HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-09-16, Page 8••• HURON EX osrroR nron xpooitor. DISTRICT MATTERS. ALWAYS AITEAD.— KILLOLAN & RYAN have always on hand the largest and finest stock of Teas, Sugars, Tobaccos and General Groceries to be found in the County of Huron. The pro- YiEtiOU department is always stooked with every- thing usually found in a first-class grocery. In crockery we have granite sets in wheat, centennial and St. John's ware,procelairi ware, china sets,&c. Ohm sets in all varieties, lamps, chimneys, &c. Wines and liquors of every description, the very best% the maaket ; and now consigurnSiits from our resident buyerin France, M. Grosso, daily ex- pected. Bottled ale and porter very low. We aro 'agents or the celebrated "Marsala" ' Sacramental Wilms, Warranted pure. Kr.r.Lonalv & RYAN. 719-1 COMMENCING OPERATIONS. — Hume Roan has arrangements nearly complete for -the proseention of the Pork Packing Business daring the corning season more extensively than ever before. lie is about eommencing to slaughter, and will soon have another fresh stock of his Celebruted cured naeats in the market; also Sausage and fresh Pork euttings,all of which will be on hand at his store, -Main Street Seaforth. lECe is also prepared to pay the highest price for good fat hogs. 719 FALL stook of Dry Goods very COM - piste now at IforEttAN Hues. SONN3 very special lines in Dress Goods and Winceys. Look oat for notice of Millinery show room opening in next week's ExPosrron. 719 RESULTS OF HONEST ADVERTISING.— The big rush at WU. LoGA.N's Big sale of Boots and Shoes, shows that he is carrying out what he promises. Call, examine and be satisfied. 719 WANTED.—A Good general servant. Apply to MRs. A. H. IRELAND, Canadian Bank of Commerce. 7194 CRIOEET.—A match was played on Saturday, the 10bh inst., on the grounds of the Seaforth Cricket Club,between North and Smith Huron, resulting in a victory for the latter by 137 runs, one innings each only being played. The batting of Messrs. G. Baird, Cameron and Howard was much admired. Follow- ing is the score: . • NORTH HURON. W. Ude, Wing:1min, b Cameron.. ...... . 0 J. Campbell, Brussels, b Cameron8 A. McKeown, Clinton, b Cameron 4 C. Roche, Wingham, b Catneron. 4 G. Knox, Clinton, ibw,b Baird 0 J. Lanham, Londsboro, b Cameron 7 M. Armstrong, Brussels, c Baird b Cameron0 3. Harland, Clinton, b Cameron 2 C. R. Cooper, Brussels, not out. ...... . 10 W. T. Bray, Wingham, b Cameron 10 A. Broadfoot, Bnicefield, run out Extras... ... . . . . ... 19 ... . ............ 59 SOUTH HURON". 3. Hyndman, Exeter, b. Armstrong.. 2 D. Charlesworth, SeafOrth, c Roche b Harland 22 H. Cameron, Sea.forth,b Harland 40 D. Baird, Soaforth, b Armstrong 4 H. Howard, Seaforth, c Harland b Hole— 38 G. Baird, Seaforth, 1 b w, b Bray 44 T. Coleman, Seaforth, b Harland 6 W. 0. Reid, Seaforth, b Armstrong0 T. E. joslin, Seaforth, c Armstrong b Hole 19 j. Cosgrove, Seaforth, c Roche b Harland1 W. Charlesworth, Seaforth, not 0 - Extras. . 20 Total, 196 • MEETING.—There being a - - quorum of members present on Monday evening last the town fathers were able to have a, sitting. The by-law regulat- ing the water supply from the water- works roainto private par -ties was read the last time and finally passed. Mr. - ;aeries Beattie gave notice that at next meeting of Council he would introduce an amendment to the poundage by-law. e: The petition of.Mr. Wm. Lee and others asking for a lamp on North • Main Street was referred to -the Street Committee, with instructions to report on. this petition at the next meeting of Council, and to state their opinion of the vario-us places where street -lamps are required in the' town, and also- the probable cost. Mr. Dunlop was paid the sure of 635,75 for meals for tramps- A resolution was passed to the effect thet 026 extra be paid John McMann on account , of : his having given ail extra qualitY of unscreenecl gravel„ thus enabling the Comnaittee to dispense with soreened gravel, which would. have cost the town 61.12 per cord more for, screened gravel.. The Mayor and :Treasurer were authorized: to borrow another $1,00.0 -fromthe - Ralik of Commerce to pay current ex- penses.. Mr. Lusby was appointed tocollectthe town water rates, The . Council adjourned until next Monday evening. • • ward, making a council of six, quo n could be got almost any time; he b in ness would be attended to more pro pt ly and the work would be bett r d ne There Would be less talk a d or Werk. We have no hesitation 'n sa, in it would be largely to the .adv4itag o the town to have a smaller con cil This is the opinion of the present and late Mayors, as well as others who aye had long municipal experience. lie is people of Clinton reduced thei co nail last year With the most satigfa tor re- sults, only that they are now rry hey did not Make a still further r due ion. There is not mote business to trari act here than there is in a tovrnsh p. he municipal business- of meat tdwn4iipe is done, and usually well done, by five representatives. We could iot mei well have our council reduc d blow six, but it could be brought 4tow • to that nunther with advantage. To ave this reduction made so as to take e • °et next year the initiative steps s]. Mil 'be -, taken at once. If a petition ofIthe ate - payers were presented, to the c(once we have no donbt but they .would uis it, a by-law to the people; even- mit otig it would be to cut off their own h ads. Who will take the initiative? • 1 A HURON BOY ABROAD. --,Vire n tic° the following in a recent issue of the Belleville Itelligencer "Xr. J B. McKay, of this city. find al former. student of Albert College, has been at- tending Taylor's Business College at Rochester, N. Y., for some time. By his energy and perseverance he i as succeeded in his efforts so well as to have been chosen an assistant teac er. The following complimentarY le ter from the Principal has been hand° us for publication: " Rochester, N. Y. August 24th, 1 a To whom it may concern :—Mr.J hn B. McKay, of Belleville, Ont., veho 1 as been taking lessons in penmans aip of me for the past eight weeks and at the same time assisting me inti3ach has shown such a marked ability in both his penmanship and in ooriducting my classes, that it is with the grea est degree of pleasure that I reccimm nd him as a teacher and penman where er his services may be needed. A. J. TAYLOR, Principal • Taylor dz Co's. Business Cplleg , - •• Rochester, N.Y: —The gentleman above refe is a son of our -old. and esteemed Mr. Thos. McKay, of Clinton. learn from the same pap & th McKay has„been. appointed tea ornamental and business pen in Albert Commercial College vine. The many friends of Mr. in this county will be pleased t of his success abroad. • , Ted 1 to frie d, e a, so t r, her of ansI4ip Bel Y le rn THE COURSE OF TRUE LOVE, C. A few weeks ago a man named erb rt made the acquaintance of a youog hi, y in Brantford named Jennie Westbro k, only daughter of the proprietor 'of ci e of the principal hotels in th t city. Herbert had been stoipping at th and the intimacy between the twalin, had been growing and:ripening 11 known to to the parent e of the you a and ultimately culminated in an elo 8- ment. They went to Paris, pro tired a license there and were regularl ra r- iied, and learning tlaat1 the irate pare • t, was in pursuit, and Wei likely to ma e things mmleasantefor the young 1 an, least, the couple started for 11 etrd They did not stay there long. Thl returned to Seaforth last week, r mai ed here a, day or so, and then 1 ft f Clinton. On Thursday night Cli ef Dunlop received a telegram fr m t e Chief of Police at Stratford-, inst uohi 0 him to arrest the man if he was still n town. Knowing that the pai we e lodging in Clinton, Mr. Dunlop r peir d thither on Thursday lastecamtur d t e runaways and brought, them back ' o town Friday morning. They re ain d in town all Friday forenoon, ad tie constable permitted them to wil aw ly the weary hours of captivity by doi 1g the towu and examining the sto es aid other places of interest. Hntoolk Mei IIII to Stratford on the afternooin• tr in ai d handed them to the Chief of Po ice n that town. Theyewere met , th re J y the girl's father iiiid were taken ho fie to Brantford. Herbert has bee t eit d under the charge of abduction. 1 ef• e the Police Magistrate he plead ,d n •t guilty and elected to be tried by : jun , and the case was • adjourned u til t If - day. If this charge fails, it is sa d th t a charge of perjury will next be pre- ing Ye Vit o gir 'fii e al o 3'0a s ng n e w 11 end: y sou1e le irle. utia OUR MARKSMEN AT OTTAWA. -1-1.13 we hinted last week, the Seaforth team whioh attended the Dominion Rifle As- sociation's match at Ottawa last week, both collectively and individually, dis- tinguished themselves as marksmen and brought credit to the town. They all did vvell, but it will not he consid- ered at all invidious to make special mention of the splendid shooting of Mr. Alexander Wilson. This gentleman had. just returned from Wimbledon, and it would have been very 'ereditable to him had he not done _more than secure a plane in the team for the second time in two successive matches, but he has made even a reticle better record than this. He took a prize in every match, obtaining the Governor General's prize a $250 and badge; the second prize in the grand aggregate, and the Dominion of Canada medal, and the National Rifle Association medal for being - the highest of the Ontario members of the Wimbledon Tea,m for 1882,7headirm the team by 12 points. So far as we cam recollect, this is the best record ever made by a marksman at our Canadian Wimbledon. We beg to congratulate our young friend on his skill aud the. -distinguished honors he has won. He reached here on. Wednesday after hav- ing attended the formal reception given Colonel Gibson by the citizene of Ham- ilton on his return from England. He looks as if shooting and old country air agreed with him, and seems to wear his boners lightly. Too Mean Comearmons.—A corres- pondent last week directed attention to the great difficulty that exists in securs irig the attendance of a sufficient 'num- ber of councillors at meetings to form a etioruna. This is a difficulty by no means pecetist to the present council, but has existed ever since Seaforth was incorporated as a town, and the num- ber of couucillors was hicreasecl. During the present summer, as well as previous- ly, meeting after meeting has been I called by the Mayor and no business 1 could be done on account of there not being it sufficient number of members present to forma a quorum. In this way I - important business is delayed and loss to the town is the result. The best renaedy for this etate of things is te duce the number of comacillors. There. are now three councillors from each ward, whiich with the two Reeves and the Mor form a body of twelve. If there were but one councillor from each t. le terred a,ganast him, es in procu marriage licenge he made affid having received the consent of th father to the marriage. There a other charges. The girl is not 1 of age and is rather prepossess appearance, and on coming of a be heir to a considerable fortune man wham she has married,isge believed to be a very loose and di character. The father of the bound to send him- to the Penit if possible, and will then • ta,ke st procure a divorce for his deughte girl, also, it is said, having fou the true character, of the man s married, and having _had tirne cover from her infatuation, anxious to get rid of him. Sh probably find, however, that it good deal easier to get into her unpleasant position than it will b out of it. PEI e • o' t had o r - al o 1 wil was a retie t tag t Locee BRIEFS.—Mr. Robt. G ha of this town, has leased Leckie's ter, house and intends buying gr n o Brussels market during the comi g se sou. Mr. Graham is a first-class ma and we have the greatest pleas ye most heartily recommending him to the people of Brussels and the neigh -oriole odu e nlocji a lel' c ay ch ritTh atdr enc pOS US wer " la -s th ancl farmers who dispose of their p in that town.—Mr. Andrew G-ov has had over two miles of fenci stroyed by the recent fires.—Mr. Thompson, of the Huron Road, lop, has had a number of cattle from him, for the recovery of w offers a reward of $10. --The M hotel property was not sold on dammeither was the Somerset res It is it pretty difficult thing to of. property in Seaforth no w.—T of the Booths ou the Show Grain• disposed of by auction ou Saturd. by Mr. J. P:- Brine, one for $60 a other for $70. Messrs. A. Cardu P. Megarey were the purchases takes the veteran auctioneer to the money out of things when t any money in them.—Messrs. T Kidd end S. Dickson returned their Manitoba trip on Saturday. e * both look fat and fresh after ro it on the Praire. Both gent have travelled over a large porti the country and were tolerabl OCI1 8ronI Ma 'The nhing omen. of pleased j with , what they saw.—Mr. Peter 4bone, of Tuokersmith, has some manim4h liorn growing on his farm on the Kitreeni road:, He brought ns in two' stass,lone of ,Which measured 16 feet' 7 ithes in length and the:otber 15 feet 6 i chis. Mr. Mo re hail 'about a quarter f n acre of this corn. --Mr. Wm.. Logan is a boss a.dvertibem He hem no a most attractive etr ainer tinder c =Maud of Lieutenant ; Wilson, across adei street.—The volun eers, left her 'on' Tuesday to perform ! their annual drill at the military damp at Goclerio .—Mr. Allau1 Hobeon, of the Hollett sna ket gardeii has by all odds the best toreatoes we have seen this year if We except thde grown by Mr. Daffe of whinli we ma week. It would be nip and tnek be- e mention. last l tween the two if their tespectine fruits were put on exhibition side by ide, and we would nPt like to be the judge that w uld have tmclecide betwoon then:2.— T 0 prize liet season will coelnmence n t week.— e are glad to le rn: that M John Di kson, wh se acci ent we a ounced last week, tIthough till not of danger, is prOgnessing atisfac- y.—The Messrs. Case shipped a car d of very fine fat ste rs to Montreal 8 week.—Mr. Hugh Robb will corn - rice the Pork packing business [next k. He is alroadyl buying iu fat s for slaughtering. Messrs. Wilson Robertson are erec ing a c]. er , mill e worke4l in connection with ;their t evapcirating est blishmentt—At meeting of member of the Meehan - Institut held on uesday !evening as resol ed not to increase the mem- ship fee, sithtbe was fored tha by so night g some deterred frona be- ing menthers, and it was - deemed sable to "strugglel long" at the Old for anther yerirr. A committee . isting of Messrs. Tho. Kidd, F. ested, D. D. Wil on 'and M. Y. ean was appoint d to make a e Year eo raences on he tl ough canvass of th town for mem- -- The n lof November and a I who join hn w !have the benefit of the remaining th and and Et half of the present year. Imembe ship this year was dely•217, , year it hould be at least 360.— ;weather for the pat week has been ightful,--Cool at ni t and warm and thing during the d y. Thdrehave n' several refreshing showers which e been of imtnens service in ea- -dishing fires and lea roving vegeta- ' !—Mr. G. A. Houg ton came into ie on Wednesday Nei h a lorig drove t(ol th we ho an to frti th ic it bet. doi CO ad fe CO th be fir wi Th Th del BUD be ha • tin tio to 11 • II 1 I • t v 1 of nem,- fine working h rses ssil4ch, lie had perchased in the n rthern c untry. Jame t Dorsey, bn th Htiren roade near Seaforth, has sold 1i� farrn to hiles brother and intends remoting to MiQliigan shortly, where he hs pnr- chased another farm.—Messes. At G. Mc ougall 4 Co. are tiove b ily ien- store. somest Very anade 31 etem. of the de!. reeu elies e: mesic of the xetemar e, obn ich :re - ting One, not be setting wrie country . They mselnes s a city BRIEFS.—The ont ly Fair for the ister a sale of live ebock will lb held ou T es- wn as day, 6th October nex e—The Rev. J. recent Barr, Rector, of Wingh m, will preach • he ae. in St. Johns' Chierch, 13 ussels, morning even- and evening on Sunday next.—S. Hop - g with kins was the lowest bidder for :the e until contract of gravelling t e Town Lim] igen.— between Morris find ey.—Alexander that the Smith, of Ethel, has opened out :his ere for stock of goods in hi new stana in shelter Brussels.—Our Town and accompani- storm ed Company No. 5 of t 33rd. Battalion smoth- opinion he rela- gag d removing into their n They will have one of the ha establishmeets in, the' catinty. pleasant- social was held in th Methodist church on W dnesd sing last, under the auspice Ladies Aid Committeie were delivered. by Revs. Me Donald and lugin, which Wit and refreshment made up an programiene—'1.1lisecond. tea Beaver Lacrosse lub visited Friday last and 'ad a friendl with the club of that town, suited in a draw, each club ge game and the On d game coul played on accoun of darkaes in.—Mr. and Mr:. Charms L tpur on Tuesday , eveni g las :i: turned honae fro'. their old both look well a d enjoYed th iimnensely ; Mr. Lowrie, espe as fat and as jo ly looking alderto am—Mrs. IP 1 inters, a Mrs. ;Thomas Do •• ey of j this t burned out in 3,1 c igan ;by th fires and lost v r heavily! rived here with • er family a jfe jugs ago, and in e ds remaini friends in Canada for a whi things get settlen a sin in Mic ' A !report has bee • urrerit here ' Redmond hung who :left • ' iehigarea few ea s ago took i :a Well during h• receet fir : there and were u • sequentlyal , e ed.: We are i hied to the that the report i correct, as t yes of this f m ly who ' reside in I t nl y have not a yet had any intelli- g nee to this effe .t. As one of the first feu" ts of the tel g aph amalg matiou t ominion. off c iu t ,iS to n is to b el sed this : e k. ---Mr. Ca der no I t ods closing hie 1 otograph, rooms on 1 an • ay next far about 'ten aye, for I repai s and impt vomente in -hi studio. i—J--Mr Robert G ieve, of I Tuck remith, linter]. s starting f r Dakota on uesday , next. The largo t herd of a ep we hen° seen for eetis passed hrough toWn n Thursda on their' -way to ther istatio . They be ()Aged to Mr. i homes Go, e lock, and •ere a splen• id let. They were destin d for the old °entry market. ---Tho sh. w Which open&I here yesteeday promises well. Everybiedy was a,gteeelely eurpris d at the quantity and noility of the rob ria, while other indoor 'departments a e very good'. A. large. Umber of town • eople visited the hall zist night whic as open from 7 to 10 c4c oc .—Rev. i r Goldsmith and Mrs. Go dsinith, of Ha as iltOn, j were visiting fti. aid,s in the tow and vicinity during thisweek. The leave , town to -day. Th ir meetly frieu s must be pleased to see them both looking so well. Finlay MC egor, the gel brated Scottish vo- calist, will be here on Tuesday evening next • 1 I • for 'Manitoba I on many friends in Go will, no doubt, be sorr young man of such s His affable manner, eition and his temper him ja boon to ociety ( Mayi he I never egret coMmand, "-y ng ma McLaughlin aid.M cherits, of this villa.ge ci, Eihibitien in oront • Willis engage as oler store in this villa Broley, daughter of, Palmerston ,'is lvisitin I ednesday. His le and vicinity to part with a erling character. s generotis dispo- e habits render vherever he goes. vin obeyed the ,go west."—Mr. M Leod, mer - are tt nding the . J. Me- in Mr t Warren's e. —Miss Clara . Jas. Broley, of friends in Gorrie. in.t OUR FACTORY.—Wi tory sold their July leaving the patrons 9 theit milk. The che on Saturday, and the thole money ori Tues wish. to blow oVer oth tho0 who wish to bl member that we are only factory who bo columns of 14g pri stated a few wieks ag THIBTLES.—/ 888 boast of Canadian t willing to w ger t w. ger th t MoK township in th two ties on the roads and is impossible for a per the roadsides in any part of • the town- ship. If they have a they must be ,ava,ntin els° they would fine in the township -7, -TR WILD OATS. -I— Som what parents call wil last Monday night, th kill some geese and d of pumpkins and a I milk belonging to Bar op. throp cheese fan- eeiie for outs a gallon for e was delivered Patrons. received ay. We do not rs, but we want over us to re - pt the first or the at through your es, as has been ome places :oan 'sties, but I am e large sum of llop can beat auy unities for this - la the fields. It on to walk on • Council Board, re-election, or very pathmaster YELLER. boys sowing oats, .a week ago ught it fun to stroy a number rge quantity of et Bolton, and 0 about twenty 4ollars'ei worth of pre- JOhn Duffis. milk which yea serves and ilk di hes belonging to hey also threw out his etandi g in the :milk can. These p ties li e on the 8th con- cession, within two mi es Of Winthrop. We would like to t ink the _panties came over fiftytmiles perpoitrate :such disgraceful trickeoleut if all the mean things done in the eighborhood are done by strangere; the wonder is that some of the home boy do slot eatch them at it. Ferents should have a better care over their boys, especially minors, after hours. Boys who can drink whiskey, Carry revolvers and do such acts as the above,are verylikely to matriculate in count boarding houge and graduate ith a M. P. P. at the Provincial K gston russe MARRETS.—Ffill whe spring $1.25 to $1.30, barley 45c to 60e, oats 66.25, hay $10. , THE bAnEDONLN GA. donian games held her a grand succegs. Ab present. Ad the game keenly contested. Arc •sels, won the Society comers. He iS the The Brussels pimple a Full particulars next w WELL DONE. -h -Mi . the Caledonian games Wednesday last,. took t parse, being the most games; also won 1st and heavy stoneio and Huron and Bruce hea petition. johnsten, rison, Blair and com- peted in the safe 111 B.I t $1.25 to 61.27, eas 60 to! 65, c, flour $ti to IES.—The gale - yesterday Were et 800 'maple Were filled and . Scott, of trus- edal against all ero of the day. e proud of 4im. ek. reh. Scott at t :Lucknowi, on e hotel keeeters' points in seven d,2nd in light ud place in: the y weight Com - °Donald, gar- : Robe tson all gam s. • GI/Tie. Ii ()Can Baisps1 'Miss Mary Donley, 1, vale has been livine in London for some tines, is at present visiting friends in Go rie.j—Mr. Davi Paisley, of this vil- lif ', has retuned from bis trip to the On Saturday last, while 1 'and his cousin, Wm. spe nvely even and ten uuni " log on the dam, were pretipit ted into pile water, woeld, in' all •ababil ty; havebeen ned, werdit not for the timelyar- i 1 of Mr. John Bowyer, a young man h d. fpr his sWinenaing ability, els tied, them froni . John Bea tie; f his village, i Vi. 's trip: to Ili wady bee o looks w uesday fo al drill. o ish. them captain, , son of ,is engag roxeter ey, the hi hool Secti I; nice Mines. s ph Arde t ell, aged r s, Were " to Goderich ori TaeSIday last.—The half -fare rates to Toronto this week took a good many to se the exhibition. -.1:11yth, BRIEFS:—Master Geo tends going to Toronto disease of the eyes.—M shaw, who has bisen a village for the pant thin tertained at a cotaplire. Emigh's Hotel on Mon previous to his leeving.!t side in Exeter. The the chair, and about t partook of supper.— • cott, merchant tailor, was married to Miss Olt Wednesday. EEens e Phillips in - o be treatedfor • john Haink- esident of this years, wits:en- tary supper at ay evening last, e villago to: re- eeive occupied irty gentlei*Cii r. Wra. Soth- of :this place, , ot Exeter,; on COME AT LAST.—The rain has come at last. week we had a couple a which have done much the bush fires, and -ref of nature generally. Busneess.—G-ra,in is ly into market, and out ing high prices for it. ginning to look up, and are fully preparedfor it received large stocks Of goods. . PERSONALS.—Mr. Joh -of this place, but lately bank on a visit. It is - tion to remain with us ei —Mr. George Murray ' Mr. James Murray of home on a visit. DRESS AND MANTLE : Brown, of the London; smith, has started dres making in' Rannie's b stairs, next door to Ja Miss Brown has had a perience in the busines doubt, give satisfaction : ng her with their patro er success. CREAMERY.—We are p that our townsmen, Mr. the firm of Jackson Brot I. H. Evan, Baker, int Creartery, a little West on part of Mr. Jelin Mc is to be Conducted on the tem, which is to take th from the patrol* leav which is so necessary to the raising of stoek. although•Creameries are iot in this section of Canada, yet have been established, they L the very best satisfaction. ment Messra Jackson ad i 11 1 on wishedfor ming the past nice showers, ood in allaying eshing the face ow coming free - buyers are pay- Buginess is be- • ur merchants e rush, having all and Winter Ellis, formerly of Dakota, is r. Ellis' inten- itil next spring. f Iowa, son of Ro gerville is 1 ARANG. -- Miss oad, targ'kef--- and ma,utle ick Ilblock, up - so Brothere. od deal Of ex- , and will, no o those favor- , age We wisIi 1 j who a wa erY grane„-- frie:re. rmerly nesidele of iting nds n to a and , Dakota has b neficial tat his health, 11.1—Our volunteers 1left • Godsrich, to attend the doubt they will dis- el es undet their effi- Donald ev, Mr, Muir, of Ford - d ts assistant teacher in Oho Schocil.—Mr. Jas. hly esteerned. ex -teacher n No, 4,1 Howick, deft • eased to tear S. Fac1son, o , and Mr ereeting e 's faftn. I lamb sys earn only the milk farmer in • ight sam numeroml here they ave given e complie- vans on er nd f t we Fai ng the O 1 • -•- their :spirit of enterprise, and hope th vntue will turn out a sticcesSfal on npuotTE.—Telephone's reply the evade, Boys, or more porno speaklng his attack upon your hum Oloorreesopfoamndsent, we regard as the o cm all mind and cheerio s spirit and really unworthy of any notic . However, we will simply re- mark in connection with it, that t 0 parag aph he attaoks in such hig h own and bombastic language (thou or t • e most part borrowed) did iii ti onta n a single -word or sentence th t ould be rightfully or truthfully term d flew] ve or disrespectful; furthermor he p ragraph was written at the solicit inn n a partioular friend of the u are ol ladies. We did not refer to t • e adies (for whom we entertain the hig st re pea) as "lots. for sale" as d d elep • one. In conclusion we won d hile it is not our habit, .1:0r to o r aste, to refer to matters of a ptivate or parse al, nature, yet when Telepho e with. t cause or provocation, sees fit o iefen o us in connection with "Dared ism" «6 are tempted to remark that, "1 he be esirous of beholding the .connec ing 1.1 Ica that Darwin believes in 1:t him • all means carry a mirror wit him he goes westward weekly • • duty, holiday's excepted) and , see fir him lf if there is not a striking reser bla,n , especially upon cutting aiitios and trying to spout poetry f the ntertaiument of the people. OORIUISFONDENT. L— e. Le • 1l Tucker smith. FAR B.ENTED.—Mr. Thomas Tow scud as rented his farm on the 2n °mace sion, H. R. S., Tuckersraith, t his n ighbor, Mr. Robt. McVety, fon five y ars, at $250 a, year. Mr. Tow* seed i tends disposing of his stack an other roperty by auction, on Friday th 30th i et., when Mr. T. P. Brine wil °facie, e. Ts( (-1.-_,n1HAv CASE.— Mn. ;MATO Sine,- noticed in your issue of 26t Augus a, communication frcirn M Wi11i4n Graham, in which he Says tha I dist4ssed him and that he was quit wlhui4 to do chores but that I did no Wish t pay him such higi wages fo this W rie ; also that I had to dome t his teits and pay half the costs of th suit. oth these statements are incor reet, tt i provect in court, and as th evide ee will still show. I did not dis- miss him, but he left my employ con trary o my wish, and the reason 11 assign4d for so doing was that he woul not do chores. Instead also of me coin ing to his terms, he had to kuuckl down to me. Knowing that it saw use less tci try and force e man to work fo me against his will I told Graham tha the wily conditions on which I woul settle with him were that he shout return and work for me. a half a day and pay -i11 the costs of the law- suit, This he consented to do and has done These are the plain unvarnished. fact of the case, and I think those of you readers who know us both will be full as likely to believe my statement a Mr. Geaham's, and henceforth I shall pay no further attention to anything h may say on the r.ubject. Yours, . , I PETER MOORE. WIIA,t- THE SCHOOL TRUSTEES HAVE BEEN DOI G.—At the last meeting o the Town hip School Board, which Was held ail Rincefield, all the members be- ing. ptesent except Mr. Brett, a :few accounts were passed and. paid. Mr. Lough tasked to be relieved of his charg at No.!3, he having been offered a posi- tion in the High School in Clinton. The Board Consider his services too, valu- able whete he is to let him go, and accordingly declined his request. Mr. Samuel. Hicks, of No. 9, handed in his resignation as follows :--- • Egmondville, September 9th, 1881. Gentlemen of the Board of Edumtion for Tuekersmith. DEAR Sins,—Hesing been given to understand it is ymir intention to give your old teacher, S. Hicks, his walking ticket at the close of this year, I have thought' it best, in order to prevent sucla an unpleasant dilemma, to announce to you, in the language of the celebrated H. W. teacher, that I intend to walk down aud out of No. 9 at the close of this yeer, notwithstanding I am of • the opinion I have put in just as good teaching this year as any year I have been with you. I suppose there are a few croakers. Thanking you, gentle- men, for vast favors, I am, yours truly, S. HICKS. Mr. ides' resignation was accepted, when tIte following teachers were en- gaged f r 1882 at the salaries named., which ncludes in each instance $10 for caretaking: School No. 1, Adam S. -Case $460; No. 3, W. R. Loughn $460; I1o. 4, Charles McKay, 360;6No. 6, Miss Broadfoot, 390;$No. 7, Miss I'abo114 Forest, $275; No. 11, MiSS Janet]Watson, 6340. Moved by Mr, Wallac , seconded by Mr. Mansonothat the Secretary advertise for teachers for No. 2, 9, and 10, and an assistant for No. 8.—Carried. Moved•by Mr. Aiken - head, seconded by Mr. Wood, that the mover and Mr. Sproat have the offices at No. 4 and 6, put in a proper state of repair and the grow:ids at No. 6, en- closed. ---Carried. The Treesurer was aetb.orized to apPly to the Township Council for the sum of 62,500, to be raised by /ate for school •piirposes for 1881, being $500 less than last year, Th ei Board generously granted the teachers permission to attend the Pro-• vincial Exhibition and other Fairs, Moved by Mr. Aikenhead, s conded by Mr. Manson, that this Bcar do now adjeurn to meet again in Fgmondvi11e schdol House, on the 1st of ctober, at 2 o'olocle p.m., for the purp se of re- ceiving teachers' application and other basin ese.—Carried. GEO. S/ROAT, Sec- retary Public School Board. McKillop. A time To, as Mr.' , W, Campbell, Sr., was dig ing a well, MYSTERY.—Sorde in and while down at the depth of 25 feet from the surface, he came n on a live toad firmly imbedded in the 1 clay. By wha means' the creature cantie to find its w y there, or how long it had re- mained in that position, is a mystery to all. NEARLY A FIRE.—On the 6th inst., ! the residence, barns and other out- buildings of Mr. Johe Blake, 9th cote- : cession, had a narrow escape from been burning in Mr. Martin Murray's 1, itf2 beinge destroyed by fire. I appears that the fire had for some ti e befote bush, which is directly west from Mr. I Blake's, and a strong southwestern I wind , arising, carried the flre fiend i acrossl into Mr. Blake's ferule destroy- i ing a large amount of fencingand his 1 outbuildings and residence were on fire ! _ SEPTEMBER, 16 188I. several timies, but the neighbors turned out to it man and bravely fought the flames, and at last subdued them. IMr. Blake Warmly thanks them for, their kind and valuable assistance. FARM REiNTED.• —Mr. Alex. ,Dalgetty has rented uis farm on the- 14the .eon - cession of I MeKillop to Mr. Thomas Grimoldby,Ifor the term of five years, at an annual iental of $200. The rumor current to the effect that Mr. Dalgetty intends going away is entirely. incor- rect. He intends remaining in Me. Killop duriiag the winter, and will be prepared to1 wield the auctioneer's ham- mer as vigorously as ever in any part of the county for those desiring his services. S BARN Bultweet.—The barn of Mr. jas. Cowie, Lake Shore, Stanley, was de- stroyei by lightning on Monday night about six Joclock, along with his entire crop and 'straw, also a veluable colt. He had barely time to rescue the other horses. Lose, 3,000;6insurance, $1,500. TEACHER I ENGAGED.—The trustees 'of the Varna ischool have engaged Mr. Arrustrong,Jof Goderich township, 13031 of R. Armstrong, of the Brownson line, as their tejtcher for next year at a salary of 02Q. Mr. Armstrong is a clever young Man and is an excellent teacher, aiid the trustees of Varna School have been forttmate in securing his servicet. Mr. McAndrew intends going to Dakota, where he haspurchased a farm. BRIEFS.—Mr. Joseph Harvey, of the 2nd concession; of Stanley, has a tree in his orchard in bloom now.—Many of the fanners of this locality who have been waiting for rain have become tired of waiting, and have been busy during the last week sowing their 'fall wheat. —A heavy shower of rain passed (slier this locality on Saturday night much to the pleastire of the inhabitants. It settled the dust and made things assume a mare:pleasant appearance s FARM SODD.—The farm on the 7th concession d:f Bay, within half a mile of this pla,oe, known as the Shaffer farm, has been sold to Mr. John Con- sort of the Parr Line Stanley, for the sum of $5,4440. The Line, contains 150 acres, and i$ a splendid bargain at this price. - Dublin. ENTERPRI IN — Henry Craig, the boss cooper for Kidd's salt works, has purchased the 1 rge frame building sit- uated on Front Btreet, and is now busily wn alongside of the removing it d Liffey, where it a and sketin gr will be put in shape for and curlin rink an. , a amusement $h4 was much desired: by our young folks herm Orrawee I 1RAILWAY EMPLOYEES.— Mr. James Mar ay, a very steady and gentlemanlyiyo ng man, who has filled • the position lef 'eight agent and bag- gage master-he].}s for some years, has been removed to Seaforth station to fill a similar position. _What is our loss is Seaforth s gain. 'Master Louis King, son of our esteemed townsman, Thomas Ring, Esq., fills the position here for the present. Chisolhu rat. RAIN.—A heavy thunder storm pasted over this plane about half -past ten Sat- nrday evening doing considerable dam- age to fences and trees. A taxohn poplar tree near the house of Mr. W.Shilling- law Was sappod. off near the ground and hurled against the -cornice of his dwelling ho se, relieving it of its eave- troughing anil a number of shingles. BUSH FIR S.—The shower on Satur- FALL CAmpAmil CLOTHING I 1:LOTHINO1 OAK HALLi OAK MAUI We have much pleasure in -calling yeas attention to our NEW FALL STOOK, Which is now complete in all iDepart- naents, and it affords us much gratifica- tion to state that we have, with few exceptions, purchased our Goods direct from the Manufacturers, and the prices are such that our custonaers cannot fail to see at a glance the immense ad; vantages we have BUYING from bst hands. We are .compelled to hold it Very • Urge Stock, and we -hesitate not to sa that in value and variety OAK 'HALL has no equal in Western Ontario, IN SCOTCH SUITINGs We have a very Large Stock, and at very reasonable figures, ranging iu price from 615 to $25 a Suit - IN CANADIAN TWEEDS We have a Full Ranee at Popular Prices. We feel coerfidelt we have the VERY BEST Styles and Newest Things in this line of Goods in Canada- BARATH EA TWEE -DS. These Goods are something really new in Canada, and. every Gentleman who pretends to dress well should see them.. They have only to be seen to be appreciated_ In Worsted Coatings —AND_ ORA -PE CLOTHS We have as usual a large variety. Gents' Furnishings. This Department is as usual. second to no Homo in Ontarie. A. G. McDOUGALL & Co. MAIN smunr, SEAF011111- as it CirC1113 announcement. Ia his com- parison he has taken those echools I which suited his purpose, and left au - touched those which would 121ar his ! unrighteous fifty-two per cent. It is a well known fact that Collingwood In- ! stitute succeeded in passing more at the late examination than any other school 1 in the _Province; We do not know whether: the writer knew of this at the time, but we surmise he did, as it was very well known in all educationalcir- cles, but as it is always right, though. not expedient, to produce what we i know, it is easily seen why it was not 1 noticed. He states that Seaforth day night wa much retiuired to drown passed 13 out of 26, but we are ata loss fires that w re , becoming some what to know wh th h 1 dangerous. r.• Peter Morrison had been resisting the devouring element for two weeks, bat, notwithstanding all his efforts, it had reached. within a Lew rods of hiEi barns and outbuildings. The rain had " the desiredneffect of drowning it out. , SOLD,—Farms and other property have been changing hands at fair figures —a very good sign of returning pros- perity and good. times. Mr. 3. Fitz- gerald bought 50 acres of Mr. W. Wren for the round sum of $2,800; This is considered a very mederate price as the farm is excellently located. RESIGNED. We regret to announce that the effieieut principal of oar Public School, Mr e Wm. F. Robinson, has tendered. his te4nation to the Trustees which was reluctantly accepted. Mr. Robinson hag leen principal of the sohool for thine years, and during that time his pupils have succeeded in carry- ing off the highest honors and prizes at the different proMotion and competitive examinations. He purposes taking it college course with a view to entering Otto of the iearned professions. We join in wig-lair:1g him success in his new field of labotj BRIEFS.—Mr. John S. Wren has commenced Ills studies at St. Marys Collegiate Inetitute.—Fruit is now ripe and young Men are caught relieving their neighbors' grape Vines of part of their luscious! store, much to the chagrin of the owner.—Thomas Shillinglaw, late of this place, but now of Topeka, Kansas, has:been calling on his many friends. He has been running on a. railroad frornINetv Mexico to that place and is some iwhat darkened from ex- posure, brit looks very much as before. eorrespondent is quite a punster. No suoh brilliant openings for tgetting one off" in this vicinity. • "'Thigh Schools and Collegiate iLnstitutes. " Mn. Eniaom—A.n article appeared in your last issue apparently intended as a comparison between the Seaforth and other High School's in the: Province, but ostensibly as au ingenious and cheap way of advertising the former. Regard% ing the Seaforth school, the conapari. son was indeed. a ivery favorable one, but we do not adMit that it was very fair. Evidently tie wnter found it ;it difficult matt r to do himself justice, but we conies, he has succeeded very well. By eta ing what suited him and leaviug out -What was unpalatable, he . contrived to announce to the people of - Seaforth that they not only had a good school, but that they had the best iu the Province. How the good people Of Seaforth would stare when they read. his effusions; how they would wonder that by one sweep of his niagioal wand their school was raised from compara- tive obscurity to a place not even sur- passed by th elaborately advertised and well pm& Collegiate Institutes—a consummation; as gorgeous as a "caliph's! i dream," but unfortunately only reliablei' ! 4. _ y e w oe class did not write. Out of a lass of 42 only 25 wrote. What happened to the other 17 ? 'Did their enerage fail them at the j Sticking point, or were they told thatit was useless for them to write? We believe the latter to be correct, and We have it on very good authority that the head master asked them as a favor not to write, as it would lower the percent- age of the school. Had the whole class written, as was the case with the Cab tomato Institutes, and taking into con- sideration the 17. nils, 30 per cent7 would have passed, which would have been the correcteetimate. Now, if the - writer wishes to Make a comparison, bus will find that not only the oft sinning Collegiate Institutes, but a great many of the High Schools, have succeeded a great deal better than the Seaforth school. It is very easy to palm off a high per centege on people who are ignorant of school affairs, however &- honorable it may be, but we feel for the man's conscience- We do not see what the school has to boast of. We admit it did very well, It succeeded passing half-a-do*n Ws and a few sickly intermediates, arid had. it passed any of the higher grades, we would have said it did remarkably well, • We believe the people of Seaforth are very well pleased with their school. They do not expect much from it yet, and wh,en any person talks about com- peting it with a Collegiate Institute, they will only laugh at the presump- goo. The two are not to be mentioned in the sarae breat14 The Collegiate Institutes have ad- vantages for students which our High Schools cannot give them. There you conae incontact with intelligent minds; the very air you breathe seems to be educated, and you feel that you Are drinking deep of the Pythian spring, though 1113C011Scioilsly. We would have left the Seaforth• school alone in :its giory, bad the School Board not 'taken such a mean and contemptible way to advertise it. The Collegiate Institutes may have ad- vertised to a large Otent, but we have never seen them do it in such a dishon- orable way as the Seaforth school bail taken. They do not puff their schools at the expense of ,othem Neither do : they send out exaggerated results to catch poor unfortunates for their vic- tims. The writer has taken pains ti° tell us that the inducements of the larger schools are not reliable. It 1S very easy to make an assertion, bat it is a very different thing to substantia it. We should like if he would tell CB wherein they have sinned, so that we might give them a hint to be careful future. On the other hand, we would say to the fathers of the Seaforth High School that it is too scion. for . them to get on their high horse.: Let them teke care that the reputation of theirsohooi• which has fluttered around the 1104 success for a while, may, like the 8;1114 moth, burn his wings and then -crawl into obscurity. COLLEGIATE INSTITIra• FOURT SP E e this •ck DRESS GOOl, GREATLY Goods are neli ROM° :colors. Black an.4 Black a2u4 Ali To! 008tti ALSO, Siam A 1) - See Ott OLOTH1 FINE Ern azinv THE FAMOIL THE Hi IS . Gents' nti W. I( ampbars 3ESIC BOOT oorM SEAfeRTR 1. RO ERTSON1 TEACHERS WA -a- male and fon! certificates.' Api), • October 14th. Walton P. O. TEACHER W,.4.1: -a- receive :cpplis smith School Boat, tober, at House, for three class certificates, and an as•,i-tatit class for N. 8.- 1 : let of January 18 Public School D.) TEACHER V• -2- Section 6, MI holding a second ci to commence on 1 experienced Twee] menials and stathl ed to the Sretn until the 15th NEILANS, 8ecret1