HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-09-30, Page 7entire-. Lachin- tic' our rul and nt lare- ! Yield des - last for a„ ripe, RRY, UTE ,ekete at booked Berrye rateS aS BO - h JULY h jULY d JULY la JULY AUG. th AUG. th AUG. h AUG. SEPT. SEPT: SEPT. SEPT. at 0C -T. ' .:11, OCT. ilt OCT. d OCT. ith the Crary su atio a:heat t IS1tioa - t s Eye "L'eren- 4:: tas s tha I ter ger 2RI), e and ' 70S RY s- :JUT - a rig/ e r'weeve sr two 1). C :h. 1.Es. 'RN Anti - next cnla `O.LK trd- eeere 2. I ed - the :reed terra nth; wad 'erzne mei/ row eble t EPTEMBER 30, 1881. News Items. The Claim of each country to con trol the Loo Choo Islands threatens to lead to serious complications between China and Japan, —The Arabs have partially destroyed the aqueduct which supplies Tunis With water, and. the town is threatened with a water famine. —The demand for steel rails is over- tax.ing the capacities of the mills in the United States. Over 12,000 miles will be rolled this year, —It is said that France has proposed Fold England accepted a plan for the reorganization of the Egypt4in army so as to prevent future coups. , —The farmers say threshing result re poor. In the north of Scotland th root crops win almost be a total fail nre. In Ireland the potatoes are seri onsly damaged. - The state of Affairs in Yale, British Columbia, in consequence of the in- adequacy of police protection is de- plorable. Serious riots -and outrages are taking place. —Not being rich. enough to experi- ment with electricity, and having qnarrelled with the local gas company, Victoria, British Columbia, is to be lighted with coal oil. —The Indians about Yale, British Columbia„ captured in three or four days 66,000 salmon, which they dispos- ed af at a cent each. Now they are independe4tIf1inth, and refuse to work. —The bleodthirsty King of Dahomey, with, an army of his famous AMaZOnS, has sacked the populous towns of *maws and Okepo. The captives are reserved. for sacrifices at the annual Grand Custom. —The diphtheria, epidemic now afflicting Russia seems to surpass any- thing af the kind, that has ever occur- red before. In Certain communes and parishes all the children below fifteen yearsof age have died. —Mr. George Flinteff, of the 2nd concession of Hullett, has late rose potatoes growing on his farm this sea, - son which weigh 20 ounces each. —Mr. Hooey, of Wroxeter, recently sold a very •handsome, in. etched. team of black carriage horses to Mr. S. Grigg, of the Grigg House, London, for the sum of $400. —Since the disturbances attending the removal of the remains of Pius IX. on Tilly 12, the receipts of Peter's pence have amounted to nearly 1,500,000 lire. From January to April inclusive it scarcely exceeded that sum. —Guitteau has been removed from the cell he occupied, at the time of the attempt on his life by Sergeant Ma- son to an inner cell, where he enjoys less air and light, but more security. Gen- eral Hancock has ordered a special court-martial for the trial of Mason. —Ex -Minister Christiancy was rob- bed the other morning at Washington of $6,000 worth of diamonds and jew- elry, in a strong box in his room at the National Hotel. The thieves forced the doors and secured the plunder during Christiaucp absence. The jewelswere not the property of Chris- tiaricy, bat were left with him for safe keeping. It is believed that the thiewes followed Christiancy from New York. —In Marine county, . California, 16,000 acres have been burned over and the flames have extended to the sum- mit of Mount Tarnalplais. Men are trying to prevent the fire going down on the seaward side, where there is noth- ing to prevent it till the Ocean is reach- ed, a. distance of fifteen miles. The town of Sancellito is threatened. So far 60,000 acres are burned over, and a large part of it valuable timber land. —It is feared that the victims of the landslip near Elm, Switzerland, on the 18th inst., include 40 men of the neigh- boring villages who came to aid when the firat land slip occurred. the river at Elm has been turned into a lake. It is feared that the valley below will be flooded. The place is much 'fre- quented by strangers this season, audit is feared that some have perished. A fresh land -slip is also feared, and the rescners are obliged to proceed with the greatest caution. —Sufferers from malaria and rubber monopoly will be delighted to learn that all fears of a scarcity of quinine and caoutchouc may be dismissed. Dr. Heath, the explorer, has found vast forests of cinchona, and. jicus elastica, the rubber tree in Bolivia. The forests are on the Beni River, and have now been traversed for the first time by the indefatigable American who sends the news. It is expected. that other forests will be found °lathe Madre de Dios. —The weather is still very unsettled in England. The nights are cold, and tourists are flocking back to town by the train load. The Queen is still at Balmoral, and fashionable London is of course empty, but the season will open earlier than, usual, among other reasons because an' early meeting af Parliament is on the cards. Mr. Gladstone is determined to give up the whole session to domestic reforms, and he and his colleagues will soon be back from the brief holiday preparing the bill of fare. e_ess _ THE HURON EXPOSITOR. e. - Epps's Cocoa. Grateful arid Comforting.—"By thorough knowledge of the natural 1 .ws which povern the operations of diges- tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well selected. cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided onr breakfast tables with a delicately tia,vored beverage, which ma,y sav.e us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the jualicions use of such articles of diet that a constitution ina.y be gradually built up until strong enough to I esist every terelenoy to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle Maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Sold only in packets belled—"James Epps & Co., onueo- pathic Chemists, London, Eng."—Also makers =of Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon use. 48.2-52 Mothers! Mothers! Mothers . Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suff- ering and crying with the excruciating pain of main,/ teeth? If so, go at ohne and get abottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. it. will relieve the poor little sufferer iminediately,-de- pend upon it; there is no mistake about it. There_ is not a, mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell yon at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child, oper- ating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all oases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physiciana and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52. Rest and Comfort to the Suffering. Brown's Household Panacea has no equal for relieving pain, both internal and external. It cures pain in the side, back, or bowels, sore throat, rheuma- tism, toothache, luttbago and any kind of pain or_ache. It will most surely quicken the blood and heal, as its not- ing*,power is wonderful. Brown's Household Panacea, being acknow- ledged as the great pain reliever, and of double the strength of any -other elixir or liniment in the world, should be in every family handy, for use when wanted, as it really -is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach, and pains and aches of all kinds, and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52 Farmers and Mechanics. If you wish to avoid 'great clanger and trouble, besides a no small bill of ex- pense, at this season of the year, you should take.prompt steps to keep disease from your household. The system should be cleansed, blood purified, stomach and bowels regulated, and pre- vent* and cure diseases arising from Spring malaria. We know of nothing that will so perfectly and surely do this as Electric Bitters, aud at the trifling cost of fiftycents a bottle.—Exch.--Sold by E. Hickson & Co. 714-52.1. Free of Cost. All persons wishing to test the merits of a great remedy—one that will, posi- tively cure Consumption, Coughs,Coids, Asthma, Bronchitis, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs—are requested to cail at E. Hickson & Company's Drug Store and get a trial bottle of Dr. King's New,, Discovery for Consumption, free, , of cost, which will show you what a regular size bottle will do. 714-52a Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Outs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup- tions, and positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction cr money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by E. Hickson & Com- pany. 714-52 Ecleetric Language can but feebly describe the pangs of rheumatism. This malady is one of the most obstinate which tor- tures humanity, and yet there is a specific which will overcome it and pre- vent its recurrence. The name of this _sovereign remedy is Dr. Thomas' Eclec- tric Oil, a combination of six of the best known medicinal oils, the remedial efficacy of which is not weakened by evaporation, since it contains no alcohol to render it volatile. On this account. as on many others, it is superior to all other liniments, lotions and other remedies Used. externally and has this further advantage that it is used inter- nally as well. It is an incomparable specific for lameness, stiffness, burns, bruises, frost bites and other bodily troubles treated outwardly, and is a grand medicine in throat and lung diseases. Used for man or beast. Sold by all dealers. Prepared only by Nor- throp & Lyman, Toronto, Ont. 710.a - Cause of Diseases and Their Cure. All diseases, whatever may be their symptoms and clevelopMent, one cause is common to them all, viz., "a want of purity in the blood and fluids." In all diseases of the blood, stomach, liver, kidneys, and digestive organs, Northrop & Lyma,n's Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic cure will be found unrivalled. Two or three bottles will cure pimples on the face; one bottle will cure sick headache; one bottle will cure the worst case of biliousness; one to four bottles will cure the woratecase of dys- pepsia; six to eight bottles will cure scrofula; one to two bottles i11 cure all humor of the eyes; one to two bot- tles will cure costiveness; three to four bottles will cure rheumatism; three bottles will cure all derangements of the kidneys; six to eight bottles will cure corrupt and running ulcers. Price, $1 per bottle; sample bottle 10 cents. 719-4 Holloway's Ointment and Pills. Notable Facts. — Intense heat aug- ments the annoyances of skin disease, and encourages the development of febrile disorders; wherefore they should, as they may, be removed by these de- tergent and pu ifying preparations. In stomach com lamts, liver affections, pains, and spajsm of the bowels, Hol- loway's nngue t well rubbed over the affected part immediately -gives the greatest ease, 1 revents congestion and inflamation, hecks the threatening diarrhcea and verts incipient cholera. The poorer inhabitants of large cities will find these emedies to be their best friend when a, y pestilence rages,- -or when from unknown causes eruptions, boils, abscesses, or ulcerations betoken the presence cif taints or ' impurities within the syst m, and call for instant and effective curative medicines. Rheumatis of the Blood and Haverhill, Mass., MarCh 17, 1881.. Gentlemen,—Thirteen years ago I was troubled with rheumatism of the blood. My blood was in such poor condition that when I retired my arms would be- come so paralyzed that I could not move the clothes to cover me. I used various renaedies, and tried rubbing, but nothing seemed to 1.e31p me. At last'Peruvian Syrup was recommended, and on taking tvfo small bottles I was completely restored to health, and had no occasion to use it again for ten years. About three yeaus ago I was taken with kidney complaint, and had dreadful pains in ray back and side. At times, when in the street, I would have such severe attacks that I would be obliged to sit down on a door step, and I would cry like a child. After suffering for some time I remembered what the Peruvian Syrup had formerly done for me, and the use of one large bottle en- tirely cured me. A few year since my sister's health was completely broken down. She was so weak that she coiald do no work. She consulted Dr. Durkee, of Roxbury, who recommended Peru- vian Syrup. He said it was just the remedy to meet her case,' and the only one he knew of. The result proved the correctness of his opinion,i for the use of one bottle completely qured her. Yours very truly, MRS. ClEnix A. DAVIS, No. 5, Nichols street. 710.52. • Eclectrie Oil. -- Joseph Raman, Percy, writes—"I was induced to try Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil for a lameness which troubled me for three or four years, and I found it the best article I -ever tried. It has been a great blessing to me." 691-52 Eclectric Oil. "It is a Great Public Benefit."— These significant words were used in relation to Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil by a gentleman who- had thoroughly tested its merits in his own case—hav- ing been cured by it of lameness of the knee of three or four years' standing. It never fails to remove soreness as well as lameness. 691-52 Teaberry. "Must say it's the nicest thing I ever used for the teeth and breath," says every one having tried "Teaberry," the new toilet gem. Get a 5 cent sample. 679.52 THE GREAT FEMALE REMEDY.—Job Moses Periodical Pills—This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure pf all those painful and dangerous diseases to a bleb the female constitu- tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re- moves all obstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. To married ladies it is peculiarly auited. It will, in a abort time, bring on the montlhy period with regularity. These pills should nc.t be token by females during the first three mot tbs of Pregrance, as thq are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal .M- fections, Pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight exertion, palpitation of the heart, hys- terics and whitss, these pills will effect a cure when another means have failed; and, although a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sok Proprietor. $1 and 1214 cues fcr postage enclosed to Northrop & Lyman, Tcronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominicn, will insure a bottle containing over FO pills by return mail. Sold IR Seaforth by E. Hickson & Co., J. S. Boberts' and Lumsden & Wilson. 644-52 MISCELLANEOUS. STRAY COW— Carne into thePremises of the ur der sigred, lot 3, Concession 5,Turnberry, a roan colored cow about 6 years old, and with- out aetificisl marks. The owner can have the Fame ot, proving property and paying charges. WM. HARRISeWroxeter, P. 0. 7117x4 ESTRAY BAM LAMP—Came into e eiie -Ie.' th slot -tee of Mr. George Lockhart, Lot '23,_ C or reFFic n 5,I1tFii1cp, a rom. lamb, on or about the let of June laSt. The owner is requested to prove el (steely, pay charges and take him away. GEO. LOC;KHART. 717 L AST CALI—All parties indebted to me,either bs over due notes &book accounts, and not posh g te e tame by I he first of C ctobere next, will le tued without respect of persons. Any perton wishing to settle With me before that date, e ill fled me at Mr. Willis' boot and shoe stole, opposi• e the Commercial Hotel, Main - Street, Seaforth. THOS. COVENTRY. 717 - — • BRITISH EXCHANGE HOTEL, CI oderich, Ont. WM. COX, Proprietor. This is one of the Quietest, Most Comfortable and Best Con- ducted Hotels in the Province. 1 he Rooms are commodious and the Table and Bar liberally supplied. Good stabling in conneetion. 635-52 TAKE NOTICE—That I, the undersigned will not be responsible for any debts. contracted' in my name after this date without my Written . order, no matter by whom contracted. ROBT. PEACOCK, Tuekersmith, Granton; September 5th, 1881. 719x4 ESTRAY COW—Strayed from the premises of the nedersigned, Seat()) th, on Monday, the 29 tb Allem t a rd cow 8 years old. Any person giving such infcumation as will lead to her , recovery will be suitablyrewarded. ALEXANDER MeLEOD. 718 _ . _ -FSTBAY COW—Strayed from Clint on, a young -1-14 small r d cow, with a little white, and a Mark en her ear. Short horns. Any informa- tion that will lead to her recovery, and forwarded to the Clieton New Era Printing Office, will be suitably rewarded. E. HOLMES & SON. 718 SIDAYS AND BEWAED — Any one giving sueli inic.ilmai ion as will lead to therecovery of the folloseing cattle will receive $5 reward : One white yearling heifer, 2 red and white heifers, 1 red heifer, 1 whitish roan steer, one 3 ear old, and 1 steer red with white star on forehead, Bix head in all. RALPH THOMPSON, Lot F5, Maintop, lot Concession, Huron Eoad. ESTRAY SHEEP—Strayed from the premises ef the undersigned,Lot 27, Concession 3, H. R. S., Tuelerereith, in June heat, two ewes and lambs. (Inc of the ewes Vas aged and the otb er ec ur g. Tbe tar mark L. was on the right aide 01 each. Ally lemon giving such infoema- . tion as will lead tp the recovery of these animals w ill be suitably rewarded. ROBERT LANDES- BOAC. 718 STRAY STEER.—Strayed from Lot 15, con- - cession 2, Hullett, about the end of Julie last, a two year old steer, of red and white color, and inclhaed to be brindled about the head and stag horns. Any person giving uch informa- tion as will lead to the recovery of the above animal to the underseened on Lot No. 46, Lon - d an Road i -Tuckersmith, or Clinton post office, w ill snitably rewarded. ROBERT PEA- COCK. 719x4 EXECUTORS' NOTICE—Notice is hereby given that oll parties baying claims against tbe est at e cd I be late :Robert Gibson, in his lifetime of the Tcv mbip of 'Stanley, in the County of Huron, rue required to furnish to the undereign- ed, on or let( re tte1it if November, 1E81, a full stattmeet of such claims, properly attested. All el aims rot then in wi1 be barred from Beetle- tu cnt. fin pr cvided by law. JOHN GIBSON, Ex- ecutor. 718x4 j SHEEP — Str8axy4ed " hem tbe premises of the undersigned, ore mile F outh of Egmoereville, Kipr en road, about the 25th of August, five steep. Two are wethers one yew- old. fied eine bas the top of one ear cut cif, ova the otl er has an ear slit. • Also a yearlir g u e with along ta,n, and a ewe three or loiir yeers old, end a yourg sheep with a red mark en its buck. Ar y perton giving such in- formation ss :ead to the- recovery of these animals will I eceive the above ieward, and any pcn on round barloring the rn after tie publica- tio n cf il i r C dee, wi 1 be prosecuted as the law acts.- It OBER T WLNTER S. 718-4 E S1 RAY Sill EI—Ffroseel from the premise cf I be und ersigned in Sea fcrth,un Saturday, the 3rd Sept en ber, fie ewes, two of which . were aged and 3 (see yea eold. One was of large size with long tail and the top of the left ear cut off. One of the secolingS had the top of the right ear cut if. and the other two had the tier of the left ear eut c if. Cr e with a large head had the top of right ear cut off. .They were pu chase d from Mr. Michael Kline, Lot 7, cue e: situ 12,. el,Kieop, and are sup- posed. to base btrayed in that direction. Any intern ation that will lead to the recovery of these srireals will be liberally rewarded by GEORGE EWING, Scare lisf 718 AUCTION SALE—Unreserved Public Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements—Mr. K. Bishop has received instructions from Mr. James Parish, to sell by Public Auctiein on Lot 2, Concession 13, II. R. S. • Tuckeremith, on Wed- nesday, October 5th, Commencing at 1 o'clock P...)L, the following valuable property, viz.: One brood mare m foal, 1 yearling cult, two cows suptareedeo be in calf, 1 eon it cals-ed, 2 farrow cowe, 2 two year old steers, 2 two 3 -ear old heifers, 2 yearling heifers, 3 calves, 8 ewes, 1 combined reaper aud mower, 1 1 horse rake, 1 lumber wagon, 1 one ln-rse wilgOn,11(»Igsleil5h, 1 plow, nel-v, 1 thistle cutter plow, 1 fanning mill, 1 cultivator, 1 set double harness, 1 wagon reels, 1 pair iron harrows, 1 Teller, 1 gang plow, wbittletreee and ireckyoki-es 1 erindetone, scythes, forks rakes chains. about 5 tone ef hay in the stack; and rakes, articles too mune:roue too' men- tion. Positively no reserve. Tenns of Sale— All sums of 5:and under, cash; over that Amount 12 months' credit will be given on fumed -he ap- proved joint notes. A dieeount of 7' per cent. will be allowed for cash on all credit-- amou.nts. JAS. PARISH, Proprietor. A. Bishop, Auction- eer 720 FOR SALE OR TO LET. TO LET—Six rooms over A. G. Ault's, Grooery Store, Seaforth. Suitable for dress makers o r private dwelling, with front and rear entrance. Apply ,to:A. G. AULT, Proprietor. 693 TWO HOUSES TO RENT—To Rent, a corn- fortable dwelling house adjoining the Old Temperance Hall, in the nicest part of the town; also the hose adjoining the Dominion Curling and Skating Rink; possession at once; rent rea- stonable. Apply to L. MURPHY, Seaforth, 800 STOREIMUSE TO RENT.—To eent a good grain storehouse on the south side of the mile ay trick in Seaforth, with two sets of scales, truck ft One jigea all complete; possession given immediately. Apply to Scott Brothers, Seaforth. or to the proprietor, ROBERT SCOTT, Rox- boro. - 677' STOLE TO BENT—To rent a large and com- medium store in Whitney's block, Main Street, Seaforth, in tbo best businesspart of the town. The store is 6u feet long with a store rocen 80 feet in length in the rear. Rent reason- able and posse seion given on 5th January, 1881. Apply to 'WHITNEY BROTHERS. 679 FARM IN HAY FOR SALE.—For sale Lot 23, CODCOSSif 21 7, Hay, containieg 100 acres, 57 of which are e eared and in a gcod state' of culti- vation. The balance is well timbered. There are good outbuildings, and a brick house with good cellar; alto a young orchard. There are 10 acme of fall wheat sown. It is well situated for schools, churches and markets, and will be sold on very easy terms. Apply to DAVID EIFE, Hills Green P. 0. JOSEPH RIFE, Proprietor. 719 PROPERTY 011 SALE. — For sale in the . tbrisirg village of Hensel', sitnatedon Queen street, Lets 76 and 77 Petty's survey. Erected them. n it a nice dwelling 2208 feet, -with 'good brick fe undation, built specially for the present owner, also we &felled l4x18. Inside is- a first- class) well of vette, bricked upend good pump. A quantity ef peen Omar and peach trees, and other finit. Tbia 'property will be sold cheap and on c ay terms.. Any ene payirg cosh will get a bargain. Title eerie ct, no unetmibrance. Inspec- tier invited. D. MeGREGOR, Miller, Proprie- tor, Hensel], Ont. 713 -4-11.41 FOR $ALE.—One hundred acres, more or less, Lot 19, Concession 2, Stanley, County of Huron, within 2 miles of Brucefield, and 2 of Lox. den, Bump & Bruce Railroad, and 6 of Clin- ton. Ninety teres cleared, 10 of hardwood bush, soil c' ay loam, tin a high slate of caltivation, well watered, good Wel; house 26x36, frame barn 36x 56, frame shed 26x8.0. Apple, pear, and peach orchard of 4 acres in good bearing. Terms reason- able. For further eaxtienlars apply to the pro- prietor cur the premises or to Brucefield P. 0. WM. CALLANDER. 917 ESTRAY STOCK. . . FSTRAY-STEER—Came Into the premises of -le' the undersigned, Lot 28.eoneessiOn 3,Town- ehip of Hay, a one year old steer. The owner can have the same on proving property and pay- ing Charges. GILBERT DICK. 717-4 . . _ IMPORTANT NOTIOES.' FOR SALE—A hotel, lease, licene- se, oodwill, fureiture and stock in trade•for sale. More particulate to be had at the ExeosiTore Printing • Seaforth. 919-3 A APPRENTICE WANTED—Appeeetiee _Wanted - to serve at blaCksmithings dr a boy With one or two years experience. Apple at (ince to R. R. DOUGLAS, Blyth, Out. TEACHER WANTED—Wanted a teacher hold- ing a 2nd class eertificeteefor School Section No. 10,.McKillop. Duties to commence on the 1st of Jemmy, 1882. 'Applications Will close on Saturday, October 15, 1881. JAS. McDOWELL, Secretary School Section 10, Winthrop, P. 0. '720x4 • • 3. ESTRAY HEIFERS-- Came into the prennses Of the undersigned, Lot 31, Concession 11, McEntee) on or about July 1st, two head of one year old freifers, nne with whitehead, the other red. The owner can, have the sarne ,on proving property and paying charges. HUGH Me - KAY. 720 --- a-. - 1-)RAWING CLASS—The drawing- class at the Mechanics' institute, under the tuition of Mr: J. M. Cray, will re -open to members on Tuesday, October 4th, et S o'clock P. M. As the .class will be limited those wishing to join should at once apply to the Librarian at the Institute. IVAL MOORE, Secretary. . 720 ^ TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY — The Michigan sufferers --A meeting uf the residents of the Toenship of Stanley, will be held at the Town- ship Hall, Varna on . Wednesday October re 1881, at 3 o'clock I'. AC., for the purpose of considering - and devising the best means of el:tutting aid to the sufferers -by the late fires in Michigan. A large attendance of the people of Stanley is partecular- ly-desired. WM. GRAHAM, Reeve. f 720 _ s 9'HE MICHIGAN SUFFEREBS—A meeting, of the residents of the Township of Tucker- sthith will be. held in . the Egmondville school houses on Saturday, October 8, at 1 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of considering the best means to be adopted for furnishing aid to those who suf- fered so severely by the late fires in Michigan, United States. A large attendance is particularee desired. WM. McCONNELL, Clerk. DAVID. WALKER, Reeve. 720 AUCTIONEERS. _ T P. BRINE, Licenced Auctioneer for the !" • County of Huron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders left at the Ex. PosIToR Office will be promptlyattended to. I.R. COOPER, Bruseels, County Auctioneer.. • Sales of all descriptions promptly at - t ended in ane part of the county on reasonable t erms. Orders left at the office of the /113RoN E XPOSITOR, or addressed to Brussels, will receive prompt attention. LEXANDERpELGETTY, Licensed Auction- -Lek cer,McKillole Special attention given to Rales of Landed Property, Farm Stock and Implements. All orders left with the under- signed at Walton P. 0., or Lot 14, con- cession 14, will be promptly attended to. Sale bills, notes and stamps furnished if required. ALEX.DELGETTY, Walton. 689 LEGAL. - 0.ABEOW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solici- kf tor s, c., Goderich, Oretano.—J. T. Garrow. Wm. Proudfoot. 686 ' AMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, eolicitors in Chancery, ete., Goderich, Ont. M. C. Cameros), Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. 508 WILLIAM SMALL, Conveyaneer and Comentri- T sioner in B. R., Wroxeter. Anetioneer and Appraiser. Accounts and notes eollected on reasonable terms. 368 11W . C. MEYER, Ba /Tiger and Attorney at • 1 bV, Scheitor 14 Chencery. Commissioner lor th1ing a flidavita in the Province of Manitoba. Solicitor for the Bank of Hamilton, Wingham. Erivate fund 6 to loan at6 to 61 per cent. 633 BENSON & MEYER, Banisters and Attorees at Law, Solicitors in Chancery andInsolveecy Conveyancers, Notaries Public, etc. Offices—Seas forth and_Brussels. $23,000 of Private Funds to Invest atonceeat Eight percent. Interest,payable yearly. Commiseiener for taking Affidavits for u,s e in the Courts of Manitoba. JAS. H. BENSON. Et.W. O. MEYER. The above firm has thie day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who will pay all liabil- ities. JAMES H. BENSON. Nov. 27, 1876. H. W. C. MEYER. - - 4 MCCAUGHEY & HOLMESTED1 LAW, CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING OFFICE, Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. OLICITORS for the Consolidated Bank of L) Canada -and thc Canadian Bank of Commerce in Seaforth. Farm and Town and Village Property bought and sold. Money (private funds) loaned on mortgage se- curities, at reasonable niece of interest—Charges moderate. Money invested for private persons upon the b est 'mortgage securities, without any expense to the lender. 8. G. McCAUGHEY, M. A. F. HOLME STED MEDICAL. . J G. SCOTT, M. D. &e, Physician,Surgeon and • Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and resi- dence south side of Goderich Street, second door east of Presbyterian Church. 842 T.1 L. VERCOE, M. D. O. M.. Physician, Sur- -A --k • geon, etc.,Coroner for the County of Huron. Office and Residence, on Jarvis street north, directly opposite Seaforth Public School. W M. HANOVER, M. D., 0. M.. Graduate of McGill Unirersity, Physician, Surgeon and A ccouchenr, Seaforth,Ont. Office and Residence, N ert b side Gueench Street, first Brick House a st G1 the Methodist Church. 496 "reB. HUTCHINSON, Graduate of McGill lege, Montreal, Licentiate of the Royal Col lege of Physicians, Edinburgh, and late House Surecon of Craiglockhart Hospital, Edinburgh. Office—Bluevale, Ont. 686-52 shire, Str eet jjBUGGIN, L. D. S., Surgeon 'LL -L -Dentist, Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ca u a (ice Successor to H. Derby - Office —In the Wbitney Block, Main , Festal th. Office hours -8 A. M. to 5 I'. M. _ WATSON, Faculty Gold Medallist, and Cot- -L.' • lege Gold Alec -Mist of Royal College of Dental Sur -rem: s, Toronto. Office in Meyers' Block, over jehr etc n Brothers Hardware Store, Seaforth. 714 r, London-, Huron and Bruce. Gamer N mem-- Express. Mail. Express. A. M. PM. P.M. London, depart 7 40 2 20 6 26 Centt alio. 8 40 3 25 7 28 Exeter 8 52 3 38 7 40 Hensall .. .. .. .. . 9 05 3 52 7 53 Kippen 9 11 8 5'7 '7 59 Br ucefield 9 21 4 07 8 08 Clinton 9 89 4 23 8 25 Lon•!esboro. 9 58 4 41 8 45 Blyth- 10 06 4 50 , — 8 52 B )1grave 10 24 5 06 -9 09 Wingham, arrive 10 45 5 25 9 25 GOING SOUTH— Mail. Express. Express A. M. P. M P. M. le is gham, depart..., 700 257 620 Relgrave 7 18 3 05 '6 88 Blyth 7 35 3 28 6 55 Londesboro 7 44 3 38 7 04 Clinton 802 3 54 7. 24 Brucefield 8 20 4 07 7 48 Iiippen 8 PO 4 15 7 59 Hensall 8 36 4 20 8 06 Exeter. 8 !2 4 82 8 e5 Centralia Li 02 4 42 8 42 London, arrive 30 05 5 35 10 10 • Gran d Trunk Railway. Trains leave Sea forth and Clinton Stations as follows: GOING WEST— SEAFORTH. Express Express 2-,7p M. 8 f 6 P. M. Mixed Train......9:15 A. M. Mixed . . .. .5:40 P. M. G cEe xelei relptias. T— • S7R5Ar ARTmE. . Esse ess Train.....1:10 P. M. Mixed Train...... -1:45 P. M. Mixed Train... .10:50 A. M • Great Western Railway. Trains les.ve Rrnssels 9ta tion , north and son th as under: GOING NORTH. GOING Mixed (145 A. M. Accom.. ..... 5:50 A.. M. Accom 2.67 P.M Accord 12.16 P.M Ace0M—.. . . :1:15 ep M. Mixed. ... ....8:00 P. CLINTON. • 2:40 P.M. 9:15 P.M. 10:00 A. M 6:15 P. er CLINToN. 7:80 A.M. 12:45 P. M. 4:15 P. M. , 10:00 A. M. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL! For Diseases of the Throat and Lungs such as C o u gh en ColelseWhooping Co ugh, Bronchitis Asthma, and Con- sumption. The few compositions -which have won the confi- " aence of mankind and become house- hold words, among not only one but many nations, must have extraordinary virtue s. Perhaps no one ever secured so wide a reputation, or zoo intaieed it so long, as AYER'S CHERRY PECTonee. It has been known to the public al out forty years, by a long continued series of marvelens etu es, that have won for it a eoefidence in its -virtues, never equallecrby any other medicine. It still makes the most of fectual cures ef Congbs, Colds, Consumption, that can be made he medical skill. Indeed, the CHERRY PECTORAL bas really robbed these dangeroust eiscases of their tenors to a :great extent, and given a feelirg of immunity from ' their painful effects, that is well founded, if the rented, be taken in semis. Every family should have it in their closet for theready ahd prompt relief of its members Sickness, suffering, and even life is Saved by this timely protection. The prudent 11.(n1c1 net neglect it, and the wise will not. Keep it by you for the protection it affords. by its erirly UPP in 5.tridEn attaeks. -Prepared by DR. J. C. AVER & CO., Lowell,Mass., Practical and Anals lied Chemists. Sold by all Drngs.ists and Dealers in Medicine. 669-52-1 — READ AND LEARN WILLIAM RUDD, FOR MANI'. Years -1 Egmoradville has rented t 1 e Was pen She p belorging to kr. William Grassie, ou Ma -tet Street, Sectiorth, and wit hereafter wiry on the Waggon and Carriage Making Busi- ness in all it, Branches. He can guarantee poe d work, and that none but the best of roster -jai will be used. REPAIRING A riPECVAILTIT,and prams:11y attended to, and uesely and cheaply executed. FA RIVIERS' GATE S—Ele svill also .keep on hand a Good Stock of Farmers' Gates. Give Lim a trial. 716-13 WM. RUDD. STILL AHEAD. BRUSSELS LIME WORKS. TOWN & SONS. rp BE Subeeribers take this opeortnnity of re- -1- turning thanks to the inhabitants of Brussels and sicinite for past patronage, and beg to state that having made several improvements in their kiln a ed mode of burning, they are now in a bet- ter position thee ever before to- supply the pub- lic with Bret class Lime at 13 ecets cash at the kiln, or 15 cents delivered. his tehre the eeventh season of our business ealiegs in Druseele, and bavir g given noauali- fled satisfactioe se far, the pnblic can rely on reccivirg g eel tr eetruent and a first class aeticle from ns. enu htl the S ent—Bruee el I. Lime Weeks. 699 . 1 OWN & THE SEAFORTH RESTAURANT. H. DEAGON, Of the SEAFORTH RESTAURANT, Murphy's Block, Main Street, is now receiving nice, Fresh Oysters, direct from Baltimore, both in cans and bulk, -which he is prepared to sell very cheap. He intends keeping a supply of these Oysters regularly during the season, and will be in a position to supply private families, hotels or social par- ties on very reasonable terms. He has also a supply of fine Peaohes direct from Grimsby, which 4..re the best in the market. He also keeps on hand all other kinds of FRUITS in Sea- son, fresh and good. Call at the Sea - forth Restaurant. You can't do better in town. H. DEAGON. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS; TH1S Great Honeehold-Medicine ranks amongst the leadieg rccessenies of life. Theft !a- mens Pins purify the Bleed, and act most Omer - fully, eet soothingly, on the Liver, Stoma -eh, Kidneys and Bowels, giving tone, energy and vigor to these great wain springs of life. They are confider Cy commenCed as it r ever failing r emedy in all crises where the constitutinn, irom whatever cause, hs a become impaired or -weaken- ed. 1 bey are wonderfully efficacious in all ail- ments incidental to Fel-hetes of all oges; and as a General Famile Medicine, are unsurpaesed. HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT1 Its searchirg and healing properties are known through:4d the world. L r the cure of bad legs, bad hien ste, old wounds, Fens and ulcers, it is an innellible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as salt into meat, i. cures Sore 1 hr oat, Diphtheria ,Bron cb tis , Coughs, Col de, and even Asa -Irma. For Glandular swellings, Ab- scesses. Piles, Fistulas, Gout, Itheurnatiene and every kind of eein disease, ib has never been known to fail. The PiBtand Ointment are Malin - lectured only at 533,0xfordStreet,Lerdon,and are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throrghout the Civilized.eVorld ; with directions for use in al- 11)0St even. Jangu a ge. SaseTureha se: s should look to tire 1a -e1 on the pots ard boxes. If the address is rot (83, Oxford Street, London, they ate spurious. 712-52. - " NIL DESPERANDUM." w J SIGN OF THE.. CIRCULAR SAW 71J210!I Vf,S' craN101V0 "a31SV1d Jl.JSaa am Y asaLiV .L 0 .L PH N o. RAN DRA1'S-Ac„, c5tei 0 MINa\TITIO13,A_ G. W. R. EXCURSION& SEPT. 28TH AND OCT. 19TH PECIAL Freight train in advance of each party. Apply to any Great Western Railway ! Agent, or to THOMAS GREENWAY, Centralia, Or to WILL Z. 'WHITE, Express Agent, 691 Exeter. TRADE MARK. = .1 Before Taking After Tailing. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY for 'Ner- vous Debility and all Nervous Affections, in- cluding Spermatcrrhe a, Semipro weakne•s, results of Sell -abuse, indiscretion, &c., 1 - GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. This i- the only remedy -which has ever been known to per - man eerie- euro Palpitatecn and other efictions of the Heart, Coreumption in its earlier stages, Ruablng ot blood to tl e head, wind in the stomach, ledigestie 11.1 osfi of M ewe)) T, Want cd energy, Bashfuhrt sre, Det -be for Politude, ndis- lo5iLiofl to lel or en erect -net of wealar: se, U214.- VEThaiLai.aittlet, Ft14 ir the back, dimness of v felon , Ptn at nr e «3d fige, cct. Full rartiernara in OW peroplilet, weich eescnd securely sealed on recels t of a ilo• e ceet :donee The Epecific is new 1 613 all ti ;.;rts at 81 per package, or 6 lee ef,,,in Lc- Ant Site by mail on receipt of Money, by addreesirg 'THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto PLOWS! PLOWS! PLOWS! The best selected stock of Plows in the Couuty is at 0. C. WILLSON'S AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT EMPORIUM, Main Street, Seaforth. The following popular makes are now in stock: Massie's No. 13 Thistle Cutter ; Carter, Smith d; Co.'s Three Rod -beam Tni 3311 No. 40 Chilled Plow; the Genuine A.merican South Bend Oliver No. U r- 40 Chilled Plow, th.e Brantford Champion Chilled Plow ; Tat- 3 m son's W rought Iron -beam No. 40, Chilled Plow; the No. 10 > m 0 and several- th:fierent styles of the Hill pattern general. z 0 purpose Plows : also, the Francistown No. 13 Plows. r N • )-4 - cri H CD -e .1 zi 0 U c•-,•- - or on short credit. In GANG PLOWS 1 keep the Port Perry, which is 171 i.1) -i- .--, .../ ,- ::1• f-...4 The above Plows are from first-class makers, and will be sold cheap for cash. 171 now acknowledged to be the best and most reliable plow in the market. Price -.1 1 0 rb i -V $20 cash, or $22 on time. STRAW CUTTERS, ROOT CUTTERS, HORSE- ' m .. L---) . POWERS, SAWING MACHINES, and all kinds of implements belonging to e I _ thehusiness. Now is the time to get a good churn, and. the BLANCHARD is the aAnowledged leader of the dairy. See thena before buying any other. SEWING MACHINES. I A full stock of the following- leading machines: WANZER 0 WANZER F WILSON g and LOUISE Family Machines; the WANZER D and E for tailors and light manufacturing. These are all reliable machines, and parties purchasing are sure of getting satisfa3tion and good value for their money. A lot of good second-hand machines on hand, and will be sold from $5 to $15 each. Machines repaired on the shortest notice. Needles, oils and all kinds of repairs on hand. O. C. WILLSON:-, Main -St, Seaforth F O'SHEA, M. D. C e.• Ont. Graduate et Queen's University, King- ston. Physician. Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office and resieeuce Dublin, Ont. Afl calls night and day pr: mptly attended to. 71518 -13 0 0 e