HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-01-20, Page 8• Xittou expoitin. DIS TRICT MAPPERS. Str.le C4ntinued for a short time longer. Althougiwe have disposed of large cenantitii3 of goods during the past few *oaks, t). ere are yet splendid bargains (leeringin new Staple Goods, Black Gasbme*es, plain and fancy dress goods, isineeys, etc., speeianyattractive. Come before it is too late and secure a supply, SMITH fc WEST, U!ic BOOKS.-Thenew Presbyterian hymn bokk with er withoat rausio, the new Canada Methodist hymn book in various bindings' Bpiacopalillethcdist and Chureh of England Hymn_3 bks in. great variety, Moody and Sankey hymns coaplate, etc., at LuMsDEN & WiLsoN's . 737-1 et., FRE* FISH. -WILSON & YOUNG have received a or load of Fresh Herring, which they °ter very cheap to dealers and patties buying in quaantitiss. Call early as they will soon go. 737 MANTIF0BA AND THE NORTH-WEST.- alite, ' Summer in PWrie Land," to b3 da. Hake a Prienlar note of Dr. Satherland's great b livered sal the Anniversary Services of the Metho- dist- Chureli, Seaforth, on Monday evening, 6th Tehrusay" Tea andlecture 25 Cents. A. A.Ralr- maga, Secretary. 7374 FEED, FEED. - Large , quantities of Corn, Bram, Shorts, Chop and Oatmeareonstantly ea hand. Gristing and chorng done as usual. Hawaii ins, D. Ilifiamain. . 787 FOR GEECtOL BOOKS, exercise bOOkii a copy books, pens, pencils, ink, paper, and every- • thing in sehool requieites try lermsoza tt sox. ttrt-1. , CAUTION. - Notice is hereby given that_ ter. J. 0. Callen is no longer in oar employ , seta the public are cannoned agtanst transacting say InIsi esa with him in our name. %Napa Biros. 77-8 Tun res. -Wanted a few Thousand Bushels f Turnips. D. rt. nese. 737 favpred With good sleighing, while (Mt - side of these limits the unfortunates have still to shiver in their wheeled vehicles. On Saturday lest a heavy snow storm set in in this distriot and con- tinued. nearly all day, making capital sleighing. A few miles north, of this the snow fall was muoh heavier_than it was here, end for, sonic hoiirs came down in almost a solid ma4s. South of Kippen the roads are quite bare, while north of Walton there has been very little snow, although, the sleighs are running. It is no unooninion thing for summer showers td 'perpetrate favoritisnas of tlatia kind, but it is not often that the beautiful snow is so par- tial. Towle Commie - The new Town Council held its first meeting on Mon- day lett. The only business transacted was the appointment of Auditors and Clerk and Treasurer. Mr. Wm. El- liott wes re -appointed to the latter po- sitionsi arid Meesrs. W. N. Watson and Cf. F. rashley were appointed Audi- tors. The Council adjourned • to meet again On Monday evening next. . TeKj.FFI POST OCE SLVINGS BANK.- The eposits in the Seafortb. Post Office ! Savings Bank for the three motith13 ending December 31st amount- ed to $36,000. The withdrawal cheeks paid dering the same period. amounted to $10,500. This is a large voliame of husineee in that department arid speaks; well f r the Seatorth Post Office, as 1 well a for the thrift and frugality of ' the pe.ple who patronize it. . r A GOD APPOINTMENT. -MF. David Scott, f INToicillap, has been appointed agent or this section for the Messrs. Game. agricultural implement manu- facturers of Hamilton, and will have general control of the business of this • firm in this district. Mr. Scott is a I thoroughly reliable man, and has had considerable experience in the imple- ment business, and the Messrs. Gurney are foritimate in having secured his ser- vices. VOT OF THANKS. -At the 'meeting of the members - of the Tuckersmith Bran°. 1 Agricultural Society held last week, a resolution w unanimously passe4 tendering the th nks of the So- ciety t the business in n of Seaforth and otjhers who contributed se liberse ally tc the special prize list for the last • show. This acknowledgment is well deserved., as our townspeople have 'al- ways ealt moat liberally with. the Ag.. ricultaral Society, and we hope they will oclatinue to do so. A little from each ili never missed, and when the whole is pab together it helps greatly to swell. out the prize list, and encour - ages allarger and better exhibit at the annual fall show than there would otherwise be. Goo SHEEP .-Mr. Hugh Love, of Hills Green, and Mr. James Cooper, of the London Road, Tackerstaith, have it/at sent to the old country for six Shropthire Down ewes and two rams allele, tlud they expect them here about the middle. of February. The Shrop- shire Downs are a small, hardy breed of aheitp, and produce a. fine Wool which now takes the market nauch better than the 'Dag, coarse wool of the Leicesters and Cetswolds. It would seem that these latter have had their day, an.d that the South Downs and Shropshire Dolma are to be the fashionable breede for so4ne time. At any rate, both these latter are now in great demand, and lilessr. Love and Cooper, both of whori4 have long been prominent sheep breedera, are wise in thus preparing for the insevitable change. DR. WILD'S LECTURE. -Many .of OUT readers will be pleased to learn that an opportunity will be afforded them to listen to a lecture from the now cele- brated Dr. Wild, of Bond street ClaurCh, Toronto. The members of Britannia Masonic Lodge have cora- pleted arrangements with the Doctor to deliver his lecture, entitled “The Prophet jeremieh's Visit to Old Ire- land.t' The date for the lecture has been fixed for Tuesday evening, the 7th. of February, and Cardno's Hall has been !secured for the occasion. The admission fee has been placed at 25 cents'. Dr. Wild's fame as a lecturer and orator is new so wide spread. that any Words ef commendation from us would be superfluous, suffice it to say that his lecture on this subject is most highly &pollen of by those who have heard it, and is in itself sufficient to justify a large audience. 1 ..raseteresiox.-A naraber of eaft ladiea of the Presbyterian congregation ef thils town invaded the residence of J. D. Wilsari on Friday evening Iast, end after getting settled, presente4 Miss Tena_ Wilson with a compArnentary address, accompanied lay a I handsome, silver jewel casket. The itresentatton was made in recog- nitiod ei-Miss Wilson's long services as organist-. of the church, which have been. re qtlered gat u inert sly an d elleerful - ly, and are wc41 deserving of this pan. gible. i.•ecognition. Miss Wilson was taken completely by surprise, as the ladies, strange as it may seem,. kept their, Secret so well chat she knew nothiing of what was coming until the preseetatiou was made. After these fernaal proceedings the vieitols were hospitably entertained by Mrs. Wilson, and m very pleasant evening was spent. A FAVORED SE CTioN.-For Some good reason, we have no doubt, this section of the country, lying between Godetich and Stratford and Walton siadn4ippen, is just now, particularly • „ THE SOUTH RICING AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. -The annual meeting of the members of the South Huron Agricul- tural Society, was held at Turner's Ho- tel, Brucefield, on Wednesday last. There was not a very large attendance. These meetings are not nearly so large- litattended as they should be. At the meeting on Wednesday there were a few new faces, but the attendance was composed principally of the old stand- bys of the Society. The Treasurer's report showed that the year had been commenced with 98 cents in the treas- ury, and closed with a !surplus of $109.83- to the good. The total re- ceipts of the Society during the year amounted to $1,853.73. Of this sum 077.67 had been paid to the township societies as their portion of the legisla- tive and county grants; $182 was paid in prizes for stallions and bulls at the spring show, and $894.75 for prizes at the fall show. The amount received for membership fees for the past year, was $117, and the grant from the Stephen and Usborne branch was $900. On the whole, the Society isin as good a position financially as it has been for many years. The report of the Direc- tors, which was prepared by thp Secre- tary, is an interesting resume of the agricultural events •of the year in the riding, as well as of the doings of the Society. This report, as well as the financial statement, were a,dopted un- animously by the meeting.We have on hand. a copy of this report, but space forbids its publication, this week, but it will appear in our next. The follow- ing officers and directors -were elected for the current year: President -Jas. Pickard, Exeter; 1st Vice -President - Hugh Love, Hill's Green; ‘,2nd Vice - President -William Wilson,Heiman ; Secretary and Treasurer -G. E. Cress. well, Egmondville; Auditors -Messrs. G. E. Jackson, EgmoncliTille, and W. C. Charters, Hensall. Directors- Goderich Township, G. Elliott; Stan- ley, Thomae Sim.pson ; Hay, Robert McAllister; Stephen, John Willis; Exeter, Thomas Russel; Usborne, L. Hunter; Tuckersmith, Robert Dickson and Wm. Bell; Seaforth-Dr. Coleman. The question of the propriety.'of taking steps to try and secure an anealgama- tion of the three riding societies, so as to have one good county show, was brotight up, but owing to several who had come bee the train having to lave immediately after the other business was disposed of, time would. not per- mit of its discussion. We may state, however, that many at the meeting were strongly in favor of a movement in this direction, and we have no doubt but if the scheme were properly taken hold of that it could be carried out to a successful issue. It is generally ad- mitted that the riding i3ocieties, as now constituted and conducted, are little better than a farce, and are productive of little good, as all that they accom- plish would be done equally well by the local branch societies. • °sting leoture "A Summer in Pasta s Land," in the 'Methodist Church in this town on Monday evening, February 6. • 'Stanley. , Ritoovnantet.-We are glad to learn that Mr. Jose& Higgins is slowly ro- il coveringollthough he is not yet ut- ficiently well to permit of his remeval to his home. c• FARIS RENT. -Mr. Frank Goodtvin has rented hia farm, east half of lot 25 and part of lot 24, in the 4111 cion - cession of Stanley, to Mr. Valentine Diehl, for a term of five years, at an annual rental of $180. TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. - At them' t- ing of the Council held on Monday 4ast Mr. Alexander Sparks was re -appoint- ed Assessor, Mr. Joseph Higgina, 0°1- lee1oi, Mr. Reid, Treasurer, •and Mr. Stewart, Secretary. The full report of proceedinga will appear next week. -Moue Bao Wonic.-Mr. Samuel John- son and Mr. Robert Armstrong threshed on the farin of.Mr. William McQueen, second conoession of Stanley, ' f rty bushels of clover seed in , the a ort space of eight hours.: This work as done by a horsepower machine. TI4ore is no blow about this, for the work vas done and can ,be done again.---Coet. , Buee Soto. -Mr. John Ketcheni • of Stanley, has sold his thoroughbred two year old bull to Mr. W. S. Mandell'of Tuckersmith, for the sum of $180. 'He is a splendid animal and Mr. MuOell is to be congratulated upon • his pur- Chase. ' He will make a valuable 'ad- dition to the already valuable steak of the neighboring township. THE AGRICULTURAL 841,CIETY. - The annual meeting of the Stanley Branch Agricultural Society was held at the Commercial Hotel, Bayfield, on ThOrs- day of last week. There was a good meeting. The finapcial state of the society is very good. The . following officers and directors were elected:. Mr. John Tough, President; Mr. Geo. Castle, Vice -President; James Arm- strong, Secretary and Treasurer. Di- rectors. ' - Wm. Keys, Varna; Alex. Granger, Wm. Townsend, A. M. Canap- bell, James Cowie, Thomas Naftell, e.nd Joseph Wild, Bayfield; Ed. Robiaon, Goshen ; Richard Penhale, Drysdale. lie R. Barker and George Parke, audit rs. REPLY TO MR. T. Lee. -Ma. EDI OR, -Sia,---In yourAssue of the 6th i st., Mr. Lee, of ffanitoba, formerlyl oil Varna mills, accuses me of tryin to slander him and his family concer ing a certain note for the sum of , 60. Now, Mr. Lee says this note Was Iduly signed by in, which I most emphatic- ally deny. This note was not signed by me, consequently, if my signature is attached to the note it is a forgery. Mr. Lee defies me to say truthfully that he or any of his family have been guilty of the crime of forgery. It is -very strange that the said note has never been presented to me for pay- ment, either by Mr. Lee or any other person. The first intiraatioa I had of suclaa notebeing in existence wap a protest from the Canadian Bank of Commerce. If this was an honest note, as Mr. Lee' claims it was,why did he not press for payment on his return from Manitoba. Instead of waiting until the eve of his departure and concoct- ing such a base falsehood as appeared in ,your issue of the 6th inst. The above Is a true statement of the case, and if Mr. Lee does not want his reputation brought before a court of justice ashe threatens he had bdter drop this matter. Yours, &C.,-41OHN MCCANN. • Leese BRIEFS. -The Rev. Mr. Waits c, of Stratford, will preaoh in ,the Presby- terian Church in this. town on next Sunday morning and evening. Rev, My. McDonald:goes to Stratford. -The Emerson International of last week says: “A. Scott, of Scett Brothers, Seaferth, Ont., is in the city on matters connected with their musical business. Any one who wishee to have a piano or organ repaired or tuned will do well to call on Mr. Scott, who is stopping at the Anglo-American HoteL"-An immense lot of cordwood and saw loge have been delivered in town durieg the past week. -Mr. Robert Jamieson left for the Old Country on Monday last. He expected to sail ftom New York on Thursday. He is acconapanied by Mr. Beattie of St. Marys, and Mr. Cameron of Paris. They all go with the one common object of purchasing spring goods. -The third of the series of dancing assemblies will be held in Cardno's Hall on Friday evening next, when it is expected the music will be furnished by a quadrille band from London. -The skating rink was formally opened on Friday evening last. There was a large crowd of pleasure seekers present, and all seem- ed to enjoy themselves well. The rink has been opee every afternoon and evening since, end has been well petron- ized by the youth and beauty of the towinof both of which we have an abun- dant supply. -Mr. Robert Carmiohael of this town, killed a pig a few days ago which dressed 550 pounds. It was not quite two years old. -The Firemen's annual supper will take place at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, on Tues- day evening next. We understand that a large number of tickets have already been sold, and the boys are likely to receive a good benefit which they richly deserve. - Mr. Henry Cresswell, of Colorado, is at present visiting his brothers and other friends: in this sec- tion. It is now about 25 years since (.Mr.Cresswell left thee parts and for the greater part of that time he has been a resident of Colorado. He is one ()tithe largest stock ownersin that great stock country. ---We are glad to learn that Mr. Samuel Scarlett shows signs of improvement, and. Lis friends have now good hopes for his recovery. He is still at Mr. James Beattiele in this town. - The Rev. *Mr. Lounsburv, Preeiding Elder of the Louden District will preach in the Itletbodist Episcopal Church in this town on Sunday next at the usuaXhours morning and evening. - A social will be held in the Oddfellows Hall in this town on Thursday evening, February 2. All merctbers, of the order are cordially invited to be present.- A lot of cordwood is beim,bshipped to London from the various stations along the' Lendon, Huron & Bruce Railway. This will help to keep up prices.- Mr. Alexander Cardno left for Manitoba yesterday. It is reported that he has gone up to complete the sale of hisfarm near Calf Mountain. The farm con- tain& 610 acres, and has been sold for $20 per acre. -Dr. Sutherland, of Tor- onto,will deliver his excellent and inter- Usborne. EXPOstTort. ti • Connell adiersosel, till Saturday, the 25th Februttneyeat 11 o'clock. a. m. , iRsadgervale: Ov:efEESIK E-LOTOTtY MEETING. -The an- Dreal meeting,of • the shareholders and patrons of the Roclgerville Cheese Fac- tory w e held at the Factory on Fri- day 1a1. The Directors' report, which was Lai 'before the meeting, was satis- factory to both shareholders and patrons. There were during the sea- son 1,454,978 pounds of milk delivered at the factory, from which were made 137,759:pounds of cheese. The average price realized for the cheese during the season Was 10.98 cents of which 8.73 cents Went to the patrons. The patrons unanimously, re-elected the old Board of Directors for 'next year; the milk routes were let, and every one left well pleased with the proceedings. The shareholders will this year re- ceive a dividend of 11 per cent. on the capital stock of the company. CHURCH -OPENINe.-The ne " PreSby- terian Church on the Thames Read, Usborne, will be forrually opened! on Sunday, the 29th insteand the opening tea meeting will be held on the follow- ing Monday evening. We believe eVery. effort is being made to have thesea,iser- (it vices as interesting as possible, u no doubt they will all be hugely atten ed. ° CHURCH MATTERS. -The Presbytery .of Huron met in the Thames Road Church on Tuesday last, and on Ithe following day the Annual Sabbath School Convention was held in. the same place. At this latter there was a good attendance of delegates and I the progra,mm.e was weliniarriel out. The meeting was a verY' interesting_ and profitable one, and was highly succiess- ful in every respect. • CouNcie Dontes.-ThelJaborne C un- cil met on Monday 'last. After the representative members elect had sub- scribed to the declaration of offic,e, it was moved by J. Halls, eenonded by J. Hackney, that J. Shier be De uty Reeve for 1882. -Carried. Move4i by J'. Hackn y, seconded by J. Shier hat N. J. Clerk be Municipal Clerk t a salary of $130. -Carried. Moved b J. f .Hackney, seconded by J. Shier, hat Thomas Heywood be assessor for 882 at a salary of $75. -Carried. Moved by J. Shier, seconded by H. Horney, that Thomas Coates be Treasurer for 082 at a salary of $70; that he renew bends to this Council to the amount of 12,- 000. signed by himself and two Ood and sufficient securities for the due performance of his office. -Car ied. Moved by J. Hackney,' seconde by H. Harney, that ThomaeAllin be one of the auditors of municipal acco nts for 1881, that the auditers meet a the town iaiiion the 20th February to ndit the T easurer's accounts and that they be paid $6 each for services. -Carried. The Reeve appointed Wm. Routley as tha other auditor. Moved by J. Halls, seconded by 'Itl, Horney, that , the following .persons be appointed te act aeFeece 'Viewers for 1882, viz.: Devid Kirk, Alfred Cole,,iendrew Moir, Chris- topher Coats, John Hunter and Chris- topher Switzer. -Carried. Moved by J. Shier, seconded by J. Halls, that a by-law be drafted to confirm the ap- pointments of the municipal officerfj and their salaries. -Carried. Moved 1y J. Shier, seconded by J. Hackney, t,hat the Reeve and Treasurer be authoeized to lend on first mortgages on real estate the funds belonging to the rail- road sinking fund account, as provided for by Act of Parliament. -Carried. Moved by J. Halls, seconded by EL Homey, that the offer of Messrs. Aleray Edwards to supply the municipality th rock elm plank be accepted. - Carried. Moved by H. Horney,!sec- °tided by J. Shier, that George Vesper be remitted $2, charged against hire for -statute labor, he having performed the same. -Carried. Moved by J. Hackney, seconded by J. Halls, that H. Horney, be authorized by this Council to pro- cure cedar hinalter from J. Brooks for the use of the municipality. -Carried. Moved by J. Shier, seconded by J. Hackney, that Joseph Hewitt receive $5 for relief.-Oarried. On motion , the • Hibbert. FARM SOLD. -Mr. James Pardon, of the 13th concession, lately disposed of 50 acne Of land to Mr. James Swan for the sum of $2,500. HORSE DIED. -"Scotland Yet," the property of ,Messrs. Colquhorm .86•Dow, of this township, and one of the finest heavy draught horses in this part died last week of inflammation of the bowels' „ .rLONTING ASSOCIATION. -The Hibbert Plowing Association will hold an enter- tainment in the Town Hall, Staffs., on Wednesday, Ja,nreary 25th, consisting of °oleic songs, recitations, readings and instrumental music. The chair will be taken at eight o'clock. A well artanged programme has been prepared, and ,a pleasant evening ia expected. Proceeds to be devoted towards prizes for plowing match next fall. ANNUAL MEETING. -The. annual meetin'g of the Hibbert Branch Agri- cultural Society Was held in the town hall, Staffa, on Tuesday of last week, when the following were elected officers for the.present year: F, R. Hamilton, President; D. AfeLaren, 'Vice Presi- dent. ' Directors, -Wm. Allison, Thos. Scott, 1Robert Hogarth, David Hill, ,John Moore, Wm. Wallace, Jas. Scott, Andrew McLennan and Patrick O'Con- her. At a subsequent meeting of the Directors John Carmichael was ap- pointed Secretary -Treasurer. The so- ciety, we are glad to state, is in a most prosperous condition. Hay. ToWNSHIP OFFICERS. -At the meeting of the Hay Township Council held in the Township Hall, Zurich, CM Monday last, the following, township officers were elected for the ensuing year, viz.: Assessor, Jas. Bouthrou, salary $651; Collector, Henry Lipphardt, salary $50; Treastarer, M. Zeller, salary 8O;$ Clerk, S.: j. Foster, salary $110. TIM AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. - The annual meeting of the Hay Branch Agricultural Sbciety was held in Zurich on Thursday of, last week. There was a fair atteudauce and every- thing passed off pleasantly and har- moniously. The affairs of the society are in a very eatisfactory condition, and things point to.a better prize list and a more sficcessful tthow next fall than •ever before.. The annual report showed the total receipts of the society to be $463. The sum of 4376.40 was paid out in prizes. There is a balance of $12 left in the treasury. There was last year a membership list of $172. The following Officera. and Director, were elected for the ensuing year, vis' President, Hugh Love, Sr.; Vice Presi- dent, !Henry Heyrock ; Secretary and Treasurer, D. S. Faust. Directors -John Hunter, Robt. McAllister, Alex. McEwen, Jacob Roeder, Robt. Broderick, Michael Kercher, James Fanson, J. B. Geigher, and Robert Carlisle. Auditors, Frederick Hess and Thos, Johnston. Gorrie. TRUSTEE. -At the annual meeting in School Section No. 7, Howick, Mr. Henry Perkins, of Gorrie, was elected Trustee; Oda Mires. --Mr. Elliott took pos- session of the Gorrie mills last week, and heti; secured :the services of Mr. Miles Hazelwood, who is known as an industrious young man and a good TYPHOID FEVER. -There are, it is re- ported, several CaSEIS of typhoid fever in the village yet. Many will be glad to learn that James A. McMichael, son of the late Dr. McMichael, is not dan- germis. He has been suffering from this disease for some tirne,, and is doing as well as coull be expected. CHURCH OPENING. -The new Presby- terian Church in Gorrie was fornially openee on Sabbath, the 5th inst. In the forenoon and evening the services were conducted by the Rev. John Smith, of Toronto, who delivered two able disecairses. In the afternoon an excellent sermon was delivered by Rev.. Mr. Ross, of Brussels. Each eervice was largely attended, and the ccdlec- tiorts amounted to $82. Oa Monday afternoon the opening tea meeting was held, and was successful in every re- spect beyond the most sanguine expec- tations. • We have a full report of the proceedings on hand, but it is impos- sible to find room for it this week. • JANUARY 20, 1882, Good Templars will old their next open meeting on Frid ir evening, Jan- uary 27th. Songs, readi ige, recitations, &o., will fdrm the pro ramme of the' evening. The publist re cordially in. vitede If roads and w other permit, a pleasant evening may b expeoted. ANNIVERSARY Txe. MING. -The anniversary tea raeetin iinssennection with Cavan Church, bithrop, Will be held on the evening c Monday, Jan- uary 30th. Addresses ae expected from Rev. Messrs. Pritchax1d, Manchester; Ross, Brussels; McCo , Egmondville; Lochead, Londesboro ; 1cLean, B1yt0 ; McDonald, Seaforth, a d Baugh, Wal - 'ton. Mum. will also be provided by a good, choir. Tea will be served at six o'clock, and the chair ill be taken at half -past seven o'olock sharp. These annual gatherings, in C van Church are always pleasant affair and are much enjoyed by the people, and it is hoped to make the coming o le excel any of those previously held: Winthrop. SNOW. -Daring the storm on the forenoon of lad Saturday 18 inches of siao;w fell between the hours of 6 and 10 o'clock by actual measurement. BITTEN BY I Pio.-A Serious acci- dent occurred to Mr. Andrew Goven- lock, merchant of this place, one day last week. It appears that Mr. Goven lock was assisting some of his men to butcher pigs, when one of the brutes savagely attacked him, biting him severely on the back part of the leg making a painful and ugly gash. It will inconvenience Mr. Goverilook for some length of time, but we hope soon to see him all right again. LAND PURCHASE Wm. GeOrge • McSpadden, of this village has par- • chased the frame house and lot owned by Mr. Duncan McGregor, situated on the 8th concession, and lately oc• • cupied by MniSching. It is a neat and comfortable.residence. A short time ago he also purchased of Mr. R. Mc- Taggart, of the same village, his frame house and lot, Mr. McSpadden is one ' of our most energetic citizens, and we heartily cofigratulate him on his recent purchase, and hope he may.long be spared to enjoy the benefitsderived therefrom. OPEN MEETIND.-The Winthrop Marill p. Wan DEPUTY Reeve. --At the Council meeting on Monday ilast . Mr. Wm. Evans was elected D9puty Reeve in opposition to Mr, Alex. Kerr, by the casting vote ef the Reese. • PERSONAL. -Mr. W. , Grieve, who has been sojourning with his friends in McKillop, left yesterdtly for Sheldon, Dakota Territory. Du mg the short time he has been livingdn that eountry we are happy to learn that he has done exceedingly well, whichci causes him to speak in loud praise f that country. He owns considerable t wn property in Sheldon, a fast -growingtown, and pre- vious to his leaving pre ented his uncle, Mr. A. ()alder, of Seafotth, with a town lot. Morris. LOCALITIES. -Many i hood were much surpriff Louis Abbey's suddenl parts unknown, leaving accounts behind. -The ly services of the Pri Church, Ebenezer, will 22nd inst. and the offici the following Monday, one o'clock. -Mr. L. A the pulpit at Ebenez -evening last. -Mr. Geo has been home spendi started for Cobourg Co last, where he purposee about two years. -51 and family, who hay friends in Belgra,ve, ret Friday last. ti • this neighbor - d to learn of Mr. d.eparture for several unpaid egular quarter- itive Methodist be held. on the ial meeting on ommenchig at pleby occupied r on Sabbath ge Jewitt, who g the holidays, lege on Friday remaining for s. G. Embury been visiting rned home on Walto4. imPBOVEmENs.-I lllve noticed oc- casionally in the ExP ISITOB accounts of barns being raised 11 gher and stab- ling put underneath. Well, Charles Ritchie, Adam Shold ce and James -Bulger of this neighbor Lood. got their 'trams raised this past s unmer and put stabling underneath, vhich I think your readers will say is pretty good. for the three corners in thi stable line. THE LITERARY Soci TY. -The liter- ary society held the' meeting last Friday evening., Su ject debated, "Resolved, that the ste m' engine has done more for society t an the printing press." The press cam out victorious as being the more use ul of the two. Readings, recitations e d dialogues this evening. Subject for debate on Jan- uary 27th ; "Resolv d, that Great Britain is greater than the -United States." Leader on he affirmative, W. Blatchford; assistoll by D. Robiu- son, James Fulton, as. McDonald. On the negative, K. McKenzie, assist- ed by Jas. Bulger, J. Rid and A. Mor- rison. This being a nev subject it is expected the debate w41 draw a good crowd. -J. B. • • Mr. -BMWs that the Collector be lin. structed to collect all taxes, to return hie roll and mover balance of taxes to the Treasurer at onoe,-Carried. •Moved by, Mr. Hannah, secondod by M. Mundell, that the following per - tong be appointed to act as Fence Viewers and Ponndkeepers fore the current year: Fence Viewers, --john Shepherd, Samuel Smillie, George Dobson, James Paterson, Andrew Story, Appelton Elcoat, Michael Mc- Quade, Robert Landsborough, Robert Charters, Wm. Gibbings, Wm. Bell. Poundkeepers,---James McLean, Sr George Nott, John Young, Alex. For- syth, Peter Aikenhead, Alex, Buchan- an, John Wise, Wm. McMurray, jeseph Brown, Bryan Clary, Samuel Carnochan, jr.eJames Cumming, John Modeland, Hugh McMillan, Donald Stewart, and that the Clerk draft a by-law to confirm the foregoing. ap- pointments and submit the same at next meeting of Council. -Carried. *Moved by Mr. Elgie, seconded ley Ir. 'Hannah, that the following amounts be granted in charity: Nicholas Price, to be expended by Matthew Clark, ¶5; Mrs. McNamara, $4. -Carried. Moved by Mr. Hannah, seconded by Mr. Sproat, that the account Ifor postage and stationery, amounting to $35.37 be paid. -Carried. The, Treasurer sub- mitted the half yearly financial state- ment up to first of : January, whioh showed the total receipts to be $9,918.- 34, and the expenditure $9,255.24; interest from School Fund, paid on account of sohools, $1,390.52_; interest paid on railway debentures; 600;$in- v sted on sinking fund acceunt, $500. 41e. letter was received from i.tr. James ng, enclosing a sum of $28,75 col - le ted in aid of sufferers by fire in Ontario, making a total . of $342 con- tributed by Tuckersmith, $100 being sent to Michigan and the balance to Muskoka. Moved by Mr. Elgie, second- ed by Mr. Sproat, that this Council do now adjourn to meet again at Dixon's Hotel, Brucefield, on Thursday, the 1611 day of February, at the hour of one o'clock p. m. for the purpose' of appointing pathmasters and other business. • Bluevale. Csistaisnas.-In response to an item from Wawanosh re mrding the cutting of a cord of wood in 9 miuntes and, 5 seconds by two men of that township, we are authorized to ager them the sum of $100 that they, cannot perform the work Iu said bus.. Expenses of getting loge, splitting a d piling, to be borne by winning pat y, also expenses allowed for coming here. Come ,on now tboys. SalLES.-Mrs. Hanneh, recently bur- glarized, has sold herrifarm to Robert Johnston, of Morris; ekid Wm: King,of Morris, has sold' his 'farm to Arthur Show Of the same tow ship. LEavnea.e-We undo stand that Mr. A. Bruce, who has fol owed the shoe- making business here f r over 20 years, has decided to move t Brussels,having bought out Mr. McOorrhack of that vil- lage. , THE TURNBERRY dc uNCIL.-At the meeting of the Turnbirry Council on Monday last, Mr. J. M Tavish was ap- pointed assessor, and 1 Messrs. T. K. Powell and A. H. MO erove were ap- pointed. auditors. A b -law was pass- ed appropriating the 81 in of $150 to be used for charity par oses during the current year. Messrs. McPherson and Anderson, together w4 i Mr. Aiusley of Wingharo, were appoi ted to examine Eadie's bridge, with in tructions to re- port at next councit in eting what re. pairs are required for t1ie same, and the probable cost. The' fp 1 report of pro- ceedings is deferred until next week. .' • Tuckers 'th. , 1 . GOOD HORSES .-.-111. r. Alex. Farsy th , of the 3rd concession Of Tuckersmith sold a three year old fi ly to an Ameri- can dealer within the past week, for the handsome sum of $210. She was sired by "Scotchmata." Mr. Forsyth has since bought a tea4a of two year old colts from Mr. Manias Powell, of the 7th concession, of ITurnberry, sired by "Prince Royal," for which he has refused the suna of $39. CouNCre MEETING -Pursuant to Statute, the Council elect met this 16tlahday of January, t Daly's Hotel, Egmondville, and haiving taken the oath of qualification end subscribed the declaration of office,t he . Reeve took t the chair. The minus of last meet - ink were read and confirmed. Moved by Mr. Sproat, second d by Mr. Elgie that Wm. Mc0orinlI be appointed clerk at a salary of $1.50, Treasurer at $85, and Registrar of IV ital Statistics at $15 for 1882. -Carred. Moved by Mr. Mundell, seconded by Mr. Hannah, that Win. McMillan. be appointed auditor for the curr nt year. The Reeve appointed. Arch. Dewar, Inspect- or Public Schools, as the other auditor, to be paid $5- each.- arried. Moved by Mr. Eigie, seconded by Mr. Sproat, that. John Young be appointed Asses. ser for 1882 at a salary f $80. -Carried. Moved by Mr. Mund ll, seconded by • Zurich. Naw BELL. -The large bell weighing over eight hundred and six pounds and which is intended for the Roman Catholic Church in the Sauble' Line is DOW in the church, and is ready to be put up. The firm of Et. & J. C. Kalb- tleisch have the job of putting it up. It was brought from Cincinatti, and. is of splendid tone, and when the wind is blowing from the lake will doubtless be heard over a large extent of country. THE NOBLE ABT. --A society has been formed in this village by the lovers at the "Ndble Art of Self Defense." It holds its meetings up a pair of stairs On one of our main streets, and no one is allowed to enter who is not provided with a password. This' secrecy is doubtless observed in order that the less .practised of the members might not be unnerved by the remarks and laughter with which the spectators might greet their awkward blows and unscientific defense. It may also be kept secret as the members may wish to keep the idle and curious from having their nerves shaken by seeing a large amount of what pugilistsenerally call “elaret'l spilled. BRIEFS.- Mr. iWeatherstone is re- moving to Harrieton instead of Hamil- ton, as stated lest week, -The choir under the able leadership of Mr. Wm. Weatherstone visited the tea meeting in Belgrave and displayed their vocal talents to the astounded. Belgraveites, -Mr. Chas. McClelland, who has re- sided one mile east of Blyth for seine time, has removed to Belgrave, where be has entered into the geeeral store business bought from Mirt Thomas Brandon. He will be missed consider- ably from around Blyth. -Mr. A. Mot Caa has been ailing for some time past, but we are now happy to state that he is almost convalescent. - Miss Mal- colm, who has been visiting for some time past at Mr, E. Motinteastle's, left on Tuesday last. -The new Couneil met this week for the first time. It was moved by John Gosmen, seconded by Wm. Shane, that L. Thorne be ap- pointed Clerk for the ensuing year. Moved in amendment by Mr. Jos. Car- ter, seconded b McMillan, that Mr. F. Metcalf be retained. 'hie mor - tion was decided by the Reeve's casting vote, and Mr. Thorne elected Clerk. - The assembly in Watson's Hall last Friday evening was a decided success. About thirty couples were in atten- dance. Going! going! gone! at a respectable figure we hope will be the auctioneers cry at our salt well sale on Monday • firiat,-Mr. 'Wm. Moir, of this, place, is busily engaged in colleeting material, • for the erection of a fine brick residence. -The Bible Christians of this place , are at present holding nightly revival meetings. -The present cold snip is putting our young men in the notion of investing in a pair of skates and testing the suppleness of their heels.-Partiee have been the order of the evening in this neighborhood fer the past week or •so. -Mr. S. Humeston, who lately moved here, is making improvements on his property on Queen street. • Wroxeter. THE HOBTICULTURAL SOOPETY. -The annual ineeting of the Wroxeter Marti- • (saltine' Society was held in Mr. Lawrie's office on January 12th, when the following officers and Directors were appointed: Archibald Malcolm was re-elected. President, Alexander Thompson, Vice -President, and Wra. • Lawrie, Secretary, and Treasurer. Directors, -Andrew Patton, Lawrenee • Lovell, Thomas B. Sanders, George • A. Moffat, Joseph Cowan, John Knox, George Howlett, John Young, Richard Sharpin. Msssis. John Moffat and i David. M. Walker were appointed auditors. Stephen. • nullett. SOCIAL. -A parlor social will be held at the residence of Mr. John Mills, of the township of Hallett, on Wednesday, the 26th inst., commencing at 6.30 p. rn. The social given by this liberal gentleman is in aid of the Methodist !parsonage fund of Walton circuit. ' A GOOD IDEA-- MI. John Murray, the popular cheese maker, is around i canvassing for the interest of the Kin - burn Cheese Factory. Dame rumor as- serts that he is combining business with ,pleasure, and is hunting fer a partner I for life. If so, our advice to John is to :go in and win, -Faint heart never won fair olnady' HsnSALES.-Mr. John McMillan, 1Hullett, has sold to an American buyer a four year old mare in foal to "Just in Time," owned. by Charles Mason, for the sum of $270. She is a magnificent animal, as the price indicates.-- Mr. Christopher Dale sold an entire two year old colt for $325. -Mr. Wm. Winn bought from Mr. Pickard Blake of Hul- 1 let, a 7 months foal, for Which he paid the sum of $100. This foal was sired 1.47"ToWveNitatee's WO:litriced." • Ens.- At the meet- 'ing of the Hullett Council, held on "Monday last, the following township officera were appointed : auditors, Jas. Campbell and George Stephenson; as - Beeson Robert Smith, salary $90 ; col- lector, Thomas Neelans, salary, $90. Each member oi the council were ap- pointed. road commissioners at a salary of $1.75 per day for each day so engag- ed. The collector was instructed to return his roll on or before the 24th inst. The remainder of the report will be published next week, , LJ 4 TOWNSHIP OFFICERS. -At the meeting of the Stephen Township Council held on Monday last all the old township officers were reappointed at the same salary as last year, except the Clerk, who very properly receives an increase of $10 but does not get any extras. The fees for Councillors were fixed at $2 per day each without mileage, except when they are required to go outside of the township. Chiselhurst. SINGING CLA.SS.-Prof. Holmes has started a singing school here. He has a class of over seventy pupils, and , judging from the interest • that every one is taking in the matter, it will no doubt be a success UNFORTUNATE .-Mr. James McTag- gart received a severe kick on the leg while leading a horse from the stable a few clays ago. He also had his face badly cut by falling on the frozen grohnd. OVIL STUDENTS .-Messrs. Wren, Mc- Taggart and Latta left here last Mon- day for St. Marys to attend the Col- legiate Institute in that place. We wish them success in their studies. Hensall. LOCAL BRIEFS. -Sleighing out of question; excellent wheeling. -Coasting on the sidewalk is now the favorite sport with our youth. -The Odelfellows of this place are making improvements iu the interior of their hall, thereby making it more convenient and attrac- tive than even -Messrs. MoArthur & Co., bankers, have their office fitted up in good style. They have every con- venience for carrying on the banking business, and we are pleased to learn that they are doing a good business. - Mr. Robert Lang, of Tuckersmith, left this station a few days ago for a tour through the Western States. We hope his trip may prove a pleasant one. - Hills Green. FOR THE SABBATH SCHOOL. -Arrange- ments have been completed for the holding of a tea meeting in the Union Hall, Hills Green, under the auspices of the Presbyterian congregation, on the evening of Tuesday, 3Ist inst. Ad- dresses may be expected from the pas- tor of the congregation, Rev. Mr, Cam- eron, of Kippen, also from Rev. Messrs. McDonald, Seaforth. ,• Thomson, Bruce - field; Hartley, Rodgertille; Denby, - Varna; also Rev. Messrs. Ling and Dickey, of Hills Green. A select choir, under the. leadership of Mr. Jamieson, of Kippen, will provide "sweet XIIIISiC" for the occasion. Tea will be served at half -past six, and, the chair will be taken at half -past seven. The proceeds are to be devoted to- wards augmenting the Sabbath Sehool Library. There will, Do doubt, be a full house, as the object is such a com- mendable one that it should attract a large audience entirely independent of the additional attraction of a very in- teresting entertainmeut. Brussels. , PRIVATE MONEY to Loan at Of' per cent., payable at any time. 0- R. CooPEn, Brae- .• sels P. 0. 736-8 MARKETS. -The sleighing for the past week has been. very, good, and great quantities of wood, logs and grain have been brought in, and a good deal of land salt was also taken away. The market quotations are as follows: Fall' wheat $1.23 to 1.25;5 - spring wheat $1.23•to $1.26, peas 70e. to 75e., oats 370. to 38c., barley 70c. to 80c., pork 7.85 to $8.15, hay $12, butter 16c. to 18c., eggs 18c., potatoes 47e. to 55o., hides 47 to $7.50, salt per 4barrel 850, land salt $2.50 per ton. LOCAL BRIEFS. -J. Wright, of Me- Rillop, was summoned by Inspector -- Scott on Saturday last before J. P.'s Hunter and Scott, for selling liquor Without a license. He was fined $20 and costs. -The Council of 1882 were sworn in on Monday evening last. Alex. Hunter and George Hartwick were appointed Auditors. -Thos. Eng- lish and Thos. Smith left for Manitoba on Tuesday last. -Dr. Wild, of To- ronto, will deliver his popular lecture, "Prophet Jeremiah's Visit to Ireland," on 9th February, Under the auspices of Brussels Lodge of Oddiellows.enIfie Lordship Bishop of Huron preanhed on Sunday last to a very large congrega- tion in St. John's Church, 1 THE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. -- The animal meeting of the East Huron Agricultural Society for the election IA officers, &c„ was held in the Town Hall on Wednesday last. The Treas- urer's report was read, shovding re- ceipts to have been $1,132, and dis- bursement $1,063, leaving a bale -wenn baud of 569. W. G. Hingston, of Mor- ris, was re-elected President; D. Mc- Laughlin, of Grey, 1st Vice -President Wm. Grieve, NI elcillop. 2nd. Vicei President. The following Directors t were elected: R. Gibson and A. Mal- colm, of Howi' ck R. Martin, Grey; D. Scott, Brussels; J. Moffatt, Wroxeter ; G-eo. Moffatt, Turuberry ; fle Mc- Michael, littllett ; Alex. Forsyth, Mor - 11:8; R. Govenlock, McKillop. R. Gib- son, Howick, and 3. Miller, Mortis, were chosen delegates to Provincial meeting. W. H. Kerr and C. R. Cooper, Brussels, were appointed Au- ditors. At •a meeting of Direc- tors D. Stewart, of Brussels was re- elected Secretary -Treasurer. A -meeting of the Directors is to be held on, the 2nd of February at 2 p. in., to decide on the pIencte for holding the fall show. A seed show was also spoken of. FIFTEENT3 WHOLE 11133.1 Immense Al EAU -MADE Mk AND VLSI AT WM. CREAT CLOTM SEAFO The Pubbo are par look This Moe Blfore • These are a11 :wa faction, and they figures. The Stock is, as in all the Fancy suits. A large stoc the newest thing ont PERSIAN LA Gloves of all kin nels in endless varie VVIVI. 0 IMPORTAN °ESE FOR BALE ---L sale, thing 4 years STANLRY, Constance P. O. B. SALE .-A numb° price from VD and th pole and shafts and new.. Will be sold cheap. RECENTOR WAN T Chureh, Brueefield, a church psalmody. Sala plications received up to JOSEPH McOnata, Brucefil wrEfiCHEIt WANTED. -L. for school section N female teacher holding a certhloate. Duties to plications stating- salara dressed to either of thei Jorraz Boort and Jona! Mal rpo STONE MASONS--' --1- mason work of TWO work will be pointed ot known by applying to Ci • I+ miles north from Seal - not necessarily amen RODIERICK GRAY, BADBERT- - 'STRAYSTOCK--Ca the undersigned, . . London Road, Tueltersn tI last, a fed an1 white ye ', eive of the Cotswold bre .,t-' (Nested. to prove prope_ them away!. Us,. MaLca. ,sk SPLENDID CHAN aA•-• Hotel in the the th • known as the Ceuterm pheap or exciranged.fer Heiman. It is situated - Railway Station, and i • properties in the County apply to the underaigne Oa JAIIE8 COXWORTILL NTO fICE --The adjott -"" holders and Petra and Batter Factory, wil 131ueva1e, on Mon • 1 _o'clock p ma when tit will be offered for sale. . on 'the different rout ante.naing and .confalnif the Company, Mid any may be brought before uZsa, Secretary. DISSOLUTION OF I is hereby given. taa to existing between the name and firm of Brow business in the Town of Teamsters, has thi6 day -consent. All detts co will be paid by Norman -whoa ell debts due the Seatorth; Jac IC B. -The busineta -on by the undersigned, teetion to the wants of oontinuanee of the pa firm. JOKE.Ps VOT10E TO CRED nah Cluff date of the County of Huron, • by given that all parti the said Hannah Chaff titulars thereaf with First day of February, to the said estate will such indebtedness on February, 1882, Oth forever barred, dam the wad Estate, of February, 1882. •VVALUABLE ROTE Thcsubaeriberoffe well situated hotel pr of Wales, in the rapid Large amble.; in RAMT1 80 bereea, Bar Mai bLoc;- _The hotel is 11 business, and the oni: to the failing health o men of means need ap would do well to mak SWARM'', ellotOO, HE ANNUAL ME Hibbert MotI15.1 will be tied at the Co on Monday tbe UtlrF M., for the purpose laort of the Db-ectora etatemeat and Audi it Board of Direetors VAIIDINER, President HO FO MEETING of thot Dakota or Mai spring will be held -at on Wedneaday, Feb P. m -1,4-,i4-3t ell this company so as to eco aeriger rates, and mut& Wm. feamia.