HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-01-13, Page 6aftsrr a is ut d added. may be ter Valley , these teen* gistratfon " had a aeon( ere is no -visa that it is sea Railway Cone. Naga a fifteen. KU frora near poll, amid of a bonus. it facia° Rztdway ig this bran people were they merle an the comps rail. ng remarkably been th a -Wing MB, Thilradity izZard. but the There B part of the, Et& B Ma:Wiest , 1877 a, this iave seen for !ma beretera. Teens of East he Tecumseh lay Jest., The meet- largely eiaatio of the u the Riding disPiaYed on after the next ii. composing Beet Huron sf themselves. the President, and the first Fa e the election Year, The If elected nu - hoe. Strachaa, esideet, John 'at ; Seoretary, reasurer, Peter ng Sentleraen of the mind- wiok, Charles George For- attliu ; Morris, aearge Watt; ollerde Grey, lele, John R. kilCitenori. it local chair- Ofdiataittees in nd keep a tb ergenirst- ire township& t'om Moser*. P Thome* J. W. Kerr o waif emitted the nowatt proval ()f. the Ajesty's Lo at minion Parka. Irship of Mr.. sinned' to re - the President. M111111, the tewnship -red 6125 for e .nth Ei old. ho died in God- McCutcheon, go of 104 eears. tamps at the f the- year end - Wale amounted Goderich. is a Thomas oat a and a half if Morris, lost idle returning est week. In- ai of (leaves iith, of Wing - Lieber of marke entrance, ex -- thole was pre- tdaorne crystal lohool class oi is left Clintori Captain Shep,- • C. Spooner', and G. Bowers. 0.1, of the 7th , last week sold cults, aired by edsorae sum of monthly meet- Hewiek Mu- imnpany risks roperty to the- lashwood, met few days ago. When the axe a out both his Williamson, of Fig received and la Baptist con - • entered upo ahatle last. elle, who _ha her in Melee years, baa de of labor. He township of It-meetk was ,Cluirch, Dun- a Monday, 2nd ta present, and vaa speat, for could be de - vine Church, pastor. Rev., or very sta- te the shape o aed study ited Mrs. Ross photograph Auburn, has i** Sound dis- aU sammer. better there The crops by ill:IMO:ter ef last week trent rerattrice se of running °laical issues - ate reference y z'lb equal ies. says a election is unity of eon- ttyle of cya- Ica' grounds. r best men to JANT.IARY 13, 1882. it.pftoit --titPdsri7oRa.- _ . age or municip` al affairs and en- voi to clear us from the bean in. euMbrance now resting upon us. •While It ia essential to the proper government of a country to have opposition, the management of village affairs should be kept free from this by all means, as it breeds discord, and instead of uniting the ratepayers together as one family allintereided in the progress and wel- hie of the'place, it causes division and emPleasautheas. ' , -l—One they last week, Mr. T. 0. Pick. Ant of Rolmeeville, was surprised to -find one of his hens, which had set her- aelf, come i out with a clutch of Chick- iena, whien was snob a novelty at this Beeson of the year that he determined -to try and raise them, which he is do - i in by giving them warm quarters in oors. . . 4 --At the last meeting of the Howl& 'fioarnship Council it was moved by W. Weir. seconded by Mr. Cook, and copied, that the Reeve request the co-pperatiOn of Mr. Gibson, M. P. P., lin eaquestibg the Government not to allove the iToronto, Grey and Bruce Railway ta ainalgamate with any road but the Grand Trunk. le—Mr. Archibald Eyvel intends sel- ling his farm by public auction on Sat- -tardily, 4th February. The farm is composed Of lots 45 and 46 in the firtet concession of Morris, and contains 100 wee& It is a good place and very con- veeient t& markets. Mr. Eyvel intends retlring from fanning and will also rlis• polio of hie stook and implements' on the same day. Rogers, Reeve tif Brussels, has presented the curling club of that via laae with ft handsome gold medal to be pleyed for, and, to be awarded to the neerhber of the club who makes the beet average score. it is solid gold with two brooms and a curling stone .engraved tin one side and the name of the donor,on the other side. It has to ,he held three years in succession before it becomes the property ef the wearer. .--An aecideut of rather a peculiar nature Wel Miss Kate Fisher, of Witigharo, a few days -ago. She was standing eear the top of a step ladder engaged in. dusting the ceiling of one of the rooms, and becoming dizzy fell from the ladder through the epee cellar deer into the cellar, a distance of about 12 feet. ' Strange to say, the lady eseaped serious injury, and under medieal care she is recovering. !--Mr. 4. Hale, of Goderich, who is one of the most ardent - temperance werkers io that town, has been pre. fleeted by the Division of the Sons of Temperaece with a handsome walking cane and au address, and by the Cadets ofTeraperance with a Bibles inkistands and a thermometer. Mr. Hale is one of Oose Who bear "the heat and burden of the day" in both these organisations, end, deserves the good opinion shown by his fellow laborere, following are the officers elec- ted for Monerieff Grange, in the town. ship of Greys for the current year: Isis. Cahill, W. M.; -Wm. Fulton, W. Os: Alex. Stewart, W. _S.; Hartwell Speirati, W. L.; an°. MoTaggert, W. II; on, W. Ce Duncan MoTag- &mean McInnis, G. K.; Mrs. Speiran, Cores; Miss Mary y, -Pomona; Miss Elizabeth t. Geo. Fut gert, T.; Hartwell Jena Ave -Oriels. Fora; Miss Jane Fulton, As- siatant Steward, Delegate to Diyision Grange, Alex. Stewart; Har`twell -Speiran and George Fulton, Auditors. —Mr. Atkinson, proprietor of t e Exeter omnibus, met with a very pai - fril acoident a few days ago. It ap- pears thee while hitching the horses the 'bus, the animals became frightened at a dog which was running -around, the yard, and uroping suddenly te one side palled Mr. Atkinson's small fieger, together with the sinews at- tached, clean- off his hand. Mr. At- kinson was unable to help himself, his finger having been caught in the chain. It is feared he will lose use of his arm. 1 —Wingtham is bound to have a salt *ell. A, meetingof the citizens has been heldeaud a joint stock oompitny has been formed for the purpose of sinking a test well. The capital stock i•ii.$2 500 in slaves of $10 each. An . ehergetie committee has been .appoint- eid to work the metter up, and about bale the , stock has already been sub - Scribed. , Mr. John Anderson; pro- prietor of the stave mill, was foremost it advocating the scheme, Mr. John $anua 'fist to solicit subscriptions, and Vr. C. 'ait Scott, Mayor elect, the tirst to snhscribe. ! —The annual cOugregational meeting ef Melviile Church, Brussels, was held last weelf, when reports were submitted from thei Session, Board of Managers, afissionery Society. Sabbath School, 4,nd Lildies' Aid * Association, dealing tvith the work of the past year. The following items are of interest: Num- ber of fainilies in the congregation, 90; umber of members added during the year, 24 number removed . during the aear, 10i number on the roll at pres- ent, 14a. Whole amount raised by Church and Sabbath School for ordin- ary put eoses, a1,802.07 ; for missions, 6230.25 S total amount raised, $2,023.07. : —A fatal accident occurred last Week at fe known iencl a he a farmer iok, wasaustantly killed. No one was present when the accident occurred, but it is I supposed that while crossing the tra4 the heavy load of wood which lie was driving lurched forward and frightened the biases into a rtm when the load, partly upset and falling upon hire killed him liastantly. The de- 6ea8ed *as a sober, industrious young Man, and had only been married a few ouths.` i—A very destructive fire occurred in he village of Wroxeter on Thursday ight of. last week. The tannery of adr. Wes. Manson was completely de- troyed. Of the contents Only the ecales, e barrel of oil and a few cakes of eallow were saved. In the vats under the building were about $1,000 worth .of hides which, after the ruins , became !aool eseiugh, were taken out and for- tunately found to be very little dam- laged. Mr. Manson's loss is estimeted ;at $800, upon which there is no in- -Perth Wood has been selling' for 05 a cord on the St. Marrs market. --Mr._Jansets Dow, has sold • out his blacksmithing business in Mitchell to Mr. John Weisman, and intends re- moving to Manitoba early in the spring. —One day last week Messrs. John, Hillman and Charles* Lundy, two Stratford buWhers, killed and dressed 12 hogs in the short time 'of 47 minutes. —The population of the town of Mitchell, as shown by the report of the late school mous taken is 3,296. This is one less than ehown by the Dominion enumerator in March last. —The following is the number o: births, marriages and deaths for the town of -St. Marys, for the half year ending December 31st, 1881: Births, 37 • marriages 42 • deaths 27. For the whole year: birth's, 96; marriages 65: deaths, 5-8. —Mr. Wm. Weir died suddenly at his residence in St. Maey's on efew -Years morning. Mr. Weir Was one of the pioneer settlers of therlownship of Downie. Three Of his sons are largely engaged -in the flax business in St. Marys. He was 76 years of eget• —Mr. S. R. Ramon, M. P., for North Perth, who has been in the mercantile business in Stratford for nearly a quar- ter of a century, intends retiring and is sellieg out his stock. His scat and partner is going to the North-west in the spring. --There are four doctors in the town of Mitchell, all of whom belong to the Presbyterian Church. That body should be in a very healthy condition. Out of the three lawyers in the same town, two are members of the Church fif England and the other is a Presby- terian. —The Stratford Herald changes bands on February 1st, Mr. J. M. Moran, Public School Inspector, having purchased the paper from the present proprietor, Mr. James Robb, who is re- tiring from journalistic life. The paper will -remain under the new regime a Government supporter. —Captain Francis, the efficient Deputy Reeve of Fullarton,-was defeat- ed at the recent municipal elections by a majority eit one. There were five votes in the town of Mitchell that wont). have been polled for him, but the parties could not get a rig in which to go to the polling place. —James Wylie, better known as the "herd laddie," and the champion checker player of the world, will be at Oddy's Hotel, Bt. Marys, from Wednea. day 26th lust., till Wednesday, Feb. let. The aged champion is now making what will likely be -his last visit to Canada. —Mr, Alex, MeLaren was reseleeteit Reeve of Ribbed by a majority of .40,! votesiand Mr. John Burns by a majority! of 223. The Council for the current year will be composed of thew two gentleman and Meisis. Jefferson, Nor. ris and Oliver. By mistake in our no. port last week Mr. Caldwell's name op pee,reds instead of that of Mr. Oliver. —One day last iweek a woman was deteeted carrying off a pair of boots under her, shawl from O'Connor's store in Mitchell, and a few days after another woman wee caught in the act of purloining a valuable mink boa 'at Ford & Murphy'e store. • In both in- stances the women were permitted to escape unpunished upon giving up. the stolen articles. They must:have a 'Iot of bad women about that town: —Mr. James Mayberry, formerly of the township of Elm, bet now of New - dale, Manitoba, is at present on a visit to his friends in Elms, and intends re- turning in a few weeks. Mr. Mayberry , has a farm of 640 acres in Manitoba, though he has been scarcely two years in the new country, he has already over 100 acres under cultivation. He likes the country well, said when he returns will take with him a ear load of cattle and implements. —A, St. Marys burglar had quite an adventurous time of it a few evenings ago. He entered what is known as the mill grocery store, about 8 o'clock in the evening, and was busily engaged filling his pockets with nuts, raisins, tobacco, &c., when be heard HOMO one trying the door. He immediately ran up the stairs and out on the roof, through the skylight; He then jumped 16 feet on to another roof, rolled over two or three times, then picked himself up, ran up another roof and in through the sky- light into Mr. Graham's hotel. He next ran down stairs, out through the hall to the street, and mingled with a hundred people who were trying to catch him, and so escaped. the railway crossing on what aa the "Ninth," about a mile if west of Harriston, by which named James Irwin, of How - Whale. Calculating the val produets at prices quoted in they amount to the handso $424,805.50. —A Winnipeg correspon "The rearestate boom has ag with more vigor than ever. are potOing in from all direc forty or fifty coming on Satu with, it is estimated, $300,00 to invest. 'The hotels are cr private houses are appealed commodation.- Building opi Winnipeg, judging from pros tions, will be double that of Fears are expressed that rail tte of these Winnipeg me sum of, ent says: sin set in Capitalists ions, some day night of capital' wded, and to for ae- rations* in tet ,indicahuh yea4'. way faeil • ties will not supply sufficient materi gad at the same time cop with t ants. church owded t., to wi the col Rev. M the he lurninat one, sto childre livered great influx ez:yeoted in emig —Thinew Presbyterian Portage la Prairie was c Monday evening, the 2nd in noes the festivities attendin bration of a Christmas tree. Bell occupied the mhair. A of the church a beautifullyi tree, of gigantic proporti loaded with gifts for the Pleasing addresses were de Manitoba Notes. Thirty-three thousand dol.ars worth of postage stamps were sold in Winni- peg during the mouth of- December. —Mr. J. M. McGregor has been eleot- ed an Alderman for the East Ward of Winnipeg. He stood second highest in a list of five candidates. —Mr: R. S. Preston, of the Pilot Mound district, recently killed a steer nineteen months old which dressed 505 pounds of beef. _ —According to a statement recently made, new buildings to, the value of $319,000 have been erected in Portage la Prairie during the past year. —George McKnight, of Pilot Mound, shot a brown bear last week. The animal weighed about two hundted and fifty pounds. Capt. Wagner bought the pelt for $10. —Forty-eight cites of rails have ar- rived at Portage la Prairie during the past week for the Portage, Westbourne and Northwestern Railwey. The iron is now being unloaded and track laying will commence shortly. —Mr. John Knox, the immigratien party man, has arrived in Manitoba. He has recently been appointed Reg- istrar for Rock Lake county, and leas abandoned the immigration busitiess to accept the position. The county seat leas been fixed at Crystal City, a registry office has been erected and a $400 safe is on the way from Toronto. —His Grace Archbishop Tache an- nounced to his congregation a few Sun- days ago, that the St. Boniface ca- thedral would be completed this year. s Revds. Turnrr and MoRite, and t choir sang several appropria eta. The programme was ried out by the children of t School, and was, next to the tree, the most attractive po evening's proceedings. Ainongst the presents given that eveniuge were stx volumes of Macauley's works to Rea. Mr: Bell, pastor of the church. Bare. anthem ietly car- e Sunday Christmas ion of the d. a a Miller was also presented with ear -rings, a brooch and a g and chain, worth $135, by ie the congregation, in token o their ap- preciation ef her services set organist. The festivities were heartly enjoyed by all who were present, and each one felt that the affair had been a grand success and reflected mach the committee. The prooee ed to something over $200. —The Rat Portage Ga Until quite lately the vast sources of this pertain of (Naiads weee but little known. Parties passiog through iqands on the Luke of the Woods could form a very limited idea of the amount of pine actuality within reach. -The-timber limits sineteyed in 1873 for Fuller & Co. were, ute may say, unexplored, and in fact the goieernmeut knew very little about what they were leasing. This limit included all the islands north of the steaueboati channel (islands, the number of which is net s several suranoe whatever. We understand he The improvements will consist of a a set of *itch bers of iintends to rebuild in a short time. At steeple, and the finishing generally of ione time daring the blaze the livery 'stable, a few feet to the east, caught fire, and it looked as if the block of wooden. buildings on Main street as far 'ae Sanders' harness shop, were doomed, but by hard, unceasing effort on the rpart of the men present, this calamity was averted. The origin of the fire. is 'unknown, but it is supposed that it was 'caused ay coals falling from the stove ..t en the second storey. 1 redit upon Es amount- ette says: timber re - definitely known,) besid limits on the main laud. Slue° the Kewatin Lumbering and Manufactu r. Jug Corn pan y have been ruining their mine eft Kewatin, these islands have been more carefully proepected air explored, and the result le ti e dieoove y of a much larger quantity of timber than was thought to exist in the wain, try. The limits belong to Mr. W. J. M acaulay , recently transferred to IAA & Banning, are watered over a large tract of eountry, and embrace a vary considerable area of land. One pine pepeoially, is worthy of flatlets. Osi the Rainy River, near the Sark Rapids, the timber is all white pine and Will compere favorably with the rroduct of Lower Canada. Proceeding to Fort Francis, we find Sutherland & Bros.' sawmill. This firm has almost inex- haustible limits on Retire Lake, the Manitou River and elsewhere, and ern - ploy this winters large foace in the woods. The development e made in this industry during the past suranier lead us to believe that no inconsider- able portion of our future wealthvi ill be derived from the pine districts of the Lake of the Woods and Raiiny River. , temmeseelemmiemea —The following are . the amonets contributed for the estab iiihment of Oxford College, Formosa, China, as acknowledged by Rev. W. A. McKay, of Woodstock, through the Senti el - Review newspaper: Wood took $924.- 43. Embro $412.27, Ingers 11 $408.117, Thameeford $234.69, Har egton $244.- 13, Kintore $133.25, Bu s' Chu 1, East Zorra. $102,25, Ches erfield $155, Incerkip $125.20, Ratho $2, Princeton and Drumbo $166. East Oxford and Blenheim $116-74, Tilsen urg $3640. Small sums received by Dr. Ms ay from persons in Oxford aounty, $ 9 ; Tavietock $10.63, Ayr' $51 9.98, P ris $487.08, St George 6141.7 , St. Cath- arines $300, Georgetown $ 35 38, Blyth $96, Knox Church. Harri ton, $572l', Clifford $60, Duff's nd Ca an Churches, McKillop, $45, Rodger 'Ile $80, Boston Church, EB uesiug, $36, Whop Church $18.27, frie ds at Ain - court $19.50, a frieudeEa t Williams, $50, a friend, Grand Bend, $5, a frie I d, Osnabruck, $10, a friend, coldspriigs, $5, a friend, Kentucky, .$ , a frie d, Burgessville, $2, a friend, Lachine, $5, a friend Auburn, $5, a, frie d, per 'ev. J. Leiper, $5, a friend, per Rev. W. T 'McMullen, $10, a friend, per Rev. F. A. McLennan, $5. Tota, $5,224 30. This amount has been ncreased to $6,500 by contributions from ot or churches *and individuals aid to • ev. Dr. Reid. of Toronto. Local igoticesi, To HAND — Preebyterian Hymnal words and music. 0. W. PAPBT. '730 COLT roe Sane. — The undersigned bare for sale a heavy draught two year old colt, perfectly soiled and r'ot broke. Will be sold cheap. Apply to SCOTT BROTHERS, Musical In- strument Dealers, Seaforth. 788 2 WOOL PICKINGS, HIDES XND I will pay the highest flesh prices for any quantity of wool pickings, Hides, sheep and calf Elkins de- livered at my furniture store. No truck or trade, cash for everything. Joan B.PcutrEs. 654 To HOUSEKEEPERS.— Have you used tbo Eclipse Baking Powder? One trial will con- vince you thet it is the best in tin market, and signer than are imported. Manufactured and Hold only by D. %Rom, Grocer, Seaforth. 726 To WHOM IT • MAY CONCERN.—The person -who took a photograph of an old lady and • anode r of afi old gentlemen from the dated in my photogr aphid Audio in Seaforth, will please return them at once and save further trottbles They ege not of any use te any 'swao. except there to irhom they belong, and their loss subjects Omar fa great annoyance, and me to much loss incouvenience. The person who has them Arid dere:erode me a favor by return- ing them at once. ANnlitiNV ()ALDER. 735x2 READ TRIS.-83IPPH & WEST pniffitillelY few wetks, and in order to reduce the stuck as deem their Dry Goods business in Beaforth in a much as poesible, will continue off. ring the goods In every department at greatly reducea,rices. Large lines of men's and boys' orvercoaulsters and clothiner Tweeds, furs, woollep g .041;0 sides', gents' and ehilthen's caps will be ceee d out re gardlees of cost. Dina miss thee chance. The earlier you call the better selectionyou will be able to make. 735 WILBON 86 YOUNG have a very choice stock of new fruit, consisting ef the finest 'S' stage Raisins, Valencia Raieini, Curraets an new peels, &e We have just received a lot of Extra Fine Congo Tea in 22 pound caddies and a new s asci Your, g Hyson Tea in 82 pound °masks, suitable for family use. We will give extra good value to anyone buying them and guarantee the nalIty. In Sugar we have the best value in own; in crockery and glassware we have the argot, best assorted and cheapest steak in the county. Anyone examining stock and prices wilt be convinced. Over 60 different pat terns of china and stoneware tea sets now in steck ; all new goods, and mann- actured and decorated by the very best makers and esomia tors in Europe. Call and examine stock. lei ebaice family groceriee, ilour, feed, pro - visit ns, mockery, glasswroe, lamps and lamp ger ds, thy lava the largest and best stock in iowp, and will not he undersold by any house in the tiade The highest price peel for Butter, Et go vial all farm product. Remember the plow. WILSON & YoUNO, SORIOTth 780 both the interior and exterior, the cost of which will be between $3,000 and $4,000. —The following is a statement of the amount of peoduce raised during the past season by the Mennonites of the Pembina settlement Wheat, 211,343 bushels; rye, 13,097 bushels; barley, 67,162 bushels : oats, 115,174 bushels; flaxseed, 56,842 bushels; po- tatoes, 35,050 bushels—total, 498,663 Births. SHANE—In Blyth, on the 4th intt., ithe wif of Mr. L. H. Shane of a son I CA SH —In Seaforth, en the 80th ult., the w f Mr. Ede ard Oast of a daugh er. SYM I NGTON— In Cob me, non the 21st nit, the wife of Mr. John Symington of a daughte . CALLANDER- -In Staples , on ti(e 25th ult. the i wife of Mr. David Callamder cEf a eon. Marriages. WADE—WALKER—On the 4t inst., at the reidence of the bride's me er, Paris, by ler, Walter Inglis, Ayd. assis ed by Rev. Mr. McLeod. Paris, Mr. J H. Wa e, Wingha, to Miss Anna fifth daughter of the late • bt. Walker, Req. POLL ECK—TIJ fiNBULL—In Ex ter, on the 2nd inst., by Rev J R. Gnud.y, r. James 1' ol- lick, to Miss Grace Tarubull, th ot Ha GIDLEY—TAMIN — At the ; idenc,e . of the bride's father, near Myth, on the 218t nit, by Rev. Mr. Birds, Mr. Samuel H Gidley, of Wingham, to Miss Rebeesa llamiu, of Blyth. ELLIOTT—LEVY—In Colbert. , on the 27th niter. Mr. Thorns s Elliot t. te cher, to Mary, oily daughter of Mr. Matthe Levy. WORDEN—BAER -- At the re idence of the bride 't father, on the 11th int, by Rev P Scott, Mr. John Worden, to Miss Janet, eldeet danehter of John Ba r, Eeq., al of Hi MOR BISON —SILLERY—At tbn Manse, Crom- arty, on the Mb inst., by Red P. Scott Mr. Wm. Morris n, to Miss Elizibeth Jane Sit- ' lory, allof Hibbert 8 0 Piss par a ha Barham bushel Buttsr,No.1•LOONS....• Butter, Tub Eggs Plour, per A00 MAY, new et t • I 01 gibs, por t00Ib„,. Shoe 4WD'S • oo ... fotaillear torrid, THE BIA.RIEETS. ItAVORTH, Wan. 12, 101. sil Wheat 184 to 127 piing Whs perbushal... 125 to 1 Os its per hn hal ( 87 Co t. as . 075 a a 80 0 75 to 088 0 17 to 018 0 17 to 018 0 18 bo 18 8 50 to 400 12 00 to 18 iT 7 tc 7 51 0 50 o 150 • . 0 BO FAH 0 7(1 Pots OSP per snobs* 045 it. 050 tipples, per bali••• U 711 to 1 OA Wood per ,, 8 al to 4 00 Drew ad Wert, per 100 7 00 to 7 60 Ot4imuiN, Jan, 1811411 If all.Vbsot,per Welsh, wee. I 80 1 es Militia Wheat, pot . • . • • 1 80 1Se IbitA,For , ,, is. ,,,,, I 115 41 tiertay,per lb iiKO timeliest btahsi. I ss 80 Satter..., , - ,, 1 18 ti t 81, Mggs... ..,r, ,,,,,,,, 44iilliaii 1 17 . it Deaths. RINN —In Einburn, on the h lust., G rge W ilfred, eldest son of Mr. Aram Flinn, aged yt ars a. d 4 months. CURRY—In Seaforth, on the 9L11t inst., W Curry, age. 67 Yedis• HOW -s.RD—In Exeter, on the 26th nit , Fre crick C., son of Mr. W. Howard, ged 5 ye and 6 months. licE WEN—In Stanley, on the 3rd that., Alex. McEwen, aged 81 years an. 10 months. COO PER—In Nt rth Carolina, Irs. Ann C oper, is to of Kinbinen aged 88 eears. 111c. obi -tette ., 11 0 1911 Potatoes, per bushel, .4., „ 045 @ 0 5 Iirmed Hogs per 100 lbs... ,,, , 7 96 (0) 75(1 • LIVSRPOOL, Jan. 11.— Spring wheat 10s 6d;'red winter, lOs lid to 00s 00d; white, 10s 07d; club, us Old oats, fis 04d; barley, 5s 2d; peas, 61 - lid ; pork, 758 Ode cheese, E5s Od. TORONTO, jan.111.-- Fall wheat,S1 25 to $1.27; spring,$1.28 to 61.32; oats, 43 to 45c; peas, 77c,' to 80o ; barley, 80c toL 880; hay, per ton, $9 00 to 615 00 butter, 18o to125.3 ; potatoes per bag $1 to $1.05; eggs, per doz., 21c to 270.; dressed hogs, per 100 lbs.,$7.75 to $8.00; apples. .per barrel. $1.50 to $2 50. emememmossemese, 710 ItsjyaI Hotel vjoilisb"„ ARMICHAEL'S) SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. JAMS IEIGIS to inform-hold friends and tin5 Hug publki-th4 having put chased this new and ecamMOdionalio , he hasthorough- ly re -furnished and fitted it from top to bot- tom; and it is now o e of the most comfortable and conven entliOtes he the county. By strict attention to the wants ei his customers he hopes to merit a share of public patronage. The rooms are all well furnished and well heated. The bar will be kept supplle4 with the best, and an at - tentative and trust vorthy hostler will always be in attendance. Goo sample rooms for Commer- cial Travellers Remember the "Ft yal Hot 1," corner of Main and Goderich Stree , Seal ath. 733 - JAM S WEIR, Proprietor. A Sure Cure for Dyspepsia. Hugh Robb, Seaforth,: has now in stook Dr., Ricliard• King's celebrated dyspepsia cure. He can confidently recommend this medicine to any who are suffering with dyspepsia and the severer forms of indigestion. For 'several years the undersigned was severely afflicted with this dis- tressing disease. At one time his re covery was despaired of. He had con- sulted many of the best medical men and tried hundreds of remedies, but all to DO purpose. Hearing of Dr. King's. remedy, be was induced as a last re - ort to give it a trial. After commencing to use it he at once began to recover, and by its continued amebas been com- pletely cured. He can, therefore, from personal experience recommend it to all similarly afflicted as a sure and cer tam n eure. He now has on hand a stock of these medicines, and will be glad to furnislithem to all who may desire a cure. He is supplied by Wm. Finlay, Esq., sole agent for the Do -minion *and United States. Buell ROBB, Seaforth, Out. sISSerLU I ION OF PARTNERSHIP - Notice ' is hereby given that the partnershiphither- to existing between the undersigned, under the name end firm of Brownell de Abe 1, carrying on business in the Town of Seaforth as Draymen and Teamsters, has thie day been dissolved by mutual consent. All dets contracted by the late firm will be paid b Norman Brownell, who • ill also collect all deb s due the said firm. N BROWNELL, J Aelso Sea orth, January 1682- f. 1L—The business will hereatter be carried On by che undersigned, who hopes by strict at- tention to the wants of the public to receive a continuance of the patronage awarded the .old' firm. JOSEPH ABELL. 738-4 NOTICE. THE AINNIdA L.MEETING of the tsborne and 1 Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held at the Company's office at Farquhar, on Monday the 6th February,1882, at 1 o'clock P. M, for. the purpose of receiving the Annual Re- port of the Directors, the Treasurer's Financial tI atement and Auditors' Report, and for Electing Board of Directors for the current yea,. Boar GARDiNER, President N. J. CLARE; Secrerary. 736x2 + _ • - AUCTION SALE OF SALT WELL. A NEW SALT WELL, situated in the village of Id' Hensel], will be sold by Public A uctiou on Monday,. January 23, 1882, at 4 o'clock P M. Parties can have full information as to terms of purchase by applying to the Chair, an of Cora- , mitleee, or on the grounds -on day of sale S. S. JecrEsoen Chairman of Comniittee. JAS. GRAS- 'BELMORE CHEESE FACTO:2 Y ionit_LS cer_etare::, 73 :TEE run uel meeting of the Shareholders of the -1- of Bemire Cheese and Butter Compai y will be held in the Good Templars' Hall, Bt 'mere, on W ednet day the 18th of January, conmensing at 10 o'clock A. 1v1. A cordial invitation is given to all. Tenders will be received by he Secretary up :.to Wtduesilay, the leth of January, for the ran ning of the Bellmore Cheese Factory for the : season of 1682. 'renders to state the price by the season and also by the pound. JOHN CARTER, Secretary, Belmore. 785-2 N. IL—A by-law will be submitted to the Shareholders for the purpose of raising theme- s- saa-y funds for paying the liabilities of the Com- pany. s tawatiz rozpV I MPORTANT NOTICES. OR SALF —A '6umber of horses ranging in 1 price from et40 and upwards, also one cutter with pole and shafts and 1 democrat wagon nearly new. Will be soldi cheap. WADE BROS. 736- 1.1.1:11 I1311 EdIIANGE HOTEL, Goderich, de' Out. WM. C X, Proprietor. This is one of the Quietest, Mos Comfort able and Beet Con- ducted Betels in he Province. The Rooms are commodious and the Table and Bar liberally supplied. Good stabling in connection. 635-52 OTICE--The Council of the Corporation o the County ief aurora will meet in the Court Room in the -1 own oGoderia ta Tues- day the 24th inst. All accounts against the Council must be sent in before the first session of the second -day of meeting. PETER ADAMSON, County Clerk. 736-2 , TEACHER WANTED. — Wanted immediately 1 for school settion No. 4, Morris, a male or female teacher holding a second or third class certificate I)utie to commence at once. Ap- plications stating salary desired must be ad- dressed to either Of the undersigned trustees. _JOHN ROBB and Jo N MoRAE, Brussels P.O. 736-3 OUSE AND ' A LE. —Fo house situated on and at present oc house contains kitchen arid 4 bed kitchen A 'revere house is new and i stable This pro proprietor intends spring JAS. LEA \ OTICE TO C " nah Cluff,late the County of B u b given that all the said Hannah ticulars thereof w First day of Fehr to the said estate such indebtednes February', 1882 it rever berred. the said Estate. of Februdry, 1882 ----- ORI. SA' E. — hat valuable an splendidly located farm beinsr south half of lot No. 30, in tee 4th Conces 'ion of the Township of Mor- ris in the ounty of Huron, containing by ad- • measurement 99 acres, 85 cleared and under cultivation on he premises are 20 acres fall wheat, an excelle t bearing orchard, a large and comfortable dwel Ina honse ; good frame barn, stables and seed. The I roperty is situated on the main g avel r ad, and is only i miles north of the Brussels et, tion. Only small cash depo sit • required. Rem inder on mortgage. Terms favorable For urther ' information apply to OT SEAFORTH FOR sale that comfortable dwelling John Street, the property of pied by the undersi ned The sitting room, dining room, ooms, also a cellar under the Hug well and uood cistern. The good order. There is also a good rty will be sold cheap as the going to the North-west in the UT:ELAND. 736 DITORS o' the estate of Han- oi the Township. f McKillop in on, deceased.—Notice is here - parties hying claims against luff are requested to send ar- th vouchers. on or before the any, 1h82. All parties indebted will please remit the amount of on or before the said first day of therwiee their claim will be .A.MES H. BENSON, Solicitor for Dated at Seaforth this 9th day 736-2 KIDD'S EMPORIUM. 1882, eseeae--eaeseeaseese iesa. 1 commerce by wishing all my Friends and Patrons the complimeets of the season, and by thanking them for their liberal support during the last year. I am happy to state I will be in a better position than ever for the coming year to supply their' wants. For the present, I will offer very large diecounts. to clear out the several lines of Winter Goods, previous to stock -taking. Lines which must be sold, NO MATTER WHAT SACRI- FICE, before stook -taking: SHAWLS, MANTLES, FURS. WOOL GOODS, BLANKETS, OVERCOATS, READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENTS'. UNDERWEAR, HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. ena iceeral other lines too numerous to mention. * I. All Departments as usual fully assorted. THOMAS KIDD, Sen forth. I•"- Cotner of Main and Market Stmts. RUPTURED AND DEFORMED. CHARLES CLIME SURGICAL MACHINIST, 118 King St,, West, the -proprietor A Gill HALO Tereon, Brussels P.O. 736-4 ALUABLI HO The subscribe well situated hot of Wales, in the I arge stables in 80 horses. Par Woe, The hotel !business, and th -to the failing hea men of means nes would do well to SWARTH, Clinton, TELPROPI-RTYF IR SALE — offers for sale that valuable and property known as the Prince pitily rising town of Clinton. onnectiun, capable of holding 'xtures, &c., will. he sold ea a now doing a very profitable only reason fur selling is owing th of the proprietor. None bet d apply. Intending purehasers naka a personal visit. GEORGE 73q-4 FOR SA I E BY PUBLIC AUCTION.— C. Tait - cot cote tit a auctioneer, has been instructed by Arc 'bald Eyvel, to sell by Public Auction on Satur ay, the 4th day of February, A. D. 1882, sale t commence at 12 o'clock noon, slurp, the uncle optioned valuable real estate, viz: Norte hatv - of ots 45 and 46, in the 1st Concession of the Towns' ip of Morris, County of Huron, one hundred acres; 55 acres cleared and under good cultivation, and 16 acres tilled to dwelling Il fall wheat. Gooc frame buildinet, Ji8z;g:ood house f.'.6x36 ; bare 36x56; stab'. 3 an pump and a -plendid bearing orchard. It is situated 5 miles from Wroxeter and NV -Ingham Railroad stations ; miles frOm Brussels and 2 miles from Blues file In a good wheat growing neighborhood This property e ill be sold at a bargain as the prOpnetor has given up farming - Stock and Jamie mite will be sold on the same day. Tnu8.--Tlefl per cent to be paid 'ilown on day of sale and balance within 80 days there fter, when the purchase' will be granted a title free from all encumbrances and be let into possess- ion. For further particulars apply to ;ROMBALD ETA/ Bluevale P. ' O., or to C. TAIT SCOTT 735-3 DUNCAN & DUNCAN, IMPORTERS, SEAFOR• TS .r1tietlf.rteer, Win ;ham. TORONTO, —WILL BE AT THE— COMMERCIAL HOTEL, SEAFORTH, ON JAN. 23rd UNTIL SOON OF THE NHL Invitation to all Deformed arid Ruptured people. MOST APTIAllATUS ORIGINAL. Charles Olathe's Spiral Truss, patented in United States aid Canada, is the greatest help for their fearful trouble. PAD ONLY ONE OUNCE IN WEIGHT. Perfect Ventilating, No Springs or Harem around the Waistlt nil your Address on Post Card for FREE BOOK ON RUPTURE ANT) BATMAN FRAME, (by C. Oluthe), establinhed in Canada 1871. Come Early and don't Wait 0004WIRENIMIlik Ortieffhill sumo. nee NAMILYON4 for the Last Houro PON Sit Ira sto 1 I will have a large supply of my Patent Trusses with mo, and DEFY THE RUPTURE I CANNOT HOLD WITII EASE, Chas, Cluthel MANUFACTORY,— Toronto, 'Ont., and Buf- falo, N, Y. s lea aro:VI; WIWI SUS I. BM I 11151 lean *MANN TO 0HANIAti OltU1'145i tett . - .. itaafUlfil MVO Mat bleakeee la saltily my daughter ow eautoly itiettatted fed Cu - at the OM slime the hait lee your zest, anttia now pettedly atritight, eh /ors last wing to get the inshtmetti, she efitild *I difficulty wullt one hundred yards ; now .she OW walk two or three miles with eass. Abri 1 mat e' less that her life is due to vttt and the blaru.m*. yen made her, after having been under IL dOOtall cue for about three yarn. all to tutF ;Knolls. Yours respectfully, 'lleunt Forest, August 8th, 1676. _ Adelaide Street, Toronto, 8th Mareb,11311. ' CHARLES CLOTHE, ESQ. Dear Bir,.. -,-It gives ine, much pleasure to certlitt ',hat for the last thirty-seven yeas l have been trait - bled with hernia. or rapture, pad Dave tried aima& every truss in e%isteneewithout avail; finally, rows regueeted to try one of your Patent Trusses, whiM bitii the effect of curing me in nine months: I migkit berein state that I shall be pleased to give anyhow,- WatiOU to anyone of its intrinsic value and of lb great effect I might say that now X SD; 0=2 awed, and am able to work in any way 'without affecting me in the least. iramaist. yews vaty soffit HAWKINS!. JOHN 11•••••••• ANNUAL CLEARING SALE.- DUNCAN & DUNCAN, SEAFORTH. This is a Genuine Sale. We make actual reduction in every Department. NO BOG -IIS DISCOUNTS. Iiitock must be redUced, to make room for our Large Spring Importations. Our Stock at present .is full in every Department, and the codas are all of this season's importations. DRESS GOODS, CASHMERES, WI NCEYS FANCY WOOLLEN GOODS OF ALL KINDS, Ladies' Furs, _Hosiery and claV68) Tweeds, Cloths, Clothing Made to Order, and all Classes of House Furrnishings. MILLINERY AND MANTLES TO BE CLEARED OUT LESS THAN COST,. COME AND XAMINE OUR STOCK„ Age No Trouble to Shol!p Goods.