HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-08-12, Page 3Ll BUST .12, is --814 EL _--� ' EMPoR1011 -----of--_�-_ co UNTRy JO'UTEa AND PRgF.,E Ttlg,, --- E and: I4eli4ble Goods in MHES, . WATCHES, PLATED WAFJ4 f ELRY} LOCK81 &C., &E. E I' very eltciae and eamolc `k,r Tc nrselves, l�lo trout 8 1 C=Weds, sold: on tb - o� `eel as represented kcr.Ecr>reritswitha Hist 4e, I can till all orders (if Jewtirc e'u the Shoe 12071' g"&" t0 the itch ' , hl anti Iii ClacPea � the Watches ahrays a sifted fo gide Satisfaction. Ad and Silver. A E ;;T & D -.Tree of Silver. X iudow, and dire " Ih r Eai+ Gash Furniture SE COUNTER, Seafortli, R RESORT. FARM,: CCDERICH. i; - ZEEZES OFF LAKE ti DEB', THIS: SPOT AUGUST, RETREAT• - —. -S A,"C 13:. — iSI'RE GROM.V-Ds _lN D vERANDAS, 11 J I �1TION FOR 3i�ED GUESTS. 11 W.1k GRAPH OFFICE' PREMISES. 1 s pir week; Children and :g, half price. `h for Rooms and send for RIGHT, Proprietor-- ch, July 25, 1881.s 113 M__E Rsy 3. HOUSE. FORTH. .he premises forrner- f the Bank o• f Com - ,'der the Commercial 'treat. k I l; DISCOUNTED. U NTED , x'nign Exchange I,, ilia '1d So1Ci. 14 SALE7 NOTES lke. ,sonable Rates. 1 'asaffiteaa.I' . eearri[�[e#. LY `;1 e at par at all tea: I of Commerce. 1mvw d craw Deposits to c Mortgages. 1A__E3'S Lfl Proctor. IA FORTH U AGENCY, 7-._r_ S�i_T 'M, SEAFORTIr, =arise, Life and Accident - Convevancer, &c. Risks 11. e-ffected at lowest our- t€d. )promptly and satig- ' rst-clans reliable Com- c erttionally low rates On . t rtr, oniy 50L centg` to ears in the (lore District , over 40 years. The fol' _ ivnted : .f Toronto, •f Glasgrow, Scotland, z, I.ogdand, cit, Ontario, - a :trine, of 11amilton, Ont., �31cri':treal• P. Q, ,c:-0}EFtario,. ._ Aeeltienti, of IIartford, 1­1to, Outario. FXT FOR THE j:lRlitIAN`E�T' CWC; COI PA1 Y val ),..tate at 6 and 61 •T FOP. THE EA SHIP- C0.1, Cite; every Thnrsday, to _hF. f x is ed €from here ;,ileha�er. First Cabin, f NILd Cabin x:40 to$75 ,. i'arties going to Ba' T' 1'k: LIN);, as it is L(st and ;safest Steain- F'. r12 _New York. .A.TSONt FO2:T$4 Ontario. :pbell's Block, oppoaft# AUGUST 122 1881. - 1 �----_ �----___.- __ The Golden Wedding. (From a forticecmiing volume of Farm Ballads by .Will Carleton.) Wats fpm, wife cloak of ni 1 -the black ght begins to And far in�the east the morning his kitchen fire' - bas made; And he is heating red-hot his stove of iron gray, And stare are winking and blinking before the - light o' day: . ,fid' you what I was doin', just fifty years agone ? Brashin' my Sunday raiment, an' puttin' my beat looks on; elothin' myself in courage, so` none my fright would see, An, my coward bent within the while was pound- ing to get free. Tan anile wood an' bramble, an' three mile field an dew, In the cold smile of morning I walked to marry you; No horse had I but my wishes -no pilot but a � star; Ba my boyish heart it fancied it heard yon from . afar. 8o through the woods I hurried, an, through the grass an. dew, An' little I thought o' tiring, the whole of my journey through, Things ne'er before nor after do so a man rejoice, .As on the day he marries the woman of his choice.. And then. onr"country wedding brimful o' grief an' glee, With every one a-pettin' an' jokin' you an' me, The good cheer went and Lcame, wife, as it some- times has done When clouds have chased each other across the summer sun. There wag your good old father, dressed up in weddin'shape, With all the hopespun finery that he could rake and scrape; ' And your dear hearted mother, the sunlight of . whose smile Shone through the showers of tear -drops that stormed her face the while. Also your sistees an' brothers, who hardly seemed to know . How they could scare up courage to let their sister go; An' cousins an'schoolhouse comrades, dressed up in meetin' trim, With one of them a-snikin' because it wasn't him. An' there was the good old parson, his neck all dressed in white, A bunch o' texts in. his left eye, a hymn -boob in his right, ` An' the parson's virgin daughter, plain an' severely Pare, Who hoped we shonld be happy, but wasn't ex- actly sure; . And there was the victuals, seasoned with kind regards an' love, And holly wreaths with breastpins of rabies up above. An' there was my heart a-wondeiin' as how such things could be, Ail there was the world before us, an' there was yon and me. Wake up, wife 1 that gold bird, the sun, has come in sight, And on a tree -top perches to take his daily flight, He is not old and feeble, an' he will sail -away, As he has done go often since fifty years to -day. You know there's company coming-onr daughters an' our sons: There's John, and James, and Lucy, an' all their little ones, Anti Jenny, she will be here, who in her grave doth he, Provided company ever can come from out the sky. . And Sara -I am not certain as he will conte, or not, They say he is a black sheep, the wildest of the lot,. Before a son's dishonor a father's love stands dumb; Bat gull, somehow or other, I hope that Sam will come. ' T ho tree bends down its branches to its children from Above - The son is lord of the father, and rules him with his love; 4 And he will o'er be longed for, though far they be apart, . For the drop of blood he earries, that cam from the father's heart. WPake yon, wife! the load sun has rouged the sweet daylight, And she has dressed herself up in red and yellow and white She has dressed herself for us, wife -for our wed - din' day once more -- And my soul today is younger than'ever it was before e. . Gaieties. "Who is the pratty girl with blonde hair and deep blue eyes, there in the jaunty hat?" asked Alfred at the lawn party..' -Who?" asked Annie, "that - taffy -haired girl, with the tallow eyes, and that nightmare of blue rags on her head ? I never saw her before; nobody we want to know." That, brethern, is the way diff erent people look at a pretty girl in a .pretty hat. -The Danbury News tells of a !eat being chloroforiaed to death, buried in the garden, and a rosebush planted over its remains. The neat morning the cat appeared at the door to be let in, and had the ros6bush under its arm." We wouldn't lies -that way for two dollars a day. We should have told a mere plausible story, and made the rosebush appear at the door, scratching to get in, with the cat under itis arm. -A prudent and forehanded Scotch woman was one Maggie ,*Dee. One bonnet had served her turn for upwards of a dozen years, and some ladies who lived in the neighborhood, in offering to . give .her a new one, asked her whether she would prefer silk or straw as ma- terial. -Well, my leddies," said old Maggie, after careful deliberation, "since You insist on gi on me a bonnet I think I'll take a straw ane; it may be a mouthfu' to the coo when Tm through wi't'" -Janes was sitting on the front steps . the other night waiting for his Sweet. heart to conte out. She knew what time to come, and Jones did not wish to ring the belllfor fear. of alarming the old folks. Presently he heard the door open, and the old man muttered some thing about somebody's being "too fresh." -'Do you address yourself to me !" said Jones, springing up with flashing eye. "No," said the old gentle- man, mildly; I was speaking of the paint on the -steps. It was put there this afternoon." . Jones clapped his hand to the spot, and, realizing the force of the old man's remarks, reached his room in five minutes. -The following really occured *at the Batrshot Bazaar, reoenbly, in England: - A young gentleman thought he fancied a certain article exposed for sale at one Of the bazars, and he - was certain he fancied the lady who presided at the bazar. He remarked, therefore, that lie thonaht that particular artield very pretty, "The lady said "Yes it is very Pretty. qty mother sent it." "Alit really," pursued the young gentleman, determined to discover the name of the owner of the eyes that had bewitched him. "Ah ! really. Let me see. I think I have met your mother. Her name is-" "The queen," answered the lady, The young gentleman did not wait for the last train from. Bagshot. ' Prim Houses. - You are all familiar with houses Where every article of furniture is ar- ranged with mathematical precision-; where the chairs all stand stiffly against the wall -perhaps covered to keep them from injury where the sunlight Must not oome for fear it. will fade the . -.. ... . II I- , ;I i I 1! f 1' -- ._ . I i I j - i I I� + _1'.z .. . i : i i i I; I ! i �I- . i , . , ,-,. . i 7 1 I f I I !i i j l . it ; `E I I;l - - I - k 1 . carpet, where no paper + ust bell" left in t ld o t e testimony of a third fe r Sight, and eve book mu t be liI SEASON OF 1881. ' PILLMAN S CAR130WE WORKS SEAFORTH. g rY the al ;who 1 'ins to have married yo � I book -case. This is the; hon where o' ado n 864, and that your ca the children, have to sit, 'n sti backed 1 o s ahak�. We will, however, do ou chairs, with the injuno4On - " lilt pat a pull y u through as we do I your feet on the rounds,"+and vN etre the r ants." - YHEY ARE A AfN TO TH E FORE. little ones wonder, wh�t m' as the u are ff again ; I am not th time paPS so slowly, an'd what inakea a .P' E E D S, SEED ,� mother so'cross. How t e w1''a"t h that' " are e, fhafa another. Well al 8 `7 could have a jolly time', like t 1 little r gh , I WAS o Say to- auv new client /% PIL�A..N" CO. ones over the. way, w1i tie IHier Vis- t a r. ' would be back in ani , always re grn some; lea ' for n.{I CO' in and sit down and loo 'P P g I P r I' P2 1them, if only a cheap picture iia '.ome- 0 ei{ he c" y directory, We will take - MORRISON` BEG to state to those in; want of B ggies that they have now on hand as good and hand - 1 some s aolleotior of made frame, or a pretty plant 6r two y u) ase t he lowest cash price an4 j ; for them to admire. Ali chil4r lone ol9i len 1 est to win it. Consult nd . to look at flowers, and't, 'ere are many a h r firm n til yon ave given us 4 I i Having purchased a Large Stock of �; ! NEW SUGGIEt NEW BUGGlESI: men and large boys who profesp 6 care t ia)i -Duro t Free Plress. f , for none bf ' these things,) yet f 1; their - I lII$nenCe and onl kno that O e Ts i " �', adlan; Cities. O1 various designs styles ire can be i and i Y" Kn y n any shop west of Toronto. They a re all made 3 11 FI LD AND GARDEN SEEDS by themselves, and they can consequently warmub them as to workmanship and'material, the baso pleas of all. ittle� •triple T� ontoia known as the Queen Ciba ornaments brighten up a room , oder- o t Ween, wing t) its magnificent I fatly -particularly flowers and! a ses. g I . -• o a tions aid wealth. • i From the well -Known House of I I Bring them in from the fields.' earch H ton is calla the Ambitions REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS. for the vines with bright berri and it ecaps it has tied hard in past 1 pretty mosses. Deco'rat ' the ntela 3ais to rein Toronto, but could neve ! �• Promptly attended to and neatly a d substantially ezepated, and sa tisfaetion guaranteed. and brackets with them. Put mon c e d. j ! rJ HN the dining room table. ows o�. edar I '1' A• BRUCE & COSY O wa js known ars the Queen Cit and branches of evergreen will b�•i iten o t East, being th$ largest place i j tip a room if we have no 1, flow rs , :Th'e as n O 1o. _ rrR l�CL1�I'NG-- simplest of ornaments are be t r than G ' 1 h s the �o nomen f Is repared to offer, either in Balk or by the none. P-ehr F g O th Paper, Good, Fresh and Reliable I oy City, wing to its having a royal We -are also prepared to talie orders for Trimming Vehioles of all kinds, and can guarantee a first, !q. alaea job at reasonable prices.; A Puzzlei,. f 4� ; - . bee alled the Ancient or Fos- �•Yea," exclaimed Mrs Mon ue, as l i y, o i to ital being the mos SEEDS DS O F ALL KINDS, she pinned the last r g g a CALL ANS GIVE US A TRIAL P ag E on the cloth a 0i It in. C�as nada, lin an . e d settled tl d dew n tO a t t - a -tete tr 1 no re ular nv�r the rear f ! I e� g nickname; And be oonvinoed that we Cando better fir you than most other flims in the Trade. fence with her, 4hbor, t ten g0 s'by the'Ftitle of the Com At 1he Lowe6t Possible Price, consisting cf a Mrs. Bangerhar, variety of er 1' 1 Ale ropolis, owing to its being , "My husband is Smart a u' h at ; PILLMAN & Co. SeafOrth. t e eat lie d centro so far. of trade , , home, but when he goes out i ;society �, d e mmje e. 1 I ' he `a very quiet." I ` ' Lb don It a `Leas is called the Forest +swede T24f ni�J, N, B.-Bagglaesnd Light W► ;;•� as u ti la to a3sr if desired. Now, why s husband like a k r�esone ,ltj�, �wirr o the beauty of its atzxeetsl h'ie i a� d .g ld a Garden Carrots, lamp . 1 alid! please n suburbs. I I , lila el Wurtzel 4 T .,� "Well," replied Mrs. B ager r, hest , A N D D O I T Y O U F O R G E 11'' I T, S . baths Ines is known as the Pione� �atingly, running a hair in th o gh her (� tyi, wing to its saintly name and Millet and Hungarian O�'ass, ;)Dray locks as if in sears of a njswer n; v' been h m of the o Clover and Timothy 1, 1',q the ho e n ted) J, I suppose because hes pt to � w you .r et � �,,� I THAT— np,° ; And All KindB of Garden and „ „ Bre�i tford is not known to have any Flower SeedB. Not mach, returned res. I11.,i he a ' H':tra,ilame, but as the place was called _ O %equainted with me. - , ; K I L O -RAN & RYA N P "It isn't because he et' fall &ter hied rant, it might appropriate - t ?" g i ' is 1 bo ; erme City of the Chief. -' i „ I . ,, flex ntfc r is now known as the FIs i On, no, exclaimed ra.. Iii,, 1'm- le hone ity, but Chief City of iatientl "You're awful' y y st p d this S uthlern O tario wouldn't o bad.— G:'ROCKIES, CROCKERY, nornin . I nese you'll hav o1 call g I T H Ii' ]� g g Y >~7." zppgitor.� I 0 D S T ,F -1 R M I N S E A F O'R T H, me. ! for o IID e is sometimes called Ups • "Weil, then I resig ," a aon ated - P AND' PFF�-OVISIONS. . And Downs, wing to 'its ' hill and dale .-}-_ bra. B. + l ca icon, an illustrative of the expert- I "'why is he like a kers one l pit' We have a Fail Stock of Groceries, Crockery., and IL ' .k e' ce Cif some of its business men. Protisione and would call a '� Well, you see he never shined yvhen � + , pedal attention to They have always paid 100 amts on the �tollar, and they expect their customers to go and do B n sto i known s the Limes ne 11' o n o a n „ o r are e } Steak of do like 3e goes out. � ( ; I i !' � g wise. They do not pretend to selli Goode) at Cost, or even below it; but they are prepared And Mrs. M. walked o °wit the air ty wing too the large number of lime- � ! to sell the VERY BEST I tf a conqueror and the cl�thea has et. s on I nildings which exist there, that W T .� A S k n f Stones being the foundation o , ' I I flie lace. l The Wages of sink GROCERIES CRi'JCKERY AND LIOU'ORS S . hom s is called the Baby City] ton istin of Mo ne Pin Sne Youa H eon f { • 1 L ll In a certain Welsh vill tie it asi+cut- g y" g y' a y ' 1 b in ; he 14s place in Canada to don; nnpowder, Congos, Uncolored, and Japans, 1 I omary to assemble the youn I pt'ople 1 ug'r oth's. j I- i kfter service and enlight n the r ignore- " n1' e s known as the Bull's-eye - IN THS Ii[ARgE , AT .A FAIR LIRNGI PROFIT, P � Y � � , 6nce by catechising them; the e b'ects o' tl � Demi lou, and' sometimes The l F7 e;S11 and Ne Season, reing generally drawn f�'oro ' s all ub; f the World. The latter will not ' nanual entitled "Motor's Gift gun'- d ever, s Boston •a a Hub of 1p , a i th The Yer Finest BRANDIE from oicr Resident Buyer in A� ance and l Dints of Scripture Octri �" At- And! Value than ever befo offered to the 4✓ f y i try P P i t e iverse and the other would be ptib�ic. Also � WINES from our {Agents in Spain and Portugal. ere many comparatively asp c1' stjions p ag iam. 1 ii tut 'upon a Sabbath aft ruoO 1� came Vijc oris, Vancouver Island, is the) me whish fairly puzzled the j v Wiles a Cit bein called after Her Ma- EX RA GOOD YALUE IN SUGARS. ''What," asked the teacher, 'I re the y Y g i I j ty ossa Victoria. ! FINE TEA vases of sin?" H l has b en christene3 b a con- ' + S A SP CIAL Y. ' SUGARS, TOBACOCy &C,, tern are la i b give It G ve us a Cbll and be convirced that M. Mor - There -was considerable h ' it tion Y ' ©f y S b City, but we g v a r�so 's is the right lace to buy from. g P y ATT E VERY LOWEST FIGURES. among the pupils, and a othe ad be- or; solid ti le by calling it the City of _ ng present the teacher turned o Niru )c 8F It; w ll be for the residents to I + nd repeated the question,I I d ci $O th ` Side 6f Main Street, Oppo - "John, my lad, can you tell ghat II GIVE US A OA -LL AND; SEE FOR YOURSELVES. I. ! T ej cities own by. the sounding sea; site Market Street, Lie the wages of sin ? ( Z h v o nick times -the people of the I i After a pause of consideratio .John, r{t, e provinces are undoubtedly too vith� glance of intelligence, re ie s i or the sort of thing. M. MORRISON, - - SEAFORTH.I K LLORA�IT . RYAN, Seaforth. "Well, sir, I canna tell for c tai ti _ _ ___ _ -.a .. -�___i_ - - .- N. B. -We are also ,� „ tut -what should you say to ei� ht�een s mm r Grape Pruning. i t - Agents for the Celebr ted Marsala Sacramental Wine. Warranted Pare. +encs a day and find yon self �"' lY , I OTICE NOTICE . ! A t this as in near ever other! , i t h rJo ltural subject, there is consider- I " Losers of Money.,. i ' I PIAN1OSLAND.. ORGA��1S. a le d fferen a of opipion, We have Pardon me for trou ling ou,'Isir, k ow vines o be pruned to death, in ! I - :ut did ,bT ou drop a twentydollar gold f - to ng Out some wild theory that i I k The Very L.4test and Moat I Important ,Announcement yet I piece ?' ibsed a man with an i arnest made 1� the f4lct that we haoe SO �n ().-Addle- tided fellow had started, �1 ook on his face and a emor nd(am hil : Mothers would prune so sparingly C . L . P A P S T I ook in his hard of a well-dressed it�di- RED ' C E ED THE P R 1 O E S �idnal on the corner of effergo and a t be of no benefit at.. all. Many ` j , s r1' the vie of three -fourth their j Voodward avenues, Detr it.. ; 1 v sl to a)to the sun and air to et in Hag noiv on Hand a well Assorted Y g , It PZa#os (znd Organs, The man addressed 'ran lit hind a, the' say, while others allow the I I +ervouely into various pockets nd re t 1pes to he smothered for want of 1 So tbat all may have all opportunity of enjoying the pleasures lied : - r> i a judicious removal of the leaves. and benefits bf a Musie'd Instrument, Through our large and "Well, now, I declare Can . it'i be Pinching the suds of the vines or clip- Stock ' of Silverware ■ increeFing tr de we are in a pjosition to snppiy PIAN JS i ,ossible that I was so c relesq as', ' to Pi g nff a per ion of the Spouts when I from the B st Canadian end, American J'aetvriEs, including ro that coin ? Yes it' one.) must P 1 P g t y a e gro fug rampantly, so far as I Lave lost it right here, near Wh re l iwe P y y STEINWAY, CHI�KWN% DECKER, WEBER, ' n e s to be ecessar to an reasonable I I tend." I ant, w1' 1' read benefit the crop i, . ' The man opened his emor uduin: j g , greatly e I And others too numerous to mention, At prices and terms P a j t the re arse will damage it. The that cannot' fail to give satisfaction. The fabulous prices oo, took from his vest p kat the anb t x out f the surplus bunches b D IONS aRE SECOND TO NONE char ed for ianoe and p ansin this loculi revionsto oar f a lead encil and said : g t Y 1 g I t �' p P appearance o#1' he scene, have 'been swept away, and not only r d ng fro a third to a half of them PP P. y,- y ``;Will Ou favor me wit our na 6 - low prices b t genuine gdality'in instruments :have been in. Y „ Y a t e naval y show themselves, is of trodnoed. W make a Specialty of the Lid address ? I y t r` atest i portauce. In doing this AND PRICES LOW. They were given, and the gn1,e tioner b Sl WW, ,ya sur to remove the weakest ' Carted on, when the well dresse man DOMINION ORGANS AND PIANDS, a d fiYpat 1'm erfeat. The laterals of 1 red : I t f. it bearing branches which have i Believing they are equal, if not superior in quality, to any Hi, there 1 Where's the one ? been 1' inched r clipped, will throw out LOOK �' C. L. PAPST' Instrument in the market. - ive me my gold piece. i m re %ranches and these should also ' OO ; S 4 Oh, I didn't find any Duey. I took b pi I bed so as to leave only a single + ! I Old Instruments taken in Exchange. Pianos notion this morning the in a e1' y like le f. ;'rhe laterals on the canes, re- 00LD WATCHES; Bis, where thousands an thous nds'ot and Organs to. Rent. m m r, are o be thu fruit bearing GOLD CHAINS, ollars are handled ever hour, them c e or nes year, and should be al- GOLD RINDS, 1upt be great losses, and tarted out to to a to gro unchecked. Care mast S E W I N iii M A Ci 1'1'',1 N E S . west ate the matter. etwee here ! . g bel to n to ti tip Such of the branches Ern lash Colored and Americans Gold We are Agents for the; Raymond Sewing Machines, whit h are . nd the river I found seven 'me that eo tO;'xing bu ches which are too heavy - kept in stock and reduced in prise. We have a number of good )Bt twenty -dollar gold Pieces, a)leg- to best their own weight. There shonld ;S Sets, Silver Wf itches anti C7&ains second-hand Maehines,'whfoh wtAbe gold cheap. act to run they list up to 200 : 'e ore I- al o ij4 more wood allowed to grow -' jach the Cit Hall. God da ir." PHOTOCR�PHINQ, AND PICTURE FRAMING Y th n 7 needs for theo1loRing year's VARY CHEAP AT C. L. PAPST'S fr itiig. i ; I I CARR= ON EXTENSIVELY. The Lawyers oy. hose -Situp a general hints may be , TAnybody who thinks tat th) bon of a vice to use whose knowled a of watchmaker, Jeweler and Engraver, pp oyed around a lawyer's offs a has gr p rowin is limited. In a glittle j till ADE BROTHERS; Seaforth. A. Ing to do but empty t1le papa bas w i EqI. a few ears of experience, which MAN STREET, - - SEAFORTH. wIIITt1iKY'U BLiOCH. Bty run to the' post office, sweep the ca Y e� great) aided by ; examining the , tokn and read the jokes of Black tone, w that goo grape-grrwers follow- - rand) mistaken. A bo =t at is, w1'` 1 aprin nt tae ou the lain road to + ; .. Y Y . F P ! FOR GMONDVILLE prize of a bo ,and one who will vent su c ce a. HO THE SEAFORTH ACRICUILTURAI IMPLEMENT EMPORIURI. I ally become a great la hi self- I I �--• . as a heap on his mind, and no i efor Doubled -Dyed Vilhan. - ins shots or tops. ester ay !while a a ly in Judy an estimable and high- ,etroit lawyer was in • co rt, with! his > he o ly o iected Dung lady, whose widow- I O. C. W I LLSON ! O WILLSON I )y inside t office, a newspaper man• ed c,ther keeps a boarding house in S , -ho was hunting through I the + offatt Ri h nd, Virginia, and is extremely I HAS NOW ON HAND A FULL STOCK OF ALL RINDS OF lock stumbled upon the oung; ttor- poi)r,,in search of honorable employ- FLOURING AND SAW MILLS. By and was received w1' m9nt� ead in the Hartford Churchman, i "Come right in. Thep •pers i your an lrad w rtisement for governess to take i e are read to be a1' ea." i FARMING IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY, Y chsr Ie of the Qua child of a widower. 16 What case ?" Shl� apt lied f r'. the position; forward- JAMESKYLE ''Application for divorce " inn le ere o recomm9ndation of an GONSISTIN( of THE FOLLOWING: ``But I'm not the man." e 'in t Jud and an Episcopal divine Begs o inform his friends and the public gen i ','Ain't9 g oral) that his -The Massey Izo.18 Thistle flutter; the Three Roll Beam Chilled Plow; the Genuine you . Well, you ook 11' him,' of phi cit }tie advertiser same to y PLOW S Y American Oliver Chilled Plow, No. 40, manufactured at South Bend, Indiana; ileo Wat- et's see. Are you the defendant in Ri h ' nd in person, and represented , - eon's No. 40 Chilled and the Brantf rd Chilled Plows, and a number of other General Purpose SAW MILL.ie Jones'ns: Brown Case of tr ass. hi a 1 a8 Tomas Marvin, s wealthyPlows. This ie certainly the best s )acted stock of Plows ever kept in Seatorth ; c&ll and see o, I am to tell von the the c4se is' wi F o from the west, and expressed Is n�.�N in full working order, and he is pre• them b4lore purchasing elsewhere. a� over until next Sata day, at the m ch s sfac Lion with the character I pared to do " I REAPERS AND MOWERS The Reaper and Dower business is again tohandfor Line hour in the afternoo given .the lacy', that he came on 1'm- y! p the season, and as nsnali have a t orocigh reliable stock,consisting of the Msesey Harvester, No,s m not Brown. me is sly to engage her services. He j LI IJ TOM S '� WING the Masse Mower and Sharp's Sulky Horse Rake; also XfflGes Buckeye Twine and Wire "Well, that's all right. Let" see re a1' ;ed alt re several days, and the 11 6 Binders. These Machines are too; well known to require any comment, saflice it, to say that y 0 � t e shortest notice and most reaeonsble the are full n to the im roveme is for the season of 1881. sin. I was to tell Ryan that 11i case result of hie visit was that instead of •te�ilme He has also on hand and for sale y y P P ;ainst Peters for slander would not the governess a secured a bride, upon l )me on this term, and to uggest that who , before marriage, he settled $30,- AL KINDS OF SAWN LUMBER. I SMALL IMPLEMEN'rS-A fall stock of small implements, such *as $orae Hoea, e amend his deelarationP Yo have 00 . The con rant was drawn up by Weeders and Scuiilers, Corn Fla-gters and Corn Cultivators. Iron Harrows at a reduced et given the date whereon the d fend- th j u ge, who had in part been the Bills Promptly Filled. i Primo 1 at called yon �a 'reptile' end a `81 eak,' cause of brio }n -the parties :together.- I ' "'But I am not Ryan " j 112 rvi "e finerappearance, plusible i "'Is that so? That's t' b d� bat ch ras ere let res of credit and the in i SEWING IrAAC1j�11NES A SPECIALTY. HI FLOURING MILL i I haps you can't help it.' Wad ' your tro u ions e', presented, established The wanwr F Wanzer C,; D and Wilson B Louise and other machines. Those are live who eloped with a Iman 1�amed th most confidence in him. He . Is'' in charge of a First-class Miller, and he standard machines, and parties purchasing dna rely on getting value for their money. lake ?" i fore draft for $800 on Chicago, got g prepared to do teed Machine Needles, Oils and Repairs. Be airing done on the shortest notice, and work guwsn- 44 it it as d there,'' was married and went i ' ':'Then you are not Mr. lem.' r was on hi weddi , tour.' He then con- QR STING AND CHOPPING ► tell him that.he forgot to St a the eo tech a stQ t f fat his new mother -in- o ' th Shortest Notice. Good work and tall - Also Agent for Abell's Patent ��r table team Thre, ers tang Engine& 4rticular time at whioh h first n� ticed iav�► w Serio y injured in am cident- ti.tisfaetion guaranteed. coldness in her demeanor. Let see. in rd� to a his wife to return home' me, l ,1 there's that bigamy lease. was buta I egrs revealed his 'duplicity l Re ember, when you want& griatgrmnd or a ' 0. C. 'WILLSON Mail) -St. Seaforth. 1 b ll f lumber sawn go to tins EgmoadvWa Pills. f r 'say to the defendant th t the rose• an h forge Taking alarm he for- I'tion appear to ; have h ted m and sook i wife'and escaped to (janada. JAiI[.Ss xYLF., Prgxiewr. � N. D. hew horses t.wn 1',a e:ehangb for machiz". - I + i i -. . 1 I f I I , E Ia � f . - a- - --._____1 - - :-,,; is i 3 SEWING MACHINES I JAMES WATSON Dealer fn all kiuds of First -Glass FAMILY AND MANUFACTUR- LNG SEWING MACHINES. K72itting Machines, .Lawn Mower , ,Sad Irons, ;Sewing 1Kaciaine Be. pairs, Needles, Oils, Attachments.,. &C., &C. I sai the ONLY Ag nt in this part of theflonntj s for tie Celebrated WHITESEy 1111_(1 NIAOMINE I Which c has succeed ed in taking the First Prize for two years in snc�ession at the Seaforth Fair, '- over all its competitprs. Also Agent for 6e wheeler & Wilson, Howe, Osborne A, Wilson, `�EWanzer C, and any Machine a customer may rearnt. �— 1i A41 Kinds of( Sewinar Machines--- a Repaired. Second-hand Mual► nes taken in seachange as Part payment for X4 w Machines., and Mathias) sold on easy monthly payments. r 19stiriaction Guaranteed i JAME`S'WATSON MAIN ST�RRT, SEAFORTH. i OFFICE In Campbell's Block, opposite :the - r 1 Mansion Hotel. i egg C H RYST4 4L & BLAOKs PRACTICAL . . BOILED. MAKERS: HE 11. Sabsoribers have bought t'rie Tome and T . Boiler Bnsinese�3ately carried on by the (fad. erichFoandry and ltianu attar, g Company, and having had an ezp ence of over eight years In that shop, are now I re are to carry on the trait in all its branches. Any workentrust :d to"ns will receive prompt attgption. First -6109s work guaranteed.1 , Ali kinds of Boilers made and repaired, abso Smoke Stacks and .Sheet Iron Work, dte., at rare-. 14 sonable rates: I New Salt Pans mdde and old ones repedredon the shortest notice, jand at prices that defy com. petition. I CHRYSAL c BLAC$, 686-52 1 Boz 103, Goderickv I----._ - -- -- - ___ "T H E OLD FA VO 1'T GALLERY. • ANDRE CALDER, THE Pioneer Phonographer of Seaforth, having gone through th 3 fiery ordeal, is now ranninp again in fail blast, his new and commodiog premises in Scott's Block. Thin is the .oldest Gallery in this section, and has been thoroughly refitted and equippe I with all the latest appli- anaes and scenic etre is specially for the acoom• modation of- Mr. G lder's large and increasing trade. Having now got into one of the hand. somest ani. most do pletely furnished galleries in the west, he is nowin a better posltion than at any previous timto tarn Qat all work in the Photographic line a irasted to him in a superior ruanri . , at the low st lining profit on the shorteht possible no ice. A call is cordially so- licited from ail. 692 A. CALDE , Segtt's Block-, Seaforth. EGG EMPORIUM. THE Subscriber 1 ereby thinks his numerous customers (mei chants and others) for their n liberal patroage d�irinE the past 7 yearg,aad h opes by etrict integrity and close attention to business to merit heir confidence and trade as the future. Having, greatly enlarged his prem• ises during the wint7, he is now prepared to,pa? THE HIGHEST CASH PRICE For any quantity of lood Fresh Eggs, delivered at the Egg Emporia , - . MAIN STR ET, SEAFORTH. Wanted by the salisoriber,:215 tons of good Aa clean wheat straw. D. A WILSON THE ZURICH CARRIAGE FACTORY. . HESS & HABE.RER AVE always onl hand, and make U Ordae, ' W Bons, Sleighs, Carriages, Bug. '$fes, Ctitters, a d every other artielein thdz line. - They pervonally uperintend their own bud• ness, and can guava tee a good article both so to materisland workiknanahip. For Style and Inish their work cannot be surpassed by the large city establishments. Repairing prom p ly attended to. Olve its a trial and beeonvina d that we can satiifyyonas to quality and price. i Mr. Hees is walla own to the publie,bs>rfdd been in business in Zurich for over ig years. 636 , I, HESS di HAR)tBg'.B. THE f EAFORTH INSURANCE A D LAND AGENCY. .ALONZ STRONG I IS AGENT for seve4al First -Claes Stock, Fit`a and Me Insurance (ICCompauies, and is :prepay d to take risks on th1g most favora4le tarns. Also Agent for several of -the best Loan So. cieties. Also Agent for the ale and Purchase of rwm and Village Property A Nuber of First -Class Improved Parrms for Sale -i X30,000 to Loran ;at Bias per eclat. Ia ,terest. Agent for the sale of Ocean Steamship Tlejets, OFFICE -'Over H. Morrison's Store, Rift Street, Seaforth. - - - L.gR��NIM I THt VERY BEST M� HINE OIL In the World, !le Manufactured by McColl Bros. G'o.,'ororty, Arid for sale by dealers. Ask your Merchant f r Lardine and take no other. This +oil, under the severest test and most active competition, was, at the Toronto Indnstrial Exhibition, awarded! the highest prize ; also the .gold medal st the provincial exhibition;, Hamilton, and the high. est award at the Dominion Exhibition, Ottawa, the silver medal. warmers and all who use agricultural machinery, will save money sndms. ahinery by using none but Lardine. 704.86 MARRIAGE LIOENSE3 ISS ED AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR OFFICE SRAFORT�, ONTARIO, -i - NO WITNESOES REQUIRED. - MORE HOR, ES WANTED GROSSM& SHARP [ VILL be at BHAR� HOTEL, SEAFOBTH, T v every Seturda7,lfor the purpon of buom Heavy Drsnght Hor from 8 to 7 years old. 688 EOSSMXN A BHAlq D 13. C"O"LL,1Provinaisl r'NA go qu D. aadOivil Zngii4 Ordarsby ma19Wwgi, - ly &#end" to. 79 D. ! . CAHPSZL?i,1![Mllbti