HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-08-19, Page 7TGUST 1,91. 18814
.eldition, with entiro.
i Improved Machin-
)een made to Our
LLS. A earefUl and
Superintenderit ena,
• aretherefore, pre.
aye a, Large Yield
cleanliness and dee.
MaS same as last
will be paid for a
ntity of sound, riae,
—.OF-- •
tette and Steerage Ticketa at
eerage Passengera are booked
ff, Bristol, teo,eenstowe, Derry,
id Glasgow, at Ranee- rates as
16th s -01.Y-
... 23rd 311142
.. . 80th MIX
sta AG.
.. .8thAUG.
-27th AUG.
erd SEPT
. . . 18th SEPT
1 1st OCT
....... ....--8th OCT
22nd OCT
enacting at Quebec with the
(f...q: Will leave Toronto every
Pasaengera an ale()
d.52 P. M. train on Fridays,
ehe Stearaer aItimanakt,
nate, $e nee goatee to- M-
ete and every informetion
NG, Agent, Setetorthe
3, the eld estahlished
/obese and most stylieh riga
berses in the bali.13834.
utters, handsome and soca-
/tat and saf horses awaya
Carally sleigh tar °near two
promptly atteoded to.
3 bought and sold.
; PL10E - Opposite 0. C.
11 eirareroores, Seaforth,
to Clear -Out my.
'Ji`' Furniture regard -
it will pay there to meter-
; purchasing ehiewhere. I
to the:ea paying celdn, a-
ned couples,.
c highly enished cilielre for
Lowiton's Spring Bad, the
the market; warrented
opposite M. R. Comae*
re Main Street, Seeeertin
d Importer atit 'li le
merican Grins, tiles, 3a
and Sporting 'Goode in
the patclic Wet he hss
tr Shop in ,Mr. leebert?
. opposite Cardaan Hairfr
yon baeiriese. All triads
nka, Kern Guns, Rana.
as. Table Plate, cte.
depairing of Sawing sea
So188or8 Kme Skatee,.
It/metro& and repaired.
n Gold end Sieeer. Old
'good aa new. AR work
promptly& tternied ta ete
$ DUNBAR, Seeforth.
este tOEthnkhL�nurnaroa
raipatronage exterdstia
busineseu. Seefortheind
ored with a eoatfausses
woeld do west te Ors
tieuo tOE keep ofl hand
er, 'Sashes, Doors,
uldings, Shingle:,
eviegaatiefaetionto thrill
h their p atronage,as note
e employed.
Paid to Outdone runes
ti ...Ft C
nese of all kinds alwaye
with everythirtg sleek eft*
which will be eeta
en to newly mania
are. can and lee
archaising elsewheree0
cling ao
AUGUST 19, 188L
-1 •
News Items.
__The President contMites in in. uoh
e same condition. He is iindoubtedly
very weak, and another stoppage might
cause a relapse from which he would
iiob rIeterst4ted that Devitt will be re.
leased from !gaol on condition that he
does notreturn to Ireland for seven
years, A dater despatch says that
Lewitt has refused- to make conditions
Canada Pacific laborers, near
Grand Valley, while asleep in their
tent were struck by lightning and killed.
A third, apparently dead, wOs laid out
Hackney, seconded by 11. Homey, that
a By-law be drafted to separate Lot No.
9,8. W. B., from S. S. No.. 7 and at -
t$021 the same to Union Scho:1 Section
No.1-2.,-Usborne, 13iddrilph a d Blan
shard, .21C.id. change to take eff t• on he
1st dayof January, 1882. — Carrid.
Moved by 3.•seconde by J.
3, 4, 5,
r ay lhe
:14.11 a-
70 ,leot
of Iast
• licati n
lot 30,
tend to
o t e
1 house
t ood
es ilo
live in
1 p was
the s,
a es cn
• Hick's
s gra t-
nd. 2
int a
and r
Ienab e
• a 17
jt °61nt
o ncii g
s acto
ea lev
nsh p
lar f(r
r Te
ed n
▪ ecti n
1 Se -
$651 ,
Df a -
me t
day in
Hackney, that By'lawg No.
and 6, for 188X as nOv, read
time be passed—Carrieb. ,„,
the Council adjourned til1 Ta.4
7th day of October at 11 o'cl
GREY.-Coranoil met at Tuc
Cranbrook, August 5th, pursue
jerarnment. Members all .
but being only in a stupor Reeve in the chair, minutes
for burial,
awoke, and eeeing the corpses became a meeting read and pproved: Ap
of James Kelley for culvert at
concession 14, Mr. Oliver to a
it. Roderick McLeod applied
Council for aid to build a am
12x16 for John Wocd and wife,
persons in indigent circumatan
stated that the place they now
is a miserable old shanty and
—At the garden party recently given cient tshelter them. Mr. Hi
by the Prince of Wales, at MOrlborough authorized to attend to the
House, the Queen kept Mme. Nilsson Petition of John Cameron and
in close conversation for ten minutes. I asking liberty to put Hay S
A few minutes afterwards she turned concession line in front of Jo
her back -upon the Barones's Burdett garden, Cranbrook—Petition w
Coutts, as her ladyship was ladvancing ed. Petition of E. C. K. Davie
to salute her. others, praying to have a Unio
Section formed with Elmo at
—Here is a romance of the Massa.
chusetts standard: A young man of and asking the Council to ap
. that State went to Amherst to get a competent person to investigate
marriage license, and. his prospective port on the xpediency of the
inother-in-lave Etacompanied him in Laid over till next meeting, to
the Council to gain further inf
order to see to it that he gra back in
time for the ceremony in the evening; regarding the matter. Report
but at AmStewart, inspeaor of new bridgherst they got drunk together', '
and were injil at the hour appointed 11, concession 16, was read pro
for the weddingsaid bridge finished in a sat
—A man named. Herman, Johnson. manner. By-law read and pas
raving maniac.
—Mrs:McAlpine, wife of Rev. Mr.
arcAlpine, of. St. Mary's, who accom-
panied her husband on his tour, met
with a painful accident in Toronto on
their way hopse, and was unable to pro-
ceed further on account of the injuries
she sustained.
came to this
Sweden, oho
seven of whic
Holmes, Moo
wood, in t
through ind
sufficient to
land he els
01.111try from GOthenburg, nig 1 mills on thsedollar for t
t nine years ago, d.uring rate, and a half mill on the do
ho svorked for Messrs. raalwaiy rate for the current ye
e & CourtWri ht of In- fallowing estimates were ha
e county of ]igin, and from School Trustees :—School
stry aud frugt4lity saved No. 1, $395 and debenture; Sch
purchase a c rafortable tion No. 2, $425; School Sectio
hen leaving
left a loviu
his natiVe
wife, for
whoin be worked early a sl late in
order that wlieu . she arrivodu Canada
she would find as comforts, le a home
as she left in tlie North -land I Having
everything pr pared for her reception,
the industriot s Johnson bougllit a pas -
$240 ; School Section No. -7
School Section No. 8, $315;
Section No. 9, $261 ; School Sec
10, 67;$3School Section No. 1
Union School No. 16, Howick a
$182. After passing a number
coants the Council adjourned
at Cranbrodk on the first Satu
sage ticket fo • her from Gothenburg, September.
Sweden, to Jnwood, Canada,' and she. ; Eppa's Cocoa.
- • ' •
arrived safely in New York, from where
she sent a tel grail); to her husband re- Grateful and Comforting.
thorough knowledge of the natu
which govern the operations o
tion and nutrition, and by a car
plicationof the tine properties
selected cocoa, Mr. Epps has 1
our breakfait tables with a d
flavored beverage, which may
many heavy doctors' bills. It is
judicious use of such articles of
a constitution may be gradual
up until strong euough to resi
tenden py to disease. Hue d reds
tie maladiesare floating aro
ready to attack wherever
is a weak point. We may
many a fatal sbaft by keeping c
well fortified with pure blood
properly nourished frame."—Ci
vice Gazette. Sold only in
labelled --"James Epps & Co.,
patiiic Chenaists, London, Eng.
makers of Epps's Chocolate Esse
afternoon use. 482-52
Mothers! Mothers! Mot
questinghina to meet her at St, Thomas.
He -immediately complied With the
request and! went to St. Thomas on
Wednesday night of last week in ex
pectatiou of meeting her. He met the
different trains from Buffalo, but not
finding his wife oh any of them, deter -
ed to stop over night, believing that she
might have been delayed between New
York and Buffalo. Yesterday morning
a telegram arrived stating that she had
been killed on the Lake Shore Railway
at a place called Brocton. It appears
she got on a Lake Shore train at Buf-
falo instead of a Canada Southern Rail-
way train, and. was taken as far as
Brocton on that line before the mistake
had been discpvered, and in being put
off or getting off the train she ge$
caught under the wheels and was killed.
It is strange how the conductor should
have allowed her to pass Dunkirk,
which is sixty miles west of Brocton.
The unfortunate woman could not speak
a word of English, and was entirely at
the mercy of the traie officials.
Step on the Other Man.
One night a burly Englishman who
had the faculty of exciting Carlyle to
frenzy by talking about O'Connell called
on the sage, and, after a little talk
about the weather, at it they went. It
was hot and heavy, aud a fierce and
merciless contest. Tea put a brief etop
to it, but it soon began again, There
were several guests present,
Carlyle Tither foot on the
man's to implore peace. He
felt the pressere than he screamed out;
"Why don't you touch your husband's
toe ars. Carlyle? I am sure I he is far
more to blame than I arn." The whole
company bum.; out laughing, including -
Carlyle himself, and tea was finished
in comparative tranquility. !
and Mrs.
English -
o sooner
Uses of the Baraboo in China.
The Chinese make most of their
paper from the bamboo, while.the Jap-
anese use the bark of the paper mul-
berry. The India.paper, used by art-
ists said engravers for proofs, is made of
bamboo, said mines from China. The
Chinese are rocked in bamboo cradles
when yomig, fed with banaboo, and
beaten with it when they are growing
up. They live under it in their houses,
and in fact. Without bamboo one con
scarcely understand how a Chinese
population can exist.
- •
Township C01.131.0 --
and pains and aches of all -kinds,
for sale by all druggists at 25 c
TTSBOIteZE.-POUnOil met th 6th of battle. 692-52
August, pursuant to adjournment. All
f, well
1 eatelly
ve is
y t e
iht th t
y butt
tJ e-ve y
f su
(-1 9
the e
esca e
selv s
and a
acke s
Al o
ce f r
Are you disturbed at nigh
brolien of your rest by a sick chi
ering and crying with the excn
I pain of cutting teeth? If so,
once and get a bottle of Mrs. W
Soothing Syrup. It will relie
poor little snfferer immediatel
pend. upon it; there is no
about it. There is not a mot
earth who has ever used it, wb.
not tell you at once that it will ie
the bowels, and give rest to the
andreliefand health to the chil
ating like magic. It is perfectly
use in all cases, and pleasant t
taste, ind is the prescription of
tbe oldest and best female phy
and elUTS08 in the United States.
everywhere at 25 cents a bottle. 6
Rest and Comfort to he
—de -