HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-10-14, Page 111111111at FOURTEENTH YEAR. ;IN1101.011 NUMBER, 723. • La.".•, ZL- =7;ttat SEAFORTHI FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1881. A bed lees best I beat tea test ent IT ISA FACT THAT YOU WILL SAVE. MONEY BY BUYING YOU ,IiRY GQ0DS„ LADIES"- MANTLES,: READY-MADE CLOTHTNG yEncoATS, 1 ETC., ETC, , . —FROM— smrrpi csc WEST CAMPBELL W. CLOTHIER, SEAFORTH Has Just Opened up a FINE LOT Of SUITINGS Embracing Cc6nadian, Scotch, and ME FAMOUS, BLARNEY TWEEDS. - TFTE HAT DE PA RT ME N T IS VkItY COMPLETE. Gents' White- Regatta Shirts— Perfect Fits. -W. CAMPBELL.' Campbell's Block Not 1. SEAFORTH MARBLE WORKS. mpy UM -BETS, ILEADSTONES, TABLE TOPS 1 And work of all kinds executed in the best style of thei art, and cannot be srtrpassed in Western On- tario. The coraratmity at large will boar in mind that we:4o nut make a practice of keeping agents . to Iran the Conntrz at the buyers' expense. We wcil at any time, when requested, give our price on iany 2donament er Headstone in the burying grohnds. We use the best grades of marble, buy- ing; direct from the quarries. Shop on Main Stipet, near the station. A call respectfully solieited. 721-13 H. MESSETT. iHE HARLOCK SAW MILL. R. 11. KNOX, W the Harloek Saw Mills, on the 12th. Concession of Hallett, has completelyoverhaaled and re- Attled his Saw Mill, and now has it in the very bet of working order, and is prepare.d to purchase uttraber of GOOD !SAW LOGS, Fc t which he will Ipay the Highest Market Price in Cash. CUSTOM SAWING done as usuid. - ROCK ELM LUMBER. haa also on j hand a considerable stock of Bea Elm, three inches thick and 18 feet long, suiPatle for bridges, which he will dispose of °heap. 721x4 R. 1c4NOX. Reply to "easeful Observer.' DEAR EXPOSITOR 1—Yon will excuse me I think for paying some attention t the epistle of a "Careful Observeaf which appeared in year issue of the 30th ult. Allow me to say once mo that in writing those letters, which have lately appeared in your paper over my signature, iny sole and only Motive was to tell my fellow farmers Some- thing about the changes whica had takeu place and were still going on ip our relations and positiona with regard to British farmers and British marketat and that I had not any hatentioa 4 whatever to pen anything in the in- terest of "pairty politics," and never for a moment thought or expected that I was drawing down upon my head. the wrath of an anonymous Tory scribbler. Ho. ever, I am sorry I can't return him th -compliment he pays me that na. "letters were interesting, instructiv and amusing." I have read his lette carefully over, and can find no instru - tion in it, though I must admitthat it i astonishing and in some respects ver amusing. For instance, it is mo amusing to me to think that the ooril struction of my name, my age, goner 1 appearance or , the color of my hai were of the slightest importance to an of your readers. I hope it is, not, a though I find thp3 niorniiag that m wife, simple. confiding soul, is in ec tacies to think that her husband nearly , thirti years as such—is still s, sprightly young roan. As it appears t be a matter of concern to this "obser er" why I have so long used Senior t nay name, and to show why I have bee entitled to do so, so long, allow me t explain. Some four and forty years ag two motherless cousins, of the sam name, were consigned to the tende care of a grandmother. The cousin were brought up together as brother came to this country together 38 yea ago, lived many years as close neig and sti (WITH SUPPLEMENT.) IIII/111=11/M1/1.. MCLEAN BR0Sa Publishers. 101.50 a Year, in Advance. Protection" is really the question at issue. I profess, and have always pro- fessed, to be a Freetrader, pure and simple, and, to the best of my ability, I am not ashamed nor afraid to explain and defend its principles at all proper times and seasons. It must always, , however, be kept in mind that I am only a; common, humble •farmer, and. very bedly calculated through *ant of education, doe to expound and defend the great principles of Free Trade, but -I am perfectly willing to match my- self against any one of my own °less or calling. But, before doing so, I must know who my opponent is. He must come out into daylight under his own proper name, as I do., then I can judge as to whether th.e fight is likely to be a fair and square one or otherwise and govern myself accordingly. It is all •very well to keep back in the dark and call Gladstone and McKenzie fools; Blake, ifrantio and erratic; Charleton and Patterson, turnooatseand. M. C. Cameron a s'ycophant, mercenary and a. hypcorite, but we must have the na-me of the bully, so that we can judge by the light of day bis claims to sanity and the motives which actuate or govern him. We are ever and anon finding illustrations of athe truth of the old adage, that "fools rush in where angels are afraid to tread." Let it be un erstood then, once for all, that I will par no more attention to "Careful °beaver," or any 9ther ob- server or thing who attacks me anonymously; there is no fair show in it. The writer, under cover, may be a giant in intellect that one would not dare to cope with, even although well. aware that your OBUSO was just; or the _ anonymous may.well be a thing of shreds left for the "land of the free and the refuge of knaves," leaving a large num- ber of creditors behind. He died of typhoid fever in Illinois. —Mr. Horace German, of the 10th conceseion, Blanshaxd, had a valuable horse and buggy stolen out of the shed of the Woodham Hotel on -Friday night, the 7th inst., About nine o'clock. —The pew time table of the Credit Valley Railway came into force on Monday last. Four tiains in each di- rection ale run daily. The road seems to be building up for itself a large traffic. —An applicant to purchase lands sign of a clinker. There is so much available, that any attempt at "corn- ering" in the mining business ig —A case of kleptomania occurred in Hamilton on Saturday last. A lady of good standing, while in one of the leada ing dry goods establishments, appropri- ated a very rich and aandsome dolman. ,The act was noticed, but she was al- lowed to depart, and the bill was sub- sequently sent in to her husband, who paid, it. --Mr. Charlton, M.P., of Norfolk, ad- dressed a very large meeting of electors at Niagara on Thursday, 6th inst. Mr. in Manitoba and the Northwest th 4. B. Plumb delivered an hour's speech, other day was told at the Departmen but the scathing sarcasm end forcible of the Interior at Ottawa, that•lande arguments Of Mr. Charlton in reply were now only being sold to actual confuted his arguments, and complete - settler. ly turned the ridicule of his audience • —The train conveying the Governor- upon the poet. • General's party towards St. Paul, —The Hon. J. H. Pope,* Canadian Minneeota, was thrown from the track Minister for Agriculturet has made a near Sioux City, Iowa, on Thursday ka.ther notable purchase. The splendid night last -week. None of the passengers eherd of Aberdeen or Angus cattle be - were iajured. d longing to the unfortunate Marquis of — A Ithousand carcasses of mutton, Handy have been dispersed, and the and tWo hundred and. forty quartets Hon. J. H. Pope has bought a magniii- of beef were. shipped on the steamer cent specimen. "Charmer the Third," leaving Halifax on Tuesday of last for 100 guineas, for export to Canada. week for Mr. Shaw, of London, Eng- —Arrangements have been made land. - with the Ontario Government by the —A Portage la Prairie correspondent seminary at Oka for the •parches° of says: There are 44 bachelors within a 25,582 acres of land in Gibacsa town - radius ef six miles at Oak River. There ship, District of Muskoka, fot the 00- are about 200 within the corporatiorf of cupation of the Oka Indians. Twelve Portage la Praine, and it'a a very poor hundred acres are now used by them time for bachelors, too. at Otte, so that they will lose nothing — The Jubilee Singers (colored) who by the exchange. were refused admission into the leading —Dr. J. W. Rosebrugh, delegate to hotels, in Toronto, attended by an in- the International Medical Congress at vitation at the residenoe of the Hon. London, England, has just returned to _Edward Blake, where they were re- Hamilton. He states that the meeting and patches that we would not like to aeived by a large number of ladies ead was the greatest gathering of medical touch with the extreme . end of a tent gentlemen. men ever held, and gives it as his opin- foot pole. I am, yours truly, —Bears, wolves and other wild ion that the outcome of the Congress • HUGH LOVE, SR. animals have been seen in the old will be to give a new impulse to scion- - Ems GREEN, October 1, 1881., neightetrhoods in Simcoe, having evi- tific investigation. 1 • ' dently been driven out by the fires —At the Toronto Board of Trade bors in this county of Huron, both live in it. For convenience sak e Canada. from their refuges. Farmers are on meeting the other day the question of our elders, school teachers, postmaste , There • is an epidemic of typhoid the adert, fearing their stock may permitting American currency free cir- dec., egreed tcetialistinguish us as seniolr fever in Toronto. sufferoulation in Canada was discussed. It and junior. I beg to ask this "Observer' —Senator and Mrs. Penny are dam why this "sprightly young ,atatie shoat gerously ill, and not expected to survive IO blamea for all this ? But I am ail any time. old politician ; ah there's the rub. —The bakers at Montreal have ad - Every move I make is in theinteres vahoed the pride of bread three cents of the Pairty, and has disastrous per loaf. effects on my opponents. I thank yola The ex -Monk Widdows is again Mr. "Careful Observer ;" I had no ide preachieg and lecturing in London and . . . I was of such iraportance politicall E you had "Observed" with any care ell you would have known that Whe the so-called leaders of the Refer party in South Huron manoeuvre and. dickered with Thomas Greenwa that I stepped down and out of t counsels of thea Reform party; th since then I ha0e stood aloof from party organizetieins, and intend to so till partyism atecomes less virulen and people loo(more to the best i tereats 'of coinntry than to party, an not to be led:like a bull with a ring in —The trial of A. W. Browne for the his nose at the pull or tug of every cr murder of Buddie McCrae, of Chatham, any political hack, who Wishes to mak was commenced at Buffalo on Wednes- money or position out of our suffrage day. Can “A Careful Observer" say as muc —Seals are becoming numerous in for himself? the St. Lawrence, near Montreal, at present. Five were seen in one day Your correspondent blaraes me f r making use of an “exalted sneer" at -t recently. famous and notorious N. P. As I —Several monstrous delays occurred d not know the meaning of such a snee to the last Great Western Railway nor •the guilt and infamy iuvolveexcursion train . to Manitoba, owing vicinity. • —There was snow in th eastern part .of Ontario last Monday morning. • The first of the season. —Hamilton's Central Fair was a suc- cess financially. Its total gate receipts were about $5,006. • t —Mr. Odell, of Westminster, has re- fused a800 for his roadster team, that a won first prize at the Provincial. —The wife of Wm. Acton, of Lanark county, has given birth to triplets. Three girls, all alive and well. 6 X cannot apologize to my friend, but to "wash -outs" on the road. would caution him and his politic 1 — Rev. Dr. Jenkins, of St. Paula' Presbyterian Church, Montreal, ie going friends and cliques in their own i- i to the south of France for the winter, terests against using what I would des- ignate as a latent, dirty, mean sneer, his health being impaired. Baron Bleichroder, son' of the era - which they are far too often in thie --Baron inent banker of Berlin, Bismarck's habit of using at a body of men wee friend, ie on a visit to Canada. He ia to none in Canada for intelligenc , thrift an& industry : narciely, Scotch- at present stopping at Montreal. —It is estimated that 8,000 men will men. I grippes° "Observer," and the be employed during the coming season "Gentlemen's party," 1 oelieve thejy on the Ottawa and its tributaries get - call it, waich he belongs to, think th ting out logs and square timber. we Scotchmen are too stupid to kne Andrew Harvey, of Beverley, the sarcasim involved. in "Pairty owner of the Clydesdale stallion, On- "Scotchmen's Bible," and all that so tario Chief, was offered the other day of thing, ought surely to be beneati $2,000 for him, He refused the offer the notice of "gentlemen." If the gre t —The,eleven men charged with majority of Scotchmen do belong to the e criminally assaulting a girl near the Reform party, it is from honest, souna Montreal Exhibition Grounds were ccnaviction. And if they stick to t committed for trial at tbe Assizes. with that tenacity, so characteristic f • —Charges have been • made against their country, it is because they belie Mr. Rebertson, one of the teachers in its prineiples to be most in barmen the e Hamilton Collegiate Institute, of with truth and righteousness, and. be -allowing cards to be played in the calculated to advance and perpetuate civil and religious liberty the worl school. --A son of Hon. Wm. McDougall over. . "Careful Observer" must understan was lately married. to a young lady by this time that he had no t'varra whom he gallantly saved from drown - whatever in mentioning ray name i ing on the evening of 23rd August last, connection with what he calls "tin- at Wlaitestone, Long Island. i frantic efforts of the erratic head of th ie —Mr. Thos. McCready, a wealthy da trea boot and shoe manufacturer, of - Mon - Reform party," or the leader or leader any party; that I care but little l, accidentally fell out of a feurth torey window of his house the other about the political records of Charlto e morning, and was killed. Patterson, Cameron, or Sir John MoDonald either, for that matter. —Mr. W. E. Westlake, a member of the St. Thomas Journastaff, died a they or others have "baulked, kicked l jumped traces," let "Observer" see to i few. days ago. He was born and brought if he has a mind th, but he muet p up in London, and his early death is /1 t the saddle on the right horse. I call much regretted. . It is announced that the Quebec) assure him he can not drag me dow — to his own, low level, either in defen ing or attacking the political worthi mentioned or any others. How in the name of all that is won derful did this genius of au "Observer get into his bead that I and the Ho W. E. Gladstone, (what a cornplimen to have ones name associated wit s ?) elections will. not take place until the spring. In all probability there will be a session of the Legislature before the opening of the campaign. - —There axe 98 loan societies in — Blackburn, who was sentmiced at is claimed that it is an annual loss of Brantford some time ago to receive $50,000 to the Government or banks four months and forty lashes, received the last twenty lashes the other morn- ing. The flogging this time was done ,thereby. The Board took no action, it being affirmed to be the duty of the Government to regulate this matter. more effectually than on the first oc-, —The Credit Vallea Railway intends casion. running a Sunday train, as well as the —A barn' belonging to Mr. Peter ordinary week day train to Chicago, in Bonham, three miles from Brantford, connection with the Grand Trunk containing all the, sumrner harvest, was burned on Saturday. It is sup- posed that some tramp caused the fire from molting. LOBS about $3,000 ; in the farmers' Mutual for insure a2,100. • —S. keeper raised struck BO sev prove to the to a p —T Peter ship of 1' array, of let concession, town - Huron, together with contents, including this season's crops, were en- tirely fire is light $1,000. 1 Phillips, a Hamilton saloon in defending himself in a row y drunken roughs in his bar, Wm. Holleran with a hammer re a blow that it is feared it will atal. Phillips gave himself up °lice, and Halleron was taken ysician. e barns and stables belonging to 1 —R coal oi a city Inland the re be tak eight destro T Toren _ BMOCS .1 scribe houses m arke Front Brock —It Pope's of Do Island Joseph preeen eries, —0 Bay o packer to Ant one , ca lished °manned last Friday night. Tao apposed to have originated by •g, LOBS, $2,000; insurance, cently 100 barrels of American , which arrived at Kingston for ercliant, on being tested by the Revenue officer, failed to stand uired?test, and was ordered to n out of Canada within forty - ours, under penalty of being ed. e coffee house movement %in • IB. progressing rapidly towards , over $12,000 having been sub - to the capital stock. The will be located, one on the square, another at Bay and treet corners, and the third near treet. is stated that the Hon. S. C. father, who holds the position inion auditor for Prince Edward is to be superannuated, and that Pope, Jr., a nephew of the Minister of Marine and Fish - to be appointed to the position. ng to the depletion of the f Chaleur's lobster fisheries, are now turning their attention coed as a base of operations, and nery bits already been estab- n that Wand. omas Guerin, civil engineer, who n investigating the causes of the of Lake Manitoba, has dis- I. that the outlet is too small for w of water - during the rainy He reports that he has found y and, inexpensive means of ring the evil. Polly districts. The Professor returned e shareholders of the South- east Monday. Railway, which is intended to —A company of American capitalists m Winnipeg to connect the air I have leased the Lawless mining prop - Duluth at some point near the erty in Hull township, Ottawa county, f the Woods, met in Winnipeg for a period of five years. They pay 40 rday and orga,nized for work. cents a ton on the iron ore taken out, 11 14 • —T has be o verflo covere the fi. season an ea remed, --T easter run fr line t Lake - on Sat Railway eastern express. At present no railway train is allowed to leave Toronto on Sunday, and it is expected that this action of the Credit Valley will be followed by the Grand Trunk and Great Western. —There died in Westrainster on Oct. 8, 1881, Mrs. Margaret Johnson, aged 82 years, a native of Rothemay, Banf- shire, Scotland. She came to this country in 1835, and eettled on the farm where she died. She is the moth- er of ten children, eight sons and two daughters, who are married, and grand- mother to 72 children and 27 great grandchildren, all of whom are living. —The circumstance of Captain W. D. Andrews, of Toronto, having gallant- ly saved two young men, Hugh O'Neil and George Goldstone, from drowning in Toronto Bay on the 27th of July, has been brought to the attention of the Royal Humane Society, and the Society has resolved to present Captain An- drews with a medallion in recognition of his bravery. —The opera house lately erected at Brantford by Mr. Joseph Stratford, is pronounced by those who have seen it to be a perfect gem. Its seating ca- pacity is about 1,200, and the internal fittings are reported equal to the best in the country. It is fitted up with eight private. boxes, horse-shoe gallery, iron chairs, and the stage is provided with elaborateescenery and all other modern requirements. —It is quite probable that the sale of school lands in Manitoba, postponed till the 19th October, may be further postponed, if not cancelled, miring to the strong repreaentations made by Captain Scott, M. P., on behalf of set- tlers on these lands. He asks that these settlers be confirmed in poeses- sion on payment of a fair price for the lands squatted on. The Government have promised consideration. —Professor Macoun and his party have returned to Winnipeg after com- pleting their exploratory tour of the •eountry around. Lakes Manitoba and Winnipegoosis, and of the Porcupine Hilla and Duck Mountain districts. They report salt in the Lake Winni- pegoosis region, good spruce and. poplar timber on the Red Deer and Swan Rivers, and spleadid land in Fort 'The -engineers will commence this week with the privilege of buying the 100 to loca e tbe line. - acre lot for $100,000 at any time. Min- -A English swindler has victim- ing work has already begun, but new ized a amber of Montreal people to machinery will be brought in from New the amount of $4850. His liabilites York. Mr. Blanchard of New York is Canada, 67 in Ontario, 26 in Quebec, 2 aro sp ead over hotel and boarding president of the company, and Dr. Gar- - in Manitoba, 2 in New .Brans ack, and hause eepers, as \Yell as storekeepers. penter of Jersey city is the treasurer. one in Nova Scotia, and as ae general T 'et fe low married a young Canadian —The Barrie people express great uch thing all are making money. gi y 15 'Years of age, of respectable discontent at the proposed scheme of great ness had concocted scheme to brint; 20,000,000 of labore —Mrs. Exhilda Lepage, whose bus - fa ily Sand she has followed him to lowering Lake Simeoe. They say the 1.5 band was lately suffocated in a -sneer Boston. d 1 Narrows must be re -dredged, which from Britian? And what ruin it is te, cause: the Queen, Royal family, Arm,th vat, in the St. Lawrence Sugar Refin- —M Navy, customs officials and ery, has sued the owners of e estab- Treasu 'Peagiaaerlt lishment for a, 6,000 damages. Comp all 'starved, and the clergy, who,- we alp —The Feheeley brothers will be spirits know, cannot eata soul; but, who eveg liberated on bail if any one can be his sit heard of such a thing till nowahat they found to bail them. Each ol them in amalg "lived on the fruits of the bodies ot the 52,000 and two suretiee 4'$1,000 eaChe it is fe, people' in Britian? Well! well! Mt to appearat next sprite assizes. at of his 1 The assessment in Ottawa now "Observer" you are a funny, funny —T fellow, and. have strange fancies alaci reaches $10,628,220, an increase of the be 11111St dream queer 3reams, but I a $427,640 over last year. The number west afraid some of the black coats will be after you with a sharp stick. 1 of empty houses is less than last year, with v i e and the feeling in real estate is much over t I apprehend that after all the rub- improved. the set bish and side issues and men of straw, —The death is announced of Wme any in raised and created by “Observer," are H. Blake, the founder of Port Blake, ordina swept to the one side: "Free Trade vs. and who about a year asum go ddenly noth - . Ohas. E. Bourne, formerly will be difficult, for there is rock there. er of the Montreal Telegraph , The Northern railway bridge must then ny, who has been in very low be cut down, and also the travelled for some time, owing to losing road bridge from Mara to Orillia. ation when thettwo companies Orillia will be severely injured, so will mated, has disappeared, having, Barrie, and the mill owners on the bay red, suicided. An investigation shore. The navigation of Lake Couch- ooks is being made. iching will be abterly ruined. ere is said to be any quantity of —His Excellency the Governor - t coal about Edmonton, North- General was entertained. by the Mani- erritory, which can be got at teas, Club at Winnipeg on Monday even- ry little trouble. It is found all ; Mg, and in reply to the toast of his at region, and is largely used by health made an eloquent' and brilliant lers. It is said to be as good as speech. He afterwards commenced Scotland. The people burn it in ; his journey to the East. After he y wood stoves, and it leaves I spends a few days in Ottawa he leaves but dust, without the least for England on the 22nd inst., to spend two months' leave af absence. The his forehead were deep and fatal Princess will not le V° England, as braises, and his body was terribly le previously annonuced, but may possibly mangled. No inquest was held. The leave on the return of His Excellency, deceased was unmarried and 22 years of although her medical advisers are op- age. - posed to her return atleast before • —A young man from London spring. • named John Graham, was, during the —A drover from St i Thomas named summer, engagedas store clerk by Mr. Sinclair arrived in Montreal on Sun- D. Cameron, of Kincardine. Lately day with a number of cattle. While Mr. Cameron became suspicious that driving them down W*11ington street he was being robbed, and set a watch a cow became exhaustled and fell down. on his clerk. It was soon ascertained Mr. Sinclair continued on his way that his suspicions were correct. A with the rest, and let the cow, prir- warrant was procured to search Gra- posing to come back f r it shortly. Be. ham's trunk at his boarding house. - fore he did so, however, the cow had About $100 worth of goods, moat of been taken away, sold and tilled. tThe which Mr. Cameron can identify as his police recovered the horns and pail, property, and $12.50 in cash were wilich the owner identified. _ found. While this was going ott Gra- -The story is told cif ,an cemigrant, a ham escaped by running out at the farmer, evidently . w Mto-do, and the back door, and has not since been father of a large fara lt, who reached heard of. Fast company, cigars, eta., the emigrant sheds h Toronto in due are supposed to have been the lucent course. Wishing to i spect the country tives-to the crime. before iavesting, he to k a walk out on —We learn from the Portage la the Dundas Road, but returned in an Prairie Review that the Mayor of that hour or two with theidea that the place hearing some time ago, that a soil of Canada was toolsanaty. No per- man was lying at the point of death at suasion was of avail and' two days the Victotia boarding house, and was later he set out for England, and was in destitute circumstances. The perfectly satisfied that he had gained Council took immediate steps to have experience if it was ata heavy sod- the sick man properly cared for, but he e let the contract succumbed to the malady from which Sault branch to he was suffering on Friday, Sept. 30th. pole ct Co., of The body was very decently buried in ise competition the Presbyterian burial ground. The k ; their Sault deceased's name was Wm. Stevens, scheme. They and he came from Leeds County,Ont. It is understood that he has relatives living in the neighborhood of St. Marys, Ont. 1—The Canada Southern, Grand Trunk, and Great Western and Lake Shore Railroads have agreed upon the adoption of a rebate system of tickets - between Buffalo and Chicago. Hereto - Huron Railway atre first-class tickets have been $6, a Friday as far as and second-class $5. The new arrange- ment makes the price of tickets $10 and $9 for the first and second-class tickets, respectively, with a rebate of 44 on each. to be paid at Chicago within a, —The Syndicate ha for sixty miles of thei Messrs. Sullivan, M Barrie. They pro with the Grand Tru branch is pert of th express their determination to have an independent line from Toronto to Mon- treal by way of Perth and Smith's Falls, and the Atlantic and North-Western have begun the inspeation of the St. Lawrence at the Lachine Rapids, with the intention of building their _ bridge there. —The Stratford and was fermally opened o the village of Chesley. Beyond Ches- ley the road is graded right through to Wiarton, the terminus, on the Georgian Bay, and a gang of about 350 men are at present engaged in track -laying, so spacified time after leaving Buffalo. that it is probable, if Ithe weather con- Tao fare is practically the same as be- tinues favorable, tleatl the whole line fore, but by the adoption of the rebate will be completed before the winter each road protects its local business, sets in. This will be the consurame- the rates for which are the same as tion of the old project of uniting.Lake before. Erie with Georgian Bay by rail. The —A reporter of the Globe having in- road will then be 166 Miles in length. terviewed the German agriaultural --Last Friday night et a largelyattend- delegates now travelling through the ed meeting et the Toronto St. George's Dominion, found them unanimous in -• Society the narde af Mr. Goldwin recommending Canada as a splendid Smith, who is already an ordinary field. for emigration. From what they member, was propos Id for election as have seen ' they would recommend a an honorary memberl of the Society. poor man to go to Manitoba, but any After a long and aui4nated discussion one who has means enough to buy a which lasted for three hours, Mr. cleared farm, and some $2,000 or $3,000 Smith was rejected by a small ma- wherewith to stock it, would find. it jority, avowedly on account of his pe- more to his advantage t� settle in euliar political views, especially on the Western Ontario. They had. examined subject of annexation, which are of into the condition of their German such a kind aa to render him peculiarly countrymen who had settled down on • distasteful to a consi erable number of farms in that part of the Province, and the members. • were highly impressed with their evi- - —Five years ago Mir. A. M. Slither- dent signs of prosperity; and this all land and. Mr. ri . C. Brown, bought out the more that some had come out to the interest of Mr. 1 IY. McKinnon, of the country without a dollar .in their Stratford, in the owj famotts McKin- purse. They saw no reason why many non pen, invented by him. The pen mere Germans should not comp out to was then a crude art le, but they im- share their good fortune. i proved. it, and add d new features, —A short time ago a young lady in which made it the mot popular writing Stamford, county of Welland, was to be implement now known. They estab- married on an appointed day. The lished themselves in New York and hour arrive& likewise the minister, their business grew very rapidly, the who had been stmaraoned all the - way pens being sold by thousands in all from Ridgeway to tie the knot matri- parts of the globe. A few days ago naonial, but the bridegroom- came the two gentlemen we have mentioned not. Instead of watching and waiting sold out for a60,000. and crying and going into laysteries over —A few days ago a fine young eagle it, our bereine, pluckily packed her was killed on the farm of Mr. C.W. Hildy, trunks and took her "wedding tour" near Dresden. This bird of prey at- along with sornefriends to the provine tacked the dog in t e yard, and the cial exhibition, whither the "happy yells of him brough1 Mrs. Hildy and pair" had proposed to have wended the servant girl to th4 rescue, armed to their initiatory matrimonial footsteps, the teeth with a roling pin, a pair of and enjoyed herself amazingly. That tongs, and a huge cudgel. One fell is the right kind of stuff we like to see blow from the girl laid the bird low, girls made of. It is rumoured that the and. Mrs. Hildy following up the at- gentleman, who has just sold his farm tack made a dead shot. The dog and conveniently gone west, took this crawled under the harp, and left the unmanly mode of getting even with her heroic womet mestere of the situation. ladyship for some exacting caprices , The bird measured eix feet, and ap- which be had been subjected to. peared to be quite young. —Mr. Charles E. Bourne, Treasurer —A Stavely Hill, M. P., for West of the Montreal Telegraph Company at Staffordshire, England, has returned to Montreal, lost nis situation at the re - Winnipeg from the west, having tra- cent amalgamation of lines. After his versed the country ratty thoroughly dismissal he appeared in extremely for the past three or our weeks. Mr. low spirits, and great sympathy was felt Hill proceeded as far as Moose moun- for him, as he was much respected and tains, enjoying some excellent sport, hid a large circle of warm, friends. and from personal obeervation is able to Last week -he suddenly disappeared, speak highly ot the sail and country. and it was eared. he had Made away Mrs. Hill accompan ed him beyond with himself. On examination of the Brandon, when, owin to the stormy books and papers o/ the Telegraph weather, she returnecl. to that place. Company, it was found that the late After visiting Niagara Falls and. other treasurer was defaulter to , large places of interest they wt11 sail for Eng- sum. On Saturday anxiety astato his land. fate was set at rest. A letter Was re- -An aged lady, 11frs. Alex. Leckie, peived from him from New Yotk, also of lot 5, concession 7, West Nissouri, the keys of his office. In his letter he was found by her graridchild on Tues- speaks of starting life anew, and ex - day morning of last weck at 10 o'elook presses regret at leaving Montreal. The in the barn yard, 1yng unconscious. defalcation is placed at $10,000, and it There was no one a ound the place has been determined to arrest/ him in since Sunday, and it s supposed that New York, if possible. she went out early on 1onday morning —Last Sunday night at 11 o'clock, to milk, and was either knocked down parties were captured in the act of by the cow or seized with an attack of firing Stapley, Dight & Company's rheumatism, to which she was subject. mills at Lue,an. They succeeded M The old lady lingered in an unconscious boring four holes through the side of state up to two oadock Wednesday the building and.pouring coal oil in the monaing, and then died, from the ef- holes, and were in the act of applying a fects of her exposure for nearly thirty match, when they were pounced upon hours to the weather. by a constable and posse who were —George Amey, a brakesma.n in the lying in wait for them. One of the employ of the Grand Trunk, lost his parties escaped to the woods, but those life last Sunday morning while engaged arrested turned out to be Bill Donnelly, in his duty near Rideau station. The Bob Donnelly, Con. Carty, his son Pat - down freight leaving Kingston at 12.30 rick, and John Kent. The parties are stuck at the grade, and it was deter all safely lodged in the Lucan lo3k-ipp, mined to take her to the next station attended. by a strong guard, pending in two parts. While Amey was un- trial. There is great doubt concerning coupling the cars fot this purpose he the accuracy of the charge. Many re - fell between them, aud was run over. liable people regard the whole thing as He was not missed for ten . minuter, a deep -laid plot to get William Don - when search was made, arid his body nelly and his brother Robert out of the fearfully mangled and cut was found place. The unlikelihood of the Doia- bleeding on the tracia. Another train nelly boyEi being implicated in autr at which had followed clOsely the previous tempt at incendiarisra presenting to eaRndiedoihad tleg also wrUn over him, inflicting many features of pungling and clurcisi- . foot s i smashede ris 8 v theoeiatedfrom tohis adying pilibody, mp , aon nesse gave rise to the suspioion that the wpohsoeleabthovinaeestiastaeap.ut ti 1 p job for the prat the right 1 1