HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-10-28, Page 2e • a 2 LORIMER AND WIFE. A CONTINUED STORY. CRATER Ve-CONITNUED. ! This wa not what Claire had itic- tureci to h rself in the early days of love and c urtship. The. Vision of a llttIe hozoe where she could study Barreds co fort and become all in all to hiM ha ' vanished. In its place rose "aooiety,' vith what Barry called its usageshey did not satisfy her Martied,s e found herself the object ot atteution from every one but her hus- band. So iety kept them apart and left her m prepared for its demands and Barry s quick aeproofs.', "You are so impala ve," he ;would say, yet six montha be ore he had told her that he loved her or being so. Thus Barry watched s adows and looseted his hold on the sub tance. And Claire began to hate the artificial existence that crushed th yearnings of her better na- ture and b ought to light all her de- ficiencies. CHAPTER. VI. - . CoNEIDENcES. . , Nearly a. monthafter the night at the theatre, Cht.re met Mr. Delapierre .at a largeparty. Barry was: dancing with his: sister i -, another room. The nace, meet seem di a. favorable one try- Mr. Delapierre, as Claire- was sitting aparta He' carne up to her with his sweetest atnile, epee,. bag familiarly in ,French. Her eyes fl is e . ..."." am v ry well,. Mr. Delapierre. You were- istaken." "Indeed l I am. quite . surethat Mr. ... Bartlett Bed , you were indisposed. You ;are leaking Irilhia,L1t todaighte" "Mr. Del pierre, have you thought of what you p araised me a month -ago?" "I have- nt surely you do not wish to diSOteete hoSinteste to -night -some other- tinae." , "It cannoi take long, so the present . is. the best ti _ e. Yon have put me- aff for weeks, I elieve purposely." . , He read ecfntempt in her • eyes, and bit his; hp au 'Iy. . . "You are 4toing 'me injustice,: Mrs. 'Lorimer. I aave be -en very, busy, and - ray papers ser& scattered; some are ' lost.. But this is ., a . very inopportune . OCeRESIGH fori this c.onversation, -We shall attract 4tentioa." From his tall height he lo keit &own on her. warning- , ly,, and she ,h.oiaghta pityingly.. They were near. a ,rnautel-plece, and ia thea mirror- above it Claire, eaught a sudden. glimpse: cf 1er flushed cheeks and flashing eyes. The sight put her on her guarde . e "Yott can y what I wish to know in R.ery- te •• words. There must be some. .reason 1 for all this hesitation," she said earn stip.: "If you will not be just to me' w ; had better cease- this conversation.' She was lea,. lug him, when. he placed his hand on h r shoulder. "You speak as if I had injured you. You'are artiste. 1:en in me ;.,I would be your friend. The amount is, rather large, and 1.--,' ' - He h.esitated. "I wish to k OW isle." a "Ifyou ienela upon it,„ why, then, it ie fifteen hund:re1 dollars- ineluding the interest.", His eyes, wexje on her face as he spoke. For araorneat he changed color and looked, clisa.ppo atecie Then her cheeks - flushed and he .. eyes met his steadily. "Thank you., I need a few days td: think it over aud make- inquiries:. "I know of no one else who can_ give - you any info . atioa on the subject,"he "I think I..daa ' She- bowed, slightly.' nal said suspicious y. ilear them. . Mr. Deiapier 0 soon after joined Mrs. Bartlett She ee-eraed cross and in - ant withelaira. • een Mr.tartiett for a aestioniegly, excite. yourself ;.. he is new divinity has made II and turned to n acquaintance who was alined to be dis "I have not week," he said "You needn' quite well. Ott a cotiquest of hi "Indeed! I s several times." "Ohethey ha galleries in the collections. W raation scene in band comes to now. Re has g and even his fa• he would go to c asked him.' "You are jealo at her with a qu 18 I w them out together e done all the picture city -even the private are having a transfer - the house. My hies- earkfa,st every morning veil up late suppers, orite wines. I believe larch with her if she s, I fancy." He lgoked eer smile. "It is hard to lose every heart," she said; with sornetilling like a; sob in her voice, "There la one hat Mrs, Lorimer can not steal from y tt," he added softly. Her face cjhangea. She spoke eagerly. - aYou have sonie hold on Mrs. Lori- mer. I wish I lknew what it was." She waited, bn1 he did not speak. "You should ha'$e seen Barry's face that time you toifiched her arm. He is jealous of yore" "And you are g1ad of it," "How do you k ow that ?" He laughed as f amused. "I have been studying year face for two years; 1 otig1it to read it," • "Yeti must hay Sterne motive. It is rather dangerous to excite a man like Barry." a, "I would risk rr y life to please yea." "Yes, but the c nsequeeces 2" - "-Old fashioned nes are impossible. We control our feelings .aoVa. ' They - seldom carry us so far as tc break the ' laws of society. Reason haa replaced impulse and passion. There is but one thing for which the Americans will risk life and honor, u an.( ' that is naoney." t "Yoare very s vere." "But I am right , If I take a man's wife from him, he must gratify his re- venge byn shamefpl divorce suit-djust- ice gives him no dther redress -but if I put my hand in hi a pocket to steal his parse, he may shot me, and the law justifies hire." "-But there is difference in the offences, and the 1 w draws the dis- tinction. One is : eainst a private per- son, the other agai I st the coranaunity. A man cannot stea a wife's- affections unless she is a wi[ling party. All this time you have net old me your hold on Claire." . ale she in the la bit of speaking about her father?" "Not at alt; I never heard her nanae him.» "And you want tn see my hand? It is not BO much the cards we hold ' as „ hew to play them., Mrs. Loriraer has the stronger hand, but she ia playing into mine. Nothing but her pride 4seps her from be ting me. she eau responsible for hler own happirteas or 'miry." , The gleam in Mrrs. Bartlett's eyes N. 11 h ed chief. Hatred and jealou roused to the highest pitch. Only to lower Claire in Barry's estimation! Only to take bola the girlish face its look of quiet trust With these feel- ings gratified -ate fandied she would be happier. Mrs Delapierre _undentood her perhaps better. than she did herself. He was willing to please her if by so doing he could forward his own de- signs. His reflections after parting with her that evening were not satisfactory. He had set himself a hard task, and had no way of grading his progress. He as . growing impatient and doubtful of s suss.. The long sought prize Bee ever to elude his grasp. Two years hysician live six was a seemed fe. And satisfy im. Al - hes she times he him; ac - his Aim - w confi- seed , to mighty, r. Had t have d have self -in - hand. ith nor erwae equests. a large pturous uld be person some - as the o had was too leave there dy she 'y, and With were Mrs. rOmise an he ed on n aim elf to s ow that she was oap ble . • , „ - THE HURON EXPOSITOR. H. sy were ci ed answer." of mis- i yoir noticed, he did not give you e. "Ion may bet right, auntie. I ftsn saw his name in that little memoran- duM book of father's." ., Before Mrs. Pennington could speak Claire was back in the offlee. - Mr. Dupre wasleaping on his chair, thinking. Claire put her hand in his. "Mr. Dupre, you must not be offended, `r My dear child, why trouble yourself 'bu II must ask you something. Did fat er pay you all that you lent him ?" fuether about this matter ?" ' Ita,thist answering my question, Mr. Dupre, when I ask you as a favor, the greatest you can do me, to tell me thits,?" eI would rather not speak of it; I Helier missed it." "But I have money' that I do not want, for Barry gives me more than I ca epend. Tlaiuk, you will make rue eo appy." Dupre had been thinking of his wife of the interest due on his life in- / suraiace policy, of all that a few hun- dred! dollars weuld do for him just thep. • qt was less than a hundred dollars," he Said nervously. "Nothing but neces- sity; could make me mention it." "But you might have done it out of love for me. Will you take the five hinallred dollars? You can pay yourself and i use the rest until I need it." She spoke impulsively but he understood heo,r,s? P,oriften in the old days he loaned me are your father's child, Claire. H 1 moeey, proffering it as you dd,„ now." "Then you will take it for my sake?' He!smiled. "For yours, if you will bassi it so, but indeed, Claire, it will be very welcome." Claire went home intensely happy. She Sang as she dressed for dinner, and seeing the parlor lighted as she -went downetairs she ventured to open Mrs. Bartlett's piano. Its volume and purity of ton i3 delighted her, and she played for so e time, changing suddenly from fore he had been _assured by a p that Mr. Bartlett could not months. The thedical opinion failure, and lately MreBartlett to have taken a new lease of li Mrs. Bartlett -he could not himself about her feelings for h though she listened to his speec held him at arm's length. At suspected she was mocking_ cepting his service and pitying plicity. She puzzled him -no dential, coquettish, and dre please him, and again satirioal,h wad patroniznag. In his selfish way he loved he she been poor her beauty migh attracted him, but reason woul kept passion in check. Now tereet and passion went hand in Old Mr. Bartlett had neither k kin to inherit his • wealth, neith he given to making charitable b HIS young widow would have sum for her portion. It was ra, to think of the luxuries that wo hers to bestow On the happy 'Who could win her heart -he times doubted if she had a heart To obtain some hold on her w object nearest his. Hitherto h been totally unsuccessful. She finished in the art of flirting to one vulnerablepoiat. ' In her present state of _mind might be hopes for, him.' Alrea had turned to him for eympaeth had let him see her real feelings. him she wore no mask. If it possiblg by one stroke to ruin Lorimer's happiness and comp Mrs. Bartlett -to have the worn loved in his power and be reveng the one who scorned him! It was a thought to cherish, a to accomplish, and he set hims the task. • CHAPTER VII. o - ed e- a!TRIELES LIGHT AS AIR." Claire spent some miserable hours after seeing Mr. Delapierre, but, re- membeting what her aunt had said, she determiued to lose no time in consult- ing Mr. Dapre. The • next afternoon Mrs. Pennington went with her to his office, which was in a tall building on Park Row. Such a building was a novelty to them, with its dark halls, flights of steps, and numberless yellow doors, &eked and looking as if never opened. Claire wondered how men could pass their days in such a place. After a long search they found the room, and Claire knocked timidly on the dusty panel. A thin boy opened the door and stood staring at the novel sight of a pretty girl in purple silk and ermine. Mr. Dupre was sitting at his 'desk writing rapidly -a entail man, with short, thick, white ,hair, faded blue eyes, and delicate, well . cut fea- tures -ea poor man,. whose appearance showed that his battle with the world had been a hard. one. He looked pleased and surprised, and, having sent the boy to post the lettere, he turned to ?Claire. "Mr. Dupre, how much did father owe Mr. Delapierre ?" _ "Probably five thousand dollars ; but he took the pictares, you remember." "Yes, I know that; but I thought they were not worth as much as we owed him. Don't you recollect that he was dissatisfied ?" "Yes, he spoke very unkindly; but, Claire, he has made instead of losing by your father. Let me explain. When, your father di, and for some time be- fore, business was dull, the country was on the eve of a crisis, things were sell- ing for- half their value, and it was simply impossible to sell good pictures at reasonable rates. Had the pictures been sold then, they would not have covered Delapierre's claim, but he was able to hold them. Lately he has dis- posed of them, and to my certaiu know- ledge he has made money by them. If could have paid. him and kept them - for your benefit I would', have done so willingly. But he wanted cash, and I hadn't it to give him. If there is money owing it is due to you." "Yet only last night he told me that the balance due him was fifteen hun- dred dollars." "Claire, he is a bad man, and wants ,to trick you out of your money. If he speaks of this -again tell him what I say. Send him to me." "He has father's written acknow- ledgments. Can he be made to give them up ?" • , "I should think so. Ask him for them; if he refuses to give them to you let me knew." , "I have iive hnndred dollars," said Claire eagerly. 'Are there other bills, little ones, that May have been over- looked ? Try an4 :think, Mr. Dupre. 0 aunt! if I could believe that we were really out of debt." Mr. Dupre looked embarrassed, but Claire was too excited to notice it. "Claire, its well as I can remember, I settled -all the small'accounts shortly after your father's death. If I think of any that were not paid I will let you know. And now, ray child, your -heart is at rest." "Yes, after all these years." "Come, Claire, you have cried enough over these troubles. You ha„ve not asked for Mrs. Dupre." While Mr. Dupre was speaking of his wife's delicate health Claire saw how shabby his clothes -were and how thin for the season. Oh! for the power to help this good man, who had helped her father in every possible way. "Bitterly she reproached herself for her neglect of her old friends. But Barry had ignored them, and she was too much hurt to urge their claims. After Mr. Dupre had said good-bye, and the yellow door was shut, she stood a moment in the dirty, empty hall, picturing him at his desk, working still to ward off poverty. "Claire," said Mrs, Pennington, "do you think he lent money to your father that was never returned? He seemed Bo embarrassed when you spoke, and, if de- ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. pROPERTv FOB, SALE -For Sale, on easy -a- terms, that desirable residence on James Street/ ownedelY Mr. George Dent. Enquire of 5. S. PORTER, Seaforth. 681 piece others Thus sof a light and gay ,,eharacter to ot classic depth and beauty. fascinated, and deaf to other -Bonn ,s, she was not aware that Mr: Bartlett had quietly put aside the cur- tain b tween the parlor and the library so as 't prett At iug h and la enjoy the music) and study the idoli that Barry had chosen. that moment the doll was Jook- IIT Her profile was perfect, er small, classic head had no or- nameat but its own lustrous hair, drawn M loose, wavy tresses from the temples and twisted at the back in a heavy Coil. Excitement had deepened the pik in her cheeks, and a soft, hap - .t py ligit shone in her eyes. She had mi a mos !becoming dress of a sea -green tinge, tallied Ly misty -white lace and dead-gOld ornaments that contrasted with the white throat and arms. Mr. Bartlett's silent enjoyment was suddenly interrupted. The parlor ' door oPened to admit Mr. Delapierre. It mai a long room and the 'piano was near -the centre, so that Claire looking aroun turned her face from 1Mir.1 Bart- lett. He let the curtain fall and chang id his position. Claire'e slight bow and indifference to his prOered hand disconcerted Mr. Delapierre. She didaaot seem to rise, so he 1,6a.ned gracefaffy on the piano and begged her to continue her invoca- tion of !sweet -sounds. The utter contempt in her look and voice snaprised him. "I saw Mr. Du- pre thie afternoon, Mr: Delapierre. It was unlkind to deceive me as you did, and then tell me you were my friend. Heaveri save me from such friends 1" "This is a mistake. What does Dupre know ?" "He knows that you have sold father's picthres for more than the original debts Ysu are welcorne to the extra moue, but I want those papers." "And if I refuse to give them to you 1?s ; 1' hy should you refuse them? Why sho ld there be any quarrel or hard feelijig ?1, You can send or bring them to me, only let it be soon. If not, Mr. Dupre has promised to get them from you.' Mr. Delapierre felt his firm -ground slip - his it th HiS in hi mg away. The papers given up, oldien Claire was gone, and with power of serving Mrs. Bartlett. ilence and the unpleasant gleam eyes made Chile eaSpicious._ "ilia, Delapierre, tilt you deny that you are repaid, because--" denya nothing. 1 'simply ask for time to consider your demand." "Time!" Claire was growing indig- nant. aYou have been putting me off for weekwith lies, and now when I know the truth you ask for time. You must haVe some other teason for treat- ing me so, rudely. Mr. Delapierre, want an answer." "You are determined enough for girl of twenty." "Because I 8,m right; those papers are bonestly mine, and I will have them. She roseisuddenly, as Barry opened the parlor door, but conquered the im- pulse and leaned against the music rack, one hand still resting on the keys. Her eyes; were flashing, her cheeks burning. ! Mrs. Bartlett drew aside the curtain, took in the situation at a glance, ancl came. forward. "Ah, Lerimer," said Mr. Delapierre in his calM :voice. "You find us dis- puting as Psual about our favorite com- posers. Mrs. Lorimer -grows so charm- ingly in earnest when the genius of hers is questioned: Now, withoat being so enthusiastic, I remain true to mine. Will yotariot agree with me, Mrs. Bart- lett, that' in originality and sublimity Meyerbeer soars fax beyond Von Weber?" 'POE SALE -1 -For sale in the Village Bodgerville, 4 acree of first-class land, well fenced and good buildings in good, repair. 'Also young or- chard commencing to bear. Apply to T. SWAN, Rodgerville P. O., Ont.. 722x4 POR SALE. --For Sale a first class Planing -a- Mill, nearly new and in good running order, situated in the flottrishing Town of Seaforth, Will be Hold cheap. Terms easy. Enquire of SECORD, COSSEN S & CO , Goderioh, Ont. D WELLING HOUSE 1N SEAFORTH FOR- SALE -For sale cheap, a comfortable and commodious frame dwelling house on South Main street. The house -contains parlor, dining room, kitchen and four bed -rooms, and plenty of water, and has in connection an excelle-ntgarden. There is also a good stable. It is within five minutes walk of the business part of the town. Apply teeTOSIAR WATSON, Proprietor. 723 Ti OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE - For Sale, -le& that deshableproporty on North Main Street, formerly owned and occupied by the late &Imes Sperling; there is a 'ranee house containing six rooms end kitchen, with pantry; bedroom and w oodshed ; a good cellar, also hard and soft water; there is one acre °fluid with a frontage of ea rods; there is a good young bearing orchard ; It is one of the most desirable properties in Sea - forth. Apply to JAMES SPARL1NG, Blyth, or JOHN S. WALSH or A. STRONG, Seaforth. 694 palm FOR SALE. -For sale the west half of Lot 7, on the 6th doncession of Tuckeramith, H. 11..8., containing 50 acres of choice land; on the place is a frame barn nearly new, a young bearing orchard; good well and pump; 18 acres of f all wheat sown, about 8 acres of bush; is within 44 miles from the town of Seaforth on a good _gravel road. This is one of the bestpropertiosin the township, and will be sold cheap. For !nether particualrs apply to the proprietor, on the premises, or if by letter to Seaforth P. 0. GEO. MONE. 674x4e t f feARah IN MORRIS FOR SALE -South half of A: Lot 25, Concession 8, Morris, containing ' 100 acres, 75 of which are elcared and 60 free from stumps. The timbered land is good hard- wood. The land ia well fenced. There are 20 acres of fall wheat'. There is a comfortable hone, bank barn with stabling underneath, and other good buildings. A bearing ordeal d of about two acres, and good well. Is eithin two and a half miles of the village of Walton and 5 miles from Brussels. It is as good a foam as there is in the township and will be sold cheap. Apply on the premiees or to Walton P. 0. WM. (MAXIE, Pro- prietor. 723 ]'ARM FOR SALE -The north half of Lot 26, • Lot 27, and the east half of Lot 28, Conces- sion 4, L. R. S., Tuckersmith ; 200 acres for sale in one parcel, or two of 150 acres and 60 acres respecti-vely; fust -class buildings, good !moose and orchard; the land is in a good state of culti- vation, is well watered, and is well situated as to roads, &c. Any person wanting a, good farm, in a good locality, will do well to look at this otae be - ore bueing elsewhere. For particulars and terms apply to JAMES LAWRENCE & BROTHER on the premise/3, or to MESSRS. McCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED, BarristerlaSeaforth. 672 VA• RM FOR SALE -For Sale Cheap, as • the -ma Proprieior is going to Dakota, south half of Lot 1, Coecession 13, Hullett, containing 75 a cres, all cleared and in a good state of cultiva- tion, being nearly free from stumps'underclrain- ment eve e d and well fenced ; there is a good log house, fi ret- class frame barn and other necessary ,out- Style an b uildings ; a goed bearing orchard and plenty of water; it is ten miles from Scaforth, on a good S g ravel road, one convenient to school, churchand Goods, p ost office; the land is equal to any in Ontario. ,„ Also the south part of the south half of Lot 1, Goods, Concession 12, Rullett, containing 25 ache, all w ell timbered. These two places will be sold Very Ne s eparately. or together. Apply on the premises or to Harloelt P. 0. WILLIAM SMITH, Proprie- to be the tor. 704 FARM FOR SALE -Lot No. 7, in the 4th Con= cession, H. R. S., of Tuckersmith, 100 acres, the estate of the late James Chesney; 90 acres cleared end under culthation, balance timbered with beech maple elra &c. Good brick house 14 storeys high, 26 by 86. Frame hart and cow stable on stone foundation, also frame stable, and good orchard. The lot is well watered, well fenced andis in a good state of cultivation. For particulars apply on the premiees, or t o the tin- deraigned. adoCAUGARY & HOLMESTED, Solicitors, Seaforth. 7104 1 ' s OCTOBER 28, 188i, DUNCAN & DUNGAN, SEAFORTH. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, MILLINERY AND MANTLES. 1 ' W have pleasure in waitingon our customers with the announcement that our sto k is complete in every department. For the last two seasons we have directe our special attention -and most successfully -to clearing our stock in all dep rtments. We are now able to show our Customers and the Public a a stock for Variety, Newness and Freshness not surpassed anywhere. We im- ported the bulk Of our stock direct from the Scotch and English markets. We, therefore, offer the very Newest and Most Fashionable Goods of all kinds at • Wholes le Prices. DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT In D6ss Goods outsStock is of the -choicest character andthelargest assort - shown in Seaforth, and not surpassed in the city for Quantity, Quality Price. Black and Colored Cashmeres, Tweed and Melton Dress rge and Twill Dress Geode, Cords, Colored Melange, Plaid Dress hairs and Black Lustros. Our All -Wool French Dress GOOtif3 are the est in the market; being in all Fashionable Colors,areacknowledged least Goods offered to the Ladies of Seaforth and vicinity. -palm IN McICILLOP FOR SALE -For sale the -a- north partof Lot 15, i ce the 14th Concession of McKillop, containing 50 acres, 46 of which are cleared, and the balance timbered with hardwood. There are good buildings, good orchard and two never failing wells of water. The whole is well fenced, free from stumps and well underdrained. There are 17 acres of fall wheat. Also the west half of the north half of Lot 10, on the 14th Con- cession, containing 46 acres, of which 25 are cleared, and Borne chopped...and •the balance good timber. Gcod log house and stable, and all well fenced. These farms will be sold together or separately, and a bargain will be given of the last named- Also a lot:of cedar and telegraph posts for sale cheap. Apply to the proprietor .on the premises or to Walton P. 0. JAS. CAMPBELL, Proprietor. 724 VARM IN TUCKERS MITH FOR SALE - For -a- Sale Lot 28, Co, cession 3, L. R. S., Tucker - smith, containing 100 acres, about 80 of which are cleared and in a first-class state of cultivation, and nearly all underdrained. The balance is ti mbered with hardwood. Thei e is a good brick house with a splendid cellar, and first-class frame barns, stables and outbuildings. A large orchard. of first-class fruit trees, and plenty of water There is about 120 rods of board fence. Is within 2 miles of Brueefield on the Great Western Rail- way, and 6 miles from Seaforth ou the Grand Trunk, with gravel roads leading to eacle p ace. There are 17 acres of fell wheat. a his is as geed and comfortable a farm as there is in the County of Huron, and will be sold cheap arid on may terms. Apply on tlfe premises or to Brucefield P. 0. ALEX. LIVINGSTONE. 724 eePLENDID FARM IN WEILL%) FOR SA -ITE. a-' Lot No. 34, Concession 14, Mealillop, contain- ing 55 acres, 50 acres of which are cleared and under cultivation tho balance is v.ell timbered. There is a large frame barn, stable, sheds and I 4 good log hons6, also a young bearing orchard. ! The farm is elell fenced, free- . from stumps and underdrained, with a never failing spring creek a 1 running through' it. It is within 3 -1 EB 01 1 Walton; 7 from Blyth and the same from Brus- eels, and 11 from Seale] th, with a gravel road ' running to each place. It is an excellent farm i and will be sold cheap, as the proprietor is going to Dakota. The adjoining 50 acres cah also be bought reasonable. Apply on the premises to the proprietor or to Walton P. 0 EDWARD RYAN, Walton P. 0. 712 .`411eallyiiI never thought of comparing them -I a mire both. I hope we haven't interrupted you, Claire. One hears so little of Von Weber and so much of Meyerbeer "Rob,ert, toi que j' aime' is necessary to every concert. I am tired hearing it murdered by boarding school graduates and trembling debutantes." Mr. Bartlett now took part in the dis- cussion, music being one of his passions. He had heard the best singers that had appeared in Paris and London during forty years, and his well -told anecdotes and descriptiOns lasted till dinner was • over. Barry's moody silence was over- powering, and Claire went upstairs with him, anxious to restore his good temper by a full explanation. Could he have known the extremes of Joy and sorrow that she had that day experienced, he might have had some consideration for a temperament already overstrained. (To be Continued.) • -There are six doctors, five lawyers and two dentists in the little town of Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. QOOD FARM IN MORRIS FOR SALE 0 H MAP -For Sale, the Southeast half of 'Lot -29, Concession 9, Morris, containing 50 acres, the whole of which is cleared, well fenced, free from stumps, under -drained and in a splendid kat° of culthation. It is -without exception one of the best lots in the township. There is a good log house and frame barn, etable and outbuildings. There is a good bearing orchard and a never fail- ing spring well, and plenty of water for stock. It is within a mile of Walton village, where are stores, blacksmiths and all other conveniences, and the school -and churches are within half a mile. There is a choice of markets, as Blyth is within 6 miles, Brussels 5, and Seaforth 10, with a good gravel road leading to each place. It will b e sold cheap as the proprietor intends going to th e States. Apply on the premises or it by letter to Walton P. 0. D. COLEMAN. 618x4 -t ! MONEY. WANTED -The sum of $1,000 for three years. Interest, six -per cent. per annum, payable yearly. I irst-cla se seem ity. For particulars apply to M. P. HAYES,efeeaforth, or to Me• CAUGHEY & HOLMESTED. 112-tf MOLTEY.-The undersigned has a large sum of aa -a- money for immediate investment on first m ortgages on farm property: Seven and a half per cent. interest yearly; principal as may be agreed upon. J, H. BENSON, Solicitor, Sea, forth. 7 633 jJ ONEY-A. G. adeDOUGALL is authorized to 'ILI' lend money at 64 per cent. on mortgage, for any amount, and for any number of years; inter- est charged or ir on the unpaid principal. No commission charged. Apply at the Store of A. G. McDougall & Co. 678 Beal Estate for any term $ 100 000.00 TO LOAN on Security of of years not exceedingewenty, at 6 per cent. per annnm ; No Commiesions ; The whole of the principal money may be repaid at any time on giving six months' notice, or &tryst= not exceed- ing. one-fourth may be paid at the close of esoh year witheut notice, interest ceasing from the time of payment; Loana effeeted promptly. OFFICE - Victoria Square, Sessforth. WM. Hanle 700 Our M such that shapes in Laces and MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. llinery Department is large and well stocked. Our arrangements are e have every novelty as soon as produced. We have all the leading adies' Hats and Bonnets. Our stocks of Feathers, Flowers, Velvets, Ribbon s are large„and prices moderate. We will be much pleased to 1 and see our stock and' compare quality and price. have you cal In this our patrons. offer the best case. Call a TAILORING DEPARTMENT. epartment we are better than ever prepared to offer i ducements to Having purchased largely, and at prices to defy competition. we value in the trade, and guarantee a fit and satisfaction in every d see our range of Scotch, English, French and Canadiaa Goods. I" A Full Stock of Boots and Shoes in, Men's, Women's Boy's and Girl's, at all the Popular Prices. Our Gr Customer. cmcl all Leadi DUNCAN - eery Department will be Found very Profitable to any Always Give the Best Value in Teas, Suga/r8, Coffees gLnes. DUNCAN, IMPORTERS, SEAFORTH. SEAFORTH EMPORIUM. SCOTT BROT RES§ PROPRIETORS. 8(( la BI.CaRITSbcre font to the ; uleic 11 et 11 cv be '1TJffJ emplet rargerecnts with the biasses. blinh New leek, for the sale of their world reno Pianos. - ! THE DUNHAM PIANO Was established in 1834, and has become one of 1 the most popular instruments of the day, an lig preferred by the leading artists. Wegi e MEI of the many NOTICES OF THE PRES "One of the moat remarkable improvement Piano•fortes of the present day, has just effected by Dunham & Sons, New 'York, in ordinary square instrument. The improv, consists tu a system of construction by w an he nt e tone Is increased to an equality with that at - a grand piano, while the quality is pure abl beautieul. Hitherto,increase of power In sq nr pianos has been gained at the expense of ptielexee quality; but Dunham & Sons have ovine drflienity, and have literally preduced a gr piano in a square case ef ordinary dimensio The tone is resonant powerful and as the touch is Deb t but -strong, and the professio al player can produce all the effect a thatean be pt cut of a el end, while the emateur will feelat n n usual pleasure in its ample and satisfy toIl e. win in a measure revolteionize the man 1 - facture of square pianos.-Chrietien Union. Any Other Plane Supplied on Shortest Notice, OR•Gi-A_I\TS - 'I he Execleior Organ alwae s on hand as n suI Llsaish the with all the latest improvements. This Orgaa received the I I MEDAL OF HICHEST MERI At Toronto Indnetrial Eichibition in 1880, t mixes at 8eaforth, Exeter and Brussels F p last year. Ir sernments sold on the initial= t system. Old timments takee at their Vilille tl part payment on new one. AGENTS WANTED Everywhere, and highest Commission paid. Send for Catalogue, and see us before bufing. GI-T_Tl\T. ETU" E..8 - Ten to Sixteen dollars for a Complete Ja...sica! Instrument. Any child can play it. I Two good sharp Agents Wantedun Salary. SCOTT B ROT HERS f MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. TIME IS t MONEY I FRIEliBORN'S PATENT CHURN DASHER. Makes Mon Butter; Faster, Better. EASIER TO OPERATE AND KEEP OLEAN. It is Constructed on Scientific Principles The Dasher is Strong, Durable and :Light.*In Churning the Cream is forced by the Centre Cone to the sides of the Dasher, thence through the various holes. The caps break the streams, causing upward jets through the holes to be im- pinged on by side jets terming from the:tubes, p romoting agitation of the cream and the forma- . tion of butter. By the peculiar their° of the Dasher,. the Global ee of Butter mill be collected and concen- trated Ip a solid =FIFO as feet as they are term- ed, and the surface of the dasher being e smooth and metallic, without recesses where anything ra ight lodge, the daeher is easily cleanedby pouring waim v ater on it. The tapering -shape of the caps prevents their clogging up. I-1 0 H 1\T„, BAYFIELD, Has been appointed agent ler the Provinee of Ontario, and is Pow manufacturing them at his shop in Bayfieldewhere samples can be seen at any time. Give in your orders. It hi without exception t he best eburn dasher in the world. 5 Exclusive Tereitory and Rights to Manufacture an be had on application to the undersigned. ' 717 V. 11011MAN Bayfteld,1 °nt't CHRYSTAL & BLACK, PRACTICAL BOILER MAKERS. ep HE Subscribers have bought the Tools and -a- Boiler Burliness lately carried on by the God- eri chFoandiry and Manufacturing Company, and ha ving had sxi experience of over eight year in th at e hop, are now prepared to carryon theta -de in all itshranches. Any work entrueted to us 'will receive prompt at tention. Firet-class work guaranteed. All kinds of Boilers made and repaired, also Smoke Stack e and Sheet Iron Work, &c., at rea- sonable rates. New Salt Pans made and old ones repaired on the shortest notice, and at prices that defy mu - petition. CHRYSTAL ds BLACK, - '886-52 iiex 103, G °Jerk!' . FORBES' LIVERY -AND- SALE STABLES, MAIN -8T., SEAFORTH. A RTHUR FORBES, the old established Liv- e"- eryman, keeps the best and most stylleh rigs and the best driving horses in the business. Neat and Nobby Carters, handsome and com- fortable Raebes, and fast and sat horses always on hand. A very hand sorao family sleigh for on.e or two horses. Day and night calls promptly attended to. Good driving horses bought and sold. REMEMBER TH te, PLACE - Opposite O. Willson's Agricultural Warerooms, Seaforth. ARTHUR FORBES. _ LE CREDIT FONCIER THIS new Company, formed for thepnrpose of 'tweeting French -Capital in -Canada, is now prepared to advance money on the moot favorable terms on good landed seaurities. M P. HAYES, Agent for County of Huron, Seaforth. 690 a OCT1 listmoim “It Taxer, "till than One,' srith the I -Adel inas sad that he hi because Y gitima,te somethne Ian& "--131 -'-':Know a near ye to marry -one was that aeaebrate Curran,r, burn InY better, ul the rejni banal ..But man of f friends. "psi sess two old oldest." BO father In -Smith's never atal that you as- said wal had moil 811'1;81 the Infi neighl3o eyes an "Hoots soodna, tors wu but ye -wakene saw b table. S6lrSY,i!v1::n i Ca4hei ui1 deur y should seen, ar den sipc sparkle jury wt. -Mt world I roundit Carson o'clock and his where maim@ and sit to go 'a to (hie) holes? found a New vada wells. On - June wife, s Were s his g Wsshi chat. . tion man for a laugh( preeeri wili. dolisx in a p the in she w 4.1 xvIl to sel brow tr/11181 buyo docur - 1,] foie t sent consi kte tion, right Al The_ e,ong wte ty-t11 eral dese) a doi take wenl with Lin joke, in o af7t4 the hea who leas giv- aff fou yor an 110 the Jun pri was Pe Yea rev du 10 ,te cen re by ca iD our as of tio •