HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-10-14, Page 64 ee. 3 -3" - - 114111.11111Yeelele. ...$111111,11M111:111111k - i Prise List of the Wroxeter Sho*. Honses.--Span heavy draught horses er mares, Tingle Patrick; Span general per pose hones or ruerese _1st ' Geo. B, . ilmtt, 2a Robt; Eagaree- Span carriage lliorsea or mares, let --Lowrence Lovell, M. Robt. Gibson. Brood mare, any , class, lst Geo. Baker, 21 A.roh. Mal- , colm. Two year old gelding, lst Rolet, ' Iriestings, 2d Alex,. Hamilton. Two . year •=eld filly, let John Lambkin; 2d - Archd Malcolm. o Saddle horse or mare, lst A. Fenwick, 2d Richard Sharp. Yearling gelding, Geo. IL moffatt. Yearling filly, ;Mex. \ Henail- ton. Foal, lst Robb. Gi15son, 2d Wm. Thompson. Best built * horse, John Lambkin. AYRSHIRE CATTLE. - BUIL LaWrenCle Lovell. Puenen Cerree.-Ball, with pedi- ' grise, lat Geo. 11. ! Moffatt, 2d John Haatie. Yearling bail, with pedigree, Alex. Johnson. CoW, having calved in 1881, with pedigree,let Samuel jOhnsen, 2c1 Geo. Moffatt. Bull calf, lattand 2d Samuel Johnson. Heifer calf, .1st and fid Geo. H. Moffatt. Two year old heifer, with pedigree, Samuel Johnson. Yearling heifer, with pedigree, 1st Sam. Johnson, 2d Alex. johnson. Gaspe Cerree.-Milch cow, tet and 2d S. Johnson. Two year old heifer, lst Alex. Johnson, 2(1.110ot. Gibson,. Year- ling heifer, lat Sainuel Johnson, 24 Geo. H. Moffatt. at cow or heifer, 1st Robt. Gibson, 2d Sem. Johnson. Fat ox or steer, let Roble Gibson, 2(1 .Toher Knox. alIl LEICESTER SHEEP. Rare, 1st Robt. -r 111cDmialcl, Rd Johnix11. Johnson. Ram lamb, 1st john H. ohnsoe, 2d Robert McDonald. Pair ewe% having raised limbs in 1881, let and 2c1 John IR. jOhnson, Shearliing earn, John II. Johnson. Pair ewe larobs,:lst JohnOH Johnson, 24 Rolat. MaDenald. :Pair shearling owes, lort r-JohJa H. Johnson , 2r1 Lawmac,OLovell. Special- pen* five females and - one .ram, -john Johnson rat sheep, any -class, ls Robt, Mc Donald, 2d johe 1EIL Jolinso . SUFFOLK Pros. --:-Boar, age consid ared, lst and. 2€1 Thos. MuseeroveeBrood sow, Thos. Musgrove. _Berkshire boar age considered, Ignatius Kieffer. Brood SOW, lat.Lawrence Lovel, 2(1 Sebastian ; Hooper. Gaans.-Two bushels Seneca wheat lat Aroh. Maleolm,2d WrnI Chebes, 3d Wm. Evans. Twol bushels; fall wheat, any other kind, 1st Matthew sSharpen, Id Rich& Sharpen. Spring wheat, any kind, lat Wm. Cleves, 2d (Lawrence Lovell, Barley, lat lRobt4tastings, 2d Wm. Evans. .0ata, lst Geo- Moffatt (II. Line), :241 --Wm Chevee, 3d John Knox: Peas, let Ignatiusl Kieffer, 2d Arch. Malcolm. Barrel•flour, lst Robt. Clarke, 2(1 Wm. D' iskin. , DAIRY. -20 lbs„ packed butter, let John Ff. johnsoro2 Matthew Sharpen. 5 lbs. ,fresh loutte , for table use, 1st Richaid Sharpen, ! 2d Mat. Sharpen. 20 lbs. dairy eheese, >lat Lawrence Lovell, 24 Arch. Maleolm. Special rise for the be•st -cheette not less than 40 lbs. Lawrence Lovell. `• ROOTS, ETC. -Gallon top isnions,Johri H. Johnson. Peal potato Ionions, lst John H. Johnson, 2(1 •Geo. H. Moffatt, taB. Line). Peck Seed onions, lst W. . MoCracken, 2d Peter Moran. Bushel arly rose potatoes, lst Robt. McDon- ald, 2d Riehard Shaepen. Bushel any other potetoes, Robt. Edgar. Six Swede turnips, 1st Wm. Cheves, 2d Areh. Malcolm. Six any other kind of turnips, let Robt. .Gibson, 2(1 Arch. Malcolm. a-5 mangold wurtzels, let Peter Morar, 2(1 W. H. McCracken Six beets, lat W. H. MoCracken, 2d Geo. Moffatt (B. Line). Six Belgian car- rots, lst W. H. McCracken, 2(1 Peter Moran. Six any °tiler kind carrots, let 0. Veal, 2d Geo. Moffatt (B. ,Line) Six parsnips, W. EC. McCracken. One dozen tomatoes, 1st O. Veal, 2(1 1'. P. Aylesworth. Three heads cabbage, let Ignatius Kieffer, 2(1 W. II. McCracken. Three heads cauliflower, W. H. Mo- Cracken. Two squeals, let W. H. Mc- Cracken, 2(1 Wm. EVallB. Two pump- kins, 1st W. H. MoCrac-ken, 2(1 P. P. .Aylesworth, Two Carona, lst W. H. McCracken, 2d Robt. Fox. Two watermelons, lat Peter Moran, 2(1 Arch. Malcolm. Two muskmelons, W. H. McCracken. T o encumbers, lat W. II. McCracken, d .George Moffatt, (B. Line.) One dozen pears, Wm. Evans. One dozen crab apples, John ICroatson. One doz n Northern Spies, John. Kuox. One dezen snow apples, Geo. B. Scott. Ono dozen fall pippins, John Knox. One dozer( .Rhode Island greenings, P. P. Aylesworth. Smoke House, Geo. Fortline. Colvert, Arcla. Maloolra. Yellow Bough, ktichard Sharpen. Hawthorn ,Dean, Peter Moran. Russets, Geo. B. Scott. Three clusters grapes, Peter Moran. Collec- tion of apples, six of each kind, Richd. Sharpen. Best six plants celery, 0. Veal. breezefeees.- Phew, •John, Hastie. Buggy, lat . Thos. Hemphill, 2d Wm. Akins. LuMber wagon, lat Wm.Akins, 2(1 Thos. Hemphill; Light carriage, Wm. Akins. Harrows, 1st Thos.Hemp- hill, 2d Wm. Akins. Set single har- ness, A. A. Fenwick. Assortnaent of leather, W. A. Manson. Set horse shoes, hammered, Whelan & Black. Best collection of stoves, A. Welch. Jas. Orr. Fancy knitting in Wool, lat Mrs, O. Veal, 2d Jas. Timmins. Fancy knitting in cotton, lst and 2a Mrs. 0. Veal. Fine shirt, hand made, lat Mrs. 0. Veal, 2d Geo. Soott. Fancy flannel shirt, lat Mrs. 0. Veal, 241 Geo. Sopa. Feather flowers, lat H. Hollinshead, 2(1 Jas. Tinernins. Hair flowers, lat Wm.e Blanshard, 2d Arch. Male..olm. Wax flowers or fruit, P. P. .Aylsworth. Ber- lin wool work, flat, lat P. P. Ayls- worth, 2d John Sanderson. Berlin : wool work, raised, lst Geo. Moffatt (B. )Line),2d Arch. Malcolm. Sofa pillows, Berlin wool work, flat, lst John San- derson, 21 Jas. Timmins. Sofa pil- lows, Berlin wool work, raised, lst Thos. Hemphill, 2d Ezra W. Hubbell. Sofa pillows, patch work, lst Matthew Sharpen, 2d Jas. Orr. Braiding, lat W. 11. McCracken, 2(1 Arch. Malcolm. Pencil drawing, Hugh Hollinshead Water color drawing, 1st Mrs. 0. Vete& 2(1 Mrs. Robt. Gibson. Pair wooreen socks, let W. H. MoCreaken, 2(1 Cheves. -Pair woollen mitts, lat Tien H. McCracken, 2(1 P. P. A,y1sworth. pair woollen gloves, lat W. H. MoGoaokon, 2d, P. P. Aylswortia. , Pair woollen stockings, women's, lst W. H. Mo. Cracken, 2d John H. Johnson. roar cotton stockings, women's, 1st Geo. B. Scott, 2d. Jas. Timmins. Log cabin quilt, lst W. H. Wails,., 2(1. Jaines Time mins. Knitted quilt, let 'Peter Moran, ‘-2d Joseph Cowan. Crochet •quilt, Samuel Johnson. Fancy quilt, 'let -Jas. Timirdns, 2d, Geo. B. ; Scott. ! Patchwork quilt, lat John Sanderson,2d John II:Johnson. Knotted 'quilt, lat Jas. ,Timmins, 2d Boyce Young. Rag mat, lst. W. H. McCracken, ta P. P. Aylsworth. Specimen of laoe, lst John Sanderson, 2(1 Jas. ,Spatter •work, lst P. P. Aylsworth, 2d Carrie John Cowan, MoKillop ; WiNt. Revd t, Listowel. Pousose.-ePair of Cip'olifeit tewie, lat Wm. Grieve, 2d Geo. itottatt, Pair of dark Brahmaa, Wm. Goieve, Pair of light Brahrnas, lst r ta win. Grieve. Pair of black Spas Ask, Wm. Grieve, 2d Robt. Dickr Aar Silver spangled Halburgs, let gres 'Grieve, 2(1 James Shc'ria. Pair .01Polandls. Wm. Grie e. Pair of How' Atis, .and ed H. wrig t. Pair of b 40.1asta ss 1 t Wright, d John Hyieliesp. Pair of turkeys, at wChhrte. Dgeese, 1st Alfred Haslem, cl Robt. Brown. Pair of ItRoobt,.4Brororowwnn., 2Pdalirj.of grey geese, at Manning. Pair of M' .t000ty ducks, lst Wm. Grieve, d Pit. Brown. -Pair of, imperted 0 n- &ries, Mrs. Thompson. 'Pair of Ca a- olian bred canaries, lat Mrs. Thom s Baillantyne,ld Mrs. Thompson. Coll tion of fancy. pigeons, Mies A. Fag n. Pair of pea 'fowls, lat John N.Knecht 1, 2O'Wm. Grieve. • IMPLEMENTS. -TWO horse buggy, 0 Scott et 'Williams. One horse bu:s opeu, Matthew Hastie; Democr, t wagon,-Soott & Williams. +Gang plo lst W. a. Wileon ; 2c1 R. M. Robinso Iron harrows, R: M. Robinson. Fie d roller, W. R. Wilson. Horse hay ra e, Hay ,rt Alexander. Turnip seal r, 1st •George. Love, 2d W. R. Wilsos. Turnip cutter, lat W. R. Wilson, ol George Love. Set of horse shoes, lst James D. Jones, 2d W. R. Wilsoli • Pump, Frank Holiday. Wooden a le orpatent arm wagon, '1st Scott & W 1- liams ; 2d Joseph Baker. Iro pl w ‘with wooden handles, lst Hays , Ale 'ander, 2d W. R. 'Wilson. Farm gate, • S. Mories. Wheelbarrow, W. Wilson. J'UDGES.-Thonlas Tipling, Clink) John Vogt, Wroxeter; Jae. Dance Newry. FRUIT, &C. -Best collection of apples, lst Robert Govenlook, 2d George Kelly, 3d A. K. Robertson. Six RoxbOro Russets, George :Kelly. Six Northern Spies, Peter Watson. Six Snow apples, Arohd. Malcolm. Six Mammoth Pippins, Robert Brown. Six Rhode Island Greenings, John Hewitt. Six Spitzenburg, George Kelly. Six Bald- wins, Andrew Lees. Six Fall Pippins, Wm. Smith. •Six Rambos, John Hew- itt. Six Maiden's Blush, Wm. Smith. 1' hree named varieties of winter pairs, lst Alex. Thompson; 2d Robert Goven- lock. Two named varieties of fall pears, Robert Brown. Collection of open air grapes, lst Mrs. Thompson, 2d 1. Curry.. One dozen yellow cra s, Robert Inglis. One dozen red crabs, Robert Brown. RAIN -Two bushels Clawson whe t, 18t Archd. Malcolm, 2(1 Alok. Forsyth 3d, ;les. Smiley. Two bushels fat wheat, Treadwell, lst George Moffatt B+seels Show Prize List. HORSES, HEAVY DRAUGHT. --Brood mare, having -raised a foal in 1881, lat Robert Martin, 2d Robert Brown. Spring foal, colt or ally, lst Robert Martin, 2(1 Robert Brown. Two year old _filly, lst Alex. Gardiner, 20:1 C. Raynord., 3d Peter Watson. Two year ' old gelding, lat Wm. ,Jewitt, 2d Duncan McLauchlin. Yearling filly, Anthony Boyd. Yearling gelding, .Anthony Boyd. Heavy .dranght team, lst Robt. , Brown, 2(1 Wm. Meehan. • Doefesnc MANUFACTURES, ETG. 10 yards factory Cloth P. P. Aylsworth. Seven yards factory flannel, Ignatius Kieffer. Ten yards factory drugget, ?at John H. Johnson, 241 Ignatius Kieffer. One lbyarn, let John H. Johnson, 2(.1 P. P. Aylsworth. Loaf home made bread, 1st John Moffatt, 2(1 Geo B. Scott. Ten Ibs. maple sugar, John H. Johnson. Faowaas.-Collection foliage plants, Mrs. Wm. Lawrie. Flowering plants, 1st Mrs. 0. Veal, 2d Mrs. Wm. Lawrie. Gut flowers, lat Mrs. O. Veal, 2d Matthew Sharpen. Dried flowers or grasses, lst Mrs. O. Veal, 2d Matthew Sharpen. Best flowering geranium, Mee. 0- Veal. POULTRY.- - Pair GI:Linea fowls, lst Geo. Moffatt (B. Line), 2d. 'John Hastie. Light Brahma% Ake. Hamilton. Black Spanish, Alex. Hamilton. Silver spangled Hamburgs, Alex. Hamilton.. Bantams, John Gillespie. Turkeys, lst John Gillespie, 2d Richard Sharlene Muscovy ducks, lst Alex H en, 2d Ezra Hubbell. Rouen ducks, John Gillespie. Collection pigeons, James 0 teems' Wane_ - Tatting, lst Mrs. Wm. Rolsinaon, .2(1. ' Jaro.es Tiironins. Crochet work, 15t Jainea Timmins, 2d W. 11. 'McCracken. Embroidery, in cotton or muslin, lat Geo. B. Scott, 2(3. P. P. AyIeworth. Embroidery in worsted, Jas. Timmins. Embroideiy in silk, lat and, ad Jas. Orr. Bead work, lst Geo. -Moffatt (B. Line), 2(1 ese) GENERAL PURPOSE. - Brood. mare, having raised a foal in 1881, let Conrad Michael, 2(1 James Hall, 3d Hugh La- mont. Spring foal, colt or filly, lat Thos. Calder, 2(1 And. Simpson, 3d Conrad Michael. Two year old filly, let Alex. Reap, 2(1 Alex. Gardiner, 3d • John Mooney. Two year - old gelding, lst Geo. Howlett, 2d Wm. Habkirk 3d Alex. McKay. One year old filly, let Thos. Calder, 2d James Drew, 3d J. H. Atkin. Span of general purpose horses, let Wm. McLanchlin, 2(1 Alex. Gar- diner, 3d Robt. Govenlook. e - ROAD AND CARRIAGE. - Brood mare having raised a foal in 1881, let Chas. McConnell, 2d J. E. Smith, 3d W. H. MoCra,cken. Spring foal, let Wm. Burns, 2(1 J. E. Smith, 3c1 W. H. , Mc- Cracken. Yearling filly or gelding lst James Sutherland, 2(1 John Cawbell, 3d John Campbell. Two year old filly or gaiding, 1st_ Wm. McLauchlin, 2d C. R. Cooper. Carriage span, lst Adam Angus, 241 Allan Caldwell, 3d Robt. Dickson. Bn gy_ horse, lst Chas. McConnell, 2d Adam Angus, 3d John Sample, Jr. Saddle horse, lat Robert Brown, 2d Robt. Martin. JUDGES. -Sohn McMillan, Hallett; -Alex. Young, East W wanosh ; E. G. Harris, Listowel. THOROUGHBRED GATT E, DURHAM. - Milch cow, having ea. ved since last show, lst Thos. McLau hlin, 2d James Ferguson, 3d John N. lneehtel.. Two year old heifer, lat Joh N. K_nechtel, 2d David Mime, 3d Alex. Forsythe. One year old heifer, 1st Donald Mc- Lanchlin, 2d:. Thos. McLauchlint ,3d Alex. Forsyth. Bull calf, lat John N. Knechtel, 2d Jbhn W•hitfield ; 3d W. J. Hingston. Heifer calf, lst Jas. Fergu- son; 2d Thos. McLauchlin 3d Donald MoLatichlin. Herd cf Darhams, con- sisting of a male and three females, lst Thos. McLauchlin,2d John N.Knechtel. NATIVE OR GRADE CATTLE. - COW, having calved since last show, lat And. Hyslop, 2(1 John McNah, 3d Robert 13rewn. Two year old heifer, lat Geo. Howlett, 2d Duncan McLanchlirt. One year old heifer, lst John Hyslop, 2(1 Goo. Howlett. Two ' year old steer, - lit Thos. Pepper, 2d Wm. Meehan. One year old steer, lat John Sample, Jr., 2(1 Thos. McLauehlin. Bull or steer calf, 1st and 2d. John Sample, Jr. Heifer calf, 1st John Sample, Jr., 2d Andrew Hy -slop. Fat Cow or heifer. 4st Thos. Calder, 2d John Hyslop. Fat David Milne. 1 ok or steer, lst Wm Mahan, 2(1 Thos. Strachan. Yoke o woeking oxen, let W. Ge Hingston, 2(1. Three year old steer, lst and 2c1 Wm. • Meehan. • , , JUDGES. -Geo. Hughes, Wingliam ; Chas. Proctor, Belgrave ; Robt. Mo - Michael, Hallett. SHEEP, LEICESTERS AND THEIR GRADES. -Aged ram, let Robt. McDon- ald, 2d John Hyslop, 3d A.Dthouy Boyd. Shearling ram, lst Alex. Ross, 2d Geo. Howlett. Ram lamb, lat Wm. Grieve, 2(1 Adara Kline, 3d Andrew Hyslop. Pair of ewes, having raised lambs in 1881, lat Wm. Grieve, 2c1 Donald Mc- Lauchlin, 3d Donald MoLauchlin. Pair of shearling ewes, 1st Win. Grieve, 2(1 John Sample, Jr., 3d Robt. McDon- ald. Pair of ewe lambs, 1st Donald meLatichiin, 2c1 And. Hyslop, 3d John Sample, Jr. Pen of Leicester sheep, consisting of one ram, auy age, one pair of aged ewes, one pair of'ahearhng ewes, one pair of ewe lambs, Wm. Grieve. COTSWOLDS AND THEIR GRADES- - Aged ram, Launcelot Tasker. Shear - ling ram, let ,Laancelot • Tasker, 2c1 Wm. Machan. Ram lamb, lst Wm. -Aachen, 241 and 3d, Launcelot Tasker. .Pa4,i'r of ewes, having raised lambs in '144.1,1st 2d and 3d, W. G. Hingston. Pair of shearliug ewes, lat Wm. Machan, 2d and 3d W. G. Hingston. ef ewe. lambs, lst Launcelot Tasker, 2(1 W. G. Hingston, Machan. Pen of Cotswold sheep, W. G. Hiegston, PIGs, BERKSHIRES. -Boar, over one year, James Hall. Boar, under one year, lst J. H. Aikin, 2(1 and 3d And. Lees. Sow, having littered. in 1881, lat And. Lees, 2d Robt. Inglis. Sow, under one year, lst Alfred Row, al and 3d Andrew Lees: SIT,FIOLKs.-Boar, over ene year, Wm. &limes. • Boar, under one year, lst Geo. Pearce, 2(1 Alfred Row, 3d not known. Sow, having littered in 1881, lat Geo. Howlett, 2(1 Geo. Pearce, 3d. Geo. Hartwick. Sow, under one year., lst Geo. Pearce, 2(1 C nrad Michael. JIIDGE-Geo. Mc ay, Wingham ; 13, I : I 3r# 1 2d!Wm. Smith. Two -bushels Soot wheat, lat Jas. Smiley, 2d Geo. Mo fat, 3d A. K. Robertson. Two bushe s spring wheat, Fife, Wm. Smith. T o bushels spring wheat any other v riety, lst Andrew Hyslop 2d A. Roperteon, 3d Conrad Michael. T o bushels of barley, lat Robert Gove lock, 2d Wm. Smith. Two bushels f white oats, lst George Moffatt, 2c1 Hu h Lamont, 3d A. K. Robertson. Two bushels of black oats, let A. K. Rob. erteon, 2d George Moffatt, 3d Petr Watson. TWo bushels of mall pea lst Archd. Malcolm, 2(1 Sas. Shorey, 3 George Moffatt. Two bushels of leo e peas, lst George Forbes, 2c1 Alfre Hasten:1. MANUFACTURES. -Ten yards of fac tore, cloth, McIntosh & Service. Ten yards of factory made flannel, McIntosh (Is Service. Pair of factory made bla kets, let McIntosh & Service, 2d Burgess. Double set of farm harnes George Duncan. Single buggy harnes George Duncan. Best pair of, hea collars, George Duncan. Collection of shoemakers' work, lst D. McCormick 2(1 Geo., Good & Co. Collection of oabinetware, diploma, Leatherdale Co. Collection of staffed birds in case, lst George Dawson, 2(1 Leather - dale en Co. Collection of stuffed ani- mals, Leatherdale sk Co, Collection of leather, D. McCormick. One bag of oatmeal, George Moffatt: Axe handle, lat and 2c1 G. W. Green. Picture frames, Leatherdale & Co. Cellection of shelf hardware, James Drew,. Organ, J. W. Yeo. Ten lbs. maple sugar, let Samuel Bargees, 2d &nen MoTaggart. Quart of maple molasses, lst George Moffatt, 2(1 S. Burgess. Loaf of home- LoCwsebsitn made bread, lst Robert Brown, 2d to Lond Alfred Haslem. Honey comb, Samuel Belfast. Still. Honey, strained, lat Louis to Live Hollinger, 2d Robert Martin.- One bottle of grape wine, Mrs. Thomas Ballantyne. 2d Al ed. Haslem, 3d S. Burgess. T7t8e,1 ntfi -st pounds tub butter in tin- uft Wm. Smith, 2(1 A.Haslem, 3d Robe s Martin, 4th D. Curry. Cheese, not le:: than 50 pounds, let R. MeTag- gart 2. A. Malcolm. LID s' Woax.-Tatting, lat Frank Hallid y, 2(1 Jenny Thompson. Crochet work, at Jenny Thompson, 2d. Miss M.'isla h. Embroidery, cotton or mus- lin, is 1 s Leatherdale & Co., 2d S. Bur - Embroidery in silk, lat Mrs. Thom 'son, 2(1 George Dawson. Bead work,rst Mrs. Thompson, 2c1, George Moffa.Fancy knitting, wool, Mrs. 0. Veal, d Mrs. Timmins. Fancy knit- ting, otton, lst Adam Shvidiee, 2nd Mrs. 1 hompson. Applique work, Int Mrs. hompson. Fine shirt, hand- made, lst Miss M. Nash*, 2d _Mr& 0,. Veal, Fancy flannel shirt, lat Mrs. Thom • son. Feather lowers, let Wre., Hart] y, 2d • Mrs. Timmins(' Hair flowe , lst Leatherdale & Co., 2(1 Mrs. Thom .son. Wax flowers, lst Mrs. john Balla # tyne, 2(1 Mrs. PMoore. Berlin wool ork, flat, lat G. A. Deadman, 2d Mrs. ohn BaUsntyxo. Berlin wool work, raised, lat Mia M. Noah, 2(1 Mrs. Ohn Balle.nty e. Berlin wool work, aised, and bea work combined, lst iss Thompson. Sofa, pillows, Berli # wool, flat, st Mrs. John Shaw, 2d Jenny Thouipson. Sofa pil- lows, erlin wool, rated, let Mrs. P. Moo • Sofa pillows, j patchwork, lat Leath rdale,& Co., 2c1 Mrs. John Bal - laity. e. Braiding, ls Archibald Mal- colm, d Wm. Hartreji. Pencil draw- ing, lot Miss Fulton, 2d jenny Thomp- son. Water color dxawing, lat Miss M. Nash, 2d Jenny hompson. Pair of wo41.1en socks, lat W. H. McCracken., 2d Mies M. Nash. Par woollen mitts, let Mrs. P. Moore, 2(1 Robert Martin. Pair of woollen gloves let. W. H. Mc- Cracken, •2c1 Geo. -4!offat.1 Pair of women's stockings, w ollen, lst C. W. Graham, 2d W. H. oCracken. Pair of women's stockings, 1 cotton, lat Mrs. P. Moore, 2d Jame Wilkison. Log cabin•quilt, let Wm. arvey, 2c1 Miss Naeh. Knitted quilt, 11st Mrs. 0. Veal, 2d Thomas Heritage. Crochet quilt lst Alex. Ross, 2d Miss M. Nash. Fancy quilt, lat Mrs. Tim ins, 2(1 G. W. Green. Patchwork quilt, lat S. Fear, 2a- T. Maxwell. Knotted quilt, 1st Mrs. Timmins, •-2d Mrs. 0. Veal. Rag • mat, 1st Mrs. Thomas Ballantyne, 2d Mrs. P. Moore. Specimen of lace, lst Mrs. Timmins, 2(1 Jenny Thompson. Shell work, let -Jenny Thompson, 2d George Davidson. Berlin wool flowers, lst D. Currey, 2c1 Mrs. P. Moore. Spat. ter work, lat Jennio_Thompson. 'Netted work, let George Moffatt. Lamp mate, lat Mrs. Timmins, 2(1 Thos, 2Heritage: Mottoes, lat Wm. Hartrey, dG.it Dead au. Darned net, lst S. B. More ries, 2d Frank Halliday. Crayon sketo a 1st; Miss 'A. Fagan, 221 Miss Fulto . Black crayon, lst MISS Duts ton. Jud es. -Mrs. Archibald Malcolm, Wrox ter ; Mts. E. G. Harris, Listowel; Mrs. arnochan, Seaforth. - FLOrERS .AND PLANTS -Professional Best collection basket plants, lst s Kelly. Amateur List -Best ion of,foliage plants, lat Thomas Best •collection of flowering ,lst Thomas Kelly. Best table t, lat Mrs. 0. Weal, 2(1 jenny son. Best collection of out ,lst A. K. Robertson, 2d Conrad b. Dried flowers, lst Allan List Thom collec 'Kelly. plant bonqu Thom flower Bern Hobs SPE 15 ye Bruss years, Best by a b Srdeetcer:16 aa Abrah 'Jed -Owen, n. IALS.-Best female singer, under re of age,latMaggie Stewart, Is. Best female singer over 15 lst Seem): Hartwick, Brussels. encil sketch taken on the apot, y under ,16 years, lst Alexander t. Best recitation by a girl un - years, lst Suiten Hartwick. Best ion by a boy under 12 years, lst m Green. es. -Fruit, Roots and Grain -Jas. Belgrave-; Wm. Dunn, Newry. T1,4 A 1\T I... 1\T ----0E--- Roy L MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIV RPOOL, LONDONDERRY, AND GLASGOW. , • TILE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE Intermediate and Steerage Tiokete at ate. Steerage Passengers are booked n, `Cardiff, Bristol, Queenstown, Derry, Galway and Glasgow, at same rates as pool. INGS FROM QUEBE0 : IAN 9th JULY AN l6t1IJULY 28rd JULY 80th JULY 20168thtthh AAA Uhl GGG 27th AUG. 8rd SEPT. 10th SEPT. 17th SEPT. 24th SEPT. • lat OCT. 8th OCT. 15th 00T. 22nd OCT. JUDGES. -Robert Govenlook, Sea - forth; Robert Morrison, Belgrave ; Jas Thomas, Gerrie. VEGETABLES.-Bnshel early rose po tatoes, lst Robert McDonald, 2(1 John Whitfield., Bushel of potatoes, any va• riety, lst J. Manning, 2d. Hugh Mc Fadden. Four beads of winter cabbage, lat A. K. Robertson, 2d Ildnry Green. Six sugar beets, lat Allen Hobson. Sixl blood beets, lst Alle.n Hobson, 2(1 A. K. Robertson. Six naangold wartzels, lat Allan Hobson, 2,1 J. C. Smith. Six yellow globe mangolds, 1st Allan Hob- son. Sialong yellow maugolds, lst R. McDonald. Six Swede turnips, lst A. SA SARDI MORAN/ SANWA IA.N CIRCASSIAN _ POLYN SIA.N psi:0:4LT • SAA -DI IAN MORAV AZ BARKA IAN CIROAS AN POLYN SIAN PARISI N SARDI IAN I. • AIORAV AN SARMA IAN . CIRC.4:8 IAN The la A tlan Friday a leave To and ce (paying mottaki.) Hyslop, 2d - James Wilkison. six tar_ apply to nips, any other variety, let Jas. Wilki- . 708 son, 2c1 Conrad Michael. Six long field carrots, Belgian, lst W. H. McCracken, F 0 2a1 John Mooney: Six Altringham car. rots, lst W. 11. McCracken, 2(1° George Moffat. Six early horn carrots, lst J. S A Smiley, 2d Thomas McCracken. Six parsnips, lat W. McFadden, 2d W. EL IA McCracken. Peck of onions, from seed, lst A. K. Robertson, 2d Allan Hobson. Peck of onions, from sets, lst Alexander Stewart, Sr., 2d Geo. Hartman. Peck of Alen Giant Roca onions, lst W. H. McCrack- and the en. Twelve ears of corn, lst G. W.: Neat a G-reen, 2d Allan Hobson. Three water melons, lat Allan Hobson, 2d W. H. McCracken. Three musk melons, 18t1 W. H. McOrackeo, 2d A. K. Robertson. Four heads of cauliflower, lat Allan Hobson, 2d W. H. McCracken. One 4 dozen tomatoes, large, lst Thomas Kelly, 2c1 Allan Hobson. One dozen plum or cherry tomatoes, lst A.K. Rob- ertson, 2d Alfred Haslem. Pumpkin, lst Thomas Strachan, 2d W. H. M - Oracieen. Squash, lst W.31. McCrack en, 2(1 Alfred Haslem. Citron, lst A. Forsyth, 2d. Allan Hobson. Quart of white boans, lst Courad Bernath, 2d J'. Hewitt. Quart of any other variety of i beans, lst Alfred Haslem, 2d George Moffat. DAIRY PRODITCE.-Five pounds of fresh butter, lst James Wilkison, 2d obert Martin, 3d John Hewitt, Five t train connecting at Quebec, with the ail Steamer will leave Toronto every 7.02 A. ba. Lair Passengers can also onto by the 6.52 P. M. train on Fridays, ect with the Steamer at Rimonski, the extra fare, $1 45, Quebec to For tickets and every informetion ST !LONG, Agent, Mientorth • BES' LIVERY - E S TAB LES, iN-ST., SEAFORTH. R FORBES, the old established Liv- • n, keeps the best and n2osi styliela rigs est driving horses in the IA:minces. d Nobby Cutters, handsome and cum - 1 fortable I loties, and fast and saf horses alwaye I on hand. . i A very an, some family sleigh for one or two 1 horses' I: Day an night calls promptly tetten.ded to. , Good d iving horses bought and Reid. REME BER Teta', PLACE -- Opposite 0. 0 Willson's gricultural Warerooms, Seaforth. 689 ARTHUR FORBES. -- - — . EN WANTED pounds of table butter, lat Richd. Pope, 0 NE hu Hired en wanted to cut sew legs an rails. cord woocl , I - TI BER FOR SALE. Building t mber on the stump or sqUared. Rail tiMber and raiLs for sale. JOBS TO LET. Several j bs of ditching and clearing to let. Apply at once to W. C. GOITINLOCK, Seaforth. r PLOWS! PVJWS I e s The best selleAted stook of Plows in the County is ati 0. C. WILLSON'S AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EMPOR1OM Uain Streets Seaforth. I 1 The following popular makes are now in stock: 1 Massie's No. 13 71t,/,41le Gutter; Carter, Smith & Co.'s Three _Rod-becon No. 40 Chilled 1Plow; the Genuine American South Bend Oliveit No. , 40 Chilled Pow; the Brantford Champion Chilled .Plow; W1t- 8092P 8 Wrou ht iron -beam No. 40 Chilled Plow; the No. 10 I and several different styles of the Hill pattern general purpose Flows: also, the FrancistOwn No. 13 Rows. The above Plows ,are fromfirst-class makers, and will be sold cheap for cash or on short credit. In GANG PLOWS. I keep the Port Perry, which now acknowledged to he the beat and most reliable plow in the market.; Price $20 eagle, or $22 on time. STRAW CUTTERS, ROOT CUTTERS, HORSE.: POWERS, SAWING MACHINESe and all kinds of implements belonging to the business. Now ;is the time to get a good Churn, and the BLANCHARD is the ,acknowledged ltrder of the dairy. See them before buying any•other; !SEWING MACHINES. 1 A. full stock of tile following leading machines: WANZER WANZER F WILSON g anO LOUISE Family Machines the WANZER D and E for 'tailors and light manufacturing. These are all reliable machines, and parties purchasing are sure, of getting satisfastion and good value for their mooey. A lot of good second-hand machines on hand, and will be sold from $5 to $1i5 each. 0Machinrid.es repaired oh the shortest notice. Needles, oils and all kinds of repairs nha 0.1, C. WILLSON, Main -St., Seaforth. KULLORAN & RYAN Have always on hand the Largest and Finest Stock of TEAS, SUGARS, TOBACCOS and GENERAL GROCERIES to be found in the CoUnty of Huron. The ProviCion Department is always stocked with everything 'usually found in a first-olase grocery. In Crockery we have GRANITE SETS IN WHEA.T, CENTENNIAL end- ST. JOHN'S WARE, PORCELAIN WARE, CHINA SETS, (fec. Glass Sets in all Varieties, Lamps, Chimneys &c. WINES AND LIQUORS of every description, the very best in the market; and new' consignments from our resident buyer in France, M. GROSSE, daily expected. BOTTLE ALE Ar PORTER VERY LOW, We are Agents for the Celebrated MARSALA Sacramental Wines-wai ranted. pure. - I 1 KILLORAN & RYAN. •••••••• ADDRESS TO THE ELECTORS. SMITH.—" Good mo -."'JONE13.—" I am going furniture, you see mine prices. Our baby wants eounty." ADDRESS.—lo M. ROBERTSON bege Kidd, as a Hardware liter at remarkably low prices. examipe his stook before to order on very short no ice. Protare framing, a specialty. All -work guaranteed. Farm feathers, wood and lumber taken in exchange. HIS 4NDERTAKING DEPARTMENT Is, as formerly, under hiir own supervision, and will be eonducted with the greatest care and atten- tion. His stock of theskeis, Coffins, Shrouds &o., will be found complete, and at the ver Y lowest rate. Fanerale attended in the country. A:Hearse for hire. Remember the place. I Ing Tones, where are you going to 7" down to M. ROBERTSON'S Furniture Warerooms, to get sre new s getting played out and I want to get some first rate farniture atvery low new cradle, and they BE y that he has the very best and cheape t in the th,e Free and Independent People ot Huiron ( o state that he has removed to the promises lately eeelipied by 1r, John, , and that he is now pre pared to furnish everything in the Furn ture line Intending'purehe,sere w ill find it greatly to theft advantage to call and purchasing elsewhere. Repairing promptly attended to. Funait re made produce, M. ROBERTSON, SEAFORTH. OCTO It 14, 1881. JOHN KIDD, MAINSTREET; S_EA_FORTL. HOUSEKEEPERS ! . Have Your Stoves and Stove Biagi 0 Cleaned and Put in Order before the Cold Weather Comes On. CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS FURNISHED WITH. Stoves, Furnaces and Pipes -AT- SPE-CIAL PRICE JOHN KIDD, Main Street; Seaforth. EYE, EAR AND THROAT! - DR. GEORGE S. RYERSON, L. R.0. P., L. R. C. S. E., Lecturer ou the Eye Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical College, Toron- to, and Surgeon to the Hamer Eye end Er In- firmary, Consulting Oculist and Auriet te the Institutions for the Blind, Brantfo-d, sal for the Deaf and Dumb, Belleville, Out; Lste Clini- cal Assistant Royal London 'Ophthalmic fleapi- ts', lifoorilelds, and Central Throat ani Ear Hospital. 3I1 CHURCH STREET, TORONTO. - - May be consulted at the ALBION HOTEL, STRATFORD, 0\1; the Last SATURD AY in; RACK npNTII. 700 EGG EMPORIUM. roemomat,..s. THE Subscriber hereby thanks his nnnterone customers (merchants and others) for their liberal patronage during the past 7 years, sad hopee by strict integrity and close attention to business to merit - their emalidence and trade in the future. Having greatl., enlarged his prem. ises during the winter, he la now prepared to pay THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of Good Fresh Eggs, delivered at the Egg Emporimn, _ MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. Wanted beethe subscriber, 25 tons of good dry clean wheat straw. D. D. WILSON THE ZURICH CARRIAGE FACTORY. HESS & HABERER TTAVE alivaye on hand, and make to Order, Wagons, Sleighs, Carriages,,Brig• gies, Caiters, and every other artioleinthatr line. They personally superintend their own bold- ness, and can guarantee a good article both as .to material and workmanship. :For Style and Finish their work cannot be surpassed by the large city establishments'. Repairing promptly attended to. Give us a trial and be convinced that we own satiety you ss to quality arad price. -Mr. Hess re well known te the public, having been in haziness in Zurich for over 12 years. 636 HESS & HABEREll. THE CANADIAN BANK DF COMMERCE'. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Paid up Capital, - - $6,000,000. Rest, - - - - 1,400,000. President, Hon. Wm. _McMaster. THE HURON FOUNDRY SEAFORTH. HAVING put an Englne into the Fitting Shop to drive Lathes, Planes an.d D rills, independent of the Plow Grinding and Polishing Machinery, parties wanting work don e can have it at any I time, as steam will be up every working day. ALL REPAIRS ON ENGINES, MILLS AND OTHER MACHINERY Attended to on short notilo e. On hand and made to order, Horse Powers, Grain Crusherif, Straw Critter-6;14nd Rollere,Ga g Plows, Grate Bars, &o. Plow Castings made to order from Ipatterns furnished by parties wanting the same. Plow Pointe a specialty, made from Genuine Plow Point Iron; and warranted hard and tongh. Will also Fit, Grind and Polish Plow Castings cheap, as the shop is fitted with Grinditig Stones and Emery Wheels for such work. Will also take Contracts for Engines, Boilers, Grist argil Flouring Mills, Saw Mills and other Machinery. Will make Plans and Specifications for Mills, &o. All Alterations on Mills or Engines attended to. Will also make val- uations on all kinds of Ma hinery. J. S. .RUNCIMAN, Seaforth. P. S. -Aa Mr. J. S. luneiman has gone away for the winter, the business will be carried en by Mr. B. Ranciman until hi return. FT_TRI\T J. S. PORTER rr-umP- RYE 1 TIMOTHY! —AT THE— SEAFORTH. G R EAT NO RTH-VVESTE R N am determined to Clear Out my Entire Stock. of Irurniture regard - 1e88 of Cost. - Trion IN WANT, it 'will pay them to &seer. -a- tain prices before purchasing elsewhere. I give a large discount to 'those paying cash, es- pecially to newly married couples. I am still selling six highiy finished 'theirs for $2. I also keep Knowl on s Spring Bed, the best and cheapest in thp market; warranted dizeotly o pewrfeacrtelryoonmoir pposite M. R. Counter's Mammoth Jewelry store, Mein street, Seaforth, Ea6s2t5Side. JOHN 8. PORTER. THE ZIRICH SADDLERY, HARNESS) —AND— FURNITURE EOABLISHMENT ! HERAION,.TVP, ,L, -Proprietor: A GOOD Stock of Harn ss of all kinds always 41- on hand, together with everything else be- Ipnging to the business,1 which will be sold, cheaper then ever. FURNITURE, FURNITURE. Specially low prices givi to newly married couples requiring farnitur. . Call and see my Stock and prices before par hasing elsewhere, as you will save money by doi 5 so. 893 H1BM0N WELL, Zurich. SEED -AND FEED STORE, Can be had at Reasonable Prices, and in qaanti- ties to Bait purchasers. DEAGON SEAFORTH BRANCH. The Seaforth Branch of this Bank continues to receive deposits, on vihich interest is allowed on the most favorable terms. Drafts on all the principal towns and cities in Canada, on Great Britain, and on the United States, lseught and sold. Office—First door South of the Commercial Hotel. 689 A. H. IRELAND, Manager. THE SEAFORTH RESTAURANT. DEAGON, ,_ , Of tbe SEAFORTH RESTAURANT, Murphy's Block, Main Street,:is now receiving nice, • Fresh Oysters, direct from Baltimore, both in cans and bulk, which he is prepared to sell very cheap. He intends keeping a supply of: these Oysters regularly during :Ale ;season, and will be in e position to :supply -private farnilies,L hotels or social' par- ties on very reasonable terms. He has fasollorijoht fresh hRereRestaurant. taa from Grimsby, which are the !best in the' market. He also keeps on hand _, also a supply of fine Peaches :direct kindsurnaant. You can't do:better goof odF.RCUallii Tat8thine:hrese in town. SEAFORTH PLANING MILL, Should sow this RYE this fall for early feed next other Feed. SASH, DOOR AND BLIND FACTORY spring, it being two o any Green rthree weeks earlier than W. ROBERTSON. • R. N. BRETT,• SEAFOHTH, Wholesale and RetailDealer in LEATH:BE and SHOE FINDDIGS of Every Description. I None but the irje..ry Best Stock kept..r3,rr Terrair m medete. A Trial Solicited. All orders by rani' or:ostcherwil4-nri (!mptly filled. LE CREDIT FONCIER ; THIS new Compeny, formed for thepurpose Of inveating French Cepital in Canada, i nolw 1 prepaeed to advance money on the mos t favorable terms on good landed seemities. M 2. HAYES, Agent for County of Theron, Seaforth. j gen , s. CAMPBELL, Provincial Land 8.rveyor CART). • and Civil Engineer. Orders by mail likompt 71y9attended to. D. s. CAMPBELL, sialee .! THE eubsoriberbegs leave to thank hi s namerou customers for the liberal patronage extendedte , him since commencing businese iliSeafoeth,end trusts kat he may be favored with a contiunanee of the same. Partiesintending to build wonid do well to give him a call,as he will continue to keep on band large stock of all kinde ei Dry Pine Lumber, Slashes, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings, Shingle,, Lath, &a, Hefeelsconfident of giv_ingastisfactiontothOil who inay f avour him with theirp a trona ge,ne none but first-elaesworkmen are employed. Particular attention paid to Custom Planing 20[ JOHN H. BROADFOOT• 'MAkRIAGE LICENSES -ISSUED AT 1 t THE HUHU EXPOSITOR OFFICE, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO. NO WITNESSES REQUIREDd 1 f <2[ e OCTOBER 141s 1, I L DRY GO 1 A FACT Store Lately Oc-Q Clear Out tBheakW the EmporiraS im e.1 THAT SHOCKED TBA Bditori-In your lAasthteis 11 :wibecitchee he wevilasetnithialgaoll'il' the and in -which the autho piece has not failed to I represent in a manner fmed and cultivated mi the same would be sii Now, Mr.' Editor, in ' re, said dance, I would wie tice, 1 being one who Bur ely have a faint co the moral was correpte moral, and I was just t traveller could have taken his place in the •dance, where evervbode on such intimate ter other, and innocent pie happy fazes as they 4-4t fantastic': to the violin5 gthioonak, iintstaevaoduldof112.13ivteta window, commenting ai all be Saw and beard,,a feelings up to such a pi epite, because he had i'_ witla an invitation to t1 last to have reveuge lael ixiental exertion, in wh 'fail to exercise it. An putable character achi ly colored with inti profanity, I do not cultured and refined m that respectability wo associate with such. for so thinking if such ana if it was, I failed once heard an imurec oneOf the said gallan ticular night, and -if such, it avould not ha harshly anywhere that sensitive ear; and if tis is conduct and heard. Is ,profane, the same part and converse as gentle who would fain be e • I am sorry that uTrav sion to pass the night the foul pestilence of - -vice ;was raging so • conclaisioa, I would h eller" will not often v morally corrupt as th# i thus represents as ha our -usually qaaiet vi Mr. Editor, if you v this in your valuable oblige me, who tru li 3sright." Yours, stn., ONEW1 School II The f0110Wing is t pupils in School Sec berry, for the mo Fourth. Class, -1st Maggie Martin, 3(1. son. Senior Third 0 Yeo, 21 Ida Musgo, ing. Juaior Third: i McTs.vish, 2(1 John Fraser. Second Cl Nichol, 2(1 Elizabet i Hawking. • Re-enga,ged.-Mr. been re-engaged to • Section No. 2, Turn- ., salary of S425. The following is the standing of the 'School for the mou Fifth Class,-lst 2d. Annie Govenlook 4t11 Wm. ' Reiiila Seniors-lst Maggi Annie NieGregor, Si 4thMt 3aophKe ryseBnrns. __istinv 3d Wm, Kenny, 4th, Second class,-lat ] Selina Morrison, -.131 Almira, Blanchard 9,1 Part Second, -1st Geo. Newly, Sd `Ik Sarah Sane Brown Bella. Russell, 2a ; 'Hannah, 4th Bella. i -The following tained by the arapil junior division of Hay, for the mont1 determined by the :iowni.i-tteFnifethiaansll i:,- Kate Raavkins` 19 Joseph Case 294,1 Jessie Chapman 1 James Leslie 135. , '- -Ellen Campbell i. Gavin Ross 130,01 Adam Whiteford Junior, -Carrie 0 Shirrey 161, Bells. Mra liourrtrhaCoY tt1413,35,-GFI loot t7 ,e BEi ea; ur re at t . Alil Divisional -Second Aurea Es.crett 14C Bertha Willie 136 John Case 89. S Minnie Daw 184 'Willie Claaptnan 93, Phmbe Thin Seniora-Jeasie N Laing 179, Nicol Murray. 169, Dani Second, junior, - 199, Ernest Duns, iaey163, -John Ti n2. Ne-c) F. 3. Craig, a at the Provr Canadian three be the only ma, which met the threahera and power is so eons -entire ssaachine i the slightest trel