HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-01-13, Page 2Ll - - , I � � - - z I Z I I i - � - - i - I - - � N - �� __ E V - . . - , �- . - � 11 � -; � � r � * . _ I - . - - I I - - I , � - � - . - I - � W-1 � . � - ... : � a - ____ V - - ­­�_1_1777� � �� . �. � z, . � I x - I . z � . I � z � . .. � � I I - . - I - I � I - - - I � : � A2. 1 1111111111111111111111111a brUtber isuds at-, evening ,carliag '!-I ma. - % COUNW towv�on It If x0clarien. gind took it, &for allowed-, � tr st they I �_ he Ken- 01inwn, dnaea;* � painter ;a been i IDUV' & 4 Drrowing mball & - �ve been rs, hwe, ! visiting morinag was ob- g one of goose in an -ad to - t.: -D- ukr- eceraber. �.-tha and � Cre"ing- I � � � I I I � � � - !igh I Of �idbut of � . � his old 6� Of Til- � the past; .da.-M.Y. 4 was iu ,--Mr. A- )1ifte time siting, his - . ,ile Snow , i the high � Tory little, - - As Yet - � is naw a ' treat be- . - r. Evane. * I iore built, : crossinp We notice go uf the ,[3 skating. be pleased I atities of eii wkv to bad state �ith_; r-019AY . � re-opefwd rio war, for er to Mr. ; . I No� 1,11, E)acher for a efficient " NNENT.— lait week ta me,ka I ,lee anter- . , , , with the k, 611 ot this December ihe Most � .e, season. � . fall, being . y - lowled �e eya!� of I � aud the, ildren, to 'la of the ' ich took I I Blatoh- d to ,the, f Musical � I - mmenc-ad, !i4ea, rea& i . by the grood irmd King part- VaLls, excel- . - I itle of the ra due to, Llistor, 016. . � I ple&%ant 9 , , tha Rev. . � dutiea of � I t � - - � I I 1dav, the t . he Bxeter �bairn -Of a himself _. ontast of. from a . ; . .rbaa- I , ,ra , ager"'.0111, a 9 baus � I . d prizes, an them. � �_ 9 �F%ir- I . 141r, &II -1. � - - I - ut of 10, . 2nd. a -ad . Tuesday, . ou wto ,__ aa utj P� - . _. T. Ris.- 11 rbaira of an 01mo, -bairn; haa ented by. run, Club - I � �, old boy-,. , � . � rtea, meet - Canada, ' .� in -wa6., I I ` . -log, ard & I ; � very I ad of hy I � 7 1,� I'll. 11- � . I a, very ; poture, on I I � � - , . - I � -Quite, % 6 M -7 . ona%y I I uing the 1. ,me, even- ".. eat, had � on their, I � for the � D., John I ' a, James, . W. Iftlit- .1 � f�Lrter, N-.. . � I .Ud-v At- , . r a:r;ived'. � . - toe of ex, � ... t- The - Mr. John -1, Joseph, 11 eea Mr. -Ir . M I TCAL . an . .1 --turning, .deoid-e in � � , beau *&_ . , I defeated . . a thaaqk� I - . I ve been. . I - ,that they � 1, ,.proven, I a clear. ; _. by tie - t 1. . I . I . � - . . � � . 11 I : "I I � I I I I . � I � . I , . I t . � � . . , - � . . - . � 0 : - .. � I � . - . . I I . . . - � � .­ . I . -_ - ,-. . I . ­ - p � , --- - ��._ - - . i I . ­ � ` -_ . - - -- - i . - . � . I � � � I 1� . .­.. . ­ ­V.�. I I � I � � � � . - ----. . . - � - - - 0-- I � I - i � - I . - , - �_­ � I _. . _. �WPP­4-­q , -040"! I - I _7 � - � - - . � - - I !n!!w"I"_ -_ - - .. f - � . ;;m - I I . I I I . .a * . ,, ., t I . . - . I . I . __ I . I . . � I I .-T �- � �Jft- I I . ... - . *_ � - - . - . - . - . � . I � I � . . - - . - I I '. - _r I - - � I . ; . -'_"� ,� ­ . I . . -- _. 11 I * ,01� . , I - - . A - I . . - � � , � ..� I � I . I - - - � . � . .1 . . . � : 1: _: : . � , — 7��=:__4 - � 4 � d, I I � . I � I . 4 .1 m I. - I . . I .� - -M�rm I I - � , 11 . I � . . � . I - . � 0 - - . - . I - I � "I "I __ I I . � I - .. I .. . . L . . . 11 � I . . . . __ I . r - - . 11 , I � 1. . - � - �, , I . � I . - � I �� , - 11 I I � V � - I . � � L — - - I �� � . 0�. . . . . � .. - .. . I - I I . I ! �, I , , . � I .... I - � ­. . - � . . � . ! . - - . I � - - t . . I - I . . . . . ; � i ! : � - . . I I I - - - � I . - . � . . I I � - ; I : I I . i - . I I I I : . � - � :. . i . . � .1 � . I e . . � � - I - - - - L * . � i _t- . - * . : - I - . , � - . � . - � - I __ - - - 1 - - - I � - ; - � . - MelliBAN BROS.., Publishers. , b� . I - . ... i !, PIPTISE19TH Y13A,R. - I � . SEAFORTH9 FRIDAY, JANUARY 13) 1882. I....., � - $1.50 a Yeax, in Advance. . tW1Ju11JB NUMBBR, 736 � . I .- i 141. . ... . - . .1_ - - . . � � I � — I . I I . I I . . . I I I � I I I � - I . " . ____ - I � ��ye.. tioart'a actio " s, interspers�d with music neighbors the biggest part Of the Vil- are indications of the High estimation I work in the KiugKtou district, repro - 1 tion � . . they tend to depress the I .. addresse troyed, as I in which Mr. Miller has been held in Sending, according to ,ordinary aver ., lijimense Attxac Pink and a relaxed state of the 400as m at from the choir. They realized a little Iage would have been des I � agel, i I S I MR. EDrm,-Sin,-�-Under this term be obtsibed by other remedies, or p r ov6r $50. which is to be applied in there was a heavy sonthe rton. He assumes the duties of over 1,600 Laouls. The ore is all taken - � i . I the writer will describe. - as nearly as " . the fire over throe blooks. his new position in the Owen Sound to tboUnit-11 Statem for the purpoRe of . . � hap§ by laxative food " bran mash. , making an additic,n to the church. to carrying . . i -IN- possible a disease, which is ve pro- :; estry for the Sabbathl High School next wee--.. smelting. If W4 smelting could be � ... �� I : - . ry &C. be' used as a v -Messrs. Mark Cohan and Edward -On Sunday evenin ' last a little carried on in Canada, it wiA readily be ' .- j � valeat at prroseut both in Canada and t I JAMES W. ELDZR,V. $. School- f3ebouer;of Hamilton, and other gen " I United' States, and liso caused __ � �Mr. James And,erson,-of Puslinch, tlemen from Montreal and Toronto boy aged five years, only Son of Mr. J. seen what an impo-trant" mutter -it -, RE40Y-UDE OVERCUTS, ULSTERS the . . udou was missed and woulU be to our Manufacturing Veople. ; much uneasiness among horse owners Oan%da- sees money in fowls. This fall ho has have applied,foil a charter for th6 In- D Riddle, of Lo 11 . - . . . . ' After a long search � - otiatty tn�oru_ I � : AND ULSTERETTS, in the lower pmviaee. , Tbe writer has sold ove;$100 worth, and a few days -About two o'block M A_ 11 I . � . . An epidemic �f , sore throat prevails ternatioual Colonization Company Of a search instituted. . . had several cases in this neighborhood., ago Aipped six.boxes of.poultry,vaiuea Canada (limited). The object is to the body of the little fellow was fouRd itig a terriblo aceident happened - on a .... ., ) but like all ottier things it'has changed in Loudon. ' ' . � . cistern in the back yard, where it Grand Trunk freight train Dear Afalton U& L � - n - is thought h wo hours statioul: a little wesir. of Toronto, The . A T WiNI. CAMPBELL 8 its me from rheumatic influenza, George H.91freich sold a ' eight at 640, for breeding purposes, to Ot- -bring out to the Northwest Jews from " a e had been about i ZXX I .- . . taw& and Manitoba. He says there is Russia, where they are suffering great e body was quite cold. The cir- trai a going west had scare ly left- the I - t MUdo, enteritts, &a., b� which -names months old hog in Aynherstburg It -at over 300 per cent profit in the business. hardships. The capital stock of the &.9 th e : I . k. which w�ighed 302 pounds. I Et . . it iis known. to tho profession, to the wee I . ; . . cumstances are rendered more painful station when the holler of tlje engine I - : . - . - I Friday morning at Toronto, as. T. --o-orripany is 81,(W,000. . I - IGRUT CLUTH11C HOUSE, -term "pink eye" on account of tile The Marquis of Lorne and Pri n . from.the fact, that Mr. Riddle lotit his burst. The steum escaped with trom- . � . - color of ,the conjunctive of the eye coss LO i�e spent Christmas with the H. Fl-muJigan, rdadmaster of the -Levi Hatch, of Elgin county, wife about six mouths ago. . endous force, and apparently filled the I t Qu6en. UlThe mor sailed on Wednes- � Credit Valley Railway, waw alighting States that he was surprised to learn I changin" � -Pink A from the oars another train ca -Tho Canada Pacific Railway SYu- cab in which were the eul2iiieer, the I g to pink, hence the term we along that his dead body had been Jound . I L i . SEAPORTH. eye.", The primary symptc,ais are those day for �Montr 1. . � dicate has been giving the people of Ot- fireman, and brakesMan. Tliese men - i .... W -The anuu meeting of tbe,Eaat&rn and struck him. He had'the presence near Kingsley stati�n, where he com-- I - : 1. % I of fever, rigors, dullness succeeded by . - ., of mind to ClUtCh the flagstaff, and was mitted suicide. He says that he *14 taw& a taste of its monopolistic powers were ft)uu4 to be severely scalded. � - . - I . I Dairymen'� Association. wit I! be hold in by converting the St. Lawrence and . � - swelling of, the eyelids, discharge of A,,sistauca was procured, atid the suf- � I . the oitv of Kingston on the 77th, 8;th and thrown upon the pilot, which saved his living at his own home, and has Tio Th4 Public am particularly invited. to tears from the eyes, pain in the limbs, - life. . desire to gain notoriety in that I way. Ottawa Railway Into a freigh,t line' and fereys were conveyed to tbe city by - a ; 9th of February. 1 ' . . \4 ;; � look at . and tumefactiou, - more, _partioularly -Thomas Forriss, of Amherstbu rg, - -While one of t!ie hands in the But who was the� man who suicided raising the pasrienger rates on the Can- special trgdu an I carried to their homes I � around the articulations. The paiu in ! ada Central line, now a portion of the in the city ambulance. Although very I � t ion in was printing some near Kingsley Station ? It it, possible , , I I . the limbs is.mauifebted by restlessness, bas clear d, in land apepulat Canada Pacific Railway, to a consider- badly injured it is hoped . 6. M,1tlitOt)&, the last six mojuLbs. between cards on Saturday evening the lamp � that the body may never be identified. -- _ they may re- � . 11 ThJ& Stock B#4re Btkying Eleewher I shifting of the feet, and irritability ; exploded. With great presence of, mind able extent. So far as, Western busi cover. I . ; o I 000 aud 875,000. � -About the 28th of Decomber,L a son 11 I � F I - the suoosediing swellings are superficial, 6 $50 1 neso is coneerned, Ottawa its now com- -James A. Melvin, a Man betwoen,. - - t � . -The steamship Moravian, 90f e Mr. Robinson, the proprietor, onst a �f Louis Rebidoux, of Colchester South, . I . - � in croolar � the flames, which prevented pletol at the mere of the Syndicate. � - fifty five and sixty years of ,age, has' - . � U ,volviug the suboutaineous � I - I ly grounded coat on aged 12 years, was cutting down a sap- y y . . I tissue, and their owairsuce gives relief Allan line which was recent -Mr. Lucius R. O'Brien, a Canadian been arrested at Indover, New Bruns- - . I ear Halifax has not vet been got ()ff, what mighthave been a very disastrous link in the woods, when he out his left I I , e pain. At first th - ve limited D . , - e. as the office is a, large frame artist, has received from the Princess 'vwi , on a cliurge of bigamy, having I � to 't� ey a and is likely to prove a tot&'loss. fit - foot ver *deeply above the ball of the -ok . These are all warranted to give satis but- soon extend upwards and down- bhilding. y Louise and the Marquis of Lorne let- been w6arried five times. The first two L - fa0#10n, a4d - they are sold at close wards, embracing the greater' extent of I -Trickett, the Australiftri. scullpir, . big too. The services of a surgeon tars from Windsor Castle, in which I wives are dead. The lust three are I 11 I while at Orillia last week, 'enjoyed the ,-A woman named Wallace, of Tor- were not obtained for about a week, � . ' - fig -ores, t the limb or limbs affboted. The pulse . io, while crossing a railway bridge and I they state that one of his Quebec pie- still living. Four or five years ago he I � . I first Bleighride -of his life. He aiso ont it.wasthenfound that mortifica- � �s hard in this disease, and the impulse I ; just east of Brampton on Monday last, tures, which he painted for Her M.tqi-esty married a hidy ill rvloutice)lo, Maine. �he Stock is, as usual, well assorted Itrong, the temperature of the body took a six mile walk on theice. I I tion, had Bet, in so badly that half the the Queen, has been sent to _6sborue, In July, 1881, lie was warried at And- . � , 8 - The winter is exceptionally mild w,48 nearly killed by a passing train. foot had to be amputated. in 19JI the Fancy Suitings for nobby elevated to 103 or 104 degrees, and I II - I snio. A, large stock of FUR CAPS, 1 -when blood is withdrawn it coagulates in British Coluimbia, all(I there is She got -outside of the rails and clung -A few nights ago Mr. Riebard and the other is in Windsor Castle. ov,er to Mim. Adelia, Burns, and in Sep. th6 newest thing out, in Deither ice nor snow. Flowers are on to the eieti till the train passed, thus' Griffith. brickmaker. of Westminster, The letters also state that the paint- tember, 1881, obtaioed I � firmly, wad insuifests the presence of an . . . � from the* ladv he married, at � i I . . - . I � saving hoe life. The escape was a uar- was awakened by shaolie, and on get- ings have. been very much admired, I Houlton . I a . : - increased quantity of fibrine. The con- -growing in the open air. - 8, Mututiceilo. ' few weeks.�zago be mar- � - - ; I . I . . as expenc ad row one. an adioining ajud tif t "a very difficult task has been Lk � a : 7 I -Upwards -of $178,000 w I ting up found a lounge in L 11 Fletcher, residing betwoen % dition of the intestinal oaual is dis- I t-Tlie houtis bylaw for the location & executed with singular success. I ried a Miss . PERSIAN LAM,% SEAL, &G. ordered, there is"coustipatiou, the fac0s in Brantford in'-,builditig iduriDg list oi the Canadian Pacific car abops at room in flames. It is Supposed that EortFairfivldatudHoulton. H0131aim-111 - � . rid tbis figure,it is expect3ti, pipe in the 1pooket of his coat, which he -A shocking accident occurred to , - . generally covered with -much mucus, year, a Ii tl�ie town (if Perth, and the Ontario and to be a Cbri,,,tiuD, and is very f4)nd of 'lov and -their color frequEntIv indibates th . 61v be largely exceeded this rEar. Quebec Railway right of way to .the b - ad thrown (in, the lounge , before re- Mr. Thomas Allen at the Great West- i g d t k ii g part in G ,eB of all kinds and Winter Flap- a wia,ik ! -Mr. S. C. Douglas, (.f I the E er tiring, did Ube mischief. ,& large roll ern Railway work -shops, London, on WaY " - an a es a lead I ' , . ne15 in endless variety. I absence of biliary secre'tions, or the I . yer meetinvs. trying, n(, doubt, to � r I � , -r eA XiukHtoll and PombrAe crossing was The gentleman named was Pra ; - . u International. was lately MR[ , of bills in one of the pockets was badly Saturday. , ' . I . I presence of altered bile, being tinged 6ir I 60 , ,carried in that town on -,Saturday by a - working at the steam hammer, a very cover his evil doings under the L.cloak of - � WM, CAMPBELL. 1i - to otte of Torouto's fair mai(kena. he , ; scorched. � � i� st&ined. with coffee colored streaks ; tb a � - of 271 for, and only seven against. ! werfral machine, when the die he religion-& vain effort. ,,, I happy couple are now on an exten ed vote . � a. Mr. Morris is said to have po 11 i �. -HO 1-1 � I rectum is irritable, and the passage of , I fall of the I made $100.000 by Speculating in North held in his hand, in Some priaccount- -Mr. Bech, grocer, in Loudon.Eaet, ---I- -----,---- , I bridal tour.. � I -The heaviest snow - i laces causes some degree of pain, henpe 1 1 1 1 of soqAoii, occurrv-d. in Halifax, Nova ' fr ace a is the proprietor of a spani,,A refriever -opany, . I ; I . P�RIVATE SO HOOL� the term muco euteritis. ,The dolor Of I -gartl.aud, Smith & Coi ., west lands. Mr. Douglass, of the Iu- ab" c rn an it er, slipped' om iti pl, ju t ' ! I -al. have been fiued 0600, and Scj,,tia,-( SAturday, and sleighing is i as the htunmer was descending. Down dog, noted for its diving p,,wers. Any- , I -AT THE- the conjunobiva or M*ucus membrane of � Motart I . )n I terior Deparbmeut, is also said to have , . bad $10,000 worth of goods confiscated excellent. There was also a fall I rowl) into & river or pond he I ' e eye- is altered to. a pink, heabe t a ' ' Of been offered thirty-five thousand it came with terrific force on the right thins, th - . " Ot P U P L A R S , for brea'ch of the on . eal which ' dollars for his interest in � some he, d of the unfortutiate man, crushing will bring up from tile bottom, provided - i " � "a � . stoms law. . They wLout four inches in Montr I � n � _L � L name,lpink eye," Thete is often a � . made good sreighiug the first tbey have , Emerson property. Captain Lang, of 6ab member into a shapeless masti. it is not too heavy. O,u one occasion, . L � JOHN STREET. loud cough, at first dry., but often. ,b _ , entered Spirits as vinegar. I ' -The following land purchases at WallacAwg, an invalid, who could . _ Ar. Jttmes Goltfie. of Guelpb�, )as had this f4t-ason. the same Department, is credited with . ; . coming moist, but there. are no sig a I- � r , � ' i A of ordinary I � iported, from Nova Sootim sevo ral , : - Meetitigs of the Reform Assoclia- g something like $25.OW to his have recently been Made: Mr. James I not be got to eat aiiy kir � MISS ROBERTSON of serious pulmonary �Coinplidatio . 1 in � . plaolu � . -laum. Ac- � I ., . I The�disemo runs its course and ter. I car �Pa& S of bitnmiuous c( -&I, which IS tionli of North Waterloo and, Haldi- credit by handling town lots. Lockwood bought lot 6, 2ud range, ,food, took a notion for ( - ; I I ,Iyt this dog was sent for, and by. : Wi)l re -open her school ou MONDAY. � Six. I preforred to the Ameriemn and' is i ur-- mand were held on Thursday of last -It �as beeti'decided that the yel- I north of the LougwooXs Road, Ekfrid, ciordiai, I , - minates, favorably in - fro�n four to I . . " ;�, Week, arid both were very successful., lowbead Pas' route through the 200 acres, for $6,000 cash;. all bush. throwing �a weighteil clarn Shell iuto the � J94ua�ry 9uh, at 9:30 A. M. Music in days, leaving �the animil but, little ai- I nisl)o4i eNt a lower price. .- . a , I I . - Mrs. K I . -mt. g waR,addressed bv R.-ekies fo - 'Messrs. Alex. and Gilbert McLean 1 river, the dog succeeded in briDging up charge of MISS BOOTH, late of the I. � � L , tored. There is dot the -debility of in- ; ay, of Errbro, gatbered� The for .r meetin - r, the Canada Pacific Rail f I - 7 I- I �,R;k woman. I mx�sic department Wesleyan Female olong- ! pall n 7 Yo u , , g. M. P. P., a u d I 0 ers urchased the north half of lot 5, Ist clams every d*v for the , I I . flaoriza, nor is the recovery so pr sies from her lardou on the 2 th Mr. James the way is to be &baud ned, Mr. Rog I p 1 Decetia tier. We hope she may gatlier latter by Mr. W. Paterson, R. P. f, Longwooa,s Road, I On auotber occasion, at Alviuston, he -A CoUege,Hamiltou. English Branches ed as when an animal -has suffered I i . one of the SynAicate Engineers-, having range, south o - � - L . I Mr. James Faulds for I saved a child froin drowning. The . i - of the Irish found three other. good passes, one of Esfrid, from I -French, Drawing, Sawing, Fancy' from inflammation of an important. show- balls on the same date in eac Of � -The Halifax bratiolt -a also not( -d for his diiv- - 11 � L ca. Young ladies pre- Ise, at ;' the three succeedin-1 Mont It. adopted. Bow- River chased 60 acres at the Big Beud,�n I �og's father wa � W4irk, Calestheu-i organ. In somo�iuBtanees the pu m Land League has restilved to Support .which will be - . I psod for college. Special attention, to first strong, beiomes gradually feeble, I -The clergy connected Nvith the tile uctiou of the Cl.ioago Convention in i Pass is, the one most favored by Mr. �Mosa, from Mr. Benjamin Sampson fox- I ing poweria, and it was a common 00- - ' .. deVortmout. Torms, moderate. . � Basilica Roman Catholic Church, maiuwinitig the p,ople of Ireland in i Rogers. Kam,�oops will- be the dentre 160 per acre. I I curreuce at A'viustou ft,r tlie black - I * - I the horse the while - prtm,juting no ; eil their dqer- J gainiA laud -lords I of the railway, system in British Col- -One day last week Mr. Robert Smith to throw his hamm-er in -to the - l other bad symptoms, the pain "having ! Ottawa, have annoutic , I their present struggle it - i - � ' Simeon, son of Mr. Wm. Simsort, of , pond, aLia- f(�r the d, ig to Ai ve- after it .- IRS8 ROBERTSON will also Open left the limbs,tbo appatite,returning, the ': min,ition not to age in hy -their contribution towards' the I umbia. -1 - . . AD!E,vening Clasti for young ladles, U11 - 050,000 futill to be 8e d by I -The soup kitchen coninected. with Mosa. in company with another young 1 anti bring it up ugain. I swellings diminishing,andithe secretions 1 tbe fuLure tLf ter dark, unle B in spe ial. , u t to Irelan - I - 43 . . I cases. - t6e fir8t day of February, by all Land ' the House of In-lustry in Toronto is man engaged in a wrestle, and Mr. With so many warnings it is about , . I � det thaaadplelf of the Aachanios' In - hawng regained thejr normal condition, I . - d, were , I . t3l 0 Sim8on was thrown without losing his time that even the most verdant st#ute. Sabjects -Ra&ding, Writia4 1 .*Lvlr. Shields, one of tb contraclors __ i doing good service to the poor. It was I Suveral:iustancos of this kind have I League branches. ' I ' "Ctuiada .Pa ific - hold upon his companion, who, in hi ArOhmetic, Grwata&r, Bo)k-keopiug' came under my observation, and whilLst ; for Seetion B, of the � The Kingtiton and Pembroke Rail- 1 opened on Jauua:ry 3rd for the first . , . �"` learninp to beware of the nontidence I - _. L Hj�tory, &c. Tarms made known on -all but the careffil -vetafinary observer-' Railway, Says that by the fir -it of uly �av agents have lately been engaged in timb this winter. Every day at twelve ! turn, fell heavily on Simeon, striking man. A. Mrs., Wilson, travelling frow . . &nL I , la - in abt L ., i -,ity go him just above the hip, rupturing the -bv - the Grand apoiOUUQU to MC. MOOre, Libr&d of have been confident of a rapid recovery, i ne t the ti' dk will be dompleted f tliug the claimt4 of fartnerti along the : olelock the poor families of the ( Sarnia to Ringst,)n , thoIusvi�ute. _ ' i Winnipeg to Princ6 Arthar'n Lan(ding. , line for losses incurred by fires alleged ' there with pitchers or pails and are kidneys. A doctor was Sent for at Trunk Railway, on Thursdav night of ; -1 __ - . t4o horse has suddenly died, the pust , . n ' have brigiDated from sparks . f rom i supplied with the no in orrbage was last week with her tiou, was relieved of .....i_ . Mortara examination revealing the I _I 'spector McLeod pro nises Wi ai- to urishing food. A once, but the i ternal hem l . ' ail matte by locomotives. The Company did ,pot certain quantityof fuel an-lbreadisalso so great that- the unfortuuatO ,Young 1600 by sbarpers. The wwdus ope,randi, e'' cavities of pagers free delivery of MI � . : _BIO_1­1�r piea�j.,ce of thrombi in th it,s , carriers, as Well! as the 0110000111 Of f I eel liabl,6 for many of the losses, but dealt out to eachfamily once a week. man died during the night. Deceased of the confidence men -t -hero were I I . - � . the heart, the heart itself and I I � . ' . . I - membranes showing no trace of diiiease. 1 etters from Strait boxes, so soon as,the paid them rather than have litigation. 1 -On Saturday a gentleman inad- was a worthy young man. three of them -was this : One of - tlieni . . - �� � - � __ In other instances'recovery has taken Vriumes of the str6ets are posted up �nd _A man giving his name as John vertently left his pocket book contain --Two young mt.n in Kingston, said he bad run abort of money, &U� ! . I i - I I named Brown and Pogue, were arrest- � I . . -a I pla(va, and the animal has been sent to I the houses numbered. . . Watson was arrest other produced a cbeqae for a 196t" 1 d in London last I ina a fargA sum of money on a table in I � - - 1. -Mr. S. Woolverton, Of London, bas . oode Hall , and upon ed for assaulting a young woman on the "Mount. a"d v,absequeutly an appeal to WANTED. iup v�ork, continuing well fur weeks o , I Saturday night as a vagrant. He was - Osg. in Toronto - ... . ' street, but the latter escaped from the Ze verdant Voting traveller, who pitied . . � even months, when in some cases ,J*en presented with a di)lome b 'the apparently oule-armed, but on search- i learning pf his loss despairei of being �, � . * . - Agricultural and Arts sooiatiLl Of in V,however, police cells with the assistance of the men aud induced his mother to ad - I de4th has occurred from rupture and I . ing him at the station he was found to ; able to "recover."' Returni . I . � i dejeneration of the liver, whilst in I Oubario for the best dolled; ion of spepoi- have his arm down by his side; inside I to the Hall he was surprised '� fi.rid the friends. who knocked in a portion of Vance his new found friends the sum of � -history � ( . ous in natural a the latelex- Ld the wall so that he could crawl out, $600. The mother or son did not seem m.,hers, Signs of cerebral disturbance M � of his abirt, and quite a sum of money pocketbook untouched wber 3 he hi - : I - patients , hib,tion held in that city f mark , but,the magistrate fined Brown 6100 to realize tb6i�r loss until they .reached I hate become evident, the . ,,owed in his clothing. ; left it, and departed with th ) re I . I .- 6", I I . in, �' the . .-,iI will not believe th such or six mouths in the Central Prhwn, Toronto. The thieves represented I � � -Rev. Dr. Black, of kildom I - i em la0yers . : .., - I 'Ve J themselves as Toronto merebauts, and L . � voutually dying from com& and general � On I dnesday Of last week Mi. I Is holding him -guilty of aiding and abet- � . � ; paralysis. The post mortem exami)a- - a:ged pioneer Preabyterianj ministe of bad fellows after this. ting the assault. His Worship held it i I I � ve in as short atious of all these instances has br . ought Nplanit,,ba, is still very il�. His on, Archibald Olds, of- Woodhouse, near -1 -Mr. Wm. Hay writes tD ask the I a supposed they left Ahe train at Wishing to raise the abo . I I Mr. W. R. Black, -of the I Portage, ar- Simcoe, while engaged in cutting cedar 1 wboreabouts of the relatives Dr parents that the girls of the city must be pro- somewav station. I I . � L to light that there has been plugging ,of , � to a posts in the swa,�np, a short distance � ' tooted while in the streetff-from 'all in- -The Manitoulin Expositor says,- , ' I 1. � 8 to I rived on Friday 6vening in� answer of Samuel Noligh, who was killed on . i I . ea els of supply, the �bepat summons from home. . i from his salts and assaults. A year ago this fall two bodies were a �ime as possible, I have determined We blood v " - boutie,was killed inBtautlyby I the Union Padific: Railroad in 1875 or . . : �r . - . � and cerebral arteries. Now if we e7a- falling I _TbeLondon correspondent of the fo;ttd On H"T" 1,41and - atid buried . I � : . to offe L quire how this has been brought abolut, I -L-A Montreal architect has received a tree, which bad been lodged, ' � ! r the whole ofj my valuable stock from Newfoundland for wo and Striking him on the back of the I thereabout. The writer states that 'The number of � I we shall find that in L the first place the � an order t bout 30 years of age news of the greatest importance will be TorontQ Globe says: -there. At the time of the finding of I ; pre- head. He was a enqqiries received at the Liverpool the bodies they were not searched but __ � Of . . . dibease is one attacking the aroolar first-class wooden houses, 1 to be I communica,Q to the man's relatives , � I - ; � . I pared in Montreal duriugl the wi iter and highly respected. _' office of the Ca u*adiazi Government this fall Octave - Labaye, of Killarney, . tissue, and inflammation of connective � -The Paris Transcript has changed should they isend their iiddress to - I L. : . I tissue like that (if the more tiuly I and shipped in sections i6, St. John's hands. Mr. J. McK. Anderson has . ,,Corner ,18th and Mason streets, Oma- during December, from persons con- examined the bodies. Nothiug was . - � WATCHES, JEWELRY, S:ILL- fibrous, causes the development of the 1 upon the opening of navig4tion. sold out plant and good will to Mr. J. ha, Nebraska." . - templating emigration to Canada, is al- to be found on one, but on the other � fibrous crasis; the coagulating proper. " -Miss -Dunn, for five Years matron g, of Toronto. In Mr. Auder- ,-Iron mining is -being .extensively together unprecedented at this - period (who had been a well built man of . � . : . of the year. This fact seems to give about six feet) was found a silver watch . . ... � I he blood are thus increased- at the Guelph Agriculturai College, has D- Kin d8 the Trausori pt became one carried on in rear Of Kingston. Be- . . , . I -1 - � VER -PLATED WARE9 .ties Of t at been transferred to a similar position Souls tian ance,of a large increase in the with gold chain; :cin the ob idu was a : . an' haps, to some local b ' tween 300 and 400 men are employed a8gur ;.. . d, owing per I -in the Blind Institution sit Brantford, of the besi weekly papers in the Pro- - I at the Levant amount of emigration to the Dominion Smooth irou plate btamped -Enter- - he blood . . tor will re- in getting out the ore I -1- : undemon8trable falett in t Vince. The new proprie WL . duiiug the coming season. A number prise Manufacturing Company., Phila. �� I - the matron there assud�3i g the place 'Mines. Ne machinery bAs been put � 0L00:KSj &Q., vessels or heart, coagulatiop hastaken quire to exercise all his reserve force . by the use :of which the Bethlehem of families intend proceeding early in delphia.1' A pnInted book, ptirtly Eng- . . � : I . . vacant by Miss Dunn. , . ! - . -1 place in the living bodyl ultimately left . inee of Ma�itoba I & ... � � - ,. to keep that jourtial at its present stand- In the season. The Prov ish and partly German, containing . . . � I with 64A00.- � � � leading t6 a. fatal tormina ion. , It is -A provincial lottery, , - Company expect to get out 100,000 tons is chiefly favored by emigrants" - , I ard of excellence. . nobessary to bear -.0 i mind,' in 000 capital has received We approval of I banking laws, &c., was in one pocket, .. To the Public at a greatly reduced - Alder-, I per anuum. Mr. Wig$ino, the-mauager, * - . � I ; ' tb I � -A boy named Hunt, Son o.f . merican ports'. . The mysterious disappearance of and in it was a visiting card with the I I I order to overcome this tidency to the local povernmeDt of t4e provin a of man Hunt, while delivering papers in 1 says they will ,ship for A Brantford, in December, name#, Miss Lizzie Baker" ou it. There , - . I � figure, for the next mouth. death, and such medicamellits as have Quebec, which will receivO 10 per c at. ' ternoon, I next year $3 1,000 worth of ore. J. B. Sage, of . a P� 8t. Thomas on Saturday ,af � I I 1188-0,promisee'Dow to'be fully dis- was also a number of bills of fare from ,��, I 1. the property of preventing this liability out of proceeds. Profits v�ill be p 'lied was attaokWA by two large vicious dugs The usual quota of fires is reported ­ . � I I .- I I to coa-uladou are to be adiltinistered. �, to public charities and col�nization.! I - closed. .-&t the time of his dit!Appear- Chicago hotels and a quantity of . ing, in the above 0 � . ! and fearfully �itttiu, and would no , during the wee.k. The American fiotel - . .Parties wishing anyth � I nee he had a considerable sum. of money in bills tied up in a silk hand - L , I By carefully watching tiis disease it -Messrs. Belding, Paul!& Comp4ny, doubt have been killed had. it not been at Windsor was damaged by fire and a aey in his possession belonging to- k�rchief ; the latter are, however. to - lines, wonla do well to give me ft call will be observed that spontineoas di 1 - t to his I ar Silk manufacturers of *�Utreal, 49,ve for some brave women who wen -water on Sunday night to the. extent of '01 I I ! . .. I - school f unds, arid it was supposed that tfilly destroyed. The - man bad been o - rhcea sometimes occurs wilich'immedi- just acquired a large bloeg, of' land 411 �L assistance, and succeeded in driving ,64,000. A, fire in the woollen factory he had left for the United States until well dressed. Will our exeha�nges � - ' before the FIR8T OF FEBRUARY, utely relieves the symptoriqs. In pome ceqrsi portion of that city, on which the brutes off. � -of Foster & .� Wright, Smith's Falls. the discovery of his body in the Grand please pass this round? . . . . I . , - , - .. cases looseness'of the bowels occurs on they purpose ereoting a new fao�ory -Mr. Archibald Aids, of Woodhouse, on Monday morning, caused a loss of - to the M&n,..5,feSt relief of River, below Brantford, last spring, . -The two surveying partie . L W]Wla the bargains are going. &y Aerally. � -posts in I 43,000. At Sackvii1e, New Brunswick, � I is who � . . . the second d But all cases'do - not thus and business premises ge ; while engaged in cutting codar -..I Moods, afforded strong proof that Sage lisl have been locating the Out.*rio Sault I � River the swamp a'abort distance from his I on .Y. the Mount Allison Male I 1 . I -the animal. I -Ttie ice on tke St. Lawrence . I been murdered. A confession recently line between the Spaniiih River and the* � OOUINTER. terminate, and in order to br rr nee hom , bodist) was completely I M. R. . i'39 this is said to be a shoving, an oocu ' e, was killed by a tree which had Academy (Met it" to the Brantford Chief of Police -Sault Ste. Marie, have completed their I i favorabl6 issue about nature has to be All tile inmates escaped. m - ts to give the facts co � nue . oted - _;__ � — never before witnessed at Ws tim of been lodged, falling aud striking him on destroyed. purpor work, and report most favorably of the � a copied by a mild cathartic. This treat. . th6�year. Some carters 1 from Sorel, the back of the head. He was !10 Loss about 020 000. with the deed and the names of the route from sr. engineering -point of I I , A� LONG FELT WANT REME`010 meat seldom fails to give relief, more who drove over to Bertbior, wera un- years of age, highly respected, and -On Sunday ja8t as three, young . . � I . . parties implicated. The exact nature view. The line laid down some years . i ' part i mourn his men were walking ajoug Richmond . -BY- . . icularly if it be supplemented by ' able to return on account of the w %ter leaves a wife and child t, . of the disclosures has not yet been ago by Mr. Murdoch bus been too a .. I . J � - warm fomeutations, succeeded by , rising. ! loss. I street, Loudon, a number of , bricks, � � baudages to the affected extremitios. ! . 11 to, -The Manitoba Free Press says : which had been loosened by the, heavy made public. great extent abandoned, and one nearer 11 & MCCLEAN, I -Dr. Jenny K. Trout,' of Toron �A Halifax paper contains a letter the shore -of the St. 41 ary River jmd AULT I t � raiD, fell fror - i After the aperient has ceased to operate 1 although credited. with! performing Five" young ladies of trin, Ontario, al the over hanging cornice from a Sea captain, who says that in an Georgi%D Bay adopted, the result being � I '. I I liq A GOOD REL'IABLE TEA STORE. the horse is to have moderate doses � of some W , er patiEnts, havb looked with 'pitying eyes on the of a three Storey building.- One of . i onderful cures in h . � perience of thirty years he had never a =t1ch shorter line with better gradi- I - I med e ` I � � - diaretics in his drinking water. The I w%s unable to benefit her own failing lonely bachelors of Oak River., and them -fall upon a young man na lost his reckoning. but that on Thurs- outs. The tirst hundred miles of Ku.r- I - I I . _ I s I - supply of food must at first be spsre i . -the Rapid City Standard an- Thomas Sberlot;k, cutting a terrible � , - health, and is nQ,wrecuperating at the write to day, the 29th December, he UAarly doch's line from the Sault bas been re- -. B people of Seaforthhave &1WXYS forrid it and of a cooling nature-brau mashes I sulphur springs,W'tbe g0nialelime of -nouncing their willingness to be wood gash orA the top of his head and laying wrecked his vessel ,on Mud Island, duced to ninoty-two miles by the I . V good reliable tea at all and a little b a will -be q - In . I and won. They subscribe tbemselves, tbe.gkull bare, He became insensible nt .. . I difficult to get ui'58 8 fficien; t- I Florida. I where the steamship' Moravian we change. Betweell the Spanish -River i tillie!j. Ault & Me - , g it is not seen I te, Nellie, Liss& and Ella, and is not likely to recover. - � , le:n have come to tile cOn If, however le paticii for -A valise containing goods of the Jennie, Ann shore, although he took every, precau- and Algoma Mills the work of con- , I I C14sion th tt by doubling their custom r -be next two or three days after attaok, or more P. iO. Now then, OA -Tbe vi M -I 8tatistica,of the qity of a. 94 monl_hs, ss they have dore in the la-tt six � value of $58, belonging t6 Miss Spack- box 16, Erin '. tiou, having ,,found the indraft so struction has been c- mmenced, a num- I e- particularly if it has been irationally i man, of in Toronto for the week ending January I ml�iiiths in tea, that S,M%11 pi-ofits sud qaiak r . I _Sarnia, was stole -from the River, go in and win. arriages. 13 - strung that it would have deceived the ber of men being engaged in clearing t*rns wil be theLr motto WhY, their 600 I ea is a treated or kept. at work if there be de- j buggy in which She was being dr van -The Grand Trunk Railway earn- 7th were: -Bin hit, 35; m .Slysis' boA navigator.'! From this it would the right of way and lo work of rock porfeet gem. and their We tea is said to be vu�l bility, feebleness of. the pulse and in' 1 from the Kineardine Railway sta�ion_ ings for the week ending December, deaths, 18. Causes of death: Ptir I � ar that a current of unusual direc- cutting. The a- for a station has � . - I � . I I tq whal cituar ilt-us 0 arO ftlliug St 75cl- 'Iiieir creased res iratory movements, aud�'if I- - 1881, pas- 4 - bronchitis, 2; convulsions, 2 ; in- a.ppe Ite I . ,s4pan at 50c is geue,all.v sold at 60e, and their p .t , to the house of a friend, a few days %go. 31st, 1881, are as follows ' .1. tiou and force was, as her officers be. teen selected in the village of Sault � 3Qe tea duHt they have reducied to 25c. Their there be a probability of a fatal tormlin- : -A man named Dugan, under the sengers, 665,849 ; freight and live flammatiou'of bladder, 2 ; and one each lieve(i at the time, Ahe cause of the Ste Maria, and tb,4 length of the Inter - I . hiiLci, teas ate .euerLdy h,qnow edged now by ation by the formation of clots in the I . 'delirium tremens, made an 9tock, $11-7,115; mails and sundries, of the followiug:, Heart disease, mis- I U*w-ly every I dy to h v,3 no �equal tu Be tiorth ca-rdiae-ventricles, the treatment m st � influence of total, $191,964; miles open, carriage, congf�B&iou of brain, still born, disaster to the Moravian. � national Bridge across the rapids has Ljkrgi) buyers will be 11beridly dtalt wilh. ,16 U � attack on Dr. Kincaid, M. P. P for 07,000; 8, in- , all kinds of ficitir mud feed oo hand. We be more energetic. It is believed that I West Peterborough, . a, few days igo, - 1,40i7J. 1880 - passengers, 637.941; stricture of rectum, scarlet fever. tv- -Few people have any idea of the been determined to be 1,000 yard I . . . __ . I - " I - I , i J01- % tr# - - I V_ ItTV1 I I" - ( - 11 � koe I and diphtheratic extent to which irou -mining is c%rried oludingapproaqbes. Therailway.ioto' aooply,-a di eou,tt -u ptirooses of fo-ir a,i,d five two tbinas are becessary for the ral�id : and inflieted some ugly b4t not da U*- fr6ight and live stock, $1.46.251 ; mails I phoid yneumouia, 1-11 � , - &Lmeal will be exch-ingo n : . Eastern Ontairio i- be; run a short distance above tbe .. .*Ut,U9, of coal oil, .d . As an ev �� 9 - &11 production of. cardiae clots, uamel�,,- � ounds. The Dodtor is outof ind sundries,, $6,000; total, 6190,114; - paralysis. ! . * on in . .16r..pats on tbe same terms as ihe M1,18. j I � I T ends di I -abd , - i m ' U� r pr(duee talken in exahiiinga'tor debility of the organ, -the h6lart =7 ' iles open, 1,2771. Increase for 1881, i, -The numerous fri an : ad- dence of the importance of this indus- b*ridge on the Canada. side to i -tach the .-ids of .f,oin . well �� ds. SeA by. the bat rel s-ild the same as w. the & coaaala:tive ,tendency iu the blood. ' ' -Monday morning between 11 and 01,772. '- ' i mirers of A., Miller, Esq., B. A4 for- try,it may be stated that ehrough the excellent deep water terminus so .. 1110 wells. Labralot and L%ke Huron herr n : oter of the Walkerton, port of Kingston alone for the quarter known to the old Hudson Bay traders. � � . 8_�Iot m9s Both of these conditions must then be i 12 o'clock Mr. Thomas Bd.ustead, alBon -The barn and sheds' of Mr. Adam I merlv head m k� im barrel or hatt barrel. combated, the first by stimulants, aud ' onstead of Toro� to, 8teiss, postmaster at Heidelberg, --in I High School. and more recently Prin-, -ending September 30th there were am- The Sault Ste., Murie Canal will be ; - � Of Alderm%n B t 0 0 r 9119 4. --A 11 - swing bruive iiist above . . � I � I > I --- . I i V bu V110 J � . I . . � Ty and Glassware got a great seat- the latter by sahues, wlii--h Preveilt ! walked,into his room, pnt a to the county of, Wat�rloo, were destroyed I cipal of the ivabac and Model qehools ported To the U nited a 8 I -new and old cut. . , I lour Cr(oke � - the junction of the - � holidny season, but we nev�lr '�head. and shot himself d"d, by fire last Sunday afternoon. They of that town. feted him a few nights of ore, valued at $16,283. Iji the dis I - - I . I te�inl- dunm( the coagulability. I his for I 'L""""'D - - I _� I � . - le,t any ot our stotsk rat, downo,so the public can we� ire. I ago most sumptuously. Last week he trict of Kingston, where this .output , . . oat anytning kept in a fir8t- The beart's action must be !carefully I -No cauge has been assig ed for i the re, supposed to have been Eet on 11 - master Dudley Holmes, the oldest - . rely on getWig alin I . f i . I was the recipteut, of a costly Russian came from, there are five mines in ' — ,_ I � e4sa grooffiry, crockery and tea store. Enqnire noted in "tbese doubtful oases, and melancholy ac�. . i" I The barn waslinsured for 03W in the . I - for Ault & X001 , Q& I � the Mutual haisaranoe Company of Guelph, 1 lamb skin cap from the - obbIr of the ,operation, as follows: The Mississippi. son of Dr. W. J. R. Holuies, -of BMs- . - I � . ,to Tea St.ore, Main strbbs, hold in I 0 , . I ., I Reltforth. . . . I proper stimulants administered when- —Atea meeting was ca will only cover about English Char 41h, of obich he jras a employing 150 hands; the Levant, sels, in the receut examinations in Lie- . , i I- ever the pnIse: begins to falter. The � Meth��dist Church,Ayr,on onclayeten- but the iusu'ran nPloy. towel High School. took lot in rasthe. - A 1. �, I . � - mod in the corpomficin ' ,of pur,gatives in the 1 ing, January 2nd, when he follo*ing .'& quarter of the loss, as a wagon. out- member fouthe pw*f Un years:. The employing 75 ; the Caldwell, -el , � . ,ravamar; Ist in gw- -1 . . - . IN. 8.-4wds deltY administration, ,, i reoeived ing 50; the KWUW&&1L&, 9M1?100Dg 25, U19tiCH ; 1st in g T s lat consider- - gentlemen took part: V. srs. ter, sl*h,'and a large quantity of bay week previong to that I 0 frow I I Me of ebarp. A h0,1W 61W&YA rwAy. Piftse ter stage md9t receive due I � graphy; 2nd in 'history, and 8rd in It. � . 11 ea)l &70 h2speot for yourvelvviii. . . pHs an i afeedonMe addren, to- and the Glendower, employing 25. . r It � ation ; if there' be debility cei Hobbs, Inglis,.Thowson, nd ins; and oats wwo destroyed. Had it DOt I bis pu� ;V� � � - 825 persons are engage ! I 'rain and the effort W All them T I . I ! of _h d in this litoerNiture, in thes7ridivisiou. . . I a of the gother with &,'pum = , � . I gatives must on no account 1�o given, an pastor of the church, ivered a been for the I � , I . I � ­ � AULT & 310CLEAN . : . . i - . i I . ; . I . . i - � I ! I . � I - I . i - I . ; i � I � � ; � � � ! I - I . ; I . . ! : I 9 . . _.� . � i . I � i t I � I , I - . � _� : : � I I � : . : � . . . i ! . � ! , I - � I ; � I . - . . . I �: ! . I . . ; I - p I I I � i . I . i t - I � - i i . . � - . : I � .1 . i I � . i � � i I � . I � �