The Huron Expositor, 1882-01-06, Page 8� . -
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I i . ''. I T$E! HURON EXPOSITOR a i .--1 mummom� L -- — .— -
� i - --- � � I Mmilillism - 1, — — 2� ----.-.
. I � � . � - � . - ,, -�'.
I . - -- - � I eve,entertainea his brother - 1.--,
I . '�' . spring.—Wm. C' rar elected Be .
1� t I ld Manitoba- next � -1 -.
'� I - Fraudl� beastej�j;'Henry Krm, Eg. evening at half,paat "von o'clock.- - -took place in the soliopt on the Ise- Armstrong pre * * : organ and �brt - ,
, - B Sid at the
� I -0e Councillors and a number of friends at, . -.---- -
- .-
T �'. 1#4V011 tspositet mondville, ooucertlna�; .L. Coughlin, The town clock was froz U fol - it iv ly that she possessed has sold his house and lot On. . 1 -I-�
, ,
i .. , two teaching days in. Deoemberiesa showed oonclus $450. an oyster supper on Monday evening wIL-- 4
� k � � . L - - '. " �.
I -
, I - Oft, twelve dozen brooms; I ; street to Mrs. S. Crawford '10Z 0 ' ' ' �
. - 1� I - Frank several days. It has been t on i 2 -as follows: Junior: fourth 61&ss,— the qualities of i successful organist. a; M
I I ....- Shannon . . 0 Mr. Wm. Armstrong, Piroprietor of the lut.—The establishment of ',-curli g -
. � �1 -1 - , Goderioll, pair- of garden and set going again.�, Xr. ROM. Jamie - iks obtainable 548,—Alex. Cubbill After the programme was finished All - - -A Z'C I �
, F I DISTRICIT - bd[ATT'HR:8. : I al, is putting up a �arge rink is d,dvocated, for this town.—A. I
� L f Vases; M. rL Cameron, Godeiich, f t son intends stai-ting ' I homes,, American Hob . I . I " , I
� . a for' -the 01 I Countr 326, Annie Dodds 324-, A-ddie Dorrance dispersed to their respective joke was played on a couple , .
� " --
11 i sheep; Ailinfe D'byle, ' I me shed on, his, hotel premis�s-- pretty bad �*-. -
� " h Goderich, fat in about ttvo weekB.—A meet ing of th 315, Ma q. Dorrance 305, 1. Scott 287, feeling satisfied � that they had spent fra , of prominent gentlemen in this tow# on - _ --
Brigade will I a held i W .: 0 a L salt are being n1iade 1. I . � .
! To WHom rT MAY -CoNCERN.—The sheep; Rev. Fat er Waters, Goderich, 04forth kbe . Dorrance 257, Jd Dorrance 186. a pleasant and pr fitable evening.! day. Having -votes in Goderich . - -,]W';; L
I Laige qu utities 64' W, .
� - who took a photograph of 'an old lady and Silver Water pite&er.: . — : ,way from our Salt wlEll.- Mon I --orv.- - I
I * - - - . - and taken a . . �w ..
tm.tzer of au old geutl min frow the stand – I & the# Towli H,all, on Vonda, r evenin Senior third class, -Marks obtainable "SLhip, a COnVoyanc6 called and took ,4 .
I � i tlemen have been tow - , -1 I . I
. MY photographic studio in Sedorth, will I . - � next, sU 7 o'clock.-Mias R ertson' 548,-J. Rankin 200, W. Grieve 180, J. L Tuckersmith? The following gen � , L
,- d save further THE . Eix. CTI , . I L � I ' Brussels Liberal them out to Holmesville, but, after '11- L .
. . . .
� Ill return them at once an - oNp.-The elections in .Private school will re -open 0 L Monday Hays 145, G. Dickson 1,36, R. N. Hays COUNCIL MEETIOW.—The Council met elected officers of the - ,_ 1. -
- . They an not of any use to an -Y , erson this town on' Monday last passed off next. Miss Robertson Will &180 OP61L II.6. Junior third class, -'Marks obtain-' on the 23rd ult. All a Associationt viz.: Dr. casting their votes, they were allowed :� .
- 9t tboaiwto whorn they betong, and t1keir loss . � the member Vice- boy ,
. minuteo of last meeting read W. Hol t; B. Gerry, to find their way back as best t 11 , great annoyance, and me to very quietly. Messrs. Young, Maintyre I evening cluses for the inCitructiou of able 320, -Bell Dickson 276, Sarah . present. Ines, Presiden -The � I
I T I . ' . . Ken- - Z�� I
I -
'a : � lose and inconvenience. The person who and Watsou having declined to stand 1,;young ladies. These -classeE ill - bf Do J. Ai r. Man- President', D� McCormick,. Secretary could, and they tramped it , -!� �
. ,� � : them will therefore do me! a favor bj- . � W-1 rrance 271, W. Black 240, tche- and approved. , oved by M i - nedys bad a crowded house in Clinton, �-�� � I
- r� 1 return- tor the East Ward there was - C'stried on under the 'a �-w I .
- - �
. � . MW them at once. AxDRRw CALDER. 78512 a eon - auspic a of thq ,on, 217-, J. Walker 204, F. Borrett 201, dell, seconded by r. Sproat, that the and Treasurer. CTIONS. * The ele4tion and several were unable to obtain seats, - -
Mechatlies"46stitute. Aw the � MUNICIPAL ELF, -
. �
- I 1 %AD THM.--SMITH & � test in the North Ward only, ana Mr. � re are & Dorrauce 199, Jane Dodds 164, J. L. following accoull a be paid: James � , A
: .� WEST Positively Cash, the Returning - Officer lor ' - this, d abt1e61S`m-'&n'y YOUng ladies in towr BrOWq 145, T. Dodds 133, P. Dodds Kyle, lumber, 01 .60; Robt. McLean, on Monday last was a strictly party the hall was so well faied.- .ts- painter � -1 7- -, . . I
- - theirDryGoodabu-jinessin Seaforth in a .i , �
. �, -
ward, had a very emytiraw of it. -I-1 th' - - who are employed during the day, thit 108. Senior contest, and it, is useless for ei�her named Crich, who has always beeti, Q - I - L
Veek9#%pdln order to reduce the stoek an . I . qra . second class,-marlis ob- cutting hill betwe a lots 10 and 119 able- "shipped out') . . F11
ch ,
. � �U* as po,sible, will continue Vft"rjLllg the goods being only about '50 votes polled al. will � afford them an excellent oppor. tainable 320, -Adeline Sparling 218, R. concession 3, L. � S., 860; John Mc- party to say to -the contrary, and! re- looked on as rah I a .: WHI-
it every depor,ment at greatly reduced prices. t0getber. Messrs. Cluff, Campbell and tunity of gaining instruction, whiol Robarton 211, Jane Cathill 200., W. W. Connell, culvert o cone � ession. 2, lot 15, sulted in the Conservatives electing few days ago; leaving several sorrowing . . -
L*wlinesotmen's and boys'overcoa s, u1ste ' ewirs. Rumball & - �,
rs Dr. Scott were the fortunate men, .they could not otherwise hav;. Thes( Aitcheson 185, Tilly Story 152, Mary J. three 10ouncillors. The board will now creditors behind. -M .
#*dclotbinjr, Tweede'L'farfl, Woollen grods,4dies'l . . 63; John Butt, P tting stono on Kip. . akers, who halve been 1-
4 -wilt be closed. out re Mr. 01-viff receiving 42 votes, Dr. Scott evening c1m8ses Should be largely at. McClure 149, Lizzie Nellans 118, A. S". pen road, 62;- Th mas McGregor, oW- consist of four Conservati,�es and. one Leslie, wagon m - ''.
. -
Outill'and children's cap@ . - . I I . -
* ,
�` I ii1liZ11W08 Of 0, St. Don't miss this chance. The 38,-aa-Mr.'Campb6fl`,29. The council tended. -We regret to learn that Mfs* Brown 42 Reformer. The following is the re'ult: ,in partnership for twienty years, "ye .-�. - IMMA
, -
�. . - 1111111riler-you call tha better selections you will b& - The last two were Absent Vert Oil CODCe8SiOU 3, L. R. S., $2.50; 1 on :V. . .
I L � I - - . , - I for this �year will- be composed as fol. Agnes Cowan, one of the - to ichers in ditring part of the examination. acolwma;i --�
-_-. d4 to mskii�' 7W --' . M. Young, culvert at lots 15 and 16, F. C. R�gers, Reeve, by . dissolved. Mr. Leslie intends visiting . - .
. . 1. I ., raing
--�- . 1, T! CARD OF THANKS. -The under- lows: A Strong, Mayor; - D. D. Wilson . t1i; Public School, has been seriousily � concession 3, Kippen road, 03 - Wm. For Councillors -Jas. Drawe 124j, W. th6'Northwest.-On. Sanday mo. �-
I - � ' 'large Newfoundland dog was ob- *
.; i Reeve ; James Bkttie,-Deputy Reeve ill from inflammation. Shei3 ecover- Blue' Does. F. Vanstone 122, W. H.McCrac an last a � . - �
. � � stued wishea te convey his most sincere th%#ks P , I vale. I Hudson, culvert, lots 5 and 6, co - . ; . I
- to all who assited hini ill making the late baz �tiir Councillors, -South Ward -O. C. Will- in -g but will not be iible to t he her 121, John Wynn 116, C. R. Cooper, 15, served passing leisurely along one of, . .1 I . -
. ' I ELECTIONS.—On Monday, the elec.- Sion 6, H. R. S., 52.50; Win. G. Plewes, � - -
. agnecess; and more particularly to those not rt and Zen" place in the- School for so , W. R. Wilson 112, P. Thomson Ill J. the streets with a large stuffed goose in �, .
. I - . weeks. t6rs-of Taraberry turned. oat en Tnxwge, repairinOwo culvierts on concession 2, 1 . �- READY -111
exubers of his church, who, by their g,iier- - Be;m; East Wsrd,-R. N. Brett, A., Miss Edwards, another task, er, has Halliday. 100. The first four are ,the his mouth. Re was determined to I
ity and good will, as well as by takin to- elect 9, Council for 1882. A large' L..R. S., 6A.50; Wm. McMurray, re. � �
. 9 ' -Dar- 4
� t c assisted so G, McDougall and John Dorsey. Nolfth also been suffering from therial vote was polled, and during the day the pairing culverts on concession 4, MR. . men elected, and are the Same *ho have a good New Year's dinner. . -- . � I
ter]& - in bringing it to a stliecegifuit con. Ward, -Noble Cluff, Dr. Scott and but'is recovering. . The trusteeq are an- excitement ran high. The following is S.. - 02 ; T. T. Cole , 03.60; composed the Council of 1881, exc6' t- ing the year ending 31st December, -
. -
% ;
� 4*910n- REV- P- J. SHEA, Pastor of St. James William Campbell. The new men�bers. detivoring to procure a Substitute for tbev"Ote: Reeve--henning 230, Millar Geo. Baile, plank � for culvert and Side- ilig Mr. Wynn -who is in p Wr. . Clinton had 8 marriages, 30 births and �� �
� 00tholle Church, Sestorth. 785,1 i I f
I � . . I . - AT V
i i are Messrs. Dorsey, Beam, 'McDougall, each. of !hem. -Wednesday, night I st Cooper. 14 deathas. The population is increasing. -
. � . A 143; majority. 87. Deputy-McPher. walk, 06-50; Jose h Shafer, expenses . �
I ;SCHOOL BooiKs.-All Books ,UBed in, Brett and Dr. Scott. I - I . -
� I It will be Seen was thb coldest. of the season. -Six
I ' A Son 200, Barton 163; majority � 37. to Caledonia, $4;55; . James Sproat, � . I Stanley. . I - . � -.
t Public Schools constantly in stock at that althnugh -municipal matters have inches more Snow would ba�ke good . . ": � . I - � . . � -
=1;11 & WILSON'S School dook depot. �. 735 Councillors -Hislop 187, Evans 185, putting brickbats on side line between 14 � I Hensau. . I
� . " been exceedingly quiet and very litW slaigeing, As it is, wheeled ve GOOD Wo'B-K.--One day ast'-week two . GRFJ
; - I
I .
. : interest taken in the election- a iclem axe Anderson 164. lots 5 and 6, conc�ssion 4, $15 ; John Y, PERSONAL. - Mr. G. Hough, of I
: - ,XR. Bao,wWs BioaRAPIry. - During - good as common on the streets as eighs or � 4 Traquair, drain qu concession 14, H. young men of the Sauble'Line, Sta
L .
� IlItter Several ,of our subaoribers deal of new blood has been inf used ession of f"urtE on teams 0 I Turnberry. R. S -, 15 ; MoLea� Brothers, printing, named Samuel Eagleson , &lid Henry Thamesville, formerly a residbut of - - �
L Wdered through -the publishers of this the old body, and if 'Councillors have laden with cheese from the :Kinburn I $69. -Carried. Moved by Mr. Sproat, Young sawed from solid -ifiiLber d this place, is _here visiting hi's Ald �
:� 6 elarnal ','The Biograp4y of the Hon. the will they certeduly have the ability factory i)assed down Main Str:�et about 66HOOL 1EXAMINATION. - A public seconded byMr. .tlgie, that the fol� split one and a- quarter cords of" W od fi. iends.-Rev. Mr. Logie and wife, of Til- I 1, �
o . G` orge Brow to conduct the affairs of the town prop- noon on Thursday, ' school examination of Section No. I re for the past I . .
: ; _ � . -n.1' The money was duly -� -We axe a -� lowing accounts be paid in charity: in thirty minutes by the watch, as- bury East, have be(an he
� I 0 Ie D. ng - The conviction is gradually gain. tice that our genial frien r. � ra ewar aving e i arin I . I I
W erly 9' a to no- T4rnberry and Howick, was held o
o G 0 Com- . I a Friday, Dacember 23rd. The- large FrederickCook, b 'ard and attendance � week vis. .- .
�- L
t, � yo, and we were not a - Are un ,I re ing ground that there --are entirely too ..of the Argns, St. Marys, has 6 n elect. 0 Beat that who can. . . -
- " I y - I number of visitors present showed that 0" Mr. Johns, an 'indigent, up to 1he I he Matheson, jeweller of Lucan. was m I., .
I that the books had not been, re- n4any members of Council Bind that ad Mayor of that enterprisin t I by a the parents were interested in the wel- 24th of Decem er, $23; Thomas . THE ]AGRICULTURAL SOCLETY. - T the village on Wednesday. -Mr. A. -
. . . . .
. � , . . . . . � 7 ose for whom they were business would be better, and more ex- large majority. i . , nuaJ meeting of the members ,of 4he t ..
. . : making enquiries - � I Ifire, of their Children. The pupils Downs, charity, �-$1.50; Hugh Mo- AD Sherri tt', of Dakota, and for sometime I :� . This 11
- . on, _we peditionsly Conducted by a Smaller and - -------- *.--- . . t . �� � .
� I I were exa , J. J. Ewen, Brucefield, !to be expanded by Stanley -Branch Agricultural Soci6ty a resident of this place, is visiting his . . � .
Walton. I mmeroial H al, I.,.
n that the work is now in the h ds � � . the Reeve, $4; EhQnd Comber, Har� wl friends in this neighborhood. .
i an leas eumbrons body. We hope, there- ; I I Dan: 'Man, and W. T. Mus -grove ill he held in the Co � �
he priaters. and will be ready fo fore, that before another�election comes 9 and � �,�
I 1� � � I
- - -- . I r OUR LITERARY SOCIETY. -The Liter- acquitted themselves in a manner very in Ber, Harpurboy, Bayfield, on ,Thursday the 12th inst. at LOCAL BRIErs.-Colisiderable snow ' . I I
around there will only be one ouncil- * , . -
� tribution in a few weeks. The delay . 0- ary Societey' bald their meeiing last $4; John Garbe, Eomondville, wood 2o'clockp.m.,for the election of Of- , I
lor required from each ward. , I orbditable to their teacher as well as 5 has fallen of late, but owing to the high - .
I ell cause Y a luess of the , Friday eveging accordin' $4. -.Carried. Moved by Mr.. Hannah' ficers and the transaction. of other .
. A 9 to annotiuce- thbmselve.0, showing by the readiness . I 11 wind that accompanied- ft, very little � Them i
- I
� . n. Alex�nder tlicKenzio who is the ' . - ment; wheq the usual quietub8s I and and accuracy of their answers that seconded by Mr. , Mandell, that thii,- business, . v has remained on the roaas. Aa yet - '� fietion, I
I . � or of t e work. We. make . this THE LATE BEssiE SCOTT. -We have good order led, and if we are to- thb had been well instructed in the Treasurer be instrnel6d to remit the`, SHEEP WORRIED. - On Thursda3 -There is now a .
. -"tion so that those who have been requested to publish the following, a night of last week Mr.ThomasDinsdsle, I
. judg by th=ner in which the dif - di y re sum of 5200 to J,,. W. Dill, R there is no sleighing. I figures, ,
An fte at branches in which they were good crossing on our Main Street be. � - - I
� t scribed will know the reasoa for the which speaks for itself : We, the under. ferent speakers wer� applauded we ex�miiued. The ladies. of the seebion Bfacebridge, and $100 to E. C. Carle- of the 2nd Concession, had two. sheep tween Mr. McPhergm's and Mr. Evans?. �' . " The Sb
uDexpected delay in the delive igned, on behalf of the teachers al the would say that all an ton, Mayor of Port I killed by dogs, and several othe , � I
- ry- f , Joyed themselves jilsodeserve credit for �Haron, to be ap. � , very . we would like to see a few more built, � I in all tb
� I Prot, Presbyterian Sabbath School, heartily. Anexcellent ' lied in aid of the ff�ufferers by fire in badly worried. Mr. Dinsdale ha a '" -� -
I t , .. 11 GE. -Mr. Editor, progra me has Supply of provisions which were served P I as we much prefer walking on crossings . .-. - - , suits. A:
. . - Sir, - Seaforth, %ish to express -�by mintite been provided for this evening,! which at noon and to which -ample justice was Muskoka and Michigan,, baing amount very fine flock of some 14 sheep,,ald to goiniz through -the mud. -We notice I I the nowel
H ng heard it whispered that Mr. iour - heartfelt Sympathy with, the i - thav were all more or less injurp'd.
; i consists of readings, recitati ' subscribed by the people of this town- ,�
- . d do' . . 1,
; D. J. Foster, Some while leader of th I 01118 an Do by all. After the examination Mr. Evans is taking advantage of the I
I a 'family of the late Miss Bessie Scott in dialogues and a good tar' I hip. Moved by Mr. Elgio, seco No information has yet been obtainled -n -
. nout is 1 exuect. WAS Over, Mr. Robert Douglass was �p- aded .
Xqohanics'Band Of this town, is using . I preseat cold snap to flood hili skatina 1,
. their bereavement, and would also ed. Subject for next Friday � , ty Mr. Sprost, that this �il do As to whom the dogs belong . PERSI-A
I" utmost end -�vealng, Pointed chairman,,and a Very extensive �Couuc - I rink. Lovers of skating will i " I
eavorB to gull the public hereby express oar high appreciation of the 13th iast.-, 1' -Resolved that the steam pr6gramme . now adjourn. -Carried. !
� o MORE GOOD STocx. 'Afr. John Kpt- I
inth the idea .that he'. iaa first-class the Ghrist,imn character displayed by engine is more. beneficial to n � �Ihnkiad . was gone throilgh,con.sisting — 0 1 1 � chen has purchased Another very fi�e to I.earn of this. -Large quantities of - ' - t
0.0 � player, I hereby cball�ngo him harboth while enjoying ,gooc of singing, recitations, dialogues, - grain and pork are finding their way to - . � Gloves�
I I health, than the printing press.;' The sides Speeches, &e., by the 6cholars, w 0 H4, . Durham bull calf, which he got hoole 1.
60. . . hi h Y. market notwithstall ding the bad state � neit in �8;1
meet me two weeks from the time and during her long and painful illness. are as folio 'we: - Affirmativo.'- Leader, was .bo on Wednesday. This animal is a dakk . . %
fhat he m4kes hist=od in Card- While in the enjoyment of health she D. Robertson, Assisted by W. Platch- Speeciti th amusing and instructive. THE ELE CTIOI�;B .-There was a pretty red, is seven months old, and was pi�� r- af the roads. Both meet With ready 11
. II Hall, �nd,, fur J leave a es were also delivered by the sharp contest in this to wnship fur the . George sale and good. prices.-Sebool re -opened 1. i
I P �� - . was ever ready, by any means in her ford, James Mebonald aud James Ful- trustees - and other% -iwbo expressed Deputy Reeveship, but at - a c ose o chased from and bred by Mr. on Tuesday. Miss Nichol, who wala for . , --
- . . wilt .. . MO Ds ,Power to assi9t in amy good ChriAlan, ton. Negative, -James lld�r- - -
I,, of Ithis town, for im _ - I I Bulger, eader, themselves well satisfied with the pro- the poll it wks found that Mr. Samuel Higginbotham, of Wpitby. We u the past year assistant teacher to Mr. � � I � �
. to 0 r. cause. For nearly fourteen - years her asBisted by K. McKenzie, G. R i and gress the school had made under Mr. Rannie was re-elected. Th -3 successful Stand that Mr. Ketchen has alrea:dy had ,- ,P R1 )
� 0 ditious of contest to be left to voice'joined in" the! choir which, led the AC Morrison. I several offers for him, and it, is like�y J. Grassick, School ,Section No. 10, �
I In I as . a I ecte for said contest, and congregation in- public worship, and for * 0 Deuilliall's taition"for the .past three councillors are H. Heyrock, J. F. he will not kee him -long, as he still Hay, is engaged this year as teacher for . - -
I ithin some tiirqo years she wab leader of the � - Elibbert. years, a I � nimal he if P
deposit is covered- wi nd were sorry at losing the ser- Moritz and Daniel Surerus. . owns the fine P this village. Miss Nichol is an efficient
J&DU , days from this issue of Tim AuRoN Vices of So efficient 9, teacher, and, as a' — - — i. . I a purchased'i a and painstaking teacher. � - . I �
I year ago. . I I
Jiilusia. andifor l . THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS.-VTo have token of esteem, he was, presented by Gorrie. . .
I OSITOR I shall claim to be his on-., . - I I .
- I -,-- , her of a class .in tile Sabbath been unable to procure a statement of Mt. Do AN OLD SETTLER GoxE.-Many .of our CHRisTmAs TREE ENTERTAINMEN'T.- �, I
I>er-10r, which I Am confident Ito b - School, and her services of word and the votes polled at the munici Uglass, oil behalf of the pupils, THE COUNCIL. -The eleCtiOl1S in readers will regret to learn of the death In reporting - I � .
�A) pa,l elec- with-& handaolhely ornamented writing Howick on Monday last resulted in the of Mr Alex. McEweli.`bf th entertainmenitt last week
unqer any . circumstances. Hoping he � �v -ice I -.Ml
� - -9 only ceased when physical tion in this towushi , but the fo lowing -. I J
� , P �de!k, after which Mr. Dbnman made a re-election of Mr. B, S. Cook on of Stanley. Mr. McEwen took I I
. Will avad'himself of this opportunity of �istrlength would no longer enable her to is a'correct statedent of the sudoessful - and cessi * a 2nd con- we u,ju intentionally 0-mitte'd to make - Will re -o
� . Ulu TOR. David Weir, First .
sh 7ing the public ff he can bl- * 'a able reply. -A Visi ,� mention of the Christmas tree enter- . -
. 0 . 41" iriend. When . laid aside from duties candidates: Alex. McLt�ren, Reave; �r d ll on � pr- --- , with inflamm�- tainment - � I
� e Reeves respective y. They: are both i iday morning , January 1
'Pore Ways than -one, a% I should -like to I by a protract 'd illness, - she bore her John Burns, Deputy Reeve. I ' Oon of the lungs, given' in. connection with the I . charge 4
�� .
I ineet him, I rernain yonirs truly,�RoE.T. -sufferings With patient ind uncom. Council- I F,aE;t Wawanolgh. good men, and Mr. Weir is especially -and, despite all that Bible -Christian Sabbath Scha6l- of this -4-- inusic a,
CA13i GHASL, bass player to Professor plaining'meekness and fortitude,' lors--J. Jeffur8un, R. Norris arid An. SCHOOL EXAMINATION. - The -Christ- deserving of. this honor. He has served the most skilful medical treatment and place, on Friday evening, December .. r I .
- F 0 , y � and drew Caldwell. There was a good deal mas examination of the greatest care, -could do for him, he I the 23rd, which was one of the most � - � College. I
C;O�r a Brass Band, Orchestra and ever expressed her utmost coaf the school in Sec. the towuship in varioub public ca- . � -Frenct
art . - idence of interest taken" in the elections, passed, quietly aw&V on Tuesday morn- pleaf,ant and successful of the season. i
� I
� - . . iion No. 13, Wawanosh; took place. on pacities for many years, and a more ing last. He had'. 'attained the some- The tree was really4eautifal, being - : Work, 044
- Company.' , in her Saviour and that he had done especially for the Reeves,,and 4 large he afternoon of the 23r'd ult., with 85 what unusual age of 82 years. He had brilliantly lighted and fairly loaAed - . pand fo�
. -
� all things well, and welondly And con- vote Was polled. bot everythi4g was, � faithful or conscientious official could -
I .
., . I Alep(
T ; DoxrNioN RiNx.-As is already fidently trust that although her kind carried on with the best ol� good IfeeliDg UPils in attendance. The Several - -not well be got. The Councillors elected been a' remarkably strong, healthy and down ,with P�esentS, causing the eyes of �... .
11 �
kuo, - . the Curling Club have leased smile and sweet voice aiI sadly missed ashes were severely tested in the dif- are Messrs. John Jacques and Samuel vigorous Man, and until t' L I
. throughout all parts of thei township. I his last short many to sparkle with delight and. the, - 1
iEthe; E Dominion Skating and Curling by us who are left behind, she is enjoy. - ---------------- *— : rent subjects by -their teacher. Mr. Johnston. � illness scarcely knew what it was to be hearts,espocially those of.children, to - -Mjf3s]
II6 from the-proprith'tor, Mr Murphy the blessed rest promised to tbusa i I I e4therhead, Assisted by Wasrs. ��� IL - I
, : 7. .- . Sheppardton. . . I day sick. ;He was one of the pioneer an E veild
anclAbay will hereaftqr be rua-'u-nder who continue faithful auto the end - ever and Cumming. The'experb rejoice: Af tpr the distribution of the , . -1 : der thO al
, -
� . -
the Auspices of the Club., The object D. D.. WILSON, Superiatendent. HENRY � PUBLIC SCHOOL EXAMINATION AND anner in which the pupils answered RodgervAle. settlers of St&Dley, and by his indlistrY gifts from off the tree, which took I
I the Olub had in view in, taking the SMITH, Secretary. ENTERTAINMENT. -A- I)ublic examin%. be. intricate questio - � . VISITORS. -Mr. and Mrs. James ]E>0,1- and prudence succeeded in laying up a considerable time, the Rev. T. Blatch- ... ...- - � stitute. 11
. I o Pat to them lock, of Iow& are at present visiting Orld's goods. Ile ford, of Camberne, was cillied, to the - ,.". I el
, . tiou was hold in the sl�lhooi on Friday, 11 good store of this W . Arithim
ks into their own hands was to se. I ilectli great credit on both teacher and � - 11
. 0 � the 23rd ult. A large number Of visit- some of their frieudsin this section. was'alRo a staunch, honorable and up- � . liNtory..
=Icheaper rates for' those .,who Pat. ' uPlIsa The exercises were greatly en� . t chair, when the literary and musical . . . I L I- C
ron# a and tor* have thela con. Wil- ors. were present, all of whom seemed van by select music rendered b - I .- app im- I
LOCAL BRIF,FS.-MeBsrs. D. D. a THE CHEEBE FACTPRY.-The annual righ man, and was esteemed by all part of bhe entertainment commenced, L a I - .
_ ad then - I y meeting of the patrobs of the Rolger. who koew him. ,-1 I -L. the lustj
'I[ more in accordance son, W. S. Roberttiou and Archibald Well pleamed at tke intelligence dia- he pupils in splendid style. A larg . the'same consisting of -.gkddresse � i
with . � S, rea,d- I i
. I - I
tb4'r' Scott started for WiLinipeg on Tuesday played by the pupils i a Ville Cheese Factor� will be hold at REPUTATION.—Mr. Editor -Sir. Inge, recitations -Ana musi' .- —
qwalviews. Thusjartb�a Club, have - mber of the ratepayers of the So *- ' c by the . � �, I
i I I 'While I wag in Mau � .
. '
-.�Ill very UlasucceBaful in getting ice, morninglast, to view the "boom in on the varioias,'Bubjects UOM Osi 0- 'the factory on Friday, the 13th inst., at itoba, Mr. John choir, all of which were very good and - L �, I
i L P lag tion were present, and all expressed
that city -Mr. Leonard Harsto -their studies. Several teachers from two o'clock p. m., for the purpose of McCann, of Stanley, has tried to slan- higblyoreditablato,those taking part. . -
i able themselves highl satisfied with the al ki -Y arrangements for next seas I
ONn-119 to, the warm and change' no for- y
- 'veather, and on this account tbe,Wx. merly assistant teacher in the Seaf6rth the neighboring schools, aided in the progress made by A. 13 C, on's der my reputation. The facts of the In Short, the entertainment was excel- f
, .H,gh the pupils, "for the business. v caS4 I a : -
� I schoof, but recently examination. I � a are the � A certain �
Does will b6 heavier clapsical The present teacher of past ' - note made lent throughout, and not a little O� the I
. I 'and their re- - . the Sheppardton school is Miss Strang, two years under the .tutorship of on I . . �, ..
I I master in the St. Thorn,4 Coll . MATHINONIAL,-9r, Geo. Mcifforren August 51t%, to the amount of $6o, pleasures of the evening were due to �11
a ligh-tertbis season than they an. ,LIS Mr. We atherhead.' Af bar the exercises waso -7--- 711
. . T -w p .0 " and of the pastor, the - - 41
'. Howe er, if we'should no lur epgluaBtie hose work haq, h and Miss Jessie Bell on Monday last July sigined by him, which he af ter. the social manner �
ave seasonable weather, we hope th � - visitors. were given leldek, and the pleasant 'i � --
tion iu Obtawa at a salary of 41,000.- been evidently well diro'eted and eaer -1 bade adieu to "single blessedness, wards denied knowing anything about, Rev. Mr. Wh* .
"Cipated titate, has acoe ted a simi - w , darinor t a past year, of th, day were over, the pupils an Cos.
. ,
� I
I -1
ey Mr; W A. Murdie, -,of MoKillop, and a Christmas treat Of commenced the battles thereby charging me with forger - But and aff ble manner in 'wbish the ReW , - . I
Vill, in Some measure - wbiLt ! getic- Miss. 8trang leaves at t1I end 0 kadT by the teacher, which was great. 11 - of life on the I defy Mr. McCann -y a
i J .1 up well known in this of the ypax to take charge of another ew year, resolved to fight bravely to. or any other person I
q . � towu, has gone to . . - -
they1avo- lost... -They . 4 Mr. Blatchford discharged the duties 6f .
� hatidecressed 1Y enjoyed by them. When about to getber. MA to Say trut�fully that any of my family . I
the foes very nl� . Ayr in the county of Waterloo, near School nearer home.! Many of the p y they -enjoy the best of -
. aterially. The follow. i eo- d'�sperse, Mr. Weatherbead-, ,who is good sue the obair. . - . . .
Ing, i the, scale for this Season': Season. which place he has engtwed to teach pie of the section �'x�ress regret at not a )Out to retire from teaching, was pre. cess, and may the clouds of or myself have ever been gailty' I I - -1
-I .
I he " Mr. .Vices. At sonted with - - SPORTING NEWs.—On Tffonday, the - - I .
a school for the comiug year. being able to -retain her Bar adversity which ovenshadow them be it crime. NOW, if Mr. McCann coa- L
tic a for family Of three persons, I i I A complimentary Address - I
- Murdie is a got id teaCher and will do the close of the ex'amination a very few and far between. tinuesio thus slander the character of n � - . .
$4; r family- of four, $5, and for � each accompanied by an album, a gold 1 2 d 'nSt" on the Occ%si0l1 Of the Exeter i. ,
- .
Member of a family 11 in his new schoul.-The annual Pleasant entertainment was hold. A watcho' HOME. -Mr. James Dougall, who left myfamilyor myself,I shall certainly shooting match, Hr, S. Fairbairn of . . Nviab
� -
I over four, 50o. we hain and a finger ring, all beau- here for Manitoba a year ago last April call upon him to answer for his Slan. this place' aggaiin distinguished himself I -
each;. single tickets for ladi meeting of the inembers of the Tacker. ,fine looking Christn�as tree, lighted by tiful and valnsble arbiclea, Ile DI .
' as, 01.50; . � I - Ili -
for gal'a omen, 02. 1 " a number of tiny wax candles and a suitable and f Ii ly, when the e ontest of r -
tl The rink will be am .th Bra.uob Aorwulbural Society will ee ing ro and tiettled in the famous Turtle MouU.- derous IIADgaage before a court of jus. as a marksman. In tb c ' a time 4
open each day from two to five O' I be held at the 0ornmercial. Hot6l, Be%. . 3 - ug from % . 1-1
)Ie 7
0 ook decorated with a large number of pres. ftftlit and profital 0 Y's proceed. tain district, is at Present Vi(siting. ticO- I think -it due my M#Jny friends breaking glass - balls, spra -
forth on Thuroday of:nuft' We ents, attracted the notic of th a a his - friends here. - to publish an honest Statement of th Bogurd. Revo i tooffer
in the afternoon and from seven to ton I . X week. - a a I rg go were brougb t to a close. Iving Trap,Mr. Fairbairn �� - -
O!Oloqk in tha evening. The fees are hope to see a good attendance of those audience. A very pleasing featuy of 0 highly of the country and expects to case, fearing that Some not knoWingL th: -tied Mr. T. G. Simpson, of Ingersoll, - , -- - ".
in the society, a entertainment was the present&. �, Henry man might credit his St%teWLen,tS � formerly -of Exeter, � I
, L - Elowick. .1 breaking -9 balls
"Coe"dingly reasonable, and fts the ex, who take an interesD th, , return in the spring. Mr. _(;-I of
I n I resent. -Mr, Joseph Ah tion to Miss Strang, by her pupils, of a'. I , * I H. Uarsball, who left about the same Tbankiug you for this splice in your! out of 10, the first and . .
of rent and rujining will amount P ell of this town ; JANNUAL UEETING.-At Second prizes .
rab ut 3500 for i . . has filvored us with a New Yearls . � the annual time for Michigan, is at present spend- valuable columns, I remain, YOUrS 11, L
. W kindly worded address, a work-bpx of - were therefore divided between them. . 01,
bhe season, we hope est consi . m'eeting in -Union School Section, No. ing a few days with his THomAs LaE. -1 Also, on the same day, Mr. & nFair. WAT4
Our c tizens wi�li show .their apprec i a - I 9 mother and - `
I . I .1t,
presebt in the shape of 6 of the lar derable value, and a pair of �, HoWtok And Grey, on Wednesday, sister, Ue think COUNCIL DOINGS.' bairn in a Pigeon match tied f4r. All. IL
: tion of' the effo�ta the Curling -Club are hen eggs we have seen 'rhey were All L .1 —* a there is no place . -At the last meet-�
MoKillop. a 28th ult., Mr. Win. Doig, was like Ontario. f .-,--. I
. �
Ineasares 7 inches - I I E
dett And healthfal amuse i et I I cted Trustee in plicsof Mr. Duncan solved to refund 81 to each of the fol. birds, and in shooting off for 2nd and :- . V
layed by a Plymouth Roo ing of the Stanley Council it Was re. Bissetto o Exeter, kifling 8 Out Of 1_0
p'utti]'g forth to Promote these '13no' by him. The largoat -7--* —1 - -
� m FARM SOLD. -Mr. , George HaWrk M, Tavish, whose term of office had Grey. lowing parties on a000utlt of (log tax 8rd money beat him, - . 1
$8io . a a . � i�. L
give tkem a liberal. patronage. if W the one"way and 9 iL)ohe*8 I he other,and has Sold his farm on the 4th concer expir d Mr. Robert Macdonald was On Tuesday
I 0 weat4er keeps faivorable, the rinks wil mallest 6J by 8J iuches. These -THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS.- As th wrongfully collected, viz,: James Mc. the day following, In S * I � -�..
I of M04jillop, to hili oldest son, Wil iam. a Ointed auditor for the Section for . . of L $50, Pigeon match - - �
.is till the end 0. Mr. Ha kirk th euming year. were all mont, Samuel Weltner, John J. at 30 yards rise and 80
- he open regularly from th eggs were all luid tile week between for the sum of U,50 Reeves for this towashi a Cly for purse
,O season. ' . elected ' tv Cameron, ,j,' L -
f �L
I . I .
of th ' ChristmH� and New Years A hen that intends . removing to his farm o the' .-A public examination by' acclamation, ,a contest B Jhn Armstrong, Mrs. Me. yards boundary, betweell Mr. _ T. Bis- -
I i -- will spend the holidays producing fruit Northern gravel road. i was Confided to the aspirants for the Neil and J �. Todd. It was decided that set, of Exeter, and Mr. S. Fairbairn of . TO the,
� ;
I i . � w 14 hold in the sollool in section No. the Petition of James Forest and others - - I
� of this quality i1i about aB valuable as a Tiar. ELECTIONS.—The follow 12 Position Oi Councillors. The following this place, the latter gentleman came �, -
I T.111�- BAzAAR.-The b&zaar,held here Small fari.n. The unnual ing is the - Howick, on Friday the 16bb. Do- was the state of the poll at its 010,18 : be laid over to be taken Up by the next Off an easy victor. Mr. Pairbairn has figure, 1,
ast we . meeting Of Oflacial statement of the votes poll i -a colnbm. A large number o
. I I . -
Council at -its earlie t conve i ca. .
he auspices, I " of St. the meml.,ers of the M -K,1101? Mutual 'the township of McKillop, on Monday. , f the Parents E. Bryans, 235 ; W. Milne, 201 ; P. a n an also won the gold meaal presente'd by ;- J; -1 - I
a I - w re. present, thus showing their zeal The Collector was allowed the Sum of Mr. SimEfton to -the Exeter Gan Club, - , ;
i was
Jame!'Catbolic Gbarch-- i one of the. Fire Insuratice Ct')mpauy will be held last, as furaiBbed,%v the McDonald, 164; T. Ennie, 139; Hr. I
most successful affairs of the k1od ever in the- town hall in this town to -de. .7-- Office" Raturiling in he work of education. Two of the McK 8 4 , P arti`11
. y ayt . 8 in his account with the tow power to your trigger, old boy,
held �pi the obuinty. ThN r, Mr. John O'Sullivan: For teacher's friends who arrived at noon, 50; R. Rupp, 20. The Coun pship, More
ted from I
� � W
I . . az*rLr Q The first curling matob of the season - , am g r the current year wiilo therefore 0 enloy your � lines,
� .pened Reeve -Ward No. I -T a oil fo Treasurer for dog tax not-collec . f�
oil ; a8day'morning and closed on _ Hays, 84; wearyan'd footsore, after a walk. of andmay'vou longlive t �
�� I
I wasplayed on the E-moudVI'lle Wm. Grieve, 33; Ine,jority for 9�ays, fourteen miles, were highly w'lco * be composed of Thos. StrachAn, Reeve; Mr. Goodier, they lf�-� � .
night, and a med, . -IV-- �
i g the large hall was contin, 9,1�,ly . of -the 51, Ward No. 2-1ames Have r' John Hislop, Deputy Reeve; W. Oliver, ef t the country. The ,Reeve I � I before 1
In oud 9 Robert Johnston and laurels as a marksman.
Frid daring each day and on Monday last�-The 4econd having.. I
even ' , 112; and after being 'efreshed by the d . — �
. I -11 .
� Z. I � U series of Wititer DaLjoir)g Asseml�lieg Wm. -Grieve, 62 - rr "' 90o 2ad Deputy R8eve, a was instructed to give an order to the 4Z7- 1
, . i �
I . 11 �
I erow d. Tbe im-monse array of faucy I kjority for HayZ4. 50. things rovided by the ladies - tbanks ad Messrs Bryan$ Treasurer of Tuckersmith for $15. - Blyth. - ; While t)
hog Ine, Councillors, 0 - 43 �
will be hold in Card"o's H-11 this. even- Ward No. 3-Jti,mes Hays, 78; Wra. to I , _proceeded to test the ability and At I I A I
. - .
and u1seful art,oles prepared for the oc- ing. We undl,rstand -tbat four musi- Grieve, 78. Ward No 4 -Jambs Hayti, of - -�-- balance due that township for wor t THE TEA MEETING. -The tea meet. � -i I
easioii- 'l
were all disposed of, and the in- severa, of the classes. The examin- k .
terest throughout' Brussels. done on the Lundon Road during 1881. in * - �
cians from tbe 7th Fusiliers, London, 76; Wm. 'Grieve, 71; majority for ation passed off very nicely. Before I 9 In connection 'With the CauwU - .. -
� the entire time was ha,ve been eng�tged aud will -be preBout, Rays, 5. Thtal rnai,)rity for Hays, 106. th( close, Mr. Harkness C. R.. Coop,, TheColleotor was allowed UDRI the Methodist Chure �� i .
never allowed to flag. The net pro. so tbat the music will ' was presented - ll,tookpl�ace � W .
, Brumeis �. o -R' Real EfltP'te ag6lit, :first meeting on the new Co in , at,, ,I �
-m . - - - -�;
... -
he 111-16xCePtional. For Councillors- Ward No. I-Wna. 8 Several dirst-clasii, farm,i for sale 'ancil to son's Hall last Monday � "I . . . . . .
Coeds, After paying all� with a handsome writing do k and a in Morris and Grey, County evening, and a "I -
' I
ekriensols. -Mr. Kennedv, the Scottish vocalist, Evans elected by acolarnatiou, flumn. Fail par. I fluish his tax collections for the ye I I
. . LA to)
! smonated to the handsome sum of had a good house here on Ward very suitable address. He has taught ticulaxa. Enclose stamp for SURWer. M -ar handsome sum -was realized. A very �
' . %
I -
Monday orge Holland, 105; Finlay in this School' for two' years, during MARKETS. -Fall wheat- 1881. A resolution was passed Author- Preity quilt, which Was disposed of by . . . . . I I
Which time %
*1 0,0". The following is a list of those eveniDg. Amoug mie, audience were a No. 2 -Ge $1.24 to izing the Treasurer to pay the following ane . . . . . . . -7 . I
� � -1 I
dral I o g: John Ross, 71, majority*for 11-diand, 34. he has gained the esteem U.26, spring wheat $1.27 to $1.28, amounts to the townsbipofficers as tiOD. netted $20.- Rev. Dr. Wil. .�.� �
- .�
� a very I
- ;
sheen W., C. Cheaner, Oil City, ont., ,r]6y : salaries for the year 1881, viz.: Wm. interesting all'i - AUL
vbo a cured Prizes in the general -prize large number fr-,m the country, many of Ward No. 3 -Alex. Kerr, 126; Georve of both'Parents and children. We learn 'peas 72c,to 75c, oats 38c to 40c, b, liaras, of Godericb, delivered
11 Owden. Seafortb, fat Whom hELd como several miles to bear Murdia, 37 ; majoriLy for Kom 89. th tit is Mr. Harkness, intention to . instructive lecture on I
Cr . I . I
their NationtILI 8013",8 ren — rib higher up 65c to 75c. pork $7.40 to $7.75, hay 0 'Alraliam, Reeve, Salary, postage, station- his ,,trip to I ,
) failc� floar'barrel.; Archd. McIblonaall, Kenni-dy. The old goutieLna.n W' ,59; Win. clil I _Europe." -1- I N
dtired by Mr. Ward No. 4 Wro. Archibald- the ladder of success. straw $3,- hides, green, 07 to R - . .
, - lid as as Casb, 31;, Charles Dodds, 43; Rod,r- May: it not be iwv'ain. §7,751 but-, ery and selecting jurors, IMS.70; Goo. THE MUNICIPAL ' v .
- I .
Seaforth, silver cruet- stanj; Alice vivacious, plensin4 a amusing us ickGray, 14; majority for Arebibald, ENTERTAI . NUE . ter 16c to 17c, eggs 18c, Potatoes 45c to Castle, Deputy Reeve, salary, $36.10. STRXIGGLE. -Quite & , --
J NT . � . :
Malaly, Toledo, United. Statep, riding formerly, btit tile oth(,r rn,vabers of the � - .-An entertainmen 50c, -dressed hogs $7.90. ) - `1 I
-1 -
Baddlo ; David 16. 1 Peter Douglas, $35.20; John Torr commotion Was stirring on the Monday � I
h, family did riot give ' ance, - ,
t -. -
-4� B k
Ale8pie, Oeafort ' ' in eonnaction withl the Sabbath School, TnE CATTLE FAIU. - The regular . 828.90; John McKinley, 33-40; Andrew following New Year's, it being the :.r� , � � , . T H Aim,
, ,
%. . Such general satis. SCHOOL kEPORT.—The following re- was held in the .tamOle on Tuesday, monthly cattle fair was held here yes- Stinson, Salary as care -taker and glass , even - -
.- &ent'sisuit and overcost; Jobn Smitb, factiou.-A tiew time t,Ll,le has come in poft, baqod on proficiency, punctutditv the 27th ins Municipal election, day.. some - - times. )
geafor�jth, oouutv ' ru ' "I
Qaak TackeriA%lith. I 000 fe t - , A �. clnzlon I
atlas; Michael Mo f,rrca On tbe. Grand T . I t., at Forestville. There torday and was the most sut-cessful yet. for hall $10.60 ; Alex. Sparks, balance - frailchisement, had -
- . e pine The ,,nlv-cha,,g,- iti tile time of PaSF3011- I standing of the pupils in the teme *--!
There were 120 bead on the grofinds, I on salary as Ass4ssor, rit ,f.- � si% mow.
Ilk Railway. , and good couduct. shows the correat was a very large turn out of people of at the risk of dis --
lumbe ' the R)xhoro all ages and all Beeme � *11 ; George favorites. - y to offer odds on their I—
r; Mrs. J(;Du Killoran, S � d to enjoy them- all of which were sold at go . Inonths i
9817 tritills ol, thJs brwicli is that the : School for the 'raontb of Dece,ni Od prices. salary ai C The - --
v � � ) ,,,1110ruiiia t I Stewart, . ,lork, Registrqx candidates for the � . -.� turns wi)
5(-mIort�, I ber : selves iihmensely. About. the first McLean & Campbell,. of Kiricardine ! POS -
fat sheap;. Frauk W-IlhAe, La rdia. e�jst. n �w leaves later ! , honors were D. D. Carderg 'M )F.
- I Senior fourth cla8s,-Ist J. Hugaill, 2od tbing your correspondent noticed'on. I tage, stationery fnd,gelecting jurors . D. , John- - I - s�, ilerf-oct g,
galet* tV year old heifer; Jobil A. thai-) ff,r`m�rlN. -Ilts tim(- at I I bought two carloads; )�,riggs & Bawtin' 1 $126. The Reeve was inst , Gosman., John P. McMillau, james , to wbA* ,c
,�50&forth 1 G. Brown, 3rd "Kaggie Walker. 40) J. ent3riug the room was a . � ructed to Truax - i ; � .71ran at:
1� SIDRL SE)afoith., box of tea; John " DO%'is,9:20 A. 5-1., illstearl -of W-50 ELs magnificent hammer, of Ham -- : -
�. -FaA i . I McMichael. Junior fourthl class,-ist ciiiq- iltoll, 1 ear; .;
. me men, TuGkt p Robert Symonds, R. W. Hit
I I Mc. i Issue au orderija favor of Mr George _ �
-rsm,,tb, a i I . %-' � Zoe tea �
,, fat sheep I istmas treej�hich was decorated with Nichol & E chell, Wm- Shane, Joseph Carter, N. �� I .� 'black vlwa
- _; . forunerly. Tliis %',ill ;iff.1rd people a 1 Annie Dodds, 2ud Addie Dorrauce, 3rd all kinds rwill, I car; George Arm- Brownette for $15 for keeping the or-
. Joseph A. Dorrance, Sieafortb, fa&calf ; , little MITO tilr1e. to mxvnll�,kv their break- 1 Maggie H,ys, - 4th J. .of pr Isents for both old and Sbeolig, Brussels, I carl' and S. Walker I pbaii children of Mrs. Bartlett up to H. Young and Charles I -
13- C- �iitZmeyer, Barnhardt, OiTCitv, �fast before-rusiIii,,af Scott. young. Mr. Peter Morrill, the etllcient Morris, 6 - Floody. At uesaly ev ;
- :: - I
. . Targe b!
PellnsTlvania, fat aheop . 'I' t lie' train" in I Senior tbird eflasq, - ist .� head. the date of the Council meeting. After length the long wished for hour arrived, - . I . . k*ep ali I
; pas 7-11'.. allow n'd
- � , Free 1 Grieve, 2nd J. Rankin, 3rd G. Dickson, oocupied the chair to the entire satis. millers, have 11
- Thos. D. I the worniu-r) - Tilt- Willuipegn W. Superintendent of the Sabbath School, - LOCALITIES. - Vanstone Brotbers' i andl-nany waited on the tiptoe of ,e.
Olcon,,46r, a b00k; Fr'a'nk - Kline I Press of,,K revent date Flay,: "Mr. J. M. I 4th R. N; Htxy69 Junior-tbird class,— dissolved pa Sing a number of accounts for work P6ctation for the annOulIcemout. The U.-.ria,o
I'jl)x Of cigars; Wyn. B,rx, Seafortb' I il , Ir I 8 d ass P rtnership: I done for the township, &c., the Council � 91
, cGre,a ar'rivsd fr,mn faction of all, and bi a dr whi,h W. F. Vanstone will continue ; i highest vote.. � .1 �
� ' the east on I Ist W. Black, 2ad Bell Dicks,,u the busi- ! adjourned. . � lor <Wtls,
I - �
elllltra� table; Jobn Ford, Tucker- , 3rd waE listeried to With rapt attention- Dess, and C. pe as gone to t - Gosman, .9 -Was taken by Mr. John �,;��, �. ki"llb �m
Smturdvy (,vanilla. I At ib- UrPnt soli- , Fraukie Borrett a,nd J. L. Brown waE a masterly effort o eloquen, 1� �— 6 ;
sz'uith,liceutre table; Mrs. S. W- Cadyl I 'i , 4th f a an( Wm- Shane 81, joseph �r gDoil - .
. fat ,h: ep; Mn. E cittdions of Iiis fy'lends lie hug ' . � Manitoba. 1 2�
. I Ess, h: -40arwin fat pig; I tO c6ras Out as consented- I J. Cathill. . - G. Arm rong and P. ' Clinton. I Ca and a tia-at 76 between Mr. 1. ;R17t WkIn
.; - onan, Bot EL calld4tp for alcler. ! W. W. Aitcheson 'by ihe pastor of the congregation and Onday last shipped 12 [FROM THE NEW ERA.] - N. - , I by flvwl �
Rev. J R ,2ud A. S. Brown, U rtarv,011�19 and Air. John McHill ,-, - -
. - wi Sanior second class, -113t rew on. Addresses wore also delivered .Thomson o M I ; an - - - -
hwell, � aiiver. water I man in t)i a �, tons of beef to Winnipeg.- H. 1`1;t � I
t w'ard. " --Wood is still ! 3rd Lizzie Neilans, 4th Mary 3��Mc. . M 11 for the fourth Place. The Returning
pitcher and gobleta; MinDie I � r. c. W. Watson, of Moles Mr. C. R. ; SCRAPS. -Messrs. Corbett and, Cooper I . -
I E. : very scarce 'ib towff -and will be so until 1 Clure. Junior second class,-Ist' I worth, Cooper, local ry ' Ouy C
V lmp�oveg-- The pul i W. 'whi �h were also well received lor the fficer deemed it his duty -to decide in . � terim-
McClure, 3rd Mary I 7� ��
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ngs were ( -
eedi ' 3nlivened by music the Northwest, has disp' current opinion - that . reky ou.
- 1 and high schools reopen on Monda I I MoMlicbaelAth J. Neilans. pro( . psed of 27i000 � mar by a majority of 50, and the latter cl"s W
Canada ;" Miss Catherine Nash, Me i let �&U_-
the Temperance , of ' were elected Reeve and Deputy Reeve favor of Mr. McMillan. It has been the *
Murphy, a book entitled -,The Scot in 1 the sleigl,in ' - )lic 1 McClure, 2nd Bolla - The Colonization lands in , respectively on Monday laA, the for- I-
- f - . 8 hold '.class.-Ist Aggie S- Grieve, 2nd J. Sabbath School pupiJ acres, since the 20th of October last. ; ,� ones had 'made an effort -for the thank- � for Ault
Rdlop,lfat sheep; Win. Eberhardt, ! next-Tbe Uni, -n Pravo,r Meeting y - Senior first frou, an amateur choir Gomposed of I 0 if the defeated � .
Tu6ke4mfth, silver watch ; John 'in the severaLciliur6bes in town Isi and judging - ' by 23. -The Rev. Mr. Stewart, pastor
Smith . These lands are Dow all taken up. I
r Seafortb; town lot; M, the prese A h,ive been well manner _ less Position, they WOUld have been' vt Smfbrlth�
during 1 Brown, 3rd Ellie Roberton - -�� -- �11.
]CHUkbalimmer, Be lry A.. wt wet a , 4th. G. from the . in which they render.. Mann Brothers, millers, h of the Presbyterian Church, is laid up I more successful, but we think that they . 1� -
aforth, spring mat. It- Dickson. Junior first claSs,-lat G.- ad the various plecas, they would com. their . ave ,lessed , with an attack of quinsy. -Mr. John f - �. , INN. :
. I . I p ey, I a k�- ,
kess -,. It -. tended. 'The last -of the series will be I McClure, 2nd B. Dorrance, 3rd R. pare favor steam grist mill for a term Of Shi" I of the Huron Road, n bav been., as will be ultimat.1 - I -�-- f rea -xf .
� ev, J- Maloney, Cleveland, hold in the Presbyterian chureh this I Aitolleson. A ably with many An older and three years to Thomas Rca..-& ear this the lnnlr;..#� u--- y p,o,,,,,,
- OL - . . w tten Alrornin.f. ', �� I
� . - - - Vu AUVIC p,reten ous choir. Miss Aunk Galt. Mann Brothers I 01 Down, sola tour young horses for $700 Mr. p. Kell I Lug their hanas clear. �� , * , , �� rjfll&TW
I - - - � I . intend going to ' T newly 01arastion. Y was daly 1.
� I last week,-Ndr. Corbett, the elected by so. - !�7 �
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