HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-11-04, Page 1— , ¢ . I - _� � j -!.. + .. - 1 .j r iy,haQe �_ fob ?fend c a . - . -ro ­', -11 1. y 1.. . J s .0/ . I I I :.I'- OurV / i _ /�i , T 3V11i) - .4 l _ i - s I E 1.T I',est ===: __. McLEgN BROS., Pub3isherel. �ot����1 TH -g SEAFORTH, FRIDAY', 11I4�'E�VIBER '1' 8i. W$OIr } N R, 7Z6. � g X1.50 a Year, in Advance. F two ! I . ' se - , Car fol Obaerver't� Re 1 to What a noble re'solntion 1 How I do' - Canada,. now rented :,he f rm for $120 per year, latter also contained a draft for £100. the drought, as a consequence of whish (� A �' t Reply ! from a number of -lo_gs of this year a - drive O VER v Mr. Love• wish be had stuck to- it ; but, alas ! it is I Diphtheria of a fatal -character and bought a o her with twenty aeras He started for New York at once, Gu,. cleared on whI h she is going to live. which place he sailed on Saturday for were bung up. _These will be ITbated MR, EDITOR , -131R: : Mr..Love'a last with my friend as with thonsanda of, prevails at Ottawa.. _ This is but one. instance of many others Ireland to take possession of his prop- down next season, Pricpa have an up- - � . others who trust merely in their own —The Canada Pacific Railway has ward tendency, partly owing to the in- letter fuUv demon trates that there ie of a similar ah r ter. arty, P y g - strength,, Noble resolutions are formed; purchased the Prescott and Ottawa � I very little in a na e. I expected if he I —It is said that owing to a marked —A terrible accident happened about creased demand, partly to the enhanced only to be broken, and how true Is the' Railway. o durin two weeks a o near Pilot Mound, Mani- cost of production on account of the deigned to reply to my lettere, he ss, in that the road to Hades is paved fall in the level of Lake Ontari g g --i-- would da so in at amiable, loving man- y g P —A man named John McKenzie was' a 1en eriod, the harbors slang its lobs, Mr, Talbot Wood, son of Mr. rise. in wages, and in the prices of anp- net, according to' the name he bears, with good, resolutions. My friend pro- killed in the London insane asylum by g P shores, and especially that of T routo, George Wood, collector for the munici- plies. h fessea to be a free trader pare and aim- a fellow *patient. F y I! blit your readers will - agree with me le, and is not afraid to expound and are being seriousl threatened. , � -What pality of Louise, got up on s threshing —James Howard, the man charged when I say there is everything in his P P —The town of Berlin. now asks for g Y defend its principles, although he . is connection with the Credit Valley Rail- is the sense of 'this decrease is :hardly machine to oil some of the gear- with shooting Mr. Bell iii gt. Thomas, letter but pure love. Judging by the sufficient) clear,. ing, when he slipped and fell into the on the night of the fire oil the Whitwam only a common, humble farmer, andl way -by way of- Galt. 1. y x.� tone of his remarks, I fear he is , a poor, 'en in education. Now, put into —The surveys !and soundings o1l the cylinder.. He was most terribly mang- factory, September 16th, appeared be- _ SM IT H 'FEST` sadly deficient � —The electric light is being p g 'S , poor Reformer, and a poorer Christian, don't think rri friend is a fres .trader new relive bridge over .the kt haw- led, one leg being torn off below the lore Judge Haghea, His Honor repri- y the Canada Southern station and work- Y young. mantled the prisoner ve several and { } When I smote him on the one cheek, and he could not expound, far •lase dei reuse, west ofh Victoria bridge,12on- .knee. The unfortunate can man P y, , I he certainly did not give me the chance P a hum shops at st. Thomas. , _ treal, are be0 r�pidly pushed forward, only lived a few hours, when death re- said he would just as soon see a mad i - l' to smite him on the other, as I fall in- ,fen.d its principles. Neither is he —His Excellency the Governor Gen Y . ble farmer. The fact is,, the want o and it is expected .the engineer -in -chief lieved him from his suffering. dog let loose on the street as the man . tended; but at once challen ed me to a oral leaves Ottawa on Friday, 4th fust„ g humility ism friend's rest besetting for xebec en route to England. will be in a position to make his report —The Methodist Ministers' Asaocia- before him, and .in this case be believed .. Are Offering; an m418nse Assortment ersonal conflict. This I object to, for y Y g Q g tion of Montreal have passed a series of P l sin. He reminds me greatly of the as to the site in few da �. P prisoner shot at Mr. Bell with intent to Of th=ree reasons: 1st, I have nothing per- 8 Y —Forty clerks are employed in the �`' Apostle Peter, who professed such offices of the Canada Southern Railway —Mr. Ewen McPherson, o! Lang- resolutions disavowing the views at- do him bodily herrn. Prisoner was aonal to fight my friend about; 2nd, It rest thin s, but who, before the cock side, Kinloss tbvdnship, recently let a tribnted to the Methodist oletgy by the sentenced to the Penitentiary at Kings- } g g depot at St. Thomas. F- ton to serve a term of ten years at hard would not be edifying to your readers ; crew, denied his Master three times. valuable shee It was not missed Rev. Dr. Burns on the theological to 3rd, It would not be allowed in Ta$ —T. J. Bell, of Dundas, has returned p - My friend .protested that he would not from his anti -Scott Act cam ai n in from the flock, but after some time had Ica of inspiration, atonement, and retri- labor. The mpther of Howard appear- EzroslxoR. My friend is altogether too coma down tom low level in attacking P g elapsed it was found with its head bution. The hope is expressed their ed in court, and on sentence being Z. sensitive. He ought to know that after Y g Welland, and is sure the Act will be de- P g P j g give pronounced gave way to a fit of weeping. �' is OVER- g any of the political worthies, but before fasted. firmly wed ed etween the ro actin the Rev. Dr. Barns will ve anch an NEWS, YOUTHE" 0 his letters are published, they become rails of a fence the body being partially expanded explanation of his recent 'ATS• People have a perfect any cock had time to crow he stabbed During the present year over $300,- =Sonne in Toronto market • {'If public property. p P M. C. Cameron, h decomposed. statements as will satisfy the public , right to agree or di ee with him in my dear, dear friend, 000 worth of cattle, horses, sheep and P 1 yez are sellin thim chaps to day I'll g o . three times from behind my bank, using have been sold b the farmers of —In the via# nity of Sharbot Lake, that he does not hold the heterodox buy wan,'t observed hits. Mullaley, his views, and have even, the right to pigs y north of Sint , bears are reported to i opinions which- they seem to imply. criticize them favorably or nnfavor- three words that proves he has far more Elgin. g pointing to a tempting group of plump,: y --The Government at Ottawa lies be very nnmeons. The hot fires, in —About two weeks ago a man named yellow squashes. The huckster stated ably, anonymously or otherwise, so long learning than he would have us believe. the backwoods, that raged with such Ellis was shot near Stewart's Bay, the rice. Mrs,. Mnllaley seemed so confirmed Mr. Patton's seizure of the F { as the criticism is kept within the sub- Mr. Love does not seem to know that fur for weeks', drove them to the front, NipissinB district, by a companion, who well satisfled that she selected the s; j °'A a of Reason" and "Pocket The- Y ject matter contained in his letters. public men, their - sayings and doings, g and many have been captured. A few mistook him for a deer. They were biggest one in the dot, settled the bill I I must confess I ' owe my friend an are public property. That I have a ology. days ago Mr. `Phos. Keats killed one ` about 100 yards apart `when then w and marched -off with her prize. An . � s � . apology for referring to his age and per- perfect right to refer to them, and that —Ada Brown', whose death occurred Y g 4 . f' he Latest Styles, p° gY g P g in a hones of ill fame at Winnipeg,was weighing 450 penuda, was fired. The wounded man,wh route home she indulged in the follow- Tllec�e Goods, ° t y sonal appearance. M excuse is that I could do so even advereel ,and still —The annual s` Wirral hunt of the struck in the right breaist, walked about vel' be found both cheap and PP y the do hter of a ,Londoner and went q ing soliloquy : ''I' promised Dinnis if � . and theie are so few. -men or women who be one of their greatest admirers. The g m h Kinlough "Rangers" took place in the five yards, and said, "Norrington, you he'd kape sober for a week I'd buy him ,ti - . 'ale' ob'eot to bein mad can a sin.. I eat trouble with m friend is, that there from Guelph. townshi 'of Kii�loas on Friday, 21st have shot me, and then showing t j g @ y g g Y � —E. P.• Hammond, the noted evan- P Y a watermelon for his Sunday dinner. . did not think it would give offence ; the good hints I give him he will not ult., and was a j grand success, as the wound dropped dead. Mr. Ellie leaves He's been ' as good as his wurrud, an' and seeing that Mrs. Love -is so tickled take, but works himself into a rage over 9e list, is expected to commence a to- hns- r thought of. vival campaign in Hamilton on the large scores willshow. The side led by a wife and -,eight small children; the faith I'll be a» good as moire." over the Idea of having a young things I never said o g Captain Robinson summed up to. 1810 oldest 12 years, and the youngest „ 13 - band once more, he really ought not to third Sunday in November. shots, and that of the gallant Captain months old: —A surveying party organized by be dis leased. There are hnn.dreds of I believe the Hon. W. E. `Gladstone —The Harlan -Rosa race is not to —A well to do farmer, Mr. Hugh Geo. McPhillips, Dominion Land Sur- ' p Pendell to 1670: - men Tin Huron who have cross wives is the greatest -man this world° ever pro- take place this_ fall. Trickett is said —A few days Jago a thief entered the Peters, living in the vicinity of Harrow- eeyor, left Winnipeg on Monday, the ,. pule be only too lad that I would. duced, and I believe Hon. Alex. Me- to be eau t•oute for Toronto to arrange his ' who w Y g match with the champion. premises of Mr. j Robt. West, near Luck- smith, hada treasure of one kind or 28th alt., for the. purpose of surveying write a letter about them if for nothing Kenzie to be a good, honest man, but P —The cit of uebecs will lose in now, and stole from the stable two new another to the amount of over $1,000 in the first fifty miles of the Souris and , put 'their wives in good great and good as these men are, they Y Q bridles. A whi etree was also taken a cheat, which he kept in his bed -room. Rocky Mountain Railway. This road is �� ` alae than to p - RE,ADY M'AD:E SU ITS g do not possess the the gift of prophecy, direct and indirect revenue° about $250,- t a are. Mr. James On Thursday night last week, while to extend. from the line of the Canadian _ humor. But my principal reason for P g P from a wagon In h y 'n to his a was because there and got fooled in their predictions. I 000 from the decrease of shipping this Somerville's stable was also visited by the inmates of the house were wrapped pacific, at its eros®fug of the old bona- I`` referring age year as compared with last. something so mysterious &boat the mentioned this .fact as a warning to my Y P thieves later and a valuable pair o! in slumber, thieves .made their way to . eery' of the Province, to a point on the � a was spm g Y —The Marquis de Baseano, consul - but eater the intereetin and friend of to. o into the business last q Y the bed -room, via the cellar, eta., and Kittle Saskatchewan, abort two . of g g buggy lines taken. `_4 _ a all sizes and r he might, come to be known as t e general at Quebec, is said to be at ,.the -- A London; honaekee er, the other carried away the treasure boa, The three miles from Rapid City,and thence yor Mer► alfa Bogs in satisfactory. reasons my friend gives for g P , rices. term so los our false prophet of Hills Green." I ase d head of a gigantic sahPme for promoting C da purchased a pose on the market. neighbors' diligent searching has ao far oy way of.shal lake to Fort Ellice. It P having need the y Y l - emi ration from France to the North- Y P g readers. will be delighted to think his not say'I admire the character, elo She parried Dome the prize delighted revealed no trace of thieves or money. is intended to push the work rapidly chances are good to use it at -least forty gnenae and ability of the Hon. west. I g the arra is —The Great Northwestern Telegraph with the app rent plumpness and. good —Last Sunday morning at Chatham forward, and the expectation of the �_ I yearalonger. I am really pleased that Blake, and nobody regrets - I think he has nr8aed m e 1%ompany has done a wise thing in lean- weight of the jfowl. Her indignation a boy named Macmahon, about eight company is to have the first fifty miles — the mystery is -explained but m friend coursep wa8 rest, however, when, on cleaning years of age, while attempting to jump !finished by October, 1882. µ it is is a most is.-explained, thin than I do Still Canada may well feel ing an order that any employee found g Y • must adm g Y the bird its Crop was found filled with on a freight train at the station, was —A temperance mass meeting was s fi fora young an to use the term eight .proud that she has, produced a man so speculating in stooks will be instantly small stones and pieces of iron... run over, and had both legs crushed so . Y g earl in her. history so nearly the _equal dismissed. i P held in Welland on Sunday evening, years. before he is married. I admit, Y Y Y —The Gr nil Trunk Railway station severely Ghat one had to be amputated the churches suspending services and um- of the rent Gladstone, who, when —`�. D. Woodyatt, of Brantford, who and freight ed at Parkhill, with their 1 above the knee. Hopes of his recovery joining together. Mrs,. Yeomans, of LES & DOLMANS however, under the peculiar cera - g re a fell off, the ladder at the residence of g j g g D. MA ' T antes m friend hada erfect ri ht to about Mr. Blake's age, was consi�le ;, st y P g- at Mr. Batham last week, died on Sab- contents, were ideatroyed by fire about are entertained. Jumping on trains piston, addressed the meeting, and was _11A I use the term since he was eight months little erratic, and even daring the I five o'clock p. on Sunday last. The ! is a cdmmon Sunday pastime among g well received and patiently listened to 1 I old if he was that much older than his year the Dake of Argyle, a man lit le bath morning from injuries received by 1 I I ri r to Gladstone himself, with a far the fall. cense of the fir is not known, but it is some youths, but it is hoped this will ; by the people who com$eteIy filEd th® cousin. It certainly was of the almost infe o supposed to have ` started from spon- be a warning for them to desist and 'Large hall. The excitement increases In Fewest Pa: terns and Colorings' moxa illustriona name, was forced to =A cablegram from London says {{l importance that the individuality of the taneous co bllstion, as no one was spend their time in abetter way. as'the day •of voting approaches. The 14 bo Hugh should be kept clear and die- leave the Ministry, although. he had the Marquis of Lorne will spend two near_ the pre fes all day. On Sunday last while Mr. Henry licensed victuallers also held a meetin � _ ` 'act from all other •'Hu hs." Another supported his chief for thirty years, e- months in England, and on his return ! — Mrs. W e�( and family, of London Calver with his wife and children were an address being made by Mr. Bell, tI ­Hug hs." why I referred to his age : was cause of the erratic course he thought to Canada h® will be accompanied by : partook free y.bf sardines on Saturday I driving up Catfish Creek hill, near St. Y Princess Louise. followed by Mr, Gibson in the interests , because he had written letters so long Mr. Gladstone was pursuing on �he the t nighty. Shor�tI after they were taken , Thomas, the breast collar on the boraof the° temperance party, and repI;ied - and so often to the rasa without elicit- Irish question. It is the fault of, a , —The Rev. Wm, Hay, of Burford, ,with violent:vo icing and other symp- I pressed too tight on the animals throatto by �[r. Dodds. The attendance Was F _', P � has asst celebrated the 34th anniver- n any reply, that I thought it was be- great many good men to be erratic. , . ) toms of poisoning. After the Hanel. j and choked him so that he stagger�3 large, dose attention was Paid to all I g &ansa the critics looked on Mr. Love as Privately,I am inclined 'a little that ay 'eery of his pastorate. He has married remedies for poisoning were applied by and fell over an embankment about speakers and good order prevailed, ` f TB,U'Y GiODIDS out of are re- myself. ' If Mr. Charlton, Mr. Pat er- 315 couples, and has preached 8,840 a physician th' patients recovered, al- twenty feet, suffering no injury; the IT paY an old cid man, and p p y P Great interelst ;is being taken in the . ; spect for old age allowed him to write son and Mr. Cameron have .changed sermons. He has done well. though still :nffering from the bad occupantswere more or leas injured, question. ; `'it- ' fetters one week and contradict them their views on the trade question, I —Rev. Dr. 'Jenkins, of gt. Pauls' effects. + the child the worst, having had its the neat, without taking any notice suppose it is from honest oonvictidns. Presbyterian church, Montreal, was thi h broken. The bu was ball —Aa an. nstsnoe of anecssaful sheep- FROM— The have a erfect right to do ,"iso. presented with a purse of $1,000 and —Messrs. 1. & J. Groff, Elmira, thigh y g Mr. David L{er, of North 'C" whatever of his letters. Now, I think Y P g. Ont., were awarded 127 prizes in the wrecked. raisin I our readers will ea with me that I Perhaps I was wrong in insinpating his wife with a service of plate previous Hamilton —There is a wonderful outcome of Georgetown, fnxnishas a list of sales he Y er motive to Cameron. to theirdeparture for Europe tc�,live. cattle classes at the Toronto, «r have succeeded in dispelling any dein- ung improp and London has made his fall : sold a air of —Man farmers in the vicinity ofahibitions, and at the wheat from the Manitoba Mennonite P 3ions that might have existed in the I did not mean it. In fact, I have my Y y North Waterloo and Woolwich show. settlement just now. Their head man, shear -ling- ewes„ which took three $atone g rizes this fall, to Arthur Roberts of : ' �SZ' n one. M friend is a young doubts whether he does always look' to Port `Hope have not attempted to Of these 41 prizes were taken for Short- Kaiser Miller, 1&telt' signed s contract P '�' mind of a y y Y g gather in their turnip crop at all on Havelock, for $45.� From six ewes and man, read , a e, read and villin to his own interests. horn rages, and 33 for fat cattle. The to have his people deliver 40,000 bush - Y Y g account of the prevalence of rot. The total amount o prize. money received by els of wheat at $1 per. - bushel, at West their lambs I sold one ram lamb that very best of his P •, and prize. at the Count of defend himself to the rt' Ido not know what tempted me to i took � see s ,'� ! ability. odor from such fields is said 'to be very them was over! $1,300. Lynne. No fewer than 113 teams F Y y criticize my friend's letters, but it could disagreeable. Ch$tean ns, the district and Provn- -Mr. Huh Hamilton, Elora, hue loaded with wheat were counted the g Y} My friend says I am a poor observer, not have been the deoil, as I was aotu- —There have. been 363 cases of ty g I tial exbibition— rizes $14 ; sale 018— emit the fact that I did not aced b the ver beat and ores:; of received a letter from his sister in the other day between West Lynne and the P I 1-dI beg -to a Y Y P phoid fever in the city of Toronto since 3. Sold a ram lamb for $15 that g i would do im burnt Siatrictif Michigan, stating that first Mennonite village, a distance of $ � CLOT I '.R SEAFCRTH,- know but m friend was always at one motives. I thought t midsummer, with only 6 eraent a took 58 in rizsa $23. Sold a ram Y Y b An ordinar ercent a wo Ind fruit trees the e, which after the fire eight miles. The trail preae�ted the i P with the Reform party. This.ex .'explains good and make him more careful in fu- ams for $10 another for $8.60, another P Y P g deaths. Y P were leafless a d appeared to be dead a earance of a tremendous procession. n his brother ar- I PP ' # PF for $8, and two ewe lambs took first 1 `, • to my entire satisfaction the cause of tare, besides showi g be 16. At present there are close on 40 n a ere the should not take the flet have since biidded `and blossomed. —A male 'infant about a wehekr as prize at three how amounting to $20, . Has, Suet Wad p, their defeat at the last elections: Th mars that in m friend's letter I tees of even a they farmer on tryst. cases. John Garner was The" fall wheat looks well, and the i was left on the door -steps of t e P „_ is one paragraph"Y I —A man namedp y pp makinga sum total of $101,50, and don't like. He tries hard to play on Ithought there were a great many on- drowned in the new canal locks at sufferers by tie recent fire are begin- aidenee of Shipley A leford, a farmer have sn four lambs remaining. G x Win to be ore cheerful and settle of South Dorchester, one night last' �± the feelings of his brother Scotchmen, tradictions made and false posit ons Thorold about half- act one o'clock on g.11 D� aS�.i'�T�i G'a� F dawn to work week. Tied to a 'string around the _The funeral o! the late dames I FINE LO , b insinuatingthat certain pparties and taken ; besides I thought the w ,iter Saturdaymorning. His body was re- have child's neck were two crisp $10 bills, : . es commt the nn ardoiiable sin of clothed himself too much in his robes g —The Dominion Government F Holden, Managing Director of the cliqu P covered by the use, of grappling irons. slignes at the °' airty" and their Bible. of self-righteousness, and seamed to Li nor canaed it. granted to tY a widow of the late Mr, and a bundle of wearing apparel also Whitby, Port Perry. and Lindsay Rail= MoEberts $2 025. Deceased was an s►ccompanied the waif. A note stated way, who was taken ill and died in g P . This is done for cheap popularity; but have too exalted an opinion of his own Liquor company has been formed .u} that the'mother, who had been forced . diad Scotch clue r too shrewd to be eau ht infalliliilit . Ido think, Mr. E 'jtor, w York with a ca ital of engineer on the Cauda Pacific Railway, Manitoba, took place at Whitby on . "Ibraci ane , Scotchmen are g y „ di Whitehall, Ne p g g p offspring, Sunday. The body arrived by the I wish chaff. M�� friend tries to be funny you assumed a greet resgonsiblhty? In $1�000�p00� for the' purpose of handling and was killed by falling from a cliff to art with her offs ria ,would do and Witt but does not succeed. I not ublishin m criticism on hIe ec- while snrveyi g a route through one o� moreIt. for it in the spring. (,band Trunk, and was received at the I y publishing Y Canadian lumber. Hon. Mr, Burleigh the difficult saes. Of the sum $2,000 —Mr. Darley Beastly; the Brazilian station .by a large number of friends,Ir I never stated that the clergy lived on and letter. It might have helped my is President. The will o erate lar el P- 1 o such o have formed a ro er sti- Y P g Y represent an increase in salary he was consul -general, is visiting all the large and the_ Mayor, members o! the eorpor- I r u souls. No, no ; they live . on n friend t P p in the Ottawa district. - to and the balance is an ap- American and Canadian cities fol the ation, and citizens, The funeral was ! I TSE A�!':D. DARl�EY TWEEDS; nnau`bstan:tial food, neither are they mate of himself both in the- sigh of A ince of silk over fift arils entitled -n 3, — P Y y ro riation. pnrpoBe of securing their trade fc3r the the largest seen h Whitby for a quarter i i cannibals who actually . devour the God and man; and who knows but my valued' at $70, was found under the P P of a centore. inhere were between = i - ; J.cod M friend rnnst know that there dear friend mi ht have been led to past —Robert Sturgeon, of Bervie, was new French line of steamers to Wim- I y y g sidewalk on a street in Kingston. It was charged b License Inagector Argas menta running between Canada, Brazfil three and four thomsand pec le present. f - are clergymen who receive from $12,000 off his rags °f self -righteousness ands put one of a number of feces bur larized g y 30 000 r annum who never on the arc of humility so becoming in from & d coda establishment in that Stewart with selling liquor on two and France. The first one has le Seldom has there been such a spon- tiO $ ' g ry g separate occasions contrary to by-law. France and is now on its way to Brazil. taneoae manifestation of public respect _ - preach a sermon, but who are paid out us all, and more especially in an ��hiim- city. I P probably and of private grief as at the funeral of ., of the reveanes of the country. The ble farmer and poor scholar. ! He —The insane and criminal institn_ The c4se eam asp for trial on Tuesday She will robabl arrive at Halifax ! THE' HA DE PA RT MME E T last week, before Magistrates Macpher- abort the „middle of this month. James Holden for the loss of a worthy " } , I revenues come out, of the labor, and might also have been led to recog 'ze tions of Toronto are well patronized at son -and Barker, of Kincardine, when Coffee, sugar, tapioca, fuels -rubber, citizen; His !widow and IargeY family labor out of the bodies of .the people. the -correcting hand of his Maker, [and present. In the Mercer reformatory hair wool raw cotton, � i It appears to me that my friend is es- your humble servant as merely thej nn- there are 127 women and 20 girls. he was fined 20 and costa for the first tobacco, hides, , have the sympathy of the entire tom- ` ! ossein 1 low in his perceptive iacul- worth instrument in His hands as 'sin offence, and 40 and costa for the sec- mahogany and rosewood are the chief mnnity'. g Y _ P P Y g the asylum there are 682 pati nts. In ` I gE A COMPLETE. d has a most treacherous mem- the rod of correction. How air Lugo end, making iii all $73.80. articles to be carried. The line viii —Thieves and robbers a ear to be 1, I ties, an g the Central prison there are 315 con- —John McKillop, of Fingal, opal- open up a great market for fish. PP cry. Ile objectl to my connecting him that professors of .both politics and re- victs. Pf' Y e Hon. W. E. Gladstone in his li ion will not submit to be taste b 1-1 11 lenges any re4ident of the county of —About three o'clock 2sat Friday unusually bold and desperate just at with the g Should my —A man named Wm. P. Humphrey, Elgin to compete with him in the fol- morniDg a fire broke out in Mr. John the present time. Not & day passes I emigration scheme • but our readers their own professions. S y a troupe playing Uncle 1°win ams Standin urn ,three Wardlow's knittiBg factory at Galt, without bringing reports of sev- r t g Y connected with �h - will remember in one of his letters he friend's vanity lead hire to the old lace Tom's Cabin; ' was arrested Saturday g P It ir ` standing jumps, standing two hops and caused by the bursting of a coal oil eral robberies being committed stated he had travelled all over Scot- of punishment, or even to the #few, in Barrie for stealing a coat in Hewitt s lam used b the operatives, who have throughout the Province.' On Satnr- - led 'freely with the which I hope not, his blood be on . our a jump—with weights, running hop, p Y P , , ( t #rte to Regatta S ixts— , land, and had ming p f Hotel, Newmarket, the property of one u standing hi h jump, been working all night for some time day night last, near midnight, John i Gents' gC stn and j p, g 8 Thom son rocs keeper,: of St. Cath- <, farmers, and had found theta terribly head. , Heise. When arrested he was wearing rennin hi jump throwing; twelve back, owing to the press of business. started for his hem with a boa ` Perfect If'its issatisfied with their lot and condi- ' A CARZFUL OsssRviB. the stolen poet. and ham hammer, and throwing heavy The fire was speedily eatingnished by crines, st tion, and he kindly invited them all' to r, �� ' " nil [ED. NOTE.—Weare quite willing to —In accordance with the Minister o! hammer. the fire brigade, not, however, before, containing $7s, or $84 in bill$ and silver. . come to his country. My frie ' folders o! bills belonging to the Mr. Wardlow's valuable machinery, re- On the way he was attaaed by two 1 -T Y must be a=ware that his friend Glad- assume full responsibility for our acts, • Educations recommendation. to the A. LAgL.Y and we do not much fear the terrible Lientenant-Governor-In-Council, two Mechanics' B ask throughout the conn- cantly imported from England, had men, who knocked him down and beat atone appropriated £2,000,000 to aid consequences which seem,. to trouble packages of books, comprising 86 vol- try districts, would do well to notice been damaged to the extent of $5,Of10• snatched thhim e Bash boa and ranyaway. � thou a I emigration from Ireland, and Ireland q that the mat return their notes or About $700 will probably cover the - bei -ng still gait of Britain, it is really our correspondent. His second letter umea, valved at $40 to $100, ares to ba Y F Y Mr. Thompson is in a low state, bat the which he refers to came to band after I presented to the Elgin Teachers Asso- bills of the bank before the final divi- damage on stock. P AI�I'P�E.(�. hard to tell how many emigrants Mr. Love's re 1 to dation. dead: of the b ask liquidators shah have -The Directors of the, Manitoba 'his phyaiciana have good hopes of his I o this we had received reply _Fas- two well succeed in bringing t country. My friend also objects strong his first letter, but before it was ipub- —The Revs W. C. Pinkham, Super- been'°deplared, It is believed that the Southwestern Railway are about to recovery. A asilor named W3ii, bed and had this latter dealt mainly intendant of Education in ;Manitoba, is advertisement announcing the last di- apply to the Winnipeg City Council for grove also reports having been waylaid, x, C'a►mpbell s lock No. T, ly to my connecting him with the Hon. lis a Y nt on a visit to Ontario. He is 1 be made aborti and when leave to haul two locomotives across beaten, and robbed on the, street about ` E. Blake; and ss, s. I have no warrant withgnestionsofprinciple,aahisfirstdid, at prase 1 vidend yJil Y !A I -y a would' ladl have published it as we endeavoring to organi2e a system of this has been paid the bills of the bank certain streets in order to get them be- 3 o'clock on Sunday morning, when he s I EAFORH for so doing, and. wishes the saddle put . w g Y P it, as always ybilling to place both aides higher or intermediate education in become, valueleos. gond °the Canada Pacific Railway, poet was returning from his vsael a ort I . on the right horse, Now, I think, and tto°o of a public question before our readers, , Manitoba, and is gathering ideas for —The firm of J. H. Elliott & Co., of which they have been temporarily re- Dalhousie, The robbers k fr hitn IMAROI am sore your readers will agree with P q w believing them competent to da- this and kindred purposes. London, the Cher day shipped 6Q,000 strained by injunction from orosaing, some clothes and x'15 ink m°Hey. A I E R K me that I have of m friend ro erl g P i,, t B Y P P Y ' G that aide for themselves which is right, but � -_The Canada Pacific Syndicate pounds of wool to Hamilton. , This is The injunction business, too, bide fair young man named' Mnrpl�;y was;also �. saddled. You will recollect that i } he was at home country, it was couched in an entirely different have gained by purchase the control of only the Seco, d sale of wool made by to become epidemic, for it is whispered assaulted by some ruffians; but a he i n the old y' strain. It was personal and sarcastic the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway. London bnybrs this year, they all that the Southwestern are about to showed fight they left him . withon�t get - i whenever the N. P. was mentioned, it caused him to ban shame in the extreme, and was not, in our Thiel move prevents Grand Trunk com- _having held' off for an advance of i assert the sovereignty over Louise ing anything: On Sunday ,night i g his head for ro r re 1 to an bin i h the Ottawa Valle notations.L'he prise seamed by Mr. f Bridge, which is claimed by them to be in the city of Ottawa two rqughs �f 31'�um iTS; HEADSTONE'S, and he was even constrained to prophesy jndgni nt, a g pe p y yt g munication w t y q attacked Mr. Brooks; of tie Poat-office i --- that the le of Britain would not Lave had previ¢nsly written. This except over roads controlled by the Elliott wee, ringer the circumstances, a heir exclusive property. l PSP is .the reason it was not nblished. The ads Pacific Cam an i good one, butt still it will hardly cover —From a resume of the�lumber trade Department, and aLtQanpt to rob bins, - BL TOPS alio P Can P Y g nBa sea- .One jerked him by the! throat and E s w themselves to be fooled with any 1 s , is found that m the Georgia y such political .Weaker as his ado ted above letter has the same faults, but it ,—The Manitoulin Expositor submits . all the expen�es connected with'keepipg And vro;c of Yinua execsuted in the b@at atyl@ of quackery P celled forth b one a call offensive tion during 1880 more than 1649,000 saw threw him down. He called for ams- a'* cou-ntry had been. This was eviva- is c y equally the followin as an instance of how � the wool so ling. g ' $ 1 the art, and of be surpassed in Weatam On s �l lent to ss, ' in thi %expect. It is a pity that se ra idl a teen can get along in this , -J. L. Sproston, a young man who logs we're produced, be -ides other tim- tense when the other tniined a h 11M I lario. The sa unite at large will bear in mind ging that the majority of the �l + P Y r some time been employed at bar. This will be greatly increased with a blow. Two gantletpen came Bp that �o do: not e a practice of keeping agents people of this country were fools, in impoz'tant pnbfic questions can n be country if he, Is only indnstricna. Five `has for I the ,whole in tuna . prevent the s an e m =- IL #o run the o try at. the buyers' a penSe. We aludin hi8 broths q till diGCnased calmly and dispassion telt' q g o last Jul David McDonald Burrow, Stewart & Milne's stove works •during the neat season, _ MW an� , when regneated, gin@ pear price g r farmers, ands �- y ag Y 434 " w rifling his pockets. 7�lie same night , __ 2d'on nt or Headstone in thep my friend keep_ on declaring that he bi, gentlemen who are evidently a settled on a bush farm-: near Sandfield in"Hamilton, working for about c� dol- quantity expected being , , f, ( o. u'7 g b buy- anti qualified to°.disenas them Intelli- Mills, gin than he has cleared 60 lett a day, rsa�ently rriceived information square feet. In the Ottawa district thieves broke ice+ tlieisfi�sbb>es cvliieltei110 We the beat grades of marble, b had no retention of talkie politics. Y q greet tzs m the quarries. she on Main g � e tl without both of them getting Shop He furter object to being brou ht g Y� g aeras, erecte� a barn 25 x 6K, house 18 from Ireland that he had fallen heir to the output has been less, not more than with the Ottawa College &M, g 000 Otxi cubic feet. This was owing rind off all the barnesB, a horse ! 9irest, near �th� atatign. s eau respectfully j ^ an at each other and slidin off into 1` aouaiticl. down to'my low lePel is attacking the - g a 24, a stable, and this year ha had Property to , evalne of X10,000, besides 7, 7x1=i$ B. MEsBETT. politic&1 worthies I had mentioned. sarcasm and personal ixivective.] about 800 bushels of grain. He hasbuildings in,ondon and suburbs, The to the lowness o! the water caused by baggy. I i If t - l - b i ai - I I .. �._ _ - _ '.1 — �. --.�. u^- ---� ,... ,...� g- . " c... -, ! I� •4� 3 -,ate >.:R u� r- -' 1. ' , tv� I. c _— - a •_ - ! , j , _ . _ __..-- _ __ , - _ - __ - __ -_� __ _ _. - . _-.-_ ._ ______ __ � _. _____--_--.---______,__ _. _1 -----_.-_____-__v._-- �: _---_.___� ___ _� __.__-___ � � __ - - _ ___� _ _ __ 11 - - _-- �_ - - _ - - --- _ _ -- __