HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-11-25, Page 5E - � F, �,, , t - . , i I . i I j I i k 5 THE I�UR01'T EXPos�T ms - . 1q0VN1~ i - R O� E R 1( T /41�C E fill OT I C �omm D N —z I O W---- -�{" H E P O P lJ L A R 4 .y—the Dominion Grange Com- Park Associati n has a Surplus of $192' --- T H M' --+ - ' y,is a: mutual; ane in the true from last sea n's operations. This _ 0_ 446W.6f the word, rind not in name will be a good help for them n xt year. __Ic4 ) ' From the d&y a Iran insurea Mr. D. McCoy ie, of this t wn, who AND aal�yt . o, this: Company � till the: clay his was recently o a visit.' to nnipeg, Z O . c. ezpizef he i� liable !or his dna while there p chased a lot f r $1,200, a ` losses and (running-ex-penses; and in three days afterwards s ld it for (� ' a , . ;4 , _ 1020t,or Gent more, not one cert lase. $1,460.--ZSdnuipal matters begin- 1.Z That M = �•OL1ritB�`S cv loss the, dad .before he insures ning to creat some 'talk 'n town. Q Y. _ _.. r rr O,, 1� , , int nothin , each of thc3 losses There are Bove sl new aspirants Hien- ,� �:.�� - . I -g• h m' `�' -T 4 , offd by fixe line who were mem �. boned for mon cipal hotora. - . — the day?the loss occurred,' j - �( WE II�VtTE ATT3� NTION TO OUR STOCK OF . -- 1 o, s system is tie true mutual sys- eI18&U. THIS WEE 0 othercompany in Canada FROST:—Th frost last eek baa _ � -JEWELRY STORE 44 tem_� N P P dried n the r ads nicer so is Hite ' 4,� be said to worn on the r ci 1e:" P y q 0 O M)S, - air, this Owen Sound magnate pleasant to to e a strive now.-VT0T,T ,�� G4 - : i MAIN ST., . . - Qat have infi}tit confldeneein his SCARCITTt 0I. WOOD. -=On a000nnt Of HUGH �� '`ARC'S E LOCiICI W appears to lit jf the roads, soarcel an i • ommpcitence, pP gloat the bad state o� y y _ I o'er the- gross igno ace and gcilll y wood as barna brought to market, and a -ill range of CL C1U Sin Is the Headquarters for me�bers Of OIIr order. g Which is once more cam lets, and we nobv: show tt, re , e or3inary i lack of itis bgglnnn to be felt In the p n Cardinal, Black, y SE�1FtR�F"�I -paper is onlyis1.aned to members �lag�a, Navy, Cardinal, Grey, Brown and Fanay ; SQIIARE Ladies' IInderWefsrr the OrcTer-) Fo 1t is a well known SNfilN(1 ScHooL,—Profeaaor Holmes, Navy and Fancy. Wool Jackets, MittPlas, Cnffa,•► ,s and Ties, Real and a Bator o4s fact, that those of Clinton, has latei started a singing Gloves, Sid Mitts and GlO`vea; Nice Goods in Silk Sgnarl Drawers, Cardigan a - . y°s e y llin s. &o.• Mens OvercoatP, Sliirta alzd eed9 and Complete Stock of Fresh and Seasonable G�t10ERIES, anch I�EEAt AND d r compan esu commonly called school in this place, He is an efficient Imitation Laces, Frl ane of Tw , Has a l~'nl1 a CHRISTMAS, Ica Om anis , do busin6ss in the and painstaking teacher, and has al- Jackets, Ties, Braces, Wogl. Cuffs, Linen Ciaffa, and a fltre �' g iii c p $ g Muff$ B,�as and Ca B, as CURRANTS. RAISINS and Finita of all Kinds. His TEAS are unexcelledj e P �� P p &o. Extra good value in Mink , alit All kinds of household kniok knacks fresh and goad. ,may -way he says no company in Can- ready, good o1a88. Worsted Coatings, Pluf r, Cloth, for Price and Qu S+ doeaeaeCeFt t 'e Di,m'in on Grange SvGAR CANE.—The farme's in this `astrachan Mnffa, Baltic Seal Muffs, Men's Caps in Besve , CoIIey* Dried heats of his own curing always on hand. Boiognas and Sausages you Only section who raised the abet sugar cc• on can et almost anything yon Idrance COmpan• Onl same two • day. Cxcttings of all kinds cheap. In fact, y g y : paper cane are so highly pleased w th the re- want for the table or 1>Imrder. WEOD 'NG PRESENT -S, �eiia ago I read a iters in qdr a r from the Ssaret { y o One of our sults that a very large area ill be sown A CALL S O (� I �+ 1 "� E' (;� •- 10c ornpaniea, tY>le McKillop, explain- neat season. The Byrnp m de from it jug tuthe members Of the Company the is excellent. • A TRIAL SOL 1 C 1 T' E D. reason that one m*Ia'a osessment was SLACIMNING'OFF,—Threshing is be. jp 0 � �r -I T - . Ili er thaTl his neigh>"or's_ -though in- ginning ,- to Blacken. off in this �• _ tT A 1\9 I ,B S ®N' S A- gh_ r- — - aurea for the Blame am6uut. One had neighbolnood. The biggest part is . insured all the year and paid his now done, and the grin as turned heel; . yin sold at 4 c per lb., and l TEACHERS WANTED• _ THE HIGHEST' 'MARKET PRICE PAID FOR GOOD DRESSED POitig• e of all the los' es aecurring during. out well, with_ the exception of -the ping purposes. _ _._ -� _ - ar, while th�other had only been winter wheat. lambs of fair quality brought from g •50-EACHER.WANTED-As assistant for B1nke ye_ d a few m nth:s' and pard his CoasPnlxxNTARY..— On Wednesday to $4. Calves were scarce, only about a T union school, a famsleteacherholding a 2nd or HUGH R,OBB, Seaforth. . �/ATCHE�. insure t ahem of the losses!duriryg that time. evening of last week, r. W. R. dozen being on sale. The beat were Bid class certificate, Duties to conlg Fill on with 5th — farther 4ow,n the page of this god' ns Of the 'Hens Ouse, gave disposed of at $16 to $1S each, and the iF atimo �i,•1 3receepv a` tiiinist atDecgembery 1881 4 . Alittle {' GHLIN'S NEW STORE + -:"-Om $12 e Ghee the writer throws a the Messrs. McEwen Br thers, salt ',small ones at $4 50 to $6 each. Live Addie a DAVID HOSTETLER,.Btake P. o. 727-s CLO v Ladies Gold Watches Ame; Grana SAM ES 1111 . moat so -,on igaoult on the inspector ¢ontractozs, and their .employees, a bogs were dull of sale, and prices ranged UJL,! d. appoiniad by the �GOVErrment,, a very complimentary oyster eu r. A nam- from $5.75 to $6.2b per 100 lbs. EAcrrxR wa�v'raru Wanted a mate or female P y y PPS 7 teacher holding a 2nd or 3rd class certificate, dark . as'that most estimable her of invited friends w re resent, �zents' Gold Matches from $30 andl ytgb: in the P for School section 10, Township of :Morris .'p 1 tial is not 8ttppoaed to belong. to our and a pleasant time v . a sp"nt by all. 7�oeal N•otieea . plications will be received by theundersigned up 1 npw aid. ,-ENTERPRIa1N0.—Mr Rob rt Bell, Jr., N EY"S BLOB, 7 therefore file is not expected to Secy.., - order, WAN�TiD--- Wanted 20 cords o2 Hem- to, the 6th of December. Tn@MAra SattTii, �(7(T 1Lt T�' Lac�1ea' Silver WataT�eB from $12 ani W the paper, ; But, sir, it is only and Mr. Wm. Dougall, Jr., near thq.is lock Bark. for which $4 per cord will be Jatnesto«n► g o- _ 928x bl C a 1 - the re Ors of that gentleman lace have ordered, or a, a about to aid delivered at Egmoudville. G. & H. EACHFR WANTED—Teacher wanted for „ire � np�varrd• through p place, • 1 Jur_ior Department of Blyth Public School,. II made to the. G.oye nment that the true order, a Complete sugar making ap- JACiSON. 724-3 f Gentk�' Silver Wa,tohea from $10 >> position Of insara Ce Companies can be for 1882 A female holding a thud class certifi- P ,_ paratus for the ptl.rpoBe of making M><NCE Mr,AT,—Extra Choice Mince tate• � pply up to the 16th iust , with terms and ; upward. - tbPDomrnlon Grange syrup and sugar from the early amber Meat for )Vince Pies at D.D. RosE s. 7l6 - � • f0� Out, as evenE references .to F. ?rLarcALt� Secretary Public School surance C mpany's reports sent anal earl °ran a su ar car�OB. It will 727-4 TO BIIV' YOUR Fire In in y g g TRY WILSON & YOIINOB' cent mixed Board, Blyth. IS THE PLACE t nnnallyto the embers are got u be the latest, best and mo t improved Tea. It is,xtragoodvaine. L FMAL$TEAcHRmWAN•lav-For the Zurich Public that lie dO not show, the r school, two female teachers fox the 2nd and such a vaay y'' i'n Canada. We have no doubt but LAID & FAIRLET have received and 3rd departrbents Tie teacher for the second such of the Company, They are the succeBB of this new ind stry will be . the artlGle before me. opened out their new currants, riew aaisins, department will be engaged for the full year, but h rest as it could notbe pl ed ill bet- died ls, eta. 728-2 the one for the 3rd department only for four o0 7S �'a?1 c ©Qds•, Millinery, Mantlesi tioi�3 a?2(t 0I1 a par wit U, • ' deceive. All through can t f ualificatiom and '1 (T They are got up t ter hands. Mr. Bell is the introducer MrXBD PICKLES, --H• DEACON O_ the months Applications q �� ' s U , smits and Dra?Alers, .vats, , `V1/ELRY. len .tb artidle he tries with might of the • sugarcane into this part Of the caforth Restaurant, has on hand a supply of salary required, will be received by the under- yarns, T weed , JE`• his g y for sale signed until the 1st of Decemberneict. Duties to l our ignorant p y need Pickles of the very best quality and main to ma K us p g' country, and has mads a special stud ' commence on the 2nd January,' y RED$iucic Caps and Groceries,. Etc. Grangers believe�there is no company of it for some years, besides collecting , y the quest. 7282 Hiess, Zurich P. 0. - 7 2 lJ ' Gold Guards zmd bens, Neokletr. der the sun in which , we will get all -information possible to obtain On FIsEGt , FiSH. — Labrador Her- : Bracelets, Broocl4es, Ear-ringa, Cni un - ice except in he Dominion Grange the subject, and is one of 'the smartest rings n� biTT'Tr@ut ani11ae,rings for e e att . ST.00K FOR SERVICE. Buttons, Sh.i�t 8t ads, Seale, Charms, a>asl< p osaeased �' 1 ite--Fi,h )lored Half Seats. Fire insurallce Company,—our Own young men in this' county, p LAIDLAw & FAIIu•uv's. 728.2 st dvibeb every member f an extra amou--nt• off agricultural er Malaga Grapes New Good Constantly Arriving ant€ $u$hing Off at the pest the Stock. #br Cash Bright Gold Carat Snits, Boal T'letts Company {Gad o PREBERvED Ging r f the order to pu}lport Oeir own instar- and mechanical abilities therefore we t� I N i and Trade. All Invited to Come and In Half Suita, Silver Gil t Half Suits, Gold p an, Cranberries for sale ut LAmLAw FcAm' IIc� Ga?-i�paPy• . Th hat bosh 1 What have every reason to bel leve this will Lry's 728 2 E and Silver Rings, Fix 1e Lot of Giem m ake8 the TJomicLn Grange Tn:su�ranCe be the most successful creamery in the ( • A FRESH lot of Gold Flake in Pack Ringo from $2 and apNQarde• A Lara Company our mon eonipe►ny 2 It is country. We have salt, great prospects' ages ant G ase Jars at LAyIiLAw FAIRx.>;ir's, - 2 TO SHOW THE GOODS WHETHER YOU Stock of those Calebratecl 18 Garet Incorporated �inder the Mutual Of sugar. What nextY seatorth. 728 _ = NO TROUBLE • Fire ;2]aRTanC COm,PaHy'$ Act, THE CELEBRATED HAua AND ROLLS •— - _ _ 3 - BUY OR NOT. I WEDDHIG RINGS, -.-- and exactl the came DUNCAN & rUNCAN Ove the best Ify<nwnutachoice,wellflavered.Bee1 Or Stole r stands i y - - - - - --- relation - to he Graxlge as any value in all SOrta Of Groceries. "° Ham, or Rol,, call at, HUGH Rosn'>, Grocery 1 O on hid BnEisnEmRs T� a Cet�cess%eOlf �'Rk Sp ' _ Main Street, Seafoith. 728 st oft E ondrilte ether MIntual Ibsuran.ce Company :n oBNe Itis received a lot of T uckersmith, two •miles w= gm Stamped 18C M. - R. C. y�larranted Ontario. The Orange has no more BirthB. � �pu.eON & YOUNG during th present season for she imp. Teo >at Q E of stock, a Thoroughbred Berkshire Pig. Teo YTHIt�G MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES, AND NO SECOND PDtCE. full quality. new RaiFins and Curi ants, also s lot o1 choice new -$ F r sow with the pri�diego Of returning if EYE / control Over It than over any other COWA>!t-In Grey, on Septem r 80th, the'wife of 7 t ee, Eugnis and Syrups, whish will be sold at 679X! E i the Mel Mr, those Mr. Andrew Cowan of a so . Gm. t FROAT. : 1 olllpany, It. lowestpriats. 728 necessary. , who are in'Knr(co in the Co=mpany who McEWEN-In.Sta Icy, on th 12th inst.,the To gOUBEKEEPERa.--Have you used , apoxTANT TO FARMRRs AND BRWDBRs Oa Plus-- : wife of Mr. M. mar w'eu of a daughter. �- Own it The I omilnion Grange Insur- ATHINSON-In Htrlock, on the 7th inst., the tl o Eclipse Baking Powder ? one trial will con- The subscriber has procured at-consideral•le wife 01 Mr. Cyrne Atklnsoxi 02 slaughter. in the t it is tbt best in the market, and Outlay, the bent thoroughbred Boa= ever import- TAMES M f,►LOUGr1LIN, Seaforth: ' } area Conil�any (inBuarea Grangers and vince y JAMES i like, Other companies , 0bea1 er than the impo ed into the County, of Huron, winner of fl IiQce co y -an i P SCOTT In Brusrels, oi: the lath inst., the wife lted.. Ddannfactnred seri linins and diplomas at Mttntre•=1, Tdronto, Ram- I BNra�O�- 313 11e aaBtB a Very of Mr. A. Scott of a tinghter. sold only b, D D. itosE, Gioeer, Seaforth. 726 $lack Jewelry in Half Suits. ap 11e r,Ltme'• ' Aga DUNCAN-In Bi nraels on the 9th inst., the wife n & yoIINcr have a very fine -a8- uton, London and Ba• fle d, in 1880, and first at WILsa kieet hats, Tea Clinton, Seaforth r=nd Exeter in 1881• This e /� �j E RY rets, Chains, Crosses, &c, Clocks �,i >� ringentl'em silly Ealu;r at a brother man- of Dir. Area. hnnoau of a sol. T �"� E C E NT R/""� al ii,sn;ranCe company sortment of Pii per Sets, Brea lain and noted boar wil be k, -pt for service daring the ; k rode from2.0 np�vardB. Y yi017tYi8► ager 0.1 E-ODJ0 ri Si ts, 'J oilrt S, is in China and Stove, p $Omewiii re On the ah,O:rE's , of Lake M8s1"iageB• finely deto,ated call ai°d see our sto.k before season at the farm °LtndonBoad;6,aieo superior Violin Sundries. Berkshire of a first-class pedis. Teens -$1 at �nIOTi, seEmiti ly bec&uge he bas been �cgENZ�—A BANDER n the 17th inst., puret acing. Plicae are lower than the lowest. Berl, -cop ire o Sta first -claw ' Illple fictive i elle dischtirge Of his at the reEidence of the br dos father, boder- To IJ OUBEKEEPERS IN WANT OF F 11 at time of service. JOHN SrANHURY. 729X4 �__ — (1 more than tl1e� a aenta of our Own COM- ich towneLip, by lire. R. hcmas, lir. Thos. FLAVORED TEAS- Th' fin, st L•t of Teas Billing at _. McKenzie, of Clinton, to Matilda, daughter of from 5U f0 "ant 650 per lb., b,ve attraet's IMPORTANT' NOTICES ` puny, and - 6uld revolutit,n ze the Mx. W. Alexander, Sr. more than par sing attention, at D D.RosE'g (fro• __ - Whole is ..c��e lawB of our Province, Ce,s. •Wb,n the find that published bar- - - t Z n,i lit ad, t3atinguish all Other Deaths gains ere bona fide, they ate not slow to take gTaAY P>ziiveR-Cemr• 'into the premises of the ' A f R L " Y pLATEDARE. - and,. recdate them. 726 r� underei ned Mill Road Tuck, rEmitli, about . � � DL A 17 - COM aZties Qx 'ept "o r Own. A aiIl, DICKSON-In Goderieh, on i�he 17th- inst.,Jaue advantage of ax,d app HIDES AND SHINB.-- the middle of October, a fight �c yeirlier yeipay j P t ooh I belong to the Gralige earnoahan, wife of 7exikes Dickson, Esq•, WOOL plaglNas, usnti The o«'ner is rcqu, sted top p a Sit, &lth r welfare B 'Etrar of Huron, aged 6 years. I will pay the highest cash Price efor any q ty tart: st in i_ta w) eEn s Hides, sheep and ostf skins de- charges al d takeher away. DAvfD WALKER 729x4 tape a de p iB pie on the 17th inet., -A. of wool pickings, r trade, - and ] C?0ICI,AEL--IL Gax1 No truck o URClies''T, Wanted to the Finest Stock yet and . tore. To. D WAYS alive tui the interests of our n-ulnerona cnstkome n, the met goodo to s main- Quadruple), Iver Plate Triple and ( eve : ythi 6' pertatnln, thereto, I McMichael, X. D , is 41, years. livered at my furnitureJOHN S. PORTER. 6b4 j l ROpERTY �VANTitD Au ' &I1. h ezat, think- T_ , n e t, on the 16th inet.; lire. tae$ for evorything. 1 buy a small property near Seaforth, from a Iain the wide Bpread reputation of our House for keeping Cannot imagin., any i'ntel -g MORRIsor In H li t Opposition, we have this fall cheapest, quality considered. t Bee the spirit hII ! Helen Momson,;,ted 7b ars. guar er to h• ]f an acre, with buildings on it fit fta ner anon I c n th lith lust., Maggie, for occupanev. Addr' ss, stating price wynted and tLe 11�aikP.t, aAI1onI1Ce that, otwitbbefore i all Odep ing penned, MORAY -In Godericls, particulars about buildings_ J. S. imported more.extenfively t ever before in all departments. No House n- - - •which this art cle referred to is p daughter of Mr- Dani McKay, aged 16 $uctiOu Sales. ter., s, and ,till par "r29xd doted b an aaeans mon a. r o'Cloolt H.. Crosabilj P. O., Ont. the trade keeps a finer a o tmentonr leadinlinea offers better value, For in - neither could bele y y years ands t11 -- - n -to insure c u' a Comp that requires to CRAIGIT in Goderici , on tpe 11th inst., John on Tuesday,• Nov• 29, at 1 Farm T OTICE-'I�te Council of the Corpora of tending purebmers we gi e a Ow Of g with such LinprI0C - Albert, Eon of 111r. „Jokin Oraigie, aged 2 m � On Lot s, Con. 17, Grey' l� the County of Huron will meet in the Court • be bolstered p.p mrntha and 11 days. foments. �PVm• Mon- agBertiO s, as emanate from the anC- Room yin=the Town of Goderich, nt Tuesday nst the TEAS— Q, HOLLOW WARE. pled DEI�ItlIB In God,eTieb) on the 15th lust., klls. Stock and Imp Oleg. Delgabty, 6th Dec mbar nest. Xil accounts against the Pon of the author of this article before Dennis, wife of the late chn Dennie, Gorier- faith, proprietor; P t worthy flow the i0h township, aged 64 ye s. tioneer. Council const be sent in before the first session cold :ask that y n e 18th. lust., lldary, 729 2 Moyune, Pigeney, Japan, Gunpowder, Congos, Souchong, ABsam, Orange Tae. I w c, (1IBSUN In BxaeEels,, o November- 29, on Lot G of the secc•nd d y of meeting. 1'x'sit ADAM- Biter Dishes, E;aks' LLLLLL expenses i<n ,rrznning ou= own corn- beloved wife of Ms. J es Gibson, aged sl Tuesday, Farm SON, County Clerk_ _.__-1__ - _ Pekoe, Capers, Etc, Biscuit Jars. ;n.ted to $21663..09 with ears and 6 wont 's. } Concession 5, Mc$illog. omme ce at T—Str„ ed frim Lot 4, Concession 13, (BaBlceta, Call Bella, Card Cases, Cat+, r pay in 1880 almou I y 11 — - - . rut k and theE� McKillop HOI,MRS in Brussels, on a 11th lust., Frank and Implements. Sale to l ) oG Los y . � the 18tb. November, a RBceivers, CaBtOrB, Celery Stands, ,1$1`552; a I 46$ Harlem, son Of Jjr. T. G_ Holmes, aged 4 , shat Pete MoGrath, Grey, in Friday, , SIiGARs 1K 592.30 with $2,82.8, ; mont>Js. r 12 o'clock noon, � 2• y - Caps, Dessert Seta, Dinner Castors, eapenaes: vee $ $ fears and ! ro rietor ; P. DOCarltelon, Anctioeer, black and tan collie §lot at out 6 months ofd. S,urel our own Company P p Her fore t awe were white i4nd a small wt ite spot Cut Loa_, g Epergnes, Flower ' tanda, Fruit Stands, t rink: y November 30, on Lot 27> on her breast. at d the+ftp: of tail white. She F Standard Granulated, Extra Bri ht, Yellows and Ramos• Individual Caetora, a snot. be Managed in 0,11-r own in you oughttot>�� DU CAN &DUNCAlv's Wednesday, Tuckereimith. answers to the name of `Cnrlie:' any informs- Ice Pitcher Sets, patties, c ours, R. S•, • t. I remain for the preent, y 60 cent Green and Blac leas, they are Concession 3, n arson found harboring her :Individual Salts, Jewel Stands, Syrup teraes �, RANaFR, laments. Sale to tion cone rning.this animal -will be suitab y re- COFFEE— Soon Holders., S the finest. .Also tea i� m 2b t0 76 cents. Farm Stock and Imp 112., Sharp. v=aide ,and any p f Napkin Rings, p •' _ commence at 11 o'clock �• after this notice will be rios, cuted as the law Mocha, Jamaieal Etc- NOTE I Cutis, Tea Sets, Toast Racks, Toilet _ _ - �R ETA • directs Addr• ss JOHN I, onDics Brussels. 7�9 (;rreen, Roasted and .(ironed in Rio, Java, Tureens, Vases, waiters, W � THB Alex. Forsythe, Proprietor ; J.P. Brine, _ _ i Sets, Clinton. Auctioneer. b half FNDERS VIANTI 15 ---Tenders for purchase of THIS yPe roast and grind all oily °mon Coffee. ! Castors, Berry Dishes, Tea Pots, Coffee i on cont 'r 3EAFO$TH, ovember 2f, 1881 Saturday, December 10, Salt Welt -•I enders will be n calved up to r Cion Tim NRw SRA 3 November 29th for p I bl n ICkle Stands. 2 McKillop. Farm R o'ct� ck P. >yl , on Tue=day, Ota, Go etB a d P' GOOD HOR SEB Last -week Mr. Hall, Fall wheat........... , . , , . ..... 1 2s t o 1 27 of Lot 25, Concession R RANTS—NEW— ' ' 1 l Michigan, shipped by SpringWhest, perbushel.. .. .. S 26 to 1 28 of Helisall. salt penetrated one hen rad ••nd �� , Of Ann Arbor, ..... 0 86 to t 8i Stock and Imp leL ants, Shce to Com th purchase of the new Salt Well in the village ' Railway four splendid Oats perbnehel..... 0 7b to 0 77 mance at 12 O'clock noon. Samuel twenty.f et Parties tendering can have full in- Provincial, estrus and Voatizz,a- Grand Trctvl� nT Pesaperbn[hei........ .. •.. P: Brine, B uCtion- formation as to terms of purchase ' y applying to "y Bar leyper bnehei .... 0 65 to �O 80 Cluff, Proprietor , J. __ - breeaing m:a8s: that had beeJJ p . • • the ai man of Committee. The hi hest or any ,,... 0 l7 to `o 18 g JACKSON ; i 1`i1r.'Pi lilig,,frcim the Baiter,N,o.1,Looee..:...... ser. On Lot 24, tender not necessarily accepted. S. T i RAISINS -NEW - i b p o IS to 0 18 November 30, tee. JAS. CtRAsaicR, Seers- Qy'e Offer a gnaliiy Of Valencia Raisins that 1 chased for h >� y .. 0 19 to 2v Wednesday, Novemb chairman of Commit j y i arses . three year old team Butter, Tub, , .. .. . following.p Egg&.... Farms, Farm 679-1 Valencia,.Snitana and Layers. FLAT WARE. aYl Gc�Flericlt towntbip, • • _Concession 4 Ha tar}' _____�—_ cannot begot from any other House in Town. t FI<iar, p lbs ... 800 to 8 !i0 y tB. sale t0 Com- t l - from S. Mel i*all, per 1-00 „ g 00 to 18 nt . three dear old, Geo. Nott. Tuck- Bay, new....... .. Stock and Implements. �' rTiare -1, - Far- Hides, per 1001b........ ;, • .:. 6 00 tc 7 00 .... o bo t o 1 r,o m en ce at 12 o'clock non, sharp' A In Dinner, Dessert and Tea Sone t ,with. $196 , grey on Wed- Sheep s,k nseaoh ........ 0 7n Adam Berry, Proprietor ; Wm. Such- EDWARD C A` S H I SPI Di ALUR 3 -- Whole and Ground. Ground Spices Guaranteed Pure. : Egg, Sugar, Mustard and Salt Sppons n over �2 salt {retai.l)per `a -rel,.. • . • • • • • y 0 70 . ran, some g: Ext3cutors ; e Salt{wholesale)per barrel...... 0 4b t o 050 anan and Thomas Diak, ° Dinner, Dessert and Tea $Hives , Frtut, neadtz711Zr. Falmer, of GuEil:ph, and a p • • • • • E • Boasenberry, Auctioneer. Dinner; Dear Potatoes, per tinshla. Dairy I3utrer, 6VOOl� Hides, Furs, er fru Pennaylvanl, shipped a e 8b to 0 5o BAKING hOWDER— ;Butter, and Fish $Hives; strang ° did geld by Great Ap.pies, Per bus vecember 2, on Lot 3, Lake n ` :; . an ` car Toad of t;pleri g ..... 8 oo to 4 00 Friday, Farm Stock. Sale erns Peltrifl of all kinds. serf d Tea Forks , Pickle and Pae wood perCorcl POad Fiast, &'1w& scot=ng them being reseed Hogs, per 100 Its....... 7 00 to 7 60 Bay. clock P. U. James - Snow Drift and Gold, acknowledged by all hotasekeepers to be the beat in !Forks`, Children's Sets 1n Knife,.FOrk, Western R q y, D urehased from thefollowina par- to commence at 1 o Boysenberry, 1 Spoon and Napkin. Rings. horses p Pollock Proprietor°; the market. ties Team 3J• Butt, Base Line, $415 i ox.IrToaa, Nov. 24, th81 Auctioneer. E 1t�Nex�honse to the Egg:Gmpori.um, ` i Far u- FLIIWheat,per u"hel ..........128 Lel. 1 0 ' ' G. Stanbury+, Stanley, $350 ; q' ' erbhahel 1-56 i�f 1 8U SI90 ; A. Tltotrl:psciu, 3pring��7hest, p , ..... o a7 0 Seaforth. CANNED GOODS— t le, Plt3ma, Strawberries, &o., &c• t ------ { hex, $elle t' $160. osts,per bushel ...... 0 75 � 088 Pears Pine App - ' A. Innes, Stanley, Bsrley,uar bushel h .. 0 7b (a t 8D E SCHO��• Tomatoes, Peaches, , i i Stanley, S.185; Gttderich tawn6hiP,$160; pess,por bushel +........ PRIVATE ONES SINGINfa CLASS - - i 620c� 022 PROF. ' ?. Herhiao� 325. Batter ............... r...•..,. 0 18 t team, W, g�4arBon, S;ta.nley, $ sage......... .. 017 N — PIi�rKLES-- SeS,Rerton,........ ..12 00 � 14 00 M'1 S S R O. B E R T S O REPAIRING i?a all aur firaneha as LOGALITIJs'. The firm of Mr. Geo- • • • • • • 0 48 �' 0 '0 PRoirEa9GR JoirEs has organized OitLsa for Potatoes, per 7 0o Ca 7 b0 i In traction in vo0al music 'tie ataea witl (lroase & Blackwell and other brands. usual. 011 work warranted t° #iv$ Tholnpbon,•on the Huron Road in God bnahel.. Hogs r X100 Ibs�....... gang opened her school on D. y� meet each We�tnesday avenin in the Gond satiafaCtlCu. eric h township, was acid b. public Dreeeed Hog Pe SAUCES_ r.his lace on Wednesday. emplars' Halt. Campbet]'sBlock, at b o'clock. + '` unction. in P yin wheat Z', Church, Bl ckboard , xerciso each evening. The class LIVERPOOL, Nov: 23. — Spring ,John St., opposite the M. g Decemher 30 Different kinds (no Tongue Sauce•) Mr. T. C. Vickard was the purchaser. lis 1d to OOs opens o next WednVsd y avenin , > as ssible of _ untaius 80 acres acid was los 6d ; red' winter, and it is desirable that as many T'O RAO 10— Tie farul b `orbett club, I1B 05d, s prepared to receive Pupils on the following the ass abould be 2,60{1.-lir• E. (� OOd ; white, 11a . OOd ; Terms : thoFe who intend attending Purchased fc,r .$ 6g present on the first evening sr 4 a� to get the Banetts and Lyons. intends ere ting r1eW wc,ollen mills in Oat8, 6B 4d ; ,barley, 58 2d; peas, Pe" ,Qa�e.� be,,efit of the full course. TERKS---Gentlemen, lOd ; pork, 5 Od ; beef, 92s 6d; chc. ", students under 12 Years, P i2 for a courfe of 13 nights; I.W1 3, $l. All pay= FANCY GOODS, this town. The new milia will be 1° able in advance: 6i9-1-rCg�(�(�OS and Cigars of the Seat Brands. t sated On t1�A lots recently purchased by 548 Od. $8, lin, and will be ndents hum 13 to lb Years, P01 In addition to the above lineaenr stock will be found complete in all other him from 111r. J. Jos 3 about double the -capacity of his present Live ';tock Mairkets- • Quarter, $4. M (�RT G -_AG E SALE branches, including Flour, Feed, Fancy Goods, such as Piano O�a- eut.—There are over twenty- i E �N ADVANCE. - or— — meats, .Tobacco Randa, FlaTvt�r Pots establishffl MONTREAL+, November 22.—Prices for NTH PAYABLE ryt the CROCK ERY DEPARTMENT— red farmers l viiiP iu Cliuto:n.-- n ed from 4 to 5jo, Bev- FIRST MO Valuable Farm Property t be sold at ret f ran Her Seta—new designs and paces low. China Tea Sets a large stook. and massa in Gia Sul 5 five 1,read at Holmesville best bee Diu While a�l`vering sec_ and -class 3o t'go 4c, and third-class 20 to MUSIC'EXTRA. Toienghip of Grey.gets.out of these k Borne cine Bt le _ Bales re- - Granite Tea sets—white or deorated • by dozen. lasosware ilet Sets. in endless NET tL!OSThassl am one night ast wee c per lb, live weight. The t i lines. - eral loaves of bread from tlJe wa�fln of 2 P SUBJECTS TAUGHT. Tete and Coffees—plain1. cited were 4'Oaen for $235, and 3 fine NDER.andby v,rtne of a power of sate sou Mr. LBe.-(f''liutou has contributed P 3,510 lbs., at 4�p per z elfin* Reading Writing, Arith- U g g , (which will be roJuo Varlet - iiney sari clothing steers, aggregating Ji,NIORS—S ls, r, iai„ea in a mo, a ' d John y• r h and Common , ed at sale). made by Margaret S Cornish a , the anm o $12� in m live weight. The Beller waB T. in Dictation Geog ap y, . l`' FANG { cts. Cornish to th Vei dors ; deianbelt sod by Pnbda Y GOODS— ala aid to the iYlutikcrk.a sufferers.-- The , bell sold Vt i,as ItilcCulloch, teacher in Kelly, of Toronto. John.Cao 0 each Saba• _English -Cana- Auction at the Qn-en's Hotel in we vile, a of assortment. Our stock in this Department i8 w 1s pe and j health of 15 head anging from $ SENIORS-Inclndiiio the above - Etymology, i❑ t ayment tl,creof. ►herr moi 1 use sold by .a,ze c the Modell School', is soy, far recovered g gBrns�ets, on Thursday, December lb, t88t, at i Avery large osition, Hi torics -General dla Deed Of 9 dlan and Natural, Dictation, Analysis and Gram - ch l r�Bu Effie her duties.- and a few extra gualirmet $50 to $55 Comp Brosselook P. M , the tollupit g freehold property, varied, that we cannot attempt to Pai.•tiCnlarizs. A call and inspec 0n that she is a each. Price & Delo P mar. 12 h 1ie2nerrLbB� fife Stu�zd,°ecZly One day last week the Rev, Mr. Thomas, viz . 9 l'e north hRlf of LOG °G're y in the County invited. d a cots le, haJatized head at $36 each. R. Cochrane and wen Higher Concession oft a Towia hip ' as p t+e J. S it7rltea f; {' a ClintO#1, m&rile If Sufficient encanrageinent be gi 60 aeras more or ]ere. The Ugh Rall Toronto, offered 20 head t e yeax• of Huron, containing adult, all HUg y' property is one mile south of Brusft B on the 'Z=L t/Ct fh� an infant anal buxied,: au d, western cattle, amdB. Roy Classes still will be formed during d from vel road and on it is a sub-•tautiaa NOTE THE FACT, that all Goods ponght from ua are warinted to be r�j.ee of%l�Fiet' r rettY good each of goo out for within a; law hours. A 1i a° About 30 scrag are We repret3ent them. •; Seaforth gra , day's vvrk•--Mr. John Campbell, a about 60head, but were holding Hours from 9:30 to 12window. five fat 1:30 to 3 P. M. LameOotcRge and tag barn• cleared and the bal-nee ie well covered with mixed ' former harness maker of Clinton, has cows were purchased t $48 each, Or � and Spitting on Tues- timber. Fences g„ori. TESMS OF 83LE-Oce l GOODS DELIVERED FREE OF CHARCEt AND PROMPTLY, tenth of the pilranaae money to ba paid down the ' MVA,e & lot of money in Wlnniprg,, P M from 3:15 to 5 O'clock. dyne of sale, and ar►ffioient t� make one half in I Speculating in land.—Mr. John Rea- per lb. Local butchers bought freely of Classes for Plain Sewing IN-�-ER3 r lb, 'I`w0 day da from 3 to 5 tao weeks thereafter, t he balanoe to be seamed by LAID -LAW St F RBBI Y; M. R. %,}IU colas, „itis well known ht�rseman,. Of good cattle at 4C t0 d freely at FOr Fancy work on Thursday, the a Of the property purchased InterestiXr year Olds, for wine®ring, O'clOek. Ezt;a charge to those not attending first r remt mortgageor pal Godericih township, has retnrred from y18 to $24 each, and[ three-year ole a thr school 6 per cent, nearly For endoi's 801ealartt apply Watchmaker and d�wsiiers ]Kentucky with a splendid Hatable- $ 0 each. Z,�Ir, $0lrnea, "Of to resent eagsgementk MIss to CRONYN & i{ETTS, Tfexidoi'Asuctif Auctioneer, � MAIN S T�+',�4'j`, SE ]Kentucky from 022 to 11T. B. Owing P Pupils don, Ont, ALEX. HiTNT�, , tonian stallion. He is a bright bay t a lot Of two year BOOTH will not lie here for a few weeks,P vele, Out. and lalida 16 hands high, audis said t° Port Lewiai bough be a live trotter ,—The Clinton Driving olds at W) each- Good sheep for ship- or music may be catered at any tame. - �, _� - _ -- __ _ . ,._ .. _ __,._. _ .. -- .. - . W I ' . €--_ _ • 1 ..