HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-10-28, Page 4, , - —.- — = - - - 7 r ... - - - I
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I I-- - - - I I I I OCTOMA 28
1 1 I
I . . - T - --- . . . . - — - - -- . ) 1 1881. . I ,- Ocmow
I . - . ----! - I t I
I . N -1191W ADVFERTISEMEWTS. bone of the i I I . I 11 I - 1 I . -
— . I . --------------1 = - -
. I nciPielit rel ellion has been f netions,and we maintain that tiou. and defence have been tryink'to, put her at 26 years of age.1,, Elizabeth ' ir A good record certainly, and . i
I --- - . -- . i . broken, but it will t4 ;ime to . so ' I I only two or three houses -11 I
. stoves—io Kidd. . . restore ple of this Dominicu are acting find out, and whether this important Brindl , another sister, was called to ough in itself to entitle 11Y In n to being vacant. As Of. any kind
1 `8 u 5 , y2e -
-- in things to A Peaceful conditi' oblem will ever be solved to the, ..00rro'- . a a . -a --- to a person W.
surance, eney—W. N. Watson. - I . on andostis- foclishly-in paying annually 0140,000 pr rate the evidence of the fl.ret r6speot., 00118aqneaolj . .
I o T. C . - property and rent are aafluming aa up . law of liquor,
I . I
, Soci —C. F. Pashloy;. !y the peo satisfaction of both parties, is very witnes but did not succeed in strength- :4 —Mr. J. Upshall has rented his farm ward tendency in. the mar et that is re. . Vxhe names 01
t , ple that if they only exercise f6i the maintenance of a body that, if doubtful, but the pig which wits origin- ening 18 case to any great extent. on the 2nd cQuiciession of Hallett to Mr. freshing to owners. I _ Wgira,aaid t
i . I
- i Sale of H z sea—Mrs. MeWulkill. due Patience they. will receive all that not useless, must of necessity be dan- . '. -01
i Teacher W ted—Geo. Turnbull. ally valued at 02.50, bas already in- Her evidence was most unsatisfactory. R --TanEgmond. . L
I .
. I
. I,- to G. Si, clim
I reasonable mortal i — —A melancholy ease of Suicide M -. .
s should desire. No, gerous, 6nd if not dangerous must be curred a bill of co9t of over $50. In the She would Make statements and then '0 Mi. W. Cook, of -Varna, tried ' to curred Iastrveek, in the tqwuship of I I;PeetC 70
1 . Teacher Wanted—Peter Morrin.
1: I I . I I- ,r with.
T6WhOni ft'may Concernall doubt Mr. Parnell - now sees - that he US less. , meantime, the court has decided that contraaict them alm9st in the sam-e sell his farm on the fourth concession of 8 - . I ..
i- . i It is wall known, however, tephen. It appears a Young wommi - tIL,e vendors <.
a I
- .
. I .
- 11 I nv
- Estr Rani—Geo. Weekly. . bas permit Taylo - property of.. the pos- b " th: Several witnesses were called, St)anley lately by public auction. The named East, who had
F - ay ,ted a nale r'R'pig is the rea .
I I - Eatray- cat a—WID, opportunity to do tbat the Senate is maintained by. poli- 8 ' - been visiting ,t - ; . .
t . Elder. Be sor till it is &oved to the contrary. who st ted that they had Been Grace 16 t contains 100 acres, and was bought Mr. Gilbert' Thi
I I his country a I -
Suffolk Pig—Chas. Troyer. i . grea4ervice and make tica'ns as an asylum for worn out po- . " ----- . and Mi BS Brindlay I -son the 16th conceffld., - forih
[ f I walking arm in arm in at $4,500. 5 - - 0 uspectot
I' TO Meehan, himself a great man, to pass,by unim. litiCal hacks, who may on the' for some time past, being determined .
.,Z ,cs—Chas. Tr I .
. Oyer. -. - - have sufficient The High Court of Justice. sko. et in the evenings. The do- * , —Mr. John McLeod has been re -en.- bring her life to a close, to ... : the comaty, V
j prove ' I eeded to
;. -
. .
- -Hous - The CQ Drisisted almost entirely ofan gaged as teacher of School Section No. well, and,throwing herself * I )ears Were tb
1, Farm for SEAe—Miles McMillan. d. -Had he accepted .the Land ,vit dity left to make themselves trouble ,urt, which, under the new fence c proc
; eeper Wa into the via,
uted—Peter Watson.4 Bill as a reasonable first instalment of SOMe to the powers that be if not pro- Judicatur Act, takes the place of the attempt to discredit the testimony of 9i -Morris, for 1882, at a salary of $425. ter, accomplished the deed. No caw - - -Vtr:t the obai
I . Harpe.;'g Y(Mnc'People—Harper Brosl what be desired fGr' his countrymen, Court of Queen's Bench, Common the two sisters. A number of witnesses Miss Dick, Who has taught in No. 1, of ca -n be assigned for the ragh act Be . I . . " .0ter, and 1101.
I ' - - d for, and
Estray Lan. S--'Vob . -McArthur. I vid also as an aid to a par. Pleas, Assize, Oyer and Terminer, and were c*lled who said they would ,not the same -fownsbip, for the last two --In the town of Clint . 1. :
I - i a w e people tiz I ' on resides a- .- - *Xe now BuIL'I
- -
Pii s for S4le—Peter Hill. and used - his, influenc, ith th ' . n leader should be at any time find general Gaol-Dialivery, was OPened be_ believe them on oath. - At 7.30 the jury years, has resigned and accepted a sit- man who has been a resident for n . - ages. The ci
' *
. - To the Ladies—Miss mcj)Ona,.. I to induce them to do the same, 40 himself on the Opposition side of the fore His Lordship Mr. Jnstice Patter- retired, to consider the case, and at nine utLtion in Hullett. i . o!wly
0 . thirty years, and during all that time . 6sidierabla
. I I I Estray Steer—Peter McEwen. might, and no doubt' would through lion Bon, on Tuesday mornitig last week,a,t 10 - with a er- -The sports of Londesborough and he has never been as far north Q Irst, w-hethi
I WclookUey came into'onr
I 0 t .
t . I y 8 - .
. —Robert Burns. r defendant. as Blyth I
Farm For Sale Be. The countr ha - no right to be diet fo 1
1 .
. vicinity bad a grand shooting match on and has only visited Seeiforth o ' 151(
I . I . .1 . niers had. :
I . d- would to- taxed for the support of any such in- business for the crown. The followin . Thanksgiving Day, which resulted ia 1106
time, receive full justice, an O'Zck. H. -V,. O'Connor conducted the
A I — ,
. V - ----"- '- day be the leading "; ' i - 9 - . since it became known by that; , - . vitebregulati
And Moat influentiai stitution: To do so may be exdused, are the jurors : I favor of John Smith- narme. - , or th Z1
I I I 0 Hurbin Notes. , 8 side, by 200 He its a man now well lip in . - ct .
.. ; man in Ireland'. Butj instead of cloiDg but'itcannot be justified. GRAND JURY. A valuable horse belonging to- 'Mr. P ints. The.score - years, Bad , .
I - I Ve
A . stood 3,225 to 3,425, though able to move about- freely , he I I
, It VO - tf X 11 jo i 1 . 01
st t J0 r i - I the Commis
- , Edward Haines, of St. Heleris , died on Edward Biell making the largest count,
.. - > . , i . . Henry Perkins, Gorrie, Foreman; is
, L 1 41 I - this, be affected -to, despise the ve-r i . - I . .) not likely to visit the Placieg,raentionel . wake regulat
g - -- - 11 , y . I
zz 1. . morning.
. - -- . . THiz To Ephraim Down-iDg, Goderich; Grjo ge Sunday . 725 point4 A good supper was par- I
. I . .
. — : - -- reasonable concession which wa's RONTO n6wapapers are still ' unless he does so just to say ,,he jZ I , son maY '[168
- — 0 in takenof a . I
; illop; David Erwin, — i 'Bell's hotel, and every, thing been there." I libellea it. I
. . f, 3E, I ma,de i - Dorrance, Mc1L A ntleman named Mackie, fro hif
. I
- -. F AFO-UTII, FRIDAY, Oot. 28,1881, him., increased big unreasonable worrying over the Paine -Voltaire- litera' Blyth; Th,os. FitLen, Exeter; David - .
I . - . . . ,de- i - Woodbridge, intends opening a new went off quietly. . .
l . - : I
. --- , I Xcess
. — in tur , and Jigt of e .
c . I —A masculine bovine belonging to I
I -
L I ands and incited the peopi I uniCrtunately, the cle'rgymeh Hostattler, Hay; John Lawson, Morris ; Store i Drew s Block, Exeter. —The fifteenth annual Owingmatch Mr. C. Harris, of Morris, had the old -
i . — . 0 to. follow i . U, P1 , Im
I . I I . .-
- . . 0 n I :
L . - .
. . . - I
What, Ontari6 L.egislature big bad example, and, as a consequence, - * f the city have,joijaed i the fracas. In I George Mace, Exeter; Josel h M ont- —F. Pelton, of Brussels,.bas Opened under the auspices of the, Molesworth fashi-O-"d trick ]of going over a six rsd I
i -
- ) I I 'Mary
- , a
Has Don.e. - he' go Howick; Thomas, M on, bran h boot and sboe shop in the vil- Plowman's Association will take place fence without I any -trouble. A '-sigit , 1 IF
I . , now languishes in prison, and in the !meantimo the Infidels are deterinin- I 0
Z I a
; -
1. . ago the Toronto Ma,il I,Hullett; Robey ' lage of alton. He will keep a man on the.farm of Mr. Robert Mitchell, board h .
. - I Some , 8 I Ort time will pass from public vie wad i .r ,yt McDoliald, Gr y; Jas. 1) a ad been placed over big eyes ia I pj"NFu.L A
. ad t!0- improve their - opportunity, there a I the time. which-" djoins the village, on Friday
n . I I A cg I K Al . McAllister, Grey; I
' W A air G eA ; ex -
: sh et . I
.1 ' 0 he wotd,j - While Mrs. B
-1 - ad a r urn Of the feag obtaiaed a4d will be forgotten by the people. L Mcl4rmott, McKillop ; John October 28th. There will be t vain so hip, owner thought I
I 1, I -.- publi ' hav - U1,3 *7%,—Duriug,tho storm on Saturdaylast wO, try a plan that would Surely succee& -. .
I I -
- , by each Sbex iff,in the Province. This -- - invited tbe notorious BobIngersoll I Routcliffe, Usborna; John -Ritchie, the feuce around the school house 'at classeBformen,aud als' two classes A long chain was procured andf&st . in house clea
- . I .1 : — . to Visit the city aud delive his lecture 0
t4 I ened ILr S Dai-vis
I 1 return, no laubt, - surprised a good The London Advertiser regrets that a on Thomas Paine," hoping no doubt to I ingbam ; John Stewart, H6wick.- St. Helens was struck by ligbtning, and for boys. The match will cOmmenee round the bovine's neck, while on the WIL c d- ent. -
I . I
1 1 b 'eight p. m., and, is open to Ontario. other eiid of the chain was what is I .
' ' John Templeton, Tuckersmith;. Ben a Out a a
a eat deal,of the progress of Manitoba seen a for him a resp3otable audience jamin
. - M1111Y. It is the general. suppohition 1,r J. bin rod completely Shattered. at - .
... -
.... 7
- r; I that Sh is at the expense ,of Ontario. "Our ' . Witmer, Wawanosh; JameS Mr. Leslie, of Morris, who has Ou Wednesday evening of last week, known as a grab hook. I Vvi-niaows Wa-f
... - 11
11 11 . g a gra u ising a
itous advert Windmill, Wawanosh ; Thomas Yearly, suffered for a long time with In peregrinat, I mn she w
. . eriffs,: as a rule, have colossal "tax -paying and wealth-pioducingpopu- hro . I -a cancer' W. Newsome, who recently sold hi: . elf I , ..,
. incomes. Thia used. to be the case, but . I I — IS ing along the concession, one day this I
z . T .
: hasbeen given the infidel works. I last farm on the 13th concession, gave a, grab hook cauglit 'on the railroad truk - I tht glass cut
- . I - I "lation is diminished, wl iile our bur- - Al- Stephen- . in big ir outh died on Mond%y of ' -siae, whell 11
i.. .. I du#ng I -ate y ar" -their fees hav Id ain the same, and, these have thou o,h it is not probable that the aituse PETIT JURY week. Ele was.buried in Brussels cam- farewell party to his neighbors &II& as the noon express was coining along
T J a been I :, 'Pns ram !) otery. friends. The young folks spent a pleas- . I .and f a ee sev!
c pared down b- legal enactments a to be borne by those who stick ,to the 'Richaxd Anderson, Wa:ivanosh; John I 'The engineer so - .
; I
I . ritil now I "Province. of C 11 Suffer in the slightest Butchard, Stanley ; Neil Campbell, —11d1r. Tbomas Brandon, of Bel ant .
I ristia,nity wi unded the whi
I " There is some . stle long IDMLED T -N
I force in I grave;
. , the Position (f Sheriff is anything -b I ' - evening tripping the light fantustic, and load, and Taurus had -a tug of war - T, ago a.young I
I ,
- - tit I this assertion of our .throug o*bert Campbell, McKillop - while the old folks enjoyed themselves with'the chain. The trailk was brought - later, of Wil)
- ,
- : I . contemporary, but ,-h all this, yet there is no doubt Goderich; R has disposed of fiis store and b -
- - I a Sinecure. This return showed that do not think it a matt I thatithe hubbub that has beei Ui'd1n .
. we Coventry, Wawanosh; JOL to Mr. charles McClennan, of orilby! Si6ging songs and relatinj incidents, - I
I - - er for regret. i raised W` "
: ." Of to a Standstill and persons were hasten- WO1
, - -
I I . who tales ossession on the first of thphardships the states to
: . many S'llieriff-1, receive very moderate ,I In building up Manitoba we are build- will re of the objecti - Campbell,Wawanosh ; George Dune'an, p I . y had andured when -
4 - . mo ., . con leli. X .
. In up the Dominion, and all of as tak - us" , onable ,Clinton; Wm. Drew, Exeter; Thomas January amencing life in the wilderness, in ing to the animal, whe as
. - reinurieratio , for the responsibilities , . . y last his I
I pi . a ' - his tug ng and twisting the chain
- Ide -in that —Meg.srs. Robert and hip days of yore. 1,91 .
Z ,. And if the Canadian to be rea,d in Canada, than ever Davidson, McKillop; Wm. Elliott, God- John Broad- t 1 with ; I don, HurOa i
. - . they.require to as` Me, in some in-, idea has taken I old- and is flourishiDg woul have been, had the collector of erich; Wrn. Ferguson, Ashfield; Jas. foot, with their families, who left Mori- —The following is related of the late snapped in two and he was free. I . jdlie(l by an
- I . ' —One Sunday evening not long ago a
,stances the e tira income not exceeding i he orth ' Halliday, Colborne; Robert Illiston, I ris a fe r weeks ago Da vid Brown, a conductor on th connected ill
, . . west it is just beca-use custo s quietly permitted a cart load' f . ,have arrived in a Lon- horse belonging to Mr Baer was left L a number
I uudr d do-11a,rB, while from th Ontaxi l have introduced, it Colborne; John kidd, Seafortb ; Isaac ty i Kansas. The Word received donili Huron & Brue '
11 f C! , 0 ,
I - twelve h 1 n et r safe
i -is them -to enfor the city. It is a gi e&t - a Railway, ,who died tied to the paling in fr * ....... ... .
arid are upholding. it.—Exchange. Lawrence. Hullett; Garrett Ma*xwell, ,I from them is very favorable. In Wingham a Short time a Out Of the Bible nephew -of :
. I
I -
has to be tak n the salaries of Cdarks, I go: "Some Christian parsonag , in the tow 11
: t, Pity hat the seizure ever was made, Morris; Thomac Mills Atthe Northern Exposition 1`:1 c a nghi I Colborne. -
. .. . ! . ' '
. This may be all very true, but there . , Rullett; John I held J ye rs ago,'At, Hamilton, a freight shed P of
. i
Bailiffs, Hon. A. McKellar, of 0 Colborne, while the driver 'went in t
r I and.i is a gre& er pi y a a matter Coney, orris; ndrew Miller, Mor- , a a ,-er on recent y Wr Rogers, of wag 'on fire, and in it stood a train load- enj ,9 - , MODEL Sr-
. . :I I -
= I - OY a, chat. The Lorse, probably s
* I o 'widely discussed, as the ris, Hector McKay,- Grey; Neil Me z r his stal- WI . the student
i l Hamilton, Stheriff of the County -of is such a thin g as paying too dearly to has been 8 _ 1 Gorrie, took the first pri a fo' ad ith valuable goods, which it was thinking. it was I f
. grat -
f ..... - Wentworth, -iting to the Ma,iI on this ify pride and .uphold sentiment. whole tbiDg gives the books a' Donald, 'Morris; Wm. McRae, Morris; lion, and a'diplo*ma for the best horse of fOuhd impossible to move, owing to the loose a; time to get home, brolie, I -ton Moa,81 Si
z I 11 i I .
I . I . 11 impor- - - -
I 7 ... I
. David Nicol, H61latt; Wm- Pomrov, - -the 21st i-nl
I I Subject E . Neither of these will ' . I any. kind on the grounds. bra,hes being firmly set. At the risk of - nd left the driver to sliank it
ft I - pay the taxes or tance which they'reall I home. Meanwhile the driver got ready , - names of I
P .. y do nDt merit, Lakelet Mervin *Piliman, Seaforth; I —MisF Bella Johnston, dangbter of his;own life Brown entered the shed, depart a d a out n f - Weir, L ann
I i ' the -debts. of the people ef Ontario. N . . . i
. T i "A few days, ago, you were kind . 9 and 'hich they never would have 'at- J I - ! Mr. Jar ids Johnston, clerk of the 1004ened the brakes and the train was in rather an unenviable prediCanion I .
obn Peck, Stanley; JamesPeck, Stan to U cam to fi. d himsel
L - -1,
1; . I enough to in BE rt a CO 7 I I .
, - py Of the 118heriff's person can deny that, the immense d in any other wy. I township 0 , ,
; I A taine ley; Archibald Reed, Hull'3tt; . f Turnberry, who has be4n saved. In consideration of his b k Maggie Pun
. t James . .
. w . ,
; - I
I i . . I --- dangeroqsly ill is now -the dompauy promised him employment aDY Orions doubt of the -war&. WM..
. return of the i et emoluments i for the emigration to the Northwest from, On- - --- Routeliffe, Usborne; John Sheppard, I 0 . . ravery, not having 8 1.
, . year 1880, made under oa . — , recovering, and whereabouts of h* ; -
. ,I
th,'a's'required tario- is now having a most injurious it is bop d is out of AS conveyance. - John Botz
. . z i Goderich Township; Fitzallen Sprung, -1 danger. as llong as he lived. 'I 11.8 .
I I -' . I 8 com . !
; I statute. My object in p . - News of the'Wee*. Goderich Township; Andrew Simpson, anc-hi panion1took the remaining I
by u-blis'hing it, . —Mr. Jackson, of the 8tb co 'S shoddy pedlar has been visiting The follow
. .
I i 11
a . nees- —1
ry man - . portion of the tie-sirap and hied home. I tion for the',
; Wis. that the public, who are under the effect upon this Province. Eve OB TUARY."'BaronJames R otbschild Grev; Win. Saunders, Stephen; John Sion of Hullett, recently sold a thor- 4he I section in the vici I L
r i .
s -
z - I impression thi t Sheriffs' offices axe the who leaves'the Province not only de- died It Paris on Tuesday. i Weir, Ta,rnberry; He ens, lately, w nity' Of St. ward, meantime keeping a sharp lock were SUCCe-S.
. .
i i - Edward Walsh ,,ghbred Durham bull calf to Mr. John ho is in the habit of out for pieces of buggy, or whip &C. ... Dorrance .T,
. most lucrative in the c0ulntrY, Might be prives US of a consumer but takes - FAIAL IGNORANCE.—Tbree persons Wawanosh; James Walker, Wawa &nosh' I .
I . :
I .
I - 9 Vith - I Mannino of the same township, for the leaving farmers' gates open when going I
i I I . eceive, , a
I u-nd " d d. know exactly what our in Br zil, Indiana, the other ay, died At last they found the buggy's U i]Ag
i I
I him a large suba of money, which b - His Lordship in addrp.SSiDg the Grand of ;100. aws y from the ace. ta d Maggie Linl
i I 0 PI It seems to ke, -1
I I -
. I F . m ating t!oaastoofs, mistakIng them Jury congratulated them on the light- —The farm on the 8th concesBion of sult , from laziness on his part, as once up againet, the fence on the road-sidi -
: J i Position is. @,baaLt the offices at one . fr6 I sum
.. I time were much better than they ar invests there, ' and the most of for , Hosv, TAi
"I , a m. shrooms. I . ness of the calen: dar, 'which, in this Grey known as the Heribison farm, was getting out of the vehicle allows him to Opposite Mr. McMurchiels, on the Al*if, Goclerich tOl
"I -a nO`w can i I
I 11 not b disputed,; but many whic! would have -been expanded b NE-4SECRETARY.—Edwin D.tMorgan, I sold ust week. Mr. Thomas Paso both in- and out. Several farmers land conces0ion. They n er the ; . . accouet of I
. ! I I ere I instance, was conspicuous for nothing by aLtion I a t ad
. of Nb 7York, bas been nomi*ated by I house, got 8, lantern, barn -
I of more serious nature than that of ' pur- are'lPite -indignant at this treatment. as bitched up the horse and went their .
. l
. ai I
I I I -ra, mosi of - which. have affected President . 'Ikrthar- as Secret y of the larceny, only one case of which was chaser fot 11,501. He got a hargain. adding insult to iniary. The on 31ambletonil
. I changes have, been Made ih the law of had he remained. Farmers who send 1 `McLaucl lin, of Grey, being the essed and : horses, bm
. late yea I t
7 I both tl eir sons there give. them money with Treasury. - _ it is like ' journey rejoicing, with the loss of no. " - .
: , lawyers a d sheriffs. seridusly, i m- - - -
presented. The following cases were I —Mess' s. D. McNabb and Robert far ers should 91sick" their biggest, In Kentuc.kj
11 Painng-their incomes, bu..,t so long as ,bi,h to,ak, a start. In most in. BRUTALWo--K-.—At' a prize ,fight in disposed of, - I ! Burns, of thing more than a'twenty cent whip- .
, -
thes.eoha as were in the public inter. stances this absorbs the savings of Now . Morris, started last week for fi est dog on'the fellow whenever he - ,I couple of w(
. I . ng I I I Jersey on Sunday, Denni3 Lyons, Rouse vs. Kerr. An action'for Mal- Manitoba. They took a car load of 0 Os around, an"I they will soon be I — . I The colt is_ I
. ' . -- i
. est, ag most, if Lot all, of the years, , One Of the Principals, was so badly hurt iciouB proseention. Owing to the I goods wit I tfiem. ,Mrs. McNabb and the ny4isance. . :Perth Notes. I i 'a Pe'
I . o rig m werb, and not unfrequently the home- , rid f . \ .-splen& K
. we hadn , that hb is now in a crit .
I . . y ical condition.. - abt3ence of plaintiff he case was post- .1 her daughter, Mrs. Burns, follow, them - I , .
I Monday night of last week a I —Mr. John, McConnell, of j1 . - a cquisition
I It to comPlain' 1 Ma stead is mortgaged to, provide this A WESTERN YEMALE.—A female poued until the next sittin of the I this week. . i I .
. .
z ; 1. enumerate a.; few of these changes, I t ver On ibbert, , it, is reporbe
I 9 I I -severe storm passed over a portion bad a splendid sale on Monday of lad- ,, 1
- which 0--tur to me at the moment. money. The Money goes to highwayman plie& bar unlawful Jusi- aourt, the costs. *A couple of Exeter youths named 0 f t* I week. Some surplus stock was aR thst .
.- Manitoba .
I . 111. The selling of lands in arrears I ne ,tincurred by the plain- 11 . hetowrighip of Stephon,doingeonsid. erall 1 tely
I - I
I '
-i - and is spent there, and the fa , * ss in the mountainous roads of north- - . Sanders And Waddlen were committed erable damage to property. Trees were d, and every animaij put up . . .
: * ... rMer is ' tiff up to the 141h inst. to bescosts in , was offere from Mr. J.
I - I for taxes was transferred from the kept in straitened circumstances : westefu ArkaDsas. She tackled two 'the case taxed to him in the even i ,b gaol last week to stand uprooted, barns blown to and was s - ol 7 . I
I = sheriff to the county treasurer. This h ke t of * to Goderi,
. : I . I , pieces, d, not a beast being bought in. thousand d,
-- - .
I .
2 a O stock dealers a few days ago auo robbed , his- succeeding. ', their tria' for stealing hoDs from Mr. hous p-i considerably damaged. The They -realized good prices. been sold. at
1. , . . & I
: affected to make. u what be -has giventhe li ys. them cif $400. ,,I I S U or in -
7 . I the sh riff -W income to some ex- P . Canadian Bank of Commerce vs. ; Geor a Hodging, of the same place. ptorm, which. ca- . Stance, sucking calves Sol F 9- I
I : I .
tent, bat it waE in the public in,terest, As a result be has to economize MON 3TER CAST' . -- me from the vest, .d tin colt,
: - -1 a in e,very ING.—A multicharge Hill & Morrison. An acti The ' ' ' for `$11.75 to by Mr. Abri
I . ; can on on a 1 -,7 we r , emed to travel in a direct line, being $3-0 each ; a bull Calf, $15-50; yearlings,
plain possitle ,way, aild big expendi tu - nOE 35 foot lODg, WIth a bore six promissory note; F. Holmosted for I —Mr. Jas. Sinclair, of Grey, arrived about half a mile wide and laste less Qlan. .'IIJ
ancl sheriffs cot ild not com s caugbt,in the act. se
I I I 442. Th enli - res here . I . d only, $17 to $23.50; two - Year olds, $59 to .
. -i I
I I ,a irged p;wers of police ' ' inches! in diameter, was successfully plaintiff; Benson & Cameron for de- 3 he A barn beloni- him, in
l , are nothalf .what they would b ave b - , home from Dakota last week, -when about three miuntes. $78 per pair;' a three year old $52.50,, th
I ;
I ! -, inagistrates, by, which cases that would I cast atilleading, Penusylvaqia, on Mon f6ndantB. In the cat,e of defendant ' has been or the past four months. He ing to Mr. Farmer, was cows $42.50, 8 43, $52.50 and 1 $57.50; 1 ,ownershig, 1
7 It I I ' I had the boys 1 . een W blown down' . .
: I th
I . I ' County Courts Are 811mmarily disposed Again, Mary farmers Bell their farms inches j The I says I at hero is plenty of good land and 6ompletely destroyed. A barn be- 25 and $8.50 ea6h - ram, .-- thut Mr. 3 0,
I - occupy days or weeks in the Superior . remained at home. day - the greatest diametei - i b6 26 Hill judgment was rendered for plain- lam s, 07, 58, '
I . fu baceB were ',harged, tiff by conseD t- for $411.60, with costs ; ; there, butl good water is scarcely Ch. 10 ' $15.50 and a two lett, has ref
. o a Mg to Mr. Cain was unroofed, and year old c lt'812i.
with 57 000 pounds of iron. , ! Ouse
county. This is , tainable. 1 dtaught s!
;; of; thus saving, much expense. to . th here and take with them all the money and the action as against Morrison was i - t belonging to Mr. B. Coughlin - The whole netted 8f,457.50 - beingnewl - -
I . and : . . j
- I an excellent Act -they receive for them. The purchaser, a TiaE i TNCESS NOT A FAIR TRADER. dismissed with big coEta. - —The t .velfth annual :match of t WAS I considerably damaged. ' y - Prim taker
t , he Other 8400 better than Mr.
- in the public in terests,. but it , — has re used to C Huron Rifle Association will take place baxn8 ere also destroyed. The torin Pected. I fan showa.
ill - cult down ' . S The . - rincess of Wales ! McConnell ex-
. both lawyers"aud sheriffs, emoluments, a rule, buys partly on credit, and con ameron vs. Driver. An action of . . I I W -.."
L - -
. 11 I I I thelcot range, Clinton, on isunorecedentedin that --part of the ' I Place, recel
I '%e al", ,ointment me the great -or only B itish goods. The move ctment- growing out of a. mo on the i resfd7noe in
I - "i;3. 9, of official, quently for years to co, Be- patronize the ladies' movement,;O wear eje rtgage . a —There died at his
7 - . .
. .
. I- assignees, -v uancel part of his earnings go' to the North. really off -shoot of the Fair Trade by him assigned to Plaintiff Cameron. I of $90 will be offeredin prij6B to com- . c I
! 7as, during the contin ant is from Driver to - one - Worthington, and I Tuesday, November Ist, wbe i the sum country. Cromarty, in the township of Hibbert I Fitzeimmol
7 1 of the, insolvent la w*, equivalent to th . agitati I . 4?D8 eV6niD*g' last week as a party of on the 11th inst.,.- AIr. Donald ' olt at $701
I 'n. The Princess' reply was Judgment was', rendered for plaintiff . petitors. I McKel-
. appointing of a second sheriff in each . !) lar, one -of the a lady, at $7'
. .. abased, instead of I P - arliest settlers at the
I county, seriou ` West to pay for the farm he has Pur- dictated in high official quarters. with costs. , ' . I D. Stewart, Secretary of the Esst returning home from a i . bought -of )
. Y01111P'ladies in Goderi;h townshi were
. affecting the emolu- l6eing expend'6'd here. TIRAN' - — "Wake" they great age of 84 years. Tie was "
. - a HOSTILITIEB.—The British " born. ir.
. -_ Gouinlock vs. Wigging uror. Agricultural Society will be discovered & man asleep in a wago ' on Lougbgoilhead, Argyl b i S t, Ud - -indifferent'
I ,
. - ments of the sh iff. This is the way things . et al. Decree H n,
. D .con -v yance of lunatics to v -1 -are being worked iorces centrating at Durban for to'charge lands" with the payment of . . and came to this country in 1828. He al 1 - 135. -It ;
r 1 I I . as ir6 co, a , .
e . at the Tecumseth Ho th
), -4. The .ue no, - use, Brussels, on Oa In a. a orses 6 ng brought
. Z7 .v, and this is the'main reason that, an adv' ce on the Transvaal, a er money. J. H. Benson for plainti A a ur a , October 29th, and the two to a stand still. They immediately
. .1 . - asylum and pri, oner's to the R .fbr the urpose of frig I ; F. I I settled in Dalhousie, - that 4-hor
- . ' titening county of Lanark, ' , .1
. of C'r M a - although there is a Surplus '' the Boers .- -
. . of Holmested fok following aturdays, at the hour of one -, -1 I
I I taken -, oin the Sheriffs, there- - cheap in i . defendants. Judgment In wokoup a neighbor neax by,and in and removed to Hibbert in 1856. The . !,
n . tory wc's I to si the Convention or because was reade.red,i -in accordance All interest company with another roused inmate, deceased was a staunch reformer an 11
I . ,
I . byreduci money 'in the country, trade i o'clock, to pay the prizes. I
19 th emolument ; hat th with I .
; n alp a rs and actual hostilities are expected seems un- minutes prepared by counsel for th ; a . . -
I'll Change, is a, savii dealers ' d should ear this ia mind. repai
: , 9 to the,publie, and we find it so scarce. 6 I ad to the scene of -action, and honest, upright man, a good, i.nd.ust ? I -0,
. . - I . Whatever certain. The oers are also said to be partieiJ. i I —Afr T1. J. 4- - I I rious . T -H P, "a I
. C do not complain . I money is put into circ i P. Moo'rehouse, who bas vook I citizen, and was much res a tea by In .
I - s o, at the frontier. . harge of the man, who by hip, ex. P C all
. ;:. i 8 ; . . ,your 16b
I . 9
'h - Johnston. i for presSTUSI imag ,
I ulation i '' almost, Ina I carried *on: a bookstore in Goderi -
P, 113 Beckett vs. , who knew him. He leaves two ,sons
I 115. The eniar i,ed Jnrisdicti I 1011 Of ined that he was in the
- -qx; I on of . - Act' ch
i y- I tho immediately. Sent off to the no ;LL. Parnell continues , over 22 yeqrs, has sold out his a' i _ . A reply to
11 1 . Dfvision Court ias affected . w coula- to be . ejectment. Judgment was rendered for stablish- vicini ' ofBrucefield. Ile was 9,ken and three daughter - all married and .
I -- the fees i very el I oarded in Kilmainham. . 0 . y 40 -81 Dance," i-1
: I_- try, and plaintiff. i ment to a young man from Toronto care ,for the ni
I - olumeni I I
. !I; ; -
an d em S of attorneys and we get little or no benefit from 'a'y . ght, and the ladies, having large families, living in Hibbert, .
z .-" - Pormis;i'an forgillim to ske a law ,or has feeble att
I ;
, A it here ' 81 3 named Im rie. Mr. Moorehouse does proce ded on their way, no dott"bu des a large :circle of Borrowing . -which ran'
7 sheriff$ ha coma on, but . , Cameron' vs. McLarty. A -bill for con- besi
, r- , the Act is a - How, or in what I
I T - - . . manner On. been refused. 1 The' Prison Board axe foreclosure and account. By c 1 not iutOnd'to leave Goderich, but will gi-atul ating themselves, both - on their I I fended. I
, , - t It _ ' -
. I :1 I good one. It is n the public in onsept friends. . !
- I - !,
I _ i
7 - I - terests,' tario is to get a return for all 'this is: & now 6DOeavoring to ascertain how the judgment was given in accordance, with 11 live at leis4e. I
I .
. I I I and for that re ison the sho' atuies of the prisoners o - andtheir kindness. Who is —The suit of Mohan vs. Lillico, I Petty Bpiu
b sign -y I the
. 0
.,.- riffs are query that no perso' to the minutes prepared by counsel Jor the —A novel sigbt was witnessed d 12g Man? That's the question. which was tried at the Waterloo As Posed the -
,71- . . fully,prepaired it common with the at- be able League manifesto were,obtained Par- parties.' . .1 - .
, , -
, - , `,
7 - , 11
I torneys to,bear o f to alas' I last week op the farm of Mr. Joseph - Alexander, a merchant of sizes in Berlin on Tuesday of just week, I must be gi
. -" I all share of an : war- We may got it_in gi —N.'r w
: I.- y .. . Cry . . -
- - - ref use t . n East, ,
. And nell, K ttle, Dillion, an ennan - 'Regina vs. Wm. Schofield. The Hogarth, lot 14, Lake Shore Road Bruss, "I
- 1088 we may sus. ain by the passage of 11, a consciousness that while we are . u of giv. was an action for
- , . " ies of grand jury presented a true bill again Colborne, , 31s, has adopted the -pla amages, brought - ng i
..- 1; I answer the - interroga al young apple tree bearing i,ng-, d not bei
I - I this Act, which believe to be in the depriv'ing ourselves, we are bj the Bo . d.; I . A zes for the best samples of butter against the defendan Now, Mr. .*
Al . !
a 8n6fittiDg larde, full blossorn - t, Mr. Peter Lil- - -
l -. " an at
I e A S BME -four I s: The tree has not del , cl at his store within a certain licO, Of Listowel, by the Plaintiff, Mr. -
Interest, of the pi tiblic. , . . I prisoner on a charge of larceny of I -
- I - - 'al . r rio -
p I ossomed- heretofore; perhaps,, it is To . *.The last comp6tition closed on down in
. others but that is about all tb I RGED COUNTRY.—TI a un- bags flax Seed and fou bl r) " that
"I have thus briefly enumerated a a return I usu in the Missouri RiNer has I - brass oil cups, Hugh Mohan, of Wellesley Township
. ri a I practising for next spring. I .-thbi, .
I caused. a from J. & J. Livingston, of Brussels. I ,-- th inst. with 91 entries. ' The who bad Purchased 86 a 8 of land '
I air, olumeals hav 3. been cut down. ' I. an absence of I —The Craig farm near St. Augustine, ifollbw i - ere for
I few changes in t io law by which our that the present generation atanyrate, great deatruction of crops and The jury after 40 minu 1 g awards were unanimously $3,300 from the defendant in 'J&nU&ry, moral st
. unate s4ttlers - - , - 01
in - will reap fr4m wbat'th-ey are now doing property to the nDfort I tes Ifirst settle -1ty with -
. every instance returned a veidict of not guilty and. the di by Mr. John Craig some agree 6e
1 , lore the attorneva suf - for ! d. to by the judges,, and -with a - 1880. The
F fered the Sheriffs eX Plaintiff and his three such -a (
- .. the grqai t Northwest. Along the banks. In Illinoi's farmers, prisoner was discharged. 1 thirty years ago, has been sold to Mr. few c -
11 : - suffered with* them; I . T c9ptions of ipferior grade, n denee, swor t_j-,&t when . , defence b
f . a
many of1whom bad hundreds of acres The Queen !; James Robinson, of West Wawanosh, Pr ced the whole lot very fair but. the purchase of the Ian it., Now,'
t , While in. so -me ca iea the ell -it ge affect ------------------- vs. Robert Torraric .
P - - a ad of fine wheat, which last week pro! ,6 . . i onolp . -
14, 1 1 raised charged with perjury, the grand jur; I for 4,000. :' We understand that ter: I 6,
. .-I As THATbody is' a child of confeder d Was made,
, E* the Sheriffs O -Ply an imm the prize, the tea pot, Mrs. Pope, the defenjant represented the Jarm &a 'to him
I - . 11 ation and eilse yield, are CamPiUg along returned no bill. I Messrs. Craig will remove from this a At I I , - be,
f. . 11 ese an section, probably to the Northwest. 2n . s. Alcock. 3rd Mrs.. Stokes, 4th good, clear land. Mr. Lillica, the do- . . heie, for I
I-. a gaaxantee to the smaller the bluffs with their families. Some Pemberton vs. Walker et al. Acbi(i J , Mrs Johnsto '
. SU(
; "
It. 1: Each one -'of tl actments with provinces 'tb]At their righ s would be left everything and took their wiveB and 'I I - . - . n, 5th Mrs. McQuarrie, fendant, denied this. The 'Judge, in . tribute
- - the' exception cy: I an More zealonaly guarded, tbgre.being a children!:a,ud fled. - I - for money and work. PlaiDtiff no a 4 - Mr.Vm. Best, of Hallett, near 6th * Y . 'Mann charging the jury, stated that - Bait! articl
' the: Inso-lv ' cy Act, Mr8 -Purvis, 7th Mrs. Win
. pearing action was dism- t p' Harlock, purchased from Mr. Je theques- .
- eave' r -
- . STEAmER FOUNDERED.— Great. given plaintiff to poStpo of Goderich township, 200 acres of land I 'correetvit
was pas i Local LegifflaturoVf much larger proportion of Senators than OCEAN issed and I nkins, 8tb` - Menzies, 9th Mrs. Patterson' tion for tbem to decide wa tUT'D Of Mi
I , s whether
Commoners from the smaller - I . n . 10th, er the defendant had made false re
Ontario. Many ' . a trial and re- . . s. Duncan, and a lot of oth .9 -
. , provinces, . damage 'tesulted to shipping b the Berve th ots 1 and 12, 10th cone I
. . ,,others, also, besides. can any Government abolish it without storni of Thursday, 2 y a judgment now given. . ession, 9 tubs. tationB to the -plaintiff when the bar I acted we
. being I ood 1 preSen-
- . these, could, lzye irientioned, which 'nave ' Oth, inst., in Eu- Tr ett, for the sum of $6,000. _ .
.r . L first obtaining the- congent Cross vs. East. Action of liabilities. `U11 i I
I : - OSE3 :rope. B sides the los —T e annual meeting of the Goderich 11 . Stances t I
il , - Of , th ' Mr. gain Was made. The jury returned a -4
I I - effected even' greater aaviugg to smaller provinces? .. s of herring boats Verdict by consent for plaintiff for Best has i,o,;w 300 acres of Which 180 verdict for the defendant. -. !
- the It is a part of and wre . I Curlip JCIub was held in the Colborne for the,cri
. .-I . . , , Confederation ani cannot be of a Norwegian vessel, the $100. I I are cleare6.1 -- Hotel'- lagt Friday evening, when the —One of the finest f ' . i . C
. A people. But, eve' throu the operation swept founderir . ceelled fr,
. Of Cho legisla . I t of the people ' ! arm houses in i
i . tijoaa Ove: allude Macduff off . the Irish T. Fitzackly, an old resident followihg officers were elected: D. 0 in Perth is just being fiW I would sii
;- . Ill 911 away so easily as mos 9 occurred,of the steamer Clan Thompson vs -Bridges. Aetiou for I —My ' the con ty of
I . 1, coast with the work and ace I of the town hip of Grey ,sh_ .
h d to, han- imagine— Wingham A dance,. . loss of urwai I Curt. Verdict for plain- , intends start- Straeb u, President; T. Moorehouse' ad on the farm of Mr. jo - I Mentz ma
. dredS, of thousand a of dolla r,dS of 30 lives. The dis'- tiff. 1 ing for E ng and, next week. He )
% I . 3
-, tl I 1. rs have been bn McConnell' .
e . These are th . : will vice-Presid6nt; Sheriff Gibbons a -Story brick, e Bald queS -1
. .- Dle,land the fees o a arguments put forth aster was camed by a leak, the *ater ' nd I' Hibbert. it is a two
i I- Saved to, the peo i . . . 1 visit for a al- ort time at Montre . 'Ot- . 11
, I -1 I *Brindlay - vs. Grace, al be- S. Russell, Represc-ntative members; tage roofed, with a on i guo'ge ana
. by S I extinguishink the fires in the harnace. I
..... breach of promise of marriage. R e -and -a -half q who Were
' .
, - - Officials and la,,vvyers' have been re- ir Hector Langoviu in favor of the A UCIED.—Robert King, of D9troit, was an action of fore Balling. We wish the old gentle- o,V. Dr.'Ure, Chaplain; Peter Adam Story projection in the rear, immediate- ' I
. -
o I .
I . du 1 to admeth ng like an equitable . - - ly behind: which i i
. ,
I The man a safe voyage. His son has taken Son, So'ey. -Treasurer. , MessrA. W, A. Is 9, 1 Oxge, Summer .. not be Idef
Senate, and they are very BI) case b as excited considerable interest in charge of th farm. ;. Colborne, Hour, I y Horton, M kitchen a - 1' the defent
11 cec - poor ones. has lost his four year old Bon, who was -
; The fact of the Senate be' f abd' and around the Court House, and pro- , —Captain Sheppard,' WOOd-Shed, all covered I
, I I Ing 9, part o ucted on Wedn ' - Hutchin- nd
I , , basis., This has been done by the Local esday last week by bably to a considerable extent through- of Clinton, h Dansford and Dickson; a coun with handsome slate. The structure is I doubt ver
I 1
7 1 Confederation an unknown man -and women while cil I . I
I , -
I - Legislata-re,aud yet there are news- , as it is V t is no reason out the whole town. ,The plaintiff, it received- a commission from the author- aptain- ! 1 many imy
7 ,
( , , a aying in 9
. . . I i - q
- * .
,! i; papers arid-. so -call d "Statesmen" who why it sho PI i i front of his father's house. ities at Ottawa, 3Lnd holding the s, of malla ement. 'J. H. Finlay, C ,of 'white brick und the style through. . . - - 11 have beeu
- , ;11 i .1 uld not be changed or "wiped The boy N four years and four Mon .appears, has for some years past been gna- 'Robinson and Major Thompson, bo,uor. Out is of the'most modern. . i 4 'O
, `
I ,
- f, - - . I tbs . ture of the *arqnis of Lorne, gra' 11 f preme
F out" if the people desire it.- The pe - '. engaged as a domestic I Dti g airy members. Mj)3srs. Straeban, Hum- Under- , .
, - 11.1 affect to Sneer at, ur Local Legislatu . ople, old,haslght bair audblue' servant neath is a cellar the w ol i Which , i .
- I
. I re, eyes, and in the - to him rank; and precedence a 33rd bar, Allan anq - . No do vbt.
. I . -
i heir representatives, have the t [louse of Mr. Sturdy, of Godericb. The ' 0 several convem , com- .
through t in th b e 13 Ze
I- and nevormisH all opportunity to be. I
I MeGaw a rink commit. is divided int
. :. at Me of his disappearance -had on d-efend , I Battalion, as seraor captain, the same t'
I , he ti
it, i V, .
I I ee. It I as resolved that the riDk com.- .ent
I - ant, 'Mr. Grace, has resic w I . many ra.q
1!- V 1, a a dark plgid dre'ss,- blue stockings and 1 d for
5 . :J little its members Pri' ikge Of am nding the constitution - - be da 11
I i . t . and their acts, and '. , a 1 to ted from July 3113t, 1869. mittee furnish lights for night players PartMents. The Stone and brick work I , - - somewho
. !- I . when buttoned Oots. "I number of years in Goderich, and for a I Was done bv Mr. COPP, of Tuckersmith,
- , never grow weary in d ilatin g - upon thb - consl(
4F - i lerable length of tim ' eve of provided claxing, vo
- - P tbov desire to do so. The Ad- —Mr. George Castle, deputy -re i I
- - ' MORE A ten new members join, the and it refloets the very hi I
. . v&uce a . RRESTS.— ArreAs are ,still 8 Was 'one of ! Stanley, has purchased the old ho 9,hest credit ' I snectable,
- . . I "
I _r dmitB that some changes should go; t4o prominent, merchants of the place. me- club; tfiat the club fee be four 'dollars On that- gentleman,
. i .. -- expense it occasi I. s the people Mg -on 1 in Ireland. Di. Kenriy,- 1
7 i! : ThOBe be Made in the compositio - it I stead farm lf -om big brother as does the wood T
Z t . . . . . . . n of the member of the. executive f Of late years, however, he has retired Elijaly. for each member, payable inadvance. 'Work on Mr. Lyons, pf Seafort 4 . iiLives aul
- . ii . - the Land .! The farm contains 115 acres, and the I not breaJi
F I I ve PC
It. . I
-9 ' ' by P. desire to bey, LeAt - - I price is
I , *Who do tWs, however, are not ac' uated -Senate. If then we ba League, *ell k1lown as a Medical at- from business. The first witness called - , —The I Exeter Times Of' last week was the contractor. -The Paint b ' who . would
3 . I have sow.0 sin..i the people, but wer to - 136,000, on time. This giv' ingwas I
1 : - as Mr. says: MaE Hu,Rox Exposi oR of a re- done by Mr. John Howard, of
change of 1.
I it, certainly we have - equal I ral imprisoned was Catharine Brindlay, sister Ot the I Castle a far of 226 acres Dublin, " - . -dancing, 1
I tendaut the save .
, . I
i . I
. I . r Mo. - as goo
,---f 11 Ste I tive in view, and suspects. plaintiff. She stated that she -had -1 as can, be found .d land cent dat was a little astray in stating and a better jo'b would!
- . power to aboligh'it. Wall, editor of the Roscom- , On in Stanley. Mr. ' I be hard to find - proper
.t .
' their pratings L In so far as its several occasions vi th if
' ' '
- AIL L * - Mon Herltld and a member of the sited the defendant 1 —Some ti a ago Mr. H , at i Laing was the manufacturer ,'.n the county the Venetian bI1'ndS iLn . both an ,
I .
V-1 7 --- should be treated by the being a gnaxantee t& the smal Land 'L at big own house in ,J'ackman and of the , exhibited at the particular,. being - ..
. I
I ., i ' ler prov. eague, and Miss Hobnett, of ' company with the I family removed to the vicinity of ,,zW,n , pple syrup very handsoralely 0189. Fol I
. I
I . I - plaintiff - I nth H iron Agricultural Fall Show. finished. The building is an orna, -were to n .
. -
. .
1 . I I beach, Michigan, where he purchased Of conr$ the syrup was manufactured . -
I I - Public with the contempt they deserve. i1rices that their rights will Ballydebob, for' that on one occasion she anc a- So
-. ',I Those who have t' 'O real interests be, observed, ; persistently exhibiting the plain'tiff, together with her I ment to the locality in which it stands,
a a "No ROV manifesto in the *ndow .brother 1 1.1-nd andiUtElided residing. The t Mr. Laing's and from . bQurs 11D,
7 . Of every person knows that it is nothing of . wi
I ! 0 11 arrested along ,pose of having the marri r- It t . Mr. Laing7s and few-aX0 More worthy tol 0--cupy it I eral bom,
----- .. I the Proviace at h, - t will .not do or of her hou a, have,bee: and. sister, had gone there for the pu ' errible fire, by which fortt,natel -ohris, of this place, is an
. -
I , , say 0 0
1 1 "
I " - ree . 11 .
I the Sort. Manitoba, for instance, has with thins. y he fruit, but Mr. i j. J th' Mr. and Mrs. McConnel and. their . . before '
- , ,-j- anythilag ca,100lated to belittle or tb s ag ceremony did not suffer -so discouraged him that the perso to whom industrious and interesting family, and ,
, -f -V enators. What could . these i I . . performed. However, 11 11 credit is due, he .
. .14, d-eStr . after some con- he determine4,to re'turn to Canada to being - could be
- I I -F CT t13a inft'uell cO of the Local Leg- . I I
- . i, ?17 th principal
I , - on —How pork party connected we hope they May live long *to joy
; I
'I-, I the contrary . I
I 1. . I i . vergation with tb& plaintiff, the defen- reside, and he aild family arrived in with itS, manufacture, and the ingre- its cOmforts. ell -. 1 1 other- pul-
-- - l, .. fia their power will do all legislation th&t they might conside- cost- by ,,going through court," is well wi n 0 we - may lookout for a are -Ath
i slature, but three Men do to pre -vent the passage of -may be enhanced in da " t bad Stated thaC be was si k and Clitton. last week. . -
- , - - r shel - nedeSsary to its completion. 'are -11house Warming" shortly. - * .
1 - - -
. - *
- -,. axe to put off the wedding for two Lents I bid ., froineigi
. t I a M mplified by the —Mrs. Allen McKOnzie, of Lochalsh, known to no otberperson than himself. —A case of considerable interest I . I
- .
I - .
I d, I - - , -1 . four or fil
I I I der ; . I
# 1
what we I
. t -favor of lor, who & ever returned. Upon needle run `4o her leg on'the 12th ult. ,TohnB intends going extensively info- -ord I -i
-- .. 11 following case: A weeks. UPOn'this they'had all le t the township of -Ashfield, accidentally had a We un stand that next summer Mr. the public generally was up all Stratf to
-1 to .maintain it in its detrimental to their Province f a- C
. - present officient altd useful condition. jority of the Senators were i: t hotel keepdr by the name of John Tay- house and had n- 1.
, tmerly lived! at Tyrone, re- cross-examination, the witness said she A Doctor I Assizes this week, but no d - I there is I
I .1 " it. The Senate is not ind can not be moved to a'
. i
. . : . . . ecision' has :-
. . I a-ap i jurions U
. I A is I I
rE .
I . Bay the, I
i or imposition. A, 9, A person in i Ligtowel, a few weeks ago, - w . .
- things1ook quieter and more settled sb, which is acknowledged -by all who have what is known as ts-Uncle George's
iiave , -rz simple 11 I
f Affairs in Irelan . If an ' ovinces . ig running at the mother of three illegitimate obil- 1 to thought it Advisable to let it take its used it, Superior to anything now for BI k List, Case-, . dancing
act al .
I TiErEar, is not Much ch Pioth'er part of the country, wasl consult d, but the needle the manufacture of this apple syrup, yet been given upon. it, This case -
190 in the asafeguardto the smaller pr and left, be says, a small p* was not married, and confessed to being having peuet ated itself into the fle
ything against injustice ' la I
. .
I I i ,eat hip former pla i ce of residence. dien. She also Stated that the plain- course, and `t1would in due time come sale at any of our stores. Should be do which maybe briefly I t I S wi
Several additional arresta registrar of the will OJ the purchased a pig froml tiff had had an illegitimato child. She -out itself. I explained. The License Commission- . tric
- '
- bee . a Mr. Scott, Of at first stated that the plaintiff w . - I L
11 11 people, as expressed through their- f6p. Tyro so we think. it will prove a - profitable ers of., the hero, wh
, . ne, anO as 22 —The Signa,1 says: Mr. W. Keith, of County, acting under the %
a a few days i ago Mr. Taylbr years of age, and afterwards s&i t t . -honor 13
1 - .
I .
. .
, merit, made a number of regulations . must be
tely Came to th*t to*n and claims to have bar child was twelve Years of 'age. erich, bas returned to town, and in- table store! building in Gorrie is no abi' r b&
! Land League is absolii ,authoriity of the Ontario Govern- -
Past weak, and the resentatives, the Senate cl ha Windsor, an old-time resident of God- —Th'e Enterprise says: Every h
, now I seems to be pretty Useless; as an identified big property. Wh
I . 0 is the
I .
- - - I I'a A is dangerous of -the pig in question, is what tiff coal * 'he sale Of intoxicating liquors, and could.
f . : I .V
I -1,8
thQrO'OghlT disorganized. The! back peopl OPPOser Of the will of the owner Whon'asked to explain how the plain- tends to resido'here in the futur . He cupi ' woo fo t
i, - F',
- .
. i.
- I
- i
, I
, - - &* iW
- - ' bd
- (e. - i
HOVE t.ik
M-1 lan 1q)
- 11t
I ,
I ! 0 it
` *1 I 11
d the next man . -o comes mongfit others was one imposinIz a nooent '
-. I . ! L . P,
I L 7 it j
I - L d have haid a child when Only has read the Signal for thn,.ty.three to open out business will bl' k' 4*--) build. I, penalty on hotel keep rs or ot - faces, .
-- - These are its the learned counsels for the PrOSeCU ten years old', dh6 si id, -Well, I will years, and paid fc r' it in - adv ' e ed, an a ners,
. ,I I -
I . i -
. -
- . - : I . . Snce every Tenement houses are also ,,,-,-% rce, who after being warned .. B
V I . . : . . i , sea against selling ut if hf
. Z I ,., . I : - . I . . I - .
%, - . - I . . I i . . . -
- i . - I
I I .. ` i . I I . . -
- . I . .
. 11 . I . - -
.. I 1 . I I I . . - .1
-L . . :i I
-- I m I L ... . i I - . . j I . '-
- .- - . I . , . I I
.- - i I i ,