HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-01-06, Page 6• • AA. • Nein IteinS. ,I:ilevr, "York has had a • Chrisitnalf- ltrOliiifolitawept away $13,00000 worth it ProPertY. - ' —It cost Mr. Greenway 4325 to re - ale horses stolen from. Crystal ty some time ago. 1: ea—Archibald Forbes, the noted war Correspondent., ht visiting his - uncle, . Young, in Pioton. . —A, messenger going from the bank a broker's offioe, in New York the er day lost securities valued at , —Isidore Herman, worsted 'and lace gealerin New York, has assigned, with littbilities ef $130,000. The cense_ of the failure ia stock speculations. —Petty thieving is becoming bold in Montreal. Early the other evening a :ZIoteldatromhtisahead onblefur the public'r freet. —United Ireland ' reappeared in the *ma form in Londlcm. It contained a Cartoon depicting Irish lamilords as beggars, and the tenants as prosperous thdividnals. 1 —The United Telephone Company 02 London, England, now transmits on in average per day 19,522 messages for 1,218 subscribers, at an average cost to them of one penny a Message. i —A steamship company, with a cap- ital of $2,500,000 has been formed to taebusiness between San Francisco, Hawaii Islands, and other ports of the Pacific. . i —It ifs rumored that experts are Un- tiarthing irregularities in the city gov- elrnmerit of Newark, New jersey, which pay reach $2,000,000. i —Hon. Sir Henry Parkes, Colonial ifeoretary, will tart on a tour through .America on the 29th inst. for the bene.. it of his health. i —Daring the past season 415,435 sae/togs, 16,089 pieces of timber and 747 spars came down the Gatineau Miver, being the output of the Gatin- eau district for the yam -I:881. , —The irregularities in connectioa eltith the Newark city corporation ap- pear likely to assume extensive pro- portions. The discrepancy will, it is said, reach $2,000,000. —The production of anthracite coal by the Pennsylvania mines this year is eatimated°at 28,500,000 tons. Next year it is estimated that the output will hie =reseed to 30,000,000 totia, , —Wm. Hunt, who Was clerk in the office of United Ireland, has been ar- Nested and conveyed to Kilmainham gaol, charged with secretly conducting M. paper. The police seized 500 eepies of the paper. —A young man named George Kelly, Marrickville, returning home from ellingten on Saturday night to spend ristmea, skated into the open river, Mistaking the water for ice and was drowned. 7 —.4 record of accidents is - kept in Ingland With such completeness that ey have served as the subject of a per read before the Statistical So- ty. The violent deaths amounted to - 1 to 1,260 of population. —An old mill hand states that the nitlls on the Ottawa were kept running itt 1864, up to Chriatmas Day, navies - ten boing open up to that date. The steamer Peerless took an excursion panty to .Ruckingham on Christmas liay, a few years ago. , . i —An Orillia butcher slaughtered for bis Christmas market a three-year-old heifer weighing 1,690 lbs. When dres- sed the meat on the rib measured five inches in thickness. . —Mr. J. S. Somerset, who has for the ient ten years held the position of In- ctor of Schools for the county of '' cohe has juet received the appoint- ettent of Inspector for the city of Win-. sipeg. , -elt. Sutherlandhas sold his farm, *tont six miles from Portage is Pairie, *misting of 420 acres, to Rankin and Perris. for $6,000. The latter firm leave atm purchased the farm of W. Johnstone, consisting of 320 ares, in •the vioinity of De Winton, for $6,000. , —Mr. White, a prominent resident of Yannotith, was called siva witness in a case at St. Thomas, in which he Was defendant, but on his declaring that he knew nothing of a God or a future state, he was not allowed to give his testimony. . —The question of rapid transit be- *een the- United States and England its again being agitated. A, union of ta schemes of Lord Dunraven and - rillard, with the selection of Mil ford on the Welsh coast as the British port, is spoken of , —Taylor Underwood, leader of a noted gang of Western desperadoes, has been sentenced to be htuag at Lamar, Missouri, for the assassination of Sheriff MoIlroy. Three of his ao- oemplices Were lynohed by a mob last sumer. —Mr. Reynolds, a member of the leaches' Land League, has chosen to speed a month in ,gaol in preference to *tiding bail to keep the peace, for six *tenths. : —The Government of Japan is about *establish a central bank, with a cap ital of $20,000,000, with the object of rendering the Government indepen- dent of foreign banks, and to encourage le direct trade. —Lord Augustus Loftus, Governor of New South Wales, in closing Parlia- ment said that the law restricting the influx of Chinese into the colony had attained its object without injustice to Chinese reeidents or withont preju ,. dine to the commercial interests of tnit colony. ° ' —A pickpookbt was discovered plyiug his trade in a Warsaw c'b.nrch at High Mass and ' to cover his re- treat cried Fire. A wild panic ensued, ia which thirty women were killed and fkthers wounded. The culprit was a jew, who was caught after the panic se& beaten soundly by the mob. . ---The police have seized 300 copies 4 United Ireland, dated December 24, ip various parts of the country having the Dublin imprint. It is stated that they are priuted in the Abbey street office, where some copiee were seized. The police deny this, but refuse to say Where the paper was printed. _ , —A serious disturbance is reported *DM Canton, where a mob burned the gaonastery known as the Temple of tongevity, the largest and richest ons.stery in South China. Riots originated in alleged immorality of the efilebates. The military was caned etit and quelled the emeute at a cost of tie loss of the lives of two priests, who were burned. 1—James 'Miller, a conviot in the lentiary, at Pittsburg, Pa., made escape in a novel way a few days - e - , • ago. Re seoreted himself in a box st posed to contain shoes for a firm in the ,city, When ethe tvegon. tarrying the b�* gilt outside of the Institution he pushed the lid off the box and escaped. He belonged to a notorious gang of burglers, whose headquarters were at Cleveland and Buffalo. , —Dbanonico, the great restaurant keepet of NO York, who died so sud- denly the ttt day, came to his death from ever smoking. He WAS in the habit of smoking thirty or forty strong Havana cigars a day, with at least as many.cigarettes thrown in. —The Preebyterian Synod of Kansa •has been termed the Polyglot Synod, fo within its bounds, whioh extend over the Indian Territory, the Gospel i preached by Members of the Synod i no less -than nine different languagea— English, German, Bohemian, French Welsh, Cherokee, Choctaw, and Ne Perm. —The cashier of the large banking house of Fenzi & Co., Florence, has abseonded, being fie defaulter to the amount of 2,000,000 lire. Heis seventy yeareold. He had been speculating on the Paris Bourse and paying hie losses with seourities deposited in the bank. He had just been arrested in a village near Florence. It is hoped about 750,000 lire will be reoovered. • —Mr. Gordon, who resides near Pelican Lake, Manitoba, _ 'when on his way from Milford last fall, lost one of his oxen. The animal escaped in the night, and was not seen or heard of until the other day, when it came home in high con- dition and seemingly well satisfied with plebring, the - buffalo during the fine weather. ' The nights were, how- ever, beginning to get too cold for him. —Andrew Smith, of Dakota, bought a lot on Saiikatohewan avenue, Portage Is Prairie, three years ago for $25 When he lefe that country for Dakota he tried to sell the lot for $75, but he couldn't get anybody to take it even for a keepsake. He heard about the rapid strides the Portage was making, and went up to see about his property. He had not been in town Jong before Messrs. Collins & Fulton offered him $8,000 for the lot, which offer he joyful- ly accepted. —A good many of the settlers about Nelsonville are disposing of their grain • at the Mennonite village of Shautizen- feldt. The Mennonite storekeeper there, Raddienp, has erected ware- houses and proposes to buy any quan- tity of wheat and oats. The price being paid for wheat -is .70 cents, TO cents below Emerson prices. Most English speaking people prefer selling there to teaming the other forty -miles for the additional 10 (*nib. Raddionp has Mennonite teams constantly on the road. , 1 —The British Board of Trad*reports that forthe nine months ending with September last,' there were 117 railroad collisions, and 251 other train ticeidents in Britain. By these train aaoidents nine passengers' and seven employees were killed, and 649 paeeengers and 99 employees injured. By 1 t; &dread ac- cidents 796 persons w re killed, and 6,094 injured. As else here, the ,er- sons killed on the road many ti es the number of those ed ' on the trains. , —Mr. C., j. Brydges, Land Commis- sioner of the Hudson Bay Company, with his family and private Secretary, Mr. Heubeeh, rrived in Toronto the other day from Winnipeg. The 4 boom of business in Winnipeg, he sayseis be- yond conception. The Company has sold on an average 20,000 acres per month, and sales are increasing. The land is principally located in Southern Manitoba, and averaged $6 an acre. The remotion which, in his opinion will certain:y come, will not occur for sever- al years. —An interesting sight may be seen every second day in -Winaipeg which helps to perpetuate the memory of a state of things that is now nearly passed away. This is no less than the important arrival of one of the Pro- vincial mails, namely, that from Kil- donate St. Andrews, Lower Fort G-arry, Selkirk, and some intermediate places. This inail ' arrives three tithes 'a' week, by train, that is not exaotly the Can- ada Pacific Railway train, but 4, dog train, consisting of four handsome dogs, a tobboggan, and a native driver. ; A THE 1-TURON ptliotriba. • this gummier. -The- Carrot River set- •- - •• • il s Men:lent, which was only st4rted a year ago last juniehas sokooreslinder crop, of which 130 are wheat, —The New Hamburg C estmas:Fat Cattle Fair was held on hursdet of last week, and although the roads were the reverse from what the are gener- ally expected to be at this ime of, the year, still there was a larg attendance _of stook holders from the urrounding country. Between 200 an 300 , head of prime fat cattle were roered . for sale, and about three or foi oar,loads changed hands, the prica paid aver- s eaging five to five and a half cents. ✓ 4 There were a large number of buyers resent. Liberal prizes were awarded s , or the best stook, also for fat dressed n 'poultry and hogs, of which there was a fine:display. , —Laboring under the z that somebody was about t John Ryan, formerly of wick, started from Fort °witty to walk to the rail --Mr. • Geddesewho left Galt, some months ago 'to °engage in the cattle ranching in the Northwestehas reach- ed his destination with 200 thorough- bred cows, imported from Ontario. They travelled via Qu'Appelle, Cypress and McLeod. They lost very few cat- tle on the road, but after arriving at the ranch near G -host River, seven head got into e. creek that was drifted over with snow and perished. He does not intend to feed any hay this winter, but old reeidents advise him to do so, as his cattle are not acclimatized. Mr. Patrick, who went to meet Mr. Geddes at Winnipeg, has taken a ranch at Red Deer Forks. - —Some years ago several domestic animals belonging to Mr. Miller, of Norval, were attacked with a myster- ious disease, which carried them off in a few days, they being buried on the farm. A ebort time ago some pigs which hadlieen feeding in the neighbor- hood of the grave werg taken with a disease which manifested much the same symptoms, and also killed them in a few days. Mr. Miller determined to examine the animals. and if possible determine what the ailment was, and out them open for the purpose. It is supposed that during the dissection some virus entered a small cut on his hand, for it immediately became swel- led, the inflammation spreading to his body, and causing his death in a very short time. —Castelar; ex -president of Spain, is only 50 years of age- He wrote two e was eighteen, which ives to club together education. While at novels before induced his rel a and give him a the Madrid Uui ersity he was busily engaged in all kinds of journalism. At the age of twenty-two heewas present at a public meetiog as a spectator. It was during the revolution of 1857. He became excited, sprang to the tribune, and merle an oration which gave him immediate favor alad• honor. --Prince Albert settlimient proper has t .375 acres under crop this season, of which 4,000 are in wheat. The av- erage of wheat per acre is 18 bushels. Theaverage amount under crop for eaoh man is 30 acres. The largest amount is 150 acres, several farmers having nearly that much, among whom are T. M. Kay and J. McDonald. About $75.000 worth of buildings have been completed there, or are under way, elimination lynch hi • ew Bra s- illiam e - ay wor s. He had not gone far when he left iis comrade and wandered off. When Fhe had gone some seventy miles he s - d. carded his boots and went He was afterwards found lying in the snow unconso most frozen to death. The barefoot y an Ind ous, and Indian a d m by train back to Fort Willie . his squaw thawed him out, and sfp hi During his walk he lost a good watoh and 3600 in cash, and has same dropped several of his toes. —Great distress is rep4ted am ng the sufferers fitim the fires ii Musk° a. There are no fewer than 5 destit te Wallies in the townships f MoLo n, Draper, and Rye. The nfortun te people are for the present sheltered in houses of rough boards, having brit n� room, usually about 12 x 15 feet, nt they are without etoves, bedding, d furniture or extra. clothing Their c tle, grain, hay,' gild impletnents w re all destroyed, and they hai e not e n seed grain to sow in the sp ing. Ma y have not enough Mod to ast eve a week, and'ishould a heavy fall of sn w comb many deaths will occur from x- posure to the cold and actual star a - tion, —A meeting of the suppo tors of tt. e Women's Emigration° Socie y was h ld at Exeter Hall, London, England u the 14th inst., to discuss f male e i- gratien to Canada. The Marquis of Lorne presided.:. He said e thou t that committees sending women to Canada should have affiliat d connn't, tees in Canada who shim ee ports to London monthly. ly dwelt upon the capabili e Northwest for supporting a u- e - of a 1- t. in e t had neve' recognized the importance of protected emigration. H hoped the Government would soon in et the lib- eral offers of Canada, and c -operate *a promoting emigration of En land's sur- plus population to the Dominion. —About three o'clock Thursday morning the residence of a woman named Miss McLaren, a re ired schcol with the intention of rob teacher of Port Colborneevas broken into ery. Mss eceipt o at the ech ol en stre t. on ey. a e and w her mon a, *here she received a number of scratches her face, her hair torn ont and h hands injured. She managed, ho ever, to grasp a rake and called t intruder by name, when he fled fro tbe honse. The lady, we are informe lies in a precarious eonditi n, havi • Bethheo8a Th -boat w about to cross to the up train, Co stable Rogers arrested a Man nam Gus Morrison on suspicion of being t • party implicated. —The London; England, editorialon the meeting of t emigration Society, says: the goal toward which t Would point. If any -colon tract an independent supply of fema emigrants that colony is B tish Nor • America.. The voyage •ie t and least expensiewthe emi out off irrevocably from the the mother country and ch as widely diffused there as ony. The climate is he above all, the colony is English. It is permeated ated in all directions with English° s (dotty and types of •English life and En lish thoughts. If these advantages f to attract the emigration of wom , . • d send e speci ies of t large po lation, and suggested th7 arran 'ments be made for the org nization committees in centres of • popnlati the e . T. Ga minion Le said vernme • with a vievt of encouragin gration of women. Sir -resident Minister of the D Great Britain, also spoke. regretted that the British • • Id • McLaren, it appears, is in quarterly allowance from fund and lives alone on Qu She was supposed to have hearing the noise she awo grappled by the burglar and asked for.. A etrukgle ensii been pretty roughly handled she can identify the man. morning, when the ferry Imes in e Wome 'Canada e Bode would a e shorte rant 18 n omforts lization n any C lthy, an thorough nd perfo 11 rs 8 either the • women are una are of t e premium the sex command across t e 'Atlantic or they do not knov the fac'l ities offered for leaving the ver -crow ed mother country." —On Friday of last wee a you g • man named Elias Johnson, feom Grim by, on his way to litiffaloj to spe d Christmas holidays, met on the train a man from Toronto giving the name f Frank Simpson. They betiame ve y fast friends. On their art4val at '- awe Falls, Simnaon induceel his n w • friend to stop over and see1 the Fal s. They spent the evening together, a d both retired to beda at Buckley's hot 1 in the same roem. The next motni g Johnson, on awakening, found s friend np, dressed, and de arting, a d on examining his clothes found hs pocket book empty and his r4ioney go e. He immediately alarmed the house a d made known his loss. Officer Wyn of the Ontario police force, was soon the scene, and at 7 a. m, arrested Sim son on the Great Western Railw station platform. The money w found in his pessession and part iden fied by Johnson. The culprit was d tai ed by the police. • A Cure for Headache. What physician has ever •discover a cure for headache ? Echo answe none. Bet Burdock Blood Bitters their purifying, invigorating, nervi propertiee' afford a cure in nearly eve ease. The health -gi ving principles this remedy are unequalled by a similar preparation in the world. Burns and Scalds Are promptly cured as well as all fles wounds, sprains, bruises, callous lump soreness, pain, inflammation and a painful diseafies,by the greatteheuma remedy, Haitsard's Yellow Oil. F external and internal use. Price 26o. • • 1- • FI - —AT -- FACTORY PR -ICES DURING THE HOLIDAYS, AT; SCOTT BROTHERS' MUSICAL EMPORIUM, sp.A.PaTtrri--1_ As our usual Holiday Reduction in 'prioes has been attended with so mach success in the past, we have again de- cided to offer for tbe next three weeks, Pianos and Organs lower than ever offered before. DUNHIANI FbiANos , 50 years in the market. EXCELSIOR ORGANS: Have been awarded the highest pre- miums wherever exhibited. Pianos and Organs of other Makers supplied. AGENTS WANTED on salary or conimission. Send for Catalogues and see us before buying. It will pay you. Pianos and Organs tuned and repaired. A few good driving and working horses taken in exchange for Instruments. SCOTT BROS., SEAFORTH, ONT.• ' JAMES WATSON, 1VZ SE AFORTHJ ONTARIO, A Dealer in first class Family and Manufacturing Sewing Machines, Knittieg Machines, Lawn Mowers, Sad Irons, Machine Needles, Machine Oil, attachments and all kinds of sewing maohine eupplies. I am the only agent in thie part of Huron for the celebrated WHITE Sewing folauhine, which has saceeeded in taking the first prize for three sleets In. suecessi on; et the Seaferth Fair over all its tioniPetitorit, and Which has also won golden opinions /or itself in Europe, United States, and Canada The WRITE is S eRONG BUILT, LIGHT RUNNING, NOISELESS, EASY TO OP- ERATE, and hag all the requirements of a femily and mataufacturit g machine. It gives universal Satisfaction. Every machine le warranted for five years I am also agent and dealer in the follow- ing machines: • WHEELER & WILSON, HOWE, OS- . - BORN Al and WILSON and others. I can 13 ripply any machine a onstomer may de- sire. A number of second hand machices on han d and for sale cheap. Machines tented by the week to responsible persons all kinds of machines repaired on the shortest notice. Charges rea - sonable. I am prepared to sell machines on the most favorable terms, and at prices to suit customers. By strict attention to business and fair dealing, I hope to merit a liberal slue e of your trade JAMES WATSON. Office—Main Street, Seaforth, Campbell's Blook, Opposite the Mansion Rotel. STOCK FOR SERVICE. RERKS HIRE BOAR—A Thoroughbred Berk- -A -P, shire Boar will be kept for service on Lot No. 7, ConcesSiou 8, H. R. 8„ 1 uckertanith. Terms—$ , with the privilege of returning if necessary. W. S. Minkinxiai. 734-12 -ROAR PIG—The undersigned will keep on Lot 2-1 9, Conceasion 6, Tuckersmith, a BoarPig, all white, and from a Suffolk dein and Berkshire sire He is an excellent pig. Tenns payable at the time of service, with the privilege of re- turning if uecessary. GEO. STRONG, Proprietor. 734-2 rtERKSHIRE PIG.—The undersigned will keep -LI' "on Lot 30, Concession 2, I uckersmith, dur- ing the present season for the improvement of stock, a thoroughbred Berkshi e pig. TERMS -- $1 per_sow, with the pnvilege of returnig if necessary, JAMES OR ICH, Proprietor. 731x5 'UFFOirli PIG—Samuel Bennie hag purchased froni the celebrated pig lateder, NIcArthur of Lob:), a thorou.lbred Suffolk Boar pig, which he vrill keep fur the improvement of stook at his saw mill on the flth Concession of the township of Hay. This pig is a splendid animaL He took third prize at the Provincial Exhibition over a borge noimlitT of other good animal, and first prize at the Zurich Show Terms — $1 payable at the titne of service with the privilcge of returning if necessary. SA.MUEL RANNIE, Proprietor. 722 TO PiG BREEDERS.—The undersigned will keep A) during the present season at his farm north of Seaforth,:Two Thoroughbred Berkshire Boars, the one large and the other small. Both firstl-class animals and pure bred, t erms $1 payikble at the time of service with the privilege of re' turning if necessary. }WET. GOVENLOCK. 726 TO -PIG B RE ED E RS— 'I he nndersigned will .1- keep during the present season on his farm, Lot 3, oncession 7, Stanley, near Hills Green, a Thoroughbred Be.ilishire Boar. A first-class animal and pure bred. renns—$1, payable at the time of scr-v•ice, with tho privilege of return- ing if necessar. . JOSEPH HUDSON. 732x4 TO P10. BREEDERS—The undersigned will keep at his hotel in Varna during this sea - so 1, a thor •ughbred Berkshire Boar, and will re • ce ve a limited number of sows realm —41, payeble at the thne of servicG, with the privilege of returning if necessary W COOK- 732 -pt ERKSHIRE PIG—The undersigned will keep at his saw mill, near Kinburn, during the coming season for the improvement of stock, a Thorouibbred B-rkshire Boar Pig. This pig took the first prize in his class at the show in Seaforth last fall, also the prize (�r being, the best pig of any age or breed on the ground. Terms -41 per sow, payable at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. Jou w Tama.- • SON. 733 SOMETHING FOR THE LADIES. THE POPULAR STORE. -f • Great Clearing Sale of Women's and Children's Fine Boots, Shoes and Slippers, at TO13- 1•T 147111:?.1M7S.. Ladies' Kid Buttoned Boots for $1; Ladies' Indian Kid Buttoned Boots for $1.50 ; Ladies' French Kid Buttoned Boots, $2.50; Ladies' Goat Buttoned Boots, $2 ; Ladies' B id Bahnorals, $1.75 ; Ladies' Goat Balmorals, Chamois Lined, ; Misses' ma Buttoned Boots, 1.50;$Ctildren's Fine Buttoned Boots for 500 and upwards I am alsoahowing the Finest Stook of Ladies' Buttone Bal - morals and Walking Boots in Calf, Kid and Goat, Chamois Lined, with Eighsh and French Heels, in wide and extra wide widths. I would also call attention to my KID and TOILET SLIPPERS, in the very newest styles. These are All very -handsome goods, and should be seen to be appreciated. A CALL OF INSPECTION IS INVITED. c!.) tat" Remember the Old Stand, Opposite Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth JOHN McINTYRE. KILLORAN & RYAN ARE NOW SELLING OFF THEIR IMMENSE STOCI OF GROCERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, VIZ.: Teas, Sugars—all quatities—Coffee—Green, Roasted and Ground - Rice, Rais- ins, Ctirrants, Spices—Whole and Gmund—Canned Goods of all Kindle, the Beat Brands of Cigars, American and Canadian Coal Oil, 86c. CROCKERY DEPARTMENT. Our Crockery Department is filled with the Largest and Cheapest Stock of Goods in Seaforth, or any other Town West of Toronto, 1 FLOUR• AND FEED DEPARTMENT. Our Flour and Feed Department is always stocked with the best Goods in the market. LIQUOR DEPARTMENT. - Oar Liquors are widely known, and we guarantee them to speak for selves. The Celebrated MARSALA Sacramental Wine always on hand. We must trouble all those indebted td us to call at once and settle up. KILLORAN & RYAN. WORTH READING! = ! WILLIAM LOGAN WILL SELL , BOOTS du SI -10M8 AT AND BELOW COST PRICE TILL THE END OF FEBRUARY. CUSTOM WORK AND REPAIRING PARTICULARLY ATTENDED TO. ".! SIGN OF THE MAMMOTH BOOT, WM. LoGAN.--' Sewing Machines tor the Million -2-AT THE— AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM, SEAFORTH. o. 0. WILLSON, PROPRIETOR. OW is the time to call and examine that wonderful piece of mechanical in- genuity, the Wanzer 0 Sewing Machine; so beautiful, so silent, and so perfect in all its operations. This marvellous piece of invention ifNo simple, so durable and so easily managed, that a child can work it. The bobbin winder of this machine is a masterpiece of invention in itself, it being a self -winder, the thread is put into this bobbin as smooth and perfect as on a spool of cotton, without being held by the operator. This machine now stands unrivalled and alone at the head of the sewing machine family. I have also in stock what ie known as the New Improved Florence Machine, which is now called the, Crown, and made in Flerence, Mass., and is considered the finest sewing machine menufactnred in the United States. Also in stock the Wilson B and Louise machines which are of the first manufacture in Canada. We keep in stock or get to order the following machines, such as the Osborne, Royal, Raymond, Singer, Howe, White and any and every reliable sewing machine 'manufactured. If you want a sewing machine call and examine the stock, and you will fmd it the largest and beat selected stock of mechines in any one sewing machine Image in Canada. The Wanzer David E, for parlors and light manufacturing, are now unsurpassed in their olass. Machine oils and needles and all kipds of repairs on hand. Ma- chiues repaired. onthe shortest noticee Th agricultural implements I keep the genuine Oliver Chilled Plostamanufactured at South Bend, Indiana; also the genuine American South -B -end Chilled Plow, and Sulky Riding Plow. This is a new implement in Capada, and only requires to be seen at -work to be appreciat- ed. Massie's and Francistown Thistle Cutter Plows, and all good and reliable plows and gang plows on hand or furnished to order. Straw Cutters, Grain Crushers, ROOt,Cutters, Horse -Powers, Farm Bella and all kinds of iaiplements belonging to the trade. I am now introducing anew machine for dairying, called the Champion Cabinet Creamer, whi3h all butter makers and lovers of good but- ter should call and examine. It raises all the cream between rankings ; saves two-thirde of the labor; increases the yield of butter; improves the quality; quadruples the value of skim milk, and will pay for itself twice or more every summon. The Cabinet Champion Creamer system is the only uniform dairy method of making butter in existence, and an examination of this new invention is respeotfully gelicited. 0. O. WILLSON. BANKING HOUSE. SEAfORTH. ••••••••1=1••••1.6. OFFICE—In the preMises former, ly occupied by the Bank o f Com- merce, and under the Commercial Rotel, Main Street. NOTES AND BILLS DISCOUNTED. English and ForeignExchange Purchased and Sold. FARMERSISALE NOTES Purchased at Reasonable Rates, Money Lent on Collateral Securities. Diafts hinted, pat.:able at par it sa Branches of the Bank of Commerce. INTEREST Allowed on Steinman. Money to Loan on Mortgagee. , A:Y" Manager and ,Proprietor. THE SEAFORTH INSURANCE AND LAND AGENCY. .A.LONZO STRONG 18 AGENT for several First -Class Stook, Ars and Life Insurance Companies, and is prewar - d to take risks on the most favorable terms. Also Agent for several of the best Loan 8o- cietiee. Ale° Agent for the Sale ar.d Purchase of Farm and Village Property. A Number of First -Class improved &MB for Sale. 530,000 to Loan at Six per cent. Interest. Agent for the sale of Ocean Steamship Tide's) OFFICE — Over M. Morrison's Store,Nain Street, Seaforth. SR EDWARD CASH, —DEALER. IN— Dairy .Butter,' Wool, _Hides Furs, and Peltries of all icir18. ta'Next house to the EggEmporium, Seaforth. THE RED MILL, SEAFORD'. SCLATER & DOLPHIN Have got the Red Mill in full working order and are now prepared to do GRISTING AND CHOPPING On the shortest notice, and they guarantee signal article. Parties if they desire can receive Flour in .Exchange for their Wheat if they do not want to wait to get theie own Vhellit ground, • Flour and ft, eed always di hand tor male. ; GIVE US A TRIAL And we will satisfy you in every respect. SCLATER & :DOLPHIN; ANCHOR LINE. TTNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sall ki Every Saturday from NEW YORK and GLASGOW (via Londs)nderry) and LONDON Direct. TICKETS for Liverpool, Londonderry, Gies - now , and all parts of Europe. Fares se Wires any other first-class line. Prepaid Passage Certifieates issued to persona wishing to bring out their friends. The Passenger accommodation of Anchor Lins Steamers are unsurpassed for elegance and com- fort. Apply to B. DICKSON, 688 As the Post Office,Sesforth SEAFORTII PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY rpfilis ab s crib e rb egg le eve to thank hitintweeert auktomers for the liberalpatronage ex-be:W*46o him since commencing businees in Seaforth,anal truete hat he may be favored with a continuums of the same. Partieslutendingto build wortld do well to she him a call,as he will continue to keep on hand a large stock of allkincle cif Dry Pine Lumber, Swamp Doors, Blinds and Mouldings, Shingles, • Lath,. fix. Ilefeeleconfident of givIngsatisfactiorttotirone who may-favourhint with theirpstronage,seaons but first-olareworksnenareemployed. Particular attention paid. to Custom Planing 20E JOHN H. BROADFOOT. THE ZURICH CARRIAGE FACTORY. HESS & HA BERER TrAVE always on hand, and make to Order, 'Li- Wagons, Sleigh*, Carringee,ling- gies, Cutters, and every other srticlein.4keir Una. They pervonelly superintend their own but- naaa, and can guarantee a good Article both se to material and workmanship. For Style and Finish their work cannot be surpassed by the large city establiehments. Repairing 'promptly attended to. Gite Tut trial and be convineed that we oan satisfy yen as to quality and price. Mr. Hess is well known tc the pabrx, having been in business in Zurich for over II yew/. 686 IIESS & HARMER. - THE SEAFORTH RESTAURANTI, • H. DEACON, . Of the SEAFORTII RESTAURANT, Murphy's Block, Main Street, is now receiving Ilk% Fresh Oysters, direct from Baltimore, both in cans and bulk, which he is prepared to sell very cheap. He intends keeping, a supply -of these Oysters regularly during the season, and will be. in a position to :supply private families, hotels or sociad par- ties on very reasonable terms. Fie has also_ a supply of fine Peaches direct from Grimsby, which are the best in the market. He also keeps on hand all other kinds of FRurrs in Sea- son, fresh and good. Call at the Sea - forth Restaurant. You can't do better in town. H.• DEAGON. R. N s: T ars • SEAFORTH, Wholesale and RetailDealer in LEATHER ma SHOE FINDINGS of Every Description. None but the Very Best -Stock kept. Toned moderate. A TriallIoneited. An ordereby emir or *there/ re promptly filled. 4111 A R. N. ORM 3 A thrare arethiAliniP:lebellit111111 oval valac 'of al heel sell recey41 everi Year far woi erdi.lsonutl his h hen must sores y04 • ploy of th plow' the h the c whicl show -8 czem ea se Ame are pose. tabr run horse purel sa fai fashi tout with the rl 2.40hour that; fannS.whe.h80:111, IlBe°exteof off:ritt reforn kinas swam sn.21: hdall fr3 1 a0 18 e plowi in the pa easborisely a gen %Ag ing ox aitam riv, wit withe lcostett total:agoldai -when feed, tr forl ae ie ti and all dntfwed Wien jgtn , I figures, peet, any e1:Au0 oxene D: pings. aueb: harnea yokeo requiai • c(iwc11:nit imdhutaalilinPohitr yo nasy• , r cee.wbinseii7gohht. there is and the tax on ;It atidusee for -one plied ' 13eautPabli5 plied,silteil h e establis such an figures athnea then •ig fromozeii is 1 I hdi- proverbnes muturit and co feetly 1' 4