HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-10-14, Page 3-_" - _ . - -- . - ._. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T. , .� - . I I - v � + i . _. l.x . - . - _-_--- . -_- -- . - S_ _ r. _- n w - - \ - __ •• ate..- meg. ..,. .. - - - ... ..� -.- :.. . _ _ _. _ . . _ _ : +�Y._`_ nS- .yip M.� - -4. - .. _->_. �.. �— I s t{l� . . A . J i • -- t ' � _ - • ia 1 t . $1 , THE �U` Old EXPOSI RZ �� - . _ . horn at the nine of the 19th don heard of the •praoeeding at the W ' IB IT THAT �"� R� 4• I � � R �j � ®E I1 ` f aha misead er grasp upon: - the ren trey decided in starve oonxaoil - - . . BANKING are datermined to do as your ° ry BANK 1 I V +� U S E` # ,' marry b+ s Pon are old fay otd the .horse making a bolt, ,the -this oriole ' of Illnarrisge const b® AU LT �. IVICCLEAN � _ _ s ,�, juiaped thn fauos eloda to the Judges' ma c an _ exa mple of, and` accordingly SELL TF A for 6(?0, S EA F O RT H. �:4is itnaeF your own mind. Stand • As hs �irent otter he ca h. hi6 the . ono man vista ` e1t Iliad, Dia- ►r y war: very $rilnlytter+ed,. hind. loot on fallin the d ani diahonoTed he�and P a picket, g gr eggq EQUAL to Some of thV other Tea Houses at Wo We have just received F��$H a complete stock of ingredients far caricas k. , - rid. M se gook mhanaged to free w cast oat -,into the world with - a 'oh will musks it ;br'ght, and retain its flavor and sweetuess' it used in OF. IC ---Iat the premises foraney'- d roan turf hiscee yO°but was rendered unconscious onl four knittin needles, to look foreoaase they base no rent top y, Cider, whl h nepliaw'saaherself, g ly occupied by the Bank v, f Com- the $al a name?" f,: . by the shook. She complained of a bre d. , - AND DO HEIR OWN WORK. proper time, according to our directions, -L. j „ slight pain in her book, but' her injuries ret Peggy went merrily to work, her. IIICKSON ��. coerce, and under the Cozrtmercal e Brants r hotel Main Street. , _' i rwntf-ah 1-waon't that are not regarded as serious. Miss a growing brighter, her fingers plyiing CALL � D - INSPECT. ? ' . lb's risme who was arrested for Jewett and Mrs. Williams, of London, - fan r, while her enamored husband sat . ) . .� a I and died in prison, a short coda the next day. :bol)re her in helpless inefficiency, 7x g,, - wa king the gleaming needles as it en- 1we-'. Horse Shoes. tr oed. ,-Eureka I" he exclaimed, A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF NOTES ANO RI LS DISCOUNTED. silt 1 and if I ; could, I would' . �- Who t" Peggy looked rip low her more for the tronitile she Horses were not shod in Egpyt, on day. F ­i:thio h.+' Ass yria or.Palestine. The latter soon• an ionaly� She had never been even Farmers' Favorite Stock Fee eP` �nglieh god" F4raign Exchange i lli : t was an' lied with horses b the g . OROOKE Y & GLASSWARE tions we . Purohssecl and f3Qici, +, air, as you musks your bed, rammer school "I can do it Pp, y Utter 'than yon' he answered con st lie on it i Narry this girl- Egyptians. Solomon paid 150 shekels Pe y, just Re stied and opened out. � the success of this Feeder far exceeded our most sanguine ! a , ourself' by connept on with a' of silver, egnal in ns to$75, for each wi h a manly sense of superiority.- He . have eat lessors in sin introducing it to all Stook Raisers. A who have yourself horse. This was a hi h rice, the dff- go same Wires and went to work, ARMERS'SALE NOTES � er,I, family } but never come snivel- g _ P � . - Imo for help." ' ference in relative value of a shekel and w ile Peggy. watched, and soon her THEY RE STILL BELLING used it speak of it in the highest terms. Horses, Cattle, Calves, heap, Pigs, Pnrehased at Bawnsbia Rates. ' sensitive Iiptt 'under the soft a given weight of- wheat being consfd- sh otos needles gave way to the stook- �h r ered. Isaiah speaks of horses whose in .loons, with _ revolutionized the �, and 1 S Poultry, &c., keep in bettor condition on less food. It will pay ever Farmer to 'otter Lent ea Collateral Securities- t*6he quivered, Pounds f TEA for $1, lass . _w ole indust In a ve little time , -�Ol Uncle, I will never ask you for "hoofs shall be counted like flint," ---a I'y r3' give it a trial. In paoksgel or quantity, manufactured °sly by a able at ar at all indeed ; but don't turn from me valuable° quality where _ they were P ggY became a bright-eyed lady, Poun of Sugar for $l. i j Drafts Issued j W'Iliam a distinguished inventor, 1 Ei . HICKSON & COL, Branches of the wank of Comme�roe. ;� ager-.}, shoeless. The Syrians. and Hittites i Butlthe only anawOr Was a stern were supplied with Egyptian horses by wile the hard-hearted Oxford dons ,, Soloman, who thus ttirded an honest nobody knows anything about ; bntx: (u13�EMIBTB AND DRIIdGIBTB. ilrT>BiK>ef3� Allowed ort De�o�sits "gif eon b is memo. ;they y doubtless shrank sip into Greek AN EARL GALL IS REQIIEBTEDo ' Itel• al'tl Hart was the eon of Dr, penny y Dsoney to Loaa oa Mortgages. 1 I>e on sister. S� nce, his mother a Arfstotlo and Pliny mention the p titles or algebraic signs. At any ! ilto h. u b his. covering of Kor ea' #sot in stony places rte, it was a clear case of poetic :l.o es T • AvoID SHE ciBbAT RUSH M. P' ]a -& ie lad been bong . t p, y der himself his heir, He to prated the boof from breakage and justice, at which Hymen should light ., swig tri- conal WHIG ' WE HArYE L ALLYATE'NT active, energetic ycans man+ wear but it is probable that such a a extra torch. FULL STOCK PURE DRU4. GS, DYE . STUFSt Manager a proprietor. f1>td, preference t4 a college carseat cov©ring was a bandage or boot, and Ae we wish to shave oar onstoYnero through , decided. to enter business life. ' used principally on long journeys. Rube. HoYfenStein s Advice. Med tcin,e, Per, urraers air oils, Combs, Brun O N - E X H I R I T 1 ON I ,i¢ , only twenty-two, and for Suetonius refers to the diamoantiug o! Herman," said Hoffenstein, good- OUR Illi NSE STOCg of GOODS. G n and; loved Annie Vespasian's muleteer to shoe his males. n turedl , ,,You,must be dinking &bond o had know _ y ULT cE' 1�c�'ZEA?N. 1,-ARCY SOAPSm 'IPESy SHCsULDER BRAC�S� &C• Y Wrappings of . plaited fibre, such as t , Grant Pp 8s P getting, a vife. I saw- YOU valking mit a - hem or broom, were need as was also �. HICKSON O much eche ant is cry Wonder the oanses eo As - r. WilWu had ; said, her father p girl 1 de oder Sunday. Vat' was her leathejr. ]1h Japan the horses have _ A5 I mash and the yet risible to tE�e gazing rail t n convicted Of . #Orgery, and im- P n me ?" ■ I lions, and the 26th of dune having acme and goo a t l ecl, leaving . his motherless, and clogs; of twisted straw, of which a large , ,-Dot vas Miss Rachael Goslinsky," .=Eon prospect of sever ►i anniversaries o t �F fatherless _ da titer almost supply is carried on a journey ; when replied tlae clerk, with a perceptible this eventtai time,. the well known firm of Shan ug t me by the dreadful blow. wool another is ` immediately app d. bosh, „ IN RE URN FOR A. 25 NOTE G•R A T A D D I T ®N �� t sld knew- his' uncle's aversion The'American plan of shoeing would --Gat 1 Jacob Goslinsky s daughter 2 I I W H#TN EY �ROTH E R$>t c marxy. s but he determined, no doubt appear a barbarous custom in --Yes, sir." I 00me iwhst would, to make ithe i�tricken their minds. Captain Cook refers to "MY gr -r -soigne, Herman, keep close A KEY TION LEVER WATCH, ` lhia wife, and be stele, as her hna� the fact that the Siberians and gam- t dot girl 1 go valking mit her, efery TO THE Stags and Tinware Merc�.anta, herI . twhatkans use travelling socks for their unday' Jacob Godinsky, her fader, - lsnd, to comfort _ SOIIItD, S BONA "AND ACCURATE, WITH i So they were quietly married. flags. as dirty tonsand dollars in de punk, E A F 0 R T II y rid a gouble of adores on Red River,' MAID STREET, t It vvoud have been hard to imagin® Camels in old times were smileu�l uj Beat halls- provided. These boots were drawn ,on Don't let her esgape, Herman, and your Ke Act n, Air Tight, Dust Tight OF BOOTS ASD ��lOEB 1- & hsppier couple cons the state P y B I G SALE _M f rtnne'vas talade.'1 Ijtynyp Tight. Beepaotfnl• Solicit the inspection andPatror< than i+� three small rooma wjiich were over the feast, and it does not a ear all thein r,sodest income copld afford. that iron or other metalic plates ere --But Mister Hoffenstein," stammer- os a Pa>; o of seatorth and viainitr� to tti f' w years paase►d on., It waa,rn- naified to the boo Sneh boots ere d the clerk, '-I vas poor and Rachael I v I s e edidstookot STOVES, Bco, Don't $ase the as velty. moarcd that the old doctor waa about shod with metal ?or the rich, The F�.ve Pound's � et, --ti;T to a ter into a ma> rimon al alliance mules of Nero were shod with silver , 4 -Dat vas nothing. Herman, adick - i Of aociet .'s most brilliant those o! his wife ]�'oppoea with gold. lose to. de girl, and Balk pianeas to he T H' E B I G' O O F EI E P O T ; with one y a eats, Many tiiyaes had his ele- Forleasstatelypurposesmulesweresh`bdF. der. Dell him dat you vas getting; FIVE P R CENT. DISCOUNT TO ,,, � I ° mer mentions brazen-` o e uuderclodin vat vill TEETOTALER I,, Gl�l.�i�CJ SEAFOA - gout carriage swap past Reginald with lion, ' Ho stent upon a m g LIA s • I i0II can see at the Sign Of the b g cages pat, y eep de bedbugs avay at night. Ad- _ tlldis wife as these walked to and footed steeds, probabl & anerely mneta- that WHITNi7Y BRoB, keen oto es, and what horical expression implying strength, tact his addentiou to de fact dot dare ' not Y why Harvest Tools, Bln Notts and frim :church. i pp ! all hinds of Tinwan, s !)heap and rbs (lost a■ any Brit Re inald's pride kept him fraris, lYiithridates and Alexander experienced ae in de gonndry ofer one .hundred FREE ND SAFE BY PCiST® , _. " store elsewhere. j r aeeegkin his ncle, and as the great : difficulty with their cavalry, ousand boarding houses mit bedbugei 'some think 'tin not true, but only a rhyme- I ever snot heap. owing to the soreness of the unprotected rid a Half million of beople >, lif in But eiyme,inspeat oar stores; t'wont talo mush i breach wa time.. On,e $venins Reginald came into his: feet of the horses in long marches. The a boarding homes, land flat dose beople i_ P�PST,' be - Oozy l7oma where his �v"ifs and lige first certain mention of shoe' being ill egream mit delight von yon adver- willM�RRA� I nailed to horses' hoofs is in th� works ll before the ebeerful fire, in a is de nndercloding. I>e him an SU$CE3 .OR TO DUNCAN &DUNCAN. AL �. LOGirAN'BmB, ore aped �noedShoe sshopemskera n West Ontarioy who �?il� We: Will Sell ,I,ret flc8 Chscvp cry o one at - one of the bee P at excitement. of Em:psror Leo, ninth century. The ing, Herman, but my gr-r-acious dont F,; ' Kid Boot to a Possibly Can i t 1 4 - * e vOic aro d its -practice of shoeing home is said to et de girl get avay ' ROgollcok, Her. THE LD ANIS FAVORITE STAND, do all kinds of CUSTO� WOR from a Lady's Finest Button L nie s swe t PPe as she looked at :, have been introduced into England by man, reefer marry a girl beaaase yon Man's Stogie. Be coIIVlnced by 1 e�ving your measure, lulus y . p. ,, _ EARTH, -ONTARIO j From s Fine Polished 8tov� to a Bird Gageoar Qua. i ,,�, ; f what is the matter,? _ William I. vas in.love mit her. YOn don't carry. S ygy, p g on pianeas .mit love. It flakes money, - s Please enquire Los s')atter l Why,the bank %n which all In two respects the shoeing of horses F ,p►L.L KINDS PROiV�PT�-Y �►7TEI�DE® TO. my �ncle'a fortune deposited, has in holland differs from Dura. Ffrat,o you know. Ven a poor,man marries a GOLD ND ' SILVER PLATING ,REPAIRING O t,, I prevent splitting, the fore hoofs ate poor woman, he gets so diaconraged dot W HI TNEY B R O I'� E R S'a failed. �nie roses:and layuig the little girl pared away, to the ton and the shoe so de only ambition he haf vas to loaf Done Neatly, and d atistaation c}nsranteed. i oIIr MAI*I-ST., SEAFORTH. - .1 Iradle :came and stood b her fitted thi&the toes do• not tonch the around a beer:•saloon and eat dog in h r or y : onnd when the foot stands. flat ; the ganga a until he gets de fleas. Ven I � Now is a favorable ti o' buy your BOOTS and ,BH6EB, or leave y huab nd a side. . T w weight resting on the middle and heel g wife Leah Heid A FULL LINE OF WATCHES - meaatue• HE JEWEL EM®® IN , if, inald, `vhat shall we do g vas courting my , JEWELRY . . mer, dere vas dwenty oder men Bolo ��nnie, it. aeeina like a rear%button," of the ahoa, Second, the shoe is nailed g Clocks rid Jeweh y a?waya on hand. L,OGAN,e�,fOrtll, —off --- 44 oar old gentleman 1"' on perfectly flat and close ' to the foot, de same ding and I vas de poorest one . _� - - . - d looked u into wb ch is fl ettteu4d to receive it, the iron of dem, but I don't get diaconraged, SILVER BAZAAR i SBAF ORTH AND S URRO UND- Te young, huaban P is thereby de rived of all spring and IIerman, I Balked pianeas mit her Y P " NEST TO Rd7BERTBON & CiD't�. HAWAR• l:is 1:fes eyes-, and read the thoughtfader, and I says Rube, ILV f (; O UNTR p: that, was- in her heart. the hold of the nails is undisturbed. y --H you don't well As orted and Gheap- for CASH 1 e great mausion looked: very The frog comes in contact with the get Leah yon vill get old man Heiden- fi _ E round• While ;this mode of shoeing himer's drade, vich vill make you some- C. % • PA ,�' k glooilny to the passer-by ; and Alone in g s I AND 0RGA��'s d bowed. over two may not caamimend itself to_onir farmers ting, anyvay." Afder &vile Leah and PIANOS --. �' E R hia room,. with his head et it is certain that the M . R ■ C O U N m letters, was the Old doctor. and teaD14terak:y me vas engaged mit von anoder, and I Sign ° the Big Clock, Seaforth •o the Dutch have good -horses, use them well ` says, Leah, ven any of de :boys want to , The very- Latest and Most important Annonasomeat yet r The firat was a short note from made is the 1sat that we have IfANAG1Sii AND p$oPRMTOR. `:''a t bixt.heartless womnan who had i and work them_ hi�;rd. C gef you a bresnt, dinking de`y vas going HO I FOR EGMONDVILLE. s . lrilh P to get yon for a vife, You must dake it, . Prot `to love hi -rpt in spite of his flow to Fatten. Turkeys- and after ve vas _ married ve can sell --}- REDUCED T N E P R 1 C E �7 . gray. hairs. d bre some new stock for Nothtn Pays better `to be sent to dose dings nn y L E a S THIS I TUE PE CE ,Fool that I waa !" he murmured, ae g p y In Pianos and Organs, he tyre the perfumed note in a hnndr�d market in prime condition than the de adore. Voll, vot you Bink, Iiermant iee s, 'Tlie other read thus : turkey crop. Many farmers do not Leah.vaa pll de boisnosi rsmdink de ashem vain LOU ONC AND SAWS MILIS. ; To get Hood anhRe3iable (}Dods in Ii =4�j IINo yet bygones be by understand this. Their turkeys grow she made a Moses LeoU gif her a so that 4n cosy have Instrument. unity of enjoying the pleasnr d 'i' food love colt dem, and beneStg of a Mnsioal nttrament, Through our la{e snag goo s•. I haive a happy home, and on a limited range, et little or no fo - trade we are in a position to supply PIN (MOLD gif ATcH'ES, �' g diamond ring vert a dousand'dollars, �0r°° Beet Canadian and American Fsetoriea,inoln S'I'LVER WAToH' EB, Lha a is room for One more. Come to at'home through .the Bummer, and if L E from , . 1 4, .- affectionate nePhev ' fediat all with regularity, it is only for Jacob $ Hca i rinfgeederna eat east pin. JAMES KSILVE'RPLATED WARE, ► REGxNALD IIART• two °or three weeks before killing. _ gaup STEINWAY, CHICKERIN AECKER, WEB EIS, as d and Reginald re- a these lean bony carcasses in th Levi Cohen he gif a set of silver vara tJ'EWELRY, Rome trine p . sL !n se and Henries Lacks a bait of diamond Begs to i orm his friends and the public gen CI OOICa�. , &C. &Q. Y local markets every Writer, an orally that his And others toe anmerone to mention, at pdese sad beret■ V conned nor aiis:wer to his letter, and the s, The praGeleto. Ven ve got. married ve sold rd that his, uncle's house was to be feel sorry for the owners los - d I vent in a wholesale SAW MILLI that e or tail to �ve satisfaction, The fabulous to our hes does din s, nn ti N E sovions to our Pceived a small prtoe for thei g charged or Plsnos an Organs in this locality, p Ca 8tndk of which is very cholas and complete sol b y auctioia. haver dr cod pianeas. Disk of it, Herman, �ppearaiico on the scene, have been swept away, and not only Dull and ozamine for yonr�aelves. NO trouble to It was & dark a 'c stormy night gra- birds, and k till gooier price or th Y g low.priciea but genuine quality is inatrameats have been tai- show Goods. All floods sold on their own f' Bale• �n Iiia room, and vile ou vas making love colt Is now n fall wparedgto dor, and he ie pre- trodnoed. We make s 8peoislty of the merits and warranted as represented. ceding the day o food fed out The average life of Rachael Goalinsky dont forget de pis- Having made arrangembuts witha First•vlan wit the curta.na drawn, and no fire on turkey ia'only seven months, and th ell her of ve haf some ladies' y �l I �% ORGANS AID PIANO;, �Qannlsetnrin House, I can su >Ell order. for Ih (� U T O DO N!I i N I O N any special Piece of Jewelry on the ahortast th cheerless hestrth, sat Dr. Wilton. true economy of feeding is to give th , nese. D g i - t one fell blow. the. can digest from the shel shoes fox Brae dollars vat she dondigna ®t Notice. Arl he had was gone s ohcks all y g vere`for dot brine„ and if you d Believinjg they are egad, personal Attention given to the Re - On the shortest notice and moat reasonab3e if act superior in'-gaalit,to any gU wing his_ reBeources, he had care- -to�the slaughter, If they get all thetogs, a has also on hand and for sale Instrument in the market. palm y� Of Watches, Clt clk8, and leggy contracted debts, and he was can eat on the range that is well. R Owing d t you vill getsatisfaction rid of some Y knowing Y air ble to pay them. What should he Usually this should he supplements of de old goods vat vas in de adore for ALL KINDS OI: SAWN LUMBER. Ojd lnstiruyraent$ taken vn Exchai►ig�. Planes Jeeoel�ry. I�'vue �tche4 always a 'Nf by regular rations when they °om ofer seer ears. 'SI'ei y' - f he bent figure, with its white head, from the roost in the morning, and tw Y I Bills Promptly Filled. and Organa t0 Beni. Ali work Warranted to give Satisfaction. wearily lifted itself, an,d going to the or three hours before they go to roost Poultry at the South. Huron I � ? Qash yg�aiidfor gld(laid and silver. he curtain. ht. The food may be slack i S iE W I N G M A C H: I N E S a - gE�dEMBE$ THE STAND—Tree of Bilvar- VF'�nclow drew back t I at nig < ShO�. Plated Ware in the Window, and directly pppO- he old mien stood there for a whale the morning, .s° that they will go t The following:wasinadvertently omit- KIS FLOTJ�INC� MILL We BreA�ggAni�for the Raymond Sewing Maehinea.whin ht►ra site J. s. Porter's flheap cash Furniture Stare. I 10kept is stook and reduced in price. We have a number of good ,w teh%ng the: few travellers plodding the range cork good ho !d be fit on ted from the Prize List of the South M, R. COUNTER, Seaiorth. sin through the rain. Perhaps Barrie fuller at night. They s P , P second -;hand Machines, whish will be sold cheap. g g old whin er th>;ongh regnsr coarse of fattening food as early Huron Show published last week: ie in o area at prp� ed t oa �'�' and he of these people would P ipovl; sY,-Dark Brahman, 1st Geo. THE SEAPORT$ halls to -morrow, while he where as the middle of October, when you d W. Grieve. Light Brah- AND CHOPPING PHOTOGRAPHING AND PICTURE FRAMING h s ro one to kill the beat birds Samwell, 2 GRI TING . wl uld he be then f ' propose . QABI�IED ON E%TENSInLY. INSURANCE AND ,LAND AGENCY. slowly walked across the long Thanksgiving. The .younger and tl}e mass 1st Wm. 1lI t and 2nd W. -McLeod. on the shortest Notice. Good work and fnu . 11 I n$ slo . y Grey Dorking, ' room'to an escritoire whioh stood"at the lighter birds should be reserved fort a Satisfaction guaranteed. and New Year's market . white Dorkins, is'- and 2d W. McLeod. �D . BR,�TII ZUS ►a�eafOrth. }A L Q N Z O S sl` R O N 'G faj then end. In. it lay an end to Christmas Black Poland&, st and 2n3 W. Mc - is On the iii°b, 1 Rem mbar, Whore you wants gristgronnd or a They .continue growing quite rapid y tt'�IIble ; his WSTI�IBY'13 BLOCK . I8 Li�1ENT for several First -Class Stock, lfi:o inter and an well be pad Leod. Golden Polande, 1st Bohn BeBela, billlof umbar sawn go to the >;�gmondville Mills. i a� �e �s��� Qompanfae, and is praDar' ot - : w en a patter of little feet is at the until midw hot - 2d C. A. Wade. Spt,bgled Hamburgs, 691 dAmBs xrLE, Proprietor. d to takeriaka on the moot tavorabletarma. door, and runni>s , luta :the room eoanea for the longer feeding. There is eor IlieL®ods 2d C. A. �Pade. - Also Agent for sevoral of thb best Loan so• 11 a fairy figure with its hands fall of ing better for fattening than old 1st W, SEAFOR�-H 0ieties. fed partly in the kernel a a Stiver pencilled Hamburgs, tat �r. PILLMAN'S! CARRIAGE V1/ORKS, SEAFORTH Also Agent for the Sale and Purchase of Frits rdsebuds. and Village Property. . S.trai;ght to Elie astonished old man Partly in cooked 'meal mashed p McLeod, 2d C. A. Wade. Hon- 1st and 2d C. A. wade. Buff F- tl &little one runs, and then_ holding with boiled potatoes. fi'eed thr a Coohins, let W. lYIcLeod 2d John Sell. FR IT` EVAPORATOR j Number, Of First -C . tg.e roses to hila with one hand, she times a day, giving the warm meal in - sltdes; the Qther tnta his, and raises her the morning, and feeding in troag s Black Spanish, let W. Grieve, 2d Improved Ecrnvn8 for Sale. W. McLeod. Plymouth Rocks, 1st W. .-AND- - i'�noeent lips to him to be kissed. with plenty of room, so that �{=tbt n McLeod, 2d C. A. Wade. (xame Fowls. Fast the testa .fall flock may have a chant©. N Il 2d C. A. Wade• N TO He is saved . F - than sadthern, tat Geo. samwe ARE AGAR THE FORE. saomeg _ �,-art Wit. sitz per Cott. wn his face as he clasps the' soft hand porn has more oil in it THEY Ef Ocean t. di ma cl and is worth more for turkey fopd, Aylesbury Ducks, 1st , - McLeod, 2d C D E . R M I L L � I agent:for:the Bale of ocean Steamship Tioista til h y is Re nald'a Use milk in fattening if you keep a C. A. Made. Rouen Ducks, Tat and 2d Ah 1 I knew' x t gi' � oFFICE -lover M. Morrison's Store, Mains Int W. McLeod, -+� c ild.,, dairy farm., Feed orgy so much as they C. A. Wade. Geese, P=�,Zg CV. street. 8eatorth. - - _ __ will eat up clean. Cal lists' the ac- 2d C: A. Wade. Turkeys, 1st W. Njc �—•-' ,Yea, and Ret nald, too!,- exclaimed uaintance of,yanr turkeys as you , feed Leod, 2d Wm. Stewart. - 1i g Pi ID I IT El 1 on eager voice.. q charming g g ° JDDGES.-Edwin Gaunt, St. Helena ; T e Subscribers are prepared to pur- r I Annie little thought. when she told herr them. . to the whole circle Of the J°bre Stewart, Hensall. . ret 'store Chia a quantity of APPLES suitable � E(l to state to those in want sof Buggies- that they have now on hand as Good and hand. TRE Q�RY w aby daugiter what to do as she we your vi for tying cr''Shipping, some s ooileotior Of i. to the room, law nearly a tragedy year than a large flock of bronze ExTRd•—Pekin ° Ducks, 1st F'�. Grieve, for which they ad been enaorf d there. She never turkeys Coming at call from their roosts Huskovey Pucks, W. Grieve. Chinese; .� ay the Highest Market Price. ® often- a frost 14ovember m g ease C.A.Wade. Black Hamburgs, They are also erecting a AIDER N E W �B U G G' I E S 1 7 N E WV B 1� G G I E S I. BES1� MACHINE OIL. - lnew and to ter years qh on y W• L in connection with the Evapora- . t mss w°ndere at the strange look corn is apt to make the bowels loose,W. Pair Guinea fowl, ver -the old mans and this should lie guarded `against, Grieve. Brown Leghorns, W. Grieve, tor, hich-will be fitted up with all the In the world, is Manufactured by - hich would pass o ld all her on There is usaally green food enough in .peafowl, V1�, Grieve. Young Spanish,, late improvements, and is aspected Of various designs and Myles as can be found, in any shop west of Toronto. They a re all made _ fc+ce when l �ctle Be'118 w p o meet their wants in the - owden. Black Gochins, Geo. t to b ready for work in about ten days. by themselves, and they can oonsequently warrant then as to workmanship and material: a Oft hand into his. the Nelda Joseph B ,+-� �It was Betril cation, but that dread fall, and cabbage and turnips need not Samwell, Golden Spangled Hamburgs, vecoll ,Bros, C O., Toron , t ret had come to angel grates. be added until winter sets in. If the W McLeod. French Fowls, T. May. Cider will be made .-at the lowest sita the them scalded run Wm. F'olland, Col- „.oa ible rate in a clean and prompt iEPAIRING.OF ALL KINDS. _. Via_._---- bowels get loose g White Legho , text ClraZe. milk, which will generitlly correct the lection pigeons, John Elliott. Black ma ser, and the largest possible yield And for sale by dealers. A.sk your Merchanterthe Tiles executed, and as tisfsetia guaranteed. Lardine and take no other• This oil, ander the a z Exhibition of evil. Welt -fattened and well dressed breasted game Bantams, Chas• South- may be expected. for ' n ma be Promptly attended ; to and neatly and enbetaritially t1 F icierx1 tx itt,9 brio t�vo or three cent -.s abbits Robt. Pickard. B.—Apples drys g yseverest test and most votive competition, was, ----- . C6 ill . at the Toranta' Industrial Ezhibiyian, awarded f 8 W tt. , _ the e CO The, g$lves frax' 11foney' turkeys d more than the lean birds. ;''lit j'".,. Charles Atzel, Seaort1d ; A. abs en from glue trees if delivered im- I � the highest prize; also the gold medal at A cjowcl of X0,000 assembled al a -will not only be better for your pu�se, Arbugkle,jHensall. me iately. 'Those for shipment meat : ' -w w� provincial exhibition, Hamilton, and the high - held in ���+I��� eat award at the Ilominion Exhibition, Ottawa, Westetn 'New York Fair,. r,, witness bat for your manhood, to send noehung - �__ be carefully Band Picked. No secret - _ n .aa . tember i30, to bed roducts to the mask the silver medal. Farmers and all who ass race In ^ i,och:ester, o p but finis p - Scotland the Scottish Chamber woxks in connection. An inspection of machinery, will eavamoneyandma• the twenty mile running _-- - remise:; solicited. . gaartniee a Sot- agricultural .the re to take orders for Trimming Vehicles ai all kinds, sad afn - 0iainery by using none but Lariine 70#`� f California,and Emma I,ppXCl. of Agriculture has drafted a Land Act p- We are ">BO p rices, delle CovF , of arse of The Stocking olse j at reason AN i s ob able �etiv itt. of 1'llirineaota+ for a p tett oto r tells of the invention for snbmiasion to the inGale r8 mu]Iy 220- D. D. WILSON & CO. MORE }-(;OE?ES �ihfE� } 1,004. The test was one of the. P Y iVEY�i BUYER FOR BRUSSELS. . ' °( AL.L AND GIVE tJS A TRIAL ,.or seen in the driving of thb stocking loaainOx Oxford, who saw recognized ed byt he Ir sh Land Act, that ost exciting s gay young student 1i & SHARP rk. Eaoh izder had eight horses, on the Greek letters of his "Iliad" the tenant has the right ice° the, land, And be oonviaced ths� we Asn Ao better for you than most other firms in iJne Trade. GROSS ms 1i am g ROBERT GRAHAM,' rid changes were made with 's HOTEL, BEAU O s 14 ig , Cook led for the .only the bright eyes of in he n c essor's seouringto him mpe aatian for - OF SEAFORTH, basing leased Leokie's P T L 1�T CO.,�]'thIs W'LL' best sH s for the pa pose iful rapidity. s eased daughter, and heard a P rovement and the right to sell �h a+ 1'i every s•ar' at five miles, when she was p g L Grain Storehat:se, well be on the Brussels t Horses from s to 7 years old. et who kept iii frc,nt for ' tones but the click Of her swift knitting p y• M ket regularly, and will be prepared to paY Heavy Draught gSMAN A SSABE` _ 'tel mss' Jew` vvon iii needles. In despair he threw away his w� l a'wo abl beof i accepted by thea E g ve highest prices for vV heat, saeys mat■, i tris rem.ainder,of the race, and i books, hurried to his in:iAress and with P Y p acid Pork. ROBERT GR •720x8 N.B.—BciggieeandLight Wa;;oi� ntilz to :rder ii desired. j r the fastest time , t 5 minutes .� e oda, Coak e I her to the parson's. When the Oxford lisp Farmers' Aas°ciatioii. . ever made.s IYitas.changed . - . j{ . I " .�.::: I f js 11 A , I 1 ,, I ' G j I — II A , 11 ; I - i , � e � , If l5 i I '� � k . _ j , ", _ i . _. . I " .�.::: I f