HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-11-04, Page 71
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GyEmBER 4 1881.
still a large lot of Dry Goods, Millinery, Ready-made Clothing, Hats, Caps and General Merchandise to diose of, and all of which can be purchased FIFTY (50) PER CENT. CHEAPER
AN AT ANY. REGULAR STORE IN THE COUNTY. The Goods MUz-iT and WILL be sold. Hundreds are getting bargains every day. You can buy almost at your own figures This is
no blow or dee6iptiort. The Goods were purchased CHEAP, antd are being SOLD CHEAP. Those who have already bought will buy again. Those who have not yet priced m3, goods should do
so without de14. The cold weather is coming on, and every householder can save money by purchasing his winter supplies at the Great Bankrupt Sale now in progress at M. MORRISON'S,
Opposite the Commercial Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth. .
N, B he Goods are all new and first-class. Money c4n be saved by buying them, and "Don't You Forget It." No trouble to show goods and quote prices. Come right along and get the
fit of of thle Bargains while they are going. Parties purchasing large Bills most liberally dealt with. M. MORRISON.
Tun:Lb rue _
COUNCIL DOINGS.— t the last raeet-
fag of the Turnberr Council, 'Which
Am held. in Lower WOgham, Mr. Hen-
ning reported that IT. Watoher had
given up the 'lab of )euilding the ap-
.hes to Bolt's br.dge, and had re-
te :
same to Alex. Rirg for 05, to
befunshed on or bef re the 29th inst:
hfraGriffin reported Wm. ' Ctooderich's
-lob of building culve t, concession 12,
jinished. aniou-it $2 , . An account of
$17.25 from Moses S1iie1ds, for cutting
thistles on the west p of lot 19, con-
-cession 9, and certi ed to by the . path
di -
master Of the stric , was ordered to
be paid, and the amount was -entered
on the assessment ro , to be hpllected
from the owner of th property as the
law provides.. Thife Ei the proper way
to treat those who w'll persist in per-
mitting their lands t grow up with all
manner of foul weed, much to the an-
noyance and injury of their neighbors,
=a the action of th pathmaster and
Council in this inst ce is to be highly,
commended, and tie example theY
have set might be ery properly fol-
lowed by others.. T
stractei to corarae
township taxes on t
vember. The Con
into a Court of Revi
of revising the as essments for the
drain on concessions 10, 11, 12 and B,
when the following changes were made:
The assessments of the folio -wing per -
80118 on concession B were reduced
5120, viz.: R. Kennedy, $1; R Burke,
521.50; Er. Godkin, 2i.50;0G. Thomp-
son, $49; R. Lemon , $16. The assess-
ments of the foiosfring persona were
raised : C. Homath, 55; A. Homuth,
$10; J. Johnston, 25 _; A. Kelly, $25 ;
L. Fife, 57; J. Lci1waine, $5; B.
Holmes, 5&; 3. Ker, 520; 3. Wilson,
510; A. Gordon, $5. With these
amendments the assessments were
confirmed, and the Council adjourned
to meet again, at Patterson's Hotel,
Bluevale, at the call of the Reeve.
when he got to the top he found the ties
so close together that he was unable to
crawl through between them. He
therefore paueed and hollered, which
had the effect of bringing several' per-
sons to his assistance, by whom he was
reseued from his uncomfortable situa-
tion. When this had been accomplished
it was found that the train was some
miles away, and so Mr. Brown sat
down by the stove in the station near
by, and proceeded to dry himself. In
the meantime he was missed from the
train, and a, ineseenger was sent back
to look after him. This functionary
found him as above stated, behind the
station stove, and tolerably comfortable.
Mr. Brown took the next train for the
west, and arrived there all right. He
is now in Winnipeg,' which he thinks a
much more pleasant place than among
the snags in the bottom of the
Epps's Cocoa.
Grateful and Comforting.—"By
thorough knowledge of the natural 1 ave
which govern the operations of diges-
e collector was in- tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap-
ee the plication of the fine propertieb of well
e first day of No- Selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided
oil formed. itself our breakfast tables with a. delicately
on for the purpose flavored beverage, which may save us
aea.ny heavy doctors' bills. It is by the
j udicionw use of such articles of diet that
a constitution may be gradually built
up until strong enough to tesist every
tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub-
tle maladies are floating around us
ready to attack • wherever there
is a weak point. We may escape
many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves
well fortified with pure blood and a
properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser-
vice tta.zette. Sold only in packets
labelled—"James Epps & Co. Homceo-
pathic Chemists, London, Eng."—Also
makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for
afternoon use. 482-52
Latest News Notes.
The Chinese and white- laborers are
leaving the railway tvorks inBritish Col-
umbia,in droves., It is said the Chinese
object to the payneent of the head tax,
and they can get higher pay on the
Oregon roads.
—The property at Portage la, Prairie
which is known ae. the "Island," con-
sisting of nearly si* hundred acres, last
week, fell tuader the auctioneer'e ham-
mer to a syndicate Of two or three
Portagers for the sans of $5 per acre.
This is considered 'quite a strike, as the
property is said to be worth ten times
the purchase monebe It 18 IIOW intend-
ed to have a portion of the property set
&pint for the purppse of a public park.
—The greet dog !fight for $5,000 a
side between Pilot i of New York and
Crib of Louisvilleo ok place on Wed-
nesday night at Si
ver Creek, Indiana.
A large crowd of , sporting men from
Louisville, New York and other cities
were present. William E. Harding of
New York acted as referee. Pilot won
in one hour and tWenty minutes, Mr.
Bergh, of the New York society for the
prevention of cruelty to animals, who is
new attending the animal convention of
• the humane society at Boston, sent a
telegram from the latter city to the
mayor of Louisville imploring him to
stopthe fight, but as the combat took
place in Indiana and not in Kentucky;
hisworship Was ilowerless to interfere.
--Parties recently returned. frorei the
N4thwest say the Syndicate are mak-
in gj extraordinarY use of the power
gitten by the terms of the contraot to
reject lands which they think not fairly
fit:for settlement They are evidently
determined to have the cream of the
Nerthweet, and are picking and choos-
ing to suit themselves. It seems the
country has no means of ascertaining
how mach land iS so rejected, as the
Government and the Syndicate keep
the secret between thena. This secrecy
is a source of danger. Locally the
effect is to prejudice the sale of Govern-
ment lands as being inferior to the
Syndicate lands and includ'ng what
they reject, A Searching investigation
should be had or this and other fea-
tures of Ministerial and Syndicate
crookedness when Parliament meets.
—A paragraphl appeared in Mie Free
Press' a. few months ago to the effect
that certain prdperty belonging to a
lady teacher in eine of the • Winnipeg
echools, -which ha.d been purchased a
couple of years gefore for some $2,000,
had been sold 1 $11,000. The good
fortune of the I dy was thought to be
VD ranch beyon the ordinary lot of
school -teachers hat the item was quite
extensively cop ed by newspapers in
Ontario. The equel is equally inter-
• esting. In c nsequence of circum-
stances conne ted with the sadden
death of one of the purchaseiathe prop-
erty reverted td th.e lucky lady possess-
or, and since taat time it has continued
to inerease in, value with genuine Win-
nipeg rapidity. More than half the
amount then named is understood to
have been refu ed for less than half
the land, and tIhe whole of it is con-
sidered worth °t least 5115,000.
--James Br wn, is a young man from
Peterboro, and like a good many other
young men fro
he would go t
pile, On the
tions, to the serious prejudice of his
bodily well being. The only safe re-
sort is a tried and highly saiactioned
remedy. The credentials of Northrop
& Lynaan'S Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil
and Hypopthosphites of Lime and Soda
entitle it to the place it occupies, viz.,
that of th foremost cough medicine
vigors.nt sold on this con-
e testimony of veteran phy-
d a popularity based on
and lung i
Uncut. T
sicians, a
merit, conibine ,to give it the prestige of.
ae standard medicine. In cases of
asthma, weak chest and lungs, bron-
chitis, laryngitis and other, throat and
lung complants, it may be implicitly re-
lied upon. 710.b
e Given Away.
We can not help noticing the liberal
offer mad
by Dr. Ki
at E. Hie
get a trialbottle free of cost, if you are
suffering with Consumption, Severe
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis,
Hay Fever, Loss pf Voice, Hoarseness,
or any aff4ction of the Throat or Lungs.
It will poeitively cure yon. 714.52f
to all invilids and sufferers
g's New Discovery for Con -
Yon are requested to call
son et CO.'S Drug Store, and
Mothers t Mothers! Mothers 1
Are yon, disturbed at night and ,
broken of ypur rest by a sick child suff-
ering and crying with the exoruciating
pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at
once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's
Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the
poor little safferer immediately—de-
pend upon it; there is no mistake
about it. There is not a mother on
earth who has ever used it, who will
not tell you at once that it will regulate
the bowels, and give rest to the mother
and. relief and. health to the child, oper-
ating like mAgic. It is perfectly safe to
use in all cases, and pleaeant to the
taste, and. is the prescription of one of
the oldest and best female physicians
and nurses in the -United States. Sold
every where at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52.
Rest and Comfort to the
Brown's Household Panacea has no
equal for relieving pain, both internal
and external. It cures pain in the side,
back, or bowels, sore throat, rheuma-
tism, toothache lumbago and any kind
of pain or ache. It will most surely
quicken the blood and heal, as its act -
Mg power is wonderful. Brown's
Household Panacea, being acknow-
ledged asthe great i pain reliever, and
of double the strength of 'any other
Periocal Pillin
t-1 his valuable medicineie
unfailivg in the cure of all those painful and
dangeroes ieesees to which the female constitu-
tion is subject. It moderatee all excess ana re-
moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may
be. relied On. To married ladies it is peouliarly
suited. It will, in a ebort, time, bring on the
montlby petied with regularity. These pills
should not be taken by fereales during the first
three morithe of Pregraecy, as they are sure to
bring on Miscarriage, but at any ether thne they
are safe. In all OMB of Nervous and Spinal Af-
fections, Pains in the back and limbs, fatigueon
slight exertion, palpitation of the heart, hys-
terice and whites, theee pills will effect a cure
when all otiber means bave failed; and, although
a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel,
antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution.
Full dirt etione in the pamphlet around each
package, which should be carefully preserved.
Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 and
12i °exits far postage enclosed to Northrop &
Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general agents for the
Dominion, will insure a bottle contaiving over
30 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by
E. Hickton & Co., J. S. Robcrte and Lu.meden
& Wilson. 644-52
See to it. Zopesa, frein Brazil, will
cure the Worst ease of -Dyspepsia. A
single dose will relieve in a degree that
showe its wonderful curative powers,
and its peculiar action upon the Storta
ach and Digeetive Organs. It is a posi-
ive and absolute cure for Costiveness
and Constipation, acting in a remark-
able way `npon the system, carrying off
impurities. As a liver regulator its ac-
tions are mast renaarkable. It tones
and stinanlates the liver to action, it
corrects the acids and regulates the
bowels. IA few doses will surprise you.
Sample llottles 10 cents. 679.a
1Holloway's Pills.
• Important • for the delioate. It is
difficult rto determine which is the
more trying to the human constitution,
the damp, cold days of autumn and
winter, or the keen, dry;easterly winds
of spring. Throughout the seasons
good health may be maintained by oc-
casionalt doses of Holloway's Pills,
which purify the blood and act as
vvholesome stimulants to the skin,
stemach„ liver, bowels and kidneys.
This celebrated medicine needs but a
fair trial to convince the ailing and de-
spondent that it will restore and cheer
them without danger, pain or incon-
venience. No family should be with-
out a suPply of HOloway's Pills and
Ointment, as by a timely recourse to
them the first erring fuiaction may be
reclaimed, suffering may be spared, and
life saveil. 712.5.
Catarrh, Astl-Inr'la and Co -ugh.
elixir or aliment
be ineevery family
wanted, as it reallyi
the world for cra
and pains and aches of all kinds, and is
for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a
bottle. 692-52
the world; should
andy for usek when
the best remraly in
ps in the stomach,
Vegetable Discovery.
Heartburn, oppression at the pit of
Mao stomach, and the attendant annoy-
ances of constipation and biliousness,
combine to render the dyspeptic utterly
wretched. But there is, if he will but
take advantage of it, a source of relief
from all this misery. Northrop & Ly -
man's Vegetable Discovery and Dys-
peptic Curesis, as its name imports, a
botanic preparation, free from mineral
poison, and an all -sufficient remedy for
indigestion in its most Obstinate form.
It not only enriches,the blood by en-
abling the digestive organs to convert
the food received into nutriment, but
depurates it by increasing the action
of the bowels and kidneys, the natural
outlets for its impurities. Mr. George
Tolert, druggist, Gravenhurst, Ont.,
writes : "My customers who have used
your Vegetable Discovery and Dyspep-
tic Cure say that it has done them more
good than anything they have ever
used." 723-4
that vicinity, thought
Manitoba. and make his
ay out, as the train was
sissippi at LaCrosse,Wie-
cousin, he suceeeded in backing off the
car,3and was PInngedover the bridge
into the raging flood forty feet below.
It was nig - —black as Erebus, and he
feIt somewhat disconcerted at the sud-
den turn events had taken. He tried
to remember a prayer, but couldn't, but
being a good swimmer, struck for the
pier of the bridge, which he succeeded
ge.ining. rp this he clambered but
'STRAY HEIFER— $2 Reward—strayed from
,Winthrop, about the lst of October, a tyear-
ling heifer, roan color. Any person giving such
information at the Winthrop P. 0, as will lead
to her recovery will receiye'a reward of $2. 724-4
V STRAY HEIFER—Carne into the premises of
-d-a the undersigned abotit July last, a two year
old heifer, red with white spote horns rather
[Treading. The owner is requested to prove pro-
perly, pay charg,es and take her away. DANIEL
McGREGon, JR., Conetance P. 0. 724x4
ESTRA.Y STFER-Came into the premises of the
tinder sit ned, Lot 26, North Emit, Boundary,
Ueborne, ebout (he 184o1 October, a red yearling
eteer. T1 e owner oan have the same on proving
propeety and paying charges. S. HORTON. 724x4
TRAYED CALF—Caine into the premises of
te" the undersigned, Lot 22, Concession 5, Stan-
ley, about the 184of September, a last spring's
heifer calf. The owner can have the same on
proving property and paying charges, on applica-
tion to the undersigned,Constance P.O., or on Lot
10, concesfeion 6, Hullett, where the animal can
be seen, TRONAS MILLS. 723x4
Prone C. W. Thomas, Battleboro',
Vermont. "For ten or twelve years
past I have been troubled ranch of the
time with Catarrh, which has kept up a
continual irritation of the throat and
lungs, attended with a severe cough.
During this time I have tried many of
the popular remedies of the day with-
out thelleast benefit. The past winter
I commenced the use of Dr. Wistar's
Balsarni of Wild Cherry, the beneficial
effects of which have been very great,
as afterhaving used ti,ree bottles I find
myself entirely cured of my disease.
The Batheam has also been used in a
severe ease of asthma and cough which
came Within my observation, which
yieldedj at once to the remedy. I re-
commend its nse to the afflicted gen-
erally.' 50 cents and $1 a bottle. Sold
by all druggists. 710.52
What's in a Name
The Ivirtue of most of the patent
medicines with which the market is
flooded lies in the name, but the virtues
of Burdock Blood Bitters lie.in the fact
that they cleanse the blood of impuri-
ties, and cure dyspepsia, biliousness
and indigestion. Price $1, trial bottle
10 cents: 724. .<
Worthy of Praise.
As a rule we do not recommend !pa:
tent medicines, but when we know of
one that really -is a public benefactor,
and does positively cure, then we con-
sider it our clutY to impart the infor-
mation to all. Electric Bitters are
truly a most valuable medicine, and
-will surely cure Billiousness, Fever and
Ague, Stomach, Liver, and Kidney
Complaints, even where all other reme-
dies fail. We know whereof we speak,
and can freely recommend them to all.
—Exch. Sold at 50 cents a bottle by
E. Hickson & Company. 714.52.6
A Physical Wreck.
A hacking cough saps the 'physical
constitution, not alone becauseit de-
stroys the tissue of the lungs and de-
velops tubercles which corrode and de-
stroy them, but also because it ruins
rest and impairs digestion. How im-
portant, therefore, is a resort to judi-
1 cious medication to stay its ravages. A
total physical wreck must inevita,bly
ensile without this. In the choice of a
remedy tne pulmonary invalid ie some-
times misled by specious represent -
Burdock Blood Bitters -
Cures all diseases of the blood, liver
and kidneys, female complaints,nervons
and general `debility, and builds up the
entire system when broken down by
disease. 724
p OOMS TO LET.—Four large rooms to let over
Killoran dt Ryan's Liquor Store. Apply to
THOS. D. RYAN. 723
TO IVIECHANICS—For sale cheap a boiler and
8 horse power engine, together with turning
lathe, saws and all other turners' toolit Apply to
CHAS. TROYER, Hills Green. 725x4
, -
TO THE LADIES—A full Stock of Goods now
on hand at Miss McDonald's Berlin Wool
and Fancy Goods Emporium, East side Main
Street, next door to P. McGasey's and directly
opposite John Logan's Grocery store. B. Mc -
DONALD. 725-4
It' STRAYS—Came into the premises of the un-
dersigned, Lot 30, Concession 2, Tucker -
smith, about the end of August, a sheep, wether.
The owner may have the same on proving pro-
perty and paying expenses. Jett. CRICII. 724x4
V STRAY RAM—Canie into the premises of the
undersigned, Lot 1, Concession 9, Hullett,
aboot the last of August, an aged grade ram. The
owner can have the same by proving property and
e eying charges. GEO. 'WEEKLY. 725x4
ESTRAY HEIFER—Came into the premises of
the undersigned, Lot 80, Concession 9, Hib-
bert, abent the let of October, a red and white 2
year old heifer. The owner can have the same on
proving property and paying charges. WM. MOB -
BISON. 724x4
I3uck1en's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the -world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt 'Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns,' and all Skin Erup-
tions, and positively cures Piles. • It is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or mo ey,reftinded., Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by E. Hickson & Com-
pany. 714-52
Eclectric Oil.
-Li- diet ely, a competent person to take charge
o f a house and family, the 3 oungest ef which is
8.years of age. Applysto the undersigned, Lot 2,
Conte& i012 16, Grey, or it by letter to Walton P.
0. PETER WATSON. 726x4
lel- sale, a two year old heavy Draught Gelding,
sired by an Imported horse, and weighs 1,300
pounds. Well broke to harness and perfectly
sound. Will be sold cheap as the owner has too
many horses. Apply on Lot le Concession 2
Grey, or to Brussels P. 0. DUNCAN McLAUGH-
-fis STRAY CATTLE—Strayed from Lot 7, Con-
cetsicn 13, Tuckersmith, about the 184 of
October, a red two year old steer with white star
on forehead, and a black two eear old heifer with-
out any marks. Any information that will lead to
the recovery of these animals will be suitably re-
warded. JOHN ATEXANDER, Chiselhuret Post
Office. 724x4
ESTRAY LAMB—Came into the premises of the
undersigned, Lot 6, Cone,essi on 1, L. R. a,
Tuckertmith, about the middle of August, a spring
la mb. The owner is requested' to prove property,
pay expenses and take it away. ROBERT Me -
ARTHUR, HgnsallP. 0. 725x4
V' STRAY STEER --Came into the premises of
-1-4 the undersigned, Lot 23, Concession 13, Mc-
Killop, some time during the last summer, a
white yearling steer. The owner can have the
same on proving property and paying charges.
V STRAY CA TTLE—Strayed from the premises
of the undersigned, near Rodgerville, about
the roiddle of October, a steer and a heifer bath
coming 8. The heifer is of a red cola, with .
sprinkling of white hairs, The steer was of grey
color. Any person giving such information ae will
lead to the recovery of these animals will be
[pliably rewarded, and any person found harbor-
ing them from this date will be prosecute d as the
law direct e. WM. ELDER, Rodgerville P0. 726
Joseph Rusan, Percy, writes—"I was
inducbd to try Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil for a lameness which troubled rae
for three or four years, and I found it
the best article I ever tried. It has
been a great blessing to me." 691-52
HOTEL FOR SALE.—Mr. Carmichael offers
for sale the Mantitn Hotel, Seaforth, on
easy terms. This is a three story first-class brick
building, commodious, and most con.veniently
constiucted fer commercial purposes, and the best
stand in the country. ROBT. CARMICHAEL'
TO SHEEP BREEDERS—The undersigned will
keep during this season on Lot 16; Conces-
sion 2, 11. R. S., Tucker smith, a pure bred South-
down Ram, and will receive a limited number of
good ewes for service. Terms 81 per ewe-. TOHN
CUFFOLK PIG — The undersigned will keep
during the present season at his place in
Hills Greco, it Thoroughbred Suffolk , Boar. He
is from the celebrated herd of M. Leslie of
Toronto, and is a splendid animal. Terms—$1
per sow, with the privilege of returning if neces-
sary, payable at the time of service. CHARLES
TROYER. 725-4
Eclectric Oil.
"It is a Great Public Benefit."—
These Itignificant , words were used in
relation to Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil
by a gentleman who had thoroughly
tested its merits in his own case—hav-
ing been cured by it of lameness of the
knee ,of three or four years' standing.
It never fails to remove soreness as well
as laineness. 691-52
' Teaberry.
"Must say it's the nicest thing I ever
used for the teeth and breath," says
eve* one having tried "Teaberry," the
new toilet gem. Get a 5 cent sample.
Ortt. W31. COX, Proprietor. This is one of
the Quietest, Most Comfortahle and Best Con-
ducted Beteli in the Province. The Rooms are
c orate c lie and the Table anti Bar libel ally
supplied. Good stablingin connection. 835-62
(.1 ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solicit
•-d tors, ttet., Goderich, Ontario.—J. T. darneow.
Wm. Proudfoot. 686
AMERON , HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers,
\-/ Solicitors in Chancery, &c.. Goderioh, Ont.
M. C. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cm -
TT W. C. MEYER, Berrieter and Attorney at
-Li- • Lew, Solicitor in Chancery. Commissioner
for taking aftidavite in the Province of Manitoba
Solicitor for the Bank of Hamilton, Wingham.
Private funds to loan at 6i to 6i per cent. 633
BENSON & MEYER t Barrister e and Attorne3
-KJ at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Insolvency
Conveyancers, Note -Agee Public, etc. offices—Bea
f orth and Brnsaels. $28,cloo of Private Funds to
Investat once, at Eight peroent. Interest.payable
yearle Commiesioner for taking Afildavito for
us e in the Courts of Manitoba.
The above firm has thie day been dissolved by
mutusl coosent. All accounts due tho firm to
be paid to Mr. Benson who will payl all liabil-
1 It C'S T EA , N. D. C 31., sr d M. C. P. and S.,
CD t. C n (tette tt Queen's University, King -
toe 1 ) e • isr , S. ge on tied Accouchenr.
n e •( Dr.lain, Ont. 11..A.11 calls
c ciz:w pit n ptle, et tended to. 715x8
p R JAMES H. DUNCAN, Physician, Surgeon,
and Accoucheur. Office, Dr. Campbell's,
Main Street, South, near Grand Trunk Railway
Station. All calls, night or day promptly attend-
ed to. te. 724
GOOD PIGS—The undersigned will 'keep during
the present season at hie farm near Rodger-
ville in the township of Usborne, two thorough
bredBerkehire Boars. They are both from Mc -
Arthur's herd. the celebrated pig breeder of Lobo.
They are not of kin. Terms—$1 per sow with
the privilege of returning if necessary. WILLIAM
ELDER. 721
SUFFOLK PIG—Samuel Bannia has purchased
1r m the eel( brated pig breeder, McArthur of
Lobo, a therein hbred Suffolk Boar pig, which he
will keep for the improvement of stock at hie saw
mitten the 9th Concessuen of the township of Hay.
This pig is a splendid animal. He took third
prize at, the Provincial Exhibition over a large
number of other good animals, and first prize at
tbe Zurich Show Terres — $1 payable at the
time of service with the privilege of returning if
necessary. SAMUEL RANNIE, Proprietor. 722
" • Comity of Hu
parte of the Comet
eostroe Office -will
1- G. SCOTT, M. D. &c, Physician,Surgeon and
" • Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and resit
d en ce Routh side of Goderich Street, second door
east of Presbyterian Church. 342
enced Alleti011eer for tht
on. Sales attended in all
. All orders left at the Er-
e promptlyattended to.
CR. COOPER, B ussele, County Auctioneer.
• Sales of all descriptions promptly at-
tended in any part of the county on reasonable
terms. Orders left at the office of the Hugon
EXPOsIToR or addressed to Brussels, will receive
prompt attention.
TT L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M.. Physician, Sur-
-1-1" • geon , etc.,Coroner for the County of Huron.
Office and Residence, on Jarvis street north,
directly opposite Seaforth Public School.
w M. HANOVER, M.D.. C. M., Graduate of
ill Uniyersity, Physician, Surgeon an d
Accoucheur, Seaforth,Ont. Office and Reeirlence,
-N oith sidt Godench Sttett, first Brick Rotate
east of the Al ethodiet Church. 496
A LEXA.NDERDELGETTY, Licensed Auction-
." eer,DIcKillop. Special attention g:ven to
sales itif I.anded Properly, Farm Stock and
Implentents, All orders left with the under-
signed at Walton P. 0., or Lot 14, con-
cession 14, will be promptly attended to. Sale
bills, notes and stamps furnished if required.
aLEX.pELGETTY, Walton. 639
Dre HUTCHINSON, Graduate of McGill Col.
lege, Montreal, Licentiate of the Royal Col-
lege of Phyticians, Edinburgh, and late House
Surgeop of Craiglookhart Hospital, Edinbu, gh.
Office—Bluevale, Ont. 686-52
Nov. 27, 1876.
. Air BTIGOIN, L. D. S., Surgeon
Dentist, Graduete of the
4 tail "A" R oy al College of Dental Surgeons,
Canada. Successor to H. Derby -
re. Office—In the Whitney Block, Main
eet , See th. Office hours -8 A. M. to 6 P.M.
Scott's Block, Mai
WATSON &DERBYSHIRE, Dentists, Gradua-
tes of R. C D. S.'Toronto. Rooms over
Johnston Bros., Meyers Block, Seaforth. Watson
Faculty and College Gold Medalist. Noels --
Teeth removed easily by the aid of Nitrous Oxide
Gas. 723
Street, Seaforth.
COLICITORS for the Consolidated Bank of
Canada and the Canadian Bank of Commerce
in Seaforth.
Farm and Town and Village Property bought
and sold.
Morey (privete funds) homed on mortgage se -
curiae s, at reationable rated of hit crest. Charges
Money invested for private persons upon the
b est mortgage securities, without any expellee to
the lender.
TO RENT—eTo rent a new brick store, in a good
business stand in Brussels. Well finished in
every respect. For particulars apply to C. R.
COOPER, Land Agent. Brussel, P. 0. t 723
(.TORE TO RENT—To rent No 2 storein Cady's
, Block, Main Street, Seaforth. This store is
neatly finished, and is one of the very best busi-
ness stands? in Seaforth. Apply next door to
TO WHOMn ILLY CoNGEEN—I am charged by Mr
Robert McNaughton, through his Solicitor,
with having said that he set my buildings, lately
consumed, on fire, thereby imputing to him a
serious crime. I scarcely know what I said, as I
was very much agitated by my loss, but I are
satisfied that' anything imputing blame to Mr.
McNaughton was wholly without foundation. I
regret having hastily used language which I can-
not justify, and which so seriously reflected upon
Mr. McNaughton's character, and 1 trust that
this apology, (published at my expense,) ma.y be
at least as far reaching as my inconsiderate and
nnjustifiable words. Seaforth, Sept. 28th, 188L
.N; TTERMAN. Witness, F. Holmested. 725-4
TO LET—Six rooms over A. 0. Ault's Grottery
Steve, Seaforth. eilitable for dress makers
o r private dwelling, witb h ont and rear. eutra.nce.
Apply to,A. G. kuLT, Proprietor. 693
It OR SALE—A story and a half house on the
corner of John and High streets, contaioing
every convenience for family use, in one of
the most central localities of the town as regards
churches, markets, schools and business centres.
Hord and soft water on the premises. A fine
lawn with choice shrubbery, the whole enelosed
by a handsome wire fence. Also barn
with stabling for cow and horses. For further
particulars apply to W. S. ROBERTSON, Sea -
forth. 720
Every Saturday limn NEW YORK and
GLASGOW (via Londonderry) and LONDON
Dirr Liverpool, Londonderry, Glee.
of Europe. Fares is low as
any other treaclass line.
Prepaid Pe.ssage Certilleates leaned to permit,
wishing to bring out theirfriende.
T he Passenger accommodation of Anchor Line
Steamers are unaurpaesed for elegance and eotn-
At the Post Offiee,Sertforth
5o. Apply to
"fi'd OR MANY Years Fgrnordville, has rented
-I: the Waggon Sheet beleeging to Mr. William
Gr assie, on Market Street, Seaforth, and aril •
hereafter can y on the
Waggon and Carriage Making Busi-
ness in all its Branches.
Be can guarantee Food work, and that none but
the best of material will be need.
promptly attended to, and neatlyand cheaply
FAB IR ER SI' A TE S—He will also keep
on hand a Good Stock of Fainters' Gatee. Give
him n trial.
716-18 WM. RUDD.
THE Pioneer Photographer of Seaforth,haaing
gone through the fiery ordeal, is.now running
, again in full blast, in:his new and commodious
premises in Seott'e Block. This is the oldeet
Gallery in this _section, and has been thoroughly
refitted and equipped with all the latest appli-
ances and scenic effects specially for the aceom.
modation of Mr. Calder'e large and increasing
trade. Having now got into one of the hand-
somest and moat completely furnished galleries
in the west, be is now in a better position than
at any previous time to turn out all work in the
Photographic line entrusted to him in a superior
manner, at the lowest living profit, and on the
shortest possible notice. A. call is cordially so-
licited from all.
692 A. CALDER, Scott's Block, Seaforth.
At Montreal, (Quebec,) Hamilton, (Ontario
Cincinnati, (Ohio,) S3racuse, (New York,) and
Deavenport, (Iowa,) Exhibitions, for Excellence
and Superiority over all Competitors. The
Cheapest and Best Fencing in the World
Adopted and in use on 19 Railway Lines in the
United States and Canada. See that our trade
mark, "Lyman Barb," is stenciPed on each
reel. Ruy DO other, send tor prices and circu-
lars to \\ M. ROBERTSON & Co, Hardware
Merchants, Seaforth, Sign of the Circular Saw,
Montreal '725-3
• PURHEY—For sale on reasonable terms 5,
valuable house and lot in Harpurhey. The lot
consists of about an acre and a half of good land.
Also a good bearing orchard and a first-clasewell
of pure water, a barn, stable, driving shed and
wood shed and other conveniences. Within
about 1 mile of Seaforth, and it is connected with
a good sidewalk to the town. This is a good
place of residence for a retired farmer. For par-
ticulars apply, to the proprietor on the premises.
FARM FOR SALE—Valuable farm of 100 acres
for sale in the township of Tuckersinith,
County of Huron, being Lot No 4, Concession 10,
II. R. S., about 75 acres cleared and the remain-
der in good hardwood bush. Soil clay loam.
Four and a half, miles from the thriving town of
Hensall, 8 from Seaforth and 10 4rom Exeter.
There is on the premises a good barn 49x56, with
stables below. A comfortable dwelling 18x26.
A young orchardof over 50 choice young fruit
trees. For particrilars apply to JAMES BURNS,
Greenbank P. 0., Ontario County. 724
After Taking.
vous Debility and all Nervone Affections, in-
cludin g 13 perm atorrItc a, Seminal weaknet s, ect.,
resu ts of Self-abuse, indiscretion, &c.,
only remedy which has evrr been known to per-
manently core Palpitatirn and other affections
of the Beset, Cot enmption in its earlier stagee,
Rusblng of blood to tl e bead, wind in the
stomach, lndigatien, Loss of Al emory, Want of
energy, Bashfulness, Desire for tolitude, Indis-
position to labor on acconet of wealn, se, Uni-
versal Le teilude, Ittein in il;e beck, dimness of
vision, Fl EMIL t 'a re ohl age ecL Full particulars
in our pamphlet, which we send securely sealed
on receipt of a three ceot etterop. The Specific
is now [old ty all Pi utgitts at $1 per package,
or 6 fa 5, cr alt be Fent flee by mail on
receipt of Money, by addreeeing 689
VARM IN HAY FOR SALE.—For sale Lot 28,
Coecessien '7, Hey, containirg 100 acres, 57
of which are c eaied and in a gcod state; of culti-
vation. The balance is well timbered. There are
good outbuildirge, and a Igick house with good
cellar ; alto a young orchard. There are 10 acres
of fall wheat sown. It is well situateddor Reboots,
churches and markets, and will be sold on very
easy terms. Apply to' DAVID RIFE, Hills Green ;
P. 0. JOSEPH RIFE, Pioprietor. 719 '
tfi• ARM FOR SALE.—One hundred acres, more
-A: or less, Itot 19, Concession 2, Stanley, County
of H =OP within 2 miles of Brucefield, and 2 of
Lot di -n, 13uron & Bruce Railroad, and 6 of Clin-
ton. 10 of d od bush
Ninety acres green
&asoil y loam, to a high state of cultivation, well
-w at ered, gccd brick house 26x36, frame barn 36x
56, frame shed 26x80. Apple, pear, and peach
orchard of 4 acres in good bearivg. Terms reason-
able. For further particulars apply to the pro-
prietor on the pi emises ox to Biuceteld P. 0.
eae-t000tteeetoeaooteessae se..7-77:dadtatee
TH1S Great Household Medicine ranks amonget
it the leading necetsaries of, life. These fa-
mous Pills verify the Blood, and act most power-
fully,' 3 -et sootbingly, on the Liver, Stomach,
Kidneys and Bowels, giving tene, euergy
vigor to then great nein et /doge of life. They
are confideetay rroorprnerv ed aa 5 r ever failing
cm edy in e't! ci at a v e tle con s itn iu, fre3D
whatever cense, h .s berome inal aired or weaken-
ed. Tbey ere wonderfelly effatoitious in all ail
ments incident al to Fen:ales of all ages; and se
e. General reoni13 Medicine, are unsurpassed.
HER.31.0.1V WELL, Proprietor.
A. GOOD Stook of Harness of all kinds always
on hand, together with everything else be-
longing to the business, which will be sokl
cheaper than ever.
Specially low prices given to newly married
couples re quiring furniture. Call and see my
Stook and prices before purchasing elsewhere, as
you will a aye money by doing so.
893 1TF,RMON WELL, Zurich.
ILondon, Huron and Bruce.
Goma., NORTH— Express. Mall. Exprese.
A.M. P.M. P.M.
London, depart 7 40 2 20 6 26
Centralia 8 40 8 25 7 28
Exeter 8 62 8 88
Hensall .. .. .. .... . 9 05 852
Kippcn 911 1357
Brucefield 9 21 4 07
Clinton 9 39 4 23
Lon deeboro. ..... 9 58 4 41
Blyth 10 06 450
Balgrave 10 24 5 06,
Winghant, arrive 10 45 5 25'
GOING 8015TH— Mail. Express. Expresa,
A RTE UR FORBES, the old established Lir.-
erym an, keeps the best and most stylish riga
and the best driving horses in the business.
Neat a nd Nobby Cutters, handaome and com-
fortable Robes, and fast and saf horses always
on hand.
A very handsome family sleigh for one or two
Day and night calls promptly attended to.
Good driving horses bought and sold.
Willson's Agticultural Wazerooms, Seaforth.
T HIS rew Company , foimed for the purpose of
etti g French Ca eital in Canada, is now
pr coaled to a dvance ram ey on the most favorable
te ims On pc od landed peculities: M HAYES,
A gent for County of Huron, Seaforth. 699
7 40
7 69
8 08
8 45
8 62
Wingham, depart.... 7 00
Belgrave . 7 18
Blyth 785
Londeeboro...; 7 44
Clinton 8 02
Brucefield..... . .. . . 8 20
Kippen 8 80
Hensall 8 86
Exeter. .... 8 52
Centralia 9 02
London, arrive10 05
P.M P.M.
257 620
805 688
388 ' 704
854 724
407 743
415 759
420 808
482 825
442 84
535-10 10
Grand Trunk Railways
Traine leave Seaforth and Clinton Stations*
• Express. ..... ....2:17 P. M.
Its searching and healing properties are known
throaghout the world. Ftr the cure of bad legs,:
bud bleatts, old wounds, sorca and ulcers, it iS
all infallible temedy. If effeernaEy tubbed on
the neck and sheet, as salt into meat, 1.: cores
Sore 'I hroat, I' ialtherit ,Brenshitie,Coughs,Colde,
and even Asthui a. For Glandt lar swellings, Ab -
ceases, Pit s, Fist ula s, Gout, Itheumatiem, and
eery kind of stile disease, it has never been
1, known to fail The Pine and Ointment aremanu,
I lectured only at I 5:13,0xforri St rect,London7, la 121.3521 e
sold by all eore of liedieint s throughout the
Civiliztd -.Vorla ; N4 igl airections for use in al-
most every language. i'llnrchrisers should
look to the lal el on tbe pots and, lxmes. If the radedropesusriiosalor 583, Oxford Street, London, they
Express 855 P. M.
Mixed Train......9:15 A.M.
Mixed Train. ...... 5:40 P.M.
Express . . . A M.
Express Train.....1:10 P. M.
Mixed Train......4:45 P. M.
Mixed Train... .10:50 A.M.
2:40 P.M.
9:15p, M
10:00 A.M.
6:15 P. It'
7:30 A.M.
12:45 P.M.
4:15 P. M.
10:00 A.M.
Great Western Railway.
Traitsleave Brussels station, north and south
as under:
Mimed , 9:45 A. M. Accom .......5:50 A. M.
IAccorn ..... 2:37 P. M. Accom 12.16P.
Acoom... ..... 916 P . M. Mixed , ..,....8:00 P . itX
teat tedettettetettesese