HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-08-12, Page 712, 1881. 'ender which °armee go tibia ta the geeing ran, o baying come and gone :vete' aunivereariee of 11kt:town firtu of ROThER z 6 .lierehntaefent , 8 EAFORTH'y ipeetiou and Patronage nd vieinity, to then- ) ‘te. Donn pass the FFEE POTI 1 the big Coffee Pot, ..-c•ep stoves, arid what Bieding Mitts., and ap Darden Good as any , but only a rhyme. ttwant t tke much • Clisets ets• a Bit...leap or Gan. 40THERS1r, :AFORTII. LIVER7i AB L E EAFORTHr O ld eatablisbtel Liv- ered 11103t stylieh riga in the hueirte.se. hareleonte an eon - at herses alwaye eteigkt far one or two inky attended to. at and sold. Oppasite Ct. C. treeing, Seaforth. RTECUR FORBES. SEAFORTH. Cfear Oct my triliture regard- -,11 pay them. to aslor- tla.;ing elsewhere. I ,ee paying ca,s11, es• - triples. y nuished chaira for -as Spring Bed, the: rearke.t ; warreuted ate M. R. Cotter' tie Street, Seaforth, ORN S. PORTER. THROAT I RYERSON, Enterer oti the Eye neat College, Tomo, er Eye atal Er ta aaid nutlet t the Breottool, and for e, (Mt. Late Cdui- trehtheltnie uipi 1 Thr. t eat Etr T, TORONTO. _1 at the STRATFORD V, of than and 708 NBAR, T H, nter ofki all kinla Garts,ilifiea, Re -.- par ting Geeds ti pablie that he ha !, Zr Rataatti,', Irte Caraeon Hen. tkinesa. Alt ki a ie teen, Garen Revel- .'ahle Plate, &e. eg of Sewieg • KIIIT08, Skatee, et ra- &td reptant aL1ailver. Old 4 naw. All work ly attended to on' BAR, Seaforth- FikerellY hank Ills minter/en onage extendedta a in Ses,forth,and tth a tiontaattante eld do well to glee O keep on hand a 'ashes, Doors, vs, Shingles, tiefaetiontath,ost eatronage,as DORI 10y0d. - CIIStOta Parting OADFOOT. tTEf rORE RANT, :flatly on hand lETABLES. meat ItOlLTSE Gardeuera. RINKS trefectionery and alurphfe Bloat: Iardware Store.- DA.tatentwl. .RICIER I r the purpetwot iEtaliC111, is now intostfavorahla M P. HAYES., trth. AUGUST 12, 1881. THE HURON EXPOSITOR. Stunraer 1:08orte. • , Every summer brings itsexodus, and se peeeent every day sees the victime arias their trunks, gripsacks, and linen dusters crowding the trains for all -di- rections. Each resort, whether seaside, mountain, country town, or forest has its special votaries. The man who has a pleasant city home, with ail modern conveniences, hot and cold baths, inis- quite bars, a comfortable library and smoking room, luxurious beds, the best food the market affords, and excelient opportunities for taking healthful eXer- - dee without trouble, betakes himaelf, perhaps, to the woods of Maine or New York. He sleeps, or tries to sleep, n a rough bed of hemlock botigh$, cra led over by bugs and snakes, bitten by flies and misqnitoes, against whom powers of penetration a rubber blanket is of no account. He lives on hams and bacon cooked bybands that he prefers not to look at, breaks his teeth oit. indigestible biscuit, vee1Prks harder than any day labor at ham° in pulling or earryine „ a boat, now and thea catches a trout or bullhead, -nd in general leads the life of an unregenerated savage, without the savage's taste or eapacity for enjoying it, and tries to conviuce himself that he is having an immense amount of solid pleasure. Or he hies him to a mountain and takes a room at a hotel ; is oppressed by heat at day and by cOd at nigit through the thin partition ssf his NO m listens to the cough of the consumptive or the sneeze of the hay feverish; foolishly olimbs a mouttaiu peak, thereby causing palpitation of the heart, and finds what view there ina,y be obstrucLed by perpetual fog. Or perha s he wanders by the sesa nide, fills iis shoes with sand and his lungs with pure salt svater.,while bath- ing, come out sticky with salt and longing for is own bath tulp ; pays feint prides, bear es feeing the waiter for fish. and meat b -ought from the city mar- ket; has his nerves racked by a brass band, or, w en he fancies he may sleep, is agonized 1 by the party on the pizza torturing t e night air with the strains of the "Swe t By and By," and "All on Account of 'liza." Or he goes to the quiet home in the country toWn ; plays croquet, sleeps in a feat -her bed, interviews misquitoes and other insects, gets to sleep after midnight, and is aroused before day- light by the barnyard chorus; is per- mitted to make his toilet with a tea, - capful of hard water ; spoils his diges- tive apparatus with unaccostomed food, and at last teturns to his city home needing a month's doctering before he resumes his normal- condition and is ready for work. It is well that the great majority who constitute the "stay at homes," or "can't get aways," are able to get Borne such glinapse of the experience of those who persist in seeking pleasure ata dis- tance. It has a tendency to make them take a more philosophical view of life, and to underatand that for tholie who have a mind to rna,ke the best of the inevitable, there are coriaforts and enjoyments at home which must be left behind by those whey go pleasure seek- ing elsewhere.—Bartford Courant. Stacking Hay.' A:practical farmer says in the Clime, - go Tinaes : " he practice of putting hay in stacks is more general in G-reat Britain than the United States. This is so, notwit standing the cliinate there is more mois and all the greases are of the cultivate varieties. The stacks,, however, are better made. They rest on substanti 1 supports made of iron or timber, and levated at some- distance from the gr and. This insures them against mois ure in the ground, protectS them 8,ga,instivermin, and allows a freee circulation of air beneath them. Many English farm rs prefer hay preserved in stacks to the, under cover. , They say it is less like y to be mouldy and is relished bett r by stook. The practice of storing hasl. in stacks and Of hauling the hay in the stacks to the barn before it is fed out in winter is commended by foreign feeders. If a stack remains oper: for some time during the winter, when storms 1are frequent, much of the contents will be injured or destroyed. By taking advantage of favorable weather; a st ell of hay can be moved' to the barn without loss or detriment, The practice of feeding hay from a stack is gene lly a,very wasteful one. Much of it is lown.away and. a large quantity is estroyed from exposure, hay they the pat up on a eount of Many farmer lose one-fourt of the the way they Mid and naanage their stades. 1 "If the hay preserved out of doers is to be drawn t the barn or stable before it is fed out, tjhere is no necessity for building the Backs near the farm build- ings. In fat, it is better to erect them ,. in the field where the onna.ss that com- posedthem grew. The labor Of hauling the bay quite a distance when work is driving is saved. At least it ia deferred to: a time of comparative leisnae. I It is injudicious to pla.ce a numberIof stacks near each oth, r, as afire star ed in one will destroy tliem all. It is especially acuagerona to rect a large number of staeltS near the dwelling house, as they are liable to take fire from the sparks from the chimney. There i.13 similar danger in building them near' the line of a railroad, as not only the staeks but' the dry grass about them are ,likely to be set on fire by speaks from Passing lo- comotives. Qlover hay should never be put na stacks; and timothy should be protected by a, roof if it is pt. etical to do so. Red top can be pre erved in stacks to good advautage, as it packs closely and aheds the rain tolerably well. Prairie grass is - Elam ra,ble for preserviag stacks. It beccime - compact tinder pressur, , catch es little now, and "sheds rain like a duck's back." It is an excellent pllan to cover th4 tops of Stacks of hay composed of ultivated grasses with leng prairie goes es." 1 . 1 E ps's Cocoa. , Grateful - and Comfortingi —"By a thorough lintstaledge of the natural laws 'which govern: the operations of diges- tion aml mitrition, mid by a careful ap- plication of the line properties of well: selected cocoa, 'Ara Epps ha a provided our breakfastitables -with, a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution roas be gradually built Up until strong euough to r eSist every tendency to d'sease. -Handreds of sub- tle maladies are floating around us ready to ;attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping curselves well fortified with pure blood and a I I Properly nourished frame. --Civil Ser- vice Gazette. Sold only in packets labelled—"James Epps tit klomae0- pa lc Chemists, London, Co.;irg."-a-Also makers of Epps's Ch000latiq 1ssence for afternoon use. 482-52 1 Mothers 1 Mothers! Dthera 1 Are you disturbed at ght and broken of your rest by a sic hild suff- ering and crying with the I ruoiating pain of cutting teetla ? o, go at once and get a bottle of Mr . inslow's Soothing Syrup. It Will I alley° the poor little ,sufferer imme pend upon it; there is a mistake about it. There is Mat a,' ther on t earth who has ever uSed 1, who will w not tell you at once that it i regulate Ns' t he bowels, and give rest to t e mother a and relief and health tb the, o ild, oper- ating like magic. It is peep° y safe to 00 . use in all cases, and pleatimi t6 the `taste, and is the presoriptio sf one of the Oldest and best female p • ysicians and nurses in the United Staa:s. Sold everywhere at 25 centsI! a bottl, . 692-52. fri an • --,- I Rest and Comfort t the n,° Suffering. te Brown's Household Pan e has no Ilr ea equal for relieving pain, bp h internal and external. It cures pain'an the side, back, or bowels, sore throa , rheuma- tism, toothache, lumbago ari ny kind of pain or -ache. It will nosjt surely quicken the blood and heal 4i its act- ing power is 'wonderful. Brown's Household Panacea, bein jacknow. ledged as the great pain re i ver, and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the wo ld, should be in every family handy fo use when wanted, as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps in th ,htomach, and pains and aches of all ki dls, and is for sale by all druggists at lo cents a bottle. 692-52 rode Hy fittes vise tate' system. 710.a onary irritation iH promptly ar by the Cod Liver Oil, afid the phosphites, which are among the renovants used by ph sicians re - he flagging energies of the debilif -Vegetable Discov r -I When the blood become i either from the development ed 'disease, its contamination other causes, serious roalaa • napure, of inherit - bile, or es surely follow. A highly accreditedemedy for these evils is Northrop 4 Lyman's Vegetable Discovery and Dyspeptic Cure, which eradicates im sti Ales of the blood and fertilizes it by ()rooting digestion and assimilation. 1r. Hugh 1 McCaw, Custom House, oronto, writes: "My wife has beet roubled I with Dyspepsia and Rheusg a ism for some time past, and has t e a good 1 many different things to bel • er, but i got no relief until she tried Ner hoop & Lyman's Vegetable Disqover a d Dys- peptic Cure. She has taken t o bot - ties, and has not been in, as go health for years.' This testimenial y u may use as you like for the relief f many more who ate sufferers from tlh t terri- ble disease, Dyspepsia. 710.4 • National Prejudices quished! ° The Triun-iphs of a Grfat The magnetic influence o traets the people of eve4y cli shores. Men of all nations, a ing all the languages of ei are to be found congregated riferious plains: Differirg in things in their customs, habits, ligion—yet their is one po n which their opinion§ cincii e lishmen and Americans, From h Germans, Swedes, Italians, an acImit,without a disentiugIvoic , great remedies introduced to ih 40 years ago by Professor:Ho distinguished pharmacopolist ter adapted to the cure 1 di this climate than any the tions in existence. This a fact, to be the experienci of in all parts of the world. nd universal popularity of these We consider, however, tha th less confidence placed in thei SO iki g y. ilia rn en ilcovery. old at - to our speak- ization, our mi- ll other and preene - tla Upon S wEinsgk s t at hinef3e hat the world oWay,the are bet - eases in ptepara- pears, ia mankind ce the icines. ouad- 'fficacy ny hencie any of even at he 1.11Fie theiy ediea a with ed, as dices. teand way'13 opted o t thi) j*y one raent. onvic- vation th. such ing for arid for saalities hunter y a dig. the vast .; e with 1, n ooling "fo .! the bee ad di sa So gis as th 4.11 str 3' Or ,Never Give U13. - otfare suffering with 14 and de d s irits, loss of appetite, genera V, ,isiordered blood, weak cons ion, :headache, or any diseae of a s n tine, by all mean § procure a, of lectric Bitters. Yon will be Used to see the rapid improvement ill ollow ;' you will be inspired ne ; strength arid activity etur • pain and misers), will cease, encforth you will rejoice in the of a bo tle by all ruggist . 696-26.3 lectrio 13 tters. old at fift I) ors/ of in. porn 14 gra nge will 1 aa pt ect 11 ying b en we see form of ually dyi I need be s positively r a y disease y o gans. T d t Ithis class the atom , and y other ty cents a 26.3 Y 0 ti er ev d t fi s. 696 11: gre , d o exi ghl oo tam n then t&ti, h est bl'sh o ant, re tao t ron Tbo: ale Pi Is item in to eto ti 1 ritions. tr I etions, here, an o ght afte act on in y *ons who a fro ii sOrtle a ro bj a per ha , t 411 111 1 11 by therepresentatives of Mons at the mines,is a st merion in medical histo these people in their yout maturity, were accuitome of drugs and nostrums pec several countries. The30 E were connected in their associations of home, and it were, by their national Yet they have been throw utterly repudiated, while 'Pills and Ointment have by a common impulse thr entire gold regions. There way of accounting for this It is the result of convict tion grounded on personal and experience. The Ointment is used w wonderful success as a doe Wounds, uleers,_a,nd sore ega all the external diseases an c to which the adventurous gol iB peculiarly liable, that se re ger's tent can be found wit in area of the gold fields unpr vi a stock of this healing, soot in preparation. The hard f re digger, and sometimes his to vitiate the blood and d ning sores and purulent al body and limbs. Bad legs eS are very ecrramon at the d ggi seriously interfeye with the lal the diggers. The worst c Se class are cured by the Oin in extraordinary rapidity. T method of healing sore legs, a and ulcers generally, is by Ointment into the haft - around the Orifice, first 0 pores and softening the warm foraentations. The affected is then dressed wi bison saturated with the Such is the external treatme also proper to give the p doses of the Pills during the the cure, as they serve to blood and discharge mor froaa the system, while th is doing its work on the en Scientific Witness. Inch s. perso suffering kidney complaint g by iac es. This , for El ark Bit euroBr ght's dis- of the kidneys -or ey are especially of diseases, acting ch and iver at the ill spe dily cure emedy has failed. bottle by all drug- ollo-w-a 's Pills. - t need.—The blo d is the its purity tence dep cleanse t nations, a and in-vi althily Etnnulate sluggish ress over -e der of cir hout ever roic natu our heath as -well ads. Ilhese- Pills e vital '21uid from nd by tlat means prate the whole cited action, and ulation and secre- part of the body. e of Holloway's see =lave lous power in giv- debilitated and DelXVOUS con - Is dislodge all ob- bowels and else - t aceoant, much ting regularity of These pi both in th are, on th • for prona ung femal and delicate per- : e naturally weak, or have ease become so. . Wis axis Bal6am of Wild ) , Cherry. ' rom R. lFellows, M. D., of Hill, N. 1 Aithot4gh I have kenerally a great ction t patent medicines, I can but in justice to Dr. Wistar's Balsam of d cherry that it iS a remedy of su- er value for puha nary diseases. 1 la e ade use of this. preparation for ra yea s, and it has proved to be relit), le and e eaciotts in the , anent of severe and loag stand- 1 oonghs. I know cfone p tient,now 1 onifort le health who as taken ; reined , Mad who but for its use, I ! nsider, w uld not now be living. 50 n s and 4t a bottle. Sold y dealers n rally. 10-52 , een Ila 18 0 111 on ob a I I 11 perso great r y cure ma, B ;hroat atIE. eland g Disco Ett,, whi Oa size 0 11 ree of ost. s wishing o test the merits reedy—one that will posi- oasumption, Coughs,Colds, nehitis, or any affection of nd Lungs—are requested to ickson & Company's Drug t a trial bottle of Ir. Ring's ery for Conaumption, free h will show you what a iottle will do. 714-52a ) nckl n's Arnica Salve. he best alve in the world ,for Cuts, ulses, So ss Ulcers, Salt Rheum, 'vier Sores Totter, Clia,pped Hands, , blains, orns, and all Skin Erup- , and p itively Cures Piles. It iS ✓ nteed t I give perfect satisfaction s.onoy re laded. Price 25 oats per For s la by E. Hickson & Com - sI • 714- 01 B1 B110 and ah ti e 1 13 ti a • 1 ei 11 f the , tenui the e al ly, and o rs of , f this 1- nt with re a best b d Sores te bi tth .kft, parts 4'4. '1 with e part h hat or O a ment. •t, bit it is ti;ut a few g ess o • toffy th in atter in traen Pr id Emulsion of Cod_ Li P-ost no or tem exam in atio some instances, led to the d the scars of completely heale or sores upon the lung. Th s shows that the linag tissue w ed is susceptible of restor sound and healty -condition afflicted with lung disease m ably hope to recover health of well chosen remedies. o among these is Northrop & Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil phosphites of Lime and Sod oughly tested and highly specific for coughs, colds, ast chitis, spitting of blood, and tions of the throat, chest fa 's P11. h ve, 01 Of 3 181 Cr affee hings. ery of cesses setter to a rsone ason- USC emost man's ypo- thor- edited , boon - I Zopesa. to it. .opesa, from Brazil, will the wo t case of Dyspepsia. A e dose ill relieve in a degree that s its w naerfal curative powers, ts pecur at action upon the Stom- nd Dige tive Organs. It is a posi- absol nte cure for Coativeness °natio in, acting in a remark - ay upoi. the system, carrying off ties. s e a liver regulator its ac - are m ait remarkable. It tones mulat aithe liver to aotion, it cts the areids and regulates the $. A f W doses will surprise you.' e b,ottl h 10 cents. 679.a eph Ru ed to ✓ a la hree or est art a great ectric an, Percy, writes—"I was y Dr. Thomas' Eelectric tess which troubled me our years, and I ,found it dle I -ever tried. It has leasing tome." 691-52. is a signifi an to a gentle e its me n our lee of thr er fails as lameness. u e ea 67 Lifib Bay for t rIci One ha w toilet g L512 Clectric Oil. reat Public Benefit."— at words were used in . Thomas' Eclectric Oil who had thoroughly in his own caae—hav- hy it of lameness of the C:a. four years' standing. a remove soreness as well 91-52 I 1 s the niaest thing -I ever I teeth and breath," Says I 12ag tried t‘Teaberry," the • '. Get a 5 cent , sample. 11 tit be ni rel EU te in nt sh ul th ee ing ar set fe tio sli bt te ics W a en a ow an im Fill pa ka Jo Ii 12' ce L ma D mi to Pll H & -111 TREAT Pt r ( diet] Milne; Ili thc gel. enarite, n i ubject. I ve 11 bbstr tl on. TO It wil urruommsi., MALE REME.ItY.--,Job Moses 11.—This invaluable medicine is fl1C of all th 086 painful and p to IA hicb th'e female constitu. It moderates all excess and re- etions, and a f•peedy [Cure may married ladies it is peculiarly in a short time, bring on the ypeia 1. With regularity. These pills not be ta -ere by females during the first ontbs o Ptegrancy, as they tree sure to n Miscat Paius age, but at any other time they 4. In al eases of Nervous -and spinal Af - the back and limbs, I fatigue on -xertion, palpitation of the heart, hyS- nd whits , these pills will effect a cure llother matins have failed; an ,although rful reme y, do not contain iro , Calomel, try or anetaing hurtful to the co stitntion. irectioue, in the pamphlet ar und each e, ;which' should be carefully preserved. to, New Tork, Sole Proprieto . $1 and fox poetage encloseto tluop ta , 'Toronto, bit., general agents for the 1 tsi d t ion, will ineure a bottle contalrnng over by return mail. Sold in S forth by keon &' ha., J. S. Roberts an Lamedeu - a 644-52 AUCTIONEERS. P. /31INE, Licerned Auctioneer for the • County of Huron. Elalee attended in all arts of the County. All orders left at the Ex. °smolt Office will be promptlyattended to. R. COOPER, Brussels, County Auctioneer. • Sales of 141 descriptions promptly at- tended ht any part of the county on reasonable terma. Orders left at the office of the HoRON Exeoerron, or addressed- to Brussels, will rOtei3O prompt attention. A LEXANDERDELGETTY, Liceneed Auction- eeralleKillop. Speoial attention given to Hetes of Landed Properta, Farm Stook and Implements. All orders loft with the under- regned at Walton P. 0., or Lot 14, con- ceseion 14, will be promptly attended to. Sale bills, notes and stamps furnished if required. ALEX. DELGETTY, Walton. 639 WANTED. t0 LET—Six rooms over A. G. Ault's Grocery Store, Seaforth. Suitable for dress makers oe private dwelling, with front and rear entrance. Apply tof A: G. AULT, Proprietor. 693 TWO HOUSES TO RENTe-To Rent, a cont- -t- fortable dwelling house adjoining the Old T emperance Hall, in the niceat part of the town, ; a leo the house adjoining the Dominion Curling a ad Skating Rink ; nosseseion at once; rent res - enable. Apply to L. MURPHY, Seaforth. 800 ..(tTOREHJIJE311 TO RENT.—To rent a good grain storehouse on the south side of the r etilway trt ea in Seaforth, with two sets of scales, t ek E, and j iggers all complete; possession given i mined iat eily. Apply to Scott Brothers, Seaforth. o r to the ;proprietor, ROBERT SCOTT, Rot - hero. ; • 677 TOBE—TIO RENY=To rent a large ana—com.- meditate store in Whitney'a block, Main treet, Seaforth, in tbe best businesspart of the t Own. The store is 60 feet long with. a store r poni 80 feea in length In the rear. Rent reason - a le and pdseession gtven on bth January, 1881. A. ply to WHITNEY BBOTHERS. 679 1 AC" FARM FOR SALE—ThoSub , scriber offers for sale a firsaolase I aim, cc nsisting of 100 acres of excellent land, being Lot ilfinCon. 4, L. R. S., Tuckersmith ; 86 &arts cif art d. '74 clear -.of stumps, and the rest timber( d -tvith beech and maple ; comlortable hawed log house, h ame Larn and log stables; -well fenced, well underdrained, two wells and a good bearing Olchard; is n miles from Kippen, 5 from Firticefield ,and 6 from Seaforth; convenient to et:hoots fr 1 churches; will be sold cheap, with of tbout crop. Apply to ROBERT GRIEVE, on tbe pretaisee or to Egmondville P. 0. 706 MEDICAL. 4 • G-. SCOTT, M. D. &c, Physician,Surgeon and " • Accouchenr, Seaforth, Ont. Office and resi- d snee south side of Goderich Street, second door caet of Presbyterian hurch., 842 1-1 L. VL M i OE, . D., C. M.. Physician, Sur, • geon, etc.,Coroner for the County of Huron. 0 ince and Residence, on Jarvis street north, ditectly oppesite Seaforth Public School. -w HANOVER, M.D., C. M.. Graduate of ce i I University, Physician, Surgeon and A ecouchenr, Seaforth,Ont. Office and Residence, North aide Goderich Street, first Brick House east of the Methodist Church. 496 TIE. HUTCHINSON, Giaduate of McGill Col- -we" lege, Montreal, Licentiate of the Royal Co1. lege of Physicians, Edinburgh, and late House Surgeon of Craiglockhart Hospital, Edinburgh. Office—Blum/ale, Ont. 686-52 -'NIL DESPEliAND TRADE MARK. 03 I TRA itt '13 • GQg co After Taking. RA II IMPORTANT NOTICES: ' VQR SALE—A filet -elate h.andred acre farm 1 E MARK. -a-- near Exeter, Huron. Immediate possession. Apply to Rev. John Logie, Rodgerville P. 0. 711x4 A WEEK in 3 our On town. Tenni; and 66 $5 eutfit free. Addrest ff. HAL6LET5T& 92x2 Co., Portland, Maine. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMED for Ner- -IL vous Debility and all Nervous Aff often's, in- -eluding Spennatorrbea, SeMinat wea no, ect., resulte of Self-abuse, hidiscretio , &c... i al -RAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. T is is the only remedy wleich has_ever been know • to per- manently cure Palpitatien lid other affectione of the Heart-, Cor pureption in its ,eat my stages, It nablee, of inooti to the bead, wind in the stomach, lndigepticn, Lose ef Mernory, Want of energy, Be shfuhrt es, Desireifor solitude, Indis- position lo 1 el or on n ccount of weaken- tt, 'Uni- versal Laesituee, Fain in the back, dimness of vision, In en a ttu e old age, ect. Full particulara el in our pami blot, wl eh we end securely sealed on receipt of a tin -cc cent ti nip. Tie Specific - is now t old 1 y all Di resists et $1 per package, or 6 for $5, or aill be eent free by mail on receipt of Money, by addreseiirg d69 THE CRAY IVIEDICfNE CQ, Toronto , 1 RECORD OF THE LYMAN .f BARB. ' 5.11.7z:attern--1 anteXenafa'Zeneraa3 . ' nne - t 177 A 1 FIRST PRIZES AWARDED THE1- 1 i " LYIVII/4 N " CCART WEIGHT, L. D. S., , • Member of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Canada. , , Office—Indian block, Market St., , Stratford, Otit.'hs now opened out an Office in Sataforth tilteQueen's Hotel, whore he will be prepared to terform' all dental operations with entre and ekill. Office open drat Tuesday in every month. 663-52 lt/r BUGOIN, L. D. S., Surgeet t, nt t ea -e• Dentist, Graduate of tin 1 ;cn, I 1.6,:teztj, Royal Callege of Dental Surgeons . Canada. Successor to H. Derby shire. 0ffiec—In the naitney Block, Malt Street, Seaforth. Cffice hours -8 A. M. to 6 P.M. LEGAL. GARROW & PROUDV'OOT, Barristers, Bohol - tors, &c., Goderich, Ontario.—J. T. Garrow, 1B.Proudfoet. 686 AMF.RON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barristere, aolieitors in Chancery, &c., Goderich, Ont. M. O. Cameron, Q. C., Philip Holt, M. G. Cam- eron. , I 506 rtalILLIAM SMALL, Conveyancer and Commis- . l• w , sioner in B. R., Wroxeter. Auctioneer. and Appraiser. At:mounts and 'notes collected on ' reasenableterins. 1 366 I MEYER, Barrieter and Attorney at -1-1" • Ina , Solicitor in Chancery. Comixtiesioner for taking affidavits in the Province of Manitoba. Solicitor for the Bank of Hamilton, wingham. Private funds to loan at di to 6i per cent. 633 ICZENSON & MEYER, Barristers and Maori:en le' at Law, Solicitors in Chancery and Ineolvency Conteyancers, Notariee Public, att. Oftleee—Sea. 1 i rt4 and Brtuojel8. $28,000 of Private itunde to 1 veetatonce,atEight percent. Interept.payable y • arly. Comiarissioner for taking Affidavits for , se in t be Courtaof Manitoba. JAS. H. BENSON. H.W. O. MEYER. The above firm has thin day been dissolved by .ntial consent. All accounts due the firm to be paid to Mr. Benson who -will pay all liabil- 1 lies . JAMES H. BENSON. Nov. 27, 1876. H. W. C. klEYER. CAUqHEY & HOLMESTED, LA IW, CHANCERY, AND OFPICE C0NVEAN0ING Thott's Block, Main. Street, Seaforth. . • 01.,ICITORS for the Co solidated Bank of b Canada and the Ottnadia Bank of Commerce ' . Seaforth.— Fatra and Teen and Village Property bought and old. 1 a oney (privete funds) loaned on mortgage se - untie, at reasonable rates of interest. Charges modtrate. I 31 ney invested- for privet; persons upon the 'est mortgage secnritiesawi out any expenae to ) t , e lender. I .. G. McCAUGHEY, M. A. ) F. HOLMESTED REAL ESTATE 'OR SALE. ARM FOR SALE IN T : TOWNSHIP OF HAY. -e -The nndersigne4 has been authoriz- - d and inetructedby the ow ere thereof, to sell y way cf tender, Lot No. 7 and the North - i a lf of Lot No. 26, in the 7tl Concession of the ownsinp of Hay, in the County of II uron, Ont. oroprising 150 acres of land more or less, being a orOon of the estate of the late Henry Shaffer, ceeesed. nettled offers will be received for the IiI4 addreescd to the underOgned, Hugh Love, .r., mad Wm. Curry, Eirs Green, P. 0. on and ip t 1112 o'clocat noon, on Fn ay, the 2nd day of `ep Hee ember, next. Intendi for each cp acres separa g purchasers may ay, or any two 50 me Etparatele, or for the vhoIe ,150acres in eani. The uncensig-ned willi not be hound to cceet the bigliest or any off r. The land is of teed quality end nearly the one half of it is leaned and fenced; it is convenient to markete, echople and churches, being about 5 miles from 11 ca'sall and li ppen, on the London, Huron & rue Railroad Pinchasers will have the liberty o p 1 ow Gnd eo v on the 5th of September, and full t OSF 'SPiOtl on tee and of November, next. TERMS. 1 —0 i te e hall cash, and the balance in 4 years with est at 6 pei cent., seeurd by mortgage. HUGH tin , SR„ WM. CURRY, Attorneys for Noah ha er, Charlet Shaffer and George Shaffer. 1 Hi 1 aGreen, Hay, June 25, 1881. 708-9 1 ESTRAY STOCK. - - — , r S BAY CATTLE.—Strayed from thepremises 4:4 il f the unan reigned, Lot 18,Concetsion7,11ib- hert, four head of cattle. A f teer and heifer r sin a three years old and a steer and heifer rising two tearsold. IThe three year old steer was whital with red around the bead and neck and sponi on the sides, the other steer was gray. One eifer was all red and the other was of a ran color. Arty cue giving such information as •ill lead to their recce ery will be sun -ably re- ard - d. MICHAEL RAWLEY. 710x1 HOTEL, , II TISH EXCHANGE Goderich, lat. WM. COX, Proprietor. This is one ol t e uietest, Most Coreforteble and Best Con- ducted Botch, In the Province. The Boerne are comModions and the Table and Bar liboally 8 ppilied. Good stabling in connection. 635-52 - CHROM OS, name in new type, 10 cents, by mail; .40 Agents' samples, 10 cents; U. S. Co., Northford, Ct. 65-52 , - } 1 I , 4 -BARB WIRE FENCING At Montreel (Cue) ec,) Hamilton, (Ontario), Cincinnati. (Chi), recuen, (New York), and DM' enpor t, (1(.1111), Fxhi bi tion B, for Excellence and auperiority over an Competitors. The Cheapest wed Bern lanciag in an World. Adopted art a in 1.11-0 ( n19 Rail -wiry Liaes in the 'United States ittd Csnada. see tbat our trade mark, "Lyman Barb," is stencilled . on each reel. Buy uo other. Send for prices and circu- lars to Wal . ROBERTSON & Co., Hardware Mcrehants, St aforth. Sipa of , the Cheater Saw, or te the DOMINION BA13 wmg FENCE Co., Montreal. I 692-26 AYER'S SARSAPARILLA! FOR PURIFYING THE BLOIOD. This ciorepound, of the vegetablela 1 t er a - tires, SOpaparilla, Dock, Stillingia and Mandra.ke I with the ntan:tns,,. nate Iodides o Potash and Iron,j makes a most effe nal curt plaainteserie of cone lieenht aaur de affiicting. It purl - fres the blood, purges Out the :lurking h41 ors in the system, that undermine:health nd Beetle into troublepome disordete. Eruptio s of the skin are the uppearence on the surface 1 humore that ehould be exeelled froni the blood Interned derangements are the eleterinination of these same humors to pone internal, organ, o organs; whose act ion they dc: ange, and whose upstance they disease and deptrov. leyer's Se saparilla expels theee burnt. rs frcm tbe blood. 'hen they are gone, the dieorders they *oduce •isappear, such as Vicerations of the Liter, Sto etch, Kid, 'Nem Lungs, Eruptions and iErnptive DiseaseS of the Skin, $t. Anthony's Fireglose or rysipelas, _Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Boils, Tuinars, Tetter and Salt „Ithezem, Scald ilead,1 Ringitorlm, Ulcers and Sores, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pain in the Bones. Side and Read, FernaleWeakness, Sterility, Leucorrhae irriSing from internal I/leer/tenon and uterine diseases, DropAy, Dysplepsia, Emaciation and General Debility. Prepared by J. C. AVER diz: Co.. Practical and Analytieal Chemists. Fold by all Druggists and eaters in MccliCine. 69-52-2 very prey volt SALE. --Two Large )Carean Biliar Tee- hies—nearly new—with bails, cues, racks, lamps, &c., cemplete, Cheap for cash or approv- ed notes. .Appfy to W. MOORE, Seeretary Me- chanics' Institute, Seaforth. 11241 'POUND between AD:nista/A and Mr. George "A' Moffatt's soience, Tu: n berry, on Thursday, July 21t, a pt et, et -book con tnining 11101E16y and notes. . The owner can have the fame by prov- ing propel ty, paying expenses and applying to MRS. FRANK WitIGHT, Morrisbank. 712 pRECENTOR WANTED.—Applications will -I- be leccand by the undersigned until August 26.th, Thal, for the position of Precentor for Egmondville Presb3-teiian Church. Salary, $100 per annum. Fur fulther information apply to S. CAEN °CHAN, Seaforth P. O. 7124 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS' THIS Great Honeehold Meaitine ranks amongat the leading neceesaries of life. These fa- mous Pills purify the Blood, and act most power- fully, y et scot hingly, ' on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys and Bowels,, giving tone, energy and vigor to these great mein springs of rife. They are eonfitlently ri corom ended as a. rever failing remedy in all eases 'ahem the eanetit inner, from whatever onse, has become impaired or weaken- ed. Tney are -wonderfully efficacious in all ail merits iucidental to Feroalea of all ages; and as a General Family Medicine, are niasurpassed. [MIDWAYS OINTMENT Its searching and healing properties ars known throughout the world. Fcr the cure of had legs, bad breette, ola let unde, 503es and nlcers, it is an intallibie iemedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and cheat, SR salt into meat, it ewes Sore Throat, Diehtheria,BronchitinCougbs,Colds, and even Asthma. For Glandular swellings, Ab- se eese it, Pilcs, Fistulas, 'Gout, Ithenutatiant'and every kind cf shin disease, it has never been kn own to fail. The Fine and Ointment arentanu- f ac t tire d only at 5:-'8,0xford Street,Londenaand are Fold by ell Ver dors of Medicines throughout the Worlct ; ith directions for use in al- most every langnape, 'Purchasers should look to the lat el on the pots and. boxes. 'V the address is not 588, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. 712-52. TO BREEDERS OF PIGS. THE nr dersigtc d will keep during the present rtaFcn, on his pi tr6iFE8,Lot.7, C011CCEA071 8, H. R. S. T17( kel 'fc.r the impronemen of et (nit. all In 3 ( (1 (,1)(3i(f-1 ire Boar, whieb he h as la telt prnhvscd hem John Snell & Sons, of Etnt 11(t'. nal (Dues 01 thorougbbred iteck.' tin f• vas laid at the tbne of service, witb. tee privilege of returnir.g if necessary. W. St Miallt'DELL, Proprietor. 702 P. ..i.,]10 -17.31,e; '3--8-0....t!.15acE1:21 illc: :SIlee: ::•;;;:rzitatemto,:--0.-:,---11:-...0.Sees'ette:al:e.e-eale, El:. :7- a_11._44117 C. la .1- 1 r, .55. .c — t -t - 40.1,0 fl, ....j .. ..., 0 ,-, 0 c..3 .. 471-‘4.r4 . '-' •0%.:1 4 j.fi 'e — j Ai _,..T ... - o )... E4 .. ...f . La - .- . - 1>i 11 .8 :57 4:9' 6 °.- ° ,...,- . 1 a DZ T:', Si . ..„....,„, ,..., .,1:,,g ...„,„ , 01 „ 1,-. to 14 .--•• 4,I_, r—, w rar co 0.4-.4."41...—'''' r. 41c.,, 4:: : 04; 1: . ....4 : .ii s . = C) 0P-4 i).>154 t'irl •-8 °....8 xa>'..g 542 719 ‘2:7•1 Mu'71 I.. ca cta ••• t'. • crl ED The itie v r.) M."- „....,:, co g ....-. o • w 42”. 4'1 ' e3 ICE NW 14 ca P.', — 2,geme54' %18f1...: : : 0 iv - • 0-1 - a ' 014-14" oc'e343. A Bri'li-ii.A.t.:4 g Mal Ci ---i Fil.A.P CDP1G1--_A:LTS, AT THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR PHOTO. 'GALLERY. ---1-- , , lps Sl Cl., 3 t 1( a, LL CO.'S, and other malt s supplied at Bottom Figures- -1" ( 131 A el r r other era( s in contection with this branch of toy bbeiness, lean givt tit r el le tat m to procure ex) Inebureent at a reasonable price. A. C1ALDE , Over Wilson & Young's Store, Seaforth, Ont. N. 1 —J11 1- Or el' GI mar te hen Vith each Create end ail]. be endorsed by me. ADDRESS 0 '111E ELECTORS. SMITII.—" Good morning Jones, wher JONES.—" I am going do -en ,to M. furniture, you sc e nit pt ttitg pine ed prices. Onr baby wante a new cradle, an county." ADDRESS.—lo the Free and M. ROBERTSON begs to state that he Kidd, In Bi1tin-2e Owe, d leat he i at re n Ic w pieta )nteading pur examine his etc ck beicre penbesirg else to order on very short rake. Picture fr featbere, -wood and lumber taken in °xebec are -you going to ?" OBERTSON'S Furniture .Warerooms, to get 801126 new cut and I want to get some Brat rate furniture at very low they say that he has the very best and cheapest in the Independent People or Huron: ; as remoVed to the premises letely o,:cupied bn Mr. John now prepared to fanaieh everything in the Furniture line bapers will find it greatly to their adyentage to call and here. Repairing promptly attended to. Furniture made ming a specialty. Ail work guaranteed. Farm produce, ge. ( HIS UNDERT4IKING DEPARTMENT Is, as formerly, under hip own pupervisio , anld will be conducted with the greatest care and atten- tion. His Fteek of Caekets, Coffias, Shroe ft, &c., Will be found complete, anii at the very lowest rate. Funerals attended in the eountry. A Hearse for hire. Remember the piece. I. ROBERTSON, 'SEAFORTH. THE HURON F UNDRY, SEAFORTH, T_TAV G int PI: Fr Ore into tlee Fitt g Shop to drive Latbes, Flame arid' iedependent el tbe Plow GI- ieditg and Pon a in r Machiaere, tar tics wanting a ark done can have it at any time, as steam will be up every Workbag a3. ALL REPAIRS ON .ENCINE MILLS AND OTHER MACHINERY Attended to on short notice. On bana. an Cuttet s, La nd Rollers, Gang Plows, Grate furni ed by part tee want it g the, pam e. Iron; and wurranted hard and totigh. Wi shop is fitted with Grinding Stones and E Engines; Boilers, Grist and Flouting Mill Specifications for Mills, &c. All Alterati uations on all kinds of Machinery4 P. S.—As Mr. J. S. Runciman has g Mr. R. Rune:Moan until his return. made to order, Horse Powers, Grain Crushere, Straw Bars, &c. Plow Castings made to order from patterrie low Pointe a specialty, made from Genatne Plow Point I also Fit, Grind and Polish Plow Castings ebeap, as the ery Wheels for such work. at ill also take COntracts fort , Saw Mills and other Machinery. Will make Plats and ns on Mills or Engines attended to. Will ale° make val- 8. RUNCIMAN Seaforth. ne away fur the winter, the busineee will be carried on by I FARME Sy TAKE NOTICE! REARM AND MOWING 'MAOHIN,ES REPAIRED. -fi-A}9viEns., 11 you want your reaping and mow- ing machire of all kinds repaired, go to T. Mellis, Hippen, for be is the bay that under- stands the biness. Old boxes refilled wit1t new metal, and II tinkering jobs done on short notice. Give re s trial, and you vial Save money, Threshing Qyiinders' And Concaves With New Spikes, Or the old om s laid with the best of iron. Sp eeial ettention paid to all week entrusted to Etle. -FAR IVI HINGES I! A Large Stalc of Farm Hinges on band. Plows, HarLs and Scujlers Al- ways on ItHletaid Sold Cheap. Blacksthit ling ofall Kinds Done on the honest Notice. Parties wanting -castings or maize from the N -0 X ON BROTHERS' Manufacturing Company, of Ingtrsoll, for Reapers and Mowers, can get them at my Shopi, as I have been appointed by that Corer any to keep all these repairs on hand Remember the sign. 707-8 THOMAS MELLIS, Hipper', Oti avadea pull Too& peaopxn 3t1 cr. tr.t. 0 )ra 11011•1•11 -VIONEY ITO LEND. In _Large or $411 Bums, rea,son- able rate.' pf interest NOTES AND MORTGAGES PUB RASED. APPLY TO W. C. GOUINLOCH, Or at the Office of LH. Benson, Seaforth. 681 R. N. BR ET, SE AliORTII, Wholeeale and RetailDtutler in LEATHER mad SHOE FINDINGS of Every Deocription. one but the Very Best Stock kept. Tem, neederate. A Trial Solicited. AU orders by mail or otherwise promptlyfilled. 4se it, N. Blue.rp London, Hnron and Bruce. GOThiek NORTH— Expres London, depart...... Centialia....... _ Exeter ....... 8 5 Hen:Hall ........ 9 0 Kiapen ..... ......_ 9 1 Bier cefield ... 9 2 9 8 Lona 9 5 0 06 8 24 0 4 s. Mail. Express. .11, P.M. P.M,. 740 220 .825 840 8-25 78 2 288 74:Q 5 852 ?B 1 857 V9 1 40'? 808 9 423 -825 8 441 845 450 852 n -06 209 5 525 225 Belgrave Wingham, arrive GOING SOUTH— ail, Express. Express P.M .P.M. 0 2 57 -820 8 805 688 5 828 fi 338 184 2 354 724 0 .407 7-48 3 -415 7 69 6 420 806 432 825 442 842 -585 10 18 AM. anineham, 4 epart.... 7 0 Belgrave '7 1 Blyth -----8 Londesboro...... ... . . 7 44 Clinton 8 0 Brueefield..... . 8 2 Kippen 8Th Hensall 8 Exeter. 8 52 Ceutralia 19 02 London, arrive11) 05 Cl -rat Westrn Railway. Trainsleave Brusseltion, north and Etalth ae under: noise -NORTH.- i GOING sonTn. Mixed ... ..... 9:45 A. X. i Accom .......6:50 Amo_n.. 2:37 P. 1 M. lAccom.—..12.16 P,M Accom........9:15 P.M. Mixed. .......8:00 P. :11 ...3 Grand Trurk Railway. Trainal wave Sasiorth and Clinton Station; :. 4 t011ows: GOING WEST— SEATORTII, Express.......... Exprees .8.551P. M. Mixed Train......9:15 4. M. Mixed Train,.......5:40 P. M. GOING EAST— SEAT nue. Express 7;50 4& IL Express Trainee -1:10 . M. . Mixed Train.4:45 . M. Mixed Train... 10:59 A, 11. CLINTON :4:40 P. X. 9:15 P,M 10:00 A.M. 615P. IV Cenenon. 7:30 A.M. 12:45 P. M. 4:15 P. M. 10:00 A., M: