HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-07-29, Page 729, 1881. _ GE SALE AtE MCKILLOP, of Huron. - le contained in a zvaaa. eh win beprodneed tte rnado by One Joba r Pabiie Auction by inecir, at the HOTEL, EAFORTH, X 30111, 1881, ng freehold property, re south half of Lot of the Tevenehip of E' Or Jose, of widen o wooded with, Beech, a, good eley loam. A 9:4 and one-half stories, premised. Good well. ulea, end from Br1:13- 1 coalitions vrill be eor may be aeoereaireed ;T:e.klE& 00e, I:teeters, London, Ont. IIOWSON, eieneer, Clinton, Onk UTH, ERS, &O. DAD UN THE k SHROUDS ITANDe CO M MERGE. ; ToRoNTo, 564000,000. 1,400,000e Vn.c"_aictster. 3R. A.NCEC els Bank coritennest. uterest is allowe4 on towns and Cthesjfl end on. the United f the Commercial LAND, M weager. LIVERY 1,13 LES AFORTft eld established Live rid mete; et Filen rigq n tii I irt.tinegi. :and:woie and eau- : sat hereee alwsys leigh tor teaser two t:y attended to. and wild. e -- Opposite O. C. eemae, Sestforth. THUR FORBEl. 3EAFORTH. ,.!ietzi. Out my rniture regard - a pay them to ewer- esine elsewhere. tee paying male, ese !pies, tiniehad theirs for Sprierg Bee, nee trket ; warranted ter M. R. Cottater'a ri 6 -to nSeatorth, ITN S PORTER. _ TIIROAT 1 IYER erer oe the Eye al Celiege, Tema EY Au t ger In- n 1Auriet tr the melte) -cl, and. ter Ont. LiZter Mat- sithAlittie flolei- T4r yet end Bee TORONTO. at the riltATFOR131, *.telte mad on last tter 70g ,NSMITH T H • rter of ail kinds Gans, Ridea, Re- frtiren (leads in -Italie that ha has u Mr.Reberne Cartlaeda Hall, LLWj. AJI kia ye, Garen Bevel - eels. Viva, Lts. or Sewing else Kraivee, Ste, 1.ann repaired. 1 Silver. Ohl ew. AU work :Yettended to on • Seeforth. G 11 FACTORY Inkian�xnoroU , nage extendedto in Seaterthetlid th GoAtinaAnce !Ado well to gilt keel) ort tarda -11687 Doors, ShingLet,. refactio-ret atheat tronageete netts yd. :Cuatora Planing • DFOOT., JUIN 29, 1881. 0-earge Stephenson's Little Old Engine. A great Bight was in the sheds at the extrenae end of the works;1 for here were assenibled some sixtee locomo- tive engines just arrived from all parts of the country—the choicest Ispssaimens owned by the several companies, by whom they had been dispatched to take part in what the programmle called a display ar.d procession o modern typical locomotive steam. ergines" I wee examining with great admiration one of the very finest of thee engines, .anilt for the Midland Railsva, Company by Messrs. G. R. Stephenson & Com- pany, of Newcastle, when I N1VELEi at- •tracted by a lively movem nt amen' -the crowd of mechanics vho stood about me, and looking round I perceiv- ed an ancient sad decayed little engine being cautiously propelled by a huge ,goods locomotive along the metals -which led to the high -level 'bridge. It -was like a very old man supported on the arm of a big stalwart son, and the great locomotive frequently paused to give the aged engine, as it were, time to take breath and recover itself. I crossed the rails to look at this singular objeot, and drawing very close to it I as able to read upona plate affixed to its side that its nanae was "Locomo- tion," that it had been cons meted by .George Stephenson in 1825, nd that it Was the first engine that rai on the Stockton and Darlington Railway. So here, then, was the father °tall the lo- comotives in the world. A decrepit., shrivelled machine, with nevertheless a look of shrewd self-consciousness sug- gested in its quaint, old-world aspect; as if it had duly taken note of its mag- nificent posterity and was not unwilling to be admired for their sakes as well as its own. To see the wonderful old lo- oomotive crowned with a skeleton scaffolding of piston rods. and other working gear, with its singular chimney curving out of its front like the neck of a swan, and the little old tender behind with part of the iron side ringed and rottectout, while- close to it stood a group of probably the most Magnificent locomotive engines in the World, with their sparkling braBs work and glossy Bides as clear as glass, with the amaz- ing finish of their pa.inting and varnish- ing, was indeed to behold the one sight that would give to the great memory, vi4hich all .Newcastle and .Gateshead had already transfigured themselves with bunting to honor, the .most elo- quent and moving significiance that e,ould be imparted to it.—London Teie- graph. News Items. —Calcutta University is a remarka- bly prosperous and useful institution. Last year, out of 2,793 candidates for admission, 1,665 passed. Six women took the entrance examination and four were successful. —People who have currant bushes that are troubled with worms will be glad to learn that common buckwheat flour sprinkled over the bushes in the morning while the dew is yet on, with a very fine seive, will be a, sure re- medy against these pests,l, and will cause them to disappear. 1 —There is a New York parrot that addresses rapid passers-by in this mariner: "Hold on to yont feet; keep cool; where are you going? Go slow, go slow!" When the pedestrian on his return walks slowly he hears some- thing like this : "Doing better, ain't you ? Ha, hal Good boy, 'good boy! Quite right, go slow !" —Experinaents with suspended elec- tric lamps, were made in Paris recently. Four lamps covered with Shades and burning naked electric lights, were strung across the streets at intervals of about one hundred. yards by means of light wires connected by poles forty feet high. The light was fairly diffosed, but so intense as to be unbearable to the eye. The experiment was a failure. • —During hot weather eat as little as possible, and let that little be light, di- gestilale food, such as the season offers; freBh berries, bread and butter, with a green salad, lean meats, spring chickens that bled to death and were dry picked, oatmeal and cream, lemons in any shape, all vegetables that ca.n be had a few hours after being gathered from the soil, nutritious iced drinks in small quantities at frequent intervals. —At the Royal Agricultural Society's Show at Derby the Prince of Wales visited The Canadian Government ex- hibits received by Mr. Dyke. He ex- pressed himself as highly pleased with the display of Manitoba wheats, grasses and photographic scenes. He evinced great interest in the subject of emigra- tion, and expressed a desire that British emigrants should go to British Colon- ies. —The Fiji Times of April 30 reports a horrible, massacre perpetrated at the island. of Tapihama. The natives were Proselytized by a Kanaka missionary named Kuba, who induced them to give up their weapons. The people of the southern portion of the island be- came dissatisfied at the Constant re- quisitions on them, and then the apostle Kubs, preached- a crusade against the northern people, armed his followers and led them in person. An indis- criminate slaughter ensued, over 1000 women and children being massacred. the bodies were collected in a pile and burned. Kuba has been taken to Hon- olula, to answer for the crime. • Epps's Cocoa. Grateful and Corolorting.—"By thorough 'knowledge of the natural laws • -which govern the operations of diges- tion and nutrition, and by a careful ap- plication of the fine properties of well Select( d cocoa,11-. Epps has provided uur breakfast tablas with a delicately flavored beverage, which may save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the iudicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution nrae be gradually built up until strong euough to esist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of sub- tle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping curselaes well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished frame."—Civil Ser- vice elazette. • Sold only in packets labelled —" James Epps & Co., onaceo- pathic Chemists, London, Eng."—Also makers of Epps's Chocolate essence for afternoon. use. 482-52 1\Mothers ! Mothers! Mothera ! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suff- ering and, cuing with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If so, go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. It will relieve the peor little sufferer inamedia;telys—de- pend upon it; there is no mi take about it. There is not a mothek on earth who has ever used it, whol will not tell you at once that it will re late t he bowels, and give reSt to the pa ther and relief and health to ie child,per- 1 ating -like magic. It is erfectly S , 0 to Use in all cases, and pleasant to i the taste, and is the prescri ton of ' o e of the oldest and best fer4le physi ians and nurses in the Unite4 States. Sold 4 -everywhere at 25 cents a, bottle. 6 2-52. Rest and Comfo t to t e i_ ' I Suffer' .Brown's Household _Panacea h a 130 • equal for relieving pain both fiat rnal and external. It cures p in in the side, back, or bowels, sore t roat, rhe tua- tara., toothache, lumbag and any kind of pain. or ache. It wi1 most s rely quicken the blood and , eal, as it i act- ing power is woudei ful. Br ewn's Household • Panacea, 1eing ac ledged. as as the great pai reliever , and of double the strength of any ther elixir or liniment in th, world, s ould be in every family hand 7 for use hen wanted, as it really is the best remei y in the world for crampsile the sto each, andpains and achesof a 1 kinds, a n d is for sale by all druggis at 25 cetts a bottle. 692-52 • 1 Emulsion of Cod some instances, led to Post mortem examl the scars of completely hi or sores upon the lung.t shows that the lung MB eased is susceptible of sound and healthy mud afflicted With lung dise ably hope to recover hee, of well chosen remecl among these is Northrp Emulsion of Cod Liver! phosphites of Lime and S ly tested and highly acc for coughs, colds, asth spitting of blood, and ot the throat, chest and 1 ary irritation is prompt the Cod Liver Oil, and phites, which are am renovants used by ph the flagging energies of system.710.a wer tioxis ha , in e disoov of &led absclbsees This of Iself ue wheni dis- storation Ito a tion. Pe 'sons se may re th by th s. Far & Ly il and da,a thor edited sp '.a, bronc er affecti ngs. Pal y arreste he hypo ng the deism 13, he debili . Vegetable Dis When the blood be either from the develop ed disease, its contamin other causes, serious follow. A highly atccre these evils is Northr Vegetable Discovery Cure, which eradicates the blood and fertilizes i son - Use ost an's ypo- ugh- ecific itis, s of on - by hos- nest vive ated overY. omes impure, ent of in erit- tion by b e, or aladies rely ited rem° y for p & Ly an's nd Dys eptic impuriti B by prbn4 ting digestion and assimilat.on. Mr. ugh McCaw, Custom _ Ho se, • To .onto, writes: "My wife has been trohbled with Dyspepsia and heumatis11a for some tin3e past, and hs tried- good many different things to help hei, but got no relief until she tr'ed North Lyrnan's Vegetable Die peptic Cure. She has ties, and has not been for years. This testim use as you like for the more who are sufferers ble disease, Dyspepsia. Woman's Tru overy an aken tvs as good nial you relief of rom that 710.4 A friend in need is a This none can deny, assistance is rendered sorely afflicted with dis ticularly those conapl nesses so common to o lation. • Every woman that Electric Bitters ar friend, and will positive health, even when all ,Friend friend i specially when o ase, mor nts and r female should woman' y restore other -re op• dc Dys, bot- ealth may any terri- deedi when e par- eak: popu- know true er to edieS fail. A single trial alw ays prey e our assertion.They are p easantl, ttS'asthe, taste, and only cost 50. cents a .laittle' Sold by all druggists. 96-26-1 Farmers and Mechani If you wish to avoid great dang trouble, besides a no -small bill pense, at this season 'of the ye should take prompt step a to keep from your househerld, The should be cleansed, bloodp stomach and bowels regulated; a s. r and f• ex - r, yea isease ysteni nfied, d pre vent and cure diseases arising from Spring malaria. We know of n thing that will so perfectly and surely c o this - as Eleatic Bitters, and at the rifling cost of fifty cents a bottle.—Exch. Sold by all druggists. 696-26.1. I Holloway's Pills. Teachings of experience.—The united, testimony of thousands extending over more than forty years, roost st ongly recommends these pills as the hes puriL fiers, the mildest aper,ients, and the -surest restoratives. They never; prove delusive, or give merely temporary re- lief, but . attack all ailments of the stomach, lungs, heart, Ilead, and bow- els in the only safe and legitimate way, by depurating the blood, and so eradi- cating those impurities 1which are the source and constituent pf almost every disease. Their medicinal ( ffinaoy .is wonderful in renovating enfeebled con- stitutions. Their actio eMbraces all that is desirable in a lousebo1d ,medi- eine. They expel ever 'noxieu4 and effete matter, and thus he stren th is nurtured and the energi s stimul ted. ! 1 712.52 Bleeding of th B UNMAN VILLE , Ont., Messrs. Seth W. Fowle Gentlemen—I have with bleeding of the in time. About two years vere cold which made sore, but after using one tar's Balsam of Wild and cough disappeared troubled me since. I b Bain is the best medicine in usd and well worth the prioe ask d for it. ours truly, JESSE B RE. 50 cents and $1 a b ttle. Sold by dealers genera/1y. 71.52 • • Lung Nov. 8, 1 3. Sons, B been tr gs for • ago I toolt se-; y lungs •very bottle of Wis- berry the pain and have not lieve the Ball 72. ston ubled long • Zopesa Biliousness, indigesti —all forms of dyspepsi to a fe.w doses of Zopes pound from Brazil. A proves it. • 679-c n, con4ti , yield; a , the ne 0 ceni s Teaberr "Must eay it's the ni used for the teeth an every one having tried new toilet gem. Get a 679.52 • est thing breath "Teaberr 5 oent s atical once COM - maple i ever "says ," the mple. GROCERY NEXT DOOR 1 0 T TEA FAIR YOL) GOOD Yd CHOICE y EXEXTRA„1 VERY FINE THE BES VERY FINE FR/RS At 5 ITE LIGH FTLD TEAS. E HURON EXPOSITOR. HE POST OFFIOISEAFORTH • TES. EAS.' GREENS, ..APANS AND BLACKS, G HYSON TEA, 30 CEkTS PER PO ND. NG HYSON TBA, 35 CENTS PER P UND. UNG HYSON TEA, 40 -CENTS PER FOUND. ICE, 60 CENTS PER POUND. 60 CENTS PER POUND. MPORTED, 66 CENTS PER POUNDi. JAPAN TEA DUST, 30 CENTS PER POUND. C31-1ZO-CTND COPPS, ents, 30 cents, 85 cents, 40 cents and 5 cents per pound. UGARS-4 and bi poarals for ti. ND YELLOW SUGARS—io, 11,12 and 13 pounde for ti. D GARDEN SEEDS -4 Full8took. • D. D ROSE, SEAFORTH. THE S FRtItr AND ' RE MAIN Primp -LI- IRAM DAGO/et k full surply of' 11 AFORTH 'STORE TAURANT. T, SEAI4ORTH. eps constently inds of On hand a SEASO7J%13 VEGETABLES th et e Choicest HOUSE 1 .Fresh and 41. PLAN' , 81r4t from the Garden :rs. c b L1 I Of all kinds on ick-Nacks. RE MEM BE first door nor 702 T p- DRI rait, and Confection • T PLACE—Murphy' Block, h of !Robertson's Hardware Store. KS ry and HIRAM DA. r�w. NIL TRADE MAR ERANDy a a c/n a sae —mu” sa co o e. ,...eo "c THE GREAT E WASH REMEDY -L- vous Debility n all Nervous Affect eluding Spermato h , Seminal weekt eesults of Self- bu e, indiscretion, GRAY'S SPEOIFI EDICINE. This only remedy which hen ever been known man ently ewe Pa pit Lion and other' a of the Heart, Cor ea tion in its ' eaelie Rusblng of b oodj to the bead, wind stomach, lird ges4on Loss of Memory, energy, Bash Illness, esire for minted° position to laleor en ccount of weakne versa] Lassi1de,jPaiu in the back, d vision, Inenietur ol age, ect. Fullpa in our pamphlet, h h we send enamel on receipt of a tb co ent strunp. The Is now sole by all Dr gists at $1 per or 6 for $5, co- wi I sent free by receipt of Money, y ai dressing THE GRA EDICINE CO., or Ner ons, in Fe, eat. &c.. i Is th o per ection stages in th ant of Indis- 5, Uni- nese o Houle seale Specifi ackage ail o d89 ront $5 to -$20 SON ic Co.. Portia PE wo d, DAY at home. ample h $5 free. Address STIN 92a52 12 a day at ho e easil outfit free. Addre TRU 92x52 our own town. T rms an A ddress H. HAL ETT & 92x52 It )A WEE tit) made. C & Co., Augusta, $ 66 AWEE 5 outfit Co., Portland, Ma t sti in in ree ne. aine. — J. 1 HOLLOWAY'S PILLS TH1S Great Ho eeh the leading moue Pills purify fully, yet ,soot hi Kidneys and B vigor to Ulm gr'at are 'corrnder tee, i'eoxr ethedy in allco cs whatevereause, hIas b ed. They are ments incidental a General Family Id Medicine ranks ece.series of life. T the lood, and act mo gly on the Liver, wel , giving tone, en lam springs of rif ended as a nev here the constitut come impaired o nde fully efficacione to Females of all ages edicine, are unsurpa amongst ese fa- t power - rt og my aa en ihd, Thy n flier g frojn k aalnlai a 145 sed. HEMS OINTMENT Its searchir g a d h aling properties a e know hroughout the tV Fel, the cure of •ad leg ad breaetie old un ds, sores and ulcers, it s n infallible re edy If effectually .bbed dn he neck and cbee a salt into meat, it cures, ore Throat, Dip • the -a,Bronchitis,Coug • s,Colde, Eta even Asthina F r Glandular swellings, Ab- ceeses, Piles, Fistula , Gout, Rhemeat nen, and enery hind of skin d seaso, it has ne er been *eown to fail. The P lle- and Ointment a e menu- actured only at 588,0 -ford Street,London,and are 'old by ell Vendoes of Medicines throughout the Civilized World; with directions for us in al- inost every 3angene . e... --Purchaser shout 'Leek to the label en t e pots and boes.I If tth iddress is not 588, Oxford Street, Lo'nd n, the 7 , re spurione.12-52. — TO BRE T Et nr dcrsige d EUIRCD, on hie p H. R. S., Tucker mit est ea, a neve bl It as lately purch sed E era or. tou , imp°, t Ter Ms el , I o be mid tbe privilege of tent MUNDELL, Prop let ill keep during th CIDiFei,, Lot 7, Com , for the improv d Berkshire Boer, rom John Snell & of thoroughbr at the 'time of serv ping if neceesary present °Beier, e, ment de which Ie Sens, 41 d k tcek. oe, with W. r. , 701 FONCIER! , formed for the p rpose eltf Capital in Canada is neer one), on thereat 1avorabe securities. MP. HAY18, uron, Scafort-h. 690 LE CRE 1 rrEIS env Cern 9D. inveeting F ec prepar ed to adva ce terms on pe od 18. d Ageet for Count cf 1F01 SALE OR TO ET. To LET—Six rooms weer A. G. Atilt% Grocery ▪ Store, Seaforth. Suitable for drees makers or pr Orate deeelling, with front and rlear entrance. Apply Itenk. G. AULT, Proprietor. 693 TWO HOUSES TO RENT—To Rent, • fortable dwelling house adjoiliing the ,Old T emperanco Hall, in the nicest parf of the town; e leo the hoose adjoining the Domenion Curling nd Skating Rink ; possession at once; rent rea- sonable. Ariply to L. MURPHY, Se4forth. 800 STOREHOLfSE TO RENT.—To 'rent a good "--1 grain storehouse on the south' side of tbe r ailway track in Seaforth, with two sets of scales, t rucke and jiggers all complete; poseceeion given i mmediat ely. Apply to Scott Brothers, Seaforth. r to the proprietor, ROBERT SCOTT, • Rox- boro. 677 Pe TORE TO RENT—To rent a large and corn - =odious store in Whitney's block, Main treet, Seaforth, in the best business part of the t own. The store is 60 feet long With a store r oom 80 feet in ltegth in the rear. Rent reason- s ble end possession given on fith January, 1881. A pply to WHITNEY B1%OTHERS.1 879 100 APEEFARM FOR SALE—The Sub , scriber offers for sale a firsteclass farm, consieting of 100 acres of excellent land, being Lot 18, Con. 4, L. R. S., Tunkeremith; 86 acree cleared, 74 clear of stumpsand the rest timbered with beech and maple; comfortable hewed log house, frame tarn a.na log staples; wen fenced, well underdiained, two. wells and a good bearing orchard; is 2i mike from Kippur, 5 from Brueefield and 6 from Seaforth; ;convenient to c ho Is end churches -' will be soldeheap, with or i tho ut crop. Apply to ROBERT, GRIEVE, on h e premises or to Egmondville P. (). 706 • MEDICAL. JG. SCOTT, M. D. &c, Physicia ,Snrgeon and • Accoucheur, Seaforth, Ont. Moe androi- d en ere south side of Goderich Street, second door east of Presbyterian Church. 342 TT L. VERCOE, M. D., C. M.. P ysieian, -Lea- • geon, ete.,Coroner for the Co nty of Huron. Office, and Residence, o,n Jarvis street north, dire etly opposite Seaforth Public S hool. , YJ M. HANOVER, M. D.. C. M., Graduate of I T I McGill University, Physician, Surgeon and A ceottcheur, Seaforth,Ont. Office and Residence, N orth side Goderich Street, first Brick House e set nf the Methodiet,Chumh. 496 DRi HUTCHIN-SON, Graduate .1 McGill Col- • lege, Montreal, Licentiate of the Royal Col lege iof Physicians, Edinburgh, •d late House Surgeon of Craiglockhart Hospi al, Edinburgh. Office—Bluevale, Ont. 686-52 ' ..einee- haunt Mrs. Seafotth, _ LT DERBYSHI • E -L. D. S. 11 • Surgeon De I tist, Graduate• 4.4 ,, of the Royal College of Dental "'"•`"'' Surgeons of 0' tario. office fro', 8 A. M. to 6 P. 1 Room g in 1 Whitney's new brick block Main Street eq,--enen Ci CARTWRIG : ‘-'• Member of th I „I' — „ , uocezcyr of Dental Surge es Office—Indien blots's, Stratford, Ont., has now opened Seaforth at the Queen's Hotel, wh T, L. D. S., • Royal Colleg( s of Canada Market St. ut an Office it re he will 13( ) ea ee and skill. Office open first Tueeelay in every month. • 563-52 ANCHOR L NE. UNITED STATES MAIL El EAMERS Sail Every Saturday from N 3W YORE and GLA,SGOW (via Londonderry) and LONDON Diret.. VCIIETS for Liverpoon, Lon, onderry, Glee. noe, and ell parts of Europe. Fares as low as any other firsnclass line. P ilepaidelneeoge Certificates igened-to persons wishing t� bring out their friends. The Pa seenger accommodation of Anchor Line Steamer a el e tmenreaseed for ehjganeeand coma - fort. Apply to S. DICKSON, 596, AG t he Poet Office, Seaforth WE AV1 -r S. HAI DEN bees to annon t' • of this Nieinity that be ha prepei y fern etly owned by Mr roact hevire erected thereon a co le ) row p) era) ed to execute er iu ell its branches .FLANN Twilled rand CARPETS a Spec warrantedeto give satisfaction a able. Fesidence, half a nile e eine, Rejoining be farm of Mrs., west sit e.' A trial is reepeetfully 7os-ls J. M CAUCHEY & .H LL*, CHANCERY, AND CON OFFICE, Scot'8 Block, Main Stre S° ICIITORS for the Consol* amide, and the Canadian Ba in pSae mf o ratuh. d Town and Village P andms (private fonds) loaned curit es, at reationable rates of in modelale. Mottey invested for private pe best roortgage securities, without the lepder. S. G. IncatilUGHEY, U. A. E. USD ALL THE YEA JO NSTON'S SARSA Gt- ee to the people purchased the Wm. Hadden, modious shop, ers for Weaving L, Plain and alter. All work d terms reason- st of Egmond- renimell on the solicited. . HADDEN. LMESTED EYANCING t, Seaforth., dated Bank of k of Commerce operty bought n mortgage se- erest. Charges sons upon the any expense to 13 °UNTESTED ROUND ARILLA ! For Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, • ond for Purifying a Blood. TT has been in Use for 20 years, and has proved -I- tie be the beetpreparation in the market for Sick Beadathe, Pain in the Side •r Back, Liver Complaint, Pimples on tbe F ce, Dyspepsia, Piles, at dell Diseases that rise 1 om a Disorder- ed L er or an impure bloo . Th usands of our best beople take it and give it to their children. Ph,y ienesne e reecribe it daily. T ose who ase itt Qncelrecoramsnd it to others. It is made from Yellow Dock. Honduras Sarseper" aeWild Cherry, Stillingia, Dandelioe, Sassafra ' Wintergreen, and other well. known valuate It iioe.s and Herbs. It is etrict ly vegeta:we, Ned rano.1 hurt themoet delicete cetetitution. It is one o the best Med- icineus14 for regulating the bowels. It 19 hold y all re ponsible druggists a one dollar for a quart bet le, or eie bottles or five dollars. Tho e who cermet obtain ft bott e of thiemedi- cipe rom their denggist may een us one tiollar, ad will deer it to them ire of any ehargen W. IiNSCCON & Co., Matnufa utters, rsi Jeff - ere° A vervap, Detroit, Mich. F r sale by J. S. ROBERTS, S,esforth. f 706-4 HO! FOR EGMONDVILLE FLOURING AND SAW MILLS. JAMES KYLE Begs to inform his Mends and erally4hat his NEW SAW Is now in full working order, pared to do the public gen. Ni I L and he is pre. CUSTOM SAWING On the shortest notice and feted reasonable term& He has also on hand and for sale ALL KINDS OF SAWN LUMBER. Bills Promptly Filled. HIS FLOURING MILL Is in charge of a First -Claes Miller, and he prepared to do GRISTING ANCi CHOPPING On the Shortest Notice. Good Wolk and full , Satisfaction guaranteed. Rem( mho', when you wantigtiatgreand 05x bill of lumber sawn go to the Egmondville 691 JAMES KYLE, Proprietor. FARMERS, TAKE NOTICE! REAPING AND iylowiNG MACHINES REPAIRED. ARMERS, if you want your reaping and mow- -1- ii4 rc achines en all kinds repaired, go to T. M enis, ICipren, fbr be is the boy that under- stands the bush ess. • Old boxes refilled with new mete), and all tiekering job e done on short notice. Gil e me a trial, and you will save money, Threshing Cylinders and Concaves • Filled With _New Spikes, Or the old one s witic tile best of iron. Sp ecial attention paid to all work entrusted to 1110. FARM HINGES! A Large Stock of Farm Hinges on hand. Plows, Harrows and Scuglers Al- ways on Hand and Sold Cheap. Blacksmithing of all Kinds Done on the Shortest Notice. Parties wanting castings or repairs from the • N OXON BROTHERS' Manufacturing Company, of Ingersoll, for Reapers and Mowers, can get them at my Shop, as I have been appointed by that Company to keep all these repairs on, hand Remember the sign. 707-8 THOMAS MELLIS, Icippen. REMEMBER THE PLACE, MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH, JUST THREE DOORS NORTH OF THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL. 0 2 0 0 CO 0 0 2 0 0 03 ••1 a•I rri - 4 2 0 r Lzi (7 a 0 rc» r Give You the Best Valve for Your -Honey. He is Selliwy Very Cheap for _.CASH, and no Deception. PILL; TH "REG to Is some NE Of 179,1101:18 d by the eeemsessemmmeemegari AN'S CARRIAGE WORKS, SEAFORTH. ARE AGAIN TO THE FORE. PIEIMLAN -av CO. ate to theee in want ollectior of BUGGI . • a Buggies that they have now on hand as good and hand - ES! NEW BUGGIES11 signs and styles as ea be found in any shop west of Toronto. They a re all made, elves, and they CID c nerequently warrant then as to worlananehip and material. REPAI ING OF ALL KINDS. Promptly attended to and 11Ea ly and substantially executed, and sa tisfaction guaranteed. 'We are atho prepared to take orde for TrimmingVehieles of all kinds, and can guarantee a frret- el ass job at reasonable priees. gALL AND GIVE US A TRIAL And -be convenced that we on do better for you than most ether Amp tha Trtkde. PILLMAN. & Co., Seaforth. N. B.—Binggiesand Light W !, me a tin to irder if d esired: TH.g They have a do likewise.' to sell the' GRO The Veif FINE GZ D DONT YOU FORGET IT," KI L ID —THAT— RA N ;8it RYAN 0 OLDE S F1RMINSEAFORTFf, ays paid 100 cents on the dollar, and they expect 1 heir meter:tiers to "go and do They do not pretend o sell Goods at Coen or even below' it ; but they are prepared RY BEST ERI ES, IN THE Finest BRAS - WINES from, EAS A SPEC AT THE ROCKERY, AND LIQUORS KET, AT A FAIR LIVING PROFIT. TES from, our Resident Buyer in, Frarxe, and our Agents in Spain and Portugal. 9, .ALTY. SUGARS„ TOBAGO -OS, &O., ERY LOWEST FIGURES. E US A OA 1 L .AND SEE FOR YOURSELVES. KILLORAN & RYAN, Seaforth. , N. B.—Wei ere also Agent e for the s elebra bed Mated& "Sacramental Wine. Warranted Pure. 0 • MONEY TO LEND. In Large or Alan Sims, at reason- • able rates of interest. NOTES AND MORTGA(3.66 • PURCHASED. APPLY TO W. C. GOULNTLOCK, Or anthe Office of I. H. Bensoni Ses.forth. 681 R. N: BR SEAFORTUI Wholesale and Retail Itealer ir IlLoErAdeTr7 SHOE FIN GB of Ever lcriftolt. None bgt tke Very &est St ck kept. Tamp moderate. A Trial SoliEted, or otherwitre promptey see T, PIANOS AND ORGANS. The Very Lates and Most Important Announcernent yet made is the tact that we have REDU ED THEPRICES In, Pianos and Organs, Po that all may have an opportunity of enjoying the pleasures rd ben( fite of a Mnsical Instrument. Through our large and ir creatirg he& we are in a position to 'supply PIANOS 11-0M iLe 3c et Canadian and Amerit an Factories, including STEINWAY, CHICKERING, DECKER, WEBER, And others tc e nen emus to mention, at prices and terms that cannot fail to give satisfection. The fabulotur prices cbsoped for Pia nos end Organsin thie locality, previous to our seresi epee ori tbe ser ne, have been swept away, and not only low prices brat eenuine quality in instruments have been in- tieduced. We make a Specialty of the DOMINION ORGANS AND PIANOS, • Believing they are equal, if not superior in quality, to any 'net ument in the market. Old Instruments taken in Exchaffi ge. Pianos • and Organs to Rent. SEWING MACHINES. We axe Agents for the Raymond Sewing Machines, wlaie hare k eet in stock and reduced in price. We have a number of good e cond-band Machines, -which will be sold cheap. PHOTOCRAPHINC AND PICTURE_ FRAMING CIRRIED ON EXTENSIVELY. WADE BROTHERS, Seaforth. WHITNEY'S BLOCK. THE SEAFORTH ACRICULTHAL IMPLEMENT _EMPORIUM. WILLSON I O. C. WILLSON I HAS NOW ON HAND &PULL STOCK, OF ALL KINDS OF FAR ING IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY, . PL W P o CONSISTING OT THE FOLLOWING- : Ma esey iio. 18 Thistle Cutter; the Three Roll Beare Chilled Plow; the Gennbae titan Oliver Chfl1d P ow, No. 40, manufactured at South Bend, Indiana; also Wet - B No. 40 Chilled, and the Brantford Chilled Plows, and a number of other General Purpose s. This is eertainly the best selected stock of Plows ever kept in Seaforth; tall and see before purchasing elsewhere. ERAPERStbeseasoni, aNndDaa usual MOWERS—The Reaper and Mower bureizess is again to hand for 1 have a tboicugh reliable'lltock, consistingof the Massey Hatveater, he Massey MoVer and Sharp's, galky Horse Rake, oleo Millen's- Buckeye Twine and Whe • inders. These kachires are, too well krown to require any comment, suffice it to say that ely are fully up to the irrprovemerate for the season of 1881. illifi SM IMPLEMENTS dere and Scuftlere, Cern Planters and Carla Cultinatore. Iron Barrows at a redeem( —A full stock of • small. implements, en& as Home /lees, , 1 I SEWING MACHINES A SPECIALTY. Te \ anzer F, Wanver C, p and E, Wilson B, Louise and otluer me chines. Those aro etandarde fichines'and parttes P.m chaeing can rely on getting value for their nonce - Mae he Neeelles, Oils and Bee airs. Repairing done ou the ehmteet notice, and work enaran- teed. ' Aso gent for Abell's Patent Portable team, Threshers and _Engines. 0 C. WILLSON, Main -St., Seafoith. A lew horses taken in eechange for machinee.