The Huron Expositor, 1882-01-13, Page 8IUNTEIL eel:tang. ICL IOTEt des. 10tiltrilaelta Et.r at inmates. :Irma's-hat geS. T.1 gag. 1 • Ocia. gest tam atm is mesa. teetam • Loam Ra- ise of Yuma "t - tee aer comae alit, mama - arm Haat rot amo) ., aON NI-ddQ etnali k,goianviio affApulacix 1-144: Extr1 Eefined SILVEE STEEL w T # l Iil OS M C.00 EIWORTH. LPHIPI marine order OPPING rrantee a -goo& ffeave eta frh.aoti strown wheat. away* 417111 NL !erY raupeet. ; DOLPHiN. _ AURANT. RANT, ?t, is now re, direct and balk, 'ery cheap., r oT these te season. - Eo :supply acial par - He has [Les direct ie bessin on hand S in Sca- the, Sea - da better DN. JANUARY 13, 1882. _ THE POSITOR, atellimialateassairmeassmananese areefe Items. Two detectives watch over Jay Gould ' toes and aeok them with onions. This ,. in N w York. — 3 ime novels opened the gates to ruin for a woman who lately committed murder in St. Louis. emayean is writing a new poem, o deal with the deeds of the Brigade at Balaklava. arisians are said to readless than ISometimes we slice cold boiled pota- said Heav is a good *ate and makes a Wholesome dish. Again, we uee one or , two in beef Soup, or sliced, we pat them into chicken pie or beef dumpling. There are many ways of saving potatoes, and when we look on the diminutive little heap stored away in our cellar for win- ter use, we are very sure we will not . • the residents of any other large city of waste, and will not want mod? - - will receive £20,000 for her engagement While it is easy to take cold in 'mid- st St. Petersburg. —The Czar has subscribed 100,000 roubles for the relief of the victims of the Warsaw riots. —The losses be fire in New York the autumn. Catching old is usually the past etear were $5,800,000; $3,183,000 result of itiequality of temperatmle in the previous year. The fires numbered two parts of the body, especially arlja 1780 - tient parts, which disturbs the uniaorm ., _Alt Kay.. City, Policeman Hynes circulation of the blood. At the pacem attepted to arrest Clay Cremshaw for where this disturbance occurs, conges- abusieg his wife. The men exchanged six orteight shots. Hynes was killed, and Ceemshaw fatally wounded. —I is stated that Sarah Bernhardt Catching Cold—Remedies. summer, colds are usually _more pre- valent when low temperature prevail, though leas in clear, cold, steady *tin- ter, than during the variable springland —From Dun, Wiman & Company's circular it would appear that the fail- ures in the United States in 1881 were 5,582I as againet 4,735 for 1880. The loeseS were 80 000.000 in 1881, as conapered with $65,000,000 in 1880. --Dr. John W. Kennion, the street preacher, gave a good Christmas din- ner te 400 destitute men at a lestanr- ant in South street, New York, in con- nection with his mission of "Christ's clef t.' The men were the lowest of the low—vagabonds and criminals, but were unmistakably grateful to their benefector. —Mark Twain has become rich enough to he a benefactor of young artiste and literary men. He gave Mr. W. U. Gillette the a3,000 with which "The Professor" was first brought out in Philadelphia, and. more recently Mr. Clemeus sent a young Hartford sip - tor saILd his wife abroad for a year to sande. • —he steamer Stella, from Ply- , mouth, recently brought 300 passen- gers ef the steamer Castor to New -fork:, • The latter vessel, after twenty days' battling with the storms, had to retire. to Plymouth. The Castor lost three, men overboard, and the Stella also experienced. severe weather and lost oee man. —It is claimed that in the Maxwell land grant in New Mexico and Colora- do nearly two million acres of valuable raineranand have been stolen from the ;Government through fraudulent sur- veys.' There seems to be no remedy for the theft. Since 1879 three and one-a:lei million acres in Florida have been; certified as swamp and over• flowed land. More than one million of these acres are neither swamp lands nor oiverflowed, but agricultural, tillable landa. —Ip a Sermon recently, Henry Ward. Beecher stated that any man who per- verted a dollar intended for the eduoa- tion (if children should be gibbeted aii orimMal, and asked what would be said of the man who Made the loss of • viral° a condition of giving place, or what punishment could) be - found for such a miscreant. At a meeting of the Board of Education these remarks were read, , and a motion was made that ta comMittee be appointed to visit Beecher, and ask him for the informa- tion an -which he based his remarks. The MOtion, being out of order, was over -ruled, but it will come up again. —There is considerable excitement in the vicinity of Harrietsville, North Dorchester township, over the alope- meal of the daughter of a wealthy far- mer With the hired man. The young couple had kept their courtship secret for fear of parental displeasure, and eoncladed. to (trope on 8, recent Sabbath. The young lady with her sister attend- ed the Episeopalian church at 2 p. ne., and whilst the servise was in progress was apparently seized with in and retired from church. A short distaece away she found her lover, Withal, rig from London, in which to bear away his pronaised bride. There was great consternation at home when the sister returned _without her and she frould not be founl ; but two days afterWa.rds a letter from the newly - married bride and daughter set all doubts for her safety at rest, end mat- ters are now iu a fair way for forgive- ness and reuniting a happy family. Mon arises, that is, a rush of blood from ope direction faster than it is carried off by the chilled blood vessels in the other direction, and. this produces ser- ous results if not speedily remeaied This diseased' condition may extend over the whole body, affecting most se- verely any organ:already weak. Thus a cold may bora° from damp or chilled feet ; from even a slight draft of air blowing through a crack upon one side or portion of the -body and cooling it; from standing near a fire or stove, and heating one side while the other side remains comparatively cold; from warmer clothing on- one part of the body than on another; from light- ly dressing the arms and lower limbs, or leaving them naked; from standing over a hot register; from the chilling eveporation of water or moisture from a portion only of one's clothing; in gen- eral, from any cause producing in- • equality of temperature. - The causes of a cold, named, mdi- cate how to avoid one. Maintaining general vigor by nourishing, well di- gested food gives one power to r4sist an -attack. When to be especially ex- posed, a little tonic, as a grain or -two of quinine, taken in advance, may be useful. Stimulants, like alcoholic li- quors, are but a temporary aid ; the reaction after the first stimulating ef- fect, leaves one more subject to take cold than if the stimulant had been omitted. Simple remedies will usually re- move a cold, if taken promptly, be- fore the congestion has produced seri- ous • disorganization. When struck with a sense of chilliness, 15 to 30 drops of aromatic spirits of ammonia, in half a tumbler of water, will often start a uniform circulation all through the body, as this quickly enters the whole blood and is stimulating. Soak- ing the feet in warm water, gradually adding warmer water as long as it can be borne, draws off the blood from all the rest of the body, and often relieves congestion in any local part. Smart friction upon any part of the whole of the surface, or a uniform surface sweat- ing, produces like results. But in these cases special care must be take ta to prevent aftenchilling of the feet, or any other part. After the feet heating,wipe dry quickly and cover them warmly. The best remedy I have found for a recent cold is a moderate movement of the bewels with castor oil, or caustic,or ether mild cathartic magnesia. - This toroduCes a flow of fluid, drawn from the blood to the alimentary canal, and thee reduces the pressure upon any one 'congested point, just as drawing off part of the water from a flooded pond relieves pressure from a weakened dam or embankment. This is tube followed by.keeping the body warm and com- fortable, emd toning it up with good food, or a simple tonic like quinine. "Feeding a cold," prior to taking a cathartic, is the worst possible treat- ment. It is only adding material to in- crease the congestion. — A merica91 A gri- culturist. What am Old. Farmer Says. This is the advice of an old man 'who has tilled the soil for forty years I am an oldman of upwards of three score years, during two score of which I beam been rich and have all I need; do net owe a dollar, have given my children a good education, and when I am ;called away shall leave them enough to keep the wolf from the door. My experience has taught me that - 1. One acre of land_ well prepared and well tilled., produced more than two which received only the same amount of labor used on one. 2. One cow, horse, mule, sheep or hog well fed :is more profitable than two kept on the same amount neces- sary to keep ane well. 3. One acre of clover or grass is worth more than two of cotton where no grass or clever is raised. A. No farmer who buys oats, corn or wheat, fodder and h y, can. keep the sheriff from the door to the end. 5. ;The farmer wh never reads ' the papers, and- sneers a book farming and imptavemeets, alwa s has a leaky roof, poori stock, broken down fences, and complains -of had seasons. 6,The farmee wh is above his busi- nese and entrusts it o another to mau- 1 age;koala has no business to attend to. 7e The farmer whose habitual bever- age is cold water is aealthier, wealthier ama wiser than he Who does not refuse to di -ink. gas. Summers' Economy. POtatoes are scarce. Steak is dear. Bread costs money. • We are obliged to pralitise economy. Yesterday morning for ,breakfust we had potatoes- boiled with the skins on. The weather was warin, and not many were eaten. For &neer we took the skins off the cold. pm- tatoes, dropped. them in a kettle of boiling water, and we had hot mashed potatoes dreesecl with cream and but - tore They were very nice, but the corn and beans seemed to suit the men better, and, quite a dish of potatoes was; left. With the cleanest of hands audio pan of flour standing near to flour them occasionally, we made nice little potato patties, little flat cakes, that we fried in butter, in the hot spider for supper. They were just the thieg, and were all eaten with relish. Epps's Cocoa. • Grateful and Comforting.—"By thorough knowledge of the natural 1 ,ws which govern the operationof diges- tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately fia.vored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be - eally built up entil strong euough fesist every tendency to disease. I :•eds of sub- tle maladies are floe around us ready to attack 'fever' 'there is a weak pia. may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping eimselees well fortified with pure blood end a properly nourished frame."—Civil _Ser. vice etazette. Sold only in packets lebelled—"James Epps & homceo- pathic Chemists, London,- Eng."-aAlso makers of Epps's Checolate Essence for afternoon use. 482-52 ledged as the great pain reliever, and of double the strength of imy other elixir or liniment in'the world, should ibe in every family handy for use when edy in omach, and is cents a anted, as it really is the best re the world for cramps in the at and pains and aches of all kinds for sale by all druggists at 25 bottle: 692-52 A General.Stamped • Never was such a rush made or any rugstore as is now at E.'llic son & ode for a trial bottle of Dr Ring's ow Discovery for Consumption, oughs nd Colds. All perscine aicte with sthma, Bronchitis, Hoarsene s, Se - ere Coughs, or any affection lot the roat and Lungs, can get a trial bottle f this great remedy free, by- (3 ing at rhe above drug store. 714.52.4 True to Her Trust. TOo much cannot be said of t faithful wife and mother, con watching and oaring for her de ever neglecting a single duty i behalf. When they are assailed ease, and the system shoal& thorough cleansing, the stoma bowels regulated, blood pnrifi lanai poison exterminated, eh know thet Electric Bitters are t sure remedy. They are the be purest medicine in the world, cost fifty cents. Sold by E. Hi Co. 714.52d r Holloway's Ointment an 1 'Old wounds, sores and ulcers. experience confirms the fact w • -triumphed over all opposition f years, viz., that no means areknown equal to Holloway's remedies f r cur- ing bad legs, sores, wounds, ch saes of the skin, erysipelas, abscesses, burns, scalds, and, in truth, all maladi s where the skin is broken. To cure t ese in- firmities quickly is of primer impor- tance, as compulsory confinem nt in- doors weakens the general heal h. The ready means of cure are found n Hol- lott ay's Ointment and Pills, wh ch heal the sores and expel their cause. In the Mothers! Mothers! Mothers Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suff- ering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If ,so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately—dej pend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother and relief and health to, the child oper- ating like' magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, -and is the prescription of one of the oldest and ibest female phyaicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52. - • Free of Charge. All persons suffering from Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Loss of Voice, or any affection of the throat and lungs, are requested to call at E. Hickson & Co.'s Drugstore and get a trial bottle of Dr. King's NewDiscovery for Consumption, free of charge, !which will convince them of its woederful merits and show what a regular !dollar size bottle will do. Call early. 714-52c Rest and Comfort to the Sufferine.. ever - 'tautly ones, • their by die- 'aye- a hand •, ma - must e only t and a only kaon Pills. Daily _ ash has ✓ forty very worst cases the Ointment ceeded in effecting a perfect en every other means had failed in any relief. Desperate diseases b , play its virtues. - as 8110- e after giving st die - Bronchitis. From John Flagg, Esq., of Banning- ' ton, N. H. "Three years since I was very much reduced with a dreadful nchitis; nder it voice. sweats, and I was fearhil of going in tot a de- cline. After recourse to ;variou dies, to no purpose, I made use Wistar's Balsam 0fT Wild Cherr bottles (if -which hilly restore health. Since that time I h several severe attacks of cough, Balsam has always removed t always keep it by me, and she know how to do without it. . and $1 a bottle. Sold by all dr Emulsion of Cod Live Oil. Couuteracting a. tendency to con- sumption.—It is Well unders ood, by medical pathologists that a t ndency to consumption may be tra emitted from_ parent to child. To overcome this tendency is a. task to which the ordinary resources of medical science tpo frequently prove ina equate. There is, however, a means of °enter - acting it, to the reliability o which physicianthemselves have re eatedly borne testimony. Not only ha it been demonstrated by results ther is no disputing, that Northrop yman's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil d Hy- pophosphites of Lime and So a is a prompt and thorough means f relief when the lungs are already acted, but the proofs are equally posi ive that it imparts a degree of vigor to the breathing organs, which is lhe, best guarantee against their becorring dis- eased. The constituents, ph sphorns, lime and soda, are important 4lements in the physical structure, and I these it supplies in a harmonious anl easily assimilated form. A speedy gam in strength and flesh folloevs its tale in all cases where the lungs are nt hope- lessly diseased. Sold by all druggists at 50 cents and $2 per bottle. Pre- pared only by Northrop et Lyman, To- ronto. 710 , 736 Brown's Household Panacea has no equal for relieving pain, both internal and external. It cures pain in the side, back, or bow,els, sore throat, rheuma- tism, toothaae, lumbago and any kind of pain or eche. It will most surely quicken the' blood and- heal, as its act- ing 'power is wonderful. Brown's Household. Panacea, being acknow• cough, which resulted in Br affecting me so severely as to r difficult to speak in an auclibl To this was added severe night reme- of Dr. , a few me to ye had but the em. I ld not 0 cents ggists. Decline of Man. Impotency of mind, limb tal function, nervous wealine debility, and all diseases cause discretions and abuse, are radi promptly cured by the use o Magnetic Medieipe, which is f all responsible druggists. S tisement in another column. Seaforth by J. S. Roberts. 73 or vital s, sexual by in - ally and Mack's ✓ sale by e adver- Sold in .4 Bucklen's Arnica SalIve. rPH111.013.4AT TEMAT* REBIEVY.-edoliMoses pujdiJ Pille-eldris invaluable mediate is - Unfailing in the tore of all those painful and dangerous diecapes Co which the female constitu- tion subjectS. It moderates all excess ane re- moves all obstrUctions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. Tomarried ladies it is. peculiarly suited. it will, a abort time, bring on the montlby period with regularity. These pills should not be teem by females daring the first three months of Pregratey, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are vale. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Af- fections, Pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on alight exertion, palpitation of the heart, bye - 'toles and whitse, thee pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed;,and, although a power till remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, aetirandy or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directious in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 and 124 cents for 'postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general agents fer the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over al pills by -return mail. Sold in Seaforth by E. HickEon & Co., J. S. Robefre and Lumsden 644-52 Wilson. MONEY. ONE X 'Ill .LAJAiN-1 am preparea to lona money at 6 percent. interest, payable year - y. Principal at the end of term. Private Funds. I AS. : . BENSON. . 726 WA yearltj. apply, CAUGBEY I. E1D—he sum of $1,000 for three years. Interest, six per cent. per antenna., payable Filet class seem ity; For particulars to M. P. HAYES, Seaforth, or to Mc• & HOLMESTED. , 1124f Aft 0 4-V-1- I any a :et cherged commission G. McDougall EY—A. G. McDOUGALL is authorized to Lnd money at 64 per cent, on mortgage, for . ount, and for any number of years; inter - oily on the unpaid principal. No charged. Apply at the Store of A. & Oo. • • 678 $100 of years annum; plinciPal giv in e ing one-fourth e ear without time OFFICE HIT T. 000.00 10 LOAN on Security ol i s Beal Estate' -,for any term not exceeding twenty, at 6 per cent. per lo Connitiesions; The whcle of the money may be repaid at any time on six months' notice, or any sure not exceed- may be paid at the close of each notice, interest ceasing from the of payment; Loans effected promptly. — 1' intone Square Seaforth. WM. . 700 ... _a P " • County parte tsosnue AUCTIONEERS. BRINE, Licenced A.uetioneer for the of Huron. Sales attended in all of the County. All orders tenet the Ex' Office will be promptlyattendedto. ri, Re COOPER, Brussels, County. Auctioneer, \-/ • Sales of all descriptions promptly at- tended in any part of the county on reasonable terms. Orders left at the office of the llunoti EXPOITon, or addressed to Brussels, will receive prompt attention. A LEIAEIDERDELGETTY, Licensed Auction - .L3. e'er, McKillop. Special attention given to sales f Landed Property, Farm Stock and Implements. All elders left with the under. signed at Walton P. 0., err Lot 14, con _ .. . .. . e . t The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, SOree, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all S n Erup- tions, and positively cures Pil s. It is guaranteed to give perfect sa isfaction cr money refunded. Price 25 cuts per box. For eale by E. Hickson & Com- pany. 714;52 Worse than War The throat has -destroyed nore lives than the sword, by imprudenc in --rat- ing and intemperance in drin ing ; but when the health becomes imptired, the miserable dyspeptic may fin prompt relief in Burdock Blood. B'tters. It regulates the bowels, acts -pon the liver and kidneys, purifies t i e blood, and stimulates all the secretions to a healthy action. 724 - Eclectric Oil. Joseph Rusan, Percy, write induced to try Dr. Thomas' Oil for a lameness which tro for three or four years, and I the beet article I ever. trie been a great blessing to me." —"I was Eclectric bled me found it . It has 691-52 cooed° 14, -will e promptly a n e o. ta1e b ilia, notes and stamps farerished if required. ALEXI. DELGETTY, W.alton. 639 MEDICAL. TIR JAMES H. DUNCAN, Physician, Surgeon, -"-' and Accoucheur. Office, Dr. Campbell's, Main Street, South,near Grand Trunk Railway Station. All calls, night or day promptly attend- ed to. 724 Eclectric Oil. "It is a Great Public euefit."— These significant words were used in relation to Dr. Thomas' Eel ectric Oil by a gentleman who had • oroughly tested its merits in his own 4ase—hav- ing been cured by it of lameness of the' knee of three or four years standing. It never fails to remove Boren se as well as lameness. 691-52 New and Recher she. The most exquisite little extant for the teeth and brea beery. , Sample 5 cents. 73 I G. SCOTT, M, &c, Physician,Surgeon and t.! • Accouteleur, Seaforth, Out. Office and real - deuce 'south side of Goderich Street, second door east ofpresbyterian Church. 342 -tem- L. VERCOE, M. D., O. M.. Physioia , Sur- • geon,ete.,Coroner for the Comity of auron. Office and Residence, on Jarvis street niirth, directly opposite Seaforth Public School, HANOVER M.D., O. M., Graduate of McGill University, Physician, Surgeon ud Accoucheur, Seaforth,Ont. Office and Residence, N orth side Goderich Street, first Brick House east of the Methodist Church. 496 oilet gem, h is Tea- .3rn T-)11. HUTCHINSON, Graduate of McGill Col- lege, Montreal, Licentiate of the Roeal Col- lege of Physicians, Edinburgh, and lat House Surgeon of Craiglookhart Hospital'. Edi burgh. Offico—Bluevale, Out. 86-52 M. E3ITC3-C31-I SURGEON DENTIST. GRADUATE of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Canada. Office in the rooms lately occupied by H. Derbyshire, Whitney's Block. All operations carefully performed and satis- faction guaranteed. Charges Moderate. B.—Teeth extracted without o hv tine tte• t .11.1tro. co' 0.4•• . ]D•1\1"TISTI:?..Y.- D WATSON, DENTIST, Faculty Gold Medalist and Jollege Gold Medalist R. C. D. S HAVING many years' experience he i, able to .make all operations in Dentistry 'suitable and lasting.. Preserving teeth a Specialty. Chloroform, Ether or Nitrous Oxide Ga given. t4- Charges Moderate. Office in Meyer's Block, Main Street, eaforth. O. CARTWRIGHT, L. D. S., STRATFORD 7 wi ILL be at his office, CADEY'S I BLOCK, SEAFORTH, oppo- site the Commercial Hotel, on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY of each week. Nitrate Oxide Gas adriiitistered in the extraction of teeth. This gas has been admiuistered by Dr. Cartwright since 1866 with perfect ,success'he leaving been one of the 'first to introdiree it into this province. Pa- tients having teeth extracted may inhale the gas and have eight or ten teeth extracted in a min- ute or a minute and a half, without disagreeable effects from it. .Parties desiring new teeth plea -se call on Wednesdays. Particular attention paid to the regulation of children's teeth. Teeth in- serted from one to a full set, 730-52 7.. , TT DERBYSHIRE, Dentist, has, -• purchased the business of 1 is 'a .94&lia 111 - Mr. McCulloch, and removed to a Switzer's Block, Mitchell, where he will always he found. .1 eeth extracted, with the u.L3e- of cidorofonn, ether and nitrous oxide gas. Gold fillings a specialty. Parties from a distance will be allowea their train expenses 7a2 LE CREDIT FONCIER THIS r co Cr ropsny, formed.- far the purpose 01 inveetieg Freida Cape al in Canada, is now pr epar ed to advance money on the most favorable te tete or et od landed sesulitiee. al P. BATES, Arent fey Counts of BRI011, SealOrth. 699 Tuckersmith Branch Agri- cultural Society. — '1'11M-7—GFOLADMI\T co THIS THIS WEEK WE -INVITE ATTENTION TO OUR STOOK OF THE Annual Meeting of the Tnckersmith Branch egricultural, Society, for the electron of Di- rectors, -will be held at the Commercial Hovel, Seaforth, on Thursday, January 12,1882, at the hourof 2 o'clock p.m. G. MCADAM, Secretary; D. Howes, President. 734-2 EYE, EAR AND THROAT 1 OR. GEORGE S. RYERSON, Which is once more Navy, Cardinal, Gre Navy and Fancy. Gloves, Kid Mitts a aomir...amiNT Goons, complete, and we now show a full range of CLOUDS in LEGAL. = a ABBOW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solid- `-• 'tore, ite.,Goderich, flettarne—d. T. Garr*. Proudfoot. 1188 eta ortlIttele, /JOLT it CAMERON, Marketed, ‘d Solicitors in Chancery, eic., Goderich, Ont. M. C. Cameron, Q. O., Philip Holt, M. G. Om. coon. 506 W.C. 16}..;YEB, /Amster and Attorney it -Led- Lea, :solicitor in Chancery. Commissioner for taking affidavits in the Province of Manitolm. Solicitor tor the Bank et Hamilton, Wit -where- ' 'Private fund's to loan at t4:1 to per cent, 683 PENSON & MEYER, Barrister). and Attornee -a" at Law,fielicitersin Chanceryan d Insolvency Conveyaneers,Notaries Public, etc. Offices—Sea forth and Brunets. $23,000 of Private Funde to Investatonce,at Eight percent. Intere et payable nyseaerilnY:theCC(rrtiebbefilinfettielt:30.br.king Al"vit8 I4Yr JAS. H. Bannon. The above firm has this- day R.W.hendie.stloBlvTed.E%y mutual consent. All aeeounta due the firm td be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all liabil- ities. Nev. 27, 1876. y, Brown and Fancy; SQUARES in Cardinal, Black, Grey, 1 Wool Jackets, Mittens, Cuffs, &c.; Ladies' Underwear,' d Gloves: Nice Goods in Silk Squares and Ties, Real and Imitation Laces, F llings, &c.; Men's Overcoate, Shirts and Drawers, Cardigan Jackets, Ties, Braces, Wool Cuffs, Linen Cuffs, and a fine range of Tweeds, Worsted Coatings, 'Ctc:,, Extra good value in Mink Muffs, Boas and Caps, Astrachan Muffs, Btltio Seal Muffs, Men's Caps in Beaver, Coney, Plush, Cloth, &c. A Et. CALL SMLIICITED. L. R. C. P., L. U. C. S. E , Lee turer on the Eye Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toren - to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye -awl Ear In • firro17.ry, Consulting Oculist and Aurist to the Insittutions for the Blind, Brantfo 41, and tier the Deaf and Dumb Belleville, Out. Late Clini- cal Ai- eistant Royal London Ophthalmic Hoe -pi - tat, Moodie Ids, and Ceetrel Throat and Ear Hospital. 317 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO, May be consulted at the ALBION HOTEL, STRATFORD, On the Last SATURDAY in EACH MONTH. 703 4.4 C:1 1111.4 t-40 En al '141:14 ta n 4414 r/2 0 WINTER FLUID. TRY o OUR OWN 4e* C 0 UGH SYRUP For Croup, Colds, Coughs , art Whooping Cough, &c. 4 We have just made up fresh lots of 4r HEAVE, COUGH AND EPIZOO- TIC POWDER; FAVORITE CATTLE FEEDER, CONDITION POWDER FOR HORSES, &c., &c. The following preparations for the Hair °wino be beat, viz. OANT ARIDINE HAIR WASH, OASTORINE HAIR RENEWER, AND OUR HAIR CREAM. E..HICKSON & CO., DRUGGISTS. JAmr.:$ H. iv. C. Of Et MCCAUGHEY & H0UV1ESTED, LAW, CHANCERY, AND C• VE'YA olCIE6 Scott's Block, Main zitreet, SOLICITORS for the Coeeelitieteel Bank at kJ Canada and the Canadian Beak of Commerce in Seaforth. Farm find Town and Village Property.ebought and sold, Morey (private furads)loated on niore gage as.. el:Ili:five, at reasonable rates of interest. Charges moderate. Money invested for private persees upon Dad best mortgage securiteee,withont any eapenee to the lender. 5,0. McCAUGTIEY, M. A. F. le OI.n1 ItSTED GLYCERINE AND ROSE WATER. CARD OF THANKS. R. WILLIS, THE PEOPLE'S SHOEMAKER, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, mbraces this opportunity of thanking all t ose who have so liberally favored him with their patronage since starting business on his �wn account in Seaforth. He has also to state that prices of Boots and Shoes will be tIIREATLY REDUCED for the remainder of is month. Just come right along, Ladies apd Gentlemen, and. try me, and see how very cheap I can furnisa yob__ for the READY . ONEY. I wish all owing accounts to be prompt and y up before the FIRST OF JANUARY. ort accounts make long friends, and my •ofits are so small that I canit afford to give ng credit. Remember that, and don't forget be People's Shoemaker, No. 1 Cady's Block, am n Street, Seaforth. ROBERT WILLIS. GREAT BA Hoffman GAINS IN DRESS GOODS THIS WEEK —AT— ros.' Cheap Cash Stores Seaforth. ALSO, FULL ST CK OF ALL SORTS OF WOOLLEN GOODS, SUCH AS CLOU S, SCARFS. SQUARES, HOODS, OPERA SHAWLS, MITTS, CUFFS,, CAPS, BLANKETS, YARNS, FLANNELS, TWEEDS, SHAWLS, &c., &c., &c. Call and See REME I CA RDNO'S RIL.00K. or Yourselves. arir.E-0 THIS Great Household Medicine ranks amongst -I- the leading necessaries of life. These fa- mous Pills purify the Blood, and act most power- fully, yet soothingly, on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, giving ton, energy anil vigor to these great main srxings of life. They are comb dee tie* recommend as a r etnefailhig remedy in all ax ses -where the coustitution, from what ever cense, has become impaired or -weaken- ed. They are wooderfully efficacious in all ail- ments Meidental to Fereeles of all ages; anda€ a General F.amil., Medicine, axe unsurpaeeed. 'HOLUM OINTMENT' Its searchir g and healing properties ars knovrn throughout the world. For the cure of bad_legas bad breasts, old emends. sores and tricots, it Is an infallible remedy. If effectually tubbed on the neck mid-cheet, as ealt into meat, it cures Sordd broat, r ightheria,Bronchitis,Coughs,Colds, and even Asthma. For Glandular swellings, Ab- scesses, Piles,Fistulas, Gout, Rheuxnatlem, and every kind ostip disease, it has never been known to toil. The 1 illr and Ointment aremanu- f teetered only at t98,0eford S treet,Lorractaand are sold by all Ver dors of Medicines tbrongheut the Civilized -World ; with an ( ctiens for use in al- most every language. 'Purchasers should look to the ?al el on the pots and boxes. If the ralareS8 is net 588, Oxford Stott, London, they e spurious. 712-52. "NIL DESPERANDUM." TRADEMARK. te ets ,e st. 'ate Before Taking After Taking. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY, for biers Deoility arrd.rrll Neiti011e Affections, bp eluding Sperrnatcrrhea, Seinina, wealoao s, eet., results of Self-abuse indiscretion, &c, G-ItAN'S SPECIFIC :e.liDICINE. This i the only remedy which has eve r been known to per- i-raanerit)y cure Palpitatien and ober affect -ion' of the Heart, Ccr enreption it -it earlier stages, 'Rushing ot blood to the. bead, wind in te stomach, lndigeft icn, Loss of Vernory, Want of energy, BteshfulnEEK, Desire fox eolitude, ;ndis- positiou to labor en sec -curt ef weakin as, 'gni- ssi tulle , Pain in the back, dimness Of vii0p, Pr moult old ago. eet. Full partienlanf in our 1-`griaPblet, wi %h we send eccurely settle* on receipt of a ih7 ec.cent stamp. The Specifle. is vow ( el by all Dr r gists et $1 -per package,k, or Ii 3( r415, OY will he sent free by mail ov? receipt of .'Money, by addressing 689 THE GRAY MEDICINE CO,, Toronto Mack's Magnetic Medicine NERVE AND BRAIN FOOD aEroste TRADE MARK. Is a sure. pronnet and effectual remedy for Ner- vonsnes9 in all its stages, Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Sext6.1 Prostration, Night Sweatt., Spermatorrhosea,Seminal Weakness, and General Loss of Power. It repairs nervous waste, Beju- venerates the jaded intelleet, Sirengtheus the en- feebled brain, and restirts surprising tone and vigor to the exhausted generative organs. -The experience of thousands proves it an invaluable remedy. The medicine is pleasant to the taste, and in no ease and under no circumstances car it do barnr. Each box contains sufficient for two I 'rouble to Show YOU Goods. week's medication, rims being much theaper than any other medicine told—and while it is -the cheapest it is much better. inrtieulars in our lamphlets, -which we desire to mail free to any address. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sord by Druggists at 50 Cer-t8 per box, or 12 boxes for $5, or will be mailed free of postage on receipt of money by addressing MACE'S MAGNEW MEDICINE Cu, Windsor, Out Sold in Seaforth IIOFFNIAN BROTHERS Seafoith. by -1' S. 11"E1178, and all.druggists elsewhere. us -50 BER THE ONLY CHEAP CASH STORE : Canad an Pacific Railway Company. The CANA IAN PACIFIC 'RAILWAY COMPANY offer lands in the FERTILE BEL of Manitoba and the Northwest Territoey for sale at $2.50 PER ACRE. Payment to be m de one-sixth at time orpurchase, and the balance in five ant nual instalments, with interest at six per cent. A REBATE OF $1.25 PER ACRE being allowed; on certain conditions, for cultivation and other improvements. THE LAND GRANT BONDS of the Company, hich Call be procured at all the Agencies of the Bank of on- REcEi ED AT TEN PER CENT. pREMiUM on th • r value, with intereet Dammed, on account of and in payment of the purchase money, thus further reducing the pries of the land to the parolee:sea Special arrangements made with emigration and land companies. For full par- ticulars, apply to the Company's T-Jand Commissioner, JOHN MoTAVISH, Win- nipeg; or to the undersigned By order of the Board, .40NTREAL, Dec. let, 1881. 733-4C1FIARLES DRINK WATER Secretary. EGG EMPORIUM. THE Subscriber hereby thanks his nuraerotte el- customers (merchants and others) for their liberal patronage durine the paat 7 years, era hopes by strict integrity and close attentien tt busiiiese to merit their confidence and trade it the lettere. Having greatij enlarged his prem ises during the winter. be is now prepared to pa' THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of Good fresh Eggs, deliver - at e thaEgg Emporium, MAIN STREET, SE A.FORTI-1. Wanted. by the subscriber, 2b tuns of good d'-!. clean straw. tread, and other b king institutions throughout the country, will be WIlete phOPERTY FOR SAL-PI—For Sale, on easy Street owned by Mr. George Dent. Emanue▪ l al term a, that desirable residence on home PORTER;Seaforth. 681 rpO LET—Six rooms over A. G. Aules Grocery Store Seaforth, Suitable lox -dress makers. , or private dwelling, with front and rear entrance. ' Apply to A. G. AULT, Proprietor. 698 S