HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-01-13, Page 4MIS THE REATE E STOVE know n. improve. Rd Iab-14 of any arket. t a TAAIsN ST. ra.‘ Tff AGENOV - SONI and Ate- 4genty Crarrtrey- tc„ :AFORTH. GLASS presented., All kinds 'rent rates on an l.tention devoted to Is effected on farm " of Galt,establish- = I per cent., cash, a any ramtual cora, ]owing- companies aneashire, England; Imperial, Scotland; pr -al Canadian, Mon - Canadian Eire Hamilton; Toronta ers, Life and Acci- nt for the Canada Company, Toronto, a real estate. Agent Company, sailing tive. First Cabin, ; Steerage, $26. r12 months. W. N. 'th. Office, Camp- Ff ote. ITION. 17 which causes se ti the gazing rail - come and gaue anotversari,.s uwn firm of yrr4ERs: ;Merchano, EAFORTH ion and Patron kze defray, to thjr DOCet pass ta.1 :EE POT k big Coffee Pat, stoves, and. -what nding Mitts, and nd.-te Good az), any i 0.1),Ty Et rhyrue. rant take m b_th heap as We ,rt tirj Cage or Can THERS'- °KUL EiLACK, kERS.. lit the Tools arid ied on. by the God - g ComPeny, and Ever eight years in ouTY on the trade ilreceive prompt aranteed. ncl repaired, also ork, ttc., rea- ;ones repaired on s that defy LACK, 3, Goderieht. ORKS. ASTONES, the best style of in Western On-, wi;I bear in mind f keeping agents rs'expen. We (I,- glee our price in the burying of marble, buy - Shop ou Min 11 respectfully M.F,Sg.ETT. Gaieties. "IlOw time changeel" -exclaims an exchange., "In the good Old Testa- ment days it was conaidered a miracle feria em to speak, and now nothing short cif a miracle will keep one quiet." -An aristocratic New Yorker, on beinguested by a rich and vulgar rce young ellow for permission to marry one of is girls, gave the rather crush- ing reply: "certainly, which would you prefer, the housemaid or the cook?" -A Californian who tied one end of a rope around his waist and lassoed a cow with the other, reports that "at first he thought he had the cow, but at the end of the first half mile he be- came convinced that the cow had him.' -At a prize show of parrots in Eng- land, one bird, on having its cover re- moved i won the prize by acclamation. Looking around on the compauy in which tt had been so suddenly intro- duced,,it exclaimed : "By Jove 1 what a lot of parrots 1" "Give the young man a chance," seys a writer. Yes; give him a chance at a church festival, in a raffle for a blue.eYed, doll in a poke bonnet and "lust too lovely for anything." Give him a ehance-to go out and kick him- self full of holes because be went to the festival. -He was wealthy but penurious, and this is what he said to the suitor for his daughter's hand: "Yes, you can have her. But you must elope with her. I can't afford the expense - of a sWell wedding, and the romance of the elopement will make .up for the lack 0 show and well save $500 on ex- pensea. Go it." -An extract from the letter of a re- cent emigrant : "I'M winking on de roads here at Saratogy, but I, don't in-. tend t� do it long. Shure Mike Mul- hooleye who left home three years ago come text Aister, has a rich young lady to drive him around the city wid a beatitifal span, and he sitting up be- hind an' hia airing folded like a foine gintletaan entirely." -Aahoemaker on Congress street has a parrot which has been taught to use various expressions, and the other day aa a seedy -looking individual slow- ly pasSed the spot the bird sorearaed out: -tdrou're drank 1 You're drunk!" The Man halted, took a long look at the bird, aud there was a touch of pity in his !tones as he finally said: "You'd better go at it and learn the differeiace betweOn a drtinken man and a feller who can't raise enough money to make his breath smell." :-An officer of the -Union army re- latehat upon one occasion after a charge upon the enemy's works, a fierce encounter and a fall back for reinforce- mente a bright young Irish soldier was found to have a rebel flag captured from the foe. Approaching him he said send that to the rear as one of our • trophies; give me the flag" "Sure. 1.11 not give -it ye," said Pat; "if ye are -wanti ag one, there's plenty av 'em be hind that ridge over beyaut where I got this; sure ye can go and get one for verself." noble steeds that were accorded -him by the, magnificence of the Sultan, he would, unfortunately, be linable to use the black one, as horses of that color were only employed" for funerals in America, and to offer or to accept one as a gift wa.s held to be an exceedingly bad token in that country. The courteous Turk was profude in civilities - and apologies, the black horse was taken Away, and a sound' and hand- some animal of another color was sent in its stead. Yankee Wit. ,The rural population of New Eng- land abounds in those who can say with Falstaff, "I am not only witty in myself, but the cause that wit is in other men." These wits are not confined, as is uenally the case in ether communities, to the educated class, such as lawyers, ministers and doctors. They are just as likely to be blacksmiths, shoemak- ers, fishermen or farmers. Mrs. Stowe's story of Yankee life amusingly illustrates this fact. There is scarcely a village in those six States the grooves of whose 1i are not oiled by some "Sam Lawson." Woe be to the rash man who, misled by Cowper - "His wit invites you by his looks to come, But when you iknock, it -never is at home" - risks an encounter with one of these "Sams." Judge B , of Maine, once tried it with an illiterate butcher, who peddled meat from house to house. The butch- er's cart stopped one morning at the Judge's gate, with mutton. "How much a pound ?" asked the Judge. "Two cents and a hell. Have some?" replied the butcher. "Two cents and a half a pound !" exclaimed the judge, affecting astonish- ishment to plague the butcher. "I'll five on faith before pay two cents and a half a pound for mutton." "Judge, you'll have „to diet on repen- tance some time before you can live upon faith !" responded the peddler of meat, showing himself at once a wit and a theologian. 1 Justices of the peace are selected in Connectieut not so much for their knowledge of law as for their good sense. Higgins had long sereed his Ten minutes passed. I was becom- ing impatient, when my onmrade. point- ed his finger over eau!. flooring of the vqauda. I saw a head osatiously raised 'above the edge 0 the stoop, near a pillar. After a )?toment's ob- servation it sank from, our line of viaion, and I heard reoeding footsteps.. Next we heard a man Mounting the a stairs at the further end the portiao. He was a tall. spare fellotv. He down the atretoh of boards like in deep meditetion, and walked our window, after (mating, a keen g -T at his victim. hen he turned sl and retraced hismeditative steps, ing a closer vieveof the prey. Oe tbe next lap he laid Ms hand on the haok " of the chair and shook it very lightly. "Say, Colonel," he said, ill a voice -just load enough to test the soundn ss of th,e nap, "hadn'tr you better be oing ineide ? You'll catch cold out - • His hand slid gently down to the glittering ohain. At this in mare footstep were heard on piazza. Prowler No. 2 appeared. first comer assumed an air of co ionship with the sleeper. He drew a chair and took a position side. Prowler No 2 hummed 81 from "The Masciotte," and made oral laps, closely observing the o as he passed them. At last, ho he disappeared at the extreme e the porch. The original spec hesitated a second, and again ext his hand toward. the chaia. We alarm- ed him by a tap on the window. He was off in a jiffy. Without lopking azse, ared. Give - need TO THE FIARMERS OF HURON 1 -AND-e S RIROUNDINC COUNTIES. erne- one past dr fit SMOG , owly n„ tak- aVing purchased the Huron Foam , in the Town of Seaforth, and re- ' d the same in first-class style, I will Oa On hatattlaa Jarge and varied stock LOWS for -spring trade, th Chilled and Steel Mouldboard Plows, Gang Plows, Grain frushers, Straw Cutters -- Band & Horse -Power. - 4 and 6 Horse- ard , POW6r8. tahent j Ala), a very large assortment of Plow Thet PoiritS, made from the very best brands pan of iron. Special attention will be given to repairing all kinds of machinery. :Ting Castiegs of all kinds made on short air fachioe and. at reesoriable rates. Having upwards of 30 years' eaperience in the upleBeV- tr de, we feel tiisured that we can give evergo d ,satiefaetihn. Our motto is to , d of please. Your trade respectfully solicit- lator ed. nded THOMAS HENDRY Seaforth. N. B. -Wood Wanted. around he sprang across the p dropped to the ground, and disap After displaying anew the attra ness of our beat we again ease ourselves at the side of the wi4dow. Prowler No. 2 reappeared. He glitriced suspiciously at the sleeper, saw the watch chain, and seemed surprised at the absence of the .tall man. He mused within himself sometime. The shining lure acted like a Oharm. eeler, in- onse. ing confidence, he apprdaehed q "Say, Judge," he ventured as a "you'll get robbed if you don't g side." The Judge made no res Prowler No. 2 slipped behind his Chair, and, reaching down ovet his shohlder, gently detached the chain from the - buttonhole. He wets tugging at the town as a justice and a wit. His supposed watch when the bartender NOTICE. OTICE is hereby given that the innua 1 Meeting of the Hay Township Fanners' ld tual Fire Insurance Company will be held in Z rich on Monday, February 6th, 1882 Blisl- n as : ; Receiving the Directors annual report, el ti, g officers, &c. A.11 members are requested to att nd. HENRY EMBER, Manager and Seen- . ta . HUGH LoYE, SR., President. 736 FREIGHT FOR MANITOBA. pARTIES having freight, horses and cattle, J- would do 'well if they wish to send them to Minitob ,to see A. CALL:kik:DER, Clinton, as he will have some room. Terme reasonable. Old Bending Faotory, Victoria Street. 735x8 A. CALLANDER, Clinton, Out, townsmen accepted his notions of the yelled at hire. He shot into the ideek- law and laughed at his wit. One day ness like a bullet, leaving the ,chain , a loafer, charged with some offense, dangling loosely from the pooket. was brought before him to lee put under We again doctored the image. reconnoitring party, consng of a man and boy, appeared. - They iiiade a concerted effort to clean out the t slum- berer by approaching him simultan- eously from opposite direotions. This effort, however; was checkmated by a • persistent thumping on the wind w. ticle we want. The prisoner went to 1 By this time the bartender thought! jail, and the vagabond went off. I that I had received an instructiVe les - It eittse, Yankee foreman of a jury son. He said that the fun. migllat be who got off an impromptu worthy of kept up until daylight, bat it 'would Canning, the orator and epigrammatist. become too monotonous. While we • • reoovera tall, lank mau, evidently the original the price of some folios and tires to speculator, rushed across the ' plat - He Yanked let it with, such force that bonds for his appearance at the next , Scarcely were we out of sight wben a county court. , "Who is your bond 7" asked the jus- tice. "I am," said another loafer, stepping out. "We didn't ask for a vagabond," re- plied His Honor, "it's another ar- Maine and Morris were opposing were talking about taking in the figure, comma s in a sui roug wheels. They were so tedious the im- form, and made a dash for the ehain. The Terrors of al way- rave , patient foreman wrote: eili4g—A Thrilling Incident. "Marra and Maine, two law% ers shrewd, ROWICK INSURANCE COMPANY THE Annual Meeting of the members of the Howick N utual Fire Insurance Company for the election of officers and the transaction of other business, will be held at McIntosh's Hotel in the village of Gorrie, on Friday, January 13, , at he hour of 1 o'clock P_ M. Ali inter - e ted will please take notice and govern them - ices accordingly. T. F. MILLER, Secrotary. 7$-2 1\TOrTIOM. N.PPLICATION will he made to the Legialattue I of the province of Ontario, al the next ses- sion thereof, for an act i:ncorporate a company with ail the powers and privfieees usually confer- red on railway companies, tot:Ionian ct and operate a railr Aid from some point on the line of the G;eat este,n Railway Company, of Canada, or of the Creait Valle3 Railway Company, wi,hin the Onnty of Oxford, of V ellineton, or of Waterloo, to the tt via of Stun ford, and thet ce to some p int n the shore of Lake Huron, within the county of uron or of Bruce. The company to be °alio() the estern Counties Railway Company. R & G. NiITH, SolicitJrs for applicants. Dated at tratford, this 22nd day of December. 1881. 784-7 he jerked the slee er from the !chair. - (or au instant he seemed dazed by the It *ea night. (Though they themselves may like the sport), Ir Tire all the fellows in the court." Mollie's Little Rana. Mollie had a little ram, fleece as black as a rubber shoe, and every- where that Mollie went he emigrated • to. He went with her to church one day -the folks hilarious grew to see 'him walk demurely into Deacon Allen's pew. The worthy deacon quickly let his angry passions rise, and gave it an- un- christiaia kick between the sad brown Talkin or fells and of tires, catastrophe. Then, recovering himself, Night in Arkansae. he swept the effigy hp in his ar and . It was night in several other States as well, bat Arkansas is the one with which we have tto deal in this writing. chase followed. The bartender eeturm ran over the sand like a deer. l3efore the bartender had recovered. from his surpriseehe was out of sIght. A long It being our turn to deal. A_ lightning express was bumming along -at sixty miles an hour. Every car was full, many standing in the aisles, with that meekness and patience °ale- seen on an American railroad, to accommodate the fellow who wants four seats to himself. The lamps blazed fitfully over the passengersdusters, which seemed to fit fully are well as travelling dusters usually do. The -eonduetor had passed through anebingi people into wakefulness in orderthat he might pinch their tickets.ate Tile tte,Hilri-boy had filled the passen- gers'l laps with books to keep them from bouncing up in their seats while - passing over rough places. A lirakeintin had put his head in the door Otna ahouted : "The next stopping placeis I" the name of the station being lost in the slamming of the car door. The boy who is always dry had made his fifty-second pilgrimage to the water tank.. atu'ili the woman who wants air had just tfern off her last remaining finger 'nal in trying to get her window up. yhis was on a railroad in the State of Arkansas. StUidenly. the car door opens. A yoUthful figure appears, holding something in his hand upon which the light; glitters. He presents it in a - significant manner and cries: "Now, gentlemen, your money-" Fifteen wen turn ,pale and cry, The ram looked meek, and on he l'Doret shooti" came, with "rammy, rammy, ram-; Twenty females scream with one ram, rananay, rammy, ram; the nicest voice; and some faint. 'little' ram." There is a hasty thrupting of watches The ram quite dropped its humble air and pocket books beneath cushions and and rota) from _off -his feet, and when the into hoots: = parson lit he lay beneath the hindmost Strang men fight for a place under seat. • the seat where they OB.71 secrete them- _ selvea. "Gentlemen," again cries a boyish voice; singiug high and clear above the screams of women and the din Of thy train, (gaspa of mercy from some of the men), "let me sell you some of this excellent fruit," and he extead.s in his dexter band -a hexane. It ante the train boy pursuing his usenil and. harmless vocation. - - ed panting, and streaming wit spiration. , ,"Well, by thunder," he exol jelled, Limited ' Number of 1 pupils from "that fellow got his work in well e , abroad can receive Board. , didn't quit no loser. That Bnit of togs , coseme $40. It wasn't! a paying pint's, fiatdiment for pupils use at very moderate I'm hlowed if it was. 1 If this thing terma Residence on George Street, First dour goes ou and we etay on the island all 1 of Main Street, Seaforth. 730 MRS. 0, M.. DUNLOP. TEACHER OF MUSIC. PIASO OR ORGAN. DV ANCED.rupils fitted for graduating at leas per- 4 than one half the expense of for-ign teach- ing. , Especial care giv, n to new beginners ast slimmer, wet 11 have to sleep in the safe. eyes. -New York Sun. This landed rummy in the aisle, the deacou followed fast, and raised. his foot again, alas! that first kick was his last. For Mr. Sheep walked siowly back, about a rod, 'tis said; and ere the dea- con could retreat, it stood him on his head. The congregation then arose and went for that 'ere sheep, but several well directed butts just piled them in heap. Then rushed they straightway for the door with cursea long and loud, while rammy struck the hindmost , man and shot him through the crowd. The minister had often heard that kindness would the fiercest - beast sub- due -"Aha." he says, "I'll try that little game on you. And so he -kindly, gently called: "Come, rammy, rammy, rani; to see the folks abuse you so I grieved and sorry am." With kind and gentle words he came from that tall pulpit down, saying, altaminy ; rammy, ram; rem, rammy, rammy, ram - best sheepy in the town." Grant's Arabian Horses. chair and remaining in the open air alt A t:urious little story about G-eneral night. He laughed. aYou'd he clean - Grant's Arabiau steeds is told by Mrs. ed out in half an hour," ahe said. Hooper. When the horses were deliv- "Your watch and chain would be on a erect to the American official who was Chatham streetslaelf before noon to- depe ted to represent General Grant, he ow where all the And as heshot and closed it with Califoruia town, I Dam." A 17Ponderful Bird.. There is now in the Londonzoo- logical gardens a remarkable bi d, the Nestor Notabilis, or Mountain Kea, of New Zealand. It is a parrot of strong frame and powerful bill and claws, which were used like those "of • par - diet, sheep done vege- eating. _ He attacks enek or c43a,bled sheep, and with his powerful, (putting beak opens a passa,ge through the back and eats tbe intestines. Even ealthy animads are sometimes asesdled by the sheep Bider - rough . The ardens as an shep- while ed his meat, raw e will heep's a, vul- bare taor- tyle of m un- ith his rots, for obteduing vegetabl mita the colonists introduced and pigs. As soon as this wa. the Kea. seems to have abandone table food and to have taken Nestor Notabiiie, and there are runs in New Zealand where co able losses have been incurred t these strangely degenerated bird specimen in the Zoological gave as much trouble to capture eagle, tearing the clothes of, th herd who knocked it down pouncing on a lamb, and lacere. hauds. The Kea scoriae cooked biscuits, fruits or seeds, and lik mutton better than any food. tear the skin and flesh from a head after the furioes fashion of ture-leaving nothiog but th skull. He at (me time holds tit sela in MB lifted claw, after the parrots, and at another gripe th der his feet while rending out the open door, beak like a hawk. a slam, he named a thiuk 'twas "Yuba A Decoy- for Thieves. It was one o'clock on Friday morn- ing. I sat on the almost deserted piazza of one of the' big hotels at Coney lslaud. The day had been insufferably hot, arid a fairly cool breeze had set in. Turuieg to the bartender I remarked that I felt Eke dropping aeleep in my fouud that through soils° hocus-pocus morrow. of the em lo -ees of the Sultan's stables thieves corue from, but let _a man go to ono the horses eelected had been sleep in a seat after dark anywhere on of ex- cliseiged for a dismal beast immediage- lConey Island, and a thief will appar- abk.i tincl unsound Our countryman ently rise right out of the saud aud go did riot wish to forward so wretched through hirn.'' an animal to the *United States, yet One word brought on another, and what was to be done? To refuse the the barkeeper finally- proposed to fish SnItou'e gift would have been a deadly for thieves. We padded' his Surelay insult and, besides, he had no right to suit, put out the lights and placed it do anything of the kind; while to find fault with it would have been a deadly affrOixt. Finally, a bright idea struck him. The unsound horse happened. to be hlack ; so be sent for the high and Mighty Turkish official who ,had the matOr in charge, and regretfully in formed. him that, though General r t wait enchanted with -The two • into a. chair. An inamees,e brass curl) chain fell in yellow festoons from a pocket in the waistcoat. At a distauee the image looked like a •-ibearty. old gentleman indulging in a cat nap-- be- fore turning in for .the night. We took positions within the bar -room, where we could see through an open window, and awaited developments. Canada Thistles. ALT.! SALT 1 1 he BRUSSELS SALT WORKS RE now in full operation. Farmers and Mer- chants can be supplied with either Land or air Y Salt at market pries. 0011 wlfl be taken in exchange for Balt. 1 F. C. ROGERS, 34 *I SOLE PROPRIETOR. etnperance. Colonization • Society. ,000,000 acres choice North-west Lands. NE -THIRD of the above lands to be alloted to subscribers in Sections of 640 acres, half ections, of 320 acres, or quarter sections of 160 eresi at 2 per acre on easy terms f payment. Full particulars can be obtained on pliattlon to the undersigned, ;at whose office uhscription lists are now open. !Those first aub- eribing will have prior choice in selection of ands. C. F. PA.SHLEY, Local Secretary. Mosey to loan at ei per cent on Freehold Pro- ertY. Insurance effected in the Queen's Fire nsmance company. C. F, PABIILEY, Agent. 14/1" ffice in Bank of Commerce Building, Sea- orth. 725 To kill Canada thistles, about the fast of July, or when the stal s are hollow, I plowthem under. T e near horse will need some leather bot leg gins so that he cau travel throagh the thistles. These leggins are made by takiug old rubber boots, cutting off the feet, tying a stout cord itt each strap, and ch•awing.them on the horee's fore legs so as to protect the knee.. I tie the corde into the breast Ones. I then take a common log chain, do ble it, aud fasten it to each end of the evener, to drag down the thistles. I once plowed a field of five e.ores in tl4is way about ten years ago, and hay never seen- any thistles on it SlIle€. TWO years ago I went into me oats nd cut 'out a large patch of thistles whi h were . hollow and in bloom, drew ther4 to the barn, and ted them as a eoili g crop. I sowed the ground to wheat, and the ' wheat was free from thistle. The success of this plan depeude on always cutting or plowing them • -te eu • the stalks are hollow. Wild carrots are the worst of all weeds, in my estimation, and must be pulled up in fields that are not culti- vated, several times during the sum- mer, and also along the roLlsides. The aeeds.are light, e,nd if allowed to form ! will be wafted by the winds to every part of the farm. RBES' LIVERY —AND -- SALE STABLES, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. RTHUR FORBES, the old established Lir. eryman, keeps the best and most styliqh rigs and the beat driving horses in the baaines 4. Neat and Nobby Critteys, handsome and Wen- fortable Robes, and fast and sal horses always on hand. A iery han some family sleigh for one or two hersbs. Day and night calls promptly attended to. (*nod driving home bought and slid. REMEMBER THE PLACE - opposite 0. Agricultural Warerooms, Seaforth. 689 ARTHUR FORBES - - RITITtTPE 3 J. S. PORTER SEAFORTH. THE POPULAR GROCERY MELAT MMIDORITTIIL, HUGH ROBB, STARK'S BLOCK, MAIN ST., SEAFORTH, Has a Full and Complete Steck of Fresh and Seasonable GROCERIES, such as CURRANTS, RAISINS and Fruits of all Kinds. His TEAS are unexcelled for Price and Quality, All kinds of household knick-knacks fresh and good. Dried Meats of his on curing always on hand. &dogma and Sausages every day. Cuttings of all kinds cheap. In fact, you can get almost anything you want for the table or larder. A TRIAL SOLICITED. THE HIGHEST M4R10ET PRICE PAID FOR GOOD DRESSED PORK. HITGH ROBB, Seaforth. JAMES *LOUGHLIN'S NEW STORE, 'SF kJ IT NETS BLOCK, IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR ani determined to Clear Out my _gntire Stock of Furniture regard- less of Cost, THOSE IN WANT, it will pay them to &seer. taiii prices before give a large discount t those' paying cash, es. yrchasinelsewhere. I g pecially to newly married couples. I am still eelling six highly finished eh tire tor , 62. I also keep Enotvlton s Spring Bed, tue best and cheapest in the market; warranted perfbetly noiseless. • _ Warerooms directly opposite, M. R. Counter's Mammoth Jewelry Store, Main Street, Seafortti,- East Side. 625 •JOHN S. PORTER. DCAMPBELL, Provincial Laud sraveyot 8. • andOivil Engineer. Orders by mail proamt ly attenlea to. D. S. CAMPBELL, kfitehell Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Millinery, Mantles, Wools and Yarns, Tweeds,Undershirts and Drawers Hats, Caps and G-roceries, Etc. New Goods Constantly Arriving and Rushing Off at the Smallest Profit for Cash and Trade. All Invited to Come and Inspect the Stock. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW THE GOODS WHETHER YOU BUY OR NOT. EVERYTHING MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES AND 110, SECOND PRICE. JAMES McLpUGHLIN, Seaforth. 41Elk. THE CENTRAL GROOERY. LAIDLAW & FAIRLEY, ALWAYS alive to the interests of our numerous customers, and also to mail:1i', tain the wide spread reputation of our House for keeping the best goods in the Market, announc,e that, notwithstauding all opposition, we have this fall imported more exteasively than ever before ia all departments. No House ia the trade keeps a fieer assortment, and no House offers better value. For in tending purchamers We give a few of our leading linee : TEAS— • Moyune, Pingsney, Japan, Gunpowder, Coneu, Souchong, Assam, Orange l'ekoe, Capers, Etc. SUGARS— • Cut Loaf, Standard Granulated, Extra Bright, Yellows and Raws. SCHOOL BOOKS. THE WIRE SEWN; CLOTH JOINTED 33CDOIKS ARE THE BEST. BUY NO OTHER. C. W. PAPST, BOOKSELLER ANO STATIONER COFFEE— - Green, Roasted and Ground in Rio, Java, Mocha, Jamaica, Etc. NOTE • THIS: We roast and grind all our own Coffee. CURRANTS—NEW-- Provincial, Patras and Vostizza. RAISINS—NEW-- Valencia, Sultana and Layers. We offer a quality cannot be got feom anyother House in Town. SPICES— Whole and Ground. Ground Spices Guaranteed Pure. BAKING POWDER— ,• zi}hZ Snow Drift and Gold, acknowledged by all housekeepers to be the market. of Valencia Raisins thep the best in CANNED GOODS— Tomatoes, Peaches, Pears, Pine Apple, Plums, Strawberries, etc., dm. PICKLES— Crosse ce Blackwell and other brands. SAUCES— Different kinds (no Tongue Sauce.) EXTRACTS—, Bunetts and Lyons. TOBACCOS 41a Cigars of the Best Brands. In addition to the above lines, our stock will be found complete in all other branches, including Flour, Feed, eta, CROCKERY DEPARTMENT— Dinner Sets-liew designs and prices low. China Tea Sets -a large stock. Granite Tea Sets -white and colored. Bedroom Sets. Toilet Sets. ,China Teas and Coffees -plain or decorated by the dozeh. Glassware in endless variety. SEAFORTH. N. B.—A Good Assortment of School Requisites always on hand at bottom prices. FANCY GOODS— A very large assortment. Our stock in this Department is so large and varied, that we cannot attempt to particularize. A call and inspection invited. 1 NOTE THE FACT, that all Goods bought from us are warranted. to be as we represent them. GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARGE, AND PROMPTLY. L.AIDLAW & FAIRLEY, RAIN STREET, SEAFORTil, C. W ,PAPST. THE RD FAVORITE GALLERY. ANDREW CALDER, THE Pioneer Photographer of Seaforth.having •A' gone through the lit ry ordeal, is now ranning again in fall blast, in his new and commodious premises in Seed s Bloolt This is the oldest Gallery in this section, and has been thoroughly refitted and equipped with all the latest appli- aims and amino effects specially for the mom- raodation of Mr, Calder's large and increasing trade. Having now got into one of the hand- somest and most oomplettly furnished galleries in the -wee, be is now in & better position then at any. revious time to tarn out all work in the Photographic line entrusted to him in a superior Imam) er, at the lowest living proilt,and on the shortest possible notice. A call is cordially -so- licited from all. 692 A. CALI -ER, Scott's Block, Seaforth THE CANADIAN BA1K OF COMMERCE: HEAD ()PRUE, TORONTO. Paid up Capital, . lit16,000,000. Beat, -------1,400,000. President, Hon. Wm. McMaster. SEAFORTH BRANCH., The Seaforth Branch oif this Bank continues to receive deposits, on whieh interest is allowed 072 the most favorable terms - Drafts on all the prineipal towns and cities in Canada, on Gre4 Britain, and on the 'United States, bought and sold Oftlee-First door South of the Commercial Hotel. 689 A. H. IRELAND, Manager. THE ZURICH SADDLERY 'HARNESS —AND—. FURNITURE ESTABLISHMENT! HERBON WELL, ProprAtor. A GOOD Stock of Harness of all kinds always on hand, together with everything else be- longing to the business, which will be sold cheerier than ever. FURNITURE, FURNITURE. Specially low priees given to newly married - couples requiring furniture. Call aild see my Stock and priesia before parehasing elSeWherei yon will BiLV8 money by doing so. 898 HERMON WELL, Zurich. TRY THE ECMONOVILLE CIDER MILLS. Since rainy weather has set in -we are giving a much larger yield of Cider than fortherly and will guarantee to do as well, if not better, than any other Mill in this County. Cash will be paid. for apples Large enough to Peel. Cider Apples bought as before. G. & H. JACKSON. 727 HURRAH FOR BUCKWHEAT PANCAKES ! NOW IS THE SEASON. Fresh ground Buckwheat flour just to hand; also, first class Flour. Mount Forest celebrated Granulated Oatmeal. Just received . • A Carload of TV estern Corn,. Corn Meal, Chop, Peas, Oats, Wheat Siftings for Chicken Feed; also Bran and Shorts. Agent for the celebreted Manhattan horse and Cattle Feed. —ALSO — EMPIRE HORSE AND CATTLE FEED. Chicago Linseed Meal, Oil Cake and Flax Seed. W. S. ROBERTSON. P. S. ---Cash paid for Firet-olass But- ter. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICI, ,gIEAFORTIL ONTARIO. NQ WITNESSES REQUIRED. e