HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1881-07-29, Page 5• 29 1881• ring been bitten, Lees. ago iu eau. was affected Perpetrator Item - add McDonald as to deprive hire of a affected, a trunk he money stolen was ervAged at was aeconiplished t no suspicion, can livithiaL of the Goderica iummer holidays, teachers, was pre - with a silver card napkin rings, and fancy iuk stafld. compartied by an ed by Miss Nettie y is retiring from Kay, of Goderich, Park, /leer Brant- afaI accident by democrat wagon. ut the face, and .'411.0 is now almost 'ects of the acoe. returned from a, ' New York and ilted States. nship council has 25 to swell the new Agrictiltural :show- This is a Eslicould be emu - polities. A small .palities interested iral Society would o the Society and oerly expended by of Turnberry, 111 other, were about ack in Fordwich, ;heir horse took Ling train, which, id net notice, and le unmanageable Us accident might lot been that two a -ho were working r to their assistlent occurred to e, of Millburn, ire !rue, while driving r down Dunlop's 'The spring board brown aver the 3 heels in the air. ✓ him, the wheel en his body, but his journey into m a serious accie a. an, agent of the mpany at Clintou, Ler anddenly ou week. Ile drove on to the station, while down there press boa to his :Teaoffiee, telling • short distance :co- then he has not semen seems to whereebouts. It appropriated to ale &urns of money ated to him for ss, and money be- y as well. Davis, of Wing - well sermon to at town on the The church was many had. to go gain admission. nan preached a :gave some good h should be of .goers outside the -church. During Were affected to bo congregation the way of his iem did in his. el general pros- Lould be the ob- de. He warned ilistic tendencies they would keep re from extrane- ' introduction of Redd be the in - of a very dan- so warned them :hags of Ilia suo- ed ia no captions -sermons is a de- -very few, if any capable of em and. dispassion: MS. g new pans and n his salt block ;shoe store has rty by Mr. Ed - f Mitchell. the Beat con - spring wheat five feat four tyne, M. P. P. ted cheese mare A one week re - week, Richard living on the etowel, fell from his collar bone. of the leading . tits of Mitchell, Gford, and win at town here - der savs The ceot oue of the 'tted and sup- -s in this part of , Knox church, d their pastor, realm' leave of to recuperate e senior de Public School, us, has passed mission to the '.! P. for South is sou. Tliemae, and pleasure Trow has a ountry. rose, of Shake- . last week 450 of it having _muter in fiye ,.I considerably tty good acor e villa:fie e - I features of ford an tbe 5th =doh.. - J. B. Walk, or try ta hours for a JULY 29, 1881. wager of POO, to take place on the • 8tratford riding and driving park, com- reencing at the hour of two o'clock sharP. David Cathcart, of 131anshard, •recently spent four weeks in the North- west. Ile tells a fearful tale of the in - in Grand Valley, opposite Brandon.. The crops are completely covered, and the farmers Bailing ever the fields of grain in boats and on rafts. On the higher grounds the crops look splendid, as gooct as in Ontario. —Mr. J. Slack, a farmer of the 8th concession of Blanshard, recently Bold to Mr. McLean, cattle dealer of Goder- We thirty-seven head of fat cattle for which he received $2,700. Thirty-four of these cattle were three-year-olda and three two -year-olds. Their aggregate -weight was 48,780 pounds, and their average weight a fraction over 1,318 pounds each. —The North Perth fall wheat show will be held in the town hall, Stratford, sit noon on Saturday, 27t1 August, 1881, when the following prizes will be of- ered : 10 bushels white wheat, lst, - 316;211d, $14. 10 bushels red wheat, 1st, 16;3 - 2nd, $14. As the fall wheat crop this year iaan -extra good quality, it is expected there will be a lively com- petition among the farmers. - —A fire broke out Tuesday afternood s stable occupied by Rev. Mr. Coop- er, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal °brach, Listowel. A horse and buggy which were in the building were barely THE HURON EXPOSITOR. tura 'purposes as he e where. A great drawbao utilization and coiavenien many tracts of good land lence of marshy places, o which, being small and,a1 will prove a formidable Co tematic farming. Ma marshes occur in the vied City. From the level n country the drainage of will be difficult. The far same vicinity are indig the railway has take , a resting on the expectati n of their lands would be the passage of the railway the neighborhood. Sever out and moving further so the railway. Notwithstan appointment _which the pe City met with in losing business 'appears to be pro lively manner in that place. er saw frY- to the pr per workin of is the preva- small biags, o numertus, startle to ys- y of t ese ity of R pid. ture of ttbo the mar hes ers in jthe t at the t rn they ere hat the vtilue nhanced by line throipgh I -are se1ing th to be ear ing the if3- ple of R&pid he rail a.y, ressing i a enterprising AgricUltural Pursup s in the Province of Qu•bee. A special correspondent o f the Globe is making a tour through he agrioul- tura district of the Provin e of Que oec, and is contributing a series of very in- teresting and instructive le ters deal ng with the manners and cust ms of he people, social and religious'the ma u- factnring and agrieultural i dustries nd other matters. Of Of313 o the m st prosperous agricultural tow s and n- omad, the hay and harness being to tricts,en a recent letter, h gives he tafly consumed. A house adjoining following interesting partica lars : had a narrow escape from being de- ST. HYACINTHE. stroyed. A spark- from the burning The city of St. Hyacin be, situa ed building alighted on a dwelling on an- sortie forty miles east of o ontreal, on other street, but was soon extinguished. the Grand Trunk railway, a the cen re The loss will not be heavy. of a fine agricultural con try, wh oh —A few evenings ago some vile 1 gives an excellent idea of the exten r to wretch, at present unknown, placed a which modern improvement and me h - live coal under the door step of the ods are revolutionizing the ; entire sys- residence of a poor widow woman in tem of farming. Owing to n extens ve Mitchell. Fortunately the act was .fire which swept the busine s portion of noticed by a passer by before any the town some five ye rs sin e, serious harm was done. Had the fire which has been rebu ilt w th got headway it would have been impos- substantial brick stores, presents very Bible to save a large block on Main mneh the aspect of a thrivieg Onta Street, as the town is just now without town. The eity hall stands 'n the m d. fire protection,of any kind,dle of the square, surroun• ed by n . —The largest load of butter ever de- anaple space on all sides. In one 1 - livered in Mitchell at one time was eection a Steep slope leads to the r si- taken into that market a few days ago dential quarter of the to I and he from the Kirktori Creamery. It con- Grand Trunk station. Oa the ,ot er gated of 85 tabs, containing 4,466 lbs., side are the back streets 1 -ading o- waich realized 23 cents per lb., or a wards the river, which hal encirc es total of 51,027. The butter was pur- the town. There are numer•us maein °based by Mr. Wrightson, of Stratford, factnring indmetries, inclndi gabo and was firat bought for 22a cents, but and shoe factory, a woollen facto y, on seeing the quality of the article Mrand flouring mills, and the establi h - Wrightson voluntarily raised ! half a iment of a large hosiery man factory to cent. This speaks well for tlie Kirkton employ at least 60 hands is project d. creamery. The town has voted a bonni of $12, 00 —A few evenings ago about hall past towards this object. eight o'clock, Chief of Police Wilson THE AGRICULTURAL SPEC TIES perceived a light at the back of Mowat's pf this neighborhood are b ck-raisi G g, mill, in Stratford. Hastening to the airy farming, and latterly egg-roisiog. spot he found a young lad, Joseph Uhe hay crop this season ha been v:ry Glass, busy at work piling on kindling,!large and sold well—a great I portion of wood, straw, sawdust, 8ec., and when it being shipped to the St tes. To e the Chief -asked the little chap whet he habitans are comfortable a d, money was doing it for he replied, "To have eleandant. As an instance o their n - some fun." Two or three times pre- creased prosperity under the!, ew regi ei vions to this Chief Wilson has had him it may be mentioned that tia •farm rs in hand for breaking into stores and living within a radius of abo • t 25 mi es stealing therefrom. His parents are have no less than a600,000 on deposit in the -bank of St. Hyacinthe. 11 throu h respectable and well-to-do. . —A bloke in Stratford named James the country the patent mowe may e McArdle, resorted to a new dodge to 'seen at work where a few yea s ago the get his whiskey. Representing himself use of the scythe was almost universal. to be a well-to-do farmer from Downie, There is one feature of Lower Canadi n he- purchased a number of hay forks husbandry—the word may I•e und r - from a hardware man on credit and 'stood in a double sense here— «hich 1as went directly to all hotel keeper and :not yet beep altered. The women 411 pawned the forks for whiskey. He had. !do a very large share of th harvest high life for a while, but his dodge was :work. Our social cense tives are discovered, and the police magistrate !never tired of repeating the common sent him to jail for thirty days.. He place that "women's sphere s home," will be ready for more hay forks and but the Quebec farmer has not even another supply of whiskey when he progressed to that stage yet. apparently that women's sp gets his liberty. —A shocking case of cruelty is re- follow the mowing machine, ported to harve occurred in the town-. _raking under a hot 'July an ship of Mornington a few days ago. It has the easy job of driving appears that a daughter of Berger Kal- use of machinery is increa askie, who is a Polander by birth, dis- by year, and with the introd obeyed her father's wish by refaaing to more improved implements it form a matrimonial alliance with a cer- hoped that the—to a Western tain widower who resides in a neighbor- —unpleasant sight of wome hag village. The father, enraged, is in field la,bor will disappear w• said to have beat his daughter in a relics of the old state of th moat fiendish manner, inflicting ter- Hyacinthe is fast becoming a rible bruises upon her, fracturing sever- the horse trade with the Unit al of her ribs, and leaving her more which is extending every yea dead than alive. Her screams attract- fine horses are bred in the I ed the 'neighbors, who upon ascertain- hood. In older to improve t taining the state of affairs were so in- of heavy draught horses, stela censed that the brutal parent hed a nar- been imported from France row escape from lyn.ching. It is to be light horses- are &mixture b hoped. that the law will punish the and Canadian blood. There hard heaeted wretch as he deserves. stock. also of thoroughbred Fr L—Dr. Hornibrook, formerly of Mit- nadian horseflesh. chell, and at one time a porminent poli- CHEESE FACTORIES: tician itt Perth, is now located in Cheeo- The-cheese-factory system kee, Iowa, and is doing a large practice veloped here has given a grea in the art of healing the sick. In a to dairy farming among the , private letter recently received from him There are at least sixteen ch he speaks of a dreadful storm that tories in operation within a a swept over that section recently, over- ten miles from St. Hyacinthe taaing him on the road to make a pro- eral average productionfor e fessional visit. He succeeded in reach- about 150 cheeses of 60 pound ing the house to which he was ping per moeth. These factories e and getting himself and. horse under five or six months of the ahelter, but his buggy was caught in a though managed by Englishl- current of wind and carried away some people, the patrons- are ne distance. A blacksmith shop, on the French. They are conducte opposite side of the street from his joint stock principle. The house, itt Cherokee, was blown quite bring:in their miIkto the fact away. Six persons were killed during is weighed, and the quantity G thAthem. A committee of the inemb p f the storm nd af he r he b - rding tb y ede se ma eive s th out at m ese fa half y be r bulk th fiShert opene tendi is loc 1- actori s e thieks re is / to nd do tIie while he But to ing y ar ction lof is to Ibe anadi n .enga d h otl4er ngs. t. entre of d Stat s, . Maey eighbor- e bred ns have - and tbe Englash. a god noliGa- • tely impetjts habita ese f dins of the gen- h being weight n about ear, :tad 13rleyal a.if -gl ' eld s t s on 14ie -th le emb rs pr pert , whi h th est dited to A 98 bu ye o op th itn be sti fax e business, whib n introduced, h ulna to !poultrir ers. MOVEMENTS 0 lhas quite recently given a great •aising among the POrLATION.r he principal e» igration, as else - w a ere, is to the Ne ••1England factories, an the farms of th American North - we t. There is a 'c intinual drain on th population in t se directions, but soa.e of thelfactory 'ands returnawhen th y have accumulai :d of little F le mreonnoehy ia he States. M f h pc) ple also go to the eastern townships, w re -that !lemon steadily on the inc ease. As an i space of this, I was toi of a single co tasion of the town- s of Compton, w • •re eight years ago t :re were rio Freuc families settled, to le are new twe -two French own- er: of farms on thi oncession. Many of ,he old iuhabitats still feel the p ,e sure of the Se'. 41iierial tenure ys- teii, having to pay t le annual time unt fix:. in commutaltien of Seigniorial rigi ts, which, hopliver, they are at lib:rty to capitalize eo a basis of 6 per cett EXEMPTION M TAXATION. here is la verV large amount of cb,u h property in t e town, which is all xempt from tax:!pion, either gen 3ral ! or s ecial. There a ' !, three convents, college With rie one endowments, and a q entity of real e ate belonging to the ishop—iso that Out of the million doll:rs or thereabout on the assessment roll •f St. Hyacinth upwards. of .$400,- 0 s exempt. As • ay be supposed, this is dead weight o all schemes for m icipal improva ants, and does mUC. to retard th progress of the pl ; but I am b nd to Bay that th islittle or nolf ling on the sub- je7t, and that th reseat condition is o.era11y submitto1 to and tacitly acquiesced inl as inc table. The same hold:good with re d to most ma- in n ties in LowerCanada. Some peop e may grumb e in private, but p bl cly hardly any e dares to breathe rd against the ip inciple of exe tion —and the gre t majority, •oth Prot saint and Oath lic, care little Or both ng about it, an do not feel it a a gri v nee. SUGAR BEET ULTURE. ny of the farm s in the neigh or - hoed are growing a f w acres of be ts, unde contract with e West Fun am Beet Sugar Factory, nd as a rule t ey ar n it very Well set.fled with the ex - exit. The beets • resent a poor ap; per:nee, and abou • alf the crop as in lin ny instances be n lost, Either f om want of experience owing and ten ing Or by reason of the ought. Other of th f rmers have d land to the c m - pa y for beet.grc ng. The gen ral Op men here is n avorable to he su ce of the beet -H ar enterprise. oung girls, as from he country sit fuli -hose acquain eviler' they go to a ro t , distrese d wit share of criminals. namal Mary Jane the ei y looking for m de tly and meai getter 1 appearance us all• good lookin went p Queen stret tir lly was anxious house, she enciaired se w om she Met. On o the basest and her ki d, and Sbetol tu e t at the place an ex 6ellent boardia bi ed er victim t otheree cellent boardi han one of th rep te on York at snot long•there th kind of a te b en led: Over ame, she fle,d w ndered about rested as a t up in the p ce won the sy nd several go home fel. a e ill ed ha an an wa br pe bo ou. fax fo th co ne ca wi • ug ra ily. me St Pa 8,1: rio h t ny years ago between nin te of New y was known nd it is Ism rom Hollan o above,ka st come to light. I n( en urg • , One of siened a relea e ty,l co o• prising portio cities i the State 10 - elsewh re, to his ni time leased for Shorta before the the whole, family the est tea were foil of, norr nts having b can be earned, b direct • ale heir now the per on of Mr. Sto toria C oss, Markh. ing the eldest livin n of Jacob e having' rn by his gr tea were n eric n Govern ghs abing 1 ft rs b fore the r nion of good le,a pro erty willb'- ossible to c lc the pre ent value may be surmised t tarn „30,000,000 Is 11 as young en, ld be very c re - &nee they m ke go city like more than than its. n Saturday a •irl arroll arrived in work. She • as dressed, and I er • that of an n- ountry girl. 4he and as she 'at. get a boars mg one of her own Ole woman as ost treachero • s of the simple c ea - ere she lived as house, 'and in - accompany her. g house was no lowest house of et. Miss Car oll ore she dam er- into which he helmed with ear from the ho se, he streets till he vagrant. ce court, her 1 011 teriperance meeting held last see to the sales of the produce, week in Mitchell Rev. Mr. Walker, of the manager has been paid at Stratford, during his remarks on mode! of a cent and half per pound, crate drinking, said they had men in peace remaining is. divided ace Stratford wh.o could drink enough the quantity of milk supplied quer to knock thirty Mitchell men into Practical and experienced che the gutter, and still hold up their heads, ., ers, either men or women, r meet and. look with holy horror upon t` high as $50 to $60 per m the men who was reeling drunk on: but !' board, and unskilled hands two glasses. Where is the line to bo!! per month and board. The g drawn between drunkenness and mod- jority, if not all, of these c erate drinking, when one man with tories have been started withi thirty glasses in him Gall look in oppaa. dozen years, and the system ent respectable soberness on the man garded as now firmly establish with two glasses in him and say, "You the French Canadians. The poor raiaerable drunken brute?" Mr. the produce goes to the Unit Walker says they have plenty of men Three butter factories are also in Stratford. -who ta,ke sixty glasses a actual operation or shortly to b day and walk home in the evening The cheese factory system is with an air of sober dignity. Stratford further east, two residents of t must be a bad town. Sixty glasses ity being engaged in fitting out a day would be pretty hard on the di -1 below Quebec. gastive organs, and if Mr. Walker did THE EGG EXPORT not have "Reverend" before his name! to the other side is also very d we should feel strongly inclined to ble. There are two egg dep doubt the correctness of his state- factories," they are usually ca raents. • —*ere the hen fruit is pure —Mr. Hiram Borland, of Fullaaton, stored up for exportation. T who during the past few weeks has shipment is -estimated at ab been on a trip to the North-west, has 000, one of these houses send returned. Re does not give the couri-I 8513 many as 150,000 dozen d try Bo flattering a recommendation as -season. The price now paid f some others who hese visited it. He 14 cents per dozen, but the reports that along the Asainiboine river bought considerably cheape the soil is more or less light, and in spring time. The eggs can some places inclined to be stony. In served fresh for monthe or ye .,tlie vicinity of Rapid City, however, essary, by being packed away there is 50111e as fine land for agrioul- barrels in a solution of lime a 5 ,‘ • • f o II • 0 0 en ap- pithy of every - lemon are lboking in somei q iet partnership as early settler in k. This firm or s the "nine p rt - sed the mem sers In connec ion nge case has ust 2 Jacobus !St ut- riginal nine p rt - f all his pro er- s of the princ pal New York nd children, at t at inety-nine ye rs. velutionary • ar ed to Canacta, nd e time lost si:ht en paid, as fa as • he lessees.. he omesforward in 71 • • • V 1 11 • tenburgh, of township, he grandson of tontenburgh, ut, he claims' -grandfather. forfeited. to nt—the Sten • country sev ution—it is authorities t recovered, It e with accur e property, b e anywhere 3100,000,000. ic- be- he nd he As he en- ral he at is cy t it be - Fall Whe - Spri Spri f Oat Pea • Bar • Bat Bat • Egg nside ts—"e ed h Bed a e ye t $5 aw ing t ✓ eggs Can in be p s if n in la d aci Flo Hay, Hid She Sal Sal - Vet Lip Oat , Tel Cl Ti 18 Clo is e for e fro 0- 3i Pe bo sM HEM 1KETS. A 0 Til, July 28, 18 1. 1 20 to 122 ngW eat,Fife,por u het.— 1 20 to 1 22 20 ppeerrbausehheoli........ ....... g W eatlited0 a ,p. . 10 1609 :tic: 01 87 to 40-, eypo bushel 0 60 to 0 55 er,N .1,Loose... ..... 0 12 to 1 14 er, T b 8 14 to 1 16 • 0 18 to 114 r,pe 100 lbs. 275 to 85 . . . 4. .... 8 00 to it 00 p r 1001b.. . ....... 05 6000 too 0690 (ret Moor bar el, .. pski each... : •••••• , 00 (who esale)per ar el '7 90 toes yer bush I 8 60 to 7 76 es, p: bag..... .. . .. 0 30 to 40 eanl brl . 5 50 to 00 ow,p r lb 0 06 to 06 othy Seed per us el. 2 50 to 25 er Se d per bus el. 4 50 to 00 1 per /13 • 022 to 24 ON fir 4 to poi ght Sha ive Stock 111/ arkets. REAL, Ju1 y 26, t -class hi ppi c to 5/c cerpo ic, and thir ndlive 50 head at 4 e purohased 17 881,—The pr ces g cattle .ra ged nd; second-cl ss, -class, 3c to3c . j N. Kenn zdy to 5/. Ja e es 6 head at s me 1 range of prices. These were, all for ex- port. Wm. Jack had 48 head, which he diaposed of $30 to $36 per head to butchers. W. Burrows, of Ottawa, sold 20 head of inferior cattle from $19 to $30 each, or 8c to 31-c per pound. R. Moss disposed of 20 head at $17 to $25 each, 30 per pound. All the sheep ,were bought up at 4/c per pound, and good ambisold at $3.25 to $3.75. Nine calves were sold at $5 each. e !Hogs sold at 7c to 71c per pound. LIVERPOOL'July 27. --- Sprin 9s 5dI ; red winter, 9s 1 1.0d ; white, 9s 08d; club, oats, as 2d.; barley, 5s 3d; 07d; pork, 74s Od; beef, 92s 6d 55s Odi. TOR NTO, july 28. -Fall whe to $1.2; spring,$1.20 to $1.23; to 43c; peas, 65c to 73c; barle 600; 11av, per ton, $09 00 t butter 17c to 24c; potatoes per bush., 650 to 70; eggs, per doz., 14c to 15c.; dressed hogs, per 100 lbs., $8.00 o $8.50; wool, per lb., 22o to 23c. wheat d to 98 Os -Old, peas, 6s cheese, t, $1.17 oats, 42e 55c to $14 00; Cheese !Markets. LITTE FALLS, N.Y., July 25,. Cbeese market more active. Sales, 12,000 boxes factory cheese at RC. IC, 11C. ; bulk, aOac, 800 boxes farm d iry sold at 9c. to 10c. Forty packages IA butter sold at 203. to 23c. INGERSOLL, July 26. Eighteen fac- tories Offered 4,060 boxes of oh . being first half July make. T tories Sold 540 boxes at 101c., Men preferring to hold the eese, -all ree foe- factory - ✓ goods rather than sell for less than 110. Cable steady at 54s, notwithstand•ng the extraordinarily large shipm uts to Liverpool the past three weeks. Local Notices. A G. MoDoneeee & Co.'s Gaeat Sale of Dry (Floods, -before moving into their new build- . Buyers hould call ken in ex - 7 BINS.— • ing, ii11 continue tor two weeks long who have not yet attended this sale early and see the batgains. Butter t change at the highest marlcet price. 7 Woo PICKINGS, HIDES AND I will p y the highest cash pricee for ay quantity of wool ickings, Hides, sheep and call skins de- livered nitmy furniture store. No true or trade, cash for everything. Joint S. PORTER. 6.54 RECEIVED THIS WEER AT WILSON & Youn's , a lot of Extra Choice Young iyson Tea, ti bought At a bargain for caeh. Any patty buying from netT, either in small or large quantities, we wili gu rantee as good or better value tan can be e Domin- ch trouble say. We efined and he recent - 11 require prices, as had tin, ugh any Grange or Pedlar in ion. Give us a trial. It Will not be m to return one lot if wo,cannot do as WE have a large lot of Granulated Blight Raw Sugars in stock, bought before advane. Calland secure what you w for pre crying before we advance our they mutgo up. 705 WE MARE the best sticky Fly aper in the world. We have on band Holloway's Insect •Killer, hoo Fly Poison, Hellibore for Currant Bushes, Pure Paris Green for Potato Pugs, and any amo nt Of purest drugs and chemicals. E. Hickson *Co, Seaforth. 710. I Feel PULLING.—John Beattie of the. ,Seaforth Flax Mill is now prepared to make con- tracts for the pulling of flax. Apply a his office, Bank of Commerce Building. 710. Births. COLE—In Goderich township, on the the wife of Mr. Thos. Cole of a son. HALLIDAY—In Brussels, on the 9th wife of Mr. John Halliday of a daug STOREY—In McKillop, on the 20th wife of Mr. Joseph Storey of a dau MORRISON—In McKillup, on the 174h wife of Mr. Thomson Morrison of FORBES—In Seaforth, on the 16th wife of Mr.Arthur Forbes of a daug HENDERSON—In Tuckersmith, on inst,, the wife of Mr. John B. Hen daughter. MEYElt—At Wingham, .on the 28th wife of Mr. H. W. C. Meyer of a da • Marriages. KNTJTSON—BETTS — On the 21st Wroxeter, by Rev. Geo. Brown, Knutson, to Miss Sarah Jane Bet Wronter. . SPARLINC'o—MOONEY--In Winglia 26th inst., at the residence of t mother, by Rev. R. F. Keefer, Spading, of Meaford, to Miss Ne of Wingham. CANTELON—BOYD—On the 2let ins R. Thomas, Mr. Wm. Cantelon, to all of Clinton. PEAREN—MTT.T,FR—On the 28th ultit,by Rev. Joseph Philp, at the residence of ti e bride's father, Mr. Joshua Pearen, to Miss Mary Ann Miller, youngest daughter of Mr. Blobert Mil- ler, all of Belgrave. Deaths. WALLACE—In Tuckersmith, on the ; at the residence of her son, ' Wallace, Mrs. Elizabeth Wallac 1 years. 'JOSLIN —In Seaforth, on the 24th iilist., Edith Brierly, only chid of Mr. Thosi E. Joslin, agedi 4 months. CLUFF—In McKillop, on the 25th •iistr., Mrs. Hannah Cluff, aged 66 years. MITH—In Cass county, Dakota, on t William, infant son of James and J aged one year and 11 months, 1 West Wawanosh. MATTI1E1NS—At Nile, on the 9th ins Mat hews, aged 72 years. TEA CEIY—In Seaforth, on the 21st in youngest on Of Mr. Wm. Tra weeks. 5th inst., inst., the ter. inst., the ter. inst., the son. inst., the ter. the 24th mon of a inst., the hter. inst., at . John , both of , on the 0 bride's . James e Mooney, . by Rev. Mrs. Boyd, lth inst., . Samuel , aged 85 o 9th inst., °Smith, rmerly of . , William st., James, ey, aged 7 London,Huron and Bruce. Mail. Express. P.M. P.M. 220 625 325 728 888 740 „ 905 852 758 Goma. NORTH— ExpreS8. A.M. Londo , depart 7 40 lia Centi Exete Hensa 8 40 852 Kippen 9 11 3 57 7 59 Brucefield 9 21 4 07 8 08 Clinton 9 39 . 4 23 8 25 Lon neshbro. 9 58 4 41 8 45 BIythl B 10 06 4 50 algr ve 10 24 506 Wingham, arrive ....10 45 5 25 aoINGExprep - A. M. P. hi Wingham, depart.... 7 00 2 67 B elgraive 7 18 3 05 Blyth .4 785 828 Londeaboro ...... 7 44 3 3B Clinton 8 02 3 54 Bracetield Kippen Hensel' Exeter.... Centralia London, arrive 8 20 8 80 8 86 8 52 9 02 10 05 - 4 07 4 15 4 20 4 82 4 42 5-35 Great Western Rail , Trains citatre Brussels station, nort \ Goailo NONTH. GOING s Mixed .... . . .. 0:45 A. M. Accom.. .... Accom..1.. ..237 P. M. Atmore Acoom........9:15 P.M. , Mixed ...... SS under 8 52 909 925 Express. P. M. 620 688 6 66 7 04 7 24 7 43 7 59 806 8 25 8 42 10 10 ay. and south .5:50 A. M. 12.16 P.M . 8:00 P. M ESTRAY STOCK., STRArY CATTLE.—Strayed from the premises 14 01 the une.ersigned, Lot 18,Conceesion 7,11ib- • and heifer eifer rising steer was neck and was gray. ✓ was of a rmation as itably re - 710x 1 bert, four Iliad of cattle. A ttee rising thee years old and a steer and two years ola. The three a ear old white with red around the head an spots on the bides, the other stee One heifer was all red and the oth roan colnr. Any one giving ouch inf will lead to their recovery will be s warded. MICHAEL RA.WLEY. PATTVF1 STRAYED — Strayed fi Coneession 2, H. R. S., Tuckers about the 8th of July, 7 head of youn being two ytar old heifers and 5 year of the two year olds is all red, and th with white star on face and white belly is heavy With call. The yearlings an one white and red and the other blac belly and white on end of tali; the steers, one grey, another red and whi star on facen and the other small s and cropped tail. Any person giving mation as will lead to the recove animals wil be liberally rewarded. Seaforth P 0.1 m Lot 23, ith, on or cattle, 2 gs. One other red This one wo heifers) with white others are with large ze, all red ch infor- of these M. ROBB, 711 SOMETHING N _ Gl- _ II' L Has taken a new partner into his busine MR. SAMUEL MOCLEAN, a gentleman derstands hi's business, having had fourtee From the enormons increase in the busine Harp to take itt a the increasing nu Mr. McClean cour vantages he hash now a delivery rig, liver goods anywher N. B.—From M McClean's fourtee and retail business, inducements than vinced. No troubl We intend to mak kept in stock that vision store. The 'ye partner to assist in in ber of customers. The c eous and obliging, and f d, he is the man for the which will be on hand e in the corporation. y life-long experience, a la years' experience, bot, we claim to be in a pos ever before. Give us to show goods. All we TEAS a speciality, an4 re found in a first-olaS following aro some of it stock: FLOUR, OATMEAL, , CORNM WI PORT IT , in the person of ho thoroughly un - years' experience. s it became neces- ting the wants of stomers will fmd om the many &d- imes. They have t all times to de- , j ed to our Mr. Me- in the wholesale tion to offer better call and bei COIL- sk is a fair trial. all things will be grocery and pro - 16 articles j kept ill AL, (MOPPED PEED, CRAC ED WHEAT, GRA AM FLOUR, SHORTS, OATS, PEAS, BEANS, &O. TEAS, SUGARS, 70BACCOS, PICKLESt CANNED FRUIT, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRU1T-a N THEIR SEASON. BACON, HAMS, OROCKI RYWARE. CHINA SETS OF THE MOST MODERN DESIGNS BEDROOM SETS, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, CHIMNEYS, CLASS CEM QUART AND HALF CAttON FRUIT JARS. AULT & Mc 'CLEAN. ]JOTPOE1L TO SOM OF THE BARGAIN AT HOFFMAN BROS.' GREAT DISCOUNT ALE NOW GOING ON. Cardno's Block, Seaforth. • 11 " A.. I—I I -A A- 1\T T-• I 1\T —OF— ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, . AND GLASGOW. • TILE SHORTEST SEA ROUTE Cabin, Intermediate and Steerage Tickets at Lowest 1ates. Steerage Passengers are booked to Londo , Cardiff, Bristol, Queenstown, Derry, Belfast, qalway and Glasgow, at same rates as to Liver ol, SAIL NGS FROM QUEBEC: 4th JUNE KORATI SARMATIAN. 11th JUNE CIRCASSIAN •. 18th JUNE POLYNESIAN .26th JUNE PARISIAN ..... • 2nd JTILY SARDINIAN . sih JULY MORAVIAN .......16th JULY SARMAT : ..213rd JULY CIROASS .80th JULY POLYNE IAN . 6th AUG. PARISIAN .. .. .....1.3th AUG. SARDINIAN : . .20th AUG. MORAVIAN .27th AUG. Steamer will leav Toronto every The lilail Stea tat train connecting at uebec with the A I lan Friday at 7:02 A. M. Ir Pees, ngera can also 1 ea ve Toronto by the e:52 P. M. train on Fridays, and connect with the Steamer at Rimouski, • (paying the extra fare, 84 45, Quebec to Ri- m ouski.)1 BOSTON TO LIVERPOOL DIRECT —The Steamship Peruvian, 4,000 tons, Captain J. Richie, will be despatched from Boston to Liverpool, direct, at 8 A. M., June 24th. For ticket s and every information apply to 708 A. STRONG, Agent, Senterth. THE SEAFORTH CHEESE FACTORY. ARTIES wishing to send rink to the Sea - forth Cheese Factory, and not desiring to have it manufactured on the commission principle, the manegement are prepared to purchase the milk on the following terms: 8 cents per gallon of 10 p oundi4; the milk to be given until the close of tbe FaCtory Season. • An advance of 7 cents will be paid each Saturday, and the remainder at the end of the season; but parties cot sending their milk till the end of the season will receive only 7 coits. The milk to be delivered on the stands and to be of first quality. For further particulars appl3. to either of the undersigned. W. S ROBEIA SON, Manager; THOMAS E. HATES, President. N. B. Parties having milk to dispose of would do well to note that our prices for milk are equal to 35 centa per pound for butter thie hot weather; and 21 cents in the fall of the year, and ail labor Bayed. -711. • TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH. VOTERS' LIST FOR MI. NT ()TICE is hereby given, that I have trans- -s-1 witted or delivered to the persons mention- ed in the third and fourth sections of "The Votes' Lists Act," the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list, made pursuant to said. Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Asseisment Roll of the said municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections .ta members of the Legislative Aesercfbly and at municipal elections ; and that said lint was first posted up at my office, in Tockersmith, on the 19th day of July, 1881, and remains there for inspection. Electors ai e called upon to examine the said list, and, if any mansions or any per er.ors are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the saiderrois corrected according to law. Dated at TAckeramitb theenst day of July, 1881. WM. McCONNELL, Clerk, Seaforth P. 0. 712-1 N E -A WANTED. WANTED—The sum of $1,0(1) for three years. T Interest, six per cent. pert annum, payable yea rly. First-class seem ity. 1Ir particulars Apply to M. P. HAYES, Sealer , or to Me- OAUGHEY & HOLMaSTED, 1,12 ' MISCELLANEOUS. FOB SALE—A frrst-class hundred acre farm ncar Exe ler, Huron. Immediate ossession. Apply to Rev. John Logie, Rodgerville P. 0. 711x4 VOR SALE.—Two Large Carom bles—n arly new—with balls, c lamps, &c., rc inplete. Cheap for CAS ed notes. Ai ply" to W. MOORE, Se chanicie Ins1i4ute, Seaforth. WOUND b t een Mcrrisbank and -a: Moffatt' 4asidence, Turnberry, on July 21st, a cket-book containing notes. TbePivner can have the eam kir prope:tyl,Jpaying expenses and MRS. FRANK WEIGHT, Morrieban illiard Ta - es, racks, or Spprov- re ta ry Me- 112-tf r. George Thursday, oney and by prov • pplying to 712 11 1DRECENTOR WANTED.—Applica ions will -L be received by the undersigned n til August 25th, 1881, for the position of rre entor for Egmondville .-esbyterian Church. S lary, 3100 per annum. 1 For further informatio apply to S. 0ARNOCH.N, Seaforth P. 0. 7124 REAL ESTATE FOR S LE. PLENDID FABMIN MeWILLOP F It SALE. Lot No. 34 Concession 14, MOLD° , contain- ing 55 acres, 0 acres of which are cl ared and under cultiva ion, the balance is well timbered. There is a larkc frame barn, stable, sheds and good log houe, also a young hearth orchard. The farm is Rea fenced, free from st mps and underdrained, with a never failing Bp ing creek running through it. It is 'within 8 miles of Walton; 7 froniBlyth and the same om 13ras- sels, and 11 rom Seefoith, -with a avel road running to each place. It is an exc lent farm and will be sad cheap, as the propriet r is going to Dakota. he adjoining 50 acres c ri also be bought reaso able. Apply on the pr ises to the \prelotperinep.o proprietor to Walton P. 0. EDWA " D RYAN, v 712 'ARM FO SALE—Splendid fa « for sale by Publ e Auction, Also Farm tock and Implements. r E. Bossenberry ha been in- structed by e undersigned adraini rators to sell by Publi uctionlon the premis • on Satur- day, Ostober 1 t 1881, commencing a 1 o'clock sharp, tbe fo wing farm, farm stock lid imple- ments : The a m is composed of the north 30 acres of Lot '.21, and the eouth 53a res of Lot No. 28, in th 2th Concession of th T vornshin of Hay, and 8 r'more or less, be' the south west corner 1 Lot 28, in the llth C n ession of the said tow p, the whole making 7 acres and all in one blo k There is a good ore ard, good bank barn, pl ty of spring water and ood hard- wood timber. he land is of the best uality. It is situated w t n 3 miles of Zurich and of a mile of the vi ge of Blake. Term Ten per cent of them' c se money to be paid sn 4lay of sale. For ba a ce terms will be made known on tile day of s e. Farm Stock—The 1 nu Stock consists of tw ows, 7 sheep, 1 plow, 1 rang plow, 1 set iron h rr ws, 1 fanning mill, 1 lumber wagon and o b r articles. Terms—AI sums of $5 and • u d r, cash; over that a, . mutt 32 months' cied t ill be givennon fur. jailing ap- proved joint nc tes. JACOB MEYER C. BEM - LER, A. 11, 'ULPFER, Administrators. E. B )SSENBE Y, Auctioneer. 712 FA1UX FO ed and and instrtiet by 'wayof tend half of Lot Township of Compriting ijiO portion of th e deceased. S al same at1ressItd Sr., and Wm C up till 12 o'd Septer, e offer fach acres EeParatel buolk. The and accept he hi h good q alit, a cleared and fenc schools and chp Hepsall and Ki Bince Railroad. to plow and so potteession on t 11 S LE IN T1TP. TOW SHIP OF undersigned has bee authoriz- dby the owners- ther of, to sell r Lot No. 27 and tbe North o. , iri the 7th COZ1CCS on of the y, in the County of 11 on, Ont. cres of land more or le •s, being a tate of the late Hen Shaffer, offeas will be receiv d for the to the undersigned, :ugh Love, e ItIrrY.°431131In' ilotne.finF4dirrinLegn;Ptitlie-c e :3- :d. : mai 011and acres separately, or a o 59 , Or for the whole 15t acres in rsigned will not be bound to §t or any offer. The and is of d nearly the one hal of it is ; it is convenient t markets, ches, being shoat 5 'les from penaTthe Londbn, Huron & Purchasers will have he liberty on the 5th of Septerab r:Taritmirdis: nd of November,n —One half cash, and the balance in 4 ears with L017E, S4„ W . CURRY, Attorneys lo.rgUNoaalill interest at 6 per t., securd bymortga , e788 Shaffer, Cha4les Shaffer and George 'ifaffro. Hilla Gree 11 y, alone 2,5, 1881. e 1 DIRECT FROM THE MANUF AC TURERS, 1 AT LOWEST MILLPRICES, AU the Leadivg Brands in Cotton Yarns and Carpet Warps, —ALSO— FULL LINES IN CANADIAN SHIRTINCS EVERY PRICE AND COLOR. MOURNING I wish to call attention to my Black GoodsIn BLACK CASH- . MERES I claim I have superior lines. FRENCH MAKE, noted for its beauty of shade and fineness of twill. ENGLISH MAKE, noted fbr its width, weight and color. Splendid Value in: Low -Priced keds, 'Commencing at 20 ets. Per Yard. 1 We keep a good assortment of every- thing to Complete MOURNING ORDERS particularly TRIM- MED MILLINERY, of which we have a very large stock on hand at all prices. Any one requiring these Geods will consult their oiwn interests by !giv- ing us- a. call. BALANCE OF SUMMER MILLINERY To be Sold at a Great Sacrifice. PARASOLS, SUNSHADES, LINEN COSTUMES4. LIEN -EN and ALPACA 1JLSTERS GROCERY _DE.PARTMENT. Just tO hand EXTRA VALUE in all Grades of Sugars, Teas and Coffees. LIQUOR DEPARTMENT. The Liquor Department is well sap - plied with all the best brands in BRANDIES, WHISKIRS and WINES, ALES, PORTERS, &e: NO TROUBLE TO SHOW COODS. THOMAS KIDD. SUMMER RESORT. THE POINT FARM, CODEMCH. THE COOL BREEZES OFF LAME HURON RENDER THIS SPOT A DELICHTFUt AUGUST RETREAT - PIN E IB_E A- 0.1-I, LARGE PLEASURE GRo UNDS AND, SPLENDID VERANDAS. ACCOMMODATION FOR I TWO IitiND'RED GUESTS. MONTREAL TELEGRAPH OFFICE • ON TAFI PREMISES. TER14S—$8 to $10 per week; Children and ' Nurse, half price.. Write or Telegraph for ROOMS and _Bendier Cfroular, Address: VirlitIGHT, Proprietor.. Pobat Farm Godaieh, July 25, 1881. 112- -