HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-08-26, Page 4.- t �r3w L,
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- . i I I : I THE HOROIN EXPOSIfORN I � AtmUST 265 1881.
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- _RTISBME',�9TS. now that the Iris Land Q estion his I over the Irreconcilables and every shads gr t p ace outburst sh and struck her on�, the side of the neck. class boners
XE'W A.-DVF, I I ea that the supply cannot kee' p ' of Briti sympathy with I in English and *"
. i
! been disposed of we may confidenty' , of the Reactionaries should an ud. %_ -
. I I im, with the dems . Garfield, it was the manner in which She was picked up, and conveyed home -Both gen tIeVen were f rom, the (4,04g;
School Books—C. W. papst. 11 ; . I
i I WORKING ON THE RAILRO". � that outburst was r�ceived in America. in an unconscious condition. At last ich Hi h School.
Excursion—W. J. white. I expect that during the next session : �f probable alliance bet n the M' take u ' - t .
� : wfie There are regular na'vvies who have RoBRED THE Go;vERNXZNT.—Inve8ti- accounts she was doing as well as could —A 28putle between Clemens p
I I rV
F&rm for Sale Mr. A, McKay. 1 ; Parliament the work of, L nd Refor n place at any time. Every lover of con, I lick and Mark Buchanan, -
. i . - � built railways in other countries, and gstion is said to b%vle shown that Capt. be possibly expected.
. I � I . I 7 in reforenoe
. Notice—C. Prouty i I . - : . I to an assault and battery e
. i 1 in Scotland will go on in earnest.. 'TI �o stitutional government will be pleasel there are hundreds of farmars who have Howgate, the Arctic explorer, robbed —Boys and yougg men in Belgrave , I ,ase -
Estrayed—D. Rouat. I � I . I I in
� . left their farms to make some money, the f� large sums in the are grievously complained of for their i olnele saw mill Ethel, in hi
Rya—W. S. Robertson. ; - presence in the Governnfe it of Lol 4 to recognize in the result of the elee. . i � I W, v cha 4
. aud would-be farmers who are working fitting out of the steamer Gulnare. The ungentlemanly conduct on the street. named Alex ander Imlay .
I I F Roseberey, an advanced Liberal, reprb. tions the firm establishment of theRe. - � wasinter% .
— I I I formoney wherewith they may buy total embezzlementl is said to amount A local correspondent thinks au ener- i was tried Monday of last week
i . in
� I _Brl��
I -1 : sentirlg A S . 00ttidh - 001138ii uency, whJ, public. It is nowt strong enough to farms. As they earn'$2 per day, or on to $100,000. i getic horse -whipping from their pareii�s '� sels, before Alai. Hunter, j. p. pm
I ot � during the last election, colitribute4 fil: smile at the efforts: of its enemieEf to some sections $2.50, they make enough, DYNAMITE COUNCIL it; NEW YoRx.— would'be an excellent corrective. i i
P lick slapped' Imlay, and Buchanan il,
. I
�Ptroll lexposit "- . * ' largely to Mr. Gladstone'S success : n overthrow it. I : as a sub -contractor puts it, "to buy an The Dynamite Council sitting in New -Mr. C. Hamilton, of Blyth, has re- i defence df the . bey knocked Frafick
; I I
' I I wish they York suggests in a proclamation issued turned from Algoma, and is I down. Thi� all occurred on A,
___ ; Mid -Lothian may be regarced as a sure -_ N acre of lanc. every day." well pleas- is _Ugw*
.. — I
. � .
i . ' ' ! , i made more, for they work hard, and a few days ago that every Irishman ad with the count�y. He has taken up � 5th. Buchanan was fined two dollm
. SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Aug. 26,1881 � indication that, the work 01 ri, liting tl ie TORONTO TELEGRA31 : �1 There is should aliaist in destroying all vessels &.section of land there -some 640 acres. I and costs ; Fralick was also fined .the
9 01130 they are Gertain to need a good many �
ongs of Scotland regarding, the ienu.,e tbingtbatmustbe aidf' I dollars after they have bought the flying the English flia-g. They hint that He thinks it Wilt eventually be as fine - same. ; I
— . 8 or the manne#, ; . i
- — - t �' I i
- of her land will be -no acres. The season when most farmers this will be carried into execution after & tract as the cou t of Huron. -As Mr. � H. W. Cook, Of Clintol, .
. Ion er delayed. , in which Mr. Blake: is '07 onducting hig y I
The/Irish I .. ,I, , . * I -
Land Bill - i are found -on the railway is the winter, September 1st. ! . -Mr. Donald Donald, of Amber. was engaged ill putting in a n, eW -
I In the �meantime an opport zinity will Ile I political campaign I in' the MaritimE � , PaMID
I TERNkTIONA.L POLAR CONFER- ley, who has lived, through nearly the , into KennedYs well a few days ago A
. - � had of observing the working of the Provinces, and that' is tl�at be does not after the farms, and when rock cutting EN -cm -The international Polar confer- years allotted to man without commit- met with aniccident which ,will I
After a ��mewhat long and protract when they can leave the snow to look Tim, IN - I
- .
� I
ad Struggle, the Irish Land Bill bas at 1 Land Act in Ireland�its merits 'and . descend to persorialitie�. No matter ence has opened ai St. Peters- ting matrimony w4s made ,one' with a him from work for some time It �
r. I . I , I ; ; and other kinds of work can be done I . -
length become law. At no stage Of its defectsi-mo that dela-y.will, .1 - � ' . quite as well as in summer This is burg. . . ap- ,
I � , in t h'; i F3 i " I what the provocation ' England is to; contribute to the young damsel in the very spring, time of I peen one of the logs of the pump W#A
I ,
progress through the Hou in I I L 3 - may be, and an advantage that Cannot be'had with enterprise bv the er�ction of an.observa- her life a few days� ago. This is good i being 11tte4 on the other, and *.
. . t� stance, result,not in loss bu; in ultimal a i goodness knows that he has had enougb, lines built on the prairie. Winter puts tory in Northern 1 Canada. America encouragement forl all bachelors. i Cook was holding u
. I
I mor_8 Was it in serions danger. The gain. . : � I � I p the rod and
. I � ! of it, he baB n6t allowed himself t to railway construction theie. will erect stations at Point Barrow and the e
overwhelming Liberal ma ority that . P I -Mr.'T. McCaktne has taken � stead ing th � logs, when the men h I
. J . . -_ I . I I y y � , 0 la�
the Premier has bad at his back would I REGARDING the progress o I I provoked into making personal attacks THE PROHIBITION OF THE'LIQUOR TRAyFIC Lady Franklin-Bayj, job of pulling fifteen acres of peas from j ing the ppq log, let itdownbefore ]Wr
1he Gover- i Mr. Robt. Mille I was read n' 'ng his hand .
� . . I I f n, !at $1.25 Par acre.. � Cook u
be more than sufficient to . ensure I I upon his political , opponents. The is rigorously enforced in Keewatin, but THE NEW YORR HERALD. - It if; I v, cat N
1-1) . -and
its ' nor -General and suite in tte NortlL. � He has also the jA of six: a,cres from � bruising it � --t'velT
1 C t ,"
i � i the , whiskey -trader evades all laws. The stated that Connery, the JnanagiDg � . I �
succe8sin any emergency. The opPo_ MaJil _,alls him a political assassin, and - t1i ' I
' � Mr- Goo. Coultice � at -6 same rate -Rev. J, i, � ;" I- - , 'I, P .
. . - � `��X, ,. A 'hu
West we learn from t 3e (.316. a 6orres- demand Secures the supply. He brings editor of the Herald, has been retired I . - 5, 3
I accuses him of striking below -the fifth These gentlemen all reside in the vicin .� -1; L." �_,Jlieaguegna
sition made to the Bill by the Conser- ; pondence that the par I his hogs of alcohol to some convenient On Pension, and will. be succeeded by ! accepted ti �' 4 .
vatives, though respectable, was at no 1 . y left Rapid Cit y I rib. But these tactics are so peculiarly islet, and there by means of pain-killet, Frank Sawley, of the London Tale- ity of Belgrave ! I successor to Dr. ,ore, Of Aloderich, at a
,.at 5 a. in., on the" I.th, and reached I i -The Exeter VIblanteer Company is salary of $W)6 linum. His orains.
time- of such a character as to caa�e i Shoal Lake in the aft 3rnoon. those of the Mail that the attempt to tobacdo-juice; and other ingredients, graph. It is said that Charles Nord- � . per a
- , I On ; tbe'i i not forg4ttfbg water, turns the keg into hoff will be the principal editorial about to be re-orginized by Lieut -Col- ' tion Kud induction. have been arran -
-- its ultimate success. 'i 12th the party passed 'thro h Bir'tle, I a s onel Ross. Lieui�uant Elliott will be I for September 18th, at 2 p. ni�, in Riox
any alarm for 9 affiliate them with Mr. BI ke' name gea
But deceives nobodv. I . I . paucheons. A confederate on the line writer. aptain, and Ensign Sanders, I Church, Go
although nothing could be, I � gazetted c
I 0 or was where an address . . watches the policeman, and the ino- H-niEN.EAL -Great preparations are I derich, Dr. Ure to preside,
- was presented . and I - I . I � lieutenant. The Militia Department I Mr. McDonald to Preach, Mr. Lochea4
done to jeopardize its passage at any of . rep ment he moves on to som!e other point, being made in the Duchy of Baden for o 7 �
ly made. The P& ty camped! at i �, ' will at once issue new clothing. I to address the minister, and Mr.
its readinas, there Was ample 'op . � . THE TORONTO WORLD : The results a Rag is hoisted. The trader at once the celebration of the silver wedding of . Nfus-
r, por-1 very pretty spot on th 'east bank of the I Df'the intermediate iexaMidations are pushes off in a cauce with his case, and the Duke and Duchess of Baden and' -Some evil disposed persons took a grave the peOple. Mr. Turnbull is at
tunity to reuder serious obstruction to Assiniboine Riv6r, four 'miles from- FoA I I , . I . . I he soon finds men by the score willing the marriage of the Princess Victoria. double waggou from the roadside oppo- I present �rustiolating at Farquhar. -
. I ! Ireating no little disstAisfaction i I �
I - Considerable excitement prevailed
its progress, and this the Parnell fac- Ellice. -Mr. McDonald,, of the Hu . to Pa,y twerity-five cents for a glass of The health of the Empress of Germany site .Mr. Evans'far,m, on the 8th con - i �
OSOA I �hroughout the Province. Those whom � whiskey, or four or five dollars for a is much improved. 1 cession, in Morris, 4nd hauled it ne rly I
tion was nob slow to take advantage of. Bay Co ' � a in Dungannon over &base ball matctL
. 0 I mparly, bospit),bly . eritertainel �he master h o u*ld do best bottle. When a thousand dollars can be I . awed it which took I
I I .1 . GOLD SHIPMENTS !To Am -E RICA.- --The i opposite R. Wilso�ls farm and a i Place on Friday, 12th inst
With a determined perseverance,wortby I the party. At two 1). in, it I � � - ' made out of a cask of whiskey i . number of pieces. . � .
I I Pvere plucked; while unpromising ones � man will Is Bank of England � statement and the " a. There was so 'a big - itching done between side� chosen from the Ashfieij
of a better cause, the Parnellites, day Indians was held inside � the Fort. be found to engage in the business. I heavy coin transactions among certain m p and Wawauo�h sides of the vill
; � I ,ot through without trduble. Whole: I I on the farm of Mr. Fred Horton, at age, re-
. � � . I I
by elay, did their best., or their worst, to About three hundred Were '"n atten ' ' bankers indicate that arrangements are -, spectively. At the en -the n- th
I i , d of . in
chools were rejectediii Some instances. ; Leeburn, a few �ays ago. Mr. S. innings the score sheet showeda tio.- -:
- I � While I am writing this an auctioneer , making to ship.an unusually large sum
. I
hinder and defeat this measure 6f jus- dance, and were receivad by His Excel . - �
; I tlingwood and Elora appear to be the � is selling "town lets" in a crowded I Ad from I Knuck pitched 320,shocks of- fall wheat 26 to 26, and another linn1mys was
tice to the Irish people. And now that loncy and staff in uniform. The ; I . i of gold bullion and American g( . r
- i rs� keeping two 'wagons b
. I '
the Bill has received the Roval I I y arE � !Lost successful. Orillia ant up nine- room dqwn stairs, tl�e "town" being I London for New York and Philadelphia I in a played, = changing the relative
; I somewbere up the Assiniboine Ri,�er, 1 on Saturday. i . f on the jump. They made thirteen Position
- ELasent, mostly Salteaux and I Sioux many o ! 1jeen and two got through. About, . , scores, as each side ad- '�
the . i ? . 1 loads. This wor would require a
� . question ma,y be, asked -will it one O'r two hundred miles away, in all i MOODY'S MEETINOS.-Mr. MOOdy'S ded three to �their score. Thai, as -the
� . . I them having travelled plearly �00 m'ile-,z I seventy per cent. of all ihoso who came probability without a house on the site sfroug arm and a n�igbty quick turn.
prove a remedy for t6 grievances on I � - 1 meetings at North:Qd, Massachusetts, shades of eve1n, g began to fall�, a -dis-
. . I to meet the Governcr-Ganer'al. The - � . - � -Mr. W. McKay� Bon of Dr. McKay, . in
account of which almost every intores' � i I Ap were rejected. , : I I Right opposite, another ,auction of the attract many people 1frorri a distance, a ,I ai , ning a persion" wag made. Neither Sia,3
in Irela�nd basso long suffered ? I T, I Sioux carry a flag presented to them by _' - I . Same hind is going on. I hear lively party from Canada land one from the , of Dangannon, succeeded in obt i - seemed satisAed with the result, and .it
T bidding, and feel almost ashamed that '_ I second B. certificate at the July ex-
: , . .
I . arninations. He wrote at Collingwood, i
. ' ] TORONTO MAIL: Our despatches' con- 11 I have been in Winnipeg So long with -trial
I i I the British Governmert in ,. 812. The Wyoming Valley bei is probable that anothef I will take
Without doubt, this Bill can scarcely . nPhe evening tent
. Council lasted nearly four bo r8, a great �. I - rivals last week. : i place. I
be regaided, even by its distinguished I !I fain the very . pleasing: news that Prof. ' out having yet invested in s, town lot. meetings for men, -which Were such a! the High Scho I ol Where he had been -A qua
many IudianB Speaking, Hi lExcellen , rrei which almost terminated '
. CY �; Dawson . I attending. i I i
, of Montreal, has been elected I It is evidently the light thing to do prominent feature of the Conference I in a murder occurred in Kintail '
author, as a final legislative . measure. addressed them a few wor ' Of advice �i I when you visit Winnipeg. � I -AcorreBponde t writing fromAl- � &,short I
; � I i , I president of the Ameilicau Association I Every than last year, have been resumed. time ago; th ' parties connectea with
Dealin� as it does with interests go � ! � i i Q
11 I and encouragement, and gave the I wh O' comes here seems determined to � gonia to the Huron
I in Born() 1 f:)r the Advancement of Science. This i � MODERN ABILITY OF THE COMMONS.- i affray being Mr. R,oii'ala MeDolisl,a
vast, varied and complicated, it would I I have a town lot, no matt' I McCrae, who left elgrave about five
: 1 presents. It was expected that the .1 . er what the I John Bright says there is far more I residing neart Amberle
' � I 11 f attering testimonial to the high posi- !I er in ". ,y, and Mi, Wil. :
I be expecting entirely too much A price, and no matter where the town is, I ability in th Briti years ago, is about the oldest settl i ,'an agent. Knowles be -
that it Party would reach Qu I ' 8 sh House of Coin- ; the place and is loo ad upon as a grand- son Knowles ' .
, �
' �
. pp Ile on the � i t , on taken in scientific affairs by a Can- or whother it is a town or not. He i mons now than there was two genera- ; fat . coming indignant , at thel bitter irr�eb_ c
Should prove an. effectual remedy for 17th-. The weather Was fing, but the �� adian cannot but be gratifying to the 'buys to -night, and if he chooses to sell l her to that part f the country- iae .
9,11 thowrongs of Ireland. Thatit.will, I I tions ago. He believes that if the I tives of his sarcastic antagonist,ashea -;
nights co)d on the road. is Excel-:!� to -morrow Some one else will probably , has 50 acres of spr ng wheat and - ex- him if he I �
! muntry. We inay ,venture to off i present front bench � s were to a t -
,-. � howev, , if fa,irly carripd out, afford a lone and friends have' . .1 er buy it at an advance. The fever is as 0 appear ! pects to have 1,400 Dushels. � Ronald -
taken the oppor- c)rdial coD:,ratulation5 to Dr. Dawson no more after this ��sesgion the front � exactly in that condition,
y i didnI feel t I
- 0 . ; ! We are sorry to learn of the death of i � -
ge, m . :intense as at a gaming table, and every- ' bouches next Session would be ratty I Alexander C. Simmons, at one time and the �
� I
I lar easure of redress for those tunity of visiting and gEnerally convers- : Of P refore answered in the negative, �
' . on the event. I thing is conducted with the calmness re I I whereupon the exasperated man drelw a I
wroligsban not be for a moment doubt- ing with the Settlers, and baNe thus ob. . nearly equal to the p' sent ones. i proprietor of the 9oderich Star. He I
— i and perfect order that characterized f
- I I
ad by ar y fair and non . I GOING 1 . -revolver and Ared. Mr. Young, hotel �
. formition con- I RESPINCTlNG the financial position of 'IB9.den-Baden in the days of highest UT. - - an
-partizan mind. tained much valua�ia ill � . I To FiGm IT 0 Hart- I died of erysipalas at the resid ce of ' keeper, noticed the revolver in jim�
of the countr . ! I � play. This, too, will come to an end. _ I �e . a Godarich, on, the' 17tti change the &4 to
0 - earning the resources the Great Northwestern Railway the York irom Canada on Wednesday Of ; inst t6ction of the ball-, thus
Lord Dunraven, an English pear, hav � y mann the Nihilist, r turned to New ' his f ther in
estates in Ireland, who voted L . But So far there has bgen no ebb. , at the early age of 36 years�. His averting fatal:
ing larg � I London' Financier- says: "Although last week. He expresses himself con- I I . :results, It is said that
. Hitherto every man who bas bought . funeral took place oil Friday af ternoon. Mr. MCDO '
! THE LEAD.ER of the Libe alpartyismeet- I vinced that the United States will no . - � nald intends to prosecute
in the House of Lords against the ma- I the decrease this week in the traffic I and Sold soon afterwards !has made t � last, at two O'clock.,' - �
I I � - Knowles. .
jority al�d with the ,Government, on . , money. I deliver him to the Russian hangman. , -A young son of, Mr. John Owens, I
ing with the most gratify] ng supcess in his I r ceiptB of the Great Western is as Much I _Tke �
every division, is reported as Saying I � i - � � But dogged as be hasbelieved himself : near Belgrave, had, a large lump cut PrizOs !Offered by Mr..�bbli
progress through the IM aritirJae Provin - �i as ;62,900, we are dit � Alexander, of '
� I sposed to advise ' � � . Ne-ws of the W eek. to be by Russian spieAl since his arrival ' out'of his throat a few days ago, by a i Brussels, for best butter,
that the 3trong point in the Bill is, that ces. On Monday last lie a4dressed a �� the shareholders not to be disco , ; � � here, he has decided to fight the matter 'medical man from Lucknow. He were awarded!, on Tuesday last week
. L, I uraged. , SuRPLus GRAIN. -The surplus wheat � has and the I'Adies! who were the successful
it, gives t:) the Irish people a system of very large meeting in I out in the Courts if he is arrested on 11 another lump in hist' throat which the i
jiverpool, Nova �'There are possibilities'of connection for f Oregon for export this year is 300,000 i
I .
� . . 0 1 1 an extradition warrant. . . . doctor intends taking out soon. 1 The winners have reason to be proud of their
- REDUCTION OF RENTS IN SCOTLAND boy has suffered mach, besides Iiii i 11 mall;ufacturing the beautiful -
land tenure which with them exceeding- Scotia, and a reception was � also held this line which before long will redound tons- . skill i
ly populg.r, and which is much- 'More in on the . same day, when a,bout 500 per- considerably ,to their advantage. In . RECEIVED ROYAL ASSENT. - The AND EN`GLAND.- Several Scotch land- � a cough, and feels considerably re ving Gilt Edge. There- were one hu,id,e4
accordance with their babits and pr6lu- Sons #ere present. ']IT. Blake and any case we are''of opinion that at the Land Bill has received the Royal lords have recently made imp : . lieved tubs in all ; and a better lot of butter
I L ortantrent , since the operation *&a performed.
dices than any other System. He assent. i
. SaY8 party having. arrived tle buVdingwas range of prices betwben 12 and 13 s � STANLEY ILL.-Stanle�y red -actions, and now it is learned that -Mr. Walkinsh�w, the prince of * would be bardi to get together. The
further that, it gives to tenants a legal found to be already fille- I bares - the African reductions have taken place on three of I quoitists, will play Mr. Wzh. Trel tubs were oil nu=berad -so that the I
, o - � . 3xplorer, is said to be dangerously ill on 1 eaven, judges were not aw �
c I to a rceBs with ,±t rather:� to be bougbt as a per - the beat known estates in England. , �are w �
right to all those benefits which land- ' , � iffie Congo River. - at Lucknow, for $1 , about the Middle , - , hothe .Success -
an audience of at least 2,00( pdrsons. manentinvestment than sold by 'real � Mr. Gladstone has taken off 10 per of September, givin him 10 points in a ful prize winners,ware untH Itbe judg-
� -
. . .
lords who previously had acted fairly The.building was seated to accommodate i holders. I .- � . . VALUABLE. -A million florins in Rus- cent. at Hawarden, which is the third 61 point game. W 'nshaw has also Ing was over.. The following iB the
� � - �
. �
with their tenants had already conced_ � I I I oiall Imperials left Holla;nd for New time he has made a reduction there, I beep hat: Ist., Mrs. Wilson, Grey; 2nd,
lj800,andmany wereforced to.stand. , York on Thursday, 18th inst. - ' ' - matc a Pla Messrs. G. Green- Mrs. I Forbes,
-M. p. f r Queen's PRESIDENT G.&RFIELD'S condition has 11 A PRoinTAnLE CORNER. -It is Said having been 15 per well and aven (both at once) at Morris; 4th, M ,Crerar, Grey; ,5tjl
ad to them. Regarding that section of Dr. J. F. Forbes, ex the two former ones a . resi- ' role I Mrs. Stocks, Grey; 3rd,
hich will be permanently County presided. Mr G. . S. Mar. by no means improved. There is an 'hat the Cincinnati parties who con- t Hughonden, tb ' Wingbam , on the 2nd of Sap. Mrs. J.. M, 9
the people w, , cent.each. A or 1 _ , rs. J.
. in ing of anxiety regarding rolled the wheat "corner" made dance of the late Lord Beaconefield, tember. . .. CDOnald , Grey; 6th, Iris,
conciliat6d by the Bill, this liberal and Shall read the 3reased feel Gill, E tbel - 7-th ' cott Grey; Sth,.
! � _ address - - - - - igne by over 2,000,000. - . the -agents have returned 20 per cent., -Commencing at about 11 o'clock on Airs. M 2 � 7 Mrs, 8 v
fair-minded no,bleman Says that very 700 of the electors of tbe oou ty. The I him, and there is little' or no hope of , YELLOW FEvER.-Yellow fever has and this is said to be in accordance -with , Friday night, W. H. Frazer and D. . cGit lGrey; �qt,h., Mrs. G-oorge
� ; �
much will depend on the action of the speech of the lead' hi 3 recovery. � i Crooks, Gray;d0th Mr
: the late owner's expr6ssed intentions. i Jolies,in the employ of Mr. R. F I s. Neff Gre
. er WaB f flowed by : � ; I I ad a serious cbayacter at Ha*na, On the Duke of Westminste alf6rd, The butter wais shi . I Y_
M P I i — I ra" r's Eaton I near Leeburn, cut and bound three _pped to - Aberdeen,
Land Commissioners; that, if they will 71BUra having been forty deaths ddri ! Scotland.
short addresses by Mr. Kill THE REV. PIRAN(C[PiAL GRANT, R tbOr I the week. 1119 Hall estate, near Chester, nutic'e has I acres of wheat bef6re 5 %. in. The, i
reduce rents to thirty per cent. below of y � � 7 � . . an t
Oi �a�l ' I
. armouth, and Mr. McCoi - � been given that at ,the forthcoming I grain was well out � and nicely bound. �
. � ' . I Some of the recent shipments from
Griffith's valuation, which is equivalent fax. The greatest a . . ,of tb I at readable book on the Northwest, ,�A WESTERN MILLIONAIRE. - Alex, audit 25 per cent. will be returned. On � Such labor out of season may be go Wingliam. were I - Five car loads of lumj)er
: lithaslas prevail- "FrPin Ocean !to Ocean," is just now, itchell's houseisin Milwaukee cost ' for the grain but it is bad f Od ing �4,OW lbs 671 packages -
r . the pasture lands at � Eaton Hall, as ea,ch weigbi,
to fifty pe' cent. below the actual value ad, and'the -applause wN s lizarty and 'during summer holidays, we presur $1,500,000. He the richest man in some Compensation fo � the late flood- I men. or the Work- of 'wool weighi!
. jae, the Northwest. ., r � I I Ing .
of the lalid, there can be no doubt that most emphatic i 1 3,1 altoget�er 40,2601be.
re v I � ade ILL.-7Mrs. Edison, wife of T. A. ! - load of 'cedar p osts to W. H.
- Sion took place at the clo 3e of the meet- , "' - . shillings an ac�e. � i Kelly, a farmer from Blyth, Ont., was Wilanett, Lond'on.-Two stallions and
the now ll�w will be eminently satisfac - A torobhg t proces. 1� tra'ersing his -former route in' ing, the Duke-IbLas reduced the rent 10 ' :The Detroit News "y that 'John -A car
- �. Some eight or nine years ago, and as he - J �dison, the ominerl t electrician, is seri- � ! I I
tory to the great body of the people. Ing. The demonstratio is the Most' ti I rav I eils doing duty as the Special cor- Ously ill at thebome of Edison's broth- . - = I enticed into a gambling den in Detroit one mare to Mr. T. B� Buchanan of
I ,� . � i
- I
Very much will depend, too, on the use successful ever bold in t, in Port Huron, � ' . Huxon Notes. , one day lately. After John had place-( ',.I Chicago. -Mr. 11). Stewart shipped o
I the county. - - , lmi(sh- -
Xe pondentof t4eGlobe. Thefollow P . 13 mb U
I � . 1119 1! A COMFORTABLE - INcomE.�The in- 1 James Ryan, of McKillop, has been 1 $20 on the board some one raised the Ola 8 to- Montreal for ex-
0 I Prue 0 am olice I" a -ad John fled Along portation.-Mr. i McManus shi
There is no room 16� do ubt that graphic sketches of Northwestern life t ' fJ es Gbidon 'Bennett, of the I removed to the asylum in London. I pped On
the Irish people will themselves make I the 11th,
of the law. If they will g' . I cryol 11P ` 11
. James Taylor had to pay at Goder. 1 with the crowd, forgetting to take back Saturday last 8; car load :of unleached .
ones W - on_ erald, is between $750 000 I - -- ashes we i g 24 000 lbs, to MonToe, .
ive it a fair Queen'B county, which the Conserva- and ec' a here present for the _ I ew York H ,
: I the privileg � If I
and honest trial, there can be little tives carried with a 'narrow majority in and �800,000 a year. ! ich the other, $5.75 for' ,a of 1 his money, but securing instead $20 ,Ihm
. I to ainment of. our readers. Speaking , I ,
I i t
doubt but that it will work largely to 1878, is ready t at FLOODS IN COLORADO. - Extensive assaulting W. Ostrander. I worth of experience. Judson -
0 revers ,t tb verdict of -the - . I '& Stroup, Peconia, Long Island, .1 -
� i - . I
their advantage. On the ol i r4ins for the past few days has caused -Last Sunday was the fifth anniver .. -The EngliEh church people &Hen- N. Y -J. Hamilton -
ther hand, if when the opportunity occ-irs. I � ' l� - � & Co., of White- � .
by listening to the counsels and follow. . I I . CANADA �PACIFIC RAILWAY, bleavy damage in Colorado. There are sary of the big fire in Brussels when 32 . fryn have decided to erect an edifice for church and Wingham, shippied on the I
� he Bi�-y,B: I'AB rekards alignment,extreme Ils and washouts on every railroad, buildings were destroyed. � worshipping in. A large proportion of 11th to .'New Ydrk 137 barrels of egp, I
ing the advice of demagogues and agita- EXPATIATING upon the, agnitude curvature, and grades, especially the I PARNELL'S AFPF,AL.-P&rnell has ap- --J. T. Mitchell, editor of the Blyth the funds have already been subscribed. each"barr6l- 00irtaining 7-0 dozen -alto. .
. I ; .
tors they put themselves into hostility of railway operations in the oithwest gra os, runnipg paqt, where the traffic P aled.to the Irish electors in the ap- Review, has had a telephone erected The building will be frame, veneered gether 9,590 dozens or 11-5,()80 eggs.-
I . ,Oil I eventually be much heavier than in p oaching contest in Durham to vote ufficiently.large - . . I
to it, either covertly or openly,- they the Emerson International ayll : 14A . -from his office to the post office. with brick, and will be a Messrs. Fish6r 1 Hutton shipped to St. It
� ' �
� .. the I opposite direction, no line in Cana- N th Tory candi&te, or abstain from -The July make of cheese at the to accommodate about one hundred Johns, N. B., 1-25 barrels of -flour; also I I
will cortain1v fail to reap the benefits grand System of 'railways, hich in- as;is equal to .it, except -the Callivida v �t i a 19(.1 Bluevale factory was sold. to Mr. B al- persons. The contract has been let, to the same 'destination another car :
td be derived from it. If they sow the eludes the Manitoba S�outhwEstern, the 5outhern, which is a short'line running 1 THE JEWS IN RuSSIA.-The anti- lantyne at 10J cents per lb. and the work will be Proceeded With at 100 Of flour. Mr.- J,ohnstons d to
! t . I hippe
� i -
wind they must certainly reap the Emerson a,nd Northwestern,' jhe Port- ffir' ugh an exceptionally easy oountly. J wis di8t bances in the district of -The body of the late Mrs. -Spicer, Qnce. . Montreal P25 ba'rrels On the 4th, sna
I .
whirlwind. We are glad Am ' erhapB nowhere in the world can I altava, )t,ic has since ship �
. P Southern Russia have led to a who died in Chicago last week, was --One day last week the Athl( another ,car loaA to -
to observe, age, Westbourne and Nortlllme itern,a a liL,e be found fEl - I Ladrosse club of Brussels and t the the Same PILV
1 30 Od ,over a country tal collision between- Ze troops and brought home to Exeter for interment.
� .
I . -
b owever, that Prominent ecclesiastics the Winnipeg and Hudsonj . I _ �
� Is ay Rail 30 cult. It � has been said that a I tl�e mob. il agree to of- Dauntless club of 0inton met a� the I
give strong advice to allow the Land' ways, is' recei . ; : ) � =Z=777=T==!!!!!! .
ving the a;tt ntion� of I 'oh e' railway Jwould ,have served us i MUCH-M,IRRIED MARVIN.-Ih is stated far 10 cents a head for all animals latter place to cross lances. Two games -1tera �
J� . Pel�th' �
Act a fair trial. We trust that such Henry Villard, the reat lail I qu lly'w'611, But it was impossible to Ithat Marvin, who deceived the lady running at large contr � a.
advice may be taken and acted upon, of the Unite 9 . � ay I ng i ni-d - �al Richmond,' Virginia, had married . axy . to the by- I were won by each, when a fifth was an- , Cole's great � show is to visit Mit-
d States, and., i is quite ' a cheap line. The wilderness la w. gaged in. Afte� a long struggle of about ; chell during Sept�ember.
I I 3on lition of the country, its roadle'so ,ten women previously, under numerous -Mr. E. Holmes, of the C linton New , 50 minutes, a dispute arose.between the
and that instead of Strife and agitation probable that his master h&r, I will put i trid unpeople.d state, the vast extent of � a] iases, I I Era: was called away to St:; ' clubs and the game -was left unfinished -Col. McPh6rsou has sold his de- ,
� I a gant
I THE FIRST PRELIMINARY.-LaBt Fri. 8 week on the and
We Shall Sao peace and tranquility reign the finishing touch of suce 3ss to the muskeg that had -to be ; on Wednesday of la t . -,.Catharines Araturn match will probably set residence ih Stratford and is about .
� I . -
scheme. The "a . . � I tl leaving that town.
over. Ireland. , three first2named I Ls brats'eda'bnedfor'e roads could be made d��y morning in. New York, Hartmann, den death of his brother. which is the better team. � -At the rec j
� nn�� . have been surveyed a . ad t J I � ake pplieB to. the men, the cor. tl a Nibilist, filed hi's declaration of in, -Mr. W. J. Davy, formerly of Au- -The other day, while driving , near ination Mit, ant Intermediate exam.
. wo .- r _h�
Land'Bill for Scotland. I . i a actual- I'Joy ri'%'T king, the heavy' rock t ation to become a citizen of the burn, now residing in Chicago,.is trying Port Albert, Mr. J. 611 High SchQoI. Passed .
Ina I
ly under construction, while t: �e fourth i tings and t Mountney, stage nine out of thi4y�two candidates
I J tunnelling, the lakes with United States. to dispose of his tannery and dwelling driver, observed a horse struggling
That there will be, sooner or la line, the Winnipeg and Hul son's Bay � , a cherous b very - CRUELTY CHARGE CO.NFIRMrD - The house in Auburn. t -Mr. W - Robinson, of the MitcheR
ter, � . ottoms intersecting a - s . upon the ground in & pasture field, Road, Fullaxton had a cow killed by
a change in the Land Tenure of Scot- road, is now - actually be os ible line,, combined to make a cheap st:)ry of inhuman treatment by the -S. Armstrong, of the 6th conces- . haviDg caught its foot i I .�v
. ing Surveyed � in a rope tied -hghtning un,n a recent.storm'. �
� I
from Winnipeg. to Hudson's � ay, alonj t la d of seaman is corroborated is neck. He went to -Wo�ki at Ithe Listowal f-ounar
land is apparent to -every close obBe - ai way an impossibility. As this line ,of cars of the British ship Star of En�, Sion, Grey, has sold his farm of fifty loogely around hi d
0 rver the east side of Lake Wi B a . � a young acres'to B. Dilsworth. Mr. Armstrong the rescue of the animal, and sacceeded y is
f British domestic politics. .And had ' 'peg and KEY TO THE NORTHWEST, b.,� the latest carried on for
I I 1 , I I witnesses who have been inteZds removing to Manitoba. � in cuttin twelve Or fourteen hours
the Irish Land Act not taken up the Nelson River. This syste .. . � 9 it loose in time to Save its a day, and so'llietimes longer.
ri I of rag, - �n as no" other is ever likely to be �pured. * : -The Turf Club of Wingliam. has 1 life. badly out I -During the last month 'Mo.
time and engrossed the attention of the ways, in connect I S9 DIED.-JaMEB SIOCU . The poor brute was I
ion with the North. i i t across the same country, we ma i in, a promineit decided to bold on September 7thand 1 about the head, and was bleeding pro- I UiTitt k Hp#burt, of mitchel.1 have
. ,I . � 0 y reiilway condu or, of New York State 8th,a r . B
Commons to such a degree, during ern Paoif gratulate ourselves on having so . ace meeting there, when up- I f usely.
ic and the Duluth and Emer. � received orde�s for P,000 W'
- r,o d a road, and the sooner it is t opened aid California, died on Sunday evouis wards of $1,000 will" orth of
the present -Be'- , I 9 - be givon. in prizes.- I -A. H. Musgrove, teacher, Bluevale, hosiery. I
BBi011 of the Irn. son Air Line, once perfected, would I be 1� better. Every one is confident that atl Bradford, P� . It is supposed that in I .
Kho I Miss Isabella Oliver, of St. Marys, I offers a first prize of $2"'and a second o
arial Parliament, it is come one of the grandest y I a ,At of do a f
P altogether Bteln� of, t i I 'be opened for, passengers and liriu tremens he took an who holds a first-claBs certificate, has 1 $1 for the best history of any of the ell ringer-, Mr.
. -
likely that sorue I oterdose of morphia. . Gustave Sliaith hats just celebrated his
radical land re- railwayBoia the continent, nd would if derate traffic by the time stipulated, I I been appointed third assistant teacher following townshipsw'viz.: Turnberry, 81st birthday '
t is on June 30th next. If this is Wswanosh-open !
to ;
)adian North -des- i ag�o C. Denni6, of Branson, had his �Iiss Ka . L
form measure would have been all- provide the Cai ePt AFTER SEVEIT YEARS. -Seven years in Goderich High School in place of . Morris or East hearty. I!Und is still hale and
, . I
' omplished, and I sea no reason to y- . boys or girls of 18 years and uude�. , -Mr- BOItoh, of Listow6j,. z
acted placing on a more equitable tined to become the gran of the 1 o bt it, the merchants of Winnipeg Child stolen or taken away while - he -Mr. H. 'Davis, of Wingham, has Papers to be in first day who is en-
-with shippi , of show. gaged sury ' -
basis the relations of Scottish landlord world . ng s equal i , get in their supplies after this year rEside'd in Obi . Last week he found gone on 0, prospecting tour to Manitoba. Each competitor to use a nom de 7W eying a townslup in Algoma,
li(�r in Indiana. She I ph says that so,fa-r he has not seen a
and tenant. The smaller tenant-f&r- to any part of the contiri by it, and the differ6lice to them and taken. was thirteen when He intends investing -in land to the -ex- instead of . real name. The foilotg hundred -ac arable land.
. ww� I � . . h people of the lforthwest 'Will be I tent of $3 000 I should a good chance , points to be noted; Physical features, -There '
- THE GENERAL 0 rmous. One meriphant has assured � il ' � w*E; Paid last week to the
mers of Scotland have for a long period I I DiSTINGUISHFiD PERSONIGES.-TWo 'of occur. . -res bf '
submitted to hardships and restrictions - ELECTIONS r,,q FRANCE I early settlement, municipal history and Several factories in E 1,,Mg,, f -or july
that'. were it open this year, they. Prime Minister Sir Robert Peel's graill. -Mr. A. MeD. Allan, of Goderich, 1 general progress. tOw girls and boys cheese, about $12,000, M,r
not any less irksome or annoying than have gone largely in' favor of the Re- q uld save 5300,000'; and the proba so as, Lords Jersey and Camoys, sit in who has a Dornii)ion reputation a go at it. Don't be afiaid, and try your ofStratfora, 1 . BaUglityney
* publicans, and the. French R 3public is ity is that they must import more thp House of Lords. The latter is' a good judge of fruit, is in 0 1 P11YiD9 the principal pad.
a � by the peasantry of Ireland. - V u S a
those born )i RP' . 7en So nd oest. I -An old residentof F .
But the patience and forbearance ch now established a V LrY succeeairig year than at present. -man Catholic. I ullarton in the
ar- Pon a firiner basis � � this week attending a meeting of -On Sunday morning, 14th inst., person, of Mr.." Robt. Botterall dieds.
I I TErE DANGERS OF THE MATTERHORN. the Ontario Fruit Grower's: Association. while the children of Mr. John Clark, of few Lys
ae-teristic of the Scottish people have than ever before. On this matter we I I THE CITY OF WINNIPEG. -While five Americans travelling �iu -Win. Morrison, of Belgrave, left I dIE ;i,o, having considerably
� No wonder -that winni . were passed three s
,hus far without quote the Globe: The triumph of the . P g is a busy Switzerland were descending �ho that place very earl one morning late- plat ipg out around the house, a little I
carried them through f Paramount, Ashfield township,
y y age of mail,. I .
an insurrection or even an agitation. Republicans in the French ge Ill. Ce ; for with the except on of What M Aterhorn, a falling rock seriously in- ly, taking with him his family and all fellowli.about nine years of age was 0 -re and �en, the allotted .
I .
I rson does it is the distributing can- iii -ad one Gilbert, a tutor at the univer- his other Possessions, but forgetting to amusing . . Some, twenty candidates
heral. elec- )! I -out Of I
� for the whole No' . . ! liging a ,'stick from the Li4owel High School who , -
That a change in the Scottish Land tions has been most marked. Reac- t�r e th�West; and I sity in Bloomington, Indiana set himself by swi-
' -
Tenure has not been imperatively do- ti0n&rieE; of every shade have been Suppose that no country has ever been . DAxA.GiNG WEA.THER. - he tle se�veral bills owing to sundry of around his head in the presence of his I -
. I � '' M�rk the residents. I ,wrote for cort1ficates at the late inter-
, .
I s� fled' by a class of . emigrants so Lt a Express Says that the wheat h�r- I
M#mded, is no reason at all that Such & quietly ignored by the mass � � . little Sister, when it broke, one - piece in -
o I the elec -Mr. James Torrance, of Goderich striking the girl in the eye, bursting ed'ate examillations, six have �suc_
le- tors, and in the main I . ! v r� althy, intelligent, and energetic as vell, i7n Engla, - the ceeded in passl
. left at h ' I � Ing.
0.86 ;
measure is not urgently needed or c - orne. SO t: �t ad has been much dam'g township, bad this season a large area eye out of its socket. A. physician was -The Pre �,r y rian congregatio
I � Chat, so far, have gone into "the ad by the weather of the past'wei ' under fall wheat, which in the spring summ. tel� presl( n -of
far 483 Deputies have been elected, and gr at lone .land" -the old name that Co. d nights and the hot days causing promised a yield of sbon't ten bushels to 'led- over by Rev.
Sired. On the contrary, ther B , 8 b te -
a was 31 �_;_ oned who dressed the injured Mitchell, 1.
among the Liberal Scottish members of these 403 are lRepublic I st now be dropped. -On r part in & skilful manner. At last a,c- Mr. Mitchell, has agreed unanimously
ans The eaching the grain in the Sheaves to sprout. I ' the acre. It will probably reach thirty counts she was progressing to extend a c ,
a *. N innipeg on Monday night I tried three FRIENDLY RELATIONS. -the acre. all to Rev. Donald Tait, of
of the House of Commons during th - --Bonapartists appear to have I ost niOst i b I tols before I could get a room. Half G1' - Herbert bushels to I , -Among those who passed 'the re- Berlin, at & 'salary of �I,OW and free
Idstone, Speaking at Leeds on Sattir- -A serious accident occurred at Dun. I
session now closing, a very strong feel- seats, possibly because of the Reaction- : o ''the city Seems to be ca posed of ho day night, said cent matriculation examination at the manse.
, i In -
a 1 1 . � ;
Ora on Sunday, along with
I aries they h d the in s�, saloons, and boarding houses, and sa isfactory poiats in the foreign 0 t Anderson, after attending choir PI actice Aborn, who matriculated in 'Arts and a number of ch I ildrenwho receivel their
ing that the time had come when the ost to lose. Their 1 ti:;l that one of the most gannon a few days ago. Miss Mary University of Toronto, were Win. H. -At Kink �
whole question of the Scottish- Land net loss is 37 seats n pre and still larger ones are in course look is the increasing - friendsLp �e . in the church, w&s'in the act of getting. .Win. Donald, who matriculate
- The: �oderate 0: construction, but the crowd, -of visit- two'en England and Ameri I - i -
I 4majority !i - . ca, If any- into her brother's . buggy to return In first communion, was an old gentleman
- I
Tenure should passuinder review. And Republicans have apparently . I o . , spr,ctators, and immigrani` Medicine. Mr.' Donald obtained -
I - I I s is ,so 'thing was -more satisfactory than the home, When one of the horses kicked el ass bonors in Germ first- ninetk years a ,� age. Extreme old age - '
. . . � ; ! -_ an, and second- and childhoodl partaking of the .same -
� . I I I . 11 " � . . . ;
. 1 1
1 1 � I � ; - .
� I . I -
I I . . . . . i � :
. . - ;
- -
i : � -
; . � �
I �
. . . . . �
- . i I �
- f i � r �
1. � I . 11 _. .
. . I . I I i� . 1. � .
__ I � I � ,;�__
� I I I I � i
. �
I -
- . I i � �
I - i i - �� I - I I I . -1
. - i , I I .1 I . .
I Z . : i
I 1! � ; . .
� . li . i, I � �
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- i ! .
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Me, -1
iu tout
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. cburch4
� - 13
. ilegar tO.
,less to �
. funds, ;
Mary -3
ljtv�.� -�
_� Xlethod.
� - upoll 13,
. linivier-1
o ignity�
-sud pol
orator i
ed his I
� 13d4 owal
for -e, th
town. I
church �
Scott, I
took Pv
I joervice �
. west -of
last.. E
- pea for
Tonto T
and bbi
to st,�UJ
- the bari
I 1niBBion
I Busm
. lmprove�
for a Ital '
good. �
agars, Y
was -wel
this st-&-t
Zar load
- lantyne,
. car IoOl
N1W �
HUI, 0
this plate
Hall he3
afraid Of
the Spin
I velfare �
Vill- age- I
. Paul SO:
here en.
- w
7 ,O'�Cloel
We wi--b
time. ,
1-1� -an ex,cit,
. here on 1
falat trol
4%1rish S�
Mr. T, 3
I -8. A. W
Hawk irl
�erable dl
an pr,eSE
easy wre
-Pp -
b- z I tof:
ct I hearing 11"
� Nvelk -an,
now 1,04
terest, al-
horses IWI
-the worA
air. B01
a rapid. ;i
that irito
her Jane ri
of I =111ch �_
reached -
'Haw -k's �
of affairs
burst of �
Black R
r 'Wildest �E
under U.111
thades <
again tesl
the J u� .
- , gave "I'll I
provVed 22
right pi.
� even aw
the crow
. �orderly ,I
'With the
i August
Hensall i
SL -'n acco-
done by I
of H"t
�,rorn, the
. Ing coini
le�s inte,
read it. .
:able to S4 1
. if -any f
-necessar .
n,er Lev�
task. I
To ae . E,
August 5
-001umn,3 -
that tOo
dun sucl
that tho
in theirit
V,ould Ix
think. yo.
�tated. ti-