HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-08-26, Page 717- 19,.. 1831. 1NPVtLLE A/ I.LLS tion, with entire. uproved Machin, made to our A careful and perintendent ern- -e, therefore, pre. a Large Ilead miiness and. des- sarae as last 11 be paid for Et 7 of EtollInd, Tip% 71. le SO .K ,!..T iIi STEAMSHIPS ONDONDERRY S G 0 W. SEA ROUTE it Steerage Tlekete at Passeegers are booked etol, Queenstown, Derry, eagows at same rate e ate OM QUEBEC : 16th JULY - . .. 23rd JULY :• • • JULY 6th AUG. 13th AU% 20th, AUG. 27th AUG. 3rd SEPT Idth SEPT 17th SEPT 24th SEPT 1st OCT 15th OCT 22ndOOT -ag at Quebec with the 11 /gave Toronte erery nn Passengers can, also train on Fridays, S.: earner at Maim 3k I . $4 45, Qaebee to j. net every innerrattion :Agent, etesuaseta. CIRCULAR SAW Ry. BLES, FORTH. eetablisbed £17-- DIOrpt Rtylictil; rine tha buelnene a isome and ocean bersaa severe 'tigh for One oe tern - attended to. and sold. Oppoelte orris, Seeforths .Htjr 0:RBES:. I\T ourecatethepeople as purchased the r. Wm. litadderlia ore.m_odiona rrhePe rdera for Weetaltrif L. Pale salt Ati work .and tenna ;ewe, ,east of Egnennl- tiernrcielf MI tile SOlialtad. 8., ealuDEN. Av. Guser 26, 1881. TH HURON EXPOSITOR. Les ons of Tempt atiOn.. That w8 a very evil bargain which Z:sau taa e with Jacob about his birthright as Esau found out when it was too 14e. Backward sight ie always better thai forward.sighta Bargains of pet such a nature are- being made by Inen and women ever,- day, and big with the s me sad consequences. That evil barga'n has taught me two lessons of teinpta ion. They are these: Every h man weakuess has its hour of temptat on, and the critical tempta- tion to ma e an evil bargain will strike eas precise y in that part of our nature :where we re the weakest. jaeob w s the sort of man who could -have gtoo hunger vastly better than ysaa. ' It s alnaost impossible to con- ceived a eroptation like this making much imp ession upon bine. He would never beat r a real advantage for a little food. It «as not in his make to do it. It did not Ipelong to his disposition. He could be te pted, as he was -and there he could yi ld most sadly, as he did - on the side of his cupidity, of his avar- ice, of his determination to seize the main chane. But he could not be tempted oti the more sensual and physical side of faintness and of hunger. He did not live chiefly in that realm. It was not 'so hard for him to keep his body under, because he did not have so much of a body as Esau had. But Esau is the very child of the sensual. He is most• body and least mind. He is immersed in the senses. Be likes nothing better than the excit- ing hunt upon the mountain side. He revels in a mere physical enjoyment; the play of the physical senses is his de- light. And so hunger, physical incon venience, would be a much more tor- menting thing to him than it ever could have been to Jacob. 1 -have met many such Esau -like men upon our distant Northwestern frontier; there where the wild beasts menace, there where the wild Indians threaten. What brave men they are, and strong, stalwart, and freta -hearted, and ready - handed I How they do delight in those lifted mountains, and in the physical freedom of those vast pla,ins ! How ekiliul they are, and what privations will they not cheerfully put up with! How generous they are and hospitable! How their warm-heartedness, how their I very recklessness wins you! - And yet I have noticed that such men are always singularly susceptible to temptations upon the physical side of thing& Liquor drinking, and tempta- tions to which liquor drinking is sister, play incalculable mischief among them. As it was with Esa,n so it is with them.; the critical temptations assail them on their weakest side. As it was with ESIntt, and as it is with these grand pi- oneers, so it is with every one. The eritical temptation -.will strike precisely in that part of the nature which is weakest. If the devil ever gets yon into the making of a,n evil moralbargain he will build his counter and swing his scales right there; over against that stde of you where you are weakest. Double guard, thole, that. point with watchfulness and prayer. If you are passionate, guard there. If you are constitutionally tricky, guard there. If you are stingy, give u-ntil it hurts you; guard there. If you are indolent, guard there. If you are procrastinating, guard there. H you are impatient of details, set your self about details; guard there. If you are unspiritual, be determined to become spiritual; guard there. If you are brooding &mat' melancholy, force yourself to look upon the brighter side; guard. there. The devil will never fish where there are no fish to bite. 'As Esau went' dowa on his weakest side you will go down on yours, if you go down at : which may God forbid. - Christian bliOn. Denwne. the River Seven Hun- dred Miles frora Toronto to the Saguenay. Montreal, Aug. 13.-A new and promising combination is on the tapis at Montreal. It is proposed by the St. La,wr' ence Steamboat Company to join hands with the Saguenay Steamboat Company for the net year, in order to have a through line from Toronto to the Saguenay established. . One strong company of the two will be fornied, and an English steamer, after the style of the, Compana, now in Cantin's dock here, will be purchased and placed upon the lakes to Garay both freight and passengers. All the river boats wilt be fitted up in the palatial style of the St. Lawrence Company's present steamers, with the addition of elegant staterooms. During thewinter the enterprise will be web advertised throughout the Stales and Canada, and arrangements will be made to give through tickets from all pointa in both countries. The new com- binations will be under the enterprising management of Messrs. Leve & Alden, of the St. Lawrence Co., and they hope to be able to bring tourists hereafter in such numbers as• have never yet been known on the St. Lawrence. News Items: Rev. Francis A. Ross, for three years pastor of the Church of Scotland, at Georgetown, British G-uiana, has nine months' leave of a,bsence, and with his family is visitingCumberla,nd county, Nova Scotia. -Mrs. Hayes is said. to have been the best matchmaker ever in the White House. During her four years there she married off all her eligible Deices, and helped along all the young girls of her connection. It used to. be a re- mark When a young lady arrived at the White House, "What young man has Mrs. Hays in view now ?" She has lots of namesakes all over be country, a,nd 18 0110 of the most popular women in Araericae -Chiswick House, the beautiful Ital- ian villa, of the Duke of Devonshire on the banks of the Thames., is to be pulled down. The house is historical as being the place where both Charles James Fox: and George Canning died, and, by a strange coincidence, both statesmen died in the same room. Georgina, Duchess of Devonshire, known to mil- liners as the &St wearer of the of the Gainsborough hat, here held court and ruled the politics of the hour. Hogarth was on.ce a constant visitor at Chiswick House, and lies buried in the cemetery close to the garden wail. . -News from Peru announces f,hat the Chillians have been routed in an angageneent in the vicinity of risco, 42 leagues south of Linaa,. It is said that Pierola is ab Ayocua,o with 7,000 Ara- quipanos. Campero will be in the field with 10,000 troops, and Montero, now in the north of Perm - has a strong force which is daily increashig. Many fights have taken place between the Vhillians and Peruvians in Lima. In ' some of them the Chilians have been worsted. How long this state of affairs will con-, tinue it is hard to Conjuncture: -A Colorado editor wh e hs visited Salt Lake City says :-Merat' onism is growing and the wealth of the church is rapidly increasing. ,There is nioney„in it and money hires brains. Some of the wealthy Mormon merchants 'apostatiz- ed because of an unwillingness to buy tithings. The women are not inclined to rebel against polygamy." , -The members of the American Canoe Association held t eir annual race 'fleeting on Thursday and Friday last week, at the Canoe Thlands, Lake George, New York State. About 70 in all gathered together on he islands, bringing tents and protsions with them, and rusticating in a charmingly simple fashion. Canoes and their oc- cupants had been arriving all Thursday and each new arrival mad an excite- , 1 ment. There -came in one afternoon a delegation of ftve Canadian from Peter- borough, Ont. The Canadians use open canoes, of the Indian pattern, wholly different from the •American canoe mostly used, and carry no sail. They are propelled entirely by the paddles, and the paddle has only a single blade instead of a, double one, as the Americans have. Even the oldest canoeists here were astonished to see the loads the Canadi4ns brought along. Although the lake wag very rough, and they were liable ItO .eiicount- er still stormier weather, t eir canoes were loaded to the very ater'e edge, with satchels, chairs, beds, and other loose articles that must ine itably have gone to the bottom had a y accident happened to the boats. Their boats are the perfection of strength-. in canoe building ; but our American canoeists want a boat to sail and one they can live in when on a long cruige. All the canoemen looked with acliniration at the beautiful open canoes brought from Peterborough,. Ont. They, are con- sidered the most perfect medels of ca- noe architecture ever put afloat for open canoes. They are biiilt' exactly after the pattern of the Indian birch - bark canoes, and are made 'of b irch wood, each containing about 300 separ- ate pieces. , • ONTARIO MODEL FARM: tr. Andrew Glass, one of the leading offipials of the American Department -df Agriculture at Washington, has been n Canada during the past two weeks, afid. on Tues- day last in company with Messrs. Ran- nie and Doel, of Toronto, inepected the Ontario Model Farm at Guelph. Mr. Glass expressed hinasielf as exceedingly well pleased with Ontario's attempt to advance agriculture. The i farm, he said, was well managed, andi could not but result in an increased. interest among the agriculturists of the Province in scientific and more profitable meth- ods of cultivation. It would also tend to keep yoniig men from leaving the farm for city life, with its Many temp- tations and alrnogt invariable disap- pointments. He -thought the College worthy of the heartiest support of .the public as an institution in Which agri- cultnralists and the people Of Ontario at large may well feel a just !pride. Epps's Cocos.i Grateful and Comforting. -"By thorough knowledge of the niatural laws which govern the operations of diges- tion and nutrition, and by arIcareful ap- plication of the tine properties of well selected cocoa, Mr. Epp § has provided our breakfast tables with a, delicately flavored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious nse of such articlesaf diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong euough to tesiet every tencle-ncy to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies are floating 'around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We ine,y escape many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves web fortified with pure blood anclii a properly nourished frame." -le -Civil -Ser- vice Gazette. Sold only im packets labelled -"James Epps & Co. lioraceo- pathic Chemists, London, Go., makers of Epps"s Chocolate Essence for afternoon use. 482-52 Mothers! Mothers! Mothers l Are you disturbed at night and. broken of your rest by a sick child suff- ering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. It will ,relieve the poor little sufferer immediately -de- pend upon it; there is aio mistake about it. There is not a mother on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that -it Will regulate t he bowels, and give rest to MI) mother and relief and health to the child, oper- ating like magic.- It is perfectly safe to use in all cases, arn4 pleaaant to the taste, and is the prescriptiOn of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 692-52. Rest and Comfort' to thel Suffering. Brown's Household Panacea, has no equal for relieving pain, both internal and external. It cures pain in the side, back, or bowels, sore threat, rheuma- tism, toothache, lumbago and any kind of pain or ache. It willmost ,surely quicken the blood and heal, as its act- ing power is wonderful. Brown's Household Panacea, being acknhw- ledged. as the great pain reliever, and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world, should be in every family handy for use when wanted, as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach, and pains and aches of all kinds, anal is for . sale by all druggists at 25 cerrts a bottle. 692-52 Stop that Cough. Or it will terminate in that dreadful disease, consumption. We are aware that a prejudice exists among many persons against medicine . which pro- fess to cure a cough or cod when bor- dering on consumption, of even when the lungs are affected, bu we can as- sure our readers that Wi of Wild Cherry wit]. do all making this assertion w experience, having suffered for 123onths from a cough, which afterl using many remedies without any relief threatened to terminate seriously. We were, how- ever, so fortunate as to secure several N bottles of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, and are now entirely rid of the tar's Balsam this ; and in speak from reparation Jetta G-. WEsTAi.pR, edi- or of the Chronicle, Elizabethtown, eimsylvan a. 50 cents and $1 a bot - 1e; large bottles much the cheaper. old by deallers generally. 710-52 Holloway's ,Pills. I the conaplaints peculiar to females he e pine are unrivalled. Their use he fair sex has becotne so constant he remdval of theirl ailments that or arn is the t ilet that is without them. ..ongst all classes, from the domestic er ant to ti e peeress, universal favor a corded. to these renovating pills; he r invigorating and parifying proper - Cos reader t em s fe and invaluable in 1 lases ; thjey may be taken by fe- a les of all ges for any disorganiza- tion or irregularity of the eystem,speed- i y emovitig the cause and restoring t e ufferer to robust health. As ' a f m ly medicine t ey are unapproa4 1 for subdluing t i e maladies of young atzidold. 71-52.. mulsio a of Cod Liver Oil. P at mort m examinations have, in m instances, led to the discovery of the cars of completely healed abscesses o 'res uponl the ung. This of itself 8 -8 that the 1un tissue when diseas- e susceptible Of restoration to a s u d and healty condition. Persons a i ted with lung disease may reason - a ly hope to ;recover health by the use o ell choSen remedies. Foremost a io g these is Ncirthrop & Lyman's m sion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypo - p 10 bites of Limo l and Soda, a thor- b g ly tested and highly accredited 8 eci fic for coughs, colds, asthma, bron- 0it, spitting of blood, and other affec- t on of the throat, chest and lungs. Pal No onary i ritation is promptly ar- r sted by the lOod Liver Oil, afid the yp4shosphi es, witiich are among the 1 fi iost renova ts us4d by physicians, re- v ve the flagong en rgies of the debili- t te system.1 710. • • 8 11 A Veiled Clergyman. E en the patience of Job would be - m: exhausted . were he a preacher d ndeavoring'._td interest his audi- e while they were keeping up! an in. ss nt coughing, nit aking it impossible r la'm to bel hear'J.. Yet, how very sy an all this be avoided by simply Dr. King's Tew Discovery for ns mption; Cong 18 and Colds. Trial ttl s given awa at E. Hickson & o.'s Drug StOre. 14.52b W °map.' s 1i1rii.6 Friend. A riend in need, i a friend indeed is none can de y, especially when sis ance is rendered when one is rel afflicted with' disease, more par - cul rly those co plaints and weak- sse so common our female popu- tio . Every woMan should know at lectric Bitters are woman's true en o, and will positively restore her to alt , even -vhen all other remedies il. A single trial always proves our ser ion. They a e pleasant to the ste and only cost 50 cents a bottle. ld by E. Hickson & Co. 714.52-2 g ; • Vegetable Discovery. 1 • la No cave a a d b zve is tiOi ci 110 a 1 gist, with tabl fa e, an h 80.8 c. tio gu or bo pa in OL fo th be rel by tes in ku It 88 throp 8ri Lym n's Vegetable Dis- y is not , vile mixture of liquor orthless herbs to be taken as a age by the wire glassful; neither pretended diseovery of some won - 1! herb growing n a distant lid; is a medicine prepared from a, ntrated extra° of the finest medi- herbs, ta be taken in small doses, act'with Ma,g cal effect upon the sy8teMt A. Harrison, c emist and drug- unnville, On ., writes: "I can Confidence reco nmend your Vege- Discovery and Dyspeptic cure for psia, impure bl od, pimples on the biliousness, na constipation; cases having co 00 under my per - observation." 715-4 ucklen's Arinica Salve. O best 88.1ve in he world. for Cuts, ses, Sores, Ulc rs, Salt Rheum, r Sores,; Tetter Chapped Hands, blains, Corns a d all Skin Erup- , and positively ures Piles. It is anteed to give erfect satisfaction oney refunded. Price 25 cents per For sale by E Hickson- & Com- . 714-52 - Eclectr c Oil. Seph Rusa,n, Percy, writes -"I was ced to try Dr. Thornas' Eclectric or a lameness which troubled me three or four years, and I found it best article I jever tried. It has a great blessing to me." 691-52 Eclectr'c Oil. t is a Great ublic Benefit." - se significant w rds were used in tion to Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil gentleman wile had thoroughly d AB merits in h s own case-71av- been cured by it of lameness of the e of three or fo r years' standing. ever fails to rem ve soreness as well meness. 691-52 . Teab ',Must say it's the us d for the teeth ev ry one having tri ne toilet gem.- G 67 .52 rry.1 nicest thing I ever and breath," says d "Teaberry," the t a 5 Cent sample. 1 REMEnY.-Jeb Moses invalulable medicine is all tbOae painful and eb the female conatitn • ales alil excess and re- d a seedy cure may ladies it is peculiarly rt time, bring on the egularity. - -These pills ales during tho first , as thky are sure to at any other time they ervout4 and Spinal Af-* and limbs, fatigue on n of heart, hys- lls will effect a cure failed; and, although t contain iron, calomel, tful to the constitntion. pamphlet around each e carefully preserved. le Proprietor. $1 and closed no Northrop & general agents for the bottle icontaining over Sold in Seaforth by Roberts and Lumsden 644-52 tin da tio be sui mo E GREAT FEMALE Periodical Pilla-Thi ailing in the arra of gerous diseases to wh is subject. It mode yes all obstructions, a elied on. To married ed. It will, in a sh tlhy period with should not be taken by fe thr bri are fee all ter wh e months of Pregran g on Miscarriage, but safe. In all easee of ions, Pains in the ba tt exertion, palpitati es and whitss, these P n all other means bay p wertul remedy, do r. in mony or anything hu diem:nous in the pa Irage, which should 'Fa To :Moses, New York, S 12 .cents for postage e Ly an, Toronto, Ont., Do inion, will insure a 60 ills by return mail. E. Hickeon & Co., J. S & nlson. cough, and restored to our former health. To those suffering in a like I manner we recommend this excellent • or • ONEY TO LEND. Large or Smal able rates o TES AND PURO APPLY TO W. t the Office of J. H. Sums, at reason, interest. MORTGAGES ABED. enson, Seaforth. 681 AUCTIONEERS. J parsoT ' • County of Huron. Sales attended in all P. BRINE, Lieeneed Auctioneer for the oloinee oft theCounty. All orders leftat the Ex- Pwill be promptlysttended to . C„ . COOPE , Brussela, County Auctioneer. Sales of 11 descriptions promptly at - ten ed in any p rti of the county on reasonable ter a. Orders 14 at the office of the Iltraore pEro °,notiroand.dressed to Brussels, will receive pra*ttile A EXANDERDELGETTY, Licensed Auction- eer, McKillop. Special attention given to HalOB of Landed Property, Farm Stock- and Imp ements. All orders left with the under - .d at Walton P. 0., or Lot 14, °ou- t:ea:ion 14, will be promptly attended to. Sale bill notes and stamps furnished if required . . DELGETTY, Walton. 639 FOR SALE OR TO LET. ET -Six rooms over A. G. Ault's Groeery Store, Seaforth. Suitable for dress makers Aopr 1-ivtaotao dwelling, AlinutT,ro with frporienttao.nrd rear entrance. 693 Te ale . an so 0 HOUSES TO RENT -To Rent, a oom- fortable dwelling house adjoining the Old perance Hall, in the nicest part of the town; lthe house adjoining the Dominion Curling Skating Rink ; possession at once; rent rea- ab le. Apply to L. MURPHY, Seaforth. 800 11 r tri m or bor , REHOUSE TO RENT. -To rent a good rain storehouse on the south side of the ay track in Seaforth, with two sets of scales, ks and jiggers all complete; possession given ediat ely. Apply to Scott Brothers, Seaforth. to the proprietor, ROBERT SCOTT, Rox- 677 St to ro ab Ap RE TO RENT -To rent a large and com- modious store in Whitney's block, Main eet, Seaforth, In tbe best businesspart of the n. The stone is 60 feet long with a store it 80 feet in length in the rear. Rent reason - e and possession Oen on 5th January, 1881. 1; to WHITNEY llhOTRERS. 679 MEDICAL. . O'SDEA, M. D. C M., and M. C. P. and S., n t. GI a d nate el Queen's University, Sing - el cm Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Oft ao and residence Dublin, Ont. ItnAll calls niph and day prcmptly attended to. 715x8 j . SCOTT, M. D. &c, Physioian,Sargeon and . Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Office and reel - d enc south side of Goderiah Street, second door eas 1 Presbyterian Church. 842 11L. VERCOE, M. D., C..M.. PhysicianiSur- • geon, etc -,Coroner for the County of f:Enron. Offic and Residence, on Jarvis street north, direc ly opposite Seaforth Public Saloon W. HANOVER, M. D., C. M., Graduate of , McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and, Ann °hen; Seaforth,Ont. Office and Residents e, N ortth side Goderich Street, firat Brick HODS0 east of the Methodiat Church. 496 DTI+ HUTCHINSON, Graduate of McGill Col- trge, Montreal, Licentiate of the Royal Col. leg4 Phyeicians, Edinburgh, and late House Surgedneof Creeglockhart Hospital, Edinburgh. Offiee-Bluevale, Ont. 686-52 .CART WEIGHT, L. D. S., ,lei' Member of theRoyal College of Dental Surgeons of Canada Office -Indian block, Market St., Stretford, Ont., has now opened out an Office in Sealorth at the Queen's Hotel, whore he evill be prepared to perform ail dental operations with ease and skill. Office open first Tuesday in every ' month. 568-52 nenenne. M BUGGIN, L. D. S., Surgeon • - s 47; • Dentist, Graduate of the SeSa- Royal College of Dental Surgeons, r Canada. Successor to H. Derby- shire i Office -In the Whitney Block, Main Street, Seaforth. Office hones -8 A. M. to 5 P. M. T.) WATSON, Faculty Gold Medallist, and Col- lege Gold Medallist of Royal College of Deetal Surgeons, Toronto. Office in Meyers' Black, over John stc n Br otbers Hardware Store, Seatealth, 714 LEGAL. ROW & PROUDFOOT, Barristers, Solid - ore &c., Goderich, Ontarao.-J. Garrow. roridfoot. • 686 0134 ,RON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristers, ‘•-/ Solicitore in Chancery, &e., Goderich, Ont. M. C ameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron 506 TAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Commie- s oner in B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer and ser. Accounts and notes collected on able terms. 866 Appr masa H W. C. MEYER, Barrieter and Attorney at Law, ,S(.11Ci t or in Chancery. Commissioner for liking affidavits in the Province of Manitoba . Soli itor for the Bank of Hamilton, Wingham. Priv ite fund e to loan at tin to ei poacent. 683 - TIE SON & MEYER, Barristers and Attorney a Law, Solicitor(' in Chancery andInsolvency Cony ancers,Notaries Public, etc. Offices -Seal forthndBruseels. $23,000 of Private Funds to nvesatonce,atEightperaent.Interest,payable year . Commissioner for taking Affidavits for use j L the Courts of Manitoba. jAa H. WENOON. H.W. O. MR.7E...A . Thi above firm has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the firm to be pald to Mr. Benson who will pay all liabil- ities. TAMES H. BENSON. - No . 27, I06. H. W. C. MEYER. _ M CAUGREY & HOLMESTED, L , CHANCERY, AND CONVEYANCING OFFICE, SCOt's Block, Main Street, Seaforth. ICITORIS for the Consolidated Bank of anada and the Canadian Bank of Commerce n FSofle f r manci Town and Village Property bought ant sil3d. ey (privatefunds) loaned on mortgage se- c nri ,ien at reaeonable rates ol interest. Charges moclin ate. ' Money invested for private persons upon the best e ortgage securities, withone stray expense to st h. eat! nmdoecr A. u HEY, M. A. F. HOLMESTED soi EAL ESTATE FOR SALE. -ne BM TO ;BENT. -To rent for a term of years Lot No; 26, Concession 2.11. R. S., Tueker- sml h. The :farm contains 99 acres, about 85 clett ed, well fenced and underdrained and in firs class co dition to work.. There are good builc nags and a bearing orchard, and plenty of wate a Is Within Reit miles of Seaforth and abot t the seine distance from Clinton. Iinme- diat poeseseilon if desired. Forfurther partieu- 1art lipply to the proprietor on the premises, or to Linton pest office. THOMAS TOWNSEND. 718x4 VA M TO RENT BY TENDER -The under- -a: signed aii1 receive tenders for the rent of Lot 'o. 20, no vfit ld Road, Stanley, until Thins - d sy/ 'eptc.mber1.5th. The larna will be rented f or a period tel three years. The highest or any tend -r net necessarily aceepted unless otherwise sada aotory. The farm contains 66 acres, is sit n ttd an tire Bayfield Road near Varna, and possis Bien can be given by the 1st of October. Coni tions anti other information .can be obtain- ed f m the undersigned, to whom tenders must be • dressed. ARTHUR FORBES, Seaforth 713 FA M FOR SALE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF AY. -The undersigned has been _authoriz ed a • d instruetedby the owners thereof, to sell by es y cf teeder, Lot No. 27 and the North - hell f Lot No. 26, in the 7th Concession of the Tow i ship -of Hay, in the County of Huron, Ont. Com rising 150 acres of land more or less, being a port n of the !estate of the late Henry Shaffer, decea ed. Sealed offers will be received for the seine addressed to the undersigned, Hugh Love, nd Wm. Curry, Hills Green, P. 0., on and up t 12 o'cloCk noon, on Friday, the 2nd day of Sept mber, next. Intending purchasers may offee or each 50 acres separately, or any two 50 acre eeparately, or for the whole 150 acres in Tbulle. hc undersigned will not be bound to acce t the highest or any offer. The land is of gooa quality end nearly the one half of it is clear d and fenced; it is convenient to markets, scho Is and churches, being about 5 miles from Hen all and Kippen, on the London, Huron & Ilene Railroad. Purchasers will have the liberty w and saw on the 5th of September, and full 'aim on the and of November, next. TERMS. half ash, and tne balance in 4 years with t at %per cent., securd by.mortgage. HUGH ,SB,, WM. CURRY, Attorneys for Noah r, Charies Shaffer and George Shaffer. 9 erreell, Hay, June 25, 1881. 708-9 to pi posse intet LOA Shaft 111 READ AND LEARN WILLIAM I3UDD VOR MANY Years of EgniOndville, has rented -ns the Waggoa Shop belonging to Mr. William Granite, on Diarket Stseet, Seaforth, and will hereafter caner on the Waggon and Carriage Making Busi- 22488 in (111 U8 B7-al?Ch68. Be can guarantee good work, and that none but the beat of material will be used. REPAlEfING A ISPECIALT li,and promptly attended to, and neatly and cheaply executed. IPAURIER S' C ATE also keep on hand a Good Stock of Farmers' Gates. Give hint a trial. 7 16-18 WM. RUDD. PORTER SEAFORTH; Cint determined to Oar Out my Entire Stock of Furniture regamd- . less of Cost. THOSE IN WANT, it will pay thein to ascer. tain prices before purchaeing elsewhere. I give a large discount to those paying cash, es- pecially to newly married coniples. I am still selling six highly finished chairs for $2. I alao keep Knowlton's Spring Bed, the best and cheapest in the market; warranted perfeetly noiseless. . • Warerooms directlyemposite M. R. Counter's Mammoth Jewelry Store, Main Street, Seaforth, East Side. 625 vJOHN S. PORTER. • RECORD OF THE LYMAN BARB. FIBST PRIZES AWAR,DED THE LYMA N " 4 -BARB WIRE FENCING At Montreal. (Quebec,) Hamilton, (Ontario), Cincinnati. (Obio), Syracuse, (New York), and Davenport, (loan), Exhibitions, for Excellence and Superiority over all Competitors. The Cheapest and Best Fencing in the World. Adopted and in use on 19 Railway Lines in the United States and Canada. See that our trade mark, Lyman Barb," ie stencilled on each reel. Bny no other. Send for prices and circu- lars to Van. ROBERTSON & Co., Hardware Merchants, Seafortin Sign of the Circular Saw, or to the DOMINION BARB WIRE FENCE Co., Montreal. 692-26 AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS. FOR ALL THE PUR- POSES OF A FAM- ILY PHYSIC, --Car- ing eosin Yen ee s, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysen- try, Foul Stomach and Breath, He a d- riche,Erysipelas,Piles, Rheumatism, Erup- tions and Skin Disea- ses, nilli on snes s, Liver Co plain t, Dropsy, Tetter, Inn (*mend SaltRhettrn,Worms, Gout, Nem algia, as a Dinner Pill. and Purifying the blood, are the most congenial purgative yet perfected. Their effects abundantly ehow how much they excel all other Pills. They are safe and pleasant to take, but powerful to cure. They purge out the foul humors of the blood; they stimulate the sluggish or disordered organs into action; andsthey impart health and tone to the whole being. The cure not only (the every day complainta of everybody, but formidable and contageous diseases.. Most useful physicians, most eminent clergymen, and Our nsest citizens, send certificates of cures performed, and of great benefits derived from these Pills. They are the safest and beat physic for enildren, be- eanse mild as well as effectwal. Being sugar coated they are easy to teke ; and being purely vegetable, they are entirely harmless. Prepare by DR: J. C. AVER & Co., Lowell, Mess., Practi- cal and A nalytical Chemists. Sold by all Drug- gists and Dealer e in Medicine. 669-52 4 • IMPORTANT NOTICES. RITIEO EXCHANGE HOTEL, Goderich, Ont.' WM. COX, Proprietor. This is one of the Quietest, Most Comfortable and Best Con- ducted Hotels in the Province. The Rooms are commodious and the Table and Bar liberally supplied. Good stabling in connection. 685-52 14'0.11 SALE -A first-class handrEd acre lam near Exeter, Huron. Immediate possession. Apply to Bev. John Logie, Rodgerville P. 0. 711x4 SA A WEEK in your own town. Terms mad " $4 outfit free. Address Ra HALLETT & Co., Portland, Maine. ' 692x52 FOR SAEE.-Two Large Carom. Billiard TA- bles-nearly new -with balls, cues, racks, lamps, &c., complete. Cheap for cash or approv- ed notes. Apply to W. MOORE, Secretary Me- chanics' Institute, Seaforth. 112-tf pRECENTOR WANTED. -Applications will be received b3 tbe nra ersigned until August 25th, 18819 for the posit on of Precentor for Egmondville Presbeterian hurch. Salary, $100 per annum. For further nforniation apply. to S. CARNOOHAN, Seaforth P. 0. 742-4 _ 7 STILL AHEAD. BRUSSELS IME TowN & SONS. nTr. Subscribers take Pais onnortunitY el re' turning thanks to the inhabitants of Brussels and 'vicinity for past patronage,land beg to date that having made several improvements in their kiln and mode of btu/ring, they are now in a bet- ter position than ever before to supply t'he -with nrst.claes Lime nt 1.3 cents cash at the kiln, or 15 cents delivered.9 his being the seventh season of -our bushaese dealings in Bmssels, and having given unquali- fied satiefaction so fan the public ean rely on receiving good treatment and a lint -class axticle from us. Remember the Spot-BrnsselsLirse Works. 699 TOWN & SONS. _ BROADFOOT & BOX, SEAFORTH, UNDERTAKERS, &C. TH1S Greet Hon e ehold M dieine ranks amongst the leading necessaeie of life. These fa- mine Pills purify the Bloo a., and act most power- fully, yet soothingly, on the Inver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels, gie ng tone, energy and vigor to these great main epnngs of life. They are confidently recommenebd se a rever-failing remedy in all cases where be constitution, from whatever cause, has become impnired or weaken- ed. Tney are wonderfully efficacious in all ail ments incidental to Females of till ages; and as a General Family Medicine, are unsurpassed. HOLLOWAYS OINTMENTI Its searching end healing properties are known throughout the world. For the -cure of bad legs, bad breasts, old wounds, Ores and ulcers, it itt an infa e remedy. If effectual) rubbed on the neck and cheat, as salt into meat, it cares Sore Throat, Diphtheria,Brenc1iitinC2ughs,Co1ds, and even Asthma. For Glandular swellings, Ab- scesses, Pilen Fistulas„'Gont, Rherunatiena, and every kind of skin disease, it has never been known to fail. The Pills and Ointment aremanta lectured only at 688,0xford Street,Lonclonnead are sold by all Vendore of Medicines throughout the Civilized World; with directions for use in al- rabst every language. rasPurcbasers ahonld look to the label on tbe pots and boxes. If the address is not 583, Oxford St_rec_t, _110,7772,- 52.they are spurious. - - - TO BREEDERS OF PIGS. THE an dersigned will keep during the present season, on his prennnen Lot 7, Concession 8, H. R. S., Tu clersmitb, fort the improvement of stock, a Th o treble) ed 13ee k shire Boar, which he has la tely pu released fr on John Snell &Pons, of Edmo nton, ifeeorters of theronghbred atock. Terms $1, to be paid at the time of service, with the privilege of returning if necessary. W. S. MUNDELL, Proprietor. 702 '0 -0- a 0 .-.;41-,lt <sg Fi a . (ft e fy.el 1.1 0 4,31 0 .L9 0 7... ag- 1 0 0 01 II csgZ cac$100:1313 = c--!... ^ Ca 0 as 0 0 arcs sz. 0 0....0...g.ca.be i NI it"" a to Pxu-1,..ipl .* es 0 -,. e re ca id Um! -v C/3 .0 0 - D :fi ri cr° g i t".. ,,otp,r3 bel":11.0-15 , 0 PC..3:1 .,,, 7,,,. ic3 tl ty_ ..,... ... C...,.., -,..,.-.. ,4 ° • ee e 0 - ba.. sg,r2,01. t,..... •'-' G-21:. 1.1), .9 '''... t; 0 t' nn ' e 0 0 1.,,G4 .,.........r, -"...es 1)4 Tia 0 ,.,?, .5 17een . e Fel es wen ..., o a • ex. .0. p,r,i••4 ••••• r eri o n4 . • 0 A -1.2 '' Ci . >4 ° . i ;CI° 1210 tx,2 74§ .11-. 1:13:: : 771 'i ! Al : 7 ,,., r.; ., c=nt-'1?Se • 7114 °270. =e' ' I 0 n , trg2:-"P'" • c-] 2 2 - c 6 -F, i m.. g .., ga, --eg,.'m • -.2 X 00 FUNERALS ATTENDED UN TBE SHORTEST .NOTICE. COFFINS AND SHROUDS AL WAYS ON 14 AND HEARSE FOR HIRE. TEL CANADIAN BANK DFCOMMERCE. -HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, Paid up Capital, Hest, - :56,-000,000. - 1,44)0,000. President, R. Wm. McMaster. SEAFORTH BRANCH. T he Seaforth Branch o/ this Bank continues to ree dee deposits, on which interest is allowed on the most favorable terms. D rafts on all the prinoipal t -owns and eities in Canada, on Greet Britain, and on the United States, bought and sold. Office -First door South of the Coe:menial Hotel. 689 A. IRELAND, Manager. _ _ _ ANCHOR LINE. UTT NITED S'1ATES MAIL STEAMERS Sail Every Saturday from NEW YORK and GLASGOW (via Loin:louden-3) and LONDON Direct. TICKETS for Liverpool, Londonderry. Gies - now, and all parts of Europe. Fares as low en wan other first-class line. Prepaid Passage Certincates issued to persons wishing to bring out theit erinxeds. T he Passengeraecominedalion of AnchorLine Steamers are unsurpassed fea';eleganceeread (soul. fort. Apply to S. DICKSON, 593 As the Post Offtee,Seaferth FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE! I REAPING AND MOWING MACHINES REPAIRED. ARMERS, if ycn want yeurreaping and. mow- ": bag machines of all ninds repaired, go to T. ellis, Kippers'for he is the boy that under- stands the bleriness. ma boxes refilled with new meta), and all tinkering jobs done on ehort notice. Give me a trial, and you will -save money, Threshing Cylinders -and Concaves Filled With iffelt7 Spikes, Or the old ones lard "with the best of ieon. Special attention paid to all work entrusted to me. FARIVI A Large Stock of VW= Mimes on hand. Plows, Harrow's and Scujlers Al- ways on Hand 4&i241 Sold Cheap. .. I 7.unc.3"' Blacks/ill-thing Cfall Kinds D mu on ...0 es -.L-1 _I „••• ..... ••-• the Shortest Notice./ ma ,7 a u- Patties wanting castings or repairs from the .'14 14 0 N OXON BROTHERS' !Manufacturing Company, 0 v' - a) of Ingersoll, for m Reapersand Mowers, can get i theat my Shop, as I bave been appointf3d by that Company to keep { /1 these repairs on hand Remember the sign. 1 707-8 THOMAS ITELLIS, Rippen. cP ORC31-.A_ItiS AT THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR PHOTO. GALLERY. VX01 Sier, Ninc>, BYLL & CO.'S, and other mains supplied at 13ottona Figueel s. .Pair p 1c. ti es ( r ether exrenses in connection with this branch of my business, I can give n y cen t n (11 tis ber (ft, bed ere hie them to procure au Instrument at a reasonable price. A. CALDER, Over Wilson & Young's &pre, Seaforth, Ont. N. B - Lc Ince niatt El Gmil eL tee given with each Organ, and will be endorsed by we. ADDRESS TO THE ELECTORS. , SMITH.-" Good moaning Jones, where are yon going to 7" JONES.-" I am going down to M. ROBERTSON'S Furniture nVareroo furniture, you sc c- rein( is eetting played out and I want to get some first ra prices. Our baby wants a new cradle, and tbey say that he has the verybest county." . .. , ADDRESS. -2o the Free and Independent People ot H s, to get some new e furniture at very low and cheapest in he ron : M. ROBERTSON begs to state that ha-has removed to the premises lately ol:cupied by Mr. John. Kidd, as a Ear dean: atm e, and that he is now prepared fa furnieb everything in the Furriitere line at nine] kably lc,w prices. Intending purchasers will find it greatly to their advantage to call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere. Repairing promptly attended to. Farniture made to order onnery ehort notice. incture framing a specialty. All work guaraiateed. Farm prodtice, feathers, wood and lumber taken in c-xchange. Is, as Lion. rate. • HIS UNDERTAKING DEPARTM NT formerly, under his own supervision, and will be conducted with the gieatest care and atten- His etock of Caskets', Coffins, Shreads, &c., will be found. complete, anjl at the very lowest Funerals attended in the country. A Hearse for hire.. Remember the jiace. M. ROBERTSON, EAFORTH. THE HURON FOUNDRY, SEAFORTH. HAVING put an Engine intel tbe Fitting Shop to drive Lathes, Planea and Drills, independent ol Ilse Plow Grirdir g and 1Poliehing Machinery, parties aerating work done can have it at any time, as steam will be up every workingday. ALL REPAIRS ON ENCINES, MILLS AND 0THEi MACHINERY Attended to on short notice. Oa hand and made to order, Horse Powers, Gkain Crashers, Straw Cutter s, Land Itollers,Geng Plows, Grate Bare, &c. Plow Castings made t order from patterns furnished by parties wanting the same. Plow Pointe a specialty, Decide from Genuine Plow Point Iron; and werranted bard and Weigh. Will also Fit, Grind and Polish Plow listings cheap, as the eboirie fitted with Grinning Stones and Emery Wheels for sncb work. Will a so take Contracts for Engines, Boilers, Grist and Flouring Mills, Saw Mills and other Machinery. Will make Plans and Specificationa for Mille, &c. All Alterations on Mills or Engines attended to Will also make val- uations on all kinds of Machinery. J. S. RUN CIMAN Seaforth. P. S. -As lir. J. S. Runcimaii bas gone away an the winter, the businees will be carried on by Mr. R. Runciman until hisneturn. THE ZURICH SADDLERY, HARNESS, FURNITURE 7ABLISHMENT 1 HERliON TV ELL,, Proprietor. A GOOD Stock of latirness of an kinaa always -L-L on hand, together with everything ell% be- longing to the business, which will be sold cheaper than ever, FURNITURE FURNITURE. ' Specially low priees given to newly married conplee *requiring furnitare. Call and see my Stock and prices beforepurchasing elsewhere, as you will save rnoney by doing so. 893 • Inall,MON WELL, Zurich. . London, Huron and Bruce. Gonne NoRner-- Ezpreaa. Mail. Eaprees. A.M. P.m. P.N. London, depart ------7 40 2 20 6 25 8 40 825 728 Exeter 8 52 3 88 7 40 Henna 9 05 852 7138 Rippen... ......... 9 11 8 67 7 59 Brucefield ......... 9 21 4 07 8 08 .......... 9 89 4 23 8 25 LonnesbOre.......... 9 58 4 41 8 45 Blyth.......- . 10 06 4 nel 8 52 Balgrave . .. ...10 24 6 06 13 09 Wingham, arrive ... .10 45 525 92 GOING SoUT11- Mail. Express. Express 4.1!. P.M Winghaxa, depart... 7 00 2 57 Belgrave ......._ .. 7 18 3 05 7 85 '3 28 IeneleshOra........... 7 44 3 88 . Clinton......- 8 02 8 54 Brucefield........ ............. 8 20 4 07 Kippen ... . .. 8 80 4 15 Hensel . ... _ 8 86 4 20 Exeter. ......... . 8 52 482 .. .. 9 02 4 42 London, arrive, If/ 05 5 85 P.M. 620 '6 38 6 80 7 On 524 748 7 59 8 06 8 25 8 42 10 10 Great Wes rn Railway. TraineleaveBrnsse a s. under: GOING NORTH. Mixed 9-45 A . Accom.......550 A.M. Accom..... ..2:87 P. a Accom......12.16 P.M station, nerth and (wrath 'GOING BOOTH. Aceom........9:15 P. Orrand Tr Trainsleave Seatert follows: G'OING WEST- SEAFORTH. Express.. ..2:17 1'. M. Exprees..........8.55 P. M. Mixed Train.- ..9:15 A.M. Mixed Tzain....,..540 P. M - GOING EAST-- SEAFORTH. Express .. . - .750 A- M. Express Train....14.0 2.1!. Mixed Train... .. .4:#5 P. Y. miaea Train... .10s60 A. M. nk Railway. and Clinton Stations air CLINTON. 2:40 P.M - 9:15 P.M. 1000 A-1! 6:15 P. II. CLINTON. 7:80 A.M. 12:452. M. 4:15 P. M. 10:00 A.M.. k