The Huron Expositor, 1881-11-18, Page 6C r �y� 8e - 'hip me net; iwet MB, hurry me not ; nen�pnre not. forgetin, me sot; bay and titan, lob me not ; # clean water, stint me not; Of soft, dry bed, deprive me not ; Tired and hot, wash are not ; t sick or odd, chide me not ; With spongeand brush negieot me not; With bats and reins, 0 jerk me not; And when you are angry, whip me not. At the Burial. �l tbh attain gone—foremoat Republican; time --Columbian faTorite son f i we lay thine honorable head incommon dust among tine dead 2 aro fol the srnne across -{he mighty breast ha the work of empire but began, d all -by glorious labors yet undone 2 . soldier, pasaingto untimely rest, of nations le about thy bed; of empires consecrate thy dust. 1 of r eyes with nndried tears: aro wet him by whom to -day thy feet are set, aroof mai ty dom prep fired "thy trust," 74ithful his to death. The great bells toll g o1 thy hero -martyr soul, solemn silences that fall thunders of the gone, the small of thine once more its answer gives, ! xealm through death's enshrouding "l •Pa ottheurt, God reigns and the Republic lives . KATE SWYllotrY MACLEAN. Cross Christians. n ' lith a fine thing it is to feel good, e e, his Was said to me by a brave, lov- ing, overburdened young wife and 'neither. The quivering lip and mois •ten ed eye with which it was acoom- ed ' Id a story of struggle despite ame that shone through the mist. When threw my arm around her and said, " on dear little woman, your poor nerves are just worn out ; you in + : t rent," the shower game, and as as t held up, she said, "I'm afraid I' + tiro all the time." Her only rem- _ w rest. t it is a fine thing to feel good na -' i There is no denying the fact tha there is much to cross us in this t - gling world. Leaving out the MO* causes of troublesome children f incompetent servaunts, the lesser yances of life are legion. The c 'oas and commissions, the dere- lie ons&nd peccadilloes of our dearest frie + ds d constant companions are a . . frui n , nroe of distress or discipline, 2 sec • rdn to the use we make of them. We sub it to a great sorrow, but do 1 we con der from whose hand these p petty trials proceed ? S n t mss we begin the day with an un u table degree of irritability. and A if w were frank would say, as did the Candidlittle `three-year-old, "I don't r want to a good ; I'm going to be bad p o. y." We feel: confessedly cross. 1 We uiay search out the canoe. Our W aiet,�l in q antity and quality, may have affeo ed the system just enough to put A the heart out of tune., Then const the soul doubly on guard, for there will be need o watching and fighting quite ae m . ch _ pig. `t hat becomes of all the amiable ro o , + ` la les ?" asked -a querulous h :ler ; "mothers and wives are so ill.-te ea pe ed ?" Cr: ss p tints are in danger of gar- 1: • : a unsightly crop by-and-by, B whe • the reaping comes. Better scat ter kn. : -is of kindness. A "I never -suspected myself of bad el tem r, till I had a half-grown, head- ' th stro boy to contend with," is the con- b fessis ofanother parent. There it is, the: cares and crosses of life choke out our tter impulses, and we are surly ta of sunny. Thus we fail to C adorn the ootrine and to recommend the r 'gio of the. One altogether lovely. Oc rao at fault ? No ; it is ail- H. suffice nt even for this. We do not for- get th gr at natural differences of the c tem to .e and constitution. "Grace M gr on a crab stalk" is not often - pmust rodu civ of luscious; fruit. Yet we wi ' 1 which means that the will remo'e old one by powerf 1. washbs: The m °'coney'' of these sin doctors live elegant, style. and make` a profo mystery of the lotions they employ. Most of them are artful enon have one or two young girls in at dance, gifted wit naturally beast compleaiens, but wally to swear they are the result of Madame's "bal or "bloom." One of ithem, who place hear UnionSquare, employ handsomely dressedyoung lady wit brilliant complexi n to oall five or times a day to th nk her in the p woe of fresh on tomers for her skin. Yet in spite of 11 this the only • men who have be utifal complexi are those born wit them. To say nothin of the compon made up in this country, and w have reaped -forth es for their ori ators, cosmetics ar imported in th sands of dollars' worth at a t through the year, nd many of th contain. white -lead d arsenic in su large proportions s to be positiv dangerous and not infrequently fatal their results. Th worst of exp menting with the omplexion is t when a woman b s she finds a ki of a fascination in 't that will not low her to leave off, and the conn girl who begins by daubing her fo and chin with flour, and rabbi her cheeks with a mullen-leaf, as a o lady winds up :with Roman baths an Parisian lotions. Thoroughbred Cattle in ' Manitoba. Messrs. Gua& S n, of Oshawa, cently sent a ot of thoroughbred sto to Winnipeg, M 'toba. These an mals were disposed f by public aucti on Thursday of la t week. A goo many farmers and o hers attended t sale, and the biddi g was lively, a hough in some case the prices realiz were not as large N. expected. Th ollowmg sales were ads : Cora 6th—Red an white, Ayrshir alved June 20th, 18 9, bred by Guy Son, bought by Ch . Whitehead, Brandon, $85. Maggie—Red and bite, calved Ma 6th, 1875, awarded rst prize for th best Ayrshire cow in milk at Toront 881, and one of tihe�n awarded her rize, bought by Charles Whitehead 160. Pet 2nd"— Red and white, calve Aril 2nd, 1877, winner of second priz for three year old Ay shire cows at To onto, 1881, and one of herd that too rize, also gaining setiond at London 881, bought by -Jas, R. Sutherland innipeg, $100. ` Prince Charley -- Brown and white, yrshire bull, calved May 6th, 1877, winner of first prize at Provincial Ex-. bitions, Toronto, three years. in -silo ssion, silver medal and diploma as est Aryahire bull, of any age, at To- nto, 1881,and first prize at Provincial, widen, 1881—E. G. Allen for the Em - men Agricultural Society, $875.. Cherry ,Red and white, calved April 0th, 18'79, bought " by George Parker, lythefield, $75. Roseate 2nd—Red and white, calved peril 7th, 1810, took first prize in her ass, and -was one of the first calves at took first; prize at Toronto, 1881, bo by Charles'Wlfitehead, $55. Carta 4th—Red aid white, oalved September 5th,' 1880, one of the- five a king prizes at Tor nto, bought by harles Whitehead, $ 0. Pansyj2nd—Red d 'white, calved etober 20th, 1880, an *ther of the five, B. Fairfield, Winne , $47.50. Conntess 4th—Red n white spots, cal 3'b April 6th, 1881. G. A. Clines, rria, $15.• Cecil --=Two year ' ol4 Durham bull, -nner of lst prize :at County Ontario ow, 1881, John W. Carlton, Clear- ings, $135. , Rosedale Duke—On year old Dur- ambull, Charles Whi ehead, $130. - Ranger—White, withred spots, Ayr - ire bull, calved Cceber 10th, 1880, arded 2nd prize as a earling, at To- nto, and also at - Lon on. J. C. Mc- strey, Winnipeg, $62.50. oyal Butterfly—Br 4 wn and white, rehire bail, calved ay 3rd, 1878, a at prize winner in '79 and '80 ; first ze at Toronto, 1881, as three year and second at London, W. Lewis, mpton, $130. here were four Ser shire pigs sold 39 each, and four uffolks at $27, the ost in and' gh to ten- iful that has 8 ha six T88 - new wo- ons ads hioh a ou ime em oh ely in eri- hat nd al - try ore - ng icy d re- ok 1 - on d 1 he ed e' e, & of e 0, d e hi ce b e owl in ' grace and graciousness despite of difficulties, God helping us. We h ve no right to be crabbed. We must teems it a sin to exhibit oroea- Hess, 1' yin mind, contro touche ties. for Ch sweet �em tractiv ai dam of au: sells and. nese.-oaN r our weaknesses of body and nr arises controllable and un= abl , at the feet of Him who is sh apr h sh w th a feeling of ` our infirnsi- roil an we not be kind and pleasant Kin fist's sake ? It is the genial, R eyed Christian that is at - influential. It is the wis- ny heartedness that winneth urneth many ` to righteous- stian at Work. Ay gre pri old Ply T tilea Complexions. at $ The disc f to Avery o arsenic ua the re- pec 1 the mains , of the unfortunate Jennie Cra- mer, and he ooted question 'as to whecther it was administered to her or whether she had not taken it herself for the preservation of her remarkably white �commplexion, says a. New York correspondent, has revived the subject of arse io- r.ting in that city. A;chat with o e o two druggists and physi- oians h given him some idea of the extent o Which this pernicious and danger us habit Ls indulged in. It h its! foundation, of course, in the desire for beauty so natural in every woman,. ant how important a part an exquisite complexion plays in the gen- eral appearance is recognized wh p e an county • How herring and Cotton -Seed Oil Beconie Sardines. If Connecticut is the land of wooden rintmegs; Maine must be the land of herring -sardines. There are said to be 22 establishments on the Washington county coast, whereof two-thirds are in this town, in which herring are put up as sardines in tin boxes t made here in imitation of those used by the French, bearing French labels preserved in cotton -seed oil, which is asserted on the cans to be olive oil. "No Admittance'' is notified at the entrance, btit the rule is not enforced. Herring are brought note how easily a girl ins the title of an from the bay in la ge quantities, pretty, even if her features are- poor and are unloaded. at the�everal wharves where the factories are erected. They and her dress simple, if she has a pure, are carried in baskets in o a large room soft, white skin, that enables her to wear either the colors of blonde and provided with rough t hies, where " b tt impunity, to def gang of boys 10 15 years of age ah armed with e children are t removes the ch fish, and at greater part of is more or less rune with ifrom to the rogh caresses of the and sun and are waiting for them, ea wind ; hi1 another girl with well -cut d knife,' Some ofn the features all the advantage of toilet dexterous. A single e Is' doom o the cruel adjective of head and shoulder of e, plain R o the same time draws the account of a sallow or the "innards." The tail pimpled mplexion, which neither removed by another cut. titles powder orrouge used in decent quan- The extent of the business done is ca noeal. indicated by the fact tha the rejected To gain what nature has denied, parts of the herring at • single estab- women resort to every conceivable de- ` lishment frequently amo nt to several vioe,from the rase of simple lemon juice 1 hogsheads a day. Th se parte are and glyeeri e up to the elaborate Isom- ; boiled, pressed for their if, and the pounds p rted from France, and theto fuse is sold for man facture into expensi tr atmeut of the specialists dressing for soil who proini to mak bloom o; are a" gr+ small so them h beau e avenue, of asses' for the t has ono money A writ handsom city,has =liar so fsoe at ni third s poultice in her o their ab' an d 0 0 ca at tle h e lilies and roses satin -smooth skin. There many Mime. Raolaels on a n New York, and each of I t r own particular recipe for , r she epidermis It is not yet possible to manefaoture olive oil and anchovy paste out of the heads of herring. The bodies and tails of he herring are washed, laid upon wire auks, baked in a great ()ben, packed in in boxes by girls, covered with cotton- eed oil, the boxes are soldered, heated again in the oil, and finally packed in wooden boxes for shipm nt. The pro - nob so a„ that of pnttin up veritable eas need not be descri d at a great ength. It does net apps r to be a very leanly process, hitt very liloely it is as ardmes. The larger fish'are put up an ral tin boxes and, ar palled `uses ut." Still other herrin gs are dubbed eagle fish," unci, finally t ere is,,aprp- oese of putting rip the fie in a synced preparation which gives t em the name "mustard sardines." i Makers of oleomargarine, Ij believe, omen has a place on Fifth a her she gives Roman baths Milk to her Ind ifli h on st 8 Doers g sum of $15 each, and he o patronage to be making 1 m Broadway, that has the i business parlors in the made a fortune ont of a ' s of mask to be worn over the , tro ht s. A stoat dame on Thirty - t uses the bread=and-milk_ et1iod, and treats her'patrons n house. Othersadvertise of ity to supply a new skin, THE HURON XPOSITOR. sometimes eat their produo bro'n`breed, end profess to some of the sardine oann their herring and declare tha Perhaps it is. But it is n The labels upon the boxes The word Paris upon the head of the late E mn�ppeerer Na gest .8 falsehood. The as the contents are sardines, pa beat olive oil, is a direct and. misstatement. If herring, the oil of cotton -seed, make dish, very well. Let those wishto .do so:; To pot it a tion of sowething else -. is a fraud, which the law should punish•—Boston Advertiser. 011 warm e it. So here eat it is good - t sardine. e all lies. and the Leon sug- rtion that up in the nquahf ed at up in, palatable feat it who in imita- barefaoed forbid and Vennor on 188 The following are a few of t prophet's predictions for n almanacs t In Newfoundland the'wint is likely to be extremely e stormy. ' A warm wave is likely to a large portion of North Ame ing the month of November, again .daring January and 1882. A frigid wave may be eal wards the close of November of December, 1881. The winds and storms of 1� probably arrive ahead of tithe der the closing days of Feb ceedingly disagreeable. Minnesota is likely to more wintry weather than" in boring sections. The latter part of April and entry May, 1882, will remind one f winte again, and the spring is likely s o be col and baokward generally. The winter of 1882 is not 11: ely to be characterized by heavy snow falls. on this side the Atlantic. In Western Canada, and eEeotions southofthe lakes, navigation may re- main open all the year, or olo> : but for a very brief period. December, 1881, will be a n. onth of storm in the lake region. The summer of 1882 will . '. : gener- ally unfavorable to agrioultur, owing to cold and wet weather. Western sections will proba.. y suffer more from rains and floods t n from thunder storms and cyclones ng'the summer of 1882. -Volcanic disturbances are li +ay to be exceedingly active on the �'merican continent, and will probably i� . 'nr in entirely new sections. There will be.brief periods cqi�f severe cold during the winter of 1882, and longer ones of warmth. 111 e weather xt year's r of 1882 were and oour over erica dur- 1881, and February, �ected to- nd entry (arch will and ren- nary ex- xperienoe ny neigh - of r d To Reinove Miele Apply a solation of chloride f soda, or, what is equally as good., oh arida of lime mixed with water. Eit er one will instantly remove it, with n injury .to the goods,':if it is white. Th chlor- ine is equally successful in r moving some colors, hence.ot safe to a'- ply to such. - The action is the carne as bleach- ing ; a portion of the hydrogen is re- moved and the oxygen burns tip the carbon. Either one of the above pre- parations.oan be obtained in a y drug store, and is quite cheap. .: ,Popular Apples. The following named varieti' s ac- cording to the catalogue of the ! meri- can Poinologioal- i3aciety, are g nerally approved in the States designa ';d : At the 'North and East, the B' ldwin, Duchess of Oldenbn'rghi'Early arvest, Fameuee, Gravenstein; Hubba` dston, Sweet Bough,. 'Red Astrachan, Rhode Island Greening and Tolman Sweet have a large and strong vote. In the Western States, Ben : Davis, -0 rolina Red June, Early Harvest, Gilpin Jona- than, Maiden's Blush, Red, Act han, Bowie's Janet, Smith's Cider and Wineaap are popular varieties. In the South, the most. generally approved apples are, Ben Davis, Buckingham, Carolina Red June, Early Harvest, Green Cheese, Horse, Julian, ngum, Red Astrachan, Nickajack, Sh ckley, Sops of Wine and, Stevenson's inter. - A Knit Bed Quilt. A very pretty bed -cover, and a 'warm one too, is made from old bits offs nnel, delaine or bright prints. Strip them np, as if for a carpet, and sew the to • getlier, taking care to : have them of uniform width. Take a pair'of w den knitting pins, and cast on eight st totes of the cloth strips ; knit across, back- wards and forwards, eight ti►n s, so that it will ,form an exact square, Let the cloth lie loose oveethe fingOr, 'sol as not to have the stitches too tight. Al- ternate the colors 'to yofir 'taste, knit- ting the strip in blocks till it 'is; two yards and a quarter long. Bind o the stitches on the last block arid. 'comn- mence another strip, taking care to have squares of different colors come a ainst each other. Sew the strips tog they with strong thread, having the co' ers meet: It makes a pretty contrast' and is a very nice warm, durable , arti le of bedding, looking much finer tha it really is. —Theous y g man Robert Be . and who was opportunely prevented om committing suicide in Buffalo a few daysego, has friends in Hamilton. He told a reporter in London that he was driven to commit his rash act by the conduct of a woman who claimed t, be his wife! This - woman, be el: ems, drugged him, and while he was n . t in his right senses had the marriage ere- n7ony performed. He was engaged to a young woman in Canada, for ,whoa. he professed sincere love. He has di:cov- ered that the woman who "calls he :elf his wife has been married twice be ore, and he believes he can have his a ar- riege declared illegal. His 'affian ed, whose name is Lena Lambrecht, vi: ited him in gaol, and a most affectio a ate interview followed: The case agains+ the alleged wife is being prosecuted, and steps°will be taken to have the yo ng man released from gaol. • Virtue Acknowledged. Mrs. Ira Mulholland, Oakville,wr'tes: "For reveral-years I have suffered f oft -recurring bilious headaches„ dys sia, and complaints peculiar to my Since using your Burdock Blood ters I am entirely relieved, 724 • om ep: Canadian Cholera „This terrible;clisease is but little 1 s fatal than real Asiatic cholera, and e - quires equally .pi'Qnpt treatment. u r. Fowler's Extract' of Wild Strawbe will care it as well as all other forms of bowel complaint of infants or adult: if used in proper time. 724 MEN WANTED. (INE hundred meu wanted to cut oordwood, `nn saw loge and rails. TIMBER Fon SALE. Building timber on the stump or squared. Basil timber and rails for sale. JOBS TO LET. Several jobs of ditching and clearing to let. Apply at once to W. 0. 00IIIRLOOKalkinfrOnth. J. S. POTER SEAFORT.H'. 1 am determined to Clear Out my .Entire Stogk of Furniture regierd- 1888 Of Cost. THOSE IN WANT, it will pay them to suer - give a large discount to those paying °ash, es- pecially to newly married oouples. I araatill selling six highly finished oheirs for $2. I 'also keep Knowlton's Spring Ben the best and oheapeet in the market ; warranted perfeetly noisiness. Wareroome direotiy opposite M. R. Counter's Mommoth jewelry Store, Main Street, Sesforth, East Side. 825 • JOHN S. PORTER. 0 0 0 0 0 0 HAS REMOVED HIS BOOKSTORE TO THE 0 SIMMS 0 0 ANCHOR LINE. • TTNITELI STATES MAIL STEAMERS IUD V Every Saturday from NEW YORK and • GLASGOW (via Londonderry) and LONDON TICKETS for Liverpool, Londonderry, Glas. now, and ill parts of Europe. Fares as low as any other first-class line. Prepain Passege Certificates issued to persons wishing tO bring out thin; Manna. Steamers are unsurpassed ifor elegance and corn - fort. Apply to S. DICKSON, 698 At the Post Office, Seafortb BROADFOOT & BOX, UNDERTAKERS, &O. FrINERALS ATTENDED UN THE' - SHORTEST NOTICE. OOFFINS AND SHROUDS ALWAYS ON HA.ND. FIEARSE FOR HIRE. FORBES' LIVERY SALE STABLES, MAIN -ST., SEAFORTH. in- amen, keeps the best and most stfilian rigis and the best driving honied in the ba sines 1. Neat and Nobby Cutters, hendsotne awl com- fortable Robes, and fest .and. sef horses always on hand. A very bans some family nal& for one or two Day and night calla promptlinattended to. Good driving horses bonglat end .661d. REMEMBER THE PLACE Opposite 0. C THE GREAT NORTH-WEST. Temperance , Colonisation Scheme and Establishment of a Te:mperance Settle- . ment in the Great North-West, 2 000,000 Acre Grant is to be taken up by sub- s scription. Onlyone-third to be alloted at present and to be chosen in one block by the best experts in Canada. The land can be taken up in Quarter or Half Sections of 640 acres. Sub- scribers coming in first have the first choice. Already a large number of sections taken up. For particulars apply to S, HICKS, Egmond- ville. 726 ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. Tha next Examination ifor admission 01 pupils to !the SEAFORTH SCHOOL, Will be held on Wedneads.y and Thursday, Dec. 21 Eind 22, in the Settforth Public School. Candidates must seed theirnames to one of the unnersigned no later than November 21st. and must be in thei r placenat a quarter to nine each morning of th e examination. C. CLARKSON, B. A., Head Mas - LE CREDIT FONCIER THIS new Company, formed :for the purpose of inveeting French °spite' in Canade, is nos prepared to advance money on the most favohble terms on good landed seouritien M P. HAYS S, Agent for County of Huron, Soaforth. 699 R. N. EIRETT Wholesale and Retail Dealer LEATH:Ifni mud SHOE FINDINGS of Every/Description.. None but the -Very Rest Steck kept. Tenn, moderate. A Trial Solicited. All orders by men or otherwise promptly filled. atic R. N. 3114 D. D. ROSE, NEXT 00011 TO THE POST OFFICE, SEAFORTH. I re 0 Pi 0 re 0 co Cc 0 WINTER FLUID. TRY OUR OWN 4,4P COUGH • For Croup, Colds, Coughs , Whooping Cough, &co ao41 We have jus t made up fresh lots of HEAVE, COUGH AND EPIZOO- 4a, TIC POWDER ; FAVORITE CATTLE 4,4 The following preparations for ths Hair cannot FEEDER, CONDITION POWDER FOR • 0 OANTHARIDINE HAIR WASH, OASTORINE HAIR RENEWER, AND copR HAIR CREAM. HICKSON & CO., DRUGGISTS. NOVEMBER -#.. THE RUSH STILL CONT ES Are doing the leading Tea busicestel't shows what can he done by *kelt,. consignment of that notorious 500 eatit ..n Tea, equal to what other botilie4 aka (-1 selling at 60c. Try our 25c tea, Crt pounds for $1, and 13 pounds of nit for $1. We are keeping in stock CO zi Oats. Peas; Flour, Chopped P44 .r2 Shorts, Brom, frish elf all Sort", rd Fresh .S'ausages &Bologna, And all kinds of Can - > Our horse will be in waiting bo de, G Z liver goods to all purchasers msid GLYCERINE AND ROE WATER. 0 cn ADVRESS TO THE ELECTORS. SMITH.—" Good snorting Zones, where are you going to 7" jONES.,--" I am. going- down to -M. ROItERTSON'S Furniture Warerooms, to get some new fainitnre, yon see mine hi getting played out and I want to get some first rate furniture at very low prime. Our baby wants a new praline, And they say that he has the very bilst and eheapest in the A DDRESS.-7o the Free and Independent People ot Huron : M. ROBERTSON begs to state that fie has re tnoved to the promises lately oniapien by Mr. lobs] Kidd, as • Hardware store, and that he Is now pre pared to furnish everythbag in the Farniture line an remark/01y low prices. Intending parohasers w ill -find it greatly to their ativantage to call and examine his stook before pgrehasing elsewhere. Repabing promptly attended to. Furniture made to order on very short notice. - Plenty° totaling a specialty. Ail work guaranteed. Farm produce, feathers, wood and 'limber takem in. exebange. 14IS UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT In, as formerlY, nder hie own supervision, and will be ciindacted with the greatest care end atten. I tion. His stock Caskets, Coffins, Shrew's &a., will be foand complete, and st the very lowest rate. Funerals a tended in the country. A'llearselor hire. Remember the place. M, ROBERTSON, SEAFORTII. THE HURON FOUNDRY, SEAFORTH. WAVING put an Engloe into the Fitting Shop to drive Lathes, Planes and D rills, independent of the Plow Grinding and Polishing Machinery, yartiets wanting work "don e can have it at any time, as steam will be up every workiug dsy. ALL REPAIRS OH ENGINES, MILLS ANO OTHER MACHINERY Attended to en short notice. On hand and made to circler, Heine Powers, Grain Crashers, Straw Cutteis, Lend Rollers, Gang Phiers, Giotto Dare, &e. Plow Castings made to orner from patterns furnished by parties wanting the same. Plow Points a epecialty, made from Genuine Plow Point Iron; and warranted hard and tough. Will also Nit, &tin& and Polish Plow Castings cheap, its the shop is fitted with inrindinglitones and Emery Wheels for such work. vtill also take Contracts for Engines, Boilers. Grist and Flouring Mills, Saw Mills and other Machinery. Will make niers and Specifications for Mille, tto. All Alterations on Mills or Engines attended to. Will also make val- uations on all kinds of Machinery. J. S. RUNCIMA.N Seaforth P. 13.—As Mr. d. El. Ranciman has gone away for the winter, the business will be carried on by Inr. R. Runeiman until his return. AT THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR PHOTO GALLERY VXCELSIOR, DOMINION, BELL & CO.'S, and other task -8 s ipplied at Bo'Itout Figures. -1;4 Having no travelling er other expenses in conneetion with Vila branch of my baairtess, I can give ray customers the benefit, and enable them to procure ais instru neat at el re teolasble price. A. CALDER, Over Wilson iSt Young's Store,. Ses:forth, Ont. N. B. --The Manufacturers' Guarantee given.with each Organ, and will be endoreed by me. 0 Ci 03 5 ar. rn r 5 2 ri,?t 471 In r4 -0 X rmi 8. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land Sanwa < et- 0 ly attended to. .1-f • ,and Civil Engineer. Orders by nail prompt 1 D. S. CAMPBELL, Mitchell 0 0 CD CD 0 171 CD CD tri CD CD ce ce 0 CD 0 0 (171 171 IMPORTANT NOTICES. pORN FOR SAns—I have a large amount of cern lei for sale and will always keep a large stock on hand. VV. H. PERRIN', Clinton. TURF.8HINO MACHINE FOR Sena—For sale72v7xer4y, cheap_, a second hand Threshiug Machine. Apply to Wm. ELDER, RODORRVILI,E. 727 Wool, PICKINGS, HIDES AND SKINS.— I will pay the highest cash prime for any quantity of wooPpiekings, Hides, sheep and calf skins de- livered at my furniture store. No track or trade, cash for everything. JOHN S. PORTER. 654 1.1 ORSES FOR SALE—For sale cheap, three " working horses and two filleys, coming !3 years old. One of the fiilley's was sired by "Bank of England," and the other by "Lord" Haddown Apply on Lot 24, Concession 8, Mc- Killop, or address • Winthrop P. O. JOHN C. 727x4 Id- iRRISON. aa Rs C M Dusane—Teacher of Music—Piano n'n or Organ — Advanced pupils fitted for graduating at less than one half the expense of foreign teaching. Especial care given to neW beginners. A limited number of pupils from abroad can receive board. Instruments for pupils use at very moderate terms. Residence on George -.street, ist door east of Main Street, 727 THE LAST CAnn—M1 notes and accomits due the '1" late Erin of McIntyre & Willis will be handed over to conet for collection unless paid at once. 1 Will be at Brett's Leather store every day from 10 a ni to 4 p. m., for the collection of the same. Save costs and pay up. Conveyancing in all its forms attended to at the same time and place. Sam t:EL STARK. 727 !ARD OF TnAmis—I wish to return my sincere n -s thanns to the Officers and Directors of the McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Company, for the prompt and satisfactory manner in which they settled my claim for loss sustained by the burning of my ly ms and sheds .on the 12th of • August last, and it affords. me much pleasure in being able to recommend this company to in brother farmers, as affording a sa cheap mode of fire insurance. Wm. Hilda Colborne. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. "IL: being West half of Lot 3, Concession 11, Hul- let. 42 acres cleared and under good cultivation. CO The remainder timbered with valuable wood. Frame barn 38x50, with stone foundation. Com- fortable frame house and young bearing orchard. Plenty of water, well drained and Well fenced. Ten acres of fall wheat sown. Eight mile$ from Blyth and nine from Seaforth. School, church and post office convenient Apply tO HUGH Me- Isrrosit, Constance P. O. 14 -"ARM FOR SALE—The east half of L27tx.481, are cleared and in a good State of en tination; and east heir of Lot 39-aliollett, 63 sicres, 45 of which are cleared, Both farms oppOsite each other. The whole to be sold separately or together, On first inentionen farm, log house, good frame baretnrame acres fall vilest uncliail Oa:Wing, done. On Sec - And good: frame helm 2.6x130, with alone counastion,-geod well, good 'frame barn 36k6O with isad.inne good state of cultivation. The .whole aleeeeffatninpa and well araixted. Four arid a (funnier of a mile from school ; Churches and Ira' s convenient. Terms to snit purolusser. Apply on the premises to BICEED. IRWIN, Auburn P. 0.728 171 corporation free of charge. Our CROCKERY, CHINA o' -d GLASSWARE are beautiful /.13. (1.88* and varied in pattern, and are BIWA- ing a great deal of attention, ELS inatbe seen by the immense throng that malte their selections from enr shelves (1403/4 N. Bh_An those about buyints Call early at on doefarIztittuelaaLibewTstrioliallikream;a0wwiklihiBbetattlie°16-taaa*; EYE, EAR AND THROAT! DR. CEORCE S. RYERSON. Ear and Throat, Trinity Medioal Canoga Nog. to, and Surgeon to the Mercer Eye esti n tr la- firmary, Consulting Oculist end Austst te 'the Institutions for the Blind. Brantfo aul for the Deaf and Dumb. Belleville Ont. I, sta °Ord - 317 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. Kay be consulted at the On the Last nisiTUIID AY in RAM EGG EMPORIUM, eustomers (merchants and otherenfernsdr liberal patronage drains. the put 7 yeam, and hopes by strict integrity and close attentnois business to Merit their confidence and, /Wish' the future. Having great', enlarged hie pets. ises daring the winter, he is now prepared-Of:pay THE HIGHESVOASH PRICE For any quantity of Good Fresh Eggs, Wawa at the Egg Emporitun, MAIN STREET, SEAPOETTI. Wanted by tbe subscriber, 26 tons oPsoultila clean wheat straw. THE ZURICH CARRIAGE FACTORY. TTAVE always on hand. and make to Okii, JI -A. Wagons, Sleighs, Carriages, Stip tries, Cutters, and every other attlateintkair They personally superintend their- own bud - nese, and can guarantee a good article- tqtbas to nutter's' and Workmanship. For Style and Finish their work asunot surpassed by the large city establiehnieuts.. Repairing promptly attended to. Give me a trial and be convinced that we eau setisfy yen Ai to quality and price. Mr. Hefts is well known. tc the public, having been in business in Zurich for over 12 sears. 686 HESS & HABEREB. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Paid up Capital, - $6,000,004% President, Hon. Wm. .4,1cMaster. SEAFORTH BRANCH. The fieaforth Branch of this Bank oontinass te receive depesitaSon which interest is allowen ors the'most favorable terms. Dealt:son all the principal towns and eitielfn Canada, on Great Britain, and on the United States, bought and sold. Office—First door Booth of the Cantonment/I 689 A. II. IRELAND, Manager,. THE SEAFORTH RESTAURANT. H. DEAGON, Murphy's Block, Main Street, is new receiving nice, Fresh Oysters,. direct from Baltimore, both in cans and bulk, which he is prepared -to Bell very;cheap. • He intends keeping a supply of these Oysters regularly during the sewn, and 'will be in a position to supply private families, hotels orbsocial par- ties on very reasonable terms. He has also a supply of fine Peaches direct from Grimsby, which are the beati in the market. He also keeps on. hand all other kinds of FRUITS in Sea- son, fresh and good. Call at the Sea - forth Restaurant. You can't do better in town; SEAFORT.H PLANING MILL, SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY him eines commencing baldness in Seafortitoind trusts bat he natty be favored with a smother:mass of the same. Partieeintendingto build wonId dowel to OW him a call,as he will continue to keep on hand s • large stock of all kinds ef Dry Pine Iizember,_Sashes, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings, Shingles, Lath, thne who mayfavourhim withtheirpatronagetaa ea! Particular attention paid to Custom Phelan 201 JOHN H. BROADFOOT. MARRIAGE LICENSES THE Min' 'EXPOSIT014F104 NO WITNESSES REQUIRED. Buck Ca sold a is Kid Glove Parliament is week in Febrea --The new Trunk from P was opened. wit on Monday. - —Two thous been granted by of Montreal thi annoyed by sho come quite co looking woman day for pilferin "flitted for trial.. —Guy Pewit in Leaden and Kingdom. -Th Parnell, Biggar in the poorer di no disturbance effigies burnt e was one of Gnit —The Prince the Welsh peop iaer at Hussy Vi called. for a tan drank to the m Llewellyn the the last of the —A woman Hotel Dieu, to wean herseI was travelling i and there beca, She often eats the arrig is not _ quantities at th a lunatic. She legs ease. —The long 1 been recovered -city lawyer, wh in the reoove drels through covered are we New York city daring burglars • —Australian wb.olesale in Si -d per pen shilling. The and Australl fathom the my the,price they -public pay. birthdayon remember a Buxton, wbo rejoicing in th the father —Am Arra singthe fears tete in regard f the Lana A surd to suppo thousand noti will all, Or eve them, evar few decisions soen as the te begins to be tenant, arnica place in an ov the oases. e—Wm. Far eleven years fella teeth an The obstruoti that he eould that with ex day the teeth by making an bind the ear, by an -6penie and. another patient rani began trek sink died in three —Adelina after an abse nominal age is to appear i the youngest herited mug Madrid. Ad as a vocalist, tive method - them, gave She takes th the tour ber charge ten el it is safe to --Quite r O'Connor, o man of her the happy dance of the to the Bran tion from th the form of graceful sort leas Mr. O'C unfortunate teeth. were this (mirage called upoo neetion wit —The W There -are n lonely bach west, who a their ste.te the Presb sleepy and ville are no ing =aid who are time the ltow, if so be disteibu ville