HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-01-06, Page 7OUSE 43RTH eniises f ank of Cow er the C eet. IS DISCOUNTED. ataateten Exchange d and SOUL SALE NOTES pnaeonalekt Rates. .*lateral Securities, vat& at par ota all auk of Cioraraerce. nwed Olt Deposita on Mortgagee. TI PM -rid TH. AC. ACV. 8 Tit ONG • L� , stook+ The rtspartioa, and ie prepare most favorablerma. ot the best Loan floe Parehase of raril, First-Cktss raring far Sctie. au at Six per Eemili, LI -west. Ocean 'Reaniship Tickets, ,•.•••••••••••••muf . Morrison's Eitore, Moir 545 D CASH, Atim Wool, Hides Furs, cf all kins. to the EggEmporium, SEAFORTH. refL DOLPHIN il in Jinii working order 'prepared to do ND CHOPPING -and they guarantee a good -desire can recei age:far their Wheat raft tis get their ovm wheat d 1ecd wimps es S A TRIAL you. in every respect. SOWER & DOLPHIN. )R LINE' . MAIL STEA Bail Loa NEW *1tIL sat kensterry) and le NNW pool, LondonthjrrytWs& Earope. Fe. ares schwas ifidatea twitted forma reir friends. modationer Ancher Una _ ed for. eiegsnee atta sorra coastal. . the P ost, Office,Seaforth LAN IN G mud, BLIND FACTORY tea te Lama hisaanuitat patronage entandedte busixtess in Reaforthaini erred with a oontinuenee mild would do well to itIn tinue to keep ort hand- a rie^r, Sashes, Doors, ,utdirtgs, Shingle*, ivingeatisfaetiontothoes latheirpatronage,atearma rearaployed. pale': to Ottetem Planing BROADFOOT. IMAGE FACT Olka LiABERER, aid, and make to Order. Carriages, -Hug• Very other artieleia Melt rintend their awn bast- e a good article bath ea h their work cannot he At ? establishments. attended to. Give cm a kflt we eau satisfy. vat at ▪ tethe pattic,havias ieh for ever 12 year& HESS & HARMER.. RESTAURANT. A.GO-NN I RE STAURA.NT, %in Street, is now th Oysters, direct Et in cans and Ma,. I to sell very cheap. supply of these luring the season, iositioa to :supply els or social. par - is terme. He has le Poaches direct h are the best in to keeps on hand R-UITSin Sea - Call at the Sea- 'ou can't do better KAGON. R T T, TIT, er in LEAT/IFIR had i;very Description. : Stock kept. Teem d. All ordereby a. LI. OHICTT ;TANUARY 6, 1882. How Leather Scraps are Uti- lized. Every little scrap of leather that flies from the cutters' knives in the Auburn shoe shop is saved, and either goes -into leather .board, shoe heels or grease. Who says this isn't an economical' age' About two months ago a factory was started for making shoe heels in Auburn. They MOW have about 25 heads at work and are Making about 120 cases of heels per day, or about 15,000 heels. The heels are made enttrelto of small scraps of upper leather.. The serape are -first- cut alto the ra t shape by dies. They are then peat, up and sent to Chelsea, Mass t where the oil is extracted from them by a secret process. They come back dry, and are then pasted together in wooden heel moulds. The grease is extracted in order that the heels may be burnished. They take as nice a polish -as a genuine sole leather heel. All the pieces that will not go into 11003 are tided out, and the firm gets two or three barrels of grease per week from this source. It is used. again for leather dressing. The firm is endeavoring: to obtain possession of the naphtha pro- em of extracting the oil from the whole pieces, and thus save the expense of shipping to Massachusetts. Their heels are largely used in Auburn, and sell at $1.30 to $2.40 per ase. Oxen or Hdrses. The Massachusetts Plowman in a recent editorial on the above topic, says: “There is a fashion in farming as in everything else, and the fashion of late years has been to use I) o rses on the farm rather than oxen. For over two centuries after the sottlement of Ply- mouth, the New England farmer own- ing fifty acres thought at yoke of oxen was as essential to the management of his little estate as was a wife. A horse he might have, but a yoke of oxen he must have. The farm of a hundred acres carried both a span of horses and a yoke of oxen, the former to be em- ployed on the road and the lighter work of the farm, and the latter to do the plowing, hauling of logs, and indeed all the heavy work. The times are changed, the customs are altered. The towns which formerly exhibited at "cattle shows" a stririg of a hundred or more pairs of oxen, cannot now muster a dozen. Horses, however, have increas- ed as oxen have decreased. Young America sees no style in oxen, ; They are too slaw and lumbering for this pur- pose. The fast young man must have a fast team, or he is altogether behind the age. The current of fashion has run so strong in the direction of fast horses, that the great question with the purchaser, no matter whether he is a farmer or lawyer, is speed. The fashion of the farm now demands not a stout, substantial span of horses that can haul a ton of hay up a steep hill with ease, and can take the family over the roaa at the rate of six miles an hour for consecutive hours, but one that 'can get up and get,' on a spurt, at 2.40 speed. Is it not time that farmers should stop and inquire whether fashion has not gone too far? Whether it would not be profitable to return to the use -of oxen again, at least to a Oertain: extent? We think the economy of the farm demand this, and propose to offer a few reasons in favor of such a reform. "In the first place there are man kinds of farm work which oxen ea accomplish much better than horse such as the hauling of logs and woo from the hills, the clearing of stump and stones item mowing lots all wor on low marshy lands, and much of th plowing and harrowing on the upland In all these, and many other situation the patient ox accomplishes his tas easily and. effectually, while the spirite horse would jump, kick, run, and caus a general smashing. "Again, the cost of raising and keep ing oxen is far less than that of horse On most farms a steer can be reare during his minority, or up to the tim when he can earn his own living, at cost of $12 to $15 a year, making th total expense of his keep at three year old about a40. All he wants at thi age is grass and good early cut hay with an occasional ration of rootsan when put to work. unless it is of th hardest kind., he thrives on the sant feed. A high blooded colt, such as i the rage now a days, can not be sire for less than it costs to mature a steer and all through his minority he inns be fed and tended with the utmost are When put to work his feed and groom ing run up the bill of expense to higl figures, higher than most farmers sus peat, unless they figure closely. In many cases the board and care of petted horse cost mole than the boaed and edueetiod of a promising son. "Another consideration in favor o oxen on the score of eeourny is the cora paratively trifling expense of his trap pings. Put a simple yoke on his neck snob as any farmer, with la hand for it draww -shave can make, al- the ox is harnessed for his day's 'work. This yoke will last from generation to to generation. The cart and sled requisite for an ox team are also comparatively inexpensive. Not so with horses. A set of farm harness cannot be homemade. Two sets are usually required, one for heavy work and. one for thcaniage, and when bought the bill runs up to not much, if any, less than $100, and bills for repairs are sure to follow in iapid suc- cession. When we come to vehicles which must accompany styliah horses, there is no limit to 'the first expense, and the weer and tear are a constant tax on the income. We Once remon- strated with a livery -man for what we considered an extravagant charge for the use of a span of horses and carriage for one day. Yankee fashion )here - plied by asking, 'How much do you suppose it costs me to support that establishment for one year?' We re- plied, 'Possibly $300: 'Yes, and three hundred more,' was the rejoinder that silenced all complaint. Now a farmer's establishment ought not to coSt any such sum, but it comes up to higher figures than is generally supposed, and' the tendency is all the while higher and higher. "Still another argument in favor of oxen is their comparative exemption from disease. 'Tough as an ox,' is a proverb which is founded on fact. The chances are that a steer will arrive at maturity without blemish, accomplish his mission of work without dasease, and come to the shambles with a sound line and a ifat -caul. Not so with a horse. The accidents and diseases to which he is liable are legion. A per- fectly sound horse is the exception. s: 8, S. a a a • , Jookies have ways of covering over the defectsand diseases of their horses so asloAnake them look and act 'all right; but -the purchaser too often finds that appearances are deceitful. We are satisfied there is no more preearioue property than a horse, and the higher his breed and cost the more precarious he seeme. "Finally, the horse is worthless after having accomplished his mission of work. Hirehide was formerly utilized, but even this is buried in the compost heap now -a -days On the contrary, the ox makes good beef and good leath- er when he has served his day and generation on the farm. This is no small consideration. It is not pleasant to see a piece of property degenerate on our hands and finally taper out to nothing, as the horse does, but a fat ox gives pleasure and profit. "We do not expect to turn the tide of fashioe which runs so strongly towards the horse, but it is some satisfaction to give young America a weaning. that it is in part due to this animal, that the profit of the modern farm is so much smaller than that of the same farm in the olden time." Epps's Cocoa._ Grateful and Comforting.—"By % thorough knowledge of the natural 1 eve which govern the operations of diges- tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plicatien of the tine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious us of such articles of dietthat a constituti n may be gradually built ites until str ng enough to resist every tendency to *ease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladie are baiting around us ready to • attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many aaatal shaft by keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." --Civil Ser- vice etazette. Sold only in packets labelleda--"James Epps & Co., li orate°. pathic t'alemiets, London, Eng."—Also makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon use. 482-52 Mothers! Mothers! Mothers 1 Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suff- ering and crying with the 'excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If BO, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow' Soothing Syrap. It will relieve the poor little sheerer immediately—de- pend upon it; there is no mistake about It. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother and relief ancahealth to the child, oper- ating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52. Rest and Comfort to .the Suffering. Brown'a Household Panacea has no equal for relieving pain; both internal and external. It cures pain in the side, back, or bowels, sore throat, eheuma- tism, toothache, lumbago and any kind of pain or ache. It will most surely quicken the blood and heal, as its act- ing power is wonderful. Brown's Beusehold Panacea, being _ acknow- ledged asi the great pain reliever, and of clonble the strength of any, other elixir or liniment in the world, should be in every family handy for use when wanted, as it really is the best remedy in the world for vamps in the stomach, and paiusand aches of all kinds, and Is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52 Free of Charge. All persons suffering_ from Coughs, Colas, Asthma, Bronchitis, Loss of Voice, or any affection of the throat and lungs, are requested to call at E. Hickson & Co.'s Drugstore and get a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, *ate of charge, which will convince 'them of its wonderful merits and show what a regular dollar size bottle will do. Call early. 714-52c Do Not .be Deceived. In these times of quack medicine ad- vertisements everywhere, it is t? nly gratifying to find- one remedy that is worthy of praise, and which really does as recommended. Electric Bitters, we can vouch for as being a true and re- liable remedy, and one that will do as recommended. They invariably cure Stomach and Liver Complaints, Dis- eases of the Kidneys and Urinary Diffi- culties. We know whereof we speak, and can readily say, give them a trial. Sold at fifty cents a bottle by E. Hick - 80n1& Co. 714.52.3 • s. These.;troublesome complaints 'may be speedily cured by Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the great Rheumatic remedy, which, as an external application and as an internal retnedy , has a wider range of usefulness than any similar preparation in the world. All drug- gists sell it. 25c. 724 A Good Filter. To have pure water in the house every family should have a good filter, the health and comfort depends largely upon the use of properly filtered water. The liver is the true filter for the blood, and Burdock Blood Bitters keep the liver and all the secretory organs in a healthy condition. It is the grand blood purifying, liver regulating tonic. The Secret of Beauty. No cosmetic in tke world can impart beauty to a face that is disfigured by unsightly blotches arising from impure blood. Burdock Blood Bitters is the grand purifying medicine for all humors of the blood. It makes good blood and imparts the bloom of health to the most sallow complexion. 724 Holloway's Pills. Enfeebled Existence.—This medicine embraces every attribute required in a general and domestic remedy. It over -1 turns the foundations of disease laid by defective food and impure air. In ob- structions or congestions of the liver, lungs, - bowels, or any other organs, these -Pills are especially serviceable, and eminently successful. They should be kept in readiness in every family, being a medicine of incomparable utility foi young persons, especially those of 9as feeble constitution They pain or irritate the most sen or most tender bowels. Pills are the best known pu blood, the Most active p absorption and secretion, poisonous and obnoxious p removed from botk solids a H. of M Declin Impotency of la function, nerv debility, and all di discretions and abu promptly cured by Magnetic Medicine all responsible dr tisement in anothe Seaforth by J. S. R Had Suffered and grew no bette Mr. D. H. Howard after dismissing hi nearly half a gross and liver remedies benefit; when one Blood' Bitters cured and General Debili age of 60, he says h andas overjoyed at . covery. 724 Bueklen's The -best salve in Bruises, Sores, UI Fever Sores, Tette Chilblains, Corns, tions, and positivel guaranteed to give or money refunded. box. For sale by pany. 714-52 • THE HURON EXPOSITOR, ever cause itive nerves Holloway's era of the omoters of hereby all 'oleo are d fluids. ind, b or vital us weak less, sexual eases eau: : a by m- e, are r °ally and the use of Mack's which i for sale by ggists. See adver- whim Sold in bort& 33.4 any P ysicians , but ra her worse. of Gen va, N. Y., physic ans, tried f the var ous blood_ dvertise ,with no bottle o Burdock him o Paralysis y. At th advanced feels y ung again, his wo derful re - ca alve. the worl for Cuts, ers, Sal Rheum, , Chapped Hands, nd all tin Erup- cures P les. It is perfect s tisfaction Price 2 cents per . Hioksoili & Cora - Worse t The throat has d than the sword, by ing and intemperan when the health be miserable dyspeptic relief in Burd.ock regulates the bow liver and kidneys, and stimulates all t atealthy action. 724 an Wa stroyed mprnden e in dri omes im may fin Blood Is, acts utifiee ore lives e in eat - king ; but aired, the prom pt itters. It upon the he blood, e secretions to a Eolect o Evidence is oonst ntly ace in favor of the -p pular re throat and lung' diso ders, rh neuralgia, stiffnes , sorenes troubles; piles, sore, scalds, the maladies and injuries horses and cattle are liable. Of Dr. Thomas. Eclectrie doin, Hull, P. Q., sa s, "I ha for over three years, and I h sold a medicine whi h has g general satisfaction. G. A. Dixon, Fran ville, Ont., states that he was "cured of Chro o ic Bron- chitis that troubled him 17 years, by Eclectric Oil." • Joseph Rusan, -'bl Percy, troubled with lameness for years, rites: "I found it the best article I e • or tried. It leas been a great b essiug to me." P.M. Marked, of West Jai, dere, N. S., who "had a horse so lame la e could, hardly walk," states that "two or three applications complet ly cured a im." But why multiply roofs in behalf of .a remedy so widely ijecognize. as: effi- cacious? Sold by medicin deale every- where. Prepared by Northr p & Ly- man, Toronto, Out. 710a 727 mutating edy for umatism, , kidney urns and to which il, Bean- o sold it ye never yen more f For Dyspepsia, eakne Deb• ty. From George S. B'xby, of N. H. "Having recei ed -grea from the use of Perutian Sy willing to add my testimony thousands of others constantly its praise. During the war I the army, and had the misfo be taken prisoner, amid be co Salisbury and other Southern several months. I b came so_ duced in health and s rength a mere skeleton of my former s being released, I was e fit subj Northern hospital, Where I r some two months and. then ea My physician recommended la cured for me several bottles " o tvian Syrup, which I coetinned for several weeks, and found m restored and my weight increa ninety pounds to one hundred a my usual weight, and I have my usual good health ever s can cheerfully recommend it in of weakness and debility of the whether arising from an impu of the blood, dyspepsia, or elm other cause, believing it will cases give entire satisf otion." all druggists. sand Epsom, benefit p, I am to the onnding was in tune to fined in prisons uch re - to be a If. , On et for a mainea e home. d pro. Peru - to use health ed from d fifty, een in nee. I leases system, e state st any n most Sold by I, a Eclectric Oil. Joseph Rusan, Pero', writes "I was induced to try Dr. Thomas' electric Oil for a lameness which troubled me for three or four years, and I f nnd it the best article I ever tried. It has been a great blessing te me." 91-52 Eclectric Oil. "It is a Great Public Be These significant words were relation to Dr. Thomas' Eolec by a gentleman who had tho tested its merits in his awn ma ing been eared by it of lameness knee of three or four years' st It never fails to remove soreness as lameness. 691-52 New and Recherche The most exquisite little toil t gem extant for the teeth an breath i Tea - berry. Sample 5 cents 730.3 efit."— sed in ric Oil oughly —hay - of the tiding. a well THE GREAT FEMALDR Periodical his inbitina late in unfailing In the cure of all those pal dangermaa-aiseases to whicb the female: tion is 8nbject. It moderateall excess moves all obstructions, and fl speedy e be relied on. To married latt'eir it is p suited. It will, in a abort time, brin montlby period with reguIsrIty. Th should not be taken by feina]i during three months of Pregrancy, a they are bring on Miscarriage, but at ny other t are eafe. In all cases of Ne otts and Sp feetions, Pains in the hack and limbs Is slight exertion, palpitation f the lie terics and whitss, these pills will effect when another means have failed; and, a a power ful remedy, do not co tam n iron, antimony or anything hurtfu totbe const Full dirt ctions in the p phlet aron . package, which should be carefully p Job Moses, New York, Sole roprietor P2i cents itr postage enclo ed to Nori Lyna , TerOnto, Ont., gee ral agent. Dominion, will insure a bottle contain ro pills by tal urn mail. St Id in Seal E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Bo .& Wilson. b Moses dicine is fnl and oiratitu• aim re- ro may uliarly on the se pills e find ure to e they nal Af- igue on t, hys- a cure though alomel, tntion. d each eerved. $1 and mop &, f r the g over beth by erts and Ilumsden 52 PROPERTY FOR SALE—For Sale, •A• terms, that desirable residence o Street owned by Mr. George Dent. En J. S. PORTER, Seaforth. n eaey Unice one of 1 LEGAL. G ARBOW & PROVDZOOT; Barristerk ‘-s to, de., Goderielr, Oritano.a-j. T. Garrow, Wm. Prondfoot. , • 6613 ei&MERON, HOLT & CAMERON. Barristers, Solicitore in Chancery, &a., Goderioh, Out. M. C. Cameron, Q. O., Philip Holt, M, G. Cam- eron. 506 H• W .0. MEYER, Banister and Attorney at • Law, Solicitor ha Chancery. Commissioner for taking affidavitsin the Province of Manitoba. Solicitor for the Bank' of Hamilton, Wingham. Private funds to loan at 64 toffper cent. 688 BENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Attorney at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency Conveyancers, Notaries Public, ate. Maas—Bea totth and Brussels •' $28,000 of Private Funds to l wrest atonee, at Eight percent. Intereet,psyable yearly. Commissioner for taking Affidavits for use in the Courts of Manitoba. JAL H. BDIVROIM. H.W. 0. MEYER. Tire above firm has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all liabil- ities. Nov. 27, 1878. JAMES H. BENSON. H. W. 0. MEYER. MCCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED LAW; CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING OFFICE, • Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. caOLICITORS for the Consolidated Bank of " Canada and the Canadian Bank of Commerce in Seaforth. Farm and Town and Village Property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage se- curities, at reasonable rates of interest. Charges moderate. Money invested for private persona upon the. best mortgage socarities, without any expellee to the lender. S. G. Id eCAUGHEY., M. A. F. HOLMESTED FOR SALE OR TO LT. 'N'OR SALE—A story and a half heuse on the corner of John and High streets, containing everynonvenience fOr family use, in one of the most central localities of the town as regards churches, markets, schools and business °entree. -Hard and soft water' on the premises. A fine lawn with choice shrubbery, the whole enclosed by a handsome wire fence. Also barn with stabling for cow- and horses. For further particulars apply to W. S. ROBERTSON, Sea - forth. 720 WARM FOR SALE—For sale, the west half of thealorth half of tot 2, Concession 8, Morris, containing 60 acres, 3,5 are cleared and in a good istate of epithet ion. The bush is w(11 timbered :with good hardwood, good frame barn and two good log stables, also a log dwelling house. A good stating orchard uith a choice ‘ariety of fruit trees. Gooe well. Ba NV mill and school within one- quarter of a mile. Two and a ball miles from the village of Blyth, and one-quarter of a mile from the Wingliam gravel road. This propel ty will be sold cheap as the proprietor is going to Manitoba in the spring. Apply to AUGUST KRUSE on the place, or to C. HAMILTON at Blyth. 784 FARM FOR SALE—Foi sale, the estate of the late Wm. Wild, being Lot 33, Concession 2, H. R. S , Tuckersnuth, containing 100 acres, 65 of which are cleared; in a good state of cultiva- tion and free of weeds. a he remainder is good bush land, containing st lot of valuable cedar. There is a new frame house, containing 7 rooms with a good cellar under it, on the place; also substantial frame outbuildings. Two good wells, a rain -water cistern and otht r conveniences. This farm is within three miles of the town Clinton, and very convenient to church and school home. Jas. Mrrenabe, Clinton P. 0., and N. Comes, Seirforth P. 0., Executors. 734 a • •ESTRAY STOCK. ip STRAY ISTEERSle-Came into the promises of -1"-4 the uedersigned, OD the 8th day of December, three steels coming 1 year. The owner can have the same on proving property and paying charges. CHAS. REDMOND, Lot 23, Con 6, Hay. 782-4 • la STRAY STEER—Came into the premises of the undersigned about two months ago, 1 red and white steer coming 2 years of age. The owner may have the same on proving property and paying expenses., WM. HORTON, Tucker. 782-4 ETRAY BEIFEB----Xame into the premises of the undersigned, Lot 20, Concession 8, Hay, abont two months ago, 1 grey heifer coming three years of age. The'ortner may have the same on proving property. and plying charges. P. D REL L.. 732-4 J. STRAY HEIFER—Came into the premises of -1a• the undei signed, Lot 5, Concession 10, Et• B. S , Tuck( rsmith about the 1st of November a yt fining heifer nearly White. The owner can have the iernie by proving property and paying charges. D. SicKINNON. 732x4 F STRAY GATTI E -•-Strayed from the subscri- ber's prem'aes, Lot 22, 4th Coacession of Hullett, about the 1st of November, 6 head of cattle Is follows: 1 two year old red steer, with white on forehead and flank; 1 two year old red steer. white back and face; 1 two year old roan- ish white heifer; 1 two year old all red heifer ; 1 yearling steer, spotted red and wh4e. Anyone giving information that will lead to their re- , covt ry will 4o suitably rewarded. JAS. REY- NOLDS. 730 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS -j THIS Great Bon ft( bold Medicine ranks amongst the :leading necessaries of life These fa- mous Pills purify the Blood, and act most power- fully, tt s«o binglvann the Liver, Stomach, Eidm y icr d Pee el'. giving tone, allergy and vigor to tie ee 01 tat n sin spit Re of life. They .ard cot &lei Cy recoil menet d as a t ever failing matey in all oases shot. the constitutien, from whatever cause, he a become impaired or weaken- ed. ney are wonderfully efficacious in all all nienfa ixteiden tit Females of all ages; and as a General ?emit Medicine, are unsurpassed. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT' Its seuiehig and Inalingamoperties tire known throughout the world. Sur the cure of bad legs, bad breasts, old wound, Mn -es and ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the welt and ebeet, as stilt into ma+, it-. cares Sore hi -pat, Da htheria ,Brnn eltitis,Coughs, Com 0, and oven As, hotel. For 6 lattdalar swellings, Ab - 1300.80M, Pat H Jiatclsa, Gout, liboureafienr, and every I ind of fain dieense, it has never been known to foil. The Pillrand Ointmeirt aremann- factured Only at 6: 3,0xford Street,Londonaind are . sold by all Vet don of Medicines throughout the CivilizedWorle ; with directions for use in al - meet evert lauguage. fia.Pnrchasers should look to the laael on the pots and boxes. If the address is net t1113, Oxford S ta ea, London, they ate spurious. 712-52, EYE, EAR, AND THROAT I ,DR. CEORCE S. RYERSON, L. 'R.C. le, L. R.C. S. E., Lectnrer on the Eye Ear 41d Throat, Trinity Mtelatal College, Torou • to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye anti Ear In • firmary, Oonsrilting Oculist and Anrist to the Institutions for the Blind. Brantao d, ani for the Deaf end Dumb, BellevilleaOnt. Lite Olini • 'cal Assistent Royal London Ophthalini3 Ravi - tea, 11,loorftelds, ant\ Central Throlt :ad Ear Hospital. CHURCH STREET TORONTO. May be consulted at the ALBION HOTEL, STRATFORD, On the Faust PeakTURDA Y in EACI, MONTH. 768 0 r...J iv. -- THIS WEEIc.WE INVITE ATTENTION TO OUR STOOK OF WOOLLMINT 0-001:0S, Which is once more complete, and we now show a full range of CLOUDS in Navy, Cardinal, Grey, Brown and Fancy; SQUARES in Cardinal, Black, Grey, Navy and Fancy. Wool Jackets, Mittens, Cuffs, &c.; Ladiee' Underwear, Gloves, Kid Mitts and Gloves; Nice Goods in Silk Squares and Ties, Real and Imitation Laces, Frillings, &c.; Men's Overcoats,. Shirts and. Dra ers, Cardigan Jackets, Ties, Braces, Wool Cuffs, Linen 'cuffs, and a fine range of Tweeds, Worsted Coatings, &e. Extra good value in Mink Muffs, Boas and Caps, Astrachan Muffs, Baltic Seal Muffs, Men's Caps in Beaver, Coney, Plush, Cloth, &c. A CALL SOLICITED. 4 C.) WINTER FLUID. TRY 0 OUR OWN COUGH SYRUP For Croup, Colds, Coughs, Whooping Cough, &c. 4 • We have just made up fresh lots of oti HEAVE, COUGH AND EPIZOO- TIC POWDER; FAVORITE CATTLE FEEDER, CONDITION POWDER FOR • •s.. HORSES, lac., &o. The following preparations for the Hair cannot (t. be beat, viz.: OANTHARIDINE HAIR WASH, OASTORINE HAIR RENEWER, AND OUR HAIR OREAM. E. HICKSON & CO., DRUGGIST. C. 0 ca 0 2 tO X 0 X X S.° 3 0 0 0 In .74 0 '1H0Il dY3H • 0 u, 311HM 83±VM of Extra Refilled SILVER STEEL, GLYCERINE AND ROSE WATER. CARD OF THANKS. R. WILLIS, THE PEOPLE'S SHOEMAKER, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTII, Embraces this opportunity of thanking all those who have so liberally favored him with their patronage since starting business on his own account in Seaforth. He has also to state that prices of Boots and Shoes will be GREATLY REDUCED for the remainder of this month. Just come right along, Ladies and. Gentlemen, and try me, and see how very - cheap I can furnish you for the READY MONEY. I wish all owing accounts to be prompt and pay up before the FIRST OF JANUARY. -Short accounts make long friends, and my profits are so small that I can't afford to give long credit. Remember that, and don't forget The People's Shoemaker, No. 1 Cady's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. ROBERT WILLIS. TERRIFIC GALE ON THE ATLANTIC I Thousands of Vessels Lost, Except One, WHICH HAD ON BOARD THE ENORMOUS iSTOCK BELONGING TO C. L PAPST, Consisting of Swiss, English and American Watches, from $12 and upwards, both in Gold and Silver. English Colored Gold Sets of Jewelry from $16 and upwards. American Gold and Roll Plated Goods in Sets. Chains) Necklets, Alberts, Pins, Ear Rings, Cuff Buttons, Shirt Studs, Bracelets, Lockets and Charms. Rings any size or price. Gem Rings, Plain Gold Wedding Rings, Band Rings, Set Rings and Diamond Rings. Clacks in every variety and style. Walnut Clocks from 04.50 and upwards. Silver Plated Ware in Cake Barikets, Cruet Stands, Cream Pitchers, Berry Bowls, Card Receivers, Pickle Stands, Butter Diehes'Butter Stands, Spoon Holders, Call Bells, Jewel Cases, Napkin Rings, Cups, Mugs, Tilting Water Pitchers, &c. FLAT WARE in Spoons, Knives, Forks, Children's Sets, Pickle and Soup Ladles. All warranted. Best Quadruple Plate. Repairing in all by anches done with neatness and dispatch. All work warranted to give satisfaction by C L. PAPST, Watchmaker, Jeweller and Engraver, Sign of the Big Clock, Seaforth. Canadian Pacific Railway Compally. .The CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY offer lamIs in the FERTILE BELT of Manitoba and the Northwest Territory for sale a $2.50 PER ACRE. Payment to be made one-eixth at time of purchase, and the balance in five an - nue' instalments, with interest at six per cent. A REBATE OF $1.25 PER ACRE being allowed, on certain conditions, for cultivation and other Improvements. THE LAND GRANT BONDS of Company, which can be procured at all the Agencies of the Banli of Mon- treal, and other banking institutions throughout the country, will be RECEIVED AT TEN PER CENT. PREMIUM on their par value, with intereet accrued, on account of and in paymt at of the purchase money, thus further reducing the price of the land to the purchaser. Special arrangements made with emigration and land companies. Forfull par- ticulars, apply to the Company's Land Commissioner, JOHN MeTAYISH, Win- nipeg ; or to the undersignede By order of the Board, - 1 CHARLES DRINK WATER, Secretary. MONTBEA]k Dec. 1st, 1881. 733-4 ( ORE) TRADE MARK. APTER,. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is a sure, prompt and effectual remedy for Ner- veusness in all its stages, Weak Memory., Loss -of Brain Power, Sexual Prostration, Night Sweats, Sperrnatorrhocea,Seminal Weakness, and General Loss of Power. It repairs nervous waste, Raja - venerates the jaded intellect, Strengthens the en- feebled brain, and restores surprising tone and vigor to the exhausted generative organs. The experience of thousands proves it an invaluable remedy. The medieine is pleasant to the taste, and in no case and under no circumstances can it do harm. Each box contains sufficient for tetra week's medication, thus being much cheaper then any other medicine eold—and while it is the cheapest it is much better. Full particulars in our pamphlets, which we desire to mail free to any address. Mack's Magnetic Medicine is sad by Druggists at 50 tents per box-ior 12 boxes for $5, or will be mailed free of postage on reoei t of money by addressing MACK'S MAGN MEDICINE Co., Windsor, Ont. Sold in Seaforlitt by J. S. ROAMS, and all druggists elsewhere, 733.-411 EGG EMPORIUM. vapasmamma THE Subscriber hereby thaoks his nnnacroa• -I- customers (merchants and others) for tiler liberal patronage during the past 7 years,sa4 hopes by strict integrity and cloee attention to business to merit their confidence and trade in the future. Having great/ enlarged his prom- isee during the winter,he is now prepared to pay THE HIGHEST OASH PRIOE Forany quantity a Good Fresh Eggs,'delivered at the Egg Emporium, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTEL Wanted by the subscriber, 25 tons of good do clean wheat straw. D. 1). WILSON 1- _