HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1882-01-06, Page 4- - , -�, . � � - - , - 1- I - ­ � - ;�- -­ ­ -, . - 1: - :� . - , L- .­­. . ';- � ­ -- .­ ,­ -,.- -­ -,-- '. ---- . - - , .- �11 -- - I ­1�1. -: --'.�- -t� ­�,,- I llt.-:v - , �--= I � -i � . - - . � I ,- I I i - I , . I . I . ­ I - --� , ,�- . I - 1 I . . I . r- - . .. � - - � I . � - . ­ . , . . - , � . - I -� I . . � , . . I - - I � , - - I I . . . I - - , . I I t. �� . . . I- ... . . � I I I - f I 3 � . I � �� I � ­ I � � . I I . - � . I I � . I - I . I 11 . I . - . . . - . . �. � I . � � � - - . � . I � . I - 4� I � I � i � � I . . . . . - I' . . . . ! � -1 I � i- - - . I . . I I 1. I I � . - - . � . I z : I I - . I . �� 11 � )t I I � I i I . I � I . � � � � � I I I ! . .1 " i 1� � . r . � I . - i 7 1 . . .., .. i � I I � � JANUARY 6, 1882. 11 I -EXPOS" fORN 1-1 : , f 1 4 - � . � T14E HURON AL . i i � - — I ip� I I , . I I , , . -- . ­��. - � I ' - - 1, I - i . - I — . , I - . I . I . . - - . I . I � . ch anxiety to their number, of these there were two ceased was held. Mrs. Fralic) � � .1, . i - E h 1. -1 -hem; aqd, special meeting to confer the freedom be sown. Why so mu . , I . -ENTS and judge Rainsvine gave juag I . .., , ! 1. � ADVIMTISEX ment in pleasant and profit*�Ie to t � .!Y. h - I . Z ­ . - I -a of twins. aided in Morris tow,usbin fo , I - . - ruell and Dil- make a picture which is forthwith to paii, . r I I � l favor of phdiatiff, decla.riuig that the they further know very well that thb of the city on. Messrs. Pa the pr � .. -Messrs. Peter. Thomson, George yean, and On account of I ,lblio - I � r, . � Auction Sae --M. Morrison. - � loo. - Mr. Moyer was hissed in the be obliWrated by the haxrow ? Herein, I - aimsigamation, could not be made under ,course of 'the -Go Mont on these $* ob. our plowing matches have been greatly Rogers, Thos. English and W. and 0. sition held by her husband ea�rly - �- , -- . Money, Wanted- M. R Counter. - . eets by the m - - ,� I * ne, of Brussels Started for came acquainted with the settlers 77 - � . i . . Private So4opl-Miss, Robertson. . �ny - I -POMB -It 'is reported atfault. Theprizes have been given R. Vangto . ? the charter of the Montreal 6�mp questions is utterly indefensible, and sTic Twusox. i ) - - - ey and Mbrri�. - I � . � B I.- and -6��raoring that Company to, again is repugnant to I e tpeople. Their tb�t the Servants of the Portuguese, to the workman who laid the neatest Manitoba this week. Mr. Thomson Gy She was very - , - - 1, t School � 8-CL.-W� Papst. - - I -row, not to him who tore up7 the took a car load of beef with him. to all needing her ,willing assis _:-i L i - L L i . 1 Farm for silo -H. Buyer. I resume ita lines'and business. It is policy is, therefore, to keep these in Royal household have been .0ififnissed fur , o and although E g to see her � - I . � I I I . I � I 0 f connection with a plot, compacted earth most thoroughly. The -Mr. Wm. Habkirk, of Gray, wh vin - : - f Freight fo ' Manitoba -A. Callauder, 4 said that an appeal will be tak -on from thb bobli-groun tx�[ suspicion 0 C, a by being score and ten she will be - . ! - d ani put forward, the t itandard usually adopted in plowing was so seriously injure . . - � . o poison the King. . I . I � ; Cheese Factory---johaL Carter. P) ' - - - - a horse power of a missed. Three sons and one . - : I *hie HALL -FOX IN x CoLLEGE.-=The me I h � this decisior6 but it is the opinion of . h brought the good times (?) . . di- green sward has beau especially ab crushed under � . � Farm for Sale -N. Cozens. � time ago, is remain with.her bereaved partner - ' I i I . many emiliou't lawyers that .the deci- the attractive baft to.. wih the eleo- cal college a Keokuk, Iowa,- has been snrd. He was esteemed the best per- threshing machine a short - � . I For Sale -T. Swam. t' I . . I , , . I . p I , . I ck sod by order of the Boat(I of Health, former vkho left the most even fring9f able to be about again. He bad a very mourn her loss. . . - . I . ' this game very � 11 i Reform Ueetiog -W, H. Kerr. 1*1 Sion is 6orrect, so that there is now. a I t They PI 'a on a � 0 -The following gentlemen . � i- ' - . - .. 0 1 'ay . -a of the furrow. Thb niLrrow escape. ,' r i . Howick Insurance Co. -F. Miller:- ccount of an outbreiak of small- of green'st the ed Brussels last compose the Con , il of the town - . I "Ood prospect that the Present tele- essfully in were laid on edge, instead --A gentleman war, in ship i : t , t- . u7c 18781 and. it rests en- PDX. ,. . Slices of '�sod no i ! Cheeso Factory .-James Lang. - I . - � t . . . ' � � � f . . -Te rme a a tNbER THE - Edw an, of beingthrown flat, and covered with week seeking inforiIiation regarding the Stephen for the current ye9x: - I graphic monopoly will ultimatply be .tiroly with Refo to say wh ther SNOW. ard �ty ' il -- � I � Notice -Hugh Love, Sr; I I . h . I . i 11 Milebael,11yan a d Richard Atkinson, a. layer of loose earth. In. old-fashioned purchase of the Ronald ioundry. The V. Ratz; Deputy Reeve, Henry Eil - � I Dentistry -D. Watson. . t broken up afad that the Montreal Oom-! or not they are 'to .be permitted ti) re- , 1 U . , a ii & - � i I . � I I , employed in. Paradise Tunnel, Colorado, sod plowing it was only' practicable to in�tention was to engage in the manu- Councillors, Baker, Ryan - - f � I . . - - psny will have to resume its own busi- le�titwitb,equslsucceaa'inl883., At we I reburied a hundred feet deep in a sowacoarse grain like peas, because fa�uiureof steel goods,such as fileg, -There was a harafight in God .- - I 11 ; ' - 11 . - ) . . P I * b F I nes8s as formerly. the last election t e N. P. was dis- township. between Mr. J. Whitely - �, � i NZ - . . . . . . sn6w. slide on Saturday. the finer kinds of seed would be lost chisel8, &c. : - I � N . - - . �- � "M , - - . - J. DeacomloD line Jue - � I Ii it -t JV U W A P JU lu t tulivo cussed almost to,','tbe exclusion of all BRA-DLIUGH THE THRIST.—It is Un- and buried beyoRa possibility of resur- --mr. W in. Long, forme y of Miags- � puf,y xWeve , 1 77 - I . I . �, - i -he I&"- � , , , - other quiestione. T�is was just what rection. But with plows' of the Oliver bridge, Asbfield, has been re-engaged, to resulting in the defeat of t MAV L - E - I - . SomE -of the leading Cotiservative derstood that Mr. Bradlaugh will ap- . . 4 - - . I — -- - � , . I I � . pear before the bar of the House, of type, a thin ribbon of sod is first sliced teach the school at Off a duriDly 1882. lesi. than 60 votes. Th4 Coun - I t , , . public I t, 'red ; the , L " - e IT,- �-- I - papers, feeling that the force of ie Conservatives de -y wanted - -; . i SEAFORTIEL, FRIDAY, Jan 6,1882 Commons at the re -assembling of 'Par. off by the baby plow in front, and. then He received a scholarship of $50 from elected are Xessrs. Cox, P scock - -- I , � I � - I I - %Q- � - ri ! . opinion is against them in upholding to keep this neW and'attractiv 6 question' . ompletely Archbishop Lynch, for' winning a Leithwaite. Beacom, 230 � i " I I . . - . liameut, and- make a claim to have the the big share that follows c ; Whi�dy,­J-.-- . I I . I . �d ' � . 283 ; �Cox, 312 ; Leitbwaite, 224; 1 1 -1. � � . the monopoly granted, or to be granti, , :t') -the front, so as to hide the 'record of oath administered. . � � . . , - , k s � . I � . . � , � buries the strip of sod, putting on top second class certificate. �; - � i - , I I t . F , - REFUSES To GivE Up -It is now of it earth enough to form a roo-my -While Mr. Wm. Vanstone, of Col- cock, 270; Purvis, 125, and Wal . ­', I .. i-� i -- East Huron'. to the Pacific Railway Company . *1 � I - - � - . are V ieir own misdeeds when in office and ' I f� I * . 104. ., . . .. - - 9t � ." 1! i As will be seen by notice elsewhere a endeavoring to direct attention fro 'I ated that Germany will not hand seed bed for any description of grain borne, was drivirig home from Goderich � --�� 1� I . � . . n W - � t . - - in . I ie economy of their opponents whom you may wish t,Q-sow. It speaks vol- a few days ago, his horse took fright -Last Sunday morning, who v I . �f over to Russia the Frenchman 'Hol- - - � . . � ,I' I meeting of the Reform Association of the In"ain question by arguing that Mr. � ey were trying to superc a, and lander, under arrest at Berlin, and urnes for this style.of plow that it can near Archibald Sands', backing him Cartwright, of Hullett, W,6nt to b . A- . . ad , - is :11 T � - ;z I .-- Tf 1. i East Huron will be beld at the Te- Mackenzie when An power contem- efotme - fooliih enough to fall obar ad with.tbrowing the bomb wbich be followed by the seed .'drill. Instead down. the hill. His face was very badly barnyard he discovered two of I *0 � -, 1, - : ra were 9 - I I- , i - - - �-. . � ; . I cumseh House, Brussels, on Tuepday plated securing for the Pacific Road a il et for them. The result 'killed the late Czar. of boa nuing to subdue the sod Ly the cut and his knee severely hurt. neighbors' dogs w,grrying his 'Sheep I ­ i r.1 . S. I "' . I I - �; ' . - I � first plowing, the conquest is complete - -It is said that Mr. Rutleage, of having torn two of them- before'bein � � , I 6to the trap s 1, I . I ! next at 12 o'clock, i 1 WHAT EmaRA-TioN DoEs.-The emi. r. . � noon� The main similar- monopoly to that which it 4s eVery one knows ; the at�t�action took. " V, I � , . . ---- I .� 11 -the meeting is to make ar- now propos6A to gra,ut the Syndicate. I grants who landed at New. York - the at ouce. Nor does the land lie up full Bayfield, intends erecting a new store driv D off. One of the dogs has - slytial- � I I r � � :t objept of I �; I . The same plan -will be tried again, and past year brought $.1i,000,000 wit,h of hollow spaces, raindering it liable to. in Clinton next summer. ,With all due been7 destroyed, but the owner Of fu:, I * . in '� � 14 * I 4 i , . ; 4 �i f rangempnts for the bomplete organ- They- base this charge against Mr. them., It is estimated they paid be parched in tirne of drougbt. It is deference to Clinton, we, should say other r�--fuses to katerfere with him. -- I � 1, �� . In I A ii behoves Reformers to See that they � � --- I 1, - I I - li i -- ization of the party � throughout the Maokebzie on the fact that while in $5,000,000 to the railroad and transpor- left in a natural state the connection that it has about as many; stores now - . . . . . .. 3 � I - i are not entra ice in the same -A mystery not vet cleared up lift -1111 - - - - - - �- � pped tvv ' i , � - . :1 I . � tation companies after leaving Castle between to --Aoil and sub -soil intact, as it can support.. , -� various maideipalities � in' the Riding. power his Government secu�ed the in-, �, . P caused quite a little excitement in tht - � � ,- 1: . ,ay. - Let Odem givo the N. P. a rest, Garden. giving free scope for the law of capil- -Bayfield has now got -a "jam up" north end of the 6th concession of Godw �` � � I � . i --1�11 I V I I The eating should be largely attend. sertion of a clause in .certain railway . I . � I , . .. I . They can't makei much out of it in the LOTS or, LOCONOTIVES.—One hundred lary attraction to -act in permeating the new lock-up, and the town authorities erich township. -A family . �� �� I 1, . - Z5 residing . ! e& In this connection we can only eb arters granted by the 'Dominion Par. - locomotives have been built at Paterson, whole with MOiStUTe. I are thinking seriously about giving a w , I � , ; I . i , there ri amed Spence put a sm . i : I . Mean time; it will work itik Own cure all � � ; . ' a watb�- .. J I repeat what we said lost week to the liam,�nt to the eiffect that before they in N. J-., during the past year, worth up- We plow. too much-ratber, too many bonus of S' for the first occupant. ing- of clothes on ropes in their orawi . . - . . hat time -- i I - , theoourseof time, but t . - ' Who will be patriotic enough to win, o ' _.. - � .... , 1 1 Reformers of South Huron An fhin . wards of five million dollars. This is times. "Once w,611 done is twice done." n WednesdiLy December �21 �Q"A 1�u - i � 1. . I I - - � .. � - � . ! . .11 � is canild oome Into operation, the roads has not yet com�. There is enough in the largest number over turned out of If tbe-soil is completely turned,upside this bonus? them there till the aft-3moon of, Us :� I . � that is worth - doing is worth doing to -, I - be constructed must receive the -di- . .1 I ! I I I tl�ie Syndicate Bargai the interference Paterson in one year. It is ekpect�d- down, and thoroughly stirred, what -The list of convictions by inaeis- ! ) 600 will be built there next year. more do we want? "Well," says one, trates in the co Unty, for the past qUL,T_ next day., when some were required for � - * well, and the Reformers of East rect 9 ' " tion of the GoverAr in Coun- - �ith Proviticlal rigb a, the Boundary- u al he te r.h. � I ; i . ane starobing, b t lo I It whi a - � L- ! to retain ei]. They argue from this' Wit the ' RAILwAy AcCIDENT NEAR BOSTOIN.— "we -want to kill the weeds." By all ter. embraces 9, total of 94 cases, of 0 . .. .. -... � #srd and the Mani oba Land regul- Last Monday a btidge on the Boston mea�iis. But there is a more excellent j which 30 were by Goderich magis- oles bad vanished. The questi a I -AN -- - : 4 1 L . � who took the W 2 It could hardly ­. � I the supremacy �Of their principles Govermment obtained this power . have 1 I . � ! .m I . a ions to say ndthing of the Senate and audMaine Railroad fell as a train was way of doing this than by successive trates, 7 bv Seaforth, and 17 by Clin- been a tramp, as the col �: f I - I , .r " ' C in thei riding by vigilance . ored shirts mad - .,� : - and Simply that they could prevent roads , I InJry glaxing extr agances and in- pas8ing over it. Two Men were killed plowin ' . woollen socks were left be I . .- i _ gs. It is not necessary to' keep ton. The total amount of fines in- ! constant and careful work, and the first being built in opposition to the Na. ­" * dupwardsof abundred badly hurt. working all summer in a fallow with flicted was $399. � ,hind. lft�. I.- � . _ i,;4nities, if properly Is A -bare to public an � . " Must have been some one well acqu c - . I aint- . .�. � . i anagrei-test preparation for a success- tional one. Granting this to be Iths The wreck immediately caught fire, . team, plow and cultivator to kill weeds. -Mr. P. Cantelon, of Betimiller, has e(I with the Rnrronndings of the pl: j-: , A : . gi�ze to shik any Gov wninent even bad and all the mail matter was burned. Get something better into the soil, been presented with 66 life size portrait ark , . k I I I - - i ful, election campaign 1.8 complete And case, for the sake of argyt,meut we d - as the night was. extremely d ,�,11- � - ,. I I - I 0 tl�iey ten hundred N.P's..tooling to for ng that wilfgainthe ascendy,ney of himself, the work of Mr. George miny, and the house and premises W i�Nt., . f ! 1� - I . - I -, � SYMPATHY WITH IRELAND.— O'Connor, sometbi I �, .,#, I � : thorough organization. Let th4le - be a not e that th6�Goverriment are n tbe Irish agitator, lectured at St. Louis, over weeds , as clover* and the grasses Stewart, the talented young Huron -� � ­­ . i 64R Ow s*fety. If in the coming campaign the ' C, . �. so secluded that the clothes could TA " - . large meeting, therefore -i -at Bru's a on justifi ' � i �� r . . i S. a] , ad in continuing for this road & loaders of the Reform Party will devote .Mo', on Tuesday night. He was escort- will do, if rightly managed. i Act in artist. The presentation was made o -n seen by the 6utside world at vary few V 4 � i Tuesday. I . onopol.*. Then it was proposed t ed to the ball by two companies of , the natural as in the moral world, behalf of the Temperance Society of spots. A warrant � .t_-� . . 7 In was taken out Z- i . - -aud "I �- . . . 'O military and several Irish societies, and "Overcome evil -with good." ,Destroy Benmillen I T tl�iemselves largely to explaining these I � ­ -­- =0�0� I searob. made on Tuesday, December, � .',, - - . ) , keep -the road as a Government Road. matters to the people and show them was intfoducerl to the Governor. The error by disseminating truth 'In- most -Mr. Austin Callander of Clint . - ..I - � I : TRA!r expensive farce, P I- . - I 1, 27th,inahouse :towards whi r i ch'- � t and consequently the people. -�wbom it Mavor also spoke. cases it is needless double work 'to do has returned from Dakota for thr win- 91811- , -11" � - , ;7 1 � I � - � - , I . . t air terrible defor ity, we believe eral suppici6n pointed, but n '' I . -Railway Commisf4ion, seems to be still . . . . ' . othing hag-. � - � . NovEM-BER GALES. - One hundred both fall plowing and Spring Plowing ter, and has rented the building iii that I - � was deSigDed to serve -would in reality . � i .- I � dragging out a miserable existence. it . they,will revolt at sight of 'the hideous as yet been found, -1 I . . - . � and ten livos are supposed to have been on the same land. Fall plowiDg, town known as the old bendifig fa3tory, k 4 . t ... I . . .- � ' control it, and monopoly charges would -A few days -since a man named -i -- i was use -leas when it was appointed, "d , p cture and turd from those who have lost by the sinking of 4 British coasti* properly done,'only ne6ds the drill or whereit,he intends to manufacture a, lot . �, - � � I . - il. ` V not be exacted, as there -would be no .s(11 eam barrow in the spring. The soil will of b '6kboards and harrows for the Thomas F. Wilson, from the Northm - �', . i it is doubly worthless' now. The pro- - wronged them. Bit if the Reform st er and two .Steamers engag(�d in a tO� I object in making ,charges heavi I . . part of the county I - tf �-�� . C i er than -leaders continue to battle with the Mediterranean trade, which are be- have settled, not compacted. Jack Northwest trade. � � arrivIed in Exetez, ,--- ­ fessed. object of this Commission was to . � . the N. and entered into -negotiations -, i . . the bare necessities oUthe road -required. I lieved to have gone down during the Frost will have crumbled the surface -Madame rumor reports that -Dr. with W.: t4 1. I investigate the management of the Pa- . P, to- the - almost general exclusion 0 ' -- Abel Walper, of that place, for the pur- -;�� - � f No,*Iember gales. into mellowness. Walk forth at the Tennant. of Lucknow. will be�nomin&4-- � � -- To do more would be simoly taking - - chase of a note of -3250, payable thirty -- `;?� -�' � eific, Railway when it was under Gov- other living and more important issues, ]ELILLED BY A COW. -Rev. John His- earliest mowent, scatter or drill in the I ad as the Conservative candidate for -t- I ; � . I money out of one pocket to put it into - daysafter date. When the note be- - �4 "- i � . Methodist inihister of Jonesville, seed, without more preliminary, and I the first Dominion election in North ., -': i ernment control, with a view to an- ' as the Globe is now doing,they may POck, .- ; I 1:, . Michigan, was leading a cow and the hurry, of spring work-. *ill be !as- Huron. Hehas been a resident of presented it Jor 1--. gh g the other. Now, however, all this is look for defeat'and disappointment in- .. . came due, Mi. Walper I,- - I I li tenina Parliament and the public cbandiid'. - The road has been given fastened the..rope' to 'his wrist. The sened. Put, in order to do this, you N6rth Huron for the last Seventeen payment, but was informed that it WAS 1�- " � - , � ; . � . of the progress being made and the into the b a . stmd of victory i 1883. They will E6 forger�y. No time was lost in fin - ­�. . . i nds of a private company. � cow ran away and draw him about So must have a plow that i3 � plow, and years, and is well known to the ratea, - � 11 . I * I J . the wherabouts of Wilson, who in tu : ; col- violently as to cause his death. He do plowing that iS P16WIDg. . payer .- I 1� I i The country have no say in its man- - � - meantime had gone to- Wingbam. Mr. . �- 04aracter of the work d - oiie, but the Ed mply give to Sir Z. and his Slowly but surely the sulky plow is E; of this riding. - -T ! real object was to fish I I le igues a life's lease of office. We hope was 79 years old, and leaves a wife and -Mr. B Grigg, who has acted in the . -9 . t for scandals c , . � . Walper accompanied by his Son pro. :. - - ! - agement and can not control it in any ' 8012. coming,into use in many parts of Can- of b(Sok-keeper 'in Messrs... I against the late Government. The . t ey will be wise enough to pursue a � . - � ! -. �!. . - i way. The rates can'be, fixed at the ut-' � . TREATY NOT AcOEPTED.— The conceB- . ada. The advocacy of it in the Mon- Samwell & Pickardli, establishment, in ceeded &) that town,'and succeeded It -.­ �: � - I . � I ! members of this Commission, with odurse that will pievent any such si6ns offered by the French members of treal Wit ass three years ago . excited Exeter, for a number of 1 capturing tb air man . He was brought .,-� , i most figure the traffic will stand, I , years, was, I � � .and - - �' - . . I � . I their attendants, &c., have visited all . calamity falling upon the country. I the Anglo-French Treaty Commission, cousidera�le amus ment., It was on behalf of the emplo, es� prese ted. toExeter,but on getting securitv for :, ;: . Ve W." � ! the profiti will go, not into the coffers i 1 a n the payment of the money, was allowed Ty, - I t ---- ' � with respect to- cottbn and woollen called "a lazy man o implement," as if with a handsome . g;la ,chain and ii FTI, � parts. of the Dowipion from Halifax to of the Dominion, but into the capacious THE TOR to go. The fiecuritv� however 54 �� . I ONTO MAIL! is very anxious st"l-'.1 . � I . goods, did not reach the minimum fixed we, should do ,unnecessary work to locket, accompanied by an address, A. - I Winnipeg, and have examined wit- ' ' by the English Commissioners, and make us industrious. Itwas styled a prior to his departure for Montreal, to come to time, Mr. Walper 'at On" i � � wallets of Messrs. Stephen, Angus.- &c. that the discontented� Irish peasantp informed Constable Gill 4 the eiream- I ry were finally declined. The negotiations -ijimerack," and other 'opprobrious wbitber he goes to* take a position as I : nesses by the score. Their expenses But neither -Mr. Mackenzie nor his Gov- should emigrate to t 1 an-adian North- � I , I , , . 1: C , appear to have virtually ended. nariaes. But sensible people discovered book-keeper in a wholesale house.' stances, and Wilson was arrested on 11, I - � I . -,. % ----- - � . 1 iluring these peregrinations were -of ernment ever contemplated' the estab- west, where it sa h The riRoner , ,-- . . Tuesdav of last week. �,;­- ! - ys ttey -would have TRADE OF C111CA00. - The following that it multipli'ed the working force of ' . 4 - i I . i , -Mr. Chas. Sundercock, !of Landes- I ­ . �, -, �. . . . . 1 course paid by the Dominion, and lishmentof a railway rnonopoly,even more room. We do iiot think that it figures representing the value of Chi. thefarm. Alittleboy could drive it. boro, has Manitoba, for was taken before J. McDonnelr,' Esq - -­.- $ � JT p and committed to stard his tri�l . �,- - cago's trade for the rear 1881, are A cripple could operate it. Even a � _ I -- - � - Some five or six gentlemen have been under Government control, and they would be bAber in tho interests of the a car load of stock and implements -- ` " �Sr� I � i � � ; i at the next assixes, A man narneil � 1--� I m- could not do So even did they desir believed. to be approximately correct: -worn 'Id do a man's day's work He has already ordered three Sets o ' Mitchell is the party against whom the -? -� . : in the receipt of large salaries as me a, Northwest or the Irish peasants if th ' an cou t . .- a Produce trade, $377,000,000 ; wholesale, with it. That it would supersede the +earn harness, one set of plow hamess 1 �� . - 1 bers. and officers of the Commission for because, so soon as the people 'felt 'the advice of -our bontem Dorary were fol�- ' not6 is drawn. � - .­ ! � 6423,000,000; manufacturers, $309,000,- ordinary plow was never pretended. r ��, ;!--,�11, t . and an ox harness from George Newton, I I I � I 1 years, and still there seems to be no n ecessity for competition, they could . I -The Clinton New - . ! - w 000. This Shows ;an increase of $115,- But tbab it is a useful ally of the or- Era of last week ­..; : lo I ed. It is true the, r would have all of Londesboro. He intends going back - , . I I prospect of their COMP16tiDg their fruit- . . 000 000 or 12.8 per cent. over last year. dinary plow is being proved on numer- ! about the first of March; he is well says: We have been informed of some - �-, t - � force-tbe Gover�ment who were their the room thev coul� desire in the. ' � � I , � . . Q, rather strange proceedings with refer- I- . ; � SHALL -pox SCARE. -.Intense excite- ous Canadian farms. It is hot adapted I satisfie3 with the country, wad is doin 11 , less labors ; -nor is it likely that they servants to give it" them. Grant the N,"ortbwest, but it is tiot lack of room I 9 ence to the collection of taxes in . I " i I will terminate them of I . to billy land. ,, But we have large areas God- - " . .their own M 6nopoly P * - ndics, . ment was caused *at Moilne, Iowa, last very well. - - t t . . . � ' rinciple to the -�y '13, the complain of wherl, th' a I erich township, which we tb . - ! I .y . a� ey are now., Sabbatheevening by thriee snWl-pox that are ne. rly as level a3 a prairie, ink cam , I � I -The Clinton New Era Says: A -1 - I option. S -o long as the Government and we-bave"no remedy'. They ar 113 the oppress on d - for some explanation na the collec- . ,I ::, . e It �: i i 11DjUSt and un- paliients s6aping from their rooms and and on th,66a it does the best of work- I Hullett farmer living not more than Jro ­, � , � � . Z are willing to pay them, there is no above and "beyond the control of the 4 1 running through the streetB4alf dressed The one objection to it is its cost. This ter. -The facts as we have receivea , ! � fa;r dealing of their landlords. They 11 I three miles from Clinton, who keeps � I - � - : doubt but t -bey vvill be quite willing to ' ; I will be,greatly lessened when Canadian his horse and carnage, has not been up them, are that the collector called --' . � cult,. and. orazy. They were recaptured with . 1. � 19 : , - . I sacrificathemselveo. for their-coun; , people and totally independent of them - h. ve all the land theyl want to manufacturers- make it, as they will I the Huron Road in the direction of upo'n a heavy and well known rate- ­ 7 � ­ try and can do as they like. There some difficnIty after a number of per- . , -� � � - ' .1 � -..-. is no V . certainly da before long. Home- er for his taxes; but be happened to .. - � although not b 4e, --and if ttey had imore they would sons had been. exposed. I produc- 11 Goderich fbr twenty years. 1 The New pay ... � ! parallel between the two cases, as any tion will cheapen it one-half. be from home. A few ZIA after, allul i nol know what to do �ith it. So that, I It is to 'Era man had better not -go near God- Y-8 r their country's good.L To show the ; SUCCESSFU16 AT LAST. -The trial trip . L ' . i � . . person who is not purposely blind c a'i i in'this respect, were ttey to be trans. throughthe St. Gothard railway tun- be hoped that our manufacturers will ! erich ei$her unless his running gear is assistant of the collector called again, � utter absurdity and -foolishness, see at a glance. But even if there � . I I adopt that style which admits of at- ,'in Pratt I . and with the taxes also demanded fifty ! � _y good order. . I not to say wicked extravagance P14,nted to the plains Of the Northwest, nel in Switzerland was made the other taching an ordinary plow to the o cents for the trouble : � I . I ulky. , of calling &- seconfl- - -- were, the fact that at one time' Mr. day, and proved highly successful, the � Mr. L. Hooper, of Exeter, bad a time, which was refused him; he then " 1 - � . they would not be any better satisified The cost of the sulky part ought Dot to I i and wastefulness of ,,coDtinuirig this Mack enzi . J distance from one entrance to the � i very narrow escape from being poisoned s*nified his intention to I � i Commission in, existence, we need only a vontomplated the perpetra- than they are now, and they would. n ' exceed $20, and if 'there be a boy, a .n ake a seizure � i I . . . ot other being accomplished, the one way . . -,' a few evenings ago. It appears be had for the fifty cents, but was plainly, told -- I � tion of an outrage upon the People be a desirable acquisition to the country in fifty minutes and the other in thirty- cripple or'an aged man on the farm � taken a dose of In dicine made from that if he. - ; a � state that they held a sitting -at Ot. would --not in any way justify the . able to drive a team, but . not able to attempted Such a thing he f _pres- three. . h�rbs, when be was immediately seized � taw' a a fevy, days ago� to enquire into tbe' eif4er, as their mode �f cultiva�Dg the I bold an ordinary plow, the Sulky *1I I' would have to pr6ive himself the hest . i . � oing the same FATAL DANcE. - By the breaking with violent pains. Medical aid was man. �� i - i - 4 would not do in tb�t countryi,and in pay for itself,in a single season. - Ile then left without either � &now long celebrated Steel Rails pur- � . J - ! thing. Two blacks will not make one th second place t down of a ballroom floor in ,Cincinuati, � - sent for, and when it was ascertained taxes or the fifty cents. The rate- " � s the coll, - I chase by Mr. Mackenzie when he vgas I hey would bel,fie I eing on Saturday night, several person ---- I that a few.9tramonium leaves had ac- payer'shortly after went to .40_ � I white, neitber -will two wrongs make Huron Qonnty Council for 1882. - cidentally been mixed with'tbe h rbs tor's house d o er th t I in office. Now, what earthly ben�fit fro�a the oppression o laudlordism in weie killed and a large number badly $ ; 6 . . i I . I injured. Lampswere broken, the oil . 'Reeves a -ad Deputy I Mrs. Hooper had been stewing, the to the an ff ed a axes � � * �. one right, and even if the advocates of The following "I Iroland to fall victim to t collectoes wife. and she a � can accrue to this country by again . he same . � i spilled over some of the company nd Reeves will com pose the County Coun- I cause of the pains w " : I as soon accounted also demanded the fifty centi, - ' i . .h 0 ntry. If. the caught fire. Some weie badly, others oil of Huron for 1882: -1 for. E.metics were immediately ad:. wh' i . ! resurrboting t at threadbare transac- desired to be as great a monopolist as M I ad evil in the new on ich the ratepavAr denied big riglit monopoly prove that Mr. Mackenzie drJ a � � tion, or what difference can it make to ' Oil would use its in notice to Sup- fat4lly burned. . . MUMCIEPAWTV. MERT33. IDEPUTT. : Ministe'red, and Mr. Hooper reHe ,i a Sir John, that will not justify thelat � . - � ved to pay, but :Offered to pay na.� � �- ! ter Tuckernnith, David Walker. John HAnnah. I from danger. This was a very narrow der protest, if she would P-ve ! the people now to learn - that: some pr as or prevent the . introduction of 6RAND TRUNK CONNECTION. -The con- Usborne, T. M. Ray. To be elected. I w � � , . p i in doing what is wrong L and inflicting I ,aioraism into the Northwo Exeter, L Hardy. escape, as Btramonium leave - I . . ; bridge or oulvert buii on the'Pacific mt, its struction of the Chicago, Portage and 13 are very axate receipt f6r the same - this Sb,,e ' , I - "I C Stephen, T. Rat Z. H. Eilber 7 . an outrage upon a free people. Superior Railway, from Chicago to II.y,. poisonous. declined doing, but gave the usual ro- , t Railway five or Six years ago was in- - . 8 ;Orts would be more -patriotic and Dr Btfefianan. S, Rannie, , - � . - Superior City, Wisconsin, will, it is - Stauley, Wim. Gr t ham. Cleurge Cadle . -At the last.sittings of the Clinton ceipt for -the taxes, which wise all ths,+. L I ;',' be - Division Cqurt a sheep case was . aufficiently or impropprly -constructed. ,;I- �eficial. I - tried was paid. Whether the demand -of - ' , - . - MR. DALTON MCCARTHY, one of the 'I; . � Said, be pushed forward at once. One Bayfield, John Essm. . . - I i . The whole concern has gone :1 -� Goderich T'P,, G. Mliott. ,T. Whiteley. before a jury and created a good deal - . I -, L into the ---- — of the principal objects for so doing Goderich Town, F. W. Johnston. W.Compbell I of interest. Mr-. Geo. Eno " this extra charge has been made upon - 71- " ­ ,� most clever members of the Collsenva- taim independenoe ialk which was being to give the Grand Trunk a con- ,, ch- Of Hul- more than this oue we know ,-"-- - I kands of the Syndicate, and they have M.Hutcbineom) `1 not, but -�' "I' - . . *� : tive Party in Ontario, addressed a 80 �lib for a while is n' w commencin nection with the Northern Pae,ific in- i Colborne, . WM, Young. A. Allen. .Iett, sued Messrs. Hill and Wright, of think that if the collector is justly ': � 9 en- T N, , �. � I taken it as it existed, and even should � 1, Aslifield, , R. Webster. J. Griffin. the same township, for the value of h �- 11 � -io '� fizzle out. It w titled to it the publio s ould'know it. ­� � ' meeting of his constituents in Barrie a dependent of the St, Paul roads. f this commission ascertbin that the I I a. only indWged : I I West Wavanosh, Cbas. Girvin. Ed. Gaunt. some sheep, supposed to have been -1 i . . � . �_l , � few nigbts ago. 1, - I East Wawano8b, Thos. Taylor. Robt. Carry. If taxes are Dot paid before ,& cortalin I . � �­Itis said of his speech t in - by .a few journa killed by their clogs. A great deal of time the collector,can levy "a ob&Te I - _ .. .. w ; whole work done on ,the road while it, A � - 0 , Plows and Plowing. I Blytb, I - P. Kelly; . � thatii He went ov'e�r the well -beaten subjects were scarce, and not being . ' I � I Winghani, . H. w. c. xeye.t w. ,Eluott. - . evidence was taken, the weight of costs, but be must.,waittill the � � � . I � was under Government control wis"'. 94 ' BY REV. F�' W. CLARKE. Tnrn&-xry, J. Henning. parties � ,T-MePlImon. which Seemed to show that the dogs ­ . ? path aboi#-tbe good and bad times found populax, the subject has well are delinquents. ' ­ . I . I . . wroxetex, A. L. Gihwp. . ! botched, it would not now advantage: ,, 1 � I The march of improvement from the Fowick, John Rane�. B S. Cook I bad killed sheep some time before, but , I I I . .,:I- . ---- - - - -1 . Z ! under Tor' d Grit rule respectively, . I , --- � . I . yan nigh been abandoned even by tbOSe dayswhe'na wooden crotch did duty , thisparticular case was not brought I . � 1 the people one cent. Buteven this'! , . ! ! �- . I I D. Weir. J : - � sgeul� 'zed the N. P. at length, but most loudly in -its favor, It was just so as a plow, drawn, perhaps, by an ass CVr(!S, Thos. StTachan. J. Hislop I directly home to them, only b7 circum- P,erth Iterns. I � ; I ,gi I - . I i much has not yet, arid never will bei ,,to�., - . I I I - I . W.Oliver. J - , ! �-Iaed gingerly upon itbe Pacific. with the "Rag Baby' scheme. The and a woman, and held ,by a fool, to Brumsdo, . F. C. Rogers. stantiall evidence, and the jury gave a Mitchell has a school populat -, I . gainedby this Commission. It is an " I - . � ion Of - -- i I "Ra,.Lway and Boundary award ques- "I�flatiOniStS,-" as the . 6 . Geo. Forgylibe, J. R. Miller. I verdict for defendants. 2,300, . ,- 1. 0 y were called, , these times when a b autiful iron i - � 11 Im Morris , - � � i ,everlasting pity that Sir John did not' plement wA a sh;re of polished Hullett" John McMillan. John Mason. -A meeting of th shaxelio-'Iders of -Mr. F. Flannigan has been ' I . : t� . . 4ions." In pursuing this course Mr. * �de a great noise for L While, and. one - steel, James Hayes. To beeleeted. a . � I � A , . on- , hand over the Cummission as well as-:' - :1 . drawn by a magnificent span- of horses MOKU10P, the People's Cheese Factory, Gorrie, gaged to teach Kinkora 8 - . I 7 Seafortb, . D. 1). WMon. Jas. Beattie. chool at a i McCarthy showed his -wisdom. 'This ,violild almost think )ythezeal'and andbeldby a being "every inch a Clinton, . washeldin the village on ,Saturday salaryof $420, , , � . ! the railroad to the Syndica,te. Had he' 4' E. Corbett, T. Cooper. i , is . I i i i . the course that the Conservati�e ardor manifested in t e advocacy of, man,"Jeaves behind it a handsome fur- last, when the following direo'tors were -Aii. old and respec -1 resident of i done so, it-tbe Commission, we mean, '- � Thetownships of Ubborne and Me- I � . tec '- � I row, is truly wonderful. But plows aAected: E. Spaulding, R. Murray, D. Kinkora, Mr. James Fletcher, died on . i a thing of the past i journals and orators will pursue until thi,3, 'scheme that sooethling would Killop being divided into - de, the Bradnock. The directors lost no time Christmas evening. I'll, I ,� � � war I -would have been I F and plowing are not all that they might I I OnS 00 8 Of it. . . I : . long ago. --This Commission, fr . " the close of the next general electi ' . But itl has died 6ut be ,even yet. There are plows and Deputy Reev6 is elected by g the services of the popular -Fifty' acres on the 4th concession of , i ,,pm first � - in seourin ) I - � if they are permitted to do so'. The anil we bear notbin g more of it. plows. There is P1OWiDg that is plow- at its first meeting, and the selec to last, will cost the country thousands i , t'On 'a cheese maker,,,Mr. Clark, fc,r the next Downie has been purchased by John A. - ; .. L ade from the members of Council. 7 m a m -hey Bel - 1 N. P. is their trump ar Independence will meet with a i ing, and also PIOWiDg that is not plow- year, as t find no difficulty in King, for $2.8W. � � of dollars,, aud we defy any 1i (1, and they L A milar - t ving man, I ; * I linghis cheese. A few persons may * -The Rev. A . . I T to show that they have done a farthing's, . Will Play it every time, and with it f atl), and we have likely heard more Ing. -- ---- . - F. Tally has accepted - I I � . That same "beautiful iron imple- Huron Notes. not be pleased that Mr. Clarke is an- the call to Kno; x - , I I x church., and is to be . - � worth of good, It was foolish they will -again euchre their opponents ab�ut it during the past few months ment with share'of polished steel" is gaged, on account of some i difficul-ty indticted on the 12th of January- , I,--- f ness to: z I i r The friends of Lake View, i the which has axisen withregard i to impure .. - �%Ppoint it in the first place, and it is � if they are not checked. They did So th4n we will hear ag�in in as many not the ne ,p1w ult �a of plows by any I township of Hay, presented thenRev. - Mr- Roger Saunders, �of: MitchelL , I � I � I - ., I years. I means. Its day is � waning fast. milk; but if the fine was put � in force has secured a good situ - - � - - 'i i wanton reckless extrav, I before, and judging from present. ap.; I It is 1 F.D., Sing with a beautiful buffalo ation as man - � I I . agance to con." ! too long, too heavy, too costly. A I . I ager , : N� I pearances they are like, � against them, it would make them send ; � Ay to do the robe. Of a saw mill in the in - - - I � 1 tinne it now. If the m6mbers of the ! ' - . . �� Shorter implement' with -wooden beam pure miIX i ining region of . , -, ' . New Mexico. - . :. i � -W aek. . d handles, a share of chilled iron, -Drs. Cassady and McDonagb, of The Cornwall Freeholder cf last -The Rev. W. Wait,%, of p,trat . I � � same again. They know their Strong News of'the I i present Govemment require a c orrimis. : I an - , I ; - : I I their �a Goderich, removed a cancer from the fordl - � and weak points pretty welL NEw LINE. -The new line of steam- wheel and miniature -plow in front of , week s ': Mri E. L. Dickinson, of the has received a unanimous c � I of their ." I . lower lip of Mr. George Cox, Sr., of ay -s . � Aiou to enquire in -to the acts' rk a I seding the "all iron" � . all from � � I " They know that good times did fol. era lbetween New Yo rid Copenhagen it, is rapidly s6per Goderich township, last week. firm of Mattice and Dickinson, Barris- the Presbyterian church-, in Chatham, 1� , i 1 � � I predecessors in order to get material to betri running on Tuesday. - implement which has been the beau ters, left by the midnight train last New Brunswick, - i low the introduction of the N. P.9 . -The Hil' , . - - : use against them & the House and on TOUGH STORY. - Ifirs. CruBe, at ideal of the past. For a long time Is Green te& meeting wits Tuesday night for Wingliam, Ontario, -St - . . ; I 1, - -ra,tford has a 'new medical nian � I I and they know . f urther that the Florence, Califorla a grand success. About $32 wr' * ; the stu,m, , they sbould, bear the ex- is, has been deli,v- chitmpiou plowman from the old co,%r where he has formed a. partnership Dr. MoGarvin, who, after 25 years prae- ! -p mass of the people will not ,stop to ered of six 'perfectly ,formed femal§ try have been wont n7 alized at the door. Proceeds. to be - � I ! . . � pause themselves and not Saddle it on . - . . to ridicule I t, a with Mr. Meyer, Barrister, there. A tice in Acton, has set up his -shingle, in �� � . ! -, consider wb6ther or not it was the N.P. oh�ildren. . - I Short American plow. But in spite of applied to Sabbath School purposes. movement was on foot to give � Mr. the county town . - ,�� . 11 I I ! the country as they are now doing. ' - MAD DOG. - Much O'xcitement was all the ridicule, this plow has come to -Mr. Donald McGillivray, of Goder- Dickinson a handsome "send off" be. - . � � . I . 2 that produced. the good times. Of . I T -- -- The net proceeds of the Ca,tholie I OCO)IBAoned at Chicago al, few days ago' the front. What was at first known as ich, came out first in classics at the forp leaving Cornwall, -but the receipt bazaar held in Mitchell will � - - , i i conrae, as politicians, anxious only to by i rabid dog bi � rew'h i , ting ha�f a dozen -per- , tiie Double Michigan, and has been recent terminal examination. in Uni. of &-telegram Tuesday morning request- nearly S1,00(), and will , i THE, Great North Western Telegraph keep their party in power it is not sons on thestreets. � improved into the Oliver Plow made at varsity CoIldge, beating his opponent by ing him to leave,for Wingham, at once, off the church. ` ,Iea,r the debt "I .- � . � 4 I I Company, which now controls the their business to discuss - this ,point FmALLPDX IN ILLINOIS. -Smallpox South Bend, Indiana, is the undoubted a, total of 74 marks. Drevented his friends from doing SO.' -Dr. O'Shea has left Dublin ana - I � � ; - � � prevails in thirty-seven places in Illi. favorite wherever it is known to -day. -The annual meeting of the mem- Ai it was a number of his numerous gone to peterboro . i � entire telegraphic business of this with the people. They point to re- . , whe I 01B. In two-thirds of re there is* a . I I f " ,them the For ease of draught, self guidance, and bers of the Hay Fire nrce s Spent- the evening with him mnch larger field open for him. He I I a I . I . I countrv. has got into trouble. A Mr. suits but decline to enquire by what disease is under control. ' - rapidity pf work, it out -distances all pany will be held in Zurich on Mon- pleasantly, and accompanfed him to leaves this Part with the good w of all. ; . � . - . ENNY P i .. � ­ ; " John La,w, a - gentleman of Montreal, Ines, IS these r4sults have been brought APERs.-The Pall Mall Ga- competition. It may not lay so even a day, the 13th Februaxy, for the election the Railway Station on his departure. -By an explosion of gas - ill . in Roth's -- . I entere4 in action in the Superior about. Handled in this way, the N. zette, and St. Jawes ette London, furrow as the long iron plow, but it of officers and directors. - . 7 I After a severe illness, Mrsi. Fralick, brewery at Listowel a few dzy ­ � I - i Court of Quebec to restrain the Iffon. P * England, appear now as penny papers. tears up the soil more effEctually, -A lady iu a certain dressmaker's of Morris, wife of B. Fralick, ' ' a W, - . . . i Esq., for four of theamployees were badly burn- �'--- A , --� . P : I t I I , 4 1 - I I I I I � � - I is, undoubtedly, an attractive and Their form is unchange( . which is the true end and object of establishment in Clinton made 77 but- many years Division C rt Clerk, died ad about the face, head and hands. � - � � . � treal Telegraph Company from am a. . 011 6 ��alg catching cry. But, those who do the � - I , � , , , , , . � .�o� RuLz.-At Dut)l n Mr. Dawson plowing. When we set out to plow a ton holes in ten hours. That lady will Friday night, the 23rd off. December - ---On Saturday night 24th nit. the % , i utating with the Great Worth Western Jalking and writing for the Conservative w S -inaugurated Lor - , , - :. I _� Mayor. The field, the aim ought not to be to draw yet make some good man happy, if- she in her 72nd year, and was �uried, 6n, outbuildings of Mr. David Ad . re- - . Corporation, by 2 air, i,z . , � and handing their property over to party also know that the pacific Rail - reftiood to pass a mathematical -figure, with strsight does not now do so. the following Mofiday, ,Wjaen' r'e- "i,ling on the townline of Logan and ` � . : I I I I . - _ 1 8 to ,8 - w her" � . � that Company. The cam came up 0 the customary vote of t4anks to Mr. lines and right angles, but to, loosen up -There is a couple residing in Cli-ft- mains were followed by a I#rge con- Elms, were La go . . . . . � - eatroyed by fire. 'The % � � - - - - � - � - j � , way and Boundary award questi ris are Mo er, the retiring L d Mayor, in the Soil as completely as po#sible, to ton, the fint 20 years of whose mar- course of relatives anafriendg, who at- buildings were of frame. and ,-,-,,t,i,.,u3 .11" f , � for trial in Montreal a few days ago, , as dangerous to�hazdle as the N is Icon nence -f I,;. �f- 1 4.- 40 11 11 _A 9 I.%. -I j )'�,­i - . . ­- . I .L Oil c ortu is mw - V.0 a grmln Dour, Uo ed We resunedin an adanion of 15 to I tested to the respect in. whic4 the de- about twelve tonsof hay, som,a grain. .- - L - � � . I : . - ! . I � � . � I . . . � . ; i -- � � - - I I � . � . : - � I . . � . � -1. . : I I - ! - . . I - .1 � . w . ­. L � p � �. I . , I L- . I � , I - ' 7 -� A. - ' - - - - . - ! I I , I . . - - I � � . I . L I - . . . � . : I � I . I � - z I . . ; � . - - . I I I . . . -- 11. - L. �­ ! - I 14 . I - - � I � . -- J I -- � , - I I . I - . . � ! I . �­ I - - .-- I i I I I I � I L . . I AakA : e t . - I I TJ �- A � N . - - . �- � "M , - - . - J. DeacomloD line Jue - � I Ii it -t JV U W A P JU lu t tulivo cussed almost to,','tbe exclusion of all BRA-DLIUGH THE THRIST.—It is Un- and buried beyoRa possibility of resur- --mr. W in. Long, forme y of Miags- � puf,y xWeve , 1 77 - I . I . �, - i -he I&"- � , , , - other quiestione. T�is was just what rection. But with plows' of the Oliver bridge, Asbfield, has been re-engaged, to resulting in the defeat of t MAV L - E - I - . SomE -of the leading Cotiservative derstood that Mr. Bradlaugh will ap- . . 4 - - . I — -- - � , . I I � . pear before the bar of the House, of type, a thin ribbon of sod is first sliced teach the school at Off a duriDly 1882. lesi. than 60 votes. Th4 Coun - I t , , . public I t, 'red ; the , L " - e IT,- �-- I - papers, feeling that the force of ie Conservatives de -y wanted - -; . i SEAFORTIEL, FRIDAY, Jan 6,1882 Commons at the re -assembling of 'Par. off by the baby plow in front, and. then He received a scholarship of $50 from elected are Xessrs. Cox, P scock - -- I , � I � - I I - %Q- � - ri ! . opinion is against them in upholding to keep this neW and'attractiv 6 question' . ompletely Archbishop Lynch, for' winning a Leithwaite. Beacom, 230 � i " I I . . - . liameut, and- make a claim to have the the big share that follows c ; Whi�dy,­J-.-- . I I . I . �d ' � . 283 ; �Cox, 312 ; Leitbwaite, 224; 1 1 -1. � � . the monopoly granted, or to be granti, , :t') -the front, so as to hide the 'record of oath administered. . � � . . , - , k s � . I � . . � , � buries the strip of sod, putting on top second class certificate. �; - � i - , I I t . F , - REFUSES To GivE Up -It is now of it earth enough to form a roo-my -While Mr. Wm. Vanstone, of Col- cock, 270; Purvis, 125, and Wal . ­', I .. i-� i -- East Huron'. to the Pacific Railway Company . *1 � I - - � - . are V ieir own misdeeds when in office and ' I f� I * . 104. ., . . .. - - 9t � ." 1! i As will be seen by notice elsewhere a endeavoring to direct attention fro 'I ated that Germany will not hand seed bed for any description of grain borne, was drivirig home from Goderich � --�� 1� I . � . . n W - � t . - - in . I ie economy of their opponents whom you may wish t,Q-sow. It speaks vol- a few days ago, his horse took fright -Last Sunday morning, who v I . �f over to Russia the Frenchman 'Hol- - - � . . � ,I' I meeting of the Reform Association of the In"ain question by arguing that Mr. � ey were trying to superc a, and lander, under arrest at Berlin, and urnes for this style.of plow that it can near Archibald Sands', backing him Cartwright, of Hullett, W,6nt to b . A- . . ad , - is :11 T � - ;z I .-- Tf 1. i East Huron will be beld at the Te- Mackenzie when An power contem- efotme - fooliih enough to fall obar ad with.tbrowing the bomb wbich be followed by the seed .'drill. Instead down. the hill. His face was very badly barnyard he discovered two of I *0 � -, 1, - : ra were 9 - I I- , i - - - �-. . � ; . I cumseh House, Brussels, on Tuepday plated securing for the Pacific Road a il et for them. The result 'killed the late Czar. of boa nuing to subdue the sod Ly the cut and his knee severely hurt. neighbors' dogs w,grrying his 'Sheep I ­ i r.1 . S. I "' . I I - �; ' . - I � first plowing, the conquest is complete - -It is said that Mr. Rutleage, of having torn two of them- before'bein � � , I 6to the trap s 1, I . I ! next at 12 o'clock, i 1 WHAT EmaRA-TioN DoEs.-The emi. r. . � noon� The main similar- monopoly to that which it 4s eVery one knows ; the at�t�action took. " V, I � , . . ---- I .� 11 -the meeting is to make ar- now propos6A to gra,ut the Syndicate. I grants who landed at New. York - the at ouce. Nor does the land lie up full Bayfield, intends erecting a new store driv D off. One of the dogs has - slytial- � I I r � � :t objept of I �; I . The same plan -will be tried again, and past year brought $.1i,000,000 wit,h of hollow spaces, raindering it liable to. in Clinton next summer. ,With all due been7 destroyed, but the owner Of fu:, I * . in '� � 14 * I 4 i , . ; 4 �i f rangempnts for the bomplete organ- They- base this charge against Mr. them., It is estimated they paid be parched in tirne of drougbt. It is deference to Clinton, we, should say other r�--fuses to katerfere with him. -- I � 1, �� . In I A ii behoves Reformers to See that they � � --- I 1, - I I - li i -- ization of the party � throughout the Maokebzie on the fact that while in $5,000,000 to the railroad and transpor- left in a natural state the connection that it has about as many; stores now - . . . . . .. 3 � I - i are not entra ice in the same -A mystery not vet cleared up lift -1111 - - - - - - �- � pped tvv ' i , � - . :1 I . � tation companies after leaving Castle between to --Aoil and sub -soil intact, as it can support.. , -� various maideipalities � in' the Riding. power his Government secu�ed the in-, �, . P caused quite a little excitement in tht - � � ,- 1: . ,ay. - Let Odem givo the N. P. a rest, Garden. giving free scope for the law of capil- -Bayfield has now got -a "jam up" north end of the 6th concession of Godw �` � � I � . i --1�11 I V I I The eating should be largely attend. sertion of a clause in .certain railway . I . � I , . .. I . They can't makei much out of it in the LOTS or, LOCONOTIVES.—One hundred lary attraction to -act in permeating the new lock-up, and the town authorities erich township. -A family . �� �� I 1, . - Z5 residing . ! e& In this connection we can only eb arters granted by the 'Dominion Par. - locomotives have been built at Paterson, whole with MOiStUTe. I are thinking seriously about giving a w , I � , ; I . i , there ri amed Spence put a sm . i : I . Mean time; it will work itik Own cure all � � ; . ' a watb�- .. J I repeat what we said lost week to the liam,�nt to the eiffect that before they in N. J-., during the past year, worth up- We plow. too much-ratber, too many bonus of S' for the first occupant. ing- of clothes on ropes in their orawi . . - . . hat time -- i I - , theoourseof time, but t . - ' Who will be patriotic enough to win, o ' _.. - � .... , 1 1 Reformers of South Huron An fhin . wards of five million dollars. This is times. "Once w,611 done is twice done." n WednesdiLy December �21 �Q"A 1�u - i � 1. . I I - - � .. � - � . ! . .11 � is canild oome Into operation, the roads has not yet com�. There is enough in the largest number over turned out of If tbe-soil is completely turned,upside this bonus? them there till the aft-3moon of, Us :� I . � that is worth - doing is worth doing to -, I - be constructed must receive the -di- . .1 I ! I I I tl�ie Syndicate Bargai the interference Paterson in one year. It is ekpect�d- down, and thoroughly stirred, what -The list of convictions by inaeis- ! ) 600 will be built there next year. more do we want? "Well," says one, trates in the co Unty, for the past qUL,T_ next day., when some were required for � - * well, and the Reformers of East rect 9 ' " tion of the GoverAr in Coun- - �ith Proviticlal rigb a, the Boundary- u al he te r.h. � I ; i . ane starobing, b t lo I It whi a - � L- ! to retain ei]. They argue from this' Wit the ' RAILwAy AcCIDENT NEAR BOSTOIN.— "we -want to kill the weeds." By all ter. embraces 9, total of 94 cases, of 0 . .. .. -... � #srd and the Mani oba Land regul- Last Monday a btidge on the Boston mea�iis. But there is a more excellent j which 30 were by Goderich magis- oles bad vanished. The questi a I -AN -- - : 4 1 L . � who took the W 2 It could hardly ­. � I the supremacy �Of their principles Govermment obtained this power . have 1 I . � ! .m I . a ions to say ndthing of the Senate and audMaine Railroad fell as a train was way of doing this than by successive trates, 7 bv Seaforth, and 17 by Clin- been a tramp, as the col �: f I - I , .r " ' C in thei riding by vigilance . ored shirts mad - .,� : - and Simply that they could prevent roads , I InJry glaxing extr agances and in- pas8ing over it. Two Men were killed plowin ' . woollen socks were left be I . .- i _ gs. It is not necessary to' keep ton. The total amount of fines in- ! constant and careful work, and the first being built in opposition to the Na. ­" * dupwardsof abundred badly hurt. working all summer in a fallow with flicted was $399. � ,hind. lft�. I.- � . _ i,;4nities, if properly Is A -bare to public an � . " Must have been some one well acqu c - . I aint- . .�. � . i anagrei-test preparation for a success- tional one. Granting this to be Iths The wreck immediately caught fire, . team, plow and cultivator to kill weeds. -Mr. P. Cantelon, of Betimiller, has e(I with the Rnrronndings of the pl: j-: , A : . gi�ze to shik any Gov wninent even bad and all the mail matter was burned. Get something better into the soil, been presented with 66 life size portrait ark , . k I I I - - i ful, election campaign 1.8 complete And case, for the sake of argyt,meut we d - as the night was. extremely d ,�,11- � - ,. I I - I 0 tl�iey ten hundred N.P's..tooling to for ng that wilfgainthe ascendy,ney of himself, the work of Mr. George miny, and the house and premises W i�Nt., . f ! 1� - I . - I -, � SYMPATHY WITH IRELAND.— O'Connor, sometbi I �, .,#, I � : thorough organization. Let th4le - be a not e that th6�Goverriment are n tbe Irish agitator, lectured at St. Louis, over weeds , as clover* and the grasses Stewart, the talented young Huron -� � ­­ . i 64R Ow s*fety. If in the coming campaign the ' C, . �. so secluded that the clothes could TA " - . large meeting, therefore -i -at Bru's a on justifi ' � i �� r . . i S. a] , ad in continuing for this road & loaders of the Reform Party will devote .Mo', on Tuesday night. He was escort- will do, if rightly managed. i Act in artist. The presentation was made o -n seen by the 6utside world at vary few V 4 � i Tuesday. I . onopol.*. Then it was proposed t ed to the ball by two companies of , the natural as in the moral world, behalf of the Temperance Society of spots. A warrant � .t_-� . . 7 In was taken out Z- i . - -aud "I �- . . . 'O military and several Irish societies, and "Overcome evil -with good." ,Destroy Benmillen I T tl�iemselves largely to explaining these I � ­ -­- =0�0� I searob. made on Tuesday, December, � .',, - - . ) , keep -the road as a Government Road. matters to the people and show them was intfoducerl to the Governor. The error by disseminating truth 'In- most -Mr. Austin Callander of Clint . - ..I - � I : TRA!r expensive farce, P I- . - I 1, 27th,inahouse :towards whi r i ch'- � t and consequently the people. -�wbom it Mavor also spoke. cases it is needless double work 'to do has returned from Dakota for thr win- 91811- , -11" � - , ;7 1 � I � - � - , I . . t air terrible defor ity, we believe eral suppici6n pointed, but n '' I . -Railway Commisf4ion, seems to be still . . . . ' . othing hag-. � - � . NovEM-BER GALES. - One hundred both fall plowing and Spring Plowing ter, and has rented the building iii that I - � was deSigDed to serve -would in reality . � i .- I � dragging out a miserable existence. it . they,will revolt at sight of 'the hideous as yet been found, -1 I . . - . � and ten livos are supposed to have been on the same land. Fall plowiDg, town known as the old bendifig fa3tory, k 4 . t ... I . . .- � ' control it, and monopoly charges would -A few days -since a man named -i -- i was use -leas when it was appointed, "d , p cture and turd from those who have lost by the sinking of 4 British coasti* properly done,'only ne6ds the drill or whereit,he intends to manufacture a, lot . �, - � � I . - il. ` V not be exacted, as there -would be no .s(11 eam barrow in the spring. The soil will of b '6kboards and harrows for the Thomas F. Wilson, from the Northm - �', . i it is doubly worthless' now. The pro- - wronged them. Bit if the Reform st er and two .Steamers engag(�d in a tO� I object in making ,charges heavi I . . part of the county I - tf �-�� . C i er than -leaders continue to battle with the Mediterranean trade, which are be- have settled, not compacted. Jack Northwest trade. � � arrivIed in Exetez, ,--- ­ fessed. object of this Commission was to . � . the N. and entered into -negotiations -, i . . the bare necessities oUthe road -required. I lieved to have gone down during the Frost will have crumbled the surface -Madame rumor reports that -Dr. with W.: t4 1. I investigate the management of the Pa- . P, to- the - almost general exclusion 0 ' -- Abel Walper, of that place, for the pur- -;�� - � f No,*Iember gales. into mellowness. Walk forth at the Tennant. of Lucknow. will be�nomin&4-- � � -- To do more would be simoly taking - - chase of a note of -3250, payable thirty -- `;?� -�' � eific, Railway when it was under Gov- other living and more important issues, ]ELILLED BY A COW. -Rev. John His- earliest mowent, scatter or drill in the I ad as the Conservative candidate for -t- I ; � . I money out of one pocket to put it into - daysafter date. When the note be- - �4 "- i � . Methodist inihister of Jonesville, seed, without more preliminary, and I the first Dominion election in North ., -': i ernment control, with a view to an- ' as the Globe is now doing,they may POck, .- ; I 1:, . Michigan, was leading a cow and the hurry, of spring work-. *ill be !as- Huron. Hehas been a resident of presented it Jor 1--. gh g the other. Now, however, all this is look for defeat'and disappointment in- .. . came due, Mi. Walper I,- - I I li tenina Parliament and the public cbandiid'. - The road has been given fastened the..rope' to 'his wrist. The sened. Put, in order to do this, you N6rth Huron for the last Seventeen payment, but was informed that it WAS 1�- " � - , � ; . � . of the progress being made and the into the b a . stmd of victory i 1883. They will E6 forger�y. No time was lost in fin - ­�. . . i nds of a private company. � cow ran away and draw him about So must have a plow that i3 � plow, and years, and is well known to the ratea, - � 11 . I * I J . the wherabouts of Wilson, who in tu : ; col- violently as to cause his death. He do plowing that iS P16WIDg. . payer .- I 1� I i The country have no say in its man- - � - meantime had gone to- Wingbam. Mr. . �- 04aracter of the work d - oiie, but the Ed mply give to Sir Z. and his Slowly but surely the sulky plow is E; of this riding. - -T ! real object was to fish I I le igues a life's lease of office. We hope was 79 years old, and leaves a wife and -Mr. B Grigg, who has acted in the . -9 . t for scandals c , . � . Walper accompanied by his Son pro. :. - - ! - agement and can not control it in any ' 8012. coming,into use in many parts of Can- of b(Sok-keeper 'in Messrs... I against the late Government. The . t ey will be wise enough to pursue a � . - � ! -. �!. . - i way. The rates can'be, fixed at the ut-' � . TREATY NOT AcOEPTED.— The conceB- . ada. The advocacy of it in the Mon- Samwell & Pickardli, establishment, in ceeded &) that town,'and succeeded It -.­ �: � - I . � I ! members of this Commission, with odurse that will pievent any such si6ns offered by the French members of treal Wit ass three years ago . excited Exeter, for a number of 1 capturing tb air man . He was brought .,-� , i most figure the traffic will stand, I , years, was, I � � .and - - �' - . . I � . I their attendants, &c., have visited all . calamity falling upon the country. I the Anglo-French Treaty Commission, cousidera�le amus ment., It was on behalf of the emplo, es� prese ted. toExeter,but on getting securitv for :, ;: . Ve W." � ! the profiti will go, not into the coffers i 1 a n the payment of the money, was allowed Ty, - I t ---- ' � with respect to- cottbn and woollen called "a lazy man o implement," as if with a handsome . g;la ,chain and ii FTI, � parts. of the Dowipion from Halifax to of the Dominion, but into the capacious THE TOR to go. The fiecuritv� however 54 �� . I ONTO MAIL! is very anxious st"l-'.1 . � I . goods, did not reach the minimum fixed we, should do ,unnecessary work to locket, accompanied by an address, A. - I Winnipeg, and have examined wit- ' ' by the English Commissioners, and make us industrious. Itwas styled a prior to his departure for Montreal, to come to time, Mr. Walper 'at On" i � � wallets of Messrs. Stephen, Angus.- &c. that the discontented� Irish peasantp informed Constable Gill 4 the eiream- I ry were finally declined. The negotiations -ijimerack," and other 'opprobrious wbitber he goes to* take a position as I : nesses by the score. Their expenses But neither -Mr. Mackenzie nor his Gov- should emigrate to t 1 an-adian North- � I , I , , . 1: C , appear to have virtually ended. nariaes. But sensible people discovered book-keeper in a wholesale house.' stances, and Wilson was arrested on 11, I - � I . -,. % ----- - � . 1 iluring these peregrinations were -of ernment ever contemplated' the estab- west, where it sa h The riRoner , ,-- . . Tuesdav of last week. �,;­- ! - ys ttey -would have TRADE OF C111CA00. - The following that it multipli'ed the working force of ' . 4 - i I . i , -Mr. Chas. Sundercock, !of Landes- I ­ . �, -, �. . . . . 1 course paid by the Dominion, and lishmentof a railway rnonopoly,even more room. We do iiot think that it figures representing the value of Chi. thefarm. Alittleboy could drive it. boro, has Manitoba, for was taken before J. McDonnelr,' Esq - -­.- $ � JT p and committed to stard his tri�l . �,- - cago's trade for the rear 1881, are A cripple could operate it. Even a � _ I -- - � - Some five or six gentlemen have been under Government control, and they would be bAber in tho interests of the a car load of stock and implements -- ` " �Sr� I � i � � ; i at the next assixes, A man narneil � 1--� I m- could not do So even did they desir believed. to be approximately correct: -worn 'Id do a man's day's work He has already ordered three Sets o ' Mitchell is the party against whom the -? -� . : in the receipt of large salaries as me a, Northwest or the Irish peasants if th ' an cou t . .- a Produce trade, $377,000,000 ; wholesale, with it. That it would supersede the +earn harness, one set of plow hamess 1 �� . - 1 bers. and officers of the Commission for because, so soon as the people 'felt 'the advice of -our bontem Dorary were fol�- ' not6 is drawn. � - .­ ! � 6423,000,000; manufacturers, $309,000,- ordinary plow was never pretended. r ��, ;!--,�11, t . and an ox harness from George Newton, I I I � I 1 years, and still there seems to be no n ecessity for competition, they could . I -The Clinton New - . ! - w 000. This Shows ;an increase of $115,- But tbab it is a useful ally of the or- Era of last week ­..; : lo I ed. It is true the, r would have all of Londesboro. He intends going back - , . I I prospect of their COMP16tiDg their fruit- . . 000 000 or 12.8 per cent. over last year. dinary plow is being proved on numer- ! about the first of March; he is well says: We have been informed of some - �-, t - � force-tbe Gover�ment who were their the room thev coul� desire in the. ' � � I , � . . Q, rather strange proceedings with refer- I- . ; � SHALL -pox SCARE. -.Intense excite- ous Canadian farms. It is hot adapted I satisfie3 with the country, wad is doin 11 , less labors ; -nor is it likely that they servants to give it" them. Grant the N,"ortbwest, but it is tiot lack of room I 9 ence to the collection of taxes in . I " i I will terminate them of I . to billy land. ,, But we have large areas God- - " . .their own M 6nopoly P * - ndics, . ment was caused *at Moilne, Iowa, last very well. - - t t . . . � ' rinciple to the -�y '13, the complain of wherl, th' a I erich township, which we tb . - ! I .y . a� ey are now., Sabbatheevening by thriee snWl-pox that are ne. rly as level a3 a prairie, ink cam , I � I -The Clinton New Era Says: A -1 - I option. S -o long as the Government and we-bave"no remedy'. They ar 113 the oppress on d - for some explanation na the collec- . ,I ::, . e It �: i i 11DjUSt and un- paliients s6aping from their rooms and and on th,66a it does the best of work- I Hullett farmer living not more than Jro ­, � , � � . Z are willing to pay them, there is no above and "beyond the control of the 4 1 running through the streetB4alf dressed The one objection to it is its cost. This ter. -The facts as we have receivea , ! � fa;r dealing of their landlords. They 11 I three miles from Clinton, who keeps � I - � - : doubt but t -bey vvill be quite willing to ' ; I will be,greatly lessened when Canadian his horse and carnage, has not been up them, are that the collector called --' . � cult,. and. orazy. They were recaptured with . 1. � 19 : , - . I sacrificathemselveo. for their-coun; , people and totally independent of them - h. ve all the land theyl want to manufacturers- make it, as they will I the Huron Road in the direction of upo'n a heavy and well known rate- ­ 7 � ­ try and can do as they like. There some difficnIty after a number of per- . , -� � � - ' .1 � -..-. is no V . certainly da before long. Home- er for his taxes; but be happened to .. - � although not b 4e, --and if ttey had imore they would sons had been. exposed. I produc- 11 Goderich fbr twenty years. 1 The New pay ... � ! parallel between the two cases, as any tion will cheapen it one-half. be from home. A few ZIA after, allul i nol know what to do �ith it. So that, I It is to 'Era man had better not -go near God- Y-8 r their country's good.L To show the ; SUCCESSFU16 AT LAST. -The trial trip . L ' . i � . . person who is not purposely blind c a'i i in'this respect, were ttey to be trans. throughthe St. Gothard railway tun- be hoped that our manufacturers will ! erich ei$her unless his running gear is assistant of the collector called again, � utter absurdity and -foolishness, see at a glance. But even if there � . I I adopt that style which admits of at- ,'in Pratt I . and with the taxes also demanded fifty ! � _y good order. . I not to say wicked extravagance P14,nted to the plains Of the Northwest, nel in Switzerland was made the other taching an ordinary plow to the o cents for the trouble : � I . I ulky. , of calling &- seconfl- - -- were, the fact that at one time' Mr. day, and proved highly successful, the � Mr. L. Hooper, of Exeter, bad a time, which was refused him; he then " 1 - � . they would not be any better satisified The cost of the sulky part ought Dot to I i and wastefulness of ,,coDtinuirig this Mack enzi . J distance from one entrance to the � i very narrow escape from being poisoned s*nified his intention to I � i Commission in, existence, we need only a vontomplated the perpetra- than they are now, and they would. n ' exceed $20, and if 'there be a boy, a .n ake a seizure � i I . . . ot other being accomplished, the one way . . -,' a few evenings ago. It appears be had for the fifty cents, but was plainly, told -- I � tion of an outrage upon the People be a desirable acquisition to the country in fifty minutes and the other in thirty- cripple or'an aged man on the farm � taken a dose of In dicine made from that if he. - ; a � state that they held a sitting -at Ot. would --not in any way justify the . able to drive a team, but . not able to attempted Such a thing he f _pres- three. . h�rbs, when be was immediately seized � taw' a a fevy, days ago� to enquire into tbe' eif4er, as their mode �f cultiva�Dg the I bold an ordinary plow, the Sulky *1I I' would have to pr6ive himself the hest . i . � oing the same FATAL DANcE. - By the breaking with violent pains. Medical aid was man. �� i - i - 4 would not do in tb�t countryi,and in pay for itself,in a single season. - Ile then left without either � &now long celebrated Steel Rails pur- � . J - ! thing. Two blacks will not make one th second place t down of a ballroom floor in ,Cincinuati, � - sent for, and when it was ascertained taxes or the fifty cents. The rate- " � s the coll, - I chase by Mr. Mackenzie when he vgas I hey would bel,fie I eing on Saturday night, several person ---- I that a few.9tramonium leaves had ac- payer'shortly after went to .40_ � I white, neitber -will two wrongs make Huron Qonnty Council for 1882. - cidentally been mixed with'tbe h rbs tor's house d o er th t I in office. Now, what earthly ben�fit fro�a the oppression o laudlordism in weie killed and a large number badly $ ; 6 . . i I . I injured. Lampswere broken, the oil . 'Reeves a -ad Deputy I Mrs. Hooper had been stewing, the to the an ff ed a axes � � * �. one right, and even if the advocates of The following "I Iroland to fall victim to t collectoes wife. and she a � can accrue to this country by again . he same . � i spilled over some of the company nd Reeves will com pose the County Coun- I cause of the pains w " : I as soon accounted also demanded the fifty centi, - ' i . .h 0 ntry. If. the caught fire. Some weie badly, others oil of Huron for 1882: -1 for. E.metics were immediately ad:. wh' i . ! resurrboting t at threadbare transac- desired to be as great a monopolist as M I ad evil in the new on ich the ratepavAr denied big riglit monopoly prove that Mr. Mackenzie drJ a � � tion, or what difference can it make to ' Oil would use its in notice to Sup- fat4lly burned. . . MUMCIEPAWTV. MERT33. IDEPUTT. : Ministe'red, and Mr. Hooper reHe ,i a Sir John, that will not justify thelat � . - � ved to pay, but :Offered to pay na.� � �- ! ter Tuckernnith, David Walker. John HAnnah. I from danger. This was a very narrow der protest, if she would P-ve ! the people now to learn - that: some pr as or prevent the . introduction of 6RAND TRUNK CONNECTION. -The con- Usborne, T. M. Ray. To be elected. I w � � , . p i in doing what is wrong L and inflicting I ,aioraism into the Northwo Exeter, L Hardy. escape, as Btramonium leave - I . . ; bridge or oulvert buii on the'Pacific mt, its struction of the Chicago, Portage and 13 are very axate receipt f6r the same - this Sb,,e ' , I - "I C Stephen, T. Rat Z. H. Eilber 7 . an outrage upon a free people. Superior Railway, from Chicago to II.y,. poisonous. declined doing, but gave the usual ro- , t Railway five or Six years ago was in- - . 8 ;Orts would be more -patriotic and Dr Btfefianan. S, Rannie, , - � . - Superior City, Wisconsin, will, it is - Stauley, Wim. Gr t ham. Cleurge Cadle . -At the last.sittings of the Clinton ceipt for -the taxes, which wise all ths,+. L I ;',' be - Division Cqurt a sheep case was . aufficiently or impropprly -constructed. ,;I- �eficial. I - tried was paid. Whether the demand -of - ' , - . - MR. DALTON MCCARTHY, one of the 'I; . � Said, be pushed forward at once. One Bayfield, John Essm. . . - I i . The whole concern has gone :1 -� Goderich T'P,, G. Mliott. ,T. Whiteley. before a jury and created a good deal - . I -, L into the ---- — of the principal objects for so doing Goderich Town, F. W. Johnston. W.Compbell I of interest. Mr-. Geo. Eno " this extra charge has been made upon - 71- " ­ ,� most clever members of the Collsenva- taim independenoe ialk which was being to give the Grand Trunk a con- ,, ch- Of Hul- more than this oue we know ,-"-- - I kands of the Syndicate, and they have M.Hutcbineom) `1 not, but -�' "I' - . . *� : tive Party in Ontario, addressed a 80 �lib for a while is n' w commencin nection with the Northern Pae,ific in- i Colborne, . WM, Young. A. Allen. .Iett, sued Messrs. Hill and Wright, of think that if the collector is justly ': � 9 en- T N, , �. � I taken it as it existed, and even should � 1, Aslifield, , R. Webster. J. Griffin. the same township, for the value of h �- 11 � -io '� fizzle out. It w titled to it the publio s ould'know it. ­� � ' meeting of his constituents in Barrie a dependent of the St, Paul roads. f this commission ascertbin that the I I a. only indWged : I I West Wavanosh, Cbas. Girvin. Ed. Gaunt. some sheep, supposed to have been -1 i . . � . �_l , � few nigbts ago. 1, - I East Wawano8b, Thos. Taylor. Robt. Carry. If taxes are Dot paid before ,& cortalin I . � �­Itis said of his speech t in - by .a few journa killed by their clogs. A great deal of time the collector,can levy "a ob&Te I - _ .. .. w ; whole work done on ,the road while it, A � - 0 , Plows and Plowing. I Blytb, I - P. Kelly; . � thatii He went ov'e�r the well -beaten subjects were scarce, and not being . ' I � I Winghani, . H. w. c. xeye.t w. ,Eluott. - . evidence was taken, the weight of costs, but be must.,waittill the � � � . I � was under Government control wis"'. 94 ' BY REV. F�' W. CLARKE. Tnrn&-xry, J. Henning. parties � ,T-MePlImon. which Seemed to show that the dogs ­ . ? path aboi#-tbe good and bad times found populax, the subject has well are delinquents. ' ­ . I . I . . wroxetex, A. L. Gihwp. . ! botched, it would not now advantage: ,, 1 � I The march of improvement from the Fowick, John Rane�. B S. Cook I bad killed sheep some time before, but , I I I . .,:I- . ---- - - - -1 . Z ! under Tor' d Grit rule respectively, . I , --- � . I . yan nigh been abandoned even by tbOSe dayswhe'na wooden crotch did duty , thisparticular case was not brought I . � 1 the people one cent. Buteven this'! , . ! ! �- . I I D. Weir. J : - � sgeul� 'zed the N. P. at length, but most loudly in -its favor, It was just so as a plow, drawn, perhaps, by an ass CVr(!S, Thos. StTachan. J. Hislop I directly home to them, only b7 circum- P,erth Iterns. I � ; I ,gi I - . I i much has not yet, arid never will bei ,,to�., - . I I I - I . W.Oliver. J - , ! �-Iaed gingerly upon itbe Pacific. with the "Rag Baby' scheme. The and a woman, and held ,by a fool, to Brumsdo, . F. C. Rogers. stantiall evidence, and the jury gave a Mitchell has a school populat -, I . gainedby this Commission. It is an " I - . � ion Of - -- i I "Ra,.Lway and Boundary award ques- "I�flatiOniStS,-" as the . 6 . Geo. Forgylibe, J. R. Miller. I verdict for defendants. 2,300, . ,- 1. 0 y were called, , these times when a b autiful iron i - � 11 Im Morris , - � � i ,everlasting pity that Sir John did not' plement wA a sh;re of polished Hullett" John McMillan. John Mason. -A meeting of th shaxelio-'Iders of -Mr. F. Flannigan has been ' I . : t� . . 4ions." In pursuing this course Mr. * �de a great noise for L While, and. one - steel, James Hayes. To beeleeted. a . � I � A , . on- , hand over the Cummission as well as-:' - :1 . drawn by a magnificent span- of horses MOKU10P, the People's Cheese Factory, Gorrie, gaged to teach Kinkora 8 - . I 7 Seafortb, . D. 1). WMon. Jas. Beattie. chool at a i McCarthy showed his -wisdom. 'This ,violild almost think )ythezeal'and andbeldby a being "every inch a Clinton, . washeldin the village on ,Saturday salaryof $420, , , � . ! the railroad to the Syndica,te. Had he' 4' E. Corbett, T. Cooper. i , is . I i i i . the course that the Conservati�e ardor manifested in t e advocacy of, man,"Jeaves behind it a handsome fur- last, when the following direo'tors were -Aii. old and respec -1 resident of i done so, it-tbe Commission, we mean, '- � Thetownships of Ubborne and Me- I � . tec '- � I row, is truly wonderful. But plows aAected: E. Spaulding, R. Murray, D. Kinkora, Mr. James Fletcher, died on . i a thing of the past i journals and orators will pursue until thi,3, 'scheme that sooethling would Killop being divided into - de, the Bradnock. The directors lost no time Christmas evening. I'll, I ,� � � war I -would have been I F and plowing are not all that they might I I OnS 00 8 Of it. . . I : . long ago. --This Commission, fr . " the close of the next general electi ' . But itl has died 6ut be ,even yet. There are plows and Deputy Reev6 is elected by g the services of the popular -Fifty' acres on the 4th concession of , i ,,pm first � - in seourin ) I - � if they are permitted to do so'. The anil we bear notbin g more of it. plows. There is P1OWiDg that is plow- at its first meeting, and the selec to last, will cost the country thousands i , t'On 'a cheese maker,,,Mr. Clark, fc,r the next Downie has been purchased by John A. - ; .. L ade from the members of Council. 7 m a m -hey Bel - 1 N. P. is their trump ar Independence will meet with a i ing, and also PIOWiDg that is not plow- year, as t find no difficulty in King, for $2.8W. � � of dollars,, aud we defy any 1i (1, and they L A milar - t ving man, I ; * I linghis cheese. A few persons may * -The Rev. A . . I T to show that they have done a farthing's, . Will Play it every time, and with it f atl), and we have likely heard more Ing. -- ---- . - F. Tally has accepted - I I � . That same "beautiful iron imple- Huron Notes. not be pleased that Mr. Clarke is an- the call to Kno; x - , I I x church., and is to be . - � worth of good, It was foolish they will -again euchre their opponents ab�ut it during the past few months ment with share'of polished steel" is gaged, on account of some i difficul-ty indticted on the 12th of January- , I,--- f ness to: z I i r The friends of Lake View, i the which has axisen withregard i to impure .. - �%Ppoint it in the first place, and it is � if they are not checked. They did So th4n we will hear ag�in in as many not the ne ,p1w ult �a of plows by any I township of Hay, presented thenRev. - Mr- Roger Saunders, �of: MitchelL , I � I � I - ., I years. I means. Its day is � waning fast. milk; but if the fine was put � in force has secured a good situ - - � - - 'i i wanton reckless extrav, I before, and judging from present. ap.; I It is 1 F.D., Sing with a beautiful buffalo ation as man - � I I . agance to con." ! too long, too heavy, too costly. A I . I ager , : N� I pearances they are like, � against them, it would make them send ; � Ay to do the robe. Of a saw mill in the in - - - I � 1 tinne it now. If the m6mbers of the ! ' - . . �� Shorter implement' with -wooden beam pure miIX i ining region of . , -, ' . New Mexico. - . :. i � -W aek. . d handles, a share of chilled iron, -Drs. Cassady and McDonagb, of The Cornwall Freeholder cf last -The Rev. W. Wait,%, of p,trat . I � � same again. They know their Strong News of'the I i present Govemment require a c orrimis. : I an - , I ; - : I I their �a Goderich, removed a cancer from the fordl - � and weak points pretty welL NEw LINE. -The new line of steam- wheel and miniature -plow in front of , week s ': Mri E. L. Dickinson, of the has received a unanimous c � I of their ." I . lower lip of Mr. George Cox, Sr., of ay -s . � Aiou to enquire in -to the acts' rk a I seding the "all iron" � . all from � � I " They know that good times did fol. era lbetween New Yo rid Copenhagen it, is rapidly s6per Goderich township, last week. firm of Mattice and Dickinson, Barris- the Presbyterian church-, in Chatham, 1� , i 1 � � I predecessors in order to get material to betri running on Tuesday. - implement which has been the beau ters, left by the midnight train last New Brunswick, - i low the introduction of the N. P.9 . -The Hil' , . - - : use against them & the House and on TOUGH STORY. - Ifirs. CruBe, at ideal of the past. For a long time Is Green te& meeting wits Tuesday night for Wingliam, Ontario, -St - . . ; I 1, - -ra,tford has a 'new medical nian � I I and they know . f urther that the Florence, Califorla a grand success. About $32 wr' * ; the stu,m, , they sbould, bear the ex- is, has been deli,v- chitmpiou plowman from the old co,%r where he has formed a. partnership Dr. MoGarvin, who, after 25 years prae- ! -p mass of the people will not ,stop to ered of six 'perfectly ,formed femal§ try have been wont n7 alized at the door. Proceeds. to be - � I ! . . � pause themselves and not Saddle it on . - . . to ridicule I t, a with Mr. Meyer, Barrister, there. A tice in Acton, has set up his -shingle, in �� � . ! -, consider wb6ther or not it was the N.P. oh�ildren. . - I Short American plow. But in spite of applied to Sabbath School purposes. movement was on foot to give � Mr. the county town . - ,�� . 11 I I ! the country as they are now doing. ' - MAD DOG. - Much O'xcitement was all the ridicule, this plow has come to -Mr. Donald McGillivray, of Goder- Dickinson a handsome "send off" be. - . � � . I . 2 that produced. the good times. Of . I T -- -- The net proceeds of the Ca,tholie I OCO)IBAoned at Chicago al, few days ago' the front. What was at first known as ich, came out first in classics at the forp leaving Cornwall, -but the receipt bazaar held in Mitchell will � - - , i i conrae, as politicians, anxious only to by i rabid dog bi � rew'h i , ting ha�f a dozen -per- , tiie Double Michigan, and has been recent terminal examination. in Uni. of &-telegram Tuesday morning request- nearly S1,00(), and will , i THE, Great North Western Telegraph keep their party in power it is not sons on thestreets. � improved into the Oliver Plow made at varsity CoIldge, beating his opponent by ing him to leave,for Wingham, at once, off the church. ` ,Iea,r the debt "I .- � . � 4 I I Company, which now controls the their business to discuss - this ,point FmALLPDX IN ILLINOIS. -Smallpox South Bend, Indiana, is the undoubted a, total of 74 marks. Drevented his friends from doing SO.' -Dr. O'Shea has left Dublin ana - I � � ; - � � prevails in thirty-seven places in Illi. favorite wherever it is known to -day. -The annual meeting of the mem- Ai it was a number of his numerous gone to peterboro . i � entire telegraphic business of this with the people. They point to re- . , whe I 01B. In two-thirds of re there is* a . I I f " ,them the For ease of draught, self guidance, and bers of the Hay Fire nrce s Spent- the evening with him mnch larger field open for him. He I I a I . I . I countrv. has got into trouble. A Mr. suits but decline to enquire by what disease is under control. ' - rapidity pf work, it out -distances all pany will be held in Zurich on Mon- pleasantly, and accompanfed him to leaves this Part with the good w of all. ; . � . - . ENNY P i .. � ­ ; " John La,w, a - gentleman of Montreal, Ines, IS these r4sults have been brought APERs.-The Pall Mall Ga- competition. It may not lay so even a day, the 13th Februaxy, for the election the Railway Station on his departure. -By an explosion of gas - ill . in Roth's -- . I entere4 in action in the Superior about. Handled in this way, the N. zette, and St. Jawes ette London, furrow as the long iron plow, but it of officers and directors. - . 7 I After a severe illness, Mrsi. Fralick, brewery at Listowel a few dzy ­ � I - i Court of Quebec to restrain the Iffon. P * England, appear now as penny papers. tears up the soil more effEctually, -A lady iu a certain dressmaker's of Morris, wife of B. Fralick, ' ' a W, - . . . i Esq., for four of theamployees were badly burn- �'--- A , --� . P : I t I I , 4 1 - I I I I I � � - I is, undoubtedly, an attractive and Their form is unchange( . which is the true end and object of establishment in Clinton made 77 but- many years Division C rt Clerk, died ad about the face, head and hands. � - � � . � treal Telegraph Company from am a. . 011 6 ��alg catching cry. But, those who do the � - I , � , , , , , . � .�o� RuLz.-At Dut)l n Mr. Dawson plowing. When we set out to plow a ton holes in ten hours. That lady will Friday night, the 23rd off. December - ---On Saturday night 24th nit. the % , i utating with the Great Worth Western Jalking and writing for the Conservative w S -inaugurated Lor - , , - :. I _� Mayor. The field, the aim ought not to be to draw yet make some good man happy, if- she in her 72nd year, and was �uried, 6n, outbuildings of Mr. David Ad . re- - . Corporation, by 2 air, i,z . , � and handing their property over to party also know that the pacific Rail - reftiood to pass a mathematical -figure, with strsight does not now do so. the following Mofiday, ,Wjaen' r'e- "i,ling on the townline of Logan and ` � . : I I I I . - _ 1 8 to ,8 - w her" � . � that Company. The cam came up 0 the customary vote of t4anks to Mr. lines and right angles, but to, loosen up -There is a couple residing in Cli-ft- mains were followed by a I#rge con- Elms, were La go . . . . . � - eatroyed by fire. 'The % � � - - - - � - � - j � , way and Boundary award questi ris are Mo er, the retiring L d Mayor, in the Soil as completely as po#sible, to ton, the fint 20 years of whose mar- course of relatives anafriendg, who at- buildings were of frame. and ,-,-,,t,i,.,u3 .11" f , � for trial in Montreal a few days ago, , as dangerous to�hazdle as the N is Icon nence -f I,;. �f- 1 4.- 40 11 11 _A 9 I.%. -I j )'�,­i - . . ­- . I .L Oil c ortu is mw - V.0 a grmln Dour, Uo ed We resunedin an adanion of 15 to I tested to the respect in. whic4 the de- about twelve tonsof hay, som,a grain. .- - L - � � . I : . - ! . I � � . � I . . . � . ; i -- � � - - I I � . � . : - � I . . � . � -1. . : I I - ! - . . I - .1 � . w . ­. L � p � �. I . , I L- . I � , I - ' 7 -� A. - ' - - - - . - ! I I , I . . - - I � � . I . L I - . . . � . : I � I . I � - z I . . ; � . - - . I I I . . . -- 11. - L. �­ ! - I 14 . I - - � I � . -- J I -- � , - I I . I - . . � ! I . �­ I - - .-- I i I I I I � I L . . I AakA : e t . - I I TJ �- A