11 � -
I . _V
manner in which he has brought the
- 0
for Fortage la Prairie, Man1tobs, on
Monday last. He '
to take a hand
I - `
in opened here last Sunday and are
. � -
7 .1
grain interests of. Harion before the
public at the exhibitions at London and
- '
In the great"i600m" of the nineteenth
9 I
.Carried on each evebing. They are
. � I
Rk. Thomas- last fall.
oenturyi-Mr. Thomas Greenway, who
largely attended, and it is hoped they
I "I
� is now in this county, completed a eon-
will do good. I
I . ;�
I . THx QmsivAL.-The carnival at the
tract on Saturday last with Messrs.
Secord, Cosens & Co., of Goderioh, for
EXTENDINo.-Mr. D. Steinbach of
this vills,ge,intends adding a tailo'ring
- �1,
I , -
skatiug.riak ou Tuesdayevan,ing last
85,000 feet of pine lum bar which he in. -
and clothifig deroartment to his already
. I �t
; �i
. ;
was well attended and passed
. Off verY
tends tWng to Crystal City. This
,la;rge morcantilfie. business. We hope
i "
. - ,
otecessfally. There were, between
skaters and specLators, about 400 people
lumber will have to be teamed from
his new venture will prove Successful.
� : .. ��
present. The costumes were, not so
Emerson, a di8tanoe:of about 90 miles.
I SEVERE SToRm.- The wind storm of
I � L
varied as we have seen in some " former
-Mr. T. E. Dennie � and his wife r e-
turned home oil Saturday evening lasti
Thursday evening of last week was
quite violent part, blow.
in this ing down
� I I
i , . �
years, b at several of them ware very
bandsome &ad tasty. The ice was in
We extend our congratulations to the
a great many fences and also destroying
. �
% I � I
order. TheL folto,Wiag IS a list
young couple and wigh them long life.
both chimneys on the Lutheran church.
� - !
; I .
I �11
; � .
; �
the baccessf at competitors for prizes;_..�.
and prosperity, *1
-Mr 1 Thomas Kidd has
assum�d possession of the Merchants,
, BusiNEss CHAINGE.-Mr. Edward
Appel has, duriog the pe,st year, been
i .
i �
. I
Ilost lady's costal4e. Miss Hou
' ghton, a,
silver toile0stand; best gent's costume, -
Salt Works in this town, and will run
running a very successful business in
i . i
*. them hereafter. -Mr. Samuel Scarlett
. Harry Btrong, a meerschaum Pil?" Z --bas been removed, to. his home in Me-*
the tailoring line, but not- wishing to
4oarFy on business himself iiny'loD ger, he
. ..#.
I I � ;
beat lady Erkater, Miss Houghton, a silf-
- I -
lqer flower vase; befit gentleman skater,
Killop, but his recovery is very slow if
bas accepted an. offei-'Irom Mr. D.
. h
]D- Klin,khammer, cuff buttoios, '
and Col-
.not doubtful.-ldr. Daniel Woods, who
Steinbach as cutter. staff
N1,.,.;- -
1. �
; I �
l6r and shirt studs; befit girl skater,
has been a contractor and builder- in
this town for several -years, leaves here
are also employed' b, & .,, I inbaoh.
. .
Mr. Appel has proved an efficient
I L �
I . I
J)lirdiaMoMalkin, -set of silver jewelry;
6ast boy skater James Killoran " a oil-
for Winnipeg in a few days. Mr.
workman during the past, and no'doubt
' '
ver mug. The hand wits prasent during
C� . "
Woods is a steady, industrious young
maln, and we expect to hear of him
will continue to give general . sabief ao-
tion. .
t I 4
the evening and helped - considerably to I
doing well in the Western Metropolis.-
Too THiN.-In the columns of the
enliven the proceedings by their excel- I
tent music-
Miss A. Cowan bas- stiffi-,iently recover-
Exeter Times of flat week is an item,
r'rey Branch offered 8350 to bold the
ed from bar recent illnesf, to be able to
stating that Mr. Krause secured a
. .-
- - -
. Tows -
COUNCIL. At the regular
resume her usual place in the Public
. witl ,in the quiet village of Z aricb,where
1 74
meeting of the Town Council f on Mon.- -
Seho6l.-Tbe many friends of Mr.
the unsophisticated muidens reside.'
. .
� . i
.. --..-,
day evening the committee appoidted. -
lexadder Slemmon were gladdened by
, .
- Now, that wa8 coolly Said, but We will
- - - I
to select. the standing committees re-
a alght of his genial countenance -on
charitably Suppose that the correspon-
. J
ported. as follows: Sweets -0. C. Will-
our streets the other day.. Mr. Slem-
dent did not f ally know what the offen -
. . I
son, N. Glaff and R. N. Brett. Fire
mon. has been seriously ill for several
sive sentence meant and did: not see
- L_
. 4
and Water -A. Strong, A. Stewart,
wonths, and at one time his life was
half the depth of meaning in it that the
. . li
I . ,
Jfehn Dorsey. Finance -D. D. Wilson,
despa�r&l of, but he now seems on'a
said maideni did. We will let him off
; � 4
t; . j
A- G. McDougall, Dr. Scott. Health
fair way to complete recovery. He is
this time, - and would simply say $
. � J
;11 1.
; 4
- -
and Relief -Wm. Campbell,- James
still weak, buL with care we hope to
."don't do it again."
; f
: ,�
; j
Beattie, Z. Beam, A. Stroug. These
see him as jolly and cheerful as ever in
. NOT RIGHT. -We had a lively time
i ,:�
; z
I w
I 4
! I
are the standing committees for the
a few months. -We would again re,
mind.our reaoers of the 'anniversary ,
h ere last week. An auctioq room was
'opened and a deal- of merchandise was
� ., j
: �
ear. The committee appoiu�ed to de-
Ce the duties of the different
servi-oos in the Presbyterigm Church,
disposed of. These sales spoil the
I 11 �
: �q
and to consider the advisability of re-
Egmondville, also in the Canada
business on our merchants, who very
. I
; ..
dneing the number, reported that it
Methodist i'liurch in this town on Sun-
naturally complain of the unjust com-
would ,not be advisable to red".00 tb e
' ay and evening next, and
petition.they. are Subjected. W. Itis
I - -
number, and recommended that the
'none, should forget the lecture of Dr.
not right topermit outsiders to come-
� � - -
. " 1
' duties remaia as before. The report
Wild in., Carduo's Hall on Tuesda
' - y
and flood the market with a lot
_,.� �f
i M -
was adopted. Vr. Scott gave notice
would like to know what
bankrupt goods and shoddy trash, to
I 1,
i 71,
hat at the next meeting of Council he
has comb of the railway excitement
the detriment of the regular business
: - �!
. t
i - �1 .
would bring in a motion to amend the
was so rampant a few weeks ago.
men whose all is i4vested in the p.1%oe,
I �i
I .
. l �
dog by-law. The Council adjourned to
There is as much necessity for compe-
Who pay taxes, keep up a market and
I aneet again on Monday evening next at
tition -now as there was then, and the
endeavor to benefit their neighbors.
i I
1. �
19he usual hour.
fact of the Credit'Valley having passed
- THE tEw BELLS. -A very imposing
Z I - ,
iould he receive Sufficient encourage-
in -to the hands of the Great Western
ceremony was conducted in the Roman
� �
a �' -
FAT" ACGI-DRNT.-A, Most melancholy
should be favorable to our scheme in.
Catholic Church in thi
I3 Is village on
1, �, �
1Z .
. and fatal accident occurred in this
stead'of the reverse. -Professor J. G.
24th, followed on
6awn on Thursday evening of last week.
McPherson, the celebrated horse tamer,
the. next da by a, Similar one in the
y I .
7 I -
Mr. Wm. Carpenter, a farmer who re-
will be at the Commercial Hotel in this
Roman Catholic Church on the Sauble
. sides in the township of Logan, adjoin.
town,.from. the 6th to the Sth of Febru- .
Line, the occasion being the blessing of
� .
hag the village of Dublin, came to town,
ary, inclusive, for the purpose of giving
the two new bells. The Bishop of the,
in the afternoon to transact some busi-
instructions in the art of horse training.
Diocese, asaiated by Father Moran and
I � -
, ;;
sees. He left for home &boat 7 o'clock
-The annual spring seed. Show under
two other reverend gentlemen conduct-
� r ,
in the evening. It is supposed that his I
the auispicea of the Tuckeramith
ad th6 ceremony. The.char--beB were -
� ,
Ursa must have become unmanageable I
Branch Agricultural Society will
crowded and M. C. Cameron, M. P.,
and ran away., At any rate, be was
held in th
I a Sooiety's hall in this town
and" Mr. Jfoksoii, Egmondville, were
. I
thrown from the cutter when crossiug
on Fri.(Jay, the 18th ilast.-Wo regret to
among those present. After the care-
� a
the Silver Creek bridge. He was found
learn Ahat Mr. James Of the
mony any one wag allowed the privilege
shortly after by Mr. Win. Fortune, who
township of. Blenheim. and brother.,of
of ringing the -ball. A plato
i I . ;
I P -
was coming to town, aed was conveyed
Mr. Andrew Young, of this town, is
near by, and the ringers all contributed
.1 11
Wy him to Bowden's Hotel. . He was
dan-erouBly ill and is not expected to
Something for the good o' the church.
t -
quite insensible when found. 'Medical .
recover.-Wben are you going to M i
, an -
w t -
-Quite a sum as eon ributed in this
I .
aid war, procured, and it was found that
toba?-Mrs. Pendergast, fortuerlyMiss,
way, as some.gave $5, some $10. and in
� I i
his skull -was fractured. He- lingered
Annie Ryan, has come to reside in town
one case a cheqae was put in.
- �
- . �
an until morning, when "'he died, never
and. will shortly be prepared to receive
- I
14. �
, 1
� 1� Z
baving shown any Signs of conscious.
The horse
Pap1JS Who may desire instruction on
the piano, &o. Mrs, Pendergast taught
I . � Hullett. I
,, -
I . :1
moss. and cutter we
tured the Same evening some 'miles
very successfully in Seaforth d few
A NOTHER PioNEEI% GoNp,.-Mr. Wm.
Snell, '
of the township of Hallett, Aied
� ,
I �
down the road. Mr. Carpenter was a
years ago. -The deposits in the Sea-
forth Post Offi-,e Savings Bank for the
at his residence on Thursday last
: 1:_,�
: ! �,
- �
man of about 53 years of age, and was
one of the oldest relijdauts of Dublih.
Week ending on last Tuesday amounted
in the sixty-firfit year of his age. Mr
Snell came. to Canada from Devon-:
I � . i",
�1 �i
� i q,
- �
as in-law of Mr. John,
to over 66 ON), -We are glad to learn
that our
Shire, England, in 1830 and with his
� ��.
: ��
; i _L
Dorsey, of this town, and had dinner at
Mr. Dorsey'8 house on the day of ,the
eond and cranial friend, Mr.
Thomas Neilans, po "
St master of Har-
parents settled in the c� of York. -
He:came to Hullet about 31 years ago
: - 1_
� I I � !, '
accident, and had been at the house
look, has been again awarded the eon-
and settled on the 6th concession, on
soverdl times dur;ng the afternoon., and
tract for three years for conveying Her
- I
the farm where he lived until his death.
; ;�,
e �
seemed to be in the very best of spirits.
Majesty's mails three times per week
between HNrlock Seaforth. I
He Wag, tbUS, one of
, I the pioneer set -
; �r
. _.�
He leaves a wife and large faml Y 0
.and A
more faithful or efficient
tlers of the townebip aud did his -share
� �.
i I i
. 1i, 1 � ,
. inourn his untimely and sudden death.
public Servant
than Tom it is not ea§y to find. -The
towards ma
, king it what it now' is, one
of the finest in the Province. His ill-
. � .it
, ,:�
: ��,
SURPRISE PARTY. -One of those
sleigbing to the north of Seaforth %I-
though thin is pretty fair,'and farmers
nes �
s was,An extended one, but he bore
it with the utmost forti-
� 'i
I It
. . ,;
. *vents which has an unbounded inter-
eat for all parties, more especially the
are making good use of it in delivering
*ood and saw logs, but
I patience and
tude. He leaves a wife and a jamily of
L 11.
: )I
youlng. took place on Monday evenitics
-there is no
snow on the road.s in the South. On
six song and three daughters to m!ourn
loss. Hehad long been
. �
b%st, the occasion beina the gatharinss
together Ot a number of the late
. I
Wednesday the dust was fly ug on the
- I
Bm field and London R,)ads.-it
an active
and! consistent membbr of the M6tho-
� .
. -
Faria-b.oners and. f riendf; of Rev. D,�au
is re-
ported that Mr. S. Hicks has been offer
dist Church, and was highly esteemed
by all who'litiew him as foz big
I ! i
I Murphy, of Irishtown. The party
numbered between 50 and 60, and em-
ed $12,000 for big farm near Crystal
Citv. Man itc)h�LMessrs- Alea der
Christian virtues as for his kind and
braced both old
. and young. married
and single, and took the form
Dav"dfion and Flenry Town left for the
b iging disposition. His remains were
interred in the Kinburn Cemeter r on
� of a
surprise to the popular and well-known
great land of clear ea'eth aud'big booms
on Thursday. At the
Saturday last, and the funeral wal � one
- I
. i .
pastor of Irislitown. On arriving at I
t rate Of
going somobndy will have a good chanc8-
of the I'argest 'that has taken )Iaoa
the place of readeZVOUq,-the visitors �
to buy out Ontarin at less than cost b8-
therefor a long time. The fuleral
I .
'were cordially received bY th.6 reverend I
gentleman, W` I I
ho, oa becoming acquaint- �
fore lonR.-Mr. John Beattie wants to
bi" ,
sermon will be preached in the Kin-
burn Methodist Church on Sunday
od witli their mit,sion, at once surren- 1
sell or rent flax mill. He, too bas I
the Manitoba fever, so that some 'body
evening next at half past Sir or c1lock.
dered his fine houge to them, and bade
. ;
all, enjoy themselvesio their be&rt'B �
emn F!et a good harmin.-Mr. Thompson
-Mr. Editor,
. - Sir:
It! your issue of last weak "Bee the
� I
content. as evervthing would be d I
ODO, to ;
INTon-ri-Ron. f,)r rnnnv vpars a resident of I
MeKi'lon amd well R'
no -n in this town,
minutes of our Council and ob3erve
- make the evening as ) tleaqsl r. t as P
for them �, 714 f Cona08'ible i
7� '
- _ i
After the � 1),n ratula- I
died in Daknta last -week from inflam.
'matjon I
that there was an application f "lark
and- Treasurer at a car a 01a but
tain s
, :
tions, bad been indn'llged n 0 ... 11, both '
of tlye stOmilch—Ma nY of our ,
readers will re ret to learn 'I
it was not entertained by. the Co ncil.
sides, the party meparated to- different 1
I - I . .
of the death
9 !
of Mr, W. I'l. Lowe, formerly of this i
observe also that the following I Offi.
cers were appointed their
: � I
I . parts of the house, a. id participated_in
, �
1Lmu"`eDts cOn96E 11 to the taste �of '
town, but for Wall', vears a resident of
Britisli Columbia. *It
and s1liaries
fmed, viz.: Auditors, Assessor, C61lec-
; I
each individual, so e pre emn, i
one �
kind and some
� will be remain-
berpd that on tbs occasion of big last
tor, and Road Commission ers. B A to !
I e'annot find any6bing about is
anotl ind- !'
I er, and all, ?` .
ing by appearances, went in for a good I
visit to Ontario he was so unfortunate
as to �,
Clerk and Treasurer of th M nici_
8 "
time. About 12 o'ekick a sumptuous �
run over by a train at Clintou
and had both his
pa,lity, or what the Salary of the . car
repast waq provided-,wbich did credit �Aeaves
to ladies
arms takenoff. He
a wife aud four small: children in
is. I know!tbat at that meetin the
salary was -fixed
the engaged. in its preparation ,I
-after which toast, song and sentiment, '.queqted
straitened circumsta noes. , I
. We are To
to state that Professor Jones- I
at a certain su in and
more than was asked by., the appl cant
followed each other i � rapid succession. �
will leati the psalmody in Egmondville
who was rejected. Is it possible that
The principal toast of the evening,
"The Host," coupled *th the nam -
a of
Cburoh oa Sandwy next.: --We regret to
learn of the death
officer is afraid to let the rate-
payers of the township know whA he
. .
. �
the Rev. Dean Mn , brought forth a
well chosen reply -from the
of Mrs. B Willson
of Wingbam, . which took -
� place Z
receives, or was it through one o I his
bungles that he forgot it? This "Par
- ; ,
tleman, who took occasion to thank
Monday last. Mr. Willson had been
absent in Manitoba and
excell6noe" of a Clerk Says that durin
11 k
Just returned,
friends for tbe honor they bad � ,his term of office Do person has � �nf -
� in time to see her die. We
�� I
sincerely farad to the ext t
. 4one him in thus drinking his health, � Sympathize with our Q5t661nad friend his a,ations on of five, cents through
. as Clerk, but'I Must 6XIcuse
.,smd referring to the good -will exhibited 1 in his groat bereavement.
f ,
, �.
I �
I .
! . I
him on account of his absent-miaaed-
: .
UsboTnq_ .
congregation of the Thames Road wa
org,tnized about 30 yearh ago. Twenty
five years ago, under the pastorate o
the Rev. John Logie. the first church
k . uown as the stone ch-ur h, was erected
It was considered a greit uadertakinj
at that time, but it becalne too small t4
accommodate the congre 1,ation, So abou�
a year ago it was decide to erect a nev
church. No sooner was this decisiot
arrived at than the building committal
began to act with a vicrer c . haracteris
tic o ' f the members of" this congrega
tion' This church wa8.-: opened anc
dedicated to the worsbil ' of God Iasi
Sabbath. Dr. Cavan,Pr�noipal of Knox
College, Toronto, preached in the morn
ing.. Rev. Henry Gracy, of Gananoque
for 13 years pastor of thi 3 congregation,
preached in the afternoon, and the Rev,
A.D. McDonald,of Seafoith,in the even.
ing, Although the day I w&B cold and
St . ormy thiB edi oe, lculated to hold
. _-
factory into a creamery or adiling a
to the present f50t0rY- The
%bout 400, was fit ed to its utmost
capacity at each die i of worship. The
Insttermill be brought up at this meet-
ing and a large number of the Surround-
tea meeting on Noway evening was
docidedsuccess. Tle,olzurchwasagain
Ing farmers who are interested in the
at an eaxly hour fillod to its utiiost
Brucefield factoiy should, be present.
the night of
capacity, and a very substantial tos, was
in the basdmentof the church,
'Thursday of last week,,the stables of
After tea the follov�liiig gentlemen ad-
the Rev. Mr. Thomson, of this villager
dressed the coDgrega �ion : The Reverend
were broken into by Some ' parties un -
but instead of despoiling I
Messrs. Quance, Bible Christian Minis-
Epis3opal Minister, of
known to him,
him of his goods they left behind them
ter; English
Kirkton ; Scott, of 0romarty; Wilson,
as a trace of their visit about 150 bush-
of St. Marys; Ham Iton, of Hibbert ;
MaoAdams of Exeter ; Grant of Inger-
els of oats. AS the reverend gentle -
man can find no trace 'o f the,, despers-
soll; Gracey of G&nanoque; MoDo"ld,
does, his words are: ,,May the gen-
of Seaforth, and MCMUlleU of Wood-
erous souls prosper." We also learn
that the Rev. Mr. Ross has received
stock. Mr. Dunosr, Treasurer of
C I ongregation, daring the evening gave
eimilar attentions, ,and that not only
a Short statement i aspectitig finances.
the wants of his faithful steed have
FTom this stateme�lt it appears that
been provided for, but a liberal 'dona-
the original. Subscription list amount-
ed to something Ek 54,000 ; -proceeds
tiOn Of money has been made to the
reverend gentleman himself. Such
f rdm collections and Itea-meeting, about
kindly acts are commendable to the
$490, leaving still in indebtedness of
donors and encouraging and cheering to
about $1,600. N( , sooner was this
the recipients. May others go and do
statement made thE n steps were taken
to meet this deficienoy, and in the
course of half an bo is 11,755 was sub-
scribed; and thus t is church may be
Nicw Ltw FiRm.—We are glad to
said, to b ave been ol lened entirely free of
learn that the legal business of Mr. Iff..
debt. Great praise is due to this con-
W. C. Meyer, of thiiatown.baginoressed
gregation for their I iberality, and they
.. . .
so much that he has found it necessa
and their esteemed :)49tor,Mr. Fletcher'
. I
Ao take a business partner, in the per-
a�re to be congratula i�d. Another ex-
son of Mr. E. L. Dickenson. Mr.
ample has bee'R. set. , And while they
Dickenson is from Cornwall, has been
possess a church se(onato no country
.- tice therefor several yqars and
in Prac
church west of T rpnto in point of
has received the highest honors that
%eauty and complet ness, they are to be
. �
Trinity College could give to It student.
all the more praise( in that they have
fie also passed all his examinations
now this complete i nd neat edifice un-
incumbered with a! iont of debt. Such
without an oral. He will be quite an
zeal andliberality deserve great success,
acquisition to the professional men of
Wiogham, and the new firm will, no I
and may it long be anjoyed by pastor
doubt, continue to exijoy in & greater
and flock.
measure the favor 6f their clients, than
I =S IF een. ,
was even accorded the senior partner
the RCCOMPaDy,ng note in Tim R�[_
hitherto, -
NOT 80 SLOW.—Mrs. Charles Troyer
had. a quilting bee Aast: Tuesday, and
and influential meeting of the Reform -
bad three quilts compleied. Tho' work
er8 of North Huron was held iii the
as well done by fourteen young ladies
Town Hall, Wingham, on Monday last.
in - the short space I of seven hours.
Shortaddresses were delivered by Dr.
Happy will be the men who are for-
Sloan, Thos. Gibson, M. 0. Cameron,
tunqte enough to ecure these young
J. A. Morton an Col. Ross, respecting
ladies W help mate I I
I L I - I
the complete and immediate organiza-
. I . t
tion for the coming campaign, after
Wro �eter- -
which the following officers were elect -
MARKETS.. - SOJeca wheat 01.24,
ed; President, Dr. McDonald,, Wing.
Scotch fall $1.26, �, spring $1.27, oats
ham; lot Vice -President, Goo. Fortune,
37c., butter 16 to 18o, lard 12jo., pota-
Wroxeter; 2ad Vice-Fresident, Wm.
toes 70c., ap ple8 pe r, bag RAO, eggs 1 8p?
Mallough, Dungannon; Secretary, J.
CURLING AND S 1J I .—The rink has
A. Mortoa,_ Wingliam ; Treasurer, Juo.
been in full bl,Lot for over two weeks
Neelands. After the election of offi-
aow. Skating and a irlirig alternately
cers had been concluded, resolution$ of
— Monday, Wedu(s lay and Friday
confidence in the Reform leaders and
9eing devoted to curling, and the three
condemnatory of the course being pur-
amaining evenings x skating.
M .
sued by the Ottawa Government in
I SELLING. Orr. — Mr, Z. Watts, f ur-
zefereuce to the Boundary Award and
3iture manufactgrer, is making ready
the.;Streams Bill,were passed. Ad -
or -a large auction s,ule at his ware.
dre�ses were delivered by Messrs. Cam-
ooms on Saturday,1 February 18th.
I .
eron, Gibson, Ross and others, when
rhe display of f urni pre at the ,shop its
the meetiDg adjourned till 7.30 in the
eally fine. - I
evenina, when addresses were delivered
by G. W. Ross, 'A ' P. for Wasu ,Aliddle
11 Mcir r�S. .
sex, and M. C. Cameron, me--abor fo
South Huron, A. M. Ross, M. P. P.
he last meeting of the M)rris ,Town.
Dr. Sloan, Thomas Gibson, M. P. P.
hip Council, Mr. W�'Clarke was re.
andothers. I
ppointed Clerk at a �&lary of $120 per
- - -----. -_ .
nnum. Mr. John �Vatsoa was ap.
* � Walton.
ointed Assessor at N Salary' of $70.
THE DBI]ATE.-The Walton Literary
dessrs. Mark Cardi ffi and Adana Reid
Sodiety held their meeting last Friday
vere appointed )L�ditors. Messrs.
evening. Subject discu-3sed was, "Re-
anies Smith and Alexander Robertson
Solved that Great Britain is a greater
vere each refundedoIie dollar for dog
nation than the United States." The
&x, for which they had been wrong-
evening being fine and the subjoct a
ally assessed. By ams w . are passed
new andintereoting one, quite a large
athorizing the members of Council to
crowd turned out. -Both .sides of the
I ot as Road Commi. sioners and setting
subject- were well set forth. but Great
sicleO200,for charily, purposes. A, er
Britain carried off the palm as being
aosing a few accour t� tile Council p6d.
the greatest nation of the two. Had
ourned until,20th February.' J �
it not been for the leader on the British '
- - i
side they ceftnitily woull have lost the
Brus, 31�18.
dayj for he� did his duty as British
PRIVATE MONEY to i Loan at 6J per
leaders- generally do. Readings, recita-
ent-v payable &t acky time. 'c. R. oo,i�picu, ,3,us.
tions and dialogues this eveni,
115 2g. -OB -
els P. 0. 736-3 1
ii �
LocALITIES.-At the meeting of the
ouncil on Wednesday fast the following
He*sald. -
f8cers were appointed: G. E - * Cooper,
LOCALITIES .—Prof. John Bristol gave
lark ; G. Stewart, Assessor ; James
a fr6e exhibition of his trained horses,
itiox. Collector; T. Kelly, Assessor—
Lyons and Colonel Wood, on our Streets
dr. Peok,- Barrister of Peterborotigh,
on Thursday.—St. Valeutiae's Day is
%s- openecl an off ce -in Brussels.—
rapidly approachiing, alad at the Post
eliveries of produc of all kinds oo ac.
Office Book Store you will 'find. valen-
ount of the roA dBbeing bad, was very
tines in great variety, that breathe the
ight for the past few days.�Mr. Archi-
tenderest sentiments. —The wheeling is
ald Taylor has sold big house and lot
excellent here and traffic brisk.—Two
,n John Street to Mr. David Ross. Mr.
very interesting lectures were delivered
aylor will move to M�tuitoba in the
herelastweek. The -first was on Tnes.
pring.—At the Cat de Fair held Satur-
day evening in Fairbairn's Hall by the
ay, 100 head of catle changed hands
Rr-v. A. Y. Hartley, of this place. Sub -
t Prices from 3 to4 r cents.—c'The Dir-
ject,—AugI6 Israel." The - second
ctors. of the East I tiding Agriculturist
w � as given in the j3ible dbri8tian
oci6ty, decided yes. erday to hold the
Church on - Wednesday eveni lng by the
ext Fall -Show ' at Wroxekeir. The
Rev. W. Qu&uce,.Of —. Sub-
r'rey Branch offered 8350 to bold the
ject,-1-Life of James A. Garfield."—
howatBrussels. The society only get,
TheCanada Methodist bodyof this
20.0 from the Wroxeter people.
place, who are at present bolding their
services in the Centennial EI&II, purpose
erecting a neat hurch. The Rev. Mr.
RECOVERING. -We are glad to see that
Hill, pastor, is 6 Sct-
rar old friend, Xr. Vm.Ball,who bas
ing Subscription% and we understand is
een laid up with a very severe attack
meeting with go d succesg. Oar Meth -
f inflammation d iring the past few
- 0
odist friends are I an active and zealous
eeka, has so far recovered as to be
people, and see the wisdom of having a
Me to walk about.
place of worship of their own in the
SLXIGHING,—Dariig the few days—
village.—The sacrament Of the Lord's'
or they w6re few !indeed—that the
Supper will be di .
spensed in the Rod-
leigbing lasted, our Istre
M ets presented
gerville Church on Sabbath, the 5th
nits a lively appea nee. Those who
inst.—Prof. Holmes, of Clinton, intends
ad saw logs I 'wood, &c., to take
giving & grand concert here on Monday
way went at it wit a vengeance, but
evening.—Business is brish in the vil-
nfortunately the tt�,W came, and that
lage.—Mr. J'ames H. BOD -8-011, Of Se�-
iDd of �Vork is almoq't stopped acrain.
forth, intends OPODiDg & law Office In ,
RE-vivxt.—Revival services hav'e' been
this village, and will visit Hensall every
onduct6d in the Cb urch of the German
Wednesday. .
vangelical Associv tion, in this vill-age,
I'll . AND t
uring the past few weeks, by the Rev.
dessrs. Dierla,mm and Seharffe. The
AymxvERs,&uy SxRvicHs.—Tbe Anni.
everend gentlemen have been very
versaryservices in connection with Caven
w -nest at these meetitig,3, and their
Presbyterian church v�ere li,eld on Sab-
ahors bave not bee in vain.
FOR DAKOTA..—Tlir.�e of
bath last, when excolli�nt sermons aware -
L our yo
I ,ing
nen, Messrs. Heury Calfas, Robt. Eng-
preached to large congrPeations, both
forenoon and � evening, by Rev. Mr. Mc-
ish and Adam Sacks, left here on
dondaylast for Dakota, to seek their
Coy, of Egmoudville. Outhelollowing
ortubesin the dtinin'lon of -Uncle
Monday evehing, the annual tea meet- I
iDg wao held. This was decidedly the !
3am." Mr. Henry McCann intends to
eave for the same I)i &�ce �iu' a few days,
most successful?of the mauy Successful I
� ie having disposed :)f his hotel to Mr.
tea meetings bave'been held in I
this church. The at �
_Aouis Baker. .
I �
was i
�arge, the church being crowded to its ;
I Brud �eld.
utmost capacity. The tea was S uperb, i
. -
reflecting very greatest credit upon i
HORSE SOLD. - �Ssrs McGregor &
' .
the ladies who prepared it, while the '
IcIntosb, of Brno old, have diaposed
speeches were short, interesting and to 1
f their youngy hea 0
v ra�ght import6d
the point, and the music by the choir i
tallion, "The ajor, to Messrs.
of the Seaforth Presbyterian church,, 1
'olquhoun & Dow, f,Hiobert, for the
under the leadership of Prof. JFOnes "
am of $2,000. h Major is four years
Id this sprin an�la Splendid animal,
could not easily have been surpassedl 1
The chair was occupied bv the pastor',
ud we hope t e On Ir,oprietors will
.ave the beat of ti& with him.
the Rev. Mr. Musgrave, �nd a better ,
CHEESE MEETINGFIA, meeting of the
selection for the position could not, have
been made. as his witty saldes'and im- i'
atrons of the Brudefield Cheese Fac-
mense fund of humor Served to keep,-
)ry has been calledl at Brucefield on
the audience cheerful and in the best of -1 �
aturday, 11th of F ruary, at 2 o'clock
good humor throughout the evenin , ,
- na., for the purp Be Of winding up
The Rev. Joseph McCoy, of Egmong. �
le business of the factory for the past
Ville, took as his subject "Church ,
ear at,d mailing arrangements for
Work;" Rev. Mr. Ross, of Brussels, *1 i
ext Season. Mr. I IcCartney intends,
spoke on "Christian Workers," and ',
iould he receive Sufficient encourage-
made a most sensible, practical Speech. 1i
kent, converting t ae preNnt cheese
Rev. Mr. MoNaughton, of Walton. took I ]
FEBRUARY 31 1882.
" .. ;
11. i
�4_ -
- rl
- �� i
I .
1 4 =_�_�
_11E �
11 I
as his theme, "Things that people
Ought to be thankful for," while, ldro
- - L
I � � ..
Lochead, of Londesboro, basea his re.
.- L ..
marks on several different Subjects Of
� -
11 . - -
interest. The proceeds of the tea meet.
� , . I
_1� _�,Fl, ,
- L �
. I
ing amounted to $85.
- � .
1 1 - 7 L I I
- Z
. I
—On Tuesday evening the children
- I
� I .
� -. �
L. � .. .
of the Sabbath School were entertained
% . _�iL�
1L.- , . . I
� � -
. L
and bad a good time. They were &d-
. .
. L . I "I'll
A -
dressed by Messrs. Musgrave, Grieve,
- I I
Hillen and others, wbile the music was
I .
I I - . - i
provided by the children, assisted by
. ;_ �� I
I .
.,-. I
Miss Cook, who presidedat the orgaii.
I - .
� I
. — -
The Muskoka S"afferer,s.
L � .. i
. -
THE MANsx, Hipp -n, Jan. 26, IM.
L - . =-TEE]
Dz.in EXPOSITOR,- Another anony.
_� L
Mons friend in Stanley has kindly sent
— . -_
me the accompanying modest note,wiih
� _�._ .
stamps for postage and registration, and
� tl>
enclosin , five dollars for the relief of the
g �,
I .
Muskoka sufferers. I
i I
I -
My best thanks are hereby tendered
L .
to those benevolent friends, who, with.
I - - L
out letting their left bAnd know what
the rigbt hand doeth, are liberally con-
I .
sidering the poor. May "the blessing
of him that is ready to perish come
I � :
up6il them." As you have kindly
'. L .
Wven publicity to the sufferiogs of our
Muskoka brethren, and thereby eon-
tributed, in no small degree, to the
sympathy that has been awakened in
- I
. I
their behalf in this section, may I ask
. �,
you, if space permits,L to insert this and
. —
� I .
the RCCOMPaDy,ng note in Tim R�[_
.1 . . ,�
rosxToR? Sincerely yoars, I .
� . .
L �
. I
� The following is the note referred to .
. CR ..
. L . . i
. STAXLZY, JaIL 15th, IM,
. �
Po the Rev. Br. Cameron. .. .
1� I
Dx&p, Sm, -I enclose a trifling SMIR
-_ L
for the suffering poor of Muskoka.
. . .
Pleaseapply as you think best,and
. �
oblige, Yours, &c.,
, - - ,
I �
. Ma-nitoba Notes.
. I I
-The first Bible Christian church iia
Manitoba will beopened at Alexandria,
on Tuesday, February !4.
-Coal sells at Winnipeg for 113M
- I I �� - . I
per ton, and wood is $6.50 per cord.
. I , �
Coal is lower than last year, but -wood
keeps quite as high.
I . . -1
ital �-:
-To encoarage settlement along i
line, the Manitoba Southweatern Ram.
way will carry free the materlal for the
. I
first tea hougps to be built ineach of
its town sites, as soon as their location .
I I .
is made.
- .
-Mr. J. 0. MoLagan and 151r. Robert
. - I
� .
Laidlaw, both old and experienced On.
� , �
,'I �
tario journalists, axe in Winnipegge.th-
I 10
I .
ering infor mation relative to the e
� 'ityl
- . I I
to bepublislied in Prof. Macounn's forth-
_�. -_0
coming work, ;gThe Northwest." *
- I
. - J
-The Nelsonville Mountaineer says-.
� - � �
The Winnipeg market is bei -a stocked
- '
- I
� .
. � L .
� 0
with butter, pork and 1;4�*.?- fr .m On- L
4 - -
tario. �
Parties who went anto the city
� -
with loads of thege com m- adities from
4 � .
� . �
here had bard work to find purchasers.
� .
� L
i ; � �
-A sarprise Party ls.9t, week ptesent. -
� - -
. I �
: �
ed Rev. John Scott., of Emerson, with
, -
L , . - 1-1
I ! - ��_,�, -WILL
$100, and Mrs. Scott With a handsome
� ; - .
i I - i .
far jacket. The gift was a recognitiox -
' I . . li
I t who .-
of merit, as every one will admi . -
I . d
- I I � I -
. I
knows the reverend gentleman and his
1 � - , I 1. . I
: -
� ; , '
. � -'L
-A violent form of diphtheria is
_ I
I - -"-. .
prevalent north of Rock Lake, and
I - . I
, I I .
L .
several children have died from the
- I L .1 .
disease. There is ito ,dootor nearer
. .
. I - I .
I .
than NelsoDville, and the watit of a ,
1. . -1
medical gentleman is severely felt in
. _
I ,
. .- i_,.
that community. ,
. I
� . . I
I I -
-The, total cost Of carrying on the
, I
� . � I .
recent elections in the MuniCipality Of L
. Zi -
_. -
. �
Louise, amounted .tp $4�_30_ Thisin-
I . I
� .
� � = FOR
cludes the for returning officerst
� L
. _. - .
rent of polliug places, &d. Settlers in
. .
1, . . REAL ESTA
a, new country learn to work eom.
I .
- . -
-On Saturday night, 14th ult., the
- I .
. 1, 4i±M FOR S&LE1.
. Fthanged fA)r-a farii
house of Air.. Mcmilj�u, north of Rock. -
- .i, - axaM, Staulay or Mi
Lake, was burned. TL,e roof took fire "
L i'�,
.1 - I . 116 Irarnber y, 0 mtai;
, v I
- b". IrorFurherp,u-
from the stovepipe, and in a short time
, . -
, :__ Lood Agent, Sedfortb
the house was destrbyl(4 Mr. N. -
.0 .
- I -- .
_� -
Millan lost a quantity of �'graiu, which.
- -L
,� I � A I - L
__ �
was stored in the houqvl as well as ,
_ -tab
I -_1 - t a ro iifoi 's
**n*n. There to *,
most of his -household goods. . .
-, �_ .- �
I I Am selection of limit I
-The other day at & family gai.ther- . -
. -
_� IOU miles of. -Se i1orth ,
ing at High Bluff, I'MaDitoba, them
� .
.,��. I � emmon 2, M6,111110P.
me -616& pro.prie-or is g i
were present a newly axriveababy, its
1_� -
-'- L to tOHN CU MIM4,
. �
father and mother, two grandfathers, .
1. .
__ -
two grandmothers, two greatgrand- ,
ftwl f ARM " R &&LB. -
. _-, f .
fathers and tWO gLreat-graud- mothers.
- �-,1.6 , eTowaship of
, th
the north half of L
Four generations. It is not often th#A
- , .
_Vct;: 10 4beres, mostly all t
the ancestral tree is so well preserved.
I 1� 4( ho Wheat SoVrn, AX
- ..
-----'*-- -
L - � Joso- Theraisa U
-Mr. Alexander McTavish, ,of I&At -
Hope, well know" as a successful breed.
_r r
_. - ... :i. A&VIag undernexth ,
� I koidag 2.tvio buihelt
bam 3)xW�
er of fine cattle, weighed at the Shakes- I
_. wil,
_,1 - Imme
: . 2. 4"a log house upd
peare scales on the 17tb.:Dacembar, two
I �wd a aplendid bewir
Steers, &-nd on the 23rd inst., weighed
- -Also
I . 5 be sold eheap
, of,Grey, 99 acres, 80
them again. The net gain. was 156
- Z
" . vWot log house and I
pounds, over two pou nds a day per
�_ *r 40xW -good �
I ra , A
head, much above- the average, sud
showing a larger increase than arky, Of
� &UK pump. it iR 2111-Ull
'Ll r"Aing Ac �he ti
� . a &*eadld stock fart
the experiments at the Model fi'arm.
_�, Abi L pri- W is goill I
I!he animals were ,sold the same day
, = SI)PI-Y 1, the.]
It I good price for the - Montreal inar.
, "I AWA 4, or to Brusaele L
ket. -1 .
... .
� - � - ---.---.
-The,large canning factory no& '
� r St.,
N-1 arys, belonging tot" hn F. Ot-
Mr. Jo
- � __ I
- I Immens(
Fell, was burned to the grouud, %,few-
: I ;
I I I .
lays ago.. Mr. Obwell and his a*&
. I �
.. ,
who, were� both away from home" c%0"
.. I .
A the call of the -wires to find that ato I
factory -vKlich had been built up by the
,Areful industry and energ.
3 y of yes"
was in ashes. They found that e"-
I'll . AND t
bla-ing was: burned. Stock, caue, tin!,
provisional, machinery (With
Ileption of a small angine),, in fact every- �
-1 L
bhing used in the wolkitig of the
- - I
lactory and every t1ii ng stored in it wafte
3ompletely ruiued. The loss wih .bc,
I .
"I _1�
I /-'-
very heav:y; the insu'rRUC45 amoun ft- A*
L �: - Of AT VC116;
$17,000, but this will not by any Me-
" "a
3over the Joss. Mr.- Ottwell 1�ss,t&
- I
ready begun proparations, for the
. I
. q .
erection a stone factory and as yea"
A experience have taught him idst
. . L
what' is required in a building kw
Aorap, ,Iud ORuning Purposes, there is
I .
no doubt that the new structure will be
The Public are
greatly superior to the old.
-A corresp(,ndeut of tbo Mitcb4n
. . I
A.dvocata writing from Kansas says: I - -
Many years ago- I
This St"k Bef.
was a resident of
Blanshard, living in the woods
__ I L
where St. Marys now stands, Then
. .
- L
- I
WaS Only a log tavern and two other log
structures in the place then. M .f L*
.t ,
visit to Mit0hell, I think, wag in %"�.
These are all
i was on ray way to Goderich, taking
faction, and tl
13P the first taxes, 25o, oolle&,ed in
. � J19%res. �
Blansh&-rd. I bad an interesting Ad_
venture in gettfi2g from St. Mary to
Th�e Stock is � L
- L '
Mitchell. The ground was, covera&
with snow, and tbere ,no
. Jin all the Fal
Jarge I
was trag&
I7,0 14(sa the river I struck for &0
ih N.Opposite
� the newest thini
� 'L i I
. the plaaeof my f riend, T.
Moore. He bad gone to St�-Marys and
left the oanoeon MV I
-A .
. � .
I , .
I 1_1,;11� - ,
� �.
� I
sideof the riVer.
Well, what was to �e done? I did not
I .
. , I r �
: I
�ike to wade across and then travel -8,H
_. - 1. . . I
in wet clothes, so I took the b,olA
31 � � I
. � - Glovesof au �
uld made for the other side, and went
: .1 I
I - ; nols in endless i
I ik I
)11 MY way rejoicing, leaving Mr. Mcot,v
L --- I
_ -1
,o get back as beat he could. But, he
Was dry and warm before I BMW him,
� - .
.- .
I . I
__� WM.
Lnd he lelt_quite good natured ov,,, tho
. - . . I .
natter. .
. .
I . � I � I - I L - I I
� I -
. I
__ - L' . .-
. .
I L ; -
. - L .
. __ .
. I
- - - . I
.. .
r - � I
'L ;
_ -_ "
�. -__
- "- I
�) L.
�1' -
. � I
L _.:
. �� L-
, ,!
L �_ I -
I 11FX% ,
- ___ ___ �_� __ __ �__� .
. . 1_�
. ,,, � 1,
I .00-
� I
I �
. . . I
�i_ - - - L. - L__]