HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-09-16, Page 51. "sliesest eld >near& derteat afar and atisfae, m hat the re. master_ .rose :teed. Jsitor. 4 I be a of the a mar. 'age of knew )t the - iEl no 'egin t 0 the lere, far ae -Tee but ug. the under_ - The ei et E& and ea etc., e` food ?orteon. toed as she 3ritain. Lething ef the teat, & =elate e, pays [slaucl, 'els of iohing I of the de Ent, for Lye no e give galore aad enures 'n him me, ort De has icier a aPpree ?orary. go on `u the e•lence vish to kritarie• epend- ies, or • or tieviee ity at ra,1 or found only who from inter - re in e and whioh upon ,tory Is f the vplete free. osition ?-d„ fear ..7or our eritisb avour- q On - are either right .grand edging run- an- . very ..r• the Ls fifty Li is in J. that e and wheat 'd keep ' 'utt I t ;for- xport t that Great a sip. pro - if ani- ; and ercial s be - tion. that _ the echie, what le find . s of pro- ship- ll How, lands :state five udice e all uch elow over ff to the oken rket tion ould fee- . suit- es to his tter, , and very -rib- 'eure SS Pe- ba- ilees oung tion he eyes, true - De - now' ros- ts 777, - SEP T BIEBER 10, 1881. aloe -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--- Huron. Noted- eer. James Southcomb, of Hallett, bet week sold a span of horses in Clin- ton for the good price of $350 °ash. —The new Presbyteriari Church in weigher° is nearly ready for the roof. it will be the finest church in. town when finished. —Messrs. Peter MeDonaldi of Grey, _ and Roble of Morris, have returned home looking hale and hearty after , their sojourn in the old country: —On the farm of Mr. -Hiram White, Grey, Brown's steam thresher recently threshed 325 bushels of oats and wheat, principally wheat, in four hours aud tweety reunites. —Cow races, with a youngster about years of age hanging to the cow's &chant:11e," are becoming quite common n• d fatEaliOlaab19 among juvenile sports in Brussele. —Mr. Chistopher Dale, of Hullett, recently sold 20 head of steers to the Messrs. Case, of Seaforth, for $50 each, realizing the round sum of $1,000. This is what makes farming pay. —A span of .horses belonging to J'. Cober, of the township of Grey, at- tached to a pair of harrows ran away last Tuesday in a field and injured themselves very severely. —Joseph Roe, a young lad About 10. or 12 years age, in Brussels, fell from a tree, into which he had climbed for the purpose of getting butternuts, into the river, and hurt himself quite badly. —Says the Enterprise : Gerrie issues a challenge to any village of its size in the county to furnish six fatter men, six older people or six stouter ladies. Yes, and we may add, six prettier girls. Take it up if you dare. —A little girl, daughter of Mr. A. Johnston, of the 17th concession of Grey, was severely bitten on the arm by a vicious dog, one day het week, when going home from school. -It is thought the arm will have to be ampu- tated. _Mr, Wm. Thompson, blacksmith, of Dungannon, comes from a black- fanaily. His father before him was a skilled horse shoer, encl of the nine sons, seven toil at the anvil. It seems to, rtna in the family, and ell are good wotmen. —Messrs. Angus Campbell, Alex. Campbell and Chas. Lowrie and family left Hullett near Harlock last week for Manitoba. Mr. Lowrie intends re- 11116iDina thera an his farm, but the Canapbel'e are only going to see the country. —Mr. R. Pattison, for many years postmaeter at Walton and an old resi- dent of that village, left last week, for Emerson, Manitoba, to look out a home for hinaself and family. May the best success be his lot. —Mrs. Ireland, of Howick, an unfor- tunate sufferer frem St. Vitus' dance, wile has been kept at the county ex- pense in Waterloo poorhouse for some time past, died in that institution last bat fortunately all escaped. The mi week. of the Metsrs. Kalbfleisch, on the 14 F Graham, the well known concession of Hay, had a pazticularl thoroughbred stock euctioneea former- ly cif Goderich, has removed to Detroit, where he has opened auction and COM- ILiSSi011 rooms Witb a, proSpeet of doing a hirgfebusiness. —Mr. James Torrance, of the 6th cencession of Goderich township, whoa) wheat crop promised, in the spring, a yield of about 10 bushels per acre, will now probably_ exceed 30 bushels per acre. This must be an agreeable sur- prise,. —An attempt was made a few even- ings ago to diserabowel a colt belong- ing to Mr. Geo. A. Mace, of Exeter, and to cut the throat of another belonging to Mr. Westeott. Both colts were in Mr. Westoott's field in Usborne. --Miss Rachel Brigham, of the 14th concession of Grey, swallowed a pin • when she was a child eight years old. A strange sensation was always ex- perienced ineher chest, until a few weeks ago, when in a fit of coughing --she coughed the pin up. ' The point was almost worn off. —Mrs. Charnmon Yeo, of Gorrie, wife of the well known auctioneer, died in that village on Wednesday of last week. Previous to removing to Gorrie, some seven or eight years ago, Mrs. To, with her husband, resided in Sea - forth; and prior to that in Mitchell. . —One evening last week a barn be- longing to Mr. Rowcliffe, on the St. Marys gravel road, in the township of Usborne, was struck by lightning and completely coesumed, together with its °entente, consisting of needy the whole of Mr. Roweliffe's crop of this year. —At a meeting of the representatives of municipalities along the line of the Toronto, Grey and Brace Railway, held last week in Toronto, Mr. Thos. Gib- son, M. F. P., of East Huron, was elected as a director to represent the municipalities on the Board. —Mr. D. McLennan, for several years a leading grain buyer at Blyth, Hen•sall, and. other points along the Great Western Railway, having gone to Mani- toba, is erecting a grain storehouse at a place called Morris, and will go , into the produce business there. —For Several Sundays past at Ritchey's Hall, in Wingham, a church in communion with the Congregation- alists is behageetablished. A Sunday , School has also been organized, and the services of a regular pastor will be shortly secured_ This congregation is an offshoot from the Presbyterian Church of that town. —Mr, S. Echlin, 1st concession lof Ashfield, was riding on horseback one day last week, when the horse stepped on a round stick lying on the road, which rolled with him, and the weight of the horse and rider dime on one of the legs of the horse, end splintered the bone so badly that they were forced to kill the horse. —The village of Ethel, in the town- ship of Grey, now rejoides in a grain bnyer all to itself. Vanstone's new storehouse at the statiofl is completed, the scales have beeu put in and every thing is in readiness to receive grain. joel Paanabaker has been soot:wed as buyer, aucl from his acquaintance with the people in the locality and hie know- ledge of the grain business, he will be found the right man in the right place. —A meeting was held at Bell's Ho- tel Londesboro on Friday evening last meetings have been addressed by iany of the leading clergymen of the Caiada Methodist Church, under whose tiatis- pioes the meeting is being held. ihere was an immense crowd of people tres- ent on last Sunday, and the mee lugs generally are well attended. , • —The officeis of Ebenezer Sa bath School, 2nd concession of Morrie, in- tend holding their anniversary ser ' ices on Sabbath and Monday next. !Ser- mons on Sabbath at 10.30 a. m. and 2.30 p. m., by Rev. J. Garner, an at 6.30,e. m. by Rev. J. W. Weath rill. Collections in behalf of school fun A tea meeting will be held on Mo lay, commencing at 2 o'clock p. m —Mrs. L. T. O'Loane, daughter• of the lateDr. McDougall, of Goderich, was naarried in that town on Thureday of last week to Mr. Thomas Rio y, of Toronto. After the ceremony, Mr and Mrs. Kiely left en route for Europ , via. Montreal and. Quebec. It is u der -I stood that they will pass the win er in Italy. —Mr. H. Eilber, of Crediton, h vin filled the position of Grand ' Mast r e the Young s Men's Protestant Believo lent Society, formerly known as th Young Britons of British Nort America, for the past year to the atie faction of its members, was re-electe to the sane position at the last meetin of the society, which was held ini To, ronto lately: —Messrs. R. Bean, J. Mayweed an S. Appleby, of Millburn; township o Colborne, on Wednesday of the wee before last, from 7 o'clock a. m. until i o'clock p. iree resting 40 minutes e noon, with one team, drew off 14 acre of oats, stacking nine loads and puttin five away. All the loads contained 4 shocks but one, which had only 20. M Manweed helped with only thirteed loads. i, —Au attempt was made to berglaa L. ize Mr. D. Ferguson's hardware stor in Genie, one night recently. The ce lax door was broken in, but the thiev failed to force the door leading to th store from the cellar, and were coni pelted to retire without getting an valuables. -Two years ago Mr. Fergne son had a large amount_ stolen fro him in this way, part of which he r covered again. , ' —A few days ago, as a train on t London, Huron and Bruce Railway wale passing the crossing near Mr. 4. Eneng's, in Hullett, it struck Maste Ogle Cooper's favorite donkey, whic was on the track, killing it instanblyt This caused part of the cow -catcher to drop, which ran along the track for tt few seconds, striking on ties, &c., an nearly throwing the engine off the track. The train was delayed over ale hour in taking off the cow -catcher. 1 — Last week, while the bush fire were at their worst, several of the keg saw mills in Hay and Stephen were imminent danger of being destroye , for the purpose of making arrangements for the esta,blisliment Of a joint stock company to purchase the Londesboeo cheese factory and convert it into a, creamery. The attendance was not very large. The meeting was addressed' by John eleitlillan,Esq., and others. No definite action was taken. —An. extensive cam.p meeting has been in progress at Holraesville ever since • Thursday of last week. The narrow escape, and assistance had to proeured from Zurich. A large amen of valuable timber was destroyed several parts. The fires, although sti burning, are now past danger. —Last week Messrs. Scott & Bell, the Wingham fureiture factory; shippe to Winnipeg, Manitoba, one ear load o furniture weighing 25,000 lbs.; the Week previous to that another car load was dispatched to the sante destination, a this week a third car load was sent o This firm can scarcely fill the orde they are receiving. Already 38 c loads have been sent to Manitoba sin the opening of navigation. • — A special eommittee of the Co• nn Council, consisting of the Warden, a Messrs. Adamson, Hardy, Girvin a Young, waited upon Mr. Platt, in Go erich, in reference to the lowering !If the water, so that.a suitable road conli be constructed across the river dnri the erection of the new iron bridge a that town. Mr. Platt, with his usu 1 courtesy, consented to allow his dam be taken down, and a roadway acro lie river, both safe and satisfactor has already been -commenced. --The salt well in Wroxeter is pr gressing favorably. At a depth of eig t feet rock was reached through sever 1 layers of which, some hard and sent soft, the drill proceeded, after which layer of gravel was met with, which o strticted the tools so that it was neces sexy to insert the tubing, through which they are now drilling. A fifteen -horse power engine is used to -prosecute thr work. The well has now reached depth of about 400 feet. The work 'El being prosecuted night and day. It s the intention to sink the well 1500 fecjt if salt is not sooner reached. A vein f water has been struck which flows ov r the surface of the well. 0 1: ; • 1 • Births. STRACHAN—In East Wasvanosh, on the 4 inst., the wife of Mr. Thos. Straehan of a so . MUBDOOH—In Ashfield, on the 4th inst., t e wife of Mr. 'Wm. Murdoch of a son. McEWEN—In Stanley, on the 3rd inst., the w e • of Mr. Duncan McEwen of a daughter. MAR a IN—In Egmondville, on the 8th inst., t. wife of Mr. Edward Martin of a son. McKillop, on the 11th inst., t wife of Mr. Alex. Gardner of a son. Marriages. VANEGMOMD —FERGUSON—On Monday, t140 12th inst., at the residence of the bride s mother, in Egmondville, by Rev. Joseph M Coy, M. A.) William D, eldest son of A. . VanEgthond, Esq., to Jessie, second daughtiji of the late Thomas Ferguson, all of Egmon ville. EfARDY—PFAFF—At the parsonage, Hay; 7' Rev. li. Dierlarothron the 14th inet:, Solomon Hardy, to Miss,Eliza Pfaff, both Zurich. DUNSMORE—OVERHOLT—On the 23rd ult., Y Rev. J. II. Stinson, of Dunnville, at the re 1-1 dence of the bride's father, Mr. Hiram . Dunsmore, of -Buffalo, N. Y,, formerly f Tuckersmith, to Catherine, eldest daughter f Mr. Isaac Overholt, of South Cayuga, Ont. KAISER—MAY—By the Rev. J.. Caswell, at t, parsonage, Dungannon, on the 5th inst., Wm. Kaiser, to Miss Isabella Jane May, bo h of Ashfield. ROBINSON—HUSTON—&t the residence of t 0 bride's father, on the 711.1 'Lust, by Rev. Henderson, Mr. Charles Robinson, to Ali third clasighter af Samuel Huston, Esq., Sunnyside Fenn, all of Blanshard. HORNEY—JOHNSTON—On the 1.2th inst., Rev. W. Baugh, tit the Methodist persona e Walton, Mr. Henry Homey, to Miss Hann b Jane Johnbton, both of McKillop. TURNBtLL—STEEP—Al the residence of t bride's father, on the 12th inst., by Rev. r ', assistedby Rev. A, Stewart, M. A.'R y J. A. Turnbull, B. A., of Goderich, to An B., daughter of Mr. Steep, of Clinton. Deaths. Usborne, on the 601 inst., Ashes 0 aged 30 years. APPLEBY—In Clinton, on the 71h inst., hli Wife of Mr. T. Appleby, aged C2years. TIPLADY—In Gouerich township, on Us inst.. Elizabeth Hannah, second dough Mr. Win. Tiplady, age3, 26 years a,nd 7 mo t SHIELDS—In Colborne, (4i the 2nd inst., J ir fent son of Mr. A. S ields, aged 9 mon HIGGIN'S—In Goderich, on the 3rd inst., garet Josephine, youngest daughter of Co . tar Higgins, aged 1 year and 8 months. THOMPSON -- In Colborne; on the 31st Thomes Thompson, aged 64 years. 01 o 11 Mtr d e I s • 4 1 THE HUR WORTH READINC N EXPOSITOR 1 5 'Ttilll MArti5.ETS.. illiiAIFORTH, September 15, 184 Fall Wheat., . 1 27 to 1 i SprinsgWhe t, ife,perbnabal.... 1 211 to 18 i1. SpOng Wheat, ed-Chaff,prrbush. 1 25 to 1 6 Oats p sr bti he 0 83 to 0 :5 Pees per b il he 1. • • ...... 0 5151 to 0 5 Barleyper tie el.# 0 ee to 0' 60 Bultter,Nok, ;la o . . 0 ld to 0 15 Butter, Tub. . • i- .1 0 15 to 0 17 .. . . 1. 0 14 to 0 14 0 lb . .. . .... .....d.. 8 10 to 3 10 a 8 0010 12 0 00 lb .i., h i 5 00 to 7 00 each. . . 50 t o 1 50 •per;ti wrel • .. 1 QO ale)peh-barrel.... ; .. ' 0 90 0 0 t 85 0 40 5 50 to 6 0 4010 0 . 0 1. 2 6 ter 13{25s 0 05( to 0 06 4 60 to 50' . , 0 22 to 023 Eggs Fleinr, per 1 Ho, new Hides, ptlx Sheepdtinii 40(r -stall 130(whole Foliate as, p Apples, per hag , *, Oatraetrf' rl........ . ..... ... a Tallow,pet lb. Tirsothy Seed Per bushel. ClOver Seed er bushel r bnaher . Mimi per 11) * • tLIVERPOOL, Sept. 14. 1s 4d; rd winter, 0 ' ; white lOs lld • 1 oats, 6s 4d; barley, 5. 03i; pork, 76s Od; beef,'9 62e Od. Spring wheat is 14 to me b, lis oeie, d; Peas, 78 s 6d; chee0, -Live Stock 'MONTREAL roand for (may fair prices for cattle Shippers have more catt they want, and conseq nuand for good, large c goiod A considerable n ether year old steers it fair ke ping c have been knight lately ay farm other:for the purpose of attend fo he Britjsh mar et. ; st er Of ,thi • Sort brong u t fro $ 6 e ch. Oomnion fat a on $30 e ch and smal $ 5 ta 25 ach. There psheep and lambs, t. Pro thdebuted, and pric J. Ri hard lbought a goo a $4 per head, and sev ere sol tit from $3 50 to $3 75 ea C m31 on lambs brought from $2 75 e 25 each: a 'few poor !animals w s Id 'low these figures. There was b tte 'supply of fat hogs to -day, a p ice are weaker. 'Win Head bon a ear oad,I and two other ots of hogs 71 per lb. A few smal lots of g hags brought 7f per lb. •!LOCAL NOTI JES. DEN • LION.--Recei ed SflL ope oases of New Fall Go ds, ex Steam s A3rrean. Invoices to hand of fur nts x Steamship Cana ian and Sta ska, whish are expected aily. Opened oice noel s from New • oi k in Ameri ngs, pillow cottons, cai bries, sl1aker c. R. .T.4MISSON. 618 kets. I , September 13.—The attle was iot active, and Was 'eali$41 0011 heed th tetntlyth: iesiva of t enditi egrssa1t3h7 0 0 nita 'le co w s sold et cattle friiia as a fair s p- ut not eq el s are high. lot of la la be. ral °Mier lots re et 00 Go o t,2 B en 81.1ipIn br 7 0 S eet nells, D a 4t at oa led 1. or of to - an a - NCAN AI, UNCAN are now hilly p p red to take ord rs 'orlon and Winter cloth eir etock c41 &eta, English and Cana T eeds and aujIt gs woe never so attractive a p Ball t. The4e oods were bought at the lo p ssi ii. le price ,s a d inaported by us, and will a Id c cap. Wo kmanship and fit guathnt D sweats & Dins s . 718 GENUINE E STUFFS.—Madcler, L d, Cochin'Magenta, indigo Cudb stic, Carnwo el, and all other Dye Sliaffs, w guarantee t be of the purest qualities, Oi7riCh el durable colors. Ii6IBDE s N, Scott' 11ock, Seaforth. 718-2 Bee WA1 T D.—Wanted •at the SITOR Om , Seaforth; a lad about 14yea 0 as an app e tico to theprinting b siness 0 who has ad a year's experience. Must cid reader. list board himself. FOR SALE —,-The following p e b f wls: Black S anieh, Plymouth Bcjsks, L Brahmas, D k Brahmahs, White Legho Hamburgs. ply to R. W. Ittosonitass, orth. S18-2 WOOL PI III GS, HIDES ANH SKIN I ill pay the "ghest cash pricee for any qua o ool pieldn s, Hides, sheep and Gad skins tired at nay iture store. No truel or Ir Cal la for evei g. Joists S.PORTZR 654 . . • .41. ction. Sales'. , pn mFria , October 14, at ; 11 T a e on 1 t 28, concession 111, 11e , Farm Stock, Implemee usehold Eurniture. Wm.1 oprietor •n 1Frid p ne,1 on 1 rin Sto Id. 11 1111 o'01 Mc le J. P. Brine, auctioneer, y, September 23, at 1 o'cl ek t 26, concession 9, Mor s, k, Implements and Hot se- Fnrnti re. Daniel Mc itb, ro- etor ; Alex Dalgetty, auctio er. On Setua4ay, September , a 1 'ol lock r. Dq.. on lot 5, couco moil 1, ekeremith, 'Farm Stock, im ern r• n t s a Honseh la Purnitur. Ja la es D rsey, prop *or ; J. P. 13r e, ue- ti eer. i On Friday, September 30, at, .12 ot lock noon on lot 25, co c sioe 2, -R. S., Tie° eraraith, Farm Steck a d Implements.' Thomas i To - nee a d, prietor ; J. P. Btiee, auction er. n Monder, September, 2e, at, 12 o lock noon, on 1 t 23, °once sioe rr Line, Hey, Farm Stock 4 i d T ments. , IDavid Rife and 1 hom s ndson, proprietors ; E. Boss niberr a etioneer. l ' On Wednesday, September 21, at 1 o elocik p. M., at lot 18, conce ion. 1 •borne, Farin Stock and [rnpl ment A Bishop, auctioneer. On Tuesday, Sept. 20, at 12 o'clo k upon, at Lot 16 Coecession 2, ljL R. S Tetekersmitla, Farm Stock an Impl n ents, Jelin Hannah, propr etor ; P Brinq, auctonee . On Wednes ate Sept. 21, at 12 o'cloc noon, at Lot 20, Co cession 2, Startle Farm, Farm Steck and Ireplement D vid Calla aetr, propriet r; J. Br ne, auctioneer. n Saturday, Septem er let at 12 o'cloc• noon, at McBride s itp el, Seaforth, valuable t win pro eit . James :1M B ide, pro re or ; P1, Briiio, anctio ee . n Saturday, 0 t. 1st, a 1 'eke le ., at Lots 21 and 28, 12th once 81 011 ; also Lot 28, llth Gone ssio , ea , Far, Far Stock a d mple- me ts. Jacob •e er, C. Bech er, A. Li Iiulpfer4 adrui 3 trators ; E. 1 ossen- , b ry, euictlio eat , On Monday, September 26, at 12 1 oo ock,leoon, at EIot 19, Coaioes ion 8, M Killer?, Frutack and.1 mple- , nee ts. Agn s Mee aughto , ai minis. telt rix ; J. P. eine, auction er. ar tack, I plements nd onse- hi) d FnrLlitmle, n Saturday Se t. 17, ij Lot No. 12, arr Line, tai ley, at 1 o'clopk noon. W. J. Joh sto , pro- p ietor ; J. P. B ine, auction or. tock., I plements nd louse - hold F rnibire on Lot NO. , Parr ne, Staeley, n Wednesday,Sept. , at 12 o'ctocl noon. Dewed °- earlane, protori tor; J. P. Brine, and - t neer. . On .Tuesday, Septetnber 201, ion lot conceseio 2, H. R. S., Tucker, ith, ht p 0 cl ck noon, Thorci ghbeed. arm Stook and Implements. George Sproat aucl John Haianah, prop ietors ;, J' P. Brie • auctioneer. . , , . COU cession On Monday,l3,StmepeKitepanboper, 1c90, elonte,i1n3e,1 a I, o'clock sharp, Parra, Eah Stock aiad Implements. John llolhi gs, pro- p ietor ; George Barrows, anctio eer. 0- rtg. ian est be ed. • g- ar, 'eh o- & X- of or 0 a ed ght s, Oa -- tity de - de, 1 SO • • •• • Par ND WILSON & YO UN ' . Being the oldest and largest croekery keep up to the times in all branches. n our entered extensively into ivory wate, and prin ' have become very popular and are in growing and useful. We have Breekfast, Dinne • and taining full assortments in China and G anite selling the best quality in 44 piece Tea ets f sold every day bY ether 1 onsesfor $3 a d. $3. Saucers, Plates, Vegetable Dishes, and veryt OrtSe REMEMIIERI NG. OCKERY TRADE in Seaforth,-we make it a p int to selection this season we have ed and decorated goods, vhich demand, being both onia, ental ea Sets complete, still mai tale - are. In White Granite v e are $2.50- The same goo s are 0. In Toilet Sets, Cup and. ng else in this line equally low. ' CHIN WA In English and French China we sh stacks that ban be found outside the cit ets and Jugs in Great Variety. GLASS Our stock of Glassware is -very eompl SEL.LINGAT HALF PRICE,to a specialty. A full aseortment of atetna The Bulk oft Our Goo Vir Ono SS. RE. of the largest and best as orted otto goods, Majolica ware, esert ARE. te• ODD PIECSES WE ARE make room for new eoods. Fruit Jars s and Lamp Goods. is We Import Dimet AND AVOID BUYIN pOOD AT COMBINATION PRICES Among Wholesale Houses. e ievite 141e public: to call and 'examine for them- selves, and cempare prices, ad if they, do not find things as we represent they don't need to buy. Goods guaranteed es represented or money refunded -Re- member the Right House,—SCOTT'S BLOCK, MAIN STREET, WILSON & YOU1G, Seaf6rth. E STRAY. STOCK. STRAY STEER.— Strayed from L cession 2, Hullett, about the end of June last, a two year old steer, of red and =hit° Color, :and inclined to -be brindled about th head and stag horns. Any person giving sus.' infprina- tion as; will lead to the recovery of the above; animal to the undersigned on Let N 40,1 Lon- don Road, Tuckersmith, or Clinton post Office, will be suitably, rewarded. 110B 411,T PEA- COCK. 710x4 ESTRAY STEER -Came Into the remi 'es of the undersigned, Lot 28.COncess on 3, own- . ship of Hay, a one year old steer. 1 he wner can have the 881110 011 preying proper y and pay- ing charges, , GILBERT DICK. 7174 WHY IS IT THAT t 15, con- I AULT & MCCLEAN TEACHERS WANT 8D. TEACHERS;WANTED—Two' teaCh rs 'wanted, , male and fetriale, holding 2nd o .3rd. class Certificates. Applications will be reci ived Sip to October 14t,h. Address JAS. McDON D, Grey, Walton P. O. *,71.9x4 TEACHER WANTED—The under •igned will -A- receive .applications on behalf of he Tacker - Smith School Board, Up to the 1st 4ity of. Oc- tober, at 2 o'clock P.K, at. Egthond ille School House for three male teachers 11cl ing second class certificates, or 'schools Nos. 2, 9 - and 10, and an assistant female teacher holding a third clas.s for No. 8. Duties to conithence after the 1st of January 1832. GEO. SPROA1, Secretary Public Sahool Board. 719-3 TEACHER .,WANTED — Wanted for Sehool Section 6 Hullett Harlock, .a n ale teacher holding a, second or third class certifi ate. Euties to commence on 1st January, 1882. One, . well experienced preferred. .Application. with testi- monials and stating salary desired to be forward- ed to the Secretary of the Board„Hatiock. P. O., until the 15th of October next. THOMAS NEILANS, Secretary. 71,9x4 IMPORTANT NOTICES. 1. UOR SALE—A hotel, lease, license, goeidwill, 1: furniture and stock in trade for sale. 1 More particularslo be had at the Exsossrpa Printing office, Seaforth. 70,9-3 • S°W1TCH FOUND—Found in front of Kidd's store, Main Street, Seaforth, a ladie0' hair switch. The owner can have the seine by prov- ing property and paying for this adtertisement, by applying at TOR EXPOSITOR Office, Seaforth. TAKE NOTICE—That I, the undersigned will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name after this date without mywritten order, no matter by whom contracted. ROBT. PEACOCK, Tuckersmith, Granton. September 6th, 1881. 749x4 ' VARM IN HAY FOR SALE.—For Sale Let 23, 1. Concessien..7, Hay, containirg 100 act -es, 67 of which mecca) ed and in a gc od state of I eulti, vat -ion. The balance is well timbered. Thire are good ou tbuildirgs, and a taick house. with good cellar ; aho a young orchard. There are 10; acres of fall wheat sown. It is well situated for schools, churches and. ma ikets, and will be sold on very easy terms. Apply to DAVID RIFE, Hills Green P. 0. JOSEPH LIFE, Proprietor. ' 719 AUCTION SALE—Auction Sale of Farm Stock and implements, also household fund ure— Mr. J. P. Brine has been instructed by Mrl Jas. Dorsey, to sell by public auction on Lot 5, Con - session 1, Huron Road, Tuckersmith, on atur- day, September 24, 1881, commencing at 1 o'clock P. M., the following property, viz.: Three cows supposed to be in calf, 1 _steer corning 1 three years old, 1 heifer coming three years 41U, 1 heifer coming two years old, 1 steer COIII:11r two years old, 2 calves, 5 ewes, 1 threshing machine in good repair, 1 sawing machine 1 Mowing machine, 1 large straw _cutter, can be worked by hand or horse -power, 1 horse rake, 1 gang rlumber wagon, 1 pair of iron harrows, 1 ;Blan- chard churn, 1 table, 1 cupboard, half dozen of cane bottomed chairs, and etherarticles too numerous to mehtion; The whole will posltively be sold without reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. Terms -All sums of $5 and Under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit willsbe given on funiishing approved endorsed notes, A ,discount of 7 per cent. will be allowed for cash on credit amounts. JAS. DORSEY rroprietor. J. P. Brine, Auctioneers 719 Fall Shows: Ball Shows -will be held as follows: • 1 revin cia 1 Eshibit ion, at London, from tlie 21s1 to the 80th Ses Umber. - South. Bun, tit Exeter, cn Monday and Tues- day, October 3rd and 4th. West Biding, at Goderieh, on Wednesdar and Thursday, Sept ember 141h and 151h. East Biding, at 13ruesels, on Thursday aial Fri- day, October 61h and 7th. , Hay Branch, at Zurich, on Thursday and Fri- day, $eptember 2015 and 80th. _ Turnberry, at, Wingham, on September 22n4 and 23rd. East W awanosh, itt Belgrave, on Tuesday, Oc- ; at Blyth, en Wednesday and Thu1sday,: 0 ctober 12 arid 13 North Perth, tit Stratford, September l5alndlO. ; Mitchell, Serternbcir 22 and 23. oga n, at Borthohn, October 4. The In dust nal Es hibi I ion, at Toi on to, from the 5th to the 17th Scpteanber. Hallett, at Clin on on Monday and Tuesday,. September 19 and 20. Stanley, at Bas field on Monday and Tuesdays, October 10 and 11 Lo a Notices. TIMOTHY AND Jj.1ovnis Seed for sale at the Central Griceiy. Larnnaw & eaueueeela HORSES roe -Seee.—A few C:iret Workers and Di il•ers. Cheap for cash or good notes. SCOTT BRDS., Seaforth. 716 SAFES FOR Sas' u.—Two good Tstylor Safes. Will be sold for half the caigine.1 prise. SCOTT BROS Seaforth. 716 4) SUGARS ARE Dome—The best ealue in Teas and Sugars are to be had at the Central G rocery. LArDLAw & FALRLEY: 716 WILSON ds YOUNG are still givingl the best bargains in Tea and Sugar'and will not be undersold by anyone. The highest price piiid in cash or trade for Butter and Eggs. 715 ; Retrovere—Mu. R. WILLIS has, rel moved to his new store in Cads 'd Block, where he will be pleased to r e Ell his old Customers and as many new ones as require Cheap Boote and Shoes. 716. THE Great rash for Crockery and. .Glaseware is at the Central Grocery. Come and be coLvinced that vie hold thelargest stock, and are selling goods cheaper than any house Seafoi th LALDLAW & l'ArRLEY. 716 SELL TE EQUAL to Some of the 0 Hatpins° th.ey ha I AND DO THE CALL AND A LARteE CON for 50e, lier Tea Houses at 60e rent to pay, OWN WORK. INSPECT. CROCKERY& Just eceived NMENT OF LASSWARE n openedout. THE ARE ST 5 Pound.. of TEA OV I ((IN AN EARI SO AS WHICI L SELLING for $1, and 13 ar for $1. SY CALL I *0 AVOID T WE As we wila to ehow °Or OUR IM NSE S .AU.LT REQUESTED, E GREAT RUSH FE' DAILY, customers through OCK of GOODS. .McCLEAN. 1 IN R TURN FOR A £5 NOTE A KEY CTION LEVER WATCH, SOUND, Key Act Fiv PPIE P FREE TRONG AND1 ACCURATE, WITH on', Air Tlight, Dust Tight nd Dam Tight. Poukids; Net. RCENT DISCOUNT TO TEETOT ERS. ND SAFE BY POST. . L. P PST, UCCES OR TO DU CAN &DUNCAN. Tm cLD AND FAITORITE STAND, EAFORTH, ONTARIO. • OLD AND SI4TER PLATING Done Neatly, and Sati faction Guaranteed. I . FULL LINE Cleo -s and J'ewelri I ILYIER ell A.ssoeted and. L P of ; the Bi OF WATCHES always oit hand. AZAAR )heap for CASH P S Clock, Seaforth NE SR EN W NTE. lunched Imen wanted to c0 cordwood, logs and rails. TIMBER FOR SALE. Building timber 0nIthe stumps or squared. Rail ; timber and rails for sale. JOBS TO LET, Several jobs of ditching and clearing to let. Apply at once to W. C. GOIIINLOCK,Seaforth. TOWNSHIP of Huron, Co. Bruce, August 301h, 1681. R. J. DOYLE, Esq., Dear Sir and Brother: You will please convey to the Directors of the Dominion Grange Mutual Fire Insurance Association my thanks for your prompt and honor- able settlement of roy claim on your eompany for the loss of my barns stables, and -ordinary contents by lightning, on the 6th inst. -The amount, 6822.65, of the loss having been paid ln cash this dsy ; instead of by slow note, s is usual with many so called insurance con:Tonle who require time to collect the amount of ass snt froth members. The full value of the chattel jpropert as claimed by me has been promptly paid Iwithout any dispute or reduction or abatement, jvhich insurers have often to complain of. I trust your empathy will: secure the patronage it merits at the hands of the farmers of Ontario. Signed, HI/CrH ANDER- SON. .' 719x3 GI4AND GENERAL OPENING OF ALL MY' ID EJ 1:::..A.TR/TIVIMI•TrTS _os_ • FRIOAY AND SATITDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 AND 24 ShotOng one of ' the choicest, and best assorted Stocks in the Dominion to -day, amounting to over FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLAR -S Ina'orting my Goods EX ERT SPECIAL. BUYERS DIRECT 'in large quantities, and. buying by Burp ssed in cheapness, variety and.extent. ITIo sthhoowse avhStoo chkavtela ins e s.reears ot rna al le al 1- _ 'with nee, I cordially invite inspection of my Stock, and for their benefit I will mention the lines I deal in. Gene al Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Millinery, Ikantles, 'Mantle Cloths, Shaw- ls, Fttrs, Wool Goods, Flannels, Beadymade Tweeds, Gents' Furnishings, Boots anh,d S-oes,-Car - • pets, Blankets, Crockery, Grocerzes, Wines and Liquor.. E DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. present Stock is LARGER and MORE VARIED than any I have before offer ad, abounding in novelties, comprising Colored Serges, Black an•1 Colored C sh la eres, Colored French Twills,, Wool Beigee, Black and Colored. Lustres, BlIac and Colored French Foyle Cloths, Persian Cieeds, Costume Tweeds, Checks, Plei and. Stripes, Plain and Fancy Winceys Lovely things in Girdles, Fin 'es, Buttons, Laces, Silks, Satine, Velvets aid Ribbons for Trimmings IIL PTA IN AND OMBRE SHADES. '1 1 HE.MILLINERY DEARTMENT. than MI FO are g Silks Cline 1 Millinery and Mantle Rooms i11 be thrown open with a, grander dieplay ever, which pays much, as it is well known 1 HAVE DONE THE LINERY AND MANTLE TRA DE OF SEAFORTH THE LAST SEASONS. Our Trimmed Bonnets and Hats ms of art, and we hold the 1 argest stock of millinery materials. Our Satins, Velvets, Plushes, with all the new styles of 'Gold, Silver and Steel ents, aterhnrivalled. 111 FEATHERS AND FLOWERS. ' ri4e Choicest Goods that can bec' procured the world over. White Flats., our tJSUAL VALUE • Black Fleets, EXTRA VALUE ; Onabre Batts, lovely shad s. Our display olBlack, White, Ombre, Colored. an )Fancy Tips are un- equ Iled for value and styles. In Ri bons we ar showing a Alio newest makes and ombinations in shades and in terials. 0 ,r stock of Fancy Scarfs an Fisc us com.prise all the novelties in Chenille, Tinsel and Ombre. LADIES' MANTLE AND SHAW DEPARTMENT. In this D epartraent -we have excelled, if 'possible, all former seasons. More time, more talent and more effort have been put forth to secure the leading noye ties at the very lowest figures, commencing from fl. to $381 SPECTATa- TIE .—B lack Beaver Mantles, Blaek Beaver Dolmans, Fawn and Hat Cloth Man les, Russian Dog Mantles. Thee are direct importations from France, England. and Germany. These Goods only require to be seen to be appreciated.. On account of ray stock being so large, purchaseis can rely on securing a fit at any price. See my Mantle Ornaments. I have a stock not shewn west of cTaerarooto. Hair, SHAWLS—Checked, Striped, Plain, Honeycomb, Tertans, . Chenille, Scotch all -wool Longs, and Greys and Tartans. WOOL GOODS.—A beautiful lot of Wool Goods; all new and well -selected, ie all, the leading novelties. FUR DEPARTMENT Of Fur Goods I hold an unusually large and choice stock, embraeing the meet stylieh productions of alr the leading manufacturers. CARPET AND BLANKET DEPARTMENT. Tl ose requiring Carpets would do well to inspect my stock beferepurchaeing. Spec' al Value in Tapestry all 'wools and lIenaps. See my stair earpets, linens and tnumb cloths. BLANKETS.—See my Bed Blankets, see my horse Blankets, see as y Comforters, and be convinced. that I have the best value in the market. READY-MADE CLOTHING. In this Department, always receiving my goods direct from manufacturers and electing them early in the season, I am now better prepared than ever to offer -value unequalled elsewhere. My stock comprises Men's, Youths' and Boy' Overcoats end Meters. Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits at all prices and sizes My Men's Suits far surpass all others in the market for quality, price and tyle. See my Scotch Tweed. Snits cut in the latest styles, the very eobbiest good, . Canada Tweed:Suits all patterns and prices. Worsted Suits—a large and aried stock in Diagonals and Checks, the best value I have ever offered. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. T is Departnaeut has received my special attention. ,My clothing trade hav- ing I creased to such an enormous extent, I found it necessary to also make big addi ions to my usual fall buying in Furnishing Goods. Full lines in White, Reg tta, Oxford and Flannel Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Scarfs, Ties, Braces, Socks, Glov s, &c., all thelatest importations of the English and Americana markets. MEN'S WOOL UNDERCLOTHING. t opened 105 dozen Undershirts' and Drawers in Canadian and Scotch, WoolE and Union, frorn 45c to $2. All Scotc Good Th is sty Yout and HATS AND CAPS. - the latest novelties in Christy Stiffs, Wool and Fur ,Felts, -Silk Caps, Caps, Flu. Caps, and ever ing new in this departmen. My Fur should have your attention. Call and compare prices, BOOTS AND SHOES. is Depaxtmeet, like all others in the House, is packed. with everything that lieh, reliable and that tends to increase' the comfort of the wearer. Men's, s' and Boye' Long Boots and Shoes in endless variety. Ladies', Misses' 'hildren's Shoes in every mateeial at all prices. Don't fail to see these goods before purchasing. Aliother Departments, as usual, fully assorted. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FIRST-CLASS TRADE, AND DON'T FOR- GET MY FIVE PER CENT. DISCOUNT 'FOR CASH. 1 INSPECTION INVITED WHETHER 'PURGCHOODASINSC 011 NOT NO ROU NO SNOW . I THOMAS KIDD, :Se‘forth, Corner of Main and Market Streets. a. •L'a - tee