HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-10-28, Page 7WEL
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()Crova- 28, 1881.
NeNis terns.
The forraal o ing and dedioa-
weer Matiester's Hall, Baptist Col -
we. Toronto took p ace on Tuesday of
g society has been
farmed inI3elleville About forty men
Wee signed the r611, pledging them -
peeve not to give or accept treats.
--lass Dora B. obinson, identified
th the LadiesS ate Charities Aid.
'Association, has bee appointed Deputy
Collector of datern ticnal Revenue at
Brooklyn, New Yor.
--A female Nihi ist, Lebedeff, for
• an intimate- friend of Teliboff,
kiovin to have been implicated in
two attempts on t e life of the Czar,
bas been arrested at St. Petersburg.
--The large alto s of wheat belong-.
tug to Wrat Fish r, of Westbourne
road, near Porta,g 19. Prairie, were
totally destroyed b fire a few days
ago. A spark fron steam thresher,
which was working in the vicinity, ig-
tilted the stacks.
-Three Port Sotaaley men, had a
eerrow escape fromi drowing in Lake
Brie one night latel . A sudden squall
upset the boat. T ey were all night
On the water, froi two to six a. m.
They clung to the bat until their cries
were heard by & antler who rescued
them in a boat.
-The Towle C uncil of Portage le
Prairie have determined to offer an in-
ducement of five years' exemption from
taxed= to any one erecting a flouring
or oatmeal mill at not less -cost than
$20,000, and one years' additional ex-
emption for. ever $5,000 value over
that amount. Her is a hence for
some enterprising man.
--An teathetic orrespoxident of the
inks that the only
ever did justioe to
ts" of civilization at
s an Indian who
workmen building
Island to the main
at nightfall to go
, "Damn Yankee!
; anteetreati
New York Herald t
commentator who
to the i'improveme
Niagara Falls, Iv
watched efl da.y the
a bridge from Goa
land, and as he ros
sway said heartil
-A neat of young thieves has been
unearthed in the West end of Toronto,
and two of - them named Flowers and
Murphy, have been captured. They
had taken up their querteis underneath'
a ' Mission Sunday School, where a
quantity of stolen household goeds
were found. At the Police Court the
other morning Flo ars was sent to the
Reformatory for tree years, and his
companion for four years. ;
-Three little beggar bhildren ap-
plied to a private Ideisse in Toronto, the
other day, for something to eat. The
lady of the house being dood-natured
and charitably disposed, gave them a
good dinner in the kitchen and when
they left they were profuse in their
thanks. After they had one it was
found that three dollarshad been
stolen from the drawer of the sewing
machine. , e.... , • ,
-Andrew McDermott, a pioneer
settler in Winnipeg, and a large proper-
ty holder, died an the 12th inst. at the
age of 92t years. Mr. McDermott mar-
ried the grand -daughter of Governor
Montle of the Hudson Bay Company,
and had. fifteen children. Mrs. McDer-
mott died in September, 7.876. Before
his death the old gentleman had the
pleasure of gathering around him 15
children, 57 - grendchildren, 39 great-
geandehildren, an d one great -great-
-The London Truth says: "Since
the Princess' eudden return frora Can-
ada with Prince Leopold slae has passed
a very pleasant time, receiving friends
at Kensington and -staying with them
in the country, diverting herself -with
occasional trips abroad 4 Canadian
friend tells tme that on the Princess'
birthday Lord. Lorne telegraphed, to a
high official of the Queen's honsehold.
requesting him to convey his congratui
lotions to Her Royal Highness, explain-
ing that he could, not send the message
direct, not being acquainted. with the
Princess' address.
-The noted ticket scalper Doc.
Lamm, has given away his secret to the
Detroit authorities. In lira, story in
regard to the use of acids in altering
tioketS he stated "There was a plain
white tieket iestied. at London, Canada,
reading over the t-reat Western Rail-
road to Detroit and from Detroit to
stations & short „distange out on the
Michigan Central, such adYpsilanti or
Ann Arbor. 'When, the ticket came to
Detroit there would be a coupon read-
ing from Detroit te some -other local
station on the Michigan entral, the
name or the station being , written in.
By using the acid it would erase the
writing of the name of the local station,
and then it would, be from Detroit to
station. All we hal to do was
to fill in the destinatiop. We used to
fill in 'Kensington' (that is a suburban
statical outside of Chicago, and the
fare is exactly th same as to Ch'eago)
and, that made the ticket wor
fth as
much as Chicago tickets. We would
pay 25 or 30 or 35 oents apiece for theta,
and sell them for $7.50 apiece."
-With regard, to Sunday excursions
in that city the London Advertiser
very sensibly remarks : "Leaving
others to deal with the religions phase
of the matter, and regerding onlyahe
secular aide, there does not seem to be
any necessity for Sunday excursions in
this city. On purely physical grounds,
a day of rest to six days of work is de-
sirable and needfuloand whoever does
net obtaia that is wearing himself out.
Whatever may be th,e case in the heated
term in large ciao, wheoe people are
crowded_ together in sweltering tene-
ment housesthere is not the slightest
need of Sunday excursion in a city like
London, whtch lips it parks, and broad,
sheltered avenu s, and wheu a short
walk in aimostalllY direction will leave
one in the emu try. Sunday excur-
Biette should be discouraged as tending
to deprive'a certain class of people of
rest that they • absolutely need, and
which they can gain on no other day.
From the Sabbataria.11 point of view,
stronger arguments could be advanced
against Still clay excursions. But the
case is strong enough to ensure their
discontinuance on purely secular
, grounds.
Epps's Cocoa.
Grateful and Coraforting.-"By a
thorough knowl (Igo of the natural 1 ,we
Nelda, gwern e aperations. of daises -
tion and natriti n, and by a careful ap-
plication of the fine properties of well
selected cootie, Mr. Epps has provided
our breakfast tables with a,' delicately
flavored beverage, which may save as
many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the
iudicieua use of such articles of diet that
a conetitution may be gradually °built
up until strong enough to ?eget every
tendency to disease. Hiedreds of sub-
tle maladies are floating around us
ready to attack wherever there.
is a weak point. We, may escape
many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves
well -fortified with pure blood and a
properly nomished •frame." -Civil Ser-
vice Gazette. Sold only in packets
lsbelled-"James Epps & Co. homoeo-
pathic Chemists, London, ing."-.Also
makera of Epps' s Chdcolate Essence for
afternoon use. 482-52
Mothers ! Mothers! Mothers I
Are you disturbed at night and
broken of your rest by a sick blaild suff-
ering and orying with the excruciating
pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at
once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslowit
Soothing Syrup. It will .relieve the
poor little- sufferer immediately -de-
pend upon it; there is no mistake
about it. There is not a mother on
earth who has ever used it, who will
not tell you at once that it will regulate
the bowels, and give rest to the mother
and relierand health to the child, oper-
ating like magi. It is perfectly safe to
use in all cases, and pleaaant to the
taste, and is the prescription of one of
the oldest and best female physicians
and nurses in the United States. Sold
everywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52.
Rest _ and. Comfort to the
Brown's Household Panacea has no
equal for relieving pain, both internal
and external. It cures pain in the side,
back, or bowels, sore throat, rheuma-
tism, toothache lumbago and any kind
of pain or ache. It will most - surely
quicken the blood and heal, as its act-
ing power is wonderful. Brown's
Household Panacea, being acknow-
ledged as the great pain reliever, and
of double the strength of any other
elixir or liniment in the world, should
be in every family handy for use when
wanted, as it really is the best remeAy in
the world. for cramps in the stomach,
and pains and aches of all kinds, and is
for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a
bottle. 692-52 .
Vegetable Discovery.
Heartbfirn, oppression at the pit of
the stomach, and the attendant annoy-
ances of constipation and biliousness,
combine to render the dyspeptic utterly
wretched. But there is, if -he will but
take advantage of it, a source of relief
from all this misery.‘ Northrop dc Ly -
man's Vegetable Discovery and Dys-
peptic Cure is, as its name imports, a
botanic prepaitation, free from mineral
poison, and ao all -sufficient remedy for
indigestion ineits most obstinate form.
It not only enriches the blood by en-
abling the digestive organs to convert
the food received into nutriment, but
depurates it by increasing the action
of therbowels 8fnd kidneys, the natural
outlets for its impurities. Mr. George
Tolen, - druggiat, Gfravenhurst, Ont.,
writes "My customers who have used
your Vegetable Discovery and. Dyspep-
tic Cere say that it has done them more
good than anything' they have ever
used." 723-4
°mat:dated that I weighed but 109
ponnds. In the early part of May last
I commenCed taking the Peeuvws
SYRUP, and ;almost immediately felt its
tonic - and invigorating -Influence. - In
the course of four,montbs I used four
bottles. M' weight this day is 149
pounds. I aye neither liver complaint
nor indigest on, but consider myself in
a perfect state of health, and in good
spirits. Jsides Meese, No. 43 Pleasant
St. Sold leY all druggists. 710-52
Are Yo1.1. Going ,to Travel P
, •
Don't forgeIt a supply of Dr. Fowler's
Extract of WI ild Strawberry. It is a
superior reneledy for sea sickness, and a
positive curb for all bowel complaints
induced by bad water, change of diet, or
of climate. Whether at home or abroad,
it should belept at hand in case of
emergency. 724
Eclectric OIL
- Language can but feebly describe the
pangs of rheumatism. This malady is
one, of the most obstinate which tor-
tures humanity, and yet there is, a
specific which wi lovercome it and pre-
vent its recurrence. The name of this
.sovereign remedy is Dr. Thomas' EclOc-
' tric Oil a combination of six of the
beet known medicinal oils, the remedial
efficacy of which is not weakened by
evaporation, since it contains no alcohol
to render it Volatile. On this ELOCOmit,
as on many others, it is superior to all
other liniments, lotions ailed other
remedies used externally and has this
further advantage that it is used inter-
nally as well. It is an incomparable
specific for lameness, stiffness, burns,
bruises, frost bites and other bodily
troubles treated outwardly, and is a
grand Medicine in throat and lung
diseases. Used for man or beast. Sold
by all dealers. Prepared only by Nor-
throp St Lyman, Toronto, Ont. 710.9.
Millions Given. Away.
Millions of bottles of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs,
and Colds, have been given away as
trial bottles of the large size. This
enormous 'outlay would be disastrous to
the proprietors, were it not for the rare
merits possessed by this wonderful
medicine. Call at E, Hickson, dt
drugstore, and get a trial bottle free,and
try for yourself. It never fails to cure.
Burdock Blood. Bitters.
Cures scrofnla, erysipelas, salt rheum,
piles and all humors of the blood. Cures
dyspepsia, liver complaint, biliousness,
constipation, dropsy, kidney complaints,
headache, nervonenessOemale weakness
and general' debility. 724
. Bucklen's .Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum,
'Fever Sores Tetter, Chapped Hands,
!Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup-
tions, and positively cures Piles. It is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by E. Hickson tit Com-
pany. 714152
clectric Oil.
Joseph Rusan, Percy, writes -"I was,
induced to try Dr. Thomas' Eolectria
Oil for a lameness which troubled me
for three or four years, and I found, it
the beet article I ever tried. It ha
been a great blessing to me." 691-52
Never Give 13p.
If you are uffering with low and de-
pressed spint s, loss of appetite, general
debility, diso deeed blood, weak con-
stitution, headache, or any disease of 'a
billions natio e, by all means procure a
bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be
surprised to see the rapid improvement
that will follow; you will be inspired
with new life; strength and activity
will return • pain and misery will cease,
and henceforth you will rejoice in the
praise of Electric Bitters. Sold at fifty
cents a bottle by E. Hickson dt Co.
Eclectric Oil.
"It is a Great Public Benefit" -
These sign cant words.were used in
relation tol Dr. Thomas' Eolectric Oil
by a gentl man who had thoroughlY
tested its nierits in his own case-havl,
ing been cured by it of lameness of the
knee of three or four years' standing.
It never fella to remove soreness as wel
as -lameness. 691-52
Holloway's Pills.
Nervous Irritability. -No part of the
human machine requires more con-
stant supervision than the nervous sys-
tem -for upon it our health -and even
life -depends. These pills strengthen'
the nerves, and are the safest general
punfiers of the blood. Nausea, head-
ache, giddiness, numbness, and mental
apathy yield to them. They dispatch
in a Stironatery manlier those distressing
dyspeptic symptoms, stomachic pains,
fulness at the pit of the stomach, ab-
dominal distension, and regulate capri-
cious appetites and confined bowels, the
commonly accorapanying signs of de -
elective or diminished nerve tone. Hol-
loways Pilisi are particularly recom-
mended to persons of studious and se-
dentary habits, who gradually fall into
a nervous and irritable state, unless
some such restorative be occasionally
taken. 712.52 -
"Must s y it's the nicest thing I ever
used for the teeth and breath," says
every one having tried "Teaberry," the
new toilet gem. Get a 5 cent sample.
679.52 1
-1- Pericdical PilleL-This invaluable medicine ie
unfailing in the euro of all those, painful and
d an g cern. s e 'eea Fes to which the female constitu-
tion is subje t. It moderates all excess andr 6-
moves all olstbe relied on To marric-d ladies it is peculiarly
lructions, and a speedy cure may
suited. It oivill, in a abort time, bring on the
- montlhy r ericci with regulgrity. These pills
should not be taken by fereales during the first
three montb,s of Pregraecy, as they are ure to
bring on Miscarriage, but at any otler time they
are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinel Af-
fections, Pets in the beck and limbs, fatigue on
slight exerti n . palpitation of the heart, hys-
teeter; and 'abase, these pilla will effect a cure
when all otter means have failed; and, although
a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel,
antimony oranything hurfsful to the constitution:
Full dirt ctio us in e.the Pamphlet around each
package, which should be carefully preserved.
Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 and
12i cents for postage enclosed to Northrop &
Lyman, I cronto, Ont., general agents f( r the
Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over
F.0 pills by return maileld in Seaforth by
E. Hickson' & Co., J. S. Roberts and Lumsden
& Wilson. 644-52!
Liver Complatrit and In-
DEAR SIR :—My business has been
that of an engraver and carver in wood.
Owing to confinement to ill -ventilated
roorae my health gradually deolined,
when I was unable any longer to prose-
cute my business. At this time •I was
soffering from great prostration of
strength, extreme indigestion and dis-
ordered liver. My usual weight was 135
pounds, but I had become 90 much
T F. O'SBEA, M. D. C M., and M. C. P. and S.,
-1-1 Ont. 13ra1uate of Queen'sUniversity, King-
ston. Physician, Surgeon and Accord:hour.
Office and residence Dublin, Ont. laff-All crane
night and day premptly attemied to. 716x8
-n R. JAMES N. DUNCAN, Physician Surgeon,
and Accoucheurs Office, Dr. Physician,
Main Street, South, near Grand Trunk Railway
Station. All calls, night or day promptly attend-
ed to. 724
el- G. SCOTT, M. Dote, Phyeician.Surgeon and
" • A ocouchenr, Seaforth, Ont. &doe and resi-
t erase south side oi Ooderich Street, Setood door
east of Presbyterian Church. 342
ESTRAY EIFER-$2 Reward -strayed from
Winthrop, about the 1st of October, a ;year-
ling heifer, roan color. Any person giving such
inforrnationda the Winthrop P. 0 are will lead
to her recovery will receive a reward' of $2. 7Y.4,-4
FSTRAY' HEIFER -Came into the premises of
-12-' the undersigned about July last, a two year
old heifer, red with white spote, horns rather
spreading. iThe.owner is requeated to prove pro-
perty, pay charges. and take her away. DANIEL
MOOREGORAJR., COIIRtftD03 P. 0. 724x4'
STRAY STEER -Came into the premises ofehe
-1-1- under agned, Lot 26, North Fast Boundary,
IT sborne, about the l at of October, a red yearling
steer. no owner can have the same on proving
property and paying- charges. S. Eioneors. 724x4
ESIBNYS AND REWABD - Any one giving
such inl mai ion as will lead to the recovery
of the follcdeing cattle will receive $6 reward:
One white seceding heifer, 2 'red and white
heifers, 1- red heifer, 1 whitish roan steer, one
year old, and 1 steer red with white star on
forehead, six head in all. RALPH THOMPSON,
Lot 15, McKillop, let Concession, Huron Road.
SSTRAYED CALF -Came into the premises of
'-the undersigned, Lot 22, Concession 5, Stan-
ley, about the 1st of 1 eptember, a last spring's
heifer calf. I The owner can have the .sameon
proving property and paying charges, on applica-
tion to the undersigned,Constance P.O., or on Lot
10, concession 6, Hullett, where the animal can
be seen, TeMetas Mmes. 723x4,
114 L. VERCOE, M. D., O. M. Physician, Sur-
geon' etc.,Coroner for the County of Huron.
Office andResidence,on bandit street north,
direotIr opposite Sertfrth Public School.
WM. HANOVER, M. D., C. M., Graduate of
McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and
Accouchenr, Seaforth,Ont. Office and Residence,
N orth side Goierich Street, first Ertel House
east of the Methodist Church. 496
HUTCHINSON, Graduate of McGill Col.
lege, DI ontreel, Licentiate of the Retail Col-
lege of Phs sicians, Edinburgh, and late House
Surgeon of Creiglockhart Hospital, Edinbutgh.
Office-Blnevale, Ont. 586-52
AA 1311GO-1N, L. D. S., Surge®n
-""" Dentist, Graduate of the
Rola] College of Dental Surgeons,
Ceoada. Successor to H. Derby-
shire. eftice-in the ‘Whitney Block, Main
Str eet , Fen foi Ib. Office hours -8 A. M. to 5 Y. M.
WATSON & DERBYSHIRE, Dentists, Gradua-
tes of R. C a S., Toronto. Rooms over
Johneton Bros., Meyers ,Block, Seaforth. Watson
Faculty and College Gold Medalist. Nom -
Teeth remored easily by the aid of Nitrous Oxide
Gas. 723
Q BEEP STRAYED -Strayed from Lot 10, Con-
" cession 8 Stanley, 6 yearling sheep, 4 wethers •
and 2 ewes. One wet her disappeared about the
middle of July, and the other 5 about the -last
week in Angust. Four of them are marked with
notch out of the lcft eur, ai d two of the wethers
are marked with notch in the Other` ear. Any in-
form et icn that will lead 10 the recovery of these
animals will be suitably rewarded, and any person
ha Arming the same wid be presecuted as the law
directs. RODERICK ROSS, Brucefield. 722x4
QTORE TO RENT -To rent No 2 store in Cady's
Block, Main Street, Seaforth. This store is
neatly finished, and is one of the very best busi-
ness stands in Seaforth. Apply next door to
MRS. CADY. &)1 inddeo 721
rj 0 RENT -To rent a new brick store, in a geed
-1 • business stand in Brussels. Well finished in
every respeet. For partieularg apply to C. R.
COOPER, Land Agent. Brussels; P. O. 723l
TO SHEEP BREEDERS -The undersigned will
keep during this season on Lot 16, Conces-
sion 2, IL. R. S., Tuckersmith, a pure bred South-
. down Ram, and will receive a limited number of
good ewes for service. Terms 61 per ewe. JOHN
Bemsn EXCHANGE HOTEL, Goderich,
Out. WM. COX, Proprietor. This is one of
the Quietest, Nest Comfortable and Beat Con-
ducted Betaib in the Province, The Rooms are
camel odione end the Table and Bar liberally
supplied. Good stehling in connection. 685-5-2
FARM TO 111.1S1 -To rent ice a teem of years,
RIO acre s, being tot 5, Concession 6, in the
township of Hulle tt. For particulars apply on
the premises or by letter to JOHN BARBER, Con-
stance P. O. 621 4 '
1T -Six rooms over A. G. Ault's Grocery
itStor e, bee meth. Snit able or dress makers
o r phiAte dwelling, with front and rear entrance.
Applgto*A.G AULT, Proprietor. - 693
F°14 1ALE-A. story and a half house on the
eerier& of Jebel and High streets, containing
every.eisonveelentra for family use, in one of
the &est centralkibeahties of the town a.s regards
churChes, markets, schools and business centres.
Hard and soft water oh the premises. A fine
lawinstith choice shrubbery, the whole enclosed
by a* handsome wire fence. Also barn
with stabling for cow and horses. For further
particedars apply to W. S. ROBERTSON, Sea -
forth. 720
T PURHEY-For sale on reasonable terms a
valqable house and lot in liarpurhey. The lot
consists of about an acre and a half of good land.
Also' Re good bearing orchard and a first-class well
of pure water, a barn, stable, driving shed and
woodrshed and other conventences.1 Within
about 1 mile of Seaforth, and it is connected with
a good sidewalk ta the town, , This is a good -
place of residence for a retired farmer. For par-
ticulars apply to the proprietor On the premises.
QOOD PIGS -The undersigned will keep during
the present season at his farm near Rodger -
vine in the township of Usbcme, two thorough
bredBerksiiire Boars. They are both from Mc-
Arthur'hcrd, the celebrated pig breeder of Lobo.
They are not of kin. Terms -$1 per sow with
the privilege of returning if nec,essary. WILLIAM
ELDER. 721
FARM FOR SALE -Valuable ferns of 100 acres
for sale in the township of Tuckersmith,
County of Huron, being Lot No 4, Concession 10,
H. B. S., about 75 acres cleared and the remain-
der in good hardwood , bush. ' Soil clay aloam.
Four and a half miles from the thriving town of
Hensall, 8 from Seaforth and 10 from Exeter.
There is on the premises a good barn 49x56, with
stables below. A comfortable dwelling 18x26.
A young orchard of over 5() 'choice young fruit
trees. For particulars apply to JAMES BURNS,
Greenbank P. 0.,putario County. 724A
FARM IN HAY FOR SALE. -For sale Lot 28,
Coneessien 7, Hay, coetaining 100 acres, 57
of e bleb are &car ed and in a god state' of culti-
vation. The balnnee is well timbered. There are
good en tbui:dir ge, end a trick house with good
cellar ; alto a young orchard. ThEre are 10 acres
of fall wiriest sown. It is well sitnatod for schools,
churches and markets'end will be sold on very
easy terms. Apply to DAVID RIFE, Hills Green
P. 0. JOSEPH trIFE, Proprietor. 719
FA.RM FOR SALE. -One hundred acres, more
or less, Lot 19, Concession 2, Stanley, County
of Huron, within 2 miles of Brueefield, and 2 of
Lot dn, Enron & Bruce Railroad, and 6 of Clin-
ton. Ninety acres cleared, 10 of hardwood bush,
soil c'ay loam,
in a high state of cultivation, well
watered. gc °dbrick house 26x36, frame barn 86x
56, frame shed 26x80. Apple, pear, and peach
orchard of 4 acres in good bearing. Terms reason-
able. For ferther particulars apnly to the pro-
prietor on the premises or to Brucefield P. 0.
_ - - -
FARM TO -RENT-To rent Lot No. 21, Hayfield
• Road, Stanley, containing 125 acres, 100 of
which are cleared and in a good state of cultiVa-
ton. There is a new bink -barn, comfortable
house anel other outbuildings. as within three
roiles.of the village of Brucefield and is conven-
ient to On -aches and schools. Will be leased for
about 5 -S-ears. There are 13 acres of fall wheat
sown, and about 36 sres seeded to grass.
There is a good orchard. Apply on the premises
to the proprietors, R. andA. McKENZIE. 721
Q UFFOLK PIG -Samuel Bennie has purchased
" iron the celebrated pig breeder, McArthur of
Lobo, athoroughbred feciffolk Boar pig, which he
will keep for the improvement of stock at his saw
millon the 9th Concession of the township of Hay.
This pig is a splendid animal. He took third
prize at the Pr ovincial Exhibition over a large
number of other good animals and first prize at
the Zurich Show Terms - payable at the
time of service with the privilege of returning if
neceasary. SAMUEL RANNLE, Proprietor. 722
The beet selected stock of Plows in the! County is at
Main Street., Seaforth.
The following popular makes are now in stock:
Massie's No. 13 Thistle Gutter; Carter, Smith d; Co.'s Three Rod -beam
No. 40 Chilled .Plow; the Genti,ine Americam.South, Bend Oliver No.
40 Chilled Plow,- the Brantford Champion 0hilled Plow; Wat-
son's Wrought Iron -beam No. 40 Chilled Plow ; the Ho. 10
amd several different styles of the Hill 'pattern general
pwrpose Flows: also, the Francistown No. 13 Rows.
The above Plows are from first-class ,makers, and will be sold cheap for cash
or on short credit. In GANG PLOWS I keep the Port Perry, which is
now acknowledged to be the best and most reliable plow in the raarket. Price
$20 cash, or $22 on time. STRAW CUTTERS, ROOT CUTTERS, HORSE-
POWERS, SAWING MACHINES, and all kinds of implements belonging to
the business. Now is the time to get a good churn, and the BLANCHARD is
the acknowledged leader of the dairy. See them before buying any other.
A full stock of the following leading maChines : WANZER 0 WANZER
F WILSON Band LOUISE Family Machines; the WANZER D and E for
tailors and light' manufacturing. These are all reliable machines, and parties
purchasing are sure of getting satisfastion and good value for their money. A
lot of good second-hand machines CEL hand, and will be sold from $5 to $15 each.
Machines repaired on the shortest uetice. Needles, oils and all kinds of repairs
co hand.
0. C. WILLSON,'Main-St., Seaforth,
. 22, Concession 12, Hibbert, coneaining 100
acres, abodt 50 acres cleared, well fenced, mostly
underdrained and free fronastumps ; the balance
is well timbered with hardwood. About 13 acres
of fall wheat sown. There is a comfortable house,
a good hank barn with stabling underneath, and
other necessary buildings. A splendid orchard of
hhe choicest fruit trees. . There is -plenty of
living water. It is within 6 miles of Hersall on .
the tireat Western Beltway, 9 from Dublin and
12 from Seaforth on the Grand Trunk. Good
gravel roads leading to each place. This is one of
the best farms- in the Township, and will be sold
cheap as the proprietor wants to retire. Apply on
the premises or to Cromarty P. 0. DUNCAN
STEWART. 721x1
. - s
-FARM TO itesior-To rent for a term of years, Lot
No. 8, Concession 2, Hullet, containing 100
acres, tdi cleared and in e good state of cultiva-
tion,- Brick house with all necessary :con-
veniences, two frame barns, stable and ' shed, a
young bearing orchard, four wells and plenty of
firewood. This 1' about as good a farm as . there
is in the township, and is convenient to schools,
churches, markets and ,post office, and is within
five miles of Seaforth and 9 -re same from Clintons
with a gravel road leadingete each place_ There
are 15 acres of fall wheat and 12.acres fall plowed,
the balance is in grass. Apply on - the premises
or to A. WALKER, Constance P. 0.. 721
RoOMS TO LET-Foualarge rooms to let over
Killeyan &*, Ryan's Liquor Store. Apply- to
Tilos. D. RYAN. 723
1- sale, a two year .old heavy Draught Gelding,
sired by an Imported horse, and weighs 1,300
pounds. Well broke to harness and perfectly
sound. Will be sold cheap as the owner has too
many horses. ApplY on Lot 1, Concession 2
Grey, or to Brussels P. 0. DUNCA_N McLAUGH-
LIN 723x4
HOTEL FOR SALE. -Mr. Carmichael offers
for salethe Mansic n Hotel, seaforth. on
easy terms. This is a three story first-class brick
toSilding, ceremodione, tad most con-veniently
ecarstructed for commercial purpoees, and the best
stand in the country. ROIST. CARMICHAEL.
P. BRINE, Licenced auctioneer for the
" • County of' Huron. Salea attended in all
parts of the County. All orders left at the Ex-
posixon Office will be nromptlyattended to.
CR. COOPER, Brussels, Coanty Auctioneer.
• Sales of all descriptions promptly at-
tended in any part of the county on reasonable
t erma. Orden.; left at the °flicr. of the Hutton
E xposixon, or ddlEESed to BliaSSDIS, Will receive
prompt attention
Q ARROW & PROUDFOOT, Banisters, Solid-
• -d tors, &co Goderich, Ontario. -J. T. 43arrow.
m.Proudfoot. 686
Solioiters in Chancery, Oce.. Goddhiel, Ont
M. C. Cameron, Q. 0., Philip Bolt, M. G. Cam.
eron. 606
W. C. MEYER, Barrister and Attorney at
4--1-• Law, Solicitor in Chancery. CommissiOner
Thr taking affide,vita in the Province of Manitoba.
Solicitor for the Bank of Hamilton, liVinghana.
_Private funds to loan a t di to 61 per cent. 688
Tkr ENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Attorney
at Law,Solieitora in Chancery andInsolveney
Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices -See
torthandErnssels. $28,0oo of Private Funds to
inves t at oncs,at Eight percent. Interest,payable
yes rls Gemini Bracer for taking Affidavits for
nec in the Courts of Manitoba.
JAIL fl. B1111110111. U.W. O M1XXES•
The above firm has this day been dissolved by
mutual consent. All accounts due the firm to
be paid to Mr. Benson who will Pay all Habil.
Nov. 27, 1876. H. W. C. MEYER.
Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth.
-gOLICITORS for tbe Consolidated Brink #.1f
" Canada and the Canadian Bank of Commerce
in Seaforth.
Fru -mane Town and Village Property bought
and gold.
Money (private fainds)loaned on mortgage se-
coritieitt„ at reasonable rates of interest. Charges
Money invested for private persons upon the
best mortgage securities, without anyexpanse to
the lender.
Have always on hand the Lorgest and ,Ifinest Stock of TEAS, SUGARS,
TOBACCOS and GENERAL GROCERMS to be found. in the County of El)
Huron. The Proviaion Department is always stocked with everything usually MI
found in a first-class grocery. In Crockery we have 0
Glass Sets in all Varieties, Lamps, Chimneys, &e.
WINES AND LIQUORS of every description, the very best in the ertarket ; it<
daily expected
and new coneigereents from our resident buyer in France, M. GROSSE, III
41- eer,MeKillop. Special .attention waren to
sales oft Leaded Property, Farni Stook end
Implements. All orders bit with the under-
signed at Walton P. O., ar Lot 14, con-
eession 14, will be promptly attended to. Sale
bills, notes aud stamps furnished St required.
ALEX. DF.LGETTY, Walton, 632 ,
We are Agents
ranted. pure.
for the Celebrated mARsALA Sacramental Wines -was.. 0
We have just received FRESH a compiete stock of ingredients
Cider, which will make it bright, and retain its flavor and sweetness
proper time, according to our directions.
for curing .1
if used in 21
Farmers' Favorite Stock Feeder,
As the success of this Feeder far exceeded our most sanguine expectations, we
have great pleasure in again introducing it to all Stock Raisers. All who have
uded it speak of it in the highestterms. Horses, Cattle, Calves, Sheep, Pigs,
Poultry, dec., keep in better condition on less food, It will pay every Farmer to
give t a trial In package or quantity, manufactured only by
Medicines, Perfumers' Hair Oils, Combs, Brushes,
.N ew Store! New Goods! N ew Prices!
Has,much pleasure in announcing that his New Store, in Whitney's Block,.is
now in full blast, and Stock complete, with evefything New and Freeh for the
Fall and Witater Trade. Dry Goode, Fancy Goods of all kinds, Wools of all
kinds, Yarn, Hats and Caps, and a host of Knickknacks too numerous to
. J. McL UGHLIN extends a cordial invitation to the inhabitants of Sea -
forth and susfrouuding country to give him a call and examine his stock, as he
hopes by clo4e attention to business and keeping his atock always assorted with
the Newest oods, and offering them at such low prices as will ensure a,speedy
sale, he will be able to secure a, portion of the public patronage,
The Ladies wiU find the Millinery Department No, 1, and in charge of MISS
MaLAREN, who will spare no pains to please.
His motto is Small Profits, Quick Sales and Ready Money. Butter and
Eggs taken as Cash. Children will meive particular attention, and as good
mane as grown persona.
. J. McLOUGHLIN, Seaforth.
Every Saturday from NEW YORK and
GLASGOW (via Londonderry) and LONDON
TICKETS for Liverpool, Londonderry, GIss-
no w, and ell parts of Europe. Fares as low as
any other first-elass line.
P repaid Passage Certificates issued to persona
wis hing to bring out their friends.
T 1 Pa esenger accommodation of Anchor Line
Ste arners are ansurpaseecl for elegance and com-
fort.k Applyto
693 At the Post Office, Seaforth
London, Huron and Bruce.
Gallen NORTH— Express.
A. M.
London depart... -.7 40
..... 8 40
Exeter 8 52
Bengali s 9 05
Kippen 9 11
Brucefteld 9 21
Clinton 9 89
Londesboro. 9 58
Blyth .1006
Balgrave . .10 24
Wingliam, arrive „ ..10 45
A. M.
Winghexa, depart. ... 7 00
Belgrave 7 18
Blyth.- .... 7 35
Londesboro ...... 7 44
Clinton 8 02
Brueerield 8 20
Kippen .... . ... 8 130
8 86
Exeter. 8 52
Centralia9 02
London, arrive10 05
Mail. Express.
P.M,. P. M.
220 625
025 728
388 740
852, 758
857 759
407 -808
423 825
441 845
450 852
606 909
525 1425
Expreas. Express
P.M P.M.
25T 620
8-05 688
828 656
888 704
864 724
407 748
415 782
482 825
442 842
585 10 10
Grand Trunk Railway.
Trainsleave Seaforth and Clinton Statione as
Exprees ..... .....217 P. IL 240 P. Ma
Express ..... . ....8.65 P. M. - 9:15 P.m.
Mixed Train......9:16 A.M. 10:00 A.M
Mixed Train.......5:40 P. M. 6:15 I'. IC
Express ..........7S50 A M. 7:80 A.11.
Express Train.....1:10 P. M. 12:45 P. M.
Mixed Train-- .4:46 P. M. 415 P. 31.
Mixed Train.. . .10:50 A.M. 10:00 4.31.
Great 'Western RallwaY•
Trains leave Brussels station, north and gentle
1168 1112derIN:
Mixed .....-9:45 A. M. Asoom. -....6:50 L.M.
Accom..... -287 P. M. Accom......12.18 P. X
Aecom.... ,....9:15,13. M. Mixed...s, a -.8;00 P. M