HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-10-28, Page 8­ - ­ - ­ - - - ­ Z f- -- - ­- - ­ � � -, , ", . , . , , � .- I . ­­.. . ­­. I -1-1 ­­­­ ­­ ..­­ - � ---- - - - - � I -- --- - - � I - .­­ �­­ - . , � I i- I . I ­ , ; ; .--- - .. .1 ­ I -- ­­ ­ - -- . � , .- - -, - ­ - - - - - � - - � - - , I I I . � - - - -- - - I - - � - , . . i 1 4 - ; .11 - ­ -- - - - - � - - - I - . - 7 . . I i � * . . I I ! I . .. � I % . I . I I I . I , - � i . - � I - . - : I I x � v : . I . . . . � :- ; � � . . I . � � . � I . J I I I - I - . . - . � . � . . . . . . I . . - � i � - . . t . I ! � - fl- , .. I , t , ,- : -� . . I - I I . I . � I . ! , I I . 41 � i I ­'� I � . I if - . i � - � - I . I . I . I . I . . I ! . � . - - 1. I I : . 4 . . ; � . � I I . - J . . . . I . I I 1. : I � � � . I . I . . . : I � -- ­. .. - � . i . � , , . - I - . - I I . ,. ­ . �, .% I d-1 I . . I ! , - ­', ... I , - - - . I - . ­ I - - - I 9 I t � � I I . I . - - ­" j I � . I I , . I I I I . I . �� �- -1 . -- . '. . � �1, - ,- � . ; . - I . . � I . : - � - � ,. � � , - . ­ - � I . � - - - � . : I . . . I - i � - . - . �- . � � I � I - I I I I I � - � - I ��_:�Fwwodvxnmww---OFWA" �-.Z�Z",-L�W,a I - . . . � - I P ,� . I .i. . � � ; -,. � � � I M - - � I � � ---,. ­­ - �. - �- . " - ­­­ , . I - � I . . I . - . I I .. . I . � 41 I � . I . � � jp, , -- - ..-, - - � � - - , . . I I . . I I I I . 4 . � t . I � I - —�Igb�t-----101 I � - - - ­­ ­ - —­ -- . � I . � . ;k;- -0-1-1 . -1 � . , I . . . . � � . - : . � . - . �- . . i I .: " ­ � .. - I I . . . I . . I . I - . . i - I , ---f— ­— ­—.-­"-­- -,'-- - � �-- - - - � I . � - , ---e�� . : il I- i : - - a' ." I . . I i . . . . . � . I -1 ­­ .11--l-171. —­,�­­ � , . I . � . - . ­ - � . � . - , . , . . i , . � i � I I- - - - - -- - - - . -- - ­ - - - 11. , - . . ! ', . � . I . I � i � . - ; - ,,- .. - - - - I --- -- -1 ill � , . I : " % . . . *.-- — . , I t . , , . - ! - � i . . '!� : - ,- I . . I I . �. I � , " � , . . i I - I . . , J . - - - .- . , I 1. ­ . �. . . I . . � . � I 0 1 : . . . i . .� I 1� i . - - � . � . . � .. il ! . I , -- i � . � , I ! . : . . -- I . I .. - . . . I i . I � . , - I - . - i . - � . I . , . I � . i . I � . 1 . . I . . I I -1, . -1 � . - p 1� . - A - I � . I . I . � - . � � I - I I . . ; �, �- : . � I . . . - . � - ti . - ­ I I . I . � � - I , . .. . � . . . I I - . - � I i : . � � ; � 4 - � i � : ' ' -," ­� . ! . . - . � i I . � 8 . . . . I . 1 EXPOSI � - . 11 - � - - I .-- � - v4E mwi6x, " TOAN OCT-OBFER 28 - ­- I I '- � . -­;, J- - - -... - ­N-�— �--- � � I I � I ­ . I - - — —i — - I . i -- - � 1881., � - - . I I , . . � I: . . — . 'A I - I . . I . I - � I . : I � � -" I "- . . I I . , �, - . ­ L I — . ., � r - - I I rounding country than connection with November. They am all splendid ani - stop at home like respectable men, and ample scope for amusement is afforded -I think the law is kept here'aa well as -,.. , . - tT 11 - � . 1PU,tV%L t1pooltot the Great Western. It would not be mals and some person will likely get a not try to injure - a respectable society, in their regulations, they are always anywhere. We have churches. and A. -0. MCDOUGALL & GO,. 11 --- I � i - ,­�, . , , Z . � I I - - the towns alone that would be benefitt6d, bi ain. In addition to the thorough- for it shows much ignoranoe. I hope oaaTiea on ' . . - . -- ­... . arg with due regard to order and benevolent societies, prayer meetings L . - . - I . I --------,T,--. but the rural municipalities' would - be bred horses, Mr. J. P. Brine will sell at this will be a warnirig to such to stay discipline. The first debate 'of the and Bible Classes, and. the people a,v I I .- . DISTRICT ;. L . ai � -. � � . .1WATTERS. even more advautaged, as they would the-, same tiw a and place a lot 'of bouse - away and save trouble.—A ME Beg leave to ann , � �-. - % . � —­ . ; 11 mimn OF season was decided, to take. place on themselves of the privilege the same as � Oulieb that theyliave ; , i I— have the three great tru.vk lines com- hold furniture and a good buggy and THE LODGE'. T4nrsday evening next. Subject: "Re- other villagers, b6nd then he goes on OPENED out at t ' . . - � � , - to heir new Storeflo ' -1 L 1: JR x , ni.—Full. stock of clouds peting for the carriage of theL- producta, set of single harness, n 6arly new. — COLT SoLD.—Mr. Francis Coleman, solved that learned men have been censure those fathers that they do4?t doors south of the old), a a Ur .- 4 . I I - 8( B -there is scarcely a farmer in this Chief Cline intends to test theefficiency of Hills Green, has sold his two year the cause of a' greater amount of crime train their children as he thinks they Btook of adid - . I ;�O"_wjs� ; aeketts an4 under(4)thing, at the, sua pie � I , ' 11 L . . I . - '01 Golden L on. R �.TAKMSQIN. 725 # 1. . I : . � � section that would not be within easy of the Fire Brigade and apparatins con- old 1eavy drilbught stallion to Mr. James than ignorant men. The affirmative Should. Now, I think there is many a . . I - I - - � I I - . Km GLovE,4. — G6od value for .ZL rea�h of either or all of them. nected with the I Fire Department some Turner, of Bracefield, for the sum of will�be led by Mr. James Hartley, as- father that knows to his Borrow th - . -, . tE I at he NEW FALL AND WINTER D - - I - Selling for 75L eej�� � at-Hilll Brothers' stand. M. this sist'd by Messrs. George Lockhat t, Geo. cannot get hill son to'do as he wouldi, XORRMZT�- .. I . - evening next week in order to try how 01,800. Mr. Coleman imported e ­ RCOODS . .715 ,' � - BLOCK PAVEMENT AND STONE I - I - I CROSS- quickly steam can be gotten up and - horse from England about 4 weeks ago. McIntosh and John McLeod. The have him, and those- very fathers that I I . i . I . LAcr CURTAINS at li.alf price at Hill INGS.—There is an immense sum of bow expeditious the boys can'be in case He is a dapple bay, and sa the price negative will be taken by Mr. George your correspondent sne'ers at arejust as And whether you buy or not, We I - - Brotherg'Stand. M.MoR.his6N. 725 1 mone shall I . . . I . � 8 � y spent annually in gravelling, of emergency." Those *who wish to indicates is a very superior animal. We Murdie, assisted by Messrs. James respectable, well livi re in be pleased to Show customers or vigi. '. . � . . � I I scraping find watering the Main street witness what the Firemen can do and wish Mr. Turner the best of good luck Lockhart, George Turnbull and Robert out village, and if their sons go astray tors the Largest, Cheapest allLd ]3 ".., ,� - GOOD Wbax.—Mr. W. J. Shannon, of this town, besides what is expended how quickly they can do it should be with his purchase. There are not many Henderson. it is not for the want of prayerful teach. Stock of Dry Goods in this C eat . I I J Secretary :of the McKillop, Mutual in main6aining sidewalks and crossings. piepared to ran as soon as they hear places in the Dominion that can boast . . - - . ouitty. ,- RL9 Fire Insurance Com any, informs It is sage - ing and advice. If your correspondent.' F4DU I P - to say, that taken one year the bell ring.�The now boiler at the of more good horse flesh than Bruce- . Hibbert. L had the benefit of experience, perbaps The Stock-- Comprises L -VVHOTJ'E us, that daring f ;' the six - days with another the cost of ,maintainiDg waterworks is now placed, and connec- field now can. . DIRECT :LMPORTING, all I - I . I L I THE PLOWING MATcH.—The Hibbert he would not be so ready to pass an the New -- ------ . he was out collecting asses- this street exceeds the cost of- mainten- tio'lls with the e4gine and other boiler . . and. Most Fashionable lines of - ------ � 11 m0ats for the Company, he -received knee for all the other streets put to- . . I on Wednesday night so J31yth. Plpwing Association inten& holding opinion. When he has a son of an age - . . � ' L �L - . were completec I to show the effect of big teaebing, I ,­ � their annual plowing match on Thurs- it DRESS GOODS, and TRIumqNGS . L, L -. OVE, the sum of $3,500. This kmount was g6ther. Gravel is Put On one Year to that both boilers are now ready for use. Y will be time enough for him to blow his ... � &ken .... ,b , on the I ... � . I Slash the —Mr. John Lee met with,[ rather a Board meeting last Saturday evening, farm of Mr. James Barbqlur, lot 19, con- . VEL -VETS, . .. . t him- by the , mom qrs of the be scraped off in mn.d anc , At the School da , the 3rd November next own trumpet. And then he talks about - - . I'll - � �� I 'Comp y, who had previously been next, aind crossings are continually re- serious accident on Thursday morning all the old teachers were 'duly - dis- cession 9, Hibbert, about a mile west of the law and the violation'of the liquor . . . I I � notified of the amountA due. This, qhiring repairing and renewing. It last. 'He was engaged in shingling the missed and new ones engaged in their Staffa. Liberal prizes will be given. law. I tbi-nk our hotel heepers attend .. . I I PrOmptpayment is not only creditable would be well worth the while of the roof of a new building at t6l residence respective places. Mr. Raymond, of Ext -a men's class open to all comers. . to their business very well knd seem to SATINS, - � . . � 'to ' the :members but shows also that Council to consider whether it, of Mr. John.. Beattie when he slipped Ripley, has been oliosen principal ;, S AWING MATCH.----�The, Sawing match keep within the law. As it is, as far as . � 'they are satisfied with the Compaimy would not be cheaper in the long run to and fe ­ . I . I . 11 to the ground. Some of his ribs Miss Hyslop, first assistant, and Missi which took place at, the Staffa Show I k ow, thiBre is not much cause for . I . and that it �8 being managed to their . 11 VELVE TEENS., .. I I - - - sla,batitute block pavement for gravel on are fractured, and he received such Willers, second assistant. this . t imt-ire satisfaction- In one day in Sea- the street aiid stones for wood in the other injuries ar, will:likely lay him up - . created more interest and' excitement complaint. Hoping you will i � L - ­ . � I % Arth M - � insertion in your valuable pap give am.- 1. I - L o- -r. Shanhon. took in over 36W, ciolgaings. , The street fitted up with than any affair whiob, has taken place er, I � . . for -several weeks. --On Tuesday last Hensal1. I in the township for a long time, and yours, A Loma o.F TRUTH.- REAL LACES, � � L � - and in the saraeF time in Clinton about these would last with but trifling re- Mr. Robert Steel while adjusting a belt . � 1 $550. 1 - . BRAN.—About 40 Tons of Bran on was witnessed by an immense ' d en- . ��� I ; � . - — i L � — Pairs for a generation, and would, �e in Kyle's saw mill at Egmondville, got hand to dispose of at the Hensall mills. Om t- ,thusiastic crowd of 'people. 'tI1 "I I SILK and, c11p,-NML14 F SM Ir �- -1 . . The ag- . Staxiley. � � I - . - I � _ feel convinced, be much cheaper Jn his arm caught in the pulley, gausing a meal exchanged for oats, or orsh at the Henoall . � RINGE 'S - I- . MR. HILL'A'-LECTUTtE.—The lecture the end, besides the difference in a fracture at the wrist. Fortunately he ricultural society offered three prizes. FARmRENTF,D.—Mr. Jos. W. Mills, of _. . . clelive-re by. Rev. Mr. Hill in the Town I I 'p- Mills. Gristing and chopping done in the shortest I ' - 11 pearance !"We do not kno' w the cost pf ­ 9 D ' he regu- -Possible timel and first -class work guaranteed at Each, pair of sawyers with their cross- Clinton, has rented his farm, lot 21 on EXTRA COOD-VALUE IN BLACK ALL. . � . Hall on Thursday evening of last week . . was not otherwi e hjured. . thA HenBall mflls. Wanted a* qutLntity of good out saw had to make two cuts on th'e the 5th concession of Stanley, to Mr. I I ce Id lar meeting of the Seaforth ]Mire sound loge this coming winter. Uak, white and saml log. The cuts were 18 inches at � . WOOL CA : ., � - I was well deserving of the large audien, the pavement, bat at most we wou . Bri- . not have to pay more ,for i I Robert A. Hearn, of McKillop, for si7 . SHMERES. 11 11 was. . !! n Mon- bla M, whichliateaed to it. The ha� ntereat tha n� gade will be held in the hall ' A ash, cherry, maple, basswood, cadwr, el t- -- � . i &a., for which the highest cash price will be paid tile butt and 16 inches at the top. The years, for about $200 a year. The farm . a A�e Offering .11, I � packed fall., The lecture we now pay in repairs and cleaning, ;day evening next at half-pal9t seven at the Hensall Saw Mill. D. U11QUILA T. 725 prizes were awarded as f flows: First, contains 80,abres.� � We.CaD show the, Cheapest and beat "I L . � - r I Was amusing, and we would have the improved a "� o?clock.—It was Mr. John Modeland - of 0 - Cittons in Canada. . . . I ente tabi-ing and instructive. This lec- pearance and the other advantages hy, f GAY.—Our streets were made livel5 on Peart and .Boaw� Hibbert, time I ' THAT TH"RESHING.— MR. EDITOR, — ­ L I � Tuckersmith, near Egmon'd - ,L who I -- � . L - ture,wak delivered in. aid of the Ladies, nothing. As to stone' crossings* thesi � I . villle Wednesday afternoon by a large wed minute and 55 seconds; 2nd, Hooper SIR,—I noticed in, the EXPOSITOR Of the I . - . ;; . . Benevolent Society*, and the collectioA - 0 purchased Mr. MoTaggart's ayrshire - . - . I ; - and brother, Middlesex, time 2 minutes 14th inst. some huge tbreshingi which pest alid bed . E taken at the door amounted to the v ' have been tried in Exeter and Mitchell bull at the sale last week, instead of ding party passing through. If we may We can show the chea . L � L : ery' and give the ve highest satisfaction. Mulholland,,as Stated in our report. judge from appearances, ,they were all and 7 seconds; 3rd, Venhor and Me- took place on the farm of Mr. Lander, WinceYs in Canada. � ; . ' I handso e sum of $21.60. We under ry 11 . I . Michael, Hibbert,. time 2 minutes and � . - . : - I attand th reverend gentleman intends They are better in muddy --weather than ' . � very happy. London Road, by Messrs. Swan, Boyce, I . SUIT. Y01 I . � � BUSINESS.—Oar grain buyers are kept 38 seconds. The victors, . L . . giving LLL other lecture shortly for the the wooden ones, - and although the Zurich. I on completing Ross & Co. Now, Mr. Editor, I think - Wi3can showthe cheapest and L - L I ­ first cost is greater, they last so much THE AGRICULTURAL S very busy handling the large quantities their work, were lustily cheered by the it a great piece of fully for threshers to Lmiens ancl Lin�n Tablings in befit . I . . I L I benefit of the Mechanics' Institute, OCrF . — A 0. The time made by the winners brag when they have a streak of luck. . . . I of grain coming in. Trade i,p also crow - Cau&U. - . . . . . . I I I when -we are aura he will have e longer, that they are .cheapest in meeting of the Officers and li of the &at prize is, we believe unpre!'- & Co. I ; . I -� I i ven 9, the end. There is an excellent quarry of the Ray Branch Agricult&,al So- quite brisk in all its branches, ind our � If Messrs. Swan, Boyce,Ross A I [ laxger audience- than listened to him ; - I i.1 - with so, much pleasure on. Thuraday in Hibbert, about six or eight miles ciety was held "at Zurich on ihe 14th , streets present a very busy appe rance. cedehfied, and Shows them. to be Baw- threshed 1,400 bushels of grain for Mr. Weean show the che�apest and beat : � from this town, where any amount of l . PERSONAL.—Mr. and Mrs. Wma Suth. yers of extraordinary Skill and ability. Landers in nine bours, I would like to Towelling and Ticking in Canada. I I 11 . evening. inst., when the prize hat of ithe late . I - ; I L . , � I - stono admirably adapted for the pur- show WaS erland, of West 4orra, are visiting their I sk them through your valuable paper. .. Z l � I - . a � ­ - I revised, and th6�folloWing cor- - I - COMPLIMENTARY SUPPER AND L PRF,- pose can . brother, Ja;S. Sutherland, of this place. . Gorrie. I how long they were in threshing 600 � I L I I -� be had, and they could be rections from the list as published were 8 We -can .show the chea-pest �nd b,mit - I SRNTA'Tio�;.—Mr. John Latimer was en- teamed here veiy easily and cheaply made, viz.: Span of HeaVy Draught _Mrs. H. Do�ii, of Rodgerville, left MATIMAIONIA.L. — On Thursday, the bushel for Mr. Woodley, of the London Ducks and Denims in Canada. ' II- tartained at a complimentary supper at during the slei hing. Now is th - " thiB,week for Michigan to visit a daugh- 20th illst., Mr. Welsh, of Wroxeter, and I Road? I have seen other threshers -These Got '1 9 11 time Horses in harness and wagon, �st 8010- I . � Miss : Greer, of Gorriei2were marrie ' - � '� a' for the town authorities to take action. ter and other friends there. ' d thrash from 1,200 to 1,500 bushels of , � ana will bf : . Carroll' , Hotel on Friday evening last, men Manning; 2nd, Thomasl Bissett. - , I - i prior to his, departure for Winnipeg, They -might, at least, try one or two Rhode Islan dt' Greening app�es, ist IMPROVEMENTS. — Messrs. -in the. Methodist church in this villa grain in a day, and they thought noth- : W,e can show the cheapest and best I . Jackson ge, 0 Alarable. - - .f. Manitobq,. At the next ,season, and if Brothers are getting the building in&. 'the ceremony being performed by Rev iDg Of it. Now, my opinion is that if Shirtin 'L' appointed hour as an 19�t.Pffimelat . John Hunter. Chenille work', 1st and' 98 &nd Prints in Canada.. . . - It - v�bout thirty gentlemen sat do,wn to 9, satisfadtory, all th6 Main Street cross- 2nd, Miss Minnie Wagner. �­ Knitted terial on the ground for the erection of Mr. Hough in a very impressive man- a man has a good M'"achine and makes . . . . W, Oat sumptuously provided table, and ings could be renewed with stone as the new bauk.—We notio� that Mr. ner. A large number assembled at the good work he will not need to canvas - ' h hurch to witness the marriage. Mr. the country for jobs, for his machine Cretounes i I . wool mitts, 2nd, �- E. Fee. � Leghorn . We can sh e8L H. 0 OW the cheapest and ; after all had fully Satisfied the inner they giVe out. . hena, lat, John Bell. Gain , 16t, Wm.,,Stoneman, ph6togrup er,' has n Canada. beat . I - man the chair was taken by Mr. Henry Samwell ; 26d, Thomas Bissett. Be- moved his gallery into town, and. in- Welsh has ma�niifested good taste ini will advertise itself.—FARxER., . .. I ­ - ; Jiwkson, and the vice -chair by Mr. S. tends spending the winter here. Those select'n his partner for life such a* I -. LOCAL BRIEFS.—The Clinton papers quet of flowers, Miss Mitchell. Wool - .1 gas �— We can show the ch � C? y LW wi et a good facsimile -of a ented young lady. He bas no doubt Jamestown. .- eaPest and beat ,- I L I - Hicks. A ver pleasant evening was -are boasting loudly about a mercantile yarD, Jab, Mary McEw,en; 2nd , M. shing to g . t I . Lace Curtains in- Canada. ,­ . L :: I - . . .11 I .11 ma,19 - t 11. ly - � 11 sp were the wishes ex - themselves would do well to call upon llma�de a march'! on the Gorrie young LocALiTiEs.—Mr. E.Snell is now able ... Ll firm in thal- town that recently re- Dougafi. Wool yax.n, 1st, Alex. Ingram - * - I .7 h i m. �,,,� MenL, while he haB-also shbwn that the to attend to business. — Mr. Wm. - We can show the Leh ' I L �,- pressed, 11, - Mr. Latimm.eCs success in the ceived a; I arge. 6rdet for g6ods from a 2nd, Robert Nicholson. Stoves and - eapest and best L - -. - RREAD . � R WetrODO sof t4e Northwest. One of - . - Gorrie young ladies are preferred to Whiteford is' down with typhoid fever. �Carpets in Canada. . I I I- - i ' F party in Goderich. Seaforth merchants furniture, McDonald & Waugh. With Usborne. ' ' those of Wroxeter. - . I' L 1.2 ­ . the nxe.st pleaslif Iteatures of the even- - have regular customers, who reside in these additions and alterations the list ' —Mr. Oliver Bell leaves for Turtle . . ,.: ing was the .pr' - I . � . � ten4ation of a hand FARm SOLD.—L Mr., William Perkins Mountain, Manitoba, in a few days.— We can show the Cheapest and best � . Clinton, and scarcely two da�-s pass as published in the EXPOSITOR Was . LOCALITIICS.---N1r. Linton, formerly - L' I . 9(--)M( " ery cdmpli- that Some -of our merchants do not correct. I The Maitland is looking up and -has I . - 1. )1y- engross ;d,-, ind v has Sold his farm on the 6 th concession a;reBi ent of this village, is visiting Mats in Canada. � - - I e I I . . - 4 -; � I � — of Usborne to Mr. Liddicoat, of Hallett, friend here. The climate of -Uncle now enough water to keep . - . . - 1ccompanied by a- send large orders to -that town, so that I itself . For A1W * ­ utentairy addre�s�, 4 1 1 . I I : for 07,000. The fai Is 'orth mercantile houses . : Exeter. rm 00"Laiiis 100 Sam' ' dominions seems to be particu- clean.—Mr. MeBlain, the i and bed . . belautiful and costly silver tea "set to Seal. . milknian, We can Show the cheapest . . - must be a L . , � L Mr. Lati er. This tes' set w " . I . acres and is one of the best in the town- larly dapted to his constitution.—Mr. says McDonald's "brig" is not safe and Oil. Cloths in Canada. I L - ' ai the long way ahead . of -both Clinton arid :A CALL TO BE GIvEN­—At a meeting � I - I � gift- of r.Latimer's many personal Goderich.-�-Some evil disposed persons ofthecongregation of Cavan church, ship, and has splendid buildings, but Russel is now engaged putting a fence sholald be fixed straightway. . � . I I 0 feien%AO i I town, and shows the high have recently been amusing themselveB Exeter, held on the 18th inst., it was considering the way land ,now sells, it around the School ground in the village. OBITUARY.—Mr. John Leslie, for' . � J"L �t - by marking and otherwise disfiguring unanimously agreed to tender a "call" dis- He is LBO to level the school yard and � I q . esteem in which he is - held by them was well sold. Mr. Perkins *w& .. A several years a resident of this place, A tment of. Ladia - I f Mr. Latimer left r pose of his stock, implements and .put a gravel walk in the Centre of it.— (4,ed on Monday, the 17th inst. Early . , I I Monday morning. fO Winnipeg � On the grave stones in the Harpurhey to Rev. Mr. Thomson, of: Brucefield, household furniture by public auc in . the Bpring a growfb of Bu I spicious Mantle ClotAs, in. new ,njak,68 . . . � � tv ,cemetery. Tf this shameful practice is to be their pastor at 9, stipend:of $800 tiO11 Mr. Green, the editor of the Enterprise, - I . � p ­ a -- .� ' on Wednesday next,, the 2ad November, character began to devolop, itself at the - aj�7d Colorings- - - I persisted in the authorities will be per year and free manse. We do not ha�s m4ved into his lately purchased 1: TAF, Ui� iTED WoRan-EN.-Dr. McGr-e or called upon to make an e ow what the probability is of Mr. when Mr. Bishop, M. P. P., will Offi- residenice. The Enterprise is now back . he tongueand soonextendeal I -1 - 9 xample of kn .1 I root of t - - I I - ES' . was in to, vn on Friday last. The -Poc- some of the guilty parties. Mr. C. -N. Thomson accepting this call, as he is ciate as auctioneer. to its birth place. When the paper was into the adjaceub parts, when it was - LAIN . I . . I — L . tot is eng iged in organizing lodges -in Papst has leaBed the store in Cardub's veri comfortably settled at Bracefield I first published it was called the Vidette. observed to be of cancerous origin. Our -Millinery Departmeut Com- I I - � Y I coanectio# wit McKillop. plete in Bvery Brall; z h Ahe order of United- Block recently occupied by A. G. Me. and is unversally popular with- —Mr. �Grec-n, of Wingham, has rented Toronto, Hamilton, and other places . I . . I . his [ L* CA. . I � Workmen. Hehas been very success- Dougall & Co., and intends removing people there. However, should he PERSONAL.—Miss Annie BoltOL, who the brick More belonging to Mr. James were visited, but medical science could � . . I - ful in, his mission in this western part. his stock. of books and papers thither accept it, the Exeter congregati6n will has 19-tely been spending' a few' Leech,, and fordiqly occupied by Bruce hold no hope to the unfortunate �vietlim, 1. . - Iti I N�wee I . L I L I During the past two months he has or- When he 6 -era: I have an able, earnest weeks of holidays visiting friends in & Hadoock, and intends to carry on the who for several months subsequently GLOTHINC DEPARTMENT COMPLETE. g ts Settled in his new pt and energetic 'L I I , ganized now lodges in Palmerston, Lis- ises Mr. Papst will have' one of the I minister, : Grey, has returned to her home in this mercantile busineBs in it. — Taylor su ere extremely, and as this deadly I I I I -- . � ; —. ' ' '. � I I I . . - . towel, Brusselez, Wingh��m, Kincardine, largest and ha,ndsomest Stationery stores I � neighborhood. She enjoyed a pleasau,L Smith has moved to the building form. Idisease progressed he was able to re- ' - - L . � .1 I � L . Blyth ain, : Clinton, and went from here west of - Toronto.—Shippers axe com- I Wroxeter. - - 'I. time while on her visiting tour. ' erly occupied by Mr. Green and known ceive but a -very insufficient amount Lqf A. G. MCDOUGALL & CO, I . to, Mitchel to institute a lodge - in that -pla'ining grievoqsly,p,bout the searc'ity of SALE OF GATTLE.—Mr. -John lHamil- SICKNESS. —Diphtheria has made it as the , E n terpriee office:—W m. A. Ir- nourishment for Several weeks previ — - . - I � -- - I S ous I i ., . ation here, 8 old his farm and iy attending to his death. The subject of this y. Mr. - . I ­ town. TJ iere has been a lodge in ex- ears at the Grand Trunk at ton, who has been buying jil� sum- appearance in this neighborhood choos- win fia' 13 he had mistaken bis nationali-t i i1stence- in this town for three or four and business is in'r-eh retarded in con- mer, bought an uncommonly fine lot 'of ing for its victims some of the children the Gotrie public school .—There are notice was a native of 18'�nda, one of the Pardon, of CrOraLarty, and Mr. Hamil- - I . . years, and it now nLumbers bkween sequencei.—Mr. Thomas Govenlock's . two year old cattle' from 'Mr. I Robert of the Rev. Mr. Gilpin, late of Michi. several'cages of typhoid fever in the Orkney Islands, where be was born in ton, of Staffa, also made very creditable . � � I . 1 7 IT PAY, farty, and :ftfty members. The United 'last couBigument of cattle have airrived Gibson, of Wroxeter. One Steer lifted gan. They lie at present in a very village at present.—Mr. John Ardell the year 1821. He had followed a sea- exhibitions of their vocal abilities. And ; . L ; � . _ . 1 4D , � I ; Workmen is a mutual benefit orgamiza. Safely in the -old country, and theani- i the beam at the plamp weight of 1345 precarious - condition. The disease has moved into Mr. Yeols house.—Miss faring life, spending a number of years the readings, recitations, &c., by Messrs. I I ; . ; . I . � . tion, or, in other words, a Mutual Life mals have been disposed of and the pounds, the remainder averagin easily BeemB to be of a very maliguant type, Winn, of Hawksvill'e, is visiting her in the whale -fishery previously to McTavish, Greenwood, Burns, Morris . I 0 his � . Imp.arance Company. Membership in returns received.—Mr. Win. Grieve, of 1200 pounds apiece. � and it is thought to have been carried aunt, k Its. Rich ard- Ross, of this village. coming to Canads, ten years ago. and Livingstone, were not less ere&- . " � � , .. I He L I the order-Jusuies to the individual a McKillop, near Seaforth, was awarded Bitirws.—Worh at the salt wT11 was over in- the clothes of Mr.Gilpi —0 r was a man of a quiet, generous dispo table. The entertainment commenced � � i : i I n from 4 1 age seems to be very attrac- - �� I i life insur�nce of §2,000. This, sum is over loo prizes at the � about 8 o'clock, and the Trogramme, - . . I agricultural I delayed for a few days by the breaking - Michigan. While there the disease tiveol so much so that people flock to it sition, and * was mueb esteemed in the 0 . - I L was preva , was not exhausted until about half -past . I L � paid to tho'heirs of each member that Shows this season. Most of the pr of the shaft about half way down. It Listowel, Wingbam, and other - � i - izes � lent in the neighborhood from community. He leaves a wife and . - - dies. This amount is collected by were for sheek and p'Ooultry. Mr I has been repaired, howeve d th where he resided and he attended the towns. There is scarcely a vacant several sons and daughters to mourn; eleven, daring which time th IS -2411 &SBess . I r, a e I � e very best , ments , from the members. So Grieve may. consider himself the pro. 1 drilling is going on as usna . A��. dept� Sick and dying, and it is thought'prob- - house fib to live in during the winter.— his departure. - order prevailed. Although the idmis- —---=— far it has proven tOL be S Most eXeel_ . In - . . 13 . Sion fee w 8 Only the smZl sum of tea I I � mier prize winner of this county.—The ; of about 950 feet has been reached.— able that this is the way the disease Some cribe Vae prr-sent prosperity of 0 — a lent institution a,nd will continue to be handsome tea set' presented 'to Mr. ! Mesars..-Houey & Miller are pushing on -has got here. I .1. . our vil age er1irely to the N. P.; but East Wawanosh. I cents, the proceeds arnoUlited to Lover . .1 WS.0 I so as long, as it is equitatly mauaged,L Latimer the other nig�ht was purchased 1 the work on the switch: very man ,-Tyer. Mr. G,een, P� the Enterprise claims � - . wh . - . ! I NEw BUILDING.—Mr. Hy �' $20, wbi will be contributed towards 4 . . rapi DIED.—On 'Tuesday, the 18th Octo- obtaining prizes for the pupils, to aw,oxd I --' .. .. aod as each member through his lodge from Mr. C. L. Paipat of this town dly, and hope to be through ere man, of the 9th concession, erected some -of the praise.—During the past . � L representative has a voice in the man- aro— I ber, after a very long and painful them for the creditable manner in � * I I Mr. Thomas'E. Dennie, of the -H a long, if the weather continues favorable. on his premises on the 21st ink., a week w have had'a good deal of rain, n OLOTIi � Wment, it will be the fault of mom- Road, McRillop, haB left with us a MATRIMONIAL. — Mr. Albert 'elsh, frame stable, whicli Will for the present and the roads are getting bad. ervous illness, at his residence -in East which they acquitted themselves under - I . , W - . I it the., Wawauosh, Mr. John R. Leisbman, their present teacher] Mr. Case, at the I . hers management prove - faulty. Sample of black oats which he pro. � one of our most respected -townsmen, be used for sheltering his stock and OUR MORALITY,—DEAR EXPOSITOR,— aged 60 yeaxs. The deceased was a na- last proMotio � . Thus far till death claims brave been cured from, a soedsma'n in Winnipeg. il spent Tbanksgiving Day in a very ap- Storing his implements. It is Situated I have �'een in the habit of reading . - . . t> . n- examination, in attain- L R : I . - 0 - promptly met, and the individual These oats were grown this Season and � propriate manner in taking as partner on the right bank of the river and your pa er every week for the last four tive of Midlothian, Scotland, and emi- ing, the higbest stand in the township. I - . 11 'SNT. - � � .1 e. about 28 rods south 9f the site of his years, I was astonished to rea oBh nearly � assessmenp have not amounted to half the yield was,, 118 bushes per acr . for bettei- or worgo,Miss Maggie Greer,of grated to Can�da in the year 1851, and --0N,E WHO wAs PR,mg Pany costa'L The Foresters' orgamza- y - . rance in a regular stock com- They were grown on a fam near,Wijl- 1 Gorrie. Weoffer our congratulations, bain which was lat ly destroyed b 'your is3 e of the 14th inst. such an ac- 30 years, being one of the oldest sottlers Morris. FINE L w -hat insu e . d in has resided in East Wawa;n I . nipeg, and are of as good-& quality as and hope thq their joys may more than fire. It is 32 x 18 and. 16 feet high and count ol: oar village as your correspon- to the north of Blyth. He leaves a RETURNEX).—Mr. J. Barker, of the � I tion is als conducted in much the same our common oats.—A meeting for the . gle to th . n'terbalance their troubles. � e concession. dent ga so that I craye ai -- con , ,Presents an. an . a ,aS I I e, so nine . I - � way, an � the same object only that re -organization of the Ladies' Benev- I . - I I Mr. Isaac Bolton, 8th conces * sorrowing wife and a family of six sons, 3rd concession, who has been on s, 11 . L . . I . sion, a space in your paper to say a few words I - - . z I young carpenter of rising faine, framed in behalf four 'quiet village. He Says esteemed among his neighbors as a the past Ifour weeh, has returne during t . � an insurance of only $1,000, ii we mis, - olent Society will be held in the Town Harpley. I all grown to manhood..' 'He was much prospecting tour to Manitoba (I home . ErAbraeii take not, is paid by that order, and the Halli on Tuesday afternoon next, at 3 MELANCHOLY AFFA.IR.—A sad , catas- the building, making a capital job of it. that the lower class of society indulged kind a,hd thoughtful rin d , . assessments are proportionately lighter. o'clock, when it is hoped 'that there trophe took place'on the 16th conces Mr. Tyei ' _ helper du g oc- highly please with the country, and .1 L man's two sons are as . � . - Both organization - � Bisting in drinking to Itexcess. Now, I did casions of trouble or raisfortune, and has pUrchaSed 1, I are worked on will be -a good attendance of ladies. -The Sion of Stephen on Monda last. It him to finish it. - 160 acres of land about � Y L 'not kno7 that there were twoor three his departure will be felt by a large 25 miles from High Bluff. I OSe%1 . � pro,per pria les and are deserving members% Dorcas, e DISGRACEFUL.— Some evil disp A L- , cip 01 of the Seaforth Curling'Club ,seems that Miss art of - the grade3 q ' f society i . nourvillage. IkDow .0 . . encauragement. will have a M eOtiDg at the Commercial t � circle, f 'sorrowing relatives and friends. A GOOD SALLI.—Mr. G. Forbes' sale, I - town line, who has been ra her se4 person or persons on the evening of the there le some ricrie . - � J, 7 M1TTERS.—AS I I a, I -by . - 11 . " i 0 — PU .. ous- go a I r in this world's His funeral was largely attended, aad of the 3rd concession, was attendec THE FAS � �J Sev a � Hotel on Monday evening next at half- ly affected mentally for the p 3t t�ree 21st inst. entered the premises of Mr. ds t aan others, and I think that the proceedings were conducted under' a- laige crowd. NotwithBtanding the , by repdr will be seen Past ­" o'clo.ck.—Tbe collection in weeks, went to visit Mr. T. Gil� rt, John C. Morrison, 8th concession, and conostitu ies the difference.. If those the colors of the OraDge Order, of which Bo'arcity of feed, the sto . - . � taken froDTthe London Ad, the Methodist Church on -Thanksgiving teacher, 16th concession, amd in a besmeared his milk wagon with the poor fell -.s were rich - iser, which we,�Pablish elsewhere, a Day, in aid of the Ladies' Beue,�olent un- 0 ck were sold . - depatatio , watched moment threw herself delib- foulest of dirt. Such conduct is Scan- to the I upper crust too, and to my . � v wt -4 they would belong he was long a member. . I remarkably high. Mr. Forbes and � - a Leon , —. I � - t dalous 811)d the ,per-petratorsif caught knowledge there are not more than I i . siating Of the Mayor, Society amounted to $6.36, which erately head first into a well, where She ) , familY�illt6ud going to Manitoba in t � Reeve, aDq,M0BS1'S.:-COleWaU and Jack- amciunt has. been duly banded ovar to , was drowned. The funer �Cromarty- -, spring. he . � . I isited London on Friday last for the President, Mrs. Hays.—The Rev. on Wednesday in Parkhill. - guch Morrison is a quiet, inoffensive man, gett . PERSONAT,S.—Mr. S. SteWart'au,a M son, v al took.�lace ought to' be severely dealt with. Mr. two or three that are in the habit of ! -r. - th purp e, . . as, - will . sympathy is expressed for the sorrowing and I ing drunk and making a noise in ENTERTAIN,MENT.—The entertainment Wheeler, Sr., of the 4th Leone .THE H:, () purp of interviewing some Mango Fraser, of. St. Thom 1061, not know of having an enemy our villa ge, and I think that there is no in McKellar's Hall, on Friday evening _eSsion , are I - � 6 P . cipal I � 11 I atpreBent very sick with the bilious i L . of th Irlen. in that city, officiate at the anuiversary services in friends. who would dbseend to Such miserable village without- a few of those char- last, the 21st inst., in connection with I . . L respecting the encouragem t they connection rs. � L �: L 0 . en with the ,Pr6sbyteria,n LOCALITIFM—Mr. G. J; Kerr, Can- work. The parties who perpetrated the acte - fever.—We are glad to learn of Mr. L. - ­ woula , Any one in thd habit of our school taught by Mr. Adam Case, Hopper's recovery from typhoid fever. . .. � - give us in an effort to secure charch in this' toWn,Lwhich will .be ada Methodist Church,is holding a mischief, are not supposed to reside in visiting C"Torrie, or a large majority of was th6most enjoyable that has 'ever direct railvray-communication between held about the 11th or the 18th of very Successful revival in the church 1. A HUNTER'S EXPERIENCE. — -. is V1 . that neighborhood but to have come - our own people who visit other places appeared upon the theatre of musical _Mr. J I L .� - Seaforhh and London by means of a Dacember.�Mr. Matthew Robertson of at his appointment near Grand Bend.- -from a distance. ' Atkins, of the 4th concession while . --Branch of the Great Western Railway. this town received 'a letter from his Bon, The §torm of Monday night A TR&MP's will say that a quieter, morb law-abid- existence in this locality. When the hunting for partridges in the mi4st of * I Thd do- -last did a FRF,Az.—One hay last ing place is not to be found within a hour for opening arrived, the hall a ' putation had W lengthy interview H erbert, a few day a ago. He lef t h ere great deal of damage iri the neighbor- week. while'Mr. and Mrs. Dyi, 0 * thick swamp, was -sladdenly start � with the members of the city council, . es, 10th good ma Y, miles. That sight that he although a Spacious one, was filled to led by ;1. for Dakota in March last. He is located -hood of Limerick. 00tir worthy Boston concession, were away from home a on I fain Street I did not hear about its utmost capacity. Aftera few pre- a rustling amonp, th�e.brancheSL;but �� i 11 — I � - Dot 11110wil]` the meaning qttickly � � � - - e was very waxmly and T near Firgo, and is engaged in rough magistrate has returned from his trip tramp called at their resideneeL and from an] - one else, and I think that he . t and their schO m- saw - . fa,vorably r�ceived. The deputation re- carpenter work and receives $3 per day. to Toronto, and neither he nor his store demanded a coat from the servant girl. liminary remarks by the teacher, Mr. � called his 5og, and determ, ed to If Gen& � . . tuzqed by i-magineLl some of it. T�e old -man Case, Mr. Harry. Horton, teacher of ,, in il ay of St- Marys. The.people He t-ook up 160 acres of land, and on look any the worse for it.—MisB Alice The day was wet, and he said be wa stand like the brave with his face to I i - . I . ary, ' . 8 may haY 3 cen drunk, and .the youths Lumley, was c e o e c a r; and . - . - of 1�t. I have beeh for some timj3 the following day was offered an ad- Stinson, of the town line, has returned going to Grey township to purebase escortiDg him home and amiasing them- with his many brilliant eff asions of ­ wit the foe," when suddenly a large animal, . I '! � I from, Woo tock. through I jocular comments during the inter�� 7 I tryin,a, for a bra�ach of the Credit Valley vance of $150 on his claim. He likes home from the States looking well.— stock, and that if she could for the -f Selves at his expense, as idle youths anc which he describes as being .9, wild eat, . I � - . t�l : rau around him two or three times, J .... I r I that town to the country very much, and being a Fall wheat looks exceedingly well, but present loan him a coat he would re- will do. I did not see a single youth vals between Scenes, was almost ag . some point on Lake Huron. A COP3­ and recognizing tb' . . , . B,toaf,,steady, industrious young man is the Toads are so muddy it is almost im- turn it in a day or. two. -She, relying drunk tbat.evening, and I think I had entertainment in himself. The pro� in the thicket, wb 0 hunter, disappeared #� . I pany has b an formed and a charter has 8oing well.—Ther'e was no meeting of upon his word c . I 11 I C -La -3 I possible to. get about.—Mr. Chas Wil- I onkented, and gave him ich -was evidently a , �, . l as good � 6 - . %I' . . I � 11 . I . - londay-evenipg son, Sr., is now visiting his Boston an oil -cloth coat of Mr. Dynes'. The dent to a 3e them if there were an happy relief. . .; � been Beaux d an d tb e prospects are now ihe Town Council on IV chance as your correspon- ,gramme consisted of music, both voc favorable fq'r' the egustraction of the y- and instrumental, readiings, recitations, I I L Owing %,o the lack of a quorum WIlat friends once more —Mrs. Fred. Ram. whole thing appears to be a fraud, LEVANTED.—Mr. G. Watson, who had 1, . I road. The - - u * r &a Now if b 3 had Been the Same in Sea: &c. The Russeldale Glee club was . L W-1 iexactpointat which they p,boutlrednGing the n mber? WW say -has now fully ecovered from her Mr- Tramp alias cattle -buyer has not forth it ,would n6ve rented Mr. T. Maxwell,s ' of 100 I will strike the lake is . not yet decided . ill take the initiative in trying to g6t recent t r have cost him a Present, and rendered many of their farm . . ' I lupon�. Sea,fdrth' ' . ' illness, b poor R— F. is yet returned it or made his appearance, second oTight; he would have con- selection$ in Such harmonyas to show acres, for $250 per year, three years 1* I - L � I I is in almost , . . � . I 11 -- ago, for a period of fa years, suddenly -- � Campbell'a. . J . a direct rhe heads Off 801110 Of 'those dilatq'f� badly "mashed . ' r- r. Dynes is at present minus his Fjidered 3eaforth able to manage her their superiority as vocalists. The took his departure o vo ` I line b we 00 QV , Some members and M 11 I dstook a,ud St.. Marys ouncillors cut off ?—Main street H446 of -the family of Mr. James B. oil -cloth coat. This ought to ;ber a own affa rs, bUtL in Gorrie every one Cromarty orchestra played many beau- ne night last week, : � — I . ; 1. On the: one dde, and Goderich on the =n Nvell scraped, and an imme'A Hodgins our worthy Councillor .warning to others -to be'on the lookout should t ,e the mark. And be goes on ared to owing to the bad crops and his incapa- .- �i � . . T'� - I - I I 64 a' for such rascals. 11 I . . otlier� The St. Marys people seem to deal Of 4 1 1 tif al copeert airs, which appe * . mud, slush, dirt and by h ari3 suffering from a severe ttack' bility Qf paying the rent. He only ­ - fever has been carted away. — 9�hb- of whooping cough.—Mrs. Stinson and RE-ORGANIZED.—A meeting was beld was no law nor law givers, no good 130. and to inspire them with fond remeML. . beL Very favorably impressed 1with this . p --1 to say th A you woul - d think that there have a- special charm to the 1'anld folk, moved about fear miles distant and is ` L L route. As an outleu an Lake 1�uron is ground was hard frozen on Wednesda family intend removing shortly to the 7) still about these parts. Mr. Maxwen "L M d6f3ired,- a better PoLiat I , in School house No. 4 on ,,Monda ciety, in ihort that Gorrie was a place braDees of -Auld Laig Syne. Mr. A R � than aoderich mornin' . States, where her husband has already . Y L . � . g.—The Lcider Mill. of MeBq evening last for the purpose of,making not fit fo - any refined found out wheze be bad gone, and im- � L, . I Could not be secured. Godericb, also, Wilson & Co., in .this town., is doing ;a settled. . . ; , gentleffian like Ichabod. Bowerman, of Lumley,favored i ..I_ I L I L b ,O have additional r rushing business. It' is astonishing'- h � I preparations to reF,ume the debates in him to live in. I have much pleasure tbb audii3nce with a' teraperance song', . is de`ermined t ailway . t 0 , . med ately want anff seized whatever he fAC-ilities', audthisL w ' 3, � ' and alt6ugh his dep ' could get, and madb a sale, w �, � 9 - � . k otild, undoubtedly amount of cider that seems to be con ortment on the . hich � �� connection with the debating society of in introduciDg to his notice the editor I I be their best to Hills Grreen. � amounted to about $250. � I that place, The success which has at- of our village paper, as he seems to stage was not altogeher consistent with '. - 0 -1 � - i . � n ores ; I I g, he rendered it - in -1 Jr01VV.M between the, municipalities i t ted should bear in mind the7 con -cert to ----.— I at6- With anited action samed hereabonts.—Our citizens all TEMPERANCE.—MR. EDITOR,— Slit — tended the meetings of this society during have the'aame views on the drinking the title of his son ,cheme is quite, 11 -be - I —The'walls of the Ogilvie flouting ­ � I .... - - � the F feasible, . ,The young people of, Hills Green and the past four years of its existence, not question they probably would be able to such a way as to furnish unquesti,3nable Mill at Winnipeg are rising at the rate --t � � 1� be carried to a - and Could I given by Profes8or Jones and family -on I �iciniiy have re -organised the� old only in the marked improvement which console ne another for the want of: proof of his'a,bilities as a vocalist.. Mr. of a stor- .z I successful issue at -no dis- I the evening of Friday nex � L emperane . 1. I � And woork oi I 1; 4 � Itm *rk and v .—The gather against old alcohol, with'a strong for public speaking, but the increasing that Gorrie could get along without the - to the front and gave a recitation, the those of the rememing two storeys am - I taut day. The Credit Va,Uey Railway is gramme is an excell has taken 'place amongst its members better Be ciety. In any case I think Robby Burns, of Belleville, came out Storey axe now about completed. and I t, The e lodge, and are banded to ey a week. Those of the fourth ent one a : - I L . - -- to L� - likely,. in fact certainju ayery short time curlers are commencing to have their determiu&tion to do W in their power interest which hag been manifested by pleasure of his Society. title of which is I 'I am Bound to have be erected without delay. The man- . =;, 0 7a Uo" �­ to pass into theacon-troloffhe Pacific Rail-, "'stanes" burnished :He says that , ndeed-it is said to be in sweeping order and their "besoms?, N ­ � irtuall in their hands for the winter ca,m, o wi way company. I . to drive him from our midst, yet there the numbers who come to hea�r their Gorrie ishot going down, but is really -a Wife," in which bachelor life was Un- fs'ard r of , .1 thoh: bring the whole 'up . -to ran tbeCk A y � -now. It. will Daign- This exhilorating sport prom' are Some who seem to try to mar the discussions, lead them to regard the down.de,.��w if lie had been a little mercifully dealt with. He dwelt upon to the height of keVen ,Stories. Already . � . WHI at any .. I I I I O& fMy XM � become a portion of their -vast railway hes to be more populax thaza e ., progress of this noble society by sneak� coming season as holding out more nite and jn8t 'told us where its errors with interest and emphasis, the edifice attra4s attention from bou- . '11��, W - system, and would ' ver ing around the hall 'during the lodge better prospects of improvement than the place "d stopped, s6 that we would which ma,de it universally ,pQ ar -- I . give us a direct -and during the coming winter.— . ,pul siderable diatanc�Oa', A'nd when roofed it L aireot i I A number hours, raising the windows, and trying any of its predecessors. Persons de- knovrn h f e had to climb among the ladies. Mr. Thomas ".Peart e by far the lQftiest structure in �� simt,; lie" - . competing route to the sea board. This of thoroughbred horses, the property of to hear a.pd see what is going on. Now sirous of ap, have Ow ar w tug ending an occasional even- to be on &I level with other people it I sang an Irish song, in which he made Winnipeg. The topLof the smoke stack AdudW& - much Mrs. MeMulkin, will be sold by auction � I think it would be well for these gentle- ing profitably could not do better than would ha,4e been better. I do not know I BUZ a display of his Inimical 'abilities will be twenty-five feet higher than the . 721-13 � scheme,, if carried out.. would be will b . . . more valuable to Seaforth and the our. in this town on Saturday, the 5th'of men, if gentlemen one can call tliem, to to attend these meetings. Whilat where Go#rie differs from other Places. I as to inspire many with the bislief that Steeple of Knox Church. I � I - � � I - � . I I � I i I I I L I i - � . - z . I I . . ; L -- : - . I . I I I I . . . L I . L I . I . . I � . ! . I . . . . � I . - - -11 . ; . . - I . L . . - -1 L I , . 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