HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-01-20, Page 7tnnidnist MUM ehthata Id. IOTE. ease efettlitteese iar at alt mmeret. aaeneelta- e _ N !ioake- nes Loss. iik• ot Farm rat Op VAAL -Stout, Math 6161 0 Uig SAWS -LANCE' 'MOTE attd NEW' SaX QNIddOs AFORTH. PHIN rking order PPING a.rife..e a. good R2- Wheat ro.wa wheat - ya ory reapoet. iS tt.aW t`&, direct and balk, ry cheap. of these e season, apply >cial par- r. He has Les direct le bees in on hand in Sea - the Sea - de better )N UARY 20, 1882. Rome Politeness. , A father who is more attentive in egferingIthe small courtesies of life to other ladies than to his wife may ex- t his sonata be more polite to other tors than their own. And the bey wh4 at home passes in $ront of his Mother and 'sister, fails to give them lomfort ble chairs, and at his home labile e a first for his own plate, will ommetiMes slip and give his vanity a ,mad fall in company. Good manners that doit't become habits are not to be elepanded on. it is hard for a mother to require of her boys ai deferential -eourteset whieh should be the foundation .of a gentlemanly behavier. She should 800 to it that the children honor their father: it is the father's business to see that themother is treated with eaten-. tion. If the father does not do it the mother. anust,lor the sake of the future Wife of nor son, smother her -sensitive- ness and enforce politeness toward her- *elf- • Keep the Corners Clean. Living for appearances is a sorry, kind of life. The closet door is sure to be left open some time and betray the dis- order which is banished frem the sit- ting-rooi. The young lady who puts the moil of her wardrobe on the out- side, an leaves the underelething un- tidy and! disordered, will come to some unfortunate revelation, and the pins NOLieh teke the place of stitches which are unfairly put into outside finery will stir out, and turn merriment into ntisery. ' Let it be the motto of every housekeeper, "the corner and hidden places fist," and regard to the judg- ment of !others will be sure to spur to good care of the outside. It is either o'brave or a perfect housekeeper who fears no prying eyes. A story is told of a Portuguese family who daily set out a beautiful dinner -table, where visitors would see it; but the Pretty ware and the napleins were never used, for the firefly ate their plain fare from a com- mon dish in the kitchen. - Such con - diet reneinda one of the ostrich who foralishlei imagines the world sees only What he chooses to show. • Boys and, Thimbles. No m n can, like the writer, live 60 years thout often wishing he had, learned to use arsewing thimble well in his early boyhood, especially if he had gone about the world much. Buttons will conie off, stitches will break, and how handy it is for boys at school, for men at a hotel, at a friend's house, in- deed anywhere away from home—often at honne—to be able to whip on a but- ton, stop a starting rent, and do many other little sewings, without calling on a woman, or perchance sending for a tailor, before being able to appear at a hotel table. One seldom if ever learns to use a thimble, if thisleart of his educa- tion ha e been neglected in small boy- hood. 'The writer has travelled a good eked, and at a rough guess has broken threads at least 500 times in attempt- ing to Work a needle through a button or garment without a thimble. Boys, take out advice, and every one of you. learn td use a thimble well bolero you grow Teri. Do it this winter; it is not feminine to do so. Do it, and if you live. long you will many times thank us for this advice. . News Items. General Garibaldi has beenseverely bruised en the head and limbs by the upsetting of his oarriage- -One! of the Marquis of Lorne's sisters Will, it is -reported, assist him in entertaining his guests at Rideau Hall until the Princess returns. —May rooms, including several sites in the leading hotels in Ottawa have already been secured, by wealthy parties ficnn New York, San Francisco, and other parts in the States. —Gen rat Terry reports that the Ine dian out ook in Northern Montana is =favor' hie. Buffalo are diminishing, and the Indians are raiding the cattle. The ran:Chen:len are organizing. —J. Winslow, Jones & Co.. a packing firm owitiug fifteen corn factories and five lobster factories in Maine, and 14 lobster and salmon factories in the Provinces, have failed. Liabilities, $182,000„ —Thelatest novelty is a dress album: A piece of every new dress is carefully ant and gummed on one side of the leaf, and the date attached. Thus the book fornes a complete history of the lady's costume from season to season. .Two persons are now in prison in connectien with the Madrid lottery fraud. One is a seller of tickets, and the °thee a telegraph operator. „Borjes & Co. stOpped payment of the Paris credit of $200,000, and recovered $150,- 060 in New York. —Inew York city four hundred suits aga Jest liquor dealers for violation of the e cise law, brought by private citizene, were dismissed on Saturday of last week, the Court holding that they were 'brought on proofs of general and not definite character. —At Topeka, Kansas, on the night of • the 2nd inst., 300 citizens overpowered the guards at the gaol and took out W. E. Graham, who murdered his uncle for the purpose of securing his money, and hanged him to a telegraph pole in front of the gaol. drawn from his profession -after con- • tinuous teaching in the county of Brant for 30 years, and in , the township of, South Dumfries for 25 years. During this long time he has been not only successful in teaching, but very sue - easeful in amassing property, he being now the owner of a fine 200 acre farm. His scholars gave him a nice presenta- tion upon his withdrawal, at the close of the year. —A singular death occurned at Olm- stead Falls, New York, a few days ago. A middle-aged lady, named -Mrs. Hor- ace Fitch, fialled at the office of . Dr. Rose, an experienced phYsician in good standing, and had some teeth extract- ed. The ,physician put her' under the influence of chloroform, and her hus- band, who accompanied her, watched the operation. When the teeth had. been pulled she recovered from the effects of the intesthetic, got out of the operating chair, rinsed out her month, and expressed relief that the dreaded experience was over. The doctor was arranging his ioetruments when she fell to the floor dead.' — The firm of Richard Brothers, in Emerson, started a train from St. Vin- cent for Turtle Mountain on the 7th of December, laded with $2,000 worth of goods, which train was plundered by the Indians at the foOt of the Pembina Mountains. That affair was put into the_ hands of the United States author- ities, but nothing has yet been ,done, although the officer have promised that the offenders shall be punished. Notwithstanding that loss Ricard Brothers sent out another train De- cember 27th, and S. A. Ricard, one of the brothers, went veith it. It isdiow reported that this train also has :been robbed and the young Man Ricard murdered. —At a recent rpeeting of the Wo- men's Emigration,Bociety, held in Lon- don, England, the Marquis of Lorne urged upon the Sohiety to send out to Canada, and particularly the North- west, all the young women of 18. or 19 years that could be induced to come out. He also urged that committees should be established in Winnipeg, which should send regular reports to the old country, upon which the com- mittees there may base their action. The Marquis also- remarked that the great Northwest was growing at an enor- mous rate. ,Four years ago the average number of letters that were conveyed from this country by ,mail to England was 20, and now as many as 27,000 come by every bcett. This showed more than anything else how the people of Canada had multiplied. Epps's Cocoa. Grateful and Comforting.—"By thorough knowledge of the natural 1 ovs which govern the %aerations of diges- tion and nutrition and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well, selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctors' laills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may he gradually built up until strong enough td iesist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies are floating around no ready to attack• wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal abaft by keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood. and a properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser- vice eiazette. Sold only in packets labelled—"James Epris & Co., homoeo- pathic Chemists, London, Eng."—Also makers of Epps's Checolate Essence for afternoon use. 482-52 • • Are you disturbed at- night' and broken of your rest by a sick child suff- ering and crying with the excrueiating pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately—de- pend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child, oper- ating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in eh cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the preseription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold eveaywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52, Free of Charge. All persons suffering from Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Loss of, Voice, or any affection of the throat and lungs, are requested to call at E. Hickson 84 Co.'s Drugstore and get a trialbottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, free of charge, which will convince them of its wonderful merits and show what a regular dollar size bottle will do. Call early. 714-52c • Rest and Comfort to the Sri fferin g. - Brown's Household Panacea has no equal for relieving pain, both internal and external. It cures pain in the side, back, or bowels; sore throat, rheuma- , tiem, toothache, lumbago and any kind of pain or ache. Ie will most surely quicken the blood and heal, as its act - Mothers I Mothers! Mothers i! jug power s wonderful. Brown's —Orders have been received at New Household Panacea, being acknow- Orleans from San Francisco to provide ledged as the great pain reliever, an4 freight thorn in March and April for of double the strength of any othe* 180,000 i bushels of wheat to Great elixir or liniment in the world, should Britain. t Te wheat will be shipped be in every family handy for use when from California to New Orleans by the Wanted, as it really is best remedy in Southern Pacific Itailway, thence by the world for cramps in the stomach, stearrterto destination. and pains and, aches of all kinds, and is —The, President and Secretary of the for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a National Board of Health have confer- bottle. 692-52 red wit President Arthur with refer- ence to he methods of guarding against Tonic. an epidemic of small pox. The Presi- dent said. that he would probably send a special message to Congress calling attentioi to the alarming prevalence of emallp: x and the necessity for iminedi- revery one, instead of flying to the alco- ate leguilation for its suppressionholic or medicinal stimulanta, which _Surerinteudent Wolf received a mUst be followed by depression equal to their excitement, re -invigorate his •deranged system by the natural tonic elements of the Peruvian Syrup. Sold by all druggists. Hollowa• y's Pills. Sudden changes, frequent fogs, and pervading dampness sorely impede the vital functions, andconduce to ill health. The remedy for such dis- orders lies in some purifying medicine, like these Pills, which is competent 'Co grapple successfully with the mischief at its source, and stamp it out, without fretting the nerves, or wea,kening the system. Holloway's Pills extract from the blood all noxious matter, regulate Every one, at times, feels the neces- sity of some restoratives of the vital powers, depressed by mental or bodily exhaustion. In such conditions, let telegram announcing the escape from t jail of e notorious swindler and sneak thief, illy Burke, alias "Billy the -Kid.- is description is: in the hands of the phlice all over the country. A reward bf $100 is offered for his arrest. It seems that a young man entered the ()face orie day lately and was permitted to talk to the prisoners through a fine wire netting in the doors. While thus engaged the jailor was called, up -stain, and whSn he returned the prisoner and his confidential friend had fled, leaviog behind two keys with which the doors were epened. —Mni John McLean, an old and highly Irespected teacher, has with - i THE HURON EXPOSITOR. the action of every disordered organ, stimulate the liver and kidneys, and • relax the bowels. In curing cheat complaints these Pills are remarkably effective, especially when aided by a free local application of the Ointment This double treatment will mitre a certain, steady and beneficientpro- gross, and sound health will soon be re- established.. • Millions Given Away.! Millions of bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, have been given away as trial bottles of the large size. This enormous outlay would be disastreus to the proprietors, were it not for the rare merits possessed by this wonderful medicine. Call at E. Hickson, &iCo.'s drugstore, and get a trial bottle free,and try for yourself, It never fails to icure. 714.52e Never Give Up. If you are suffering With low and de- pressed spirits, loss of. appetite, general debility, disordered blood, weak con- stitution, headache, or any diseas4 of a billions native, by all means procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see -the rapid improve ent that will follow ; you will be in ired with new' life; _strength and az ivity will return; pain and misery will �ease, and henceforth you will rejoice ib the praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by E. Hickson & Co. 714.52-5 4 Eclectric Care for your live stock would seem an almost superfluous piece of advice to farmers, cattle raisers, horsemen and others, whose capital is largely invest- ed in quadrupeds. Yet how often are the diseases and sanitary requireMents of horses and cattle disregarded; how often are they left to the care of the ignorant and brutal, and. irratiOnally treated when unwell? No stook yard, farm or stable can be said to be proper- ly equipped where an efficient remedial agent is not provided. The bes and most highly approved by veterin rians is Thomas' Eclectric Oil, which besides being a thorough remedy for lung com- plaints, bronchitis, rheumatism, nen- ralagia, sores and hurts of the hOrnan race, remedies with certainty Galls, Contraction or Cracking of the goof, Distemper, Scours, Curb, Corks, scratches, Fiore teats and other disOrders and troubles of horses and cattle. Sold by all medicine • dealers. Prepared only iby Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Out. 710b • Decline of Man. Impotency of mind, limb or vital tal function, nervous weakness, sexual debility, and all diseases caused by in- discretions and abuse, are radically and promptly cured by the use of Mack's Magnetic Medicine, which is for Bele by all responsible druggists. See adver- tisement in another column. Sold in Seaforth by J. S. Roberts. 7334 Bucklen's Arnica Sa1ve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt R eum, Fever Sores, Totter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Env- tioni3, and positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by E. Hickson & Com- pany. 714-52 • EOlectric Oil. Joseph Rusan, Percy, writes—"I was induced to try Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil for a lameness which troubled me for three or four years, and I found it the beet article I ever tried. It has been a great blessing to tee." 691-52 • Ectectric Oil. "It is a Great Public Benefit."— These significant words were used in relation to Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil by a gentleman who had thoronghly tested its merits in his own case—hav- ing been cured by it of lameness of the • knee of three or four years' standing. It never fails to remove soreness as well as lameness. 691-52 They all Do It. Everybody uses Teaberry for the teeth and breath, the newest, brightest, cosiest little toilet gem extant. Try a 5 cent sample. 720.3m eneeemeeteeme fr BE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY.—JOIMOSSB -1- Periodical Pi1le-1 his invaluable medieine its unfailing -in the cure of all thoee painfitl and d a egeroes i iseaees to which the female constitti • tion is subject. It. moderates all excess ana ee- rie oyes all obstanctions, and a speedy cure ,may be relied on. To nonnied ladies it is pettullarly suited. It sin, in a short lime, bring on the montlby . leritel -with regularity. These pills should not be taken by females during the first three months of Pregraacy, as they are etre to bring on Miscaniege, but at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Ncrvons and Spit)al Af- fections, Pains in the back and limbs, tat gue on slight txtrtion, , palpitation of the heart hys- terics and abase, these pills will effect a cure when all otter rOCRDS have failed; and, al hough a powerful remedy, donot contain iron, calomel, antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet arounl each package, which should be Carefully pre erved. ut Job Moses, blew York, Solt PrOprietor. 1 and 12i cents far postage enclosed to Nor lop & Lyman, Triplet°, Out.; general agents f ir the D caninir e, 'kill insure a bottle containin over flO pills by return mail. • Sold in Seafo th by E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Roberts and Lumsdon & Wilson. 644-62 MONEY. MONEY TO LOAN—I am prepared tie lend money at 6 per cent. interest, payable year- ly. Principal at thei end of term. Private F'unds. JAS. Pf.' BENSON. e 726 WN A 2 EDo-The Slim of $1,000 for Circe years. Interest, six per cent. per ennum, payable yearly. . First class seem ity. For particulars apply to M. P. HAYES, Sealer th, or to Mc- CAUGHEY & HOLMESTED. 112-tf MON EY—A. G. McDOUGALL is ant borlzed to lend money at 6i per cent. on mortgage, for any amount, and for any number of years; inter- est charged or I y on the unpaid priucipal.. No commiesion oliarged. Apply at the Store of A. G. McDougall & Co. 678 $100 000.00 TO LOAN on Sectuity of Beal Estate for Rust term of years not exceeding twenty, at C per ceot. per annum ; No Commissions; Tie whole of the principal money may be repaid at any time on giving six months' noticeeor any bum not exceed- ing one-fourth may be Paid at the close of each year withent notice, interest ceasing from the time of payment; Loans effected proMptly. OFFICE — -Vietoria Square Seafortn. WM. HIT': 700 AUCTIONEERS. _ - T P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer ler the " • County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders left at the Ex. 1,011lTOt Office will be promptlyattendedto. 0 R. COOPER, Brussels County Auctoneer. •Bales of all deecriPtions promptly at- tended in any part of the county on reasonable terms. Orders left at the office of the EUBON EXPOSIT on or addressed to Bruseels, will receive prompt attention.. 4 . ALEXANDERIIILLEIZTITI, Linen Auction- te.„ivou ear, McKillop. Moeda attention and sales of Landed Property, Tares Wes Implements. All orders left with tbe ons. , signed at Walton P. D., or Lot 14, eel& caution 14, will be promptly attended to. fele bills, notes and stamps furniehed Id reetaired. ALEX. DELGETTY, Walton. MEDICAL. D R. JAMES H. DUNCAN, Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur. Office, Dr. Campbell's, Main Street, South,near Grand Triink Railway Station. All calls, night or day promptly attend- ed to. 724 I 0.'SCOTT, M. D. &e, Physician,Surgeon and " • Acconebenr, Seaforth, Ont. Office and real - ii once south sidessf Goderich Street, seedhd door east of Preebyterian Church. 842 Tr L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M.. Physician, Sur- 41- • geon,etc.,Coroner for the County of :Huron. Office ;and Residence, on Janie street north, direatlY opposite Seaforth Public School. WM. HANOVER, M. D., C. M., Graduate of ,McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Acconehenr, Seaforth,Ont. Office and Residence, N orth side Goderich Street, brat Brick House east of the Methodist Church. 496 D R. HUTC/HINSON, Gradgate of McGill Col- lege; Montreal, Licentiate of the Royal Col. lege of Physicians, Edinburgh, and late House Surgeon of Craiglockhart Hospital, Edinburgh. Office--Bluevale, Ont. 686-52 M. SURGEON DENTIST GRADUATE of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Canada. Office in the rooms lately occupied by H. Derbyshire, Whitney's Block. All operations carefully performed and satis- faction guaranteed. Charges Moderate. •N. B.—Teeth extracted without unite by dim law., ii..salLessesstse 1.")1\1-"TISTIIR;Y-- D.VVATSON, DENTIST, Faculty Gold Medalist and College Gold Medalist R. C. D. S. HAVING many years' experience he is able to make all operations in Dentistry suitable and lasting. Preserving teeth a Specialty. Chloroform, Ether or Nitrous Oxide Gas given. rr Charges Moderate. `Vg THIS WEEK W GI- 0 IJ D M 1V—I.,1 I 0 1\T. 0 INVITE ATTENTION TO OUR STOOK OF 001.J1JM1NT ia-cio3Ds; Which is once more omplete, and we now show a full- range of CLOUDS in Navy, Cardinal, Grey, Brown and Fancy; SQUARES in Cardinal, Black, Grey, Navy and Fancy, Gloves, Kid Mitts an Imitation Laces, Fril Jackets, Ties, Brace Worsted Coatings, Astrachan Muffs, Ba &c. A R. JAM Wool Jackets, Mittens, Cuffs, &c.; Ladies' Underwear, Gloves; Nice Goods in Silk Squares and Ties, Real and ihugs, &c.; Men's Overcoate, Shirts and Drawers, (Cardigan , Wool Cuffs, Linen Cuffs, and a fine range of Tweeds, c. Extra good value in Mink Muffs, Boas and Cap& tic Seal Muffs, Men's Caps in Beaver, Coney, Plush, Clotff, • CALL SOLICITED. S 1NT, S o a: Lu Office in Meyer's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. 0 O. CARTWRIGHT" L D S., • STRATFORD, WILL be at his office, OADEY'S BLOCK, SEAFORTH, oppo- site the Commercial Hotel, on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY of each week. Nitrate Oxide Gas adniinistered in the extraction of teeth. This gas has been administered by Dr. Cartwright since 1866 with perfect success, he having been one of the first to introduce it into this province. Pa- tients having teeth extracted may inhale the gas and have eight or ten teeth extracted in a mm- ute or a minute and a half,. without disagreeable effects from it. Parties desiring new teeth please call on Wednesdays. Par ticular attention paid to the regulation of children's' teeth. Teeth in- serted from one to a full set. 730-52 HDERBYSHIRE, Dentist, has purchased the business of Mr. kCCulloch, and removed to Switzer's Block, Mitchell, where he will always be found. Teeth extineted with the use of chloroform, ether and nitons oxide gas. Gold fillings a specialty. Parties from distance will be allowed their train expenses 7? -2 auzu ou aaWH •"-J sluaucdsy aapV co 0 0 - n Lii 0 CO Cc .0 IL INTER FLUID. Ala 4e, For Croup, Colds, Coughs. Whooping Cough, &c. TRY OUR OWN COUGH SYRUP We have just made up flesh lots of 4/ HEAVE, COUGH AND EPIZ00- 2eb T C POWDER; FAVORITE CATTLE oft - FEDE, CONDITION POWDER FOR 0 HORSES, &c., &c, The f to/1 0 0 flowing preparations for the Hair C1111730 k_ be beat, viz.: CANTH RIDINE HAIR WASH, CASTORINE HAIR ,R NEWER, AND OUR HAIR CREAM. E. HICKSON & CO., DRUGGISTS. GLYCERINE AND ROSE WATER. ARD OF THANKS. R. WILLIS, THE PEOPLE'S SHOEMAKER, ,MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, Enibxaces this opportunity of thanking all tho e .who have so- liberally favored him with • t.hei patronage since starting business on his own eccount in Seaforth. He has also to stat that prices of Boots and Shoes will be GR ATLY REDUCED for the remainder of thi month. Just come right along, Ladies audi gentlemen, and try me. and see how very che p I can furnish you for the READY MO EY. I wi1B1e all owing accounts to be prompt and payl up before the FIRST OF JANUARY. Sh rt accounts make long friends, and my proits are so small that I can't afford to give ion credit. Remember that, and don't forget T1.tf People's Shoemaker, No. 1 Cady's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. ROBERT WILLIS. - LEGAL. ' C' ARROW & PROUDFOOT, 2arrieters, frond.- • --1 tore, &e., Goderich, Ontame.—J. T. Garrotes Wm. Prondfoot. 686 et.A.XERON, lioLT & 04141 68,01% Barristers, ‘-' Solicitors in ChancerY, &c.. Goderieb, Date 14. C. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. Cants- , °rote. 6015 T4 Ny.0.11E/Lit, Barrister and Attomiey at- • -"' Law , beliett or in Chancery. Commissioner: for ts king.affidavits in the Province of Manitobe.. Solicitor for the Bank of Hamilton, Wingbarn. Private funds to loan at 6i to 6f per cent. 688 BENSON & MEYER, Banisters and Attorney at Law, Solicitersin Chaneeryandinsolveney • Conveyancers, Notizie' Public, etc. Offices-8os f orth and Brussels. $28,000 -Private Funds to I InTelltat onee,at Eight pereents interest .payakle • yearly, Commieerontreor taking Affidavits -10r us e in the Courts of Manitoba; Jas. H. sisasox. u.w. o . SIZYBR. The above firm has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm to be paid to, Mr. Benson who will pay all liabil- ities. Nov. 27, 1876. JAMES H. BENSON . H. W. C. MEYER. '-MCCAUCHEY & HUMMED, LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING oFFICE, Scott's Block, Main Street, Seefortie. • SOLICITORS for the Coneolidated Bank of Canada and the Canadian Bank of Commerce inFtnni°artba. Town and Village Property bought alidnr:Oldey. (private lundsllosned on mortga.ge as- curitirs, at ret6oDuble rates of interest. Charges Imoderate.myoneinvested for private persons upon the ' best morteege secoritiea, without any expense to the lender. i S. O. cCAUGHEY, M.A. F,. 1101.11FSTED liffOLLOWAY'S PILLS 11B18 Great Hemeehold Medicine ranks amongst Cl)the leading neceesariee of life These fa - M mane Pills purify the Blood, and act most power- fully, 3 et scothingly, on the Liver, Stomach, Elam- ys aid Beads. giving tone, energy and vigor to these great main srrings of lile. They are corder Uy lemon:tent ed as a r evenfailing remedy iri all casts whene the constitution. from ‚whatever catise„heS become impaired or 'weaken- ed. 71.ve are *0734trfully 01s:tido:is in all ail. Inertia iriridero el to Fen:files of all at es; end as a General Fortelle Medicine, are unsurpassed. RUPTURED AND DEFORMED. CHARLES CLUTHE, SURCICAL MACHINIST, 118 King St West, TORONTO, WILL BE AT THE ----- o COMMEROIAL- HOTEL. SEAFORTH, C• Canada, is the greate N J N 93rd UNTIL N-OON'OF THE 24th O Invitation to all s Cluthe's Spiral Truss, patented in 15.nited States and eformed and .Ruptured people. MOST APPARATUS ORIGINAL. Chart PAD t help for their fearful trouble. NLY ONE OUNCE IN WEIGHT. g. No Springs or Harness around the Waist. fi( lel your for FREE BOOK ON RUPTURE AND HUMAN ie), established in Canada 1871. > Perfect Ventilati ' Add r(4 -s on Post Car( FRAME, (by C. Glut' •! Come Early an don't Wait - for the La t -Hour. >r, *. I will have a large supply of my Patent, Trusses with me, and DEFY THE RUPTURE I CANNOT HOLD WITH EASE. Chas. qiuthey • SURGICAL MACHINIST, SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY M NI-PArITORY,- - Toro fale, N. ye (41 & .74/ k • , - Ito,_ Out., and Buf- THE subscriberbegs leave to thank his numerot -1- customers for the liberal patronage extended it him since commencing business in Seaforth,an trusts hat he may be favored with a continnane, of the same. Partiesintending to build would do well to g:». him a call,se he will continue to keep on ham) large etock of all kinds ef Dry Pine Lumber, Sashes, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings, Shingles, Lath., &c. Hefeelsionfident of givingsatisfaction to thou who may favour him with theirpatronage,ss none but first-elateworkmen &reemployed. Partienlar attention paid to Custom Plautus 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT, Ifebtairy, WYD. CHAIM'S OUflHl ESQ., HAMILTON. Dear Sire -Rave bun ruptured from 'birth; ess sixty yearsold; tried New York, Philadelphia, and most trnsme aside in Canada, and could not get one to hold my riVnre. Your Spiral Spring miss kept it from the moment it was adjusted, and hernia is test decreasing. I am, yours truly, DAVID MUSK. TO CHARLES OLUTHE, ESQ. Dear Sir,—I have great pleasure in Codifying that my daughter has entirely recovered inner curvature of the spine since she has had your spinal instru- ment, and is now' perfectly straight. 'When she left here last spring to get the instrument, sbscould with difficulty walk one hundred yards; now Else can walk two or three miles with ease. And / mnAt con- fess that her i.fe is due to you and the instrmnent you made her; after having been under a doctor's care for about three years, all to no purpose. Yours respectfully, :Jaunt Forest, Angnst 8th, 1870. 229 Adelaide Street, • Toronto, 8th Mantis, 11379. JOHN SIMPSON. CHARLES CLOTHE, Esq. Dear Sir,—It gives me much pleasure to certify that for the last thirty-seven years I have been trou- bled with hernia or rupture, and have tried almost every truss in existence without avail; finally, I WM requested to try one of your Patent Trusses, which had the effect of curing me in nine months. I might herein state thattI shall be pleased to give any infor- mation to anyoe of its intrinsic value, and of its great effect. I might say thatnow I am completely cured, and am able to work in any way without its affecting me in the least. Insulin, yours very truly, JOHN HAWKINOS. D. D. ROSE, GROCER, N XT DOOR TO THE POST OFFICE, SEAFORTH. ,HDLLOWAYS OINTMENT Its searebir g and healing pro; eeties ars known throughout thi torld. For the cure of had legs, bad breaete, old wcunds, sores and nicere, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as salt into meat, it cures Sore 'I hr oat, r irlatberia,Bronaitis,Conplis, Colds, and even .Astbrna. For Glendrlar suellings, lb- • scetses, Piles, FiRtnia8, Gout, Iheuroatimm, and , every kind of 51 -in dieetree, it has never been known to fail. The Pills -and Ointment are menu- actured only at aFfl.Oxford Strett,Lor doinaud see sold by till Vet dors of Medicine s throughout the Civilized. N -N orb a ; vith dire die ne for use in al- most evens hmenfiee. lfsPurcluleers should look to the lane] on thepots and boxes. If the address lance 588,Oxford Street, London, they ace spurious, 2.52. NIL DESPERAN TRADE 1V1ARK, Before Taking TRADE MARK. s- ) -t -?e t... After Taking. TEE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY- for Ner- . vOn I. I trility arid on Is ervous Affections, in - em u ding S perm etc rrhs a, Seminar wealene- £4, ect., • results Of nelf-ebuee, indiscretion, &c., I- • AI 'S SPI.C1F1C the bnly ren edy -which has r been known to per- m floe atoy cur Palpitutien and other reflections of the JR art , Coe erreption in its tallier stages, Rust log to blood to 0 e brad, wind in the s t on) ch . lee ipettis u. Toss of IP emory, Want of energy, Be sbfulne se. Desire for solitude, Indio - p0 itjcre t leher en ticeene t of weak), ss, Thri- ve Ise; s i) ode, Pt ie in the lack, idinuees of at ei ern Pito a I DJ age. ret. Full pa:Co:darn in ;nor riimphlet, wl no, eine' securely sealed on reef ent of a tle ee cent stamp. The Specil3e In r ev ole hy en In i f.t, $1 per tee elzege, or 6 it i ;et, or ui.I.J be. Fent free by mall on receipt of Money, by addressing tiS9 THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto • _ Mack's Magnetic Medicine NERVE AND BRAIN FOOD ) 'T/ItADX-6/JARK. Ts a suite. iiroMpt and effectual remedy for Ner- ClISTIeSS in all its stages, Weak Memory, Loss of nrain Power, Sexual Prostration, Night Sweat, i:liernia.torrbowa,lieminal Weakness, Ana General of rower. It repairs nervous waste. Rein - venerates the jaded intellect, Strengthens the en- feebled brein, ahdorestkri it surprising tone and vizor to the exhausted generative organs: The experience of thousaude proves it an invaluable remedy. The medicine is pleasant to the taste, and in no case and under no circumstances can it do harin. Each box contains sufficient for two week' e medication, ihus being much cheaper than any other medicine sold ---and while it is the cheapest it is much. better. Foil particulars in our I amphlets, which we desire to mail free to ;•ny address. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sold by Druggists at 50 coats per box, or 12 boxes for or will be mailed free of postage on receipt of money by addressing MACK'S MA.GNET1C MEDICINE Co., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforth by J. S. RotIERTS, and all druggists 1:5;sw3b:13.7e. EGG EMPORIUM' THE Stibscriber hereby thanks his numerous customers (merchants and others) for their - liberal patronage (huhu the past 7 years, and hopes by strict integrity and close attention to business to merit their confidence and trade in the future. Having grestlj enlarged ilia prem. bee during the winter, he is novi prepared to pay THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any einantity of Good Preget Eggs, n•o- • at the Egg Emporium. MAIN STREET, SEAFOB.11-1., Wanted by the PIPAtl:t.t r, 2., ;cue of ict),:e .1r3 clean wheat Straw. ie„ Wiln'tere pROPERTY FOR SALE—For Sale, on easy terms, that desirable residence on James Street owned bj Mr. George Dent. Enquire of 3.8. PORTER, Seaiortb. 681 • TO LET—Six rooms over A. G. Ault's Grisseery Store, Seaforth. Suitable for dram makes or privatedwelling, with front and rear entranee. Apply to A.-9. AULT,Troprietor,