HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-01-27, Page 3RY 27, I SES THO BY trSflG THE LENGE HICK PIT IflME STI 7 FE 07' pve the best known imp 'saving filet and laboi Lives in this market. LAND SEE, THEAI AT - KIDDS, MAIN AS' 1.614FORTIL iffAFOBTII ANOE AGENCY - VM. N. WATSON, Fire,. Marine, Life COW At - Insurance Agent, Convey. itrpraiser, Rte., SEAFORTH. LY FERST-01-ASS, ing companies represented_ All kind* eted at lowest current rates on afl perty. Special attentiou clovoted to mice. Insurances effected on far* the "Gore District," of Galt,establish-. -.3, at from .621 to 1 per ceht, cask Ire. Cheaper than any =MAI cesa- istence. The following companies*: . viz.: London &Lancashire', Engiaibd; ngIand ; Bcottish Imperial, Scotland; rica, Toronto ; Royal Canadian,Mon- District, Galt; Canadian., Fre & Liam; Alliance, Hamilton ; Toroafk" Toronto, Travellers Life and Acei- at, Conn. Agent for ti o Canada: k E-oan and Savings Company, Toronto.' td at 6 per cent_ on real estate. Line Steamship CompanY, w York and Glasgow_ First Wilk Second Cabin 840'; Steerage, VC ets issued good for 12 months. W. N.. du Street, Seaforth. Office, Carkw" , opposite the Mansion Hotel. EXHIBITION 1:Plartetery Wonder which aauseseo rment is yet visible to the gazing ini ha 26th of June having conies:ad gone :trospect of several anniversaries et I time, the well known firm. cif NEY BROTH_ -REX tnd Tinware Merchants, STREET, S EAFiRTII _Solicitthelnapection aua Patronage-- . of Settforth and vicinity, to their k of STOVES, &e. Don't pass the t i .1G COFFEE ?DTI re' at the sign of the big Coffee Pet, NEY BROS. keerv stoves, and whet . tHarvest Tools, Binding Mitts, and - inware,ait Cheap andas Good se AnY rpeiff not true, but only a rhyme. .ct our Stoves; ewout talt4 ranch 611 Just as Cheap as We' -Possiay Can ()halted Stove to for Bird Cage or Can. EV BROTHERS'.. N -ST, SEAFORTH. STAL & BLAOK PRACTICAL I -11R MAKERS rribErs have bought the Toils and nPEts lately carried on by the God - and Mann -factoring Company, and n experience of ever eight years in w prepared to (-fury on thie trade u trusted to us will receive kroccipt rst-elass workgnaran teed. Boilers made and repaired, also nnd Sheet Iron Work, &e, at res.- ans made and old ones repaired OR and at prices that defy cont- YEITAL & BLAC-l* HexjQ3, Goeleriche oyal Hotels CARMICHAEL'S) ' "Int ONTARIO. MES WEIR his old friends and the travel.- e that• having purchased tbi: new ts hotel building, he has thorough - and re -fitted it from top to bot - UW one of the /nest comfortable hotels in the county. By Istria 0 wants of his customers he hopes ..-.e of public patronage, The rooma isha and well heated. The bar pplied with the bst, and an rust worthy hostler will al ar1 -'s be Good sample rooms for Go mer- e "Royal Hotel," corner of Main treeM, Seaforth. 7 3.5 AMER WEIR., Proprietor. tor. 2:7, 1882. • THE HURON 4XPOSITOR. 3 The Lament of a Lost Life. TOR THE 3320131TOR. The following lines were read by Mr. Ileok,.of Homan, at a tea meeting held lately at Fausville. They were found in the blank leaf of a volume in the library of a prison in the 'United States. They are supposed to,be the production ef one of.the criminals. The lines are entitled : ,- A voice FROM aim PEPUTNNTIARY. I've -wandered fax from thee, mother, Far from oar happy home ; I've left the land that gave me birth, In other climes to roam; And time since then has rolled this yowl', And marked them on my brow. Yet, still, rye often thought of thee- ., I'm thinking of thee now. Pi o, thinking of thoee days', mother, When ,with each earnest pride Yliat watched the dawning of my youth, And pressed me to yoar side ; When love had filled nay trusting heart With hopes. of future Joy, And thy teight limey honors wove To deck thy darling boy. PM thinking on the day, mother, Ileft thy watchful care, When thy fond heart was lifted np To Heaven -thy trust was there ; And memory brings thy parting words, When tears fell o'er thy cheek ; But thy last loving, anxious look Told more than words could speak. rm fax away from thee, mother, No friend is near nie now, To soothe me with a tender word,. Nor cool my burning brow. The dearest ties affection wove Are all now torn from me; They left me when the trouble came, They did not love like thee. I would not have thee knoiv, mother, How brightest hopea decay; The tempter with his banefal cup Has dashed them all away; And shame has left its venomed sting To rack with anguish wild; 'Twould grieve thy tender heart to k now The sorrows of thy child. I'm lonely and forsaken now, Unpitied and unblessed, Yet, still, I would hot have the know How sorely I'm distressed. I know thou worildat not chide, mother, Thole wouldet not give me pain, But cheer me with thy softest words, =And bid me hope again. I know thy tender heart, mother, Still beide as warm for roe, - As when I left thee long ago To cross the broad. bine sea; And I love thee prat as well, mother, And I long to hear thee speak, And feel again thy balmy breath • Upon my careworn cheek. Bat, aht there is a thought, mother, Pervades my beating breast, That thy bright spirit may have flown To its eternal rest ; And as I wipe the tear away, There whispers in my ear A voice that speaks of Heaven and thee, And bids me seek thee there. • Gaieties. Times Changes: Old sehoolfellow- "Dear me why, when you and I were at Eton, you. a ere a curly-haired boy with a slim figure; and now your hair's slim and your figure curly I" ,-A very loquacious female witness, whom the opposing counsel could not !silence, so far kept him at bay, that by way of browbeating her he exclaimed, "Why. worntrai, there's brass enough in your face to make a kettle." "And sauce enougk in yours," she instantly rejoined, "to fill it." - think,' said a farmer, the other day, should make a good Parliament men, for I ase their language. I re- oeived two bills the other day, with requests for immediatepayment - the one I ordered to be laid on the table, the other to be read. that day six months.' - The colonel of & regiment asked a cornet what his father was. He re- plied, "A farmer" "Pity your father did not make you follow hie trade." Upou which the cornet asked. "Pray, sir, what is your father ?" "A gentle- man." "Pity he did not make you one," replied the cornet. -"Now, gentlemen," said a wit to his guests, as the ladies Mt the room, elet as understand one another. Are we going to drink like men or beams ?" Somewhat indignant, the guests ex- claimed, "Like men, of course." "Then," he replied, "we are going to get jolly drunk, for brutes never drink more than they require." - have no patience, Smith, with a man who can't remember a thing no longer than it's being told him,. ex- claimed jones, impatiently. 'Now, I can carrya. thing in my mind a month, if need be.' 'you're a lucky dog, Jones,' remarked Smith, quietly: it isn't every- body that has so much room in his mind as you have, you know.' -A young gentleman of ardent temperament was expatiating to a friend, older and more experienced thaa him self, on the matchless sperfections'of a young lady 'Whom he was some - to lead to the hymeneal altar. The frien.d, are that perfection is not to be ex- pected in women, slyly asked, 'Is she thus perfect? Is there nothing in her demeanor of conduct that can be con- structed into a fault?' know of none,' replied the modest youth, 'except the love she bears to unworthy me.' 'ah, if that be all, she'll obtain forgive- ness, for she'll sincerely repent.' -It is releted of George Clark, the celebrated negro minstrel, that being examined a witness, he wee' severely interrogated by the attorney, who wished to break down his evidence. "You are in the negro minstrel bag - nese, 1 believe ?" inquired the lawyer. "Yes, sir," Was the prompt reply. "Isn't that rather a low calling?" de- manded the lawyer. "I don't know but what it is, sir," replied the min- strel, "bat it is so much better than My father's that I am proud of it." "What was your father's ca,lling ?" "He was a lawyer," replied Clark, in a tone of regret that put the audience in a roar. The lawyer let him alone. - A lady in Milwaukee has twin sons of whom s -he is very proud, both being handsome, sprightly, and precocious little fellows. A short time ago a gentleman sent the lads a pair of "Colorado jacks," which,of coarse, tick- led their faucies immensely -after they had learned the important lesson of non-interference -with the business end of the animals. One of the boys was giving a lady a glowing description of the pets, which led to the query: "Are your jacks gentle, Frank?" “They are awful tame in front, but you bet they're awful wild behind." —* Manitoba Paper Towns. Thetoronto World in referring to the town lot craze now so prevalent ha Manitoba and the Northwest says :- Beca.nee a place is laid out histown lots and is shown in elaborate plans with high -sounding -named streets it does not follow that a ma & is going to make money if he invesit aioney in them. The proof of this the history of Ontario. When the Grand Trunk boom was abroad, about 'thirty years !go, town plots were laid out at every station =a moss roads. Scarboro' Junction is not much of a place to -day; there is a hotel there and a couple of houses, and you can get 411 ,the land /Ion want for about $60 to $80 an more. of Friday, January 6th, which was managed by the Rev. Mr. Boklwin, of Flower Oity, and Rev. Mr. Pollock, of Sheldon. Several pieces were render- ed by the seholars, by way of recita- tions, dialogues, singing, &o. The chair was occupied by Mr. Hillen. ut when the Grand Trunk was build- Intensely Utter. ing it was tewn lotted, eeeand ruined many soldersonat high AN ABIRETIC DAUCIRTIIR AND A SUPER- pn, a p. A plates was also laid out as York 'anLATIVRLY PRACTICAL PA.d to -day you can't And it.' Mimics), on A few months ago the daughter of a' Rockland man, who has grown corn - the west side of the city was sold off in forts,bly well off in the small grocery lots. Landis less than $100 an acre line, wee sent away to a "female col - there to -day. Gkwdon Brown, Sand - lege," and last week she arrived home ford Fleming -and others got up a town and called it Balmoral, on the Grand for the holidee'r vacation. The old man Trunk somewhere between Toronto was in attendance at the depot when and Weston,. A great tent wasput us, the train arrived, with the,old horse in beer flowed as water, an immense Sato the delivery wagon to convey his daugh- of lots took place, and every one rest ter and her trunk to the house. When his money. Every one seemed mad to the train had stopped, a bewitching ar- bay these lots. Yon oould not find ray of dry goods and a wide -brimmed Balmoral if you went out there to -day. at dashed from the oar, and flung Melton is a station further up the itself into the elderly party's arms. Grand.Trunk. It was to become. a “Wb3r, you superlative pa 1" she ex - mighty centre of commerce. Well, claimed; "I'm ever so utterly glad to lots in the great (prospective) town of see Yon." Melton were sold by auction in Mon- The old man was somewhat un- treal and other towns for 2100 a lot; nerved by the greeting, but he reaog- now they won't bring $80 an acre. nized the sealskin cloak n his grip as Brampton has got to be semething, but many a hard-earned dollar was lost there in lots. One man bought a number of lots there at between 250 and 260 each; he held on for 'years and years, till finally in 1878 he sold them at therate of $100 • an acre. Shakespeare was to be another of these great towns; well the remains . of the fence posts round. its town lots are still standing. Tullamore out itt Chingna- coney is another of their towns that never came to a head, but whioh ruined many a man. All over Ontario can, be found the marks of their paper towns. So will it be in Manitoba. An Intricate Proposition. "Did it ever occur to you, my dear, that a person going overland would have to mail two letters a day from the train in order to have one letter a day return to San Franoisco ?" asked Major Max the other evening, after the cloth was removed from the table and his wife was pouring his glass of two- thirds benediotine and one-third ours- coa, which the Major contended was the only civilized drink with which to prepare for the after dinner cigar. Mrs. Max passed the Major his cor- dial and waited a moment before re- plying: "Why, no; it seems to me that if a person travelling east mailed a letter each day by a westward bound train, a letter would arrive here each day." Mrs. Max answered cautiously, for while she knew that the Major pre- tended to deplore the fact that she was illogical, he really derived much com- fort from his superior comprehension, and was somewhat addicted to studying out intricate propositions with which to puzzle the lady. “Yon think so, do you ?" queried the Major, as though about to be convinced by her, while in truth he only wanted her to commit herself more decidedly, that his victory would be athe more signal. "Why, yes," -Mrs. Max continued, somewhat assured, "if you mailed a letter on the first day out, It would get here the next day; if you mailed one the day following,lt would arrive here a day efter the first, and the letters, being mailed twenty-four hours apart, would, of course, continue to arrive here a day apart. They !couldn't grow farther apart on the road, could they, Major ?" Mrs. Max wound up this sequence of feminine logic with a triumphant ac- cent, and felt sure she had posed the Major, for he did not reply until after lighting a cigar. Then he said, slowly, "You poet a letter the first day out?" "Yes." "That letter, arrives here the day after you leave ?" - "Certainly. One day gone, one letter • the identical piece of pro paid for with the bay ma of squat it in arms, kiss where it would do t with a report that sound noise of the depot. In a time the trunk and its gage were loaded into th was soon bumping over towards home. "Pa, dear," said the'yo veying the team with a c you consider this quite e yond ?" "Hey 2" returned the o puzzled air; "quite exc what? Beyond Warre it somewhat about ten Warren, counting from t if that's what you mean." erty he had e, and he sort d planted a e most good, d above the • rief space of ttendant bag - wagon, which the hubbies :1' ng miss, sur - tical eye, "do cesaively be- d man with a ssive beyond. ? I consider miles beyond e Bath way, "Oh, no, pa; you do me,"- the daughter explaa this wagon and horse. they are soulful 2 -do y could be studied apart in symphony, or even a s appear as intensely utter turning home as one owl The old man twisted seat and muttered somet believed it used to be us press, he bought it to d but the conversation" a travelling in such a lone that he fetched the here a resounding orack on the . rosunda, nd the severe jolting over the frozen gr und prevented farther remarks. "Oh, there is that lo summate ma 1" soreame collegiatess as they dr door, and presently she embrace of a motherly taoles. "Well, Maria," said th the supper table, as he s of butter off the lump knife, "and how d'y school.'?" - "Well, thereepa, now mean I consider it far t plied the daughter. "I ably ineffable. The girl tuously stunninge-I m exquisite -so intense. parties, the balls, the past weeks have been o mony." "1 s'pose so -I s'pose, sented the old man as 't understand ed "I mean o you think u think they the light of a ple poem, and to one on re - TO THE FARMERSOF HURON -AND- _ SURROUNPINC COUNTIES. Having purchased the Huron Foun- dry, in, the Town of Seaforth, and re- fitted the same in first-class ityle I will have on hand a large and varied stock of PLOWS for spring trade, Both Chilled and Steel Mouldboard 'Plows, Gang Plows, Grain Crushers, Straw Cutters— Hand & Horse -Power. 4 and 6 Horse - Powers. Also a very large assortment of Plow Points,, made from the very best brands of iron. Special attention will be given to repairing all kinds of machinery. Castings of all kinds made on Mort notioe and at reasonable rates. Having upwards of 30 years' experience ha the trade, we feel assured that we can give good satisfaction. Our motto is to -please. Your trade respectfully solicit- ed. THOMAS HENDRY, ,Seaforth. N.B.—Wood Wanted. NOTICE. MOTIOE is hereby given that the Annus 1 Meeting of .the Bitty Township numers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in Zurich on Monday, February 6th, 1882. Busi- ness: Receiving the Directors annual report, electing officers, &c. All members are requested to attend. .11ENRY EILBRR, Manger and Secre- tarya Rutin Lovs, SR., President. 735f ' FREIGHT FOR MANITOBA. pARTIEE4 having freight, horses and cattle., 3- -would do well if they wish to send them to Manitoba, to see A. CALLANDE il, Clinton, as he will have some room. Terms reasonable. Old Bending Faotory, Victoria Street. 735x8 A. CALLANDER, Clinton, Ont, 1\TOTTIO d exprees ?" ), neasily in his I Is ing about he. d for an liver pork pork ine peered to be. ome direction ely and con -1 the returned w up at the, as lost in `the man in. spec - old man at ipped a piece. with his own n like your ou're show - o beyond," te- is unquenoh- are SO* sump - an grand -so nd Wen the ides -oh, the e sublime har- ' nervously its. e reached for his third cup, "half full," -bet how about your books—re din', writin',, grammar, rale o' three—how about them?" "Pa; don't," exclaime the daughter hf 11 "the rule of three 1 reproao u y ; grammar 1 It is French and music and painting and the divine in art that I have made my school lile the boss -I mean that have rendered it one un , -- A PPLICATION willbe made to the Legislature •" of the provincerf Ontario, at the next rese [don thereof, for an act to incorporate a company with all the powers and privileges usually oonfer- red on railway companies, to oonstruot and operate a relit ead from some pointon the line of the Great Western Railway Company of Canada, or ot the Credit Valley Railway Company, within the county of Oxford, of Wellington, or of Waterloo, to the town of Stratford, and thence to some point on the shore of Lake Huron, within the county of Huron or of Bruce. The company to be called the Western Counties Railway Company. B. & J. G. SMITH, Solicitors for apPlicants. Dated at Stratford, this 22nd day of December. 1881. 784-7 MRS. C. M. DUNLOP. TEACHER OF MUSIC. PIANO OR ORGAN. ADVANCED Pupils fitted for graduating at leas_ than one half the expense of foreign teachr ing. Especial care given to new beginners. A Limited Number of pupils from abroad can receive Board. Instrument for pupils use at very moderate terms. Residence on George Street, First door east of Main Street, Seaforth. 730 SALT 1 SALT The BRUSS.ELS SALT WORKS Ahi full operation. Farmers and Mer- REchnitont can be supplied with either Land or Dairy Salt at market prises. Wood will be taken in exchange for Balt. F. C. ROGERS, SOLE PROPRIETOR. broken flow of rythmi blise-incom- parably and exquisitely 11 but." The grocery man and is wife looked received. helplessly at each other across the "Exactly. Well the next day -a lit- tle curtable. 'After a lonesome pause the old, 1 e.coa, straight, please -the next d day you pass another letter from the , train,,and— "How d.0 you like Maria ?" "And that arrives here the day after the first,'of course, making two days out and two letters received, and so on to New York. Eh, Major ?" If Mrs • Max had not been examining a new pattern of lace she had in her sleeves she might have noticed the sat - Med -smile the Major had as he leaned back in his chair and said : "The sec- ond day ont you would be at Ogden ?" "Wouldn't it. take as long for a letter to return to San Francisco as it had. taken you to go to Ogden ?" "I suppose 80 "Then the second letter would ar- rive here two days after you arrived. at -Ogden and four days after you left here ?" Mrs. Max looked up and said, hesi- tatingly : "Well, I don't see how 'you make that oat." "I did not make it out, Mrs. Max. I only asked if I was right." "No, you are not; if you. post letter on a returning train eaeh dew; I say a letter must arrive here each: deSe and I don't care." "Mrs. Max, how long does it take to go to New York?" "Seven days, 1 suppose." "Then a letter a day would be seven letters. You would post your sixth letter en your sixth . day out, andit woald take it six days more to return, being twelve days after you left here. Now, as you had only mailed five let- ters before the one which arrived on the twelfth day, how could a letter a da.y have arrived ?" Mrs. Max thought a moment and then asked with considerable warmth: "Do you mean to say, Major Max, that if a person going to New York posts a letter on a San Francisco bound train each daythat it takes two weeks for all these letters to arrive here ?" "It certainly would," replied the Major, glowing comfortably behind hie cigar. Ile knew -Mrs. Max acknow- ledged her defeat by the way she rang for tea, but she would not ask for further explanation. Canadians in Dakota. The following has Leen sent us by Mr. John Stanley, formerly of Kinburn, but now of New Buffalo, Dakota, and shows how our Canadian friends in the New Buffalo District enjoy their winter evenings: Social.—A aooial was held in the Jenksville school house on tb,e 'evening c74. the biscuits, gushed the accomplishe young lady,. "They are too utter for anything," "and this plum preserve is simply e .poem in itself." The old man rose abru table, and went out of t bing his head in a dazed at manner, and the m as dissolved. That ni wife sat alone by the sto hour, and at the breakf neat morning, he rappe his plate with the handl and remarked: vf tly from the e room rhb- and benumb - Ki convention ht he and his e until a late: st table the smartly on of his knife,' "Maria, me an" your mother have, been talkin' the thing over, an' we've oorne to the omeclusion that this board- ing school business is too utterly all but too much nonsense. Me an' her con- sider that we haven't Hived sixty odd' consummate years for the purpose of raisin' a curiosity, an' there's going to be a stop put to this 1 unquenchable foolishness. Now after You've finished eatin' that poem of tried sausage an' t that symphony of twia d doughnut,' you take an' dust upstai I .0 in less'n two seconds, an' peel off th t farcy gown. an' put on a caliker, an' then come down here an' help your I mother wash dishes. ',I want it distin tly understood • that there ain't goin' t< be no more rythmic foolishness in this house, so long as your superlative pa au' your lovely and consummate ma's tanning the rancho. You hear Me, Maria ?" , Maria was listening. --Severe_storms, with disastrous loss to shipping and. valuable lives, are re- ported off the Newfoundlahd coast. ' ' -At the late sitting of the Division Court in. Galt a case of 'considerable interest to farmers and cheeaemakers came up for hearing. It appears that the Roseville Joint Stook Company have tried the experiment this year of feeding hogs belonging to neighboring farmers at so much per month, instead of purchasing the hogs and. feeding them themselves. One Of the condi- tions entered into between the oom- pany and those having hogs to feed was that all accidents sh uld be at the risk of the owners. A f rmer in the neighborhood. it appe s, had sent seven hogs to the factor , and at the end of the season could only find RUC. The company charged him for the keeping of the seven, to hich he de- . marred, hence the suit. The case oo- cupied several hours' time. Judgment was given in favor of plaintiff for $13.29. LE CREDIT FONCIER 91 BIS new Company, formed for the purpose of invetting French Cepital in Canada, is now pr opal ed to advance money on the most favorable terms on good landed seenrities. M P. HATES, Agent for County of Huron, Seaforth. 699 EYE, EAR AND THROATI DR. CEORCE S. RYERSON, L. R. C. P., L. R. C. S. E , Lecturer on the Eye Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toren • to, and Surgeon to the Mercier Eye and Ear In - lusUtulioConan;tourltintge irradntitotlrids,t and tfher' the Deaf and Dumb, Belle:411e, Ont. Late Clirfi- cal Assistant Royal London Ophthalmic. Hospi- tal, Moorfie ids, and Central Throat and Ear Hospital. ' 317 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. May bo consulted at the ALBION HOTEL, STRATFORD, On the Last SATURDAY in EACH 708 MO NTH. FORBES' LIVERY —AND -- -SALE STABLES, MAII ST., SEAFORTH. A RTHUR IFOBBES, the old established LIT- :" eryman, keeps the best and moat stylish rigs and the best driving horses in the businese. • Neat and Nobby Cutters, handsome and com- fortable Robes, and fast and oaf horses always on hand. A very han e some family sleigh for one or two horses. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Good driving horves bought and Bold. REMEMBER Tel el PLACE - Opposite 0. Willeon's Agricultural Wareroome, Seaforth. 689 ARTHUR FORBES. PITtTJPEL L J. S. PORTER SEAFORTH. I ant determined; to Clear Out my Entire Stock of Fuirniture regard - 1838 of Cost. THOSE IN WANT, it will pay them to ascer- tain prices before purchasing elsewhere. I give a large discount to those paying cash, es- pecially. to newlY mirried couples. I am still selling six highly finished. cheirs for $2. I also keep Knowlton's Spring Bed, the best and cheapest in tb.e market; warranted perfectly noiseless. Warerooms diectly opposite M. R. Counter's Mammoth Jewelry Store, Main Street, Seaforth, East Side. 625 JOHN S. POBTEB. EDWARD CASH, -DEALER IN - 1882 1DD'S .EMPORIUM. 1.882. I comm nos by wishing all my Friends and Patrons the compliments of the season, and 1FY thanking them for their liberal support during the last year. I am happy to state I will be in a better position than ever for the coming year to supply their wants. For the present, I will offer very large discounts to clear out the severttl lines of Whiter Goods, previous to stook -taking, Dairy Butter, Wool, Hide' s Furs, and Peltries of all kinds. O'Next house to the Egg Emporium, Seaforth. Lines wiioh Must be sold, NO MATTER WHAT SACRI- FICE, b fore stock -taking: SHAWLS, MANTLES, FURS, WOOL GOODS, BL NKETS, OVERCOATS, READY-MADE CLOTHING;GENTS' UNDERWE , HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, and several other lines too nmrierous to mention. • • r&*, All epartments as usual fully assorted. THOMAS KIPD, Seafortk. isr Corner of sin slid Market Sta este. THE HUGH Has a Full as CURRA for Price a Dried Meats day. Cutti want for the THE HIG- j'POPULAR GROCERY _ALT MVEPOR.ITTIZE, ROBB, STARK'S BLOCK, MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, nd Complete Stock of Fresh and Seasonable GROCERIES, such TS, RAISINS and Fruits of all Kinds. His TEAS are unexcelled d Quality, All kinds of household knick-knacks fresh and good. of his own curing always on han%. Bolognas and Sausages every gs of all kinds cheap. la fact, you can get almost anything you table or larder. A TRIAL.. SOLICIT.ED. EST MARKET PRICiE PAID- FOR GOOD DRESSED PORK. HUGH ROBB, Seaforth. THE CENTRAL GROCERY. IDLA111/ FAIRLEY, A LWAY ahve to the interests of our numerous customers, and also to main- tain t p wide spread reputation of our House for keeping the best goods in the Market announce that, notwithstanding all opposition, we have this fall imported more extensively than ever before in all departments. No House in the trade keeps a finer assortment, and no House offers better value. For in- tending purchasers we give a few of our leading lines : TEAS— Morin Pekoe, , Pingsuey, Japan, Gunpowder, Congou, Sonohong, Assam, Orange apers, Etc. SUGAR— Cut Loif, Standard Granulated, Extra Bright, Yellows and Raws. OOFFEEL Green, Roasted and Ground in Rio, Java, Mocha, Jamaica, Etc. NOTE THIS: We roast and grind all our own Coffee. OURRA TS—NEW— Provincial, Patras and Vostizza. RAISINS Valenoi ! cannot SPICES Whole NEW— , Sultana and Layers. We offer a quality of Valencia Raisins that e got from any other House in Town. nd Ground. Ground Spices Guaranteed Pure. BAKING f)OWDER— Snow ijrift and Gold, acknowledged by all housekeepers to be the best in the market. OANNE GOODS— Toma PICKLE Crosse SAUCES Differe EXTRA Bunetts Peaches, Pears, Pine Apple, Plums, Strawberries, stc., &Q. Blackwell and. other beands. kinds (no Tongue Sauce.) TS— and Lyons. TOBACCOS:and Cigars of the Best Brands. In addition to tha above lines, our stock will be found complete in all other branches, in luding Flour, Feed, etc. OROOKBRY DEPARTMENT— Dinner:gets—new designs and prices low. China Tea Sets -a large stock. Granite Tea Sets -white and colored. Bedroom Sets. Toilet Sets; China Teas aw1 Coffees -plain or decorated by the dozen. •Glassware in endless variety. FANCY 600DS- A 'very iergo assortment. Our stock in' this -Department is so large, and varied, hat iwe cannot attempt to particularize. A call and inspection invited. , SCHOOL BOOKS. THE WIRE SEWNi CLOTH JOINTED SCI -10001-4 330403MS • ARE THE BEST. BUY, NO OTHER. C. W. PAPS T, BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER NOTE TITE FACT, that all Goods bought from us are warranted to be as we represen them. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE, AND PROMPTI.i. LAIDLAW & FAIRLE+, STREET. SEAF zee SEAFORTH. N. B.—A Good Assortment Scheel Repaisites always on hand at bottom prices. 0. W. PAPST. THE AMIN= OLD FAVORITE GALLERY. ANDREW CALDER, TPioneer Photographer of Seaforth, having gone through the fiery ordeal; is new running again in tall blast, in his new and commodious premises in Scott's Block. This is the -oldest Gallery ha this section, and has been thoroughly setitted and equipped with all the latest appli- anoes and scenic effects specially for the acoom- modation of Mr. Calder's large and increasing trade. Having now got into one of the hand- somest and moat completely furnished galleries in the -wed, he is now in a better position than at any previous time to tarn out all workin the Photographic line entrusted to him in a superior mann ee, at the lowest living profit, and on the shortest possible notice. A call is cordially so- licited from all. 692 A. 'DALLIER, Scott's Block, Seaforth THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Paid sep-capitan — 166,000,000. Hest, - - = - - 1,400,000. President, Hon. Wm., McMaster. SEAFORTH BRANCH. The Seaforth Branch of this Bink continues to receive deposits, on which interest is allowed on the most favorable terms. Drafts on all the principal towns and. titles in Canada, on Great Britain, and on the United Statespbought and sold. Ofice-First door South of the Commercial Hotel. 689 A.. H. IRELAND, Manager. THE ZURICH CARRIAGE FACTORY' HESS & HABERER TTAVE always on hand, and make to Order, 11 Wagons, Sleighs, Carriases,Hug• Weil cutters, and every other artaelein their Rue. They pereonally superintend their own bust - nese, and ean guarantee s good article both se to material and workmanship. • For Style and Finish their work cannot be surpassed by the large city establishments. Repairing promptly attended to. Give as a trial and be convinced that we san satisfy yea as to quality and price. Mr. Hen is well known tc the publio, having been in business in Zurich for over 12 years. 686 HESS & HAI3EBEE. - - R. N. BRET To SEAFORTH, Wholesale and RetailDealer in LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. None but the Very Best Stock kept. Terme moderate. A Trial Solicited. All orders by =II or otherwi re promptly filled. 451 .N. BRETT ANCHOR LINE. TTNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sail Esery Saturday from NEW YORK said GLASGOW (via Londonderry) and LONDON Direct. TICKETS for Liverpool, Londonderry, Glu - now, and all parts of Europe. Fares as low us any other first-class line. Prepaid Passage Certificates homed to persons :wishing to bring out their friends. _ The Pessenger aocommodation of Anehor Line Steamers are unsurpassed for elegance and com- fort. Apply to S. DICKSON, 598 At the Poet Onice,Seaforth -- - HURRAH FOR BUCKWHEAT PANCAKES I NOW IS THE SEASON. Fresh ground Buckwheat flour just to hand; also, first-olaes Flour. Mount ,Forest celebrated Granulated Oatmeal. Just received A Carload Of Western Corn. Com Meal, Chop, Peas, Oats, Wheat Siftings for Chicken Feed; also Bran and. Shorts. Agent for the celebrated. Manhattan Horse and Cattle Feed. -ALDO- EMPIRE NORSE AND 'CATTLE FEED. Chicago Linseed Meal, Oil Cake and Flax Seed. W. S. ROBERTSON. P. S. -Cash paid for First-elass But- ter. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON Exposing OFFICE, EtzApoRTH, ONTARIO. MO WITNESSitUREQUIRED.