HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-01-27, Page 7HOLLOWAY'S PILLS, r, 1882. annitaa [la !OUSE. !Ric 4i88it Amor. kink c Amt. COMIffeWeidli WOWED. 332rchangta Sold. E NOTES de Rte. nt Securities. at par at all, Commerce. .011. itepoattat -'-a4734:3 S wrieter. TH ID AGENCY, It: 0 N G it Stook, Piro Mid is pular- ors-Us teirros. beet Loaw. So- zroliaso Vans • rtrst-Class 'ersale. 4.T. pea-. cent artruship Ticket.315, m's Store, Main Extra Refinod SILVER STEEL. EAFORTH. PHIN -orking order do OPPfIsIG dee a good oeive 'eir Wheat -eir own wheat twaya on , AL very respeot. DOLPEEM RURAMT. NI, [ _,.1.6,-(JRANT, ,et,_ is now ers direct r ,- - and bulk, ery cheer. t of these he seaeon, .ito ;Supply Oeial par - lie has Reete direet he best in a on hand S in Sea- t the Sea. k do better L ON JANUARY 27; 11,74,82. InE nufwN EXPOSITOTtp :• News Items. The Ontario Breeders and -Turf Association was formed at Woodstock on Tuesday, 17th inst. --71n the United States Senate a Bill has been introduced proposing to give Mrs. Garfield a pension of $5,000 per year. —The funeral a the late Mr. T. D. Harrington took place at Preecott on Tuesday,117th inst. The remains were interred with Masonic honors. explosion occurred on the British flagship Triumph, of the Pa- cific squadron, off. Coquimbo, on the 22nd of November. Three men were killed' and seven wounded. —The investigation into the Sage murder is still going on at Brantford. Philip Butler, being tried for the mur- der, has been remanded for a week until the Crown obtains further evi- dence. • —A few days ago a dastardly at- tempt was made to poison an old couple named Stewart, living near Bobcaygeon, by strychnine adminis- tered in Some whiskey. Robbery was the motive. —The Princess 'Louise is about to contribute to Good Words a aerie's of drawings illustrative of Quebec and its surroundings. The Marquis at the same time will publish a poem on "Quebec." —The Pope boas declined to comply with the law requiring him to fill up a census paper, bat monseigneur filled up a return, showing 500 persons living in the Vatican, the third of whom are females. —It is stated that Minneapolis lum- bermen who secured thousands of acres Of Government pine lands by fraud during the last twenty Years, propose to protect themselves from competition by getting the pre-emption law repealed. —The ashes of the late Dr. Cary, whose body was cremated at Milan, Italy, on November 22nd, arrived in Buffalo a few days ago in an alabaster urn, and were conveyed to Forest Lawn, where the committal service was read by Rev. Drs. Ingersall and VanBokkelen, in the presence of the family only. —Mr, Read, a storekeeper at Bob- oaygeop, has received the sad news of the death of his son, killed while lum- bering in Michigan. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. Read and family. The body was sent home for burial. This is the fourth young man from that section, in the prime of life,' who has left for Michigan and retured a corpse within a year. —The annualat- eeting of the On.. tario branch of the Dominion TemPer- ance Alliance was convened at Tem- perance Hall, Toronto, on Tuesday, 17th int. The opening exercises, in- cluding Ithe President's address, election of officers, &c., were proceeded with, after which able and interesting ad- : diesses were delivered by clergymen and others present. —Ab imperial ukase regarding peas- ant's lands provides that after the end of 1882 the crown will transfer to the peasants that portion of the lands al- -lotted them at the time of emancipa- tion, and in consideration of annual payments which they have been unable to redeem or compromise. Th'e crown will pay to the land owners 80 per cent. of ithe taxable value of land so transfereed. —The Times' Washington special says that on several occasions the dis- order in the House of Congress- has been disgaceful. The voices of mem- bers trying to discuss questions intelli- gently have been drowned in confusion, and the official reporters have been un- able to carry on their work. Roll calls have been so inaccurately taken that the corrections consumed as much time as the original call. —At the American Dairymen's Asso- ciation, which met at Syracuse on the 12th inst., "butter making was one of the principal topics disoussed. Presi- dent Arnold advocated the thin setting of:crea,m, both for produet and flavor; also the churning of sweet cream. H. Sazee, a Japanese student at Cornell, read a paper on the sago , beau product of Japan, which can be, cultivated in this country, and is very valuable for feeding stock. L. ' D. Curtis read a paper °Oho Northwest, holding that the wheat lands were gradually de teriorating and would soon become dairy lands. A discussion followed. —It is admitted that the matron of the Harvey Institute in Montreal, a home for children supported by the public, has been practising the -gross cruelty ° of placing mustard plasters upon the inmates as a punishment for naughtiness. The strangest part of the affair is that the majority of a commit- tee of ladies, who held an investigation into the Matter, justified the -matron in what she had done and continued her in office. The public feeling is strongly incensed at such conduct, and a loud demand is made ;for the• discharge of the torturer. How a Schoolmaster was Saved by a Fal.mer. Notwithstanding all that .has been said about confidence men who beset the path of the traveller to Manitoba, occasional victims to their wiles are forthcoming with tolerable regularity. For instance, a youug man from Strat- ford, a school teacherahought he would go out there and get rich right away. On the Way he formed at _alliance with a young Ontario farmer of robust proportions and lots of spunk. 1Xt Chi- cago a confidence man spied the !school master and concluded that he was a fit subject to operate on. He therefore addressed him in affectionate terms by his name, and enquired about his (the schoolmaster's) sisters and cousins and ants in Stratford, to all of which the tenderfpot replied in appropriate terms. Then the, Chicago man explained that he was engaged in a large business in Winnipeg, and was on the lookout for a clerk. He thought the young school- master would. just suit him, exactly, and as the latter was not averse to dropping into a good situation at the outset, elle interview resulted in his being engaged at a liberal salary. Then the merchant mentioned incidentally that he had a lot of freight on the way out, and would be glad if the tender- foot would accompany it to Winnipeg. The tenderfoot agreed to do so. Then the pair, accompanied by the farmer, went to a freight agent to see abouk gcltting the stuff forwarded. The fxeight man wanted his pay in ad- vance. The merchant remonstrated. It wasn't customary. The freight man pointed out a new clause which made it imperative that freight should be paid in advance. The merchant was astonished, and after a sharp alterca- tion with the freight man, ended by borrowing $70 from the schoolmaster. Then he requested the schoolmaster to go to the depot, get his receipt and look after the freight. The farmer, who had hitherto been contemplating the situa- tion with dreamy indifference, smelt a rat at this particular juncture. The more the "merchant" wanted to get away the more the farmer smelt the rat, until -he just collared the freight man and made him disgorge the seventy dollars, to that functionary's intense disgust. The fact was that the Win- nipeg "merchant" and the freight man were pals,and the schoolmaster escaped being plucked through the interference of his rustic friend. The story leaked out on the train to Winnipeg, and the schoolmaster was tormented nearly to distraction by his fellow passengers, who had "tumbled to the racket." Epps's Cocoa. Grateful and Comforting.—"By s thorough knowledge of the natural 1 .ws which govern the operations of •diges- tion and. nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided, our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a,constitution may be gradually built up until atrong enough to iesist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by, keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser- vice Gazette, Sold only in packets labelled—"James Epps & Co., ktomceo- pathic Chemists, London, Eng."—Alan makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon use. 482-52 Mothers! Mothers! Mothers 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suff- ering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately—de- pend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child, oper- ating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all oases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of One ; of the oldest and beat female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52. Free of Charge. All persons suffering from Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Loss of Voice, or any affection of the throat and lungs, are requested to call at- E. Hickson 86 Co.'s Drugstore and get a trial bottle of Dr, King's New Discovery for Consumption, free of charge, which will convince them of its wonderful -merits and show what'a regular dollar size bottle will do. Call early. 714-52c Rest' and Comfort to the Suffering. Brown's Household Panacea has no equal for relieving pain, both internal and external. It cures pain in the side, back, or bowels, sore throat, rheuma- tism, toothache lumbago and any kind of pain or ache.. It will most surely quicken the blood and heal, as its act- ing power is wonderful. Brown's Household Panacea, being acknow- ledged as the great pain reliever, and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world; should be in every family handy for use when wanted, as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach, and pains and aches of all kinds, and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52 Eclectric Care for your live stock would sewn an almost superfluous piece of advice to farmers, cattle raisers, horsemen and others, whose capital is largely invest- ed in quadrupeds. Yet how often are the diseases and sanitary requirements of horses and cattle disregarded; how often are they left to the care of the ignorant and brutal, and irrationally treated when unwell?" No stock yard, farm or stable can be said to be proper- ly equipped where an efficient remedial agent is not provided. The best and most highly approved by veterinarians is Thomas' Balearic Oil, which besides being a thorough remedy for lung cpm - plaints, bronchitis, rheumatism, neu- , sores and hurts of the human race, remedies with certainty Galls, Contraction or Cracking of the Hoof, Distemper, Scours, Curb, Corks, scratches, sore teats. a -n(1 other disorders and troubles of horses and. nettle. Sold by all medicine dealers. Prepared only by Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Out. 710b Mack's Magnetic Medicine. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is an un- failing food for the brain and nerves, and -by its rejuvenating effect on these organs never fails to cure nervous ex- haustion and all weakneeses - of the generative organs. See advertisement in another column. 738 Holloway's Ointment and Pills. A.frequeiat cause of gout and rheuma- tism is the inflammatory state of the blood, attended wtth bad digestion and general debility. A few doses of the Pills taken in time are an effectual preventive against gout and rheuma- tism. Anyone who has , an attack of either should use Holloway's Ointment s,lso, the powerful aCtion of which, combined with the operation of the ,Pills, must infallibly effect a cure. These Pills act directly on • the blood, which they purify and improve. Hav- ing once subdued the severity of these diseases, perseverande with the Oint- ment, after fomenting the affected parts with warm brine, will speedily relax all stiffness and prevent any permanent contraction. Pneumonia Cured. From James H. Potts, of 97 River street, Cambridge port, Mass.: “Last winter I was confined to the house six weeks with pneumonia, of which 1 had a very severe attack. My lungs were extremely sore and I suffered greatly from pains under my shoulders and in my chest. I coughed iioe�sntly, and every pifort causecl my yes to protrude, so that it seemed as though they would be forced froa. their sockets. I experienced also gra t difficulty in breathing. My family iysiciaii could do nothing for me, ex ept to afford some temporary relief from pain. Many years before this several mem- bers of my family ha -been much benefitted by the use of Dr. Wistar's .Balsam of Wild cherry, and I decided to try it. it gave me i mediate relief, and the use of two sm 11 bottles com- pletely cured me. I att ibute my cure entirely to the Balsam, while I used it I took nothing else. I canna speak in terms of too much pr iso of this val- uable preparation, nor an I state in language too strong the emarkable xe- sults attending its use in niy case." Fifty cents and el a bo t1. Sold by dealers generally. 710 Worthy of P aise. As a rule we -do not r commend pa- tent medicines, but .whe we know of one that really is a pub in benefactor; and does positively cure, then we con- sider it our duty to imp rt the infor- rnation to all. Electri Bitters are truly a most valuable edioine, and will surely cure Billions ess, Fever and Ague, Stomach, Liver, and Kidney Complaints, even where 1 other reme- dies fail. We know whe eot we speak, and can freely recomme d. them to all. —ExpA. Sold at 50 cent a bottle by E. Hickson & Company. 714.52.6 Given Aw y. We can not help notio'ng the liberal offer made to all invalids and eufferers by Dr. King's New Disco .ery for Con- sumption. You are requested to call at E. Hickson & Co.'s D ng Store, and get a trial bottle free of ci)st, if you are suffering with Consumption, Severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Loss of Voic , Hoarseness, or any affection of the Th oat et- Lungs. - It will positively cure yo t. 714.52f Bucklen's Arnie The best salve in the Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Tetter, Ch Chilblains, Corns, and al tions, and positively cure -guaranteed to give perfe or money refunded. Pric box. For sale by E. Hio pany. 714-5,2 Salve. orld for Cuts, Salt Rheum, ppad Hands, Skin Ernp- Piles. It is t satisfaction 25 cents per on & Com- Eclectric 0 Joseph Rusan, Percy, induced to try Dr. Tho Oil for a lameness which for three or four years, the best article I ever been a great blessing to *tes--7"I was as' Eclectric ;troubled me' d I found it red. It has e." 691-52 Eclectric 0 "It is a Great Pnbli These significant words relation to Dr. Thomas' by a gentleman who ha tested its merits in his o ing been cured by it of la knee of three or four ye It never fails to remove so as lameness. 691-52 • Benefit." --4. ere used in Eclectric Oil thoroughly n case—hay- eness of the s' standing. eness as well Teaberry. "Must say it's the nices used for the teeth and every one having tried ." new toilet gem. Get a 5 730.3ms thing I ever breath," says eaberry," the cent sample. THE GREAT FEMALE RE DY.—Jeb Moses -L Periodical Pills—This nivel able-medicinde unfailing in the cure of all t1086 painful and dangerous diseases to which the female 'constittn tion is subject. It moderates a &etas and re- moves all obstructions, and a seedy 073X8 may be relied on: To married ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short there, bring on the montlhy period with regularity. These pills ' should not be taken by females during the first three months of Pregraecy, as they are sure to other time they a and Spinal Af- mbe, fatigue on the heart, hys- bring on Miscarriage, but at any are safe. In all cases of Nervou eotions, Pains in the back and 1 . slight exertion, palpitation of terics and whiten, these pills will effect ire cure when all other means have failed; and, although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 and 12i cents for postage enclosed to Northrop & --Lyman, Toronto, Out., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over 60 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts and Lumsden & Wilson. 644-52 , MONEY. MONEY TO LOAN—I am prepared to lend money at 6 percent. interest, payable year- ly. Principal at the end of term. Private Funds. JAS. H. BENSON. 726 ANTED --The sum of $1,000 for three years. Interest, six per cent. per annum, payable yedirly. First class seem ity. For particulate apply to IC P. HAYES, Seaforth, or to Me- CAUG HEY & HOLMESTED. 112-t1 1VIONEY—A. 0. MoDOUGALL is authorized to - lend money at 6i per cent. on mortgage, for any amount, and for any number of years; inter- est charged or ly on the unpaid principal. No commission charged. Apply at the Store of A. G. McDougall & Co. 678 100)000.00 TO LOAN on Security of Beal Estate for any term of years not exceeding twenty, at 6 per cent, per annum; No Commissions; The whole of the prineipal money may be repaid at any time on giving six months' notice, or any sum not exceed- ing one-fourth may be paid at the uloee of each e ear witheut notice, interest ceasing from the time of payment; Loans effected promptly. OFFICE — Victoria Square Seaforth. WM. HIT 700 AUCTIONEERS. dr P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the • County of Huron. Sales attended in all parte of the County. All orders left at the Ei- posinon Office will be promptlyattendedto. n R. COOPER, Brussels, County Auctioneer. `d • Sales of all descriptions promptly at- tended in any pait of the county on reasonable terms. Orders left at the office of the HURON E XPOSIT on, or addressed to Brussels, will receive prompt attention. A LEXANDERDELGETTY, Licensed Auction- eer,McKillop. Special attention given to sales of Landed Property, Farm Stock and Implements. All orders left with the under- signed at Walton P. 0. or Lot 14, con- cession 14, will be promptly attended to. Sale bills, notes and stamps furnished if required. ALEX. DELGETTY, Walton. 639 MORTWE SALE —OF— TAVERN STAND. -71— 1\1R. W. R. Davis, Auctioneer,' has been in- structed to sell by Public Auction at the Railway Hotel in Dublin, on Thursday, 9th Feb- ruary, 1882, at 2 p. m., lots 110 and 111 in Don - kin's survey of Carronbrook, now Dublin. Upon the property is erected a large two story frame building occupied as a tavern, and known as the Railway Hotel. Also a large frame barn. Terms. —One tenth of purchase money to be paid on day of sale, and balance in one month thereafter without interest. Further particulars and conditions of sale -made known on day of sale, and in the meantime can be obtained from the under- -signed. MCCAUGHEY tit Hoonterse, Vendor's Solicitors. Seaforth, January 18, 1882. 737-3 e XEDICAL. 11144••=mmlift. -n R. jAN MES H. DUNCAN, Physiician, Surgeon, d ccoucheur. Office,' Dr. Campbell's, aijmainaAreZt" South, near Gmnd Trunk Railway Station. All eks21s, night or, day promptly attend- ed to. . 724 T G. SCOTT, M. Dn&c, Pleysician,Surgeon and e' • Accoucheur, fessiednth, Out. Office and resi- dence south olds of soden& Street, second door east of Presbyterien Olkurehe 342 TT L. VEBOOE,MeD., 0. M.. ThYdlninfte Burt -led- • geonyeta,,Coroner for the Coneity of Huron. . Office and Residence, en Jarvis stneet north, directly opposite Seaforth Public &diode WM. HANOVER, M. D., C. M.Graduade of McGill University, Physicie:n, Surgeon And Accoucherin Seaforth,Ont. Office and Besidenne, N orth Bide Goderich Street, first Brick House east of the Methodist Church. 496 TIE. HUTCHINSON, Graduate of McGill Col- lege, Montreal, Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians, Edinburgh, and late House Surgeon of Craiglookhart HospitaleEdinburgh. Office—Bluevale, Oen 686-52 M. ErCrCIC3-11V SURGEON DENTIST: GRADUATE of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Canada. Office in the rooms lately occupied by H. Derbyshire, Whitney's Block. All operations carefully performed and satis- faction guaranteed. Charges Moderate. N. B.—Teeth extracted without. ;to i by the sis,. it tanaceereetao, . DEJTSFTISTRIY- D. WATSON, DENTIST, Faculty Gold Medalist and College Gold Medalist R. C. D. S. 11AVING many years' experience be is able to 1--1- make all operations in Dentistry suitable and lasting. Preserving teeth a Specialty. Chloroform, Ether or Nitrous Oxide Gas given. Charges Moderate. "Ul Office in Meyer's Block, Main Street, rforth. 0. CARTWRIGHT, L. D. Si, 'STRATFORD WILL be at his office, CADEY'S " BLOCK, SEA FORTH, oppo- site the Commercial Hotel, on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY of each week. Nitrate Oxide Gas administered in the extraction of teeth. 'This gas has been edmiuistered by Dr. Cartwright since 1866 with perfect success, he having been one of the first to introduce it into this province. Pa- tients having teeth extracted may inhale the gas and have eight or ten teeth extracted in a min- ute or a minute and a half, without disagreeable effects from it.. Parties desiring new teeth please call on Wednesdays. Particular attention paid to the regulation of children's teeth. Teeth in- serted from one to a full set. 730-52 TT DERBYSHIRE, Dentist, has "• purchased the business of Mr. McCulloch, and removed to Switzer's Block, Mitchell, where he will always be found. Teeth extracted with the use of chloroform, ether and -nitrous oxide gas. Gold fillings a specialty, Parties from a distance will be allowed their train expenses. 782 A LONG FELT WANT REMEDIED —BY— AULT & MCCLEAN, IN A GOOD RELIABLE TEA STORE. THE People of Seaforth have always fornd it difficult to get a good reliable tea at all times. Ault & McClean have come to the con- clusion that by doubling their custom the next six months, as they have done in the last six months in tea, that small profits and quick re- turns will be their motto. Why, their 50c tea is a perfect gem, and their 60c tea is said to be equal to what other houses are selling at 75e. Their Japan at 50e is generally sold at 60c, and their 80o tea dust they have reduced to 25c. Their black teas are generally acknowledged now by nearly every lady to have no equal in Seaforth. Large buyers will be liberally dealt with. We keep all kneels of flour and feed on hand. We allow a discount on purchases of four ad five gallons of coal oil. Oatmeal will be exchanged for oats on the same terms as the mills. All kinds of farm produce taken in exchange for goods. Salt by the barrel sold the same as at the salt wells. Labrador and Lake Huron herrings by the barrel or half barrel. Our Crockery and Glassware got a great- scat- tering dining the holiday season, but we never let any of our stock run down, so the .public can rely on getting almost anything kept in first- class grocery, crockery and tea store. Enquire for Ault & Streetcar:de Tea Store, Main Street, Seaforth. . B.—Goods delivered in the corporation free of charge. A horse always ready. Please call and inspect for yourselves. AULT & McCLEAN. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY THE anbscriberbegs leave to thank his MIMer0C -I- customers for the liberal patronage extended n, him since commencing business in Seaforth,ane trusts hat he may be favored with a continuance of the same. Parties intending to build wonld do well to gi him a oall,ae he -will continue to keep on hand D large stook of all kinds of Dry Pine Lumber, SastLes, Doors, • Blinds and Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, &e. • Hefeelsoonfident of givingsatisfactioe to those who may favour him with their patronage,as none but first-claesworkmen areemployed. Particular attention paid to Cuetorn Plaratit 20[ JOHN H. BROADFOOT. C. L'. PAPSTI THE JEWELLER'S, Is the place to get the mos teat value for the leastest money in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver -Plated Ware, Ring Band, Gem, Set Keeper, Chased, Hoop and Plain Gold Wedding Rings; Sets in Bright Gold, Colored Gold and American Gold Roll Plate; Gents' Alberts and Ladies' Gold Chains, all going cheap. Repairing in', all its branches done with neatness and dispatch. Satisfaction guaranteed by C. L. PAPST Watchmaker, Jeweller and Engraver. Sign of the Big Clock. N. B. -Will move in new store on or about let of February. t ••••••••••• THIS W Which is o Navy, Cardi Navy and Gloves, Kid Imitation L Jackets, Ti Worsted C Astrachan &a. — G 0 L D EJ N I I 31 EK WE INVITE ATTENTION TO OUR STOOK OF woor_41..amiNT Goons, ce more complete, and we now show a full range of CLOUDS in al, Grey, Brown and fancy; SQUARES in Cardinal, Black, Grtiy, ancy. Wool Jackets, Mittens, Cuffs, dm.; Ladies' Underwear, Mitts and Gloves; Nice Goods in Silk Squares and Ties, Real and s, Frillings, &c.; Men's Overcoats, Shirts and Drawers, Cardigan s, Braces, Wool Cuffs, Linen Cuffs, and a fine range of Tweeds, stings, cto. Extra good value' in Mink Muffs, Boas and Caps, uffs, Baltic Seal Muffs, Men's Caps in Beaver, Coney, Plush, Cloth, --; A CALL SOLICITED. m s o s P c) IR, a. I -I co a. z at• < a E-412, I. liicral 0- z us < ig P0,15 0 L., Ui cc 0 CC 0 WINTER FLUID. TRY 0 OUR OWN 4e1.C 0 UGH SYRUP For Croup, Colds, Coughs, Whooping Cough, &c. We have just made up fresh lots of ist REAVE, COUGH AND EPIZOO- TIC POWDER; FAVORITE CATTLE dth 4- FEEDER, CONDITION POWDER FOR HORSES, &c., eta The following preparations for the Hair, cannot be beat, viz.: NTHARIDINE HAIR WASH, CASTORINE IR RENEWER, AND OUR HAIR CREAM. E. TUCKS -ON & CO ., DRUGGISTS. -n 0 0 -n 0 0 rn 0 S2 GL CERINE AND ROSE WATER. ;-, CARD OF THANKS. R. WILLIS, THE PEOPLE'S SHOEMAKER, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, Embraces this opportunity Of thanking all those who have so liberally favored him with -their patronage since starting business on his own 'account in Seaforth. He has also to state that prices of Boots and Shoes will be GREATLY REDUCED for -the remainder of this month. Just come tight along, Ladies and Gentlemen, and try me, and see how very cheap I can furnish you for the READY MONEY. I wish all owing accounts to be prompt and pay up before the FIRST OF JANUARY. Short accounts make long friends, and ray profits are so small that I can't afford to give long credit. Remember that, and don't forget The People's Shoemaker, No. 1 Cady' S Block, Main Street, Seaforth. ROBERT WILLIS. ! D. D. ROSE, GROCER, NEXT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE, SEAFORTH. TIP, GAL. a LEBOW & PBOIMFOOT, .arristers, 1.-1 tors, &e., Goderioh, Oo_tario.-4. T. Garrott. Wm. Proudfoot. 686 "r4 W.C. AlE11.14,1fartieter and Attozney at Privatcitin8dcsmtoBlyEoanR:t26ari rig Cam- eron. M. O. Cameron, -Q. C., Philip Holt, M. (4.10am- OAMEliON, 'lour & OAMEBON, Barristers, `-' Solicitors in Chancery, &c., Goderivb, Ont. Solicitor for the Bank of Hamilton, Wingliam. for taking affidavits in the Province of Manitoba. -tel. • I OA i Eclieitor in Cbancere. Corernieeioner earnodelaAt-tto'63:24,1 . ;606 BENSONat Law, Solleitersin ChanceryandIusoliency le 6tlerps Oonveyaneers,Notaries Public, etc. Offices.1-44s forth andBrussela. $28,000 of Private Ponds to investatone e, a t Eight percent. Interest .payable use in the Courts of Manitoba. early. Commissionerfor taking Affidavits for 4. ssesom, n.w. o. The above firm has thi. day been dissolved by tennInt. mutual consent. All accounts due the firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all liabil- ities. , Nov. 27, 1876. *JAMES IL BENSON. H. W. C. MEYER. MCCAUCHEY & HoLMEsTEDI LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCI;NG oFetea, Scott's Block, Main Street, St-aftirth. OLICITORS for the Consolidated 1384k of " Canada and the CanadianBank of Commerce iii Seaforth. Farm ane Town and Village Property bought and sold. Money (nriva te funds) loaned on mortgage se- curities, at teneonable rates of interest. Charges moderate. Money invested for private persons upon the hest mortgage securities, without any expenee to the lender. S . G. ItIcCAUGHEY, M. A. F. H OLMESTED TriiS Great Household Medicine ranks amongst de the leading necessaries of life_ These fit - mous Pills purify the Blood, and set most plower - fully, e et snothingly, on the Liver,. Stoinsche 111idneys and Beach, Diving tone, energi and vim gor to these greet n aserings ofrife. iThey re -ate confider tier recent -melte ed as a reverfiriling 'remedy in all cases ahere the constitutions frorn what ever cense, has become impaired GT week/r- eed, They are wenilerfully cialearions in all ail- ments incidents) Le Pennies of all rees; a.d-as a General Family Medicine, are nesurpaseet. Its searching and healing proper ties are '44oern throughent the world. For the cure of had legs, bad bi east s, old Weti3a8, sores and nicete, It is an infallible remedy. If effectuallyd nibb' -on i t he neck and cheet, as Salt into meat, it des 13 ore Throat, Diphtberia,Bronehitis,Coughn lolds, and even Asthma. For Glaxeltdar swelling , Ab- e cerses, Piles' Fistulas, Gout, Bbeureatiern, and every kind ofskin disease, it has never bean known to fail. The IL ilk and Ointment are man - i aetnred only at 51,8,0xford Steeet,Loedon,a d are sold by sil Vecdore of Medicines through° t the Civilized World; with direction for use i 1A - most every language. IsIntrchaseis should look to the label on the pc tS and boxes. the address is not 588, Oxford Street, London! they DESPERANDUM.7 712 2. , "NIL are 'spurious. TRADEMARK.• ri cc 'tit CI) 0.1 g 44 cc) (:) '14 Before Taking Aftiar 'Um& THE GI -EAT ENGLISH RENIDY 'for "nee!. 11 ( apd all Nervous effeetion, in - eluding Sper m al errhe a , Seminal eventoce,ect., results of Fell -shin -c, ieniscretian, &O.e G7LIAI'S SPECIFIC IlehleICINF. This i* the only ren cdy which has evi r been known to ,pwr,.. mancetly ems letipinatien and ether affections of the Heart, -Cet teem/nice in Re (-Helier stages, Rue' mg bleed to 11. lean, mind in; the energy, SfetelIf:fiteP3'nf tejecen,*DIe6saii;ier' for 01: ff. 07-1.1:Cil WentS, Iindis-of po to )81 OT 7-teCtIrt Of Wttane as, rut- tier eel Li tell ten , 1 ir 11..e turn, diterned,s of -vision, 1'7( n time dd ege, ect. earticelars in our peniphiet, nnieb we rend securely snaled on eeceti t of it tint e ceie vterep. The Elpdeifie is now rt he all 17 ltVpif tb St $1 Ina. paclisge, or 6 ft -i- et, (7 Het fner by meil on receipt of 31033Sy, by addreenir g THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto Mack's Magnetic M ediciine TRADE MA NERVE AND BRAIN FOOD MAN UFA TUBED IN TORONTO. A Permanent, ure cure for Diseases, Dis- orders and Ailmen. s of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Secreti4 System, or attendant com- plaints—causing pain in small o( back, sides, etc-, gravel, Catarrh of the bladder and passages; Bright's disease, diabetes, -dropsy, piles,' nervous debility. etc. Pamphlets and testimonials can be - obtained from dritggists free. Prices—Child's Pad, $1.50, (cure bed-wetting.) Regular ,Pad, $2. Special Pad f r cbronie diseases, $3. Sold bt J. S Roberts, eaferth ; Win. M. Robertson, Wrexeter ; B N. Thintell, Teeswater ; W. -J. Bray, Wingham ; .ohi S. Tennant, M. D., Luck - now; Watts & Co Clinton Lawrence Hamilton, Blyth ; 9 H. Hew eon, Bayfield; 8. A. Hodge, Mitchell ; Josliepl Kidd & Son, Dublin; The Central Drug Ste e, Exeter; H. R. Jackson, Hensel!; Mrs. Joh r MeIntbsh, Brucefield: B.obt. Mollie, Kippen. 737 DD- CA.MPP E. L, Provincial Land Surveyor erre Civil dir. ineer. Orders by mail prompt ly atten.eed to. „ s„ neernniaLre tditeeel) VOR S-ALE.—F r Sale a first class Planing -2- Mill, nearly, n w and in good running order, situated in the fi wishing Town of Seaforth, Will be sold cheijp. Terms easy. Enquire of SECORD,cospENs & co.,Goderich,Ont. PATISIf EXC ANGE HOTEL, Goderioh, de" Out. WM. C X. Proprietor. This is one Of the Quietest, Mos Comfortable and Best Con- ducted Hotels in t e Province. The Ronnie are commodious and the Table and Bar liberally-' supplied. Good s aiding in connection. 636-52i ZOPESA.. (FROM BRAZIL.) The New Compound, its wonderful affinity to the Digestive. Apparatus and the Liver, increasing'the dissolv- ing juices, relieving almost instantly the dreadful results of Dyspepsia, Tndigestion, and the TORPID LIV- ER, makes Zopesa, an every day neces- sity in every house. It acts gently and speedily in Bil- iousness, Costiveness, Hea,clache, Sick Headache, Distress after Eating, Wind on the Stomach, Ire-artburn, Pains in the Side and Back, Want of Appetite'Want of Energy, Low Spirits, Foul Stomach. It invigor- ate8 the Liver, carries off all swrplus bile, regulates the Bowegs, and giws tone to the whole system. . Cut this Out and take it to your Druggist and get a 10 cent Sample, or a large bottle for 75 cents, and tell WOW' neighbor about it. rinlo11114.4411114•41k noun)TRADE MAFttt. AFTER) Is a sure. prompt and effectual nem ely for Ner- VOUSI3CSS in ail its stages, Weak Memory, Loni of Brain Power, Sexual Prostration, Night Sweats, Sperrnatorrhocea,afeminal Weakness, and General Loss of Power. It repairs nervous waete, R ju- venerates the jaded intellect, Si rengthens the en- feebled brain, and rester -i -s surprising tone Mad < vigor to the exhausted generative organs. The experience of thousands proves' it an invaluable remedy. The medieine is pleesant to the Jaste, and in no case and under circumstances coil it do harm. Each box contains sufileient for two week's medication, thus being much cheaper than any other- medicine told—and while it is the cheapest it is much better. Full particulars in our rabiphlets, which we desire to mail free to any address. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is by Druggists at 50 cents per box, or 12 boxes for $e, or will be mailed free of postage on receip of money by addressing MACK'S MAGNE MEDICINE Co., Windsor,ont. Sold in Seafoth by J. S. Reimers, and all druggists elsewhere. -783-50 EGG EMPORIU THE' Sirtemeiter hereby thsnk Ms eturrteroae men mere (mettleants and others) for this liberal istronage durine the past 7 years, 441 hopes by strict integrity and close _attention to businese to merit their confidence and trade in the future, Having great 1, enlarged his plena leer; dureng the winter, he is now prepared to et"! THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE :For any quantity of Good Fresh Eggs, delivet „.4 at the Egg Emporium, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTB, Wanted by tbinnbsoriber,25 tong of goed sr *lean wheat straw. • IX D. Wii.Sik -r liokEItTY FOR SALE—I'm Salt, on clay terms, that 'desirable reside -rice on J els Street owned by Mr. George Dent. Enquire of J. S. PORTER , -Beaten th. 68 TO L11-1— blx roome over A. -G. nult'sGit Store, afortle Eeitable for dress m or Pri vet e d 11kg. with front end rearlentra Apply is. G. ALL1, Prepietor. 17 1 • 1. 4 lr Ii 741..