HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-09-09, Page 5881 d," mad a tori" celebratei sk the, gold 1 in eon, el Roseate& . waShip ,test for a The lawkalasea, orianseraw Sampson, ouse, Park ed and ex - P for two ;ed. arr. winner of '.21 votes. ostes wee - were ten realized nt says vea pre - of 1882. this part r, as th oat e put sh better fields of all parts a -sort t which -11whOS8 *ge artioular. The .betS011 to snout by which, Lie town- Efternoon ock arse resS than to the finished reviotts, it the Wfin ttle boy t inerne- sk. Gee. driven dna tbe diitched In time fire say aped at minutes !s. Mr., on e. Messrs. d8e, Lent in eat Mr. of Mr. at his means to his 'eaIed 'e than , which Kerr's war - on a ,Rouse oe was trial, rought Len he at the ;, and lots in. st, and again As idenoe si now ion for Hans arnal- spIen- ff the 20th. atices, iimale -learn Wm. O has cla of mvers the Jas. ret to - u Piing O on not d for enial ,ina, et Redd. by lente Unty s the and etlEn and ter - of lerk the ay Lid s on 3) for for Ina- LLC - on an, be ; f 1, Jas gie ec- =lot Ene red sp. • 118 he ie. Lid t - n. ay StPTE(BER 91 1881. triel4dtinhgabristron,a1178R. anthe kd o colleefor oresawaying opposite lots 21, 24 and 24; gee for putting a bent ha the bridge on concession 2, H. R. S., between lots 2-5 and 26. Tenders will be received up to lican on the 12th day of September, on which -day the Council will meet at psly'S Hotel, Egmondville, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m.,to let jobst and transact ordinary business. • e, Brueselsa PROPERTY SOLD. -j. E. Smith has old his houae and lot on Albert street, st present occupied by G. J. Garlick, to w,ea, McCracken on private terms. CLOW DOWN. --011 account of the dry weather the flax mill has been closed all week. There. being no rain the quantity thrashed and -spread is very great, and with rain would all be aeady to lift at once. ORICE.ET.-011 Saturday afternoon last a garnet of (wicket between the married and isegle men was played on the cricket grciand, resulting in favor of the single Dien by 16 runs. The score by innings was: lrlarried, 28 and 70; Single, 46 siad 68. In the single men the prin- cipal scorers were C. Vanstorie 17 and 11, Davies 1 and 15, Armstro'ng 5 and 7, Ross 3 and 7. For married, G. Coop- er7 and 5, A. Scott 17 and 0, Canap. bell 8 and 1, C. R. Cooper 0 and 21. Ilemrs -A good many citizen went to Toronto to see the regatta on Tues. atvy last. -On account of a large por- tion of the ties being burnt on the rail- way south of Henfryn Station, all trains after Tuesdaynoon were cancelled ma, Wednesday noon. - Vanstone Brothers neve put a grain buyer on the market et Ethel Station. -At the regular quarterly meeting of the Bras - gas Caledonia. Society held on Friday last, 20 new members were admitted. The games on Thursday next vsill be beia On the public aquare.-The Coun- cil here put on two night watchmen in Brussels during the dry weather to guard against fire. The Fire Company were also out for practice on Wednes- day evening.--Winghana and Brussels Lacrosse Clubs play at Brussels on Sat- urday next. -Arch. Scott attended the Caledonian games in Chicago last week and took several first and. second prizes. All the garnea were not com- peted for, and the reason why was that all the best prizes were being taken by Canadians. THE EcereSE.-On Monday aitornoon ou account of the great smoke that came from the west it became so dark that the lights in the places of business had to be lighted, and at four o'clock it was as dark as any night could be, and reraeined that way until actnal night. About 4 p. re. a light shower of rain fell, and with it ashes and duet, so that ever) thiug was covered with a strong lye. The little rain that was caught was quite unfit for use, while fences and dwellings all look in a bad state. The next morning the fish in the river were dead by the thousands. The water is very low at present, and all •the pools are filled with deed fish. MOVING AT LAsT.-The Councils of Morris and Gray have at last coneluded temake some repairs on the Gravel Road north and south of Brussels. These roads have been allowed by these townships to become completely de- stroyed for want of being attended to every year, and now it will take three times the amount of money to put them in a, passable condition that it would have done had they been kept in good repair all the time. That's spending money to the beat advantage with a vengeance. About six or seven years ago, when the roads -were banded over to the town- ships, there were none better in the .county. To -day there are none worse. -T Brucefield. ORITCARY.-Mr. Joel Briggs, second son of E. Briggs, Esq. formerly of Brucefield, but now of Muskoka, died at the reaidence of his brother on Thursday of last week. He went to Muskoka with his father about a year ago, and. last winter he contraoted a severe cold, which settled on his lungs. He returned to Brucefield about six months ago so as to be more convenient to medical ad -vice and assistance, but all that medical skill could do could not stay the ravages of the terrible disease. He was just 25 years of age. He was a member of Brucefield Lodge, Independent Order of Oddfellowa, and the brethren of that lodge turned out in a body to pay a last tribute of respect to their departed brother. They marched in procession to the cemetery and at the grave the beautiful and im- pressive burial service of the order was read by the Noble Grand. of Brucefield Lodge. Mr. Briggs was a remarkably clever and intelligent young man and Was a. universal favorite with all who knew him, and there are not a few who will deeply regret his early demise. He here his long illness with remarkable fortitude and patience and seemed per- fectly prepared for the great change, Hullett. seconded by J. Howson, that J. Lasham be appointed to examine bridge on side road 15 and 16, concession 13, and f necessary get a new bridge built -Car- ried. The Council then adjourned to meet again when called by the Reeve. Morris. HUGE CUTTING. -Mr. T. H. ROSS, near the Wingham Junction, 'reaped for his neighbor, Mr. Wm. Henderson, five acres of heavy oats in two hours a,nd thirty-five minutes. The work wes done with a Maxwell reaper and svas in every respect a perfect job. PERSONAL. -Mr. J. H. Drost, who h been twice engaged as teacher in Soho Section No. 5, Morris, lately mad application to the Trustees to be relea ed from the personal discharge of dut from the end of September, and. to b permitted to employ a substitute t fulfil the terra of his engagement. The Trustees, though reluctant to lose the benefit of such an acceptable teache yet, in consideration of the diligenc perseverance and activity with Whic he has performed his duties, grante his request. Mr. Drost will therefor be enabled to get a fair start with his fellow students in the farther prosecp- tion of his studies. , ACCIDENT. - On Tuesday afternoon of last week, Mr. Michie, of the 5th concession met with an accident -vv, hie crossing the bridge at Sunshine With load of lumber. When about ha way over the bridge, one of the herse hind feet broke through the plank and in its struggles to free itself fe through. It was completely stripp of its harness, and, notwithstanding i fall of about fifteen feet it eseap further injuries than a few alig bruises. This bridge has been in unsafe condition all this summea, a it is a pity that those persons whose day it is to look after such things, are so negligent in discharging their official duties, and placing the lives of the travelling community in imminent jeopardy. 1 Coteecio DOINGS. -At the last meet- ing of the Hullett Council, which was held at Kinburh, it was ,moved slay J. Britton, seconded by J. Howson, that the followinci rates be ,aesessed, levied said collectee'd on and from all the THE BUSH FIRES AND BLACK MONDAY, -Bash fires have been raging Io n enormous extent in the vicinity of ly 11 and surrounding country, and in fa the fire was so near the village that t council were compelled to send. Out number of men to stay its progresa. 1.30 the s was as da d continued e seine eveni eared tip be ofan ho Monday afternoon abou darkened up, and at 2.3 as the blackest night, until about 7 o'clock t when tbe sky gradual the west, and in the s from commencement the sky had Burned a beautiful crimson hue, So weaker n.others than ers had an id that Mother Sbipton's prophecy wee about to be verified, but they found their mistake out next morning by sd- ing everything in its usual won't.1 Aw-MILL BURNED. -We learri th Mr. Elam Livingstone's mill, situated abont-2/ miles from Blyth, was tota ly - consumed on Wednesday afternoon in consequence of the great swamp fires raging. All the machinery was Save a 11 Herisa11. PERSONAL. -Mr. R. Moir has left t village for the prosecution of his four year's work in Toronto University. STILL DRY. -The drought still co tinues here, and bush fires are raging every side making the air dense wi smoke. LECTURE ON MISSION _ WORK. - cording to announcement given 1 week, Rev. Dr. G. L. McKay, dressed the Rodgerville congregati last Sabbath on mission work, 4d especially on his mission to China. The lecture was a most able and inter- esting one and was listened to through- out with rapt attention. The church was filled to its utmost capacity, and the collection amounted. to over eighty dollars. • 18 la st OFF FOR A TRIP. -On Wednesday afternoon four of our prominent citizens, namely, Messr4 G. Petty, Sr., of the Yorkshire packing house, Wm. Carlile, J. P., S.- Fairbadrn, of the Centennial House, and Mr. Win. Carr left here ler Manitoba and the Northwest Terri; tories, where they have gone on a plees- ure trip and prospecting tour. We hope they may have a very pleasant time andreturnhome much benefitted by their trip. imassemsess Lumley. CIvIC TROUBLES. -Dusts are being continually kicked up in our streets, and we believe Vennor is at the 'bottom of it. COHE AGAIN. -Miss Susannah Love, of Brussels, is at present in the village visiting her friends on Main street. Susie is looking_up gaily. FOR THE EXHIBITION. - Mr, Elmer Ryckman, of Plug Town East, has got a very large and beautiful cat of the Thomas persuasion, which he purposes teking to the Provinciala Exhibition to be held in London. SALE. -Don't forget the large sale ,of Toronto. farm stock and implements on Tuesday have ape great claim the eh ment. The at the Stratf -M Hotel, stable. -T last co for act --T the M as it i -M cently pound chum a six vigora -M Stratf ton, N suing itt re Pe d, THE HURON EXPOSITOR. rness, and Mrs. Go dormer, r former pastor madj fun of paradr, hence the hastise- Perth Items. ere 27 pupils in attendance mg of the Model School in . M. BOSS, of the Railway Dublin, is starting a livery itchell water works are at pl tied and are announced ready n. oldest inhabitant never sew tilted so nearly diy at Listowel t present Wm. Roger, of MotherWell, re- ook from one box in his hive 64 of neautiful honey. F. Wilson, pastor ,f Knox S .,Mary's, has returned from 'ek& holiday refreshed and in - d. ames Ballantyne, B. A., IA d, eft a few days ago for Prince - w ersey, where he intends pur- s t eological studies. -M obert Kerr, son. of Mr. W. Kerr, itchell, has been appoin d assista t lIighSchooI teacher in th t toWn. I Mr. Kerr is se graduate of T rout° niVersity. —TbeSaw-mill property in, Logan belongg to Mr. Josiah Murphy, wits last w k in the greatest danger froiaa surrou dig bush fires, all the hands and n gh ors had Several times to turn out an flht the fires. -S me Iboys in Mitchell were stealing apple ' th other night, when a bripk which had been placed on a linOb of the tree f s riking one of the boYs on the head d tirting him so badly that be had t ap ly to a doctor. -A th Fall Wheat Show ford 1 at eek, for red wheat McTa ish' took the first and M Zim rman the second prize white r. Zimmerman took Mr. J e Collin second. ddy, wife of Taco "Gari t IHouse," St. Marys, Wed n night of last wee short ln ss, aged fifty-eight y seven tno and f -or Mary Trust a ne cants iug fo Strat- Mr. IX -. Henry and for rst and: Oddy, died on, after a ars and tbs. Mrs. Oddy Was well bly known ih St. M rys. tile last meeting of the St. C llegiate Institute 1oard :of s, hey were not able te cher, as none of t OSB seed a sufficiently hi th work required in t Marriages. HOTOVER-WHELIHAN - At the Catholic Church, St. Marys, on the 81st ult., by the [Very Rev. Monsignor Bruyere, Vicar General, assisted by Rev. Fathers Brennan, St. Marys; Flannery, St, Thomas, and Ronan, Stratford, William Hanover, M. D., of Seaforth, Minuie, eldest daughter of P. Whelihan, Esq., Registrar of South Perth, St. Marys. No cards. A1TLD-WOODHULL-In Stinthroy, on the 25th' nit , at the residence of the bride's mother, by Rev. J. VanWyck, Mr. W. H. Auld, of the Brussels Post, to Miss Eliza S., daughter of the late C. A. Woodhull. Esq. SMITH -WATT -At the residence of the bride's father, South Oxford, on the 17th ult., by Rev. W. C. Jolley, Rev. A. E: Smith, of the Canada Methodist Church, Manchester, to Aggie third daughter of Mr. J. Watt. McPARLANE-WILSON-At the residence of Mr. Henry Green, Ethel, on the 30th ult , by Rev. P. G. Robertson, of Wingham, assisted by Rev. D. B. McRae, of Cranbrook, Mr John McFarlane,ef Brussels, to Miss Christianna W jleen, of the same place. WANNER -GREEN - At the same time and place, by Rev. D. B. McRae, assisted by Rev. ,.P. D. Robertson, Mr. Henry Wanner, to Miss Christianna Green, both of Ethel. * Deaths. GIRSON-In Stanley, at the residence of her son- in-law, Mr. M. Filcher, on the 2nd inst , Mrs. Jart % ibson relict of the late Mr. Robert months. of thanley, aged 84 years and 11 FERGL S ON -In Brussels, at the residence of Mr. aAgeled-x.7.8Syteewaxas.it, Queen street, Mrs. Ferguson, MARSHALL -In Lower Wingham, on the 26th ult., William David, twin son of Mr. W. G. Marshall, aged 6 years, 11 months and 5 days. DORSEY-InSeaforth, on the 2nd inst., Ida, Bridget, 3-oungest draghter of Mr. John Dor- sey, aged one month and 2 dept. Aubtion Sales. On Tuesday, Sept. 13, at 1 o'clock p. m., on Concession 6, Usborne, near Lum- ley, Farm Stock and Implements. Philip Greenwood, proprietor; Archd. Bishop, auctioneer. On Tuesday, Sept. 20, at 12 o'clock noon, at Lot 16, Concession 2, H. R. S., Teckersmith, Farm Stock and Imple- ments. John Hannah, proprietor; J. P. l!rine, auctioneer. On Wednesday, Sept. 21, at 12 o'clock noon, at Lot 20, Concession 2, Stanley, Farm, Farm Stock and • Implements. David Callender, proprietor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. "let On Saturday, September 19th, at 12 o'clock noon, at McB e's Hotel, Seaforth, valuable town i op- erty. James McBride, proprietor; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. o engage On Saturday, Oct. rst, at 1 o'clock e appli- m., at Lots 21 and 2812th conces- h stand- sin; also Lot 28, 11th Concession, scheol. Hay, Farm, Farm Stock and Imple- emit. Wild & Selwoo's glove ments. Jacob Meyer, C. Bechler, A. work.r.at Listowel, were eiatered by L, Kulpfer, administrators; E. Bossen e l berry, auctioneer. burgl rs on Saturday night, and about two h udred dollars' worth of material .and annfactured goods stelen. No clue t the burglars. ur lag Co. ...bought a lot on Ontario -.few years ago the Oshaeaa Mann- fact1street Stratford, "22/ feet frontage, on which was ,a frame building, fbr $1,8 The other day the same proPerty vras aucti ed off at $885, a deerease of nearl - lishe Gowr e. The name is found to be too mu& like that of Gorrie, and post office complications havebeen the re- sult. The people in the . vicinity re desiro s 41 have the name changed to Lawn post office. -0 the arrival of Mr. Crocker, leader of the 28th Battalion Band, St. Mary* from Ingersoll, whe e he was successful in carrying off the Irst prize for fornet solo, the menabers of the band met h m at the station, where be Was enthu iastically cheered as he alighted on the platform. A procession was formed, which marched through 1he town playing some of the choicest e- lections. 50 per cent. new post office has been est b- ; in Fullerton with the name f of The Premier of Ora rio. _ A Toronto clergyrnan abroa wr tes from Caithness, ravell cotla ng d, to it f iend as follows: "Ye terday I went to the farthest north church on the mainland. to attend worship, the parishichurela of Canisby. The m n- ista. was advised of my presence sent for Me to the 'Freswick pew,' as directed to sit pleaded is unwell, having got out of e to church. What could. I the gown and bands and go I am glad I -preached in this church, and I am !sure you will be phased to hear it. By the way, the clergyanan, the Rev. Mr.. MacPher- son, bold Me that the Hob. Ddr. Moweit, Premier qf Ontario, wrote him frOm London, wishing to know when he would he e his sacrament, as he wished to commlne with God's people in the church ofi his fathers. Mr. Macpher- son answered they did BO next Sabbath. Mr. Mow4t hurried from London ' to Caithness arrived at this hotel (John O'Groat's 'House) on Saturday,remained until Monday, and thus communed on Sunday with the people of Canisby. ; A man who does this has a heart in him. I don't know Mr. Mowat, but 'I miast try to do so if I am spared to return 1 to Happy are the people Who rulers." loesemosi a where I that he w bed to co do but do to wdrk. quaint ol next, 13th inst., on the premises of Mr. SCARCITY OF WATER.-WEeten itY ° Philip Greenwood, near the village. RaILWA scarce in Bellville and vicinity, apd Medit rr were it not for the exhilarating brook ton. A t that issues from St. Stephen's Island, - ateAsury.-A terrible cal am- curred on the LYons and riean railway, near Oberon - sin from Corbeil, bound for Lyonsim eting with an obstacle,iumped • the inhabitants would be forced to sue- the,ra'ls, and while thus thrown across rateable property in the township for c , urnb to the Tannaerciful hand of Vennor. ck the present year, viz.: For county par - CIDER MAKING. - Mr. John Ryck- t. township purposes, one mill on the dol- i'man, of Whitefield Valley, has again got his cider mill in full operation, and killed and as many others wounded. The aim ent was one of the most terri- poses, two mills on the dollar, for i ler, and the several amounts required i the apples' are rolling in from all di- ble that as occurred on a French rail - by the school corporations, and that a 1 He always gives his patrons sva.y for any years. by-law be prepared and passed to con_ rections. a genuine squeeze at a "gal" for one THE PRESIDENT has been removed firm the same -Carried. The by-law 1 An appii_ i cent, which is the only was ' to get frono the White House at Washington was then read and paSsed. i "jam up aide -her." - e , to Long Branch. The changer has been cation was then made by the trustees ef I KICKED BY A HORSE. -- While Mr. made aS a, last resort by the physicians. • Neil Stewart, near the village, was He stood the fatieue of the jeurney yery the Roman Catholic Separate School i , working with one of his horses.One day , well, and has not been any Worse yet. for a refund of their portion of the I county school. assessment, claimed to t laat week, a colt came up behind Man, He is still very weak, and his life seems have been uujustly paid by said section i at which the horse instantly kicked, 1 to hang in the balance. 1 and for which they have received no ! accidentally striking Mr. Stewart ou the i - - ...""m•wm,'.--- ' equivalent from the year 1857 to the i a , leg, a little above the knee stunning I year - 1879 (both inclusive), being i the tra into an express from Lyons an Thirty-three persons Were Births. e. him for the time being, but fae almost GARROW-In Cranbrook, on the 30th nit the period of 23 years. Moved by d immediately resumed -his work, ta.id wife of Mr..Edward Garrow of a son. Lasha,m, seconded. by J. Mason, that : dad not feel the effects of the khe wife of Mr. Joseph Camore oa daughter. ick 1 the Reeve, Clerk and J. Britton be ap- much for two or three days,when the leg i RICHARDSON-In McKillop, on the 26th ' ult., tf advice . became badly swollen and very painful, . the wife of Mr. Walter Richardson Of a sere. POinted a ceromittep tO investigate the whole matter, find/get whatlegaland although at present getting some- 1, as I unifTe0ylid-r Irarf ripntonh thf et 2.711 -at ulti, the male a just. and equatahle settlement siclerable suffering. ELINEHAMMER C4 In Lalgrstbo,on the lientg itnesT, the wife of Mr. Peter Klinkhaanmer a a they DIM' deem necessary in order. to ' s whet better, he is yet in a state of con- svith. said trustees, and report the re- ' daughter. suit of their inveetigation, dsc., to the , DUFF -4 McKillem, on the 5th inst,, the wife of next meetinfr Of 0 InICil - Carried. A MI Nieren HORSEWHIPPED.- Rev. Mr. . Duff Ida son. MENAREX-4In McKillop, on the 4th inst , the °Howson seconded by J. kannumacker, pastor of the German mlar of Mr. Robert Menarey of a son MOvEni by J. . -ri accounts be Protestant church in the western part McDoNALD-W In ingham, on the 31st ulf., the DUDMORE-In Tuckersmith on the 26th ult., Britton, that the foll paid, viz.: Joseph CoYentry, for repair- ing Bingham's bridge, $28 ; Wm. Arm- strong, for a barrel of our. Supplied to Mr. Slanghter as obarity, $5.50; trustees of Temperance Hall,Londesboro,for use of hall at last nomination of Council- lors, $2 -Carried. Moved by J. Mason, of Cincinnati, was horsdshipped last eere or sir. John MDonahi0f a son. Friday night by Mrs. Goldermer, creat- ASHFAORD-On tT he 31st ult , the wife ' o ing great exciterneut. There had been Thee. snford, late of Chiselhurst, s a secession from the church, Rev. Kan- danungth,nowhtr. pf Trail county, Dakot numacker breaking off and eka.blishing _MCN&IR-In Craerbroole on the 21st ult , rthe a new charge, and Mrs. Goldermer re- •McFARLANE-In Stank on the 6th int.,the wife of M. A. McNair, of a daughter. maining with the old. There WO 1 Wife of Mr. WirnMeFirlane of a daughtr. Mr. ucker- , of a Iambs were pretty numerous at 'former ran, good sheep bringing from $5 to $7 each, and good lambs from $3.25 to $3.75 each, tvhile common lambs sold at from $2.50 to $3 each. There were a considerable number of fat hogs of- fered, but no sales were reported during the forenoon, and prices are quoted at j7ic per lb. Shippers bought very few cattle thiseforenoon. Local Notices. HORSE FOR SALE.-WeLsoN & Yotaso. 716 TietOTHY AND CLOvER Seed for sale at the Central Gummy. LAIDLewe& FAIRLEY.716 HORSES roa SALE. -A few gOOd WollielH end Drivers. Cheap for cash or good note. ScorT Duos., Seaforth. 716 SAFES FOR SAI. -Two good Taylor Safes. Will be Fold for half the caiginel price. SCOTT BROS., SCO forth. 716 SUGARS ARE Dowe,-The best value in Teas and Sugars are to bo had at the Central Grocery. LArtneew & FAIRLEY6 716 WILSON ez YOUNG are still giving the best bar gaine in Tea and Stipa; and anima be threold iy amp:me. The highest price paid in trash or trade tor Butter arid- Eggs. 715 REMOVAL. -MR. R. WILLIS' has re- moved to his IMP store in Cady's Blook,where he will be pleased to etc U his old Customers and as many new ones as require Cheap Boots and. Shoes. 716.' -The Great rush for Crockery and Glassware it, at the Leniral Grocery. Come and. be convinced that we hold thelargeet stock, and. are selling goods cheaper than any Muse in Seaforth. LAIDLAw & FAIRLEY. 716 WOOL PICKINGS, HIDES AND SKINS. - I will pay the highest cash pricee for any quantity of wool pickings, Hides, sheep and calf skins de- livered at my furniture store. No truck or trade, cash for everything. Jotter S. PoirrEn. 654' , On Monday, September 26, at 12 Welock, noon, at Lot 19. Concession 8, McKillop, Farm Stock and Imple- ments. Agnes MeNaughton, adminis- tratrix ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Farm Stock, Implements and House- hold Furniture, on Saturday, Sept. 17, on Lot No. 12, Parr Line, Stanley, at 12 o'clock noon. W. J. Johnston, pro- prietor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. Farm Stock, Implements and House- hold Furniture, on Lot No. 7, Parr Line, Stanley, on Wednesday, Sept. 28, at 12 o'clock noon. Donald Mc- Farlane, proprietor; J. P. Brine, auc- tioneer. On Tuesday, September 13, at 1 o'clock p. m. on the pre.mises, Kippen Road, Tuckeismith, 1 miles south of Egroondville, Implements and HOUSe- hold Furniture. John Colenaan, pro- prietor ; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. On TueSday, September 20, on lot 16, concession 2, H. R. S., Tucker - smith, at 12 o'clock noon, Thoroughbred Farm Stock and Implements. George Sproat and John Hannah, proprietors; J. P. Brine, auctioneer. On Monday, September 19, ou lot 13, coneession 13, McKillop, commencing'. at 1 o'clock sharp, Farm, Farm Stock aid Implements. John Rollings, pro- prietor ; George Barrows, auctioneer. . THE MARKETS. - SF.AFORTH, September 8, I.881. ri Fell Wheat.. 1 26 to 1 29 Spring Wheat., Fife, per buehele 1 26 to 1 29 Spring Wheatelted Chaff,perbueb . 1 25 to 1 26 Obtli per buehel....,,,. ....... 0 gg to 085 PeasperoasheI .0 55 to b 66 Barleyper bushel Butter,No.1,Looge Batter, Tub. gga Flour, per 100 lbe Hay, new Hides, per 100 lb. Sheepskin. each Salt (retai )per °erred, Salt(wholesele)perbarrel........ ' 0 90 Potatoes, per basher 0 to 35 0 40 Apples, per bag. 0 40 to 0 60 5 60 to 600 0 05 to 006 2 60 to 325 4 SO to 500 . 0 22 to 028 '• • • 0 50 to' 0 60 0 15 to '0 17 0 16 to 017& •0 13 to U14 3 10 to 3 10 . 8 00 to 1200 5 00 t o 700 . 0 50 t o 150 1 00 Tallow , per lb Tiinothy Seed per bushel Clever Seed per bushel Wool per lb LIVERPOOL, Sept. 7.- Spring wheat 10s 4d ; red winter, lis Od to 00s 00d; White, lla Od ; club, lis 06d, oats, 6s 4(1; barley, 5s 3d; peas, 7s 03(1; pork, 74s Od; beef, 92s 6i1; cheese, 61e Oci. 1 TORONTO, Sept. 8. -Fall wheat, $1.28 to $1.31; apring,$1.30 to 1,1.33; oats,42c to 44c; peas, 75c to 78c; barley, 65c to 85o; hay, per ton, $09 00 to $14 00; butter, 200 to 25c; potatoes per bag 70e to 80c; eggs'per doz., 16c to 18c.; dressed hogs, per100 lb s. , $8.00 to $8.50; wool, per lb., 22c to 23e. s Cheese Markets. UTICA., N. Y., September 5. -Sixty- four hundred boxes cheese sold at 11/ to 12j; leading price 12; 1,850 boxes consigned. LITTLE FALLS, N. Y.' September 5.- Market active, showed,an advance of /c. Sales of factory cheese 12,840 boxes at 11/c to 12o; only one. lot at 120; half bulk 12c. 860 boxes farm dairy sold at 110 to 12; 83 packages butter sold at 27c to 30/. FOR SALT, OR TO LET. • V BM IN HAY F04 SALE.-For1, sale It 28, Concessien 7, Hay, containing 100 sores, 67 i of hich are cleated end in a geed state of =M- eat on. The -balance s well timbered. There are gt d ontbundirge, arld a brick house with good cellar; also a yelling eebard. There are 1(1 agree of all wheat sown. Rile well situated for schools, eb ches and marketsj and will be sold on very ea s terms. Apply to the proprietor, Hine Green P. . DAVID RIFE. 718-4 AU GTION SALE -Mr. J. P. brine has receiv- ed instruetione from Mx. Jami' Dorsey, of Tuckeremith, Lot No. n, Concession 1, lfn•ou noad, o sell ba Pullin,. Auction on Sal ur- ine , the 24th - tey of eptereber, team stock, im laments ear lionenbold furai titre. Terms - All seine of $5 ana under, caeh; Over that eine net 12 monde.' ertedit anti be piven on fur- ni hire approved joint notts. JAMES DUBSEY, priet or. .1. P. BR NE, Auctioneer. 713 A th St pro CO Ian wh 'ClION SALE 0 There will be scl Cenanercial Rote t ember 10th, at 2 et ty, viz.; large mining 8 toms ev of the. hearse, a also one-fiftla e eh are planted a n Th above property is thre e doors south of t J. . BRINE, Auction F BMFOR- S-A or less, Lot 19, TOWN PROPEnTY.- 1 by Public Auction at , Seafortb, on. Saturday, 'clock P. M., the following Iwo story, concrete cottage, th pantry, end :Tiler the d one-fifth of an acre of re adjoining the above, on mber of choice fruit trees. itnated on Jarvis street, e market. Terms Cash. r. 715-2 One hundred acres, -More cession 2, Stanley, Cennty of won, within n ran es of Bruccfield, and- 2 of Lo den, Buren & Bru .e Railroad, and 6 of Clin- ton. Ninety acres cle red, 10 of hardwood bash, e In loam, in a bigh state of cultivation, well ere& good brick home 26e36, frame barn 36x frame shed 26x80. Apple, pear, and each ard of 4 acres in good bearine. Terms reason - e. For fm ther particulars apply to the pro- etor on the premines OT to Brucefield P. 0. . CALLANDER. 717 soi 56, OTC ab pr Fall Shows. Fun- Shows will be held as follows : • Prev in cial ExbibitiOn, at London, from the 21'st to the 30th Sertember. Sonth Henn, at. Exeter, on Monday and Tues- day, October 8rd and 4th. West Rining, et Goricrich, on Wednesday and Thereday, ept ember 191h and 15th. - East Riding. D t Brussels, on Thursday and,Fri- d ay , October 6th and 7th. Tuenerernith Breech, at Scaforth, on Thursday snd Pride y, neptember 151h und 16th. ' Hay Battnebe t Zuricli. on Thursday and Fri- day, Septdrober 29th and 80th. Turnberry, at Winkbam, on September 22nd and 28rd. East W awanoeb, at Belgraee, on Tuesday, Ow tober 11. Morris, et BIy b, en We dnesday and TLursday, October 12 rued 13. North pestle it Sti atford, September 15 and 16. Septt ruber 22 and 23. 1 °gen, at Bornholm, October 4.• Tbe In dust rit I Elhibition, at Tor onto, from the 5th to the 17th September. Hullett, at Clioton on Monday and Tueenay, September 19 and 20. Stanley, at Bayfield on Morality and Tuesday, October 10 and 11. Live Stock Markets. MONTREAL, September 6. -There was a fair demand, especially for the better kinds. Wm. Jack, of Lindsay, had a car load Of choice cattle which he sold at from 4c to 4/c per lb. ; they were the best lot of butchers' cattle on the mar- ket. For a very fine three year old heifer Mr. Jack had been offered $41, but afterward he sold her to Mr. Wil- liam Ryan, of Si. Ann's Market, at 4/c per lb., and as she weighed but 880 lbs. he lost $140 from not having taken his first bid. A considerable number of fair conditioned cattle were sold at 4c per lb., but leanish stock were not in demand, and had to be sold at a loss in some cases. A drover from Ontario had a car load of little cattle which he eold at very nearly $20 each, or at a loss of 440 on the carload. Sheep and 'MISCELLANEOUS. V STRAY, COW-- Came into the premises • of the 11 der sire d, I ot 3, Concession 5,Turnberry, at0/111 rola). euw abent 6 years old, and with- out art ficiel marks. The onner dan have the ' same Oh ineving proeerty and paying ebarges. 'Fill. HARRIS, WI; tir, P. 0. 717x4 BAN liAM I A TBa-nartre into the en- h-.tOoge Lockhart, Lob 23, , Cern 5,M Kees, nIIIM lamb, onor about the 1 t t1Jtwe hen. owner is requested to p rove pey cLar ges and take him away. GEO. 1 OCKHART. 717 . _ LAST CALL-Allpartieu indebted to me,either be over due notes or book accounts, and not payirg the Fame by the first of October peat, will be sued without respect of persons. Any person withing to settle with me before tbat te, will find Me at Mr. Willis' boot and shoe store, oppoeite the Commercial Hotel, Main Street, Seaforth. THOS. COVENTRY. 717 111 JUTISH EXCHANGE HOTEL, Goderich, Oat. WM. COX, Proprietor. This is one of the Quietest, in oet Comfert able and Best Cern- duct ed BteJs in the Province. The Rooms are commodious and the .Table and Bar liberelly supplied. Good stabling in connection. 635-52 B A Y 81 El R-Carue into the encloeure of -1" the undersirned, Lot 27, COLC8Eifii011 5, L. R. En. TeelerFrintb, ate ut Ile 1st ef June, a one s ar o'd:steer, red and ihiie. The ()weer can heve tbe t0flf en proving ereperty and peeing tyre nees. DAVID POUAT, 13ruceneld, P. 0. 716x4 la STRAY COW -Strayed from the premises of ▪ the teeersiEnt d , Senior th, on Monday, the 2n1h Auguet, a red tew 8 years old. Any person gining i-nch inionnatien as will lead to her regovery will be suitably rewarded. ALEXANDER IldeLEOD. 718 wsTRei COIN -Stras ed from Clinton, a young - Ems 11 re d cow, with a little white, and a mark en her ear. Short borne. Any informa- tion that will lead to her recovery, and forwarded to the Clinton New Era Printing Office, will be suitably rewarded. E. BOLES & SON. 718 ASPECIAL General Meeting of tbe Members of N cberics' Inetit ute, will be held in the Readeg Room, on Tuesday next, the 18th beet., at t, o'en el P. M., to take into coneidera- tion the n i utility of raising the annual memberthip fee, &c. By order WM. MOORE, Secretary. 718 17 STRAYS AND REWABD - Any one giving -1" such intoiroat ion s s will lead to thereeovery of the fo lowine cattle will receive $6 reward: One wh:te yeaelir g heifer, 2 red and white helfere, 1 red beifer, 1 whitieh roan steer, ono year old turd 1 steer red with white star on forebeaqsix head in all. RALPH THOMPSON, Lot E5, cEillop, let Concession, Huron Road. THE R D flLL, SEAFORTH- The under- -11- a;gn(ft having re Gently purchased the Red Min, i ecifert I., Bed pbt it in a thorough state of ri.rair, ar piglet id to execute all orders for gliEtil g, ITIS r 1101 incro iiping ard general custom work, in a a tisfs ctory to all patron B. They hope t attention to business to secure a ai ge bi4re if lublic patron' ge. SCLATER & DOLPHIN. 715-i STE'A SHEEP -Strayed from the premises -nn of tin tindersigned,Lot 27, .Concessien 8, H. R 8.. Tueltersmith, in June last. two ewes and le mbs. One of the own waa aged and the other ye el g. Tbe tar reerk L. was on the right side or each. Any perecn giving euch informa- tion as NOD Iced to the rt covery ef these anneals will be suitably rewarded. ROBERT LANDES- BORO. 718 — EXECUTORS' NOTICE -Notice is hereby given than all parties having claims against the cs tat e c f he late Rot ert Gibson, in hie lifetime of the Teenehip el Stanley, in the County of Huron, are required to furnish to the undersign- ed, on 6111 &ere ge 1st of No -virile; 1E81. a full atcretnt of such claims properly attested. All claims red then in will be barred h-orn as picvided by law. JOHN GIBSON, Ex - cooler. N OTICE TO DEBTORarS-All pties i:id18exbtied to tbe late firm of MeIntere & Willis are herein retina d that Mr. Samuel Stark bas been appcinted to collect the rotes and accounts due the Feid fire, end all deLts not paid at once -will be pieced in ccurt fercono dim Mr. Stark will be at Pi ett'a Leath( r Stcre, Main street, Sea - and ernetir g reedits for tbe Berne. JOts HN forth, for the pnreose of collecting these ac7c10 MeINTYRE, ROBERT WILLIS. 81731 r,..REWARD—EE•TRAY SHEEP - Strayed nit fr cm the premises of the undersigned, one mile routh of Egrnordville, Ripe -en road, about, the 251h of August, five sheep. Two are wethers one year old. and one Las the top of one ear eut eff, end the other has an ear slit. Also a ye arlirg ewe with a long tail, and a ewe three or four ;veers eld, and a yc-ang sheep with a red in ark on its be a. Ary pereon giving such in- formation es 'will lead to the recovery of these animals will receive the above reward, and any pert en }curd hall ming them after the poblica- tio 11id this notic' e wi I be plos cated ar the law directs. ROBERTWINTERS. 718.4 ARM TO BY NT -To rent for a term of yea a, spleneid farm in the Township of Stanley, o nsietreg of 3( 0 aerie of choice lund, being Lon 10 on the 4th Concession. There are 70 acres. el and and in an excellent :tete of cultivation. '1 tie a). fit ten:4 f.F lerildinge, and the farm is. e enient to t choole, churches and markets. It is \vil)ein 3 miles of Brucefield station and within c t )(eel: en the toren:lei Clinton and Seaferth, t o of U e best aed F.nrest markets in the Pro - • e. 1 osscssion on the let of October. For ft firer particulars apply to the proprietor on the pr nnse s ex. to Brucefield P. O. DONALD nle- D 4 UGALL, Proprieter. 613-6 Cm • ORTGAGE SALE -Under anti by irtue of a certain Indenttire of Mortgage, which will 1 e Irodneed at the time of eale, there will bee o tred for sale by Public Auction, et the Ameri- ca Hotel, in the village of Brussels, on Satur- da the 14th day of September, 1881, at 2 o'clock P M., by Mr. C. IL Cooper, Auctioneer, the fol- io ingvaluable propkrty, viz.: Lot No, 440 on illiam Street, in Bolton's survey of part en the vi lege of Biussels, oontaining one-quarter of an .e of laud, more on lese. toon the property is WHY IS IT THAT AULT 8t. M OLEAN SELL 'TEA fo 50c, EQUAL to Some of the otker T a /Raises at 60e Because they have no rent to pay, AND DO THEIR 0 WORK. CALL AND SPECT. A LARGE CONSIGNMENT OF CROCKERY &GLASSWARE Just Received and opened out. T I -041Y ARE STILL ELLING 5 Pounds of TEA joi $1, and 13; Pounds of Sugar for $1.. AN EARLY CALL REQUESTED, SO AS TO AVOID THE in EAT RUSH WHICH WE :FIAVE DAILY, As we wish to show our custpmers through OUR IMMENSE STOCK of GOODS. AULT & McOLEAN. RC er eted a cornfortabkl frame house, one and a half store -as bigh, wit stone cellar. The house is w:11 finish-. d Weide t nd out, and is in good re air. Tb e gerden s well planted with taint ti -es. The property is in a. good locality, ena- ee elk m leid -past the premises. Terms ef le -One-tenth on aay of sale, and balance in e month thereafter, when the purchaser shall entitled to a conveyance and to be let into ssession. To a good man thne will be allowed payment of a portion of the purchase money. rther particulars and conditions of sale may otained on application to tbe undersigned, 01 2 C R Cooper Auctioneer, Brussels. Mc- am UGHEY & BOLMESTED, Vendors Solicitors. Seaforth, Sept. 611?, 1881. -UCTION SALE F FAI-111, Filitaf-STOOR AND IMPLEn ENTS-Mr. J. P. Brine has e en instructed by k1r. David Callanaer to sell T Publie Auction, ton the premises, on Weaves - fay, 8er4ember 21. at 12 °Week, noon, the fol- lowing ealuable pi operty, v;z.: That splendid arm. beirg emir (sea of Lot 20, Concession 2 Stanley, containing 100 acres, 85 of which are Inn c eared, well fenced and in a good state of r o Itivation. The belance is well timbered with ri hardwood. There it a frame house, frame barn In a d ehede, ard plenty of water; also a good u b-aring young orchard. Is pliput .2A miles from /sr village, h from Clinton, ard 8 from Se afortb allbeing erge towns and good mar- • e ts. The farm win be sold without reserve, as t e proprietor is herald for Manitoba. TERMS - en per cent. of the purchase money must be paid on the day of Sale, error& of the balance t' male one-third 4f the whole within 30 days, • d the remainder as deshed by purchaser, secur- e by mortgage at 7 per cent. interest. The arm stoa-The flollowing farm stock will be sposed of at.the close of the fai311 sale, viz.: Me span vtorling horst s, 1 two year old colt, ired by "Harobletrinian, '1 sucking foal, eired by t e Imported Stalliin "I• cikirk Lad," 5 mil& cows, 2 two year cld steere,1 two year old heifer, 7 yearlings, 1 lumber wagon, 1 pair bob -sleighs, 2 plows and other articles. 1 FRMS -All sums 1 $5 and -under, 'cash; over that amount 12 outh's err dit will be given on furnishing ap esisa endereee notes. A di. (cunt of 8 per ent. will be allowed for en sl: en ali credit mc int& DAVID CALLANDElt, Proprietor; J P. BRINE,Anctioneer. 717 81 0 'b fo WWI RAY SlinEP-Strayed from the premises -1--J tbe und ersigted in Sea fcrt loon Sat urday, the 8rd September, five ewes, two of 'which were aged and 3 ore year old. One was of nage eize -with ler g tail ard the top of the left ear eut off. Ore of the 3 earlinge bad the top of the right ear cut cff, end the other two had the top of the left ar cut cff. One with a large head had the top of the right ear cut off. They were purchas.ed. from Mr. Mie,hael Kline, Lot 7, cencession 12, Mcliirop, and are sup- posed to have strayed" in that direction. Any information that will lead to the recovery of these "[air:tale will be liberally rewarded by GEORGE EWING, Seafortb, /18 • '9a3 HJ.OU NRESERVED AUCTION SALE OP FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS -Mr. J. P. Brine has been instatucted by Mr. John Hannah, t sell by Public Au ion on Lot 16, Concession 2, . R. S., Tuckers th, on Tuesday, September , at 12 o'clock, non, the following valuable •operty, vizi:- One elding rising 3 sear old, red by "Old Enter rise," 1 brood mare, 10 years d, 1 working horsel, two cows supposed to be in lf, five fateows, Steers rising three years old, heifers rising thre years old, 8 steers rising t. are old, lheilers rsing two years old, 8 ewes d lambs, a pure red Leicester ram, 1 grain sher, 1 root cutte -, 1 brcadeast seeder, 1 pair • Scotch Diamond rrows, 2 plows. THOUGH - B 'ED STOCK-Tw geldi ngs 6 years old, sired br "Lord Endow," grademilch cows, supposed be -in calf to tb orougbbred Dritham bull, 4 t oroughbred Durb m COWS in calf, 1 yearling. h ifer, thcroughbre , 1 thoroughbred heifer calf, 1 theroughbred bn calf, and several ether O tiles too reamer us to meation. As the p oprieter has given p the rented f Earn, tbe whole o the above will be so d without reserve. Terme-- A 1 sums of $5 and I a der, cash; over that amount months' credit will be given on furnishing &p- p .oved joint notesdiscount of 5 cents on the d )11ar will be alio ed fur cash on ail credit °tints. JOHN ANNAH, Proprietor; J. P. BRINE, A.uctioneer. 717 lissenwaswemamtewsmema 2 4 a 1\11_,Aa\TTT013.A. W. R, EXCURSIONS. EPT.28T11 AND OCT. )9TH PECIAL Fr&gl4 train in advance of eftch party. ,Apply te any Great Western Railway out, or to THOMAS GBEENWAY, Centralia, r to WILL ;T. WHITE, Express Agent. 691 Exeter. HE SEAFORtH RESTAURANT. H. MAGON, (1 the SEAFORTH RESTAU ANT, ilurnhy's Bloek, Main Street, is noiv a eceiving Dice, 1Fresh Oysters, direct f ona Baltimore; both m cans and bulk, Nybich he is prepared to sell very cheap. He intends keeping a supply of thee ysters regularly during the season, nci will be iir a positioe to supply rivals familie , hotels or social par- tes10 on very rea nable terms. He has )so a supply ef fine Peaches direct f •om Grim.sby, Which are the ben in t e market. He also keeps on hand FRUITS 131 Sea - 11 other kinds og, Sea - on, fresh and ood. Call at the Sea - forth Restaurant. You can't do better i town. H. DEAGON. OOTHS TO RENT. 3 HE use of the Itslfreshment Booths on the Sea- = forth show pre eds frr show days will be let by Public Ancti ia at t oe Coreutereial Hotel, Seaforth, on Sat r dey, lSept. A, 1E81, at 4 o'cic ck P. M. Tbe highest or .any bidder need not be scan ted n less etberwise satisfactory. Cooditione will be.made nrown at tbe time of sale. GORDON Mc ADA.M, Secret Fay. D. 'HOGAN, Pr(skienL 718 r - CD 0 r - Z3..‘ ea. £5 PN RETURN FOR A le5 NOTE A, KEY ACTION L[11 WATCH, SOUND, STROItt AND A CURATE, Key Action, Aix Tigit, Dust PigJtt and _Damp TigJl4 Five pounlis Net. FIVE PER CENT. DIISCOUNT TO TEETOTALTrIRS. FREE AND SAFE' BY POST. - 0. L. PAIST, SUCCESSOR TO DUNC N & DUNCAN. THE OLD AND FAVbB1E STAND, SEAFORTHI NTARIo. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING-, Done Neatly, ard- elatisfaeti en Gueranteed. A FULL LINE OF WATCHES. Clocks and Jewelry Ed ays on. Iona - SILVER BA AAR Weil Assorted. and chap- for CASH C. L. PAPSP, igu of the Big Clods,- Seafaatii, 1-