HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-10-14, Page 7Tfir Peg ZYtt rouo lint - Lae tho foe tepi. Fax ro. LtD, ,out Tone Pamir *at to- re in raes-- PhY PE (Ire& rder,t reg. ;heir ana- has. Mir RRIV- ring 10. (H). 131 A_ _ OCTOUAR 14, 1884. -••• THE -Atli ItPbt'ITOR. liessesisamsensaeleisiallnaese Illisnaotemileglifeselgea*, seneasemeemesereeettetaaereattenerwma MORRISON'S GREAT EMPO IUM, SEAFORT11 :HILL BROTHERS! OLD STAND, OPPOSITE THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL,. ameinammeresesessiemeesela THE CHEAPEST MACE IN THE COUNTY OF HURON AT WHICH TO PURCHASE DRY GOODS MILLINERY, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, AND, EVERYTHING NEEDED BY THE PEOPLE. A FACT. If You Want t� Save 25 to 50 Per Cent. in Buying DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, READYMADE CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS AND FURS, go to the Store Littely Occupied by Hill pro ers, opposite the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, There is yet $7,000 Worth of , Goods,to Dispose of, and will sell at a GREAT SACRIFICE, as I Will Have to tth Clear Out the Whole Stock Within the next Two Months, This is no puff. I Mean What I say. Try me. Parties From a Distance Can Save Their Expensr and Make Money by Purchasing at i the Emiporiunt Sale, Seaforth. egapsenee THAT BROOKED TRAVELLER. — Mr. Editoree-In your last issue I noticed a, piece entitled "A Modem Dance," which was hel& in the village of Blake on the evenhag of the 9th September, arid in which the author of the said piece has not failed_ to expatiate , and represent in a manner which to any re- ed and cultivated naiad, on perusing the same would be simply shocking. Now, Mr. Editor, in reference to the said. danceels would wish to do it jus- tice. I ;being one who was there, can 'surely have a faint conception how far ' the morel *as corrupted with the im- tcorali, find, I was just thinking if that ta'aveliter could have stepped in and taken his place in the simple country dance, where everybody seemed to be on suoh intimate terms with each serregated decks up:in which the straw and grain are separated are arranged so that it is utterly impossible for any grain to be thrown out. Marry thresh- ers who are now using this machine, and have been using other machines, pronounce it the best they ever have seen or used for separating and elean- ing grain. —At a meeting near i3allinglass, County. Wicklow, Irelande, - Walter Hume Long, M. P., present, it was re- solved to establish an association to protect Boycotted persons, and that , special attention should be paid to Catholic farmers desiring to resist the diOtates of the League. They are ar- ranging to help farmers who cannot get their crops saved. 1 ----The French Minister of Commerce has issued a notice in regard to the in - ether saltepork. An inspector will be other and innocent pleasure beamed on happy fa.cee s they "tripped the light fantastic" to the violin's sweet music, I think it werild have done his heart good, insteed of sitting at his open window, commenting and criticizing on all he saw and heard, and working his feelings up to auch a pitch of envy and spite, becatiee he had not been favored with an invitation to the same, that at lest to have revenge he had recourse to mental exertion, in which he did not fail to exerciee it. And in the disre- putable character which he so strong- ly colored with intemperance and profanity. I do not wonder that his cultured_ and refined. mind was shocked that respectability would even stoop to associate with such. I give him credit for so thinking if such wag the case, and if it Was, I failed to see it. I never once heard an imprecation from any one of the Said gallants on that par- ticular night, and if there had been such, it wohld not have grated more harshly anywhere than on the writer's sensitive eat; and if that "traveller" saw - conduct and, heard languageiso -utterly profane, the same parties con d conduct appointed at the different ports to which the entry of pork will be con- fined,. A course of lectures on Micro- graphy will be instituted for the prepa- ration of, inspectors. This foreshael- ows the raising of an embargo, on Am- erican pork. —A few days ago the firm of Messrs: Cant, G-ourlay & Conapany, of Galt, shipped for use in the Credit Valley Railway.Workse in Toronto, a mam- moth dimension planer. it is 62 feet long and planes 24 inches wide by 16 inches thick, and is for planing heavy sticks of timber. It took two flat cars to convey it to Toronto. The same firm is about to ship five wood -working machines to a firm in Demerara. —The hoir of first cliricovering Am- erica is no claimed for Ireland, a thesis having peen read and sustained by a Frenchman at the Congress of Americanists, now in session in Ma- drid, that Irishmen and not Columbus crossed the seas and fonn4 the country which has since become the home of millions of their race. We do trust that the Frenchman has such facts for his assertion as to prove beyond doubt and converee as gentlemen before those to the haughty Spaniard that he has who would fain be called respectable. I am sorry that "Traveller had oeca- been assuming airs and. honors Which do not belong to him. It is exceedingly sion to pass the night in a place where adpleasant for those who have Irish blood the foul pestilence of drunkenness their veins—and if the ethnologists Vice was raging so universally. In conclusion, I would hope that , "Tsp ray- are to be believed, who among English- eaking people has not ?-.--to see i -daily eller" will not often view a Beene so which be troved that all the great ones and. the morally corrupt as the one transpired en great deeds of the earth belong to their thus represents as having race. The time must soon come when our usually' quiet village. And now, Mr. Editor, if yon will kindly insert all the nations on the earth will only be too proud to claim kinship, if ever so this in your valuable paper, you will remotely, with their brothers of the oblige me, who truly loves "honor right." Yours, &o., little iiile set like an emerald in the ONE WIEO WAS THERE. stormy Atlantic. ' , —There was trouble in the lietho- 5ohool Reports. dist Episcopal Church, .Toronto, the , The following is the standing of the other Sabbath morning. It appears pupils in School Section No. 2, Turn_ the pastor of the church, Rev. B. Lane, has not received his salary regularly; berry, for the naonth of Oc ober: Fourth Class,—Ist John M re 2d his salary is $1,000 pet annum, but it is dated. for the first four months of the Maggie Martin, 3d. Elizabet G-ilkin- resent year, which began in May, he son. Senier Third Class,—lst Francis P has received only $100 A note of his Yeo, 2d Ida Musgrove, 3d Alice Hawk - fell due SOMO weeks ago While he wits in ing. junior Third Class -1st John New York, which he tequested the McTavish,' 2d. Joh.n. Harris, 3d Sandy Fraser. Second Class,—let Anthony trustees of the church to meet, they refused, and he then remained in New Nichol, 2d Elizabeth Lovell, 3d Walter Hawking. • , York, earned the money by preaching, Re-engaged.—MrDouglas Fraser has and came home and redeemed the note. . He then informed the Congregation of been re-engaged to teach in School Section No. 2, Turnberry, for 1882, at a the state of affairs, and intimated that salary of $425 wheth,er he should stay With them or not would depend on the action of the The following is 5 correct report of finance committee with eegai:d to his the standhag of the pupils in Winthrop school for the month of September: salary. A. lively discussion ensued, in Fifth Class,—let Daniel McFadzean, which prominent members of the con- gregation took part. - The mana,gement 2d. Annie Goveralock, 3d Jeauie Cannon, of finances was. severe*. condemned, 4th Wm. i Reinhart.. Third . Class, and an arrangement finally made. Mr. Senior,—tet Maggie E. Scarlett, 2d. Lane agreeing to preach in the evening. Annie McGregor, 3d Mary Morrison, B ' • 211' 4th Maryurns. Third Class, Junior,. quicken the blood and heal, as its act- ing power is wonderful. Brown's HOusehold Panacea, being acknow- ledged as the great pain reliever, and of double the -strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world, should be in every family handy for use when wanted, as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach, and pains and aches of all kinds, and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52 —1st Joseph Kenny, 24 Maggie Cash, Epps's Cocoa. ,f 3d, Wm. Kenny, 4th Jeanie Govenlock. Grateful and Comferting.—"By Second elass,—lst Andrew Calder, 2d thorough knowledge of the natural 1 .W15 Selina Morrison, 3d John Hannah, 4th which govern the operations of diges- Almira Blanchard and James Morrisonti on and nutrition, and by &careful ap- Part Second„—lst Mary Schrage 2d plicetion of the rine properties of well Geo. Kenny, 3d Maggie Carter, 4th selented cocoa, Air. Epp e has provided Sarah_ Jane Brown. First Class,—lat Bella Russell, 2d John Craig, 3d Wm. Hannah, 4t11 Bella Grieve. —The following is, the standing ob- tained by the pupils of the senior and junior division of School Section No. 2, Hay, for the month of September. as d.eterreined by the monthly record and a written examination : Senior Divi- sion.—Fifth Clase,—Willie Shirrey 253, Kate Hawkins 197. Fourth Class,— Joseph Case 294, Thomas Ching 232, Jessie Chaptaan 184, John Murray 169, Ja,mes Leelie 135. Third Class, Senior, —Ellen. Campbell 152, Robert Ross 133, Gavin Ress 130, Christena Shirrey 124, Adam Whiteford 104. Third Claes, juiaiors4Carrie Chapman 162, John Shirrey 161, Bella Campbell 148, Thos. Murray 143, Grace Oak 140, John Northcott 135, Flora McColl 120, Char- lotte Eacrett 111, Mary Jane McColl 107, Richard Aldsworth 101. Junior Division—Second Class, Senior,— Alfred Ea.crett 146, Maggie Murray 141, Bertha Willis 136, Kate 131ackwell 92, C ee 89 Second: Class, junior,— Vegetable Discovery. Heartburn, oppression at the pit of the stomach, and the attendant annoy- ances of constipation and biliousness, combine to render the dyspeptic utterly wretched. But there is, if he will but take advantage of it, a source of relief from all this misery. Northrop & Ly - man's Vegetable Discovery and Dys- peptic Cure is, as its name imports, a botanic preparation, free from mineral poison, and an all -sufficient remedy for indigestion in its most obstinate form. It not only enriches the blood by en- abling the digestive organs to convert Tho food received into nutriment, but depurates it by increasing the action of the bowels and kidneys, the natural outlets for its impurities. Mr. George Tolen, druggist, Gravenhurst, Ont., writes : "My customers whoihave used your Vegetable Discovery and Dyspep- tic Cure say that it has done them more good than anything they have ever used." 723-4 Dyspepsia and Piles. Gentlemen,—For more than thirty years I have been a great sufferer from dyspepsia and piles. I have been free quently under medical treatment, and have tried .various preparations which have been 'et3commended to me, but received no permanent relief. In Jan- uary last I commenced taking the ,Pernvian Syrup, and after taking three bottles of it I became perfectly cured of the dyspepsia and piles, and my general health is now all that I can desire it to be. MILTON DAGGETT, No. 12, Essex street, Boston. Mr. Daggett has been for many years a well-known .and highly respected member of the Bromfield street Metho- dist Episcopal Church in this city, and an active member of the official board of that church. L. R. THAVItn, Pastor of the Church. Sold by all druggists, 710-52 Holloway's Pills. • Dysentery, diarrhoea and- Disordered Bowels. — These maladies are ever eases of the Kidneys and Urinary Diffi- culties. We know whereof we speak, and can readily saysgi-ve- them a trial. Sold e.t fifty Gaeta & bottle by :Fe Hick- son 81 Co. 714.52.3 Eclectric Oil. Joseph Rusan, Percy, writee—"i was induced to try Dr. Thomas' Eclectric .Oil for a lameness which tronbled 1110 for three or four years, and - found, it the best article I ever tried. It has been a great blessing to me." 691-52' Eoleotrie• Oil. It is a Great Public Benefit."— These Hignificant words were used in relation to Dr. Thema Eelectric Oil by a gentleman who had thoroughly tested its merits in his own case—hav- ing been cured by it of lameness of the knee of three or fir years' standing It never fails to remove soreness as well as lameness. 691-52 Teaberry. "Must say it's the ill itest thing I ever used for the teeth and breath," says every one having tried "Teitberry," the new toilet gem. Get a 5. cent sample. 679.52 THE GREAT FEMALE REAM DY.—Job Moses Periodical' Pills—This invaluable medicine -is unfailirg in the cure of all those lpainfhl and dangerot, R diPC8PC8 to which the female conatien- tion is enbject. moderate:et all emcees tine meeves ell obstructions, and a epeede• cure may be helied on. To reanied ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the montlhy peried with regularity. These pille should not be taken by females during the first three mor ths of Fragrancy, as they are eure to brieg on Miscaniege, but at any other time they are eafe. In all casee of Nervous and Spinal At- fections, Pairs in the back and limb, fatigueon slight exertion, palpitotiori of the heart, hys- terics and whitse, thesepills will effect a eine when another 13,C11,1313 have failed; and, although a powerful remedy, do rub contain iron, calomel, antimony or anything hurtled to the oonstilution. Full din ctions in the pamphlet around each package, -which should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sole iieroprietor. $1 and 12i cents for poste ge enclosed 'to Northrop & Lyna n, Toronto, Ont., general agents fer the Dominion, will intim° a bottle containing over 60 pills by return mail. Sold in Seaforth by E. Iliektun & Co., T. S. Itobeets and Lumaden & Wilson. 644-52 FOR SALE OR TO LET. _ STORETO RENT—To rent No.2 store in Cady's " Block, Main Street, Seaford -h. This store is neatly finished, and is one of the verytest- busi- ness stands in Seaforth. Apply- next door to Mits. CADY. 1 721 M. MORRISON. ESTRAY STOCK. _ • ESTRAY' &TEO—Strayed from the premises a the undersigned, Lot 6, Concession 7, Me- Kiriop, in May last, a ewe and lamb, with letter "B" on right Side. Any person gleing infonnae tion of their whereabouts will be suitably re- warded. PATRICK BURKE, Beechwood P. 0. 721x2 V STRAY &rasa—Came into the premises of the -ad' undersigned, Lot 28, Concession 0,McKillop, about Sept. ist, a red and white two year old steer. The owner is requested to prove property, pay expenses and take him away. JA111,.. Me- DOWELL, Winthrop P. 0. 72.1x4 TRAYED—Strayed from the premises of the undereigned, Lot 88, Concession TEEM - ben y, about tl e middle of kagast,a yearling steer • spotted red and white, large for his age. Was last seen in Hewick. Any person giving such in - Sol matioti Willlead to his recovery will be suit- ably rewarded. SAMUEL ANDERSON, Blnevale P.O. 720x4 -FARM TO RENT—To rent for aterm of years, 11-0 acres, being Lot 5, Concession 5, in the township of Hullett. For particulars apply oni the premises or by letter to JOHN BARBER, Con- stance P. O. 621.4 _ T° LE 1 T—Six rooms over A. G. Ault.'e Groury Store, Seaforth. Seitable for dress makers o r pi ivate &selling, with front and rear entrance. present, and if, left unattended fre- Apply to,A. Q. AULT, Proprietor. 693 quently terminader -fatally. It should ceTOREHDUSE TO RENT,—To rent a good be everywhere known that all these k-' grain eterehouse on the south • side of the complaints:originate in tile presence of some undigested substance in the stomach or bowels, or of some dele- terious matter in .,the blood, and that Holloway's Pills can eliminate either with ease and expedition, They com- bine in a .surprising degree purifying, alterative, regulating, and. strengthen- ing qualities, and thus exert over every internal organ the 'wholesomely con- trolling influence so necessary for sub- duing excessive action. in the human frame. Holloway's medicine may be aclyantage,ously taken as a means of- ke ping the blood pure aLd the body - co 1—the only praetiacble plan of maintaining health in youth,. in man- hoOd, and in old age. 712-52! - Eelectric Language can but feebly deeeribe the pangs of rheumatism. This malady is one of the most obstinate which tor- tu es humanity, and yet there is a, sp ciftc which wi lovercome it and pre- ve soI tri best known medicinal oils, the remedial effscacy of which is not weakened 14 evaporatioia, since it contains no alcohol .tits recurrence. The name of this ereign remedy is Dr. Thomas' Wee - Oil, a combination of six of the our breakfast tables with a delicately to render it volatile. On this. account, flavored beverage, which may save us as on many others, it is superior to all many heavy doctors' bill. It is by the other liniments, lotions and other. judicious use of such iia•tcles of diet that remedies used. externally and has this A COnStittltiOn may be aclually built ther advantage that it is used inter - up until strong euough to leSist every tendeecy to disease. 11 ndreds of sub- tle maladies are floating around. us Wherever there ailway tie ok in Seaforth, with two seta of scales, t uck s fi jine ere at] coniplete ; posecesion given imrnedietely. Apply to Scott Brothers Sealorth 'or to the proprietor, ROBERT SCO'TT, Roe- , 677 biroARM IN PAY FOR SALE.—For zee Lot 26, Concessien 7, Hay, containing 100 aeree, 57 of a inch are &eared and in a good state' of culti- vation. The balance is well timbered. There are good outbuildings, and a brick house with. good ;cellar ; alto a young ofehard. There ere 10 acres of fall wheat sown. It ie well situated. for eehecds, churches and markets, and will be sold on very easy terms. Apply to DAVID RIFE, Mite Green P. O. 'JOSEPH RIFE, Proprietor. 719 pROPERTY I OR SALE. — For Bele in the -a- thriving -rids ee of B mean, situatedon street, Lois 76 and 77 Petty's ,urvey. Ereeted thereon a nice dwelling 22308 teen -with good brick O undation, built lepecially for the present owner.- ale° we odshed 14xlEs. Inside is a &A- chim] well of a aur, bricked -up and good, pump. A quantity ef r, plum and reach trees, and other fruit. This peoperty will be sold aheap and on t toy tenane Any one priyir g cash will get a bargain. Title renece. no e neumbranee. Deeper). tier invited. D.,,M.eGREG OR, Aliller, Proprie- . 718 ton Renee.% Ont. - FARM FOR SALE.—One hundred ams, more or less. Lot 19, Concession 2, Stanlen, County of Huron, within 2 Bailie of Brucefield, and 2 of Loi den. Huron & Bruce Railroad, and fis of Clin- ton. Ninety aares cleared, 10 if hardwood bush. Boil c'ae lo -am in a high state Of cultivation, well watered, geed' hrice house 26x36, frame barn 861 56, frame Eared 26x80.i .Apple, pear, and peach orchard of 4 sores in geed bearing. Terms reason- able. For further partieulars apply to the pro- prietor on the pi e reifies or to Home -field P. 0. 717 WM. CALLANDER. TeARII TO RENT—TO rent Lot No. 9:4 Bayfield Road, Stanley, containing 125 acres, 100 of which are cleared and in a good state of cultiva- tion. There is a new; bank -barn, -comfortable house and other outiniildiegs. Is within three miles of the village of 13rucefield and is conven- ient tonhurehes and schools. Will be leased for about 5 yeate. There itre 13 acres of fall wheat Bowl), and about 36" acres seeded to grass. There is a good orchard. Apply on the premises to the proprietors, R. and A. McKENZ1E. 721 FARM IN III:EXERT voiti seam—For sale, Lot No. 22, Concession 12 Hibbert, containing 100 acres, about 80 acreneleared, well fenced, mostly underdrained and free from stumps r the balance is well timbered with hardwood. Abont 13 acres of fall wheat sown. There is a comfortable house, _a good bailie barn with stabling- underutath, and Other necessary buildings.: A. splendid orchard of the choicest fruit trees. There is plenty of - living water. It is within 6 miles of Hersall on the Great Western Railway, 9 from Dublin and 12 fronl Seaforth on the Grand Trunk. Good gravel roads leadeng te.) each place. This is one of the best frenne in the Township, and will be sold chea.p as the proprietor wants to retire. Apply on fu sp br tr gr di ready to attack is a weak point. -We may escape many a fatal shalt by keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood. and a proVerly nourished frame." --Civil Ser- vice elazette. Sold only in packets 9.belled—"James Epps & Co., °mato- pathic Chemists, London, Eng."—Also makers of Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon use. 482-52 Mothers! Mothers! Motheri- Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suff- ering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately—de- John minnie Daw 184, Alberti Eacrett 150, pend upon it; there is no mistake ' h man 131 Willie Eacrett about it. There is not a mother on h 11 Willie 93, Phtebe Tinney 70. Part Second, earth who has ever use ne Senior,—Jessie or tt 184, Thenaas not tell you at once that it will regulate Laing 179, Nicol Shirrey 173, Aggie the bowels, and give rest to the mother Murray 169, Daniel McColl 115. Part and relief and health to the ohild, oper- Second, Junior,— ' M • Patterson ating like magic. It is perfectly safe to ,._ . 199, Ernest Dunsford 175, Robert Tin- use in all cases, old pleasant to the ney 163, John Tinney 157, Andrew Oke ' taste, and is th-e piescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians 112. and nurses in the -United States. Sold News Items. - everywhere at 25 centsia, bottle. 692-52. F. J. Craig, of Strathroy, exhibited . , at the Provincial the Improved Rest a-ndsiCiffoernrinfogrt. to the Canadian thresher,. which seemed to be the only machine on the ground Brown's Household Panacea has no which met the entire approval of both equal for relieving pain, both internal threshers and farmers. Its motive and external. It cures pain in the side, power ie so oonBtruoted that while the back, or bowels, sore throat, rheuma- ,entire machine is in rnotion there is not dam, toothache, lumbago and any kind It will most surely the slightest tremble se any part. The of pain or ache. lly as well. It is an incomparable ciao for lameness, stiness, burns, ises, frost bites and other bodily ubles treated outwardly, and is a nd medicine in throat and lung eases. Used for man or beast. Sold by all dealers. Prepared only by Nor- throp & Lyman, Toronto, Ont. 710.a Free of Charge. All ' persons suffering from Coughs, C lds, Asthma, Bronchitis, LOSS of V ice, or any affection of the throat a d lungs, are requested. to call at E. ickson di., Co.'s Drugstore and get a treal bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery fer Consumption, freg of charge, which w In si STRA.Y HEIFERS—Came into the prermses• • of the undersigned. Lot 31, Concession 11, Mail/lop, on cir about July 1st, two head of one year old. heifers, one with white head, the other red. The owner can have the same on proving propetty and ; paying charges. HUGH Mc= KAY. 720 -E• STRAYS AND BEIVA 1:D — Any one giving -1-d such int ch Drat H B Will lead to therecovery of t he folloo ing wale, will receive 85 reward: One white Yeselieg heifer, 2 red and white heifere, 1 lied !heifer, 1 wbitieh TORII steer, one leer old, tendil steer rd with white star ou forehead, bin bead in all. RALPH THOMPSON, Lot 15, McRillop, 1st Concession, Huron Road. ESTRAY ST1EEb Riy .—reSwtarradyeedd. from of Lot 15, Pei" last, a two yule old steer, of red and white color, stag horns. Any person giving sueh infonna- Advonilt Rbeoads,uTituckersmith, or Clinton lost office, and inclined to be brindled about the head and tion as will iced to the recovery of the above animal to the undersigned on Lot No. 46, Lon - cession 2, Hullett, about the end ; a June COCK. 719x4 --- - -- — — Fe '11 AY ded-1:: I) —et r1,3, d hem the premise ' (1 the nee e re iered in Seafcrth,oe Saturday, the Oro Seopt el; her, five ewes, two of which were aged 8 DC. . ( 1 '' yet, r red. Oe was of large size with lorg teillitee the top of the left ear cut off. Ons ot t 1 e 3re ) limo- 1 ell t he. top of the light ear cut 'IT. hi (1 'fl' oihs/ two bail the top of the left ear cut ( 11 (! DC, ith s laage head had the top ot '1"• Idgid tar cut off. They were pu - &Do d Lade fit 1 'Michael Klbe, Lot 7, ce re I-, side 12. bi,Killop, end are sup- posed to bine strayed in "that direction. Any in fermatioe that net hod to the recovery of th es e , rinele witl Le liberally rewarded by GEORGE Ill'a'ING, Seaforth. LEGAL. a ARROW & PROUDFOOT,,Barristere, Solici- 'ea tore, &c., Goderich, Ontano.—J. T. Garrey. Wm. Proudfoot. - 686 ftAMERON, HOLT & CAMHRON, Barristers, \-1 Solicitors in Chancery, &c,. Goderich, Ont. AL C. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Bolt, M. G. Cam- eron. 506 WILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Commie - Omer in B. R., Wroxeter Auctioneer and Appreletr. Accounts and no es collected on reasonable termse 366 W . C. MEYER, Bunisterl and Attorney at Len , Scher tor in Chancery. Commissioner JOT taking affidavits in the 1-tereince of Manitobe Solicitor for the Bank of Hamilton, Winghem: Prieatefundis iciloan at 6i to 6•1 per cent. 68he llatENSON & MEYER, BarrisLers and Attorney -1-P at Law, S elicitors in Chancery arid Insolvency COnveyancers, Notaries Public, 'etc. tallicee—Sea forth andBruseels. $28,,Doo of Private Fund:, to Invee tat once, at Eight percent. Interest .payeble_ yearly. Commissioner for taking Affidavits foe e in the Conner of -Manitoba,. JAL H. BISNS011. H.V7. 0. MRYER• The above firne has this' day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounte due the -firm to be paid to Ur. Benson who will pay all Habil- itildemo.v . 27, 1876. JAMES H. BENSON, H. NY, C. MEYER. MCbAUGHEY & OLMESIED, LAW, CFIANCERY, AND Ct NVEYANCING OFFICE, Scott' es Block,- M aiu St eet,. Seaforth, ,Q OLIC1TORS for the Consolidated Bank of k -^Y Canada, and the Canadian sank of Coramexce inF_Stiermaforathno. Town and 711.1age Property bonght andxsoonldey. 'private funde) loam on mortgage se- curities, at reasonable rates of interest. Charges m°Mdeorilaietyeineested for private persons upon the best mortgtoge securities, without any expense to tsli.eale.nmdoecrAguaires, M. A. 0. HOLMESTED AUCTIONE RS. — - -- - P. BRINE, Lioenced A ctioneer for the • County of HUTO.11. Sales attended in all parte of the County. All orders left at the Ex- posencin Office will be prompt4yattended to. 718 CR. COOPER, Brussels, Cdunty Anetioneer. IMPORTANT NOTICES. tended in any part of the comity on reasonable • Sales of all descriptions promptly at - V OR SALE ---A hotel, lease, license, goodwill, terms. Orders left at the office of the Hunine a furniture and stock in trade for sale. More EXP• °Erroll, or addressed to Brdssels, will receive office, Seaforth. ) , 719-3 l'.. prompt attention. A LEX.ANDEPeDELGETTY, Licensed Auction- -- particulars to be had at the Exposiemt Printing rrAKE NOTICE—That I, the undersigned, will ! 11- eer,McKillop. ' Special Attention given to , ID mlyrolt1 abine eresponsibleafterthisd forany\‘,i ildnaebut8t neryonitvyracittteend II sales of Landed Property, Farm Stook and Implements. AH orders left with the under - 5th, 1881. PEACOCK, Tuckersmith, Granton. September Tegge bills, notes and etampe fura shed if regnired. cession 14, will he promptly rencled to. Sale signed at, Walton P. 0,, tee /Lot 14, con - order, no matter by whom -contracted. ROBT. 1 ALEX.DELGETTY, Walton. 639 1 the Quietest Most Comfortable and Beet Con- , 1 London, Huron Find Bruce. 1 exoneta NORTH— — Exprese Mall. Express. 1111eRITISH EXCHANGE 130TEL, Goderich, I -1-P Obit- W. COX, Proprietor. This is one of 1 P. M. P.M. 2 20 625 8 26 7 28 368- 740 758 7 59 DUi 'll convince them of its wonderful the premisee or to Cromarty P. . erits and show what a regular dollar 721x4 ze bottle will do. Call early. STEWART. 1, ANN TO RENT—TO rent for a term of years, Lot 'No. 8, Concession 2, Bullet, containing 100 acres, le5 cleared and•food state of cultiva- Bucklen.'s Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, hilblains Corns, and all Skin Erup- Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands ti box. For sale by E. Hickson & Com- pany. 714-52 TH1f3 Great Household Medicine ranks anvil* the leading necessaries of life. These !le- mons Pills eurif the Bloed, and act moat power- fully, 3 et soothing -1y, on the Liver, Stomae6/a, Kidneys and Bowels, giving lone, energy and vigor to thee° great main syringe of life. They are cenfideetty reconimene ed. as a never -failing remedy in all caeca yhere the constitution: from whatever cause, b 1-ecome impaired or weaken- ed. They ere weeeerfally efficarions in all all. ments ineithental te Females of all ages; and 1MS a General Famile Medicine, are unsurpadeed I IHOLLOWAYS OINTMENT' Its searchirg Riad healing properties are known throughout the world. For the cure of bad leffes bad*lareaere, ole wounde, seies and ulcers. it is &a infallibie remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck end chest, se salt into meat, it cures 8 ore Throat, Diplatheria,Broxichitis,Coughs,Colds, and even Asthma. For Glandular svellings, Ab- acuses, Piles, Fistulas, Goat, Rheumatism, and every kind of alSra dieease, it has never been known to fail. The Fille mule/inn-pent are manu- factured only at 553,0eford Street,London,and aro sold by all Vendore ofi Meditines throughent the Civilized World; with directions for use ixt al- most tevery language. 'Inirchasers ehould look to the label ore the pots and boxes. ilf the address is not 5811, 0.ord Street, London:, they are spurious. 712-52. _ . ducted Hots s in the P3'0411300. The Rome are A.M. con.nnodious and the Table and Bar liberally eupplied. stablinin connection. 686-52 ' London depart 7 40 . ___ _ . --------------------------- _.._ __ 'Centralia 840 8 52 TWO HOUSES TO RENe-en, a com- Exeter Temperance Hall, the nicest part of the town e 99 0151 63 6527 . fortable dwelling house adjoining the Old Homan • - Kippen also the house adjoining the Dominion Curling Brucefield .. ... .;..,9 21 4 07 8 08' and Skating Rink • podseseion at once ; rent rea- Clinton 9 89 4 23 8 25 sonable. Apply tei'L. MURPHY, Seaforth. 800 Londesboro9 58 4 41 8 45 10 06 450 852 Blyth 10 24 5 06 - 9 09 TA RAWING CLASS—The drawing class at the Balgrave -1--d Mechanics' institute, under -the tuition of Winghana, terrier° ... 10 45 5 25 9 25 Mr. J. M. Gray, will re -open to mernhem on GOING SOUTH— Mail Expresi. Express Tuesdae. October 4th, at 8 o'clock P. M. As the . A M P. M 'P. M. at once apply to the Librarian at the Inetitute. . :Winghant, depart-- 7 00 2 57 6 20 7 18 3 05 6 88 class will be limited those :wishing to join should WM. MOuipl, Secretary, 720 ;33lyth Belgrave 7 85 3 28 6 56 - 7 .44 39 7 04 -a- Robert McNaughtesn through his solicitors,. mr.. declinondtoensboro To imam 1T MAY CONCERN—I am chargad by 8 G2 • 3- 7 24 8-20 4 07 7 48 -with having eaid that he set my buildings,- lately truip;fineld 8 36 4 20 8 06 8 80 4 16 7 69 . . He IlExeter.al'8' 52 4 82 8 25 London, arrive 10 06 5 85 10 10 Centralia 9 01 4 42 8 4% tion, Brick house with n.11 necessary con- veniences, two frame arns, stable and shed, • a - young bearing orchard, four wells and plenty of firewood. This le abont as good a farm as there • . - the totimeh ip And is convenient to schools, churches, marketed and post office, and is within five miles of Seaforth and the same from Clinton Ons, and positively cures Piles. It 18 - . with a gravel road leading to each place_ en. -araiateed to give perfect satisfaction are 15 acres of fall wheat and 12 acres fall plowed, money refunded. Price 25 cents per or to A. WALKER, Cerestance P. 0. the balance is in gene Apply on the. premises 721 eePLENDID FAR* FOR' SALE.—The west . hi part of Lot IN . 13, m the 17th Concession et Grey, County of Ilrall, comprising- 25 acres, all Do Not be Deceived.. cleared, well fenc , and in a high state of culti- vation.. Theee are en the premisee a good log In these times of quack medicine ad- houee and cellar ; a log- beim a.nd excellent log •ertisements everywhere, it is ti uly stabif s., A young orchard bearing fruit, and iratifying to find one remedy • that is excellent spring well of water. The soil is of very good quality, being a fine clay loaan. No worthy of praise, and which really- does w, • . -1 d It is convenient to churches, school os recommended: Electric Bitters, we. and cheese factory, being only three miles from Can - vouch -for as being a true and ' re- , Walton. As the owner intends removing to liable remedy, and one - that . will do I Manitoba this. fall, it il.deeirable than this farm pBiEmLnL, %,,,rityo.n Reor m.„ttai,iplsviitos DA.Ilicl..ND as recommended. They invariably cure ter; i beeffild Stomach and Liver Complaints, Dis- i AlcKAY, Youngoville P. u. Zona. Mal consumed, on fire, thereby iniputing to a serious crime. I scarcely know what I said,as I was very much agitated by my loss, hate I am sgtistied that anythiug imputing blame to -Mr. McNaughton, was wholly without foundation. I regret having hastily used language which I can- not justify, and which -so seriously reficeted upon. Mr. McNaughton's character, and I trust that this apology, (published at my expense,) may be at least as far reaching, as my inconsiderate and unjustifiable words. Seaforth, Sept. 28111, 188L HYMAN I-YEW/IA/de 'Witness, F. diolmested. 721-2 STOCK FOR SERVICE. GOOD PIO,S—The undersigned will keep during. the present sr aeon at his farm neer Rodger- ville, in the toy:reship ot Usberne, two thorough bled Berkshire Boars. Tht y are both from Me - Arthur 's herd, the aelebrated pig breeder of Lobo. They arenot, of kin. Terms—$1 per sow -with. the pri-vilege of retaining if necessaity. WILLIAM ELDER. 721 — SSUFFOLK PIG—Samuel Rennie 11118 purchased Ire tbe celebrated pig t reed ex, IdeAl tbar of Lobo, a thoeouchbred Suffolk Boar pig, whiala he will keep fee the itsaprovement of stock at his saw mill on the 9,th Concession of the townehip onHey. This pig is a splendid animal. He took third prize at the; Provincial Exhibiort over s large number of Other good animals, and first prize at the Zurich Show Terms — 51 i ayable at the time of service with the privilege of returning if necessary. Sea:113EL RANNL, Proprietca. -722 IF G'Sle EA, DI. D. C and M. C. P. and 9., • Ont. Gedutjtir f Queen's University, King- ton, P1jEicisD, Sogeon tied Aureachenr. ffee and resi? er ce Dublin, Ont. A.11 calls ei pl. t a,� day premptly fs ended to. 715x8 T G. SCOTT, M. D. &c,Pheeician,Surgeon and ad • Aceoucheur, Sealorth, Ont. Office and reed - 6 mice south side of Godarich Street, second door east of Presbyterian Churth. 342 _a L. VERCOE,11. D., C. M.. Physician, Sur- - von, etc.,Coronei for the County of Huron. Office and Residence, on Janis street nortin directly opposite Searorth Public School. -- NVM. HAN OTER,.31. D., C. M.. Graduate of 3,1 cG theivorsity, Physician, Surgeon and Aceoucheme Sesforth,Ont. Offite and Resilience, N eith eide Gederieh Street, filet Brick Horse east of the Methodiet Chnrch. 496 FIB. HUTCHINSON, Greduate ef MeG1U Col ge, Montreal, Licentiate of the Royal Col lege of Physicians, Fditbergh, and late House Surgecn of Craiglockhart Hospital, Edirible Office--Bluevale, Ont. .- 686-52 Bt GGIN, L. D. S., Surgeon -13 • Dentiet, Gradoate of the Royal College of D cut al Surgeons, Ch LaCa Successor to rl. Derby - airs,. (fLt—ln tbe Whitney B Oa, Main S tr tet, F Wen th. Office hours -8 A. M. to 5?. AI. D. WATSON,- L. D. 8. VACULTY Gold Medaliet, and College Gold. 1, Medalist of Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto IsTitrous Oxide Gas given for extraction. ffice in Meyers Block, over Johnson Brethem Hardware Store, Main Street, Seatorth. 721 • - Grand Trunk a11ways Trainaleave Settfoeth and fliaton Stations,1as 10 GOINGnows W: EST— SZAFOTtTH. CLINTON. ••• 1111 yirk.ii mri 111 0 > ' es 2:40 P. M. ni 1,11 "14 1.4 . Express 2-17 P. M. XI ,., k.• ..e▪ '.., 865P.M. 9:15 P. M. Fra r NM 1lE1 ixxperde 13 sT ra i n... . . . 9:16 A.M. 10:00 A. M 0 — 07 C's Alie Ed Train.......5:40 P. yr. 6:15 P. Al' ti K 2 I g• Ct. W Exprese ... ...... ...7:d0 A 1'4. 7:80 A.M. — go H 171 —I 0 GOING F.A.RT— SBieWOBTA . CLINTON. Exprees Train.....1:10 P. M. 12:46 P. M. Jo`-"' Mixed Train......4:45 P. M. 4:15 I'. M. lee a, ..';:s tem Mixed Train... .10:60 A.M.. 10:00 A. YE. ke/ 1 i irl •,e, —. Loa W Great WeetOLfl x Hrn 3 . ,..,--_. R co Trains leave Brussels statirn , north and south ""PJ CI \ ‘...' r 73 es under: NORTH. GOING SOUTH. M ma Mixed ........9:45 A.M. Accord ..5:50 A.M. 3 , ,,, - ,-, Acoom...— .. 2:87 P. M. Ancona . 12 16 P If ta hi J> Accom .9:15 P.M. Mixed 8:00P. Ai 1' 0 F. . r.--...4 Z - 6.4s' ° Le -4 READ AND LEARN WILLIAM RUDD, 1 H m ' (i) i VOR MANY Years of Eginondville, has Tented -•i , ._ hi• the Waggon Shop belonging to Mr. William II wi el til Graesie, on Market Stree , Seaforth, and wit_ gh ,... co he feafter camp on the ..... CaM re Waggon and earriar- e Making Busi- m z til rx ness in all its .illranches. ' 0 r- ..... He can guarantee good wori, and that none but 11 te ' the best of material will be teed. ‘ad (I) REPAIRING A te.IPECIALT II,and 53 X oe er ti e promptly attended to, al n neetly and cheaply Li r- ea ecuted. 0 . — ee FA RISERS' 4; ATEIS--Hewill also keep l'' on hand a Good Stock of Faiimers' GateZ e. Give e W W • - 1 re, him re orbit. 716-18 , WM. RUDD. M Z m0 ),--- o 0 F ..... m...,. ,...) ta - T H OLD FAVORITO GALLERY. ANDREW 6ALD ER, THE Pioneer Photografter of Seaforth, having gone through the fiery erdeal, is eow running again in full blast, inihia new and commodious premises in Scott's BlockThis is the oldeet Gallery in this section, and has been thoroughly refitted end equippedwithiall the lateet appli- armee and scenic effeets specially for the accom modation of Mr. Caldefte large and increaslflg trade. Having now got into one of `the hand- somest bud most eoxnpletely furnished galleries in the went, be le now in al better position than .31 any ' s tirae to tan out edl work in the Photographic line entmuatdd to him in it superior manner, at the loweet living profit, and. on the shortest p:siatiLuble n:Zei;e:tvesallwgi:ticosrilialleuto licited AIL 692 < rYtta°, ANCHOR UNE. TTNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sall 1--J Every Saturday f rom NEW YORK and GLASGOW (vis Londonderry) and LONDON Direct. TICKETS for Liverpool, London,lerry, dilate now, and all parts of , Europe. Fares as any other first-class line. Prepaid Massage Certificates :tuned to pereone 'wis'hing to bring ontlheir friends. The psssugeraccornm010n of Anchor Live Steamers are unsurpassed for elegance and rom- fort. Apply to S. DICKSON, 593 An the Post Office, Sereforth