HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-09-09, Page 7HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT' 91 ISSi vVILLE with, enters. °Veteade eeettablici,- ato our 1,, careful luxe jiterwletit eat, .3herefore, Dre. 'Larg LYiei&- rtess and (les, riale as last 8 Paici. re'tr It sound, ripe* EAMSHIRS ONDERRy row - R 0 olerage, Tiaketa at engem are booked. at .iietertstown, Derry Ranee ratea aa QUEBE ° ''' ' 9tIVULY !. - 16th jUist s • • - • •23rel Ram 80th JULY * • • • 6th AUG. '' ' .18th Alles, AUG. ;•• • • -27th AUG. Srd SEPT , .10th SEPT -17tia agrp .... .24t1 SEPT ; , let OCT 8th OCT 15th oar Quebec with the re Toronto every jaengerg O'An also Ozt Friclaye, ;"r! at Wrxrauski, • Qaabec to Rt. err information, it, gentoruk. ffil ATI ;ERSON, rer oa the Hye College, Tonna- ,ye ea I 4 sr fa- '. Anaisz t) the att.) d, Iva at- LiGa treat ani .4as TORONTO. the RATFORD) this- Ina 703 VERY ORTH, Stabliaaed Liv- ost atyliab rip - bulineaa. cane C 3a1- horses- alwaya tor one or two tended se. aold. opposite 0, 0 Seaforth. rft FORBES. ESTE RN TORE, and in van, k S 41 feed- next earlier than- 7RISOS: MONS. VWAY t'eaire on 7T1-11 tatiWeetern Freight at nply V, Centralia, ;ant. Exeter. ' T 1`Er.Hlt- said 'Option. 'fermi tare by mail )IER t,purpose of its now t favorable .1Eisk„Yelae - 1GV. the people 'hosed the Haddon, *ft gliap, lain and All wOrie reiaOras Kaanaced• datttyr 6d. Dnizot. SPYTEMBER 01 1E181. Varieties. A mass of rock has fallen into the bed of the river jahel, Switzerland, and converted the valley into a lake. -The zecent earthquake in Asia Minor and on the island of hio is said to have been more severe than even theterribly destructive one 1 st April -The Bank of Conanaer e open an agency in Ayr in a few days under the management of Jno. Wylie, ho is fit- ting up an oce in his brick building. • -Bush tires are doing c nsiderable damage in Lapeer county, Michigan. Several have sustained seri Us, losses. yx. Addison Young, who r sides near Burnside, lost his barn and. 11 its con- ! tents. ___nr.11, B. Smith, sou of the Hon.. wyn. Smith, Deputy Minist r of Ma- rina and Fisheries, died f typhoid fever at Ottawa ,on Sand y of last week. --Toronto has a 'dairy ompany- 1100,000 capital -organized y leading citizens to make sure of go ting pure country milk. I. Irishmen, has arrived at Montreal to make himself acquainted with the ag- ricultural resources of Canada. He hail already sent numbers across the Atlan- tic from the. old sod to the United States. There am good grounds for be- lieving that in -future he will send his people to Canada. - • -All the country around Philipvilie, Algeria, an extensive square, is in •Lt vast conflagration. Stora, the port of Philipville, is destroyed. The forest cork trees are ablaze, and the flames ,are fanned by a violent sciocco, carrY- ing all before them. It is feared the • fire originated with the Arabs. 1 -The steamer Quebec, of the SarOas, line, arrived down at Southampton. on Monday morning of last week from Lake Superior with 5,300 barrels Of flour and a full passenger list. The _captain reports snaoky weather on Lakes .8uperior and Huron, caused by fires on Manitoulin and Cockburn Islands. Rana is much needed in those places. to put out the fires, as theyare causing muc damage. -An intelligent hair matt •ess-inaker ---The bicycle factory at Hartfor has discovered that prairie • rass is 41, • capital substitute for hair and has commenced operations at W nuipeg. • -The omnibus conveying passengers from the Wabash. Railway to Lexington was entered the other evenin by four beevily armed masked men, ho robbed the passengers and, escaped. A posse are pursuing the robbers.. special service of prayer for the • in several °gland re- ovinces of recovery of Garfield was hel Nonconformist churches in candy. Throughout the p Great Britain prayers for hip recovety were offered. The heat in Athens during the last ten days of A -wrest has been excessive. A hot wind; has con4inued day and • -As the Czar and Czarina dro : through Moscow recently, one • of t eight, as if blowing from the Libyan thousands of caps which were thro Desert. Deaths fromtyPhoid fever occur at the rate of ten a day-. into the air fell into the Czarina's ca .!--The farmers of Middlesex county, nage. The beautiful Dagnaar smile fear a famine if ramn. does not soon fall. •and picked it up, and a sailor proteste Cattle have to be driven several miles that the town should buy the cap. " t ler water, and there is a fear expressed had been touched by the Gasudarina ; that the drought will cause a failure of and who was good enou.gh to -ear it after that?" Aye, who, indeed ?. the turnip crop, and so produce a scar- ' city of fodder next winter. -A family at Milwaukee were de- -The annual corn and seed fair has 1.1ighted on hearing that an uncle, whole': (they had last known ten years before es opened at Vieane. The Committee's report estiniates the Austrian surplus a penniless dependent, had left a foe - Connecticut, is called the largest in t world. It can turn out 1,200 machines per month. One of its styles is called the Columbia Bicycle, which has been exported to Turkey, Russia, India, Brazil, Mexico and the West Indiete The Albert A. Pope Manufacturing Company is the name 'of the proprie- tory. -Mr. W. H. M. Christie, the tnew al- tronoraer royal of England, tliongh yet quite young, is very well known as t14e chief and confidential assistant of Sir George Airy since the autumn of 1870, but more popularly as the able editdr of an astronomical periodical found d in 1877 and called the Observatory. of half a million at his death in for•export at 1,500,000 quintals of : •tune • Nevada, but when they received a wheat, 2,000,000 quintals of rye, 2,000, - copy of his will, they found nothing in 000 quintals of baeleye and 750,000 quintals of oats. it for therm except a reminder that they -Chief McKinnon, of Belleville, in had turned him away hungry from ee their door. an exhibition of haromer throwing • -Mark Rensom Walker, of Newark, Montieel on Saturday of last week, • beat all previous recordin AmericaNew Jersey, is the oldest living native s . feet 3 He threw the heavy hammer • American horse jockey and trainer. He 98 18 82 years old. He was born in Dove, baches, and the light hammer 121 feet lb inches. • near Boston;.and rode running h.orses • -Some young scoundrels took the .in races over seventy years ago. His trakcs off three cars on tbe .siding at father, who was a famoushorse trainer, taught him to ride as soon as he could A3r on Satiirda.y evening of last week, and ran them down and over the switch sit in a saddle. • on the main line. lithe station -master -While Mr. William F. Luton, the owner of a valuable farm near Maple - had not noticed them a serious accident i bt have oecurred• ton, East Elgin, wasat market with I a : load of wheat, a fire that was burning -Adam Sickles was ploughing in the • in a piece of slashing, ran through the field at Oneida, the other day, and left grass and en a few moments reached the team standing in the field while he the fence. • Before it could be stopped a went for his supper. The horses went home after a • while with a run, the ?nil° of first-class oak fence was in ashes. Mr. Luton's loss will be about plough struck a large tree on the way 5300. He proposes now to put up home, and smashed up. The harness, which was newwas also broken up. barbed wire fences in place of the ones , -A cry of "Hot wheat" in Chicago burned -Any number of extra freight trains - the other day caused a settee, and the are noweemning on the Canada Pacific elevators were exa.mined. Tho wheat eye4 inspector says he has never seen the realwMany of them are loaded elevators in better condition, although with square timber. In addition to the ordinary tra,ffic of the line a large quan- there is undoubtedly cause for anxiety. tity of steel rails have been taken over 3,800,000 bushels are in store and were examined. the line from Brockville to replace iron -The review of the Scotch volunteers rails, where they are now laid. The line took place at Edinburgh a -few days. will soon be in first-class condition, and ee people with more sitting room _for' paseengers, ago. Irumense throngs crowded the hill ops and prominent and a reduction in rates, will leave but t points. The heavy rains of the pee_i little to desire on the part of the public. n TiOUS night somewhat interfered with • . Saturd the movements. The Queen was ea_ when ay evening of last week en MrO'Neil's men were leaving luted and entertained at Holyrood the Paris flouring mill they neglected Castle. to close the slide in the spout that car- -Gl is-na,me of a on secttown_ on• the ries the wheat to the ,stones. After veyed asgow the hoppers filled the wheat ran site that is beiug suri 15, township 5, range,: 13 west. It is , ola!‘r in the tail race and down the. river until discovered on owned.y y t f which Thos• Greenway, M. P. P. for ountain and Sunday, after about four or five • M - proprietor of Crystal City, is a member. hundred bushel had run away. When Mr. O'Nthl discovered the leakage he -The abominable and brutal sport of dog -fighting has been revived in some employed stx or eight men, alSolwo or three teams, to gather up what they - puts of Ontario. A fight between To - could. The loss is estimated at about ronto and London doas took place at Toronto on Saturday night of last week. $500. -Near the River Dee, on the borders The latter doa, the hero of fifty battles, f Ballochbine Forest, in Seotlend, easily clemolisthed the former. "It has O since died. Queen Victoria has recently had built a -Mr. E. Hooper, .M. P. of Lennox, chalet with large verandahs and three sitting rooms, two for herself, and one recently purchased 480 acres of choice for the suite, besides the necessary land about thirteen miles north-west of Emerson, and proposes to make Mani- sleeping apartments. No carpets are toba. his homeMrHooper, with on the floor, India matting, of which . . the Queen is very fond, being used in step son, is now on the place, and in - their stead. A bridge has been thrown tends bringin-g his wife and family up next spring. aeross the river from the .chalet., The -.alder the Great North-Western site of this new building was selected amalgamation telegraph rates ou the by the Queen herself, and a local trades - wires of both the old companiee have man was employed to do the work. been raised to twenty-five cents for ten words between stations more than twelve miles apart. The night rate is nevv twenty-five cents for twenty- five words-. The transfei of the Do- minion lines to the Great North-West- ern Company is now complete. -A. couple of farmers named Koyl and Burton, who are sending milk to the Avon cheese factory in West Mid- dlesex, have been found guilty of water- ing their milk. Both were compelled to lose the first part of their August cheque besides a fine of $8. Burton's milk was found to contain 35 per cent of water. -Dr. White, of Toroiato, G. E. Shaw, Toronto Collegiate Institute, and Geo. Wallace, head master of Weston High Schocd, have each bought a • pretty island just beyond -.Alinniekaiguoshene, in the Muskoka channel, Georgian Bay. They will ' probably erect cottages on them, and spend their summer holidays there. • -Hugh Finlayson, jr., has entered a suit aoainat the Town Councillors of Paris to prevent their building a fire eirgiue house. He maintains that they have not goue legally about it. It is the eld story of the upper town against the lower town. . Not BO much the building as the location. ' -Teresa jlarndeli, eleven years old, died. in New' York a feW days ago of erysipelas of the face and head, follow- ing the piercing of her ears with a large needle for ea4rings. Her mother, who is a recently rivecl German, was tracted with rid when she learned what had probably excited the attack of erysipelas. --The Rev. Father Nugent, of Liver - 1)001. England, who stands alone among the Reiman Catholic priesthood in the • -United Kingdom by boldly recommend- ing emigration as a- decided benefit to -Albert-Victor and George, the sons of the Prince of Wales, have just sent home to their mother a curious present from South Africa. T1is is a Cape cart, which they ordered constracted at their own expense, so great a fancy did they take to these queer vehicles. Prohably the gentle Princess will not adneire the cart_quite as much as do her boys. The gift which they sent to their father is as interesting -a collec- tion of the tails of -fifteen kangaroos, which they shot during a kangaroo hunt in South Australia. -The marriage of His Royal High- ness, the Abyssinian Crown Prince and the eldest daughter of King Mene- lik of Schoa will take place in a day or two at Adua, the capital of Abyssiniael She will be met at the frontier by the bridegroom, escorted by 1,500 mail -clad. warriors. Invitations have. been sent out by King Johanner to 1,2,000 note - Nes, and the feasting will be kept up for a week. The Abutia or Archbishop of Gondar will officiate at the ceremony, after which the royal heralds will pro- claim an amnesty. The bride's trous- seau is ,maguificent, comprising every possible European teilet luxury and two ornamental pearl neeklaoes of immense value. -Dr. Malcolm Mae -Vicar, now prin- cipal of the Normal Sctool at Ypsilanti, Michigan, and brother hE Dr. MacVicar, of Montreal,h as received and accepted an offer of the professorship of Apologetics and of New Testament Exegesio, at the Baptist College at Toronto, known as McMaster Hall. The Ypsilanti paper says: The report of his resignation struck a chill of sadness into the heart of .this community. It came like light - Dina from a clear sky, and e thunder blasbt our citizens would have rejoiced to have esca-ped from. Dr., ,MacTicar has his degree of LL.D. from`Rocheeter , 1 trnivbraity. He has been Principal successively of the Normal Schools at Brookport and Pottsdam,, New York, an d ypOilanti, and is the author of sev- eralooks. - -he Courier's London correepon4- ent s ys : A new vocal star has appear- ed in an unexpected quarter: Her Royall Highness the Princess Maud, youngest daughter of the Prince and • Princess of Wales, has, it appears,shown promise of the most extraordinary vo- cal power. She is only twelve years of age, but she is said already to be abae to execute the imost difficult solos in a manner to surprise her royal parents and sisters, and everybody else. IR- 'deed,ilniusic his become with ner 'great ia passion that her parents, in de- ferenCe to both medical and musical advisers, have had to place a temporary interdict upon!her devotion to her fa- vorite study. Of course I would haVe you remember that what appears little in an ordinary person is something wonderful when seen in a prince or princes • THE HURON EXPOSITOR. Epbs's Cocoa'. Gr teful and Comforting. -"By % thoro gh knowledge of the natural 1 oes whi4 govern the operations of diges- tion:en 1 nutrition, and by a careful ap- 1 plica ion of the fine properties of well selec ed. cocoa, Mr. Epps bee provided • eur breakfast tables • with "a delicattily flavor& beverege, which may save us many heavy ddctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a corstitution may be gradually built up until strong euough to iesist every tendeney to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies ,are floating around us ready 1 to • attack wherever there is a Weak pint. We may escape many a fatal abaft by keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame." -Civil Ser- vice tlazette. Sold only in packets lebelled-"James Epps & Co., 1tomceo- pathic •Chenaists, London, Eng." -Also makers ,f Epps's Chocolate Essence for afternoon use. 482-52 , Mothers! Mothers! Mothers 1 • Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a side child suff- ering and crying with the excruciating pain pf cutting teeth? If so, go at once nd get afbottle of 'Mrs. Winslove's Soothing Syrup. It will relieve • the poor !little safferer immediately -de- pend upon •it:; there is no mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth wile has ever used it, whoewill not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child, oper- ating like magic. It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to t e taste, and is the prescription of one 1Of the oldest and best female physicians and rurses in the United States. Sold eve here at 25 cents- a bottle. 692-52. . R st and Comfort to the Suffering. Br wn's Household Panacea has no equa for relieving pain, both interral anti exteenal. ; It cures pain inthe side, back, or bowels, sore throat, rheumae tiara, toothache, lumbago and any kiwi of pain or aehe. It will most surely - quicken the blood and heal, as its a4- ing power !is wonderful. • Browe's - Household Panacea, being acknow- ledged as the great pain reliever, and of deuble the strength of ' any other elixir or linineent in the world, should inievery family handy for use whi3n wanted, as it really is the best remedy in the world fer cramps in the stomach, • and pins and aches of all kinds, and is for s bottl le by aal druggists at 25 cents a . 692-52 1 ulsion of Cod Liver Oil! Po1i roortem examinations have, in some instances, led to the discovery of the e ars of Completely healed abscesses or sor s upon tho lung. This of itself • show a that the lung tissue when disees- • ed is susceptible of restoration to I a , souncI and healty condition. Persons a ic d with lung disease may reason- ably iope to recover health by the nee of well chosen remedies. Foremost among these is Northrop & Lymari's Emuljsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hyp0-. phos ites of Lime and Soda, a thdr- speci a, broa- i oeghlir tested and highly accreditedc for coughs, colds, asthm chitis, spitting of blood, and other affec- tions IA the throat, chest and lungs. Pulmonary irritation is promptly ar- resteby the Cod Liver Oil, aifid the 4) Hypo hosphites, which are among the fipes1renovants used by physicians, re- vive the flagging energies of the debili- tated tiystena. 710.a • • Holloway's Pills. Ne vousness and want of eaergy., Wher first the nerves feel unstrung,apd listle sness supplants energy, the time has Genie to take some such alterative as Holloway's Pills to restrain. Ja disor- der frpm developing itself iuto a.i disease. These excellent Pills correct all irregu- larities and weaknesses. They act so kindl, yet so energetically on the fune- tions (if digestion and _assimilation, th t the Waole body is revived, the blo d rendeeed richer and purer, while t e muscles become firmer and atronger, and t nervous and absorbentisyste s are in igorated. These Pills are suit- able f' r all classes and all 1340. They have mole -marvellous effect on per- sons *ho are out • of condition; thy soon r4ectify whatever is in fault, restore strength to the body and confidence to the mind. 712.52 • Whooping Cough Frena P. Guitte, formerly proprietor Of thelCourier de St. Hyacinth Cana- da. 'iiSeveral months since m ter, Uri years of age, was tak whooping cough in e very ag form, iand uothing we could do seemed in any way to relieve her sufferings. We aeelength decided to try a hottleiof Dr. Witar's Balsam of Wild she had eatly m- ays wkts I have dough - n with ravated for her r • Cheri*, LIn three hours after comMenced using it, she was g and in less than three entirely cured, and is now well Educe reconareended the Balsam of mY• neighbors, who have use in no',Liase have I known it to •effecting a speedy cure." 50 c 51 a:bottle. Sold by dealers g !I True to Her Tru_s to ma d it, a fail nts a nerall To4 much cannot be said of he ev faithful wife and mother, c nstan watc ing and coxing for her d never negleeting a single duty behal . When they are assail ease, and the system should thorotigh cleansing, the stom ay a of r- ly ar ones, in their d by (*- have a oh Mid bowels regulated, blood purified, ma- larial poison exterminated, she must know that Electric Bitters are the only BUM remedy. They are the best and purest medicine in the world, and only coat fifty cents. Sold by E. Hickson k Co. 714.52d . 1 The Foundations of Universal Confidence. FAILURES nicxxowii. There are discoveries and inventions which never reach beyond -a certain locality -there are others which per- vade the world. To the latter class be- lo_ng the world -accepted remedies of Professor Holloway. In these colonies universal and implicit confidence is placed in them. Nearly every vessol that arrives from Liverpool or London brings a shipment of Holloway's Pills and Ointment, and yet the demand from the interior is so large and incea- sant that the stock is generally short in our seaboard cities. Large quantities are purchased and Ben trout for the express purpose of being peddled through the - mining districts, and enormous profits are, realized in this way.. The digger who does not desire to be victimized by the travelling extortionists who speculate in these safeguards of human lifeeshould provide himself with an ample supply from the accredited agents of Professor Holloway before starting for the interior. It is not, of course, the wish of the distinguished inventor, thathis raedicines should. be made a. medium for extortion, and he would' willingly waive the compliment paid to their efficacy in the exaction of exorbit- ant prices. His object is to place them within the reaoh of every human being, and noeto have their diffusion limited by the cupidity of speculators. But after making a sale at regular rates he can not control the prices at which the remedies shall be sold in a colonial market. They are known to be the most profitable venture which can be • shipped for Australasia, a,nd hence he is • continually receiving orders of from £1,000, I upwards with a view to specu- lotion in Australia, and Van Dieman's Land. Scorbutic complaints and. eruptions are anaong the most common diseases at the diggings. Salt food and the lack of vegetable diet are the prolific sources of scurvy and all the affections of the skin, the fleshy fibre and the glands in - abided under the general head. of scar- leetic disorders. Here, then, is a wide field for the operation of Professor Hol- loway's world renowned remedies, If there is one class of maladies in which they have achieved greater triumphs than another, it is this. The superficial eVidences of disease are removed by the Ointment, while the gentle aperient and dieinfecting operation of the Pills sum- marily relieve S the system and the cir- culation from every acrid and poison- ous element calculated to feed the dis- order. Thus these two potent reme- dies strike at once at the source and the symptoms of the complaint and anni- hilate them. This is not suppression or amelioration, but • expulsion. It is the thoroughness, as well as certainty, with which Holloway's medicines do their work, which stamps them as the ()ply safe and infallible curatives now before the world. -The Australian Re- corder. • Vegetable D• iscovery. Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable Dis- covery is not a vile raiiture of liquor and worthless herbs, to be taken as a beverage by the wine glassful; neither is it a pretended discovery of some won- derful herb growing in a distant land; but it is a medicine prepared from •a concentrated extract of the finest medi- cinal herbs, to be taken in small doses, which a,ct with magical effect upon the whole system. • R. A. Harrison, , chemist and drug- gist, Dunnville, Ont., writes : "I • can with. confidence reconanaend your Vege- table Discovery and Dyspeptic cure for dyspepsia, impure blood, pimples on the face, biliousness, and • constipation; such cases having come under my per-- sonal observation." 715-4 • A General Stampede. Never was such a rush made for any dregstore as is now at E. Hickson & Co.'s for a trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption,Coughs and Colds. All persous afflicted with Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Se- vere -Coughs, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs, Call get a trial bottle of this great remedy free, by calling at the above drug store. 714.52.4 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The best sale in the world for Cuts, Brnises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheumy Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Shin Erup- tions, and positively cures Piles. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction cr inoney refanded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by .E., Hickson & Com - pate,. 714-52 Eclectric Oil. • Joseph Rusan, Percy, writes -"I was induced to try Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil for a lameness which troubled me for three or four years, and I found it the best article I ever tried. It has been a great blessing to me." 691-52 Eclectric Oil. • qt is a Great Public Benefit." - These significant wOrds were used in relation to Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil by 'la gentleman who had th,oroughly tes ed its merits in his own - case--hav- in I been cured by it of lameness of the knee of three or four years' standing. It never fails to rename) soreness as well as lameness. 691-52 Teafeerry. .'Must say it's the nicest thing I ever used for the teeth and breath," says every one having tried "Teaberry;" the new toilet gem. Get a 5 cent sample. 679.52 Tel E GREAT FEMALE REMEDY. -Job Moses Periodical Pill -This invaluable medicine is unfailing in the cure of all those painful and dangerous eiseates to which the female constitu- tion is subject. It moderates all excess and re!, moves allobstructions, and a speedy cure may be relied on. To married ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will, in a short time, bring on the montlisy period with regularity. These pills should, not be taken by females during the first three naonths of Pregraecy, as they are sure to bring on Miscarriage, but at any other time they are safe. • In all cases Of Nervous and Spinal Af- fections, Pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight exertion, palpitation of the heart, hys- terics and whitss, these pills will effect a cure when all other means have failed; and, although a powerful remedy, do rot contain iron, calomel, antimony or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully preserved. Job Moses, New York, Sole Proprietor. $1 and , 12i cents for postage enclosed to Northrop & 1 Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general agents fcr the Dominion -will insure a bottle containing over 50 pills by retnrn mail. Sold in Seaforth by E. Hickeon & Co., J. S. Roberts and Lumsden & Wilson. 644-52 • 4136TIONERS. .T P. BRINE,11Licenced Auctioneer for the 1 • County of nron. Sales attended in all parts of the County. All orders leftat the7l5. POSITOR Office wiil be promptlyattended to. CR. COOPER, Brussels, County Auctioneer. • Sales of a/ descriptions promptly at- tended in any pat of the county on reasonable terns. Orders left at the office of the linnoli EXPOSITOR, or addressed to Brussels, will receive prompt attention. A LEXANDERDELGETTY, Licensed Auction - 4 -1. eer,MoKillop. Special attention given to sales of Landed, Property, Farm Stook and Implements. • Alt orders left with the under- signed at Walton P. O., or Lot 14, con- cession 14, will be promptly attended to. Sale bills, notes and Stamps furniebed if required. ALEX. DELGETTY, Walton. 639 TO LET -Six ro ms over A. G. Ault's Grocery Store, &aim th. Suitable for dress makers o r private dwelling, with front and rear entrance. Apply toffs.. G. AULT, Proprietor., 693 TWO HOUSES ITO RENT -To Rent, a corn- fortablo dwelling house adjoining the Old Temperance Hall in the nicest part of the town; also the house adjoining the Dominion Curling and Skating Rink '• possession at once; rent rea- sonable. Apply tOL. MURPHY, Seaforth. 800 1 T011EH3U8E TO RENT. -To rent a good "J grain storehouse on the south side of the ailwe y track in eeafortb, with two sets of scales, t ruck s and jiggere all complete; possession given • immediat ely. Apply to Scott'Brothers, Seaforth. or to the propiietor, ROBERT SCOTT, Rox- boro. 677 STORE TO RENT -To rent a large and cran- k-) modions stoi e in Whitney's block, Main ti eet, Seaforth, in the best busineespart of the town. The dere is 60 feet long with a store ob ro 80 feet in iength in the rear. Rent reason- able and poesession glen on 5th January, 1881. Apply to WHITNEY BhOTHERS. 679 MEDICAL. T F. O'SF EA, M. D. C M., and M. C. P. and S., On f. Gratin ate ef Queen's Univeraity, King- tten. Itysicien, Suigeon and Acconehenr. Office and iesithnce Dublin, Ont. I.A11 ()alba night and day pramptly attended to. 71518 G. SCOTT, M. D. &a, Physician,Stirgeon and • • Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and rest - d epee south side of Goderich Street, second door east of Presbyterian Church. 342 TT L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M.. Physician, Sur- -11-1" geon, etc.,Canonm for the Countyof Huron - Office and Residence, on Jarvis street north, directly opposite Seaforth Public School. WM. HANOVER, M. D., C. M., Graduate of McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Seaforth,Ont. Office and Residence, N orth side Gs derich Strect, firat Brick House east of the Methodiat Church. 496 'FIR. HUTCHINSON, Giaduate McGill Col- -as' lege, Montreal, Licentiate of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians, Edinburgh, and late House Surgeon of Craiglockhart Hospital, Edinburgh. Office-Bluevale, Ont. 686-52 BUGGIN, L. D. S., Surgeon -1-Y-L, • Dentist, Graduate of the a• Royal Cc liege of Dental Surgeons, ' ('Innada. Successor to 11. Derby- shire. ( ft co -In the Whitney Block, Main S tr « , fce Cffice haurs-8 A. M. to 5 P.M. wA91.-( is, ar)!y Geld Medallist, and Col- -1J • pe .td Medalist of Royal College of Dolts.) tat COI Toi onto. Office in Meyers' Plc de, 4. ) J. 1 ta. 1 r lothers Hardware Store, Seaforth. 714 I _ LEGAL. 1 .0, A1.1.C.W & DEO-Cl/FOOT, Parristers, Solici- •‘fi tors, &c., GOerich, Ontario. -J, T. Garrow. Wm. Proudfoot. 1 I 686 1 etsA.MERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, ‘-1 Solicitors in! Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. M. C. Cameron, Qi. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. • 506 1 WILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Commis- sioner in B. p., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and Appraiser. Accounts and notes collected on reasonable termini, 866 W.C. MEYER, Bala later and Attorney at -1--A • Lira Sc in Chancery. Commissioner for taking affidauts in the Province of Manitoba. Solicitor for thejBank of Hamilton, Wingham. Private funds to loan at ei to 6i per cent. 633 TeENBOli & DIEER, Barristers and Attorney - '- 1-1 at Law, S oliciors in Chancery andInsolvency Conveyancere, N °tones Public, etc. Offices -Seas forthandBrueeele. $23,000 of Private Funds to 1 nvesta t once ,1/41. t Hight percent. Interest -payable yearly. Commitieioner for taking Affidavits for •I us e in the Courtsiof Manitoba. JAB. H. BENSON. U.W. 'O. DIEYER• The above firina las this day boen dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the ftim'to be paid to Mr. B neon who will pay all liabil- ities. 1 Nov. 27, 1876. 1 ;FAMES H. BENSON. IL W. C. MEYER. MCOALICII & HOLMESTED 1 1 LAW, CHAN0E/1Y, AND CONVEYANCING • OFFICE, Scott's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. QOLICITORS for the Consolidated Bank of Canada and the Canadian Bank of Commerce in Seaforth. Farm and Town. and Village Property bought and sold. ; Money (pnivate funda) loaned on mortgage se- c nrities, at reaaonable rates of interest. Chargea moderate. Money insjested, for private persons upon the best mortgage sectirities,without any expense to the lender. ' S. G. McCAUGILEY, M. A. F. HOLIIESTED REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. -p ARM LOIR SALE OR TO RENT -Being Lot -s- 12, Conceesiiin 6, Hullett, containing 100 acres, 65 ac es cleartd and the balance well ttim- bered with aluable timber; soil grid clay loam, °rolls rd, ho se and frame barr on the place; 11 miles from Kinbnin, 7i from Clinton, and 9 from Seaforth. For terms apply to THOMAS MILLS. Constance P. O., { or at his residence on the place. 1 715 -4 Alai TO BET. -To rent for a term of years -1: tct No, 26, iConcetsion 2. H. R. S., Tucker - smith. The lank contains 99 acres about 85 cleared, well fenced ard underdrair;d and in first-class eondition to work. There are good buildings and a bearing orchard, and plenty of water. Is within feur miles of Seaforth, and • about the same distance from Clinton. Imme- diate possession if desired. For further particu- lars apply to the proprietor on the prem.iaes, or to Clinton post office. THOMAS TOWNSEND., 713x04 1)Eivry FQB SALE. ... 2: For sale in the Rthrivin g villag e of Hensel), situ ated on Queen street, Lot S 76 and 77 Petty's survey. Erected theTreon is ft nice dwelling 22x28 feet, with good brick fcundation, built specially for the present i owner, also weod bed 14x18. Inside is a first - clap& well :c1 a at r, bricked up and good" primp. A quentitY ef pear, plena and reach trees, and other fruit.; Thi property will be sold cheap and on easy totes. y one paying cash will get a bargain. Title perfcct, no encumbrance. Inspec- tion invited. D. McGREG OR, Miller, Proprie- tor, HensaA, Ont. 718 RECORD, OF THE LYMAN BARB. I 4.• .aisNA&" - FIRST PRIZES AWARDED THE " LYMAN " 4 -BARB WIRE FENCING At Montreal, ( nebec,) Hamilton, (Ontario), Cincinnati. (Ohi ), Syracupe, (New York), and Daverport , (lowa , Exhibitions, for Excellence and fniperiority over all Competitorns The Cheapest and est Fencing in the World. Adopted and in. ure on 19 Railway Lines in the United States ard Canada. See that . onr trade mark, "Lyman Barb," is stencilled on each reel. Bny no oth,er. Send for prices and inn= hare to WM. ROBERTSON & Co., Ha ware Merchants, Seaferth, Sign of the Cireniall Saw, or to the DOYINTON BARB WIRE PENCE Co.,Montrsal. 692.-26 TILL AHEADS BRUSSELS LIME 'WORKS. and tha kil ter lic kiln TOWN & SONS. Subecribere take this opportunity of re- tnning thanks to the inhabitants of Brussels 'vicinity for past patronage, and beg to state having made eeveral improvements in their and mode of burning, they are now in a bet- Osition than ever before to -supply the pub- ith first•clet s Lime at 13 cents cash at the or 15 cents delivered. g his being the eeventh season of our busineas de /hies in Bivaeels, anal aving given unquali- fi ed satisfaction so lar, the public can rely on rec ling good tieatment and a first class artiele fro .. us. member the Spot-Brnssels Lime Works. 699 TOWN & SONS. SIN OF HE `.00 cp OELE r zOY 13 ULLDERS' HARD WARE AT HARD PAN PRICES, :0 AND TWO (2) BARB STEEL FENCE WIRE AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. API HIIL uu Lip 6-3 CIRCULAR SAW ELEPHANT, BRANDRAM'S &c., &cv READ AND LEARN -WILLIAM RUDD, FOR MANY Years of Egmondville,has rented tbe Waggon Shop belonging to Mr. Willie.= Grassie, on Market Street, Seaforth, and aril hereafter cari s, on the Waggon and Carriage Making B248i- 71888 in, all its Branches. He can guarantee,gocd work, and that none but the best of material will be used. R1i."AiflhjG A rt PE4'1IA V,and promptly attended to, and neatly and cheaply executed. VA it ERA' CAT ES -He will ale° keep on hand a Good Stock of Farmers' Gates. Ofore ): 'WM. RUDD. BROADFOOT & BOX, SEAFORTH, UNDERTAKERS, &O. ;FUNERALS ATTENDED ON THE SHORTEST .NOTICE. COFFINS AND SHROUDS SC]NV JS .l93S A.LWAYS ON Haeu. HEAR8E FOL. HIRE. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS THIS C'j cat Bona. head Vedicine ranke amongst the 1( a jag it(levariee of life. These fa- mous Pills inner the B (a. 0, and act most power- fully, ;:l.t 81 1.0 the Laver, Stomach, Kidneys or d B( sle, eaa!rg tene, energy and vigor io thee great n air.) ringsof life. They are connate Cy t core/nem ed as a rover failing rem eey ii aU c1.1;e2,'he- e constitution, from 'what e ei cense, has becorat impaired or weaken- ed. Ties sre wonderfully efficacious in all ail- naents incidental to Females of ell ages; and as &General Family Medicine, are unsurpassed. .y.-74111 • • nasIts searchir g and healing pronerties arelMOW11 •tin on ghout the world. 1 or the cure of bad legs, bad bieaats, old wounds, sores and ulcers it is an infallible remedy. If effectually rubied on MAthe ilea and chest,- as salt into meat, it ewes Sore Tin oat, tiphtberia,Brenthitis,Congbs,Oolds, and even A,szlitua. For Glandialar swellings, Ab - [11 ' scesses, PikssFistulas, Gout, Rheumatismomd every kind. of skin diaease, it has never been I known to The Pillr and Ointment are mann- factnred only at 588,0a:ford Street,Londoinandere r, Bold by all Vendors of Medicines throughout the Civilized. World; !with dnaseticns for 'ase iu el - most every language. 111?archasers should look to the label on the pots and boxes. If the ) address is not '683, Oxford Street, London, they > i are spnrions. 71252. ; London, Huron and Bruce,. i GOING NORTII- Express. Mail. Express- . A.M.P.M. P. M. ; London, depart...... 7 40 2 20 6 25 Centraiia 8 40 3 25 7 28 Exeter .'.........8 52 3 38 7 40 9 05 852 753 Kippen 11 8 67 7 59 Brucelleld 9 21 4 07 8 * Clinton.- . 9 39 4 23 8 25 Londesboro 9 58 4 41 13 45 ' _10 06 4 50 8 62 Balgrave 10 24 506 909 Wingham, arrive ...,10 45 6 25 9 25 ANCHOR LINE. -u ITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sall Every Saturday irom NEW YORK and GL SGOW (via Londonderry) and LONDON Dir act, T CHETS for Liverpool, Londonderry, Glee - no , and all parts of Europe. Fares as low as any other first-class line. P epaid Passage Certijflcatea issued to persons wis .1ns to bring out theirfriends. T he Passenger accom odation of Anchor Line Ste mers are unsurpaas d for elegance and (tom - fort. Apply to S. DI KSON, 593 • Az the Post Office, Seafortb J. PORTER SEAFORTH. I a i, dete mined o thear Out my I ntire ttockbf .*-1urniture regaird- I 88 of C08t. TH SE IN WANT, it will pay them to ascer. sin prices before purchasing elsewhere. I give large discount to those paying caph, es - peel Uy to newly Married couples. I AM selling six Ifighly finished chairs for $2. I also keep Knowlion's Spring Bed, the best and cheapest in the roarkct ; warrauted perf atly noiseless. W rerooms directly opposite M. P.. Counter's Mam oth Jewelry Store, Main Street, Seaforth, Ea6s2t Side. JOHN S. PORTER. GOING SOIJTII- Mails Express. Express 4.M. P. M P. M. Wingham, depart.,..7 00 2 67 6 20 134grave • ,718 Ft 05 638 Blyth 7 85 3 28 6 55 Londesboro..... a . 7 44 2 36 7 04 Clinton.. - 8 02 3 54 • 7 24 Bincefield..1 . . . . 8 20 4 07 7 48 Kippen . 8 30 4 15 7 69 Ilensall . 886 4 20 8 06 Exeter...................8 52 •4 82 8 25 Centralia._ ....„ 9 02 4 42 8 42 London, arrive... _ .10 05 5 35 10 10 - Great Western Railway.. I Milne leave Brussels etation, north madam:1th as under: i own° NORTH. • GOING SOUTR. Mixed ........9:45 A. M. Accoria,.......5:50 A.M. Accom..... _2:37 P.M. ,Aecom......12.16 P.M Accom ........9:15 P.M. Mixed ........8:00 p. x Grand \ Trunk Railway. Trainsleave Seaforth and Clinton Stationt as oilcan: GOING WEST- SEAFORT/C ' CLINTON.. Express. ..... .2:17 P. M. 2:40 P.M. Faprees 8.55 P. M. 9:15 P. M. Mixed Train......9:15 A. M. 10:00 A. M Mixed Train.......5:40 P.M. 6:15P.31 GOING hAST- SEAFORTEL CLINTON. Express ..........7:50 A M. 7:130 A. M. Express Train.....1:10 P. M. 12:45 P. IC Mixed Train... _4;45 P. M. . 4:15 P. M. Mixed Train. _10:50 A. M. 10:00 A. M, SL RE -OPENING OF SCHOOLS. A LA.RGE STOCK OF HIGH ASD PUBLI SCI -19014 • 330013KS, TES, INK, EXERCISE BOOKS, SCR Books (128 _Pages tor 5 Cents.) BBL1NG SC,FOOL BAGS from 15c to $1 each, and all other school requi ites at lowest possible prices. • C. W. PAPSTI SEAF RTH. Fa An IEOLD ESTABLISHED HOUSE TO T11M PR.,01\TT.. Orters, Come and See my Large Stock of Ghee Fac- tory Milk Gans, Milk Pails and DisAes Everything Belonging to the Cheese and Butte4 Business. IMPERIAL MEASURES CANNOT Bk BEAT For Correctness and Quality. All First -Class Goods, and Hold at Lowest Prices. 1 am not afraid a the Grangers in competition of Quality and Price. A General Stock of .Building Hafrelware Always on and. J01 -1N KIDD, Main Street Seaforth.